#the way i barked at the screen when i saw his new skin
robiinurheart33 · 4 months
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The devil works hard but soap fans work harder
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not-neverland06 · 4 months
How About a Nuke?
Part VI / Part VII / Part VIII
Series Masterlist
Cooper Howard x fem!reader, The ghoul x fem!reader A/N: @weakling-grace did some fanart for the series that I absolutely adore! And I want you all to look at it. It’s on her blog, or reposted on mine under the tag How about a nuke? Summary: The wound’s infected. It shouldn’t be, but here you are anyway, barely holding on to life. You make it as far as you can and then it’s up to him to decide whether you get to live or die.
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“Have I told you yet that you are the most gorgeous woman in this room?” You couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on your face even if you tried. 
“Only about a dozen times.” His hand reaches for yours across the table and you take it eagerly, linking your fingers together and enjoying the way his hazel eyes linger on yours. You could get lost in them, as cliche as it sounds. You and about every other woman in the world fell in love when you first saw those smiling eyes on the silver screen. 
“I’ll just have to tell you a dozen more.”
God, you would swoon if you could. But, unfortunately, you are in the middle of a very nice restaurant and you’re sure they wouldn’t enjoy your fainting spell. It’s not like you could help it, he was so effortlessly charming, everything he said with that rasping accent of his sounded like music to you. 
Your smile slipped slightly when you caught two women staring at you both. They weren’t even trying to hide it, pointing and whispering behind their hands. You clenched your jaw, trying your best not to let the anger show on your face. But he caught it anyway. 
Cooper dropped your hand and tucked his back in his lap. He sighed and glanced over his shoulder, they caught his eye and gasped, stopping their cruel whispers. You opened your mouth to try and make him feel better but he interrupted you, “Hey-”
“I told you this was gonna happen sweetheart.” You hated how sad he sounded, how resigned he was to his new place in life. It was no secret that most of your fellow actors despised him now just because he did a few ad campaigns for Vault-Tec. But that didn’t mean the rest of the world did. There were still plenty of people who adored Cooper and asked for his autograph. 
Granted, those ladies clearly weren’t fans, but you didn’t care. You didn’t care if you got spotted together in public and rumors started up again. You didn’t care what that meant about future roles. “I want to be with you, Coop, but I can’t keep having this same conversation over and over again.” You sighed and finally drew your hand back to yourself, he tracked the movement like a hawk. 
“If this is too much,” you forced yourself to swallow past the lump in your throat and put on a stilted smile. “If being with me in the public eye is too much then maybe we should-”
“Enough,” he reached back over and forced his hand into yours. “I’m sorry, I’m just worried about you.” He stopped you before you could interrupt him, giving you a knowing smile. “I know that you don’t care what being around me does to your career, but I do. There’s no reason for the both of us to be washed up celebrities.”
“Hey, you’re not washed up, plenty of people still want to see you on the silver screen.”
He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. He squeezed your hand once before letting go and picking up his fork, “Let’s just enjoy our meal, sweetheart.”
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“Pick up the pace! I’m not gonna wait for you forever, sweetheart.”
You glared at him and leaned on a tree for support. You’re not sure what’s going on. You feel hot under your skin but also like you’re freezing, you’d thrown up twice during night watch and you’re about five seconds away from keeling over. 
Your sweaty palm slips against the bark and you go sliding over. You hear his boots stomping through the grass before they stop in front of you. Rough hands steady your shoulders and shove you upright again. His eyes rove across your face, the muscles above his eyes turning down in concern. 
“Shit, you look like,” he trailed off, “well, to be perfectly honest you look like shit.”
You laughed but it came out strangled and he flinched back in disgust when you started coughing. “Good to know you’re still a gentleman, Cooper.” 
He sighed and led you over to a rotted log. You threw yourself down on it, wincing as it jarred your sensitive stomach. The gash was aching a lot more than it should. 
When you’d been shot, you could barely even feel it by this point. Now the wound was burning, itching so bad you just wanted to rip the stitches out with your bare hands. Your head rolls back and you clench your eyes shut as another wave of nausea goes through you. You could feel your heartbeat in your throat, rattling like a hummingbird in a cage. 
He kneels in front of you and reaches for your shirt. You lean back on your hands to give him better access. “Stimpak should have worked by now,” he mutters. He pulls your shirt higher up on your abdomen and hisses through his teeth. 
“What is it?” Your tongue is glued to the roof of your mouth and the words come out garbled. 
“Shit!” He yanks your shirt down and reaches for your bag, digging through it until he finds another one of the Stimpaks you’d taken. 
You’d be more panicked if your head wasn’t floating right now. “What is it?” He doesn’t answer you, he hovers the injector over his mouth and lets the medicine shoot in. You wince when he immediately turns to spit it into the grass. 
He wipes the back of his mouth and chuckles. “Should’ve fucking known,” he mutters. He goes through the rest of the supplies you’d grabbed and starts chucking them further into the forest. 
You’re getting pissed off now. Pissed off and worried, you just needed him to talk to you, tell you what’s going on. “Cooper!” You snap, hand clutched over the burning wound on your stomach. He sighs and looks up at you. “Tell me what’s happening.”
“Fakes,” he says, mouth set in a firm line and eyes hard against your worried gaze. “See, darlin’, some people like the men we met last night hand out fake supplies.” If you weren’t so worried you’d be mad about how condescending he sounds. 
“They take empty injectors and fill ‘em with chems to keep people sick and coming back to them. It’s a steady income,” he says, like it’s a respectable career. “Your wound is infected, probably only worsened by whatever chem they put in the Stimpak I stuck you with.”
Your eyes are wide with horror. You can’t decide what’s worse, that you’ve essentially been poisoned and are probably experiencing sepsis right now. Or that people were capable of being so cruel and profited off of it. He pulls your canteen out of your bag and unscrews the cap. He holds the water up to your nose, “Sniff.” You do and he waves his hand, prompting you to tell him what exactly you smelled. 
“Smells like metal,” you shrug, not sure what that means. 
“Infected and you’ve got rad poisoning.” At your confused glance he continues, “Water’s not purified either, sweetheart. Whatever you got is about to get a hundred times worse.” When he turns his back to put the water back in your bag you finally risk a glance down at your stomach. 
You wished you hadn’t because you’re immediately bending over to throw up what was left of your rations. The skin has swelled over the stitches, practically swallowing the black thread. The place the knife went in is red and puckered, pus forming at the corners. The sides of your stomach have an odd green tint that you’re trying not to think about too hard, most likely a side effect of whatever chem you’d been dosed with. 
He presses the canteen into your hand and you shake your head from where it is between your knees. “Can’t, radiation.”
He laughs, the sound unkind, “It’s a bit late for that, honey.” You snatch the water out of his hand and gulp down as much as you can stomach. It’s not much, the taste of the water is too metallic and bitter for you. “The place we’re going, they’ve got medicine. We get you there and I’m sure I can work something out with them.”
You know what that really means. He’ll get paid for his bounty and then he’ll get what he wants, whether they offer it freely or not. “If I get there,” you mutter, still holding back the rest of your breakfast. 
“Enough,” he snaps. His hand wraps around your elbow and he yanks you to your feet. “We need to get a move on, power through.” If you had the strength, you’d slap him again. 
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“Here you go,” he placed a bowl down on the coffee table, steam still wisping over the edge. He sat down beside you on your couch and brushed some hair away from your face and you leaned into the warmth of his palm. You were freezing but he seemed to think you were burning up. 
“Did you make me soup?” Your voice is groggy with sleep. He helps you into a sitting position and hands you the bowl. 
“No,” he laughs a little and leans back against the cushions, arm spreading out behind you and pulling you into him. “But I warmed it up for you.”
“Cooper,” you whisper. 
“Get a move on!” He shouts from a couple yards ahead. “You either move your ass or I’ll leave you here, because I’m sure as shit not carrying you.”
Oh shit. 
Hallucinating is never a good sign. You would swear on everything above that you were just on your couch with Cooper. You could still feel the warmth of the bowl in your hands, the old plush fabric of your couch on your cheeks. 
You swallowed down bile and did your best to catch up to him. You blinked a few times, trying to get rid of the fog over your eyes, but it didn’t help much. It took you a minute to realize it was from the sweat dripping down your brow and burning against your retinas that was causing the problem. 
You glanced around, surprised to find yourself surrounded by sand. Weren’t you just in the forest? You lifted a shaking hand to try and get rid of the glare of the sun. He was walking closer to you now, keeping a keener eye on you. You trip over your own feet for the inth time and try to keep pushing yourself. 
“Any chance we could dim those?” You squint and point up to the lights hanging above the set and one of the PA’s runs off to fulfill your request. You shake your boots out, tired of all the sand that’s been getting in them. You understand you’re meant to be chasing an outlaw through the “Wild West” but this is getting ridiculous. 
You’ve done about a hundred retakes of this scene, you’re not sure when the director is going to admit defeat but you hope it’s soon. You don’t know why the studio is even bothering to do cowboy stuff anymore. Everyone knows since Coop was forced out of the industry no one’s wanted to see these types of movies. 
The actor you’re working with this time is a dick. He’s commanding and rude, he’s got no sense of boundaries either. Or a nose. 
What the fuck?
He stands over top of you and you finally realize that you’ve collapsed into the sand. You let your head fall back and rub your forehead. One second you’re on a set and the next you’re in the Wastelands at the end of the world. You’re struggling to remember which version of reality is real and which isn’t. 
“I mean it,” he threatens, “I ain’t carrying you.” Your hand flops uselessly to your side, muscles fatigued and the burning in your gut sucking the energy out of you. The only part of yourself you’re physically aware of is the stab, you can’t feel anything else. You can’t twitch your toes or wiggle your fingers, everything is off kilter. “Alright then,” he leans down and yanks your arm over his shoulder. 
Before you’re processing what’s happening the world is being tilted on its axis and you’re being hauled to your feet. You don’t remember much about traveling through the sands. Everything is one long blur of red and orange. When the air in front of you starts to get wavy your eyes lose focus and you black out.
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She nearly made it. They’re only about an hour away from this compound he’s been trying to get her to. He sighs, looking down at her prone form in the sand. There’s sweat beading along her forehead, her lips are cracked and split and her face has an unusual tint to it that can’t mean anything healthy. 
He squats down next to her and debates how he wants to go about this. The wound on her stomach has only gotten worse since they started walking, it’s just looking angrier and angrier. With how infected it is, it’s possible that even a stimpak might not help her now. 
He could leave her here, get the bounty, and go on his merry way. He could shoot her, put her out of her misery and leave. Or he could throw her over his shoulder and walk the last hour to the compound, hoping that whatever they have there will help. No matter what choice he makes, it’s her life in his hands. 
His hand drifts forward, brushing the hair off her cheek and lingering on the soft skin there. He sighs before scooping her up and tossing her over his shoulder, she whines, her wound rubbing against his shoulder and probably causing her a heap of pain. It didn’t matter how much it hurt, though, as long as she was feeling something that was a good sign. 
“Nearly there, sweetheart,”; he muttered. He tuned into her shallow breathing, the long pauses before her next breath and let that be what keeps him going. She better not fucking die on him. He grunts, shifting her higher up on his shoulder and wrapping an arm around her legs. 
He could feel how hot she was through each layer of their clothing. This was more than just the sun, she seemed like she was about to combust. “Cooper,” she whimpers. He frowns, she’s been muttering to herself since they left the forest. Talking about things that weren’t possible. 
He’s seen it before, with infection or rad poisoning, the hallucinations start pretty early. Only problem is, he’s never met anyone who lasted as long as her. She should have been dead hours ago. He has no idea what’s keeping her going, but she better fucking hold onto it. 
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You laughed, your dress swirling around your legs like a blooming red flower as he spun you through the room. His hand wrapped around your waist and he pulled you back into his chest. You smiled at him and he reached up to brush the hair out of your face. 
Sinatra’s smooth voice cracked and then began to stutter. You laughed again but Cooper just rolled his eyes and walked over to fix the record. You smoothed out your dress and sat down on his couch, reaching for his glass of whiskey on the table. 
You took a sip, hoping for some liquid courage, and regretted it. You’d momentarily forgotten your distaste for alcohol. You tried to fight the tickle in your throat but failed, you probably ruined your lipstick with how hard you started to cough. 
He walked over to you and chuckled, taking his glass from your hands and stealing a swig. “Can’t handle your liquor, honey?”
“I can,” you wiped your mouth and gave him a playful glare. “That just tastes absolutely disgusting.” He smiled and took a seat beside you, arm draped behind you. He crossed a leg over his knee and titled himself to face you. You found yourself taking a deep breath, trying to prepare yourself for the question you were going to ask.
“Everything alright?”
You glanced down at your dress and fiddled with the hem of it. “I know the divorce was finalized a few days ago,” Cooper looked away from you, his face hardening, and reached forward to place his glass back on the table. Your heart leapt into your throat at the way he slammed it down. Maybe this was a mistake. 
You know when Barb came over to pick up Janey yesterday they’d gotten into a fight. You didn’t know what exactly it was they fought about, you’re pretty sure it had to do with you. But it didn’t truly matter. She always found a way to rile him up. You’d been hoping that coming by tonight might make him feel a little better,  but he still seemed to have a residual tenseness to him. 
Bringing the divorce up after one of their fights isn’t smart. But you need to talk about this and he’s been avoiding the conversation for a while now. 
He ran a hand down his face and sighed, “What about it?” 
“I was just wondering what that means for us?”
He scoffed and glanced over at you. The look he’s giving you, you’re certain the fight was about you now. He’s never looked this angry with you, “For us?” You nodded and he shook his head, standing up and heading towards his room. “It doesn’t mean anything.” Your heart stuttered in your chest, eyes burning as he slammed the door to his room without another word. You let your head fall into your hands and took a few deep breaths. You knew you shouldn’t have asked that. 
“That was a mistake,” you muttered. 
“The hell are you telling yourself back there?” Your eyes peeled open and you frowned, you seemed to be looking at something that looked a hell of a lot like Cooper’s backside. You tilted your head to the side to find the world upside down and something stabbing repeatedly in your stomach. 
You clawed your way up Cooper’s jacket, shakily holding yourself up so you could stare down at him. “Settle,” he warns, like you’re a damn horse. 
“Put me down,” you mutter, weakly kicking out your feet and trying to get off of him. He just shakes his head and shoves you back down. You let him, not having much fight left in you anyway. 
“Just,” he pauses, “keep dreamin’,” the words seem to pain him and you wonder why. You don’t linger on it long, letting your head hang against his back before the world is going dark again. 
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She keeps muttering Cooper in her sleep. He knows what she’s thinking about. Their old times together, when everything was just dandy and the world was as sweet as peaches. Well, he wasn’t some saint back then neither. He had his own problems, vices, same as any man. 
Only difference between then and now is that he doesn’t have to hide who he is. Doesn’t have to worry about the public’s opinion or how his job will be affected if he speaks his mind. Cooper’s no better than the Ghoul. 
He sighs, barely even believing himself. She whimpers in her sleep, the noise strangled and pained. He squeezes her leg, barely even noticing the action, in an attempt to bring some minute form of comfort. She never should have dived in front of that blade, it was stupid of her. 
Course, she couldn’t have known that he would have healed, it’s not like he ever told her that. But she shouldn’t have risked it anyway, he wasn’t worth her dying for.
He can see a large building about a mile ahead as he crests the ridge of the dune he’s walking on. The compound, nearly there. “Hold on,” he’s not sure who he’s talking to but it doesn’t matter. She’s made it this far, she’ll make it a few more minutes.
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“Stop right there!” Only one armed guard comes out from behind the gate of the compound. He scoffs, fucking amateurs. He drops her to the ground at his feet with as much care as he can, which isn’t a lot. Slowly, he raises his hands as the guard approaches, the tip of his rifle pressing into the hardened skin of his chest. “State your business.”
Well, someone liked making themself feel important, he was gonna have a field day beating this boy black and blue. For now, he simply smiled at him, unbothered by the gun. “I’ve got a bounty to deliver.”
“Alright, hand it over.” He reached into his pockets and the boy’s trigger finger twitched dangerously. He pulled out the only thing they’d wanted from the body, dog tags, and held them out for the boy to take. He darted forward, trying to snatch them but he yanked them out of the guard’s grip. 
He lunged, wrapping a hand around the barrel of the rifle and yanking it out of the kid’s hands. He tucked the tags back in his pocket and pointed the barrel into the boy’s chest. His face blanched and he held up his shaky hands. “Not so big now, are you?” He kept the gun trained on him and leaned down to scoop her back up. 
She was just cognizant enough to wrap an arm around his shoulder, keeping herself steady. “My friend here needs help. So help me boy, I swear if you fight me, I’ll slaughter everyone in that fucking place and just take what I want.”
He poked the gun into the boy’s chest and he jumped away from him with a frightened little whimper. With a grin, he bullied him into unlocking the gate and leading the both of them inside. 
“Shut the fuck up and get me inside.” It didn’t take long, the kid seemed to be the only guard they had patrolling right now. He led the pair inside the compound and then shoved them inside a room. 
“Here, you can clean her up here.” Before he could say anything the boy was running down the hall and out of sight. He figured they didn’t have long before the rest of the compound was alerted to what was going on. 
He knew enough about the place to know they had a water purifier set up in the back and some odd little ditty they’d created to use water to generate power. Having a radiated ocean behind them was a lot more convenient than Cooper ever would have thought. 
“Alright,” he propped her up on the bed and threw the boy’s rifle to the side. “Wake up, darling,” her eyelashes fluttered but she didn’t move. He used his teeth to pull off one of his gloves and pressed a hand to her clammy head. Still burning up. He cracked his hand across her cheek, chuckling at the way her eyes flew open. 
“Come on,” he hoisted her up and shoved her towards the bathroom in the room. There were holes in the wall, the faucet was really a metal can with holes poked in it, but it was running water. Who was he to complain? He propped her up against the sink and cranked the odd lever in the wall. There was a loud rattling sound before water came pouring out of the rusted can. “Clean yourself up,” he muttered, closing the door behind him.
Barely a minute later he heard a loud crash and the sound of porcelain cracking. He ran back into the bathroom and found her half collapsed against the shower wall. What was left of the decrepit sink was broken on the ground, only the faucet sticking out of the wall. He sighed and looked over at her. 
“I fell,” she muttered, a million little cuts bleeding on her arms. 
He sighed and tugged his hat and gloves off, tossing them onto the bed outside. He came back in, pulling her away from the shower and straightening her up. She clung onto him, broken nails digging dully into his scarred arms. “Come on, sweetheart,” he tugged her shirt up, her arms slipping limply out of it. 
Her wound was practically festered by now, turning a color that he knew meant she didn’t have much time to waste. He undid the button of her pants and knelt down, hands dragging down her legs and pulling her pants with them. She stepped out, hands braced on his shoulders and tripped slightly. He grabbed her thighs, steadying her and stood back up. He wrapped an arm around her waist, stopping her from falling and leading her into the shower. 
She sighed as the tepid water hit her back and he grimaced at the brown water pouring off of her. Maybe he should have let her clean up in that lake. He didn’t do much to help her as she cleaned herself up, mainly just stood there and let her hold onto him so she didn’t hurt herself further. 
He cupped the back of her neck and helped her tilt her head back to clean out the rest of her hair. It was odd, being this close to her. Less because of how stark naked she was, and more because of just how vulnerable she was being. Like a deer rolling over and presenting its neck to a wolf. He could do anything to her, and she just let him hold her like this. 
