#the way this went from angst to crack fluff ig
May I request Great Seven Yuu with no filter? Maybe the other students are just TESTING THEM that day and with a little prodding from their darling parents, they just say what’s on their mind for the day
Yuu + The Great Seven
Note: This is different from my other great 7 fics as I don't focus on what the 7 say as much here, this also aint the canon unit yuu for this. Anyways enjoy
Cws: Gn!Yuu, Rook is clowned on cause he's French, implications of Crewel/Crowley but in a divorcee way, some cringe ig, minor changes to canon, first years are ur homies, sebek has moments where he yells in all caps cause he's cringe, Lilia knows Maleficent, Trey isn't slandered as much as he should be, Starts off Crack, turns to angst, then fluff. 6k Words
Since arriving at NRC, you have been playing your role well, excellent even. You played the role of a magicless, weak, and gullible prefect that knew nothing of the world you were in. The mirror said that you “had too many souls to judge” and that you had no magic, which was technically true as the magic you had was borrowed from the seven sealed within you.
It was going to be perfect. You can finally lay low and research this world to give your dear seven parents and their familiars bodies again, then make your place in this new world… or so you thought. 
Right after the disaster that was the entrance ceremony, you ended up being roommates with the cat and crashed it. Fine, you could work with this. Then the very next day, the cat got into a fight with a pathetic bully which caused a statue to get burned, which then caused another person to get involved, which then caused a chandelier to break, and then you had to go off into a hidden mine to fight a monster late into the night, and you get the story.
It has been consistently difficult to pretend you had no magic, or to make the excuse that “someone else must have casted that spell”. When you eventually had to explain that you were a magician, there went the first half of your plan. Now Crowley and everyone seems to expect more from you, at least you were able to pretend it was weak, you guess. And as if it could get any worse, the seven seem to be encouraged to give these brats a taste of their own medicine and stop holding back. Oh how you would love to but putting up with everyone after, especially the number one pain in your ass, Ace, would be so fucking annoying.
The aforementioned pain in your ass poked you, interrupting the mental conversation you were having with the ensemble in your head, and you had to hold back the urge to use Hades’ flames to set him ablaze. You shut your eyes tightly and tense up before slowly turning to him. “What?” Your eyes narrow as Ace looks over at you with the most infuriating neutral expression that turns to a pout. 
“Were you even listening to me?” “Look, it’s nothing personal, it’s just how I am.” Ace’s lips pursed as he raised a brow. “Really?” Deuce nudged Ace. “Hey, be nice, you know they don't mean to space off like that, it's their condition.” Deuce was truly a blessing. “Seems to me like Yuu is just a space case,” Grim snickered and Sebek nodded his head. “I completely agree with Grim! Honestly, how could you and Silver be so complacent? Do you lack discipline?”
You mentally groaned with the seven at Sebeks scolding. “They don’t lack discipline,” Jack interrupted, “Yuu says they have a condition that delays their thoughts, they need extra time to process what you said.” “Thank you, Jack.” You smile, and feel Ortho glide right next to you and look up at you. “Having a condition like that must be hard… I can't imagine my processor lagging…” Ortho trails off and frowns, “Oh but I’ll try my best to look for a fix for you!” The child beams. Epel looks over at you.
“That is one hell of an issue huh? Some days you're just as quick as anyone else but then sometimes you take forever, it's a fickle thing.” Epel hums and Ace rolls his eyes at everyone defending you. “Tch, yeah what's that about? Sometimes I even hear you talking to yourself, weirdo.” Ace playfully nudges you and you narrow your eyes at him. 
Something within you snaps. Maybe it’s because of all the stress of hiding it. Maybe it's because you have to interact and pretend everything is fine to the students who have bullied, harassed, and tried to kill you resulting in god awful PTSD finally making you snap. Or maybe it's just because you want this damned asshole that has wormed his way into your heart to shut up.
“Because ‘thought processing disorder’ isn’t the best way to actually describe my condition, Ace, but it's sure as hell easier to explain than ‘I have several voices in my head judging me and telling me what to do all the time and no medication cannot stop it no matter what I do and all of your stupid comments and questions makes them erupt in a 10 minute yelling match making it impossible to hear my own thoughts!” 
You sneer at them all as they look over with a mix of surprise and pity, Ortho looks like a kicked puppy. You sigh, “I’m sorry, I just…” “Nah that's nothing to apologize for…” Ace sighs, and you know he wants to apologize but pride won't allow him. “Y’know what if you just say what the voices want to say?” Deuce suddenly asks out of the blue.
“O-of course, I don't know what they say so maybe it's not a good idea but…” “Actually, it may give Ace some patience for once.” Jack gives a small smirk. “We all know he needs to learn to think before he speaks.” “Hey!” Ace huffs. “Fine then, bring it! I can take whatever you throw at me.” And the ginger smirks as if he didn't just say some famous last words.
“You're serious?” You blink. “Do you even think you could handle it?” Sebek scoffs, “I can take anything a measly human dishes out, it is nothing compared to fae!” Epel shuts his eyes in annoyance. “Oh you three don’t even know what you’re getting into, yet you’re already signing up for trouble.” Ortho beams. “Actually, this might help me collect some data to help you, Yuu!” “You four don’t even know what you're getting yourselves into…” Epel corrects himself.
“Okay okay.” You sigh. “Tomorrow, I will allow whatever they say, happen… to an extent at least…” You mutter, making Hades and the Queen of Hearts in your head boo you. Last thing you need is an Arson charge….
You laid down on your bed later that day as the sun began to set. “Okay guys… there are only a few ground rules. No murder, and no major property damage, small fires are okay, okay?” Before any of the seven and their familiars could respond or complain, you heard Grim.
“Who’re you talking to? Oh wait, you speaking to the guys in your head?” Grim asked, jumping on the bed and cuddling up to you. “First the mouse in the mirror and now you have some voices in your head, what other secrets are you keeping from me, hmm?” 'A lot actually', you think as you stroke Grim’s fluffy head. “You’ll see tomorrow.” You smile and your excitement made it difficult to sleep that night.
You got up, did your daily routine that Mama Grimhilde has laid out for you, before exiting the house with Grim in your arms for breakfast. Of course you haven’t forgotten the deal you made today at all. ‘Pssst, hey small sib~’ Flotsam chuckles darkly in your head, ‘Can I bite someone today?’ You chuckle, “Only if they deserve it.” Grim peeked up at you. “Oh yeah, you’re talking out loud today.” Grim smirks, “I wonder how Explodey-Head’s gonna react to that!”
Slinking into the cafeteria, you get into line per usual, getting a tray of whatever was free that you liked, you had to pinch your pennies this week. Sitting down, you notice that your usual squad was there, including Ace and Deuce, who usually took their time to arrive, and Ortho who usually had to deal with his brother. “Good morning.” You say settling down. “Morning, Yuu!” Ortho beams, “I got here early so I can start the data collection! I'll try to record as much as possible!” 
‘Oh how precious.’ Ursula purrs in your head, and the seven’s consensus on Ortho, even if they didn’t appreciate anklebiters, is that he wasn’t half bad. “So, today you're going to embrace your issues, I SAY BRING IT ON!” Sebek yells, making everyone wince, and Epel shoots a tired glare. ‘Tell that boy to silence! I am trying to nap!’ Scar huffs.
You nervously sigh, “Well first off all, they said to shut up please, it's not even 7 in the morning.” Sebek looks offended for a moment, but a very familiar voice interrupts, sending shivers down your spine. “Oh Koebi-Chan~” A wry voice purrs, making Grim hop off of you to hide. Everyone in your head went ‘oh no this guy again.’
You honestly didn’t mind Floyd, hell, you dare to consider him a friend, but you really were not in the mood for his antics today. “Hey Floyd,” You sigh, “look dude, I’m not in the mood today, can you please leave me alone?” You ask, and your words just make Floyd beam. The seven seem annoyed, but then you feel their excitement; your first victim. 'Humiliate the boy…' Jafar whispers to you.
Floyd drapes himself over you as you eat, occasionally leaning over to try and steal a bite from whatever was on your fork. “Ehh? Little shrimpy’s feeling bold today!~ How fun! Whatcha gonna do about me?~” His arms wrap around you to squeeze around your rib cage, “Especially when I squeeze…” 
“Dude, leave them alone.” Deuce says before freezing at the glare he was shot. "…Please?” He adds. “Look Floyd,” Jack sighs, “we’re trying to get Yuu some help today with an illness, Ortho is trying to get data on them, you aren’t helping.” Jack interrupts, trying to keep your condition vague for your privacy. Seems like Jack forgot that Floyd ignores reason when he finds it funny.
“Ooo~, is the little shrimpy sick?” Floyd says backing off of you slightly and poking you in the ribs. “You know Azul may have a remedy for it, you should come on down.~” “He does not, and for the final time there is nothing he can offer me that would make me want to make a deal with him. Please go away.” You warn one last time and Floyd leans in, pushing his luck in hopes to see you squirm. Ortho glares and prepares to get up and send him away but you hold out your hand to tell him to stop.
“Whatcha gonna do lil shrimpy?~” Floyd smirks. ‘Is it time?’ Hades asks, ‘Please tell me its time.’ You smile and mentally reply, ‘it’s time.’ You keep your calm smile as you look at Floyd. “Probably something my father taught me.” “And what's that?” Floyd says, grabbing the back of your neck. 
“This.” Suddenly you erupted in the brightest blue flames the world has ever seen making half of the cafeteria turn to stare. Your friends at the table all jump back and Ortho flashes red as he scans you. As quickly as the flames came to be, they disappeared. Floyd pulled his hands away, waving it off to cool it down. He wasn’t burned, at least nothing major, but the sleeve of his uniform was singed and he stared at it in rapt fascination.
You expected him to get annoyed, or to maybe start a fight, or something, but Floyd was in a good mood, and he laughed. “I didn’t know little shrimpy could do that! I thought you could only summon an ember, eheheh!~ Seems little shrimpy has more secrets than we thoooought~” Floyd muses, and suddenly another familiar face comes in, one that looks exactly like Floyd.
“Floyd, I believe the prefect doesn’t want to play anymore. Come on now, we should go.” “Aww but I wanna keep playing!” “I know brother dearest, but it seems that the cruel and unwavering Prefect doesn't want to,” Jade faked a frown and sighed, “How awful, if only they could have an ounce of compassion for my poor, poor brother… However, ” Jade opened his eyes back up and smirked, staring directly at you with a twinkle in his eye. “I think it’s best to leave them alone for today, especially since whatever ailment they have seems to make them erupt in flames at any given moment…” 
The eel’s voice drips with faux concern and Floyd snickers, Azul is gonna have some wonderful intel to ponder over later. You decide to say exactly what all of your fathers thinking. “Go eat shit and die for all I care.” And Jade’s eyes widen ever so slightly before the gleam with amusement, having never seen this side of you. “Of course prefect! If this ah… ailment continues to cause you trouble, please do let us know. We at Octavinelle love to help the poor and unfortunate.”
You watched the two slink off before turning back to your meal as all of your first year friends gawked at you. “What the hell was that! You never said you could do that!” Ace sputtered. “Yeah! You nearly cooked me!” Grim whines, making the audience in your head relish in their surprise. Ursula and The Queen of Hearts seem particularly amused. 
“Magic like that requires a lot of skill.” Sebek ponders, “To cast a flame cloak and not burn yourself requires a lot of concentration, furthermore it requires a high amount of magic potential on par with fae. Didn’t you say you have none, Yuu? HAVE YOU BEEN LYING ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE? OR PERHAPS YOU WANTED TO HIDE IT TO SKIRT OUT ON EXAMS!” “Volume!” Deuce whines, and Grimhilde mentally thanks him.
“Oh… whoops…” “WHOOPS??” A few of the first years yell and Epel shoots you an ugly-baffled expression. “Whoops?? Whoops?? Is that all you have to say about that? You performed some of the most advanced defensive magic without a second thought and you just say whoops??” Epel’s accent threatens to slip out.
“Hey, Ortho, what's their magic reading, you look concerned.” Deuce asks as Ortho looks at the screens he’s projecting with a calculating expression. “I think there is an error in my system, I have scanned them 5 times and it says they have no traces of magic at all, but there is also no trace of any dampening magic used to hide or change that reading. Furthermore, the technique they used is no longer in use, records show it dates back more than the era of gods! That version of the spell they casted cannot be duplicated at all!” Ortho says in amazement before turning to you.
“Just… what are you?”
You blink as they all stare at you expectedly. “I'm a human.”
It was time for class, you said that you were gonna use the bathroom first, so the others should go without you for now, you’ll see them with Crewel. You didn’t think that anything eventful would come from it. You were wrong. This is NRC.
Coming out of the bathroom, a few Savanahclaw chuds cornered you. “Can I help you?” You asked exasperatedly to the NRC equivalents of Beavis and Butthead. “Tch, you know why we're here!” “…No, I don't.” You blink rubbing your eye, which just pissed off the duo even more.
“You made a fool out of our dorm during the spell drive competition!” “Oh god, is that what this about, dude that was nearly a year ago.” “Yeah and we came back to settle the score.” You just raised a brow and a small smile crept to your face.
‘Oh! Oh! Can I bite now? Please please please can I bite now! Come onnnn I’ve been such a good eel!’ Flotsam pleads and you hear the familiars speak. ‘Me want bite!!’ Ed whines. Raven caws, ‘Yeah me too!’ Iago agrees. ‘We wanna join too!’ The imps laugh. ‘I will… stay here…’ Diaval sighs.
You blink. “Sick em.” You say, making the two idiots make a face at you. Flotsam immediately lunges for the ass. “AIIIIEEE!” One yells and you hold back a snort as the others join, Iago and Raven both grabbing onto the members hair and pecking at them. Jetsam basically lassos around one, making him trip so the hyena trio can rough him up. The imps both transform into a blue and red cat respectively and continue to add to the looney tunes violence of it all.
The two run off and the familiars return to you, except for the eels that slither miserably in place on the smooth, frictionless floor. “Help us up.” Jetsam scoffs. “No I think I’ll stay like this a bit longer.” 'Angelfish…' Ursula warns. "... yes mom…"
On your way to class you run into Crowley who attempts to stop you and unload another issue for you to deal with. Instead you say what your familiars wanted to say. “You are gay.” You say, making the man just stare at you as you walk off. “And Crewel also has weirdly complicated feelings for you.” 
“FEELINGS YOU SAY?? WHICH ONES?? WHICH SORT OF FEELINGS YUU?? YUU!!!” You speed walk off regretting that decision, but you admit it will be funny to see those two get divorced. Crewel deserves better.
Animal Linguistics was always a bit of an annoying class, and this time, Trein has invited a few of the more advanced students to the class to help you freshmen. Ace let out a deep sigh when he saw Ruggie, knowing this guy will only do the bare minimum for his grade and charge any lesson extra.
“So when the cat goes ‘mrrrp?’ You're good, usually you should try to respond with a ‘mah Ah’” Ruggie explains to your group. “Do we always have to talk to cats and mice? I feel like we should also practice some other creatures too…” You sigh. 
Trein overhears you and responds. “Your birds don’t count, Yuu. They are able to speak.” You sigh. “Okay…” You sigh and Ruggie gives you that stupid shit-eating grin. “Aw, you not satisfied with my lesson?” “No.” You glare, which surprises Ruggie, unused to your assertiveness. “I can speak to animals already and I’ve been teaching these boneheads, we're fine here.” 
“Yeah but you say things that don't make sense…” Grim complains. “It doesn’t make sense because you guys are not used to the accents animals have. You know what, hold on, I‘ll get some real good ones to practice on.” “Huh what are you—?” Ruggie gawks when he sees three whole hyenas appear out of nowhere along with two eels around your waist. 
“They are not allowed to speak in their human voices. Knock 'em out, guys.” “Yuu! Where did you even…” Trein sighs. “Fine, fine, they can stay as long as they are well behaved…” The hyenas cackle and the eels snicker. Deuce nervously looks into the crossed eyes of Ed who winks in response.
Ace seals his lips to hold back a laugh until Banzai leans where he stares nervously. “Seduce me bro.” “AYO???”
Soon history class came, and once again a special guest was brought in, Lilia. The lesson went fine. Your sass wasn't needed. You kept quiet as you took a few notes here and there, and the end bell soon rang out. You stared at a particular note you took. 
‘The Thorn Fairy’s wings were leathery and bat-like, much like a dragon.’ 
You looked down at the note, and Maleficent herself seems to hum. ‘Seems like he is still following orders years later.’ She says and doesn’t elaborate. As students begin to pack up and leave, you wave down Lilia, who puts a hand on his hip and waits for you.
“Oho? What is it, prefect?” Lilia beams as you look at the note you took in your open notebook. “I have a question about what you said about the Thorn Fairy.” Lilia nods, “Well yes, what is it? It always warms my heart to see youngsters value history.”
You look at the note again. “You said that her wings were leathery and bat-like.” Lilia nods his head. “But aren't they feathered?” Lilia’s smile drops. “In fact she lost her wings too but got them back at some point, right? Did they become leathery during those years they were gone? Is that what you mean?”
Lilia looks at you, a bit of shock in his eyes, before he quietly speaks to you. “How do you know that?” “Know what?” “The Thorn Fairy only disclosed that information to two people, her raven, Diaval, and me…” You freeze for a moment and then Diaval appears on your shoulder to caw at him. 
Lilia stares at you, then at the raven, then back to you. “Diaval, is that you…? Why are you with… wait does that mean—" Lilia was cut off. “Yo, Yuu!” Deuce calls out from the doorway. “You coming?” You clear your throat and nod. “Yeah, I’m coming!” You look over at Lilia, “Thank you for your time.” He could only stare as you walked off and Diaval cawed an apology 
Towards the end of the day, you and your first year friends were all going to hang out at Heartslabyul to study together, which you know was code for ‘get distracted halfway and hang out’. You walked down the main path to the mirror chamber when you felt a familiar presence nearby. You were being watched.
“Come out Rook, I know you're there.” You look over at one of the apple trees, and narrow your eyes when you see Rook pop out from behind it all theatric. “Très bien, Trickster! You found me, that is a feat not many can achieve!” The weirdo beams. You nodded. “Yeah, you don't need to stalk me by the way. I am happy to get to know you through talking…”
“Non non, Trickster, you say that however I believe you don’t truly speak your mind!” The French man smiles. “I notice that you are not true to yourself! Always holding back your strength and what you mean to say, when I caught wind you were going to be yourself for a day, I could not help but try to study you!” Okay wow, he has you read.
“You can learn so much more about a person through their actions, but alas, you are so good at concealing those too, mon dieu, you are quite the mystery that I hope to uncover, and the most challenging one to date!” Rook says in awe. “I enjoy a good hunt, and this one has been most enthralling!” “I’ve always been able to sense when you're there, its why I tend to slink off not long after.”
“Merde! Is that so?” Rook smirks, and you sweat, you fucked up. “Aha, I knew you knew of me! Oh how fun! I have never had such good prey before!” You narrow your eyes slightly as he continues. “Would you dare to tell me how you are able to detect me so easily? Ah– but of course, if you don't that makes things much more magnifique!” 
“Um… I honestly actually don't know how I do, I just do?” Rook seems pleased, “How effortless! Tres bien! Beauté! I must hone my skills as a hunter more! Until next time, Yuu!” Rook begins to walk off before pausing and his smile drops for a moment.
“And even if it is not me, I do hope you can truly open up to somebody someday. Anyone would be lucky to have that level of trust with a Trickster such as yourself! Holding everything in does you no good! Au revior, little trickster, or perhaps I should call you le Chevalier Mystère?” Rook has that small sparkle in his eye.
“Switch it up now and then, keep it interesting.” You nod at Rook “À bientôt!” He says, and he seems to be muttering some weird French poem about strangers and beauty as you leave.
You were stopped yet again on your way to Heartslabyul as you passed the mystery shop. The door was open and you see Trey ponder how he’s going to carry the groceries he brought back to the dorm. “Hey Trey,” you walks in and wave, “you look conflicted, something up?”
“Ah prefect, I am actually,” Trey wears that smiley-wincing expression that Trey has when he’s in deep shit. “I'm sorry to bother you, but could you help me carry some of these bags back to my dorm? It may take a few trips but I promise a treat in return.” “You don’t need to Trey, I’ll help you even without one, you’ve been kind to me.”
Trey’s brows raise slightly and he adjusts his glasses, looking away awkwardly. “Ah, well, thank you, Prefect.” Trey rolls up his sleeves, revealing his forearms as he prepares to grab a bag. "Those bags of flour and sugar are quite heavy, so be careful— wuh?” Trey stared dumbstruck as you lifted 500 pounds worth of dry ingredient bags in one arm. “I- how are you— Is that not heavy?” 
“It is, but I’m used to it.” “At least let me help—“ “No, no  fine, lets go.” “O… kay…” Trey adjusts his glasses and you both walk off to Heartslabyul, making a lot of people turn their heads as you pass by. 
Entering the dorm, you notice Deuce and Grim gawk at you. “Give me a minute, I’m helping Trey!” You shout as you walk everything to the kitchen and set it down on the counter. “There.” Trey stares at the pile you put down, mentally going through all the times before you acted so weak. “Ahem, thank you prefect, Ace told me you would be over in the rose garden to ‘study’ right?” “They never study.” Trey gives that 'Trey sad smile' from earlier. “You got that right.”
Exiting the kitchen, you look into one of the mirrors hanging on the walls of the dorm, adjusting your appearance when yet another annoying voice interrupts you. “O-M-G! It's Yuu-Chan!” Cater shouts with his typical manufactured smile. “Heyyyy!” He waves and you feel your brain melting in your skull. “Hey Cater, what's up?”
“I have a questionnn!~” He smiles, pulling up something on his phone. “Are these you?” You sweat and look over to the images he pulled up. There was one of you in flames in the cafeteria, and another of you in the hallway wheezing at the pack of familiars all jumping the two chuds. “Yeah… yeah you caught me…”
“They’re trending locally right now and you know I just have to get in on that! Mind if we take a pic?” “Go ahead.” You sigh and Cater immediately snaps a selfie of him and your exhausted self. “Me and the bestie! #NRCProblemChild #NRCConspiracy #IsekaiProtag #ExtraTerrestrialPrefectConspiracy! Aaannnd post! Thank you, Yuu-Chan, I’m curious though what was that about?”
“Those two assholes were trying to beat me up and don’t worry about the other one.” “Don't worry?” Cater scoffs as you adjust yourself in the mirror again. “Helllooo the magicless prefect, turned slightly magical, turned to god-like mage suddenly does that within a year! That's gotta be something!” Cater beams and then looks over at you and sweats.
You were glaring at him, but the mirror in front of you had several eyes also glaring at him. “… Who’s that?” “Who’s what?” “That!” Cater points to the mirror and when you turn to look it disappears. “That's me, Cater, I know I look a bit different since first arriving, but I don't think I look half bad.” You gave an insincere smile.
“My friends are waiting for me Cate, seeya..."
You left the hangout early, not liking all the questions probing into your mind or your past at all, in fact you left pretty upset with some insinuations and accusations of your insincerity. “Are we even friends, Yuu?” Deuce frowned. “Have you been lying to us?” Jack glares. You sigh, and walk randomly, no destination in mind. 
“Why aren't you opening up to us?” Ace huffs. “I mean you trust us right?” Ace’s frown turned to offense when he saw you look away. “Dude come on! When have we given you a reason to not trust us?” You snap at him. “Our very first meeting was you insulting me and since then you have been roping me into trouble!” 
Ace looked guilty there. “Yuu…” Epel frowned and Ortho shot a glare at Ace. “Human, Ace may have had a rough meeting but what about us?” “What about you? What about you?” You dragged your hands across your face. 
“There's a lot about you guys actually! From Mr. Don’t-Be-Friendly-Cause-We’ll-Never-be-Friends over here to Mr.Internalized-Racism-Against-My-Kind here! And let’s not forget I-Cause-Half-Of-Your-Problems-And-Sometimes-Leave-You-WIthout-Food-For-A-Few-Days Grim! Yeah I have no clue! It's almost like I tried opening up to you all before but I was brushed off. It's almost like I have been telling you that I have been having these prophetic dreams since arriving and have been telling you about a man living in my mirror and calling out to me constantly! And everytime— every fucking time its nothing or no big deal!”
You wipe away tears. “I have been trying to talk, but nobody's listening. It’s like I’m made to understand and not be understood! I have been having to put everyone else before myself and solve everyone’s else’s problems without a thank you or someone to lean on since day one! I mean, all these blots have given me fucking scars. Physical fucking scars! All while I was being berated for being a weak little human too! And what? I still am expected to bend over backwards for the people that tried to kill me? Everything’s swept under the rug for everyone else but me, huh? No one ever checks on me, hell, I am not even acknowledged half the time when I’m in the same room as someone, so yeah I also wonder why I don't talk.”
You push yourself up and grab your things. “Wait!” “No, no! Leave me alone, for once will you leave me alone willingly!” “Yuu come on! We’ll listen.” You pause. “Yuu isn’t even my name.” You glare. “It isn't…?” Grim asks. “I have been called ‘You’ this entire time here because no one bothered asking my name and everyone assumed it was ‘Yuu’. I don't even get to introduce myself anyways when I do get asked. I am not my own person, and you never made me feel like my own person.”
You walked off. Looking back now you regret it. You’re embarrassed, you sounded so stupid. You wipe away a few tears and feel a presence appear, Cerberus. The three heads nudge and cuddle you as you sob and you can feel the sevens hands all trying to soothe you. ‘There, there’ one says. Let it out.’ Another responds. ‘Poor thing.’ 
“Come on, boy, it's been a while since you’ve been on a walk…” You mutter, and think back to what Rook said to you earlier. Opening up to someone was a Herculean task on its own, but someone understanding you was impossible. Even telling people the truth can get you or them in trouble…
You lead the way down to the Ignihyde dorm. No one in that dorm leaves their room anyways, it's safe for your good boy to walk around there. 
