#the whole playing up the cute and innocent look while being a menace etc
amelikos · 9 months
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From the New Year Special that aired today (January 5). Pics from an upcoming episode. Given how the monthly calendar for January featured Dot, it might be from an episode airing this month?
Dot is wearing a backpack (first time she is seen with one!) and has a shopping bag, so I wonder if she went shopping with everyone else. That would be a first too. She meets a Kanuchan (potentially will end up being her second partner?).
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qrhymes · 7 years
Tales of Berseria Analysis - Velvet’s character arc - Blindness and Toxicity.
And there you are, one day, traveling through the eleven seas and then you spot this awesome looking ship…
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That’s nice but I’m not talking about that kind of ship.
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Cute, but still no.
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You are almost there…
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Hahahaha….there it is, the magnificent Van Eltia and what you saw aboard of it…it can be?…yes the main party of Tales of Berseria….The troupe of mischievous misfits…Magilou’s Menagerie…
…Leaving pointless introduction aside let’s begin…its character analysis time…
The cast is great guys, the main party is awesome, the main villains are awesome and support cast is great (And Zaveid is awesome. Period) so let’s go…one by one.
So, Velvet is the first female SOLO Tales protagonist…and I actually don’t care, not because I don’t give a fuck a about gender issues and all that talk but because it’s not the gender of a character that is important to me (Unless his character arc revolves around its gender, in that case you can go as deep as you want) but if the character is enjoyable/relatable and/or interesting and in that matter Velvet is both and, in my personal opinion, one the solidest protagonist of the series (Been honest with you guys, the only one who stands a chance against her is Luke…who of the two is the better is a difficult choice. Both are extremely different characters, both have a distinct approach to their respective arcs and, most important of all, I have been sucking The Abyss dick for 6 years now, so it’ll take me a while just to make a fair comparison between the two and even more just to decide who I like the most…) so…why is she so great?
Velvet is a Therion type Daemon, who wants revenge against the men that kill her brother and transform her in a Daemon, Artorius Colbrande; the problem is that he is the head of a militant church, the only ones capable to use Malak Arts and the only ones that can face the world menace of the Daemonblight, that transform humans into monsters (And Malakhim into Dragons), and for all of his deeds he is regarded for the crown and the people of Midgand as “The Shepard”.
Yes, Velvet wants to bring down Berseria’s version of the Pope…And from here it just gets more interesting because Velvet is the pure embodiment of everything that is wrong with a life led by pure raw emotion. She is not only harsh and aggressive, we are talking about an irrational, obsessive, toxic and auto-destructive person, so blinded for her pure hate and pain that she would step and crush in everything and everyone to reach her goal, she hurts innocent bystanders, she doesn’t have problems in using people, she deliberately makes choices that affect and destroys entire villages. She is the corporal manifestation of all this talk of Artorius, and the rest of the exorcist, about “The sin of the emotions” and, ironically, she is also the reason of why the Abbey wants to seal the emotions and the freewill of its people…Because people can be this bad, she is, our lowest point and the representation of how our own emotions can blind us and transform us in monsters (Literally) that consume everything and everyone that surround us.
And is a fantastic setting for an arc because it takes us out of our comfort zone almost immediately and stays there for almost all the game (just stepping out in the last hours of the game) developing and playing with these ideas.
The game never hides Velvet’s evilsh, Berseria is a story of perspectives and exploring these perspectives, in change it put us (as the player), and her, in this situation of “until what point Velvet’s actions are justifiable”. We now Artorius’s actions during the Scarlet Night and through Seres we confirm that he, and the Abbey. are to no good. And even if the Abbey has, indeed, does some good, the overall situations is too fishy, there is a lot of thing that aren’t right, they must have an agenda…so we (And Velvet) push, and keep pushing…until we break the limit...first with Teresa and Oscar and later with Innominat.
Oscar and Teresa’s deaths are relevant here because they end up representing the one thing that Velvet never would want to do, murder a younger brother in front of her impotent big sister.