She leaned forward, clearly tired after moving around so much. Her head fell into his chest and she wrapped her arms around him tighter. She sighed, “I love you, Cooper.”
He flinched, knowing this was just a part of her delirium. Having running water for once was probably just confusing her more, making her think she was right back home. He leaned forward, lips pressed against her forehead and brushing some hair back. “No you don’t, darling.”
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There was a knock on the door and he was quick to draw his gun. The door opened and a middle aged woman flanked by two guards stood smiling at him. She took in the gun in his hand but seemed unbothered by it or the threat he posed. “I hear you two need some help.”
“Mhm,” he glanced at the guards behind her but they didn’t seem particularly interested in reaching for their weapons. The woman took her in from where she lay on the bed, panting and sounding like she was struggling to get her breaths in. “I have a bounty to turn in, figured part of my payment could be you giving us a Stimpak. Then, we’ll be out of your hair.”
She laughed and took a step further into the room. He stood up now, gun pointed towards her slightly. She ignored him and took a peek at the festering wound. “She’ll need a lot more than a Stimpak. We can clean her up, don’t worry.” He didn’t get a chance to argue before the guards were coming in. He stepped out of the way as they grabbed you by the arms and legs, hauling you out of the room. 
He made to follow them but the woman placed a hand on his chest. “Sylvie, I run the compound. The bounty?”
He sighed and fished the dog tags out of his pocket, passing them to her. He glanced out the door, trying to track the path they took you down. “She’ll be fine, trust me.”
He laughed and glanced over at her, “No offense, ma’am,” he says the title with a lack of respect that makes her brows furrow in irritation, “but if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s not to trust anyone. No matter how pretty their promises are.”
She gave him a long look before smiling and motioning back towards the hall. “Follow me and we’ll go find her.”
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They had a decent set up here. Not as nice as the vaults, clearly, but pretty good for surface dwellers. A decent supply of meds and rations, running water. Everything in the building might be run down or covered in mildew, with cracks in the wall, but it was better than the hovels he’d camped out in. 
They’ve got her set up on cot, a bag of Radaway hooked up to her arm and her hair braided away from her face. They had to cut out the stitches he’d sewed and open the wound back up to flush it out. She’d been patched back up and while the skin still looked irritated it seemed to be doing a lot better than before. 
He’d been keeping a close eye on her breathing and she’d finally stopped wheezing on every inhale. He figured another hour here and they could get the fuck out. These people were starting to bother him. Every half hour or so they would come in to check on her, the women would spray some water on her face and mutter something before running back out. 
He seemed to scare them, enjoying the way they would avoid meeting his eyes. But it wasn’t enough to keep them away from her. Their insistence should’ve had alarm bells going off in his head, but he was already preoccupied worrying about her. He didn’t even notice when Slyvie came to stand beside him. 
“She’ll be alright,” she tried to place a hand on his shoulder but the look he shot her had her stopping short. She cleared her throat uncomfortably and tucked her hands back behind her back. He gave her another long look before going back to staring at the girl on the bed. 
“We have a place for her here, if you’re interested.”
He scoffed, “Room for us, huh?” He let himself picture it for a moment. He wouldn’t fucking stay, of course, he couldn’t. There’s no way, after two hundred years of wandering, that he could be locked down to one decaying old building. Showers or no. But he could always come by to visit her, stay a few nights and then leave again. 
That’s assuming she’d even want him to visit. Didn’t matter, he’d come anyway. But, he couldn’t do that anymore. Couldn’t live that life even if it would be temporary. It just wasn’t in him. He stayed stagnant for too long and two hundred years of bloodshed and loss would drive him insane. 
Sylvie shook her head and frowned. “I’m sorry, I should have been more clear. We have room for her, you have to understand, without a steady supply of Radaway we can’t risk having a ghoul here.” She moved towards her and brushed some hair out of her face, “Think about it.” She walked out and he stared blankly at the cot. 
She shifted on the bed, face pained and mumbling something under her breath. Finally, her eyes fluttered open and she frowned. “Coop? What’s,” she trailed off, struggling to sit up and glancing around the room they were in. “What’s going on?”
“Relax, we’re at the compound.”
She rubbed her forehead and glared at him, “Is that supposed to mean something to me?”
He swatted her leg and she recoiled, “No, smartass. Just relax, we’ll be out of here soon.” She nodded and leaned back against the pillows they’d given her. It was odd, finally seeing her clean again. He could see clearly just how tired she looked. It was in her eyes, mainly, a weariness towards the world that left her exhausted. 
He’s surprised she’s even made it this far without giving up. She’d been dealt some shit luck, but he supposed it was better she be exposed to how cruel the world was as quickly as possible. She groaned and her head flopped forward. 
“What’s wrong with you now?” 
“God,” she muttered, turning her face away from him and shaking her head. He huffed and sat up straight, glaring at the side of her face. 
“Talk,” he demanded, not in the mood for games. 
“I meant it,” she sounded pained, like the words had to be forced out. “I mean, I hate that I meant it, but I did.”
He rolled his eyes, “Meant what? You’re gonna have to be a little clearer than that, sweetheart.”
“What I said in the shower. I meant it. I haven’t stopped loving you, despite how much I want to. I don’t want to want you anymore, I don’t want that connection to the past to constantly be shoved down my throat.” She sighed and tugged at the braid they’d given her. “You’re cruel and mean and, fuck’s sake, you’ve shot me twice. But you’re also the only thing I’ve got left, and despite how much I want to, because trust me I do, I can’t let you go.”
He sighed and turned away from her. She was still tired, still a bit woozy from the fever. He could see the sweat on her forehead again and knew that whatever this was, was just drug induced. He couldn’t handle it. He couldn’t handle her wanting him like this again. 
Being around her already made him vulnerable enough. Whatever twisted connection he held to her now, would be nothing compared to letting her love him again. Two hundred years on his own and she thought she could just come barreling back into his life and everything would be lovely again?
No, that’s not how this world worked. Not anymore. 
He stood up and threw his bag over his shoulder. “Get back to sleep, we’ll leave soon.”
She sighed and sank back against the pillows, shivering as she did so. “You’ll be here?”
“Of course I will, sweetheart.” She nodded, eyes already drifting shut, and turned away from him. He let himself admire her, taking in her relaxed features and soft expression. She reminded him so much of before. Before the world went to shit and before he turned into what he is now. 
He could feel parts of him, the ones he’d buried a long time ago, come up around her. Twisted as they were, how he felt about her before still lingered somewhere within him. But he couldn’t afford the risk that they presented if he did let her back in. He wasn’t even sure she could fully handle him if he did. 
She’d nearly died about five times, most of them because of him, and she’d been up here for such a short time. She’d be better off without him. He walked towards the door, the spurs of his boots clicking against the tile of the floor. He found Sylvie lurking a few halls down and whistled, getting her attention. 
Sylvie turned to him with an expectant smile. “You got room?”
She nodded with an eager smile, “We do. And you’d be compensated, of course.” Before he could question what exactly she was paying him for she snapped her fingers and some guards approached. They handed him a bag that he quickly rifled through. Not only was there enough Radaway to last him at least a month, there was purified water and rations that would keep him going until the next bounty. 
She’ll be better off here. 
He tucked the bag away and smiled at Sylvie, “Pleasure doing business with you, ma’am.”
She gave him a lecherous grin, “You as well,” she nodded and the guards escorted him to the gate. He didn’t let himself look back, knowing he’d just want to go get her. At least now he didn’t have to constantly worry about saving her ass. 
He was better off on his own. Always had been, always would be. 
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game/show Fallout, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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whoreish-behaviour · 2 years
The colonel's new look in Avatar 2 is doing something to me 🧎‍♀️
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Part 2 is here
I have no idea wtf this is honestly lol
Send me Avatar requests :))
Na'vi!Colonel Quaritch x Na'vi!Reader?
Warnings >~< = Spoilers kinda?
'Words in italic are Na'vi'
For reference, you're a Na’vi in one of the clans the 'sky people' raided in search of Jake.
You were busy tending to the ilu’s who had just been returned from hunting, their sweet chirps expressing their gratitude as you removed their saddles.
However, it was the piercing scream in the distance that alerted you, your ears flicking in all directions as more shouts erupted.
Dropping the saddle, you jogged away from the clear water, the ilu’s beginning to make their own sounds of distress.
Your jog soon turns into a sprint when you caught sight of what was happening.
It was the sky people, breathing machines strapped to their faces and large guns in their hands. Your eyes then landed on the taller, much larger soldiers.
They were created to look like the people from the forest clan, their strength and speed matching the your own.
It made you sick!
They were all abominations in your eyes, and you would rather die fighting then bow to the likes of them.
Quickly grasping your knife, you ran towards their group, ears back and feet quick.
The closest blue soldier had their back to you, an easy target.
Keeping on the toes of your feet to keep quiet, when you where close enough you leaped of the ground, knife ready - a silent attack.
However apparently not quiet enough as mid-air, you saw their ears twitch, a sign they had indeed heard you.
They expertly evaded out the way, your knife barley grazing their shoulder.
As quick as a bullet, they had the back of your neck grasped in a tight grip. You hissed as the sensitive skin was pinched firmly.
As you reached up to claw at their hand, you felt yourself being turned.
Eventually a man came into view, a deep scowl set on his lips, fangs peeking out under his top lip.
You hissed angrily, ears completely flat at the pain he was causing you.
‘You sneakily little-‘ You cut him off, claws now aiming for his face. He immediately pulled you away from him but didn’t let go.
Now using your legs, you kicked them at him, continuously hissing and fighting back.
Around you, more blue soldiers emerged, the people of your clan in their grips and guns raised until the one holding you barked for them to stand down.
You heard your neighbours and children fight and cry out, no one knowing what was going on.
Feeling trapped by the surrounding enemy, you gave one last kick, landing it straight on his chest.
At the unexpected blow, he dropped you.
The ground was hard as you fell, your tail caught behind you as you landed on it painfully. Letting out a cry, you clutched it to you and leaned up on your hunches.
Your tail throbbed and you whined quietly before you looked up at the devil staring down at you.
He regarded you quietly, eyes hooded and cold as he snarled at you.
'Ill be nice...once..' He spoke, his accent much different to yours as he kneeled down to where you where.
You bared you teeth at his proximity but didn't move to do anything.
'Then I won't.'
You understood him enough, your english not quite good enough to hold a full conversation but you knew enough to hear the threat dripping from his voice.
Reaching behind him, he pulled out a device, a screen sliding out with a picture of a forest Na'vi similar to him. Shoving the screen in your face, your eyes bouced from him to the device.
'Where is Jake Sully?' He attempted to speak Na'vi, his words slow - like a baby speaking for the first time.
You would've laughed in his face had he not had the upper hand in the situation.
'He is part of the forest clan, he doesn't reside here.' You reasoned, hoping he'd believe you and leave. But even you knew that was wishful thinking.
'I’m not stupid woman, he was tracked down to one of these coastal island. Now where. Is. He.' You pieced together his english, but shook your head at his accusation.
'Not here!' You were growing frustrated and scared, as you saw his crew grow more and more aggressive to your family.
He bared his teeth at your resistance and stood back up to his full height, stepping away and turning to the wrangled villagers around you.
'Where is jake?! Speak!' He shouted out and you heard your villagers argue back what you had been telling him.
'Please, have mercy! We do not know!'
He continued to shout until a boy, a human boy, dressed in clan clothes shouted equally as loud at the raving blue soldier.
'This is wrong! They said they don't know already!' The man halted immediately and turned to the boy, walking closer until they where standing directly opposite.
You saw as they argued until eventually the soldier turned away and shouted to his crew.
'He's right, they don't know nothin',' He spat, eyes scanning the crowd until they landed on you.
'Light it up.' He waved his hand nonchalantly before turning and heading back to his ship.
The boy that was at his side now staring with his mouth open as the blue soldiers took their guns, fire exploding out the end and clawing it way up the huts of your village.
You stared in shock at how quickly everything around you quickly became lit with flames.
The cries and screams around you turned distant as your eyes trailed over the destruction, until they landed on the person that caused it all.
Almost immediately the pain spreading throughout your tail stopped as you felt hot blinding white fury raid your bloodstream, body shaking with adrenaline.
Grabbing your forgotten knife, you felt your body move on auto pilot as you got up and sprinted to the ship, hair flying.
You saw the people on the ship become alerted at the Na'vi charging towards them, eyes set on the Colonel making his way up the ramp.
You didn't think as you jumped, landing on his back, left arm wrapping around his neck from behind and the other lifting the knife in the air, ready to plunge into his throat.
However, the one thing you never learned being raised as the clan chief's daughter was how to fight in combat, let alone against a 9’5 trained marine.
He moved quicker than you anticipated, his hand coming up to grip your forearm around his neck and using that to completely flip you over and onto the ground.
You cried out at the landing but moved your knife up to his face.
He dodged the oncoming attack before grabbing the knife from your grip. You hissed at him, his face upside down from your position on the ground.
He chucked the knife away and you took the chance to roll away. Getting back onto your feet, you pulled the smaller dagger from the compartment on your thigh, baring you teeth angrily.
He leaned back up, and chuckled when he saw the knife in your fist.
Hissing again you ran towards him and he layed his hands out in front of him, tail swinging and ready for your attack.
However, just as you grew closer, you slid yourself along the floor, sliding between his legs and ending up behind him.
You plunged the knife into his thigh and he groaned out at the unexpected wound.
Retracting it you stepped away as he turned to you, ears flat and face full of anger.
'That was real fucking sneaky kid.' You ears twitched as he spoke, holding eye contact as you readied yourself for his attack.
'You are an abomination!' You snarled, tail whipping around you threateningly.
You prepared to lunge again until you felt it.
It was a tiny prick! in the side of your leg and you instantly looked down, a tiny clear thing sticking out the side of your leg. You ears perked up as your confusion grew.
As you were reaching to yank it out, you felt yourself being rammed into.
And for the third time that day, you landed and slid along the floor, the body of the blue soldier strapping you down to the ribbed surface below.
The movement caught you off guard as the knife fell from your grip. You hissed and clawed at the monstrosity above you, who only gazed down at you, smirk pulling at his lips.
Gone was his anger, triumph replacing it. It oddly left you on edge as you continued to thrash under him, his legs on either side of your body.
'Look's like you'll be staying with us a little longer.' His fangs flashed as he tried to dominate your unrelenting body, but you refused to give up.
That was until you felt yourself slowly come to a stop against your will. Your punches no longer had any strength behind them as you fell flat to the floor.
You managed one more angry snarl before you felt your eyes droop shut as everything around you slowed and turned black.
It was then in the distance that you heard your parents call out to you, worry dripping from their voices but there was nothing you could do.
Part 2 - Avatar Masterlist here
Kofi <33
P.s Avatar 2 has brought back my size kink, full force >:0
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fickle-tiction · 2 years
Seventeen Minutes
“You can’t ignore me forever, rich boy.”
Punch. Jab. Right hook.
“Something’s bound to get under your skin.”
Jab. Jab. Cross.
“Bruce. Bruce. Bruuuuuce.”
Punch. Jab. Left hook.
Bruce was minding his own business in the corner of the gym, taking his frustrations out practicing on a punching bag, when Arthur decided to mess with him. Apparently something about Bruce focusing on beating the crap out of a punching bag just screamed “see if you can break my concentration” to the King of Atlantis. He’d been trying to get Bruce’s attention for the last six minutes, and Bruce has yet to acknowledge his existence. 
It was time to step it up a notch. 
“Come on, show me that bat-smile.” This last statement was accompanied by a squeeze to Bruce’s sides. 
Jab. Cross. Jab.
“Oh come on!” Arthur continued goosing Bruce’s sides, as Bruce continued to lay into the punching bag unperturbed. “I thought for sure that would work.” He buried his wiggling fingers into Bruce’s armpits for good measure, but Bruce didn’t even pause in his assault on the punching bag. 
“Uh..what’s going on?” Clark was entirely unprepared for the scene that greeted him when he walked into the gym. Arthur was tickling his seemingly oblivious boyfriend, who was paying him no mind as he landed a kick on the punching bag.
“You’re dating a robot.” Arthur didn’t take his eyes off of Bruce’s face, searching for any sign of or reaction as he tickled Bruce from his armpits all the way down to his hips and back up again. Bruce’s movements didn’t falter as he landed another series of punches on the bag. 
Bruce grabbed onto the swinging punching bag to still it, heedless of the rhythmic squeezing at his sides. “Is it 9 already?” He asked Clark as he began unwrapping his hands. He allowed Arthur to pull him against his chest, inwardly amused when the Atlantean bear-hugged him from behind and wiggled his fingers over his stomach.
“Seriously?” Arthur grouched, jamming wiggling fingers into unresponsive armpits. He growled when Bruce merely craned his neck around, a single arrogant eyebrow raised in question. “It’s no fun messing with you if you won’t react.”
“Do you want me to hug you back?”
Clark steals both of their attention away when he barks out a surprised laugh.
“I’ll break you one day.” Arthur vows as he lets Bruce go and resists the urge to shove him and goad him into an actual fight.
“Mmhhmm.” Bruce hums, once again ignoring Arthur as he gathers his water bottle and discarded hand wraps before meeting up with Clark. “Where’s Diana?”
“Upstairs. I wasn’t sure if you were sparing down here, and I’d never be able to pull you two away if she saw you on the mats.”
Bruce let out an amused huff, which was as good as a chuckle from anyone else.
Bruce emerged from the bathroom in a pair of black sweatpants and a matching black t-shirt, toweling the water from his freshly cleaned hair. He stopped in his tracks when Clark and Diana’s conversation abruptly cut off and the two of them just stared at him, twin grins on their faces. Bruce stared back in silence as he finished toweling off. He refused to give them a curious look before he doubled back to the bathroom to drop his towel in the hamper. Alfred would kill him if he left a damp towel on any of the furniture---again.
“What are we watching?” Bruce asked, walking past the couch with the intention of settling into the armchair. He wasn’t surprised, nor putout, when someone caught his hand as he walked by and tugged him down onto the couch. He was only a little peeved that he wound up in the middle, but relationships were all about compromises; or so he’s been told.
“The new John Mulaney special.” Clark said as he brought it up on the screen, nodding his thanks to Diana when she dragged the foot rest closer to the couch so the three of them could use it.
“Stand up?” Bruce asked, lips turning down into their signature frown.
“Yeah, we thought you could stand to lighten up a little.” 
Bruce’s scowl just served to make Clark’s smile brighter. He was saved from responding by Diana yanking his arm up on into air while simultaneously pushing his chest back into the couch. Bruce allowed himself to be maneuvered without complaint, not that he could win in a fight against her anyway, too curious to see what her endgame was. It turned out she wanted cuddle up with her head on his chest, but Bruce had been sitting ramrod straight between the two of them. Now he was reclined back against the couch cushions, legs stretched out on the foot rest, with his left arm draped around Diana’s shoulders.
“Please, make yourself at home.” His actions betrayed his dry words when he gently ran the backs of his knuckles up and down Diana’s bicep.
“Don’t mind if I do.” Clark followed suit before Bruce could protest, grinning cheekily up at him when Bruce huffed through his nose. Once Clark hit play and their attention was back on the screen Bruce allowed the smile that had been trying to break free to make an appearance. 
They were five minutes into the standup special and Clark and Diana were already in hysterics. Bruce still had that soft smile on his face, but it had more to do with the joy radiating off his partners than it did with the man on the tv.