There was in fact a certain dorm leader there, who was just as shocked to see you and a giant dog. Idia punched in the number to a snack at the vending machine, turned around and gawked at the giant dog behind him. He then looked over at you.
“Yuu? Is that-? I mean is he—? Ortho said you—… Is that the real…?” Idia sputtered, not sure what  to ask first. “Shut it weeb, no ones gonna believe you.” Idia gawked even more. Since when were you so sassy? No seriously, you were also so overly kind to everyone it unsettled him.
“…Sorry…” you mumble. “You can pet him… he’s… soft…” Idia blinks and offers out a hand. One of the heads sniffs it before nuzzling into him. “Holy shit…” Idia whispers as he immediately starts fawning over the dog.
“Who’s some good boys, who’s some boys? Oh that's a great pupper! Oh yes you all are!” It’s strange to see Idia all smiley to himself, but it’s pleasant. “How did you—“ “I can't answer that.” You respond. “So dont ask…”
Idia goes quiet leaning back from the heads that licked him, his flaming locks dancing behind him. “Ortho said you haven’t been feeling well…” “I haven’t been, not for a while, I guess it finally all came out to the point where it’s noticeable…” “Ah, I feel that…” Idia trails off awkwardly.
“I know we're not friends, but I appreciate you.” Idia mumbles. “You make Ortho very happy, and I love seeing my little brother happy… He says you're like another sibling and insists we would get along. He really wants me to get to know you… and uh.. We don't have to, but… yeah… Thank you, I guess…’ Idia looks like he’s about to die, but he speaks again.
“Ortho says you make him feel human, and that you’ve been helping him learn more about how to find out who he is more than anyone else, more than me, even, probably cause you got out more… He told me you were upset, and he’s worried about you. So uh… please reach out to him?”
“Thank you, Idia…” You sigh. “Yeah I will, I will reach out to him, its not his fault, I just… I just need time to think… I don't even know who I am, or what comforts me…” “Um, I don't know what you like… but uh… actually, give me your number. I know a pretty cool site with a lot of free shows, I think there’s a few you’ll like.” He offers an attempt at a smile. “And also maybe you try a few video games? If you haven’t tried them already… who knows maybe we can play together…” You smile and open up your contacts. “Yeah, I would like that actually…” 
A new contact was added: ‘Gremlin.’
Walking off to your dorm, you dare not go in. You don't know if your friends are all waiting for you inside, or if Grims there. You sorta don't want to deal with that right now still. The corners of your eyes catch a familiar sight. Fireflies dance through the night, coming out of the grass and surrounding you.
“Hey, Tsunotaro… Heh, maybe I ought to call you ‘Firefly’ or king of the fireflies, maybe.” You wipe your eyes as you turn around and there he is, your Tsunotaro. You both don't know each other's names, but you don't need to. Tsunotaro and Child of Man work just fine.
“Greetings, Child of Man, it’s always good to see you but…” The fae frowns, “are you alright, Child of Man? You seem troubled…” “I… Yeah I am… I just… don’t know what to do…”
Your friend carefully reaches out to you before retracting his hand. “Do you want to talk about it?” “I think I need a distraction…” “I can do that,” Tsunotaro offers his hand. “Come with me.
You have never seen so many pretty colors before as Malleus casts a few spells, making the forest into the most beautiful light show you’ve ever seen. Mushrooms glow from where they sprout, leaves swirl with beautiful patterns, and the fireflies dance through the sky against the stars. You swear you can hear music from them.
“This is… This is beautiful…” “I am glad you enjoy it,” Malleus watches as you watch each step you take, the leaves below you glowing with each step. “Are you feeling better now?” “Yeah, I am… You know…” you pause nervously.
“Yes? What is it?” “It feels like… you're my only true friend…” The lightshow around you flickers for a moment. “Is that so…” Malleus stares wide eyed. “Yeah… Just… I can be kind to everyone… but I can't be friends with anyone. They all don't really get to know the real me, you know?” Malleus stares off.
“I do know that feeling well… You are my only friend…” You pause and look at him. The lights behind you turn to a more pinkish hue. “That's hard to believe, you are a wonderful person.” “Likewise, Child of Man. I would think someone as kind as you would have much more.”
You sniff, “I’ve been helping so many people, but it feels like…” You sigh. “I have seen the hard work you have put into everything. Not a lot of people can say they have gone through what you have gone through and won. You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for.”
Malleus takes your hand. “I am sorry that others do not acknowledge that. I hope those around you soon start to realize what a blessing you are.” You squeeze his hand. “Come on, why don’t we both enjoy this light show?” 
At the very last waltz, your legs feel like jelly, and you cannot tell if it's because of how happy you are or because you've been standing too long. You pull away gently. “Thank you Tsunotaro, for everything.” Malleus nods. “It was nothing. Thank you for being my friend.” He stares off to the sky for a moment. “Farewell, Child of Man, may the night be full of promise for you.” 
The fae starts to fade away and you reach out, using a spell of your own. “Wait…” You hold onto Malleus’ arm making him appear again. The fae looks at you with shock. “You overrode my magic…” Malleus whispers, and his shocked face turns to one of awe and his eyes hint towards excitement. “No one has ever been able to do that… Just what else are you hiding, Child of Man?” 
“I want to give you my name.” “Your name?” Malleus looks shocked once again. “My real name.” “Don't you know of the stories about giving your name to Fae?” “I know them, but I trust you. I know you would never hurt me.” Your expression and voice is so sure it nearly overwhelms the fae.
“You trust me that much? I could smite you with lightning in an instant.” “Then smite me.” Malleus paused and nothing happened. “See? I know you wouldn’t hurt me. You’ve had opportunities this entire time and you haven’t.” “You really want to tell me Child of Man? When I have not even given you my name?” Malleus' voice nearly shakes.
“You don't need to. But if you do, no matter what name comes out, I won't be afraid.” You take his hand, and for the first time since arriving, you introduce yourself, and you tell him your name, your real name.
“I see, what a wonderful name… I supposed I shall finally tell you mine as well.” The fae smiles, “Draconia. Malleus Draconia…” “Malleus? That's not too bad for yourself…” Malleus lets out a laugh at that. “I suppose not.” He smiles then looks off again. “Well then, friend… Thank you for everything tonight. I have not been this happy in a long time…” 
“Good night, Malleus. I hope to see you again soon.”
“Good night, Child of Man…” 
He fades out and you hear Maleficent speak to you. ‘He likes you.’ She says, and you hear a few voices teasing you. You chuckle and find the strength in you to go back into your dorm and confront tomorrow. Rook’s words from earlier echoes through your mind. You have found people you can truly open up to.
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
Deceptive Devotion
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2008 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: Tom and Y/N are best friends, at least to the public. In private they secretly hook up and have already confessed their feelings, he always tells Y/N to wait for the right time to tell everyone. One day they're at a party and she sees him with another girl, running off, heartbroken by his actions, did he mean anything he said?
A/N: hi all ILY!
WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, p in v (missionary), fingering, teasing, light arguing ig
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Tom and I were "best friends" to the public, in private we secretly hooked up, we confessed our feelings to each other, him telling me one day we'll be able to express it, show everyone what really went on behind closed doors.
I was at a party with him, just to celebrate the end of the year and have fun, getting our minds off all the exams we had to do. Tom wandered off somewhere, I just hung around my other friends, they were aware of Tom and I, keeping it a secret from everyone for us.
I grabbed some shots and let them fall down my throat, stinging slightly. "Have you guys seen Tom? I can't find him and it's been like an hour!" I sighed, a hint of worry in my voice.
"Oh Tom this, tom that! Just have fun with us!" My friend said, they all giggled and handed me another drink, wanting me to relax and have fun without chasing after him.
For the next couple of hours I just drank and danced, having fun with my girls, Tom not even popping into my mind for a second.
Then, as usual, he popped into my mind again. I was looking around, desperately trying to find Tom but I couldn't see him anywhere, the party filled with people. I started to walk off, my friends realizing what I was doing and running by my side, "cmon, let's get more drinks!" my friend said, chuckling slightly, trying to act super normal.
"Tom..I need to find Tom where's Tom," I whined, my friend just pulled me back, "who cares about Tom, let's have fun!" she said, growing increasingly more frustrated. I just nudged her off, grunting and finding my way around the party.
I was wondering why they were so hesitant for me to find Tom, that's when I saw it, I saw the reason why. Tom was there with her, Heather. The most popular and prettiest girl in our grade, his hand rested at the small of her back, the spot he always held me by.
She was covered by his large, black sweater, it was huge on her, covering almost her entire dress. He was flirting with her, sneaking kisses on her lips and neck, sometimes even being bold and grabbing her ass. I just stood there, frozen, my heart cracking with each second that went by.
He looked around, his eyes landing on me, his eyes widening and face going pale. "Y/N..." my friend said, gently grabbing my shoulder. "Get off me...I need time alone..." I said, my voice shaky as I tried to hold back tears.
I pushed through the crowd, not able to hold back my tears anymore, they just spilled out of my eyes, streaming down my cheeks as I kept running. I heard Tom call for me in the distance but I just ignored him, I wanted nothing but to run to him and be in his arms but the thought Heather's scent on him gave me chills.
I ran into a random bedroom, shitting it behind me and letting the loud music drown out, my tears never stopping. I sat down on the bed and kept sobbing, my heart ready to jump out of my throat with each sob.
My chest heaved up and down with intense emotion. A few seconds went by and he bursted in, shutting the door behind him and running to my side, the air around him heavy and eyes filled with regret and concern. He reached out a hand to gently wipe away the tears streaming down my cheeks, his touch warm and soothing.
"Get the fuck off me!" I yelled, rejecting his touch, "how could you? You feed me all this bullshit that you like me and turn behind my back and do that, how could you?" I screamed through my sobs.
His face fell, looking genuinely hurt by my reaction. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking, "please Y/N...I didn't mean it like that, she means nothing to me, it was just a quick flirt," he moved closer, placing his hand on my arm, but again, I resisted, smacking it off and standing up, walking away.
He rose from the bed, his eyes locked onto me, filled with a deep sorrow and longing. He took a step forward, his voice low and pleading, "Y/N just stop...just let me explain!" he towered over me and tilted my chin to look at him.
"Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty!" I yelled, pushing him off me and just glaring at him. "Y/N, don't say that..., you're beautiful.." he took a step back, hurt by my words. His hands fell to his sides, his eyes glazing with regret.
"You say you like me, you fuck me and kiss me, you hold me and whisper loving things into my ear and then do this? Are you fucking kidding me!" I screamed, "did I mean nothing to you? Was this all just to play with my feelings!" I kept crying, tears rapidly falling down my cheeks and onto my dress.
"No, no no...no..she means nothing to me, she is nothing compared to you" he sighed, taking my hands in his, his expression serious and sincere. "You gave her your sweater Tom..." I sighed, trying to calm myself down, my chest still heaving.
His eyes widened, a flicker of guilt crossing his face at the mention of the sweater, "I...I know, but it's just polyester...Y/N she means nothing..." he tried reassuring me but it just went in through one ear and out the other, his words meaning nothing to me. "You like her better...I wish I were heather..." I pulled my hands away, turning my gaze elsewhere, not bearing to look in his eyes anymore.
"Now I get it, for months you told me to wait, to be patient for us, because you were ashamed of me, weren't you?" I scoffed, shaking my head and crossing my arms over my chest, "what...y/n no, why would I ever be ashamed of you? I love you!" he whined, taking a step closer, knowing his words were going no where, he had to prove it to me differently.
"Oh bullshit, you're just saying this so I can come running back to you! I'm not a fucking idiot, I can see through your lies!" I tried to walk off but he blocked me with his body, grabbing my shoulders and leaning in close.
"Just let me prove it to you, ok? Just one chance and if I don't convince you I'll stay out of your life forever, please..." he sighed, this was his only chance and if I said no, everything we did, everything we shared, would of been for nothing.
He gently placed his hand on my cheek, "let me take care of you, hm? Prove to you how much I love you..." he leaned closer, his breath fanning against my neck, leaving small kisses against the skin.
I bit my lip, nodding slowly, "okay...fine.." I whispered, turning his head to face me and pressing my lips against his. He instantly deepened the kiss, his lips crushing against mine with a hunger that had been building for what felt like an eternity.
His hands slid down my back, grasping my hips and pulling me even closer, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. "Mmmh..." I whimpered into his mouth, our tongues engaging in a synchronized dance.
He broke the kiss, breathing heavily as he gazed down at me with an intense, passionate look. His hands still gripped my hips, holding me firmly in place. "Strip for me baby, let me see that beautiful body.." his voice was low and commanding, yet gentle at the same time.
"Okay..." I whined, obeying him. I started to strip, slowly pushing down my tight dress, letting it slip off my body and pool at my feet. He took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving mine as he slowly began to unbutton his shirt, revealing his chiselled chest. His movements were slow and teasing.
I continued to strip, my arms reaching behind me and clipping off my bra, then moving to my panties, hooking my fingers around them and sliding them down, also letting them pool at my feet. His eyes devouring every inch of my naked body, his gaze burning with desire.
He stepped closer, his hands riding to cup my breasts, his thumbs teasing my nipples into stiff peaks, "Tom.." I gasped, looking up at him, my face contorting from the pleasure of his fingers gently caressing my nipples.
"Mmhh..." I moaned softly, his mouth descending, claiming one nipple in a hungry kiss, his tongue swirling around the sensitive flesh. "So good.." he growled against my skin. His mouth moved to the other breast, giving it the same attention as he kneads the first with his hand.
His other hand trails down my body, over my stomach, to the junction between my thighs, trailing his fingers closer to my heat. His fingers delved deeper, exploring the wetness between my legs, he detatched from my breasts and looked down at me, his eyes glinting with a mix of desire and satisfaction, "you're so wet f'me.." he groaned, his fingers gently circling my clit.
"Fuck..." I gasped, capturing his lips in a deep passionate kiss. He lifted my legs up gently, pushing them against my chest and spreading me wider, deepening the kiss at the same time. His fingers continued to work their magic, teasing my clit as he added a finger inside me, then a second, stretching me out deliciously.
"Mmmh...don't stop.." I moaned softly against his lips, our tongues crashing against each other. He smirked at my response, pulling back from the kiss and lowering his head to my neck, tracing a hot path of kisses down my collarbone while his fingers continued to move inside me. He couldn't help but let out a low growl of satisfaction, picking up his pace.
His fingers pumped faster into me. The sound of my wetness and his low growls filling the room, creating an erotic symphony. "I wanna hear more of those sounds baby...don't be shy..." he murmured against my skin, gently suckling on the skin of my neck, leaving marks everywhere he went.
"Please..." I whined, lolling my head back as he explored more of my neck, my pussy desperately throbbing around his fingers as my orgasm was rapidly building. His fingers curved upwards, hitting that sweet spot inside me, making me tremble and whimper in response.
His fingers kept moving faster, his thumb pressing against my clit, "you're so fucking gorgeous when you beg.." he chuckled lowly, his free hand gripping my thigh tightly as he felt my body start to tighten around him.
I moaned loudly at his vicious pace, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as the pleasure became too much, destroying my pussy with his fingers. He could feel my body trembling under his touch, "good girl..such a good girl, taking my fingers so well, aren't you?" thrusting his fingers deeper, curling them repeatedly to keep hitting that sweet spot inside me.
His cock twitched in his pants, eager to replace his fingers. "Cum for me baby...cmon.." he egged on, his words demanding and full of desire, "mmmh, so close!" I whined, a knot forming in my stomach.
His thumb circled my clit relentlessly as he sensed me impending release. With a final thrust of his fingers, I came undone, crying out his name as waves of pleasure washed over me, "Tomm! Fuck!" he smirked, "that's it, baby. Let go for me..." gently slipping his fingers out, bringing them to his mouth and sucking the juices off, making sure not to waste a single drop.
A few seconds later, he gently pushed me back on the bed, climbing on top of me and palming his bulge, showing how hard he was for me, "fuck..the things you do to me baby.." instead of focusing on himself, he started to kiss me again, appreciating me and my body, making sure it was known how much he cared and loved me.
"So beautiful...so sexy...so kind.." he murmured, kissing from my lips, to my neck, to my shoulders, to my chest, to my stomach and all the way down my thighs and legs, he quickly came back up and pressed a passionate kiss to my lips, our lips locking in a loving embrace.
His kiss deepened, his tongue dancing with mine in a sensual tango. He broke the kiss to gaze into my eyes, his own filled with raw emotion, "I love you..." he whispered, his voice thick and husky, "more than anything, I'm so sorry I made you feel like you weren't good enough, you're my world..." he murmured, reaching down and unbuttoning his jeans.
He hoisted himself up, sitting on his knees and sliding his jeans down, kicking them off and leaving himself in his boxers. His cock strained against his underwear, a prominent print of his member, precum stained on them.
He reached down again, hooking his thumbs in his boxers and peeling them off, freeing his impressive erection. His cock stood tall and thick, the tip glistening with pre. He stroked it slowly, his hand a contrast to the cool air against his heated skin.
He came back down, hovering over me and lining himself up with my entrance, I put my hands on his chest, tracing gentle patterns. He slowly thrusted into me, filling me completely, "fuck!" I squealed, my pussy trying to adjust to his size.
The pleasure of him being inside me overcoming him. He started to establish a slow and steady rhythm, taking his time with each thrust. "You feel amazing.." he grunted, his breath hot against my ear.
He groaned, thrusting himself deeper into my tight and wet heat. His arms wrapping around my thighs and pulling me closer, his gaze never leaving line as he began to move faster.
His hips thrusted harder and more eagerly as he took me with wild abandon. He growled, his voice deep and guttural as he buried himself inside of me, his body shuddering with pleasure, "fuck, baby..."
I whined, grabbing onto the sheets around me, desperately holding on as he began to thrust harder and faster. He looked down at me, watching as my breasts bounced with each thrust, "fuck! harder!" I begged, his tip repeatedly hitting my g spot, driving me insane.
He smirked, enjoying the sight of me completely lost in pleasure beneath him. He instantly obeyed my commands, thrusting harder, the bed starting to shake under the force of his movements. "You like that baby, hm?" he asked, his voice rough and lust filled as he kept slamming into me.
"Yess! Yes, fuck!" I moaned loudly, throwing my head back, "don't stop! Don't ever fucking stop!" I practically yelled, his thrusts becoming erratic, driven by pure animalistic desire as he chased his release. "Fuck...I'm close baby..cum with me.." he demanded, his fingers digging into my thighs.
He let one hands slip down to my clit, rubbing rough circles, wanting my orgasm to be exactly timed with his, the other hand travelled to my hip, controlling my movements as he fucked me, "so fucking good...you're mine, all mine" he grunted.
The sound of skin slapping filled the room, punctuated by my moans. He continued to fuck me hard and fast, driving himself deeper inside of me. He could feel my walls tightening around him as I got closer to my orgasm.
His speed on my clit increased, a knot forming in my stomach again, signalling my climax. "Fuck, gonna cum!" I squealed, rolling my eyes backwards and arching my back to meet his vicious thrusts, "yes baby, cum all over my cock, cmon!" he growled, pounding into me relentlessly, his own orgasm building to a crescendo.
I whined, my legs trembling as I came all over his cock, my juices spilling down his thick shaft. With one final, brutal thrust, he buried himself inside of me and unleashes a torrent of cum deep in me, "fuck!" he yelled out, his chest heaving as he collapsed on top of me, "ohh my god.." he panted, diving his face into my neck and planting gentle kisses as he rode his high out.
After a few minutes he popped his head up, checking on me, "you ok princess?" I nodded lazily, barely able to form a word, he chuckled and flipped us over, letting me rest on his chest, gently combing through my hair with his fingers.
"Y/N..." he called out, tilting my chin to look up at him, "hm?" I said, my voice quiet and soft, "I wasn't lying to you, yes there was a time when I didn't want people knowing about us. But it wasn't because I was ashamed of you or afraid of what others might think, it was because..." he hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to reveal the truth.
"I was scared and reckless, I didn't know how to even ask you out, I was worried that I wasn't good enough to be seen with you, I just let my insecurities get the best of me and it ruined a chance for...us.." he sighed, "I really do love you, I've loved you for so long, you're the only person I've looked forward to seeing every day, when I wake up and see you've texted me it makes me forget about all my problems, I always think about you" he said, his voice full of emotion, I looked into his eyes and all I saw was sincerity.
I just sighed, smiling softly, "I understand...I just, I want so badly to tell the whole world we're together, for everyone to know I'm yours.." he nodded, "I know, I want that too, I'm tired of hiding, scared of what other people may say, I will find a way to tell everyone, just you wait," he smirked, planting a soft kiss on my lips.
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tags: @ballhair @bills-wife-1 @bkaulitzlover
tags: @billsdolliest @tomscumdoll @tomsfuckdoll
tags: @tomriddlesrealgf @ella1289 @pa1n-0f-l0ve
tags: @miyukafujii
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gojos-fr-bae · 5 months
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Pairing: Levi x fem!reader
Warnings: Angst to fluff. Cussing. Shouting. Levi is kinda ooc ig, not proofread
Word Count: 821
A/N: YOH, this was kinda draining to write. idk why but recently I've not been feeling my writing, I still hope you enjoy
(Requests open)
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It had been almost an entire month since Levi did so much as speak to you. He had been cooped up in his office doing God knows what and you couldn’t help but feel neglected. Everytime you would bring for him a meal or cup of tea he wouldn’t even bother to look up from his work and you were sick of it.
“Levi, honey please, take even a small break.” you said in worry. No response.
“Levi, please stop ignoring me. I’m worried about you. You barely eat, you haven’t been sleeping and you’ve been completely ignoring me. Enough is enough.”
He was starting to get annoyed. Why couldn’t you just leave him be?
“Please Y/N, let me just do my work, you're only distracting me.” he said coldly, not looking up from whatever it was he was doing.
“Sweety, this isn’t healthy, It wouldn’t hurt to even take one break.”
“Y/N I beg of you-”
“No Levi, I’m not going to take no for an answer”
“Y/N ju-”
“No, I won’t allow you to sit here and watch you push yourself to the edge!”
“Stop interrup-”
“Levi I’m just trying to care for you and you but-”
“OH FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST, SHUT UP YOU INSOLENT BITCH!” He shouted at the top of his lungs, standing up and slamming his hands down on the table.
He regrets you huh? Well that fucking stings.
You could tell from his face that what he said just dawned on him and he was beginning to regret it. But then again, he also regrets you so what does it matter?
You stormed out of his office and made a beeline to your room. The one you shared with Levi in which you shared so many fond memories with. You no longer cared though, rushing to your bed and burying yourself in your blanket before releasing the floodgates. And so you cried, and cried and cried. 
Completely and utterly helpless.
He fucked up. He completely and undoubtedly fucked up. He knew that, and he was freaking out. But, rather than going after you and risking snapping at you. He just sat back down and went back to burying himself neck deep in his work, trying to block out the negative thoughts running rampant through his mind. But he couldn’t push the thoughts away forever. He was going crazy thinking about what happened and he couldn’t take it anymore.
He rushed off to your shared room and took a few calming breaths before entering. He made his way to your bedroom (ik I called it a room but it’s more like a mini house. Allow it.)
He stared at your disgruntled figure. Your face was just barely visible from under the blanket and he looked into your swollen eyes. He was so guilty he felt like he would throw up. He climbed onto the bed, getting under the sheets and wrapping his arms around your waist before pulling you up against him.
“Y/N?” he whispered into your neck, but you just ignored him. You couldn’t bring yourself to respond.
“Sweetheart, I apologise…I lost myself and said things that I didn’t mean and I am truly sorry for that.” 
“I thought you regretted me..” you replied, voice cracking slightly.
“Darling, I didn’t mean a word of what I said. You are the light of my life, the reason I wake up each morning. It saddens me to think that I made you believe otherwise. I promise that if you give me a chance, I'll do anything to make it up to you.”
You heard what he was saying, and as much as what he said hurt, you still loved him more than anything. You didn’t want to let go, not just yet.
“Will we be okay?” Levi questioned, placing a gentle kiss on your neck.
“Are you really sorry?”
“Then yeah…we’ll be okay.”
“Thank you darling.”
“Uh huh” you said, turning to face him, “But if you making it up to me isn’t you saying sorry one thousand times, I love you four thousand times, and dinner, then I’m sorry but this won’t work. I also want flowers, breakfast in bed, and you have to do whatever I say for a month. Oh, and infinite kisses.”
“You’re really going to milk this aren’t you.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you said you’ll do anything.” “And I will.”
“Good” you replied, smiling brightly and giving him a quick peck on his lips.
“Woman, you will be the death of me” he said before pulling you into a deep and passionate kiss. 
You’ll be okay
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@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here, @starlightanyaaa
© gojos-fr-bae
I Always mix up liar tags and normal tags, sry if that's the case rn.
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mybelovednick · 6 months
Crimson and Clover, Honey (Chapter 1)
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Main Page
Nick Sturniolo x Male!character
Summary Nick Sturniolo is a Bookstore owner in a small town in Northern Italy. Vayu Arora is an elementary school teacher who is a frequent customer at Nick's Store. Both of them meet and they are suppose to fall in love like faith intended. But what happens when one of them is unable to let go of their past selves?
Nick x male!character Angst Fluff/comfort Hurt/comfort
TW: Too corny ig
The people we meet in our lives are just stories. Some are more haunting than others. It is one of life's gifts, I suppose. I am a story, so are you and so was the man with the bluest eyes I had ever seen.
The words we exchange, the touch we share, the emotions we experience, the way we live and love, the way we hate - it all comes together to form our stories. The man with the beautiful blue eyes and a magnificent smile had a story intertwined with mine, it was not all the bad parts, and there were parts that I am grateful for. These stories make us who we are, shape our thoughts and in turn, merge with the universe itself when we are gone.
I remember when I first saw him. He was sitting all alone in his beautiful bookstore. He seemed unreal at first. The honeycomb rays of sunlight split through the cracks of the clouds and flowed like a yellow stream of jellyfish into the room, through that slightly cracked window just past him. The dark room was dimly lit and you could barely make out that he was there sitting in silence.
