#the way his smile just gets bigger and bigger while hawk is thrashing around giggling is so much
remyfire · 4 months
Me when my terrible boyfriend who I love so so much is absolutely the worst
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blue-honeycomb · 5 years
Learning to Fly [Hawks x Reader]
For @sparkncharge. Merry Christmas! I tried, but I can't promise anything of significant quality. Hopefully the situation turned out well in the end either way.
Summary: Sometimes the only way to teach a bird to fly is to set it free, so that it may always return no matter how far it wanders.
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It wasn't snowing like the pictures say it should on Christmas, but you suppose Fukuoka has never been particularly scenic as far as the winter season goes. However, even as a child you could see that there were many beautiful sights where you lived, though those sights meant little when your family had only harsh words and harsher stares for the likes of each other. The happiest time of the year and you're spending it hiding in the garden, trying to block out the yells and curses of your family stomping around the house like enraged bulls.
The happiest time of the year. What a joke. All of five years old and you knew this wasn't something anyone would consider a happy occasion.
You're a clever girl though. While everyone was busy fighting you'd packed up the best sweets within reach and a few other goods. Namely, your favorite blanket, your hero plushie and a whole bag of breaded chicken.
So now there you were, tucked away closest to the back of your family's gated property behind the scratchy bush no one ever bothered to trim. Which was just fine by you. It meant you didn't have to put much effort into concealing yourself. You expected the fighting wouldn't stop for some time and you had no desire to spend it crammed into a tiny space with no leg room.
What you didn't expect though, was the tiny face that peeked back at you from the damp, trash-riddled alleyway behind the apartments next to your house.
You startled, landing back on your bottom from your crouched position and nearly crushing your pilfered goods on the way down. The small child doesn't move though, impassive golden eyes staring into your eyes unflinchingly as you catch your breath.
It took a moment, but eventually you recovered enough to straighten yourself out and address the situation properly. "Hello. Who are you? Mom says I'm not allowed to give strangers my name, but you can call me Sparks! That's what all my friends call me."
The boy remains quiet, but he lowers his face to hide it in his Endeavor doll and you realize for the first time that he has bright red wings.
You gasp excitedly, clutching at the gate with both hands with stars in your eyes. "Are those wings? Can you fly!?" The boy shrugs, still hiding his face.
You pout, family drama all but forgotten in favor of interacting with your new friend. "I think you can. Besides, if you fly over the gate, then we can play together!" A smile brightens your face at the prospect.
The boy looks up from his plushie, eyes widening with faint hope, before they dim again and he hides his face once more in the soft red flames of the doll's shoulders. He shakes his head, taking a step back but not moving away completely. You can all but hear the indecisiveness warring in his head even without a mind quirk.
You make up your mind. You start to gather all your things into the blanket, tying it shut at the top and hoising it into your arms. On the other side of the gate you don't see the boy hide his face deeper into his toy, a sheen of tears beginning to shine at the rims of his eyes.
Then you turn to the gate and toss the bundle over the top to land beside the boy, startling him into meeting your gaze. The eye contact lasts only a moment though, because no sooner does the bundle land are you hoisting yourself into the bush, scrambling through the branches like a particularly large and clumsy squirrel.
He watches with amazement as you manage to get all the way to the top, gripping his plushie ever tighter at you lean against the gate and brace yourself on it. Soon, you're sitting at the very top, one leg straddling the gate and the other moving down to find lodging in the gate rings below. By this time the boy has moved forward a bit, torn between wonderment at your bravery and fear at your recklessness.
Either way, he can't help but think that you are the most amazing person he's ever seen. Kind and brave and like a real life hero overcoming impossible odds right in front of him. Even if he knew your heart was beating a little faster with each step you'd climbed, and your breath caught with each foot you pressed down, he'd still think the world of you.
After what seemed like an eternity you were back on the ground, taking only a moment to settle your racing heart before turning to face your new friend, smile widening with triumph at his wide-eyed expression.
"Now let's play!" You laughed, reaching out to take his hand and snatching up the tied blanket as you tugged him along. "We'll play heros, kay? I'll be the hero first, 'cause I call it, and then you can be the hero. I'll be at the very top of the slide, so you have to use your wings to fly up and stop me from taking over the world." You lean closer to his still stunned face and whisper in his ear. "I'll let you use the ladder this time, but one day you gonna fly, kay?" He just nods stiffly, squeezing the Endeavor plushie tightly to his chest to keep his heart from escaping.
A few steps later he asks quietly, hiding his face. "What if I want to help you take over the world?"
You stop suddenly, stunned, the thought having never even crossed your mind. You take him by the shoulders without warning and grin, wild, free and awed in equal measure.
"Then we'd be partners! We could do, like, super spy stuff! I'll be the bad guy and you'll be my spy. Then when the heros think they've got me cornered- Bam! There you are!" You pull him towards you, pressing your forehead to his and his heart tries to escape again. "It'll be the plot twist." You whisper with a pleased giggle, eyes creased and grin stretched wide across your face.
