#the way they meet in the first place aside lol
s0ckh3adstudios · 7 months
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hyunverse · 10 days
dimples ★ jeong jaehyun.
jaehyun x gn!reader. fluff, oneshot.
wc: 587 words.
note: first!! ever!!! jaehyun fic!!! he might be a lil ooc lol. also i would like to dedicate this one to my bae @ch3rryd0ll for dragging me into the fandom ily forever <3
Inspired by a video of Mark saying that to make Jaehyun feel better, just poke his dimple with your finger.
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The smell of Jaehyun’s cologne tells you he’s home, aside from the hushed pitter-patter of his footsteps against the wooden floor. You look up from your book, watching as he enters the room. His mannerisms tell you everything you need to know — he did not have a good day. 
Silently, you watch as he shrugs off his coat, tossing it onto a chair before taking off his socks. It’s not until you clear your throat that he acknowledges your presence — a small smile on his face, yet the stress in his eyes still apparent. 
“Hi babe,” he mutters, to which you reply with a “hey.” 
The conversation ends there, as Jaehyun disappears into the bathroom. You continue to read your book — or at least attempt to, your mind still occupied with what could’ve happened to your boyfriend, and the ways in which you could comfort him. The sound of water splashing becomes your white noise, along with the occasional sounds of Jaehyun rummaging around. The smell of his coconut shampoo (technically yours, he has a habit of using your products) leaks into the bedroom, and you smile. You’ve missed his presence all day, and you couldn’t help but bask in it, albeit it’s merely in the form of his scent. 
Soon after, Jaehyun comes out of the bathroom, a towel loosely hanging around his waist, raven hair wet and messy. Once again, he silently goes around the room, putting on a pair of grey sweatpants and drying his hair before getting in the bed with you. 
With Jaehyun finally beside you, messy-haired and so damn kissable, the bedroom walls finally feel like home again.
“Rough day?” you whisper, dog-earing a page before setting your book on the nightstand, “So pouty.”
“Mm,” he hums, his pout intensifying at your comment, “Missed you.” 
You chuckle, letting him cuddle into your side and place his chin on your shoulder. He’s talking less than usual, but you thank God he’s at least still clingy. 
“Missed you too,” you reply, pulling up the duvet to cover the both of you. 
Gently, you trace a hand up and down his chest, in an attempt to soothe him. The pout on his face remains. You could practically see his brain still racking, stressing.
“Want to talk about it, baby?” you question, pushing his hair back. A small sigh escapes your lips when he shakes his head.
“Talking about it could make you feel better,” you try again, rubbing a hand on his temple. Again, he shakes his head. 
“You sure?” you try again. This time, you poke his dimple, smiling to yourself.
Just like that, Jaehyun gives in to you. His pout turns into a small smile, growing wider as you continuously poke his dimple. Soon, he lets out small laughter, tilting his face away from you, as though to shy away. 
“You’re so cute,” you giggle, running a hand on his side, the other still poking on his cheek, “So fucking cute.” 
“That’s all you,” he chuckles, meeting your gaze. This time, he genuinely smiles. One that makes his dimples deeper, and his eyes crinkle. “I was stressed, but you just made it all better.”
It’s your turn to smile wide, “Okay, I’m glad. You can talk to me every time you’re having a hard time, y’know?” 
Jaehyun nods, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer. You’re now laying chest to chest, his heart thumping against yours. Tenderly, he places a kiss on your forehead, then your lips. 
“Okay, baby.”
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agaypanic · 9 months
Adam makes a friend in the cheerleading squad and introduces her to Bree and Chase but Chase kinda keeps his distance because hes so used to everyone having a crush on Adam or Bree and pushing him aside even though reader is very open about her crush on him and she gets so frustrated that she just kisses him
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I Like Nerds (Chase Davenport X Cheerleader!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Tired of history repeating itself, Chase doesn’t even bother trying to get to know you when Adam starts bringing you around. But when you ask him to help you out with an upcoming test, he realizes that you might not be so bad.
A/N: first fic post of the new year!!! also sorry it’s taken me so long to post something, writing’s been feeling so hard lately lol
You don’t know what you did wrong, to make Chase treat you this way. So cold and distant, when all you tried to be was nice. He’d been like this since the day you met, and the behavior never seemed to falter for a second.
It was really unfortunate. All you wanted from him was to like you. You were so excited when Adam invited you over to his house, because you’d finally get a proper introduction to the nerdy boy you’d been crushing on in the hallways.
“I hope they like me.” You murmured, more to yourself than to Adam, as you reached the front door of his place. When Adam invited you to hang out and meet his siblings after practice, you immediately said yes. You and Adam had gotten along the moment he joined the cheer squad, and his family seemed nice from your observations from afar. But seeing the giant house in front of you and thinking about what was on the other side of the door was starting to make you nervous.
“Don’t be silly; of course, they’ll like you!” Adam said with his usual cheerful demeanor. Without warning, he opened the door, dragging you into the house. “I like you!”
“Well, you like everyone, Adam.” You said with a laugh, the chuckle soon turning timid as you realized that Adam’s siblings were all sitting on the couch looking at the two of you. You absentmindedly smoothed out your cheer skirt, doing your best not to look at Adam’s nerdy brother too much. “Hi.” 
“Guys, this is-”
“Y/n L/n.” Adam’s other brother Leo cut him off, standing up and walking over to you with a sly smile. “Best flyer on the cheer squad and Captain Stacy Brookfield’s right-hand girl.” You giggled at the description he gave you as he shook your hand. “I’m Leo Dooley. Now… about Stacy Brookfield-”
“Okay.” Adam pushed Leo’s shoulder. “That’s enough of that.” You did your best to stifle a snort as Adam ignored Leo’s whiny protests, pointing to his sister. “This is my sister, Bree.”
“We have got to hang out; I need girl time,” Bree said in a severe tone, making you grin. “I’m surrounded by these guys every day; I’m getting so sick of it.”
“Well, I know all the best spots for good girl time.” You responded, happy that Bree had seemed to take a liking to you already. “I’ll give you my number before I leave so we can set something up.”
Bree clapped gleefully before Adam stole your attention, pointing to who was sitting on the furthest seat on the couch.
“And that’s my brother, Chase.”
He looked up at the sound of his name, eyes landing on you. You wiggled your fingers to give him a small wave.
“Hey.” You smiled, glad you were finally getting a good introduction to this cute boy. He looked you up and down for a second, took a deep breath, and then looked back at the homework he was working on.
So much for a good introduction.
That was about a month ago, and not much seemed to change. It’s not like Chase was mean, just… indifferent. He was polite enough to give a short wave back to you when you passed by, but he never did anything beyond that. He didn’t feel like trying to converse with you beyond pleasantries. When you came over to the Davenport household, usually for Adam or Bree, he seemed to busy himself with homework or something else so he wouldn’t have to interact with you.
You tried to tell yourself that he was like that with everyone, so the standoffishness didn’t hurt you as much.
But now you had a chance to maybe change Chase’s attitude. Or at least find out the reason behind it. You had an upcoming test in your math class, probably your worst subject. You knew that Chase was smart, most likely the most intelligent guy in school. So, when you were in the living room waiting for Bree to get ready to go to the mall with you and saw Chase walk into the kitchen, you decided to seize your opportunity.
“Hey, Chase.” You said, a pep in your step as you walked to the kitchen and sat on one of the bar stools. He looked up at you, seeming surprised, like he hadn’t noticed you were there.
“Hey, Y/n.” His voice was timid, a bit confused.
Before he could get the chance to run off, you leaned forward on the counter.
“Chase, could you do me a favor?” You rested your head in your hands, giving him a sweet smile.
“Maybe…” He grabbed a drink from the fridge and faced you, picking at the bottle cap. “What is it?” 
“Well, I have a math test coming up, and I’m, like, the worst at remembering all the formulas and stuff. So I was wondering if you could maybe help me?” You bit your lip in anticipation, hoping he’d say yes.
Chase had a feeling you’d ask him something like this at some point. Whenever his siblings brought someone new around, more often than not, he was eventually asked to help the friend either get with his brother or sister or help them with some homework. 
He sighed, scratching the back of his neck.
“Well, I really-”
“If you need me to pay you, I totally can!” You quickly added. “I don’t wanna, like, take advantage of your brain or anything.” You said with a nervous laugh. 
“No,” Chase said without thinking. He mentally kicked himself; why would he say no to money? Although Mr. Davenport was rich, that didn’t mean Chase was. He cleared his throat. “No, you don’t have to pay me. I mean, any friend of Adam and Bree’s is a friend of mine, right?”
You grinned, happy that he was willing to help you. It stung a bit that he considered you a friend by association instead of just a friend, but you were sure that that would be fixed after a few study sessions.
“Great! Thank you so much, Chase!”
“Y/n, I’m ready.” Bree came bounding down the stairs, and although you were excited to go out with her, you were a bit disappointed that your time with Chase was being cut short.
“One second, Bee.” You said, giving her a smile before turning back to Chase. You dug around in your bag for a loose piece of paper and a pen. “Here’s my number.” You said, scribbling it down along with a smiley face before handing it to him. “Text me, and we’ll set up a date.”
Chase’s cheeks seemed to redden as he took the piece of paper from you, giving it a quick glance before smiling at you.
“Got it.”
“Y/n, come on!” Bree took hold of your arm and started to drag you out of the house. You gave Chase a quick wave and grinned when he waved back to you with slightly more enthusiasm than before.
A week later, the day before your test, you were about to have your third study session with Chase. You were happy to see that Chase had been warming up to you a bit. Maybe you just needed some alone time with him to get him to open up. He was starting to make small talk with you when you saw each other, greeting you first when you’d come through the door. You were honestly a bit baffled when you came over one night to watch a movie with him and his siblings, and he moved his homework out of the way instead of focusing on it so you could sit next to him.
You came to the Davenports with Adam, coming straight from cheer practice. When you got close to the house, you suddenly realized you didn’t have any comfortable clothes to change into. Sure, you had the clothes you wore to school, but you didn’t feel like going back into your jeans and top that wasn’t the best for lounging around.
“What’s wrong?” Adam asked, spotting the pout on your face. 
“I just realized I forgot to pack something comfy in my bag.” You groaned. “Now I either gotta stay in uniform until I get home or put my jeans back on.”
“You can borrow something from me, if you want,” Adam said. 
“Really?” You asked.
“Yeah, sure!”
You and Adam went inside and saw Chase sitting on the couch, a math textbook and some paper on the coffee table. He perked up at the sight of you.
“Hey, Chase!” You greeted, setting your backpack next to him. “I’m gonna get out of this real quick, and then we can get started.” Chase nodded, flipping the textbook open to the page you ended on from your last study session.
“Come on, Y/n. My room’s this way.” Adam’s giant hand clasped around yours, leading you down the hall, and you missed Chase snapping his head to look at the two of you walking away.
When you came back to the living room about ten minutes later, you missed the way Chase clenched his jaw at the sight of you. You were wearing Adam’s clothes, almost drowning in his oversized shirt and sweatpants, with your cheer uniform neatly folded and tucked under your arm.
“Hey.” You smiled at Chase, taking your math notebook out of your backpack and stuffing in your uniform. You settled next to Chase and grabbed a pen. “So, what are we working on?”
Chase stared at you for a second, and you started to feel a bit skittish under his gaze. He took a deep breath before looking away from you, giving a half-hearted gesture towards the open textbook.
“Just review.”
You frowned at the lackluster response from him. You wondered what had happened between ten minutes ago and now to dim Chase’s mood. But you didn’t want to poke and prod, so you simply nodded and started looking at the textbook.
A few minutes passed, and Chase was filled with thoughts that needed to be let out. 
“So, what’s up with you and Adam?” He asked, trying to appear nonchalant. You looked at him confused, before looking back at your notebook, trying to work out a problem.
“What about me and Adam?” 
“Are you guys like… together, or what?” You dropped your pen at the question, not expecting it at all. You snorted, and Chase frowned. It was bad enough that you were wearing his brother’s clothes, but laughing at him dampened his mood a bit more. Until you responded.
“God, no!” You laughed. “I mean, I like Adam, he’s really nice. But not like that.”
“Really?” Chase asked, watching you pick your pen back up.
“Not at all! I like nerds.” You didn’t mean to let that slip, but you tried not to let it show.
“Really?” Chase asked again, only this time sounding more interested.
“Yeah!” You smiled at him. “Muscles are cool and all, but I dunno. In this world, I think smarts should be considered superior.” You scribbled a few more things down before showing Chase your notebook. “Is this right?” You asked hopefully.
He only needed to take a quick glance to see whether you were correct or not, and you were. He nodded and smiled at the tiny squeal you gave out in celebration before moving on to the next review question.
“I’m sure you did great, Y/n,” Chase reassured you as you paced back and forth in the hall. Your eyes were glued to your phone, waiting for a notification. “You worked really hard this past week; there’s no doubt you got a good grade.”
You had taken your math test today and were now impatiently waiting for the results. Your teacher said she’d have the tests graded and put into the gradebook by the end of the school day. But it’s been fifteen minutes since the last bell of the day rang, and there’s still been no change in your grade or notification of your test results.
“No, Chase. I, like, totally blanked on half the questions. There’s no way I passed.” 
“Y/n, if you keep walking around like that, you’re gonna burn a hole through the floor.” Chase grabbed your shoulders and turned you to face him. You would’ve been flustered by the close proximity if you weren’t so worried about your academic standing. If you did about as bad as you think you did on this test, there’s no way you’d be able to cheer at the next few football games. “I’m sure you did really good.”
“I know you did.” Chase looked like he was about to say something more when your phone buzzed. You looked down fast enough to see that it was a notification about your grade, and although you had been so impatient for it, now you didn’t want to look.
“You look at it.” You shoved the phone into Chase’s hand, clasping your own together as you waited for the blow. “Well? What did I get?”
Chase looked at your phone to see the grade and grinned up at you.
“You got an A.”
“You got an A!”
“Oh my God!”
Any people passing by probably thought the two of you were going crazy, but you didn’t care at all. You were beyond thrilled, and Chase was so proud of you. You clapped and jumped on the balls of your feet before roping Chase into a hug, which he eagerly returned.
“Thank you so much! I don’t know what I would’ve done without you, Chase.” You pulled back and, overwhelmed by the moment of ecstasy, pecked Chase on the lips. It was quick, but when you realized what you had done, you gasped and covered your mouth. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I did that. I-”
Chase didn’t let you continue. Instead, he pulled your hand away from your mouth and kissed you, this time longer and more focused. The hand that wasn’t still wrapped around your waist buried itself into your hair. You tried not to smile too much as you kissed him back.
Smarts were definitely superior.
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halaxia · 1 year
— the language of flowers 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 the jjk boys
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❥ featuring | itadori yuji, fushiguro megumi, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuta, gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, kamo choso, and mahito ❥ cw | mostly fluff, unrequited love in megumi’s (sorry), brief mentions of violence in mahito’s ❥ note | reposted from my old blog, rewrote some stuff :) also not proofread lol don't come for me for typos/stuff that doesn’t make sense i'll edit it in the morning!!! also some of these are ooc i know i don’t wanna talk about it :,(
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Yuji's love was akin to that of a day in mid-spring when sweet birdsong filled the air and the smell of flowers wafted through the atmosphere as the trees rustled with a gentle breeze passing by. Yuji's love brought you peace, contentment; it was kind, gentle, and welcoming, and it felt like home. Anything you could ever want, ever need, Yuji tried to provide you with it to the best of his ability. Meeting his affectionate gaze never failed to bring a smile to your lips and warm your cheeks, much like the sun would on a beautiful day.
Your love was pure—Yuji didn't care for your flaws or imperfections, nor did you for his. All that mattered was that, after a long, tiring day of exorcising curses or enduring gruelling training from your seniors or sensei, you could find solace in the arms of each other.
— After your first date, Yuji gifted you a crisp, fresh, white daisy, and would continue to do so whenever he noticed the ones he'd given you prior begin to wilt. Now, though, he is sure to get you one each day before seeing you; they're becoming a small bouquet of clean, white flowers on your dresser in a crystal vase next to a framed photo of the two of you.
Megumi loved you, and you loved him, too, but not in the way he so craved.
Passing smiles and lingering embraces were never enough to quell his ever-growing love for you. Megumi wanted nothing more than to see the look in your eyes when he confessed his feelings to you, to let you hold his aching heart in your hands and watch you handle it with care, to hear you whisper the four words he'd been dreaming of hearing leave your lips; "I love you too."