    The room was filled with posters of vintage films, and 80’s rock bands, along with pictures of Saints, and wooden artefacts that looked like they were carved by the Gods, even. In the backdrop, he was immersed in his small, emerald-gold book, in his own little world.
    He was so still, it was uncanny. If it wasn’t for the sun, the dark room would have gobbled him up. It would seem like he was one of the wooden statues himself. Carved by the angels. But his blue eyes gave away the fact that he was not a part of that inanimate silence, rather something living and breathing within the same intimate space. His eyes were as blue as the ocean that Italy herself shared her beautiful beaches with.
“Do you mind?”  The boy’s voice echoed in the dimly-lit room. The tone was unwelcoming, his voice wasn’t ‘smooth as honey’ like the poets usually describe of beautiful men in their lovely poems; it was husky and sharp like a knife- similar to a thunder rolling down the dark clouds. “Hello? Back to earth pretty boy. Aren’t you going to buy something?”.
That made me fluster. I hastily grabbed the nearest book that my hand could reach. In the process, I knocked down a few books and winced as they fell on the ground with a loud ‘thud’ that made one of the window panes rattle. I was about pick them up.
“Leave it be.” The young man said. “I’ll pick ‘em up later.”
“Uh- okay.” I stupidly mumbled and practically sprinted towards the counter. “These books please.” I winced for a second time as I unintentionally placed the books too loudly on the table top for him to check.
I wanted to crawl into a cave and die.
But then I heard a soft chuckle. It was then when I first saw him smile. I caught myself smiling back at him. I loved his nose ring, I loved his freckled cheek, I loved how the sun seemed to give him a faint touch of blush, I loved how red his lips were, I lov-
“Should I give you a carry bag?” His voice once again forced me to snap back into reality.
I simply nodded and handed him a few Euros. “Uhm, I am Vayu… by the way.”
As I extended my right hand for a handshake, He picked up my bag and placed it on my hand, “Nice to meet you. Have a good day.” Why had I expected him to return the favour by providing his name as well?  I knew his smile was forced but I would never admit that to myself. Embarrassed with the entire chain of events, I nodded awkwardly and walked away from the store.
That was three months ago.
“Damn dude! So you went to the bookstore, saw an average white guy with fake blonde hair which could be his wig. Threw all the books on the ground and practically destroyed his counter top. And he ghosted you right to your face?” Nathan burst out laughing.
“That was a stretch but yes, thank you for summarising my own tragedy to me, Nate.” I rolled my eyes and sat back with my arms tucked close to my chest.
Nathan, Tara and I taught at the same school, St. Maria Elementary. It was a small school in practically nowhere of Northern Italy. I moved into this town, about six months ago. I was born and brought up in Delhi, India. But things changed when I decided to come out to my family. My parents were not okay with the fact that their only son was doomed to not having a child of his own to continue the legacy of the Arora family just because he could never love a woman. I never blamed them, though. I did understand their perspective and respected their wishes. But it was suffocating for me to stay there. I needed to leave and so I did. I had my masters in Zoology and Bachelors degree in Education from some of the most prestigious universities in the country. I could go to the US or the UK or any other place with my own expenditure. But I decided to apply to somewhere safe and peaceful. And the faiths brought me here, in this town.
And I was happy then. I had bought myself a small two storied bungalow down the ‘Via del Canto’ street. The house was dirty and filthy when I bought it but I did do my best to make it feel like home. I knew it was the one from the moment I saw the beautiful backyard which I always dreamed of having. The street was not a very well-known one. It was a chore to ride uphill with a bicycle but I loved my own space. You could even see the ocean from the veranda of my bedroom.
I have always been a practical man. Once I reached here, I immediately had an established job and a place to stay. My aunt, Irani, who lived in Milan, helped me a lot throughout this process. “But you are over-qualified to be a biology teacher in a small school like this, Vayu.” She would say, “You are a talented young man and with a few more years of training, you could be a reputed professor in some of the most prestigious Universities in the world! Why waste your talent?”. And she was right. Why waste my years in a middle of fucking nowhere? I didn’t know the exact answer for this but for once I wanted to listen to my heart. Ever since my childhood I did whatever my parents asked me to do, whatever was expected of me from society. All these twenty-eight years of people-pleasing culminated to me getting abandoned by people I thought were my own. So what was the point?
Nevertheless here I was, all alone in a foreign country. That was until I met Nathan, the English teacher and Tara, the art teacher in the same school I worked in as a Biology teacher; and I felt like I found a place in this world. They were some of the best people I ever met and I will always be grateful to be a part of their lives.  
            As usual, the three of us sat down at our table in the teachers’ cafeteria during recess time. We shared all our stories of our past selves. I talked about almost everything with them and they knew about me liking other men. It was a secret between our trio because Tara was a ‘raging’ (her words) bisexual and Nate was apparently bi-curious and still not sure of any labels. I mean kudos to each of us.
The conversation continued.
“Stop laughing like a fucking hyena Nate.” Tara snapped. Nathan stifled his laughter while wiping off tears from his eyes after all that laughter. “So Vayu.” Tara turned towards me, leaning in closely to engage in the conversation, “You said he smiled too right?”
I nodded like a child about to be given some hope in the form of candy.
“Hey! That does mean he liked your goofy-ass.” Tara boasted proudly.
“I mean I think so.” I whispered, mostly to myself in hopes of self-consolidation.
“That’s great. By the way, what did you buy?” Nathan asked mid bite while chomping on his sandwich.
“Uhh…” I couldn’t say it and my ears were starting to turn red.
“What’s the matter? Say it” Tara was curious too.
“Okay fine I accidentally bought porno magazine along with Shakespeare’s Hamlet. I don’t even like Hamle-..”
Nathan was almost choking on his sandwich. And Tara looked at me like a disappointed mom about to beat his son’s ass.
“You guys, hear me out-..” I was begging for my dearest dignity, “I was in a hurry okay? And the guy was truly very pretty. I got distracted and..”
“And what?” Nathan cut me off while he was gasping for air, “Bought a fucking Playboy and showed him the horny-ass motherfucker that you really are? I can’t. I need air, Tara! Get me some fucking air right now.”
“Nate you are sweating and you look redder than the tomato in your sandwich. Get a grip, man.” Tara said.
“Vayu look,” Tara was serious now, “Don’t be so anxious about such trivial matters. It was just an infatuation. Right? Right?”
“Right.” I lowered my gaze.
“It is not like you have to see him every day.”
“I suppose you are not wrong.” I replied and Tara smiled.\
“And get a bottle of water for Nate. Dying from choking on a sandwich is not a sexy way to go.” Tara ordered.
I really did love my friends. And maybe Tara was right. Maybe it was a onetime thing. Although, I would love to see that smile once again, someday maybe.
Next Chapter
A/N : This is my first ever fanfic series for the Sturniolo fandom. I used to write a lot during my 1D days. I know there is not much nick content right now. Because I want to introduce Vayu to the readers first. More to come, hopefully. Please do comment your honest opinion. <3
Tag: @ohmtoff @loud-sturniolos @matty-bear2 @maria4mari @solarsturniolo @freshloveforthefit @darl1ngdr1sta @tkhzs @thenickgirl @soursturniolo @certifiednatelover
(pls let me know if you feel uncomfortable if tagged)
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evermorehaikyuu · 4 years
hiii, not sure if you remember me cause I sent you an ask as an anon before (abt reading your angstember series which I totally loved) but yeaaa.. sooo I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now.. 🙈 can you please make an angst but with fluff ending oneshots for either of my fake blonde bois (tsumu, kenma, terushima) and maybe my baby akaashi.. doesn't need to be long tho, and I'd read anything under your comfort zone ♥️ hehe sml for you and your blog. 🍀xoxo
omg YES I DO REMEMBER YOU! You were the one saying something about Atsumu, Kenma and Akaashi and I was so happy about the ask! I’ll do all of them, thank you for coming in and requesting more angst (to fluff, but no matter, I would love to do it because I have some ideas hehehe). More love for you nonie you deserve the world. All of the boys are under the cut! Also, about three of these are really light angst, so let's get going!
Yet Another Mishap
Terushima had not expected things to turn out the way they did. It wasn’t part of the plan. Y/N's body, cold in his arms, was never part of the plan
His hands shook as he closed her eyes and tears streamed down his cheeks as he gulped and said with a shaky voice, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault and because of me, you're dead. I loved you so much, maybe I shouldn't have. Because if I didn't, you'd still be here. Y/N, I love you, I love you so much. Please...stay safe wherever you are now. You can be at peace now."
With heartwrenching sobs, he hugged her body close to him and let out every single bawl within him. Everything hurt. She was gone. It was his fault. He'd have to live with the fact that he had practically killed her.
"Cut! That's a wrap."
Y/N's eyes popped open as she grinned. "That was good--Yuuji?!"
Terushima was genuinely crying as he kept hugging her close to him and wailed, "I don't want you to die, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"
Y/N chuckled a bit as she held him in her arms and tried to comfort him. "I'm not going to die Yuuji, it was just part of the scene. Come on, we have to move, it's Futamata's turn next."
Terushima and Y/N had been co-stars and incredibly close for months. Just the thought of losing her made him almost break down. But with a squeeze of her hand, he realized he was okay.
Everything was okay.
Found Again
"Are you listening to me?" Y/N growled at the blond boy, who scoffed at her.
"You're kidding me. You've got to be kidding me. There is no way you're actually mad about this." Atsumu tried to walk over to her only to have her take several steps back.
"Get away from me. You're a cheater, you're a liar, you tricked me into falling for your plan and now I've lost it all! This is all your fault, Atsumu Miya!" Y/N screamed as she crossed her arms and glared at the floor as if trying to burn a whole into it.
"It was just a game! It was just Uno!" Atsumu couldn't help but laugh at the moment, making her stare up at him.
They had been playing Uno for the past hour to kill time as Osamu went out to get dinner for the three of them. Atsumu had the genius idea to play Uno, thus winding them up in their current situation.
"It wasn't JUST Uno, you cheated!" Y/N huffed. Atsumu pulled her into his arms and her body's immediate instinct was to melt into him.
"Aw, come on, don't be mad. We can play again and this time I promise I won't cheat."
"You're on. You better not cheat." Y/N shuffled the cards again and smiled at the boy across from her, grateful to have him in her life.
Messed Up
"Please come back, I miss you." Y/N said over the phone, a little whimper coming out of her as her voice trembled. "Please, Kenma, please."
"No, Y/N. No matter how many times you beg for me to come back, I'm not going to. You destroyed my trust. You destroyed us." Kenma's voice was twisted in another emotion and Y/N could sense it.
"I'm sorry, it won't happen--"
"Again? You're kidding me. This is the third time you've done it, I don't know why I keep coming back to you."
"How am I supposed to play when you've never taught me?!" Y/N screamed. "Come back, our village is burning down!"
Kenma and Y/N were both playing Minecraft and this was going to be the third time she let the village burn down and it had taken them so many hours to design them again. Kenma had gone hunting while Y/N stayed behind.
"This is why I should've bought you a headset. Okay, okay, fine, I'm coming back. But if I see fire, I'm kicking you out of my server."
Y/N look at the torches in the village and said, "Do torches count?"
"Damn it, Kenma!"
Same Things
Akaashi started pacing his room, trying to think of an excuse as to why he didn't want to go with Y/N. He had a reason why he didn't want to go but it would be invalid in her eyes and thus breaking her heart. Maybe he was leading her on, maybe not. Either way, he needed a plan.
"Akaashi, I'm back!" Y/N called out from the doorway. "Are you ready to go?"
Akaashi waited until she stepped into the room to confront her. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I have something to do tonight."
Y/N frowned and crossed her arms. "Akaashi, stop lying to me. You have a tell when you're lying."
"I'm not lying." He said, fibbing through his teeth. "I can't go."
"We've been married for 3 years, do you think I'm that brainless?" Y/N asked. "What are you doing tonight?"
Akaashi had to tell her. It would break her heart, but at least he'd be honest. "I don't want to go see the movie you want to see."
"Akaashi, but it's a classic!"
"It's the same Shrek over and over again! I'd rather watch something else at home with you."
Y/N groaned as she facepalmed. "If you come with me, we can watch whatever you want later."
"Deal. Let's go see the movie you call a classic."
"It is a classic, Akaashi."
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pairing: steve harrington x older fem!reader 
summary: steve has been babysitting your kids for quite some time now. he’s tried to stop and he knows it’s not right but over time, he’s developed feelings for you. even if you are technically still married.  
warnings: swearing, legal age gap (both individuals are of age), divorce, cheating, slight sexual tension, very short steamy moment, fluff with a sprinkle of angst 
word count: 2.5k
a/n: the steve fic that no one asked for but i wanted to make :) enjoy this ig? 
disclaimer: i don’t fully know how divorces work and the whole legal routes of things so forgive me if there are some mistakes please- 
(yes, your kids' names are arabella and alice. yes, they’re both inspired by songs. ‘arabella’ by arctic monkeys and ‘living next door to alice’ by smokie. i like them both so deal with it. but i also apologies if your name is eric or jennifer-)
— — — — — X — — — — — 
“steve?” you call from your room, giving yourself a last once-over. you’re about to leave for court, finally about to discuss who gets custody of your children. 
you get no response from the man in question and stand, ready to leave your room and get the show on the road. making your way downstairs, you hear your daughters, arabella and alice, squealing and giggling. 
entering the living room, you’re greeted by the sight of steve harrington, your long-time babysitter, pulling faces and chasing your girls all around the place. he makes a roaring sound as he scoops arabella up and tickles her, causing alice to screech and grab a pillow, rushing to rescue her twin. 
you smile at the sight of him and your kids, heart melting at their bond. 
as if he can feel your presence, steve turns around, eyes comically wide and your daughters follow suit. you frown playfully at them but your serious demeanour soon cracks as you burst out laughing at the 3. 
“anyone ever told you, you act like a kid, harrington?” you question as you walk further into the living room. “a few.” he says with a small laugh before his breath hitches slightly in his throat as he takes in your attire, the pantsuit you’re wearing complimenting all your features just right, causing his imagination to spiral. 
“where are you going, momma?” alice’s voice is small as she looks over your neat outfit. “i’m going out now. that’s why steve is here, sweetheart.” you kneel down so you’re her height. “out where?” arabella asks, her eyebrows furrowing. 
you sigh and look down, not sure how to approach the topic.
“you know how your dad hasn’t been around for a while now?” the two of them nod. “well, momma is going to go discuss a few things with him about it.” you explain carefully and they “ohh” and “ahh” at your words. it’s not a secret per say, but you've never told them exactly what's going on. 
you had tried to avoid the subject but you knew you’d have to tell them eventually. part of you knew that you didn't want to talk about it due to your own embarrassment, after all, how is someone supposed to get over the fact that their partner cheated on them with someone who’s barely an adult?
yes, that's right, your bastard of a husband, went and slept with his 20 year old intern. cliché right? well to make it more stereotypical, his intern also happened to be his friend's daughter but you weren’t going to get into that. 
the realisation when you saw a pair of underwear, which didn’t belong to you, under your bed was enough to make your blood boil. the anger and embarrassment being too much. you often suspected at times that he was cheating but you never had any proof so you decided to play it off.
you had quite literally kicked him out that night, screaming profanities at him and his mother while he blabbered about it being a mistake before slamming the door in his face.  
you were livid. you weren't one for disloyalty so the day after the incident, you called your lawyer and soon enough, the divorce was being set into place. 
now there you were, kneeling in front of your angels, telling them simply that their father wasn’t going to be around much longer. of course, you weren’t being completely honest with them. the court session was about custody over the kids but you didn’t want to worry them, choosing to rather hide some information for their sake.
looking at them, you can’t stop the tears forming in your eyes, worry clouding your mind. you pull them both in for a hug in an attempt to hide your expression but steve sees your pained look. 
you make eye contact with him and he mouths the words, “are you ok?” you smile sadly at him and release your girls from your embrace, telling them to go play in their room while you speak to steve. 
“but we wanna play!” alice pouts and arabella follows her actions soon after. “and you can. in your room. momma has some grown up things to tell steve.” you say with a smile. 
once the two are out of earshot you can’t help but fall onto the couch, eyes stinging once more. 
“hey, what’s the matter?” steve asks softly. you shake your head and look at him, a scared and defeated look on your face. “well my divorce papers are going well but there's still a possibility the girls will be split up or that i won’t get custody of either of them. i know it's unlikely, but still… it scares me.” 
“shit… i had no idea you and eric were splitting up.” 
you thought. there was no way he didn’t know. he’s sure to have heard the countless fights and the cruel words you would mutter to your, soon to be ex, husband. 
“it’s nice of you to pretend to be oblivious but we both know you were aware of our relationship.” the smile on your face has no trace of humour. “i’m sorry…” is all he says. you scoff and shake your head. “no need to apologise. it was only a matter of time. hell, the only reason i married him was because the thought of me having children with a man i wasn’t married to was too ‘taboo’ for my parents.” you admit. 
steve sinks into the couch next to you, close enough for you to feel the warmth radiating from him. “don’t worry so much, ok? i’m sure things will work out… hopefully the court will see what a dick he is.” 
you laugh at his words, grateful for his company now more than ever. you turn and see him already looking at you but instead of him averting his eyes like he usually does when he’s caught looking at you, he keeps the eye contact. you stare back and silently admire him. his eyes, the ghost of a smile still on his lips, the way his hair frames his face, him. 
there was no denying that steve harrington was a gorgeous man, you’d always thought so. you had to stop yourself from making any moves or giving any signs of attraction, not only due to the couple year age gap and the fact you were technically his boss, but also because at the time and even now, you were still married by law and if you were to get caught, the amount of trouble it would cause is huge. 
you snap out of it when you see him inching closer. quickly averting your eyes, you look at your watch and see that if you didn’t hurry, you’d be late. 
“i should go… don’t have much time left.” you mumble as you get up, walking towards the door and grabbing your bag. steve coughs to cover his embarrassment and stands, following you. “yeah… i’ll see you later.” he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck as he watches you open the door and step out, shouting a, “bye darlings, i’ll be back soon!” and getting a, “see you!” in return. 
you laugh slightly and look at steve. “call me if anything happens, alright?” he nods, “of course. good luck.” 
the last image you see before driving off to the court house is steve standing in the doorway, alice and arabella on either side of him, all 3 waving.
the sight is enough to raise a lump in your throat, regretting not giving your girls a father like steve. 
— — — — — X — — — — — 
you grip the steering wheel tightly, blood boiling as you drive back to your house. the images surfacing in your mind coming and going with a vengeance. 
“y/n.” your teeth grit together at his voice. turning around you plaster a fake smile on your face even if you’re throwing up inside. 
there, in front of you, is eric and his new toy, jennifer. you cringe at their choice of attire; black leather makes up everything. “you realise this is a court, not a drug deal, right?” the venom in your voice is prominent and it causes a few eavesdroppers to glance at the 3 of you before muttering to each other. 
“well at least we know the meaning of fashion.” jennifer fires back and you mentally facepalm. “you have no idea how childish that sounds…” you mutter to yourself. “how about you leave the talking to the grown-ups, ok?” you mock a little bit louder. 
eric snickers and you look at him confused. “i almost forgot how much fire you have inside you.” 
his words send shivers down your back, and not the good kind. jennifer glares at him and then you, not knowing who to be mad at in that moment. 
“let’s just get this over already.” you spit out, hands curling into fists as annoyance and disgust creeps into your mind. 
soon enough you’re walking out, head high and a weight lifted from your shoulders. that is, until jennifer grabs your arm, forcing you to turn around. “what do you want?” you ask, boredom written on your face. “you think you’re so big, huh?” she glares. 
pulling your arm from her grasp, you scoff. “what are you going on about now?” “just because you got to keep your little brats, doesn’t mean you’re any better than us.” 
you laugh at the absurdity of her words. “i’m pretty sure it does make me better. besides, what do you care? it’s not like you ever wanted to be around them.” she laughs, “seems as if you’re forgetting that they’re not just your kids. they’re eric’s too. it’s pathetic how you got custody when he’s clearly more fit for the job.”
you were officially pissed. it’s not because your feelings were hurt, oh no, but it was the sheer delusion she had that you weren’t good enough to raise your kids. 
you glare at her and take a step closer, forcing her to take one back and look up at you due to the height difference. “listen here, say whatever the fuck you want about me but never, and i mean never, imply that i’m incapable of caring for my children.”
you see a flash of fear in her eyes but she quickly covers it with another short laugh. “you couldn’t even keep your husband and yet here you say that you’re able to look after them? that’s rich. we all know i was better for eric and i’d be better for the two bitches-”
a loud noise is heard as your hand collides with her face, the force so hard it turns her head completely. 
“say that again and i swear to god i’ll do worse than slap you. all you are is a bitch who hides behind empty promises and words, knowing that someone is bound to save you but look around, there’s no one here to save you now, is there?” you whisper menacingly. 
you look behind her and see eric staring at the two of you, cigarette in mouth and a disgusting smirk on his face. “i suggest you run back home, kid, before things get messy.” you hiss, head jerking towards the smirking asshole.  
you give both of them one last glare before climbing in your car and driving off. 
— — — — — X — — — — — 
you slam your car door closed and stalk up to the front door. before you’re able to unlock it, steve is already opening it with a smile. “hey! how did it go…?” he trails off slightly as you storm inside, throwing your bag on the floor and your coat on a chair. 
“good. i got custody of both the girls.” you say simply, jerking a few buttons of your shirt open as you try to cool down. steves eyes search the newly exposed skin but he quickly stops himself before he gets carried away. 
“what’s wrong then?” he asks and you sigh in annoyance and anger. “eric’s 'new love'," you start, sarcasm dripping from your words, "decided to, not only insult my ability to keep a man, but also my ability to properly care for my own kids.” you’re seething and turn to finally look at steve. 
you lock eyes again and an idea passes through your mind, a thought which you weren't able to stop in time. you aren’t sure if it’s the anger which pulses through your veins or if it’s the way he looks right then and there, but you find yourself quickly closing the distance and kissing him, giving in to your impulsions.
his eyes widen as your lips crash onto his but they soon close as he relaxes, almost immediately responding to your advances. your hands tangle in his hair and his do the same, roaming freely as your tongue forces its way into his mouth. just before things could go any further, a squeal reaches your ears. 
“i told you!”
you and steve quickly let go of each other and see alice and arabella at the bottom of the stairs. alice is smiling widely while arabella frowns, arms folded with an upset look on her face. 
“pay up!” alice says in a sing-song voice and you and steve watch in amusement and confusion as arabella pulls out a sweet from her pocket and hands it to her twin. “goddammit!” her voice is frustrated and steve can’t help but to burst out laughing at the serious exclamation of anger from her. 
“hey, hey, hey! language!” you scold. she looks at you and folds her arms, “you say worse.” “don’t sass me, little one. i’m an adult, you’re not.” you find yourself trying your hardest to not laugh at the way she’s standing. she's a total drama queen at heart.
alice and steve are dying with laughter at the interaction and you watch in awe as steve picks alice up to hide his face which is streaming with tears from laughing so much. 
soon enough you and arabella join in, the whole mock situation soon defusing. 
you pick arabella up and her and alice hold hands, forcing you and steve to stand close to each other as they whisper secrets to each other. 
you look at steve and smile. he blushes and speaks softly, “so are we going to talk about what happened…?” you make as if you’re thinking before saying, “nah.” his face falls and you laugh again before telling him that you’re joking. 
“we’ll discuss it later. either in here or in my room. all depends what sort of ‘discussion’ you want.” you smile cheekily at him. “how about we go from here to the discussion in your room?” he asks and you smirk at him. leaning closer you whisper, “sounds like a plan.” you gently place your lips on his and the children in your arms squeal again. 
“gross!” “don’t be rude bella!” “but it’s gross!” arabella defends herself. “no it’s not! they’re in love!” alice counters, hands cupping her face to add to the effect. her words make you and steve blush together. 
“so… is steve going to sleep on dad's side of the bed now?” alice asks innocently. 
“alice!” steve bursts out laughing at your shocked expression and you can't help but look at him lovingly. 
“tell you what. if your mom says i can be, then i will.” 
you stare at the 3 of them adoringly, nodding slightly as steve kisses you once more. 
you were bubbling with delight, knowing that your kids finally have a good father figure in their lives and that you might've found someone who loves you for you. someone who you definitely feel the same for. 
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onlyswan · 4 years
happiness | jjk
→ pairing: jungkook x reader
→ genre: angst, fluff (???)