"Partners." He agrees quietly, a red tint staining his ears and his heart thrashing wildly against his chest.
You nod, satisfied with the agreement and march you both to the playground, his small hand held tightly in yours. At some point he squeezes back, and you think that maybe this Christmas won't be so bad after all.
He disappeared 9 months later. No warning, no apologies. Just gone.
He never did fly to you. Not once. That's probably what hurt the most. That for all the happiness you shared together- the smiles, the laughs, the dreams- this place and everyone in it, even you, held him stagnant.
Even as you grew and learned that a caged bird will never learn to fly unless it is set free, it still hurt.
Years passed and you grew. You learned. You accepted and you forgave him and all the circumstances that led to your separation.
Even if he had to leave you behind to learn to soar, you'd like to think you taught him something. Even if only to keep trying.
In time, you learned to fly too.
Several Years Later
The sky is gray in your hometown, as it usually is during the winter, but you find yourself not as bothered by it as you'd been as a child. The cold, uncomfortable plastic you're sitting on, however, could be improved. Then again there's something nostalgic about this place, even years after your friend disappeared without a word and you moved away to start your own life.
It'd hurt of course, because you two had been best friends, but in time you'd come to accept that it'd been for the best. He was a hero now, after all. Number 2, in fact, and living out all those dreams you'd had together.
You were happy for him, truly. Small and quiet though he'd been, never once had you not seen the potential in him. He was just never meant to stay in this gray and poverty-stricken place. He had always been too bright for that.
You missed him though. Years passed and you grew older, made a life for yourself, learned hard life lessons and forgot others, and still the years kept moving. But never once had you forgotten about him.
You wondered if he remembered you at all. Probably not. You'd only spent a few short months with each other after all, and he quickly grew to do bigger and better things faster than seemed possible. You doubted he had the time to remember his own name let alone the girl who'd dragged him around the playground and fed him smuggled chicken tenders.
Caught up in your memories you failed to notice the slip of red that darted though the overcast sky. You didn't notice as it suddenly faltered high above you, looping around ungracefully to come closer in a last minute manuver. You didn't even hear as a pair of boots-clad feet landed lightly behind you, perched on the spy box at the very top of the playground equipment.
"So, evil doer." Came a deep, smooth voice from above. "Are we ready to take over the world together. Though Christmas sequels are such a cliche."
You could feel your heart suddenly begin to thrash, breath catching as you looked over your shoulder to gaze up at the dashing smirk spread wide across that familiar, unfamiliar face. A great pair of bright red wings stretched under your stunned gaze, all but shimmering against the gray sky. His eyes were piercing in a way they'd not been as a child, but that quiet intelligence hadn't changed and they caught you in their sway.
"Didn't think I'd forget, did you?" He asked with a smile, not accusing but with a vaguely sad undertone. He hopped off the spy box to land closer to you, but still not quite closing the distance. You were just starting to get to your feet, slow and unsteady in your disbelief.
He rubbed the back of his head, smile held on his face but you could still remember how his eyes would hood when he was hiding his true feelings- when he was hurting. As he was now, gazing at you with that smug smile but quietly hurting eyes.
"Finally found my wings."
You take a step towards him, stop. His smile faltered at your hesitance and that was all you needed to throw yourself at him with all your strength. He barely budged, but with the way he tensed you may as well of been hitting a brick wall.
"Stupid." You gritted your teeth hard to hold back the tears threatening to spill over, hiding your face in his jacket. "They'd always been there. You just needed the opportunity to use them."
He embraced you back, wings folding around you both as he leaned into your hold. He smelt of cold air and expensive cologne, but something savory too. "Good thing I had such a pushy partner, right? Never would have even gotten off the ground if someone hadn't shown me the paces."
You snort, but smile none the less. "When did you become such a sweet talker?"
He laughed at that, holding you tighter as his shoulders shook with the force of it. "Have you seen my interviews? Sweet's not the word I'd use "
You slap him on the back with your hand. "And a smartass to boot. You were such a quiet boy. What happened?" You teased, and it was like the years were melting away in the warmth and safety of his embrace.
"I'm just naturally an asshole. You were just too taken by my good looks to notice."
You finally pull back from his embrace, smile sitting broadly on your lips and tears leaving tracks down your face. "More like I was in fear of the cannibalism I was forced to play witness to every time we met." He pouts and the expression is so familiar you can feel the happiness that'd been fluttering wildly in your stomach escape the moment your mouth opens. "I missed you, you know."
He pauses, smile frozen on his lips before his entire expression softens. His eyes glimmer like molten gold as he gazes at you with tender affection. "Yeah. So did I."
He leaned forward, slowly, giving you the chance to pull back. When you don't he presses his lips gently against your forehead, disconnecting only to rest his forehead against yours. "Here's the plot twist. There's no spy. The hero just loved the villian too much to ever let her fall."
You eyes widen, stunned by the bold confession, before a warm smile rests on your lips.
You laughed.