Seven minutes in and a new found of laughter started up again.
Eleven minutes in and Clark buried his face into Bruce’s side as he snorted he laughed so hard.
Fourteen minutes into the special and Diana was rubbing Bruce’s stomach as she laughed at the story being told.
Seventeen minutes into the standup special and Clark and Diana were side eyeing each other from either of side of Bruce’s chest.
“Do you want to watch something else?” Clark asked, pulling his attention away from the screen to look up at his boyfriend.
Bruce had been smiling at the tv until Clark drew his attention away. “Why would I want to watch something else? He’s great.”
Clark’s eyebrows nearly met his hairline. 
“You think so?” Diana asked as she casually rubbed Bruce’s chest.
“I’m watching it, aren’t I?”
“Well, yeah, but you haven’t laughed once.” Clark pointed out.
“Of course I have.”
“You’ve smiled.” Diana conceded. “But you have not laughed.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh.” Clark was clearly trying to sound like this was a thought that just struck him, but Superman was a terrible liar.
Ah, so that’s what they were talking about when he came out of the bathroom. He knew he had a tendency to be stiff and walled off, though not for a lack of trying but more for a lack of experience being open around people he cared about. He didn’t realize his partners had picked up on it, or that it bothered them. “I’m just not very vocal about it.” He said, taking great care to make sure his heartbeat stayed steady and his face remained relaxed. “But I really do think it’s funny.”
“I don’t know why I thought this would work,” Clark was trying very hard to appear innocent, and that set Bruce on edge. That look never meant anything good. That look usually meant that one or both of them were going to mess with him. “he didn’t even crack a smile when Arthur was tickling him in the gym.”
Bruce froze as Diana sat up straight, his arm dropping back down to his side at the sudden movement. “Now there’s an idea.” 
“He just said I didn’t crack a smile.” He was all too aware of Clark’s weight holding his right side down as Diana boxed him in on his left. He could turn his---sensitivity---off, just as he did with Arthur in the gym, but he knew from past experience that he had a harder time controlling this particular vulnerability when it was with someone he trusted.
“That doesn’t mean we can’t try for ourselves.” The look on Diana’s face would have sent him running, if he thought there was any chance it would do him any good.
“Was this the plan all along?” Bruce asked, eyes zeroing in on Clark’s hand that just rested oh-so-casually on his stomach.
“No, we really did think the standup would work.” Clark was now swirling his fingers across the thing material of Bruce’s shirt; Bruce sucked his stomach in as far as it would go, inhaling through his teeth as Clark passed over his hipbone.
“It will.” Bruce tried to recoil from Clark’s fingers that were slowly rippling across his stomach, but then Diana was grabbing his left hand and stretching his arm out along the back of the couch before pinning it in place with her own body. “I’ll start laughing out loud.” He vowed, eyes glued to Diana’s hand as she traced the bulging line of his triceps to wear it disappeared into his sleeve. He did not whimper when she snuck a single finger in to tease at the soft skin hiding under his shirt.
“Oh, we know you will.”
Diana started off in his armpit, drawing stubborn laughter out of him in a matter of seconds. “So you are ticklish?” She asked, dancing nimble fingers into the hollow of his armpit.
“N-no.” Bruce insisted, even as a hapless smile stretched across his face and a few deep belly laughs slipped past his defenses.
“So you don’t mind me doing this?” Clark asked, poking around Bruce’s torso at random. 
“Go right ah-ahead.” Bruce grunted and twitched, biting his lip to stop himself from smiling. Diana’s hand traveled lower, now tweaking his ribs and Bruce let out a “Hngh.” before he managed to clamp his mouth shut, burrowing as far back into the couch as he could, as though that would put any distance between the three of them.
“How about this?” Clark dug into his stomach, and Bruce’s composure went right out the window. He shouted in surprise, before dissolving into laughter, as he tried to curl forward into a ball, but he couldn’t actually lean forward with the two of them pinning him against the back of the couch. 
“Oh, I think he likes that.” Diana laughed, squeezing Bruce’s side and making his entire body jerk at the sensation. When he finally realized he couldn’t budge he changed tactics and brought his legs up to try and knock their hands away, but all that did was give them a new target to attack. 
“Do you like this, B?” Clark was squeezing the muscle above one knee, while Diana managed to get a hand under his thigh to tickle at the expanse of muscle there. Bruce was cackling. It was unclear if his face was red from the exertion, or if he was blushing, or both.
“Fu-hahahaha-ck!” Was all Bruce managed to get out, writhing in place as Diana switched from the back of his thigh to his stomach, to his armpit in the span of a few seconds.
“What about this?” Clark asked, finally leaving Bruce’s knees alone to switch to a new target. Bruce’s eyes snapped shut and frantic giggles started pouring out of him when Clark tickled at the thin skin of his neck. He renewed his efforts to get away, throwing his head side to side to dislodge Clark’s fingers.
“Nononono.” He snickered, squealing when Diana joined in on the other side of his neck. He would be mortified at the sound he just made if he could even begin to think straight. “Stop stop stop plehehehehease!” 
“I don’t think he likes that.” Diana laughed, backing off the moment Bruce pleaded with them to stop. Clark backed off as well, though not without a last squeeze to Bruce’s thigh.
The second he was released from his pinned position Bruce’s hands flew to his neck where they tried to wipe the residual tickly feeling away as the last of his laughter died down. His legs were drawn up close to his body as he calm down, and it was only after he caught his breath that he realized Clark and Diana were both looking at him with soft smiles on their faces. He felt blood rushing back to his cheeks, ears, and neck as he cleared his throat and uncurled from his uncharacteristic display of vulnerability. 
“You didn’t even flinch when Arthur was doing it.” Clark marveled, running a hand through Bruce’s hair to push it off his forehead. He couldn’t help but laugh when Bruce balked and made an aborted movement to protect his neck again.
“Arthur’s not---it’s...different.” Bruce did not jump when Diana’s hand settled on his thigh, and he was not blushing as he tried to explain himself without sounding like a sap. “I can’t control it when I’m around---you guys.” 
“And why is that?” Diana asked, softly squeezing Bruce’s thigh when he elected not to answer her. The muscles under her palm jumped, even as he tried to remain stoic when he looked up at her.
“Oh my God,” Clark gushed, taking pity on Bruce and giving him an out. “You totally have a crush on us.”
That startled a laugh out of Bruce. “Yeah, something like that.”
“I totally have a crush on you both as well.” Diana said serenely, clearly trying to get a laugh out of Bruce as well. It worked.
“Let’s finish the show.” Bruce said, clearly trying to tamp down on his smile. He raised his arms back up so they could both settle in, only feeling slightly awkward as he did so, but that quickly passed when the both eagerly cuddled up to him.
Two minutes later Clark and Diana were laughing at the story being told on tv.
Four minutes in and Bruce’s laughter joined theirs as they started tracing idle patterns on his stomach.
Six minutes in and Bruce’s fingers were scribbling away at any bit of skin he could reach as he threw his head back and laughed.
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spicyspiders · 2 years
youu fucking carry the 001 x male reader shit. can u do smut..of the two IM SO DESPERATE FOR SMUT TY
Lmao thank you. This story is a follow up to this. Hope you enjoy!
Dinner at my place? The text read on your phone, and you smiled softly at the screen.
Should I bring anything? You responded back. You watched as the three dots popped up on the screen to show that Peter was typing. 
“What’re you smiling at?” One of your coworkers asked, making you jump. You placed your phone down on your desk quickly, even putting it face down. You don’t know what it was about all of your coworkers that made them so nosy about your personal life.  
“Nothing! I just got a really good email,” you said, looking at your computer screen that wasn’t even on. 
“Who is it from and what’s it say?” They asked, one brow raised. 
“It says that I’m getting a raise. I actually just got another one that says,” you moved your eyes across the still blank screen, acting like you were reading an intense document, “for you to go back to your desk.” You finished, smiling over at them. 
They barked out a laugh, “does it now?” I’ll have to go tell the others and see if they got raises too!” And with that they walked away, likely to go bother your other coworkers. 
After turning your phone back over, you saw that during the short interaction, Peter had responded: Just a change of clothes. One response said, and underneath a second one said That’s optional though. You smiled again at your phone, this time without your coworker there to ask what it was. 
I’ll make sure to come empty handed then. 
You placed your phone back down again, this time actually turning back on your computer to check emails. You could hear your phone vibrate, the noise making your face light up in a small smile. 
Peter opened his door with a smile, but it quickly fell when he noticed the small overnight bag you had in your hand. 
“What’s that?” He frowned down at it.
“I had to bring some clothes,” you maneuvered your way inside past him, but not before placing a kiss on his cheek. When you were both inside, you could see Peter opening his mouth to protest, “what if I get cold?” You asked before he could say anything.
“That’s my job to keep you warm!” He sounded offended, but you both knew he didn’t take any real offense to it. 
“I also brought a toothbrush,” you placed the bag down on his couch, and Peter was quick to wrap his arms around you when your hands were free. 
“If you want to wear clothes that badly you can just wear some of mine,” the possessive edge to the statement made a shiver go through you that you could barely contain, making Peter smirk. “Plus, I still have the toothbrush you left over here last time,” he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, “I got you something today,” he murmured. 
It was a familiar site that brought back memories of when he recently bought you a new sketchbook and pencils to use in it. You had yet to fill up the new one he just got you recently, so you hoped that was not what was in the bag that sat on his kitchen table. 
Turns out it wasn’t a sketchbook, but a box of condoms with a container of lube to go with it. 
“We don’t have to use it now,” Peter reassured you, “just know that we’ll have it when you’re ready.” Peter pressed his own soft kiss to your cheek before walking into the kitchen to begin dinner. His words made you feel better, but still, you couldn’t help that throughout the night when your eyes would land on the bag, it felt as if your heart would skip a beat. 
A week later, you felt ready. You spent a long time in the shower at Peter’s apartment, the graphite from the art pencils Peter had bought you were a bitch to get off your skin. You knew a part of you was stalling, but the nerves were inevitable. You knew Peter was going to make you feel good, nerves and all.
By the time you got out of the shower, it felt as if the feeling in your stomach was too jumbled with arousal and excitement to even be called nerves. If one thing was clear, it was that you wanted Peter.    
You forced yourself to try and take deep breaths as you opened up one of his bathroom cabinets to pull out a bottle of lotion to soften your skin after your shower. You brushed your teeth afterward, not even bothering to wipe the steam off of the mirror. You stepped out of the bathroom and went up to one of his dressers and fished out an oversized sleep shirt, not caring which was because you probably wouldn’t even have it on for very long. 
The air felt chilly against your bare legs as you opened the door to Peter’s bedroom. There he sat on the couch, the television screen casting a soft glow on his face, “Peter?” You asked, you felt your heart speed up in your chest when he looked over at you. “Come to bed?”
It was quiet when you stepped back into Peter’s bedroom and got on the bed. It only took a few seconds for Peter to trail into the bedroom and shut the door. You watched from the bed as he went into the bathroom, and a few seconds later you could hear the sink running. 
Only the soft glow of a lamp in Peter’s bedroom remained when he left the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Wordlessly, he stripped down to his underwear, what he always left on for bed. He looked at you under a heated gaze, like he read your mind and knew what you were thinking. His lips found yours quickly when he joined you on the bed.
The kisses started out soft, until one of Peter’s hands trailed up your leg and he was met with constant skin-on-skin contact. He pulled back from the kiss, and pushed you onto your back, his eyes followed the path his hands were making as he pushed the shirt you wore across your skin. 
“You’re naked,” Peter said dumbly, stopping when the shirt brushed over your cock and the fabric bunched in an oversized pile on your stomach. 
You laughed softly up at him and pushed him up softly so you could have room to pull the shirt off. And then you were naked. Peter stared down at you, his look of awe made any insecurity that you would have wash away. You wrapped a hand around his neck to pull him down into a kiss that was dirtier, wetter this time when Peter’s tongue pressed into your mouth. 
You both groaned when Peter ground his hips down, the friction of your naked cock against Peter’s clothed one made for an intense rush through you. 
“What do you want?” Peter whispered, his voice sounding husky. 
“Want you inside me,” Peter pressed his lips to yours in a chaste kiss before pulling away to go through his bedside drawer and pull out the unopened condom box and lube he bought. 
You spread your legs as you watched him get out a condom and open the lube. Peter’s fingers shook as he opened the condom and placed it on the bed beside your body. 
“Ready?” Peter whispered as he lubed up his fingers. 
You nodded and then let your head relax against the pillow below it, you startled at the feel of the cold lube against your entrance. 
This was the first time it was someone else’s finger inside you and not your own, it felt long as it pressed inside. “Another?” Peter asked, he sounded breathless. 
You nodded, and soon, a second finger joined the first. The larger width of his two fingers produced a slight burn, but that was soon replaced with intense pleasure as Peter crooked his fingers up and grazed your prostate. 
“More,” you moaned, and Peter was quick to press in another finger. The squelch of lube rang loud in your ears as Peter began to fuck you on his fingers. “Peter,” you whined. Your cock lay against your stomach, hard and neglected, but you were excited for was what to come along with the inevitable release. 
You let out a soft whimper when he pulled his fingers from you. Peter pulled his underwear off, his hard cock bobbed in the air when free from the confines. You watched with hooded, lustful eyes as he rolled the condom down his long, thick cock. 
Your legs wrapped around Peter’s slim hips as he lined his lubed-up cock to your hole. It felt like an eternity had passed when Peter pressed in until he bottomed out. It burned, but the ache of it drove you crazy, like the words Peter whispered hotly in your ear. 
“Such a good boy taking it for me,” Peter groaned as his words made you clench around his cock. You turned your neck to press your lips to his in a messy kiss. You were surrounded by him with him not just being inside of you, but boxing you in as he held himself up on both arms above you. 
“Fuck me,” you whispered into his mouth when the kiss ended. 
Peter pulled out and pressed back in, it only took a few thrusts for his rhythm to pick up. His rhythm was steady as he fuck in and out, his cock pressing into your prostate on each thrust inside. The slap of skin-on-skin was loud, but both of your moans were louder. 
You felt filthy with each press of Peter’s cock inside of you. Your combined body heat made a sheen of sweat break out on both of your bodies, and the feel of Peter’s hot, sweaty skin against your hard aching cock made you throw your head back into the pillow. Peter was quick to follow, licking a wet stripe up the column of your neck. He let one arm fall, putting his weight onto his elbow, and used the other hand to turn your neck into a kiss. When your tongues met, you could slightly taste the salt of your skin on his tongue. It was from that that your orgasm hit you, the force of it sneaking up on you as you came between your bodies with a drawn-out moan, and in a few sloppy thrusts, Peter joined you with a loud moan. 
Peter let his full weight fall on top of you in exhaustion. “Ow,” you groaned out, and you could feel Peter’s chuckle on top of you. As his cock softened inside you, you wrapped your arms around him, running one hand down his heated, sweaty skin, and the other ran through his hair. 
“Shower?” Peter slurred out, his voice full of drowsiness. 
“Sleep first,” you whispered into his ear. 
Peter hummed in contentment, he shifted causing his soft cock to slip out, but quickly tangled your legs together. His heavy, warm, weight was like a blanket, and it soon lulled you to sleep.
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knotholegazette · 2 years
north american mammals
Dr. Wachowski teaches her boys a little bit about their earth counterparts
one of my hundreds of millions of unfinished fics
At 9 PM, things in the Wachowski household are winding down. 
Dinner has been had, a movie has been watched, and it being a weekend, everyone is allowed to stay up a little bit longer. Maddie sits on the couch with Ozzie draped over her legs, watching short videos on her phone while she relaxes with a ginger ale. In the kitchen, Tom is on the phone with someone at the Sheriff’s office; a work conversation, but a relaxed one. Upstairs, Knuckles is cleaning up while Sonic reads comic dialogue to him. 
Outside, Tails is alone in the shed, doing work on some new invention. At least, he’s supposed to be. The Wachowskis assume his loud, terrified shriek isn’t part of the project. 
First on the scene, of course, is Sonic, who went through the attic window and down the roof as soon as the sound reached his sensitive ears. Knuckles is a close second, making loud thumps on the roof as he jumps through the window and down into the yard. When the humans of the family open the back door, Ozzie runs out barking, chasing a small dark shadow into the woods surrounding their home.
“Buddy!” Sonic says as he kicks the shed door open from where it was only slightly cracked. “Are you--”
Knuckles pushes brusquely past him. “Fox! Have you been harmed?” 
Tails has both feet on the work table, his back pressed against the closed windows. He looks truly freaked out, but unharmed, at least. “I-I’m okay,” he shivers, wrapping himself with his tails as Sonic hops up onto the table next to him. “I just…”
“Tails, honey!” Maddie gasps as she enters the shed, quickly walking to her sons and picking up her youngest in a tight hug. “What happened?”
“Everything okay?” Tom chimes in, though he seems more concerned with where his dog has run off to, now that he sees the rest of the family is here. Ozzie was clearly chasing something, and once he pushed it to the perimeter, he made his way back, bounding into Tom’s leg. 
“I just…saw something really freaky!” Tails says, wrapping his arms around Maddie’s neck as she holds him. “It was…quadrupedal, like Ozzie, but it was smaller, and…it kind of looked like me.” His triangle ears swivel back and press into his head, lip ever so slightly quivering. 
Maddie and Tom exchange glances, and Maddie takes a deep breath, gently bouncing Tails in her arms. “Well, honey, it was probably just a fox.” Sensing Tails is about to object, she adds, “An Earth fox.”
Everyone in the shed is quiet. Sonic looks between his parents inquisitively, slowly folding his arms over his chest. “So, what, there’s some huge difference in the Earth versions of us? Is that why Tom didn’t recognize me as a hedgehog, which I obviously am?”
Maddie smiles, biting the inside of her cheek. “Well, I guess now is as good a time as any…how about we all go inside, have some ice cream, and talk about this?”
Tom and Ozzie are already heading inside. Knuckles nods thoughtfully, turning to follow his father back into the house. Sonic and Tails go with Maddie, Tails still clutching tightly to his mother’s shoulders. He murmurs into her skin a question about the wild fox trying to bite him, to which he gets whispered reassurance that it wouldn’t, and if it did, he’d be okay, because they’d all take care of him.
Once inside, Tom is portioning out scoops of everyone’s preferred flavors. Maddie positions the boys on the couch as Knuckles brings over everyone’s bowls. As they get comfortable, Maddie gets her laptop from her bedroom and connects it to the TV, the screen turning on to her desktop. Her background is Tom holding a newborn puppy in the lobby of the vet clinic she works at.
“Awww,” Sonic coos, looking back at Tom, who rolls his eyes and looks away. “How romaaaantic. Real Dad material right there. You guys should think about adopting!” Tom reaches down from the back of the couch to tug on his son’s ear. While they banter, Maddie pulls up a picture of a wild fox.
“That’s what I saw!” Tails squeaks through a mouth full of mint chocolate chip. Knuckles and Sonic finally pay attention to the screen. 
Sonic whistles, his eyebrows raising. “Wow, it really does look like a mix between you and Ozzie.”
“Yes,” rumbles Knuckles thoughtfully, “but smaller…and less trustworthy.”
“The common red fox, vulpes vulpes,” Maddie starts, standing by the screen and gesturing to the picture. She feels just like she’s giving a presentation in college again, except then, the auditorium was full of quiet and polite college students, not rowdy and easily-distracted children. “Is an omnivorous mammal found all over Earth. In addition to the red fox, there are gray foxes and arctic foxes, each type sporting a different coat pattern.”