→ warnings: ig it’s jus really toxic
→ word count: 1.1k
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summary: no one teaches you what to do when a good man hurts you, and you know you hurt him, too.
note: it’s 3am and i’m hurting and idk why i’m doing this and it’s probably horrible bc i wrote it in like 30 mins without proofreading but here we are
it just didn’t work out. it’s simple as that. the easiest way to put things, to explain how your relationship came to a conclusion. you’ve always hated hearing those words from other people, but you get it now. it’s vague, but also says that you weren’t just compatible for each other. it saves you from further questions. it gives you the perfect opportunity to walk away from the topic.
on the other hand, they are difficult to say without your voice cracking or your eyes darting around to avoid meeting everyone else’s gaze. because it’s sad and painful. some would even say tragic.
you gave jungkook your all. he knows it, and everybody knows it. if it were only possible to fish for the stars or bring home the moon to him, you would’ve done it. the love, respect, and appreciation you have for jungkook are beyond your ability to express or comprehend. your heart swells at the mere sight of him smiling, and you could swear it bursts and jumps out of your chest when he does anything for you. be it hold your hand when you are nervous, give you a massage when you complain about your back pain (you complain every damn day), or sing you back to sleep when you have a bad dream even though he is at the other side of the world. he took such great care of you. he makes you so fucking happy that it started to scare you.
i don’t deserve him. it would enter your mind often, at the most random moments. you started to overthink and analyze every little thing, scrutinizing yourself and your actions. how did he manage to stay by my side all these time? these kind of thoughts fostered in your mind until you found yourself sabotaging the best thing that has ever happened to you. it was your fault. it’s your stupid damn need to feel like you’ve earned the good things you get in life because you went through so much pain to achieve them. and that was just never the case with jungkook. he promised that he would never do anything to hurt you or damage your relationship, and he lived by that promise all these time.
are you satisfied now? you had something so great but you just had to pull yourself back to this miserable dark place of lonesomeness.
but jungkook… he knows you all too well. you underestimate the affection he has for you. he was mystified by you since the moment you met. with all the time you spend together, he listens and he observes. one of the biggest, most important thing he learned is that you are stubborn. you despise being told what to do. once you set your mind on something, you will stand by it no matter what.
of course, he tried his best to stop you from leaving that night. he was fucking terrified of losing you. he knew that he was also at fault. he noticed something was wrong. you are the strongest person he’s ever met and he is the only person you trust with your most vulnerable moments. he should’ve been there to hold you, to protect you. he should’ve been there. but he wasn’t. and he will continue to beat himself up for that.
so he gave you some time. he figured you just needed some time to reflect on what you really want, and then he will come to you. to spend the rest of your lives together or see you again one last time. and dear god does he hope it doesn’t end up as the latter. he doesn’t know how he managed to stop himself from calling you or coming over at your apartment everyday. well, actually, the members did. he begged them to help him contain myself but damn was he pissed when they did do what he asked for.
and now he is at your door. you haven’t seen him in about a month. his eyes are shining, glassy with tears. not the usual bright sparkles that could be compared to the galaxies. he is just so relieved that you’ve been taking care of yourself, and that you haven’t slammed the door on his face and ran away.
“why are you here?” you whisper, your voice shaking.
“y/n,” your name has always sounded and tasted so sweet. “i just need- i just need to know if you meant what you said.”
you freeze. so many words came out of your mouth that night that you don’t even know which one he meant. guilt and regret comes rushing to you again, and it makes you feel sick to your stomach. the past weeks are the longest you didn’t hear his voice, but having him infront of you sounding so broken is killing you. “what did i say, jungkook?”
“that you hate me, y/n. you told me you hate me.” the word hate has always held so much weight for the both of you. he hasn’t slept well thinking about you saying that to him that night.
“no, no. i’m so sorry. i’m so fucking sorry. i didn’t mean it at all.” you admit in defeat. you can’t hold back your crying anymore. “i love you. so much. but i hate myself and i can’t bear it anymore. i’m ruining myself and i don’t want you to witness that. i just-”
jungkook pulls you in for a warm and tight embrace. god, he missed you so much. “shhh, stop. it’s okay. i understand.” he attempts to calm down your sobs. you nestle your face on the crook of his neck and breathe him in. there’s nowhere you feel more safe and secure. he pulls away a bit to hold your face between his hands. “i love you. i love you. you don’t have to deal with this alone. we can work this out, okay? you have me. you will always have me.”
you nod and he smiles, wiping your tears away with his thumbs. he pecks your lips softly before hugging you again. “i’m sorry, jungkook. i really am. i’ll be better and i’ll make it up to you.” you mutter against his shirt.
“stay with me forever. that’s all i’ll ever need.”
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dreamifics · 3 years
James Potter x Reader
Warning:just angst and sad fluff ig
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A letter for James Fleamont Potter
Dear James Potter,
Hey, what's up? That's a lousy letter starter after years of pretending you guys didn't exist.. This would be a rollercoaster of emotions, so try to keep up. Remember when we first met? You were in Ollivanders, buying a wand when you accidentaly almost killed me?
A little girl was walking pass a shop called Ollivanders, she was simply minding her own business when a ray of magic blast to her.. She fell on her butt first, her hair was a mess, she looked like she got burnt..
"Oh, dear godric!I'm very sorry!" A little boy about the same age as the girl came running out of the store.. He had a messy hair and thick glasses, he gave the girl an apologetic smile..
"What in the bloody hell are you doing?!" The girl was mad, who wouldn't? She was just simply having a great day when an idiot almost killed her..
"Buying wands?" He answered unsure. He was just shopping for wands when this very powerful surge made him lose control and it blast to her.
"I look like a mess, Mother would be infuriated..", The girl mumbles to herself as she stands up.. She huffs and glare at the boy.
"I'm James, by the way.."
"I'm Y---"
"Y/N L/N!!WHAT HAPPEND TO YOU?!" Her mother's voice boomed all throughout the alley causing some wizards to look at them..
"Goodbye, you bloody idiot.." Y/N mutters to herself.
"I heard that!"
"You were supposed to hear that!"
And that was the start of our friendship.. You little dim wit, but I'm thankful for that, because I got to meet you.. Did you know that I was not very fond of you? You just wore me down, you're a persistent arse.. But now, it all made sense to me..
What my gut was telling me about you.. You were-- no no, you're still my downfall, James.. I clearly remember when it all daunt to me, the how and why? I'm still unsure about the answer to those two questions. I'm guessing you know what I'm talking about, if you don't... I'll say it or write it now..
I'm hopelessly fucking in love with you, I realized that when you went and announced your relationship with Lily.. There was this painfully hurtful jealousy in my heart and brain.. And I couldn't get rid of those stupid feelings for you..
It was another dreary Sunday in Hogwarts, Y/N was with the Marauders except for James, they were eating at the great hall.. They were talking, teasing and annoying each other when James entered with Lily in his arms.. That image broke Y/N to thousands of little pieces, she suddenly became one with the universe.
"She finally said yes, mates!" James announced causing all of the students to cheer and screamed, obviously happy.
To Y/N, the news broke her.. She was fine with James crushing to Lily because she though Lily was not interested.. But after years of pining and persuasion, she finally said yes. Y/N should've seen it coming, she should be happy for them but why is she hurting?
"Aren't you happy for us, Y/N?"
Y/N was called back from her thoughts, the question echoed through her mind.. Oh dear Godric, she was not happy.. She wanted to be the one under James arms, or to be the one to kiss him in the lips.. She love James, not like platonic, this was so much more.. She wanted to be Lily so bad, ofcourse she's not bloody happy!
"Of course, I am!Congratulations, Prongs!"
But what could she do? Y/N would have lost that battle years ago, she was not James type.. What could she do but just pretend that she was happy and fine with them.. She was dead sure that she'll forget all about James someday.. So until that day comes, she needs to fake a smile and accept her fate.
Loving your bestfriend is the worst thing in the world, James.. I wanted to confess so bad, but the idea of losing you was a heavy baggage to carry.. So, I settled by just being your friend but you don't know how many times I've wanted to confess..
To go up to you and smashed my lips into yours but you were in a relationship with Lily, so I never did anything.. You were happy, and that was enough for me.. And don't get me wrong, I tried to find someone else but you were the best James..
It has been weeks since James and Lily got together, no one knew how she felt.. She was all alone, fighting her feelings from overcoming her. Y/N was sitting in the library, reading a muggle book called 'Wuthering Heights'..
However she hated it, she was bitter and had no time for lovey dovey books.. Y/N needed to move on, she shouldn't be stuck on James..
"Hey, Y/N!"
Y/N was startled by a Hufflepuff student, she smiled and laughed..
"I'm sorry if I startled you, I--I just have a question to ask you.."
Y/N squint her eyes, she doesn't even know this guy.. She rattled her brain for any recollection of this guy..The guy saw her confused face and chuckled.
"I'm Oliver Rigby, the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team.."
"Ohhh, yeah.." She just murmured but she had no idea who this guy is.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade this weekend?"
Y/N was taken aback but she needed to move on, she can no longer be hung up on a guy that doesn't even loves her back.
"Alright!I'll pick you up then!"
Y/N just smiled and walked away, she was reluctant to moved on.. Her heart was still beating for James, but she needs to move on.. For her own sake.
They were nothing compared to you, I tried to moved on.. But I always ended up to you, the same feelings always came rushing in when I see you.. Every guy seems horrible when compared to you.. The short period of time we spent together was wonderful, you gave me purpose when no one else did.
Y/N has just come back from a very horrible date, the guy did nothing but talk and brag about himself.. He was not like James who was funny and talks about entertaining stories.. The guy was not sweet nor kind, he was a bit of an ass.. That's the only thing he had in common with James, she sighs and sat in one of the sofa in the common room..
No one can beat James to Y/N, her standards were bloody high because of James.. She wanted to cry but that was stupid.. Crying over a guy who didn't even hurt her, she hates herself.
Y/N heart skipped a beat, she knows who's voice is that.. That voice gives her butterflies, she loves how that voice says her name..
"Thought you had a date?Why are you back so early?" He questioned.
"Did he stood you up? I reckon he'd do that, he looked like a douche to me."
"Sure.." She answered not looking at him, James sits next to her and put her arms around Y/N.. She felt her body stiffen as his body made contact with her.. Y/N silently prayed that James wouldn't notice her increasing heartbeat, the stiffening of her body and the way her cheeks blush..
"Are you alright?" James seems to notice his bestfriend all red and she looked like very uncomfortable..
"What if I said no, what would you do?"
"Make you feel better, ofcourse!" His laughs echoed through the whole Gryffindor tower.. Y/N let out a dry laugh, she didn't mean that.. But her heart was breaking into thousands of pieces, she want this feeling out of her system.
"Are you really alright?"
"Yeah, maybe.."
"Want to talk---"
"Jameees!" Lily's voice called the attention of the messy-haired boy..
"I'll be right back, Lily needs me.."
"B-But what about me?" Y/N tried her very best to not choke up and crack.
"Later, Y/N.." James messed her hair, she didn't meant to be demanding however this was the sign she was looking for.. The sign that James doesn't feel anything special for her, she was just James very annoying friend..Y/N realized that with one call, Lily has James wrapped around her perfect fingers, with only one call from Lily, James was gone.. He just left her hurting friend for Lily, Y/N suddenly felt her heart was no longer there..
It was bruised and beated so many times, and now.. Y/N chest is nothing but a vacant lot, an empty hollow space.. The tiny little hope that maybe James likes her back can no longer be found.
That hope was now gone.
Y/N had reached her limit, it was truly over.. The love and jealousy she feels was a heavy baggage to carry. Y/N needed to avoid James, just until she was fully okay..
Y/N knew deep inside her that her love for James will never fully go away..
Avoiding you was the only reasonable thing to do, to be frank.. It was the only thing to do.. If I kept up that silly facade, I would ended up being mental.. You see James, jealousy is a monster that takes over your whole mind and body. It's a hideous monster you can't escape.. I do have a few questions, did you notice the not-so-subtle cold shoulder I gave you? Because back then it seems like you didn't, did you though? Did you cry every night like I did? Or did your heart break like mine did?
Y/N finally got out of her bed, she was in the great hall, hundreds of feet away from James.. But from the looks of it, he didn't really seem to mind.. He was too busy whispering sweet nothings to Lily's ear.
"If your glares could kill, Evans and Potter would be dead now.." Her friend intoned, she snapped her head away from the sight of James.
"I don't what your talking about.." Y/N denied..
"Of course, you don't.." Her friend tease.
"If my looks can kill, you will be the first one dead.." Y/N gave her friend a glare which her friends just brushed off.
"Blimey!No need to get mad, I was just stating facts.."
"Just sod off." Y/N just played with the food in her plate.
"If you told James about your feelings, he would've ask you out." Y/N's friend said in a teasing manner..
"No, he would never do that.."
"And how do you know that?" Y/n rolled her eyes at her friends question.
"Because I knew James, he was inlove with Lily since the start of our first year. "
"That's what you think.." Her friend crosses her arms and smirk at her.
"What?" She questioned confused.
"Nothing, idiot.. You won't understand.."
"Look Y/N, just move on.." Y/N scoffs at her friends genius idea.
"You make it sound like it's so bloody easy.."
"Is it not?You cry about it for a day then you find someone else.. " Y/N looked at her friend with a surprised gaze, is it that easy? How come it's so hard for her?
"See, easy.."
"Sod off.." She shut her friend down as thoughts occupied her mind..
Y/N was walking down the silent halls of Hogwarts alone, a frown in her face she hasn't been smiling this past few weeks.. Her back suddenly stood straight when the four familiar faces welcomed her when she entered an empty classroom.
"Oh, hello Y/N.." Sirius was the first to greet her with a big smile on his face but she didn't give the smile back.
"Y/N!I was wondering where you were these past few weeks.." Remus gave her a comforting smile.
"Yeah, I had no one to eat my sweets with!" Peter walked up to Y/N and offered her a chocolate which she didn't accept.
"I apologize, I have to go now.."
"But Y/N--" Peter didn't get to finish the sentence, she was gone, James didn't even look up from his seat.. Did he forgot all about Y/N? But Y/N didn't feel anything anymore.. Funny how numbness can have it's perks sometimes..
Maybe you didn't notice me because you were so inlove with pretty little Evans? That came out a little rude, I apologize for that, but I'm not sorry.. You see, I don't hate Lily, but then again kinda wish she were dead.. She was all you saw James, I was with you through your worst.. I gave you everything, but what do I get in return?
Just heartaches and neverending what-ifs.. You never saw me James.. Remember the day we graduated and left Hogwarts? You didn't even say goodbye to me, not even a single glance James.. I was not the only one who gave up on our friendship.. We both did, James..
Riding the Hogwarts train one last time was a bittersweet moment for others.. To Y/N, it was a relief.. She would finally get to leave the place that reminds her of James, every corner and walls was embedded with memories of Y/N and James having fun with each other.. It may sound nice but it only brought misery to her.
"Y/N!We're getting off now.." Y/N's friend broke her silent trance.. Y/N stands up and exits the train, her feet hit the platform floor, Y/N took a deep breath and wander her eyes to the sea of graduate  students. Some were celebrating, some were crying and there Y/N saw him..
James had Lily under his arms as they talk with the rest of the Marauders.. Disappointment was written all over Y/N's face, this was the last day they would be able to see each other and James didn't even glance at her.. They were friends for years, she couldn't belive that their friendship was beyond repair..
"Quit staring at him, your looking pathetic." Y/N whispers under her breath, walking away without saying goodbye was not how she planned her last day in Hogwarts. Y/N was moving to America and will work in the Ministry of Magic there.. She does not want to work in the same place that James and Lily was going to work at..
Y/N needs to really move on, and America would be the place for it.. Atleast there, she's far away from any reminders of James or Lily.. Holding her trunk, she walks away from her old life.. No more heartaches, just miserable thoughts and lots of what ifs.
Moving here didn't even help, I'm still inlove with you.. You might be confused about why I'm just sending this letter to you now.. Well Mister Potter, I just got an invitation to your wedding and I'm very very drunk right now.. I didn't think you would really send me an invitation because you know were just strangers.. We spent years ignoring each other and now this bloody envelope shows up at my home..
How did you even knew my address? Were you keeping tabs on me? If that's the case then I'm very flattered and also a little bit creeped out but that's not the point! The point is, I'm not going to your wedding because I'm still fucking inlove with you.. I hope you enjoy the wedding though, also don't bother writing back.. I would never remember this anyway, so James.. Give Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease.
If you guys have any request for imagines about ( marvel characters, DC characters, stranger things, game of thrones, brooklyn 99, friends, basically anything! I accept everything!)
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niskoo · 3 years
Memories kept in the pink hoodie
pairing: Ex! Heeseung x reader
genre: angst, fluff in the end ig, breakup! AU
warnings: swearing, uhhh they like break down together
word count: 2.2k words OMG
a/n: another one of my requests!! thank you all for the ideas its really helping!! mmm this one was very interesting to write because i usually write crack/fluff, aaannndd ive literally never done anything ive written IURHWIU thank you for the great idea anon <33 THIS HELPED SO MUCH OMG USUALLY MY ANGST SUCKS BUT IM PRETTY PROUD OF THIS AAAA ALSO IM SORRY IF THIS WASNT REALLY WHAT YOU WANTED IDK THERE ALWAYS HAS TO BE FLUFF IN MY IMAGINES IG 😓😭
feel free to request and help get rid of my writers block!!
a bit based off of 'try again' by jaehyun and d.ear
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You should've known the consequences of dating an idol, you should've been careful. Of course they wouldn't let you be together, he's in one of the rising groups, heck, he was in one of the biggest companies.
It wasn't necessarily the company's fault you were so heartbroken, it's both your faults. You couldn't help but blame each other for how careless you were. You know better than to make things worse, and yet you did.
The evening you go back to his dorm after being confronted by the company, you two started a huge argument of who's fault it was. Either it was his fault for not taking caution during work, or your fault for always checking up on him. All loving actions in the past became reasons for why you should break up, thus cracking your relationship further.
When you went home that night, with your backpack full of your things, you did nothing. You didn't cry, you didn't rage, you simply thought that this was the end, you felt guilty that it had to end like this, instead of just working it out and breaking it off peacefully.
Your heart was left cracked and hurt for sure, but this time, you blame yourself. You shouldn't have met him, you shouldn't have got to know him, it's all your fault. And for the first time that night, you cry.
Your heart clenched at every thought of having to leave Heeseung, more tears falling at the fact that he's not gonna be a part of your life anymore. He's gone, and it's all your fault.
It's when you unpack your things when you realize you still have a bunch of things left at his place, you realize you never want to go back and face him.
You leave your stuff there for the next 2 days, your heart still unready to confront and be reminded of the fact that Heeseung is gone. Unfortunately, he has other plans.
Your phone lights up, and the last name you want to see is lighting the phone up.
'Hey... you left some of your stuff.'
You instantly turn your phone off, breaths picking up as you quickly look away from it and finish your lunch. You can feel the anxiety filling your body as you notice it light up once again, and it swarms in your chest even more when your mother winces at the next text.
You put down your spoon, quickly glancing at the text.
'If you want, you can come by and pick them up? I'll pack them for you...'
Your heart clenches yet once again, you know it's true, literally half your stuff is still there and you have to pick them up. You unlock your phone, quickly sending an 'okay' before completely shutting your phone down. You wouldn't stand a second more looking at his contact.
You decide to go at 11, because that's when the other members are at the company training. You don't know if Heeseung's gonna be there to give you your things, a part of you hopes he is, another hopes he's not there. But then again, who else would open the door for you?
You stand outside the familiar door nervously, picking on your nails and the lint on the hem of your cardigan. Just as you were about to knock, the door swung open, and instead of your ex boyfriend standing there it's the youngest of the group, his eyes wide and puffy lips parted.
As usual, he woke up late. You can't help but chuckle as he picks his shoes up and scurries down the stairs, bidding him a friendly goodbye.
You almost forget about Heeseung, but as you hear shuffling from inside, it all comes back.
You two share awkward glances, the tension slowly building itself back up. Instead of the heated, rage filled tension, this time the tension is guilty, and without each other knowing, yearning.
“T-this way,” Heeseung mutters tightly, eyes glued to the ground as he shuffled quickly to the living room. You follow along just a few seconds later, still processing the fact that this is the end. He could be gone out of your life after this, it’s your last chance to speak.
Your eyes slowly travel up when you stop, the beating of your heart quickening with the slight burning in your eyes. Lo and behold, there your things laid, ready for you to bring back home. You can’t help but notice how it’s packed completely how Heeseung would pack, neat and with care. It’s not too stuffed, it’s in the perfect place.
Biting at the dead skin of your lip, you trudge towards the duffle bag—his duffle bag—and kneel down to grab the handle. The moment you pick it up, you notice how the bag isn’t fully zipped, and a certain pink sleeve peaks out from the tiny space.
All too familiar, the pink sleeve was. It was the one he took from Daniel in I-land. He knew you loved it, for you loved the kid like your little brother. But, he can’t. It’s his, it’s his favorite, he can’t just give it to his ex.
You instantly place the bag down, the tears starting to well up in frustration and sadness. You zip open the bag and take the pink hoodie out, before shoving it into Heeseung’s chest, “Take it, Heeseung, Please don’t give it to me.”
It takes him a few moments, before Heeseung is shaking his head and handing it back to you. “No, it’s practically yours anyway. And you really like it right? It’s just a-“
“Don’t tell me it’s just a hoodie!”
You both are shocked at your sudden burst, frozen in your spot. Your breathing is heavy, like a weight is holding it down and slowing your breathing. There are tears keeping your cheek moist, warm, they stream down continuously, the sensation as if there was fire dripping from your eyes and burning your skin.
Heeseung’s just on the verge of crying himself, the grip on the pink hoodie deathly, he feels the material ripping against his skin. How did it come to this? When did it even happen? It all feels surreal, to think what you two had could fall apart.
All the happy moments in your relationship fading to memories, the hoodie representing the fact itself is true. None of you wanted to take it, afraid it would remind you of the other.
Deep down, you wanted to keep it, keep the memories it held, keep the tears that once soaked it when you vented all your stress to him, keep the scent of Heeseung that lingered on the fabric. You were just too afraid of being reminded that along with the happy memories, came the sad memories of the night you fought and broke it off.
Your grip on the poor hoodie eases, as you slide to the floor helplessly with tears messing your face up. You desperately wanted to hold the pink piece of clothing and keep it forever, and another part of you cursed at you for being too vulnerable.
Your hand quickly wipes away the tears on your cheeks and chin harshly, almost hitting yourself for being so sensitive. Before you could do the action again, a softer grasp is stopping your hand, Heeseung’s other hand reaching up to brush the tears away dearly, blowing your hair away from your face.
Before you could even bring yourself to stop, you’re already reacting to his touch, cowering into his hold and placing your hand over his on your cheek, almost intertwining them together.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper into his palm, your other hand reaching up to grasp at his t-shirt. You’re sorry for so many reasons, for not being careful, for all the things you said in the argument, for making a sudden commotion just because of a stupid hoodie. “I’m so sorry...”
“Shh, it’s alright, it’s alright.” Heeseung grabs you into his infamous embrace you would hate to leave, stroking your back with patterns just the way he knew you loved, just the way it would calm you down. “We’ll be alright.”
More tears fall between your eyelashes, dripping and soaking into Heeseung’s shoulder as he himself sniffles quietly into your hair. None of you want to leave each other behind, it’s the painful truth that you both can’t have, the truth you’ve always feared.
A sudden feeling of relief fills you up inside, his words reassure you in a way, we’ll be alright, you’ll be okay, it just had to leave his lips for you to believe it. You crawl closer to Heeseung, squeezing yourself in his bear hug, “We’ll be okay, we can make it right,”
A hoarse and hearty laugh leaves Heeseung, it shakes right by your ear as you press it against his chest, and he nods, “Yeah,”
He gently pulls your head back right in front of his, wiping the last of your tears and tucking the stray hairs back to the back of your ear, “Let’s just talk,” his whisper tickles your nose, causing you to lightly giggle at the feeling, his lips pressing softly against the pink tinted skin, “Make everything better?”
You nod, finally grasping at the pink hoodie and holding it tight to your chest as Heeseung laughs and bonks his forehead right on yours.
For the next few hours, you talk, make up, talk some more, maybe even a small cuddle, but that’s a secret. You make ramen for when the other members come back from practice, you feel happy to see the members thank you and eat with enthusiasm, you feel glad this is how your last moments together last.
Now you have the (practically ripped) pink hoodie in your arms as you bid the boys goodbye, slightly tearing up at the sight of them sadly waving, but you keep it in and continue your way back home, where you would tell your mom how you ended it on good terms.
And that night, you slip on the pink hoodie before you sleep, and you feel a piece of paper poking at your arm. You’re surprised to see a crumpled envelope poking out, your name written messily in blue ink.
You pull the envelope out quickly, opening it out with something bubbling in the pit of your stomach as you notice the handwriting as Heeseung’s.
‘My dear Y/n,
Hello there! I don’t know if i got the guts to make it right with you or if i pussied out and watched you as you drove away with regrets, but that’s what this letter is for. hopefully you didn’t throw this letter away hehe
i just wanted to thank you. for everything. your love, your care, your trust, Your happiness, thank you for everything you’ve given me. im sorry we had to end our journey, but know that you’ll be in my mind everyday. when we practice, I’ll remember your encouraging smile, when we win, I'll remember the fact that it’s you who gave me the courage to start this whole career.
i love you y/n. we’ll both probably find our other person in the future, but you’ll forever be in my heart as my first love, my first heartbreak, my best memory. thank you for helping me through my hardest times, thank you for helping the other boys through their worst times, especially jungwon, he’ll miss you the most.
i guess this is goodbye, y/n. not forever, of course, but for some time. thank you for everything, i hope you enjoyed the times we had together as much as i did.
with all the love in my heart,
Lee Heeseung :)’
You wipe at your tears for the nth time that day, folding the paper back into the envelope. “Fuck you Heeseung, you’ve ruined my makeup again!” You curse under your breath as you slip the letter into a certain box at the corner of your bedside table, patting your cheeks one last time.
You truly cherish the memories you had with Heeseung. You hope he does too.
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kireijae · 3 years
fearless — n.jm x reader
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summary: you start a new job at your favourite local bookstore in seoul, however no one cared to inform you of the very pretty delivery guy who comes once a week.
genre: twist (ig?) on a bookstore!au, nonidol!au, fluff, angst, some crack too
warnings: swearing, detailed descriptions of food and eating, edited but not very well, i cried while writing it (if i forgot any or you want me to add specific ones, send an ask or message me!)
words: 6k
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a.n: i worked so hard on this oh my goodness it was like giving birth dkfjdsfnsd. but really i love this one a lot so i hope you all enjoy it because i did my best to do the story i had in my head justice. also! let me know what you thought of it!
The streets were quiet as you walked to the bookstore. Your bag was heavy in your hand and the sun danced around you, creating a blinding sort of glow on the pavement beneath your feet. You passed modern coffee shops and tall skyscrapers alike, buildings becoming more and more modern the longer you walked. All right angles, smooth surfaces and tinted windows glinting in the morning sun. It was only your second day on the job, but the route was already familiar to you, after having visited the bookstore quite often over the few years you’d been living in the city. 