How he longed to kiss you, feel the way your lips slotted perfectly against his and taste the fruit-flavoured chapstick he always saw you applying. He wanted to hold your hand when you were scared, tuck your hair behind your ear and tell you that he would always be there for you, that everything would be okay as long as he was by your side.
It hurt him, not being able to show you just how much he loved you. He swore to himself that one day he would be honest with you, let his mind step aside and let his heart take over. That day, however, had yet to come.
— Megumi's eyes always fall on the gardenias arranged neatly by the exit as he leaves the store with you by his side. Next time, he thinks. I'll give them one next time. Deep down, he knows that next time will never come.
What you adored most about the love you and Inumaki shared was the innocence of it all; warm, comforting hugs after tiring missions, stolen kisses in empty corridors, giggly nights spent together in each other's rooms after everybody else had retreated to their rooms to sleep.
Nobody else knew about what you and Inumaki shared, but the two of you preferred it that way. The love you two had was secret, hidden away from all but the chirping crickets and hooting owls that surrounded you on those warm summer nights spent together on the roof of Jujutsu High.
Your love was pure, innocent, perfect, and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
— Inumaki never fails to greet you with a smile, peppering your face with kisses just as the door shuts behind him. He places his fingertips on your eyelids, a silent instruction to close them, before sliding the stem of a white rose behind your ear. You leave it there for the rest of the night, and before Inumaki is about to return to his room, just as the sun kisses the horizon, he gingerly removes it from where it had found a home behind your ear and places it on your nightstand, beside it, a note written in his distinct scrawl: "sleep well, my flower." He leaves silently, though not before placing a gentle kiss on your temple.
Yuta felt himself begin to regain his humanity after becoming acquainted with you. He could finally begin to appreciate life for what it was—he would smile as the warm summer sun kissed his cheeks, close his eyes and relish in the natural sounds of nature, a breeze sweeping delicately through the trees, the sounds of birds singing happily to one another. He felt present, he felt alive, and for that, he had you to thank.
You were the one who showed him what a joyous, content life could look like, and it was because of you he, for the first time since his childhood, felt happy. Every time he felt your lips against his, heard your harmonious laugh and saw your smile that never failed to warm his heart, he was reminded of his reason to try every day—you.
— Yuta is sweating bullets the first time he asks you out on a real date (Panda, Inumaki, and Maki all insisted that the two of you spending time together during a class outing barely counted as a date). When he knocks on the door of your room and sees the grin on your face the moment you lay your eyes upon the bouquet of lily of the valley he held in his shaking hands, he could feel his anxieties almost immediately melt away. Since then, he's made it a tradition to greet you with those same flowers before each date—he can never get tired of seeing you smile.
Satoru didn't let just anyone in—despite his bubbly exterior and friendly (although irritating to some) exterior, he was rather particular about who he let take a stroll through his aching heart. At the beginning of your relationship, he, of course, welcomed you with open arms and loved you wholeheartedly; he made you feel like you were the only person in the whole world who mattered to him. You, however, could feel the distance at which he kept you—he was open, but only enough so that you wouldn't question whether or not he trusted you with his secrets.
It wasn't until further into your relationship that he finally began to feel as though he could further drop his guard around you and shed his (sometimes) forced sincerity. It started slow at first, with Satoru telling you short stories of his youth and his friends from his past. He would tell you just enough that you were practically dying to know more, but you never pushed, not once.
One night, however, when a spring thunderstorm left the roads far too dangerous for you to drive home, you spent the night at his, and just like the ferocity of the downpour which transpired outside, all of Satoru's feelings poured out; his fear of becoming attached to you just as he once was with Suguru, how he was afraid of loving you with his whole heart lest he had to hurt you, leave you in the same way he did his best friend. It was the first time you'd seen him cry.
Although he expected you to shy away, leave him after seeing his vulnerability and realize that The Strongest was nothing more than a weakling who couldn't so much as get over the death of his best friend, that he was only a child who'd been forced to grow up far too quickly, you embraced him and told him you'd love him no matter what.
— Satoru loves to place the heads of delphiniums around your home whilst you're at work. You were vaguely annoyed by it at first, scolding him (though with no spine) for making a mess of your place of living. One day, though, you find yourself smiling at the violet-blue buttercup staring you in the face from the inside of your medicine cabinet. Satoru makes sure to hide extra flowers for you to come across whenever he has to go on long missions, leaving you something of his for you to find so you "don't miss him too much". You feel your heart swell with love each time you find another flower.
You and Suguru were textbook high school sweethearts—spending your days together outside of classes, holding hands or locking pinkies whenever you were in the vicinity of one another, watching the sun rise and set together. You were practically made for each other, and as grossed out by you as everyone else was, they couldn't deny that fact. You and Suguru were undeniably, irrevocably in love with each other.
That's why his betrayal left such a dark stain of hurt on your heart, so full of him that you weren't sure you could call it your own anymore. Waking up to a cold, empty bed that you once shared, buying him things you think he'd like just for them to gather dust on your dresser—not one day went by where you didn't think of Suguru and the curse of love he'd left with you, gnawing away at your heart as a constant reminder of not only what once was, but what could have been.
You never held any hatred for the boy who was a traitor to Jujutsu Society, the one who would meet your lips with a sweet kiss each morning, night, and any time in between, who would dance with you in your room to a song sung by himself to cheer you up after a particularly gruelling day. You remembered nothing but the good things, and you could only hope he remembered you, too.
— Suguru has a bouquet of zinnia kept in a delicate vase next to a photo of the two of you on a small table in the corner of his room. He finds himself smiling as his eyes land upon them, spritzing them with a bit of water if he finds that they're drying out, replacing them upon noticing the petals begin to wilt. With each spritz of water, he remembers everything the two of you shared, both the good and the bad—now, all that's left of the two of you is a fond memory.
Kento was a tired man who devoted himself to his work, so much so that he never really had the time to let himself think about anything but an upcoming project or deadline he had to meet—that was until you managed to worm your way into his heart.
Your innocence was what initially drew him in, your gentle gaze and soft hands clean of sin. Your ignorance, at first, bubbled a sense of annoyance from deep within his chest, but only after pondering his feelings did he realize he did not resent you, but envied you, your purity and kind-heartedness.
If he was unable to live a life of comfort, of happiness, then he could at least keep you safe from the angry claws of the cruel world. The feeling of solace Kento so craved, he found in you.
— No matter how tired he was after a long day at work, once a week, Kento always makes sure to pick up a bouquet of lilies for you before returning home. Seeing your eyes light up and face break out into a smile always manages to brighten his day, too, no matter how exhausted he's feeling; if you're happy, then he is, too.
No matter what time or day, Choso's thoughts were clouded with nothing but the thought of you. He was undeniably infatuated with you, from the way your fingers ran through his hair on a lazy day to the way your shampoo and perfume always seemed to match. There wasn't a moment in his life where he didn't think of you.
Choose was sincere in his feelings for you—when the words "I love you" fell from his lips, he swore that, leading up to that moment, nothing he'd ever said held as much truth as did that declaration.
— Choose gifts you a small arrangement of gladioluses, along with a small note attached to the metallic string holding them together. Written in his messy scrawl is a short message about how he adores you so, all wrapped up with a small, asymmetrically-drawn heart and a dopey smiley face. You keep the note in the drawer of your bedside drawer and find yourself looking at it when you're missing him.
With Mahito, it wasn't so much love at first sight as it was intrigue.
You weren't afraid of him the very first time he'd appeared before you, nor when he'd turned the two attackers attempting to shake you down of your valuables into faceless, disgusting curses—hell, you'd even asked him to walk you home. What kind of a person wouldn't be afraid of him? Who could do such a thing?
That's why Mahito was so utterly fascinated by you.
He began frequenting your apartment, something which caught you by surprise the first time he did so (you thought he was an intruder and threw a tv remote at him, he thought it was funny), but after a while, you began to grow used to his somewhat eerie presence always lurking behind or beside you—you found your apartment feeling almost empty on the days where he didn't show up.
You craved the moments when he would appear beside you, plopping down on your couch next to you and completely disregarding your evident exhaustion following a hard day at work to ask you incessant questions about what you'd done that day or if you'd missed him (he did so only to see the way you grew flustered and furiously deny his proposition). Feeling a sudden presence behind you as you typed away tirelessly at your computer, stopping only when you felt his hands fall on your tense shoulders and feeling your face grow extremely warm upon hearing his sultry voice purr in your ear: "Only relaxed when I'm around, huh?", you could no longer deny the voice in your head telling you that you liked having the curse for company.
You enjoyed having him around, however unnerving he was, and with each night that he found himself at your apartment, Mahito realized he enjoyed being around you, too.
— Mahito once asked you why you liked to keep a vase of flowers in the main room of your home; What's the point of taking care of something without a soul, much less put in the effort to keep it alive? It gives you a sense of responsibility, you tell him. If you find yourself too tired to take care of yourself, you can at least find happiness in the small flowers that relied on you to live. One day, he notices the petals growing dry and lifeless, and after coming home one night from work, plagued with exhaustion, you're pleasantly surprised to see the purple flowers replaced, flourishing and blossoming once again. Although you don't know why he did so—you seldom know why Mahito does anything, really—you can't help the smile making its way onto your face at the thought of the blue-haired curse who placed them there.
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froggibus · 1 year
The Second Choice - Leon S Kennedy
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Pairing: Leon S Kennedy x gn! reader
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 2k
Summary: after losing Ada, Leon can’t get her off of his mind—and can’t stop comparing you to her
CW: angst, feelings of inadequacy, second guessing, unhealthy relationship, feelings of loss, allusion to death/loss, Leon comparing you to Ada, alcohol abuse, hurt comfort, groveling (but pretty weak cause I can never stay mad at this man), arguing, insecurities, allusion to panic attacks
honestly have been feeling super angsty the past few days and needed to write a lil angst as a treat to myself lol. definitely not my best work but whatever
It’s no secret that after he lost Ada, your boyfriend was never quite the same. Aside from having nightmares for months, he also never quite got over her.
You’d be lying if you said a part of you wasn’t relieved the day he told you the news. She was always a point of contention in your relationship and you felt as though Leon would never be able to fully give himself to you as long as she was in the picture. You thought this would be a new leaf for you guys, a step in the right direction to further progress your relationship.
You’ve never been more wrong.
The first few months of the aftermath were rough. Leon drank more and came home less, and the times he came home made you wish he never did. You tried to take a deep breath and turn the other cheek to his drinking. He’s in pain, you’d remind yourself. He needs time.
It all came to a head one night after he hadn’t been home in almost a week—too busy out on a binge. You had been texting and calling him the whole week, desperately clinging onto him when you knew he didn’t belong to you. He never did.
Leon got home with the worst hangover of his life, hoping to just crash in bed and forget for a while. It had been so long since he slept—the nightmares that plagued him chasing away any hope of rest. But today he felt tired enough and the comfort of having you at home was more than enough to have the man dreaming of sleeping the whole way home.
The last thing he wanted to see was his bed covered in your clothes, a suitcase thrown open on your side of the bed and you desperately rummaging through the closet. “Honey?” He spoke softly, voice raspy from the constant burn of alcohol.
Your head snapped up, red rimmed eyes meeting his. “You’re back.”
“What’s going on? What’s—what’s all this?”
You almost felt bad for him. “I need some time away, Leon. I-I can’t do this anymore.”
“Do what?” He wrinkled his nose in confusion.
“This. The long nights and the drinking and you never coming home anymore. It’s killing me, Leon. And I,” your voice broke and you took a deep breath, “I deserve better.”
Leon felt his heart drop into his stomach, a weight forcing him onto his knees, He looked up at you with glistening eyes, “y/n, please don’t do this. Please. I-I love you, I don’t know who I am without you.”
You sighed, trying to swallow back the lump in your throat. It’s not fair, it’s never been fair. But it’s Leon, and you’ve always loved him, and no matter how angry you were in the moment, you knew he needed you.
“Alright,” you said quietly, placing the suitcase back in the closet.
Hope filled Leon’s eyes once more, like azure sparkling in sunlight. He wasted no time in striding over to you and wrapping his arms around you. He held you so tightly it hurt.
He whispered, “I promise things will get better from here. I promise, y/n.”
Leon doesn’t drink as much after that. He comes home at a normal time but even then it feels like your boyfriend is vacant. Gone. The closer he is to you, the further away he seems. 
She’s always on his mind—and he makes that obvious to you. 
Leon’s eyes practically glaze over the day he sees you wearing red. The garment clings to your body in such a perfect way, the scarlet complimenting all of your features perfectly. 
You almost smile at the way his jaw drops. He’s never been a very reactive person so seeing him like this is enough to make you giggle. Of course, that’s before he speaks. 
“Ada had a dress that was almost the exact same colour.”
Your heart sinks at the mention of her name. He’s grieving, you try to remind yourself. It's only natural she’s on his mind. 
“Red was her favourite colour, she wore it all the time.”
You sigh, trying not to let your tensed muscles show. He misses her. It’s okay. But it’s not okay, and your stomach hurts and now you don’t want to go out at all. 
“It’s kinda itchy,” you say quietly. “I’m gonna change.”
And you find yourself tossing the cloth into the bottom of your hamper, never to be worn again. In fact, you don’t feel like wearing red ever again. 
The comparisons don’t stop after that day. Ada never seems to leave his mind, and any time he looks at you, there’s a look in his eyes that says he’s not really seeing you. 
It feels like anything you do, anything you wear, any interest you have—she had it too. 
You’re watching a movie on the couch, cuddled into his side. You have your arms wrapped around one of his, feeling the muscle beneath his skin. 
You giggle and point at the tv, “I love him. He was my favorite character as a kid.”
You regret the words as soon as they leave your mouth and Leon turns to look at you. His blue eyes are clouded over with nostalgia. 
“Ada always loved him, too. Only guy that ever made her flustered,” he shakes his head, smiling at the thought of her. 
You can’t help but pull away from him and withdraw to your side of the couch. Leon looks at you in concern, head tilted to the side. 
“Can—can you stop comparing me? I hate that,” your voice comes out exasperated and desperate. 
Leon doesn’t say anything but a confused look takes over his face. His silence is almost worse than his comparisons—almost. 
He’s at a loss for words. He doesn’t know what to say. That’s just how his mind works; he makes connections between things like that. A force of habit he gained from his strenuous line of work. He thought you understood that. 
“Just,” you sigh, pushing yourself off of the couch, “nevermind.”
You trudge your way to the bedroom and throw yourself on the bed, closing your eyes and forcing the tears away. He promised things would get better. He promised. 
Leon notices you withdrawing from him after that. Never in his life had he heard you sound so defeated and so angry. You’ve never been good at voicing your feelings, especially not to him, so he knew something was wrong the minute you spoke up. 
“Honey?” He shuffles over to his side of the bed, the mattress dipping down under his weight. 
You don’t answer, drawing your arms and knees closer to your chest. Leon sighs—he’s really messed up. 
“I’m really sorry. I didn’t realize I was making you so upset.” He takes a deep breath, “I just miss her so much, and you know how my brain works and—”
You whimper, “it’s not fair, Leon. You’re not being fair to me here.”
“I-I know! But you knew how things were getting into this so maybe you shouldn’t have—”
“Shouldn’t have what, Leon?” You snap. 
The blond stays awfully silent, staring at his clenched fists in his lap. He doesn’t know how to talk his way out of this—he doesn’t know how to keep you with him. 
“I think I need some time away.” 
Leon stares at you slack jawed. As soon as you stand up, he’s jumping to his feet too. He practically dives into your way, blocking your path. 
You stare at him expectantly and try to avoid the burning in your eyes. 
He looks at you dead seriously. “For every thing you have in common with her, there’s another thing that you don’t.” 
His words are enough to get you to sit back down on the bed. The beating in his chest settles down as you do. You’re not leaving. 
“She was really athletic for one thing, and a serial flirt. I mean, she was just so beautiful she could have any man wrapped around her finger. And she loved to fight and she loved gory movies and—why are you standing up?”
Leon stares at you in confusion. Did he say something wrong? He doesn’t understand. 
Your mind races a million miles a second. It’s clear from the way he talks about her that he loved her in a way he could never love you. Even from the way he talked about her compared to you. Beautiful, athletic, charismatic. Everything you wished you were, everything he wishes you are. 
“I need to get out of here, I-I feel like I can’t breathe.” You clutch your chest, shoving past him and grabbing your keys and your coat. 
Leon watches you walk out the door, hopeless to do anything to stop you. 
Leon waits for you to come home, sitting in a chair by the door for hours. The more time that passes, the more worried he gets that you’ll never come home. He taps his foot in anticipation—a habit he’d never had until now. 