Laphi’s murder in front of her was what through her over the edge, she knows that pain better that everybody else, is a crime, a crime without forgiveness or justifications…now committed by herself. It’s a way to acknowledge Velvet own villainess acts until now but is also a great comment in the very extremes of “the End justify the Means” and to tell that even someone like Velvet has a line she that doesn’t want to cross. (And, of course, she is devastated when she acknowledge this)
Then Innominat enter the scene and brings these ideas to next level. It’s not anymore about crossing a line that she didn’t want to cross but the true that there was no reason to cross that line in the first place.
It is a great development that is also in service to Artorius character, when we see his perspective of the all situation during the “in universe flashbacks” in the Earthpulse.
All the things that she has done until now were meaningless, all the victims, all the misery, all the pain, all just for nothing…Well Phi (and Colress) disagree…
Velvet is indeed a bad person, but no without some redeemable qualities. She may be the toxicity and blindness of emotions but she is also embodies it highest qualities. Determination, diligence, passion, etc…Velvet is the bird that flies because she wants to fly, there is no reason nor logic just the unwavering wish to surfing the skies…the biggest parallel here is with Prince Percival and Griffin during the search for the Therions (And the main reason of why that arc of the game is not pointless, redundant or filler, because it attach its themes to the main story) and in the same way that Percival admires Griffin, the party (And some of the side cast) admires Velvet.
Rokuro and Eizen have a scene in which both confess that they admire Velvet’s resolution (It also doubles as a great character scene for both of them), Magilou is a little more ambiguous (and I would dissect her character later…) but we can argue that she also admires Velvet and Phi and Eleanor…maybe they don’t feel an admiration for Velvet but both are inspire for her, and in that regard it would be Phi’s work, in one of the best scenes of game, make Velvet remember that she is, not only, not alone but that she is also not that bad, been Phi the living proof of that (Again I want to talk about each character particularly…so wait a little)
This is the turning point for Velvet, the moment that completely breaks her (Again) but also the moment that allow her to finally express, in a sincere manner, all of her pain, all her hate and all her emotions and the moment of which she can, finally, start to heal and move away for the trauma of the scarlet night. She doesn’t become good and she is still pretty harsh and mean but she loose this toxicity and auto-destructive aura that surrounded her during all the game, she is a little more nicer, she looks more happy and this is specially notorious in all the characters interactions and skits post-Innominat, I’m especially fond of the Velvet-Magilou Skit in the final dungeon, when this two fairly emotionally distant people finally come to acknowledge and even show an open affection for each other, both in her own way of course, is a subtle but heartwarming moment and a perfect close to this strange friendship who start with that awkward first encounter in Titania. (And also I ship them so hard…Magivel to the death)
Velvet transition here would be the one of a Villain to an anti-hero and…it’s amazing.
But Velvet’s arc still has a pair of steps to climb up…
Despite her grown, Velvet is still seeking revenge against Artorius although the context of the situation has change significantly, starting with the fact that Artorius and Innominat embodies the same toxicity as Velvet just in the logic side, being that both want to wipe the freewill and emotions of humans and Malakhim and that, starting here, the game stops to give focus to Velvet’s morality quest (Because it gets resolved) and the clash between the extremes of both ideologies (Innominat’s domain is bad…same as early game Velvet)…the final encounter with Artorius would bring back the topic again but in that case it’s more about Artorius’s hypocrisy (More of that later)…leaving aside just one last step in the Lord of Calamity arc…Her redemption.
Velvet sacrifice to seal Innominat is…well just sad. We (and her) had acknowledged that she has done a lot of wrong and a redemption act is indeed fitting, but that do not less the sadness of the moment…I really wanted see Velvet overcome…well the whole situation. For she to have an emotional close and a second chance, even if we needed a redemption arc, we could have her wandering the earth, you know, alongside Magilou (Sorry for that but I really ship them so much)…seeking atone for her actions but, also been happy…but what we have was the two representations of emotions and reasons, all that can be good and bad with them, feeding of each other, in an endless cycle, meanwhile they dream about this ideal world that they could have had…and it’s not a bad ending, quite the opposite actually, it’s powerful, meaningful and a fitting close for the game story…but, in the same way that Julius did it, her ending got the best of my and,  again, every story or character that can do that deserves acknowledge…Velvet is amazing and I ended loving her character more that I could expected…just the time would tell if she would become greater than Luke in me eyes, but for what’s matter now she is, again, an incredible character.
