#the whole thing took about 8 hours btw and it's almost two minutes long
what if I just put this here. Like what would you do if you knew there was Something Coming and you had just enough context to know what it's about but not enough to know what it is. like what would you do then
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2-player-game · 4 years
Haikyuu x reader new years HC
• "What if they think I'm a monster?" The redhead mumbled to himself, pacing back and forth.
• He was currently alone in his house, trying to work up the courage to ask you out at the Shiratorizawa new years party. All he had to do was head down to the dorm lobby and he'd be there, so he couldn't be late.
• He just didn't want to make a fool of himself if you were to reject him.
• His hands are very sweaty and he fidgets with the bandages around his fingers which he had forgotten to take off from yesterday's practice match.
• He runs a hand through his hair, god why was he so nervous? You were just some person, why did was he overthinking this so much?
• He's snapped out of his thoughts by a knock on the door. He opens his eyes wide, slowly walking over to open the door. He stops in his tracks.
• It was you.
• Why were you here?
• "Hey y/n! Why aren't you at the party?" He asked, tilting his head, he stepped outside so the two of you could talk in the hall.
• "I just hadn't seen you around the party and thought I'd check on you" you spoke, looking up at him. You would have assumed he would have loved the atmosphere. Maybe you didn't know your crush all too well..
• "Oh!! Yeah I was just about to leave. Let's go y/n!!" He said, grabbing a hold of your hand and dragging you back to the party.
• You giggled as he dragged you back to where you once were with such excitement. He was so fun and happy. You wanted to spend every year of your life with him.
• This precious boy is nervous
• He's shaking and he's so jumpy
• You two are at a new years party with Shiratorizawa, you two were hanging out as friends.
• Little did you know the wannabe ace had feelings for you, and at the moment Tendo was hyping him up so he could kiss you at the stroke of midnight.
• Grabbing yourself a drink and sitting down, you look down at your phone and smile as everyone has fun, you looked around, yet couldn't find Goshiki.
• A sigh escaped your lips, your hand running through your hair as you looked around.
• Looking down at the clock you glance at the time
• The clock read 11:56pm, four minutes until the new year. God, would some stranger try to kiss you? Ugh, sounds awful.
• You look up to see a very stiff Goshiki, a pink tint on his face as he slowly sits down next to you.
• A smile greets your face. "Hey Tomu, where have you been?" You asked
• He jumped from hearing your voice, "I uh, I was talking to Satori-san!" He explained, which wasn't wrong but he may not have given you every detail.
• You chuckled, looking over at him, "okay, just don't leave me for such a long time, I got so bored without you!" You said extending your arm over the couch.
• "Yeah, I won't do it again, I promise" he said, you noted how stiff and uncomfortable he looked.
• Roughly 3 minutes passed and you noticed it was 30 seconds until midnight, wow time really does fly by.
• You look at Goshiki, he's twiddling with his thumbs, and he keeps glancing at you.
• You hear people start to count down, mostly Tendo shouting just to keep things entertaining
• 10!
• 9!
• 8!
• 7!
• 6!
• 5!
• 4!
• 3!
• 2!
• You feel lips crash against yours, your eyes widen looking to see who had just kissed you. And.. it was Goshiki.
• You were speechless. You had never considered dating him, but, he was always so sweet to you, and he hadn't done anything wrong. Plus he was pretty cute. You smile into the kiss, playing with his hair. You could hear Tendo snickering from across the room.
• Today was the day
• It was the perfect opportunity to ask out the head of Shiratorizawas volleyball team
• That's right, Ushijima Wakatoshi, the man of your dreams
• Sure he wasn't normally your type, but there was something about him that made him special. There was something to him that made him seem special. He was so.. cool? You never knew how to describe him.
• The Shiratorizawa dormitory was hosting a new years party in the lobby, you put on one of your best outfits, you felt confident in your charisma to speak to your crush, which the male lacked.
• Glancing at the time, you read the clock.
• Shit
• 11:58 the clock read
• Oh shit, you spent so much time getting ready, you had completely lost track of time.
• You rushed outside of your dorm, you were so stupid!!
• As you rushed out to the party, you felt a sudden thud as you collided into a large mass.
• You fell to the ground, looking up you saw him, Ushijima. He stared down at you, an almost unapologetic look on his face.
• "Oh. Are you alright?" He asked, extending a hand, which you eagerly took, he hoisted you up back to your feet.
• "I.. yeah I'm fine, why aren't you downstairs with everyone else?" You asked, looking up at the tall man, you were confused as to why he could possibly be here.
• He was about to answer before you remembered your purpose, "nevermind, what time is it?" You asked.
• "It's 10 seconds until midnight, what is the significance of wanting to know the time so late at night?" He asked.
• "Okay listen Ushiwaka, I need to tell you something. I really really like you, and I'd like to start the new year with you" you spoke, looking up at him. You were embarrassed, but proud of yourself.
• You watched him kneel down to your height, placing a kiss on your lips, he pulled away slowly, but made sure it wasn't too long.
• Homeboy is stressed
• Currently Noya is trying to hype him up outside of the gym, since that was where Kurasuno's volleyball team wanted to have a party, and though it wasn't actually going to be a real party at midnight since most had to spend time with their family, they would still have a fun time during daylight.
• He definitely dressed way too formal for this, it was supposed to be casual but he showed up in a fancy suit, his hair all fancy, trimming his beard.
• He was ready to ask you out physically, but no where close mentally.
• Meanwhile you were inside the gym speaking to Yachi and Kiyoko, chatting about your new years resolutions and what you had planned for family. You guys agreed to all spend some time after the party and go out and have some extra fun.
•  Soon, everyone had arrived, music was playing loudly around the gym, cheap colorful lights for decoration, Takeda and Ukai actually weren't there, they were getting drunk together somewhere in town.
• The time was roughly 4:30, a pretty good time for teenagers to enjoy themselves at a party. Asahi was standing in the corner, Sugawara was helping him this time.
• You glanced at the two, Asahi was looking more.. intriguing today, he looked nice, but nervous, was he planning on asking someone out?
• You pondered this though, glancing over at the two, Asahi had a bright blush on his face, and Suga seemed confident in what he was saying.
• Asahi was soon pushed out back into somewhere close to the center, Suga laughed as he watched the male walk timidly in your direction.
• You tilt your head in confusion, but before you had time to process what he could ever possibly be doing, he was already right in front of you.
• "Y/n, I need to speak with you in private.. is that alright with you?" He asked, you nodded, allowing him to take you to a more secluded area of the gym.
• "I..I really like you y/n! I'd like to spend my life with you! If.. that's okay of course." He spoke.
• You chuckled. Kissing this tip of his nose, "Asahi, you're really sweet, ya know that?" Accepting his confession.
• You swore his face was red for a whole week
• Oh boy he's cocky.
• Not cocky in a way that he was bragging, but he was definitely confident in his charismatic ability to woo you.
• At least that's what he said to Daichi
• Don't get him wrong, he wasn't scared like Asahi
• Confidently walking into the Kurasuno Gym where a party was being hosted for the team, he noticed you were off more to the side.
• As Suga entered, you were thinking about how you would ask him out.
• A face dusted in pink once you both msre eye contact, Asahi had dragged the grey haired male off to the corner as he spoke about his crush, giving him some advice he pushed the taller male towards his crush.
• He laughed as he watched Asahi stumble towards his crush, he went off to do his own job.
• Walking up to you, he extended a hand towards you, "care to dance?" He asked, as a very spunky song started to play.
• The two of you danced around, laughing together, people watch, and though no one joined in, no one seemed to laugh or make fun if you.
• After the song was coming to an end, the male leaned in close, mumbling a quiet, "can I kiss you?" You nodded, your lips colliding into a passionate yet caring kiss.
• Oh my god
• Can I just say
• This woman is the definition of gorgeous
• Btw in this story you're a girl because I think the only man Kiyoko could get with is Tanaka and otherwise she loves women.
• I love her so much
• And so do you, she is the light of your life. She's so pretty, and kind. She inspires you to do things you'd never do.
• The two of you were leaving the Kurasuno party to go to the sauna for an hour, though Yachi had to cancel because her mother was finally home for the day, the two of you decided to enjoy yourselves and have some girl time alone together.
• Once arriving at the sauna, you two rented out a personal bath, undressing yourselves you two got into the warm water.
• A sigh of relief escaped Kiyokos lips, she was definitely stressed due to having to deal with a whole team of volleyball players.
• You noticed her legs were pulled up to her chest. "Your legs, they're covered in scars. I heard you used to do track and field but I didn't think they'd leave that big of a mark." You said.
• The females ears perked up as you spoke. "Oh, yeah. I fall quite often, I used to be so clumsy back then." She giggled, tucking some stray hair back from behind her ear.
• "Well, whether you like them or not I think they're beautiful. Scars make people unique." You said with a smile.
• Kiyoko smiled, looking over at you. "Thank you, y/n. Your way with words really amazes me." She said, turning to face you.
• Time passed, the two of you spoke, laughing and enjoying yourselves. Once you two were about to leave, Kiyoko stops you.
• "Before we depart, we should definitely hang out together a lot more. I like spending time with you alone."
• Oh boy
• This man
• this stupid lanky man, doesn't even realize he has a crush on you.
• Yaku literally had to spell it out for him and he still didn't understand
• "Wait.. I'm in love with y/n? That isn't possible, I mean sure I get really happy when I see them, and they're really fun to be around! But I don't like them like that."
• Yaku had to go through so much to get it through his thick skull, "that idiot, those two of you are so dumb neither would even notice." He mumbled.
• Now as Yaku mentioned earlier, the two of you are actual idiots, two dumbasses who keep eachother somewhat out of trouble.
• Kuroo was hosting a party at his house for the team, and being their manager you were invited as well.
• Knocking on the door, you were one of the last to show up to the party, as Kuroo opened the door, you walked inside and saw him.
• "Lev!!!!" You shouted excitedly, jumping into his arms, wrapping the Russian in a hug as if you didn't see him yesterday.
• "Y/n!!!" The male cheered, picking you up and whirling you around. He was happy to see you, barely even thinking about what Yaku had said about the two of you both having mutual feeling which neither of you even knew about.
• The Nekoma party was going well, Kuroo was chatting with most of the team, Kenma was sitting in Kuroos room avoiding people, Yaku kept to himself, sometimes glaring at lev when he was being an idiot.
• The sun had set long ago, and the team was preparing to count ten seconds to midnight.
• As the countdown began, you and Lev shouted and cheered the numbers in unison, but just as soon as everyone was about to shout "1" you felt a small palm grip the back of your head and push your lips into the silver haired males.
• Pulling away with a laugh, you noticed that Yaku had a grip on both of your heads, the shorter male had forced the two of you into a kiss, which unsurprisingly both of you enjoyed.
• "That was fun y/n! Let's do it again!" He cheered, a large smile on his face.
• Similar to Asahi, my homeboy is nervous
• He struggled to show it, but he does love you, he just doesn't know what to do about the growing sickness in his stomach when he sees you.
• Luckily he got some help from the internet, telling how to flirt with his crush.
• Though date tech wasn't hosting a party or anything, you had invited him over to your house to hang out for new years. Since your parents were out of town, you two had the night to yourselves.
• You heard a knock on your door, upon opening it you looked up to see the tall male which you had invited.
• "Oh! Hey Takanobu, come inside. You arrived later than I had expected, I didn't think you'd even show up!" You laughed, walking him up to your room so the two of you could relax.
• "I'm sorry, should I have.. shown up sooner?" He asked, and before he could let you answer he remembered he had brought you something. "I brought you flowers, is that okay? I heard most people enjoy them on occasions like this." He spoke in such a soft tone, needing reassurance for his actions. He was stiff, standing awkwardly at the door of your bedroom.
• You smiled, reassuring him that you were very thankful. You gestured him to sit on your bed with you, you hoped he'd make himself comfortable in your home.
• As he sat down, you smiled. The two of you spoke for hours, never once was it awkward for either of you. I guess that's why Aone loved you, you were so easy to talk to, and you could always hold a conversation with him.
• As time went on, neither of you seemed to realize just how late it was, you had spoken for so long that you lost track of time.
• In a small break of silence, the larger male spoke up.
• "Y/n, I've.. known you for quite some time and though I may be scary, and you might hate me, I wanted to say that I like you a lot. I'd like to see you as more than a friend." He spoke, a furiously red blush coating his cheeks as he sputtered out the words that came to his mind.
• You giggle, looking up at him you kiss him on the cheek, "I could never be afraid of you, Aone, you're one of the sweetest people I know. I like you too." You spoke with a smile, looking down you checked the time.
• "That kiss was right on time I guess. It's exactly midnight!"
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peaxhcringe · 4 years
hi hi !! can you do 7 and 18 for angst and 8 for fluff + kei tsukishima ?? congrats on your 200 followers btw bb 🥰🥰
Thank you bb! I really hope you like this and I’m sorry for the long wait. I lost a bit of motivation halfway through writing this and once I had it done Tumblr deleted it so I ended up having to re-do this. I’m not sure I like how this one turned out, but I really hope you like it (if not feel free to request again), and thank you for requesting.
P.S It’s 6am here, and I am very tired so I apologize if there are any misspellings or anything that doesn't make much sense. 
Warnings: arguments, self-doubt 
Word Count: 1.3k
Prompts used: 7 and 18 for angst and 8 for fluff 
This is for my 200 followers prompt list event which is currently still open if you’d like to request 
You have no idea how this started, how you now stood at the door of your own house with tears rolling down your cheeks as your boyfriend stood in front of you, his eyes dark with anger. Your hands were at your side, balled into a fist as you stared at him, anger boiling. 
“Say something! Please, just say anything!” You begged, your throat raw from the hours of screaming at your silent boyfriend 
Tsukishima looked down at you, his usual blank expression on his face as your glassy eyes stared up at him. His arms were crossed as his headphones rested against his shoulders and an almost annoyed look on his face. You weren’t sure what was pissing you off more, how calm he looked or how fucking annoyed he seemed at you, but either way you wanted to slap that look off his face.
 Your hands found their way into your hair as you let out a loud groan, your body turning towards the door. Your hands dropped to your side as you started walking towards the door, your footsteps echoing in the empty house.  
“Wait, don’t leave me” Tsukishima’s voice was low, almost a whisper as your body turned to face the large apartment door in front of you 
Your eyes slowly closed as his words hit your ears, after the hour of you standing in the foyer yelling at him he finally opened his mouth and spoke. Tsukishima’s eyes stared at your back, a hand now reaching out for you as you stood there silently. Your eyes stared at the silver door handle, watching as the light above you glistened in the shiny metal. The room fell quiet, a broken sigh leaving Tsukishima’s mouth as his heart began to race. 
When this night started Tsukishima thought it would be the typical night where he’d say something offensive and you’d jokingly get mad, but this time everything felt different to him. The argument was the same as it always was, you tell him that he needs to be more careful at what he says and him just nodding before putting on his shitty headphones and drowning out your voice, but tonight you had enough. It wasn’t even something he had said, or hell his usual uninterested actions that you’d gotten rather used to, but instead, it was something you heard in the hallways that set you off. 
You raced through the hallway, the soft clicking of your shoes against the tile flooring echoing through the halls as you sped towards your class. This particular morning your alarm had decided to not go off, now leaving you almost 30 minutes late to your homeroom. Your books were held tightly to your chest as you curved around corners and took two steps at a time up the staircase, the rough hardback of the books digging into your arm. You were almost to the door of your classroom when you had heard two girls say your name, making you stop in your tracks. Your eyes scanned the hallways to see no one there, an eyebrow-raising as you accidentally picked up on the conversation of the two unknown girls. 
“Y/n? Yeah, what about them?” 
“You know their dating that tall boy right? Tsukishima I think is his name” 
“Well with the way he acts with them they might as well not be” 
“What do you mean?” 
“What? He acts like they doesn’t exist half the time, hell I bet the entire relationship is just one-sided” 
You stood silent in the hall as you continued on eavesdropping. You knew you should just ignore them and head to class before you were even later, but your body wouldn’t move. 
The rest of the day the girl’s conversation had been stuck in your head, maybe they were right, this entire relationship only relied on you. Which leads you to where you are now, you had decided to test out their theory, ignoring Tsukishima for the whole day, making sure to not initiate any conversation with him...this was the worst thing you could’ve done. By the end of the day, Tsukishima hadn’t talked to you once unless it was to ask you to move out of the way or hand him a pencil. You knew with every rumor there is a hint of truth, but now you thought the entire rumor itself might not even be a rumor at all. It wasn’t until you had decided to head over to Tsukshima’s place for your usual study night when everything seemed to hit you all at once. 
You’d only been dating Tsukishima for 2 years now. You’d met after you had become the team manager alongside Yachi in your first year. It took quite a while to get on the blonde's good side or even to get him to just acknowledge your existence. After befriending Yamaguchi, Tsukishima was almost forced to befriend you as well, as you had begun to hang out with both of them a lot more. As the months went on you learned through the rest of the team, Noya, and Tanaka, that the tall blonde had a crush on you. How he’d confessed that to the team? You had no clue, but he had probably only told Yamaguchi and it spread from there. It took almost a year before you both had confessed to each other, and ever since you thought that you both were doing great...but you were proven wrong.
“P-Please don’t walk out of that door” 
His words made your body freeze as your hand was lifting towards the doorknob, your mind turning blank at how desperate he sounded. For the years you’ve known the tall blonde he’s never once sounded desperate. Your hand slowly dropped down next to you, your head lifting as a soft sniffle met your ears. Your eyebrows raised at the sound, your head slowly looking over your shoulder to see the once composed man with silent tears rolling down his face, his glasses slightly fogged as he stared at you. 
Inside you knew Tsukshima felt embarrassed, he’d never or at least rarely cry in front of another person, the feeling of vulnerability was something he wasn’t very fond of. He never liked really showing his true emotions in front of others, even though you were close to him you’d rarely see him cry or even show a lot of affection towards you.  
As your eyes took in the sight in front of you your heart shattered, here was once the almost emotionless blonde-haired boy who was now in tears and almost shaking at the thought of your walking out of that door. Both of his hands were still down by his side, his body almost frozen as he watched you slowly turn around. You knew you shouldn’t give in so easily or even go to him, but your body moved before your mind caught up. 
Within a blink of an eye, you stood in front of Tsukishima, the palm of your hand resting softly against his wet cheek as he looked at you, his dark eyes glassy. Tears once again began to well in your eyes as his two large arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer to him, his chest shaking as a few sniffles reached your ear. As you moved to open your mouth his voice filled your ears 
“Y/n” He began, his hands gripping the fabric of your shirt tightly “D-Don’t leave, I need you” 
His voice broke as his eyes closed, allowing a few more tears to run down his soft cheeks. A frown covered your face as you watched Tsukishima’s strong resolve break as he began to cry in your arms.  
“Kei” You spoke softly, your other hand resting softly against his chest and over his heart “I’m not leaving, I promise” 
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craftypeaceturtle · 3 years
Distanced, part 1
Summary: A group chat fic! How shall these useless students cope with daily life.
Note: This is my first attempt at anything even remotely like this! I have no idea how this will turn out so feedback is greatly appreciated! Intrulogical. 
Next part here!!
MESSAGES: To Remus Prince (Presentation)
Tuesday, 16:15
Hello. This is Logan Sanders from Prof. Smith’s seminar. Do you have any suggestions for how we should go about completing the upcoming assessment?
Remus Prince: who dis
I literally just stated it. Logan Sanders.
I wear the tie.
Remus Prince: OHHH
Remus Prince: Well 1stly
Remus Prince: What’s the best planet in the solar system?
Remus Prince: i LitERaLlY JuSt stAtED iT
That has nothing to do with anything, we just need to get through this project.
Remus Prince: if u want to work then u have to answer
Remus Prince: cool.
Remus Prince: You’ll do.
Remus Prince: My name is Remus.
I know. We did actually swap phone numbers. We in fact discussed which topic we would be doing for over fifteen minutes in the seminar. So we have indeed met. If you continue to be obnoxious then this will be a easier project. 
MESSAGES: To Remus Sanders (Presentation)
Tuesday, 16:22
Why did you ask that question?
 Remus Prince: I asked my brother that question and he answered earth
Remus Prince: I’ve had trust issues ever since
Roman’s favourite planet is Earth? 
 Remus Prince: HAH
Remus Prince: ye he’s an idiot
Remus Prince: I’ve gotta test everyone now.
Remus Prince: You passed btw
Remus Prince: WAIT!
Remus Prince: Do u know Ro?
Yes, he is my friend and roommate. 
Remus Prince: What was ur name again????????
You can literally scroll up and reread it. I refuse. You got into university for a reason and so you can manage my name.
Remus Prince: jk
Okay then. Do you want to discuss how we should go about creating this powerpoint?
Remus Prince: what’s there to ‘discuss’?
We can separately conduct our research however it is regrettably better to meet up in person to practise not only giving the presentation but also the construction of the presentation itself.
Remus Prince: man you just love sending essays huh
I have written out longer messages. I don’t understand the point of sending a sentence at a time and risk getting interrupted. Plus at least my texting doesn’t seem all like an assault of constant notifications. 
Remus Prince: fair
Shall we say that we should aim to get our presentation research finished by two weeks (15th). That leaves us another two weeks to construct the powerpoint, gather more research if necessary, then practise presenting. 
Remus Prince: k
GROUPCHAT: Goths, Emos, and Remus
Tuesday, 16:26
Octopussy: can I vent for a sec
Octopussy: So! I’m just sitting here. Y’know. Vibing. 
Octopussy: Then out of nowhere the nerd from my class starts messaging me about the group project that’s due a month away
Octopussy: like wtf
Octopussy: nice to know the nerd thing isn’t just appearance
Vigilant: help
Octopussy: he made a big deal about meeting up as well to do this!
Octopussy: No one in the class even cares!
Octopussy: No one is even remotely
Octopussy: Not even close
Octopussy: To thinking about that project right now!
Octopussy: We’ve got ages!
Vigilant: oh sweet jesus
Octopussy: Like! We’ve got a month!
Octopussy: Like he also wants to meet up as well to practise
Octopus: Like ew.
Top-Hat-Gay: Are you done?
Octopussy: ye
Octopussy: he’s a dick
Vigilant: oh thank god
Top-Hat-Gay: Ha, as if you believe in god.
Vigilant: If it stops Re from not spamming us then I’ll believe whatever. 
Octopussy: rude
Vigilant: bitch
Top-Hat-Gay: On an actually important note, which one of you last used my nail bag?
Octopussy: me!
Octopussy: you need more green 
Top-Hat-Gay: No I fucking don’t!
Top-Hat-Gay: There was an entirely new bottle in there!
Octopussy: I said what I said.
Top-Hat-Gay: I hate you. 
Octopussy: Thank bby
Octopussy: ALSO!
Octopussy: I found out the nerd also lives with Ro.
Top-Hat-Gay: So?
Vigilant: hE’S FORBIDDEN
Top-Hat-Gay: Wait so the nerd is Logan?
Octopussy: He is!
Octopussy: not that it seems to be having any effect on Ro. he’s as dense as a brick.
Top-Hat-Gay: I saw him today going into Remy’s. 
Vigilant: Why are we even talking about him
Vigilant: Like who gives a shit.
Octopussy: dunno
Octopussy: just thought it was weird
Top-Hat-Gay: Maybe you should switch partners. Especially if he wants to meet up at some point.
Octopussy: nah
Octopussy: not worth it
Top-Hat-Gay: A teacher wouldn’t care. They only want to see good grades. They won’t mind moving stuff around for you.
Octopussy: He seems harmless. 
Vigilant: you literally called him a dick after one conversation.
Octopussy: he is a dick
Octopussy: he seems stuffy but just a nerd through and through. He’s not going to be a prick or anything.
Vigilant: This isn’t really about him. He already got you talking about you know who in your first ever conversation. Maybe you shouldn’t hang around him.
Octopussy: I just thought it was interesting
Octopussy: It doesn’t mean jack shit
Octopussy: Not everything I talk about has some grand meaning.
Octopussy: I just thought it was weird that this nerd I share my classes with also lives with my bro. 
Top-Hat-Gay: And that’s perfectly fine Re.
Octopussy: soz V
Octopussy: didn’t mean to blow up in your face
Octopussy: just annoying to feel psycho-analysed 
Vigilant: soz
Octopussy: okay! 
Octopussy: that’s proof enough!
Octopussy: we can behave to each other so ice cream plz!!!!!!!!!!!
Octopussy: I will eat V’s posters unless you give us reward good boy icecream
Vigilant: chocolate pls
Top-Hat-Gay: jesus do you lot know how long it takes for me to put on my cape to go shopping
Vigilant: yes
Vigilant: we are precisely aware of exactly how long it takes
Vigilant: that’s why we don’t go shopping with you
Tuesday, 16:38
Pat-on-the-back: Heya guys, are we all in for dinner tonight?
Logan.S: I am.
YourHopesandDreams: I will be in at 7. If you could be so compassionate to push your meal back until then, I would be truly indebted to you.
Pat-on-the-back:  Fine by me!
Logan.S: I am agreeable.
Pat-on-the-back: Also Lo! Are you finished with your work?
Logan.S: I have finished my to-do list so I am available if I’m needed. 
Pat-on-the-back: No, you’re all good! I just wanted to check. It sounded like you were doing work for like four hours straight.
Logan.S: It took three hours thank you very much. 
Logan.S: So what are we doing for dinner?
Pat-on-the-back: I was thinking lasagne! 
Pat-on-the-back: also! Don’t think I’ll notice that change in topic!