The tingling sounds of the old bell above the door fell around you like snowflakes as you stepped inside. It was quite literally like stepping into another realm. The floor was paved with stone tiles, little shoots of green peaking up between them here and there. The glass walls were lined with creepers and bookshelves alike and the glass roof allowed for the rays of sunlight to poke through the trees’ branches above.
Your eyes were pulled to Jisoo after her voice called to you from behind the cash register.  “Good morning!” she said, eyes bright and her voice chipper.
She gave you a short list of things to do before opening the store while she did some admin in the back room. You rearranged bookshelves, tidied the seating area in the centre of the room, fluffing up the old embroidered cushions and wiping the coffee stain off the old wooden table. Once you heard the old clock near the counter sing its tune to signal the hour, you walked over to the door to flip the sign that hung there. 
The day went by slowly, with barely any customers walking through the doors. You were half asleep at the register when you heard the bell at the door ring and you sat up from your crunched up position on the old stool. You blinked a few times in an attempt to wake yourself up completely, but your eyes widened when they focused on the person at the door.
You nearly thought it was a scene out of a drama. He walked in, and you swore you saw a curl of wind rush past him and fuss with his hair. Everything around him went out of focus — all your attention honed in on him. He had a white t-shirt on with a loose, light blue button up draped over his shoulders. His hair had to have been dyed, with the depth of the black that coated the strands, but it was still glimmering nonetheless. 
You were paying attention to everything he did as he walked towards you, so luckily for you, you caught his words even through your haze.
“Hey, are you new here?” you finally noticed that he held a big cardboard box in his arms, fingers curled around the front, with the bottom of it resting on his forearms. 
You opened your mouth to answer, but before any sort of sound could pour out, Jisoo came out from the back room. You were grateful for the interruption, seeing as you weren’t sure you could function correctly just then.
“This is only her second day, Jaemin,” she said, throwing him a knowing glance from the corner of her eye and taking the box from him, “don’t scare her off.”
“Now how would I ever scare someone off?” he leaned on the end of the counter, eyes following Jisoo’s form into the back room again. 
The arm that wasn’t leaning on the dark wooden counter was hanging limply from his shoulder, his whole body conveying defeat from the forward curve of his spine to the slack of his jaw. 
“You nearly knocked over an entire shelf of books on your first delivery here,” yelled Jisoo, still from the back room.
“I was nervous!” he straightened his posture, his hand now flat in front of you and his arm outstretched, “Anyways I better get going.” 
He looked at you as he said it and you noticed the way the glint in his eyes seemed to dance and swirl around until he completely focused on you. 
“I’m Y/n, by the way,” you forced an arm out along with your words. 
He took your hand gently and squeezed it, “I’m Jaemin. I don’t think I’ve ever shaken someone’s hand before. At least not someone my age.” 
His tone seemed sincere, not teasing or judgemental — purely observational. He threw you a smile before walking out the door again. His light blue shirt billowing behind him when he opened the door. 
“Don’t mind him,” Jisoo said, walking out into the store again with a pile of books in her hands, “he’s insanely annoying, but honestly it’s either him or the old guy who smells like mould. That smell hangs around even after he’s gone.”
Jaemin came back a few days later, no box in his arms this time and a black hoodie on his frame. He usually came once every week with a box in hand and his bright smile stretched out on his face. Some days he was there and gone within the blink of an eye and other days he hovered around the store, gabbering about anything and everything. Sometimes he came into the shop empty handed: no box full of books to deliver. Jisoo seemed surprised the first time it happened, pulling a face akin to one a girl looking at her brother who just barged into her room unannounced would wear. She said nothing of it, however, so neither did you. 
One night at 9pm when you were left alone to close the store, he came rushing down the road in his company van and stumbled out onto the concrete. His hair was already messed up before the wind hit it, most likely from his running his hands through it as he so often did. 
‘How does it still look so soft?’
“Please tell me I’m not too late?” he said when he was close enough to not have to yell over the wind. 
“Hm?” you widened your eyes and leaned your head forward, trying to get yourself to pay attention to his words instead of the glow of his skin under the streetlights. 
“If I have to take another delivery back because I missed it Mr. Yoo might kill me,” he said, his eyes held a plea in them. 
“Oh,” you turned back, fiddling for the key in your bag, “Sure let me just open up again.” 
“You’re a lifesaver,” he said, setting the box down on the counter after refusing to let you carry it into the store.
“I opened a door Jaemin,” you said, scoffing at him from the door, “it’s nothing. Plus, it’s worth it if it means your boss won’t kill you— What are you doing?”
“I’m helping,” he was faced away from you, hands working at (aggressively) opening the package.
You huffed and set your bag down next to you before walking over to him. You peered over his shoulder, catching a whiff of his cologne. It smelled fresh but sweet. He’d already taken half the books out and piled them on the counter and one or two had fallen down onto the lower half that formed the desk at which you’d fallen asleep at least five times that week. 
“You actually just look like you’re making a mess, Jaem,” you pulled your bottom lip in between your teeth and looked up at him through your eyelashes.
He tried his best not to let the shy smile slither onto his face, “Then tell me where to put them.” 
He turned around, obviously underestimating your proximity. You were only about five centimeters away from him — at most. He could count your eyelashes if he wanted to, and goodness knows he was tempted to. Anything to be able to look at you for a little longer. 
Your heart beat sporadically in your chest, his energy making your system go haywire. You reached behind him to grab one of the books and pulled it towards your chest.
“You don’t have to help. I can do it myself,” you couldn’t find it in yourself to move, you hoped it looked like you were standing your ground and not like you were stuck in your place from the shock of being so close to him. 
“I want to,” you swore his eyes glitched — or yours did — because you saw him steal a glance at your lips. 
You turned around swiftly before you could think about it anymore, “Alright, it’s organised by genre but these are all just restocks so you can take a few of these to the back.”
It took less time than you thought to pack everything away and enter the stock on the system, nearly half the time it usually took you by yourself. Jaemin was a lot more helpful than you thought he would, and he was a lot stronger than he looked, too. 
“Do you want a ride home?” came his voice from behind you as he reached over you to put the last book on a shelf. 
“Uh, I’ll be fine by myself,” you said, walking away from the shelf to get your bag again and sling it over your shoulder.
“I need to say thanks for taking the delivery, though,” his hands were back in the pockets of his black skinny jeans. His gaze floated over to you, the bottom lid of his eyes slightly swollen with sincerity. 
“You already helped me put the books away, you’ve done more than enough—”
“But, I did make you stay late. And the city’s not safe at this hour.”
You sighed in defeat and readjusted your bag. You did hate walking at night and you’d been on your feet most of the day, so perhaps it wasn’t the worst idea to accept the lift home.
He grinned when you accepted and led you over to the van and you tried not to make a comment about getting into a van with a stranger.
You’d been driving for about ten minutes when you signalled for Jaemin to pull over in front of your apartment building. You reached for the door handle to let yourself out of the car once it came to a stop, but before you could, a hand caught your upper arm. 
“Y/n…” he trailed off, eyes on the bend of your elbow. 
You waited a moment, “Jaemin?”
And when he didn’t answer, you waved a hand in front of his face. 
“Hmm? Oh,” he blinked out of his state and looked at you once again, “Uh, never mind.”
Your brows gathered like the ruffles on a dress but you gave him a moment before he let go of your arm, “You’ve been watching too many dramas, Jaemin. What were you going to say?” 
He seemed taken aback at first, your directness not something he had anticipated. But then he smiled. 
“I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out sometime,” his shyness was almost gone now, your honesty pulling it away from him.
“And? Do you still want to?” 
Your calm façade faltered when he handed you his phone and told you to put your number in it. His fingers brushed yours and you nearly shivered from the contact. However, you managed to hide it during your swift turn away from him. 
He texted you as soon as you got into your apartment. You sat in bed for hours, hands grasping your phone. You only needed to wait a few seconds at a time for his replies. Your body hurt from being pushed into the mattress in such an awkward position, but you barely noticed it. Until it reached 3am that is. You had to force yourself to stop replying after the third time you’d sent a  “goodnight, i’m actually leaving this time” text. You lay there for a  while before you drifted off, thoughts of Jaemin floating through your mind. 
Waking up the next morning was one of the hardest things you’d done in a while. Your eyelids felt puffy — you could feel them around your eyeballs everytime you blinked — and your neck hurt from being held up to look at your phone all night. The only reason you wound up going into work was because of one of Jaemin’s texts from last night:
“I’ll come by the bookshop after work sometime this week and we can have that date.”
“I mean hang out*! Unless you’re okay with it being a date? Bc I’d like that.”
None of the drinks in the convenience store looked like the one you wanted, or even close to it. Green, orange and yellow bottles lined the refrigerated shelves and you had no interest in any of them. You’d been standing at the back of the store in front of the refrigerators for a few minutes too long and at this point it was probably getting strange for the cashier. If they were even looking, that is. You realised in your short time in the retail industry that the cashiers are never looking at the customers. Most of the time they were zoned out, or on their phones and not watching the customer’s every move, though it still felt like it. You faintly heard the door swing open, but your eyes remained glued to the drinks on the other side of the glass, and your thoughts most definitely not on your surroundings. 
Jaemin hadn’t been to the store in three days and he hadn’t texted you since yesterday. As much as you hated to admit it, that boy had got into your head and so, too, had insecurity. Though your rational mind tried to explain the number of reasons he hadn’t been able to come, your irrational mind seemed to be winning in thinking that he was tired of you. It was absurd that you were having this crisis in the middle of the juice aisle of a 7 Eleven at 10pm and you knew it. You also knew he probably had a busy day at work, he’d even told you last week how busy Wednesdays were for some reason, in fact he’d complained for almost ten minutes while you sat staring at the fluffy ends of his hair. But what could you have done to drive him away? Maybe it was the staring…
“This is getting painful.”
And now you were hearing his voice everywhere. It really was time for you to go home. Take a nap. Maybe it was exhaustion talking. After all, you had stayed up late talking to him last night and you had to get up extra early because you were the one opening the shop. 
“Just take the pineapple one.” No, that had to be Jaemin.
You whipped around then when the realisation hit you, however, you still stumbled back a bit when you saw it was his figure standing behind you in the aisle. 
“What?” Your brain was still cloudy from all the thoughts swirling around it previously, though they’d completely disappeared now that Jaemin was within your line of sight. 
“Take the pineapple soda,” he said again, a giant, perfect smile on his face.
“I don’t like pineapple,” you said, gears in your head finally working again, “I was looking for—”
“Please don’t say strawberry,” he hung his shoulders when he saw the sly grin that crept its way onto your face. “Why does everyone love strawberry so much? It tastes like medicine.”
He took you by the hand and pulled you towards the door, passing the very much unconscious cashier on the way out. 
“Where are you taking me to?” Your hand was limp in his, you didn’t have the confidence quite yet to be able to grip his hand back.
“That place never has strawberry soda, I’m taking you somewhere that does,” he didn’t let go of your hand for a second. 
You watched him as he walked slightly ahead of you, his hair bouncing as he walked. He was wearing a ring, though you couldn’t see exactly what it was in the streetlights’ glow. It was cold against your skin despite his own skin being warm as well. 
You walked for a few  minutes before Jaemin’s head suddenly perked up like a puppy who’d heard its name being called. 
“Do you hear music?” he asked, whipping his head around in an attempt to find where the waves of music were coming from. 
“It must be from the park down that way,” you pointed past Jaemin, to the road on your right. 
Jaemin grinned and pulled you with him down the empty road. The park came into view and you saw what seemed to be the remains of a festival. People were littered around the centre of the park, surrounded by cherry blossom trees. Some were gazing up at the sparkling lights tangled among the branches, and others were dancing to the music playing. 
Jaemin’s grin widened and he turned to you with bright eyes and a pleading expression on his face.
“I thought we were getting soda,” you said, with a smile on your face that told him there was no way you could say ’no.’
“Just ten minutes?” Jaemin bit his bottom lip in excitement as soon as he finished his sentence, he already knew your answer.
By the time you got the word out, he was already pulling you after him to the row of trees. 
Once you were on the path, beautiful trees surrounding you, Jaemin slowed down and craned his neck to look up. He squeezed your hand in order to get you to look up at the trees as well. Clouds of pink petals collected around the branches, and the lights shone like stars among them. The music and faint sound of cars filled your ears and the smell of freshly cooked food floated through the air. 
“I’ve never been to one of these festivals at night,” you said, turning your head to the side to look at him instead.
Your words tore his eyes away from the view above, “Really?” 
You nodded your head simply and the two of you continued walking in comfortable silence. Every now and then, drops of water fell from the trees above you like rain from the clouds, most likely from the rain that had run through the city earlier in the day. The music floated around your head, it was a song you didn’t remember the name of but the beat was familiar and it caused you to nod your head to the tune. Jaemin sensed the nodding of your head and did his best to hide his smile by looking down at the paved ground below him. 
His gaze was brought back to you, though, when he heard a light giggle. Jaemin’s eyes followed your line of sight and found that you were looking at two kids dancing to the music. They bounced about with no sense of the rhythm of the music, giant smiles on their faces. He felt as though he was in the ending shot of a drama, a freeze frame centred on the main character, the background out of focus and the edges of the screen twinkling. Jaemin wanted so desperately to ask you to dance. Right there. In the middle of the park. And he considered doing it, too. 
Just then, your smile widened as the two children began twirling aimlessly and Jaemin couldn’t stop himself from speaking his next words, “Did you want to da-“
Luckily for him, the rain was able to stop him when it suddenly came pouring down. Both of you stood frozen for a few seconds, unsure of what to do, until you started pulling Jaemin back the way you came.
“How far is the store you wanted to go to?” you asked when Jaemin furrowed his brows at you.
“Oh, right,” he said, grabbing your hand tighter and walking in front of you, “It’s just around the corner.”
Eventually he stopped the two of you in front of a frozen yoghurt shop. It was devoid of people except for the cashier, who you could barely make out the silhouette of in the neon lights.
He pulled you in through the glass door and pointed over to the drinks glistening in the lights. The whole shop was cold, making you put your hands on your upper arms to preserve heat. You took one of the many strawberry flavoured sodas off the shelf, but you shivered at the even cooler temperature inside the refrigerator. You stood there for a few seconds, thinking before grabbing a pineapple soda from the bottom shelf and turning around to head towards the cashier. 
Jaemin was already sat at one of the white tables, facing away from you. The black material of his jacket hugged him comfortably, his body nearly drowning in the fabric. It made you want to wrap your arms around him, whether it was simply to get warmth or if it was to get to hold Jaemin, you weren’t sure.
You yanked your eyes away from him and went over to the cashier, setting the two bottles down on the counter. 
“You don’t have to pay,” he said from his place on a stool near the cash register. He didn’t even look up from the phone in his hands, “It’s on the house.”
You jerked your head away in surprise, “Excuse me?”
“Really, you don’t have to pay for it” Jaemin’s voice came up behind you, “that’s my cousin, he’s trying to get fired.” 
You looked back and forth between the two for a second, only just seeing the resemblance.
“What? Why?” you ask, not sure who to direct the question to, but that problem was solved when the boy sitting behind the register put AirPods in his ears. 
“My aunt will kill him if he quits another job,” Jaemin snickered, “He’s quit five in the last four months.”
You walked over to Jaemin as he spoke and you noticed two cups of frozen yoghurt on the table. 
“That has to be a record,” you sat down and Jaemin pushed one of the cups over to you. There was a curl of lilac coloured frozen yoghurt peeking out the top of the cup.
He chuckled, “Yeah, his mom completely cussed him out. But I’ve met the manager of this place and I would want to quit too if I were him.”
It was silent for a few seconds as you dipped the plastic spoon into the swirl of frozen yoghurt and hummed.
“You just don’t like him, because he stocks strawberry flavoured soda,” you spoke around your growing smirk before opening the can and taking a sip from said soda.
“Hey, at least I’m not the one mixing soda with frozen yoghurt,” he said, pointing to the aforementioned drink with a stern look in his eyes.
You narrowed your eyes at him, seeing through his judgemental facade, “You’ve never tried it have you?” His gaze melted into one of rather tense curiosity at your actions as you raised a spoonful of the frozen yoghurt to your mouth.
“No, doesn’t it feel weird?” he watched you with his confusion pulling on his brows.
“That’s the whole point,” you said, before following the spoon of yoghurt with a sip of soda again.
He quickly scooped some frozen yoghurt from the quickly diminishing supply into his mouth and then looked at you expectantly after swallowing, “So it’s like a chaser?”
You let out a giggle, “I mean kinda, yeah. Try it, but keep the soda in your mouth for a little.”
He reached out, took his soda into his right hand, and after opening it and giving it a curious look, he drank from it.  His eyes widened at the pleasant sensation of fizzing and bubbling in his mouth and he pulled his lips together as if sucking from a straw. You laughed loudly at his animated reaction and tried to hold back the ‘I told you so’ that threatened to spill past your lips.
“Wow,” his mouth widened, his jaw comically lopsided, and held the can of soda out in front of him, looking at it as if it had just spoken to him. He then looked up at you, his expression turning back into confusion, “Why are you laughing?!”
“I’ve shown this to so many people, but they’ve never reacted like you just did,” you put a hand in front of your mouth as you continued to heave out giggles.
Jaemin’s features softened as he watched your eyes and nose crinkle from your laughter. A smile etched itself onto his own face at the sight and sound of you laughing at him. Your cheeks were jutting out to make room for your smile and he was sure your laugh was the best sound he’d ever heard. He was glad he could make you laugh so hard. Glad that he had any positive effect on you at all, really.
While the two of you continued talking, the sky outside emptied itself of rain until it had none left. The sound of rain clattering to the ground outside was replaced with only the occasional drip from the roof. However, neither you nor Jaemin would admit that you’d noticed it, instead opting to stay in the bubble your laughter and conversation had made around you. That was, until a set of keys was hurtled towards Jaemin, who very nearly caught them. They landed on the floor behind him and he twisted around to pick them up.
“What the hell?” said Jaemin, throwing his words at his cousin who had just woken up.
“When you’re done, lock up for me will you?” he said as he picked up a backpack from behind the counter, “But don’t stay too long, Jaemin, if you keep looking at them like that I’m pretty sure your eyes will turn heart shaped.” 
Jaemin scoffed, watching his cousin disappear out the back entrance without another word, leaving only the lights above the refrigerators on. 
“Alright let’s go,” he stood up and held his hand out for you to take and you couldn’t help the shy smile that pushed its way onto your face. 
After locking up, the two of you began wandering the streets of Seoul, with no particular destination in mind. Jaemin kept your hand in his as you walked. The rain had stopped, but it had left blotches of water for you to dodge everywhere you went.
The boy next to you had become completely silent, the only sounds he made being occasional hums as you spoke. So eventually, you decided to let the sounds of the city enter the space between you instead of trying to fill it with your words. 
You made your way to your apartment, Jaemin still by your side. When the two of you stopped in front of your building you had the urge to lean closer to him, to close your eyes and let your lips meld together in a kiss. You wanted to be as close to him as you could in that moment, but when he only gave you a rushed ‘goodnight’ and turned away, your hopes sunk down to the floor of your heart. As you watched him walk away, you felt coldness set in for the first time since you’d met him. 
Three days after your date with Jaemin, an old man walked into the bookstore with a delivery box in his arms. You went around the counter to take the box from him and sign for the package, frowning all the while. The man left without saying a word, but when he turned around, you caught sight of what must have been a chewed piece of gum behind his ear. Your shoulders jostled in disgust as soon as he was out of sight.
A moment later, Jisoo appeared from the backroom. “Was that Jaemin?”
“No,” you said blankly before looking up from the box you’d just cut open, “but I have met the mold guy now, and you’re right. The smell does hang around after he’s gone.” 
“Jaemin better be dying,” she said, going around the counter to start entering the stock on the computer, “or I'll kill him myself for staying home.” 
“I don’t think he stayed home,” your shoulders slumped as you said it, “He probably changed his shifts.”
Jisoo hummed in confusion, signalling for you to elaborate. Her eyes were still on the screen but her face was aimed towards you. 
“He hasn’t talked to me since we went on that date,” you huffed, placing your hands on your hips. Lifting books all the time still hadn’t become any easier since you‘d started this job. You had, however, learned to appreciate air conditioning after the one day it didn’t work and you were reminded why no one else had turned a greenhouse into a store of some kind.
That pulled Jisoo’s eyes away from the screen, “You went on a what? And he didn’t—? Okay, no, fill me in,” she leaned her forearms on the counter. 
“Well, he asked me on a date that night that he made that late delivery, then didn’t specify a day or time and then found me in a convenience store and whisked me away on a really, really lovely date and then he didn’t call or text and now he’s most likely changed shifts because he hates me,” you took a sharp breath in at the end of your rambling.
“That doesn’t sound like something Jaemin would do,” she said, “I mean the last part, the late delivery and suddenly taking you on a date sounds just like him.” She paused for a moment, eyes cast down as she thought, “Have you tried texting him?” 
“Of course I have.”
“Delivered,” you deadpanned. 
The bell on the door rang behind you and you rounded the counter to take over from Jisoo while she asked the customer if they needed any help. Before she left your side though, she sent you a sad, close-mouthed smile and squeezed your arm. 
That night, as soon as you’d changed into comfortable clothing and sat on your sofa to watch reruns of an old show, you picked up your phone and wandered over to your chat with Jaemin absent mindedly. As you opened it, you felt a slight pinch in your heart. Maybe being left on delivered was better.
You held a bucket above the lamp in the centre of the room, the plop from the drops of water entering it being washed away under the sound of the rain outside the store. You were in the process of trying to place the pile of books you had in your hand onto the table without letting the drops of water get on the lamp, when you heard the sound of the bell ringing above the door. 
It had been a while — maybe almost two weeks — since you’d last seen Jaemin; since you’d last talked to him. But now he pushed his way into the shop, bringing with him a whirlwind of the weather outside. 
You looked over to his form in the doorway: a box littered with giant dark spots in his hands and his hair nearly dripping from the rain despite the hood of his sopping yellow raincoat framing his face. 
When he caught sight of you, your arms holding books and buckets alike and struggling with both of them, he set the box down on the ground near a bookshelf and rushed over to take the pile of books from you. He set them on the old couch and helped you move the heavy lamp in order to put the bucket in its place to catch the water. 
“Thank you,” you said quietly, keeping your eyes away from him. 
“No problem,” he said, putting his hands in the front pockets of his jeans.
‘He has no business looking that pretty.’
“I’m sorry I haven’t been by in a while…”
You scoffed immediately, “You haven’t answered my texts in a while either.”
“I’m sorry about that too,” you can’t tell if he’s avoiding your eyes because he’s ashamed, or because he’s lying.
“Well, at least you don’t have to apologise for not reading them, because you most certainly did that,” you nearly felt bad as the words sprang out of your mouth, nearly. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” his voice was weak, so were his words.
On hearing the words drop from his lips, your anger rose like a wave at high tide. 
“Oh really? Then what exactly did you mean to do, Jaemin? Because, taking someone out on a date — which, by the way, was the best date I’ve ever been on — and then leaving them outside their apartment with barely a ‘goodbye,’ and not calling or texting for a week doesn’t sound like you’re trying very hard not to hurt someone.” You took a breath, before muttering, “Not to mention the fact that you switched your shift just to avoid me.”
“Fuck, I know, okay? I’m so sorry,” he looked up at you then, eyes shining with sadness, the excited glow diminished to barely a flicker, “I know I was an asshole. It was the best night I’ve ever had and I was an idiot not to hold on to you and I’m incredibly sorry. If I could rewind and do it the right way I would.”
“Then why’d you do it, Jaem?” his shoulders slumped at the change in your voice, you were holding back tears and you’d grown so small in front of him. His arms nearly wound themselves around you of their own accord.
“Honestly?” he took a moment to collect his thoughts and arrange them into words, “I was scared. It sounds insanely cheesy and like it comes from a Taylor Swift song or something, but the way you made me feel was terrifying.”
“Great, thanks, you really know how to make someone feel better,” You rolled your eyes, a tear falling down your warm cheek in the process.
He didn’t have time to stop the airy laugh that escaped him, “I felt fearless. You made me feel like there was nothing in the world that could stop me, as long as I was with you.”
You wanted to hate him, wanted to yell that that was bullshit. You wanted to push him out the door and into the rain yourself. But, you couldn’t. You knew he was being sincere. You knew it, because that was exactly how you’d felt and it had scared you, too. 
“So you ghosted me completely? Because that doesn’t sound so ‘fearless’ to me,” you tried to keep your resolve until you got the answer you needed.
“Like I said, I was an idiot. It was stupid of me to try to get rid of someone who made me feel like that. I just — I’ve fallen for you so hard and so fast that it scared me, because by the end of the night I knew I wasn’t going to stop falling any time soon, I still haven’t. And then what if I lost you? What if I did something wrong and made you hate me?” he sighed, reigning in his thoughts and emotions, “So, I ran before I could fall anymore. I tried to minimise the pain before it even started.”
“So then, why are you here now?”
“This past week has felt like the place you go to if you’re too shitty even for hell,” he took a small step towards you, “I’ve already fallen way too hard to turn back. And plus, Jisoo called me and told me you were genuinely really upset and well, there’s not much I wouldn’t do for you. So, even if it means possibly getting my heart shattered by you in the future, I’d gladly do anything to make you happy.” 
“Oh and Jisoo said she’d get me fired if I didn’t at least explain myself and I really need the money so— Ow!” He rubbed the spot on his bicep where you’d pinched him. He still held a smile on his face from his own joke. 
He was probably the happiest you’d seen someone who’d just been pinched, and suddenly, you couldn’t hide your own smile.
“Will you forgive me then? Or at least let me make it up to you?” 
“Depends on how you plan to make it up to me,” gathering yourself, you turned around to enter the back room Jisoo was always hiding in, Jaemin following you close behind.
“What about a date? I’m on my lunch break right now and I just saw this—” 
You stopped in the doorway and interrupted him, “I still have to work for another four hours, text me when your shift is over.” 