He can’t believe how caught up he got. He was so focused on the ghosts of his past that he forgot about his future. And sitting in this old chair, his ass hurting from sitting so long, he wishes he could go back in time and shut his own stupid mouth. 
It’s nearly 1am when he hears your key in the door. Leon shoots to his feet, standing only a foot away from the opening door. 
The minute you see him, you feel like crying again. You were hoping he would be asleep and you wouldn’t have to have this conversation now. 
You close the door behind you and lock it, not even sparing a look at Leon as you make your way down the hall and to the bathroom. You only get halfway before Leon grabs your wrist and tugs you to face him. 
He drops to both knees in front of you, looking up at you with desperate eyes. “Y/n.”
You shake your head and try to tug your hand away but Leon keeps a firm grip. 
“I am so fucking sorry, y/n. I-I got so caught up in things that I didn’t even realize how I was treating you. I want to make it up to you.”
“You promised things would get better, Leon.” Your voice is shaking dangerously, “but all you’ve done is make me feel like her replacement. Like I’m the next best thing. And it has me second guessing everything. How do I know you even love me for me? How do I know you love me at all?”
Leon’s heart aches at your words. He knew he messed up but he didn’t realize the extent to how unloved he was making you feel. 
“No, no, no. Y/n, no. Look at me.” His eyes are wet, and he looks so vulnerable sitting in front of you on his knees. “I love you. I love you. You and only you. You’re not her, and I know that. I never loved her in the same way I love you.”
Tears fall down your cheeks, splashing on the floor in front of you and Leon. 
He keeps going. “You’re not a replacement. You’ve never been a replacement. You’re the best thing I could have asked for, and I’m sorry I haven’t been the best boyfriend lately.”
Leon slowly rises to his feet, slipping his hands into yours. “Let me make it up to you. Please, let me make it up to you.”
You sigh, biting your lip and trying to force the tears away. “Leon…”
“Let me make it up to you. Let me show you how much I love you, y/n. I will do anything to make you feel happy and safe again.”
And looking into his eyes, you know he means that. 
“Alright, alright, just—” you wipe your eyes and offer a weak smile, “let’s sleep on it, okay?”
Leon nods and lets you tug him to the bedroom. He still has a lot of work to do, but that can wait until the morning. For now, he’s just glad he has you back.
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jamneuromain · 1 month
Stalker Lady pt. 1
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader (You)
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warning: Mean!Simon Riley, Voice (PORN) actor!Simon Riley, patron!reader, neighbor!AU, description of audio porn and stalking behavior. bad language word people we're talking about audio porn here
Summary: You meet Simon unexpectedly. Unfortunately, he thinks you are a stalker.
A/N: This fic is my rehab-going-back-into-writing fic. And it's the first time I'm writing for "Ghost" I've honestly never played COD. But here's my idea of the scary (not really lol) simon ghost riley :3
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After enduring your rented noisy flat for nearly six months, the construction of your new house is finally completed, which is a total relief. You now have a house of your own.
It’s a small place in the suburbs, with a handful of neighbors on the same block, and a decent lawn that you need not pay too much attention to besides mowing occasionally. More importantly, the quietness.
You’ve settled for this house because of the friendly neighbors and the quietness around the place. Most houses are properly wrapped up in thick walls and heavy planks so no noises would escape. The only sounds that constantly appear from outside of the window are the birds chirping and the laughs and talks from family and friends.
This is the perfect place for you.
You met the Pinewood Residential Community Committee (Really? A community committee? You could be in tears) the day you moved in. A group of five that consisted of three of the actual committee and two of your neighbors. The house to your right lives a delightful family whose wife Sarah came to visit and brought you homemade cookies. The house to your left harbors a tall silent man called Simon who has dark circles under his eyes (You doubt the house was enough for him because he looked like a Tall-nut that could poke through the roof). Most of the time he just nodded to whatever the rest of them were chatting about. He gave you a brand-new Bluetooth speaker about the size of your palm, saying that it might come in handy if you want to play music without carrying your phone around the house.
You were grateful.
For the committee. For the friendly neighbors. For the speaker, even.
Until the day you decide to try this speaker out.
Present day, today, this very hour, you have been fighting with this unruly speaker.
You have pushed buttons. Connecting it to the charger and unplugged it twice. Flipped the on/off switch. Turned the volume thingy at the top to the maximum. Turned up the phone volume, too.
No sound coming out.
While your phone mocks at you by showing you that you have already connected it and no sound is coming out.
You googled, searched, and tried reading the instructions, but nothing helped.
You sigh. Snatch the speaker and the small piece of paper with instructions and head to your neighbor’s place.
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Simon is just finishing up his work for today.
It’s not a job, per se, but trades his time and patience for some of the allowances.
Actually, scratch that, he has been making more from this not-job job than spending time in the military, which says something.
He has been considering making this job a little permanent, aside from his part-time work to deliver posts and mails.
He starts the day early, driving his van to the local post office, loading the bunch of stuff onto his backseat, and finishing driving around the blocks at around 1 pm. Works a little on his side job, goes to bed at 9 or 10, simple as that.
He leaves the recording room of his house, only pausing his steps to the showers when he hears something coming from his living room…?
He heads back to the recording room, making sure his laptop is turned off, his phone is on airplane mode (which has stayed that way for a while, he must add, to prevent it from interrupting his recording), and his iPad certainly has not connected to his Bluetooth. Which is … odd?
Because why is one of his recordings playing on his Bluetooth speaker?
Simon winces at his own grunts and moans from the speaker. He’s not particularly proud of it, okay, that he is a member of an audio porn production team. He takes time recording himself reading various scripts of monologues that end up taking the imaginative figure of a woman to bed.
Yes, he records himself twice a week.
Yes, he makes male-for-female porn.
Yes, he never shows his face and has a silly stage name called “Ghost”.
Yes, he does (very occasionally) custom-made fan audio for those generous patrons.
Yes, this is a custom-made audio playing on his Bluetooth – wait what?
A few soft knocks land on his door before he can comprehend what mystical force is toying with his speaker.
“Brilliant.” He grumbles to himself under his breath, “Fucking brilliant.”
Now he has another thing to tend to besides figuring out his haunted speaker.
He turns the volume down, shoving the small gadget into the sofa cushions before it can be haunted again.
Opening the door.
And there you are.
“Oh! Um, hi!” You are stepping down the porch, thinking that he must be busy, but the noise of the locks startles you a little, turn around to see your neighbor Simon, “Hi, I live next door. Uh, I moved here about a week ago?”
He thinks to himself.
Technically, his first impression was supposed to be a week ago when he visited your place for the first time, but he missed his nap time so the thirty minutes spent there consisted of him keeping himself awake – hardly, more like keeping his head straight and eyes open, which he failed, for at least a dozen times or so.
Rude. He knows. But he is not the kind of social butterfly either, so you kinda get what you deserve by moving in next to him.
“Yeah.” He grunts, his mind still on the fucking Bluetooth, “Wha’d you need, luv?”
“I think this speaker is … I don’t know what’s wrong with it, it just … no sound coming out of it.” You chew on your lower lip sheepishly, “Would you mind helping out, please?”
“Tried to dial the volume on your phone louder?” He raised his eyebrows at you.
“Yeah, I did, I-” You fumble with your phone, giving him a moment to look at the speaker under your arm.
One glance at the Bluetooth speaker in your hand, same brand, same model, but different color, connects the dots for Simon in his mind.
It is obvious as daylight that you accidentally connected to his speaker.
“I’ll try turn it up-” You push the buttons on the side of your phone, turning the volume up to the loudest.
And a guttural groan comes from his couch.
“Fuckin’ hell, sweet’art.” His couch moans loudly, “You’re killin’ me with that sweet cunny-”
Simon acts quickly, yanks you inside the house by the arm, and slams the door shut.
“That’s my speaker.” He says, quietly.
Your stupid fingers finally manage to turn the volume down. You completely forgot about the audio playing on your phone – your favorite audio, the one you have listened to and cummed to for at least a handful of times. Your face instantly goes aflame. You were planning some quality time with your toy, but not this! You are not connecting to your neighbor’s speaker and standing at his doorstep!
The deadly silence is eating you up.
“Um. Guess it’s not … wrong?” You let out a dry chuckle, your mind a puddle of jellyfish that zaps your neurons into firing the wrong sparks, “I’ll, um, go upstairs – my home, my place, I mean. Thank you for tonight.” Your face scrunches together out of sheer embarrassment.
His iron grasp on your arm is unwavering.
He has some patrons online, but the fact that you are one of them and live next door is … a bit too much of a coincidence.
“You a stalker or wha’?” He growls at you. His eyes flash a dangerous glint as he recalls what had happened to one of his friends, John, with the stage name “Soap”. Soap works with Simon in the small group of audio porn production called “Team 141”. Soap was careless about his whereabouts, leading to a crazy woman piecing together information and ambushing him when he gets home from his day job.
“Wha- what?” You sound completely baffled. “What are you even talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb, sweet’art. Doesn’t work like ‘at.” Simon eyes at the now-silent speaker on his couch, before returning his gaze to your startled expression, which is indeed fright, but for different reasons than he’d think of – the fear of being found that you stalked to his house. “Peachy? Peach? ‘s that your Discord name? Coz this is a specialized piece, custom-made. An’ I made it myself.”
Your eyes widen at the confession. Your Discord name is indeed, Peachyyy,with two extra Y, and it hits you that this man you are confronting, who is confronting you, might be the one who sent this audio as a special gift to you, their patron.
Every patron for the Team 141 could designate a voice actor for their custom-made audio. When you were notified that you could also participate in deciding the actor of the audio, without a second to stop and think, you chose your favorite one of “Team 141”.
Simon “Ghost” Riley let out a cold smirk. He believes he has this all figured out.
“I won’t report you. Not yet. But if I find you ten feet within my vicin’ty,” His teeth bared, sharp canines ready to rip something apart, throat rumbling like a true animal, “I’ll get your pretty arse locked up and thrown into jail. Run along now, stalker lady.”
Monster! You shriek. Or perhaps that’s a pitiful whimper under his massive shadow, and flee from his grasp.
Part 2
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cherryredlove · 2 months
☆ bloody kisses ☆
Modern! Vampire! Gwayne Hightower x Reader SMUT
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After getting unceremoniously dumped by your cheating ex and moping in your room alone, your best friend Laena decided its time for you to get back out there. Instead of drowning yourself in vodka like you planned to, you meet a handsome stranger who promises a night with a bite.
Word Count: 2.4k
Themes: SMUT, 18+, blood!!, blood drinking, really rough p in v, neck biting, praise, creampie, alcohol consumption
note gwayne isn't depicted as a vampire from any sort of series or show, he's just generically a vamp lol
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After a long, dreary day at work, you’re finally back in your apartment, throwing your keys onto the counter with a huff. You can still hear your boyfriend—no, ex-boyfriend’s—voice echoing in your head.
Jason Lannister. The epitome of a scumbag wrapped in expensive suits and golden hair, whose charm had first blinded you and now left you seething. You hadn’t even been surprised when you caught him cheating, really. He’d been pulling away for weeks now, finding excuses for late nights at the office, and acting suspiciously cagey about his phone.
“Good riddance,” you mutter to yourself, kicking off your shoes and making your way to the bedroom. You collapse on your bed, staring up at the ceiling, replaying the humiliating breakup over and over again. You knew he was a prick, yet somehow, it still stung.
The tears don’t come; perhaps they’re stuck somewhere in between shock and anger. All you feel is a numbing kind of sadness. You reckon you've been grieving this relationship for a while now.
Despite knowing you’re better off without him, the familiar weight of loneliness settles in your chest. With a groan, you reach for your phone, thinking about texting your best friend, Laena, but then decide against it. She’s probably busy, and you don’t want to drag her into your misery.
Just as you’re about to sink further into your self-imposed cocoon of pity, a loud banging at the door snaps you out of it. You blink, confused, until Laena’s voice reaches you.
“Hey, open up, babe! I brought reinforcements!”
You shuffle to the door and open it to find Laena standing there, a wide grin on her face and arms laden with Chinese takeaway bags. The savoury aroma of sweet and sour chicken wafts into your apartment, making your stomach rumble in response. You'd barely eaten thanks to the misery of Jason.
“Laena,” you sigh, stepping aside to let her in. “What are you doing here?”
“Saving you from the pits of despair,” she announces, sweeping past you and setting the bags down on the kitchen table. She turns, placing her hands on her hips. “I heard about the breakup. That bastard didn’t deserve you, anyway.”
You shrug, depressingly flopping down on a chair and grabbing a pair of chopsticks. “I know, but it still sucks."
Laena opens the containers, her expression softening. “It does. But you deserve better, and tonight, we’re going to forget about Jason Lannister. We’re going out.”
You pause mid-bite. “Out? I don’t know, Laena. I was planning to just wallow here.”
“Oh no, no, no,” she insists, shaking her head. “We’re hitting up The Alchemist’s Guild. It's the hottest place in King's Landing right now. There’s no way I’m letting you stay here and mope. And who knows, maybe a hot stranger will catch your eye?”
You chew thoughtfully, the idea slowly melting away your resistance. It’s been a while since you’ve let loose, and the idea of drowning your sorrows in music and drinks doesn’t sound too bad. Plus, Laena is incredibly persuasive.
“Fine,” you finally agree, much to her delight. “But I’m not promising that I'll be looking anything special.”
“Don’t worry, that’s why I’m here,” she says with a grin, pulling you into your bedroom to transform you for the night out.
An hour later, Laena’s makeover has you feeling like a different person. She’s chosen a striking black dress from the back of your wardrobe that hugs your curves perfectly and matches it with a bold red lipstick that screams party. Your eyes are lined with just the right amount of smokey shadow, making them pop, and your hair is styled to perfection.
“You look hot,” Laena declares, admiring her handiwork. “Jason who?”
You laugh, the heaviness of earlier starting to lift. “All right, let’s do this.” Laena, also dressed up in shimmering teal, screams excitedly, grabbing a shot of vodka for you each before you leave.
The Alchemist’s Guild buzzes with energy as soon as you step inside. The bar is packed, filled with people sipping colourful drinks and chatting animatedly under dim, atmospheric lights. You and Laena squeeze your way to the bar.
“Two Essos Elixirs please,” Laena says. She clinks her glass against yours when the drinks arrive.
“Cheers,” you say, taking a long sip. The pomegrante and vodka drink is fruity and strong, just what you need to kickstart the night.
As the night went on, you started to relax. The music, the drinks, and Laena’s infectious energy all combined to lift your spirits. After a while, she nudged you. “Let’s hit The Dragon Pit. I hear it’s wild tonight.” You both walk arm in arm to the club. You hear the music pumping several streets before you arrive.
It doesn’t take long for Laena to slip into the crowd, pulling you along with her as the music pulses around you. You lose yourself in the rhythm, dancing with Laena and screaming out your frustrations to the heavy music.
After a few songs, Laena nudges you. “I’m gonna grab another drink. Are you okay here?”
You nod, waving her off. “I’m good. Go.”
As Laena disappears back toward the bar, you continue dancing, revelling in the moment. The world fades away until it’s just you and the music, and it feels damn good.
A tap on your shoulder brings you back to reality, and you turn to see a tall, impossibly handsome man with auburn hair and striking eyes. His lips curl into a charming smile that’s almost predatory, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine.
“Mind if I join you?” he asks, his voice low and smooth, easily cutting through the noise.
“Not at all,” you reply, feeling your cheeks heat up as he steps closer, matching his movements to yours. His presence is exhilarating, drawing you in effortlessly.
“I’m Gwayne,” he introduces, leaning in slightly to be heard over the music.
You give him your name in return, trying not to be too obvious that you fancy the fuck out of him. He’s dressed impeccably in a tailored shirt that hints at the toned body beneath, and there’s an air of confidence about him that’s impossible to ignore. Jason Lannister couldn't hold a candle to this beautiful man in front of you.
As the song changes, Gwayne moves in closer, his hand resting lightly on your hip as you fall into a rhythm together.
The chemistry between you is electric, each glance and touch fanning the flames higher. When his fingers brush against your neck, a delicious shiver runs down your spine, and you tilt your head slightly, giving him silent permission. Gwayne seems entranced, and as he leans in, his lips graze your neck, igniting sparks that dance across your skin.
You lose track of time, lost in the moment, until Laena reappears beside you, a teasing grin on her face. She’s not alone; a blonde woman with bright eyes and a mischievous smile is by her side, clearly the reason for Laena’s extended absence.