"I can live with that."
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stormhawksplanb · 5 years
Storm Hawks Fanfiction: Plan “B”
It was a fine day when I was racing some guy from Terra Neon. The kid thought he could beat me to Terra Rex, going around Terra Atmosia, but on the way the FLX Skimmer started sputtering sparks from it's engine. Forcing me to crash land. Last I remember was being separated from my skimmer and my back flat on the ground. I was about to just let myself black out until I heard a single voice pulling out from the crowd. Once my eyes had adjusted from the darkness of my lids I saw who was standing over me. A young red head. The faint distant buildings let me know I was on Terra Atmosia.
"Hey, can you hear me-" His voice was all together but kept breaking up to the point I couldn't respond.
My eyes slowly closed again and I could hear him saying something else, but I could only hear the demanding panic in his voice. I felt my body slowly rise up. It felt as if someone was picking me up, only to set me back down on a near by bench. Raising my head up I met eyes with the same green eyed kid as before, and a blonde with spiked hair who had a bit more concern showing in his blue eyes then the first.
"Where am I? And what happened to my skimmer?"
The two continued to stare at me, as I looked around for the vehicle. It crashed landed into some poor person's roof. The crowd from before had gotten bigger, and a Wallop, A young dark skinned girl, and some kind of blue rabbit thing rushed toward me. Harassing me with questions. The girl being first to try and aid me up off the bench.
"What happened? You're way to pale to be out here! Aerrow, we need to get her medical attention."
I shook my head a little, and pulled away from her lightly. Managing to stand on my own I look at the group in shock. It wasn't just the icon painted on their outfits that gave it away. I knew all the squadrons by heart. These were in no doubt the storm hawks.
"Wh-I… You're the storm hawks." I felt so enthralled by their appearance.
As soon as those words left my mouth the blonde stepped forward in front of the others and over straightened his posture. Like he was the best thing I'd ever see.
"Yea, it's a pretty big deal. I mean, we're great. I'm Finn, by the way" I chuckled a bit at him and rolled my eyes.
The red head placed a hand on his shoulder and shook his head at him, and walked over to me.
"It's good to see you're okay, or at least better. Mind telling us what had happened?"
By then the crowd had slowly dispersed. They seemed more interested in the actual damage instead of what had actually happened.
"Yea, sure. I was racing a guy from Terra neon, we both had a velocity stone, and I was going fast, but not fast enough to cause my engine to spark and cause me to crash. Right?"
He scratched the back of his head, as I explained. I don't think it was enough information for them to understand. I had no choice but to sigh in defeat.
"Well, the least we could do is have our mechanic look at it, and see what he thinks. That okay with you?"
Everyone's eyes followed to my wrecked skimmer sitting on the roof. All of us cringing as the handlebars fell off.
"If you're able to get it down, I have no problem with it."
A small smirk appearing on my face as they all look at each other either giggling or sighing.
A short while later they had actually managed to retrieve my bike. The wallop that hung around with us had scaled the building and jumped down with it, the impact causing the back tire to fall off. Even as we climbed aboard the condor I could tell that the skimmer was in no condition to ever fly again. You can't even get the wings to spanned back in without it falling apart.
       We were standing in the skimmer bay, off the landing strip and bridge, while we waited for their mechanic. I got slightly bored, and they did say to make myself comfortable so I walked on over to everyone's skimmers, catching the blonde's attention, who earlier I found out was Finn. He seemed to hang around the wallop the most out of everyone else, to the point it was safe to assume they were close friends.
"Hey, how's it going? Did you come over to check out my skimmer, it's a pretty sweet ride." I smiled a bit at Finn, and shook my head no.
"Nah, just looking around that's all."
A sudden thrashing sound came from behind me, and as I turned around I saw my skimmer almost completely taken apart, like every single piece of my ride was picked clean and sprawled out.
"DUDE! What the heck- why did you take it apart?!"
I was so furious about someone dismantling my skimmer that I didn't realize the man who was flipping around and inspecting the pieces had been right next to me the whole time.
"Uhm, you do realize you're on my ship?" I jumped a bit and turned toward him, as he shifted into a more sassier pose, with his arms across his chest.
"But if you don't want my help, you could always go somewhere else."
His voice went from a sassy strain, to a more serious threat. Me being the more passive type, I submitted to his tone and uttered a quick apology, to which he gave me a face of disbelief and continued to examine what was once my skimmer. A sigh passes my lips rather loudly.
"Do I even wanna ask about the damage done?" No answer.
The red head then stepped in between us and started a conversation with him.
"C'mon stork, don't start, she fell from the sky after her engine sparked up. Her skimmer crashed into the roof, and she had didn't have anytime to pull out a parachute. It was a rather rough landing for her. Cut her some slack, please? She's probably just a little jumpy."
The silence grew heavy on me, and I introduced another sigh to the quiet and sat next to, stork, but not too close.
"I'm not gonna lie. You took this thing apart rather quickly." His ears stood up slightly more then usual. He didn't turn toward me but he did seem to perk up.