The screen changes and shows a picture of a fox mid-leap, about to crash head-first into the snowy ground. “Foxes are omnivores, but they most often eat meat,” she explains, tucking her hand under her arm. “They’re adept hunters and usually try to catch small animals like birds, rodents, and reptiles.”
“Uh, rodents?” Sonic clears his throat, sitting up on the couch. “That’s what Robotnik calls me.”
“It’s a common misconception that hedgehogs, here on Earth, are part of the rodent family. Actual members of the rodent family include rats, mice, and squirrels. He calls you that to insult you, honey. It’s not scientifically accurate.”
“And he calls himself a super-genius.” Sonic scoffs. Behind him, Tom laughs, and even Knuckles cracks a smile.
“To be fair to Sonic, though…” Tom trails off, and Maddie shoots him a dirty look, knowing he’s leaving her to expand on his point and the unfortunate truth of the boys’ Earth counterparts relationship.
Maddie sighs. “Yes. To be fair to Sonic, if a wild fox met a wild hedgehog, and could somehow get through the hedgehog’s spiny defenses, it would eat it.”
“What?!” Tails shouts, hugging himself in his tails again. Sonic is looking at him with clearly exaggerated horror in his face, but Tails thinks it’s genuine, and only looks more upset. “I- Sonic, I would nev- I would never!!!” he blubbers. 
“Eating your own brother…just because we’re different species!” Sonic moans, putting the back of his hand against his forehead as he pretends to faint. 
Tails clambers onto his lap, grabbing his shoulders and squeaking in his face. “I just said I would never eat you!! Sonic!!!”
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
Daddy Issues
Nobody does it like you do. I know how much it matters to you. I know that you got daddy issues
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Pairing: Grayson Dolan x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, fingering (female receiving), oral (male receiving), Daddy Kink, passionate sex
Word Count: 2361
Author’s Notes: My GRAYstans unite! I have unlocked a new passion for Daddy!Grayson. Also, my headers either feature the reader image as Malia Tate from Teen Wolf or Jane Villanueva from Jane the Virgin.
“Are you SURE you want to make Sledge’s doghouse from scratch?” You asked, following your boyfriend, THE Grayson Dolan, into the backyard. Grayson and you had just adopted a puppy that he was FINALLY not allergic to, and he had become quite obsessed with wanting the absolute best for your new pup
“Babe, do you REALLY want our son to have some basic and boring dog house for the backyard, or wouldn’t it be more fitting for him to have a MANSION like the king he is?” Grayson suggests, wagging his thick eyebrows at you.
You gently shove his side, rolling your eyes at his response. “Fine, Sledge and I will just MONITOR your progress by the pool.” You call back to the pup, watching him gallop towards you both, wagging his tail. Grayson moves towards the garage to bring all of the wood and materials needed for the project onto the grassy area next to the pool, arranging the pieces by length.
Sledge lays down in the grass next to your lounge chair as you sit down, tightening your lavender string bikini bottoms on your hips. Today was GORGEOUS, the sun shining and the heat not sweltering, allowing for the perfect day to tan while you watched Grayson work.
You decided to start by tanning your back, lying with your face propped on a towel in the foldout chair. Your hands hold your phone out, scrolling through Instagram as you soaked in the summer rays.
Grayson started his plans by sawing the boards to the perfect length, pulling a pair of safety goggles over the top of his tousled long locks. You eye him carefully from where you lay, watching as he handled the saw with ease, cutting the board to its perfect size before continuing on to the next piece. Your eyes linger on the curve of his back muscles squeezing through the black tank top that clung to his figure.
Sledge barked, pulling you from your daze, demanding attention beside you. You place the phone by your side, smiling down as you sit up slightly to provide your furbaby with the attention he craved. “Are you watching Daddy work? Well, so is MOMMY.” You coo, running your fingers through his soft fur.
A half hour goes by, Grayson diligently putting together the pieces of wood, sweat dripping from his hair down through his beard. You decide it’s a good time for a hydration break, Sledge following you back inside the kitchen where you grab two bottles of water along with a dish to pour some out for your pooch.
“Gray, how about you take a quick break?” You chirped, approaching him as he leaned over and inspected his work. You hand him one of the water bottles, opening the other and pouring half into the dog dish you set beside your feet, Sledge lapping happily at the bowl.
“How’s it looking so far, boss?” Grayson teased, standing back to let you inspect his work. You tilt your head from side to side, putting your fingers out as a ‘frame’, closing one eye and then the other. Grayson let out a laugh as he watched you pretend to inspect like a ‘real’ boss, a huge grin spreading on his face.
“I’d say it looks sturdy so far, keep up the good work, EMPLOYEE.” You place a kiss to his cheek, sauntering back over to your lounge chair, sitting down to let the rays tan the front of your body.
After a few minutes of lapping at the water bowl Sledge moves back over to you, rolling happily in the grass. Grayson feels sweat drenching his black tank top, a mixture of the heat of the sun and the work he was putting into his project. He grabs the hemline and tugs it off, tossing the sweaty material in the grass next to him.
You can’t help but stop and OGLE at him when he removes it, a sinful image playing out in your mind. Your eyes roam over his sculpted chest, remembering how it felt when you ran your hands up and down his abdomen. Your eyes move up to look at his hair, long locks sticking to his forehead as he continues his work on the dog house. Lastly, your eyes fixated on his hands, watching the veins protruding as he hammered nails into the wood, forming the outside walls of what would be Sledge’s humble abode. Grayson looked DELICIOUS, and you couldn’t help the way your stomach flip-flopped at the sight, his cerulean swim trunks clinging to his hips.
“Hey G-Gray, I’m gonna go inside, watch Sledge for me, please?” He nodded, eyes fixated on the task at hand. You took one last glance in his direction, taking a mental picture before pulling open the screen door and heading directly towards your shared bedroom. 
You needed relief after watching him work, he wasn’t even TRYING to seduce you and yet you still felt dampness between your thighs. You opened the bedroom door and shut it behind you. Your body stumbled forward, flopping back against the bed, shimmying out of your bikini bottoms, tossing them to the floor.
Your eyes fluttered closed, REWINDING the image of Grayson working outside in your head, the back of your lids acting as a screen for the projected image. Your delicate fingers slid down your chest to your core, circling around your bundle of nerves and letting out a soft moan. You pictured the way he tossed his shirt off, how the sweat GLISTENED on his skin, that perfect beard you refused to let him shave.
Fingers move lower, parting your folds and moving in and out of your core, arching your back against the bed. You continued pumping your fingers in and out, feeling that familiar buildup in your chest when you heard the bedroom door open, Grayson taking in the sight of you.
“What are you doing, babygirl?” He asked, arms crossing against his bare chest. Your eyes snap open, sitting up straight and pulling the blanket over you. As if he HADN’T seen what you were doing just moments ago.
“N-Nothing, I think I am just exhausted from the sun. I figured I needed to lay down and rest a bit.” You stuttered, a hand moving from below the blanket to scratch nervously through your locks.
Grayson’s eyes grew dark as he approached you on the bed, standing just at the edge of it and holding your gaze. “Babygirl, don’t LIE to me, you know I don’t like it when you lie.” He tilts his head, raising an eyebrow at you, eyes still locked on yours. “Were you TOUCHING yourself?” He asked.
Your cheeks start to feel hot, a rosy blush spreading across them. “Y-Yes, I was. You just looked so good outside and I didn’t want to bother you while you were working so I came in here and-” Grayson holds out his hand, silencing you before you can finish your sentence.
“You’re forgetting the rules, babygirl, REMIND me what they are.” He questioned, his voice lowering an octave. Your bottom lip quivers, your heart pounding loudly in your chest. “N-No touching myself, only DADDY gets to touch me.” You whispered, your gaze darting to the bed to avoid his stare.
“Look at ME.” He demanded, his tone making your eyes snap up immediately. “Yes, only daddy gets to touch you, and what happens when we disobey, babygirl?” You swallow the lump in your throat, eyes going wide. 
“Y-You, you get PUNISHED.”
“Exactly.” He responds, two fingers beckoning you towards the edge of the bed. “Turn around, ass up.” You follow his instructions, crawling to the edge of the bed and turning around. Grayson’s fingers grab your neck, pushing your head down against the mattress. “You’re going to count to ten for me, if you stop counting we’ll start all OVER.”
The first smack across your ass made your pussy tighten, wincing slightly at the burn of his thick hand against your skin. “O-One.” You sputtered. 
“Good girl, keep counting.” He commands, sending another smack to your flesh.
“T-Two...three...four...five.” Tears are welling up in your eyes, a mix of both pleasure and pain through each strike to your tanned skin. You don’t want to falter though, you know it’ll be MUCH worse if you add more slaps to the count.
“S-six...seven...eight...nine...ten.” Tears are now flowing down your face, staining your cheeks in the light coat of mascara you had applied that morning. Grayson moves the pressure off your neck, letting out a deep breath.
“What a good GIRL, see, I knew you could be good for me.” He flexes his hand in a fist and then stretches it out over and over, relaxing the muscles as the sting starts to dissipate. “I think it’s time that I get a THANK YOU.” You know EXACTLY what he’s asking, turning around to face him, eyes level with the thick bulge in his shorts.
“Yes daddy.” Your fingers tug down the shorts, his thick cock springing free against his chest. You lick your lips before reaching up, taking his cock into your hand and SLOWLY stroking it. Your mouth parts, lips curling around the tip, sucking and licking before moving them lower and lower down the base.
His fingers move to grip your hair, a groan of delight leaving his lips. “That’s it baby, open your mouth, let me fuck that perfect mouth of yours.” You do as you’re told, relaxing your jaw and letting him slide further. Not only was he thick, but LONG, tears welling up as he pushed all the way in, your nose touching the skin right below his belly button. He uses your hair as his reins, bucking his hips in and out, a mixture of your spit DRIPPING from the sides of your lips down your chin and neck. Grayson keeps his eyes on you, watching you sputter around him, his teeth grinding together. 
“Fuck, so beautiful.” He pulls out abruptly, a string of saliva linking your mouth to his cock, and you feel utterly EMPTY. Grayson tilts your head up with his hand, ushering you to get up. “That’s enough, don’t want to cum in your mouth today, want to cum inside you.”
His hands push you back against the bed, untying the bikini top you still wore, revealing your bare breasts to him. His hand moves to grip his cock, rubbing the red and swollen tip against your folds, a dark smile on his face. “You are already SO wet, babygirl. Do you want me to fuck you?” You nod up at him but you know that’s not what he wants, he wants you to use your WORDS.
“Yes, Gray...I mean, daddy. Please fuck me, want to feel you cum inside me.” The words are satisfaction, the code that unlocks his motions as he pushes inside of you, working in slowly as your walls INSTINCTIVELY tighten around him, pulling him deeper. After a moment he bottoms out, holding himself there, looking down at you.
“So fucking tight, babygirl. Your cunt was MADE for me.” He moves his hips, pulling out almost completely before slamming himself back in, eliciting a whine from your throat. He continues at the same pace, pulling almost completely out and pushing back in fast, your voice becoming louder which each thrust.
“Gotta keep it down, you know Ethan is still sleeping. Wouldn’t want to wake him up. Or maybe you do, huh?” He asked, two of his fingers snaking between your breasts down to your clit, circling it. “Want Ethan to know that you’re a SLUT for my cock? How your daddy is the only one that can please you?”
You moan loudly, your voice hoarse from the way he fucked your throat earlier. “Yes daddy, I want EVERYONE to know I’m yours.” His hips slap into you over and over, fingers circling your clit with more pressure now. He can tell you’re close to coming, your walls clenching and unclenching him, your thighs shaking as his own hold you apart.
“Uh-uh, gotta ASK if you can cum babygirl, you know better.” Grayson’s free hand moves to your neck, wrapping around it JUST enough that your breathing gets harder, but not enough that you might pass out.
“Fuck, PLEASE daddy, want to cum on your cock, want to show you how good I can be.” You choked out, picturing the way his hands had moved around the wood and saw earlier that were now around your throat.
Grayson is pleased by your words, eyes focusing on your face and his fingers rubbing against you faster. “Yes, babygirl, CUM on my cock.” He can barely finish his sentence before your orgasm hits you, crying out loudly, tears flowing from your eyes with pleasure. He continues his movements, feeling your walls tightening around him and knowing he can’t hold on anymore. “Gonna cum, baby, gonna coat your walls with me, want you LEAKING my cum.” A groan of satisfaction leaves his lips, his cock pressed deep inside you as he spurts thick ropes of cum into you. Your eyes roll back into your head, closing them as you continue coming down from your high, his hand moving off of your neck so you can fully breathe. His hips stutter briefly, letting you milk his cock before he pulls out, noticing your dazed state.
“Hey...come back to me baby.” He whispered, moving to lay down next to you, placing gentle kisses all over your face. Your eyes FINALLY flutter open, a lazy smile on your lips. “Sorry about that, you really did just look so good I couldn’t help myself.” Grayson let out a deep chuckle, tugging you into his side, his fingers roaming up and down your back.
“Don’t apologize baby, next time just tell me and I’ll stop to USE you how you need to be used.” He glances at the door, hearing a whine from Sledge, pulling him back to reality. “Our SON wants you.”
You shake your head, looking up at him. “Nope, YOU can deal with him now, you fucked all of the energy out of me.”
Tagging my GRAYstans: @midnightf​ | @certainaesthetic​
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jomamaofficial · 3 years
You should have said something: Finale (Bakugou x fem!Reader)
A/N: HELLO BESTIES, IT'S YOUR *lmao I just realised I wrote sentimental here instead of CRUSTY here* CRUSTY TOE HERE. Now please, for the love of whoever's up there, PLEASE READ THE TRIGGER WARNINGS. I'm not going to dawdle along because this was the finale you all were waiting for, so enjoy. Social Media & LinkTree & Discord Server TW: Very gruesome descriptions of: Death, Burning, Heavy cursing, Blood, Abuse. Masterlist Taglist: @spicy-therapist-mom @speedmetalqueen @silentw-lkr @loki-an-idiot @clickbait-official @captainchrisstan @kamalymaly @idk-sam @runrabbitrun3 @power-house-fan12 @mrslawliet @memeingcheetah27 @lonleyweeb77 @midnight-storm Word Count: 1743
Sirens flooded the scene, police cars blinding passerbys. Ambulances rushed to the location, paramedics pushing their way through the crowd of people, the heat travelling the smell of iron across the streets of Musutafu. Firefighters reached the estate, dragging people away from the hazard, eyes gawking at the uproar of fire. The house was engulfed in flames, crying voices piercing through the ears of those who looked on. Ashes here and ashes there, belongings erupting into soot and red embers.
A body was heaved onto the stretcher, blood staining the white cotton.
“The heart rate is lowering, I repeat the heart rate is lowering.”
The static noise from the walkie talkie was merely another addition to the tumultuous screams and orders.
Wind ran through his hair, panic stricken over the nurse's face who ran as fast as her environment could let her, the heavy but precious, bleeding body straining her arms and staining her hands.
The door was held open, commands being barked at her.
The reporters bombarded her, obstructing the nurse’s view. She shoved past them; her heart hammered in her chest inspecting the monitor, her movements speeding up as she reached her destination. The body was rushed into the ambulance, attached to pipes and machines.
It was the last thing the public saw before the door was shut and the sirens fled away.
Trending headlines and hashtags spread like wildfire.
Masaru switched on the TV, his wife finishing up her dinner in the other room.
“I am now live at the Bakugou-L/N estate. Word from our information team has come out and the fire has been going on for twenty minutes, however these twenty minutes were enough for Prohero Ground Zero to be sent to the emergency room after a local found him covered in burn marks and injuries inside his already smoking house. Prohero Y/HN is nowhere to be found and all forms of contacts have been shut off. I am now handing over to Tanaka-san who is live at the-”
Switched off. Masaru sat there glued to his seat with his fingers pressing on the power button.
Hope came crashing down and you could only stare at the broken screen of your phone, tiny glass particles spewed on the floor.
Your skin was boiling up but your blood ran cold. Your throat dried up but your tears were wet. You couldn’t feel anything but his nails, digging in through the layers of clothing you comforted yourself in.
If you could go back in time, you would have. If you could stop yourself from dialing Izuku’s number, you would have. Anything, anything would have been better than this.
Silence. And you still had the urge to cover your ears. There was nothing to look at apart from your only form of communication. Everything else was black. And the traitorous phone that gave you away was dissipating as well. It faded away from your sight, leaving you a wide smile on your face. Too wide. Stretching from one cheek to the other, your lips were quivering, forcing it to stop. But it didn’t stop. It was getting wider and wider and it was hurting but could you stop it? No.
You couldn’t stop anything. Not this marriage, not this moment, not your own body.
He pulled on your hair and you couldn’t even stop the pain. He crushed your face between his hands, searing pressure building up in your skull and you still couldn’t stop him. He shouted and he screamed and it was slowly seeping into your skull how loud he really was. Nothing would stop. You couldn’t stop it.
You were useless. Your shrieks were useless because he drowned them out with his own voice.
His words were barely comprehensible. You could either focus on the warm blood trickling down your hairline, or him.
But that took energy. And right now, trying to stay alive was sucking all of the energy out of you.
Rule number three spiked your interest. Not because you remembered what it was. It only drew your attention to him amidst all the repeated curses and the names and the agony, ‘rule number three’ was something new.
Why would you understand rule number three though, you couldn’t even understand why you were smiling, giggling underneath your breath.
“And out of all the people you could have gone to”, he sucked in a breath, squeezing your cheeks. He could feel your clenched teeth fighting against the strength of his hold.
“You fucking went to that useless cunt Deku”, Bakugou spat out, a crazed glint in his eyes as he felt your face shake and crumble under his grip.
“Where is he now huh?” he scoffed, a breathy laugh escaping from the depths of his body.
“WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT PATHETIC BITCH NOW?” Screaming once again, he activated his quirk, missing you by a hair. The flames mocked you, free to move, free to grow.
“Is he gonna come and get you now? See your precious ‘Izu-kun’ anywhere?” he derided, smiling at the blackened area his palms left on your shoulders.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’M SORRY.”
Your tears said it enough, tears that were mixed in with the sweat and blood that dripped from your forehead. All you wanted was someone, someone who would hold you and stroke your head and clean you up. Someone who would take him away from you and let you live in a fantasy where you weren’t wrong anymore.
You apologized in the false anticipation that he would stop, and caress your face and pepper it in small kisses. You apologized in the false anticipation of thinking that’s what he needed all along. Just an apology.
So when he pushed you off of the sofa, your knees igniting in irritantance and bruises, you could only look at him. And when he crouched down in front of you, tilting your chin upwards, your heart almost fluttered at the thought that he would pull you into a kiss. A warm kiss where you would feel at home and feel loved.
The sad part was that you knew that you would forgive him if he kissed you once.
But the worst part was that you knew this would never happen. And it didn’t. But you were happy to live in your delusion. Because your delusion masked the sheer force at which he defiled your body.
The lethal blaze mirrored the lethal blaze that ignited his eyes. And this was the last time you’d ever see such hate, and animosity in them.
With your hands shielding you too late, all you saw was a blinding light shining through you, filling every crevice in your body with a scorching glow. But then it was extinguished by the darkness.