He nodded vigorously, “Yes, uh, okay perfect. I will! I’ll see you later tonight then?” He began backing out of the bookstore with a giant, goofy smile plastered on his face. 
Just before he opened the door, you called his name, “Jaemin! Actually text me this time okay?” 
“I swear I will!”
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taglist: @infnteen (if anyone wants to be added, send an ask or a message!)
© copyright kireijae 2021, all rights reserved
184 notes · View notes
goldentsum · 4 years
Can I request the boys getting into an argument with their stubborn s/o? (Hinata, bokuto, and oikawa) And how would the boys react to that. Maybe it’s like the first argument. Hopefully some fluff at the end! (Female reader please) thank you! I absolutely love your writing! ❤️❤️
━ stubborn s/o    
CHARACTERS: hinata shouyou, bokuto koutarou, and oikawa tooru
GENRE: angst, fluff
AUTHOR’S NOTE: i take so long to start writing im so sorry ���ㅠ i hope yall like this, i used my bigbrain for this, i think... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
━ hinata ♡
this boy would probably cry when you start shouting at him but your pride and anger was blocking your common sense. your sharp and cold words will hurt him so much.
the argument was probably about something stupid like how the dishes on the sink weren’t washed but the stress that bubbled up from your internship and school works clouded your judgment and you just snapped at shoyou without meaning to. 
when you started and saw his tears pricking his eyes and his soft broken words, your heart got stabbed by guilt. you paused for a moment, looking at him, but because of how stubborn you are, you walked out of the kitchen and straight to your shared bedroom. 
the baby bub would stare at the empty space where you stood earlier, a frown evident on his quivering lips as he wiped away the small tears. 
he would probably stay on the living room, giving you space and washed the dishes with a frown. hinata was blaming himself too. he always took you for granted and always came home to a clean house with food on the table even with your internship. 
poor bub was kicking himself for it while you lay in bed with a heavy heart full of guilt. now that your anger passed you realized just how stupid this was and it was even your first argument. 
you couldn’t sleep and went to the living room and you saw hinata laying on the couch. you walked closer and saw that he was still awake. When he noticed you, he quickly sat up and looked at you with soft red eyes. 
you bit your lip at the sight of his red eyes and even though you were prideful as hell, this bub just didn’t deserve to be sad over something you started. 
hinata’s eyes widened when you threw yourself in his arms, burying your face in his chest as you mumbled how sorry you are. he sighed in relief as he hug you close to his heart. 
“it’s okay, (y/n)... i’m sorry too and thank you for always taking care of me...” 
━ bokuto ♡
bokuto would be a pouty baby and the first time you guys fought, he was really scared that you would try and break up with him. he would mope and spend the rest of the day locked up in his apartment. 
he also couldn’t take action and go to you to talk because he was scared that you would turn him away. that if you saw him, you would break up with him on the spot so he lowkey and unintentionally avoided you.
this was a bad combination with you being a stubborn little shit. so you were in your apartment, looking at your inbox that was filled with old messages. bokuto wouldn’t text you and just stayed in bed. it has been a couple of weeks since then and none of you texted the other. 
you were scoffing in your apartment and threw your phone on the bed thinking that bokuto was ignoring you so being the stubborn little shit you are, you went up and hang out with your friends. you also posted pictures wanting bokuto to see that if he was not affected by the situation, you aren’t too. 
bokuto was scrolling in your profile in IG, missing your cute face, with a pout in his lips. he then saw your new post with your friends looking happy and energetic and it made his tears pop up again. the baby owl closed his phone and buried his face on the pillow, whining. 
hinata and atsumu would raid his apartment and get him up because he wasn’t going to practice. they were shocked with how sleep deprived bokuto looked and his eyes were bloodshot red either from the lack of sleep or because he was crying, both tbh
the two texted you and let you know how bokuto was doing. you were shocked when they told you, you thought he was unbothered and ignoring you but clearly, that was not the case. 
you left your pride at your apartment and went to bokuto’s apartment when the boys describe his status it was lowkey making you feel guilty. you didn’t even think that he was moping and not ignoring you. 
you went to his apartment and saw bokuto, sitting on the floor, with hinata and atsumu trying to make him stand up. his eyes were red and his eyebags were dark around his eyes. his hair was messy and his clothes were disheveled. 
when he saw you, he perked up and was surprised at your presence. You shooed the two boys and walked to bokuto, crouching down at his level. you held his face gently in your hands, wiping his tears away gently. he leaned against your touch, sniffling a bit.
“(y/n)... let’s not fight anymore...”
━ oikawa ♡
this boi is as stubborn as you. he is also as prideful as you so good luck, i guess? even though he’s stubborn, it doesn’t mean that he wasn’t affected. he would ignore you if you ignore him but best believe that he would whine about you to Iwa. 
oikawa: it’s not fair! (y/n)’s ignoring me! D:
iwa: please just shut up... 
oikawa loves you very much, there’s no lie about that, but sometimes his pride just gets in the way and with his past relationships, his exes were always the one apologizing and the first one to crack in the ignoring game. 
so he was surprised that after 2 weeks of this stupid shit going on, you still haven’t texted him or talked to him. 
iwaizumi is just sighing in the background because oikawa can always just apologize, and it was his fault anyway, and stop this shit already bUT NOPE. the tol male rather continue it because his annoyingly large ego is in the way. 
oikawa cracked when he saw you with another male, laughing and pushing each other playfully in the park, with iwa. he started pouting and glaring at the male beside you that you two noticed.
when yall noticed, he stomped his way to you and dragged you away without any word. iwaizumi rolled his eyes at the childish male. 
oikawa would stop at a quiet place and glare at you making you glare back and look away in anger. he softened his glare and sighed in annoyance making you look at him. 
“look... i don’t usually say this... but I’m sorry.... and please don’t ignore me again...”
his words started getting quieter at the end but you caught it. you stifled your smile at that, his cute words, the red blush on his face, and how he was avoiding your eyes was too endearing. 
you sighed and hugged him, feeling his body relax a bit at the contact
 “yeah yeah... don’t be an idiot next time, tooru...”
he gasped dramatically at your words but hugged you back, happy that the childish game you two were playing was over
“(y/n)-chan... you’re really stubborn, huh” 
“don’t start, tooru”
“hehe, sorry~” 
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maliceinborderland · 3 years
From Here, to the Moon, and Back
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Summary: A collection of moments in Niragi’s journey raising his daughter alone.
Word Count: 7,066
Warnings: brief mentions of character death(reader is deceased), mentions of depression, bit of swearing
Genre: Single Dad Niragi AU, oofc Niragi, slight angst, slice of life, fluff, some crack ig?
**oofc : out of character
A/N: this took me FOREVER to post. I wanted to make this MUCH longer and go more into detail as well as provide more dialogue but this new post restrictions are killing me. I might turn this into a mini series in which y’all give me prompts and I write more extensive scenarios depicting those situations/prompts. ALSO: the depiction of Niragi in this fic is akin to what I believe his behavior outside of the borderlands. **spoiler** he is nothing like his borderlands self in the real world, and he doesn’t even remember his action that took place there nor did they actually happen as they occurred in a different plane of existence **end of spoiler**
A soft, whimper snapped Niragi out of his slumber. He slowly sat up in bed, strands of his unruly hair falling over his eyes. The whimpering continued as he got up and walked to the crib by the window.
He stared at Tsuki as she wriggled about, her cheeks bright pink and small droplets forming at the brims of her wide eyes. She stared up at him, her lip quivering, not yet crying.
“What gives?” he said, quietly, more to himself than to her.
Niragi checked her diaper to see if she needed changing. Clean and dry.
He went to the changing station next to the dresser, fetching a clean bottle, formula, and a bottle of water. Already second nature, he prepared a bottle for her. He made his way back to the crib, nudging the bottle’s nipple against Tsuki’s mouth, to no avail.
“Come on, kid.” he mumbled. “We both need to sleep and you’re not exactly helping me out here.” He sighed and found her pacifier somewhere by her feet. Oddly enough, she suckled on it no problem.
What a weird kid, he thought, shaking his head. 
He let her lay there, hoping she’d end up falling asleep. He made his way back to his own bed, throwing himself face down onto the mattress, releasing a deep breath.
A few minutes later, having felt like seconds, Tsuki began to softly whimper again. 
Niragi groaned into his pillow. Just one night of peace and quiet. That’s all he wanted.
He debated on letting Tsuki cry it out as he had been. Deep down he knew it was wrong, but he just didn’t know how to go about this parenting business. 
Tsuki’s whimpers rose in volume, her whimpering becoming full fledged cries, and hopelessness began to overwhelm him.
Niragi crawled out of bed once again, and loomed over her crib, his breath heavy, teeth clenched. His fingers curled over the rails of the crib, his knuckles white. Tsuki’s cries continued, and Niragi felt himself starting to completely lose it. His breathing became shallow and heavy, and he felt lightheaded. 
He sunk to the floor, his back against the railing of the crib, tired out of his mind. His eyes ached and throbbed from lack of sleep, eyelids heavy, and his body felt like it was being weighed down from exhaustion.
He just wanted to rest. Just a little bit. 
He wanted to go numb. 
He wanted to feel nothing.
He wanted everything to stop.
Just a few moments of peace and quiet was all he wanted. He just wanted to sleep and forget the reality he was condemned to live in.
He didn’t know what he did to deserve this, what sins he committed that he was atoning for now.
Stop… just stop… be quiet…. he thought.
He pressed the palms of his hands against his ears, covering them.
Be quiet, he begged silently. Please just be quiet.
Tears began to threaten to fall from his own eyes.
If she was here, she’d know what to do, he thought. She should be here.
Tsuki’s cries became piercing and impossible to drown out.
Niragi stood up almost too quickly, stumbling slightly over his own feet, and leaned over the crib railing.
“What? What?! WHAT?!” He asked, a little too loudly. “You’re not messy. You’re not hungry. You won’t sleep. Just what the fuck is wrong with you?!”
Tsuki’s cries hushed, and the baby girl looked up at him eyes wide, her lip quivering.
Whether she stopped crying to listen to him or because she was afraid of him, Niragi couldn’t tell.
Tears began to spill down his face.
“I’m trying. I’m fucking trying.” He cried. “I don’t know what to do. Do you think I wanted this? No! I wasn’t even ready for kids! But your mom…” his voice broke, “your mom wanted you so bad. And I went along with what she wanted. Mommy always got what she wanted, and now look! She’s not even here! How fucked is that?!” Sobs began to bubble up from his throat. “How could she leave like that?” He rested his head against the railing, allowing himself to let it all out. He didn’t care how loudly the sobs ripped out of his throat, he just couldn’t hold back.
The whimpering began again, and he looked at the baby girl with his piercing eyes.
“What? What do you want?!” He yelled, and Tsuki became silent once more as she stared up at her father, their gazes connecting.
He looked over her. She’d grown quite a bit in the past few weeks. Her downy hair had thickened, and was nearly a full head of dark, raven colored hair. Her milky skin was tinged bright pink from her crying, especially near her eyes and cheeks. But his heartstrings tugged as he looked deep into her eyes. Your eyes. Sure, they resembled his eye shape more, but the gaze, color, lashes, and depth… that was all you. 
She stared up at him so intently and after what seemed like an eternity, Niragi felt like he understood.
“You just want someone to hold you, huh?” A stray tear fell from his right eye. Carefully, he did his best to lift Tsuki out of the crib, her whimpers shushing altogether. “That’s all you wanted, huh? It’s what you needed?” He felt a knot form in his throat again, and more tears began to fall. “Me, too.” He gingerly caressed her cheek, his scarred hands a huge contrast compared to her soft, unblemished skin.
How could he have been so careless?
He hadn’t been the only one hurting.
He wasn’t the only one who missed you.
Slowly, Niragi began to softly rock her back and forth in his arms as he paced around the room.
“You wanna know how Mommy and I met? Hm?” He asked her. “We met at a support group. There was an accident a few years ago in Shibuya, and your mommy and I got caught in the middle of it. That’s how I got all these scars, you know? Your mommy had some, too, but she was still the most beautiful person in the room. Always.” He smiled down at Tsuki, who had begun to coo quietly. “She asked me out first, too. I thought she wasn’t serious, but she was. My scars aren’t so bad right now, but they were back then. She still saw something in me, though. Something worth loving. We loved each other a lot.” Tsuki took hold of Niragi’s finger, squeezing it tightly. Niragi went on to tell her several stories of how he and you started off your relationship, your milestones as a couple, and even your wedding. “When your mom told me she was pregnant, I was scared shitless, but you know what? We loved each other. And it’s because we loved each other that you exist. You were made out of love, Tsuki.” Niragi stood by Tsuki’s crib, where moonlight from the window began to pour in.
He shifted the curtain open a bit more, the moon coming more into view. “You see the moon? That’s where mommy is, along with all the stars in the sky. And you wanna know what else? There’s a famous quote about it. ‘月が綺麗ですね(Tsuki ga kirei desu ne?).’ You know what it means? It means ‘the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?’ But you know something really cool? It’s that some people use this phrase to tell each other they love each other. Like their love is so true and obvious just like how there’s no doubt in the moon being beautiful. That’s why we named you ‘Tsuki,’ you know?” 
Tsuki cooed curiously at the repetition of her name, but her eyelids began to flutter with sleepiness. 
“For us, your mom and I, nothing was more certain than our love for each other and our love for you.” He gave her a sad smile, shifting his weight as he lay himself on the bed, with her resting on his chest. Tsuki wriggled a bit as she settled into the unfamiliar position but ultimately sighed with content. 
Niragi did his best to find a position ideal for the both of them without jostling her too much and being as gently as he could, so as to not disturb Tsuki. He looked down at her and he was met with her tired gaze. Tsuki sighed deeply, bewildering Niragi completely, because frankly, he didn’t know babies could make such deep gestures. The corner of his mouth lifted. She was a weird baby, indeed.
He felt her muzzle up against his chest, cooing quietly. He chuckled softly, his fingers twitched and he reached his hand up to place the palm of his hand over her small back, lightly patting. He’d seen people do it in movies to try and coax babies to sleep, but he’d only ever done this action when trying to burp her, so he figured he ought to give using it to put her to sleep a shot. Niragi watched Tsuki’s eyelids flutter shut with a deep exhale.
She had been tired, too.
Niragi felt his heart swell at how Tsuki looked as she slept. The way her lashes lay flat against her cheeks, how her lower lip pouted out in her sleep. If he focused hard enough, he could feel the light thrumming of heart against his chest.
This little girl was his world.
“I love you, you know? I love you so much, Tsuki.” he hummed, as he gently rubbed circles on her back. “From here, to the moon, and back.”
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Niragi had done his best to figure out how to manage on his own, doing his best to limit the amount of phone calls he made to either Usagi or Arisu with panicked parenting questions.
Tsuki was a relatively easy baby to take care of. She was quiet for the most part, only becoming fussy when she was hungry or sleepy. Her sleep schedule seemed to have adjusted to Niragi’s, as he had found that the kid could only really fully fall asleep if she slept on his chest. Sometimes he took advantage of her midday nap to catch a few Zs himself.
Niragi also found that she didn’t particularly like not having him where she could see him. She was a clingy little freak. He didn’t mind having her around though, and would often sit her on his lap while he worked at his desk. Sometimes he’d offer commentary as to what he was doing to the games he was working on, or what he’d fixed to make them run smoother. He knew Tsuki didn’t understand, but when she’d gurgle or make baby noises while he talked, he almost felt like she was responding to his conversation. Whenever he’d play video games himself, he’d still keep her on his lap and he found it amusing how entranced she’d become by all the colors and flashing lights coming from the monitor. Cutely, she’d giggle and kick her feet whenever Niragi would voice his excitement in the games he was playing. Clearly she found him entertaining.
When it came to eating, there wasn’t anything Tsuki wouldn’t eat. Except peas. She really hated peas. The one time he tried feeding her pea Gerber, she ate it just fine, only to spit it all back up on one of his only white t shirts. He assumed the experience of having to eat such an atrocious mash traumatized the poor kid because when he tried feeding them to her again, she just about slapped the pack out of his hand and refused to open her mouth to accept the spoon, even if he made airplane noises. She usually got a kick out of those.
Still. Niragi learned quickly.
He had come across a baby book you had put together with spaces left blank for pictures and writing, meant to document Tsuki’s milestones. He’d made sure to keep it up to date as much as he could. He’d managed to capture pictures of the first time she tried solid food(which was really just a piece of fruit she tried sucking on), the stunned look on her face when she’d gone to get her vaccines and to his surprise she did not cry, he also captured the first time she sat up on her own, and another where she was midway to rolling on to her back, one where she was aggressively nibbling on her foot, he also included a few selfies in which he’d caught her tugging on his nose ring or one of his many ear rings. The kid liked shiny things. He knew that you’d have gone crazy trying to fill the book up, wanting to capture every moment.
At 9 months old, Tsuki learned how to crawl. The way Niragi found this out was rather unconventional.
He could have sworn he set her down in the living room. On the carpet right in front of the TV. He knew exactly. Why was there no baby there? All he’d done was leave her there for 5 minutes while he answered the door to receive and sign for a package and as soon as he’d come back she was gone. There was no one else in the house. She couldn’t have moved on her own.
Could she?
“Tsuki?” He began to call out.
Nearly tripping over his own feet, Niragi ran through the kitchen, checking under the table, inside the pantry, nothing. He continued to call out to her, staying quiet enough to try and listen for a response, but nothing ever came. His socks slid across the floor as he ran into the nursery. A few toys were laying on the floor but no baby in sight. He poked his head into the bathroom, checking behind the clothes hamper, and inside the bathtub, with no luck. He checked the laundry room, inside the clothes baskets, inside the washer and dryer, hoping she hadn’t crawled in there.
Thankfully, she did not, but still he had not found her.
“Listen, kid, your papa’s not really into hide and seek, so if you’re hiding, you best come on out before I totally lose my shit.”
He ran to his room, this time stumbling onto his knees before running into it only to see that it was perfectly empty. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand and dialed.
“Hello? Niragi?” Her voice sounded tired, almost as if she was just waking up.
“KUINA! I NEED YOUR HELP!” He was beginning to panic.
“Sheesh! Not so loud, you’re gonna busy my eardrums!”
“It’s Tsuki! I can’t find her anywhere.”
“Where’d you leave her? Are you sure your mom or Yuzuha didn’t pick her up?” Her tone was a little too cavalier for his taste, especially in the situation he found himself in.
“I left her in the living room, and I left to answer the door, and when I came back she was gone! I looked everywhere! The kitchen, the bathroom, my bedroom, her bedroom, the laundry room, the fucking closets.”
“Did you leave your back door open? Could anyone have gone inside at any point?” Her voice sounded more awake, now assessing the situation.
“Yes! It’s locked and dead bolted. No one’s been in here other than me and her, so unless someone climbed through a fucking window-“
“Okay, smartass, just check the rooms again. UNDER the furniture this time. Maybe she crawled under somewhere.”
“I told you I checked everywhere!” He checked under his bed, just in case, to find nothing. He walked through the rooms again, looking under furniture, to no avail. “The kid’s gone! I’ve got to call the police and make a report-“ he got to the end of the hallway and noticed the door to his study was slightly ajar, a faint glow coming from the dark room. No...
“What are they gonna do? You said no one’s been in or out of your house. God, how irresponsible could you have been to leave a baby on her own, Niragi?”
“Kuina, I’ll call you right back.”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOULL CALL ME BA-” he hung up, cutting her off.
He walked into his dimly lit office, the faint glow of the tv he kept in there lightly lighting up the room.“Tsuki?”
He heard a soft mumbling coming from the room, and as he moved further inside, he saw his daughter on standing while holding on to the couch. She turned her little head to face him, his game controller in her hands, before letting herself fall back on her behind to sit on the floor.
“Uhhuh banana pplllbt,” she mused in her baby speak. Without so much as a glance his way, she began to chomp down on the controller with her gums.
“God damn it, kid!” He groaned in frustration. And relief. He sunk to the floor, running his hands through his hair, breathing shakily. “Holy shit.”
This caught Tsuki’s attention, and she released the controller to crawl his way. Despite his racing heart and frustrations, Niragi watched in awe as his little girl crawled his way. She giggled and squealed as she did so, clearly excited that she had learned something new. As soon as she got to where his legs were, she sat up and outstretched her little arms up at him, asking to be picked up, to which Niragi obliged. He held his little girl close to him, gently combing down her unruly hair. “You really had me scared for a minute, kid.” Tsuki cooed up at him. “Yeah. How’d you learn to move around like that, huh?”
He knew she was around the right age to start moving around, but he hadn’t really mentally prepared for it to actually happen. He did his best to read all the books and guide her so that she stayed at the same pace as other babies, but he still found himself in awe when she succeeded. All of the reading in the world, however, didn’t prepare him for what she did next. She bounced on his lap, reaching up to touch her baby hands up to his face. “Paaa... paaa... baba..”
His eyes widened. She mumbled things all the time. Ma, ba, ga, goo, all sorts of noises. But that felt a little too... smart. She had looked right at him, pointed at him and everything, and said what sounded like papa. That was too much of a coincidence. “Kid, you can’t play with Papa’s emotions like that. I’m not ready.”
“Papapa?” She repeated, smacking her little hand on his face.
“Are you seriously saying what I think you’re saying? Or am I crazy? I’m crazy aren’t I?”
“Papa!” She called out, giggling.
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” He held his little girl close, doing all he could to not cry.
Niragi learned that Tsuki didn’t like strangers. She wouldn’t get too fussy, but she hid in the crook of his neck whenever they were out and she didn’t recognize the people that approached them.
She also got visibly excited when she did recognize people. Especially Kuina, or “koo” as she managed to say. Y/N had told her early on in the pregnancy that she hoped Kuina would be the baby’s godmother, and this was a role she took very seriously, always coming to visit with tons of toys and clothes. Kuina’s mother also deeply grew to love Tsuki, often sending food and side dishes with Kuina for them. Tsuki wasn’t particularly fond of her doctor, Dr. Chishiya. Matter of fact, she often kicked or smacked his hands away whenever he tried checking her, and only really let him do anything if he bribed her with candy. One time, he tried carrying her to put her on the baby scale, and pulled on his hair right at the root, causing him hand her over back to Niragi and say “I don’t need to check. She’s healthy enough,” whilst rubbing at his head.” Niragi noticed that the doctors and nurses made a point of tying their hair up whenever Tsuki was around for an appointment.
“Serves him right for prancing around with that mane of his. He reminded you of one of your dolls, didn’t he, Tsuki?” Niragi didn’t quite like him either at first, but the doctor had understood their situation and made himself available 24/7, which led to Niragi considering him as a family friend, much to the doctor’s chagrin.
“She can call me Uncle Shuntaro.” He had said whilst visiting the Niragi home after Tsuki had a late night fever. Despite her little attitude, Dr. Chishiya had developed a sort of liking to the kid. She had character, he thought.
“She can barely say Papa, and you expect her to say that mouthful, Shuntaro?” Niragi asked, incredulously.
Chishiya eyed him coldly with his feline eyes. “I said SHE could call me that. Not you.”
As Tsuki’s first birthday approached, no one really knew how to ask Niragi on whether they’d be having a birthday party for her. After all, it wasn’t just Tsuki’s birthday. It also marked the first year anniversary of you being gone. He had done his best to not think about it, even with the lack of prompting from the others, but this was something he still kept in mind. Birthdays only came once in a lifetime, but then again, so did a love like the one you and he had shared. How could he celebrate one while ignoring the other, or have a service for you and not doing anything for his daughter. He loved you both more than life itself.
He came up with a plan to try and do both. He wanted to make it a day for you both. So, Niragi had packed a bag for Tsuki and taken her on a tour of all the places the two of you frequented as a couple.
He took her to the arcade the two of you had gone on your first date, telling her of how you’d kissed his cheek when he managed to get the high score on the Alien FPS game. He took her to the cafe the two of you had often gone to during your lunch hours, and even fed her a bit of the filling from the egg sandwich you used to like so much. He found that Tsuki liked it a lot too. He took her to the botanical gardens. You had absolutely loved flowers and the two of you had gone almost every weekend. He took her to the zoo and made a point to take her to the aquatic exhibits and tell her how much you loved water animals, especially how “mama loved how cute the seals looked when they bounced all over the place.” He made sure to buy Tsuki a white seal plush at the gift store. He took her to an old video store, where the two of you often found yourselves on boring nights without much to do and had filled the void with movies. He bought copies of a few of your favorites, along with a few of his, making a mental note to watch them with Tsuki when she was old enough. Lastly, he took her to the carnival. He didn’t play any games, but he walked by them and told Tsuki all about which ones the two of you would play together. He told her about how he couldn’t explain how, but the two of you had always been drawn to this place and how free you both felt being here, almost as if you’d been there together in another life. He showed her the old swinging pirate ship and he told Tsuki about how it was your favorite ride and how one time you rode it so many times that you ended up puking cherry icee all over the side of the ride. He’d never seen so many people run away screaming. Niragi took Tsuki to the photo booth, and told her about how you had both gotten the idea to kiss each other on the cheek at the same time and ended up kissing each other for the first time on accident. The second one that came after wasn’t. He took her on a ride on the Ferris wheel, doing his best to hold her tightly and show her the view. He told her about after 3 years of dating, he had asked you to marry him at the very top.
Tsuki had smiled a lot throughout the day, notably whenever he used the words “mama” and “papa,” this didn’t go unnoticed by Niragi, and he felt partially guilty. He felt like maybe he should be talking to her about you more, but some days it was too much.
The ride home was a quiet one, other than for Tsuki’s babbling in the backseat as she tried to sing along to the faint music from the radio. He peeked at her through the rear view mirror. She was really starting to look like you. As she grew, her hair had gotten longer, and aside from his hair color, the texture resembled yours. Her eyes, although the shape resembling his, were the same color as yours. She had his nose, but her lips were yours. She was the perfect combination of you both with just the right amount of your features to ease his mind that the image of you wasn’t totally lost. He missed you. A lot. You had blessed him with a daughter, and he knew she was not meant to fill the void he had in his heart, but having her around really eased some of his pain.