“This is Rhaenyra,” Laena introduces, looping an arm around the woman’s waist. Rhaenyra gives you a knowing wink before turning her attention back to Laena, who’s already leaning in for a kiss.
Gwayne chuckles beside you, watching the interaction with amusement. “Seems like your friend is having a good time.”
You nod, feeling bold with a mix of alcohol and adrenaline. “So am I.”
Gwayne’s eyes darken slightly, his smile turning wicked. “In that case, how about we take this somewhere a bit more...private?”
Your heart skips a beat at the suggestion, the allure of what he’s offering far too tempting to resist. The club, with its flashing lights and pounding music, fades into the background as you consider his proposition.
“Sure,” you say, surprising yourself with the ease of your agreement. You nudge Laena to let her know, and she whoops loudly for you. You blush heavily as Gwayne laughs. It feels liberating, like stepping into a new world where you’re free to explore whatever you want without the shadow of the prick Jason looming over you.
Gwayne takes your hand, leading you through the throng of people and out into the cool night air. The streets are alive with the usual nightlife buzz, but Gwayne only has eyes for you. Now that you're away from the crowd, his eyes seem a little brighter, like there's liquid swirling in them. Were his teeth that sharp when he kissed you earlier?
His apartment is as stylish as you’d expect, a blend of modern decor and understated elegance. The moment you step inside, he’s on you again, his lips finding yours with a hunger that sets you aflame. You respond eagerly, wrapping your arms around his neck as he backs you toward the plush couch.
Gwayne’s focus on your neck returns, his lips trailing along your pulse with a near-reverent touch that sends tingles down your spine. It’s as though he’s savouring every moment, every taste, and you can’t get enough.
Eventually, he pulls back slightly, a curious gleam in his eyes. “You taste...incredible,” he murmurs, almost to himself. “Sweet, like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.”
The compliment sends a thrill through you, but there’s something more in his gaze, something deeper and darker that piques your curiosity.
“You’re not bad yourself,” you reply with a playful smile, tracing a finger along his jawline.
Gwayne chuckles, the sound rich and deep. “I have a proposition for you,” he says, his tone shifting to something more serious yet filled with desire. “Allow me to drink some of your blood. I promise you’ll find the experience...exquisite.”
The request takes you by surprise, and for a moment, you wonder if you’ve misheard.
"Blood?" You repeat with an incredulous laugh. "What are you, a vampire?" You giggle again, the amusement dying in your throat at his serious gaze. "Oh." You utter as he nods.
The sincerity in his eyes is undeniable, and a strange part of you isn’t entirely put off by the idea. In fact, it’s intriguing, offering a thrill of danger.
“What do I get in return?” you ask, curiosity winning over hesitation.
Gwayne’s smile widens like he's the cat that got the cream. "Riches, immortality. Name your price, my sweet."
You stared at him, your mind spinning. It should have scared you, but it didn’t. Instead, you felt a pang of excitement. “Only if you promise me a night of pleasure in return,” you replied, your voice steady.
His smile was one of pure delight. “Deal,” he said, his eyes gleaming. You smile back, equally hungry as you both lunge towards each other, hands digging into flesh as you kiss viciously.
Gwayne, with inhuman strength, grasped your hips and moved you atop him. You instinctively ground your hips down, gasping with delight as you felt his hardness press against your blazing pussy.
Gwayne lets a dark smile pull at his lips as he kneads your ass with sharp nails. You only pull apart to allow him to pull your dress over your head, ripping off your panties and bra. You mewl at the unfairness, hands begging to touch him. He rips his own shirt off, revealing toned muscles with pale skin. You rock harder against him, feeling his growing arousal as your pussy leaks over his trousers.
"Naughty girl," he rasps. "These trousers were expensive."
"Fuck the trousers," you mumble. "Fuck me instead."
"Oh how can I deny such a sweet request from my darling," Gwayne laughs, kissing you fiercely and unbuttoning his trousers. The way your pussy reacts to his hard lengthy cock makes your eyes roll back as Gwayne situates your hips above his.
You sink onto his hips, the sharp pain of his entering soon replaced by a luscious fullness that makes the most lewd noises fall from your parted lips.
Gwayne's eyes are alight with fire, a snarl pulling at his lips as his hands bounce you up and down on his cock. Hot pleasure licks at your insides as you ride him.
"Time to pay up, my sweetling." Gwayne rumbles against your lips, leaning down as you feel a sharp, sweet pain as his teeth sink into your neck, followed by a rush of pleasure that left you breathless.
Lightheaded and buoyed by the sensual feel of Gwayne suckling at your neck, your pussy bursts ablaze with a hot orgasm, your fingers deftly rubbing your clit as you cry out. Your pussy liquid seeps over his thighs. Gwayne moans against your neck, eyes rolling back at the sweetness of your blood as he pulls back. He licks your wound, lips and jaw dripping in your redness. Lightheaded, you moan at his glistening teeth, reaching to kiss him.
"I'm not finished with you yet, sweet thing." Gwayne moans, pulling you up to lie you on your back on the sofa. He grabs your hips to align his cock to your weeping hole.
He notches his cock against you, pushing in to your sensitive pussy. Gwayne's eyes flutter at how tight your pussy grips, yet he can't relinquish the sight of you writhing and mewling beneath him. Lips curled, he snaps his hips at a punishing pace, watching your tits bounce and mouth release the most lewd sounds of pleasure he's heard in a very long time.
"Gwayne," you stutter out, head swirling and pussy aching. "I'm so close!"
"Good, my pet, cum for me. Let me fill you up like a good girl, sweet one. I'll own you, you'll own me." He rasps against your lips as you crest your peak once more, crying to the heavens as your pussy quakes. Gwayne follows swiftly, cursing loudly and fucking his hot cum deep into you.
He watches your eyelids flutter close and he sighs softly, smiling. As you sleep, he carries you to the human bed he has for decor, resting you down and cleaning your wound and thoroughly fucked body.
You wake up sometime later, utterly spent and completely satisfied, in Gwayne's arms. Gwayne looked down at you, his eyes filled with something you couldn’t quite name.
“You’re incredible,” he whispered, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
“So are you,” you replied, smiling up at him. He grins sharply.
"I may have to keep you around. You keep up well with me for a human, but you'd do even better as a vampire."
• • • • • • • • • • • • ✦ • • • • • • • • • • • •
AN: whew more gorgeous gwayne for you! im a sucker for the gothic and vampires so this had to happen. pretend laena and nyra aren't related btw. brought back the chinese takeaway here lol! lmk any ideas or rqs yall got, check out my masterlist for more smexy times and modern aus! luv phoebe ☠︎︎
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puppym3 · 2 months
virgin!felix being embarrassed about the noises he's making desperately biting his lip so he can keep them down cause there all high pitched and he knows you like his deep voice but your sucking the soul out if him so he can't keep them down and he's all embarrassed
Idk where you could go with this SOOOO ydealers choice lol
Sorry if this is a little weird lol my humiliation kink is wild and there are NOT enough fics about it to satisfy me 😔
♡ ̆̈ felix x reader
wc: 1.4k
warnings: MDNI! 18+, literally just straight smut, shy!felix, sub!felix, dom!reader, oral (m. rec), experimental first time, (lmk if i missed any!)
a/n: thank u my love @lixies-favorite-cookie my mootie! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ i hope you liked this one!!! i don't mind writing felix fics 4 you guys
You and Felix sat on the edge of the bed, the quiet hum of the night outside the only sound breaking the silence.
Felix’s hand was warm and slightly trembling in yours. You could sense his nervousness, the way his eyes darted around the room, unable to settle on one thing for too long. He bit his lip, a habit you had noticed he did whenever he was anxious.
“Hey,” you said softly, turning to face him and gently cupping his cheek. “We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
He looked at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and desire. “I… I want to,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I just… I’ve never done this before.”
A tender smile spread across your face. “It’s okay, Felix. We’ll take things slow. There’s no rush.”
He nodded, taking a deep breath as if to steady himself. “I trust you,” he murmured, his eyes finally meeting yours.
You leaned in, capturing his lips in a gentle kiss. It was soft and reassuring, a promise that you were there with him, every step of the way. As the kiss deepened, you felt him relax slightly, his hands finding their way to your waist, pulling you closer.
You broke the kiss, looking into his eyes. “Just tell me if you want to stop at any point, okay?”
“Okay,” he agreed, his voice a bit stronger now, bolstered by your reassurance.
You began to undress him slowly, your fingers deftly undoing the buttons of his shirt. With each piece of clothing that fell away, you pressed kisses to his newly exposed skin, making sure he felt cherished and desired. Felix’s breathing grew heavier, a mixture of excitement and nervousness evident in each exhale.
Once he was completely bare before you, you paused for a moment, taking in the sight of his lean, toned body. A faint blush tinted his cheeks, and he averted his gaze, suddenly self-conscious.
You reached up, placing a gentle hand on his cheek. He leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering closed. You brushed your thumb over his cheekbone, before trailing it down to his lips. He shivered at the sensation, his lips parting slightly as you traced them.
Your eyes locked on his, you leaned in, your mouth hovering just above his. Your warm breath ghosted over his skin, eliciting a soft whimper from his lips. You closed the gap between you, kissing him with a passion and tenderness that left him breathless.
As the kiss deepened, his fingers fumbled with the buttons of your shirt, eagerly trying to get it off. You pulled away, grinning as you took over the task, undoing the last few buttons before shrugging the shirt off and tossing it aside.
Felix gazed at you in awe, his eyes roaming over your bare chest. His cheeks flushed a deep red, and he couldn't help but stare.
"Felix..." you murmured, running your fingers through his hair.
"Sorry," he apologized, his voice shakier than usual. "I've just never seen... um... anything this close..."
"That's okay," you replied, giving him a reassuring smile. "You can touch me, if you want."
He hesitated, then reached out a tentative hand, his fingertips brushing against your skin. You shivered at the contact, and he quickly drew back.
"Did I do something wrong?" he asked, worry etched on his face.
You shook your head, laughing softly. "No, you didn't," you reassured him. "It felt good."
Encouraged by this, Felix repeated the motion, his hand lingering a little longer this time. As he began to explore your body, you felt a sense of excitement growing in the pit of your stomach. Your breathing became shallower, and you were unable to suppress the small whimpers that escaped from your lips as Felix's hands roamed over your bare skin.
Felix stopped, his hands hovering above you, unsure. You smiled at him, biting your lip and nodding encouragingly. His face reddening even further, he continued to touch you, his movements becoming more confident as he found himself unable to hold back any longer.
You sighed contentedly, arching your back to press yourself closer to him, your hands tangling in his hair. The sound of his own moans filled the room as his arousal grew, his hands wandering across your skin, searching for a way to quell the burning need he felt within.
A part of you was surprised he was so vocal. After all, you had seen the way he behaved in public. The idea that you could have such a strong effect on him filled you with a heady mixture of pride and desire. You were eager to find out what other noises you could pull out of him, to see what he looked like when he lost himself.
You pulled away, crawling down to get on your knees in front of him. Felix whimpered at the loss of contact, but was quickly silenced when he realized your intentions. His breath caught in his throat as he watched you lean in, pressing a kiss to the tip of his cock.
The kiss became a teasing lick, your tongue swirling around the sensitive head before taking him fully in your mouth. The suddenness of it all made Felix cry out, his eyes closing tightly and his hands clutching desperately at the bedsheets as he bit down on his lip.
It was like music to your ears, the sound of his muffled whimpers and groans as you slowly moved up and down on him, your hand cupping and stroking the parts that weren't able to fit in your mouth. You were enjoying yourself more than you could have ever imagined. It wasn't just that he looked adorable, the way he squirmed and whimpered underneath you. No, it was the feeling of power that you had over him, the ability to bring him so much pleasure with just the use of your lips and tongue.
He was trying desperately to be quiet, not wanting you to hear the desperate whines he made as his pleasure mounted, but the more you teased and tormented him, the harder it became for him to hold back. The way you took him deep into your mouth, your lips and tongue working his aching length in ways he had never dreamed of, made his entire body tense and shiver.
Felix bit his lip, desperately trying to stifle the moans that threatened to escape. His back arched as you took him as deeply as possible, the sensation of your wet heat surrounding his cock causing him to shudder with need. His eyes fluttered open and closed as his mind and body were overwhelmed with sensation.
The sounds that slipped out of his mouth were nothing less than adorable, small whimpers and moans as he lost himself to pleasure. Felix let out a muffled groan, his eyes fluttering open and shut. "S-so... close..."
The heat between his thighs was becoming unbearable, the tension inside him building to a fever pitch as your movements became more erratic. Your name left his lips, a breathless gasp as he felt himself reaching the edge.
Just as you thought he was about to cum, he let out a strained moan, his hand suddenly grasping the sheets tightly as his orgasm overtook him. His entire body seemed to tremble as the pleasure washed over him, leaving him spent and boneless on the bed.
As his breathing began to return to normal, Felix gazed down at you. "I-I'm sorry, I-" His face reddened in shame as he realized what had just happened. He had tried his hardest to hold back, but the feeling of you pleasuring him was simply too much for him to handle. "I didn't mean to..."
You simply smiled at him, crawling back onto the bed beside him. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close as you pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
"There's no need to apologize," you murmured, gently stroking his hair. "I loved hearing your noises. It's good to know you're enjoying yourself."
Felix blushed, burying his face against your shoulder. He took a shaky breath, nodding against you. "I... I didn't know they would sound like..." He trailed off, too embarrassed to finish the sentence.
You smiled, your fingers brushing against his cheek. "Don't be shy," you cooed, "I think they're adorable."
His blush deepened, a smile forming on his lips despite the embarrassment he was feeling.
"Can I hear them again?" you asked gently.
He hesitated for a moment, before nodding again.
taglist for my beauties : @loverbangchan, @reignessance, @imperfectlyperfectprincess1, @armystay89, @ihrtlix, @jiyeonslays, @lovestaysblogs, @jeyelleohe, @celebration88
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amourtoken · 5 months
ik this was on the poll but I genuinely couldn't help myself I had to write shit down or my head would explode
here's some sugar daddy Noah thoughts lol
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: age difference, dirty talk, raw sex (pls do not), sex toys, light exhibitionism, Noah is fucking gross and that's ok, size kink, oral, dacryphylia, dom/sub, maybe dubcon if you squint but not rlly, daddy kink
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♡ god be with me on this one lmao
♡ how did you end up in this situation? It's a little clichè but you were in the same club and he couldn't keep his fuckin eyes off of you. Normally you don't go to these upscale places but tonight it was in your favor, getting invited to Noah's private section gave you a chance to get away from the college friends you'd come with and actually enjoy yourself.
♡ keeping his eyes off you was one thing but his hands? Impossible.
♡ he'd instantly rested his large hand on your thigh the second you'd taken a seat next to him. Bold, but you didn't seem to mind it. He was sharing the booth with his band mates, they all seemed at least 10 years older than you but you didn't mind. you tried to conversate with them equally but the hand sliding up your thigh was making it difficult.
♡ like I said he's gross. No shame. If he wants something he's gonna get it one way or another but he at least tries to be respectful off the jump. Just when his fingers dipped under the hem of your short black dress he leaned against you to whisper something only you could hear.
"You're more than welcome to tell me no, but wanna come with me back to the hotel?"
♡ you've known the man for an hour tops, but he made you dizzy and created a swarm of butterflies in your belly so why say no? You're a few drinks in anyway, maybe prior you would've thought this was a terrible idea but the way his fingers feel caressing your thigh and how fuckin good he looks with those sleeves rolled up and all his tattoos on display? Maybe you can't resist either.
♡ this was just the first time you met, and it led you down a lovely path with him.
♡ at first it was just fucking. Meeting up whenever he was around or sending videos back and forth while he was out on tour. It escalated to him flying you out on occasion to watch him play, he'd book you the nicest hotel rooms and order you any food you needed while you were there. He started sending you flowers at home, and little gifts. His definition of a little gift is a $400 anklet with his initial on it though.
♡ after a few months he was regularly spoiling you with absolutely anything he had an excuse to. You so much as laid eyes on something for too long and he'd get it for you. He'd fly you out of the country whenever you had a break from classes and you'd enter your hotel room to see an exorbitantly expensive lingerie set next to a note from him.
"Thought you'd look perfect in this. Couldn't resist <3"
♡ his camera roll was 99% pictures of you in said expensive outfits. Bouncing between mirror selfies together where he'd have his tattooed hand wrapped around your throat from behind or on one occasion a just barely censored photo of you bent over in front of him mid backshots with his hand pressed on your back so it arches just right. (This was his lockscreen for ages, he is a freak.)