Pat-on-the-back: I thought we all agreed on two hour stretches of work with a 15 min break at least. I mean... it’s even written on our calendar! There’s no way you forgot, did you Mister! 
Logan.S: It’s fine Pat.
Logan.S: Just let it go
Logan.S: I needed to get it done
Logan.S: I don’t need to be babied. 
Logan.S: I’m taking a break now. I’m okay.
Pat-on-the-back: I know, I’m sorry. I just want to make sure. As long as you feel okay then everything’s alright! How was your work anyway?
Logan.S: Fairly ordinary actually. I had to go through some of my notes and rewrite a couple of pages then I had to organise a group project due the 2nd of March. 
Pat-on-the-back: Sounds productive!
Logan.S: Thank you.
YourHopesandDreams: Ew. Group project. Who’s your partner?
Logan.S: We are in entirely different courses, why do you think you would know them?
YourHopesandDreams: Everyone knows the drama students know everyone. 
Logan.S: I’m working with Remus.
YourHopesandDreams: You should ask to swap partners. 
Logan.S: I won’t do so unless I have a genuine reason. I’ve not had any interactions with him previously and while he did seem half-hearted and obnoxious in his messages, he seems harmless. If he messes everything around then I will but I won’t make a fuss unless I have reason to.
Pat-on-the-back: That’s fair but please make sure to tell us if he pulls anything.
YourHopesandDreams: Your loss. 
Wednesday, 3:02
hey u awake
Nerd: What on earth are you doing up at 3am? 
Wrong number.
Wednesday, 3:12
Nerd: What is your favourite planet?
Nerd: I figured it would be fair to ask your test to you. For all I know you could be as uncultured as your brother.
can we not talk about him
I dunno really
I wanna say pluto because they deserve it
but I kinda like saturn best.
Nerd: Any reason why?
Just kinda interesting
Big, lots a moons, ring. 
It’s just a cool planet. 
Nerd: Fair enough.
Do you have a reason to like jupiter?
Nerd: If I’m being honest, my science teacher absolutely adored Jupiter. I don’t know why but that memory of him ranting about how cool it was just really stuck with me. I was only about 8 years old. But I found myself agreeing with him. Back then my fascination was a lot more childish. I thought it was fascinating that since Jupiter was a gas planet it hadn’t been blown away yet. I grew up from that view but the interest never left.
ew that was almost cute.
Nerd: I concur that was very unprofessional.
Why hasn’t Jupiter blown away!?!?!?!?!??
Nerd: Excuse me?
Nerd: There’s no atmosphere in space!
But there’s pressure and junk isn’t there? 
Nerd: The pressure is pulling the mass into the centre which keeps the planet whole.
Do you think we could step on Jupiter?
Nerd: I don’t know.
I thought you knew space!
Nerd: I do biology! To get into a biology degree, I did a bunch of biology based subjects! Why would I know anything about space?
I dunno.
I guess if you look like a nerd people just presume.
Nerd: I’ve personally found it’s the confidence. If you act confident enough then everyone presumes you know exactly what you’re doing and you’re in control, no matter how out of place you look. 
I’ll drink to that!
Wait, in what situation would you have learnt this!?!
Nerd: I have a bad habit of accidentally going to the wrong class and just going along with it rather than anything else. Although I should say I did fantastic in that architectural history class. But this habit has caused some awkward situations. I have also impersonated a store manager to explain why me and my friend were there when really he ran into the warehouse searching for a kitten. 
That’s brilliant
Using your nerdy powers to overthrow society.
Does this mean you’re a liar?
Nerd: I call it ‘managing life’. 
Sounds about right.
Why are you awake at this time?
Nerd: I could ask you that.
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al3x1ss · 4 years
Bring them to your home for the holidays {HCs}
Includes: Oikawa, Akaashi, Noya, Terushima, Kiyoko
Author’s note: In my family, thanksgiving means the Christmas stuff is put up after breakfast, so I got this idea ab the holidays and I got v happy. Enjoy!
Warnings: None, fluffy holidays for y’all!
okay mans HATES the cold confirmed
like snow comes he’ll probably hiss
(Not me seeing a few feet of snow with my sisters and going “wow look at all that cocaine”)
so y’all met when both of you happened to be in Brazil and he thought you were cute
long story short you had a few dinner dates, even hung out with Hinata!!
you guys hit it off very well :)
so you guys have been together for about 2 years and you’re like ya know what
“Come to my house for the holidays :)”
not only is this man a simp but he loves the warmth so ofc he says yes!!
so while you’ve lived here all your life, only really moving out of Tampa to Miami, you did have to take this tourist him to a basic spot
but you did want to take him to some of your favorite places
after him seeing your family again, you took him to one of your favorite carnivals!
then classic gotta go to the beach I mean
why not go to the ocean!!
issue with December weather in Florida is it changes every second so today was a bit C H I L L E D
(You did have to force him to eat something other than rice tho)
Picky eater kawa confirmed
what better way to spend December 25th than Disney
I mean
Mans whole went “wow 😍” when you told him
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you were an exchange student during her whole high school career, turning into best friends and deciding to go to college together
college came along, and with the help of a few friends, parties, and a little too much twister, you realized
you were actually lesbian.
which you know what, we support!
it’s not like you’ve never liked a boy, it just happened to be that women were more your type
oh yeah another thing
Kiyoko is the prettiest thing in your eyes.
so what you DONT know is that Kiyoko has realized she actually feels the same
during your third year in college, she had broken up with her boyfriend of a year, Tanaka, but never told you why
i wONdEr whY
But, after living in Japan for 7 years, Christmas time is rolling around once again
And you are going home for the holidays!
usually you would go home during summer break, but this time you really wanted to spend Christmas since your older brother had your niece!
and since Kiyo didn’t have any plans you were like
“hey, do you want to come home with me?”
home girl choked on her water 😳
“Yeah! I’m going back to New Orleans for the holidays.”
cue brain calming down and like sLIGHT disappointment
it’s you
and she loves you.
so you guys did presents and stuff
your niece LOVES Kiyoko btw
your dad was like “👀”
been knew you were 💅AND HE SUPPORTS
so around 4 you’re like let’s go do something!!
and she says okay!!
so one movie Kiyoko really loved was “Princess and the Frog”
Funny enough there’s actually a bakery you’ve gone too growing up
so you get New Orleans’ best beignets!
Ahh, fun times
next, you’ll always hear some type of caroling anywhere you are in the city
which means?
you see random groups of people smiling around 7pm, the sun already down
and you’re thinking to yourself
I want to ask her to dance.
and you do :)
Finally at around 10pm you take her to this one street where each place has a bunch of Christmas wonderlands lit up
hile it doesn’t really snow in New Orleans, people used fake snow!!
gotta get that spirit somehow 😗
when I say Kiyoko is a goddess I mean it
the lights bouncing off her face while she’s smiling?
*chefs kiss*
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ah yes the city that everyone thinks is a state
Chicago!! ✨
Terushima HAS visited Illinois before
However, surprisingly has never been to Chicago
So you were like
I’m born here!! 🥰
Come come!!🥺
And he said
Si si!! 🤪
so y’all flew out on the 20th
while your parents don’t live here, some old friends do
and why not have them meet your amazing boyfriend!
literally all of them were shocked I mean
(Y/N) likes a boy with a tongue piercing?
the amount of BONKERS
but yes you love him very much
and he loves you!!
honestly your friends already fell in love with you two being in love it’s canon
afterwards you guys went too ZooLights
you threw one at his face
Not y’all fighting like little kids-
n e wayz
best way to end the 24th?
ice skating-
It’s actually buying late presents because you two actually forgot to get some people presents and Christmas is literally in like 4 hours!!
It was mega fun tho
surprisingly y’all didn’t get kicked out
you almost did when Terushima thought it would be a good idea to ride a skateboard into the electronics section at target 🤡
but we will ignore that for tonight ❤️
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this one will be the longest one with the most detail for certain reasons! also, for akaashi’s you do have a given birthday because Dec 30th is actually my birthday and I wanted to sprinkle in some of that ❤️
best for last :)
So you got to be in an exchange program during college
and that’s when you met akaashi since you guys were in the same classes!
he also showed you around and was very sweet
so you offered to get him coffee
and after a while he confessed by giving you a copy of a book you both really loved
you semester was ending
which means home for the holidays
luckily, you guys would only have one more semester away from eachother before you guys graduated
but you did want to spend the holidays together
so you offered for him to come to New York with you
boy got excited so fast my heart-
But like Christmas in New York with your loving boyfriend of 4 years?
Sign me up
So you know that during winter it’s a hit or miss with snow
is it still freezing cold?
But can we guarantee 3 feet of snow every December?
But we can guarantee it in like March JEJHRTJ
one thing you told him immediately was that you guys will be watching the ball drop from the roof
“Because I don’t want to get mugged, shoved, or vomit on my shoes, Keiji.”
Yes ma’am indeed
so you guys had a pretty (quiet?) Christmas
your family?
Regarding to going places
You guys chilled all day in pajamas
Like the most y’all did was go to dunkin for hot chocolate
but the days leading to New Years?
Classic tree photo yes ma’am
bro side note their kabobs in that one corner
best thing I’ve ever had I stg
I haven’t been to the city since last Christmas wow now I miss it
you wanted to show Keiji so many things
You were used to walking like 10 blocks in any shoes as fast as you can
Akaashi was not 😂
So y’all had to take breaks sometimes
get him warmed and fed ya know
give the man smoochies 🥺
id be giving him smoochies 24/7 if I could
so you better for me 😠
His favorite place was the big Macy’s no lie
the perfumes and cologne section on the 2nd floor looked SO WELL PUT TOGETHER
okay nvm scratch that
FAO Schwartz was his favorite place
he loved the trains
you bought him a train as a late present SHH NO ONE SAY NOTHIN
So the 29th you decided to take him to where you were born
it was super fun showing him where you lived before you went to college
and before your siblings moved to different parts of the city
It was lovely
But the final thing you wanted to do was December 30th
your birthday :)
and one thing you absolutely love to do is ice skating
now usually you go ice skating at the public rink like a few minutes away from Rockefeller rink
not only was it cheaper, but there was a Panera like 2 blocks away so quick food!
you also wanted to give Keiji the experience
so you sucked it up and paid
you guys went at around 8 and had a blast
one of the best birthdays with him honestly
but, you realized people were starting to exit the rink at around 10
“Doesn’t the rink close at midnight?”
“Huh, weird.”
but Keiji kind of starts looking around while you realize you two are the only ones on the ice
So you’re like
I guess we have to get off 😔
But this sly fox
Pulls you to the center of the rink
Now, you were never one for the cliché act
Especially since so many proposals have happened on this rink that you’ve seen
But when you saw Keiji get to one knee
It didn’t even matter that this happened to so many other people
It was happening to you.
I guess you can just suck it up, cuz at least you have a ring on your finger :)
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- Lex 🖤🤍
End note: Let me know if you guys would like a part 2! Also if you have any ideas for a certain character or place, put it in asks!
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 40
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- you can send me questions and theories and comments. tbh they all make me SO SO SO SOOOO HAPPY! and make me want to write more! you can also tell me if there are things you WANT to happen. you never know, i may add it :P
- note for this chapter: sorry? it had to happen. its not that bad yea?
btw, i forgot to add a request that i filled last chapter so i just added the screenshot to the last chapter. so to whoever requested them to look at old pictures together, obviously it was in chapter 39 and it was for you :)
oh and no request for this chapter, probably next one! :(
Chapter 40 : His chapter
I was surprised to see her already awake when my alarm rang in the morning but I understood exactly why when I finally sat in bed after everything was ready. She was shaking one of her legs, looking nervously around the room and although I felt a bit bad for her, the whole scene was a bit funny too.
"Darling, come here."
Her eyes finally met mine and I sent her a smile, raising my eyebrows to incite her to get closer. She finally took the few steps that separated us and I pulled her between my legs, slipping my hands in the back pockets of her jeans as she looked down at me. She stared in my eyes and sighed and my gaze dropped to her lips when she licked them.
"A penny for your thoughts?" I asked in a low tone, tilting my chin up to look at her better.
"You've got all the money in the world, you could at least offer me a bit more I mean, a penny?"
Her lips curled and it made me laugh as I pulled her closer. Her hands slipped in my hair  and I let out a low sigh.
"I know it's not easy, and i'm gonna miss you every second of every minute of every hour of every day." I let out, making her roll her eyes with a small smile. "But hey, we'll facetime every night and i'll text you and send you pictures... okay?"
Slowly, she nodded and tilted her head as her hair fell around our faces, hiding us from the world. I was torn between being excited and happy for the trip or sad and nervous about leaving her behind and somehow, all these emotions made a weird mix, forming a lump in my throat.
"Do you promise..." she started so low I barely heard, letting her fingers brush down my cheek, jaw and neck before grabbing the collar of my shirt. "...to be faithful to me?"
I hadn't expected the question and I moved my upper body back a bit to see her better as my eyebrows raised. I could hear my heartbeats accelerate but I wasn't sure why. Was I hurt by her question, or did it make me mad that she could think that of me?
"I.. hate this question, but i'm gonna answer anyway." Her eyes finally met mine and I could read in them that she felt bad for asking, but that it was stronger than her. I felt my body relax a bit and sighed. "I promise. You're the only one for me, and i'm not going to cheat on you. Physically or emotionally."
Her lips curled more and it made me smile too. I tried to tell myself that she was insecure and that it's why she needed to hear these things a lot, but I couldn't help the feeling of annoyance creeping inside my stomach. i tried to ignore it, if only because I wanted our last moments together to be happy, and shrugged my shoulders slightly.
"Are you coming with me to the airport?"
Her eyes dropped to her hands now both playing with the collar of my shirt and she started nibbling her bottom lip. She looked vulnerable, sad, and slightly embarrassed but the first thing I ended up thinking as i looked at her was how much I loved her.
"I'd rather not." she finally admitted, shrugging a shoulder. "I know i'd be emotional and I don,t want to cry in front of everyone and your fans and paps if they end up being there. And I don't want to drive back home by myself, I know i'll be crying the whole time."
I waited for her eyes to finally meet mine but it didn't happen.
"Hey." I let out gently. "I understand."
Her gaze finally moved up to meet mine and she mouthed a 'thank you'. I had the feeling she was on the verge of tears and I finally got up, keeping my arms around her and bending down to kiss her lips.
"How long do we have left?" she asked in a whisper, her lips brushing against mine.
"Like, 15 minutes." I let out low too, walking slowly her way and forcing her to take a few steps back until her back leaned on the wall. "They're about to pick me up."
"And you've got everything ready?" she asked, tilting her chin up to send me a cheeky smile.
I smirked back and chuckled, bringing both of my hands to the button of her jeans while still staring in her eyes.
"Almost." I joked, bringing my lips back on hers to kiss her deeply as I moved her pants down.
She whimpered low against my lips and squirmed a bit, finally taking her jeans and panties off and pushing them away with one of her feet. I laughed against her mouth as she pulled on my shorts too, leaving them right under my ass and when she took my cock out, I groaned low, my lips leaving hers. I leaned my forehead against hers and stared at her as I grabbed one of her thighs to place it around my waist.
"13 minutes." she joked, making me smile again. "Please do it."
I felt the tip of my dick press against her pussy and I watched her lick her fingers and bring her hand between us. Quickly, she rubbed herself and grabbed my dick, jerking me off slowly with her wet hand and I felt my eyes flutter a bit at her touch. It made me realize I was going to miss this more than I thought I would. The sex was good with her and I always wanted more. Being without her for six weeks wasn't going to be easy. She placed two of her fingers on each side of my cock as I pushed it slowly inside her and it felt so good to be inside her again that I let out a moan, pushing her hard against the wall.
"You feel amazing."
My lips found hers and I kissed her gently, feeling her fingers slip softly in my hair. I groaned low in her mouth and when she mentioned '11 minutes' I chuckled through the kiss. I moved my cock out of her very slowly and pushed it back, feeling her body tense a bit but it only took me a few seconds to speed my thrusts, pressing her more against the wall every time. I leaned my forehead against hers again and watched hr lips part as she started panting lowl.
"I love you so fucking much."
I saw her eyes flutter open at my words and her grip tightened in my hair.
"You mean so much to me." I added just as low. "I love you so much, Olivia."
Her lips found mine again and the kiss was so rough that my thrusts became unsteady. She kept her hands in my hair when our lips parted and I felt myself getting closer and closer to my orgasm.
"I love you too Niall." she whimpered very low. "More than anything and anyone."
I felt myself get dizzy and she started moaning and shaking against me. I fucked her harder to reach my own orgasm and when I did, I felt the fingers of one of my hands curl against the wall behind her while the others sunk in the skin of her thigh that was still around my waist.
I spilled inside her, shutting my eyes tight as her hands slid on my neck and chest, I waited until my heartbeats came back to a normal speed and opened my eyes only to see her smile at me.
"I'm gonna think about this every single night."
My eyes roamed on her face and I smiled fondly at her.
"Me too."
I don't know how long we stared at each other but from seeing her face, I knew that telling her how much I loved her while we were having sex was a good idea. It was not even planned, I just felt it and decided to say it and I never thought the result would be so good. I heard my phone and sighed without moving. It's only when I heard it a second time that I moved away from her. I stared at her half-naked body as I moved my shorts back up and passed my hand in my hair. She quickly put her panties back on and I finally took my shirt off, handing it to her. Her lips curled and she grabbed it, tilting her head as she stared at me.
"I know that's your kind of cheesy." I explained, chuckling a bit. "I hope it doesn't smell too bad."
She brought it to her face and smiled, shaking her head.
"I sort of kept your hoodie from last night, too." she admitted, biting her bottom lip and making me laugh this time.
"It's all yours."
I grabbed my phone and read my text messages before looking up at her. She hadn't moved, she was still leaning against the wall, her head tilted lightly, looking at me, and I smiled more, moving my phone to snap a picture of her. Her eyes got bigger and her lips parted as I put my phone back in my pocket.
"Oh god you didn't take a picture of me did you?"
I laughed again and grabbed my backpack but when I turned around, she was trying to take my phone, probably to delete it.
"Love, stop!" I said with an other chuckle, grabbing her hand gently. "I promise I won't show it to anyone! It's only for me.. for all those nights without you."
Her traits softened and although I knew she didn't like it at all, she nodded slowly. I cupped her face with both my hands and kissed her deeply, ignoring the sound of my phone again.
"Six weeks is barely anything." I whispered against her mouth.
"An eternity without you." she murmured. "I'll miss you."
"Not as much as I'll miss you."
The ride to the airport and the process of getting aboard was long and painful and it's only when the plane took off that I finally seemed to relax. I leaned my head on the bench, feeling suddenly exhausted and closed my eyes for a while. I tried not to think about her and to focus on every place I wanted to see but it was not easy and I grabbed my phone to look at the last picture of her I had taken. Once again, she looked slightly vulnerable and it made me realize that she always turned me on when she looked like that. I ran my thumb on her over the screen of my phone and sighed, closing my eyes again for a few seconds. Did I make the right choice? Maybe I should have postponed that trip after all, right?
I jumped slightly when I received a message and opened the application on my phone only to see a selfie of my girlfriend making a grimace with the caption: 'Don't worry, i'm fine without you!' and it made me laugh. I saw she was typing and waiting until more words appeared, staring at my phone.
'Don't worry. Just have fun. I'll be there when you call. I'll be there when you come back. I love you.'
I smiled more and chuckled again, quickly typing an answer.
'You're perfect, I love you too.'
I quickly took a selfie of me blowing her a kiss and sent it to her. She answered me with a few emojis and I did the same before to switch to Louis' number. At first, I wanted to ask Harry but I realized that maybe I was a bit jealous of the relationship she had with him... or maybe I was scared that if they spent more time together, she'd forget about me and fall back for him. It was ridiculous and deep down, I knew it, but I didn't want to take the chance.
'Hey Tommo, would you and El mind checking on Liv while i'm gone?'
I was surprised to get his answer only a few seconds later and frowned a bit.
'I don't know about El but i'll entertain her, don't worry mate.'
'Is everything okay?'
'Don't worry about it, just enjoy your trip!'
I shrugged and sighed, closing the application and going back to my gallery. I started checking all the pictures of her and us on my phone and my heart twisted in my chest until I just turned my phone off and put it back in my pockets. My fingers brushed against the fabric of her panties that was hidden in the pocket of my shorts and this time, my heart literally skipped a beat. I wanted to put them in my bag but I forgot and it made me wonder if she knew I had kept them after making her cum with the vibrator I had bought for her. I knew I should have asked her before taking them but it was stronger than me and finally, I pushed them deeper in my pocket to make sure I wouldn't lose them.
I tried to sleep for a while but every single time I was about to fall asleep, an idea would pop in my head and i'd quickly grab my phone again to write a few lyrics or hum a few notes that I'd record. I always seemed to feel inspired by something and even if I had promised myself that I'd do nothing but enjoy this trip, I knew I had to write down all my ideas or i'd end up regretting it.
I was trying to get distracted from her and from the hole in my chest that her absence had seemed to dig but it was not easy. I said six weeks were going to go by very fast, she said it was going to feel like an eternity... and if I wanted to be honest, I was started to believe she may be right.
"Niall! Let's go!"
I tried to read the text message I had received as we walked through the crowded but small town. It was pouring, I was only wearing shorts and shoes, but I was still heavily sweating. I hadn't seem Olivia face to face in three weeks and although it was tough to be without her, I was starting to feel at ease with my decision. This trip was even more incredible than I thought even if I had to stay in crappy motels and eat cheap food. It was an experience I really had to live at least once in my life.
'I miss you too' I quickly typed with at least one mistake before hitting 'send'.
We walked in a motel and I let my backpack fall on the floor, shaking my head slightly as some water fell into my eyes and finally put my cap back on.
"Okay, let's go get a few drinks."
"Amazing idea." I replied, searching through my stuff to find a shirt. just as my phone went off again.  "Fuck, I forgot, I have a facetime date tonight."
One of my cousins chuckled but I ignored it and just grabbed my phone, typing an other message quickly to my girlfriend.
'We're going out. Rain check?'
I didn't wait for an answer but still decided to bring my phone with me. We ended up drinking a few beers and meeting new people. It was fun, I was getting tipsy, and I started a conversation with the pretty girl sitting next to me. It took me about an hour to realize she was flirting with me but when she laughed, putting her hand on my thigh, I tensed. She moved her thick dark hair behind her ear and tilted her head with a smile, making me smile back. I liked her accent and her eyes and I was about to tell her about it when my phone rang. I saw Liv's face on the screen and immediately sobered up. I had changed her picture for the one she had sent me when I was on the plane and the way she grimaced on it made my heart skip a beat.
"I'm sorry." I told the pretty girl whom's name I couldn't seem to remember. "I have to answer."
I got up and walked out of the bar, letting out a 'hello?' in my phone. I brought my shoulders up when I realized it was still raining as water slipped inside my shirt, freezing me immediately despite the warm weather and the amount of alcohol in my blood.
"Oh shit, Niall?"
Her voice calmed me immediately and I smiled. I wanted to be mad that I was taken, I wanted to be annoyed with the fact that I was living the trip of a lifetime and that I couldn't sleep with a girl I just met in a bar, but as soon as her voice reached my ears, it seemed to reach my heart too. It was cheesy but I like it and I tried to take a mental note of these words to use them later.
"Olivia, are you okay?"
"I'm so sorry, I wanted to text you but my fingers slipped." she explained. "I'm having a hard time with this new phone."
I frowned, trying to stay under the small roof of the bar as people walked in and out. My shirt was already soaked and my hair was no better but I just wanted to listen to her some more.
"I didn't want to bother you, I know you're having fun, we can talk tomorrow." she quickly said. "I love you, Nee, goodnight."
"No wait!"
I had talked a bit louder than I intended and I felt something stir in my stomach. I didn't know if it was just because I missed her, or because I felt guilty for the thoughts that ran in my head only a few minutes ago when i was with an other girl, but I suddenly wanted to take a plane back home to be with her.
"I shouldn't have canceled our date, i'm going back to the motel now, I'll call you as soon as I get there."
Without thinking, I walked out in the rain quickly, my phone still pressed on my ear. The weather wasn't as bad as a few hours before but my shoes were still drenched and it made a weird sound as I walked.
"No, Niall it's okay!" she argued with a small chuckle. "I'm fine, really, you can't spend all the time talking to me, you have to visit and have fun. I'm fine here without you, remember? Or do I have to send you an other picture?"
She started laughing and my heart jumped on my chest.
"Send me as many pictures as you want. I miss your face."
This time, she kept quiet for a few seconds and when she talked again, I could hear worry in her tone.
"Are you sure, Niall? Are you sure you want us to talk tonight?"
I stopped waking, just feeling the rain fall in my eyes, trying to stop my heart from beating so fast.
It took me about half an hour to get back to the hotel and as soon as I arrived, I texted my cousin to tell them I was gone and that i'd see them in the morning. I took a quick shower, not really enjoying the bathroom but it was better than being dirty, and finally sat in bed with my phone in hands. It took her a few seconds to answer and I realized she was on her laptop. She sent me a smile as soon as she saw me and licked her lips, bringing her shoulders closer to her face.
"Hey petal, how are you?"
Her eyebrows raised and her lips curled slightly more. Fuck, I wanted to kiss her.
"I'm the one who should ask you that." she pointed out. "Are you okay, Nee?"
My eyes roamed on her face and I noticed she was wearing my hoodie. The sleeves were pulled over her hands and I desperately wanted to cuddle her.
"Yea, was just missing you."
She was about to answer something when I saw someone in the corner of the screen, making me frown. I sat up better in bed and tried to see who it was, and it suddenly hit me: she was not at my house, and also not at her apartment.