"It's a basic FLX Skimmer." I didn't really know much about skimmers, and I didn't want him to hold back any information, which it felt like he was, so I asked him a question.
"A FLX Skimmer?" My ride was given to me by the guy who wanted to race me. I don't know too much about skimmers so I kind of trusted him…"
He dropped a wrench he had recently picked up and face palmed, then he began to rub his right temple.
"You don't race with a FLX Skimmer. Do you know what the FLX stands for" I was only able to sound out an 'uh' before he continued.
"It stands for Fledgling, Learning, Extra Safety. As in 'I've never driven a skimmer before, and I can barely keep balance'." He picked up the velocity crystal that was hidden under the engine hood and extended it in front of me, handing it over.
"They aren’t designed for racing, especially with a velocity crystal."
I frowned, feeling my rage rise up again. I stood up quickly, letting a frustrated groan out, startling the green Merb beside me.
"I can't believe it! That punk and I made a bet! 250 silver coins, and a crystal of our choice! I Bet in my only Nova Crystal!"
The girl with the dark skin quickly walked up to me at the mention of the Nova crystal.
"You have a Nova Crystal?" The green Merb known as stork popped into our conversation.
"Fine. Had, a nova crystal. There's only 3 in existence. Why would you risk losing a Nova crystal?"
She had a point. The Nova crystal did nothing but make clouds of sparkly dark blues, and purples, but combined with other crystals it can go from useless to a force to be reckoned with. Hopefully not everyone knew this by now.
"I didn't think I would loose! The guy who raced me seemed like the clumsiest person in all of Atmos." Stork placed a hand on my shoulder, his touch a bit more firmer then what I had expected.
"You mean, that title isn't yours yet?" The sinister smirk under his innocent tone caused me to smirk back, more or less challenging him.
The red head of the group came over with the other two, the Merb automatically backing away, and placed his hand out to shake mine.
"If you want we can get your stuff back for you. What's your name anyway?"
I shook his hand and stood there with my hands on my hips.
"I go by the name Nova. Isn't it fitting? And I've only caught a handful of your team's names as well."
"I'm Aerrow, leader of the storm hawks, and this is Piper, Finn; Who you've already met, Junko, stork, and my co-pilot Radar."
I chuckled at the little grayish blue creature as it waved to me once it sat itself on Aerrow's shoulder. Then panic set in completely.
"Oh no! I told Gear to stay behind with those thugs-" Aerrow placed his hand on my shoulder, me having to look up at him since I'm relatively short. 
"Don't worry Nova. We got this-" Almost as soon as it left his mouth Finn had easily appeared.
"After all, we are the storm hawks, Chika-cha~" His fingers were pointing out like a couple guns.
With that we were all off of Terra Atmosia, and heading course towards Terra Neon. A fun little Terra with a bunch of family friendly games, and super cool and fast rides! And one idiot who was about to get smacked upside the head.
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joylessholland · 7 years
Rivals (Part 1)  Harry Potter!au
(1,559 words)    (i might change the title)
request: Yes
Warning: Swearing, prod bad writing, I’M NOT JK ROWLING
A/N: I love Harry Potter so much so i had a really hard time writing this, i wanted to do it justice so i hope it did. I might do more (these might take a while to write) also i have been kinda depressed lately so writing has been kinda slow i’m hopefully gonna get back into it this week! This is also my first request so if you wanna send some go ahead.
Masterlist   Request   ENJOY
 “Aya, Aya where are you girl? We’re going to be late!” you shout looking behind a stack of wands. “[Y/N] darling” your mother chimes holding a Sable ferret out for you. “Found her in the workshop, are you ready to go?” she asked placing Aya in your bag “Yeah, just needed Aya” “You should be off then, gosh fifth year already” she says pecking your cheek “I wish I could see you off but” you cut her off “First day of school busiest time of year” smiling you grab your luggage cart and make to the door blowing your mum one last kiss you shut the door behind you. “Ollivander’s now open, get your wands” you shout to the patrons of Diagon Alley
“You’re lucky we didn’t miss the train” you whisper to Aya who has found herself curled up in your Ravenclaw scarf. Sticking your wand in the door before it closes the conductor smiles “Just in time, lass. Ticket?” handing the man you ticket he ushers you onto the train, and takes your luggage. Walking down the long aisle of compartments, your lateness cost you a good spot on the train coming to the only somewhat empty compartment you knock on the glass.
“Do you mind, everywhere else is full?” you ask the two boys in the compartment “Of course” one says motioning to the empty bench across from them “Thanks, the price of being late I suppose” you laugh grabbing Aya from you bag “Come on girl, stretch your legs” you say placing her on the seat next to you scratching her ear and turning in a circle she morphs into a black cat wearing a small pink charm round its neck. “Brilliant” one of the boys blurt “[Y/N] Ollivander, and this is Aya.” You stick out your hand and they shake it “I remember you, you sold me my wand. I’m Harrison, thats Tom” “What was it…” you think for a moment “A walnut, thirteen and a half inches, unicorn hair, my grandad taught me to never forget a wand” “How’d she do that thing with changing” Harrison asks pointing to Aya “She wears a Transfiguration charm, she can transform into anything her size anything bigger and gets really tired. T’was a gift.”