♡ his band mates have gotten used to seeing you around (and hearing you two through the walls of the shared hotel rooms), and you've grown quite fond of them as well. They see how happy you make him and can't rlly be upset even though they think he's a little over the top with how he treats you.
♡ aside from all the less than spicy details, this man *fucks*
♡ this man fucks like he absolutely hates your guts and it's *wonderful*
♡ why was his first big gift to you an anklet with his initial? So he could see it dangling over his shoulder when he had you folded in a mating press under him. He's got the filthiest mouth on him while he fucks too.
"so fuckin' pretty under me- like you were made for my dick"
"Louder. Want everyone to know who's fuckin' you so good"
"Wanna thank me for all these gifts? You can do it on your knees, baby."
"Such a dumb little slut for this cock, is it really that good? Say it."
"Awe, can't take anymore? That's too bad, you're going to."
♡ almost came untouched the first time you called him daddy. You kinda did it jokingly but after seeing his reaction you couldn't help but continue. He loves hearing it and it puts him in such a dominant headspace, it's like flipping a switch on him. Perfectly enough, when he's in that role, you fit right into a comfy subspace.
♡ he really likes instances where you're completely naked and he's not. Thinks it adds to the dynamic since you're so exposed. He lovesss running his big tattooed hands all over your body and watching you squirm and beg for some friction. He'll deny it till you're nearly in tears before giving in.
"want me to play with that pretty pussy, baby? Use your words, you know how to ask for it."
"So needy...maybe I should make you ride my thigh till you cum, see how bad you want it."
♡ buys you pretty mini skirts so he can pull you on his lap anywhere and gring against your bare ass. He'll lean his head on your shoulder and whisper filth about how you make him feel and how dirty you are for letting him dress you up like a sex doll without complaint. That's basically what you are, a little doll for him.
♡ speaking of said mini skirts, he loves when you're sat on his lap, back to his chest and head leaned back on his shoulder while he hikes your short skirt up to play with you. Makes it 100x worse better by occasionally setting his phone up to record, angled perfectly to catch the way his large fingers split your pussy open and tease your clit just right. Can't help himself but to fuck you right there, the way you squeezed around his fingers made his cock painfully hard. He caught that on video too.
"Keep making those pretty sounds, baby girl. You like when I stretch this little pussy out?"
"Say please, daddy and I'll let you have my cock."
"gonna watch this with me later? Wanna see how pretty you look split on daddy's dick?"
♡ he's bought you countless pretty sex toys and is a big fan of remote vibrators so he can play with you even when he doesn't have the chance to be there in person. Loves to FaceTime you and watch you unravel for him while he controls it. He's used it a few times in person as well, making you cum and turning it up to its highest setting, making your legs give out and you'd grab his arm for support. He'd coo about how good you're doing for him but also tease you about how sensitive you are, fat tears brimming in your eyes as you begged him to turn it down cause you couldn't handle more.
"Poor thing, so cute when you cry for me"
"You can give me another one, baby. Promise I'll fill that pussy up so fuckin' good after"
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baddest-batchers · 3 months
Crumbling Walls
hi loves, I’m back at it again with another Tech x fem!reader ficlet. this one almost became two smaller chapters but I couldn’t wait to post the entire thing, so enjoy!! reader is CF99’s assigned medic, fic takes place before Order 66. Not entirely proofread!
Summary: You have been hopping star systems and taking care of the Batch for a several months, but upon first meeting them you instantly fell for Tech. But you’re not giving into your feelings for him so easily and have tried to build a wall around your heart to keep the adorable bespectacled clone out and at a safe distance. That is, until Tech comes back from a mission with a more serious injury than ever before, your walls begin to break down. Reader has trust issues/insecurities from a past unrequited love situation and is in hella denial about Tech feeling the same way about her.
Tag warnings: MDNI! TW for anyone uncomfortable with descriptions of minor medical procedure involving removal of a foreign object, description of injury, needles. Angst, angst, angst. Insecure reader. Other than that, there’s just hella kissing lol.
Word count: 4.2k
Taglistist: @alegendoftomorrow @techwrecker
Dividers: @general-ida-raven
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The Marauder was all but silent except for the soothing hum of the ship’s systems. You and Echo were on guard duty while the rest of Clone Force 99 was dispatched to a Separatist base located a few klicks north of the closest village. You had just finished making a list of needed supplies and rations when suddenly Hunter’s voice broke the calming silence.
"Tech's hurt, bad." Hunter's voice crackled to life through the comm on your wrist. Your heart immediately jumped up into your throat.
"What happened? How badly is he injured?" You struggled to keep your voice even and steady.
"Pretty bad. There was a rogue explosive and it sent him flyin—" Hunter began to say before Tech cut him short, his voice coming through the comm.
"Hunter is exaggerating. It is only a sprained wrist and a few shrapnel scrapes-agh!" Tech groaned in pain as he clung to his brother for support.
A small wave of relief washed over you at the sound of Tech's voice. He was talking and that was a reassuring sign. Walking briskly over to the compartment where the medkit was stored, you opened it and began counting it's contents to be sure you were prepared to treat Tech's injuries
"I thought this mission was supposed to be relatively lowkey?” You said into your comm in between your mental count of the med supplies.
"The intel we received was grossly misleading." Tech panted out. “But we successfully recovered the droid factory schematics and blueprints.”
"We were outnumbered. There was a group of Separatist insurgents accompanying the droid battalion. They were definitely trained fighters." Hunter said quickly. "We need a pick up. Tell Echo to hurry it up."
"On it. Standby." Echo affirmed through his own comm. The Marauder rumbled upon ignition and took off smoothly from their landing zone, Echo piloting with ease to his brothers' rescue.
While the mission had been a success, you couldn’t help the irritation that took hold in your gut at the Jedi’s inaccurate intel. But Tech was hurt and that was the only thought that was pushing all other feelings aside.
You tried to steady your breathing as you took the bacta patches out of the medkit along with a gauze roll, magtweezers, and the medscanner.
You laid them out neatly on a tray so that you'd be ready to patch Tech up the moment Hunter and the rest of the squad boarded.
This wasn't the first time you'd patched Tech up nor would it be the last, but something inside you ached at the thought of him getting hurt more seriously than he ever had been on previous missions. Rationally, you knew that you shouldn't feel this way, but your blaring affection for Tech made your heart drop at the mere thought of him being injured at all. Hastily, you shoved your feelings for the bespectacled clone back down over the wall you had built so high around your heart.
Your crush on Clone Force 99’s most brilliantly minded and skilled pilot was almost immediate upon your assignment to them a few months back. But you did everything in your power to push those feelings away. Getting involved with someone you were working alongside was not on your list of things you wanted to ever happen…again. It had bit you in the rear before and you were definitely not going to find out if it would again this time. You had fostered a crush on a former coworker during your stint at the Kaminoan medbay a few years back and it turned out that your feelings had been entirely one sided. You had been strung along like a loth-cat chasing a string. You swore after that you’d never pursue any kind of romantic relationship with a coworker again. Never again.
Echo lowered the Marauder to hover just above the pick up point and opened the hatch from the cockpit. Wrecker and Crosshair bounded in first while Hunter hauled Tech up last.
The sight of him sucked the breath you had been holding right out of your lungs, a quiet gasp escaping your lips. For a moment, you were stuck where you stood, legs feeling like they were magnetized to the metal deck of the ship. But before you knew it you were rushing to help Hunter get Tech to one of the lower bunks so that you could begin treating his wounds and assessing any further damage.
Hunter laid Tech out on the bunk and carefully lifted his brother's helmet from his head.
"I've got him, Hunter." You reassured him without taking your eyes from Tech's wounded form.
"Alright. I want an update when you're done with him." Hunter spoke with the masked worry you had come to recognize over the course of many missions with his squad.
"Of course." You affirmed him, this time tearing your gaze from Tech to nod at Hunter.
Hunter returned the nod and turned on his heel toward the cockpit.
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Once safely gliding through hyperspace, you immediately got to work on Tech. Pulling on a pair of sterile gloves, you looked over the shrapnel wounds scattered down the left side of his body. Thank the Maker that his armor had taken a majority of the jagged pieces of metal and debris. But there was a larger fragment stuck in his abdomen where his armor didn't cover his body. His blacks were soaked with blood around the wound. Upon your first scan of the area, you immediately got to work. Grabbing the hypoinjection from the tray, you held it up to ensure the proper dosage of the strong painkiller was loaded into it before injecting it into Tech’s bloodstream.
“Here, this will help with the pain.” You said while carefully pulling down the collar of his blacks and lining up the hypo with his carotid artery.
“Keep still for me.” You said gently and injected the contents of the hypo into his neck. He groaned through his teeth at the intrusion of the needle into his skin but kept as still as he could.
“I’ll assess your wrist when I’m finished with removing all of this shrapnel.” You informed him while gently prodding his wrist with your skilled fingers.
Next, you had to remove his armor so that you could begin to remove the large bit of shrapnel lodged in his side.
"Tech, I'm going to remove your armor, okay? I need better access to these wounds, especially the one in your abdomen." You said slowly, making sure he understood.
"Yes—agh! O-of course." Tech managed to get out before attempting to sit up and assist you with the removal his armor. He gently shook out his sprained wrist as he pushed himself up from the cot.
"No," You laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You just lay there and let me do the work. I've got you. Please don't fight me on this." After easing Tech back down you hastily got to work on the fastenings that held his plastiod chest and back armor in place, slowly easing them off of him. You removed his utility belt, and leg armor and pouches next, gently placing all of his things in a neat pile on the floor at the foot of the bunk.
Now that Tech was down to his blacks, you were able to get a better look at the rest of his injuries. The sight of him in only his blacks sent a shock of warmth through you but you shook it off dismissively and continued assessing his wounds.
Your eyes roved over him, taking note of his slowed breathing by the rising and falling of his chest. After pausing for a moment to make sure the pain medication was working, you took another scan of his vitals. You smiled faintly, thankful that they were beginning to stabilize.
"How is the pain now, Tech?" You asked while setting down the medscanner.
“Better than it was previously." Tech’s voice was hoarse and something about hearing him in pain like this threatened to crack the wall around your heart further. Shoving the thought aside, you cleared your own voice before speaking again.
“Good. Alright, I’m going to remove the shrapnel stuck in your abdomen.” You said steadily while grabbing the scissors off of the tray so as to begin cutting away the fabric surrounding the wound. Once you had a better visual on the shrapnel, you reached for the alcohol pad and gently swabbed it clean as best you could. You grabbed the anesthetic gel and gingerly dabbed it around the wound.
“You won’t feel a thing, I promise.” You paused to look at him again, noticing the sudden change in the coloring of his face.
Tech had gone considerably more pale and you noticed his hand began to tremble slightly, most likely due to the loss of blood. Stripping off a glove, you instinctively reached for his hand and closed your fingers around it, rubbing soothing circles into the back of his hand through his glove.
“It’s going to be okay, Tech. I’ve got you.” You reassured him in a hushed tone, leaning in closer to him.
Through half lidded eyes he looked at you and nodded, “I have every faith that you do.” His voice was so ragged. Your heart ached hearing him like this. You begged the Force for the ability to just snap your fingers and have him be healed instantly. But, unfortunately, you were not gifted in such ways and only had your medical training to rely upon for the task of healing Tech’s wounds. Despite that, something warm began to spread through your chest and before you could stop yourself, you lifted his hand to your lips and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of his trembling, still-gloved knuckles.
Realizing what you had just done and inwardly chastising yourself, you quickly began to loosen your grip on his hand, but Tech tightened his fingers around yours before you could pull away. He brought your hand to his mouth and pressed an equally gentle kiss to the backs of your fingers.
Your eyes widened at him returning the gesture and you felt your cheeks begin to grow warm before remembering to remain focused on the task of healing him. Before he finally released your hand, you gave him a shy smile, eyes flitting back and forth between his, trying to tell if he was merely in a haze from the pain meds or if he had returned the kiss intentionally. Another crack in your stronghold spread.
“How is he?” Echo’s voice suddenly pulled you from the moment abruptly. You nor Tech had noticed him standing off to the side near the berthing door.
“He’s stable, I’m removing the shrapnel now.” You turned suddenly to look at the ARC trooper while simultaneously pulling your hand back from Tech’s grasp, “I’ll let you know when he’s all patched up.”
Before Echo turned around to leave you to it, he raised a quizzical eyebrow, a slight smirk tugging at his thin lips. You blushed furiously, knowing he definitely caught the tender moment between you and his brother. He shook his head and chuckled lightly before turning on his heel to walk back toward the cockpit.
“You’re in good hands, Tech.” Echo called back behind him before the cockpit doors slid shut.
A small sigh escaped your lips before you turned your attention back to Tech’s injuries. Tech watched you intently, then briefly caught your gaze.
“I concur with Echo. I believe I am in very capable hands.” Tech smiled weakly, his eyes conveying an intense sincerity. But you weren’t looking at his face. You were too focused on the delicate work before you and burying your feelings to realize the sincerity in his words.
“Let me get you patched up before you can say that for sure.” You half smiled, letting your eyes flick back to his face for a moment before turning to the tray of medical instruments. No, no, bury it. He’s just dazed out from the meds. He doesn’t have feelings for—
Tech reached out and placed a hand on your wrist. He had noticed the twisted look of frustration on your face. You froze, the contact bringing your thoughts to an abrupt pause as you slowly shifted your eyes from his hand to meet his own.
“You have saved my own life and those of my brothers countless times. I believe I have gathered sufficient data to be able to say so for certain.” His tone was so sincere. “There is no one I trust more with my life, aside from my own brothers, than you.” Tech held your gaze as he spoke, his timbre soft.
“That’s the pain meds talking. I’m just a GAR medic and I’m not especially gifted in my field.” You shook your head in disbelief. There was no way he means any of this. Tech had never shown much interest in you before this, at least none that you would even consider perceiving, so you concluded that the higher dose of pain medication was to blame for him speaking like this.
Oh how wrong you were. Tech had fallen hard for you and he had tried to show you in numerous ways, but you were more stubborn and closed off than even Crosshair at times. If you noticed him showing you any bit of more than what was required attention, you quickly shook it from your mind. Brick by brick, you enclosed yourself behind the wall that had risen around your heart.
“Don’t say things you don’t mean, Tech. Please.” You said quietly, trying to blink back the tears that suddenly threatened your vision.
“I do not understand.” Tech said slowly, tilting his head ever so slightly in confusion. “I endeavor to never say things that I do not mean.” His grip on your wrist tightened gently.
Looking at him would only make your tears spill over, so you stared at the medical tray to your right and shook your head. “You’re under the influence of the pain meds I gave you. It’s making you say these things.”
Pausing for a moment, Tech brought the hand that was wrapped around your wrist slowly to your chin and tipped your face gently to look at him.
“You forget, cyar’ika, that my mind is not as susceptible to the muddling effects of most pain inhibiting medications.” Tech imparted softly. His thumb rubbed slowly over your chin, almost coaxingly, as if he were trying to draw you out of your disbelief. The soothing feeling of his thumb drew another blush to your face.
“Tech, I…please..please don’t string me along like this, don’t touch me the way that you are right now. I can’t handle it, not when I’ve spent the last several months trying to bury my feelings for you.” Your confession tumbled from your lips before you could stop it. Tears spilling over your lashes and down onto Tech’s gloved hand that was still cradling your chin, you gently pulled yourself free of his grasp. You roughly wiped your tears with your sleeve and blinked back the rest of them that were treacherously close to spilling over. Half the wall had crumbled now.
“You, uh—“ your voice faltered a bit before forcing composure and speaking again. “You need to relax and let me finish removing the shrapnel stuck in you.”
Tech nodded and slowly lowered his hand back to his side. His expression was etched with visible confusion, but he did not say another word.
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Over the next few rotations, you made yourself scarce around Tech, or at least as scarce as you could be within the close quarters of the Marauder. You avoided being alone with him and had even asked Hunter to switch watch shifts with you during the night so you didn’t have to awkwardly make small talk with Tech when relieving him from his shift.
However, you had noticed that Tech had attempted to catch your eye a few times and even went as far as to bring you a cup of caf the morning after the mission that had left him injured. But you did your best to limit your interactions with him to only following up with the aftercare of his wounds and to check the progress of his healing.
Two full weeks had passed by the time the next mission for Clone Force 99 was sent in. The Batch had been able to spend a little bit of downtime on Kamino while you took up a few shifts in the medbay. Avoiding Tech was much easier on Kamino than it was on the Marauder and you were grateful for the space. But there was this new, nagging feeling in your chest that secretly hoped he would come and find you, yet you feigned annoyance at it and tried to shove it away by completing mundane tasks around the medbay to keep your mind distracted. Building back the wall around your heart was getting more and more tedious as time passed.