"Where are you?"
As if on cue, Louis appeared and sat next to her, handing her a cup of tea. She took a quick sip and thanked him, sending him a smile. I watched them interact and my heart seemed to sink in my chest.
"I'm at Louis'." she finally let out as if it wasn't obvious already.
"Is that why you didn't want to talk?"
"I wanted to talk, Niall." she frowned slightly. "I just didn't want to bother you. We don't talk as much these days and it's okay, I know you're busy and you're having the time of your life, and I don't want you to think i'm smothering you or stopping you from living this plenty."
My anger and jealousy faltered and my traits softened as I nodded.
"Can you go back home? I'd like to talk with just you."
I knew I had no right to ask her that and I was also aware that I was the one who had asked Louis to check on her but it seemed like I was just realizing that the world was still turning there, in London, without me.
Olivia glanced at Louis who sent her a smile and started nibbling her bottom lip.
"We sort-of had something planned..."
"No it's okay Livi, I totally get it."
She finally looked back at me after a few seconds and quickly nodded, her lips curling into a big smile this time, making me believe she wanted to talk to me as much as I wanted to talk to her.
"Okay, let me call you back when i'm home."
She blew me a kiss and without giving me time to answer, she hung up. I stayed in bed, motionless, realizing that I was alone in the dark in an other country and somehow, I felt extremely pathetic at that moment. I thought about the girl I was flirting with, I thought about the fact that I wanted to kiss her and maybe more, and even if that thought had crossed my mind only for half a second, I felt like shit. It was not Olivia's fault that I was here, or that I hadn't had sex in three weeks. It was my decision and she didn't have to pay for that. I had never felt that guilty before when in a relationship and it's not like it was not normal to lust other people but for some reason, I was scared that if I could have these thoughts, perhaps she could too. She was not spending her time all alone locked in my room, waiting for me to come back, and for some weird reason, it was just hitting me now.
I don't know how long I waited but I decided to call back again, even if it meant that I would look desperate. In fact, I sort of was.
"Babe, i'm in the car." she pointed out. "I'm almost there."
She had put her phone near the dash and I could see her hands moving on the wheel. She was not looking at me but I was staring at her and even from that weird angle, she looked pretty.
"Do you know what I want to do to you?"
Her face changed and she glanced at me but I could swear I saw her cheeks turn a soft shade of red, making me smirk.
"I really want to fuck you, pet." I added low. "I want to make love to you. I want to feel your warm body beneath mine. I miss you so bad."
She chuckled. "Me or fucking me?"
"Can't it be both?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, a smirk still gracing my face.
"It can."
I watched her and kept silent as she parked the car and turned to look at me in the screen of her phone, her head slightly tilted and her hair falling on her right shoulder, exactly like the picture I had taken of her before I left.
"I miss you too, Niall." she whispered, making my heart twist. "I wish you were here."
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mtvswatches · 4 years
Wynonna Earp 2x12 I Hope You Dance
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) Waverly confronts Bobo and the widows, certain that Bobo won’t hurt her. He admits he might not, but he won’t help her either. In an uncharacteristically honest moment, he admits that caring about her has only brought him pain. Waverly quips that no one said parenthood was easy. And I’M FREAKING OUT? IS THIS HER WAY OF CONFIRMING BOBO IS HER FATHER?!
2) Thankfully, Wynonna arrives on time, but Peacemaker is completely useless now that the seal is broken and this MOFO is waking up…
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Shit is about to go down and I’M NOT READY. I’m really curious to see what Clootie looks like, though, I feel he’ll look something like the Master.
3) The sisters take a breather before all hell breaks loose, and I appreciate it…
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You know what else I appreciate? Wynonna’s top priority – making sure Doc is not dead.
4) Well, Dolls is not dead, which is good, but not the answer I was expecting.
5) I truly appreciate the brief moment of levity…
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6) So, this is what she had figured out before she went poof…
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7) Wynonna is terrified that Doc might be dead now that the ring is broken. I’m Jeremy, btw.
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8) I’m sorry, but is there anything more badass than trying to save the world while you’re about to give FUCKING BIRTH?!
9) WTF! Clootie is going to have Wynonna’s baby for dessert???!!
10) Oooh, I kind of saw this coming but I didn’t want to get my hopes up!
MERCEDES: Actually, I want a separation.
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MERCEDES: Chopped my way into the 21st century. The world has changed. Hell, look at Wynonna Earp. She is 10 times the gunslinger Wyatt ever was and he put Bulshar in the ground! I want that ring!
I’m really into this new form of empowerment? Evil ladies also need to break free from the misogynistic ties to their evil lords. You go, Glenn Coco! Or Elsa, I guess…
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She just took off and buried Bobo, Clootie and her sister. Does this mean that the season’s Big Bad was Mercedes all along? And not Clootie! Damn, I really love that plot twist!
11) The Iron Witch says the plate only works as a shield, and these two badass motherfuckers are not having it…
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Can they look any more badass?! And I really wish they had allowed Wynonna to say fucking!
12) Dolls finds Doc at his home…
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He’s having an existential crisis over being mortal and he’s basically contemplating suicide. And I almost believed he couldn’t take not being ageless anymore, but it was the possibility of living a mortal life in a Wynonna-less world that was pushing him over the edge because the second he heard she was still alive…
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It’s like his soul returned to his body… and now he’s willing to die but for an entirely different reason, and I swear to God, I choked up during this whole scene. Does that make sense? Am I an idiot?
13) I guess there’s no better time for confessions than when facing the possibility of absolute and total obliteration. In a few seconds, Waverly breaks the news to Wynonna that Nicole is married and that she’s not Wynonna’s sister. Wynonna’s reply is quick and certain…
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A lot of emphasis is placed on the bloodline in this show, considering the whole hereditary curse. But nothing as volatile as blood would ever get in the way of Waverly and Wynonna. They are sisters if ever sisters there were.
I truly love how there was no hesitation. At the same time, I wonder if the lack of hesitation means Wynonna had considered this possibility before?
14) Okay, Wynonna literally has one shot to kill Clootie, get rid of the Widows, and break the curse. Cool. Cool cool cool cool.
15) Jeremy and Nicole are having this super sweet moment…
JEREMY: And, uh, I stay because I don't fit in here. But none of you ask me to. I'm allowed to be me. NICOLE: You're part of the family. And being part of the family means...
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And please don’t tell me that we’re using the “put Nicole in peril” schtick again! And we’re adding Jeremy into the mix! Just great!
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She’s my queen, I love her, I’d sell my soul for Wynonna Earp, I’ve said it.
18) Oh, the other McBitch just arrived and is threatening Waverly while Elsa says Wynonna is the weapon she’s been looking for, and what the fuck is going on?
19) Wynonna’s sigh of relief and barely noticeable smile when she sees Doc is alive, though…
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I leave for these moments.
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Two birds, one stone. These two! They could convey their plan using a code they could only understand! Why aren’t they together?!
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But there’s still Clootie and Bobo, right…
And the baby is coming…
22) Ugh the fire-assholes have shown up, they offed Wynonna’s doctor and they’re coming after the baby!
24) WTF ROSITA!!!!!!!
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25) Bobo has gone Spike…
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So Clootie or Bulshar or whoever sucked something out of Bobo and Bobo offered up Waverly as the Big Bad’s new bride WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!
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27) Oh, thank god, something worked out!
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Wynonna basically willed Peacemaker into accepting Waverly as an Earp!
28) Brendan Fehr is saying that Wynonna is going to corrupt the baby and screw it up and I’m like… Brendan Fehr, I was rooting for you!
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29) Damn, Dolls!
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At least they died in their element. Get it?
30) When you try to come up with a good comeback and you just…
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31) I guess I’ll just have to get used to Bobo never being back for more than two episodes…
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32) I’m not crying, you are…
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I'm the Earp heir. They're always coming for me and everything I love. I don't want to. I didn't realise how much I wouldn't want to. You're the coolest thing I ever did. You're going to have it much better than me. I promise.
And Waverly is taking the baby away and Wynonna is asking her to make sure that Doc gets a moment with him and I’m here, dying.
33) Waverly and the baby just crossed over the border and neither of them burnt, which means that the baby is Doc’s and the revenants don’t have any claim over it. But what does this mean for Waverly? Whose daughter is she, then?
34) Wynonna just offed the whole gang of revenants, but it doesn’t really feel satisfying at all when her baby is being sent away minutes after being born…
35) Did Jeremy just used Waverly and Nicole’s ship name?! HE FUCKING DID!
36) Perry is taking the baby as a way to thank Wynonna for saving his life. Cool dude.
37) And now Doc is meeting the baby and I WON’T SURVIVE THIS SHIT!
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38) Bobo just got a holiday for one in the well, and he admits that he never said Waverly was his daughter, just kin. I repeat, what does this mean for Waverly? Who is her father? Doc confesses that when Dolls shot him, he was sent to hell. It remains to be seen how long he was there - if it was a few hours or a few centuries, and what impact this will have on him…
39) Wynonna named the baby after both of their mothers and I’m a mess…
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This is not the happy ending I wanted for these two.
40) There’s so much I don’t understand…
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The woman narrating is Wynonna’s mother? And she’s ALIVE? Has she been alive this whole time? What about the secretive look between Dolls and Nicole? Is she having second thoughts about her divorce? And what about the folder she was holding with info about Bulshar? Is she working with Dolls behind Waverly’s back? And how can Jeremy and Waverly be acting so carefree when everything is a mess?
If Wynonna’s mom is alive, there’d better be an explanation as to why this was never brought up before. It doesn’t make any sense!
I need Alice in Wynonna and Doc’s life, okay? This can’t be the end of that storyline, I just won’t accept it.
41) Amazing season finale, full of plot twists and emotional moments. I’ll admit I shed more than one tear. I truly can’t believe how the show continues to be so fast-paced and engaging. There never is one minute, one line, one scene wasted – everything has meaning and is relevant to the plot, and it never lets up and I’m so excited to see what they have to offer in season 3, and hopefully, I’ll catch up before season 4 premieres!
This show is quickly climbing up the ladder of my very short and exclusive list of favorite shows, I swear. I’m already looking forward to rewatching it and discovering things I’d missed the first time around.
42) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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prorevenge · 6 years
He tore my ankle ligaments, and now his nose is pointing in the wrong direction
TL;DR at the end.
Background (feel free to skip it)
I am a big guy (6ft, 275lbs) and I am not all muscle. I used to play soccer as a kid until I was 17 years old when I took a nasty knee injury that ended my hopes to play pro. I started to gain weight over the years, partly due to bad habits and lack of exercise. I reached 325lbs at one point and it felt like I was about to die. That's when I decided enough was enough and it was time to turn my life around. Started eating healthy, and slowly picked up the exercise bug again. I also joined a 6v6 soccer league in my city where my friends had a team and invited me to play. I'd play soccer once a week, go the gym thrice a week, then rest and chill. It was great.
On a soccer pitch you don't expect 300lbs+ guys to be running around or even be skilled enough to dribble through defenders. Most teams wouldn't even mark me (I played as a striker) until I scored a goal or dribbled through two of their players. That earned me some respect on the pitch, I had competitor players come to complement my performance after the games. I even made friends with league coordinators who at times cheered me after a nice pass or goal. It was just great... I felt I was alive again.
The Wrong-doing
At the time of this story, I had lost about 30lbs (I was 295ish). We were playing a long Winter League which is basically 14 games (14 weeks) and we knew almost every team in the league... except for one team. It was the 4th game of the season and we were scheduled to play the new team. A bunch of big guys that looked like they were straight out of an MMA competition. The game starts, as usual, I am not marked... I literally had enough space to park truck with no defender giving me a thought. I received the ball, ran for the goal, then buried it in the bottom corner. Easiest goal ever. Five minutes later, I did it again. Now I had their attention, and I was being marked by a guy who from now on we will call Jackass.
Jackass tried every trick to take the ball from me, and failed. The more he tried the more frustrated he became. Then at one point, I had the ball, dribbled and did a body feint and he dropped on his ass trying to correct his direction. I crossed the ball and we scored the third. It was humiliating but I didn't mean it like that. He stood up and walked right next me and said:
Jackass: You think you're having fun, fat ass?
Me: You're not really going to talk shit on a recreational soccer game, are you?
Jackass: I am not talking shit. I am just asking if you're having fun.
Me: Yeah, I am. And you?
Jackass: I will have my fun in a bit.
I didn't really know what he meant but I didn't give it a thought. A few minutes later, I receive the ball again, Jackass is like a step or two behind me. The next thing I know is my left foot (the one planted in the ground as I received the ball with my right foot) is twisted, I hear a loud popping sound from my ankle and I am on the ground. A moment later, a jolt of excruciating pain in my ankle made me groan like an elephant stomped on my foot. Jackass has taken an illegal sliding tackle on my left foot and it tore my ankle under my body weight. Then, he literally stood up and leaned down on me and said "Now I had my fun". I was out of the game.
Fast Forward 24 hours, my ankle is swollen the size of a large grapefruit. I see a doctor who diagnoses that my Anterior Talofibular Ligament has a 2nd degree tear... This is the strongest ligament in your ankle btw. I can't play any sport and only use my foot lightly for 8 weeks minimum. I made sure I submitted an incident report to the league after the game, then kept all the receipts for medical treatment as a result of the injury. It took a toll on me emotionally as it reminded me of my old knee injury that ended my soccer dreams. I was determined not to slip into depression again though.
Even though I could no longer go to the gym or the pitch, I was still eating healthy and spend the next 8 weeks planning my revenge.
It took me 9 weeks to recover, which was better than the Sports Specialist predicted. I was back in the last game of the season before the two play-off games. We were playing Jackass and his team again. I had spent my whole recovery time doing my very best to get ready to make that game. Took physio's advice and applied them to the letter, did anything and everything to make sure that I am good to play. I made it. Now it was time to exact revenge.
The Revenge
I concocted a plan with my friend Dave to exact revenge on Jackass, one that would leave him with a permanent memento from Yours Truly. Jackass likes to stay behind then make a vicious tackle, push or shove when the player he is marking is about to receive the ball. I was going to use that against him the worst way.
In the game, I made sure Jackass felt like I was scared of him. When I received the ball, I got rid of it too quickly, and if I was dribbling, I either passed it or let it go as if I was avoiding contact. This encouraged him to stay with me and to scare me even more. He literally played the first 15 mins of the game with a smug all over his ugly face.
That was about to change.
About 20 mins into the game, we get a corner kick. Dave goes to play the kick and I stand in the box, Jackass is two steps behind. Dave was about to take the kick then he stopped and nodded "No". This meant Jackass was no longer in position and we couldn't do what we planned to do. This happened a couple of more times. Then it is the fourth corner kick towards the end of the first half. Dave is taking the kick. He looks at me and he nods "Yes". Jackass is two steps behind me and is now marking me again. I put my hand up and shout "HERE, DAVE"... Jackass now commits to me. Dave then goes on to play this sweet perfect cross right above my head level. Jackass goes on to do his standard come-from-behind-and-do-something-nasty routine.
At that very moment, I plant both feet in the ground, expecting the shove from behind, lean backwards and launch my body towards Jackass. He is going for the ball with his head, and I am going with my head for his face. He perfectly planted his face in the back of my head (his head going forward, and my head going backwards). I swear I could hear his nose break on the back of my head. We both fall to the ground and I drop my 290lbs fat ass on top of him, catching him with my elbow, straight into the eyebrow. As I turn around on the ground, he has a cut on his eyebrow, his nose is broken and is literally pointing to the left, and he is bleeding. I shout "FIRST AID KIT HERE PLEASE", then tell everyone I was First Aid certified and start sitting him up and leaning his head backwards to stop the bleeding. In the process, I pinch his nose to check if it's alright :D, and he screams like a little girl. Then I say "Oh, it seems your nose is broken". League Coordinators cart him out, and an ambulance picks him up a few minutes later.
After the game, he sent a message saying he is suing me for intentionally breaking his nose and cutting his eyebrow. The League Coordinators did not support his incident report and said that it was he who went for me from behind and that I couldn't have anticipated that, let alone injure him so badly if it weren't for his own force. They also indicated that I was the first person to provide first aid to him after the fall. He had no leg to stand on, and his claim was dismissed.
Then I sent him a letter from my lawyer letting him know I was suing him for my injuries 9 weeks prior, supporting that with doctor's reports, physio reports, and the league's incident report where the League Coordinators concluded that his tackle was both illegal and deliberate. He had received a warning from the league that he would be permanently banned for such behavior. The league then went on to ban him from participating in the games. He reimbursed me $2300 in medical costs.
I scored 3 goals that game. We won and made it to the playoffs, then we beat them again in the play-offs and won the league. I am still on track with my weight-loss.
TL;DR - A Jackass couldn't take playing a soccer game against a better team, decided to break my ankle in a nasty illegal tackle. I ended up with torn ligaments that took 9 weeks to recover. The next time on the field, he ended up with a cut on his eyebrow and his nose pointing in the wrong direction. Then paid me up for my medical expenses.
(source) story by (/u/shrekstah)
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
JiBcon 2019
Hi everyone, welcome to my early recollection of the “what the fuck is going on” JiB convention.
So as I hope many of you know I’m Italian, but I live in the North ( lol long live the North y’  all, it’s the best I guarantee, I mean I always miss the north so much every time I leave). Anyway, Rome is like not even an hour flight from when I am so I didn’t even felt the flight nerves because it was over even before I could say: “ fuck I wanna land already!”.
[Listen I have a lot to say, this is going to be real long so get ready]
1ST DAY, 17th May
I arrived in Rome Friday at noon and went straight to my hotel, not the Hilton because.... lol, it was a hotel like 5min away ( but still they charged me 8€ like....yeah alright forgot I’m in Italy, not that surprised).
Took a shower and then went running around the city to see as much as possible since the next two days I wouldn’t be able to. My feet were destroyed btw.
Whatever forgot to eat until I came back to the hotel at 8pm or something, fell into bed and lights out. I say lights out as in I switched off the lights, my eyes were wide open because... FUCKING JIB TOMORROW !!.
2ND DAY, 18th May.
Got up at the healthy time of 6am *groans in Italian* and got ready as best as my trembling hands could. I also tried to curl my hair but the second I got out and on the train, they were already fucked, THANKS ROME HUMIDITY.
Went to meet @purpleskiesandcherrypies in her room and, to quote her: “sHe’s sO ShoRT AnD CuTe “  y’ all. I was already in love ok? Nat babe, I love you and you are my queen ok? 
Anyway, we kept pacing in the room not knowing what to do and repeating that this was a really bad idea and fuck this shit and we are not fucking ready and why did we do this thing to ourselves,  for a couple of stressing minutes,  like two normal healthy people right? and then we were like....we should like.....go downstairs and get our passes right? should we? NOPe....yeah ok, we should. So yeah grabbed the passes and stood in line to enter the con premises. 
So my first thing on the schedule was Jensen Photo Op and like...* nervous laughter* why did I do that to myself? Anyway, Nat had an angel pass so she was in a different line but still beside me for a part of the wait, she went in first and came outside to scream at my face and like....thank you Satan I do not need this??? Then my turn came quickly ( had a Demon pass), too quickly for I was not ready when I entered the room and HE STOOD RIGHT THERE SMILING AND LOOKING FLY AS HELL LIKE AN ASSHOLE. 
Jensen OP: How is it?
first of all, YOU may think you are ready, bitch let me tell ya, YOU FUCKING AIN’T, so don’t even kid yourself, just stay in line and wait for your death, that’s what it is. AND YES, it’s really quick so try to stay focused on him ( LOL SURE ). My turn came and I couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot and I think he saw that because his smile grew and I SWEAR IT WAS CRINKLE CITY RIGHT UP THERE and I almost choked. I mean...he’s TALL OK, and his eyes were darker than I thought but I guess with all the edits of his pictures we see online one can get a very different idea of reality. His BEARD THO, it was lighter than his hair, almost looked red and so full and nicely trimmed, and I was like blinded by his smile because fuck that was bright.Also....Y’ ALL, JENSEN IS SLENDER, he’s so slender, I’m so used to him being in so many layers that seeing him in person and with just a jean shirt was a shock. I must say, Jensen is Jensen and Dean is Dean ( as in physically) I mean, I could tell and I loved it, it changed my grasps on both of them so much.  I tried to calm down to AT LEAST say a couple of words ( I was not expecting much from me honestly) but it went like this: 
me: Hi!
Jensen: Heeey!
me: is just a hug alright?
Jensen: sure thing.
He opened his arms and I just went in ( being respectful to not like lean on him like a leech, but yeah he pulls you closer if he’s in the mood), and oh god he’s warm and soft and smell like sunshine, well I smelled something sweet and spicy but the sweet part could honestly come from all the girls he hugs, in a way you could say he smell like us, lol. Like Nat, I didn’t even see the photographer at all I just look ahead and smiled, I didn’t think to smile, there was no need I was radiant, and I felt his hand covering most on my shoulder.
It was over before I could even realize what the fuck was happening. Anyway, we pulled away slowly enough that my hand lingered on his arm, and yes it was amazing. I said: “thank you so much” probably with tears in my eyes, idk (but  I know myself I probably was ) and he smiled sweetly and said, “no, thank youuu” and I was like.... lol ok I can’t, and went out the room walking on clouds. 
I’m gonna put something to cover my face in case this photo goes around Pinterest or some hell site similar.
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let me tell you, I didn’t notice how tight he held me, but both his arms engulfed me. When I went to get the pic later I almost squealed because, LOOK AT HIS FACE, HE LOOKS SO CUTE AND HAPPY AND I DIED OK, Nat can confirm my freak out.
Anyway, done with that I needed a break, we both did honestly, and we went to sit for the panels. The first one was J2 panel, and awe I was not really ready to see him again, but YAY got my first glimpse of Jared and YEEEES BEARD AND BEANIE, love it.  You’ll all see the Panels everywhere so I’m not gonna be here and tell you everything that they said and did. But Jared talked about his new puppy and Jensen tried to open a bottle of unicorn wine and tried to punch the cork in and drink it ( insert many Italian offended sounds ), then he used heavy Texas accent and said Yeee-haw and I didn’t think I needed to hear that as much as I did, like....YES PLEASE AGAIN.
Anyway panel ended and they exit the stage, and boi Misha came up.
NOW LISTEN, first glimpse at Misha too.....and FUCK HE’S PRETTY OK?, HE’S SO PRETTY HE BLINDED ME DEAD FROM THE STAGE. The crowd just went B-A-L-L-I-S-T-I-C. Lots were leaving because they had Jared op and Jensen auto, and Misha was like: “Where are you, people going? SEND THEM BACK WHEN YOU ARE DONE JARED AND JENSEN!”.  Misha had a red jacket and a dark polo under it, boi I was already sweating.
Misha was his normal inappropriate self as always and I love it every time. Just let Misha be Misha y’ all, because if you don’t he gets in a bad mood, like I think happened the next day. 
Also, next game with friends while watching con’s videos: DRINK every time MISHA SAYS “UM”, OR JARED’S TOUCH HIS HAIR.
happy alcoholic coma y’ all.
I and Nat were not sitting near each other, I was far back but we texted and LOL, something like “what Misha smoked, I want it “ and “ he’s so pretty I wanna cry” and “Misha looks delicious” went back and forth, so everything was going GREAT.
Next, I got the autos from Misha and Jensen. And I wasn’t expecting much because yeah ...they are autos and they go fast. I was pleasantly surprised because you could look at them the whole time you are in line, and it’s a nice view alright. Jensen was already sitting and signing and I was in line for Misha’s, who was not there yet, and fucking surprise bitch, he entered the room and passed right beside me, at arm's length, and .....* takes a deep breath* ...I can’t even begin to describe him, like...I can’t. 
He’s tall, like...it’s true he’s the smallest in height but, fuck he’s still that tall and he’s so??? well??? built??? like....he’s massive and sturdy and like I think he has his own gravity because damn I couldn’t tear my eyes from him. And he was so tan and glowing, and FUCK HIS SMILE WAS SO SOOTHING AND I MELTED. He had a bit of a shadow beard that looked so good. Anyway, I get ready to die because my heart was pounding, I got up to him and same thing as always:
me: Hi Misha.
Misha: Hello! *smile*
me internally: AAAAAAAAH 
He signed with a little heart and gave back the card and he like kept eye contact and I said the weakest “thank you” ever, smiling like an idiot again, probably scrunching my nose because I do that, and he smiled his lopsided smile and winked ( like an asshole because COME ON HOW DARE U DO THAT TO ME). And let me tell you about his eyes. 
Jensen and Jared have real nice eyes, don’t get me wrong, but I found out that they are a bit different from what I had expected, not disappointed because DAMN, but yeah, different. 
Misha’s tho?....pictures don’t make him justice on any level. HE’S STUNNING! STUNNING! His eyes are really that light blue, and in person, they are even more beautiful, breathtaking, I felt like he was staring at my soul.
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Next up was Jensen’s auto, stared the whole line, and UUUUUGH he changed his shirt in a brown t-shirt and you could see all his bracelets and necklace and he looked GOOOOOD. 
Same as before I said “Hello!” and he smiled and said “Hi” while chewing like usual and god he’s cute ok. His auto was a bit faster and I knew I couldn’t say much but I tried while he was signing. I just said “Thank you for everything Jensen” and he smiled while signing and thanked me and then I was floating out the room already.
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Then I and Nat went to have some overpriced salads, which we didn’t even finish because, first of all....we were fangirling too much over ...well, everything, second, not that hungry.
Lunch time’s over, I went to get all the autos available, and I was giddy like a schoolgirl, Rob, Adam and Rich y’ all.