Alarms were going off in your head, telling you to breathe quickly and panic and scream and reach out and find something to see. And you did. And it entertained him.
So small and so vulnerable, scrambling around beneath him to try and escape. But he had you under his grip. And he wasn’t going to let you go until you remained lifeless under him.
Smoke infiltrated your lungs, forcing you to flail and writhe on all fours. You were heaving, trying oh so very hard to breathe in the oxygen that limitlessly surrounded you.
But you were useless. And you couldn’t breathe to save your life.
Coughing and slobbering, kneeling in front of him, you begged.
“Please, forgive me.”
“Please, I’m sorry.”
“Please, I didn’t mean to.”
The fumes were stabbing at your throat, filling your head with fog.
And your world was running slowly. The noise was slowed, darker and deeper, slurred beyond understanding. The agony was slow; equally as painful, but slow. It gave you little breaks in between to piece everything together, bit by bit.
Growing up, your world was black and white: heroes were benevolent, there to serve the society and protect them whereas villains were malevolent, there to wreck the balance of society and harm them as they pleased.
Growing up, the first people you relied on were heroes. Even as the Number 3 Hero, Y/HN, you relied on your colleagues who worked day and night to ensure the safety of the country you served.
Maybe that was your downfall. Blindly trusting heroes as if they were some sort of untouchable deities who could never harm. Because here you were, taking the last few breaths with your world spinning around you and being snatched away from you.
And it wasn’t at the hands of a villain that you were dying. It was at the hands of your so-called superior, the Number 2 Hero: Ground Zero.
Ground Zero; the hero who everyone respected but feared. His snarl, his anger, his drive. The very hero who was found in every treacherous battlefield. He was the same hero who took on anything he found that threatened the life of the citizens he made his duty to protect from harm's way.
But who would take him on when he caused harm to you?
No one.
It wasn’t the smoke, or the burns, or the bleeding that caused you to take your last breath. It was the realization that no one would save you.
The pulse under Katsuki’s fingers diminished until it was nothing. And he cried. Veins standing out in livid ridges, his eyes seared in rage as they watered and dripped down his face, cooling his body in the circle of fire he put himself in.
If he wasn’t trained to suck his guilt up every time his hands were responsible for someone’s downfall, he would have been consumed in his own self loath…
But what was the point of feeling guilty when you deserved it?
It was because of you Eijiro broke up with him. And he internally promised himself he would always stand by this.
Blinking away his tears, he channeled all the remaining energy he had, letting his anger flow through out of his body.
His wrists were giving in but he swore it was the final time. Just one more blow. One more big blow.
Silencing his cries underneath the deafening roar of his explosions, he clenched his jaw, pressuring his body on and on.
No one would find you now. No one would know.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Guilty As Charged
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Guilty As Charged: Bucky Barnes One Shot
Summary: Defence Attorney James ‘Bucky’ Barnes is the absolute bane of your life…
Pairing: Lawyer AU Bucky Barnes x Reader (Frenemies!)
Warnings: Bad language words.
Word Count- Under 2k
A/N:  This was originally posted on my old blog ages ago, but I’ve just given it a little polish and thought, seeing as I’m on the Bucky Train at the moment, I’d bring it back. Also, my knowledge on US Criminal Law is sketchy at best, so humour me…
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this bar reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Bucky Barnes Masterlist // Main Masterlist
In God We Trust, the words set about the Judge’s podium were fixed in your vision, motes of dust moving freely in the rays of sunlight which were streaming through the large, ornate windows of the court room and you took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, concentrating on expelling the nerves you were feeling with the air that left your mouth and lungs.
No matter how many times you were in this position, the reading of the verdict still got to you. Your gaze turned to the jury, as the judge did the same, that all important question ringing across the room, the air stiflingly tense.
“On the charge of murder in the first degree, do you find the defendant or not guilty"
“Not guilty.”
Cheers from the defendants family drowned out your loud groan as you rubbed at your temple. Looking over at your colleague, Sam, you shook your head in utter disbelief.
The judge continued through the remaining charges, second-degree murder and voluntary manslaughter, and your despair grew as the same verdict was returned for each.
You’d lost. And it stung, not merely because of your near perfect conviction rate, but for the family of the victim you were one-hundred percent convinced the accused.
"Y/N this wasn't your fault.” Sam stated in a low voice but you simply sighed again and shrugged.
"I was sure they'd see through his lies,” you glanced over to your right where the defence team, headed up by James Buchanan Barnes of Barnes and Rogers Law firm were shaking hand with each other and their defendant. Barnes' face was arranged in the usual smug look that you always had the urge to slap right off it. His partner, Steve, glanced over at you and gave you a genuine, sympathetic smile.
He’s always the most courteous out of the two, the one you actually didn’t mind dealing with when it came to cases.
"He fucking did it Y/N," Sam's voice was almost a growl, "I know he did."
"Well in the eyes of the law he didn’t." You stated, standing up.
The commotion continued behind you, as the defendant was told he was free to go. Making sure to keep your head down, you hastily shuffled your papers back into their respective files and packed your briefcase up. Picking up your jacket, you shrugged it on, smoothing down pencil skirt before you head to leave the courtroom before Barnes can pipe up with his usual smart ass quips. But you're not quite fast enough. "Commiserations Miss Y/LN, can't win em all." The familiar Brooklyn drawl hit your ears.
"Buck," Steve sighed "c'mon pal..."
You grit your teeth. You know you shouldn't rise to it, but you just can’t help it. The man is an utter jack ass in the courtroom. Spinning to face him, you shot him your best contemptuous glare, the one you always reserve for those people you really cannot stand, and looked at him like he was something you'd just trodden in.
"You know Barnes, there is such a thing as being gracious in victory as well as defeat." "Defeat?” He asked, looking at Steve with a puzzled expression on his face, “no, not sure what that is." "Eat shit.” You mumbled before turning to Sam who was stood behind you, watching the exchange. You nod to him and the two of you continued up the aisle towards the exit. The victim's family were congregated outside and all at once the start barraging you with questions.
"How did that happen?"
"You said it was a cert he would go down!”
"What about a private prosecution?”
You sighed and turn to look at them, you were exhausted. "I'm sorry.” You shook your head. “That new evidence that his attorney submitted, it was just threw too much of a doubt into the juries mind..." you held your hand up to gently silence them. “If you're serious about a private prosecution then I can meet you next week to discuss and put you in touch with a few people but I’m sorry, as far as the State’s involvement goes…I can’t do anymore."
Escaping as quickly as you could, you and Sam headed back to your office. After a short meeting with your boss, the District Attorney, who was as pissed as you were that the prosecution had failed, you emerged feeling twice as tired and battered as you had when you’d left the courtroom.
As Sam stated, there was only one thing left you could do. Drink alcohol. A lot of alcohol.
It was a short walk to your preferred bar, having decided to abandon your car and collect it in the morning. You were going to get drunk. Really drunk. "Hey Y/N, hey Sam." Clint, the bar tender greeted you. “I hear it wasn't a great day.” You looked up and saw he was pointing to the TV behind the bar. It was on a news channel, focussing on a report from earlier that afternoon which wasn’t surprising. The case had thrown up huge public interest ever since the body of the teenage girl has been found in the alleyway in Queens. The defendant confessed but somehow, the new evidence submitted was an alleged recording that the defence had gotten their hands on as proof the confession was taken under duress. If you were being totally honest, you had to admit that it didn't sound great, the officer did seem to be leaning heavily on the defendant, but the other evidence was, no, IS overwhelming.
But all it needed was that little seed of doubt, which the defence sowed expertly, and the jury couldn't convict. And now, thanks to Barnes and Rogers, specifically Barnes, in your mind a dangerous killer was walking free. As you stared at the television, you saw Barnes on the screen with the defendant, all smiles and Steve at his side. Barnes greeted the press with a raised hand. "Clint turn it over man." Sam almost pleaded and Clint shot you both a sympathetic look, before he pointed the remote at and flicked the report over to a mundane, late afternoon game show. You ordered 2 beers, and then settled at the bar on one of the tall chairs, crossing your bare, heeled legs as you and Sam began to dissect the case. You couldn’t help it, you always did this, analyse where you went wrong or right.
The pair of you got that enthralled in your discussions, that before you know it, it was an hour lager and you're now four beers deep... and Sam was fielding an angry phone call from his wife, Natasha. "I gotta go, boss." He sighed, apologetically, “it’s my little girl’s dance recital at six and if I miss this one, Nat’s gonna hang me out to dry!” You waved his explanation off. “Its fine, Sam. Oh, and take the morning tomorrow. That case has had us working all hours and I don’t intend on being there till lunch. Clint, gimme a bourbon please?" "Don't let Barnes get to you.” Sam sighed. “You know what he is like" "Smug, arrogant and annoyingly self-righteous.” You nodded. “Yup, I got it.” Sam smiled and dropped a friendly kiss to your cheek. "See you later." Clint slid the glass of bourbon over to you and you smiled before pulling out your phone to check a few emails and your social media. You were just reading through an article about a Billionaire in Manhattan who had designed some kind of metal suit that allowed him to fly (because that's gonna end well), when a familiar voice broke your concentration. "Can I buy you a drink?" You rolled your eyes and looked up at Bucky Barnes as he leaned on the bar, still in his suit, although he had dispensed of his black and white tie, and opened his top button. This was another thing you hated about him. He is utterly gorgeous. Like GQ cover gorgeous, especially in his sharp suits and silk ties.
And he fucking knows it, too. "Depends." You shrugged, throwing back the remainder of your bourbon. "Does it come with a side helping of irritating smugness?" He chuckled. "I'm off duty, Doll so no."
"In that case I'll have another Monkey Shoulder." You slid the empty glass back to Clint. "Take it you're not driving home?" Barnes asked, his azure eyes running over your bare legs. "Well if I do and I get caught, I'm sure you can get me off any charges.” You replied sharply, shooting him a look that made it clear you caught him eyeing you up. And it isn't the first time either. That's another reason you clash so much in the courtroom. Sexual tension. Fucking jerk. He barked out a laugh "You're really not happy with me are you?" "Not particularly." You shook your head, thanking Clint as he pushed the now full glass back to you, with a small wink. It's a double, you noticed. That should set Barnes back a bit. Bucky reached for his beer and after a pull he looked directly at you. "Come work for me." He said and you groaned.
Not this again. "I'm a prosecutor." You rolled your eyes. "Not a defence attorney. I told you that last time you asked. And the time before, and the time before that." "I'm nothing if not persistent." He winked, turning in his stool so he was facing you. "Besides, I can teach you the ways of the dark side." "You’d love that wouldn't you?" You snort. "Oh, Sweetheart you have no idea." He leaned forward slightly, his elbow on the bar and this time he is blatantly staring at the flash of skin that was showing above the buttons on your blouse. "My face is up here, ass hole." With a smirk he raised his deep, blue eyes and they locked onto yours. Despite yourself, you feel your breath hitch slightly. Dammed him and his sex appeal. "Why are you always this insufferable?" You eventually tore your gaze away from his and picked up your drink, glancing up at the TV as an excuse not to look at him. "Ah come on Y/N, don’t be like that." He reached out to squeeze your hand which was resting on the back of the tall chair you were sat in. "We could make a great team..." You raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "Professionally.” He added, his eyes not leaving yours as he took another large drink of his beer, and you pulled your hand away from under his. "I'd kill you within five minutes of us being in the same office." You glared at him as you took another sip from your drink. He chuckled and eyed you again, “to be fair I'm not sure Stevie would be able to function with a beautiful dame such as yourself in close proximity. He still flusters around any woman that isn’t his Peggy.” "That's because Steve is a happily married man." "So am I." He shot back. Ah yes, Mrs Barnes… "Your wife deserves a medal. She must have the patience of a fucking saint to put up with you." You said into your glass. "I have other hidden qualities which mean she's prepared to overlook my slightly less favourable personality traits." He quipped, and you looked back to see that lopsided grin on his face that flips your stomach. Behave Y/N. "They must be very hidden." You mused, and he let out another loud laugh.   "You're killing me, Doll.” "Good." You drained your glass. The liquid burnt your throat and you could feel the effects of the alcohol from the last few hours as your brain started to hum. You looked at Barnes who was watching you, his eyes shining with all the cheekiness of a teenage boy and you know you need to leave before you do something stupid.
Like snogging his dumb, handsome face off. "I think it's time I got going." You said simply, standing up. Barnes gave a nod, draining his bottle. “Yeah I should be making tracks too. Wife to see to, you know how it is.” You stood and he did the same, and you realised he was holding up your jacket, ready for you to slide your arms into. Narrowing your eyes slightly at his sudden chivalry, you couldn’t help the small smile that flickered across your face as you turned and allowed him to help you into it. His hands dropped to your shoulders and he span you round gently and smiled with those perfect teeth, a smile that lit up his beautiful face, his eyes crinkling in the corners. "Lead the way Mrs Barnes.” He instructed softly, dropping a tender kiss to your lips. "You know it's a good job I love you,” you smiled, sliding your arms up round his neck. "Yeah, I know." "Although right now I'm struggling to remember why." "Well, when we get home I'll just have to show you some of those hidden qualities I was talking about, see if they help jog your memory.” You bit your lip slightly at the dark flash of desire that flit across his eyes, and you leant up to brush your lips across his stubbled jawline. "Unanimous verdict,” your voice drops slightly as you pull back and he smirked again, “guilty as charged.” You tossed Clint a good bye, linked your hand into your husband’s and he walked you outside into the brisk wind, his arm pulling you close, his lips pressed a soft kiss to your temple. Yeah, James Buchanan Barnes might be an insufferable, arrogant ass hole in the courtroom, but outside it he's simply your Bucky.
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sehunniepotwrites · 3 years
puppy love | l.jn
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synopsis: in which a new chance at love crashes into you when you least expect it to genre: dog park!au, strangers to lovers!au, fluff pairing: lee jeno x gn!reader word count: 1,392
author’s note: happy jeno day, czennies! i hope you’ll find this drabble as sweet as the birthday boy! (this is unedited, i’ll look back at it later!)
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Tired of seeing sulk about being lonely, your friends suggested something that sounded great at the time. 
Get a dog, they said.
It’ll be a lot of fun, they said.
You always dreamed about having a pet. 
Well, they forgot to mention how much work having a dog was. Terriers were mostly known to be low maintenance dogs that were moderately energetic--your pup did not fit into the norm. 
Though small and compact, Nana was a hyperactive dog. A morning trip to the dog park often tired her out during the day, allowing her to sleep the majority of the time you were away at work. Playing with her granted you the exercise you desperately needed and while fun, you tired out very easily. There were times you wished for Nana to have a canine companion. You wished for it as much as you hoped to find a companion of your own. 
Your friends and family also played with the idea of meeting someone and their pet at the dog park-- kill two birds with one stone--but that storyline was damn near impossible. The only other regulars you saw at the park were either coupled off or just not in your age range.
Nana began to whine as you drew closer to the gate, the dog insistently tugging against your hold. “Hold on, baby, we’re almost there,” you said groggily. Looking around the area, you noticed that none of the regulars were there that morning.  Maybe it was because you came thirty minutes later than your usual time. 
“Seems like your friends aren’t here today, Nana,” you said dejectedly as you opened the gate. That meant you had to play with her--your morning fix of coffee didn’t hit you yet and you hope you did soon. You couldn’t keep up with her when she was like this. Your dog rushed in, her paws scurrying from the paved sidewalk to the grass covered in morning dew. Her feet impatiently stomped as you slammed the gate shut, waiting for you to release her from her leash. 
Hearing a loud bark, your head shot up to see a tall person in a hoodie running after a fluffy Samoyed that was heading your way. “Chief, wait!” 
Just as you unbuckled Nana from her leash, the larger dog leaped in your direction, almost bulldozing over your smaller pet and straight into you. The unexpected impact was too much for you, sending you back into the wet grass. Large pants and a heavy weight kept you from getting up and you glanced to see that beautiful Samoyed hovering on top of you. Its tongue stuck out, tail wagging rapidly as it stared down at you before nudging your hand for some love. You laughed in astonishment before carding your fingers through its soft fur.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” the owner profusely apologized as he reached you, “Chief still isn’t used to how large he is.” His voice was charming just as it was deep and once you caught his eye, your breath caught in your throat. If this dog was beautiful, then its owner was absolutely divine in the early morning light. His hood slid down to reveal more of his face, allowing you to see the man’s kind eyes, sharp features, and clear skin. His black hair was styled messily due to the hood but the look still suited him. 
One rough pat to the Samoyed’s side was enough to nudge him away from you. “Let me help you up,” the handsome stranger said, offering his large hand out to you. You tentatively slid your hand into his hold before he pulled you back to your feet with little to no effort. “Thank you,” you said in reply to his kind action. You hoped he didn’t notice the embarrassed expression on your face. 
“It’s no problem,” he smiled back, his eye scrunching into the cutest curves. He looked like the dog that just knocked you over. How was that even possible?
Dusting yourself off, you noted that Nana was no longer at your side. Just as you were about to shout for her, you found her playing happily with the Samoyed. “Oh good, I was afraid that she wouldn’t have a playmate during this time,” you let out a sigh of relief. Finding a need to explain yourself, you added, “I usually come earlier in the morning.”
“Decided to sleep in today?” the man asked with a teasing chuckle.
“Yeah, pretty sure I pressed my snooze button a couple of times,” you giggled.
“I usually come around this time but no one’s here,” he said, “It’s nice to see someone else at the park for a change.”
Before you knew what you were doing, you shot back with, “Maybe you should start coming earlier.”
With the same tone, he answered, “Or maybe you can keep hitting that snooze button.” You brought up your hand to cover your smile and mute the laugh that slipped through your lips.
Grinning at your positive response, the man extended a hand out to you. “I’m Jeno,” he started off. “And that, over there,” he gestured off to his Samoyed playing with Nana, “is Chief.”
Placing your hand in his rougher one again, you introduced yourself with a shy smile. “That little one is Nana.”
Jeno let out a loud snort and laugh before covering his lips. His shoulders shook as he tried to calm down. Shocked, you looked at him. There wasn’t anything wrong with that name, was there? You thought it to be quite adorable. 
“Oh no, sorry for laughing. I’m not laughing at you, I swear,” he waved his hands to reassure you. “It’s just that my best friend’s nickname is Nana. His real name is Na Jaemin.”
Tugging his phone out of his pocket, Jeno lit up his home screen to show you a picture of him, another handsome man, and Chief smiling at the camera. “Cute,” you commented with a smile.
“Who-- Nana?”
His sudden question flustered you. “N-no, I mean, yes? I mean--”
“Damn, I was hoping you were referring to me,” he said, the grin on his face growing larger.
“Well, I mean, um--” Oh, this was so going well. A cute guy with a dog talks to you and you can’t even form a full sentence. Why were you like this?
“Hey, no. It’s okay. I was kidding.” He lightly patted your shoulder as you took a swig out of your water bottle. ‘Not going to lie, though, I was hoping you would say I was cute.”
You barely missed choking on your drink. “Oh my god, it’s too early for this,” you muttered under your breath. “I need more coffee.”
“Sorry, am I coming off too strong?” Jeno chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s been a while since I’ve tried to flirt with someone.”
“So you admit that you’re flirting?”
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
“Yup,” you turned away to watch the two canines chase each other’s tails. “Definitely need more coffee.”