After the orders for a new mission on Kashyyyk came through, you dragged your feet at preparing for the haul through hyperspace in very close quarters with Tech. Hunter had even pulled you aside before boarding in the hangar and asked if things were alright. You lied, even though you knew he could feel that you were with his enhanced senses.
A quiet knock on the durasteel wall startled you from your inventory intake down in the Marauder’s hold. You looked up from your datapad to find Tech standing a few feet away, his expression was neutral, except he was coddling his right wrist in his left hand, the one that he had sprained when that rogue explosive blew him against the wall of a nearby building.
“Might I interrupt you for a few moments?” Tech asked before crossing the threshold into the cargo hold.
Your eyes tracked from his face down to his wrist, then nodded before turning momentarily back to your datapad.
Tech offered a small smile and took the few steps that would bring him to your side.
“My..wrist seems to still be of some bother. I was wondering if you would consider taking another look at it.” Tech held out his wrist, somewhat shyly trying to catch your gaze.
“Uh, sure, o-of course.” You swallowed the lump that took up residence in your throat. “Let me just finish this last bit of data input.” You uttered more so to your datapad than to Tech.
“Of course.” He responded and dropped his wrist down to his side.
You idled for a moment, tapping mindlessly at your datapad in a desperate attempt to stall for time to think of something, anything to say to him, but your words were failing you miserably. Knowing you couldn’t avoid him any longer, you let out a breath and set the datapad down onto one of the crates.
“Okay, let me see.” You gestured to his wrist that hung at his side. He lifted it and placed it into your outstretched hand. Gently, you prodded your finger around it, feeling for any swelling or tender spots. Tech didn’t wince or pull away, but rather stood staring at his hand in yours.
Feeling more emboldened than he had when he decided to seek you out, Tech took a slight step closer. “I…believe you should remove my glove to get a better look at the sprained area.” His voice was low, his tone sounded more suggestive than he initially intended it to be.
Tech’s words caught you off guard, making your mouth fall slightly agape while your eyes shot from his wrist to his own in surprise. They were soft behind his yellow-tinted goggles and your heart started pounding harder than it had when Tech first appeared in the lift of the cargo hold.
Without protest, you slowly began to slide off his glove before you could think better of yourself. You gently pulled at each finger tip to loosen it from his hand and once it was loose enough, you slowly slid it off.
Your face was flushing furiously as you bid for any shred of composure you could muster inside your whirling thoughts.
The act of slowly pulling off his glove seemed entirely too intimate, even though you had done it countless times before to all of his brothers when needing to treat their various injuries. You let out the breath you had been holding and turned his wrist slowly in your hand, taking in the way his bare skin felt against your own in such a burning, intimate way.
As you went to open your mouth to tell him that you didn’t see any visible signs of lingering injury, Tech spoke into the small space between you, “Forgive me, I am not very well adept at reading other’s emotions nor expressing my own feelings outwardly. It was never my intention to make you believe that I had taken no interest in you.”
“Tech..wh-what are you saying—” You stammered out when Tech paused to pull his wrist gently from your grasp, watching as his hand came to cradle the side of your face.
“I often times do not know how I should express my feelings. They are quite perplexing to me, but it is my hope that you are now able to see clearly what I do happen to feel for you.” His voice was so astoundingly soft, matching the adoring way he was looking into your eyes.
Tears began to well in your own eyes at his sweet admissions. You brought your hand to cover his own that was still cupping your face.
“So…you really did mean what you said before…” You managed to get out between shuddery breaths. A single tear slid down your cheek but Tech slowly swiped it away with his thumb.
“Well, of course I did, mesh’la.” Tech murmured sweetly, tilting his head ever so slightly.
The wall finally came crashing down.
Before any more words could be exchanged, you reached up and pulled Tech in close, kissing him with all of the fervor and admiration you had been trying to deny since the moment you met him.
Tech froze for the briefest of moments at the sudden contact of your lips against his but then leaned in to deepen the kiss, matching your passion with his own. His hand dropped from your face to reach for your waist, enveloping you into his arms. Your hands found their way to the back of his neck, gently splaying your fingers into his short auburn curls.
None of what was happening felt real, yet the only thing grounding you in the moment was the heat Tech was causing to build in your core. The feel of his arms around your waist, his hands reverently caressing your back, and the way his lips moved against your own tethered you to the reality of the moment .
Seeking to be even closer to you, Tech gently lifted you up onto one of the crates behind you with ease and strength, pushing his toned form against your knees, all the while never ceasing his fervent kisses. This drew a light gasp from you as he settled you onto it, bracing yourself against his shoulders. His hands fell to the tops of your thighs as he began trailing kisses down your neck to your exposed collar bone. With one hand, he slowly slid it down to rest atop your right knee, wordlessly asking if he might push them open to slot himself closer to you as you sat on the crate.
You hummed your consent and let Tech push your knees apart, closing the gap with his body, your legs hanging on either side of him. You squeezed them against his sides, his armor and tool belt digging into your skin through your pants, but you didn’t care if it was uncomfortable. You didn’t want to let him go.
Tech was dressed in his armor from the waist down, the top of his blacks clinging to his toned upper body so perfectly. You let your hands fall to his chest, then dragged them up across his shoulders and biceps. He was so much stronger than meets the eye, especially when he was fully armored. Quiet strength of body and loud strength of mind. Those two things were on the long list of qualities that drew you to him and made you instantly fall for him all those months ago.
The neediness of each kiss began to melt into something more reverent and slow. Tech was savoring each sensation he felt, from being pressed to your body to the softness of your lips moving against his. He had never kissed anyone like this before, nor had anyone ever kissed him in this manner either.
Your fingers scratched lightly at the nape of his neck, weaving into his short curls, then up to the strap of his goggles. You didn’t risk removing them from his face, even though they had been digging into your cheeks when his kissing had been hungrier.
Finally, Tech pulled away, breaking the contact with your lips with a gentle smack. Both of you were panting slightly and breathless in each other’s embrace, foreheads pressed together. Your heart was still pounding in your chest when you finally let out a small giggle in the little space between you both.
“Oh, Tech…” You sighed happily, hands coming to rest lightly on his chest, “I’m so-just—wow.” Your mind was a completely scrambled mess. You couldn’t focus on anything but him and the way he felt slotted between your knees, his hands planted firmly on your waist.
Another brief moment of silence washed over you both, only the hum of the Marauder and your slowed breaths filled the air. Tech broke away from your forehead, his muted honey colored eyes slowly roving over your features as if he were searching for something.
“Am I correct in assuming that you finally believe my feelings for you to be true, then?” Tech finally asked, a playful smile tugging at his lips.
This pulled a soft giggle from you as you slid your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer so that his forehead was now resting against yours again.
“Yes, Tech, I believe you.” You whispered contently.
“Good.” He sighed, drawing you against him a little tighter, “Because I do not know how to make it any more obvious.”
Before you could playfully push him away, Tech pressed his lips to yours in another wanting kiss, his bare hand coming to rest gently on the side of your neck. You shivered at his delicate yet deliberate touch. The walls you had built around your heart to keep him out had crumbled completely. Tech was now lodged firmly in your heart and you had no intention of letting him go.
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moineauz · 9 months
જ⁀ "you are a 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌, dearest."
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That was what your husband- Neuvillette- mutters breathlessly to you in an outpour of gentle rain. That was when he ultimately grasped the wispy and fleeting sensations of what a mortal calls a 'dream', like a feather grazing the skin before vanishing with an afternoon breeze.
While Neuvillette is poised, eloquent, observant and educated- the sheer complexity of mortal life puzzles him. He has grown to subconsciously question the facts, follies and simple acts of mortals for centuries in a subtle, smouldering aspiration to better comprehend why laughter erupts from your hearty lungs during downpours. Despite, rain being considered an omen of sorrow. Or how you childishly attempt to dance with the shadows of strangers before eventually embracing his.
Oh, oh how he could not help but gingerly place his pens and papers aside when you spend hours simply perched next to him. Eyes closed and silent yet breathing deeply into your stomach and exhaling through your mouth as you unwinded like string before him. Fully aware that you need not utter another word as you unfailingly glowed before him; taking up space in his very office as you did wherever your heart and legs took you.
You'd wrap a thousand-year-old tree in your arms and mutter thanks to the Earth before playing tag with the children on the street, sharing fruit with a local vendor whilst relishing in an evening stroll with Neuvillette. Just the two of you.
It was yet another practice of yours that first bewildered, intrigued and ultimately enamoured him. In the haze of afternoon light under the subtle whiff of smooth parchment- Neuvillette could not have sought a superior way to observe the mortal who unwinded him.
That was the day he began to scan and rummage through parchment and books- scouring for at least one word to encapture a sliver of you. Like an aerologist preserving a mere fragment of bone.
( Of course, the Melusines- who adored you terribly- sought to aid Neuvillette in whatever way possible. )
That was when he came upon a word as he overheard a curt conversation whilst ambling through the streets of Fontaine.
'A dream.'
Hence, as raindrops gingerly slid down your cheeks, Neuvillette observed your soaked figure. However, despite the grey clouds hung above, your eyes- rich and deep in colour- seemed to twinkle like stars.
You pause for a tender moment, your mouth slightly agape as the mellow tunes of rain dance in your ears. Yet, words do not rise from your throat. Instead, the warmth of evening tea sessions, paper filing done together and swaying to no rhythm or sequence of moves.
"Oh Neuvillette," your voice condensing into a mere whisper as you utter his name; having nothing left to say. The muscles in your legs move absent of thought. Thus, you stand now mere inches apart from one another. Rain soaking you both. As you observe his tender face you notice a streak of rain pouring down from the corners of his eyes. Or perhaps it was salty tears?
Worry flickers in your eyes like a match being lit as more tears roll down his cheek in a manner of ethereal grace. You gingerly reach your hand toward his cheek; cupping it tenderly. Neuvillette stirs slightly.
Before you can voice your disquiet, Neuvillette sobs. His eyes glanced down shortly before meeting your fretful eyes. His eyebrows furrowed in the manner you have seen a dozen times before.
Yet, his eyes glimmer like the rays of the sun kissing a broad vibrant lake. A scintillating dazzle of unobscured light.
"Do not fret dearest. These tears are not ones of sadness..."
Neuvillette raises his gloved hand and similarly caresses your cheek; eyes pooling into your starstruck ones.
"... but of my most ardent affections to my partner- a dream I wish to live in for as long as you allow me to."
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waaaa what a fic. i accidentally deleted the draft halfway though writing it but thankfully i was able to get it back. hope you all are ready for my comeback!!! ( meaning more angst lol dw there will be fluff too... or not?!?!? )
reblogs with comments are highly appreciated!! pls interact... don't be a ghost reader!
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kasperbasper · 3 months
Very Horny Sam(& Darlin) Headcanons, because I’m a slut for this man lol
Also, these are seriously outright explicit, so tread with caution.(afab/masc presenting Darlin)
CW: detailed descriptions of Kink/Intercourse and Graphic Language.
Someone else said this already but OUGH, Sam 100% calls himself Daddy when he and Darlin have sex.
"That's right baby, suck Daddy's cock."  "Fuck Darlin, you like when Daddy moves like that?”
His favorite position is missionary, which is pretty vanilla, but it's because he likes to see Darlin come undone under him, to watch someone so strong lose themselves in the pleasure he provides.
He also likes 69-ing, but mostly as foreplay.
Going by the way he talks in his first BA, "God if it doesn't feel good to use you", Sam has a Filthy Mouth. 
Darlin has absolutely asked him to call them names (whore, slut, bitch, etc.) and while he doesn't like to demean them, even in Play, they'll slip out when he's particularly into it. 
“Fuck... yeah, baby, such a good little slut for me, huh?”
Darlin has a bad habit of wearing very little around the house, which is a problem, considering the tiny little shorts they like to wear make Sam's pants feel far too tight when he catches a glimpse out of the corner of his eye. It’s even worse if they decide to wear lingerie.
Sam has a thing for Darlin’s throat, he likes to Bite, Kiss, Suck, and leave marks all over it. There are very few occasions that Darlin doesn't have at least one hickey in an obvious place. 
POSSESSIVE. He needs everyone in the world to know that Darlin is his and he’s theirs. Because of this, even though he wasn't really one for PDA before meeting them, he’s always all over Darlin, even in public. 
Real touchy when he’s in the mood, he’ll sometimes just rest his hand on Darlin’s ass and squeeze to let them know he’s down.
An ass man, to be sure. Aside from all the fuel Erik gives us, when they’re fucking Sam will almost always have at least one hand on Darlin’s ass. 
Sam loves pussy, especially Darlin’s. He likes to touch it, to eat it, fuck it, something about the way the juices coat his fingers, or face, or cock, drives him fucking insane. (The same would go for sucking cock tbh, hearing his partner come apart above him does things to him that he can't explain.)
He got Darlin to squirt once, and secretly, he’s hoped for it every time since.
Darlin has a really sensitive chest, and Sam is sure to give it plenty of attention, he’s even gotten them to cum from just nipple stimulation before.
Vampires are sterile, which is good because both he and Darlin like it when he comes inside. Seeing it leak out of them makes it real hard not to clean them up with his mouth. And usually, he will.
Vampires have inhuman stamina, sure, but that extends to the bedroom. Sam can fuck Darlin for hours before he has to take a break. 
When testing the limits, they discovered that twelve straight hours of sex is not only possible but turns Darlin into a moaning, cockdrunk, mess. At which point Sam has to physically restrain himself, for their sake. They still don't know how long he can go.
Darlin loves sucking him off, and Sam is glad for it because their throat is heaven on earth.
To that end: Darlin lets Sam fuck their throat frequently, and almost always comes just from hearing him moan. 
VOCAL. Sam's a talker, he can't shut up in the throes of passion, he's always talking about how fucking sexy Darlin is, or how good they feel around him. He'll get real descriptive too, outright narrating his actions because he knows it drives Darlin crazy.
While not into proper erotic asphyxiation, Darlin likes Sam's hand on their throat, and he is more than happy to oblige. 
Sam's got girth, he's not small mind you, but he's damn thick too. 
Think 7" in length 5.5" in circumference.
Sam doesn't have many kinks really, but one time Darlin got him to agree to being blindfolded, and he came three times in twenty minutes. 
Adding to that idea: Sam's a whiner when overstimulated, to the point where he can hardly string together words, it feels so good. 
Sometimes when they're feeling more dominant, Darlin will tease him with orgasm delay. Sam will be panting and moaning and begging Darlin to “just fuckin' move already”, and they'll just languidly roll their hips while he's buried to the hilt inside them.
We know canonically that Darlin's blood drives him wild, but Darlin's response to being bitten is 10x worse, they came untouched, the first time Sam bit them.
Sigh. This man has made me into a naught but a simple whore, just by speaking. What have I become? I need him in me. I mean what.
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inuiiwonderland · 6 months
Twisted captivity
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Chapter 1
Twst third years x fem reader
A/n: here is the first chapter of my new series “twisted captivity” !! Again this is a yandere series so it will have some dark themes! Also, the first couple chapters will be more on the short side since It has been a while since I wrote anything and also because of my major writers block and motivation for writing. So I’m taking baby steps rn lol. But I genuinely wanna write this since it’s been on my mind for MONTHS! So enough about my rambling I really hope you guys enjoy this!
You walked down the long hallway as Crowley explained to you the rules and things you would be in charge of.
“Since your father told me you’re a researcher, you will be in charge of writing down every detail and interaction you have with the mers and also help us understand more about them and their biology!”
You simply nodded, still not believing that he has REAL mermaids and mermen’s in his care.
“You will also be in charge of feeding them, cleaning and taking care of their tanks! Though do be careful, some of them can be very wary and may attack when they feel threatened!”
“Ah that’s…good to know”
“Great! Now it’s time for you to come meet them so follow me” You followed him as he led you down a long hallway before walking through a double door which led you to a giant lab. In there you can see a big window as people rush in all sorts of directions.
“This is our lab! Here we run all our experiments and test” Your eyes grow wide as you see a couple of people roll in a big cart with an equally large tank which has a mermaid inside.
The poor thing was thrashing around in the tank as she clawed on the glass. The tank must have been made with really strong glass since it didn’t crack or break by how hard the poor thing was banging on it. The cart was rolled to another room, which you did NOT want to know about.
“Don’t worry she’ll be fine”
Something tells you she wouldn’t….