He’s striking, and he’s so sweet and looks so delicate and his voice is so warm and welcoming and I wanted to cry how cute he was. I said Hello Rob, and how he was doing, and then I unblocked and told him I hoped he was having a great time and he got so happy and shiny eyes and said he was having a fantastic time and asked me the same. I wanted to keep talking but again, like Nat’s said you don’t wanna keep the line waiting so I just smiled and say thank you so much and bye. Oh and heart on his sign too.
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He was a treasure and I asked him the same question because hey maybe I finally got the hang of this shit, so they all were having a great time.
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and then, of course, he messed with me. He was so excited and hyperactive he almost made a babbling mess out of me, ALMOST. He asked me from where I was and I said, I’m Italian, and what does this asshole do?, lol tries to speak Italian.
Rich: *in bad Italian*  customization? 
me: ???????
Rich to his handler: how do you say that?
me and his handler trying to spell the word: PERSONALIZZAZIONE. Hilarious. Well, he got the hang of it fairly quickly and gave me back the card, unsigned I was like...?????? 
Rich: you give me that back and ask me.
me: OH  *probably blushing like an idiot* 
Rich: Hello!
me: HI! *hands the card* to Giulia, please?
Rich: Sure love!
me: *giggles like a schoolgirl* thank you! 
Rich: no thank you for the practice!
me: you are welcome 
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I got in line for Jared’s but he was running late and I had his photo Op next, so I got out to get in line for that because it was the last solo one. I thought yeah alright I already broke the ice with Jensen, how worse can this be?
let me tell ya....that bitch that said that right there? LOL, SHE’S AN IDIOT. DON’T LISTEN TO HER...EVER.
Found some girls from my hometown too, lol the world sure is small, we fangirled shamelessly, but I got the feeling one of them was not a Misha fan at all and ...lol nope ok, but they were nice either way.  
Jared OP: how is it?
Again let me tell ya, not fucking ready. I get into the room and Jesus Fucking Christ he looks MAJESTIC, MAJESTIC I tell you. He had a dark blue jacket and a shirt with some flower or something on it, the beard was distracting. He looked in such a good mood, which I was glad, no beanie, which I was also glad ( love it but I wanted that mane free). Anyway, do I need to tell you he’s tall? yeah well, he’s taller than tall. I walked up to him, smiling. AND FUCK THAT WAS A RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE. He had some light behind him that shining through his hair made him look like an actual Jesus with a halo, and y’ all I’ve been blessed. His eyes looked so bright, and this strange combination of almost green-hazel created by the lights on his face. and y’ all his beard was so thick and luscious...YES 
me: Hi!
Jared: Hi Sweetie
Me internally  NO NOOOOOO.
Me: Is just a hug alright?
Jared: Absolutely, come here ( or bring it, I’m not sure I was still mentally screaming)
Anyway, the moment he saw me he crunched down, and he crunched down so low that I almost got offended LOL, but I mean I needed to be in the frame right? His hugs are BONE CRUSHING, he hugs you so tight and squeezes too, it almost hurt, felt his bearded chin on my head too, it was amazing.
We both pulled away slowly and as I said “Thank you sooo much “  he slid his hand down my arm and squeezed it, again, almost hurting me, and said “thank you” with the sweetest smile.
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Then we saw the last panels, Misha’s and after Jared’s that closed the day.
Nat and I went on a food and alcohol mission to the Spanish steps and then threw our coins in the Trevi fountains so we can get back next year too. Got to chat more, got roasted about my late car and my new one, like.... thanks Nat, love ya too. Took a taxi back because lol Italian transports ...are AmAziNG, and then shower and crashed the bed at like 1 am?
3RD DAY, 19th May
...Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy...
got my pass and I’m out the door, I’m gonna hit the JiBcon.
Before I leave, pack my suitcase and all of my shit
‘cause when I leave for the Hilton I ain’t coming back.
Reaching Nat again and she’s freaking out about the Jensen M&G, which I’m like...LOL CAN’T RELATE.
First Panel is Jared’s and he’s gracious and funny as always, but also he said that for him it was 2am and jet lag was starting to hit hard. Nat went to take her Op and she wrote to me that Misha was wearing a leather jacket and a Kiss t-shirt and LISTEN CAN HE NOT? Anyway, Jared’s panel ended and I made my way to take Misha’op and, oh boi the line started right where he was gonna walk by to get to the room and I was first row. So he passed by and , like the dumb fangirl I am I stick out my hand, and YA WE HELD HANDS FOR A HOT SECOND and it was great, 10/10 would do again. ( Nat roasted my ass again ).
I was in line and I noticed that I would lose Alex and Matt’s autos, but I couldn’t get out Misha’s op because the other one was at the same time as Jared autos, which I couldn’t lose because the next one was during the Cockles’ panel and I’m not losing that shit. 
Misha’s OP: How is it?
Ok, I could write you papers about how damn pretty Misha is. I’m almost sad that photos don’t really make him justice, I guess machines can’t handle all that beauty. And although he looked like a snac, he also seemed tired, so I was already like....aw shit. I get into the photo space and he looks like he’s in a good mood anyway, and I can’t stop staring and smiling like an idiot as he takes all the photos, I mean I was standing where he had to look for the picture but it also looked like he was looking at me ( shut up, let me dream), anyway eye contact again, it was magical. Until it was my turn.
I walked up to him and .....LOL.
I didn’t know where to focus. He’s massive, I didn’t know where his fucking chest stopped and his face is also big and wide and those eyes that pierce through you? well, I was lucky that I managed to babble something. 
Now, this is where it gets a little ... well, you’ll see.
Misha: Hello!
me: Hi Misha! ( probably in a tiny squeaky voice, because ...Misha) Is a hug alright? ( I went with the same formula because I know it’s alright, but asking if it is,  seems like the polite thing to do, like asking for consent)
Misha: Yep
and then he wrapped me and I’m like, this is great, he smells so good, like spicy and very manly but also fresh, so it was not overwhelming. Then, again leaning back to thank him and he nodded, winked and all his face scrunched and again that cute crooked smile. So I was like, ok he looked tired but he seemed still in a good mood. But then I got hand on my photo and ...I mean, not gonna lie I was a bit bummed out because he’s not really smiling. So I was giving myself a headache thinking if I did or said something wrong, and I know I didn’t but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I didn't look at the photo for some time until I let Nat see it. And yeah, while he may not be smiling that much, he still looked soft, we both came to the conclusion, also because we saw more pics of the same session, he wasn’t hardcore smiling the whole time. Then we saw more of the Jensen’s photo of this last day and he too isn’t smiling in all of them, I mean, they all looked so tired. 
To joke about it , just to make me feel a bit better and less bitter ( because I have no reason to be, they tired and they are entitled to be tired, I’m just thankful that they were there), I said that I thought I was getting a Misha OP and instead I got a Castiel’s one, like: why is Castiel here? Did another French Mistake happen? which....yeah fair.
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The last thing I needed to get was Jared’s auto. So I went to get in line really early because I had nothing else to do and the room was FREEZING, I suspected because of Jared, which I get it, I prefer to be cold than hot and sweaty since I’m like him a sweat a lot with minimum effort. 
Again they let us in before Jared arrived so we were all standing in line when he walked in. And AGAIN, walked right beside me, and I saw people respecting boundaries and staying put in their spot, but some just raised their hands and Jared gladly high-fived people who wanted, so who am I to deny that to myself?. So I shoved my shyness aside and timidly raised my hand too. But lol I’m short af so he had to bend a bit for me so I would not step forward ( bodyguards were strict as they should )  and we smacked hands with a really nice “CLAP”. It was amazing, and yes he smiled again, Jared was in a really good mood all con and I’m glad he was having a good time ( at least that’s the impression I had). Jared wore a dark green plaid shirt and a black t-shirt, black jeans and black beanie and he looked the softest boi ever.
Anyway, my turn to get my auto and I went in slow because I wanted to at least say a few words, and I did.
Jared: Hi!
me: Hi Jared! How are you?
Jared: I’m awesome, thank you, and how are you?
me: I’m great. Thank you for everything.
Jared with his sweet puppy eyes, and beanie, and a soft sweet warm smile just stared at me for a quick second and mouthed the sweetest “thank you”, lightly touching his chest. I smiled and nodded and went on my merry way outside the room, AND THEN I DIED.
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So at this point, I had finished, I waited for Nat while watching in awe my autos collection 
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Before the last panels, I managed to get lots of glimpses of everyone again. Jensen as he got out the m&g room, and then all of the cast as they walked out to get the group picture with the Jib10 people. Then it was time for the panels. Jason played and sang for us as we waited for Jared and Misha panel, and I mean...Boy’s got a real fucking nice voice live, I recorded two songs, Stand by Me and Perfect Spot. 
And then the panel started.
GOD THIS PANEL. I had tears from laughing. Misha run out the room, Jared followed him, and the bodyguards running after them panicking. I CAN’T. And then Misha did some accents and I died again ( drink every time I wrote I died). Jared was on FIRE.
OH, before I forget, I laugh like Jensen, the leaning back laugh. Yeah I do, it’s great, never noticed like that before, I mean I’m Italian so I move a lot when I talk, it makes sense that when I burst into a laugh, I laugh with my whole body, so now y’ all know.
Matt and Alex's panel was also really nice. I finally got to see some Alex! He’s so cute, he’s a treasure, I love him so much and ...he’s so different from Jack like you can’t confuse them AT ALL. I wish him the best. ( Also he said that Lord Tyrion will surpass him in popularity and I agree ).
Then the long wait for the Cockles panel. Nervewracking becasue Nat needed to go take her flight and I was wishing she could at least get a glimpse of them before leaving. Well, we all know how that panel went anyway.
I got out for a couple of minutes to say goodbye with Nat and I wanted to cry becasue she’s the sweetest and I love her and she deserves the best. We didn’t say goodbye but a “see you”, that’s what we hope. 
and ...that’s all folks!
If you have questions, maybe I missed something, ASK AWAY.
for now, this is the post, maybe I’ll edit it when more things came to mind.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Character development 8 (Branjie) - dexx-ss
a/n: Hi! Yeah, so this basically doesn’t make any sense but its a fic so that’s okay I guess… Hope you still enjoy this utter chaos. BTW Anna is a totally random person so just don’t think of anything…. TW Alcohol Let me know what ya think and please… be kind -xx
As soon as Brooke got home she ripped off her dress and went to wash her face. At this point, her thoughts were scattered all over the place. When she had taken her makeup off she sat down on the floor to let that panic fade away a little bit. She wasn’t sure what’s gotten into her. She truly cared for Vanessa but Vanessa didn’t deserve a monster like her. Yes, it was a long time ago but what if Brooke gets scared and hurts Vanessa the way she hurt Kameron. Maybe she isn’t ready for a relationship yet. Maybe she shouldn’t bring Vanessa along to the roller coaster ride she calls her life. Vanessa deserves the world and she surely can’t give her the world. At least not right now. Brooke texted Nina on her way home so when the doorbell rang she quickly went to open it, expecting that it’s Nina. What she didn’t expect was to be met by someone’s hand. “What the fuck, Vanessa,” she yelled not because she was angry or anything but mostly because it was still painful to get slapped. Vanessa looked as surprised as Brooke by the slap, as she quickly brought her hands up to her mouth and started apologizing “Oh- shi- Broo- So sorry, like, serious- I don’t know what got into me, sorry,”. Brooke was still rubbing her cheek as she gestured for Vanessa to step inside. They both sat down on the couch and there was silence. Neither of them said anything. It wasn’t exactly an awkward silence but it definitely was a little uncomfortable. “Look,” Vanessa finally said “whatever A’keria said it don’t matter-”, “No, it does-,” she wanted to tell her how much but was cut off by Vanessa. “Okay, well, then tell me your side of the story,” Vanessa said grossing her arms. That’s not what Brook expected Vanjie to say. She doesn’t want to tell her side because that’s not what matters. But she knows arguing with Vanessa is so fucking pointless. So she tells Vanessa and V just smiles. OH GOD SHE DOESN’T DESERVE HER. Vanjie tells her she is mad but she doesn’t care because it was a long long time ago. And that’s when Brooke realizes that Vannesa can’t be brought down with the hurricane that Brooke is. She will drain her. SO she does THE MOST STUPID thing she has ever done. “Vanessa, you deserve the whole world and you deserve someone who is ready to give it to you,” Brooke says and Vanessa smiles “But not me, I am not ready. I thought I was but- I am not ready yet, V.”. Brooke is trying to grab Vanessa’s hand but she pulls it away. These words come to Brooke and she just doesn’t stop talking. FUCKING SHUT UP BROOKE LYNN. Brookes not sure why she is saying those things. She doesn’t wanna say them. Yet she is saying them. But in her mind, she is doing Vanessa a favor. She is giving her a way out. Why is she not taking it?
“I’m not ready yet, V,” the words echo in her head making her feel nauseous? Angry? No! You can’t do this? You have no right to do this! How fucking dare you! Please stop talking. I love you. I love- I lo- “I-,” Vanessa took a moment “I need to go,” Although Vanessa wants to run, she doesn’t. She walks slowly and with every step, she takes it kills her more and more because she knows now that Brooke doesn’t care enough to stop her. She walks until she is can’t see Brookes’ apartment anymore. What the fuck just happened. No, like seriously, did Brooke just broke up with her for no reason. Honestly, no REASON. She walks a few steps more and “Miss are you okay?” a voice says behind her. She nods “I’m fine,”, “Vanessa?” says the voice. For a split second, she thought it might have been Brooke but the voice wasn’t Brookes. So she turned around. Nina. Right now Nina was the last person V would like to see (except form Brooke). But seeing Nina was apparently exactly what she needed. “What happened?” she took a few steps closer to Vanessa and hugged her strongly. “Why don’t you ask Brooke,” Vanessa said her voice sounding harsh. She could tell Nina was really confused but honestly, Vanessa didn’t know what else to tell her because she really wasn’t sure either about what just happened. Vanessa couldn’t even tell she was crying until Nina softly whispered ‘it’s okay’. She quickly pushed herself away and started walking trying to decide whether she should walk a few hours home or get a cab. Vanjie heard Nina call after her but she didn’t react she just kept walking. After a few hours, she got back home. She was still angry at Brooke for breaking up with her for no reason. But part of her felt like she shouldn’t be angry. They have been girlfriends for a day and that thing has been going on for only a month. She opened the door and Silky was sitting on the couch with a smirk on her face “I hope the sex was good, bitch,”. Vanessa didn’t have the energy right now, her makeup was mostly cried off and she didn’t want to talk to Silk about it because she knows she’d say something along the lines ‘you fall too easily’ or ‘it’s good that you got out’. And that is not what she needed right now. What she needed was a long hot bath and a bottle of wine. so she grabbed a bottle from the table and went into the bathroom leaving puzzled Silky behind.
After Vanessa ran out Brooke thought for a second that she should go after her. But something kept her in her house. “For fuck sake,” she said to herself while looking at the front door. Maybe if she looked at it long enough Vanessa would come back in and tonight has never happened. But it did happen and Brooke was angry with herself because at the end of the day it was her fault. Nina came busting through the door scaring the shit out of Brooke “Nina, holy-”, “What’s the matter with you? Finally, something good happens to you. And what do you do with it? Let it go. Brooke, I love you like my sister so please tell me what the fuck is wrong with you!”. Nina almost never got angry with Brooke so this was something so rare and also kinda weirdly scary. Brooke felt like her mom was yelling at her. “Hey, you can’t be pissed because-”, “No, Brooke I can be pissed, can’t you see you are sabotaging yourself again. You have since whatever happened before with Kam”. Nina was angry and B could tell. But B didn’t want to react mostly because she knew what she did was fucking stupid but also because she was stubborn and couldn’t let Nina win. “No, you don’t understand I gave her a way out I gave her a chance to be free. I didn’t lock her into a box. I’m a good person”, “Yes, you are, but you would have been even better if you’d didn’t break up with her after one minor inconvenience” Nina had a point she always did. “Brooke, I truly love you, and you are not stupid but you are the biggest idiot on this planet.”. Brooke didn’t wanna talk about it anymore and so Nina dropped it. Although that evening Nina didn’t talk about it it didn’t mean that she wouldn’t mention it to Brooke on every second of the day after that night. And it wasn’t only Nina. Whenever Brooke spent time with Plastique she would tell B what Ariel was telling her. Mostly that Vanjie was heartbroken and that Brooke should at least apologize. And every time Nina or Plastique mentioned Vanessa Brooke just rolled her eyes and told them to get over it. Told them to drop it. But in Brookes mind. She was constantly thinking about Vanessa. Thinking about her smile. Her smell. Her voice. Even thinking about calling her. After yet another night out with Plastique and Nina(and the two of them grilling Brooke about what happened with Vanessa.) as Brooke got home, she grabbed her phone and stared at Vanessa’s contact. After five minutes she finally decided to call her. She didn’t but the phone to her ear but just stared at her screen if V would even pick up. “Hi,” Brooke said softly as someone picked up. “Brooke, why are you calling her?” a voice said… Silky’s voice. “Can I please talk to Vanessa?” “No.” “Silky, plea-” “No you can’t she moved on and so should you.” After that Silky hangs up. But Brooke was confused. Vanessa wouldn’t move on so fast. She was a hopeless romantic after all.
“Who was that?” Vanessa said as she walks out of her bedroom looking like a hot mess. “Oh, just some company offering some things,” Silky answers, face still in Vanjies phone. Vanjie looked at the time. It was way too late for any company to be calling her. “Silky,” Vanessa said making her way to her friend and grabbing her phone from her hands “If it was a selling company why would you delete the log?”. Silky shrugged and started explaining how they can hack your phone when you don’t delete it. But Vanjie wasn’t listening. Her thoughts wandering elsewhere as she was making her way to the kitchen “So Anna invited us to a party tomorrow,” Vanjie yells to Silky taking a cider from the fridge. “Another one? Wasn’t there one like yesterday?”, “Your point?” Vanjie said walking out to the living room and sitting down next to Silk. “ maybe you need to slow down with the parties and drinks and stuff,”. Do that comment Vanessa only rolls her eyes and puts the cider down as she gets up “Okay, mom,” she says going to her bedroom. Silky is right. She needs to slow down but she can let her know that. It’s been almost two weeks yet she can’t get Brooke out of her head. She has been going around parties, drinking, doing drugs, fucking everything that looks kinda like Brooke. She can’t get that thing(Brooke) out of her head. And what’s wrong with enjoying life a little? At least she isn’t a full-on alcoholic. She’s a functioning one as in she drinks almost every day yet she still goes to work on time and functions there. If something like this would be happening with Vanessa’s friends she would tell them to forget that person and just try to move on. Also, it was just a fling but Vanessa jumped into it headfirst, falling so in lov- no, really starting to like Brooke. And at this point, it wasn’t that she missed Brookes kisses or Brooke’s touch. She missed the blonde girl who she could talk to about the most random things. She missed her in a friendly way. And the only way she stopped missing her was when she was drinking or fucking someone else.
As Vanessa got home from work she quickly changed her clothes and started doing makeup. When she was ready she knocked on Silkys door “Bitch you coming to the party or not?”, “Nope, I have some work stuff to deal with” Silky yelled back. So Vanessa went alone. She didn’t mind going alone, Vanjie actually preferred it because when she went out with Silky she felt like Silk was her babysitter. Keeping an eye on her every move. At home, while doing her makeup Vanessa had shot down half a bottle of wine so she was already in a good mood. And because she looked extra hot today she was sure she didn’t even have to pay for her drinks. And she was right. Vanessa went around flirted with people until she got her free drink and went onto the next one. She was talking with Anna flirting with her and being very handsy. “I think we get drink should another, hm?” Vanessa said to Anna. “I think you shouldn’t anymore” the girl gave her a slight smile. “Bullshit let’s go!” Vanessa said grabbing Anna’s hand and making her way to the bar. In the bar waiting for drinks stood a tall blonde girl. Vanessa stood next to the girl while still holding Annas hand. “Ex- excuse me,” Vanjie said and the blonde turned her head to look at Vanessa. “You look exactly like my ex,” Vanjie said smiling “well not ex, I’m not sure what to call her.” Vanjie kept talking as the blonde looked more and more confused. “I’m Vanessa,” she said giving her hand into blondies to shake “and that’s Emma,”, “Anna,”, “Yeah I meant Anna,” Vanessa smiled. “Hi Anna, I’m Brooke, the ex that I remind her of,” she said smiling at Anna and the looking back at Vanessa. Vanjie now let go of Annas hand and just looked at Brooke with her mouth open. Was she seriously so drunk that she didn’t recognize Brooke? She felt like she was going to throw up so she quickly exited the bar.
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notsoguiltykpop · 6 years
The Tenth Floor Extra(1)
This happens in the Tenth Floor Universe, after part 20-21ish--reading previous parts would probably make this a lot more interesting haha. If you’ve been curious about Yoongi and Taehyung’s relationship, this might answer a few questions! 
Min Yoongi had gone through 34 secretaries in the past 24 months, and each one of them left in tears. This fact alone should have warned you against taking the job, but the pay was too good to pass up. Surely you could put up with a billionaires temper-tantrums, right?
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
(This is what I wrote for my Creative Writing class btw! It was written as a stand-alone short story, so that’s why it doesn’t really have anything to do with the plot of TTF other than the fact that it’s about Yoongi and Taehyung (with different names in the official version, of course lol). 
Yoongi wanted to argue. He wanted to tell the droopy-eyed, yawning employee that he didn't have time to hang around in some strange-smelling tire store for two whole stupid hours. Even if he did, he wouldn’t want to. But he could tell by the man’s flat, disinterested tone that arguing wouldn’t change anything; the car would be ready by the end of the day, and him acting like a child about it wouldn’t make it go any faster.
“What if I paid extra?” Yoongi couldn't quite stop himself from asking, seeing Taehyung out of the corner of his eye helping himself to a cup of coffee.
“First come first serve,” He said flatly, then added, “Look, we'll do the best we can to get you and your friend--”
“We're not friends,” Yoongi cut in.
“You and the guy traveling with you,” The man said, not in the least bit phased by the interruption. “Back on the road, but if it's really that urgent, you might think about Uber’ing there or something.”
Yoongi rested his elbows on the counter as he leaned forward. “Do I look like someone who Uber's anywhere, ever?” He asked, but the man wasn't really listening anymore. He grabbed some headphones from a drawer and a pair of gloves from the counter before standing and making his way to the door that read “Employees Only” in big red letters.
“We'll let you know as soon as it's done,” He called over his shoulder.
“I guess I'll just take a seat, then,” Yoongi grumbled.
Taehyung was way ahead of him. He had settled himself down into one of the obnoxiously bright-red chairs, his coffee in one hand and phone in the other. His feet rested on an end table, crumpling the magazines on it under his shoes.
“Cheer up, Yoongs,” He said without looking up. “There's free Wi-Fi; things could be worse.”
“They could also be better,” Yoongi replied dryly, sitting on the other side of the room from his stepbrother. It didn’t do as much good as he had hoped--the room just wasn’t that big to begin with. “You know, if you hadn't hit that rock and ruined my tire.”
“It wasn't my fault!” Taehyung shot back irritably.
“You're right, it was mine for trusting you to drive.” If Yoongi was honest with himself, he knew that if he had been the one driving when the raccoon ran into the road, he probably would have swerved and hit the same rock. Logic didn't stop him from blaming Taehyung, however; ultimately, Taehyung was the one driving, after all.
“Don't you get tired of being such an ass all the time?” Taehyung scoffed.
Yoongi pretended not to hear him, turning his attention to the TV in one corner, where the local news was talking about the weather. It looked like the snow storm was moving faster than originally predicted, and they were advising people to stay off the roads if possible.
“Have you called your dad yet?” Taehyung asked suddenly.
“No,” Yoongi snorted. “Why would I have? He won't notice if we're there or not.”
“Maybe, but my mother will.”
“So why don't you just call her, then?” Yoongi wanted to ask, but he already knew the answer. Taehyung didn't deal with grief, or anything else for that matter. When things got complicated, he bailed. Simple as that. His mother was the only exception to this rule, as far as Yoongi knew. Now, Taehyung was caught between wanting to run like hell, and being there for his family. Taehyung wouldn't call his mother unless he had to, Yoongi was sure.
It wasn't that Yoongi was looking forward to arriving at Taehyung’s grandmother's farm in upstate New York to see a bunch of grieving relatives he didn't know. He wasn't looking forward to seeing his father, or getting asked “how's the business going?” and “have you met the one yet?”
Truthfully, under any other circumstances, he would have welcomed the excuse to get to the farm a day later than everyone else. But Taehyung was there, which made it significantly less enjoyable.
Yoongi sighed deeply, turning his gaze to the ceiling and noticing a large water stain there. “Even if we left now, we wouldn't beat the storm. I think we'll have to stay somewhere tonight.” He hated the idea but didn't see a different option. Taehyung just nodded idly in agreement. “I'll call your mother, you make the hotel reservations.”
Explaining to Mrs. K that they were going to be late went about as well as Yoongi expected. She wanted to know why they hadn't checked the weather, that they were both okay, and then apologized for getting in his business and telling him what to do. Yoongi didn't listen as much as he probably should have, eyes glued to the window where snow was gathering quickly. It wasn't that he disliked her, or didn't care about what she had to say. He just didn't have the energy to argue that he really didn't mind, and that he understood she was stressed. After letting her ramble for a few minutes, occasionally saying “Mhm,” and “It’s fine,” he made the lame excuse of the phone cutting out to get off the phone with her.
“So where are we staying?” He asked, turning to his brother. Taehyung just smiled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I called every hotel in the area,” He started.