As if they knew you wanted to leave the park, your dogs charged towards you at full speed. Unlike before, Chief stopped right before your feet, tongue dipping into a bowl filled with water. He made space for your tinier dog to drink from the bowl as well, the two acting like best friends even though they just met thirty minutes prior. Tugging treats from your jacket pocket, you commanded them to do a couple of tricks before rewarding them as Jeno watching fondly in the background. 
“Hey,” Jeno called, drawing your attention to the two dogs nosing your hand.
“You said you needed coffee, right? Wanna grab some with me? I know a good cafe down the road from here,” he offered a bit timidly, his ears turning a bright shade of pink. “It seems like the two little ones want to hang out more. I think they like each other, I’ve never seen Chief act this way with another dog before.”
You heard a couple of yelps and quickly shifted to see Chief and Nana playing tug of war with a tree branch.
“Must be puppy love, then. And yeah, I’d really like that.”
When Jeno smiled at you, you swore he shone brighter than the sun. “I’d really like that, too.”
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2021
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fatiguing-thoughts · 3 years
"Victoria's Game IV" - Embry Call x Reader
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Summary: Part four to "Victoria's Game." Read Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four here Final Installment babes
T/W: mentions of blood
I jerked awake, dripping in sweat as my phone vibrated on my nightstand.
I felt Embry's weight on me and listened to the complete and utter silence surrounding us. I let out a sigh of relief before looking at my phone screen.
I began to panic as I saw her name light up the screen, knowing her call would not be with good news. I swallowed hard before picking the device up and placing it up to my ear as my hand shook.
"(Y/N), (Y/N)! We're on the way. Call Sam and tell everyone to get there. She's coming and she won't be coming alone. Who's with you now?" Her frantic voice pierced my ears.
All the air escaped my lungs as full panic set in. Was my nightmare as much of a premonition as I was suddenly fearing?
"Embry!" I sobbed, shaking him awake.
He quickly jumped up, a worried look on his face.
"What? What's wrong?" His eyes were almost bulging out of his skull as he waited for me to answer.
"They're coming, Alice called. They'll be here any minute to help but you have to help Jake and Quil." My voice was shaky as the uncertainty took over my mind.
Was I sending him to his death?
Would I be the cause of everyone's death?
Wouldn't it just make more sense to just lose me than everyone else?
Embry didn't say much, he just looked deep into my eyes before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.
"I love you." He whispered before jumping out the window.
The nightmare flashed through my memories yet again, the panic setting in further.
But then I remembered the Third Wife.
I quickly ran downstairs into the kitchen, grabbing a knife from the drawer.
I began to hear the thumps of large paws, snarling, and barking coming from outside. I knew they were approaching and that my time was limited.
So I waited by the back door, where I knew the guys waited. I watched through the glass as they began looking around, hoping to see the blood-sucking demons arrive.
A minute in, I saw blurry movement in the treeline before Jacob and Quil took one down. Embry handled another. But then, another six arrived, the boys were outnumbered.
"Shit." I mutter to myself. "Where are the Cullens?"
I bit my lip as I saw two of them jumping on Quil. A whimper escaped his lips as he was trying to buck them off his back. He was beginning to struggle as Jacob and Embry were busy trying to destroy the leeches charging them.
Quil grew louder and I knew I had to act before it was too late. I quickly slid open the back door as I dragged the blade across my skin.
A drop of blood hit the ground, causing every single vampire to focus their attention on me, giving the guys the time to get themselves together; giving them time to destroy some of these leeches.
I winced as I felt the warm liquid drip down my arm, a burning sensation where the blade once was.
I watched as Embry ripped the head off of the one who was closest to the door, Quil and Jacob each getting another. They were finally even, furthering the fight into their favor.
One almost made their way to me before Emmett appeared from the treeline, disposing of them accordingly. Rosalie and Alice following suit.
Sam and Jared showed up, Leah and Seth trailing not too far behind. I watched as the fight unfolded before me, in shock as there were more vampires that showed up than I had realized.
But where was Victoria?
I looked all around, trying to spot the fiery red hair. I became painfully aware of my bleeding arm, causing me to hold the wound in an effort to stop the bleeding. I backed up further into my house, realizing how far out I had come. I then tripped over a rock, falling on my ass.
I winced in pain as I became painfully aware of my surroundings once again. My eyes squeezed shut as I tried to pick myself up, but something kicked me back down.
"Hello." Her silky voice taunted, a sick smile on her face as she loomed above me.
I was at a loss for words, it had felt as if my chest caved in on itself. My legs became jelly and I couldn't move. My eyes couldn't bring themselves to tear away from her burning gaze. Those blood red eyes that have been haunting me for what felt like years, but was a mere few weeks.
"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" She cocked her head to the side, her smile softening as her ice cold hand grabbed my ankle.
"I-I" I couldn't get the words out.
"I'll make this quick." She promises, before she squeezed my ankle.
I felt a sharp pain as I felt it crack. I found myself screaming in pain.
But as soon as it happened, she had let go of me. Rosalie had grabbed her off of me, throwing her into the air. Adrenaline was helping with the pain.
I watched as I was writhing on the ground. I watched as Embry caught her midair, wrapping his jaws around her.
As they fell to the ground with a thud, Jake pinned her down as Embry ripped off her head. The sight before me wasn't one I had ever seen in person, only one I had imagined in my nightmares.
I had never seen the pack or the Cullens actually fight. I had only listened to them talk about it, imagined it for myself. But it was something Embry said he never wanted me to see, he would always get mad at Quil for telling me about them. He wanted me separate from this world.
He did his best.
Carlisle's touch brought me out of my thoughts, even startling me a bit.
"I'll fix this up for you. You'll be okay." He promised with kind eyes.
I noticed as Emmett, Rosalie, and Alice piled up the remains before Emmett threw his zippo on it. Instant flames soared, engulfing the pile into absolute nothingness.
The pack had phased back, running over to me from the treeline where clothes were stashed.
"(Y/N)..." Embry whispered, his eyes filled with worry and guilt as he crouched down to my level.
"Em, I'm fine." I insisted as I met his gaze.
We all stood there in silence as the pain in my ankle grew once again, causing me to wince.
"Embry, bring her to my home. I'll work on her ankle there." Carlisle broke the silence.
Embry only nodded before scooping me up into his arms.
Everyone else silently decided it was best to give space, but I sent a thankful glance and smile as best as I could as I grit my teeth from pain before they could leave.
Embry made his way over to my car, surely ready to drive me to the Cullens.
"Embry." I murmured.
No answer from him. He simply placed me in the car and put my seatbelt on for me with a pained look on his face. I winced in pain as my foot hit the side of the door and he almost looked as if he was going to throw up.
"Embry, please." I begged. "Please don't ignore me. I'm safe, you kept me safe."
"Your ankle is purple and the size of a grapefruit. I did not keep you safe." He says before shutting my car door and making his way to the driver's side.
"I think we both know a broken ankle is a happy ending for what this could have been." I reach over, rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb.
"I know, I just wish it wasn't. I'm glad a broken ankle is the worst of it, but what if... what if it wasn't? How was I supposed to live with myself after that? I couldn't. I- I thought I was going to lose it when I saw her by you." He chokes. "I almost thought I was going to lose you."
"You'll never lose me, Em." I whispered, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I love you."
"I love you, too." He pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head.
"Thank you for saving me." I gave his arm a slight squeeze. "But I'm in a lot of pain and if you could start driving to Carlisle's I would greatly appreciate that." I joked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Shit, sorry. Yeah, let's go get you checked out." He worriedly chuckled as he began driving down the dark road. _____________________________________ Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
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Grey Rope.
*Grey Leather*
*Grey Uniform*
*Grey Dress*
*Grey Vase*
*Grey Blanket*
*Grey Jeans*
*Grey Socks*
*Grey Boxes*
*Grey Balloons*
*Grey Singlet*
*Grey Cocktails*
*Grey Keys*
Thanks always @beccabarba​ xx
Warnings: Episode based, but with my twist. Angst, talks of guns and gun shots, kid nap, Mayan’s doing what they do with the help of Miguel and Soft Bishop smut.
WC: 1802
Enjoy x
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Bishop hadn’t seen you; you were still asleep when he left and he didn’t get a chance to catch you before you started your night shift. He checked his phone way too many times between doing things at the scrap yard, visiting Coco and dealing with Mayan’s business to no messages or phone calls other than your last one in the afternoon after you woke up from your nap. He was surprised when he rode around the corner seeing your car in the drive way and when he walked inside you were nowhere to be seen. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, as it buzzed with a new message from an unknown number.
He opened the message, a picture appearing on the screen and he filled with panic, his stomach dropping to his feet and his heart hurting. You were in your uniform, blind folded, sitting on a chair, grey rope tying your feet together and your arms tied behind your back. On the chair next to you was Adelita in the same position. Bishop clicked out of the photo dialing Taza filling him in and telling him to get the rest of the guys to the warehouse. He took a deep breath, knowing he had to make the next call,
“Yes” Miguel’s voice answered “Is there a problem?”
“They have her, they have Y/N and Adelita”
“Meet me at the warehouse” Miguel blurted over the phone.
By the time Bishop got to the warehouse everyone else was there, Taza and Ez had computers set up trying to work out different locations and Creeper tried to trace the burner cell the photo was sent from,
“Hank, Angel, we need more weapons” Bishop barked at them “Do you have more men?” Bishop looked over at Miguel.
“I’ll make some calls” Miguel nodded back “I want her back safe, just as much as you do”
Bishop looked at him narrowing his eyes at Miguel,
“You didn’t deserve her”
“I know. That was the biggest mistake of my life” Miguel muttered back.
The sun slowly started to creep up over the hills and wash over the warehouse. Miguel and all his men standing by armed and Bishop and all the Mayan’s in their black hoddies, all armed and ready to bust in. Angel crotched down and slowly moved towards the big brick wall around the building. He jumped over the fence and pushed the button next to it, the sliding gate opening for the others to movie in.
You were only blind folded and tide up when they grabbed you that afternoon, they took you as you walked out to the car and for the photo they sent out. They knew that by taking you and Adelita, they would be effecting both sides of business, the cartel side and the Mayan’s side. They had locked you both in a large cage, one mattress between you both, one blanket and one meal a day. They hadn’t touched you, very rarely spoke to you, they just keeping you to use as lavage. The sun had started to run in through the windows filling the space in sunshine.  
You and Adelita sat on the mattress when you both heard a rattle of the main warehouse door, you gave each other a look and then you saw Ez run past a small window. She gave you a little nod and you both laid back down on the mattress back-to-back and pulled the blanket you had up over your heads and you held hands tightly. You both jumped when you heard loud smashing, yelling and gun shots breaking out all around you, squeezing each other’s hands tighter and holding in tears.
“They’re here” You heard Marcus voice.
You heard a couple more shots and the sound of chains falling to the ground. You both sat up quickly, the blanket fell off your heads, Angel and Ez standing over you both, Marcus just outside the gate. Angel put out his hand to Adelita pulling her up into his arms and Ez done the same to you, kissing the top of your head. Nestor walked in, patting your shoulder and handed Ez and Angel blind folds,
“You guys need to put these on. No one wants you to see this”
You nodded, the brothers moving to put the blind folds on you both, they handed their weapons to Nestor and they both moved to scoop you both up bridal style carrying you both out,
“I want Bishop” you said into Ez’s chest.
“I know, Y/N. Let him sort this out first”
Ez and Angel sat you both in the back of the van, blankets around you and giving you both a sugary drink and water. There was really no conversation, just you and Adelita sitting shoulder to shoulder and Angel and Ez on the lookout for everyone heading back up to you all. Your head shot up when you heard voices and boots crunching on the dirt, you stood up and walked around the van door, Bishop locked eyes with you, tears coming to his. Bishop handed Taza his weapon and he rushed over to you, his hands going to your cheeks and he searched your face, your hands wrapping around his wrists,
“Baby, did they hurt you?”
“No” you shook your head.
Bishop pulled you into him, his lips on yours kissing you sweetly and then he wrapped you in his arms, your face nuzzling into his neck and kissed the side of your face, one hand rubbing your arm and the other brushing through your hair,
You pulled away from Bishop looking over his shoulder, Bishop moving to stand next to you. Your eyes met Miguel’s and you raised your eye brows at Bishop, his hand going to your lower back,
“This isn’t his out for what he did to you baby, but he helped us find you”
You nodded and walked slowly towards Miguel. Miguel wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into him, your hands resting on his back,
“I’ am so sorry for everything”
“Ok. Thanks” You muttered back pulling away from him and walking back over to Bishop.
The rest of the day was a blur, Bishop rang your partner giving him the low down of what happened, he telling him he would cover for you and you applied for some time off to clear your head. Bishop took everyone to the table discussing what happened, what the next steps were, that he would be taking time off with you and wasn’t to be called unless absolutely necessary.
Rosa took a long work lunch and dropped over your favourite take away before heading back into the office, telling you to ring if you needed anything and if Bishop got called in by the club she would come and stay with you.
You let the water run over your head, although you were shaken by what had happened you were doing ok emotionally. You were actually more unhinged by the fact that Miguel was part of the rescue party, rather than the whole situation. You heard the bathroom door close and the shower curtain slid open, Bishop standing their naked and he climbed in.
Bishop’s arms went around you, pulling you into his solid body, his hands spread over your back and your arms around his neck. You both stood there for a long while, the water running over you both and Bishop’s lips on your shoulder,
“Baby, I’ am sorry I let this happen. I wasn’t on top of it”
You pulled back and looked at the tears running down his cheeks,
“Babe, it’s not your fault. No one knew that was going to happen”
“I would have never forgiven myself-“ he trailed off
You grabbed his face titling it back and his eyes met yours,
“Nothing happened and you came for me as quickly as you could. None of this is on you Bishop or the club. You saved me, saved us. You all did. Your my hero, the love of my life”
You both stared into each other eyes before you slowly started to lean into him, your lips meeting. The kiss started soft and loving at first, Bishop’s arms tightening around your wet body, pulling you into him more. You moved your head to the side and you slowly pushed your tongue into Bishop’s mouth. Bishop took your lead his tongue starting to roll with yours, the kiss deep and rough. Your hands ran up into Bishop’s hair, your fingers threading up into it.
You felt him start to harden against your thigh and he groaned into your mouth. One of his hands left your middle, coming down to give himself a few pumps and then moved to your core, his fingers brushing through your soaking wet folds. You gasped into his mouth when they ran over your clit, a shiver ran down your spine.
With the one arm around you, Bishop lifted you up slightly off the shower floor and moved you so he could push you into the wall. Bishop broke the kiss, his hands going to the backs of your thighs, hoisting you up, your legs wrapping around him. Bishop moved his hips back slightly, one hand going around him again to line himself up to you, sliding into you slowly.
You were both panting into each other faces, his hips stilling for a moment before he started to roll them into you in long deep thrusts. Your head fell back on the wall and your hands into his hair curled into fists as he hit the spot you needed him to hit the most,
“I love you so much, baby” Bishop groaned and his grip on your thighs tightened.
One hand came out of his hair and went down to your centre finding quickly where it needed to, rolling over your swollen clit fast. Your eye’s slammed shut, your mouth dropping open as you came around Bishop, your legs tightening around him and your hand tugging his hair slightly, Bishop’s name running out of your mouth filling the room.
Bishop’s lips landed on the front of your shoulder, his hips getting sloppy as he slammed into you. Bishop grunted loud into your skin, his grip on your thighs almost painful, his cock twitching in you as he came deep inside you, the sweat on his forehead mixing with the water from the shower. Bishop lifted his head back off you looking up at you with a soft smile on his face. You dipped your head, kissing him deeply while he slowly placed your legs down on the wet floor,
“I love you Bishop, so much”
“I love you baby, and I promise I will do everything in my power to always keep you safe”
Tags: @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​​​ @alwaysachorusgirl​​​ @withmyteeth​​​ @frattsparty​​​ @justchillin-inhell   
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coeurdastronaute · 3 years
HSAU: College Part 1
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Previously on HSAU
Morning started the same, every day, rain or shine. Four thirty in the morning, the alarm beeped in the small attic room, and under one section of angled roof, where a pile of blankets slumbered, an arm would appear and slap around until the offending noise stopped. It was precise and methodical and never changed, six days a week.
Lexa ran her hands over her face after pushing off the blankets, but stayed in bed just a few seconds longer, orienting herself. Though it was still summer, the sky hadn’t brightened just yet, and the night was disinterested in ending anytime soon. When she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, she stretched and cracked her joints and yawned before grabbing an old shirt to throw over her sports bra and slipping on a pair of shorts. The fan in her window hummed along while the crickets outside groaned in the heat. Outside, the neighborhood she grew up in was quiet and still. A dog barked and calmed itself. No cars moved at all. Every picket fence and yard with signs and flags slumbered before dawn came, and Lexa was the first among the living. July was awake before the dawn as well. It shook off the night from its coat and stretched forward and backward before loping into the streets, covering every surface with a few inches of thick heat. Without the sun, the heat rose up straight from the ground itself, radiating out into the world. Lexa paused halfway through her run and tied her shoe as the light changed for no cars at all. As she stood she dried her forehead on her shoulder and started off again. Her run got insanely longer with the new summer route that took her out towards her uncle’s garage. For no reason at all. “Where’s Bear?” “I let him sleep in,” Lexa smiled before distracting herself with wiping the sweat from her face with her old shirt. “I ran here though, so that’s impressive.” “Yeah, I mean... no Bear though,” Clarke shrugged and hustled about the café, preparing for the opening. It took just a second, but somewhere between flipping the sign on the door and moving to make the second round of coffee, Lexa grabbed her girlfriend’s arm and tugged her back, kissing her like she had been waiting to do since she started her run. “Your mom still at that conference?” “Until Thursday.” “Want me to help you pack?” “Why don’t you let me actually pack and then come over to watch a movie or something,” Clarke chuckled and pushed at her girlfriend’s chest. “I am a great helper.” “No you’re not,” she smiled and ran her hand up Lexa’s neck, pushing her body closer as she found herself stuck between the counter and her quarterback. “I could barely walk after the last time you came over to help.” The words made her shiver, but Lexa grinned as she swallowed and ran her hands over Clarke’s hips. “But you were way more relaxed.” “I can’t wait until practice starts again. You need to work off all that energy somewhere else.” “How about another training session tonight?” The puppy dog eyes were in full effect, distracting her from everything else. The jingling of the bell at the door made them pull apart. Lexa smiled politely, clearing her throat as her girlfriend adjusted her apron. Just a few more days, and they would be gone, away from the safety of their little town. The entire summer had been spent avoiding thinking about it too much, had been spent disappearing to float down the river, to watch movies much too late in Lexa’s room until her mother would come home late from work and politely remind them of the hour, to drop Aden off at his science camp and disappear together to the mountains and spend the day hiking, which inevitably ended with lounging in the shade atop the hill. Lexa took her seat, at her table, and waited until Clarke finished with the first few customers of the morning. Miraculously, without even having to order, a water appeared, with a big bowl of oatmeal and fruit. Just like nearly a year ago, the quarterback sat there and studied plays as the morning rush came and went. Most of her time was spent watching the girl with blonde hair and cheeks that had that damn smile. For the life of her, Lexa couldn’t figure out how she was going to find the motivation to run when she moved to New Haven. XXXXXXXXX
The evening was growing long in the tooth, but neither party could be bothered to let it end without a fight. And even though a mother made her presence known from time to time, it didn’t deter the two sweethearts in the attic hideaway. Nothing really could, with the late-July heat settling on the roof, angry and annoyed. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen your room this clean ever before,” Clarke observed as she hunkered down on the bed while Lexa finished packing and straightening up. “It wasn’t ever dirty, it just feels… I don’t know. Less lived in.” 