“Come follow me! I’ll show you the less aggressive ones first”
Okay now you were slowly starting to regret this
Maybe you should’ve stayed home and made yourself a good meal as you watched your favorite show. But no, you decided to show up instead.
What if this is all illegal? What if the government or whoever doesn’t even know such a thing exists?! Or maybe Crowley is working for the government?!
As you begin to panic, you accidentally bump into said man as he comes to a stop.
“We’re here!” You step aside and you stare in awe as you are met with a beautiful sight.
The place looked absolutely gorgeous. It definitely didn’t look like it belonged in a research facility.
The place had a huge waterfall along with some beautiful trees and huge rocks and caves. You noticed a bridge in the center of it all and it had beautiful long vines surrounding it.
This definitely looked like it came from a fairy tale
“Welcome to the heartslabyul enclosure!” He says with a big smile.
“This place is so…”
“Amazing right? I’m glad you think so because I spent millions on this place!”
“Hey Crowley!” You both turned around to see a man with black and white hair. The man looked annoyed as he glared down at Crowley.
“Ah! Crewel! Nice seeing you here today, say why are you here?” The man scowled.
“I work here you idiot”
“Hey now that’s not a good way to talk to your boss! I have a new worker here with me and you can’t make it seem like calling me an idiot is okay!” Crowley says as crewel turns to look at you.
“You should still run while you have the chance” He says which causes Crowley to gasp.
You just awkwardly laugh as crewel and Crowley continue to bicker back and forth. You step away from the two as you decide to explore the area a bit more.
You walk down the bridge and to a small path that leads you to another beautiful part of the area. As you continued exploring, you didn’t notice the pair of eyes that peeked from under one of the lily pads.
Red eyes followed you as you continued to walk down the path.
Weird….never seen her around before
He watches you like a hawk before quickly ducking down as you turn around.
You eye the water curiously
“Weird….could’ve sworn I heard something” As you were about to walk a little closer towards the water, the sound of your name being called made you stop. You look up to see Crowley waving at you from the bridge.
“Come! I have more things to discuss with you in my office!” You just nodded but before you left, you looked back at the water one last time before walking away and to where crowley was.
As you leave, the boy slowly comes back up with curious eyes.
She looks nice….
Again sorry for such a short chapter😓 but as I said, baby steps!
Taglist: @ruisann @roseapov @0ffth3rec0rd @anunholyabomination
Ask if you wanna be put on the taglist!
Also! Reader will have more like a mother/older sister relationship with the 1st and 2nd years! I will explain more as the story goes:)
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mimi-cee-genshin · 4 months
Straight Shooter - Tighnari x f!reader
Summary: First impressions aren't easy to overcome, but for someone like Tighnari, they're a piece of cake.
Additional info: cute and wholesome fluff, meet cute, enemies to lovers (for, like, two seconds lol), 1.1k words
(Thanks to @paimonial-rage and @andromeda-nova-writing for beta reading!)
Sand got between your toes and rubbed against the soles of your feet as you hurried down the dirt road. Gandharva Ville was in sight – thirty minutes later than planned.
Collei waved at you in the distance with both arms stretched out wide. As you came near, someone else was beside her waiting at the entrance of a house. His ears were his most prominent feature, but his arms were crossed as he tapped his foot. He was irritated.
You stopped in front of Collei, out of breath and panting for air.
“You're finally here!” said Collei. “I was worried something horrible happened to you.”
“I'm so sorry. I–” You cut your own words short because you didn't have an acceptable explanation. You simply slept in and that was a weak excuse for the first day on the job.
The guy scoffs at you. “Seems like you're following in your father's footsteps, huh?”
At first, you blinked a couple of times, stunned at his words. A growing portion of both anger and embarrassment burned inside you. You gripped your bag, hands already sweating from the run to Gandharva Ville. This was an awful start to your day and this guy made it worse.
“I'll be around the back if you need anything,” he said to Collei. With that, he left the two of you alone.
“Collei, who was that?” you asked. You were somehow able to conceal the irritation in your voice.
“That was Master Tighnari. He can be a little harsh at times,” she said, rubbing the back of her neck, “but he's a really great guy.”
Her words didn't exactly quell the sensation in your gut. This Tighnari guy criticized both you and your dad in a single shot when he didn't even know you.
You put those thoughts aside to refocus on the job ahead. Once inside the house, you took out a textbook and a few sheets of paper and placed them on Collei’s desk. You instructed Collei to work through exercises to evaluate her current language skills. With excitement, she picked up her pencil and went straight to work. Fortunately, you could tell right away she'd be a good student. 
Despite your earlier encounter with Tighnari, you were glad your father had told you about this job. Your previous one was getting tiring and you could schedule tutoring around other tasks and errands more easily. If only you could forget what your dad added.
"Who knows? Maybe you can even find a guy you like at this job," he told you.
"And how old exactly are your coworkers?" you asked, rolling your eyes.
You scoffed at the thought. You knew your dad was just teasing but you were content with being single. However, if a good guy came along, you wouldn't complain.
“I think I'm done now,” said Collei as she handed you the sheet with a bashful smile.
“You don't need to be so nervous around me, Collei,” you said. “I'm not that much older than you.”
Her smile grew larger. “I'm just really glad I was able to find someone like you. Master Tighnari has been teaching me this whole time and it was taking a toll on him.”
“Really?” you said, raising a brow.
“Mmhmm. He has a lot of work as the lead forest watcher so I wanted to help him out by hiring a dedicated tutor,” she explained.
So this guy would go out of his way to help someone like Collei. Maybe he wasn't as bad as you initially thought, but you still had some reservations.
After completing the lesson for the day, you packed up your belongings and Collei thanked you for your work. She was even eager for your return tomorrow, bright-eyed and ready to learn.
You stretched and yawned as you exited the house, and at the edge of the trail, you saw Tighnari standing there as if he were waiting for the two of you to finish. 
You clutched your bag close to your chest as you walked towards the trail. You put some distance between yourself and Tighnari as you walked past him. Just as you thought you were about to successfully avoid him, he called out to you.
“Could I talk to you for a moment?” he asked.
You took a breath. “What is it?” you said, turning to him. 
“There's something I want to clear up, if that's alright with you.” 
You loosen the grip on your bag slightly.
“It seems that my comment earlier has caused some… undesirable effects. It wasn't my intention to be rude to you like that.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, raising a brow.
“You see, I'm quite sarcastic around your father. As my senior, he often pokes fun at me and I, in return, have my own way of responding to him. It's simply how we behave as coworkers.”
So that was what it was. You had thrown your own retorts to your father’s silly quips as well.
“I mistakenly assumed the two of you would have a similar temperament,” he continued, “which is why I behaved in that manner. When I realized there was a chance you might be more like Collei, I decided it would be best to clear this up with you. I didn't want to leave you with a bad impression of me. And so, I wanted to apologize to you.”
You relaxed your shoulders, and for the first time today, took a good look at him. An ear was slightly bent, showing that he was a bit ashamed of his assumptions of you, yet his eyes looked directly at you, sympathetic yet focused.
This was Tighnari. A straight shooter.
“Thank you,” you told him. “For clearing that up, I mean. Not just anyone would take the time to do that.”
“It's not a problem. It's the sensible solution. I'd do it for anyone,” he told you. He lifted his satchel and slung it over his shoulder. “Anyway, are you heading home now? I hope it's not too far of a journey for you.”
“I'm actually headed to the city to meet up with some friends.”
“I see,” he said with a hand on his chin. “In that case, I'll leave you to it. I'm heading to Pardis Dhyai in a bit. I'll see you tomorrow then.”
You lifted your hand to give a subtle wave as he walked back to the house. Collei left the building after hearing his call, and she retold her day to him with a skip in her step as the two of them went to look for a fellow forest watcher.
You spun on your heel and made your way to the city. Your feet were clear of dirt and sand. Perhaps your dad was right. The guys here didn't seem so bad after all.
I hope you liked it! I might add a part two some day, but for now, it'll remain as a one-shot. :) (You can also check out my other fics as well.)
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floofiestboy · 7 months
Translation of the PASH interview with M27's Director
I translated the interview with M27 Director Nakaoka Chika in PASH's April issue, as well as a few of the questions from the Scriptwriter Ookura Takahiro's interview. (Raw from the DCEN Discord.)
Key new information:
There's a scene that reveals why Kudo Shinichi and Kaito Kid look similar.
They decided to save Hakodate's best nightscape for an "important scene" (that isn't the Kid vs. Heiji swordfight). Additionally, Heiji will be saying an impactful line, and Nakaoka would like everyone to pay attention to Heiji's feelings leading up to him saying that line.
Per Nakaoka, Aoyama said that Okita and Kazuha know each other's faces, but aren't any closer than that. (Also, they have a conversation in the movie.)
Ookura is fond of Ran's role because of the way Ran enthusiastically supports Kazuha in the movie.
Translation under cut.
Preparing For Battle
What will be the plot of Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram, which will be released next month…? 
Gather hints from Director Nagaoka and scriptwriter Ookura’s stories!
A new truth regarding Kid, not yet shown in the original series, will be revealed.
As the release date of The Million-Dollar Pentagram draws ever nearer, new information drops by the day. What no doubt drew everyone’s attention the most was the tagline on the main visual- “At last, it will be revealed. ‘The truth regarding Kid.’” It appears as though in this movie, a “secret” that has yet to be shown in the original series will be revealed.
Please also draw your attention to Hattori Heiji, who stars in a movie for the first time in seven years, and how his confession to Kazuha will turn out. We hope you look forward to the release! ♪
Staff Interview 01: Director Nakaoka Chika
Q. When did you receive the offer to be the director of Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram?
It was after The Scarlet Bullet (Detective Conan Movie 24) ended. Aoyama-sensei was the one to nominate me- it was already decided that Kid would appear at that time, and as he quite enjoyed The Fist of Blue Sapphire (Detective Conan Movie 23), he likely nominated me thinking “Well, it’s a Kid movie, so better go with Nakaoka!” I definitely felt the pressure, but I was also determined to do my best.
Q. In this movie, Hattori will be part of the main cast along with Kaito Kid, correct?
I learnt that Heiji would be a main cast member at the same time I learnt that Kid would appear, but my first thought was- “So they meet at last!” In the original manga and the anime series, Kid and Heiji have shared the stage in Fairy Lips (Anime Ep. 983-984 Kid vs. Koumei: The Targeted Lips). But in the movies, even if they’ve appeared in the same one, they’ve never met without Kid being in disguise. So I realized that this would be the first time they would actually talk.
Q. Their swordfight, as shown in the currently-revealed previews, left quite the impression on me.
As the movie takes place in Hakodate, and Hijikata Toshizō appears as an original character, we decided fairly early on to include a swordfight. Aside from the Kid vs. Heiji swordfight revealed in the PVs, there’s actually so many swordfights you might think- isn’t this a bit much?! We did decide, “Let’s go with something related to katanas,” but honestly I never thought we’d show so many katanas in the end (lol). 
Q. Please tell us the inside scoop on the Kaito Kid vs. Hattori swordfight scene.
We decided we wanted to have an action scene somewhere where you could see Hakodate’s nightscape, but we wanted to save the well-known nightscape for an “important scene”. So, we had Kid and Heiji fight with a lesser-known nightscape as their backdrop.
Q. As the movie takes place in Hakodate, Hokkaido, did you go visit in person?
Yes! It was my first time in Hokkaido, so I was very excited for it. And when I arrived, I truly felt once again that Hakodate valued history deeply, from the way they kept old buildings in great repair. I understood at a glance why Hijikata-san valued the land so deeply. It also felt rather special that Mount Hakodate was visible no matter where you were.
Q. What are you keeping in mind with this movie as you bring Edogawa Conan to life?
I keep in mind that it’s always Edogawa Conan who discovers the important things when it comes to mysteries. While Kid and Heiji are the main cast in this movie, I’d still like the protagonist to play a big part. Also, this is just related to Conan, but the way Takayama Minami-san would act out Conan’s expressions left a big impression on me. She would question my lines and ask things like, “What is Conan feeling in this scene?” And her feedback was all amazingly sharp- it made me think, “I’d expect no less from Conan-kun!” (lol). Sometimes my heart would thump as I answered.
Q. Could you tell us what you think we should focus on in the movie?
Definitely the katanas. As the main motif, they appear quite a bit, and I investigated them quite a bit- I put lots of care into it. There’s also a scene where Heiji says a line I’d want everyone who loves Detective Conan to hear. His entire atmosphere changes when he says that line- it was so amazing, I couldn’t stop smiling after the recording. Please look forward to it! I’d also appreciate it if you’d pay attention to Heiji’s feelings until that point. 
Aside from that, there’s a scene in the PV where Heiji is shocked at Kaito’s bare face- please don’t miss the scene that reveals why, “Hey, don’t Shinichi and Kid look kinda similar?” 
Q. Please tell us what left an impression on you during your interactions with the movie staff.
It was my first time meeting Kanno (Yugo)-san, but I truly felt that all of the songs he composed for the movie were superb. The Million-Dollar Pentagram has aspects to it that resemble a period drama, so I requested that he include taiko drums in his pieces. Then, he created music reminiscent of a festival that hadn’t appeared much in Detective Conan before. It felt very fresh to me when I heard it for the first time.
Q. Did your experience with The Fist of Blue Sapphire and The Scarlet Bullet help you with this movie?
When it comes to the Detective Conan movies, the usual suspects are always present on the production crew. So I feel as though I’ve gotten the hang of things like everyone’s areas of expertise, such as what scenes would be best drawn by which person. So I always made sure to give the storyboarders and animators scenes that would allow them to bring out their own unique talents. I also think the way the Detective Conan movies use a surprising amount of CGI is also one of its unique points. We use so much, it makes me think- “I don’t think a normal series would use so much?” But it’s because it’s been used for so many years that when we join CGI with animation, we can judge that, “Ah, this much is alright.” I believe that The Million-Dollar Pentagram has managed that balance as well.
Q. On the flip side, what did you do for the first time?
We had a designer named Hama Yuuto-san join us for this movie. When I met him on a different project, I thought that he drew designs that made a big impression. He’s produced various designs in a superb manner for The Million-Dollar Pentagram as well. For example, I consulted with Hama-san regarding things such as the stained glass and Higashikubo Eitatsu’s katana’s [scabbard(?)]. I think it’s best to consult a professional designer when designing something rather than an amateur trying it, and as a large number of katanas appear in this movie, it also allowed us to differentiate them. 
Q. Who would you like us to focus our attention on in this movie?
Among the guest characters, I would say Kawazoe. He’s a bit clumsy and scatterbrained, but he’s skilled at information gathering despite that. He was a fun character to bring to life. Among the main cast, I would say Heiji and Kazuha. What will happen with their love story? I’m sure there’s plenty wondering about that!
Q. On a side note, when the teaser visual was revealed, Okita went trending on X (formerly Twitter.) I think many look forward to his part in the movie.
We decided to include Okita as the movie takes place in Hakodate and includes Hijikata, but he’s certainly a super cool character. Though I can’t say much as it’s before release, there is a scene where Okita and Kazuha talk to each other. But I think in the original series they haven’t talked properly before, so I didn’t know how close they were- that’s why I asked Aoyama-sensei for information on what their relationship is like. He responded, “They would recognize each other, but that’s all.” I kept that in mind while having them talk.
Q. Finally, please leave a message to our readers waiting with anticipation for the release.
I believe you’ll see the movie in different ways if you watch it from a different perspective each time- for example, first from Kid’s perspective, then from Heiji’s, then again from Kazuha’s. Also, you’ll only be able to experience the mystery of where the treasure is the first time you see the movie, so I would appreciate it if you played the part of one of the detectives and tried to solve the mystery as you watch.  
Staff Interview 02: Scriptwriter Ookura Takahiro
T/N: I was too lazy to translate the whole thing by the time I got to this point, but have a few of the questions I was actually interested in.
Q. So that’s why Okita will be appearing in the movies for the first time?
While I can’t speak in detail about it, in the end I appreciated that Okita was part of the movie cast. Please look forward to it.
Q. Speaking of first appearances, Detective Kawazoe will be appearing as an original character in this movie. How did you create his character?
As the movie takes place in Hakodate, we decided to have Inspector Nishimura appear- that’s when we realized that he would have a subordinate, something like what Detective Takagi is to Inspector Megure. Since we couldn’t make Inspector Nakamori into his subordinate, we created Detective Kawazoe. 