“And?” Yoongi pressed.
“And they're full. But--” He held a finger up as he took a step back. “It's completely fine!”
“Damn it, Tae--”
“There's a 24-hour diner just up the road. We can hang out there until the car is ready, or the storm passes. Whichever comes first.”
He didn't wait to hear Yoongi’s reply, hurrying out the door before he could poke holes in his plan.
The diner was small and a little cramped. Yoongi guessed that other people might call it “cozy,” but to him, it just felt claustrophobic. It appeared they weren't the only ones hoping to wait out the storm, and they had to wait a few minutes before a small table shoved into the corner by the kitchen freed up.
“Doesn't this remind you of that time when we were sixteen in Waffle House?” Taehyung asked, elbowing Yoongi gently as they made their way over to the table.
“No,” Yoongi replied flatly, thinking that maybe he should have just stayed at the tire store.
“You had that nasty fake spider you were going to leave in Miss Marley's desk,” Taehyung’s smile was growing as he spoke.
“Are you going somewhere with this?” Yoongi snapped. His chair wobbled on the uneven flooring, despite his best attempt at adjusting it to make it stop. Taehyung’s smile dropped, and he folded his arms as Yoongi picked up a menu and pretended to read it.
“I know you remember,” He said. “You ended up leaving it under the check because the waitress made fun of my hair.”
Yoongi nodded reluctantly, waving a hand for Taehyung to stop talking. “Just because I remember, doesn't mean I like thinking about it. We were awful children.”
“We enjoyed life,” Taehyung argued. “You can't say we didn't have fun.”
This, at least, was true. Despite how much Yoongi cringed looking back on the things they did in their teens, even he had to admit they were some of the happiest years of his life.
“We were terrible children,” He repeated with a sigh. Leaving the fake spider for that poor waitress to find was one of the more mild shenanigans they got up to in those days.
“Do you ever miss it?” Taehyung asked quietly, and Yoongi almost missed it in the buzz of the diner.
“What?” He replied, raising an eyebrow and peering at Taehyung over the top of his menu. “Being a stupid teen? No.”
“I meant, do you ever wish we were still that close?”
Yoongi couldn't remember the last time he looked at Taehyung and thought he was being sincere about anything, but in that moment, there was something about the hesitancy in his voice that made Yoongi pause, biting back the snide remark that came to mind.
“There's no going back to that,” He said after a moment.
“Why not?” Taehyung seemed determined not to let this go now he'd brought it up, and it made Yoongi wonder how long Taehyung had thought about it. “I mean, it's ridiculous, right? We live in the same city, and see each other maybe once a year? That's stupid! Isn't time to forgave each other for the stupid things we did in our teens and moved on?”
“I have moved on,” Yoongi cleared his throat, looking back at the menu so he wouldn't have to look Taehyung in the eyes.
“Like hell you have,” Taehyung muttered.
“I didn't say I forgave you,” Yoongi slammed his menu down, trying to ignore the waiter who started to approach the table and seemed to have thought better of it. “I said I moved on. Big difference.”
Taehyung fell silent for a moment. “I can’t believe you’re going to hold a grudge after all these years…” He muttered.
Yoongi shook his head. He wasn’t even sure if he was mad anymore, if he truly asked himself. He was, however, positive that things couldn’t go back to how they were before all of the family drama. They couldn’t get back all those years wasted fighting because Taehyung hated Yoongi’s dad and despite everything, Yoongi took over his father’s company and became just like him. Too much damage had been done, for too long.
“I’m sorry,” Yoongi sighed. “Honestly? I miss those days, too. And maybe you’re right--that we should move on, I mean. But it’ll never be like it was. Not really.”
Taehyung nodded slowly, eyes on the table. “I guess.”
“I do wish we’d seen her face, though,” Yoongi couldn’t help a smile pulling at his lips.
“What?” Taehyung looked up, confused.
“The waitress,” Yoongi clarified. “We were so scared to get caught, we didn’t stick around to see her face when she found the spider.”
Taehyung grinned. “Hearing her scream was pretty great though, wasn’t it?”
A/N And there it is! That’s what my teacher is going to grade, lol. I was originally going to make it about all-new characters, but as I developed the setting, I realized that TTF Tae and Yoongi were the perfect people to end up stranded in a snow-storm together, plus it gave me a chance to talk about their past. Btw, I think I’m going to re-write the last several chapters of TTF, so if they disappear for a bit, that’s why lol. Thanks for reading, and let me know what you thought! Did it answer any of your questions about them? Do you still hate Taehyung? Based only on this, my classmates have informed me that Yoongi is an ass, and were all on Tae’s side. <3
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majdalenaska · 5 years
Up in the air aka glorified waitress
Today it’s been exactly two years since I officially started my cabin crew journey and working for Norwegian Air, hence I‘ve decided to start a blog. Let’s see how it goes..
Below I describe my 6 days‘ trip down route. I hope you will enjoy it a bit and get a little glimpse into my flying world.
I’m talking to a young girl in the elevator; she looks at me in my uniform and says: „Wow, you are a cabin crew? Well, in fact she meant to say : „ Wow you are so lucky, you get to travel the whole world“!
That made me smile, but deep down I thought, hmm that’s a bit of  an overstatement.
No, really, many of my friends have a bit biased ideas about this world of flying and what it really feels like to work on a plane. Initially, I was very naive as well, not having a clue as to how I was going to feel on board, how I was going to interact with passengers from different countries and cultures who speak languages that I might not understand. What it is like  meeting a different crew every single flight - a bunch of folks who you have never met before, and  having to pretend you are proficient enough to provide excellent customer service.
No one can prepare you for the actual flight and being on board. The jetlagg, the anxiety, stress and fatique but with time it all goes away and you get used to it, somehow.
But, on the other hand, who can say they’ve had a steak for dinner in one of the most famous restaurant in Buenos Aires and danced Tango with one of the locals? Or who gets to experience flying in the skies at 39 000 ft every week using a Dreamliner 787 as their office? And  getting paid for all the traveling around the world? To sum it up all, I’d say my life is kinda up and down, literally.
This week I’ve had a 6 days‘ trip: London-New York-Madrid-New York-Madrid-London, sounds awful, doesn’t it? It is kind of an odd pattern but since we cover the workload of other bases, we have to be ready anytime for anything. This is aviation! Sometimes you never know where you could be flying next.
28.8./ 8:20 CET- London Gatwick            
         I meet my crew at Costa coffee at Gatwick and first introductions can begin. There are over 800 crews in Norwegian, so in most cases you will see everyone for the first time, and there is a little chance that you will be flying with someone you’ve already met before. I really appreciate when I see someone I’ve worked with on my previous flights, so there is a slight possibility. I’m feeling a bit awkward, I don’t seem to know anyone. I am not keen on small talk but there is no other choice. The flight crew aren‘t looking very happy today but maybe a smile from  cabin crew will cheer them up.
Together we are headed on board and in the forward cabin (PREMIUM) we have a quick briefing before the flight. Our senior assigns positions of the door which we are responsible for. Together we talk through all emergency questions and also discuss first aid topics. The Captain provides us with information regarding turbulences and the flight time, which is the only information everyone’s been waiting for. I’m feeling tired, didn’t have a good night’s sleep , but once the meal service starts, I am ready to go. The flight runs relatively smoothly, we do have an enormous bunch of orders though, which is not ideal, if there are only 8 cabin crew in total. Flights, especially to NYC, are ridicilously busy sometimes.
   We finish the service and half the crew can hit the crew rest, which is located at the rear of the cabin. It’s my turn so I can get myself into the little bunk, close my eyes trying to get some rest;this is so far the best part of the flight. If anyone of my readers has ever flown on a Boeing 787 before - please keep reading. You can find the lavatories on the other side of the crew rest and if you see the sign CABIN CREW ONLY , please stay away, this is definitely not a lavatory. You might wonder why I mention this, but 99% of our passengers do try to open our doors and fail miserably.
Anyway, we get to New York city around 1 PM local time (18.00 CET), and since this airport is one of the busiest airports out there we sometimes spend around 45 minutes taxing to the gate and waiting and waiting… (the worst part of a flight)
15:30 local time/ 20 : 30 CET – New York City
Two hours later, we finally reach our hotel in Manhattan; the whole journey from the airport can take up to 1 hour. But we stay in a hotel in Manhattan, so no one complains really. Everyone gets to their rooms and we talk about what to do later. We plan a rooftop bar in Brooklyn, but it starts raining, bummer. I take a shower and a short nap, since later I plan on going to Whole Foods with one of my colleagues. Shouldn’t have done that; after waking up I feel so drained that I am only capable of going downstairs for a pizza at the corner.
The pizza tastes delicious though and I put a Netflix on, unwind and relax. At 8 o´clock I can’t keep my eyes open anymore and I fall asleep. At 2 am I wake up and lie around in bed till 5 am. Thank you jet lag! Being an experienced flight attendant, however, I do have my morning routine. I do a bit of yoga, meditate and head for the coast to have a jog, which works perfect for jetlagg issues. You usually need a buddy who will drag you out of the bed, though. This time I pulled it off on my own!
It really feels amazing to be jogging along the Hudson river at 7 am, passing thrilled New Yorkers with their dogs and strollers, thinking about how awesome it might be to actually live here. After a while, I sit on a bench, listen to music and admire the views over Manhattan and get carried away. I come for a run here every single morning.
   Back at the hotel, I go downstairs to have breakfast and meet the rest of my crew. A big breakfast makes me  tired once again, so no big plans for today, I’m afraid. But maybe  I could manage some shopping in Century 21 and a lunch in Whole foods? ( BTW This place is awesome, just don’t get too carried away, otherwise you’ll be crying at the till.) Later we fly back to Madrid and I desperately long for a good night’s sleep. Tough luck, though.
I play a meditation video to calm me down but it’s pointless.
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   29.8/21:15 local time( 02:15 CET)- New York City
It’s not ideal to start your flight at 3 am European time, as you can imagine. Anyway, in the world of flight attendants you get used to anything…anything at all. One hour on a bus to the airport, one hour taxing to the gate…man, I am drained. I am sitting on my jumpseat about 50 minutes and there are 3 passengers sitting opposite  me.( Cabin crew  must smile no matter what, so wakey wakey Magdalena!) Luckily all  the passengers are asleep so I can relax. The flight is stress and turbulence free and it only takes  6 hours and 30 minutes,yay. Well, sometimes it is rather enjoyable. Although every flight is utterly different, to be honest. Fatique, arguments with passengers, arguments with  crew, fainting passengers, drunk passengers…take your pick. But, hooray, today no one has vomitted on me and I haven‘t spilled any drinks on anyone. Not yet, at least.
30.8/14:35 local time - Madrid
We are thrilled arriving in Madrid. My idea of the upcoming days looks like this: The sun, the pool and chill. I leave my uniform in the hotel room and in the evening I meet my colleagues from Hungary and Poland. Together we set off towards the center of Madrid. The plan is to stroll around the city and get some Tapas and Sangria. We are lucky enough to be guided by one of our colleagues who is local in Madrid.
He shows us a few places of interests. I am mainly excited by the beautiful park called Cuarttel de la Montana, which gives you a stunning view over the city. We can‘t possibly finish our evening in Madrid without visiting the local Chocolateria San Gines, where the best Churros is made. The next day we explore the shopping mall next door, and spend a great time relaxing at the pool and regaining energy for the upcoming night flight.
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31.8./18:25 local time
All bags packed and prepared, I am headed down to the lobby to meet my crew. We are flying back to New York City, which I am not really keen on, due to my poor sleep on the  East Coast. Interestingly, lately I‘ve preferred flying to the West coast of USA where I don’t have a major issue with jetlagg and sleep.( Though it only took  a year and half to get used to all those time differences, haha.)  We have a nice flight, the only trouble being  that almost 80% of all passengers are Spanish speaking, so we send our only Spanish speaking colleague L. everywhere we can. L. is not that excited about the situation. We have a small issue with a passenger who  refuses to give up on her own meal with nuts. Unfortunately for her, we have a passenger on board, who is allergic to nuts and hence it’s strictly forbidden to be eating anything containing nuts. But Mrs. B. is not happy about that and complains that she only eats foods that are vegan, gluten free an organic and we can’t really provide that from our snack bar, according to her. I try my best explaining and offering something else but in the end I have to call my senior. We bribe her with a freshly made coffee which is the only thing  she is willing to consume. Anyway, at the end of the flight. Mrs. B opens up her own meal box risking an anaphylactic shock for the poor passenger. Fortunately, nothing happens and her meal doesn‘t trigger an allergic reaction. It really feels  utterly frustrating that although we do our best to explain the seriousness of the situation, Mrs. B. ignores everything we say and put the life of a co - passenger at a risk. I think it is outrageous  how some people are so ignorant and arrogant. Yet, there‘s so much more a cabin crew can come up against  and have to deal with.( I just can‘t really stress enough the  importance of  working on yourself, your resiliance and patience, to be able to face all those kinds of challenges without ever losing your head and nerve.)
Another situation comes up with a lady  complaining about not getting a seat in exit row , where she can hang up a bassinet for her baby during the flight. Since she only speaks spanish, my colleague L.  apologizes to her saying that they must have made a mistake at the check in desk and she will have to take another seat unfortunately.
Service is taking ages and is not pleasant at all, no one can understand me, but eventually I am good to go with Vino Bianco and Vino Rosso. Spanish is not that difficult after all.
We get to the Manhattan hotel at  around 1 am in the morning, which is 6 am European time. Having an alcoholic beverage goes aside and I am only focused on my beautiful bed on 23rd floor. I am so tired  I would happily stay in that cosy warm bed until tomorrow’s pick up. But I forget I am at East coast so I am up at 6.30 heading for  breakfast. I don’t feel like running today, apologies Hudson river. After breakfast I feel drowsy again, I roll in the bed and put on some Netflix. I get my lunch in Preta Manger nearby and go back to my hotel room. You‘re thinking right, jetlagg is not an easy beast sometimes.
1.9 /21.15 local tme- 02.15 CET- New York
Here comes the very last working flight of this pattern and we are going back to Madrid, yay, feels like Dejavu. On the way to the JFK airport everyone falls asleep since it takes about an hour to get there and it is quite late in the evening. What is the best thing about night flights? Almost every passenger is fast asleep before the take off, awesome! We have a quiet time in both galleys and  the flight only takes 6,5 hours, which is a big plus of NYC flights. Compared it with Buenos Aires, which is about 13 hours from London Gatwick, a bit of a  difference, eh?
2.9. /12:59 CET – Madrid
We’ve arrived in Madrid but our flight back to London Gatwick is due in 5 hours. We are lucky enough to  have our hotel booked for us so we can refresh and relax for a bit. We don’t operate this flight- it is called DEADHEADING, which means, that we fly as passengers in our civil clothes. We get to Gatwick around 7.30 in the evening and everything seems great. There wasn’t any delay, no baggage was lost, everything is as should be.  Around 10 o’clock in the evening I get home and order a pizza and a beer from Deliveroo. Unpacking my suitcase can wait till tomorrow - I fall into my cosy bed and I am not getting out of it for the next 12 hours.
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alaynes-writings · 6 years
Summary: The reader is exchanging e-mails with an unknown person because of a school project. Since they really like each other, they decide to finally meet in person.
Pairing: Alexander Hamilton x reader
Time period: modern
Word count: 2,401
Warnings: none
A/N: Lowkey inspired by Love, Simon. Amazing movie. Amazing book. Also I love penpals. As always, please tell me if you notice any mistakes so I can correct them. If you have time, feedback would be nice. Enjoy!
The most exciting thing you did every day was turning on your computer. Not because you were a huge nerd or had an unhealthy obsession with the internet. No, it was because you couldn’t wait to read a new message from him.
Impatiently you drummed with your fingers on your desk as your browser opened and you logged in into your email account. You almost squeaked in excitement and a huge grin spread on your face when you saw the little “one” next to the new-messages-button.
13th October 2018, 8:43 am
Regard: I love autumn too!
Ah, I’m so glad you love autumn too! It’s my favourite season. I can finally drink coffee again without dying of heat and when I’m writing outside I’m much more inspired. Nature is just so wonderful. Also Halloween is the best thing because there’s lots of candy. Do you like Halloween too?
PS: Did you notice that today is the 13th ? Of course you noticed, it’s your favourite number. But anyway, happy 13th!
You chuckled at the last sentence. How cute that he remembered, that 13 was your favourite number! You opened a new draft and tried to think of an answer.
This whole thing had started a few weeks ago when the school psychologist had the great idea that the students should get to know each other better, most importantly, people who don’t normally hang out together. So this was basically one of those “We are all one big family”-projects. You had hated the idea, there was a reason some people just don’t hang out, maybe you weren’t interested in “making new friends”. But unfortunately this wasn’t obligatory and everyone had to hand in their email-adress. Since you didn’t want anybody to know which email belonged to you, you had created mysteriousperson13 and you didn’t really expect to get any messages. But two days after handing in your email, a message had appeared and since your curiosity was stronger than your dislike for the project you had clicked on it. That’s when you met youngscrappyandhungry. Even though you didn’t know who he was, you two had been messaging back and forth every day for the last weeks. At first you didn’t want to answer. But the message was actually kinda cute and so you gave it a shot. And he was perfect. You two got along so well and soon you felt like you could talk about anything. He was incredibly intelligent, witty and you looked forward to his messages every day.
But you never read them in school on your phone because one time Angelica had gotten really curious why your eyes were practically glued to your screen. She had tried to get a glimpse at your phone and in that moment you decided that this was just for you. You didn’t want to share this yet. So you always waited until you were alone in your room.
13th October 2018, 4:23 pm
Regard: Happy 13th!
First of all, happy 13th to you too! And second, I think you’re obsessed with coffee. Do you ever sleep?
But to answer your question, Halloween and I have a complicated relationship. I love the decoration and the music and the sweets but I’m scared very easily so I basically don’t leave the house on that day. Very childish, I know.
You clicked send and took a deep breath to calm yourself down. You always felt so excited when you were talking to him. And even though you were fine with the situation, the need that you wanted to know who you were talking to, had been growing the last days. When you first asked him who he was, he answered that he wanted to remain anonymous and that was okay for you. But now that you knew so much about each other, you couldn’t help but wonder who he was. The only clues you had was that he was a boy, going to the same school as you and he liked drinking coffee. But a lot of people drank coffee at school so that wouldn’t really help you. He also loved to write and you knew he had a way with words. He had told you that he had a few close friends and that there was someone at school he really didn’t like and got into fights with a lot. He also liked history and politics, so you could delimit the people that came into question, but that still left you with a group around 40 people. And you didn’t even knew half of them. But you were also scared to ask him to reveal himself again. And the more you thought about it, the stronger your fear became. What if he didn’t like you any more when he found out who you are? But you tried to keep those thoughts out of your head.
You sat down at your desk and started doing your homework. Or at least you tried. Your eyes constantly wandered off, glancing at the screen of you computer, impatiently waiting for his reply. You didn’t even know if he was home yet or when he would see your message. You knew that he didn’t have tons of extra courses but he liked to hang out at cafés to write. But he also had internet access there. You sighed, knowing that it was ridiculous to think like that. But then a soft ‘bing’ came from your computer and the homework was forgotten  You clicked on the new message.
13th October 2018, 4: 35 pm
Regard: Halloween party
I’m not obsessed with coffee!
Okay maybe a bit. Just slightly. I just like it. And it keeps me awake. Don’t judge.
And coming back to Halloween, does that mean you won’t be at the Halloween party the school is hosting? I know it’s not really good or anything and most people are only there because they have to but I was hoping you would be there. And maybe I could buy you a drink?
You were pretty sure your heart just skipped a beat at that. Did he really want to meet you? You hadn’t really processed the thought, when another ‘bing’ came and you hurried to click on the second message.
13th October 2018, 4: 36 pm
Regard: I’m sorry
Nevermind, that was weird I’m sorry. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to meet and if you don’t like Halloween or parties or anything, I should have asked first if you wanted to meet. I’m sorry.
You couldn’t help but chuckle. It was cute that he thought you might not want to meet him. You were pretty sure it was quite clear that you liked him. And he sounded so… nervous. Not that you weren’t nervous too, but as you thought about it now, you really wanted to meet him.
13th October 2018, 4:42 pm
Regard: I don’t like cherries
I’d like to meet you. Very much. So I’ll come to that stupid party but you have to make sure, I won’t die of a heart attack. And you can buy me a drink, but not the ones with the cherries, I tried them last year and they were horrible.
The next two weeks went by way too slowly for your liking. You felt nervous when you thought about meeting him, but you were also excited. You two kept texting back and forth but you could sense from the way he was writing that he was nervous too. You were scared he could cancel everything. But then it was suddenly October 31st and you two had agreed to meet in front of the history classroom. You had also exchanged phone numbers so you could contact each other more easily.
You hadn’t really put any effort in your costume and now, standing in front of the mirror, you regretted that. It was a simple witch costume that had been in your closet for a while. But since you never celebrated Halloween in that way, you didn’t own anything better and now it was too late to get another one. So you had to go with it.
When you arrived at the school it was already crowded. You were surprised by how many people actually attended the party. You made your way through the crowd and positioned yourself in front of the classroom and took out your cellphone. 8:51 pm. You had agreed to meet at 9.
Nervously you looked around, watching the people around you. Was he already here too? Did he already see you? Was he happy? Disappointed?
You clutched your phone in your hand and took a few deep breaths to calm your racing heart. The minutes passed and they felt like hours to you. 9:01 pm. Suddenly your phone vibrated. A new message!
Sorry to keep you waiting. But I’m afraid of your reaction when you find out who I am. Promise not to judge immediately?
You quickly typed an answer.
I’m scared too. So I promise not to judge if you don’t judge.
You looked around, trying to spot people who were on their phones. You noticed a guy from your English class whose name was Trevor. Was he the one you had been exchanging emails with? But then he looked up and put the phone in his back pocket, turning his attention to his friends. So it wasn’t him. You nervously started chewing on your bottom lip when your phone vibrated again.
Don’t be scared. I’m coming now. You look really pretty tonight btw.
You were sure your heart stopped at the last sentence. You look really pretty tonight btw. That meant he already knew who you were. And he thought you were pretty. So he wasn’t disappointed? He liked you? Everything would be fine?
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you hadn’t even noticed the person approaching you and you flinched when someone tapped on your shoulder.
You just stared at him for a few seconds, unable to say something. It was Alexander Hamilton. The Alexander Hamilton. A genius in school, pretty popular and very handsome as well. He was dressed in a black suit with a dark cape. A vampire costume. With his long hair in a ponytail he really looked like he just jumped out of the 18th century.
“Hi.”, he said, seeming a bit insecure by your reaction. “It’s me.”
Mentally you went through everything he had ever told you about him in his mails and suddenly it was perfectly clear. He loved history and politics and writing, he couldn’t live without coffee, the information you had about his friends and his fights with Thomas Jefferson, even though he had never mentioned any names. Suddenly you wondered how you could have been so blind.
“Hi.” you finally managed to get out. You smiled at him shyly.
His expression immediately changed, returning your smile.
“I’m glad we’re finally meeting. Are you… okay with it?”
You quickly nodded. “I’m just… surprised I guess.”
“But in a good way?” he asked, almost hopefully. You couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Yes in a good way.”
He visibly relaxed and smiled softly.
“Well then, I’m pretty sure I promised you a drink.” He offered you his arm and you took it, giggling.
“I remember that. And now you have to tell me why the hell you decided to take this project seriously and sent me that email.”
He blushed and you two stopped at the end of the line of the sales booth.
“You know… honestly I have to make a confession.”
You raised an eyebrow. “A confession?”
He nodded and cleared his throat before he answered.
“You know the school psychologist needed some help with the mail addresses and to match the students and I volunteered to do that and maybe… I kinda sabotaged it so I would get your email.”
And again you could only stare at him, not really knowing what to say.
“Please don’t be mad. I just really wanted to get to know you and I thought maybe...” he trailed off and left the sentence unfinished. But you weren’t mad. You just didn’t really understand.
“But… you do know that you could have just talked to me, right?”
He let out a nervous laugh and his cheeks turned pink.
“I know. But… I was to scared.”
“I’m scary?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No! That’s not what I meant.” he quickly clarified, shaking his head. “Remember the history project two months ago? We worked together.”
You remembered. You had never really spoken to Alexander before, but that day you got teamed up for a small presentation. He had been really nice and you were really impressed by his knowledge.
“Yes of course.”
“I just… I really liked you, but when the project was over I didn’t know how to behave. You were always with your friends and I was just scared you would reject me if I asked you out.” he explained. You could see that it was hard for him to admit that.
He sighed. “I’m really sorry. You must think I’m really creepy.”
You laughed. “No, not really. Maybe a bit, but… I guess I’m okay with it. And you put a lot of effort into getting to know me. I appreciate that.”
He seemed relived and a small grin appeared on his face.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
When it was your turn to order the drinks, Alex got you a blueberry drink and a coffee for himself.
“You are really addicted to that stuff.” you said, hiding your smile behind your drink. But of course he noticed it.
“I’m not. I’ll admit that it’s maybe to the best drink when you’re nervous but it’s still delicious.”
You blushed at his confession. He was nervous? Who would have thought that Alexander Hamilton liked you.
“Can I ask you something?” he suddenly said and you turned your attention back to him, nodding.
“Would you go out with me? Like on a real date? A non-halloween-party date? Just… you know, talking. I promise I won’t order a coffee.” The words just stumbled out of his mouth and you could see how embarrassed he felt, but to you, it was the cutest thing.
“Of course. I’d really love to.”