“I wasn’t going to leave a mess for my mom.” 
“I know. I just don’t like any of it.” 
“You’ll be doing the same thing in like six weeks.” 
“Oh no. I’m definitely leaving a mess for my mom.” 
Lexa chuckled and zipped up another duffle bag before tossing it on the pile. She gave her room a finally glance and felt a twinge of sadness in the base of her heart, a tiny little tug on her body that felt like she was already gone. She fell into her bed beside her girlfriend and smiled when a hand pushed hair away from her face. 
“You’re going to go across the country tomorrow,” Clarke whispered. “And I will miss you. But you are going to do something spectacular.” 
The quarterback slid her hand around Clarke’s hip, her thumb touching the warm skin there. She liked the feeling of her, and she wanted to remember it. 
“I’ll miss you badly.” 
“Obviously. I’m incredibly missable.” 
Lexa smiled as Clarke held it there and kissed her eagerly, without holding anything back, to try to say what she couldn’t. Hands gripped on her hips and she pushed forward toward Lexa. Hands moved to her neck and she dug her hands into her girlfriend’s hair. 
“I’ll come see you when you move in,” Lexa promised. “Just a three hour train ride and I can be there.” 
“And you’ll work very hard earning that starting spot this summer. No distractions. And if you get a chance,” Clarke grinned and slide her hand up her girlfriend’s stomach. “To get in shape.” 
“You oogling me is really good motivation.” 
“I don’t oogle,” Clarke shook her head as lips moved to her neck. She felt Lexa settle atop her and closed her eyes, pulling her closer, always closer. “I appreciate.” 
“You’ll have a good summer, right? Not miss me too much.” 
“I’ll miss you plenty, but I’ll try.” 
“Will you, um,” Lexa pulled away slightly, her lips a little puffier, her eyes a little more dilated, her hands touching skin and aching for more. “Would you do me a favor?” 
“Your mom is still making dinner. We have like an hour before dinner. I plan on doing a few favors for you.” 
“No, no, not that,” she shook her head. “Well. Kind of that. But I just… I want you to have a good time this summer, and not think about me. But while you’re doing that, could you watch out for Aden? He gets… he gets quiet sometimes. And my mom. She works too hard. I don’t want to leave them.” 
Her eyes were a little glassy with the confession and Clarke pressed her hand to her chest and nodded with a smile before kissing her softly. 
“I’ll keep an eye on them.” 
“You have no idea how good that is to hear.” 
“I can imagine.”
“Any favors I can do for you?” Lexa ventured with a smile. 
“One or two.” 
It wasn’t easy for the first week, but Clarke kept telling herself that if she could make it one week, then she could do it, without a doubt. As hard as it was, she clawed her way through the first seven days without Lexa almost intact and only cried a handful to a dozen times. 
They survived with FaceTime and texts and calls. She got to see a lot of Lexa’s new world with tons of pictures and a lot of eager explanations, and Clarke made sure to keep plans with friends, electing to fake it and hopefully find some moments of happiness. And she did, swimming with friends, parties by the river, working at the café. It was all doable when she didn’t take any time to think about it. 
And every night when she talked with her girlfriend on the phone, Clarke had something to tell her that she did that day to keep herself busy. And she got to hear about how crazy training was, and how awesome the team was, and how exciting being on her own seemed to be. Clarke could handle listening to Lexa talk for hours. 
But there was something she needed to do, and she waited until the first milestone of a week to muster up the courage to do it. 
“Clarke, honey, it is so good to see you,” Gabby opened the door and smiled, wiping her hands in the towel on her shoulder before hugging the girl at her door tightly. 
“It’s good to see you, too,” Clarke sighed, melting into the motherly embrace. 
“I hope you’re hungry. I made chicken.” 
“Is it cooked?” 
“Ha ha. Very funny,” she rolled her eyes, grinning as she ushered her guest inside. 
The house smelled warm and delicious, and somehow felt a little different without Lexa’s bag of gear by the door and her cleats clogging up the entryway. The noises were still the same, some music playing over the small radio on the kitchen counter and Aden’s music thumping overhead, but there wasn’t a happy girl about to lope down the steps at the sound of the door and kiss the guest, and everyone knew it. 
“How have you been? How’s summer so far?” Gabby asked as Clarke followed toward the kitchen. 
“Not too bad. Normal stuff. Working and preparing to leave.” 
“Ah, to be young and with the summer ahead,” she wistfully sighed before taking the chicken out of the oven. 
Her phone rang, and Clarke saw the familiar pep in her step to answer it after she looked at the clock, familiar with the schedule Lexa liked to keep. 
“Hey, kid. How are you?” she smiled at her phone as her daughter’s face popped on the screen. “Your timing is great. Look who just showed up for dinner.” 
Clarke waved at her girlfriend from the counter earning a huge smile. 
“Make sure the chicken is cooked,” Lexa offered.  
“Way ahead of you.” 
“How was practice today? You still sore in the shoulder?” 
“It was great. I got some time in on the first line and had a really good film session. I just got back from dinner with a bunch of the guys. It was Shawn’s birthday, so we went to get a bite at this awesome Chinese place I can’t wait to show you both.”
“And you’re back in the dorm by nine?” 
“A couple of the other guys went to grab drinks, but I’ve honestly never been more tired in my entire life, and we have a five call time tomorrow for conditioning.” 
“Okay, honey, well thanks for calling me. You should sleep.” 
“I will. Clarke, wake me up later so you can tell me all about dinner and your day?” 
“We’ll see,” she shrugged and smiled. 
“I’ll be half asleep but I’m extra cute when I’m half-asleep.” 
“It’s true,” Gabby nodded. “She’s impossible to tolerate when she’s awake.” 
“Very funny,” Lexa rolled her eyes. “I love you guys. Have a good dinner. I’m sorry I missed it.” 
“Get some sleep,” they both ordered. 
It was a good dinner. Clarke enjoyed her time with Lexa’s family as she always did, and she felt a little better that Lexa gave her something to do. Maybe it was a win-win all along, that Lexa got to make sure her family was watched, and Clarke would have something to do. She wasn’t sure she could give Lexa all the credit for the plan, just that she was glad it worked out that way. 
It had been a long two months. Clarke felt every second of it, she thought, despite how busy she was preparing to move across the country. There was still work, and there was still time with friends, still the summer shenanigans she’d come to love, still time with everyone else who was going their own ways as well. 
It took forever and it went on in a blink. But by the time she got off the plane and picked up her luggage, she realized she didn’t particularly miss home at all. As she stood on the curb and waited for an Uber, she wasn’t as daunted by the idea of change as she had expected, but rather eager to embrace it all. 
“Excuse me, ma’am, you’re going to have to move along--”
Dumbfounded, Clarke stared at her girlfriend, who seemed to have somehow gotten taller and prettier in their time apart, standing next to an old truck. Clad in a backward blue ball cap and a torn up workout shirt that looked as if it was still dirty from a morning practice. 
“What are you--?” Clarke began to ask before smiling too much and launching herself into her quarterback’s arms. 
It felt good, to feel Lexa’s arms around her waist, to smell the sun on her neck, to fit so snuggly there. Clarke squeezed with all of her might, kissing what she could smooshed there, with Lexa’s arms returning it, a laugh in her throat strangled from escaping. 
Somehow Clarke realized her legs wrapped around Lexa and she was essentially a koala, latched there. She didn’t care. She kissed her girlfriend, ignoring the honks of the cars and the swirling police that wanted to usher everyone along. She somehow became the person who missed another persons lips. It was infuriating. 
“How did you know?” 
“My mom told me about your flight,” Lexa shrugged. “I borrowed a truck from one of the guys on the line. They think you’re hot.” 
“Well, that’s… sweet, I guess.” 
“I couldn’t wait to see you. Even if it’s just for a little bit.”
“You’re getting soft on me, Woods.” 
“Yeah,” she grinned, squeezing again. “I don’t care. I knew no one would be here to take you to school.” 
“I was just going to uber or taxi.” 
“I’m going to be the person who takes you where you need to go, even if you don’t ask or expect it, and not in as creepy a way as that sounds--”
She was silenced with another kiss as Clarke struggled to hide her smile. 
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midknight-hour · 3 years
y’all remember this
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bc i was bored and couldn’t sleep last night so i made a littol drabble. it’s not much and i’ll probably actually work on a story at some point but i thought i’d share to the riddlebat stans <3
btw this is literally a mash up of any canon i enjoy <333333333333 it’s my fanfic and i get to choose the backstory and ships
— — — — — —
It wasn’t often that Edward was allowed to watch television at home. His father would kill him if he even saw him near the thing, of course. He couldn’t be trusted with such expensive items with his lack of sense. Though it seemed as though everyone in the city was currently tuned into the news… all because their royal family had been slain.
It had dominated the public sphere since the moment the press caught news of the killings. Martha and Thomas Wayne, Gotham’s saviors, had been gunned down in a back alley in front of their own son. It was a tragedy, though clearly one the news was choosing to sensationalize for their own gain.
Or at least that was what Ed had surmised.
He’d been following the story intently, sneaking into the living room late at night to watch the news as his father slept on the couch. The ceremonies and court hearings. The crime itself, and the manhunt that went on without any sort of breakthrough for days. The media treated it like some sort of twisted crime thriller, or a mystery novel. No sympathy, just unabashed curiosity. No stone was left unturned as they pried into the personal lives and final days of the deceased.
The funeral was mostly attended by cameras and anchormen, the young Wayne boy sitting in front beside the old butler of the house. It was a replay, obviously. The midday sun, barely visible behind the dull rain clouds, a stark contrast to the pitch black night he was currently enveloped in.
The procession was grim, the burial quiet, but that was all that the bereaved were allowed before the storm of questioning began.
“Bruce Wayne! Over here!”
“Mr. Wayne! A word, please!”
“Sir- Sir! Are you the legal guardian of the boy? I’d like to speak with him.”
The older man seemed to be attempting to guard Bruce from the onslaught of camera flashes and clamoring voices, but there wasn’t much he could do as they began the treacherous walk back to the limousine. It made Edward feel sick. He couldn’t imagine how he would have felt if things had been so hectic on the day of his mother’s burial. Though perhaps his own father had been enough of a spectacle to make up for it. Either way, he felt a deep connection to the other boy, even through the screen.
The Wayne boy was still being cornered by the hounds, each question being barked somehow worse than the last.
“Who are you wearing?” “Do you have any family coming to the manor to claim you?” “Bruce Wayne! How are you feeling about your inheritance? How much did your parents leave you?”
“Please…. Just leave me alone.”
Edward’s blood ran cold.
“I just want to go home.”
No. It can’t be.
“Get out of the way!” The boy snapped, his sadness morphing in anger at the frothing crowds. And just like that, he was whisked away by a police officer to his vehicle to avoid any further confrontation. And the clip ended.
Now, one would expect Edward to be feeling nauseous simply due of the exploitation of someone his age at such a vulnerable time. Which he was, partly. It was despicable. But it wasn’t the main reason he felt like throwing up as he stumbled back to his room and slammed the door behind him.
He locked himself in his bedroom, ignoring the sounds of his waking father down the hall. Then he fumbled with the edges of his shirt as he pulled it up and over his head, reading the dark lines embedded in his skin, across his chest just like it had always been.
“Please, just leave me alone.”
After years of his life assuming his soulmate would be rightfully disgusted by him in their meeting moments…
“I just want to go home.”
— — —
Bruce was a drastically a different person then he had been in his youth.
As he stood vigilant in his superhero’s fortress, which Alfred had lovingly nicknamed his “bat cave,” he thought back to that day in the cemetery. The way his anger had suddenly surged, like a wave. Over the years he had learned to aim his anger and vengeful spirit at something more productive, starting out with the task of finding his parents’ killer. Though when that didn’t pan out, he found it in himself to instead focus on the public good. To prevent others from feeling that same pain he still held in his heart. But unsurprisingly enough, that made him a lot of enemies.
He had been on the case of a rather curious criminal the past few days, one which seemed to have some sort of vendetta against the law. He merely went by the name of E. Nigma, and he had been terrorizing the GCPD by hacking into theur systems to release sensitive information to the masses, despite any and all security measures put in place.
He’d left cryptic hints as he went- some mentioned him by name. “The Batman.” Others were addressed to Gordon or Bullock. Each was mysterious, and vague, though seemed to allude to a bigger picture. Names of specific officers had been sprinkled throughout by means of codes and ciphers, so he’d been holed up in his cave researching each named figure on the GCPD’s archives.
He had some of the most advanced technology in the world at his disposal, and his main computer was no different, so he hadn’t expected this so-called enigma to find his way into his system any time soon. But then again, underestimating the enemy was so often the folly of confident heroes.
All at once, just as Bruce felt like he was beginning to get somewhere, the monitor went dead.
There was a sharp ringing in the air as the speakers crackled around him, a deep, malicious laugh pouring around him. The screen sporadically began to flash- off, on, off on, before a single, pixelated, green question mark floated in the middle of the dark plane before him.
“Riddle me this, detective~”
This is going to be interesting.
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its-an-obsession · 4 years
Friendly Reunions
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Titans Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Summary: You and Dick were best friends in high school, but slowly drifted apart as the both of you went on with your lives after graduation. You went to start a small café down in Gotham city, living with Sierra (your roommate). When danger strikes Dick Grayson and Rachel Roth, your old friend seeks your shelter for a few days. You are surprised, but happy that he wished to spend time with you after a very long break. 
Set around season 1, he stays with you and your roommate rather then Dawn and Hank. 
Your dogs name is Maximus 
This is a long imagine 
Y/E/C: Your Eye Color
Dialogue Prompts (Credits to the original creator):  
“Nothing is wrong.” “I don’t believe you.” 
Dick Grayson x-reader 
I sat at the table of our townhome in a small neighborhood located in Gotham. The sound of the news filled the air around me, I looked up from my book and watched the tv that sat in the living room. Sierra sat on the leather couch as she typed on her computer while watching the daily news. They broadcasted this weeks weather. Some days were cloudy, others were bright and sunny. I stood up from the wooden chair and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing the two of us a cup of coffee. “Heard from your mom lately?” Sierra asked, looking up from her computer. 
I poured the vanilla flavored creamer into each of the cups of coffee. My friend took one of the mugs for me as she wrapped her hands around the yellow mug. I sighed, shaking my head as I sat back down. “She’s been busy with my father,” I answered. “How’s he doing by the way?” Sierra asked. “Better, the accident has both of them really shaken up,” I responded. A couple weeks ago - prior to this day - my parents were depositing a check when at the bank when it was robbed. The two men had armed guns on them, threatening to kill anyone that stood up to them. However, I guess moving to a different position was an excuse to shoot. 
Luckily for my fathers built figure, the bullet didn’t pierce his skin to kill him instantly. My mom has been helping with his therapy exercises to get rid of the pain. My roommate nodded as I answered her question. She took a sip of her coffee then set it down on the table. “And your mom?” Sierra questioned, leaning back. Maximus hopped up onto the couch and sat in the middle of the two of us. Sierra smiled and patted the dogs fluffy head. 
“Same thing, I guess we’re all pretty shocked,” I replied, “I’m just glad nobody got too hurt.” Sierra leaned over to the table and held her coffee. She took out her purse from beside her, pulling out a small bottle of whiskey. “It’s 10:00 in the morning,” I said and chuckled. She shrugged her shoulders and poured some of the alcohol in her coffee. I shook my head, taking a sip of my coffee without the whiskey. The two of us glanced at the tv and saw the news station broadcasting a new park that was being placed at the middle of Gotham city. 
Maximus perked up, barking at the screen. Sierra and I looked to the golden doodle and laughed at his sudden happy demeanor. My roommate gulped down the last bit of her coffee and stood up from the leather cough. “We’ll have to take Maximus sometime,” Sierra said, patting me on the shoulder. I smiled and draped a blanket over my bare legs. She walked over to the kitchen, turning on the lights. Sierra set her dirty mug into the sink then grabbed some soap to clean it free of whiskey and coffee. 
“You working today?” she asked, setting the mug into the sink. I took a sip of my drink once more before shaking my head in response to her question. “I got Winston to cover the café today,” I responded. She nodded and rested the towel on top of the handle of the dishwasher. I felt Maximus’ head rest on my knee, looking up at me. I smiled at his cute face and untangled his matted tan fur with my fingers. Our canine friend licked my palm as I pet his head, closing his golden brown eyes. 
I looked to the right and saw the sun peeking through the curtains that covered the windows. A little table rested in the middle of the two windows, a small lamp was placed on it along with a picture of Sierra and I with our parents. Sierra and I had met in college and we’ve been friends ever since. I felt my phone vibrating from my back pocket. Maximus sat up from the couch, turning his head to the noise from my shorts. 
I grabbed my phone and looked at the number. Our dog hopped down from the couch at the sound of Sierra pulling out his food bowl. I continued to stare at the unknown number that flashed on my screen, the familiar green and red buttons sat at the bottom of the home screen. I saw my baffled expression in the reflection of the flashing screen. 
I looked up at my friend with a look of confusion. She set Maximus’ bowl beside the trashcan, wiping the rim free of crumbs. Sierra stood up and saw my expression. “What is it?” she inquired, setting her hands on her hips. I took off the blanket and walked over to her. Sierra took the phone from me, scanning over the number. “I don’t recognize it,” she said, “Could it be Winston?” I slouched my shoulders, pursing my lips. “If he got a new phone, probably,” I said and grabbed the phone from her. 
“Answer it,” she said, pointing my phone. I glanced at the iPhone then to Sierra. I sighed and pressed the green button. I slowly raised it up to ear, waiting for the person to say something. 
“Hello?” I inquired. 
“Y/N?” a males voice sounded from the cellphone, I didn’t recognize it. Sierra raised her brows and waved me to lower the phone. She grabbed the cell from me, setting it on the marble counter. Sierra pressed the volume button to signal that this stranger was on speaker. “Who is this?” I asked, crossing my arms. I heard Maximus stop eating and look up at Sierra and I. He walked over to my roommate and nuzzled his head underneath her hand, she lightly pushed him away and pointed towards his kibble. He obeyed and sat down behind the two of us. 
“Do you mind answering the door?” the males voice wondered, making Sierra and I even more distressed. Sierra quickly picked up the phone and hung up. She handed it back to me and I slipped it into my back pocket. I rushed over to the door, about to open it. “Have you not seen any horror movie?” Sierra retorted as she grabbed my wrist to pull me back. "I’ll be fine,” I said. I looked at the door then to Sierra, I caught glimpse of the knives resting on the counter beside the stove. 
She saw my gaze, Sierra rushed over and grabbed a knife from the butcher block. My roommate handed me the knife and gestured towards the door. I stood in front of the brown, wooden door a little hesitant to open it. I wrapped my hand around the knob and slowly opened it up, still gripping the knife with my other palm. A pair of brown shoes stood in front of me, I glued my feet to the hard wood floor. 
I brought my gaze up to the male’s face, my expression changed immediately. My old friend looked up from the ground and stared into my Y/E/C eyes (GIF Above). “Dick?” I said, my brows furrowing. “Hey,” he responded as he sighed. I looked to his right and saw a short teen girl standing beside Dick. I furrowed my brows, looking at her then to my past crush. “Can we talk?” he asked. Sierra appeared by my side with a look of concern. 