As he approached the dark house, he spoke. “You know,” he began, Tsuki’s face perking up to look at him. “Back when Mama was around... I used to come home and the lights would be on.” She gurgled in response. “I’d go in and tell her I was home, and she’d always be there to welcome me. She always had dinner just about done by the time I came home from the office.” Tsuki hummed. “This is a house. But your Mama made it feel like a home.” Niragi pulled into the driveway, and with a heavy sigh gathered Tsuki out of her car seat and her souvenirs. He fumbled with his keys only to find that the door was unlocked. “That’s fucking weird,” he thought out loud. “I could have sworn I locked it...” He stepped inside, feeling the wall for the light-switch, only for his hand to touch someone else’s. Before he could react, the lights came on.
Niragi jumped back in shock, holding Tsuki protectively.
The room was filled with all of your close friends, all of which were wearing ridiculous party hats, and the living room was decorated with pink balloons and a sign that read “Happy Birthday Tsuki.” Dr. Chishiya aka Uncle Shuntaro. Kuina and her mother. Yuzuha and Arisu. Mr. Aguni the landlord. A few of your workplace coworkers were there too.
“What’s all of this?” He asked, stunned.
“We couldn’t let Tsuki’s birthday pass without a proper celebration.” Kuina explained. “No birthday is a birthday without a cake.”
“She’s right,” said Chishiya. “You celebrated the day your way, but we wanted to celebrate, too.”
“She’s such a precious baby, we just wanted to do something special for her.” Kuina’s mother chimed in.
“We know how much you’ve through...” Yuzuha began.
“We just wanted to show our support.” Arisu continued.
“For the both of you.” Yuzuha agreed.
“You’re both real fine kids, so all of us got together and put a little something together for ya.” said Aguni.
“I can’t... I can’t even begin to express how thankful I am to you. All of you.” Niragi began, “the past year... really hasn’t been the easiest. With Y/N gone, and having to raise Tsuki on my own, trying to get my life together for the both of us... all of you have been such a big help to me. I can’t thank you enough. I’ll never be able to repay you for all you’ve done for me and Tsuki.”
“There’s no need,” Aguni waved his hand, dismissively.
“He’s right.” Kuina smiled. “Everything we’ve done is because we wanted to.”
“You’re our friend.” nodded Yuzuha.
“You’re like family.” Arisu corrected.
And Niragi agreed. All these friends had become like an extended family of his. Always there.
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His knees were shaking, a cold sweat formed on his brow. He felt queasy and on the brink of throwing up. He wasn’t ready for this. Quite frankly, he’d never be.
“You know, if you want to wait another year, I wouldn’t blame you.”
“Papa, I’m five. I gotta go to school.”
They said the first day was the hardest. Niragi had held the slightest hope that Tsuki would throw a tantrum and outright refuse to go to school, but to his disappointment she had been rather excited. She was incredibly bright for her age, already knowing how to count to one hundred, knowing her colors, as well as all the letters of the alphabet. She even knew how to write her name in Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana.
“I know you do, but still, Papa will be lonely without you.”
“But you’ve got work stuff to do.”
“But you’re my little helper.”
“I’m a kid, papa.”
“Since when are you a little smartass?”
She shrugged. “If I’m smart, that means I gotta go to school.”
“I- Now where the fu-”
“Papa, hurry up! I’m gonna be late!” Tsuki grabbed on to his hand and dragged him away from the parking lot and closer to the school gates. He could feel the eyes of others burning holes into his figure. This was another reason he worried about her coming to school. The prying eyes of others. Even though the surgeries he’d gotten had managed to make him look relatively normal, upon closer inspection, there was still visible scarring. He’d never forgive himself if he became the cause of Tsuki being bullied.
He signed in at the front desk and gathered all the paperwork for Tsuki’s schedule, class directory, and list of school supplies.
“You’ve got art class.” He mused.
“Really?” The corners of her eyes perked up in curiosity.
“I didn’t think kids could learn art.”
“Aunt Yuzuha’s kids draw on the walls. Uncle Arisu calls that art.” She said. “I think it’s messy.”
“Well aren’t you a little critic.” He chuckled.
“It’s true. What kind of dummy makes grass red?”
“Tsuki, you can’t call other kids a dummy.”
“But you call other people things, too.”
“I’m a grown up.”
“Then can i call them dummy when I’m a grown up, too?”
“For sure.”
Tsuki nodded in understanding.
The two reached her classroom and while Tsuki was led to her seat by the teacher, Niragi stood to the side with all the other parents, most of them being moms. If he was being honest, he felt awkward and out of place. Compared to the other parents, he was sure he was the youngest parent there. Chills ran down his neck, as he looked around and saw the other parents throwing side glances at him, and a soft hum of whispers surrounded him. He tried to shrug it off and focus on Tsuki, who was now chatting away with her classmates. He noticed that the other kids say something and pointed in his direction, to which Tsuki would shrug and and answer like it was no big deal. Oh no, he thought. It’s starting.
“First time?” A voice said behind him.
Niragi turned to see an older man with shaggy black hair covered in a beige fedora, his eyes hidden behind big dark sunglasses. What kind of a freak wears a hat and shades indoors? Niragi thought, but nonetheless, he nodded. The older man patted him on the back. “It’s never easy.” He said with a smile. “Which ones yours?”
“Umm, the little girl over there. The one with the silver clips in her hair.” Niragi described. “Her name is Tsuki.”
“Oh, she’s absolutely precious!” The older man gushed.
“What about you?”
“Oh, I’ve got two. The boy and the girl on either side of your girl. Twins.” He said proudly. “Nara and Naoki. Little devils, those two.”
“Is this your first time here, too?”
“Me? No. I’m an old timer. My oldest, Nanase, is a second year at the middle school nearby.” He sighed with a smile. “But just looking at your face I can tell this is your first time.”
“Really? You can tell?”
“Don’t worry about it.” He wove his hand up and down, dismissively. “We’ve all been there. Ain’t that right, Mrs. Kobayashi?” He nudged the lady next to him, who gave him nothing more than an awkward side eye. “Don’t mind her. She’s a hoot at PTA meetings.”
The teacher interrupted the parents’ chatter and asked them to bid farewell to the children so that they could commence the first day of school. Niragi panicked and looked at Tsuki who flashed him a dimply grin. He took a deep breath. She’s fine. She wants to be here. The two shared one last look before he walked out of the classroom with the other parents.
“Hey, kid.” He heard the strange man call out, causing Niragi to look back at him once more. “I didn’t catch your name.”
“Niragi. Suguru. I’m Niragi Suguru.” He bowed politely.
“Nice to meet you, Niragi.” He tipped his hat in acknowledgement. “I’m Danma Takeru.”
The two chatted for a bit more and exchanged numbers with Mr. Danma, or Hatter as he liked to be called due to his profession, saying the kids just had to get together for play dates sometime.
The day passed by horribly slow, with Niragi getting virtually no work done. His thoughts consumed with how Tsuki must be doing at school. 3 o clock couldn’t come soon enough and be just about sped to the school. Tsuki waited for him by the gate, holding several papers in her hands.
“Papa!” She exclaimed, running excitedly up to her dad.
“Hey, kid!” Niragi crouched to pick her up in his arms. “How’d it go?” He asked as he walked them back to his car.
“It was kind of boring.” She admitted. “But that’s cuz I already know all the stuff.”
“Uh huh.” She nodded.
“Whatcha got there?”
“Oh!” She held up the papers. “I made these! Ms. Nobuo let us use paints to draw shapes! And the art teacher lady Ms. Osaki let me use pastel thingies!” She held up her work for him to see.
“Wow! You did great, kiddo.” He took the papers from her hands as he ser her into her car seat and buckled her in. As he got into his own, he looked over the papers, smiling at her work. She really had a knack for creativity. Tsuki chatted away about her day on the ride home, and Niragi felt at slightly at ease that her school experience had gone better than his.
“Oh my goodness! Papa, I almost forgot!”
“What’s up?”
“Papa, all the kids kept asking me about you.”
His eyebrows shot up, a bit concerned. “Me?”
“Uh huh. All the kids said your hair and the shiny thingies on your face make you look like a rockstar.”
“Huh.” He chuckled, dryly. “They said that?”
“Uh huh! And then all the boys went all crazy cuz I told them you work on video games and that you and Mama helped make that Borderland game.”
He smiled at her through the rear view mirror. “You told them about Mama?” He felt his heart tug a bit. Kids always said what they thought, so he could imagine what kind of responses they might have at Tsuki’s... situation.
“Yup! They think you guys are so cool and that they wished their parents were like you guys.”
“Is that so, kid?” He chuckled, relieved she had managed to get positive attention. “Did you make friends?”
“Not really... all the kids were kinda noisy... I talked a lot with these kids... what were their names? Naka and Naori!”
“You mean Nara and Naoki?” Niragi laughed.
Tsuki gasped. “How did you know?!”
“I met their dad. He’s kind of...”
“Weird?” Tsuki answered. “They’re weird, too.” She giggled.
Tsuki’s school years came and went, and she had grown quite a lot. She had become taller, and her hair had become longer and fell down to her waist. Unfortunately, she’d inherited his eyesight and needed to wear glasses, but she didn’t seem to mind. Some time in her early teens she had asked him if she could get her ears pierced, to which he was a it stunned she felt she needed to ask, since he had gotten his without permission from anyone and just cuz he’d felt like it. He agreed, and went along with her. What he didn’t expect was her wanting to get four done on each ear on the first sitting, and had been slightly proud at his daughter’s determination. However... Niragi wasn’t too happy when he found out she’d gotten her belly button pierced while on a school trip to a beach resort.
She did well in school, she participated in school clubs, and never complained about doing her chores around the house. She even had a handful of friends, for which Niragi was thankful for. On one occasion, he’d overheard one of them refer to him as a dilf, which he didn’t understand, and when he asked Tsuki about it, she became flustered and urgently changed the subject, and when he asked Kuina, she laughed in his face. He didn’t dare look up the meaning online.
They say parents are never prepared for their children’s milestones, but when Tsuki graduated high school with honors, he really couldn’t believe it. 18 years had gone by quickly right before his eyes, and the little girl 
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25 years had passed in the blink of an eye. Tsuki had graduated from university, having pursued a degree as a software engineer specializing in AI development. During her internship, she’d met someone special and developed a friendship which blossomed into romance. Of all the things Niragi had never given much thought to doing, giving his daughter away was at the very top.
Tsuki had shook nervously as Niragi walked her down the aisle, whispering to him “Please, don’t let me fall, Papa.” To which he replied that even if she did, he’d be right there to pick her up. He was thankful her groom came from a large family, believing it to be a far less lonely atmosphere. Nonetheless, he was happy that he had been lucky enough to amass a good deal of close friends to accompany him on this journey.
At the reception, Kuina and Yuzuha had just about shoved Niragi on the dance floor for his father daughter dance with Tsuki, who had taken it upon herself to choose the song. With the lyrics of “When She Loved Me,” matched to the scene of Niragi and Tsuki, rest assured, there was not a single dry eye in the house.
During the dinner, somewhere within him, Niragi felt the courage to stand and tap his spoon against his champagne glass. “I’d like to say a few words. I didn’t prepare anything, but... I’d like to speak from the heart.” He announced, to which everyone in the hall suddenly hushed in respect. “The last time I went to a wedding,” Niragi began, “was about 26 years ago. And just like the bride and groom, I was marrying the love of my life.” He looked down at his glass of champagne, briefly, before continuing. “Love is a crazy thing, really. It’s having this connection with someone that you just can’t explain and you really don’t have to because they already understand. Love is scary. It’s finding someone that accepts you, flaws and all, whether they be physical, emotions, psychological, metaphorical, what have you. Love is pretending to lose at a video game you’ve cleared at least 20 times just so you can watch them be happy.” He chuckled as the crowd quietly laughed. “It’s about getting a call at three in the morning asking you if you want to go out and get donuts at the 24/7 donut shop downtown. Love is... not being able to hear anyone say your given name because no one else says it as beautifully as that one person. Love is hating rainy days all your life but learning to love them when they drag you under the rain to dance. It’s when you’re driving and she reaches out to hold your hand. It’s about holding each other after nightmares and reminding each other that none of it’s real, even when reality sometimes feels like it’s a nightmare. It’s about treasuring every single moment because you’ll never know when it will be the last.” At this point, everyone who wasn’t crying already was tearing up at the realization of Niragi’s words. “It’s about being scared together. When your plans change and suddenly you’re getting ready to bring another life into the world together. That look between the two of you when you feel your baby kick for the first time at the sound of you voice. Staying up until dawn figuring out baby names because your child deserves something totally unique. Love is when you hold your baby girl and you realize that you really can love someone just as much, if not more, than the love of your life because... she is your life. As some of you know, Y/N isn’t with us today, but I know better than anyone that she would have loved to be here, and even though we can’t see her, she’s still with us.” He smiled. “the love she and I had... I like to think of it as something that only happens once in a lifetime, because to me, there really was no one else I could see myself with that wasn’t Y/N. But the way I see you two kids with each other... this is YOUR once in a lifetime. Treasure it. Always.” He looked directly into his new son-in-law’s eyes. “My life is in your hands now.”
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woniehugs · 4 years
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┊         ┊       ┊   ┊    ┊        ┊
┊         ┊       ┊   ┊   ˚✩ ⋆。˚  ✩
┊         ┊       ┊   ✫
┊         ┊       ☪︎⋆ 𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘭,
┊ ⊹      ┊ 𝘪’𝘮 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮.
✯ ⋆      ┊ .  ˚
— ✧ pair: idol! jungwon x engene! reader (the norm)
— ✧ genre: lots of angst, fluff
—✧ synopsis: you have finally figured out how to shift into your desired reality, making you very excited whenever it’s time to go to bed to do so. it was a routine, your escape from your reality, being able to live how you want with the member from your favorite group, yang jungwon. but once you realize you’re getting too attached, almost forgetting that you still have a life to live outside your dreams, you decide to leave.
— ✧ sidenote: mentions of shifting (u can learn more about it if you want by searching it up on google :3), you can also imagine yourself with your bias, anyone basically. i just wrote this one w/ jungwon and i do apologize if there are any grammar mistakes, i wrote this when i was half-awake at 12am trying to get myself to sleep and it worked ig lol, prepare tissues maybe??
— ✧ wc: 1,371
— ✧ tags: everyone who’s reading this!
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[w/ lyrics from ‘Love Like You’]
> I always thought I might be bad now
“no... what are you talking about? you’re real, you’re here.. with me, right now.” jungwon said, looking at you straight in the eyes.
> now I’m sure that it’s true...
your lips trembled at the sight of him, feeling tears form at the corners of your eyes. you felt your heart shattering...
“none of this is real... t-this is just a part of my subconscious, we-we’re not actually...” you stuttered out, biting your bottom lip to prevent yourself from crying in front of him. you felt so bare and open in front of him, with his eyes glued to your delicate state. you looked down at the ground.
you couldn’t take it.
> cuz I think you’re so good
you felt jungwon’s soft hand cup your chin as tears started streaming down your face, he made you look up at him, making the two of you look directing at each others’ eyes.
and for a moment... the world around you stopped.
it was just you and him.
> and I’m nothing like you
“i-in my reality, you don’t know who i am, but i do! i know you.. but you don’t.. you-“ you rambled on with him just looking at you and listening to every word you were saying.
“you don’t know i exist.”
jungwon let out a dry chuckle, “what are you even saying? this is reality... i know you, i’m right here, with you!” he smiled genuinely at you, he knew you weren’t the type of person to lie but he didn’t want to believe what you were saying either, it was a lot to take in.. there was just no way.
you are real.
he knows you. he cares for you.
he loves you.
> look at you go, i just adore you
you wanted to believe him so bad. you were his and he was yours, god you wanted to believe that this was all true but it wasn’t. this was your desired reality, a world where you and your enhypen bias knew each other, fell in love and lived happily ever after.
but the world was just so cruel.
“jungwon...” you managed to say, his eyes sparkled at the sound of his name rolling out of your tongue, “you’re an idol, a member of a boygroup named enhypen, just like in this reality... with your 6 other members, engenes adore all of you, engenes from around the world...” you smiled at your words, “..including me, i live so far away-“
“-and you were the member that managed to catch my eyes.” you continued, you wanted him to listen, “i loved you so, every one of your fans did, but not in the way you think... because you don’t know me.” you finished, looking at him to see his eyes watering at what you just said.
“you’re lying...” his voice cracked, he cleared his throat and went closer to you, “p-please tell me you’re lying...”
“i wish i was jungwon, i wish i was...” you replied, taking in a deep breath and releasing it, “you’re an idol, i’m just a fan with a dream.”
“how i wished that this was the life i actually lived. the reality i wished that happened.”
but no...
> i wish that i knew...
“thank you.” you smiled sadly, you held his hands in yours holding them tight, afraid the moment you let go of him he’ll disappear, “thank you for letting me live the life i’ve always wanted, thank you for making memories with me that i wish were real but will never happen, thank you for being my escape from reality.”
jungwon cried, tears spilling down from his eyes as he looked down at the ground, he gripped both of your hands tightly. he couldn’t say anything, he was speechless, he really thought he had you, he did, this was more than a dream, everything that happened between you felt so real. he was happy that he helped you but he was so upset he couldn’t keep you, you were everything he wanted. everything he needed.
you looked at him crying, you wanted to hug him so bad but that would hurt a million times more. you didn’t want to see him cry, especially when the reason behind it was you. you hated it, the world was so unfair. why did you have to know someone like him when you know the universe would never let the two of you be together, it was just so impossible.
finally, jungwon sniffled and looked up at you. the two of you were a mess, eyes red and both of your faces puffed up from crying. you both looked into each others’ eyes as if you two saw your worlds in it.
oh so beautiful, the two of you... so young and in love
jungwon let out a breathy chuckle, his dimples poking out, “i promise you, i swear... in my next life, i’ll be with you and this time, it’ll be real. you and i could happen, the two of us will meet and fall in love, i’ll take you to all the places you’ve always wanted to visit, do the things you’ve always wanted to do. we’ll grow old together and die together, i promise you that.” he vowed, you giggled at his statement but tears were still falling nonetheless.
“maybe in another universe, i got to meet you and gotten to know you more, you could be a boy there and i could be a girl but i don’t care, as long as you and i are together, i couldn’t care any less.” he continued, pulling you closer to him and both of your hands still clutched onto each other. his forehead resting on yours as the two of you breathed the air surrounding you.
“you could be anyone, you could be anywhere, but i promise you that i’ll always find you, okay? y-you can’t get away from me...” he breathed out, looking directly at your eyes and smiling, trying to keep himself from crying again, “you’re stuck with me whether you like it or not, i’ll always find you okay?”
you giggled and he chuckled too, both of your breaths fanning each others’ faces, jungwon’s breath was hot but you didn’t care. he was so beautiful to you, he meant so much to you, you really did not want to let go.
“i know you will, jungwon-ah..” you replied to his confession, “you always will, and i don’t mind spending the rest of my life with you.”
jungwon smiled at that and before you know it, he kissed you so hard on your lips. you let out a small muffle when he did so but you started kissing back, your eyes fluttering close. you were gonna miss his soft lips, you were gonna miss everything about him, you wouldn’t get to experience this for a long time, or never again.
you ran your fingers through his soft and curly locks, gripping through his locks as he let out a small groan from his lips that vibrated through yours. you smiled against him as he cupped your chin and pulled away.
“i love you.” he confessed, his eyes closed and opening them to look at you. “i love you, i love you, i love you so so much..” he mumbled out as he kissed you over and over again as he continued showering you with all his love.
you felt like crying again but didn’t, you didn’t want to see him cry when you leave. you giggled against his lips as he continued whispering i love you to you.
jungwon cupped both of your cheeks and kissed you one last time, this time longer than before. his lips were most likely swollen by now, yours as well but he didn’t look like he cared. the two of you smiled against each others lips, you grabbed him by the neck to make the kiss deeper.
after about a minute or so, the two of you pulled away.
“goodbye jungwonie, i love you..”
“i love you 3000, y/n.”
> ... what makes you think i’m so special
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a/n. i don’t know that much about shifting but i did try to use the info i knew into writing this so yeah, please do tell me if you think i wrote something wrong about it. i’ve just seen so many things about shifting to your desired reality that i thought hey... what if you shifted to a reality where your idol knew you?
also, please take this short story however you like. this is fiction and don’t let your deluluness get in the way, i know it’s hard but we should learn how to respect our boundaries as fans. this is just something that i wanted to write out with pure intentions :)
anyways, yeah i guess that’s all i had to say, thanks for reading hihi <3
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sorryimanon · 4 years
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Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x fem!Reader, Izuku Midoriya x NB!Reader
Warnings: some angst, FLUFF, and our boys being the best boys.
In which they comfort you after a rough day or week
A/N: im sorry if Izukus section is shorter than Bakugou’s. trying to practice writing other characters. enjoy!
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Saturday's are reserved strictly by the majority of the girls from class 1-A, leaving the guys to hibernate inside their dorms as they allow the commencement of girls night. You've never rain checked nor rejected the idea of spending  quality time with your friends, considering all the tribe's and trepidation's everyone has endured together during their time at the academy. It's nice to just strip away the stress and dip your toes in pure relaxation.
Unfortunately, you woke up with a bad case of cloudy thoughts. For the past week you've been carrying the weight of dread, causing your mood to drastically change throughout the day. You'd be having a civil conversation with someone one minute and then the next minute you're completely irritated by their presence. You've tried to balance it out and fix it overnight with the regimes you researched on the internet. A new sleeping schedule, healthier diet, yoga, and even went to the extreme of writing in a journal. It was all so cut throat and prestigious, nothing close to your liking. Katsuki made fun of you for it one day when he snuck into your room and read the many inscriptions in your journal entries.
"This stuff reminds of Deku. Always shoving his nose in that stupid notebook of his," he didn't care much to hear your refutes about Izuku. "Anyways, what's with all this depressing shit you are writing? You don't really feel this way do you?"
You didn't give him a definite answer that day. Only a curt "no" and he resumed rambling about his day like nothing happened, having you listening with his voice like white noise going in one ear and out the other.
And that's how it went on throughout the duration of the prior week before Saturday.
Inside the confinement of your dorm, you made the rational decision to sleep in instead of attending classes. The chilling thoughts kept you up all night, never once allowing sleep to take full throttle. You tossed and turned around on your bed, unable to shut off your brain. So when you woke up in the peak of late afternoon, you weren't surprised to see the unread messages on your phone. All of them were from your explosive boyfriend.
King Explosion🤍: Oi you running late? Mr.Sleepy head is taking roll call
King Explosion🤍: y/n where tf r u?
King Explosion🤍: fine don't answer me ig
King Explosion🤍: are you at least coming down for lunch? i made curry last night and imma make you finish it
King Explosion🤍: fking hurry before dunce face eats it
King Explosion🤍: nvm he ate it 😐
Katsuki never intended for the message to be funny. He's probably blowing actual steams of smoke through his nostrils and ears while chasing kamanari amongst the halls. The comical imagery made you laugh harder. At least he made you crack a smile. You haven't shown any emotions let alone a hint of enthusiasm for tonight.
Maybe it'd be best to sit this one out.
"Hey, we're missing a person! Where's my y/n?" Mina asked after scanning the group of girls huddled around on the carpeted floor.
Momo shifted uncomfortably on the cushioned pillow she stole from the couch. "Y/N said she wasn't feeling too well to join us for tonight. Something about food poisoning and throwing up every hour."
In unison all the girls gasped, along with a concerned 'ribbit' from Tsuyu.
"Well I hope she gets to feeling better. I wouldn't want her to endure such sickness for much longer," Tsuyu croaked out.
Everyone in the circle agreed and promised to pay a visit later in the night to check on you.
On the fourth floor, Katsuki stared blankly at his phone, hands shaking due to the repressed anger he's been holding. Each of the messages he sent previously were all left on read, including the one he sent an hour ago asking if he could have a cuddle session with you before girls night. Yes, even an ill tempered guy such as him enjoys sappy shit like cuddling. After pacing back and forth in his room for a solid 5 minutes, he was now dead set on confronting you in front of your friends.
Katsuki made a beeline for the elevator and aggressively pressed the 1st floor button repeatedly in hopes it'll make the process go quicker. He reached the commons area in precision time, overhearing the girls giggle after someone suggested playing truth or dare. He towered over Uraraka's figure, casting a demonic shadow version of himself in the circle. Hagakure shrieked and clung onto Jirou.
"Where's y/n you extras?" He demanded, voice deafening the brunette under him.
"She didn't come tonight. She's in her dorm room sick," Jirou explained to him as she tried pry the invisible girl off her arm.
"Like hell she's sick!" Katsuki spun around quickly and retreated back to the elevator, mumbling obscenities under his breath. "She's going to pay for being so careless and irresponsible."
The commons room fell silent once the explosive blonde disappeared behind the doors of the elevator, all eyes searching each other in complete shock. Uraraka was the first to speak out of the small group.
“Should we warn y/n that Bakugou is coming for her?”
Jirou averted her gaze to the direction bakugou left off from, a ghost of a smirk spreading on her face.
“Nah. Knowing y/n, she can handle the asshole on her own.”
King Explosion🤍: can i come over? i wanna cuddle, i miss u
The text message kept flashing behind your eyes every-time you closed them - a sad image of Katsuki waiting impatiently for you to reply back with a heart or one of those unusual memes he unapologetically adores. You knew he’d be furious, no doubt about it, but you rationalized your decision and concluded it would be best to avoid your boyfriend like the plague till this undesired feeling dissipates. Katsuki doesn’t do well with people being emotional, let alone handle his own emotions for god’s sake.
Your own thoughts were interrupted by someone raping the outside of your door. The continuous knocks made your head spin, a painful sting ghosting back and forth between your eyes. Remembering back to an hour ago, you messaged one of the girls that you weren’t going to make it to tonight’s session. Surely they respected your wishes and continued on with their hangout? But you forgot about the one person who’s persistent and stubborn like a cat.