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isolataed · 6 years
A Sprinkle of Champagne// Wong Yukhei
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Pairings: yukhei x reader / jaehyun x reader
Words: 9.7k
Genre: an unbearable amount of fluff, angst, richkid! au, barista! au, waiter! au, arranged marriage! au (too many au’s to count I’m srry idk when to stop sue me)
Warning!!: contains mature themes, underaged alcohol usage, explicit language (not for the light of heart, also if you listen closely you can almost hear me screaming in frustration with how long I’ve postponed this bc procrastination. btw it sorta gets cliché towards the end bc I’m just a whore for clichés srry not srry.)
Money flows to you in avalanches of abundance. Its been a coping mechanism throughout all your 18 years on this god forsaken planet. Whenever the slightest inconvenience occurs you find yourself reaching for your credit card faster than one can blink and you hurry to your favorite designer boutique to help quell your thirst for comfort. Many would pine for their friends’ presence in a time of need especially when you’re on the verge of having a mental breakdown, however, you were no ordinary person and had to cope in a various amount of ways which just so happened to include retail therapy. Sure, you could announce that you’re having a party on your million-dollar yacht and your so called ‘friends’ would come scurrying to you no matter their current destination. People had a knack for your money and wouldn’t second guess using you for it. You knew it. And so did they. But to be completely honest, it didn’t bother you that much since you had more pressing matters on your hands. Even though you would hate to admit it but, no matter how much money you had, there was still an emptiness that could never be filled. No new Jimmy Choo pumps, no Gucci belt, not even diamond earrings could help fill the emptiness that has chosen to take hostage deep within you. Again, as much as you’d hate to admit it, money can’t buy happiness, However, it most certainly can buy you a new Gucci wardrobe. And that’s what you were currently occupied with, browsing each clothing rack until your searching eyes settled upon a shimmering thigh high length dress with a plunging neckline and a just equally exposing back.
Hmm I’d say that’s skimpy enough for tonight’s event.
Your thoughts had a subconscious grin stretching onto your face since, well, you are your favorite comedian after all. Most would be appalled by your rather provocative fashion sense but you live by the motto if you got it, flaunt it. And throughout your stress-shopping you hadn’t noticed that you’d received a message from your fiancé, jaehyun. In the mess of things, your parents had decided it was due for you to continue the family inheritance, or company with an all too trusting fiancé accompanied by your side. His family goes way back with your parents and the closeness between each other is rather convenient for them. Despite there being a miniscule part of you wanting to pick your own partner and having it be decided in fates hands. You always were a dreamer when it came to fate. Nonetheless you were content with your current partner. After all, you two had grown close ever since high school with the both of you being labeled the ‘it’ couple. To be blunt, everyone knew you two and were happy enough to be rooting for the both of you. You enjoyed it. To be showered with fame and popularity since you were the girlfriend of a boyfriend’s family with a multi-million-dollar company. Your family wasn’t too shabby either with having collected millions throughout the years with their equally successful company. Once your family came to learn that you were dating, they were quick to force the whole arranged marriage propaganda upon the two of you. You were obliged to the engagement almost as if your parents set a lock on it, having the impending pressure hovering over both you and Jaehyun. Everything was rushed to say the least and went against your wishes of wanting to take your time and fully immerse yourself into the fulfilling relationship but nonetheless you were content with getting a head-start to your life. Many were jealous of your lifestyle and were quick to write you off as a spoiled brat which you could agree on some level. But then again you were the one living your life the fullest. That is until your eyes skimmed over the message from your fiancé that left a sorrow expression imprinted on your features.
We need to talk. Meet me at your driveway I’ll be there in 10.
This ultimately surprised you since you were technically supposed to be getting ready for your engagement party tonight and not sending each other these questionable text messages. As the phone screen illuminated your troubled features you found yourself at loss for words. Your freshly painted fingernails were hovering over the keyboard unable to formulate any structured sentences since you were too busy overthinking everything. A sigh left your parted lips as you reminded yourself that you can’t be stressing over the smallest things since you did after all have a reputation to keep up. You began typing with your newfound confidence.
Alright but idk what you could possibly want to talk about since our engagement party is just in a couple hours??
Hesitantly, you pressed send and locked your phone back up in your Louis Vuitton bag before you had the slightest inkling of regret based on what you just sent and went straight back to your mindless shopping.
Soon enough another chime erupted from your phone. It read.
I know, but please come it’s urgent.
Jaehyun has never been this insistent with you over text and you found yourself beginning to worry as seconds turned into long fretful minutes and soon enough your brain was a jumbled mess. What could be on his mind for him to be reacting in such way?
You thought no longer and before you could register what was happening you were already out the door with your newly purchased clothing items.
The drive back to your estate was stressful but you tried to keep our nerves at bay before they had the chance to swallow you whole. The party was starting in just a couple hours that were surly to fly by with the amount of time needed for you to get ready and change into the suitable persona amongst your whole family and friends. Although you weren’t sure whether to call them friends or not. Acquaintances that are just in it for your money seems like a better description. As you around the corner to your gates that swing open once the security see you in view, you can’t help the incriminating thoughts that swell up into the confinements of your brain, especially, once Jaehyun comes into your sight.
He sat patiently against the never-ending steps up to your mansion. He seemed to be dressed rather casually despite him being informed of the engagement party and there was a tiny inkling of something beginning to stir deep within you. You perhaps were vexed of this sudden circumstance. There also seemed to be a somber expression etched onto his face as if Michelangelo himself had carved it into his features. You sauntered with your false confidence against the stone path. Uncertainty filled your senses but being the suborn person you are, you ignored it. In a time like this you find yourself absentmindedly staring at the man before you. The suns saffron rays dancing upon his golden skin. He harbored such beauty that put the sun to shame. It was almost enough to distract you from the pensive mood that has clung to the air around you like a blanket. Your unknowing eyes traveled up to his own as you lent in to give him a quick peck on the cheek as a welcoming kiss. However, he withdrew himself almost immediately which left you awestruck. He’d normally never deny you a harmless peck on the cheek and the fact that he did had your stomach swirling uncomfortably. Pain was quick to flash onto your features, although you gathered yourself and a questionable look took its place.
“What’s wrong?”
Your question was simple yet harmless but arose a harrowing look deep within his eyes. If you knew any better, he was certainly troubled. He seemed to ponder about what he was going to say before meeting your inquisitive eyes. He mused, “we need to talk.” You were quick to retaliate, “well isn’t that what we’re doing right now?” He had a lingering look buried deep within his mesmerizing eyes. Almost as if he was contemplating on what to say. Or rather how to say it. He ignored your previous question as he continued with hesitation evident in his voice, “I know that this is probably the worst time to be telling you this. I also know that I should’ve told you this months ago, but I never had the guts to finally admit it. And I hate that I am admitting to it. It’s just that these thoughts have been bothering me for quite some time now and I think it is best if I were to tell you now before anything more substantial happens in this relationship.”
You already knew where this was heading but again you also didn’t want to admit it to yourself. You wanted to spare your feelings until he ultimately crushed them. And so you let him.
“I’m sorry y/n but I think it would be best if we called off the engagement and the marriage along with it.”
It started with a heavy feeling deep within the captivity of your chest. Spreading like branches all throughout your body. It felt like there was a ton of bricks being weighed down on you. suffocating you to no return. And all you could do was sit there as it happened right before your eyes. Just waiting for the storm to pass. Except it didn’t. you never saw it coming. But then again you never see heartbreak coming.
At least not this time.
You fooled yourself if you thought Jaehyun was giving his undivided effort into the relationship. There was always a small part of you that turned a blind eye to it but every time he watched you, you could tell only emotionless eyes came to greet you whenever you gazed into his deep umber ones. No effort to call you whenever he went on long business trips with his family across the ocean. No longing for you and only you.
No love.
Thus, amid trying to spare your feelings and instead coming clean, you were the one at fault who did this to yourself. Not him.
Maybe you were a bit too harsh on yourself, but you had every right to be. If you’re not honest with yourself now, then when will you be?
You hadn’t noticed you’d began crying once you felt the first sprinkle of tears trailing down your rosy cheeks. “When did it happen?” you spoke softly, trying your best to not make it evident that your voice had began to get choked up. His solemn eyes met your own teary-eyed ones and widened substantially once he noticed you’d began crying. His hand quickly ushered up to your cheeks to wipe away the salty tears. It was warm against your cheeks, no thanks to the chilly brutal wind whipping at your figure. It comforted you to say the least.
An expression you hadn’t seen in a while flashed across his face, pity. He couldn’t fathom how much of an effect he had on you. He felt like he had your ever-so delicate heart in his hands and he hated that he had that power over you. Since you were not one to easily give that up and fall into the vulnerability that came along with it. But again, you thought he was different and didn’t have a care in the world of the consequences.
“When did what happen?”
“When did you fall out of love?”
The question left him awestricken. He pondered momentarily before speaking, “I can’t pin point an actual date but even if I could I don’t think I could bare the thought of knowing I broke your heart like that. So, I don’t think it would be advisable for me to- “
“Tell me, it’s the least you could do especially when confronting me hours before our engagement party.”
The sudden disdain in your voice had him recoiling. “Y/n all I can say is that it wasn’t sudden. It happened gradually. No matter how hard I tried to keep it from happening, it did. And I can’t even begin to say how sorry I am but- “
“I loved you.” You croaked, now gazing up at him with sorrow filled eyes and staring into the eyes you fell in love with, them feeling like an endless void. Tears dribbling down the arc of your cupid’s bow and onto the plush of your lips, tasting the salty bitterness.
You thought that this was more than just an arranged marriage. You thought the both of you actually had a connection that couldn’t be found any elsewhere. But, you’ve been deceived.
His hands reached down to grab your own as he cradled them as if they were made of porcelain and would shatter in the slightest movement. The pad of his finger flittered over your palm as tears silently rolled down the curves of your cheeks and into your intertwined hands. He apologetically gazed into your eyes once more, “I’m sorry.”
He takes a step back from you, lets your hand fall limply to your side in the process. He shakes his head, an unreadable expression twisted onto his face as he desperately attempts to hold himself together.
“I’m so sorry.”
And with that his presence soon vanishes into the cool airiness of the wind. Leaving you in a stoic mess as you drop to your knees unable to withstand your own weight anymore with what you just endured. You can’t formulate any coherent thought or to try and even make sense of what just happened.
You’d eventually decided to keep the party going and up to schedule since it was too late to cancel and inform the hundred-something number of guests which was a headache on its own. You were solicitous in the fact that you’ll have to endure even more embarrassment having this been an engagement party and those usually consist of two people. Not one that is a sobbing mess over the counter of your own personal bar. Everyone was eyeing you pitifully and a part of you wanted to lash out at them, but you know that you can’t blame them since, well, you were a complete and utter mess.
There was no use in denying it. You knew it. They knew it. Everyone did.
It was an embarrassment of its own having all you friends and family seeing you in a state like this which was not as presentable as you hoped for. Slightly because of the mascara staining the pallor of your cheeks and giving you the illusion of a racoon. And the tiniest noticeable trail of snot laying atop your cupids bow. You didn’t even have the energy to wipe it away. Nor were you sober enough to even take notice of it. Although you weren’t has hammered as you wished to be. That was your goal for tonight at least, to hopefully drown yourself in alcohol rather than sorrow and despair. Normally you’d never show this side of yourself fearing that your family’s business partners would think low of you, but frankly, at this point you didn’t give a single fuck. You’d think that the people gathered at your party would have a brain and heart big enough to show some empathy and understand what you’re going through, but your naïve self knew that in the world that you live in, that is nothing but a fairytale.
Nothing in this world could get worse for you at this point. Considering the fact that you’re lazily sitting against the counter of the bar on your own private yacht. It was a prodigious boat indeed with multiple bars if not just one didn’t titillate your fancy, a dining room and lounge area which was where most of the guests were occupying the area. However, you’d found was a difficulty trying to decipher the faces from ones you do and don’t know. String lights casted the whole boat with warmth despite it being a rather chilling night. And the overly exposing Gucci dress you picked was not doing a decent job of keeping your warmth. You and Jaehyun had planned for a weekend trip in Barbados on your yacht, so that’s where you and the other guests were situated. It almost felt like you were away from the problems that have been bestowed upon you while in the middle of the ocean. Almost. And the beautiful sight to see definitely helped to keep your mind at ease. Your gaze was keen on the coast that lit up and shimmered like strings of gold chains in the distance against the turquoise water that ebbs and laps onto the shoreline.
Surprisingly, the tears have subsided. For now, at least because you know once you’re out of sight you’re sure enough you’ll become a bawling mess. Currently, you just sip your third shrimp cocktail of the night with an emotionless expression imprinted on your face. Despite having it been your third drink, you can still feel the helplessness lingering. So you knew you needed something stronger. It was hilarious how everyone ignored you knowing that the second they bring up the failed engagement, you’d begin crying for the hundredth time that night. And just the acknowledgement of the guest’s behavior, it had you shaking your head in astonishment. Although a few people did apologize from the sad news which to say the least didn’t help at all. Mostly because they weren’t genuine. No one ever was. And you were used to it.
“Dang, whose dog died?”
You almost choke on your drink once you hear what comes out this aloof stranger’s mouth. As you whirl around to face them, your gaze meets the dark lustrous enticing eyes of a man no older than you. You notice how a few strands of honey colored hair sat against the bridge of his nose. And you found yourself resisting the urge to whisk them away. Even with the sun having set far beneath the horizon you are still able to decipher his glowing sun-kissed skin in the dimmest of light as if it were saturated with the sun’s rays. It was as if there was an iridescent glow that emanated within him. Or maybe that was your slightly buzzed mind playing tricks on you. And by the look of the uniform he is wearing and the tray of champagne he is carrying, it is clearly understood that he is in fact a waiter. Your eyes trailed down his vest to find that he had his name clipped onto the cloth. Yukhei. The soft buzz of the alcohol was surely taking its affect on you by the way you’re eyeing the stranger right before you. And he surely noticed it as well.
“Excuse me?”
 Your question had a smirk gravitating on his plump lips. “I’m sorry but I couldn’t help but notice your somber mood let alone on this whole boat.”
You’d have fooled yourself if you thought you saw sympathy flash across his features but was gone as soon as it came. You eyed him carefully, “no need to be sorry or try to comfort me. Besides, shouldn’t you be doing your job? That’s what we’re paying you for anyway.”
 He tries his best to keep his facial expressions neutral, but you read him like an open book as a faint look of hurt washes over his face. “You know I could, but why would I when you’re so obviously distressed?” he quips sarcastically.
 You sniffle, “am not.”
 A snicker leaves his lips and flows into the brisk airiness of the ocean night as it leaves you entranced as if it were a sirens song. It’s so mellifluous to the ears that it even has the birds jealous. You surely wouldn’t mind hearing that every morning you tell your already buzzed self.
 His fervid gaze dug so far deep into your skin to where it had you frozen as if you were a marbled statue. Almost like he was the male medusa. Although far more attractive.
 You cursed at your half-drunk self for making it obvious that you clearly are liking what you’re seeing. And all he could do was watch you with slight fascination in his piercing chocolate-brown eyes. 
“Is this seat taken?” he gestured towards the seat next to you. His all too smooth melodic voice sent shivers all throughout your body that elicited visible goose-bumps on your skin. Or maybe you were just cold, who knows. A slight smirk crept onto his features as you motioned for him to sit and that the seat was in fact unoccupied.
A short time seemed to pass until he interrupted the comfortable silence, “so, I heard of the unfortunate news.”
Just of the mention of it had you mumbling I’m not drunk enough for this, although luckily it was too incoherent for him to decipher what you exactly said.
You ignored his previous statement and eyed his tray of champagne instead, “you know what, I’m getting sick of shrimp cocktail.” Taking your unvoiced hint, he handed you the crystalline glass which you gladly pinched the delicate stem of the champagne flute between your manicured fingers. You lifted the glass up to your red lips and took a short swig of the sparkling Armand de Brignac. The overly expensive golden liquid tingled as it slid all the way down your throat and you gulped along with a satisfying ah leaving your lips.
 As you looked in his direction, amusement was written all over his handsome features. It was another glass and a half and an even more so hammered self until he speaks once again, “so princess, care to tell me what’s on your mind?” your eyes widened at his nickname he’s seemingly given you despite the two of you just having met. “First of all, Yukhei, I don’t know you well enough to spew my feelings at you which I’m sure the second you leave you’ll go bad-mouthing me.” It was obvious you had trust issues but that was the least of your concern as you turned back to look at his expression which had dropped after your remark. “I don’t know where you got that information from but if you hadn’t noticed yet, I’m a server, and even if I did go ‘bad-mouthing’ you, who was going to believe me, or let alone pay attention?” his counter argument had you realizing that he did in fact have a point even if it was blunt. But it was the hard reality you lived in.
You hummed in acknowledgement, twirling the dainty crystalline stem of your already empty champagne glass between your fingers as your groggy eyes dropped to the golden bubbly liquid in his hands, “well then, if you are a server why don’t you shut up and give me another glass of that champagne?” you retort.
Another jaw-dropping smile graced his lips as he happily handed you a much-needed extra glass of the liquid for what you were about to do. “You might want to grab some popcorn because this is going to be a long night,” you warned.
 And so you spent the rest of your drunken night spilling your troubles onto this poor stranger which you didn’t have the light of day to even get to know. He was genuine, from what you could tell, listening intently and being the shoulder to cry on. And yes, as expected the water works decided to act up once again. However, it wasn’t only one sided and he also spoke up about his troubles, which you were sure you’d forget about once the morning came and you were sober again. Although after the night, you could say there was some jarring intimacy between the two of you that sparked something in you, but you just couldn’t pin point what exactly.
 A few platitundinous weeks have passed since your last encounter with the unfairly handsome waiter and you hate to admit it but, you missed talking to someone about your feelings. You also missed the multitude of champagne glasses he showered you with that night. You appreciated how he comforted you with his reassuring words and alcohol. No matter how much people believed you were a cold-hearted bitch, you in fact had the opposite. A too delicate of a heart. You regretted becoming that vulnerable to Jaehyun. And now you’re paying the price. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have thoughts about him. In fact a bit too much if you were honest, to where you wished you could drink your body weight once again and hopefully forget him. But sadly, the world is a cruel place and you had to mend your feelings through time. I guess I can’t buy myself out of this one huh. 
Although your thoughts didn’t only focus on Jaehyun, but that friendly waiter that your parents hired ages ago. Believe it or not you’ve seen him on your yacht when your family would host important events cruising from person to person handing out whatever was on his tray at that specific time. And other times you’d see him bartending, handing the customers their alcoholic beverage with a welcoming smile plastered on his face. You took notice he always had a smile gracing his features, although his seemed different. In a crowd full of fake smiles, his was the single genuine one that stood out from all the others and had your eyes glued to him. He was a perfectly painted picture indeed. Touched by the hands of renaissance painters themselves. You could see why your parents hired him. It certainly had your parents’ future business partners and clients he encountered staying a bit longer each night. Which understandably, was good for your parent’s company that you were soon to inherit once found your ideal partner. Or moreover once another arranged marriage is set up and you no longer have a voice in the situation rather than marry him solely based off his price-tag. After the abrupt ending of your engagement, your parents were more than disappointed and were quick to put forth a few more matches that were up to their standards. Although after meeting with them you could confidently say they’re no Jaehyun. And just the thought of his name had you reaching for the nearest bottle of bourbon. At this rate you’d be spending your day in alcoholism interventions.  You found that after the incident with Jaehyun, he left another void unfilled that he previously occupied. And you were on the hunt for the perfect victim to help aid with it.
 After your many failed attempts at trying to go on dates you could say you completely gave up hope in trying to find a decent man. So once again, you found your calling which was the stool of your bar in your gargantuan mansion. Where the marbled halls felt like a never-ending maze, a labyrinth, if you will. Your manicured finger circled the rim of your glass of bourbon as it distracted you momentarily from the bountiful thoughts that swelled up in your brain. You noticed the current bartender left for who knows what reason but nevertheless you were ecstatic to be alone for more than two seconds. Or so you thought.
 “I wouldn’t be surprised if you brought a sleeping bag with you every time you were at a bar given that’s where you spend most of your time,” The smooth voice purred. Your eyes lazily fluttered up to the tall figure standing across the bar. It was none other than Yukhei. You snorted, “I’m offended you’d ever imply me laying in a sleeping bag.” You swigged the rest of the bourbon in a mouthful and grimaced at the strong bitterness, regretting the action soon after. A slight smirk grew on his face, “with the way you’re downing your alcohol, your liver will soon be done for,” he motioned to your already tipsy self, at 6pm.
 “Don’t be too hopeful,” you gibe sarcastically. And there it was again, that smile you’d grown accustomed to. You hadn’t noticed but a subconscious smile of your own spread on your lips once you saw his addicting grin. His dark eyes glimmered with jesting amusement as he viewed your figure, “I’m just saying, instead of downing your feelings with alcohol maybe you could talk about them.” There was a linger of hope evident in his voice. Throughout your time speaking with him, you noticed how intent he was on comforting you whether it be with his own reassuring words or alcohol. But either way you appreciated them both and couldn’t complain. Your mind wandered back to your last encounter and the words that were spilled between each other. You didn’t know whether to believe it or not, but a certain type of trust began to grow solely from that one interaction a few weeks ago. And you had a feeling more of those encounters would occur. His proposition was tempting and had you succumbing to it as you spoke, “what are you now, my therapist?” A light-hearted laugh fell from his lips, “if you want to call it that then sure, but I genuinely want to know what’s on that pretty little mind of yours.”
 His small confession had a rosy blush dusting your cheeks as your eyes shot back down to the empty crystal cup. You stammer, “quite a confession given I haven’t ever spoke to you before our last encounter.” He reached for your empty glass and discarded it, instead placing a cup of water before you. “Well, I felt bad that nobody went to comfort you after, ya know, so I took it upon myself to spare a few minutes of my day,” he quickly added, “and I definitely didn’t regret any of it.” He didn’t have a mean bone in his body, moreover he was made of nothing but positivity, which we radiated. And you admired that especially when you seemingly didn’t have any. You blankly stared at the cup of water, “I don’t know if you noticed but, I’m here specifically in the hopes of getting tipsy to try and forget a few things,” you openly confessed. Now he definitely felt like your therapist. A concerned frown weighed down the corners of his mouth as his eyebrows furrowed, “care to share your thoughts?” A sigh left your lips as you ultimately agreed since you were so pliable to just a few words and shared the hardships of your wealthy life-style and all the failed dates you experimented with to see if you’d found a match at the sea of men that fell right before your feet. You adored how he would watch you intently without a faulter in his gaze. To say the least, he felt fond of you and your life stories that you were always open to share. Although not just with anybody, with him it was different. He stuck out like a sore thumb against the sea of stoic expressionless faces that their only thoughts were the number in their bank account. No humanity was ever around you and you felt it was necessary to leap at the chance when a man like Yukhei has blessed your tiresome life with it. Despite him being a waiter, the thought never bothered you, however, you knew that with a notorious family like your own, it would be difficult to ever let him touch you in front of your family’s presence. But you had to admit, the thought of the rebellious action had a smirk growing on your features. Nevertheless, you knew you couldn’t get ahead of yourself and pushed the image aside momentarily.  A certain hopelessness began to gnaw at you and you loathed that feeling whenever it would occur. Which is why you always found yourself hurling your money on mundane things that were never essential in the first place. But that never stopped you. Even when you dropped out of college to pursue god knows what with the avalanches of cash that you always had to fall back on. There was always a safety net for you which you took advantage of greatly. Which was evident with the way you sauntered down the streets of Monte Carlo in nothing but a silk black dress, that complemented the dark atmosphere that encased you. As you gazed up at the night sky, you couldn’t help but feel akin to the moon as it diminishes against the ruthless power of the city lights. The air felt sticky given that you were only a few miles from the sea and had your hair reacting negatively to its effects. So you ducked into the nearest casino. The entrance was grandiose with marbled statues on either side of your figure and a water fountain in the center of all the chaos. You heard distant sounds of people winning jackpots of the many machines that filled the rows. As well as clinks of champagne glasses followed by a congratulatory cheers! You stood at the entrance, a statue yourself as you didn’t know where to head. It was almost as if God himself heard you in that very moment when your eyes unsuspectedly caught the glimpse of what seemed to be him and an apathetic expression was quick to appear on your features. What was he doing here? The thought crossed your mind as you blankly stared at him, in awe. Suddenly, “ma’am either join everyone else, or leave, you cannot block the exit.” It finally dawned on you for how long you had been gazing at him like a deer in headlights as the security guard spoke to you. You nodded in his direction and apologized as you abruptly made your way over to where you’d learned is your new home. The bar. You were the epitome of a mess and frankly you were aware of it. It was also best if you sat in order to spare yourself the discomfort of standing in your thin heeled leather Jimmy Choo pumps. It was also necessary of you to order a drink or two after witnessing the very man you fell in love with and had to bare the heartbreak of him ending it with you. You were tempted to barge up in front of him and all his little friends and give him a piece of your mind, however, that was never how a person like you held yourself. Instead you owned nothing but class and maybe a bit of sass. But you knew how the ordeal would end up, embarrassing yourself then shortly after breaking down behind the mini bar. Never again, you muttered to yourself. Hastily, you ordered a brimming glass of champagne since it was the perfect fit for the night given you weren’t looking to get completely and utterly hammered like you did all those nights ago in the comfort of you own yacht. During this short vacation trip to Monte Carlo you found yourself missing a certain someone despite you not wanting to form any sizable feelings towards him. And him being Yukhei. Just the thought of him had a smile stretching on your pink lips although it abruptly fell once you felt the presence of Jaehyun next to you. You watched from your peripheral as he ordered a little bit of alcoholic indulgence himself with his usual nimble grin. However his gaze soon met yours and you watched as it fell and his eyes with it too. Years of memories seemingly flashed before the both of you just from that simple gaze and for a moment, it felt like you were never separated, however, the daydream came to a halt once the first words were spilled by him, “what are you doing here?”