Part 1: Tales Series Retrospective
Part 2: The Elements of a Wonderfull Game
Part 4: Rokuro’s and Eleanor’s character arc - Obsession and Conflict.
Part 5: Laphicet (Phi)’s and Eizen’s character arcs - Coexistence and Romanticism.
Part 6: Magilou’s character arc - Contradictions.
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Hello :) could you do RFA (including V and Saeran) teaching MC Korean :)
Hey Anon (^v^) This ask is so unique are you by any chance Korean? Just curious! No matter where you’re from, we love you and thank you for your support! I may have gotten too carried away in my content but still, hope you’ll like it! Love, Mod Yoo.
ScenarioFem!MC could be someone of other nationality or a Korean “dong-po” (diaspora in English) born and bred in a foreign land (where English is their main language) outside of Korea where she grew up as an orphan. Under special yet personal circumstances, she returned to Korea wanting to start anew in her home country. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know where to start: clueless to her native language, doesn’t have any acquaintances. A member of a cult (from which its leader’s intent is to cripple the entire RFA) led MC to a seemingly deceased RFA leader’s secret apartment. MC was told that the accommodation will remain free-of-charge as long as the unit’s upkeep is maintained.

***Start imagining that each of the MM character is the only one fluent in both the English Language and Korean Language, in their respective canons. Each one of them will get MC to attempt at translating (note: she could always use internet, but we all know how accurate they turn out.) a sentence after they mastered the basics (some of them get surprised by MC instead). Assuming that V tasks the character-in-canon (excluding unknown) to manage the invites with MC, and the other RFA members will be helping her to pull through her 1st party.***
(p/s I’m no Korean language expert, please don’t penalise me and instead enlighten me if I made any mistakes. ^^;”)
Yoo-sung Kim- Is the sender of the first message after MC gets into the private Messenger.- “저 시험을 봤지만… 그건 꾹 떨어질 것 같네요.” I took a test but I think I’ll fail it for sure!- Confused MC is confused to no end, like what are those oddly formed symbols?- When Yoosung notices that she legit couldn’t understand anything, he starts to type in English topuniversitystudent, - She’s beyond delighted. Needless to say, both of them quickly grew closer as he became her Korean teacher and to help her with the guests e-mails.- They usually meet up at Yoosung’s campus library, or once in awhile cafes to study together.- Is not the most patient, but instantly rationalises that it’s harder on her part.- Stocks up so many kinds of Korean candies and snacks which almost instantly become her own favourite.- Does really well at keeping her interest piqued on learning the language.- “우리가 처음 만났을 때, 난 당신이 정말 친절하고 예쁘다고 생각해서 당신에게 빡졌어요. 너랑 나랑 사귈줄래?”
Zen/Hyun-ryu- He completed English Language courses to fit in to Western productions.- When MC appeared in the chatroom, Zen had been the nicest person.- Jumin offered to take on the responsibility of the party guests emails instead of Zen, with concerns for Zen’s handling of difficult guests which he gladly agrees. - The whole situation is intimidating so she took the courage to call Zen, hoping he’d not be too busy with work to take her call.- “어? 아가씨는요? 무슨 일이 있었어요…?” Oh? Miss MC? Is anything wrong…? He sounds just like the way he is in the chats.- His talentedmusicalactor voice envelopes her letsnotforgetjaeheetoo with warmth after all the commotion.- However, she didn’t understand a word he said and tries really hard to communicate failsmiserably. Zen chuckles heartily in his own amusement, and finds her extremely adorable.- Astonished MC is astonished when Zen starts blurting out fluent English . What a r-e-l-i-e-f.- Starts exchanging phone conversations and SMSes more frequently, especially when he manages to catch a break time off work.- Takes every opportunity to teach MC some Korean, be it by typed/voice messages or calls.- Is very busy but kind and sincere, hardly gets mad at her when she repeats the same questions. He just plays it off with his own cute act.- Finally found time to meet her over a meal for the first time.- Walks her back to the nearest spot where she has to continue to the apartment on her own.- Hands her a small hand-written note just before he had to leave for work. - “It’s short but I can’t wait till she translates it.” He murmurs to himself.- “난 너를 너무 너무 많이 좋아해 졌어. 넌 나의 아가씨가 해 줄래?”