“Anything off the trolley, anything off the trolley dears?” the old sweat lady asks “A gummy snake and one pumpkin cookie” pulling out your coin purse handing the women three gold coins. The snake squirms in the package. Placing the cookie down for Aya you unwrap the gummy snake, it hisses and wiggles in you grasp after a few hisses from Aya you bite the head and the gummy goes stiff.
Walking back into the compartment you see the boys have both changed into their robes as well, seeing them in uniform you recognize them better “Wait, your Tom Holland, the Gryffindor seeker? You look different.” You ask tightening your tie. When you say different you really mean hot, Tom Holland was scrawny and sure as hell didn’t have that face last year. “Everyone says that” he laughs. “You do, you were almost as hard to see as the snitch” you giggle “right, you’re the Ravenclaw seeker” he says looking you up and down, nodding you hear the train whistle taking your seat you await the sight of the station
“Now let the feast begin” Headmistress McGonagall shout as food appears before you. Glazed ham, green beans, sweet rolls, and wheat roll all the food you could imagine. The evening sky bewitched on the ceiling candles floating through the air. When the boy across from you reaches for a chicken leg you catch a glance of Tom staring at you, mouth full of food he gives you a strange look and returns to his conversation. When the feast ends your called back to your dorm for bunk placement.
“Mr. Holland, can you please tell me three main ingredients of a love potion”” The professor asks knowing the boys in the back weren’t playing attention “um, yeah its, uh” he flipped through his book “Can anyone tall me” the professor asked the class, when no one answered you blurted out “Ashwinder Egg, Rose Thorns, and uh, Refined Peppermint Oil, sir” you hated speaking in class “Very good Miss Ollivander, now” as the lesson began you stole a glance back at Tom who was glaring at you. Did I do something you think.
As you were on your way back to the Ravenclaw common room the stair case began to shutter and the move. Grabbing the railing you curse under your breath “Damn thing” someone said from behind you, yelping you turn quickly dropping a book over the side on the railing. Aya jumps from your bag then off the now stationary staircase “Don’t do that ya, div” you laugh punching you friend Mary Potter in the arm. “Sorry, I haven’t seen you and I got excited and hopped on before it could move.” Pulling her into a tight hug “I missed you, how was your holiday?” you ask as a hawk perches on the railing next you with a book a book in its mouth “Mum and I went to China with the Weasley’s. Hello Aya” she says patting the bird as you walk.
Picking a grape off the vine you flip the page in your potion book “Are you nervous?” Mary asks playing with Aya who is now a cat
“About what?” plopping a leaf into your cauldron it bubbles, was it supposed to do that. “The first game of the year, quidditch?” excitement poured out of her “Not really, should I be?” you ask popping another grape in your mouth “Tom’s been training a lot and he got…well better” she says sheepishly “Tell him to bring it on, may the best seeker, uh, team win” you giggling is cut short by the very serious look on Mary’s face “Look, he may seem like a nice guy but, he isn’t. The guy is competitive as all hell and would do anything to win, just be careful” she whispered while leaving. How bad could he be, on the train he seemed sweet.
 “Welcome everyone to the first quidditch match of the season, were in for a treat today ladies and gentlemen. We have Gryffindor facing off against Ravenclaw.” The announcers voice boomed over the roar off the crowd
“Let’s get out the and play some ball.” The caption yelled as the doors opened and he flew out. Gripping the broom, you zoomed from out into the open air, you missed the feeling so much. The wind in your hair, the deafening sound of the crowd, and the smile plastered on your face. Across the field Gryffindor’s team flew through the air, heading towards the middle of the field Madam Hutch stood whistle in hand “I want a nice clean game…” she looked at Tom who snickered “on my mark” she bent down picked up the Quaffle she counted to three before throwing in the air beginning the game.
Zipping through the air you scan the field, Mary was in position of the Quaffle and was whizzing through the air towards the hoops throwing the ball she misses and the ball is intercepted by one of you chasers. The game played on and your team was three points behind when you finally saw a small golden flicker from the corner of your eyes, turning the snitched was sat hovering just out of arms reach “Here we go” you giggle lunging at the small ball as it flies off, zooming through the air a Bludger streaks by thankfully not smashing into you. Losing sight of the snitch for a moment you scan the field again when your eyes focus on Tom on his broom reaching out his arm.