 You scoffed in astonishment as your features contort to that of annoyance, “I could ask you the same thing,” you then chug the remanence of the liquid gold. You knew you were going to need it. An expression read as bewilderment was seen on his face, although soon diminishes, “I had a business trip I had to attend to, now what’s your excuse?” you simply smirked as you eyed his tall figure, “what’s the harm in a little self-indulgence with a trip nonother than to Monte Carlo?” you inquired. “You of all people should know the significance of this place.” At the mention of it, the memories seemed to play like a movie. From when you had met him gambling his life away at the casinos, to where you unknowingly joined him as well. His presence was reckless as long as he stayed in your life and you overall reveled in it. It led you to inquire that he simply enjoyed the rush of it despite him having handfuls of cash himself. The pensive mood that has taken hostage between the both of you evaporated as he sat down next to you and a miniscule grin tugged at his lips. Especially when he smelled his favorite perfume that you’d always wear when around him which was none other than the newest line of Dolce & Gabbana. But nowadays he didn’t get that luxury although the moment was nostalgic nonetheless. He also took notice of a new addition to your necklace collection as his eyes trailed down to your clavicle where a golden pendant lay atop your carefully exfoliated skin. “I see you’ve gotten a new necklace,” he gave you a knowing look. Your eyes glanced down, and your hand reached up to grasp it since you forgot what you’d worn on your night out, “oh yes of course,” you gasped, “they had silver, but I looked better in gold.” Your response had a small laugh leave his soft lips and with it brought memories of when you were so used to hearing his laugh, it was truly music to your ears. But times have changed, and you were quick to rid yourself of that thought knowing yourself all too well and how easily you can get attached. The rest of the night was spent basking in each other’s presences and catching up with one another as well as mundane business statistics all in the meanwhile sipping at your mimosas and champagne until you heard the faint buzzing in your ears and you knew it was time to head to the sweet serenity of your private yacht. All the while wishing it was Yukhei with whom you’d spent your eventful night with and not your sight for sore eyes ex.
You lounged against the posh seat of your armchair as you watched the plethora of guests before you chatter away until their wits end. Despite it being your own party you’re hosting, you forgot how utterly draining it could be having to keep a conversation going when it only consisted of the market and who was engaged with who. It bored you to the point it had you wanting to aim a gun at your head and end it right then and there. To be frank, half of these people you didn’t know on a personal basis. Not even your ‘friends’ which you already established were specifically there for your all-inclusive trips to Turks & Caicos and to all the galas you were invited to which permitted you to bring guests. Not to mention they got a free pass when you’d head to upscale restaurants where one entrée off the menu with a name that could only be perceived as gibberish, costed more than some people’s monthly salary. Normally you’d take pity on yourself for growing accustomed to these toxic ways which could only lead to the impending feeling of suffocation upon one’s self. To be completely honest it did poke at you uncomfortably, but true happiness was where your wallet was, accompanied by bathtubs of champagne while sipping at your mimosas in the comfort of your own yacht. Just as you sat up to adjust your miniskirt, you caught a glimpse of a honey stained head of hair and your eyes suddenly lit up as they connected with his own and a smile soon danced on his lips. It was wondrous the affect he had on you, but you wouldn’t question it since it only brought you happiness and that’s all that mattered. You hastily sauntered along the wooden deck through the crowds of people which lingered of expensive scents and made your way towards the boy who beamed a smile at you. The sound of your heels came to an abrupt halt once you stood before him and spoke, “how could I forget my favorite waiter was working for the night?” he contemplated in mock thought, “hmm I guess all those glasses of champagne have finally caught up to you,” he quipped. Your mouth agape as a guffaw leaves your lips and you playfully hit his arm, although the one that laid loosely at his side, not the arm that carried the tray of mimosas since that would’ve been a disaster waiting to happen. “To think I was warming up to you,” you say flabbergasted as you clutched your hands against your chest in false pain. He hummed in amusement, “nice to know I was getting somewhere then,” he eyed you with a certain glint in his enticing eyes. You scanned the tray of mimosas as you grabbed one for yourself and pinched the dainty stem of the glass, discarding the straw from your drink and pressing the rim to your painted lips, allowing the orange liquid to disappear down the column of your throat. You smirked, “champagne is overrated, mimosas are the new go-to.” His eyes widened at what just escaped your lips and a dumbfounded laugh left his lips as he hunched over slightly but shortly recomposed himself, “you do realize mimosas are one half champagne, right?” You couldn’t believe your own stupidity and internally laugh at yourself. You shrug it off, “yeah of course, I totally knew that,” you sigh into the glass as you bring it up to your lips once more. Thankfully the conversation cascaded into a different topic and soon enough the both of you were back into speaking freely and with ease. You learned he was quite an adventurous person since he loved bungee jumping off bridges and even-wait for it-eating raw crickets for fun, mainly when he goes camping with his friends. He fascinated you more than any other individual you have ever met, and that’s saying something. Not even Jaehyun could compare. You’ve had your fair share of greeting many people because of your parents’ occupancy since that’s what the company called for and Yukhei topped the list of most interesting people you’ve known. In the midst of your blissful conversation you felt a tap on your shoulder paired with yukhei’s expression crumbling, and a voice you’d known so well joined you over the ambience of the warm night, “fancy seeing you here, y/n.” You whirled around to meet the man who’s looks were devastatingly handsome. Jaehyun had appeared next to the both of you wearing his usual dark washed ripped jeans and jean jacket, paired with a navy-blue silk button down with just a pinch of his unmarred chest peeking through, enough to bless your eyes. He had an unknowing grin plastered over his face as it slightly irked you since he was interrupting an enjoyable conversation. You lifted a brow, “well Jaehyun, I am the hostess after all.”  He nodded, already knowing that clearly but continued nonetheless, “heard you were, so I thought I might stop by to see you again,” he added. Again? The word echoed in Yukhei’s brain since it wasn’t brought to light that the two of you were ever in touch since the break-up. You mentally cursed and panicked at Jaehyun’s choice of words but a voice soon sounded. “Care to sit down with me?” he motioned towards the array of cushioned seats in the center of the large scaled deck. You grimaced at the thought of having to explain the whole situation to Yukhei later but when you faced him as if asking for permission to take your leave, he lightly nodded to you, acknowledging your leave and waving you off. His face crestfallen, and you could see the faint look of hurt flash in his eyes but left along with him as he attended the other guests. The both of you managed to find unoccupied seats and plopped down the second you reached them. You crossed your legs, to show whatever modesty you had left since you weren’t planning on flashing anybody due to the provocative miniskirt you had chosen to wear. You reveled in the warm air that emitted from the open sea and gazed up at the stars as they faltered beneath the powerful city lights.  There was a slight breeze that whipped at your figure and had you shuttering slightly. Jaehyun immediately took notice of this, “are you cold? Here let me give you my jacket,” he got up to rid himself of the cloth, but you were quick to raise a hand, “no, no I’m fine don’t worry about me,” you denied. He raised a brow in question, “are you sure?” you nodded, “positive.” And with that, he sat back down to where the impending silence fell upon the two of you like a rainstorm. You wanted to voice your thoughts and ask why exactly of all the times, he’s here. Why is he suddenly appearing in your life again after you’ve managed to make some progress since the breakup? Why now? And so you had to ask.  “Why are you here?” His eyes darted to you in an instant once he heard those words and gazed up at you through the few umber strands of hair that guarded his eyes, almost innocently. “What do you mean?” you scoffed, not believing this whole act he is trying to sell. “You know what, and I know you didn’t go to Harvard for nothing,” you pointed a weak accusatory finger at him. He inwardly sighed, bringing the crystalline glass of the mimosa up to his parched lips and sipping at the orange liquid. He haphazardly whisked the bothersome strands out of his eyes and swiftly brought his hand to lay atop the small of your thigh and gripped it with the lightest of pressure, “y/n, it is not a secret, quite honestly I’m perplexed you haven’t noticed yet.” It was at this moment it finally dawned on you which had your mouth open, agape. You finally acknowledged the way he eyed you the other night in the exorbitant casino, almost lustfully. Thankfully you were too drunk to have even noticed it because if you had, who knows what would’ve happened. But what irked you the most was that he had the audacity to confront you in a time like this where you had almost gotten over the heartbreaking split and moved onto a happier place which of course was in the presence of Yukhei. If he was looking for a fuck and chuck, then, he came to the wrong place. And you were more than happy to throw the remanence of your drink into the owner of the cocky grin of Jaehyun. And you did not regret your actions once you saw his expression contort into that of pure bewilderment as he stood up with a sudden gasp along with the rest of the guests within the proximity. You abruptly stood up as well and yelled at him with what you had wished to say all along, “how dare you come onto my boat and sweet-talk me into thinking I’d actually hook up with you. Let me enlighten you darling, you’re the one who ended our engagement, not me. I can’t even believe I ever loved a dick like you. So let me ask you this once more, why exactly are you still here? You know what, don’t answer that, instead why don’t you stick that in your mimosa and suck it.” The sudden appearance of Jaehyun had the doors opening to your past which you purposefully locked and tossed the key away but seeing him again made the door crack open just the slightest and you knew you’ve already done enough damage control in your life to go through the pain of it for the second time. So you made the right decision to cut all ties from him the second you both split. But it certainly didn’t feel like the right decision since you were hunched over the mini bar drinking your body weight in whatever alcohol you could get your shaky hands onto. This has occurred more times that you’d like but you wouldn’t refrain from chugging the cups contents in attempt for liquid comfort. And you were more than happy to have Yukhei by your side through it all. That was more than you could say Jaehyun would do. Yukhei was such a kind soul to you, only a few times would he complain when you’ve had one too many and would talk to you about it and somehow sober you up without you taking notice. Call you crazy, but you could tell there was something there, lingering between yearnful gazes and sly grins. There, between your close proximity with Yukhei’s broad chest as he softly spoke in your ear, “I think you’ve had one too many, love.” His warm breath hitting the crevice of your ear just right, had the hairs at the back of your neck instantly perk up. The way his ever-so-soft lips grazed your ear had your tipsy self-wanting more. More than you could ever hope for. More than you’d ever had in a long time. And so you swiveled around in your chair as you faced his intoxicating demeanor, hummed as you brought a lazy finger up to his chest and gently pressed against it, “since when are you the boss of me?” you teased.  He rolled his eyes and scoffed, although, by the slight curl of his lip and the glimmer in his dark hazelnut eyes, you could tell he was amused. And just the sight of it had you subconsciously nibbling at your lip between your pearly whites. His eyes laid upon your figure once more with a certain glint in them that you couldn’t quite put your pretty little finger on, “since I saw you tripping over air to reach another glass of alcohol, and so I can confidently say, it’d be best to sober up a bit,” then he sauntered behind the counter and slid a cup of water in your direction. You stared at it, unamused. “The Yukhei I know would keep the shots coming, have you gone soft on me?” you gasped. A small mock-laugh left his lips, “me? Soft? Sorry to break it to you sweetheart but that’d never happen.” Despite knowing you all too well and wanting to shower you with the much-needed alcohol, there was a small voice in his head that told him otherwise. He saw the way a hopeful expression surged onto your features and found hilarity when he ultimately saw it drop the moment he spoke, “but I’m going to be your overbearing parent for the night and say maybe it’s time to turn in for the night.” You grumbled at his response and swigged the remanence of the vodka. You thought he’d take pity on you and be inclined to hand you a few more shots since the night you had was one that you’d wished you’d forget. You hated the way Jaehyun could effortlessly toy with your feelings. As if you were his own personal ragdoll. It had you drinking until your wits end which undeniably wasn’t a good choice since your liver was surly to give out if you kept at it. Maybe Yukhei had a point. Maybe he cared about you. And just the thought of it had a miniscule blush dusting your cheeks as you glared at the rim of your crystalline glass, all too drunk to process what’s happening or even remember.
The suns saffron rays spewed warmth onto your drowsy figure with each heave of breath you took. The sun was kind to you in a world of madness. And that’s all you could ask for in this very moment. Because the second your eyes fluttered open, you were hit with a massive hangover. You groaned into your pillow or what you thought was a pillow but turned out to be someone’s side. You withdrew quickly only to recognize the head of hair almost instantaneously. A soft smile grew on your lips but soon fell as you desperately attempted to recall  last nights events. After him scolding you the night before, everything else morphed into a jumbled mess, a blur. Your troubled self soon took notice of the figure beside you beginning to stir ever so slightly until his own eyes awakened due to the powerful saffron rays spilling into the room with nothing to guard it since the yachts cabin always had the curtains drawn. He seemed to finally acknowledge where he was and jolted, now fully awake. He raked a veiny hand through his locks, obviously distressed, “sorry, I must’ve fallen asleep,” he stammers. Those words sort of cleared the air, but you had to ask with hesitation evident in your groggy voice, “so we didn’t…” Your eyes were meticulous as you eyed him. His own eyes widen substantially at the question you were hinting at. “No, no I just took you to your room since you were too hammered to walk on your own and then I guess I fell asleep too.” Although that was partially true, he didn’t want to admit the other part. The one where he gazed at your peacefully sleeping figure as he brushed the stray hairs away from your bare forehead. The one where he tenderly traced every contour and crevice of your unmarred face, to the cupids bow, bleeding into your perfectly sculpted nose as if mimicking the constellations that leave a map in the ebony skies, until he too fell asleep in the comfort of the moon’s soft light. This was the whole truth that had him hesitant to fully admit to it since he also had mixed emotions towards it. But he knew at heart why he did it. Although anybody would be able to tell he was completely and utterly smitten with you. He recalled last night’s events, mostly when Jaehyun appeared and he instantly noticed your smile that he ultimately was the cause of, fall at the sound of his dulcet voice. He’d be lying if he hadn’t the tiniest inkling of beguilement at your reaction. Knowing that you’d rather bask in his presence than Jaehyun’s. As for Jaehyun, Yukhei would be more than happy to knock his teeth down his throat with what he had you endure but sadly, that was not in his job requirements. However, he owed it to him because without Jaehyun, the both of you wouldn’t have bonded over him. Each second he spent with you always left a grin lingering on his features. And he knows a day won’t go by when it doesn’t. As for you, you were confident there was not a bone in your body that doesn’t feel strongly about him, and you don’t think you’re crazy to assume he thinks the same as you. You were too lucky enough to have him by your side through every disheartening moment that always had a boy on the receiving end of it. But ironically enough, this boy was the cure to your troubles. It was more than you could’ve hoped for in the world that you lived in. Despite how posh it was, you weren’t naïve to believe he aided to a certain feeling of hopelessness. And instead replaced it with fulfillment. Just from the couple months you’ve gotten to know Yukhei, it felt like you’d known him throughout all your life and never wanted this feeling to end abruptly. And you were afraid to know what it’d feel like without him by your side through it all, so it was now or never.  
“How could I have ever been lucky enough to have you?” You murmured against his chest.  Throughout this time the two of you simply basked in each other’s presence since that was what comforted both of you. It was convenient enough until you spoke. It was barely coherent, but he could easily decipher it and once he did, his own cheeks tinged a rosy shade and his eyes squinted as a cheeky smile arose.  “Mind if you elaborate?” As you gazed up at him almost lovingly, it appeared as though he had gems forever embedded in his eyes and made you fall ever so deeper into his spell. But this time, you let it happen without a care in the world.  “Why would I when you so clearly know you’re the antidote to all my problems? When you know I would spend my time nowhere else but in your arms? When in year’s time, I will always find myself running back to you?” If it were anymore possible that cheeky grin morphed into a toothy smile which you’d have grown oh-so accustomed to as he too gazed at you, “don’t tell me that the y/n is confessing to me?” he quipped.  A soft chuckle fell so effortlessly from your lips, “yes, I suppose I am.”  And at that confession he hastily connected his lips with your own as the both of you sighed into the kiss, relieved that the painful wait was finally over and relished the contact as if the both of you were deprived of it. The short-lived paradise came to an end and you found yourself in a dazed state as you gawk at the man before you. And you soon realize that whenever with him, there will be no need of spilling tears into your glasses of champagne anymore.  
A sprinkle of champagne would suffice. 
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troubleisfree · 6 years
this is going to be like a very long, detailed, and mostly my personal observations and notes. as it was my first time seeing neymar and the brazil nt in person, i want to remember everything i can while its still fresh. it was a very exciting and at the same time surreal experience because i see those people all the time on tv games and now there they were few feet away from me...
i took the photos and videos. i am usually pretty good at that but i guess the excitement got the better of me because they did not come out fabulous. tumblr is being stupid with not letting me upload more then one video in a post, and i wanted everything together, so i ended up putting them up on youtube.
the hotel 9/3/2018.
so first i went to the hotel (very close to where i live) on monday 9/3. as it was labor day, i was off work and at a bbq/pool party abt 10 miles from home for the day. brazil nt was scheduled to leave the hotel for their first training at 4pm so i left the party early and, after some traffic drama, made it to the hotel little after 3.40pm. there were not too many people so i had a decent view but i also moved around a bit. some of the support staff was coming out already. a few minutes later, firmino was the first i saw, he waved and went straight to the bus.
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then a group of marquinhos, douglas costa, fabinho etc came out together. only marquinhos paid any attention to the fans, waving and smiling but didnt stop.
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then another group, including casemiro.
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then alisson came out. he was really sweet, smiled, stopped with the fans, signed stuff. interacted the most of anyone else with the fans. 
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then another group - i think richarlison (idk him really), filipe luis, thiago silva. thiago was just as nice as alisson, stopped with the fans, signed stuff. he looked to me a bit shorter irl then on tv...
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willian came out alone next.
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at this point, it was almost 4pm, my excitement had totally built up and i was so anxious to see my boy ney. i started thinking that maybe he will get there separately cuz i hadnt seen coutinho and tite either. but there he was! coming out last with barely a minute to spare before 4pm (the timestamp on my photo is 3:58:59pm lol). he was the very last one to come out, chewing on something, with his typical swagger. he waved but didnt stop and the bus left as soon as he got on. he looked just as hot in person as on tv, the cameras dont lie lol. really handsome and very very sexy! i mean, i expected it, i have seen his photos lol but omg he looks so damn good you cant help those dirty thoughts! i felt like an absolute fangirl! this is neither here or there, but he looked to me a little bigger then i expected. just kinda...fuller?
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i only took one photo of him cuz i wanted to look at him with my own eyes rather than thru the camera ;)
it was such an incredible experience seeing neymar and the rest of the guys in person so close that i was shaking after! like for real my hands were shaking, my legs were shaking. and i couldnt stop grinning for a good half an hour after. i went to the boardwalk to calm down a bit and just absorb the experience. people passing by probably thought im crazy or reading love letters on my phone or something cuz i just couldnt stop grinning but i didnt give a flying fuck what they were thinking - i had just seen neymar!
my notes and impressions:
1. OMFG I SAW NEYMAR FROM FEW FEET AWAY. just that, my brain was really way too frazzled to process any other impressions lol
the game 9/7/2018
so after some c. drama, despite my initial hopes, i had accepted that i am not going to go to the game. and then the day before i find out I AM GOING!!! i was so freaked out with excitement lol!!!
getting there was so frustrating! first i had forgot to charge my phone before leaving work so i only had like 30% which was nowhere near good enough for my plans of copious pics and vids. so i had to run into a bodega to buy a charger for the car. then for some complicated reason we had to leave from the ues and fucking DRIVE. crosstown. on a friday. at 6pm. straight thru freakin time square with its gazillion tourists. on top of rush hour. even though the schedule said 8pm, the tickets said the event starts at 7.30 and i wanted to be there early to see the warmups and at 7.02 we were still not even inside lincoln tunnel ffs! i was FUMING and ready to jump outta the car and start yelling at the other cars to get a goddamn fucking move on i got places to be people to see! just ugh. so frustrating. the only upside of taking so long to get to the stadium was that by the time we got there my phone was almost 100%...
anyway, finally at 7.25pm we got there and thru all the checks etc (my joke of a miniature purse was shown as an example to another girl with a slightly bigger purse and praised by security for being perfect size which pissed me off because of their dumbass rules it had is smaller then my regular WALLET ffs and it barely even fits my phone so in no way is it a ‘perfect size’ except maybe for dolls or tiny aliens. but they had the stupid clear bag / tiny purse rule in effect and all i cared at that point was getting in so whatever. still, fucking terrorists. obviously also for more important reasons than just being the cause of my having to have a tiny purse but yeah fucking terrorists). 
the stadium was buzzing already. apparently the 7.30 start was for the warmups so perfect for me. this was the view from our seats.
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when we got to our seats, the usa team was out already. and the canarinho was interacting with fans. and then brazil came out. 
ney was warming up with coutinho
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after stretches, he did some practice shooting. this one didnt go in.
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after that the team went back inside and the canarinho came behind the barriers to interact with the fans (photo below especially taken for a.)
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time for the teams to come out. for some reason the tunnel was on my side of the stadium but the benches were on the other side and they lined up there for the anthems. (again, for a.)
then the us anthem and, since we dont do things here on a small scale, the flag rolled out was the size of the whole stadium lol
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in the first half neymar was playing in front of me. in the beginning of the game i took a few photos and then i stopped because i wanted to watch the game and see with my own eyes not concentrate on the phone... still, here they are
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here is the penalty. i didnt catch it go in because i was looking at it happening rather then my phone. i also removed the sound cuz there was screaming when it went in lol. it was a VERY soft penalty btw...
my notes and impressions:
1. it was a friendly so not surprisingly, it was not an edge-of-your-seat game. still brazil dominated the crap out of the usa team. the difference in class and quality was glaringly obvious.
2. it was strange not supporting my country’s team. but only when i thought about it. otherwise my soccering heart belongs to brazil 100%, without a doubt.
3. watching a game live vs tv: both have pros and cons. again, after watching every week on tv, seeing these guys live in person is simply incredible. just absolutely surreal. like, they are moving, running, kicking right in front of you. you can hear the ball being kicked. feel the tension. see what they are doing without the ball. watch their interactions away from the camera. feel the power of the crowd. its just so much more immersive. at the same time, watching at home the curated game content is... convenient. you get closeups. you get facts from the commentators. your bathroom is nearby (i did carefully time my liquid intake that day to avoid venturing into stadium bathrooms and thank god it worked lol). so imo, watching a game on tv is not really that much worse then watching it live. i always felt like i am getting a completely filtered version on tv and it is filtered but it is not horrible. yes, you are missing out on stuff but its not a total loss.
4. the stadium was about 40% full, 32k of 82k capacity. but it felt more like 2/3, probably because on the other side many sections were not even open so most everyone attending was spread out in one long side and the two goal sides.
5. brazil fans were out strong! i’d say about 70% of the people were brazil fans, and of those about 90% had on brazil jerseys. yellow galore lol. the usa fans were constantly chanting but when the brazil fans decided to make the effort they drowned them out easily and completely!
6. the usa fans were in the section behind one of the goals. throughout most of the game i thought oh cute they are constantly singing their hearts out supporting their clearly outplayed loosing team. then they did iceland’s viking chant. yes, it is a cool chant but its iceland’s. idk why so many have been plagiarizing it! first portugal did it in the wc, then i saw another, and now the american outlaws (the usa ultras)... let iceland have its thing people. i did not appreciate it but no big deal. BUT then they did something that pissed me off - few minutes before neymar was substituted in the 80 min they chanted fuck neymar. i was not best pleased to say the least! lick sweaty balls jealous motherfuckers!
7. we did a wave that went around the stadium like 4 times!
8. there was a small group of 13-14yo girls right behind us that whenever ney touched the ball or looked our way screamed ‘neymaaaarrr, neymaaaaarrrrrrrr, vaiiiiiii, vai neymaaaaaaarrrrrrrr’. one girl in particular was especially shrill and vociferous in her dedication to ney. no sense of decorum whatsoever lol. my bf was smirking at me and was like why dont you go sit with them. i on the other hand was thinking that while i wouldnt go sit with them, if some of my tumblr girls were here.... well those girls wouldnt even know what hit them!
9. i would definitely go to a game again! 
10. while the seats we had were really good, i wish there was an option to be even closer and still see the whole pitch. then again, for me it would probably only qualify as ‘close enough’ if im allowed to run along the sidelines lol. but then i wont really be able to watch the game. (hey maybe i can hang from the skycam hahaaaa!). yes, i am a neymar fan but i am also a fan of the game so i want both. i did not have any input in the choice of these seats but i think it was a good trade off - the closest where you can both see the guys and actual game. if i have to pick the tickets for the next game (hopefully i will go again some time!), i would be tempted by the lower levels but the barriers are pretty high so... i would probably go for the same - second level first row.
11. there was a guy sitting next to me with his date and he was trying to be all knowledgeable and impress the girl but half the stuff he was telling her was wrong lol! he kept pointing to douglas costa and telling her its firmino. i was cracking myself up listening to him talk complete bullshit but with such grand authority about technical game stuff.
12. at some point a loose ball ended up into the stands, some guy caught it, and 2 min later security came to take it away from him :/ why not let the guy just keep the ball?!? stupid. if it was me, i’d have made a fuss, maybe pretended that it hit me in the face and threatened to sue the stadium cuz they have not ensured the spectators’ safety or some such crap lol. see if they dont let me keep it to avoid a lawsuit.