Jae-hee Kang- Wanted MC be sent to the police thiswomanhasgotnochills.- Relents on grounds of RFA leader’s instructions.- “MC씨, RFA에 환영합니다.” Welcome to the RFA, MC.Her tone still unpleasant.- Realises her misconception about MC because she understands zero Korean. - Why would someone infiltrate RFA with harmful intentions knowing she’s at such a disadvantage?- Sends her apology in fluent English, becomes Baehee in a millisecond.- Honestly informs MC that she needs to start learning the language in order to properly take on the role of being the RFA’s party organiser.- Would love to personally tutor MC but woman has got so much work she’s got no time to, plus now there’s an additional task of replying to party guests.- Goes to the bookstore and buys all the best materials for MC to aid her learning. Tells MC that she has to give self-learning a go. To take note of all the questions and e-mail them to her at her official e-mail, where she’ll be 300% responsive.- Before Jaehee can test MC’s level of understanding for Korean language, MC sent her a text message that reads:- “난 당신을 신경 써. 난 당신의 친구 이상으로 해도 돼요?”
Ju-min Han- Something about this man draws MC’s attention and a natural instinct to understand and protect him. To her, there’s just something hidden under his tone of voice. Stern, but never menacing. - She’s right, but she doesn’t get a word he says, “전 MC의 능력 보기로 기대하걨습니다.” I’ll look forward to seeing MC’s abilities.- How’s she going to fit in at all? His gut feeling that she’s innocent.- Wouldn’t let her know that he’s very fluent in English, in fear that she’ll discover the tangled world in his mind that’s devoid of emotions. At least in his own opinion.- Gets Jaehee to hire a private tutor and ensures MC travels safely to and fro Rika’s secret apartment and his penthouse. He picks and buys all her new stationaries too.- When she starts learning at his place, he stays back in the office working.- On the rare occasions when he’s home while she’s there, he’d observe her from afar: her cute gestures, smile, the way she interacts with Elizabeth the 3rd, how she looks so adorable when she’s trying so hard to focus etc. - Doesn’t realise that she could sense his presence. It took him awhile to accept the fact that he’s fallen head over heels for her.- Months have passed when he received a message from MC through a private chat.- “주민씨. 나도 사랑해요, 제발 날 피하지 마세요.”
707/Seven/Luciel/Sae-young Choi- He’d have known when he hacks checks through the national registry for her file.- “당신의 은행 계좌는 이미 도용했습니다.” was his first sentence said to her in a call.- “Huh? What? Doesn’t erm catch erm immi…do…da?” she stutters in confusion.- Bursts into laughter.- Translates the sentence to her *coughs* 17 languages *coughs* englishshouldbeoneofthem. Assures her that it’s a joke and her bank account is safe.- Teases MC to no end. Making her more than determined to learn the language,- Doesn’t have the luxury of time to properly teach her anything, nor can he reveal his identity to her.- Hacks into one of the best schools and registers her as a student with courses all paid off. thisissobadasswhatcanisayitsagent707.- “If MC is able interpret a Korean paragraph for me over the CCTV, the Defender of Justice will reward her!” He casually promises.- Watches over her on the way to class, in class, coming back to the apartment, even when she studies at home.- He knew deep down his heart that there’s a high possibility that MC will be able to pass his challenge. He just couldn’t anticipate her reply.- “당신은 날 좀더 조심해야 돼. 난 위험한 사람이야. 난 당신과 같은 천사를 자격이 없어. 근 당신이 이미 알고 있었을 거라 확신해요. 그래서 어떤 선물을 원해?” Breathes and wait.- “알고있어. 근데 아직도 당신을 원해. 당신의 모든 것을 사랑해. 당신이 아시 죠?”