Weaving through the field you come up right next to Tom, giving you a devilish smile he knocks into you, gripping your broom tightly you stay your path. Looking straight at the snitch you monitor Tom’s action from out of your periphery. After a sharp left Tom makes to ram you again but to his surprise before making contacted you dove a few feet down causing him to fly in the complete wrong direction. Steading your broom you push off landing on your feet, reaching for the snitch you can feel its wings brush against your fingertips. Your broom begins to wobble, looking behind you Tom is in hot pursuit with a look of pure anger on his face, gripping tightly you lean forward even more under you the broom wiggles then thrashes as Tom rams you again. With a yelp you plummet to the ground, hitting the ground hard you hear a loud ringing and a faint crack.
Opening your eyes, you see Madam Hutch smiling accompanied by the headmistress a look of concern on her wrinkled face, A sharp pain shoots through your arm looking down you see that it’s being treated by a Madam Pomfrey. In your other hand you feel a something small wiggling around opening your hand the snitch zips out and hovers just above you. Smiling you looks around, the crowd was going wild, your team was hugging and cheering. “It appears I’ve fallen off my broom” you giggle as the world goes black,
Here are some beautiful KITTENS: @midtownvaledictorian@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked@tiemeupspidey @captain-katie-xx@panicatttckiss@champagneholland@seilamigliorcosacheabbiamaivisto@mendes-holland @maggie-starz @natalie-kn@vaeyron@wonderyoung @ging3r-fall@louisnholland@little-weirdo-13@calumminter@sunshiineandmoonliight @m-snop@tomhstories @rosieeemma @societalreject @bibs-fortuna  @antisocialoutcast12 @jadabelle @las-civus@oceantostars @tiemeupspidey @dr-tardis-who@hazelgracewatersaugustus @jessica-moon9 @sophietanda @yasstoeverygirloutthere @beccaaahh5711 @emptyy-skyy @parkeretmj
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nol-overwatch · 3 years
Writer’s Callus, Chapter One
I finally wrote fanfiction hurrah
Fandom: Durarara!!, Baccano
Pairing: Shizuo Heiwajima / Original Female Character
Tags: Mystery, Romance, Drama, not too sure what else to put without it spoiling too much.
Synopsis:  A foreigner visits Ikebukuro for the first time. She's only supposed to be there for a few days and then return home, but this is Ikebukuro after all. The city of gang violence, flying sign posts, and unorthodox sushi. Those aren't the only things keeping her entranced; it's when she met a certain blond in a bartender's outfit, that she started wanting more out of her mundane life.
You can read it here on AO3 and FanFiction.
'How would you feel if I walked up to you one day
And ripped your heart out?'
The interior of the sedan was silent save for the muffled tunes blasting from the young woman's headphones. Instead of waking up, however, she continued sleeping, her head lolled against the bulletproof glass as she peacefully snored. The three other men in the car sweatdropped at this. "I told her to sleep in early." One of them, a large burly man who could hardly fit in the driver's seat, grumbled as he looked behind his shoulder to scowl at her indecent appearance.
Beside him, on the passenger seat, was an older gentleman wearing a dark blue suit, his eyes closed but his brows deeply furrowed to the point of sharing the same scowl as his brother. He didn't say a word, however, as his hands remained equally busy, shuffling a worn out deck of cards with ease. He let out a soft hum after hearing another snore from the back.
A chuckle breaks this monotonous atmosphere, as the last man sitting next to the woman stared at her with the slightest bit of mirth in his cold hazel eyes. "Give it a rest, Berga," His mouth curled into a slight smirk. "She didn't show it, but she was pretty excited for today." He said, just as the huge man in the green suit, Berga Gandor, huffed and leaned back on his seat. The car in front of them finally moved, as the traffic started to budge towards the airport.
"Wake her up anyway, Luck, we're almost here." He said as the one in the brown suit sitting next to her, Luck Gandor, gingerly tapped her shoulder.
"Ren? Come on, Ren, wake up." He shook her shoulder when it looked like she was resisting him. Her messy auburn locks parted to reveal her grimacing face. "Wake up or you'll be late for your flight." Luck persisted, and finally he looked relieved when she decided to open her eyes; dull green orbs flitting through her drowsy countenance. The man smiled at that, and patted her shoulder. "Good morning, Ren."
"Hmm," She rubbed her eyes and yawned into her hand. "G'morning. We're there already?" She mumbled as the two in front offered their own versions of confirmation. Berga's annoyed huff, and Keith, the eldest brother, nodding seriously. She glanced towards her side to see Luck smirking at her and felt an auburn brow arch. "What? What is it?" She sounded angry, but really, she's not. This is exactly how she treats, and was treated, by the Triumvirate Dons of the Gandor Family.
Or at least, she calls them her illegitimate family of two years. "No, it's nothing really." Luck tapped his chin and stared out the darkly tinted window, hiding his smirk. "This just feels like a father seeing his beloved daughter off, probably to get married." He said in a faraway, almost singsong voice that's so unlike his character. The remaining people in the car (except for Berga, whose squinting eyes stayed on the road) gaped at him in disbelief.
It was Keith who broke the silence, by heaving into what sounded like a groan, followed up by Ren, slapping her face to massage the incoming annoyance. "You are the least likely person I'm hearing that shit from, Luck. Besides, it's a funeral not a wedding, so don't get your hopes up thinking you're gonna kick me out already." She then grinned at him as she pulled down her headphones to rest on her neck.