I felt her hand rest on my arm, slightly pulling me back. I grabbed her wrist lightly and lowered it. “It’s alright,” I reassured, “He’s-they’re harmless.” I saw the black haired girl slightly smile, looking up from the floor. 
(Time Skip: Three Hours later) 
Rachel sat at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee while Sierra prepared dinner. Maximus sat at Rachels feet and looked up at her with a large smile as his tongue hung out. Dick sat beside me on the couch, taking a sip of a cold glass of water. “What’s wrong?” I asked, setting a hand on top of his. “Nothing is wrong,” Dick replied. “I don’t believe you,” I said and raised an eyebrow. There was a short pause between the two of us before he told me everything about his job back in Detroit, his secret identity, and Rachel’s abilities. I gave him a sympathetic smile, sighing. “Look, I realize that I haven’t been in touch for the past....” I trailed. 
“Five years,” Dick continued. 
“Has it really been five years?” I said in complete and udder shock. He slowly nodded his head, setting the glass onto the table. “Wow,” I said and sighed. “Dick, I’m so sorry,” I added, “I knew I should’ve been more.....open.” Dick nodded as I spoke with an apologetic tone. “I forgive you,” he said, “I know this isn’t really the type of reunion you hoped for.” I smiled softly. 
The feelings for my past best friend resurfaced, I remembered falling for him every single day throughout high school. However, I never really confessed my true feelings in fear that he would see me different. “Dinner’s ready!” Sierra called. Dick and I got up from the couch, walking over to the table. My roommate set a big salad on the table along with two plates of pasta. Dinner was quiet between the four of us. My roommate finally broke the long pause of silence. “So, Dick. How was Y/N in high school?” Sierra questioned, taking a bite of her salad. 
I whipped my head towards her as I glared daggers at my auburn haired friend. Dick chuckled and took a sip of his beer. “Definitely not as confident as she is now,” he said. I glanced at Dick and rolled my eyes. “That is not true,” I disagreed, shaking my head. “Oh, I think it is,” he corrected, smirking. I chuckled and sipped my ice water with a lemon at the rim of the glass. Rachel looked between Dick and I, grinning to herself. “Did you two date?” she asked. Which caused my best friend and I to look up from our plates of salad and lasagna. 
“N-No,” I said, stuttering. I grabbed my napkin and swallowed my food. “We went to prom together, as friends, but that was it,” I continued, setting my napkin down on my lap. At the corner of my eye, I noticed Dick had raised his eyebrows. “I didn’t think of it as ‘friends’,” he claimed, putting more thought into the word ‘friends’. 
I felt the apples of my cheeks start to blush uncontrollably. Sierra looked between Dick and I as I tried to avoid direct eye contact with my past crush. My roommate sighed and set her fork down. “Alright, I am full. Y/N, why don’t you show Rachel where she’ll be sleeping for the night while Dick helps me clean up?” she offered, breaking the awkward conversation. "Okay,” I said and sighed. I took the napkin off of my lap and folded it neatly, resting it beside my dirtied plate. 
Rachel took the hint and stood up from the table, setting her napkin on top of her plate. I put a hand on her shoulder and led her down the hallway.
Rachel sat on the bed, looking down at a book I had handed her. I looked through my closet as I searched for some clothes that the girl could borrow. I found a pair of black leggings, a purple sweatshirt, and a grey t-shirt from my old high school. “Will these do?” I asked, setting the clothes down. She nodded and took the folded clothes. “I’m sorry if I brought up an awkward subject at dinner,” she said, getting up from the bed. 
I smiled at her and closed my closet doors. I walked over to my bedside table, turning on the small lamp. She watched me with her eyes as I walked around. Rachel changed her position and faced me, fiddling with the drawstrings of the purple sweatshirt. I sighed and set my hands on my hips. 
“It’s alright,” I said, “It needed to be talked about, even though it’s been five years.” She let out a small chuckle, looking down at the sweatshirt. I grabbed an extra hairbrush and walked over to her. She took the brush from me and ran it through her hair. I rummaged through one of the drawers of my dresser and soon found some socks that she could wear. I set then beside her as I took out two towels from the trunk at the foot of my bed. 
A small knock on the frame of the door was heard, the girl and I looked up from the bed. Dick stood there wearing a fresh pair of clothes, which were probably Sierra’s boyfriend’s. “Can I talk to Y/N?” Dick asked. Rachel slowly nodded her head and arose from the bed, walking towards the opened door to my bedroom. “The bathroom’s down the hall to the right,” I informed. She nodded and followed my directions, leaving Dick and I to talk. 
I walked over to my desk and blew out the lavender candle. I grabbed a wet-wipe from my drawer, cleaning the dresser so there was no dust and grime. I threw the cloth into the trashcan beside my bedside table. I sighed and leaned against the edge of my dresser. 
“About what happened back there....” I trailed, scratching the back of my neck. Without hesitation, Dick walked over to me and crashed his lips onto mine. I’ve been wanting to kiss him ever since the two of us met freshmen year of high school. 
We leaned back, looking into each others eyes. A small smile crept on his face and his eyes lit up with glee. “I’ve been waiting to do that for so long,” Dick said. “Wh-wait...” I said, chuckling. “I’d say I didn’t have the guts, but....” he struggled to find the right words. The two of us laughed, he shook his head. I rested my forehead against his, still smiling my ass off. I guess this wasn’t the type of reunion we were expecting. 
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write imagines for Titans ever since I started watching it. Feel free to request, I’ve put the people I will be taking requests for below: 
Jason Todd
Garfield (or Gar)
Dick Grayson (young or not) 
These are the male characters I know of so far, I’m still on season one! I usually do x-female ones! Hope ya’ll have a great rest of your day/weekend. 
Taglist: @sh-tposter2021​ @midnightstar-90​
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
ii. Serial Killer, Lolita Series
Sneak up on you really quiet. Whisper, "Am I what your heart desires?" I can be your ingenue.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: bestfriendsdad!Andy Barber x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, mentions of erection and male masturbation, lewd thoughts, drinking, mentions of domestic violence, murder, and divorce
Words: 2893
Summary: Andy spends an evening with y/n and learns about her hopes, dreams, and sexual relations
Andy Barber was straightening his tie against his grey button down when he walked into the hallway from his bedroom, the smell of bacon wafting through his nostrils as he followed the scent to the kitchen.
“Good morning, Andy.” Y/N’s voice held that sickening sweet seduction he had gotten used to over the past few days. It was seven o’clock in the morning, and the fact that she sounded so chipper had Andy amused. His son was not a morning person, neither were any of the other boys staying with them.
He turns the corner towards the kitchen counter and takes in the sight of her. She’s ready for her first day as an intern for him, though her outfit doesn’t seem to be the most conservative for an attorney’s office. Her tight black skirt with white lines is barely covering her ass, and there’s a small slit up the right side that is showing more skin, if that’s even possible. She’s paired it with a simple black tank top that is cropped to reveal just the tiniest bit of skin on her abdomen, his eyes trailing down her toned legs to her black strappy stilettos that finish off the look. Andy has to look away and busy himself with his briefcase in order to stop himself from coming in his trousers.
“Morning, y/n.” He chokes out, reorganizing the files in a folder he had pulled out. Y/N slides a plate beside him, her heels clicking against the hardwood floor as she walks directly to his side, holding out a freshly brewed cup of coffee.
He takes the cup in his hand appreciatively, eyeing the plate of bacon, eggs, and toast that she had slid over to him. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to do any of this.” Andy takes a sip of coffee before setting his mug down beside the plate, picking up the fork and knife before diving into the meal.
“I know I didn’t have to, but we can’t let you go to the office on an empty stomach, right boss?” She teased, her manicured nails tapping gently on the counter next to him. God how he wished to feel those nails scratching against his scalp.
“Well thank you.” He responds, trying not to think about how she had just called him boss and how it made it incredibly wrong to be thinking about her like he had. The past few days had been rough, watching y/n saunter around the house in her sinful outfits, teasing the other boys and stealing glances in Andy’s direction. He had fucked into his fist every night since he saw her in that damn bikini.
As Andy finished eating y/n cleaned up the dishes, drying them and putting them away where they belonged in the appropriate cabinets and drawers. She was eager for her first day in the office, and honestly happy to be working somewhere where she was already familiar with the boss. 
“That was great, y/n, thank you again.” He wiped his mouth off on a napkin before pulling his briefcase shut, y/n taking his plate and mug and cleaning them in the sink before drying her hands.
“Anytime, I appreciate the carpooling to work as well.” Her fingers reached for her purse on the edge of the counter, following Andy out into the garage and sliding into the passenger seat of his pristine Audi. It was much flashier than her ten-years-too-old Ford Focus. She could get used to this lifestyle for the rest of the summer.
Andy and y/n spent the entire drive to the office making small talk, while Andy tried his hardest not to glance at her supple thighs in her thin skirt. Soon enough they arrived at the office, Andy gesturing for y/n to follow him inside the large office building.
Passing through the doors, Andy says a quick hello to the colleagues he passed, waving them over to gather inside their large conference room.
“Alright everyone, I’ll make this quick. This is y/n, she’s our new intern for the summer so please, be kind and help her to get the most out of her time here.” Andy’s eyes scanned the crowd of people, noticing the way the men in the office all lusted over her, their eyes dark with attraction.
As Andy dismissed everyone, Neal fucking Loguidice strides forward with confidence, extending his hand out to y/n’s. “Neal Loguidice, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Y/N seems to be enjoying the attention, standing up straighter as she takes his hand in hers. “Thank you, Neal. The pleasure is all mine.”
“How about I show you around the office? You know, as an assistant district attorney I can answer any questions you have about this place.” Before Andy can protest, Neal puts a hand on the small of y/n’s back, guiding her out of the conference room and walking her down the hall. Andy hates the way he grits his teeth, the hand not holding his briefcase forming into a tight fist by his side. Why was he even jealous? He had no reason to be, didn’t he?
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Andy spent the rest of the morning answering phone calls and meeting with clients, though he couldn’t help but keep his eyes trained on y/n anytime he left his office. She had picked up lunch for the entire department, created copies for a staff meeting, and was unfortunately still being followed around by that slithering snake Neal. Who did he think he was?
He tried not to let it get to him, but as he walked past y/n’s makeshift desk after a coffee break, he watched as Neal leaned over her. He was teaching her how to scan documents to their respective folders, his eyes staring directly down y/n’s shirt to catch a glimpse of her perky tits. That was it, he had had enough.
“Neal.” Andy clenched his jaw as he spoke, watching as the man’s eyes lingered briefly still on y/n’s tits before meeting his gaze. “A word in my office. Now.” He barked.
Neil walked with confidence into Andy’s office, shutting the door behind him before slumping into the chair in front of Andy’s desk, a smug smile plastered on his face. “What can I do for you, Andrew?” Neal challenged, crossing his left leg over his right.
“You need to keep your eyes and your hands to yourself with y/n, it’s disgusting and she’s one of my son’s best friends. I’m not going to let you disrespect her like that, and neither would HR if they found out.” He growled, his eyes growing dark. Neal puts his hands up in protest before he stands, backing towards the door.
“Whoa, those are some big accusations without any evidence, Barber. I was just showing our intern around.” He’s still got that smug look on his face that Andy wishes to smack off him, though he knows he can’t. Neal opens the office door, walking out and heading back to his own office, leaving y/n to work by herself at her desk.
It was fucked up that he was lecturing Neal about the way he looked at y/n while knowing he’d jerked off into his hand every night fantasizing about her. But he wasn’t acting on anything, it was just some harmless fantasies, he was newly divorced after all. This was just lust, wasn’t it?
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The rest of the day went by fast, Andy moving from meeting to meeting with clients and y/n working diligently on getting acquainted with their latest cases and filing the paperwork into the appropriate folders on their server.
Andy shut his office door a little after six o’clock, locking it behind him before strolling over to where y/n sat at her desk, texting on her phone.
“Are you ready to head out for the evening?” He asked, watching as she stood up beside him, only a couple of inches shorter than him in her heels.
“Yes, Jacob just texted me. Him and the guys are out bar hopping with some, as he put it, ‘absolute tens’ and won’t be home until late.” She follows him out of the office building, watching as he locks the front doors behind them before sauntering over to the passenger side of his car.
“That’s fine, why don’t I order us some takeout, I know a little place by the house that serves the best pad thai.” Andy and y/n get into the car as he starts it up, the vehicle roaring to life under them. “I would love that, thank you.” 
It’s a quiet ride back to the office, y/n scrolling through Instagram as the radio plays softly, the car filled with the lyrics to a Lady Gaga song. Andy parks the car back in its usual spot in the garage before walking inside and dropping his briefcase on the counter.
“I’m gonna take a quick shower, I’ll order the food when I get out and then we can relax, I’m sure today was a lot for you to take in.” Andy assured, loosening the tie around his neck.
“That sounds great, thank you Andy.” Y/N bounds up the stairs as well, letting her body muscles relax under the heat of the shower. Downstairs, Andy is doing the same, except he’s got a cold shower running to rid him of his thoughts from the day. How y/n’s skirt would ride up as she bent down to pull a copy from the copier, the way her lips pursed, and brows furrowed perfectly as she focused on her computer screen. How did her little actions send his brain into such a tizzy?
It wasn’t long before he had calmed his thoughts and pulled on a pair of grey sweats and a navy-blue t-shirt, calling the restaurant and placing a delivery order for two pad thai dinners. As Andy waited for the food to arrive he sat down on the couch, fumbling with his phone until he heard footsteps from the stairs, his eyes trailing over the silky baby blue short shorts and front-tied top that barely covered her breasts, her nipples hard through the fabric.
“Is the food here yet?” She asked, plopping down beside Andy on the couch, her leg just barely grazing him as she sat. Just as Andy went to reply the doorbell rang, immediately standing up and grabbing his wallet from the counter. He pulled the heavy front door open, greeting the gentleman and handing over the money, including a generous tip, in exchange for the bag of food. 
As he walked back into the living room, he noticed y/n had gotten up and placed two bottles of beer on the coffee table, careful to include the thick grey coasters below them.
“Thanks.” He mumbled, emptying the contents of the bag onto the table before handing over one of the takeout boxes to her. She opened it delicately, her fork twisting into the container before pulling out some of the contents and chewing it thoughtfully.
They both sat in silence for a few minutes, the only sounds being the scraping of their silverware and the occasional movement of a beer bottle on and off the coasters. “So…” Andy started, swallowing a bite of his dish. “What made you want to be an attorney? S’not very often that I see someone interested in the profession.” Or someone like her, he meant, though he tried not to come off as if a woman like her couldn’t do the job.
There was an expression that flashed across y/n’s face, something he hadn’t seen yet, a twinge of sadness? “Life circumstances. I actually want to be a defense attorney, specifically.” Andy finished taking a swig from his beer, setting it back down.
“Interesting, are you from the area? Or, at least, close to Columbia?” He questioned.
“No, I’m from Ohio actually. It’s a shit place, only really good for driving through to get to your destination.” Y/N set her half-eaten container on the table, sitting back against the couch.
“Your family must miss you, with you all the way at Columbia.”
“My aunt and I talk every day, s’not much to miss.” Y/N responded; brows knitted into a frown.
“That’s not true, I’m sure she misses you. What about your parents? I’m sure they miss you when you’re gone too.”
That struck a nerve with y/n, she didn’t talk about her family to anyone, she hadn’t even told Jacob or the other guys about her family life. Something about Andy made her feel comfortable, though, her eyes focused on her lap while she picked at a loose hangnail.
“Well, that’s kinda why I wanted to become a defense attorney. My uh-my dad used to beat the shit out of my mom when I was younger.” Her face flashes a few different emotions, pain, anger, guilt, as she swallows a lump in her throat. “Don’t really know why he would’ve been with her in the first place, what’s the point of wanting to be with someone if you just want to pummel their face every day?” Andy listened intently; his food abandoned on the coffee table as well.
Y/N isn’t sure whether to continue with the story or not, deciding she’d already gotten through the first part, might as well finish. “I went to my aunt’s one day, I was nine at the time, and my aunt got a call and she was…beside herself.” She pauses, lips pressed in a grim line. “I guess my mom wanted to leave my dad and he went ballistic, loaded his pistol and emptied a few shots into her. She didn’t survive, of course, and my dad got life without parole.” Y/N cleared her throat.
“Anyhow, I went to live with my aunt, excelled in school, got nearly a full ride to Columbia and have dreamed of becoming a defense attorney for domestic violence and sexual assault victims ever since. I think I’d make a damn good attorney. I’d love to see the look on the guilty faces as I get justice for their victims.” Her voice regained its confidence, her body relaxing back as she finally took a sip from her beer, trying to look unphased.
“I…” Andy started, y/n waving her hand in dismissal. “It’s all good, I’ve moved past it, mostly. You don’t have to say the whole ‘I’m sorry for your loss’ shit. I’ve heard it all before.” Y/N took another long swig from her beer, swallowing it before pointing in his direction.
“What about you, what made you divorce Mrs. Barber? Jacob doesn’t mention her at all, only that you divorced last December.” Andy lets out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding during her entire story.
“Just wasn’t meant to be. We’d been together our whole lives practically and I woke up one day and realized I didn’t love her anymore. We were always fighting, and it wasn’t worth it to try and make it work.” Why he was explaining this to a twenty-two-year-old friend of his son, he didn’t know, but she had just shared something so intimate with him that he felt it was only fair.
“Well, it’s her loss.” The usual sensuality in her tone is back, her lips curling into a smile around her beer bottle. “You’re still young enough and fit, I’m sure you’ll find a pretty woman to meet your every need.” The words made his cock twitch, a chuckle leaving his lips to ease the sexual tension in the air.
“Well thank you. What about you? I see how my son and the other boys eye you.” And himself, but he’d leave that out. “They said your off limits and not the relationship type.” Andy didn’t know if it was appropriate to mention the conversation he had with Rashad and Collin the other day, but it seemed from y/n’s smile she was well aware of how they viewed her.
“Oh, I’ve had my fair share of boys. Watching them fall one by one.” She teased, running a hand through her hair. “I’m kinda like a sweet serial killer on the warpath, I like to have boys wrapped around my finger, but I am fully in control of who gets to move past a few stolen kisses. And frankly, there aren’t many that do” Her tone is honest, Andy licking his lips. I bet a man like me could change that. Before Andy can open his mouth to respond the front door opens, Jacob, Collin, and Rashad bounding in.
“The party’s here!” Rashad cried out, clearly tipsy. The boys stopped in the living room when they saw y/n and Andy, Collin eyeing the takeout on the table.
“Dude can I have some? I’m starving.” Collin announced before picking up y/n’s takeout box, plowing into it with the fork.
“Help yourself, I was actually going to get to bed. Gotta get up early for the internship again.” Y/N slinked seductively off the couch, her eyes meeting Andy’s. “Goodnight, Andy. Thanks for the talk.” He manages to give her a quick goodnight before she’s walking up the stairs, tits bouncing with each step.
Was he slowly being wrapped around her finger like the other boys she mentioned? He didn’t think so, but what he did know is he had yet another outfit of hers to picture her in when he jerked off tonight.
Tagging those who may be interested. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list: @midnightf @my-divine-death @saamwilsonn @fierylibraa @fuckandfluff​ @rattlemyb0nes​ @rootcrop @goldenboysteve​  @turtoix​  @jeremyrennermakesmesmile​  @ccmarvelxx
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