“I know you’re in there y/n! You may have fooled your idiotic friends with a lie, but you keep on forgetting you’re terrible at lying!” Katsuki hollers against the wood of the door, not once being considerate of those living above her.
He’s right. You’re absolutely horrible at making up excuses for yourself. Dating someone as intuitive as him will be the death of you.
“If there’s something going can you at least let me in? You can’t ignore me forever y/n.”
Again, he’s right.
You slipped out from the comfort of your bed and padded towards the door, mentally preparing for the blonde to scold you once he enters your room. What you weren’t prepared for was the tears swelling up in the ducts of his vermillion eyes - his hands clenched tightly into fists as he looked down at you. Your breathing hitched when his arm outstretched to rest on the door frame to keep his trembling body steady.
“What the hell y/n? Why the fuck have you been ignoring me?! Did I do something wrong?!” He asked, not caring about his current appearance.
You grab ahold of his other arm and absentmindedly started rubbing it affectionately, trying to coax him into calming down. “Katsuki no! You didn’t do anything wrong! Why would you think that?”
“Because dumbass, you’ve been distant this past week,” he paused, choking on his words. “Are...are you breaking up with me?”
Your eyes shot up instantly at his horrifying assumption. “Katsuki, if I tell you the truth, will you promise not to make things worse for me?”
He tilted his head in confusion, but nodded once you led him into your messy bedroom. Once inside, your boyfriend plopped down on your bed, watching intently as you anxiously bit down on your nails - a nervous habit you picked up at the beginning of the school year.
“I’ve been feeling weird lately. Ever since the beginning of last week. I don’t know how to describe it but, my brain is constantly feeding into my already negative state. Telling me things I know aren’t true but I’ve convinced myself they are. Almost as if a grey cloud is hovering above me,” tears were already starting to pour down your cheeks. “I just...I just feel so miserable and lonely and useless and irritated and- I’m so sorry for ignoring you. You probably want nothing to do with me after this!”
You manage to turn away from the sight of the blonde during your speech, ashamed of pouring out your emotions onto a person who disregards other peoples emotions and constitutes them as a quote on quote “pussy”.
From behind, you can hear faint shuffling nearing your already shaken up figure. A pair of muscular arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a wall that could only be described as his own chiseled chest, doing the same as you did moments ago with his arm - lulling you to calm down a notch before he stared speaking.
“If you been feeling this way, why lie when I asked you a few days ago after reading your journal?”
“I know how you are, Katsuki. You get very uncomfortable when people talk about their feelings. So, why should I be any different?”
Your boyfriend suddenly maneuvers you around in the circle of his arms, shifting to where you’re now making direct eye contact with him. His gaze intense and unwavering.
“Because you’re my girlfriend? I don’t give a rats ass about any of these extras. When it comes to you, I’d make an exception for. I made that promise to myself when we first started seeing each other. So don’t think for a second that I’ll disregard your true feelings, dumbass.” He stepped a couple of inches backwards, ankles eventually hitting the bottom of your bed - making him fall and dragging you along with him. You landed on top of him, head still buried in the depths of his hard chest. The vibrations of his chuckle shook your whole body. Katsuki gently titled your head to be leveled with his, a red tint of blush painting his pallid cheeks.
“I’m being serious though. Don’t be afraid to come to me when things get tough, okay? I love you too much to see you like this.”
Next thing you knew your boyfriend stole your breath away by meshing his plump lips onto yours, hands snaking their way into your hair and carefully massaging it. By all means, you let him have his way with you by kissing the sadness away, tears puddling together cheek on cheek.
He let go eventually, pecking a quick chaste kiss on the side of your mouth before hauling you further into the bed. You settled on letting him spoon you, knowing how much he likes the feeling of your backside pressed against him, and the fruity aroma of your hair infiltrating his senses.
“I promise Katsuki,” you said after some time during the cuddle session.
He shifted in his spot, head placed firmly in the crook of your neck. “Promise what?”
“That I’ll come to you when these thoughts return again. I should trust you by now, and I need to not let these emotions ruin everything in my life. I love you that much.
Your confession swelled the very last evidence of Katsuki being a human being, his heart.
He smiled weakly to himself and nuzzled more into your shoulder, brushing his warm lips against the tender skin. “You better, dumbass.”
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Today was just so exhausting, and the big fat 'D-‘ written in red ink on your final report was the icing on the cake. To make things even worse, Aizawa reminded the whole class before the exam that this was to determine wether or not if you'll be joining the training camp that'll commence the following winter break.
Hopefully this was one of your teacher's terrible deception tactics into making everyone do their absolute best, go plus ultra even. But to your dismay, he was indeed very serious of the matter this time.
It wasn't your fault, not entirely. You stayed up all night listening to another one of your boyfriends rambles, the conversation lasting till 2 am. Izuku grew worrisome and anxious ever since his encounter with a gruesome villain, thus resulting in him to pour his emotions out onto you. Poor baby kept mentioning the safety of All Might and you.
Solemnly, you left class and trailed back to your dorm room, wanting to ignore the jovial atmosphere inside the cramped room as everyone traded and talked about their scores.
Izuku noticed you leaving abruptly and got up from his desk to follow you behind, bidding a quick goodbye to his friends.
Your room was dark and dramatically colder than usual, a trickle of light threatening to pour in from the cascading sunset. You laid down on your stomach with one of your pillows propped on your head, in hopes to shield away anyone from seeing your ugly-crying face.
Too late because Izuku was already standing outside your dorm room, swaying back and forth on his feet while biting down harshly on his lip. He can hear your soft cries seeping through the door. He doesn't know why he's hesitating, he's your boyfriend after all.
Moments later you hear the acute sounds of someone knocking on your door, followed by the soft spoken voice of your green haired boyfriend.
"Baby? Can I come in? I-If that's okay with you I m-mean! It's alright if you need some space but you left class so early I figured something happened to you and I got really worried because you always wait for Iida and uraraka to walk us back to the dorms as a group and maybe it had something to do with what I was telling you last night-."
You crack the door just a smidge before fully opening it, revealing your bloodshot eyes and tear stained shirt to him. His breathing hitched once his eyes fixated on your disheveled state. 
"Can you comfort me? I need you right now Izuku," your voice cracked a little, throat still tight after the crying session.
His strong, lean arms wrapped around your body momentarily, encasing you into a bear hug. Hugs from Izuku were amazing, no exceptions. He placed a quick peck on the crown of your forehead.
"C'mon, let's get inside and snuggle. How does that sound?" he asked as he unwrapped himself and took your trembling hand, leading you back inside the dimly lit room.
Izuku laid you gently down on your side once reaching the bed, crawling alongside with you before  draping the covers over the both of you. His familiar hands snake around your waist and nudges you to roll over. You obliged and shifted your body to face his, sparkly green eyes staring straight at you.
"Tell me, what's wrong baby? Does it have to do with the recent exam?" his thumb started tracing delicate lines on your hips, your uniform long gone and now replaced with comfortable clothes instead.
"I failed Izuku...I did so terrible on the written exam. I kept falling in and out of sleep during the test that I didn't have time to finish the middle portion of it," you exhaled a shaky breath. "Who knows what'll happen on the practical. I'll probably fail that too...I'm such a failure compared to everyone."
Izuku grabbed the tender flesh of your cheeks and directed your vision to level with his. He looked angry and concerned.
"Don't say that y/n! You're not a failure! That exam doesn't determine wether or not if you're good enough to be a hero. I've seen you in action hun, and I know for a fact that you're possibly the most strongest person I've met in my lifetime! You're ambitious, smart, determined, and so freaking beautiful." He then kissed you tenderly on the lips, his eyes closing slightly due to the contact.
"So...freaking...beautiful." He whispers against your mouth.
His sentimental words were enough for you to push back the negativity and simply enjoy the intimate moment.
Izuku lifted his head away from your face to rest it against your temple. "You're going to do great things, okay? One failing grade isn't going to be the end of the world. Trust me sweetheart, I've had my fair share in failures during our time here in Yuuei. But look at me now, still standing."
You nuzzled more into his chest, tickling his chin with your hair. Faintly, you can hear the pitter patter of his heart beat bursting through his rib cage.
"Would you love me even if I was a horrendous looking-failure?" you were clearly teasing him, but sometimes Izuku became dense when it came to that.
"Y/n! W-Why would you ask that! Of course I would you dummy! I'd love you no matter what."
This time you return the favor and kiss him, knowing how to easily fluster him in seconds. He whimpers into your mouth at the sudden contact and cups your jawline affectionately.
The two of you stayed like that till the moon shone through the balcony curtains, illuminating your skin in a dusty glow.
Lips bruised and swollen red, you laid lifelessly in his arms, letting him wove his scarred fingers through your hair. Izuku would occasionally stop to peck your lips, then resumes his attention back to your hair.
"I'm sorry by the way. I shouldn't have kept you up last night before the exam. I'm such a horrible boyfriend..." he admitted suddenly.
"Yes. Yes you are."
He gasped and stopped his movements altogether, obviously taken aback by your blunt words.
You giggled and said, "Kidding. You're the best boyfriend. Apology accepted.”
After hearing that, Izuku shoved himself onto your chest and let out muffled cry. "D-Don't scare me like that. Almost made me have a heart a-attack!"
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furblrwurblr · 3 years
Breaching Borders
Amaya x Sunfire GN Reader, sword lesbians? Idk it aint angst it aint fluff but it has a smidge of humor, if you don’t get the punny title after reading i’m coming to your home and killing u
Warnings: Kissing o0o0o, little bit of tongue ig lmfao? Some swears I believe, no blood even tho it’s literally just a sword fight
Note: If you don’t have like. hella cocky moments this fic is not for you, I’m feeling good and therefore egotistical asf enjoy reader being an emotionally charged cocky ripcord, only 1562 words
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Taglist: @malibix​ @thequeenofworms​ @kokocreations​ @yagirlcheesely​
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You looked to your fellow legion commander, Janai. She tensely nodded, and you pushed the poor, nervous Katolan soldier down the passage to meet with the investigative party from across the border. As he stumbled out his explanation for the late signal, Janai motioned for the archer ahead of you to prepare the shot. The majority of the human group turned away, chuckling at the hostage soldier's "incompetence". He'd been on-cue, but your blade was too fierce and his fear too great to complete his task.
One of the humans lagged, causing your lip to twitch in irritation. Couldn't they just leave? All you wanted at that moment was to seal their passage to Xadia, not chase them down. 
The archer loosed the arrow and the remaining soldier rolled in front of the hostage, the projectile hitting her shield with a harmless tink!
As the soldiers filed through the passage in retreat, your forces advanced. Those by the door cut off the party's escape, herding them back into the outpost. Sunfire archers emerged from the shadows, and with the humans cornered, you emerged. Walking side by side with Janai, you both drew your sizzling blades in tandem. Your partner pinned their leader with a hardened stare while you bared your teeth in an antagonistic grin.
Janai raised her sword, and everything began at once. Her walk was deadly serious, stance only relaxing to glare at you in amused disappointment as you strode leisurely into the fray. Back-to-back with Janai, the pair of you took down a small group of humans. You rushed forward, seeing their general brush aside one of your soldiers.
"This should be good," you thought with a smile.
The general turned to you, hardened expression slipping to mild surprise as you cleaved her sword in half. She froze for a moment, registering the clang of half her goddamn weapon hitting the stone floor.
"Oops!" you exclaimed, smile widening to display your sharp canines. She pursed her lips and furrowed her brow, charging forward. You dodged and swung at her in one fluid motion, but she sidestepped the blow.
She evaded attack after attack until you delivered a swift kick to her shield to kick her into the Breach wall with a loud ruckus of metal scraping stone as she slumped to the ground, winded. She rose, distracted, but ducked in time to evade your charge. The human rolled under your arm, making her way up some nearby crates and climbing up the slopes on either side of the room. You followed, not missing how quickly she disposed of a Sunfire archer with her shield. 
"I'll have to give that one some extra training," you pouted to yourself.
When you'd gotten stable on the slope, the general slid her shield onto her back. A confused look from you prompted her to raise her fists in a defensive pose. With a smirk, she outstretched one hand to make a 'come hither' motion as a challenge. You mirrored her expression, more than impressed by the human's boldness.
Both of you charged simultaneously, meeting in a flurry of strikes and swings. Her fists met your armor as you two whirled around one another. Your armor clashed against itself when she struck you, almost making it sound like a real sword fight to your elven ears. Swordplay was something you relished, but you could certainly get used to an agile opponent managing to land a few strikes all while dodging every deadly arc your blade made.
With the clang of your sword on her armor, she stepped back to examine the quickly-cooling metal, now with a large gash from your enchanted sword. You grinned once more, mimicking the human's challenge from earlier. She rushed you once again, but this time you feinted and sidestepped, catching her by the leather strap across her torso. 
Time slowed. Your pupils blew a bit watching sweat drip from her cheek, over her throat, and disappear into her armor. Without much thought, you pulled her in for a searing kiss. Her furrowed brow relaxed, her mouth meeting yours without protest. Your lips moved with hers for a moment. She drew back to quickly breathe the stuffy outpost air, her breath hotter on your skin than the lava below, before chasing your lips. Reluctantly, you withdrew, hand on her leather flipping to press against her armor. You watched her remember where she was and what she was doing with a satisfied smile on your face before pushing her. Hard. 
She fell onto the massive gear, saved from the fiery depths by one of its teeth. You leaped onto the piece of machinery in pursuit but a foot slipped. Digging your sword into the metal to balance yourself wasn't the best idea, the human had righted herself and grabbed the hilt of your weapon before you had the chance to remove it.
Growing tired of her games, you took an impulsive swing. She dodged it easily and answered your next blow with a swift kick. You went to shield yourself, then watched in dismay as her well-placed blow sent your sword soaring through the air, embedding itself in the ceiling.
She looked down at you in satisfaction from her position atop the moving gear. Climbing up the gear's large teeth, your skin began to morph. Poor human, thinking she had the advantage while standing above a river of lava. Your flesh darkened and split, veins of fiery power revealing themselves. That wasn't the only change though. A feral growl left your throat, your vocal cords thrumming with primal fire, making your voice dual-toned.
"That'll be hell to get down!" you roared, drunk on her fearful expression. You leaped and slammed into her. She fell to the ground, her stored shield protecting her from the impact. With a quick roll to her feet and a well-timed dodge, she narrowly avoided your scalding fist. It swung right past her and into the wall, but the large crack in the human stonework didn't phase you. Chasing her down the narrow pass between the gear and the wall didn't pose much of a challenge. She stumbled and fell at your feet, but in your blind, fire-fueled rage, you missed her again and again until your fist slammed into the looming gear. Your powers failed you then, the heat causing your fist to embed itself in the turning machinery. She rolled upright once more, between you and the hot metal. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she leaned and pecked your lips, catching your bottom lip as she drew back. However, before she parted from you fully, her tongue skimmed a crack in your lip, tasting the liquid power running through you. You faltered, eyes clearing for a moment. Sure, you were pissed about being bested by a human, but you couldn’t help but recognize how the smallest flick of her tongue brought you out of a blind fury. She fled, but looked back at you for a moment. With a sincere smile, you nodded at her, an acknowledgement that she was a worthy opponent and that you’d be seeing her again. She snorted a laugh when your lips quickly turned down in a pout as you tried to free your hand. 
The human woman barreled through a few troops, their swords falling to the ground. Damn it, you’d forgotten about your own sword, being it was as far from the ground as possible. How were you going to get that down? You were quickly snapped from your thoughts when the gear’s turning caused more strain on your wrist. 
“Janai! Help me get this damn thing loose!” you yelled, still angry enough for your Sunfire form to be engaged.
Your partner calmly strolled over a little bridge above the lava, letting out a chuckle at your position. Being you had ligaments you preferred to keep intact, you’d braced your legs on the gear and were now turning with it, slowly. 
“Hmm, this ‘damn thing’, you speak of, would it be the gear? Or yourself?” she teased, brows cocked in delight.
With a huff, you rolled your eyes. “Just help me, wise one. I need to be intact if I’m to face that human again,” you pleaded.
Janai’s expression shifted from smug to interested as she pulled your fist from the metal. “Even after your crushing defeat?” she asked in disbelief, almost unheard over the clang of your metal hitting the stone floor.
“Oof!” you huffed, the impact winding you a bit. You leaned back onto your hands, looking at your sword still stuck fast in the ceiling. “Hah! I’m surprised too. But believe it or not, I am nowhere near crushed. I am intrigued, she does something to me.”
“If you think I did not see that little stint you pulled on the ledge, you are wrong. Don’t go getting involved with a human-”
“Tch! I’m not getting involved. No matter, we must regroup and tell your sister of this stronghold.”
“I am not convinced, but very well. I will not press. I shall gather our troops, meet us outside when you finally get your sword. Have fun!” she grinned, the party following her with scattered laughter.
You threw a rock at her and sighed fondly, glad you had a friend like her.
Now how the hell were you going to get that sword down?
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washymylifeaway · 4 years
SunaOsa fanfic recs: valentines edition~~
SunaOsa is one of my all time favorite ships and this past month, there has been/was an exchange going on between writers (here is the link) and artists (separately) and because I don’t have a life (or maybe it’s just that SunaOsa is my life LOL), I’m here to tell you some of my favorite fics from the pile :D However, as much as I love a ship, sometimes fluff is too asajndajnd so mind you there will probably be a lot of good fics missing just cause I couldn’t get myself to read more fluff (or angst) LOL (IM SORRY but sometimes I also just can’t motivate myself to read a fic no matter how good it looks OOPS).
As always, please check warning and tags before reading any of these fics, and take care of yourselves!!!!
In no particular order (jk the order is last updated haha) tho my favorites will have *** next to them :)
***glass stained black by unrequitedangst (E) 31k // Mafia AU’s are some of my favorite kinds of fics, and this one did not disappoint! The character development of Osamu is really legit and despite being mafia, it’s not that heavy or angst of a fic (but you should still definitely read tags and warnings first). It’s an Osamu heavy fic, and if you’re into reading him being stupid, go right ahead LOL.
redux by catalysis (T) 2.3k // ngl I hate break-up fics with a passion truely (when you can’t handle fluff or angst what to do) but I liked the concept for this one hehe (so I made myself suffer LOL). It was short, but cute !!! and the unspoken words really hit me in the FEELS (so what I’m dramatic fight me LOL).
Impropriety by DeathBelle (T) 5.7k // royalty~ I love the banter between them in this fic and we DO stan respectful Osamu yes we do <33333 The relationships between not only SunaOsa but SunaAtsu (because even though it isn’t really SunaAtsu best friend agenda, I can delude myself into think it is okay :/) are done so well and so nice he’s mean Osamu is best Osamu.
***what are you waiting for? by Slumber (T) 3.7k // MIGHT BE MY FAV FIC FROM THIS EXCHANGE!!! It made me cackle and I love how they learn new things about each other!!!! Like the development is so good and Suna is really doing the MOST!! Also, I love recursive endings AHHHHHH!
agape by sketchedsmiles (T) 11.7k // soulmates, then they were SOULMATES! (ik that’s not how it goes but pls just humor me LOL) This fic really depicted Osamu’s insecurities/internal turmoil/overthinking really well and the realization he has vs Suna’s AHJAFKASFJ. I love confident Suna.
fireside by tartaglia (starkartifices) (T) 3.6k // we do love the subtle flirt flirt don’t we hehe ;) It’s short, it’s fluff, and it’s funny - what more could you ask for? Also whats a vigilante fic if there isn’t at least one pun about being a vigilante LOL.
Over and Over Again by tookumade (G) 6.4k // I would like to order one reassuring, reliable Miya Osamu for myself please and thank you :((( The way the relationship is so GOOD like both Suna and Osamu pick each other up and they know the other has their back ajfhkajdfl. I would purchase all the onigiri with the deal Suna was proposing ;) Onigirintarou.
from here to eternity by TheGlovedArtist (T) 6.6k // I for one am a big fan of mythology and stuff (heroes of olympus but like IDR any of the plot LOL) so of course I read this fic. The snark appearances of Sakusa and Komori gave me LIFE and the difference in descriptions from Astumu and Kita cracked me up. This is another respectful Osamu fic (yes I love these) and in this one it was a ‘I save you as much as you save me’ type beat LOL. Gotta love rings.
***Subtle Inarizaki Dating by sifuhotman (T) 15.2k // THIS ONE. Even if you don’t read the whole thing, I beg of you, please, I AM ON MY KNEES, read the SID for Astumu. It is worth the loss of all your brain calls I guarantee it. It made me giggle so freakin much. Suna might be an A-Hole but he’s OUR A-Hole <3
Forever Begins with 8 Seconds by subtlehues (T) 3.9k // FLUFF hehe, I love their dynamic in this one it’s very good and cute and everything great! Also, I am all for the head cannon that Suna cannot cook, yes pls. Also SUPERPOWERS whooooooooh.
***try again, and again, and again by rosegoldwriting (T) 2.6k // SOULMATES! If you ever wanted a specific soulmate AU! for SunaOsa look no further, it probably comes out LOL. I love this concept of them just being like ‘WTF’ everyday, it gives me life. Also, count how many soulmate AU’s you recognized because I just thought about it and I think it’d be fun LOL. (I went back and I think 11 but I’m not sure LOL)
let us burn by SilverMoonT (G) 13.5k // I am always up for a nice vampire Osamu and witch Suna (which believe it or not, is my second one because I read the other one by this writer LOL) This one is more Suna POV and it really goes into his fears and desires, and I like the way Osamu pushes him to live more freely.
***reasons to microwave an elixir by spiritscript (T) 8.2k // THIS ONE. UGH I love, and it’s funny and cute and it EVEN HAS CRIME (kinda not really but yes)! I love the quiet moments they have and the PET AHHHHHHH! We love medic Osamu :DDDDD But also the betrayal and the sparring (and the irony at the end LOL) AJSKJNFK.
we fall between by stringendos (T) 14.7k // honestly the entire time I was just screaming at my computer, begging for them to hurry up and realize, but alas this is a ~slow burn~ for a reason and the tag ‘exes who act like theyre married’ really is the reason I read it and I do not regret LOL. Also bless Matsuda and stan her.
All the Time in the World by minie_ai (M) 8.8k // we love immortality! Denial! And Suna mentally filing away blackmail against people (namely Astumu) LOL. Running away from your problems is always the answer (I am saying this is a not sarcastic manner because I too, run away from my problems LOL) but ramen is ALWAYS a good answer. We love ourselves some emotional constipation LOL.
***none but you by broikawa (T) 7.2k // everything is a competition always LOL, not that I’m complainin but still LOL EVERYTHING. I really love this one because I love the progression and cock-block SakuAtsu hehe. I love them being synchronized idiots <3
it all comes back to you, (my home) by iritaescents (T) 4.5k // FOREVER, WE STAN FOREVER. Anyway, LOL this was is very very cute and fluff and not slow burn, it fast burn LOL. It’s a cute fic to read and it even has our favorite, now say it with me SOULMATES LOL.
Can't help falling in bed with you by tirralirra (T) 6.7k // here we see a 5 + 1 with points for the title (I think it’s very funny LOL my humor is bad ;)) Not that it really needs extra points because it’s a great fic in itself LOL but I really liked the title so I felt the need to share this with you all (OOPS). This was so cute, and the + 1 is HILARIOUS.
It’s no longer up :(((((( -> love's consequences by xginpuff (T) 6.5k // WARNINGS AND TAGS been a while since we had an angsty fic in this list (LOL the way I just tried to avoid all of them hehe). I read the tags but ngl I was still surprised later LOL maybe I’m just dumb, but anyway IK it starts out a bit confusing, but after you read more, you’ll get into it!
***sunagashi by bastigod (T) 9.8k // if there’s anything I like more than mythology, it’s folklore LOL. I love this fic and the plot is written so artfully AHDSAJN. Also the scene with the Ume-chan and her comment (so snarky I love). Also they way I went through so much trouble trying to figure out the kanji LOL (SPOILER it’s miyarin hehe)
catch me (while i'm still runnin') by lunarins (T) 4.3k // first and foremost, may we have a moment of silence for Komori and his eyebrows..... Continuing, this fic was so good because I love a good heist hehe. Their slight of hand abilities really doing the most LOL, and the ending OMG. I love the way the writer added in how they appeared to others during the heist, it really made it so good! Ugh to have a painting class and almost die LOL.
***if we get this right by Slumber (G) 5k // OLD FRIEND plsplspls I love this fic and I love how Osamu slowly relearns who he knew Suna as AHHH. The ending, again UGH, I really loved it and their banter with one another.
The Study of Suna Rintarou by DeathBelle (T) 6.1k // PLEASE the way Osamu kept getting offended omg. But also the effort Suna puts into getting to know Osamu, I was in ~love~. Read to me Osamu, READ TO ME. But also the Osamu is an oblivious MF agenda is alive and well within this fic hehe.
Take a Hint by pancake_surprise (G) 2.3k // ok so I had just read a tumbr post about the one bed thing and then I saw this fic. It was like the stars aligned okay? I was like, ig I HAVE to read it now hehe. But seriously read it, it’s cute and like everything else, of course there’s a challenge to be made LOL.
Heatwave by pancake_surprise (G) 2.1k // the way they were dating without knowing they were dating man. The tag ‘Didn't Know They Were Dating‘ more accurate than the ‘first dates’ one LOL jk but actually tho am I kidding? It’s the first official one IG. LOL anyway, we do love the doin of the defining of relationships. Yup.
If you made it all the way down here, CONGRATS LOL. Like I said, I didn’t read all of them (sadly) and these were the ones i did read LOL. I might add more depending on whether I can motivate myself into reading fics I know will be good LOL so we’ll see heh. Honestly, I thought I was gonna get word counted, but YAY we finished (for now hehe). Also sorry for any possible typos (is this no beta we die like men?) I’m running on 90 min of sleep so my engrish be strugglin LOL. Be safe and wear masks :)
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