"Who knows? Maybe you'll actually find a reason to stay this time." The handsome man shrugged. That faraway look on his face seemed much more serious than she thought.
"As if." She tried reassuring him. "There's nothing back there for me. My real family's here, and I'm very much satisfied with this." Ren then gestured to everyone else in the car, where Berga let out a loud 'ha' and Keith nodded quite enthusiastically.
Luck didn't reply, and was busy staring out the window. Ren didn't think he'd be the one to be so hung-up on this. She expected the bigger, more doting brother to at least protest at her leaving for Japan, but Luck was the one who's obviously most worried about this. They eventually calmed down when the eldest of the Gandor brothers finally agreed to let her go on her own.
She smiled at the thought of them worrying for her. They really are her family...
They were nearing the airport as the young woman felt a knot tighten in her stomach. She's really, really leaving. On her own this time. She's excited as well as terrified. She never traveled on her own, for very valid reasons, and she hasn't seen her real blooded family in a long time as well. Ten years, in fact. "We're here." Berga said after he parked the sleek black sedan and unclasped his seat belt. "Go get her a trolley, Luck, I'll take her bags out."
The four of them got out of the car, as Luck went on ahead for a trolley, and Berga busied himself with her luggage at the back. Ren walked over to stand beside Keith, who gazed at her still with the unflinching furrowed brow. "I'll be fine, Keith. Don't worry." She tried reassuring him, but his gaze didn't falter. Ren knew this was his own way to show that he cares, but she's a grown woman for heaven's sake.
Then again, he and everyone else in the Family have their own reasons to worry about her.
The youngest Gandor returned with the luggage cart, and Berga finally settled her bags on it. Ren turned to face the three, her grip onto the metal bars a little too tight as she tried to calm her nerves. "So, this is it." She jokingly said, trying to lighten up the mood. But she can see in their eyes otherwise.
"You have your diary with you, right?" Luck started, his gaze immediately landing on her bulging hand-carry, where she patted it thoughtfully.
"Yup, it's here."
"When you get into trouble, don't hesitate to call us immediately, okay?" Berga sternly reminded her, where she ended up giggling.
"Yup, I will."
"...Take care of yourself, Ren." Came the quiet, sudden words from Keith, surprising the three. The young woman could feel tears finally threatening to spill from her green eyes, as she promptly hugged the man, who in turn, froze up at the sudden contact, but then wrapped his arms around her in the end.
"Thank you, and I will..!" The auburn haired woman sniffled as they parted, her grin a wide and teary one. "I'll bring you guys back some souvenirs! I promise!" Keith smiled a tiny smile and nodded at her, one of the rarest sights in the world, and Ren instantly felt better.
She grabbed onto the bar of her cart once again and started wheeling it in the airport, turning back once to wave at the three towering figures at the entrance. It'll be a while until she can see them again, but she knows, deep down in her heart, she'll come back.
Once checking in to her airline and sitting down at the waiting area for her flight, Ren Shiori unzipped her hand-carry and took out a worn-looking leather journal. She whipped out a pen from her pocket and started writing a reminder to herself, that once she settles in her hotel at Ikebukuro, she has to call them.
Shizuo Heiwajima is having another one of those off-days.
The blond(dyed) man stood stock still, smoking his second cigarette, as he felt a headache incoming. He's been like this for a while, so obviously it's not because of the whiny businessman that Tom-san's been trying to cooperate with for the past hour. Even so, the blond can't help but grind his teeth onto the butt of his cigarette; his grating voice was hurting his ears.
"-as I said, you need to pay up-"
"No, not yet! I told you the money's with my girlfriend now!"
Shizuo's brow ticked incessantly. The two were being fed the same excuse as last time. His boss, Tom Tanaka, sighed off to the side as he was also getting annoyed. "Look, you told us that yesterday-"
"And I keep telling you, it's not with me, it's with the love of my life!"
Shizuo's finally had enough. He bent the unforgiving cancer stick and snuffed it out with the heel of his shoe, his shaking hands already grabbing a fistful of that businessman's shirt and easily lifting him off the ground. "Ah..! Aa-ah!" The man yelped as he thrashed wildly, his shoes barely touching the concrete. Passerby stared, but in reality, there's nothing that they can do against this man, considered to be the strongest in Ikebukuro.
Tom would've stopped his bodyguard, if not the current situation. They've been trying to get this guy to return the loan he'd been hawking for the past several weeks, but he always found a way to elude them. Well, now that Shizuo's finally grabbed him, he might as well take this opportunity to finish the job. "Thought I don't need to tell you this, but let me give you a refresher anyways." Tom coldly said as the blond damn near growled at the guy.