V/Ji-hyun Kim- Goes through the file on MC that Saeyoung sent to him. Becomes aware that MC is illiterate in Korean language.- Foresees that MC won’t be able to master the language in time to carry out email duties for the party.- Sympathises with her situation but getting her out of it now is going to put everyone’s life at risk.- Positions himself to protect both Mint Eye and the RFA so that he can ensure no one gets into harm’s way.- Helps MC learn the language so she could at least mingle with the members.- Asks Saeyoung for help to send some e-books to MC’s e-mail.- Calls the apartment’s private phone daily at a fixed timing and guides MC through the difficulties she encounters with the language patiently.- MC does as he says without any complaints, nor does she question him. She’d fallen for him from their first conversation, but kept it a secret to avoid burdening him.- It’s the first in such a long time he experienced genial trust and warmth, doesn’t take him long to know that he cares deeply for MC.- Completes the replying to all the party guests and logs into the messenger (when every one is asleep) as he intends to type long farewell messages to the members that he cared so much for. Not wanting to face their responses.- Personal messages to MC (who unbeknownst to him had been wide awake the entire time), reads:- “당신과 나는 끼리에, 항상 널 선택하겠다. 당신은 내 결정을 이해할 필요가 없지만, 제발 당신은 내 마음 안에 영원히 있을 겠다는 것을 믿으세요.”
Unknown/Saeran Choi- Would’ve also known that MC couldn’t understand Korean language when the cult leader instructed him to dig up her files.- Wanted to be the one to lead her to the apartment. Unfortunately, onlyinmyscenarioplease the leader sent someone else off to it.- Angered, he snuck out of the building to head to her apartment.- “Oh hello! Were you acquainted to its previous owner?” she chirps at the door.- Slightly taken aback, he muttered “Yes, a friend.” without a doubt, she lets him in.- How can someone be so trusting? She behaves nothing like anyone he knew.- Takes a bite of her freshly baked waffle, is delighted when she added a scoop of his favourite food: ice cream.- “Umm… Do you understand Korean? If you do, can you teach me some? I just joined this group that wants me to help them invite party guests but I can’t do Korean and they’re all too busy to teach me…” MC sparks another conversation.- Stays silent for a good 10 minutes before speaking in doubts “Will you make me this *points at empty plate* every time if I come and teach you?- “Of course! Thank you so much! We can start tomorrow!” MC skips around joyfully as he observes her in awe.- That’s when he decides that she would be his and solely his and remain where she’s safest (away from Mint Eye for now at least). - He’ll find a way to escape the cult and remove his trails just to stay with her and keep her within his own sight.- “Meanwhile, go on the Internet and read about Hangul. Try to decipher this short sentence if you can.” remindmehow707challengedmc Hands her a note before he leaves.- “날 기다려 줘, 내 천사.”
What each character/MC said at the end
Yoo-sung Kim “I thought you’re kind, friendly and pretty when we first met. I’ve fallen for you since then. Can we date?”
Zen/Hyun-ryu “I’ve come to like you too too much. Would you be my lady?”
Jae-hee Kang (by MC) “I care for you a lot. Can I be more than just your friend?”
Ju-min Han (by MC) “Jumin, I love you too. Please don’t avoid me anymore.”
707/Seven/Luciel/Sae-young Choi “You should be more careful of me, I’m a dangerous person. I don’t deserve an angel like you. I guess you already know. So, what kind of present do you want? (MC replied) “I know. But it’s still you that I want. I love all of you, do you know?”
V/Ji-hyun Kim “Given a choice between you and I, I will always choose you. You don’t have to understand all my decisions, but please trust that you’re always in my heart - forever.”
Unknown/Saeran Choi “Wait for me. My angel.”
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