Also, before we decided on the treasure-finding plot, we initially had him as a spy that Public Safety had placed into their ranks. There were some characters we created because we’d need more police officers if Public Safety made an appearance as well. But even after the plot changed and Public Safety no longer played a part, Detective Kawagoe remained. This is the inside scoop on his character creation. 
Q. What other characters would you like us to focus on in this movie?
While Heiji and Kazuha are the main cast, personally I’d choose Ran. I must apologize, but I haven’t been able to make Ran shine in the scripts I’ve been in charge of until now. But in this movie, I felt it was easy to bring Ran to life. She supports Kazuha full steam ahead. I personally was a big fan of that (lol).
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froggibus · 1 year
Corruption - Kol Mikaelson
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Genre: smut/nsfw
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x f! reader (reader uses f! pronouns & has a pussy)
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: when you meet an original vampire at the Grill, the last thing you expect is to come home with him
CW: corruption, coercion, dubcon, blood drinking, seduction, use of good girl, praise, degradation, dry humping, nipple play, dom! kol, sub! reader, semi-innocent reader, riding, size diff if you squint (he's a big boy ong), creampie, unprotected sex (pls be smart lol)
omg day one of kinktober, I’m so excited!! this is a bit of a curveball given I’ve never wrote about TVD on here but me and my bf were watching it and I’ve had absolute Kol brain rot lol.
also ow grand finals today!! ante up 💚
Kinktober Masterlist
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The usual hustle and bustle of the Grill fills your ears as soon as you push past the door. You have your apron thrown over your shoulder, attempting to tie up your hair and run to the back at the same time. 
You manage to make your way through the maze of tables without bumping into anyone, thankfully. You wrap the straps of your apron around your waist and clock in just as the clock strikes 4:30. 
“Close one.” Matt Donovan nudges your shoulder teasingly. 
You shrug him off, slinging a cloth over your shoulder. “Hey, some of us actually need to study.”
The blond rolls his eyes and heads to the sink. You clip a pen onto your waist and drop a pad of paper into your pocket, smoothing over your hair before heading onto the floor. The Mystic Grill opens at noon, but since you and Matt are in school, more often than not you find yourselves working later in the afternoon.
And with working late comes the drunken idiots and vampires. 
You’re on your way to clean tables when a rowdy group of men burst through the doors. Usually, you’d just roll your eyes and wait for them to settle before coming over. But something about this group just seems…different. Your mind practically screams vampire.
Aside from the fact that they’re so hot you would have noticed them before, their accents make it clear that they’re not from around here. A mix of a classic English accent with a hint of something else behind it, a hint of something more ancient. Another red flag.
You come to their table almost as soon as they’re settled, not wanting to keep them waiting too long. “Hi, welcome to The Grill. My name is y/n and I’ll be serving you today. Anything I can get you guys started with?”
The one in the suit speaks first. “A gin and tonic, please.”
You nod and scribble it down on your notepad, turning to the blond one in the center. “And for you?”
“Martini, love.”
On any other day, the pet name would make you roll your eyes, but you find yourself fighting the urge. There’s something electric in the air, something dangerous, and you don’t want to aggravate them.
The younger one on the end smirks at you, dark eyes raking over your figure. He’s by far the tallest and broadest of the group, muscled shoulders hidden underneath his brown jacket. You shiver beneath his gaze. 
“A negroni, darling.” He says casually, but there’s a hint of patronizing beneath. 
Unlike the blond man, the name doesn’t make you roll your eyes. There’s no bitter taste in your mouth—just the chill of something new.
“Right away.”
You overhear them laughing as you practically sprint to the back, your heart racing in your chest. You can feel eyes on you but you don’t dare turn around. By the time you’re out of sight, their laughter has faded to hushed whispers around the table.
Kol can’t help but glance at the swinging door that leads to the kitchen, waiting for his cute little waitress to emerge. The innocent air around you is intoxicating in itself, and he finds himself wondering how your blood would taste, and how pretty and wet you would look opened up in front of him.
He pushes the thoughts away once he feels his pants tightening.
You come back a few minutes later, their drinks piled on the tray in your hand. You place them on the table one at a time, starting with the man in the suit. He thanks you, and it’s clear he has the best manners of the three.
When you get to the last man, you have to lean in slightly to place the drink in front of him. As you get close, you can smell his cologne, like a combination of sandalwood and iron. The scent draws you in, and you have to force yourself away from him. 
Your body heats up and your heart pounds, voice shaking as you ask: “C-can I get you guys anything else?”
“No, love, I think we’re—”
He interrupts the blond one with a smirk, “hang on a minute, Niklaus. Maybe there’s something else I want from our pretty waitress.”
You swallow hard at the compliment. You don’t trust yourself to properly form words right now, so you simply nod at him and wait for him to speak.
“Hmm,” Kol picks up the menu and pretends to examine it. 
He knows he’s being cruel, but he can’t help it. He loves the sound of your racing heart, of the blood rushing through your veins. God, he’s so tempted to compel you to come and sit on his knee and offer him a drink. But compulsion is just too easy, and where’s the fun in that?
He looks up at you through his lashes. “What would you recommend, love?”
“Um,” you shift your weight from foot to foot, “I-I’m not too sure, what are you in the mood f-for?” 
You curse yourself for stuttering so much, but you’ve never felt like this before. It’s like all your senses are in overdrive, your body turning into an inferno. Just him looking at you is enough to turn you into a weak kneed mess.
Dark eyes look you up and down, that fucking smirk coming through again. “Something…sweet.”
“I-I can go get you the dessert menu.”
You don’t even wait for an answer before you’re practically running to the kitchen and gulping down half of your water bottle. You can hear them laughing once more, laughing at you, probably.
“You’re so cruel, brother,” Elijah scolds him.
Kol just shrugs and sips his martini. 
“You can’t exactly blame him, can you? She smells delectable.”
He freezes up at that. He’d almost forgotten for a second that his brothers could smell you too, and that if it came down to it, he would be last in line for a taste. No, he shakes his head. That simply won’t do. You’re his. 
“Ah, don’t worry little brother,” Klaus nudges his shoulder. “She’s all yours.”
Their conversation is interrupted when you come back, tail between your legs, with the dessert menu. You practically toss it on the table in front of them, refusing to make eye contact.
Kol resists the urge to laugh at your bashfulness. Your shy demeanor only makes him want you more, the alcohol just barely sating his need to lay you across the bar and fuck you then and there.
“On second thought,” Kol says after examining the menu, “I think I’ll wait til later.”
You nod and take the menu from him, your hand brushing his larger one. The contact sends sparks through your nerves, goosebumps forming on your arm. You make a blissful second of eye contact with him before scurrying off. 
Hours pass, and your shift is coming to an end. You managed to avoid that group for the rest of the night—Matt insisting on taking your shift so you don’t have to deal with what he calls the “Original” vampires. 
Of course, just as you’ve walked out of the back with your hair loose and your apron stuffed away in your bag, a familiar voice calls to you.
“Leaving so soon darling?”
You stop dead in your tracks. You’ve always ignored customers as soon as you got off the clock, only focused on getting out of the door and back to your house. But that electric feeling in the pit of your stomach is so strong that it compels you to turn around and face him.
He’s so much taller than you, so much broader than you. He’s standing so close that you can smell him and that you have to look up to meet his eyes.
“Well, my shift’s over and I-I should really go study, so…”
“What a shame,” he offers you a dazzling smile, eyes practically ignited while looking at you. “I was hoping I could entice you into a drink.”
“A drink?” You swallow hard, “with you?”
“Of course, unless there’s someone else?”
Something about the darkness that falls over his face when he says that tells you to tread lightly. That dangerous electricity is back, and it's holding you in place. You know you should go home, you should study and go to sleep and never speak to him again. But you can’t.
“No! There’s, uh, there’s nobody else.”
He offers you his hand. “So, a drink then? My place?”
You reach hesitantly to grab it, knowing those sparks are going to consume your body like kindle the minute you do. The palm of your hand touches his and you know there’s no going back.
Twenty minutes later and you’re sitting on his couch, sipping a vodka cranberry. Kol sits next to you, just close enough that he can feel the heat radiating off of you. Anytime he shifts or speaks, that sandalwood scent floods your nostrils and stirs something in the pit of your stomach. 
He gently sets a hand on your thigh, not missing how your blood pressure spikes. He inhales that sweet scent of your blood, now mixed with something else. Something that smells suspiciously like arousal.
“So, love,” he leans in closer, “how about a taste, hm?”
“A-a taste?” You can’t tell if he means a taste of your blood, or a taste of something else.
“Just a little, I promise it will be quick. It might even,” he lowers his voice, moving his lips closer to your soft neck, “feel good.”
His words have you clenching your legs, your pussy starting to ache from need. You’re sure he can smell it, with his super sense and all. His hot breath on the side of your neck already feels so good, you’re so tempted to let him drink from you. 
Kol almost moans at that alone. He lets his fangs pierce through his gums, dragging the sharp teeth across the most sensitive part of your neck. One of his big hands wraps around the base of your throat, holding you still.
The graze of his teeth against your skin has you softly whimpering, biting your lip to not make too much noise. Just the thought of him sinking his fangs into your skin and sucking the blood straight from your vein has you gushing, panties beyond ruined.
There’s a slight burn and then a sharp pain as his fangs sink into you. You whine and squeeze your eyes shut, trying to stay still. You can feel the vibrations of him groaning at the taste, feel his fingers tapping against your throat. It’s almost overwhelming, the pain and pleasure combined.
“You’re being so good,” he mumbles into your skin, “such a good girl for me.”
You moan from his words. You are being a good girl, and god, it feels so good. He pulls away, keeping his hand on your neck. You shiver from the cold air on your warm skin, missing his touch.
He rubs his hand up and down your thigh. “That was very good, darling.” He gently squeezes your inner thigh, “do you want to keep being good for me?”
The offer is enticing, and despite having class tomorrow, you find yourself wanting to stay. Wanting to please him in any way he asks. 
“I-I have class tomorrow, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” You start to get off the couch, but just as you make it to your feet, he’s pressing himself against your back.
His hand squeezes the base of your throat, the other one rubbing your pussy through your jeans. “But didn’t it feel so good? I know you want more, love, I can smell it.”
You swallow, biting your lip to keep from moaning. His hands on you feel so good in themselves, and you wonder how other parts of him would feel. 
“Just a few more minutes, hm? Then you can go home, snug as a bug.”
“I-I’m not sure…”
“But doesn’t it feel so good, being my good girl?” He digs his hand into your clit as if to prove his point. He knows he’s won you over when he feels you start to soak through your pants. 
You sigh weakly, “okay, just a few more minutes.”
He guides you back to the couch, leaning over top of you. Your blood outlines his lips, his breath tasting like copper and liquor. He leans in, smashing his lips against yours. 
One of his hands moves down to dig into your waist, fingers gripping you so hard you’ll bruise. He forces his tongue into your mouth, running it across the backside of your teeth. 
You melt into his touch, letting him do whatever he wants.
His other hand snakes under your shirt, going to massage your chest. His cold fingers meet your overheating skin, pinching your nipple between them. You whine into his mouth, only granting him easier access to you. 
“You’re being such a good girl,” he moves his lips down your neck, “such a good slut for me.”
“‘m not a slut,” you whine, your back arching into him against your will. 
He pushes his knee between your legs, grinding it into you. The contact is all too much, and you’re hardly aware of the noises you’re making. Hardly aware of your own actions. 
“Not a slut,” he says breathlessly. “But you’re fucking yourself against my leg.” 
“I-I’m…” you trail off as you realize he hasn’t been moving his leg this whole time—you’ve just been grinding against him. 
There’s a wet spot forming on his jeans from where you were rubbing yourself, and hot shame floods your body. 
“I-I think it’s been more than a few minutes,” you go to stand but he tugs you into his lap. 
“Aren’t you enjoying yourself? Enjoying being my little slut?”
You only get wetter with his words, and sitting on his lap like this, you can feel the imprint of his hard cock through his jeans. You can’t help but rock against him, desperate for friction, desperate for anything. Maybe being his slut isn’t such a bad thing…
He tugs your shirt over your head while you move, giving himself easier access to your chest. He sucks dark marks into your neck, fingers playing with your nipples while you grind your pussy into his bulge. 
“Such a good little girl.” He groans, gripping your hips so he can grind against you. 
You whine, trying to grind harder against him. You need more friction, you need more pressure. 
“Tell me what you want, darling.”
“I-I—” you’re cut off by him pinching your nipples hard. 
“Use your words.” He teases, biting into your neck.
You try to tell him you need more, but your words are failing you. All you can do is close your eyes and bite your lip and rock back and forth on his lap. 
“Do you want me to fuck you? Fuck you hard and cum inside you, hm? Is that what my slut wants?”
You nod furiously, “yes, please.”
“I want to hear you say it.”
“I-I want you to fuck me, please fuck me, Kol. I-I need you so bad.”
Kol throws you over his shoulder faster than you can register, carrying you up to his bedroom. He tosses you on the bed, tugging his shirt off before hovering over you.
He strokes your jaw with his thick fingers, “if you want me to fuck you, you’re gonna prove how badly you want it.”
“P-prove it?”
He flips the two of you over so that he’s laying under you, his bulge grinding perfectly against your throbbing core. He bounces you up and down slightly, his hands gripping your hips. 
“Prove how badly you want it, fuck yourself on my cock and then if you’re a good girl, I’ll give you what you want.”
You look down at his hard cock straining through his jeans. You’ve had sex before, sure, but you’ve never been on top. You’re not even quite sure how to ride. 
You straddle his waist, tugging down your pants and panties. Your panties are absolutely soaked, ruined with your own slick. You gasp once the cold air hits your aching pussy. 
Kol helps you to take off his own pants, his thick cock hitting his stomach. The pink tip is practically dripping with precum, coating his hard base in his own juices. 
You can’t help but lick your lips at the sight. He’s so big, and you can practically taste the precum from here. 
“What are you waiting for? Get on with it then.”
You slowly stroke the shaft, your hand barely wrapping around his girth. “I just,” you sigh, avoiding eye contact, “I’ve never really—”
“Been on top?”
“Yeah,” you squeeze his cock. 
“Lucky me,” he smirks and grabs your hips, “don’t worry, love. I’ll guide you.”
You climb on top of him, lining up his cock with your dripping entrance. Just the feeling of his length hovering below you. You lean forward and slowly drive your hips back, Kol holding up your hips so you can push down onto him. 
You sink onto his cock. It stretches you out as you push farther down on him, his cock perfectly filling you up. You whine, pressing yourself against his chest and driving your hips all the way down. Kol groans, digging his fingertips into your sides. 
“Such a good whore,” he mumbles, letting you do all the work. 
You desperately fuck yourself up and down his length, trying to get him all the way. He’s so big inside of you, all you want is to stuff yourself full of him. Your pussy gushes with every thrust, your juices leaking out and coating his groin. 
“I-I need more,” you whine, pressing your face into his shoulder. 
“Hm? You need more?”
“I need to cum, I’m so close, please…”
Kol grips your hips and flips over so that he’s laying on top of you. He drives his hips forwards, slamming his cock all the way inside of you. He grabs your ankles and throws your legs over his shoulder, giving himself a better angle. 
He pistons into you, balls smacking against your ass with every thrust. “God, you’re so fucking tight. My little whore, spreading herself open for me.”
He leans in to kiss on your neck, his teeth grazing where he’d bit you earlier. His tongue reaches out to lap up the dried blood, moans filling your ears. 
“Kol, I-I’m so close!”
“Be a good girl and cum around my cock, huh darling?”
The pet name has those shivers traveling up your spine again, the pleasure reaching a point where it’s overwhelming. You dig your nails into his back, desperately whining for him to fuck you harder. 
One more thrust and you’re coming undone, that knot in your stomach exploding. Your pussy gushes around him, that ache that’s been plaguing you all day finally fading. 
Kol props himself up, shoulders straining to keep himself steady as he drives his cock inside you. Every thrust is a challenge, as if he’s trying to completely lose himself in your pussy. He’s gasping and grunting, and as soon as you feel his cock twitching, you know he’s close. 
A few more sloppy thrusts and suddenly he’s cumming inside of you, hot streaks filling your pussy. He’s left gasping, lazily pumping inside of you. He flips you over so that you’re laying on his chest. 
“Did that feel good, darling?” He strokes your hair, keeping you close to him. 
“Mm, so good,” you mumble, eyes starting to close. 
“You did so good for me, love. I can’t wait to see what that pretty little mouth can do, too.”
You feel yourself heating up at his words, but for now, all you can focus on is his hot cum running out of your pussy and coating your thighs. Kol rubs your back, letting you rest. 
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