"This here is Shizuo Heiwajima, sounds familiar to you?" The man's eyes grew wide and bulged in its sockets with fear as he continued. "If you don't pay us up right now, Shizuo's going to-"
"A-alright, alright! I get it, I'll pay you your damn money!" The man cried out as he fruitlessly tried to get the man dressed in a bartender outfit to put him down. He still looked pissed, but in Tom's case, he's pretty satisfied with his answer.
He pulled back and nodded to Shizuo, "Alright, shake him and let's get out of here."
After the businessman begrudgingly returned the money, Tom swiftly collected it and he and the blond walked away from the bar. The other shook off his initial annoyance by lighting up another cigarette, while offering a light to his employer. "Thanks, hey, you didn't cause any collateral damage this time!" The man in the dreadlocks grinned at him, a seemingly proud tone evident in his voice.
He grabbed the offered lighter and pulled up his own, just as Shizuo took a long drag, relishing that addicting nicotine taste. He's got to admit, he's quite proud of himself for holding back this time. He still did his job properly, and he didn't go overboard with his strength again. Nobody got hurt too, well, maybe except for that poor sucker he scared the shit out of him earlier.
He and Tom walked away from Sunshine 60 and reached the park, Nishiguchi, where the majority of this city's populace hang out after a long day of work or school. Office workers on their way to the local bars, students hanging out with their friends, but Ikebukuro is notorious for many things, one of them being its rebellious youth forming color gangs. Gangs who act like the city is theirs to own, draped in the colors of their faction. A while back, there were two prominent color gangs who terrorized the streets of Ikebukuro.
Shizuo narrowed his eyes as they walked past a group of punks loitering by the fountain. They stood out like a sore thumb, even in this smog filled city, because of the colors they're wearing. "Seems that the Yellow Scarves still go around wearing their colors, huh?" Tom seemed to have sensed his hostility, and has shared it as well. "Dumbasses really don't have anything to do with their life."
The Yellow Scarves. Once or twice for the past couple of years, he'd been invited to join them. Either that or the Blue Squares, the other prominent gang in this city that has since disbanded, would extend a hand knowing his reputation, and each time they did he'd flat out reject them. He finds it troublesome, as if one color gang isn't enough for him.
He and Tom spent a few minutes just talking amongst themselves, the dreadlocked man reminding the blond to drop in early for work, while Shizuo surveyed his surroundings without thought. There's the usual street performer, the same group of guys playing shogi, a couple of highschool girls giggling at something on their phones. The smell of his cigarette smoke, beer and fried food, the smog clouding the night sky, the traffic in the distance, Ikebukuro hasn't changed, not one bit, and he hoped it would stay that way. At least, he'd like this kind of peace to remain as is without some raven haired flea ruining it for him.
It was only then his eyes lazily trailed around that he spotted something unfamiliar. Amidst the hustle and bustle, there was a figure sitting by the fountain, their long legs crossed with a book on their lap. They didn't strike Shizuo as anyone special or different, although their wavy auburn hair was a shade deeper than the rest of the people here, and that they wore clothes designed to blend into the background, but it's not those things that caught his attention immediately.
He felt as if time slowed to a brief stop as he stared. It was only for a moment, but he was sure he saw it; a dull, bottle green color flitting past those ochre brown locks framing their face. That was the first time he's ever seen someone with an eye color like that. 'A foreigner?' He thought, but they looked Japanese. He's not even sure if they're a guy or a girl. Must be one of those pampered pretty boys who wear colored contact lenses for god-knows-why.
He must've been staring for too long, that Tom decided to follow his gaze, curious as to what grabbed his bodyguard's attention for more than a minute. "You know that guy?" He asked out loud, spotting the figure by the fountain as well. Shizuo blinked and then shook his head, adjusting his purple-tinted glasses in a hurry. "Nah, it's nothing." He muttered as he threw away his cig. It's odd, he doesn't feel like smoking and standing around now.
Seeing this, Tom must've understood it's time to head home. He put out his cigarette too, sighing as he felt the day's fatigue weighing down his shoulder, "Well, I'm out. Take care of yourself, Shizuo." He said as the blond nodded.
"Yeah, you too, Tom-san."
Shizuo watched him walk away while he unflipped his phone, checking the time. He didn't think it's gotten so late, his stomach growled just thinking of what to eat on his way home. Russia Sushi would be good, regardless of how unusual it tastes.
Speaking of unusual…
Shizuo glanced back at the figure by the fountain. They were still sitting there, but this time they were reading the book they had on their lap with a calm interest. He took this time to completely survey their person—out of curiosity of course. It's early spring, so he could understand that it's still a bit chilly, but this one's wearing a khaki trench coat, the collar pulled up to hide their neck. Underneath is a plain white shirt, along with a pair of dark slacks and pointed heeled boots. Yup, they definitely look the part of a pampered rich kid. Everyone else has their nose pressed onto a phone, all except for this guy, whose nose is stuck on that book of theirs. Maybe that's why they caught Shizuo's interest. People like this one would often get into trouble in a city like this.
From where he's standing, he couldn't see their eyes again, and for some reason that bugged him to no end.
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