13. the canarinho (for a.) - he was really great! interacting with the fans, dancing, hugging fans. really a fantastic mascot and absolute joy to watch! during the halftime he was out on the pitch, doing keepie uppies (in those shoes too!!! showing his brazilianness lol), and kicking balls into the stands
14. i was totally impressed by neymar. it was just so obvious how good he is and no, not because i am biased, which i admittedly am. i expected him to be good, duh, but to see it so clearly was amazing. he is not a fluke, he is the real deal. he stands out among even such quality peers as the rest of brazil nt! just something in the way he interacts with the ball, the way he moves, ‘sees’ his teammates without looking, turns on a dime, does the unexpected. i dont think he ‘thinks’ or ‘calculates’ at all his moves or that it is just a lot of practice, i think it is pure instinct in the moment, i.e. phenomenal natural talent. even though this was not one of his greatest games for sure, he just looked... special and different from the rest. most of the brazil players were displaying their clearly high quality but there is just something unique in the way neymar plays. even if you dont know who he is, what teams are playing, anything at all, you’d still pick him out and know that there is something extraordinary about this guy. if you unfocus your eyes so you see just all same yellow shirt figures, you would still be able to pick out which one is neymar. he did a bit of his skills and tricks and of course i wished he had done more. what i took away from watching him play live was that, in this average game, he looked as good playing live as he has in the past when i have watched his great games on tv. i dont know why. but watching neymar play live was an experience of its own. it felt like his average ‘live’ performance is as good as his great ‘tv’. i cant even imagine what it would be like watching one of his great performances live. while i dont feel im loosing so much watching games on tv vs live as mentioned above, i definitely feel that watching neymar in particular play live is on another level and im missing out when i watch him on tv instead of live. he is absolutely worth the price of admission. i was so disappointed in him for his wc antics but thats in the past now, and i have been reminded how right it feels to be his fan, not just for the nice things he does for kids/charity, his fun personality (and lets not forget the good looks, and oh boy they are SO GOOD lol) but his undeniably outstanding talent on the pitch. his game is just incredible. i hope he keeps healthy. i hope he gets his temper under control not just for a few games but for good. and i pray he always has the freedom to shine like he rightfully can. i am rooting for him to get the appreciation and acknowledgement he deserves, unadulterated by behavioral issues or personal drama.
ok, imma stop now. this post is huge, even by my standards. 
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annakie · 6 years
I made it, and now there's no turning back
Hey, so, this is about to be a very long, spammy post about Critical Role season 1.  This is mostly for my own memory, so in the future when I want to revisit watching the show, I'll have my own log, of sorts.  It's really long.  And a lot of it is my chatlogs about the show with @janiemcpants , posted with her permission.   So if you hate reading other people's chatlogs, this may not be the post for you.
But if you wanna read a lot of words about a show where some nerdy-ass voice actors play Dungeons and Dragons, this may be the post for you.
Also, for unknown reasons, I’ve had Jimmy Eat World’s song “Cut” stuck in my head the last couple of days, and it’s basically all I’ve listened to today.  The words don’t really fit my emotions, but the overall feeling the song gives me does.  So that’s where my head is.  
I said some of this an a post I made a few weeks ago, but I’m saying it again now.  Ever since I heard of it, I was pretty sure I’d love Critical Role if I could get into it.  And so for two years I meant to catch up.  
I’ve played Dungeons and Dragons since the late 90′s, second edition, and have been in epic campaigns of my own before where I fell in love with not only my character but our entire party.  I love this party just as much as I’ve loved Annotea, Sekhar, Ike, Ta’Rik, Annwyl, Krivken, Liek, Colin, E’a and Rhyz.
I have looked for a post I made like a year and a half ago asking for help figuring out how to get into Critical Role on my blog a few times but either I tagged it badly or deleted it.  I don't know.  I remember some people said to start at episode 19. Some people said to use it as background sound when cleaning / cooking / driving etc.  I knew I didn't want to start midway through the part of the story we had, I was disappointed to learn they were already 8th level and we'd missed like two years of story before the show.
I have a post from June 2016 saying I'd made it an hour into the first episode, but I think I finished that ep, or got close, and didn't pick it back up for like, another year.  I think it was like mid-summer last year when I made my second push to get into it.  
I made it through like eight episodes, and I remember having episode 8 up in a web browser for weeks or a couple of months and things were just so crazy with everything happening with work at the end of the year.  And I only watched it as background noise at work.  I'd frequently realize I had no idea what was going on, and through like the first 30 or 40 episodes I'd find some kind of recap to read at the end of the episode to make sure I didn't miss anything important.
Here's some negativity, so skip it if you'd like: It took me a very long time to get through like episode 10 to 27 because long before I learned all the things that happened since he left, I couldn't stand Orion.  I've looked into it a bit and basically for all the normal reasons people didn't like him.  I respect that some people did, but being honest here, if he'd have stayed on the show, I probably would have stopped watching.  Around episode 20 I learned that he'd leave soon, and dragged myself through the rest of the episodes until he was gone.  And then, it was much easier to get into.
The first half of this year my job went from crazy drama to just plain boring.  I really didn't have much to do, and everyone knew I was just biding time until it was time to go.  So I'd watch like half the day sometimes, often while doing what work I did have to do.  But often that work was like, wiping laptops or organizing keys or just... busywork.  But CR made the days pass quicker, and it was enjoyable.
The Feels apparently really started on 3/09 when I sent this to JanieMcPants: Grog winning his second solo battle with the orc JUST BARELY thanks to Scanlan's sneaky inspiration is my new favorite moment in the show.
This would begin a very long chatlog of me just yelling feelings at her.  After this, my current comments are italicized. 
---------- 03/10/2018 janiemcpants: That whole episode is SPECTACULAR Did you finish it? I don't want to spoil anything if not!
annakie: I did, I got to the part in the next episode where Percy finally confessed a bit of what is going on with his life since they're back home and have been invited to some feast.  Still pretty early on in that ep, work got crazy yesterday. :)
---------- 03/23/2018 annakie: Man, I'm on ep 26 now (I watch in bits and bursts as I have time at work, it's real slow going) and I have to say, (I deleted some negativity about Orion here).  EVERYTHING ELSE IS GREAT though. I'm really enjoying everyone else and their characters.  The episode with the dinner at the Briarwood's was AMAZING especially and I'm so worried about Percy.  I was almost in tears as Liam was talking about him thinking about Keyleth and Vex when Vax was going unconscious and thought he was going to die.  That was so, so good.
BTW did I just miss it all this time that Vax has a thing for Keyleth?  Like I didn't notice it at all until that moment he was going unconscious and now it's obvious.
janiemcpants: Vax’s last thoughts about Vex and Keyleth KILLED. ME. That was also the first time I realized he was into Keyleth, and I think it was the first time any of the others realized it, judging by their faces. Liam did say later that he already was aware of it when the show started, and he dropped a few hints before he outright said it. I’m listening to the podcast right now from the beginning and there are some little things there that you can pick up if you’re looking for them, but nothing that would have given it away, I don’t think. So it was a fun surprise for everybody. (Vax and Keyleth are one of my favorite pairings on the show. I just love them.) This arc is THE BEST and so intense. So much suffering, but also so much goodness!
(We chatted more for awhile about Percy, and the cow episode (Very fun!) )
janiemcpants: I didn't see that kiss coming AT ALL It was SUCH A DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE And Percy gets one sibling back, MY HEART
---------- 05/02/2018 annakie: I've been studying a lot and haven't had a lot of time for CritRole but I watched some today like the END OF THE BRIARWOODS HECK YEAH and Cassandra is good again, and then VAX TRYING TO HOLD KEYLETH'S HAND ON THE TREE and she didn't know how to respond she's so awkward and unsure and needs time to figure it out. I was sitting there just staring at the screen instead of working for like 20 minutes during that part haha. 
And I watched the winter fair episode with Trinket winning the pie eating contest and Grog losing arm wrestling to Trish the Dish and that was GREAT.  I stopped like right after Matt had Tiberius leave the party for good.  It was a very good day of very awesome CritRole at work. :)
janiemcpants: Keyleth and Vax just KILL ME. It's such a slow burn until suddenly STUFF HAPPENS and then it slows down again and pulls at my heartstrings the entire time.
---------- 05/17/2018 annakie: "I don't want to be alone tonight."
"I haven't wanted to be alone most nights..."  And I let him in. THE SHIP HAS SAILED.  YAY!! :D
annakie: Haha aww Marisha switched seats so she could be closer to Liam, that's sweet.
lol of COURSE the VERY NEXT DAY they see Kashaw again. And Will sits on the other side of Marisha... that's great.
janiemcpants Yay!!! They’re the slowest of slow burns but it’s so worth it. Liam and Marisha manage to be adorable even when they’re seated far away from each other. And yay to Kashaw coming back! I had mixed feelings about him at first, because the second Trial of the Take group had a blend of personalities that was tough to work with, and he got lost in the sea of grouchiness. But he ended up being great and every time he comes back I love him more.
(I'd grow to feel the same way about Kashaw.)
---------- 05/29/2018 annakie: Episode 44 - Oh my gosh, there was a beholder fight AND NOW VEX IS DEAD WHAT IS HAPPENING? And yeah, I think Kashaw is definitely more stand-out-y here, I'm really enjoying his character here. :)
annakie Keyleth: "Why did you do that?  Kashaw: "Because I knew you wanted me to."  D'awwww....
janiemcpants: AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH Vex’s death there kills me extra because it comes AFTER they win the fight! Everything is supposed to be okay, and then NOPE. THANK GOODNESS Kash was there. They're so lucky he happened to be their guest that night!
I mean, they probably could have come up with another way to save her, but being able to do it right away was a relief. And it was a great character moment for him
--------- 6/15/2018 I made this post, and I was at episode 49.
A lot happened, and I didn't yell about it much of anywhere. I don't know how I let 20 episodes go by without reacting much to them, especially when SO MUCH HAPPENED in there. Right about when the Chroma Conclave hit, I knew I was sucked in, completely.  
But in a month and a half I made it through 14 episodes.  Near the end of July, things started happening very quickly.  
---------- 07/27/2018 annakie: I'm on episode 63 now and I just realized today I'm JUST BARELY over halfway through this campaign. Which makes me both happy and not, haha.
Woah Tiberius.  This actually sad. :(
That was really rough and I cried a little.
janiemcpants: TIBS That was so sad All of it was, but "I encourage peace" really got me And when I rewatched it and realize that's what Percy's DM whisper was about, and you can see it on his face and then he has to sit on it for like 20 minutes AUGH
07/28/2018 annakie: Oh man I'm going to have to go back and watch that again.  I was touched at how sad EVERYONE was.   And yeah, the burial part and "I encourage peace" got me too.  It's always sad to lose a friend, but also Tibs defending Draconia was really the perfect ending for his character.
I started ep 65 and YAY. FINALLY.  KEYLETH AND VAX.  FOR REALS. I have LOVED the slow-burn of the last 40 episodes but I'm glad they're moving into an actual relationship now.
I got spoiled about Vex and Percy just the other day (No one's fault, someone I follow on twitter liked a tweet, which twitter OH SO HELPFULLY put on my timeline.  So, it's twitter's fault.)   There have already been some hints that it's coming with Vex's titling and all, but I'm looking forward to it.
(Getting spoiled accidentally about that was my "OK TIME TO CLAMP DOWN ON SPOILERS!!" wakeup call -- especially since that Really Big Thing happened in Campaign 2 right about then and despite trying real hard to not be spoiled I know all about it.)
And Scanlan, what character growth with his speech to Pike a couple of episodes ago, apologizing for the proposal and realizing he was more in love with the idea of Pike, even though he does really love her, so proud of that boy.  And the note he gave Pike awhile ago for if he dies AND SHE READ IMMEDIATELY.  That was like the first real sign she's given.  The only thing that's bothered me about Scanlan, (who is probably my favorite, though I love THEM ALL) is that he was nice-guying / trying to wear Pike down this whole time, albeit in a charming way, and now he gets that, so YAY!
---------- 07/28/2018 annakie Watching 65, and having Matt torture Marisha by having Kashaw ask Keyleth out the night after she finally gets together with Vax is masterful.  Haha
Awww Gilmore's parents, so sweet.  And then Sam "Well, they're both over 70, so who's going to kill them?" buhahahahaha
07/29/2018 annakie: Oh my God, episode 68.  I'm bawling.  I obviously know Percy will be back but this was really, really, really rough.  Taliesin took it better than anyone.  Matt seemed just as devastated as everyone else.  Marisha's crying made me cry. 
That ending, with everyone gathering around Ripley and each doing their own killing blow for Percy.... it was so, so, SO GOOD.
I hope the internet wasn't too hard on Matt that week.
(I really did bawl about Percy's death.  That's when the show went from “I love this” to "This is masterful.  This is amazing. This might be elevated to rank of "FAVORITE THINGS!" 
This is also when I started watching at home -- because I had to know what was going to happen.  And because I realized that this show will MAKE ME CRY and I can't cry at work.  I also started watching on the weekends, basically as much as I could, every night, all Saturday and Sunday when possible.)
janiemcpants: Keyleth and Vax took a while, but I think they played out perfectly in the end :) I’m so happy the way the official couples turned out, because they’re all so different and so great in their own way. Truly something for everyone! (Vax and Keyleth are my favorites, but I don’t think I have ANY NoTPs, which is awesome.) When I first started the show, I thought I was going to HATE Scanlan, specifically because of the nice-guy thing. But then that sort of started to taper off and he won me over anyway, and I was so happy that he actually realized what was going on and apologized for it. Especially since I love their relationship, as she’s more or less the group’s moral compass, but he’s also basically the group dad--the one who keeps the to-do list and helps everyone keep their shit together (even if it’s not in the most conventional way). Thank goodness he finally realized it was more important to keep her as a friend than to keep trying for romance and probably eventually lose her by being a shithead.
68/69 are two of my favorite episodes, and two of the very hardest to watch Rough, but really emotionally and narratively satisfying
I made this post,  My first big feelings post.
Liam breaking during Pike's poem double killed me
I'm also so glad Ashley could be here for this one. I wish Sam was.
Also I'm SO GLAD Keyleth was so amazing last episode, both the feeblemind (totally, 100% saving this fight) and spotting Kima and Allora in the ocean.  Just MVP'd the hell out of that ep.
janiemcpants: OH MAN that feeblemind!!! And I’m so glad it was Keyleth who landed such a huge blow on Raishan. And spotting Kima and Allura was such a HUGE RELIEF. What an emotional rollercoaster that episode was. I’m convinced the dice themselves have a sense of drama. That’s the only way to explain some of the narratively amazing 1s and 20s we’ve gotten
annakie: Oh my God, I know.  Just absolutely insane.  THAT NAT 20 MERCER ROLLED FOR THE FINAL RESURRECTION ROLL OMG
I didn't stop for Talks Machina between those eps.  I couldn't, I had to see what happened.  I'm so glad this entire ep was so laid back after the resurrection. 
This show... I'm so, so mad I wasn't into it from the beginning.  On the other hand, having to wait a week between THOSE EPISODES would have been the worst.
janiemcpants: IT WAS It's so good that they generally have breather episodes once something huge is over with, because I don't think I could handle the tension otherwise
---------- 08/06/2018 annakie: WHAT THE FUCK I THOUGHT THIS WOULD BE FUN AND HAPPY AND EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE. I had to stop watching at work
Because I started crying a little and then Percy gave his speech and I almost lost it haha That's where I am right now, raced home from lunch to watch the rest of this where I could cry
janiemcpants: Are you on episode 85? That one really hit like a slap in the face
annakie: Yep!
janiemcpants: That's the only one I think I won't be able to watch again
(I made this post.)
annakie: He's gone now, they're awake the next morning. Like I knew he was leaving but I thought it wouldn't be THIS TERRIBLE.  I thought it’d be like “Hey guys I’m taking some time off, love you, bye!” but nooooo.
janiemcpants: And it really felt like it came out of nowhere!
annakie: But also props to Sam because that was such a good representation of depression.
Like I really understood where it was coming from but yeah you really didn't expect THAT.
janiemcpants: Yeah, he's definitely not afraid to take risks and let his character be imperfect, and he had some good points and some not so good points in a very realistic way But BOY was that hard to watch
annakie: Yeah exactly.  Like, yelling that nobody cares about him.... that they don't love him.... I have felt that way about people who I absolutely knew loved me and that just shook me.  It was just... so... real.  And the way everyone reacted.  Man I just wish Ashley had been there.
I already know Sam plays someone else for awhile and eventually, Scanlan comes back but man... again... so glad I don't have to wait to KNOW THAT.
janiemcpants: You're lucky you know that! I totally thought he was gone for good Are you at the end of the episode, or still going?
annakie: Still going, they're at Whitestone still the next morning deciding what to do next.  Keyleth just scryed on Scanlan and Kaylee.
Grog: "I know you on a more intimiate level."  Vex: "Because you saw my titties."  Grog: Basically, yeah.
Real question: Can I watch the rest of this episode and maybe next without crying, so I can finish it at work, or should I not?  Gotta head back in a few minutes
Oh heeey it's already Sam's new character. :)
janiemcpants You can probably finish it up Since you met Sam's new character and he's pretty good And the next one has a lot of funny stuff in it
---------- 08/07/2018 annakie Episode 88:  The Kraken Fight.  FIVE AND A HALF HOURS (more like five after the break BUT STILL.)  I feel like I was watching this episode for a week.
janiemcpants That was intense! Them not being able to kill the kraken really added some stress to the fight Although they might not have been able to anyway
08/08/2018 annakie Yeah!  That added a whole crazy layer onto it!  I was pretty sure there would be more deaths than just Vax.  Not that him dying wasn't bad, but you know.  I think I'm becoming desensitized to the deaths because I didn't cry during his resurrection.  Also, poor Ashley, it feels like every time she's there lately it's to resurrect someone.
Finished Ep 90 this afternoon, Keyleth's Aramente ceremony was really good. :)
Also Grog and Tary potion shopping, I laughed so hard at work and had to keep it quiet, I'm sure my coworkers think I'm a maniac.
Ep 91 - Vox Machina Go To Hell... sounds amazing.  Just starting.
janiemcpants: Grog and Tary shopping was a total trash fire and it was so great And Vox Machina Go to Hell was such a good title! And a good episode!
---------- 08/11/2018
annakie: Ep 95!  Past the time skip!  The last two have been SO MUCH FUN and just what we needed after all the sadness and tension!  And YAY ASHLEY IS HERE FOR AWHILE.  SHE'S GETTING A STORYLINE!  Also I love Tary so much now, that character growth! :D  But I only have 20 episodes left noooooo
(later that night)...I should probably be doing other things with my life other than watching CR + Talks Machina but I'm already on 98.  Clearly Tary is leaving soon, it's neat to meet his family and all, though.  I'm gonna miss him.  I thought Tary would just be like... a filler character. But he's so great.  So.   Great.
---------- 08/12/2018
annakie: OH GOD IT'S SCANLAN HE'S BACK I'M DYING (also I'm real sad Tary is leaving soon, the conflict of emotions!).  I JUST got to the part where Vex runs up and hugs him and they go to break I'M CRYING.
annakie: EVERYTHING HURTS but Jon Heder's character is hilarious
janiemcpants: Oh no, goodbye Tary! Tary was a cross between Gilderoy Lockhart and a J Peterman catalog and I absolutely adored him, but it’s so good to have Scanlan back I wasn’t sure what to expect from Jon Heder, because I’d only seen him in Napoleon Dynamite and didn’t like it, but he was so great in this
annakie: Oh man I missed him so much.  He's having to apologize SO MUCH.  Poor Sam, haha.  The Talks Machina with him, Ashley and Laura was great, though and Laura saying Travis was too emotional to go on the show was so.... awwww.  I'm into ep 100 now  Yay the new look!  AND LADY BRIARWOOD IS BACK WHAT THE WHAAAT.  And Poor, poor Sam having to play three characters, though, he did this to himself. :D
--------- 8/13/2018 annakie (about the first Vecna fight): That shoulda just been called "Vox Machina gets their asses kicked." Vaaaaax
Scanlan MVP'd the hell out of that fight though No time for Talks Machina, I'll do that at work tomorrow, RIGHT ON TO 103!
janiemcpants: Episode 102 was an ABSOLUTE DISASTER Thank goodness Scanlan came back when he did!
Although I did enjoy everyone guilt tripping Sam for making him leave
(I made this post.)
janiemcpants: I had to laugh at your last post because that's exactly what it's like! There's SO MUCH in each episode it's almost impossible to post about it. TOO MANY FEELINGS
And not enough time!
I think this last arc has really good flow to it You can feel the urgency, but it still gives things the time they deserve
annakie: It really is!  Like you know if I had a week between episodes than it'd be way easier to sort but I can't take any time I have to watch as much as I can now. I'm at the part where they're trying to sort out why Vax is back and I WANT TO DIE.
janiemcpants: WASN'T THAT A CURVEBALL I was expecting a tense, elaborate ritual like the others got, and they were planning for it, but nope! We're skipping that part
annakie: I read something like a tweet or untagged post MONTHS ago about Scanlan not being able to save Vax.  So when he got disintegrated I was like "Oh this is that that meant." and now I'm like "OH SHIT NO IT WASN'T, WAS IT?!"  I'm scared.
(Oh, you sweet summer child, you have no idea what you’re in for.)
janiemcpants I just love how Vax getting disintegrated totally changed the context of everything that happens, but not in the way anyone expected Matt's mind is truly a place of wonder
annakie: Also Yay Grog just asked Scanlan to hang out with him in Vasselheim :3 Nothing like a terrifying near-death experience to spread some forgiveness.
--------- 8/14/2018 annakie Me today: OK my boss asked me to go to this important meeting and take notes I need to concentrate.
Also Scanlans face when. Grog mentioned that he was looking for Scanlan, the moment passed so fast but I cried.
(later that night) annakie: I'm so mad I have to run my own game tonight so all I'm gonna have time to watch is to the end of 104 Glad I prepped my game a week or two ago though
janiemcpants: THEIR MEETING WITH SERENRAE, I WEEP It’s just so good to see both a character who’s been so devoted but struggled with it at the same time, and a character who had to develop so much to get there, actually be seen and acknowledged by their god
janiemcpants: What a great moment for both of them
annakie: SO amazing, I loved it so much.
janiemcpants: Also, I love how it doesn’t even matter how the group splits up, any combination of them is going to be interesting and fun (But especially Sam and Travis because of their shared delight in chaos)
annakie: I'm RIGHT NOW at the part where everyone is talking about Vex to Pelor and OH SHIT SHE AND PERCY ARE BETHROTHED THAT'S THE SECRET YES that's so true every pair is amazing
Also once again Scanlan MVPs this, with his polymorph on Vex
janiemcpants: It's truly astounding how many times Scanlan single-handedly saves their bacon
annakie: Yeah as much as I loved Tary like... they really NEEDED Scanlan.
janiemcpants: They really did I wish they could have both!
annakie: When I rewatched the Serenrae meeting I watched Ashley's face and every time Scanlan did something positive like made it to the tower or Serenrae acknowledged Scanlan as a true believer Ash's face was just amazing. She's so pleased at Scanlan :3
janiemcpants: Ashley's just so good
annakie: I KNOW, ME TOO.  I peeked and saw that we don't see Tary again and I'm sad!  I hope he gets an epilogue!
Last Tuesday at 11:24 PM *screaming into the void* http://blog.annakie.com/post/177011924723/critical-role-stuff-spoilers-up-to-ep
--------- 8/15/2018
janiemcpants Everything you said is SO TRUE And I still just can't believe how Sam took what was meant to be a joke* and turned him into this incredible three-dimensional person who never fails to surprise me. Will he turn into a dinosaur and destroy a building? Will he sing at the giant monster instead of fleeing like everyone else? Will he melt my heart with beautiful words about friendship? Will he devastate my emotions when he stops covering up his pain? Will he make a dick joke? We never know! And he's grown so much! *(Apologies if you already knew this, but when they were getting ready for the original one-shot home game that started all this, Sam had never played before, and Liam helped him pick out his character. Sam said he wanted to be the worst, and asked what the worst character would be, and Liam came up with gnome bard. And here we are. That was all captured on the podcast they sporadically do together and it's pretty funny.)
annakie Hilariously, I just found that out about Liam helping create Scanlan an hour ago.  On the episode of Talks I was watching at work Sam kept mentioning his Reddit AMA and so I googled it and read it, literally an hour ago.  So if I would have seen this earlier, it would have been new information! And YES SO MUCH I AGREE.
Like I love them ALL so much but I mean... Scanlan.  Fucking Scanlan.  Fave.  Sorry.
(Later) annakie Darin DePaul is hilarious lol I was like "Uh who is this?" when he showed up but he keeps making me laugh.  I'm still in the initial fight right after they find Sprigg
janiemcpants Fun fact: Darin de Paul played D&D thirty something years ago with Matt's mom, and Sprigg is the character he played back then I think that old session ended with Sprigg disappearing or something, so this is the continuation of his story, set thirty-whatever years later He’s really terrific, though! I only knew him from Overwatch, but I get such a kick out of him here
annakie OMG, that's awesome!  Thank you for that fun fact!  I was wondering if he ever played before, he seemed to get it pretty quick with only a little help from Sam. He's saying goodbye now, aww, such a good end for a fun character!
annakie Oh good, Ioun told Scanlan how awesome and important he is to VM and Kaylee and in general, I feel better now. I'm a little sad that I guess Ioun is his god now I guess and not Serenrae but it also seems fitting.
8/16/2018 janiemcpants Yeah, I was surprised by that, but in the end I think I'm glad he got his own god who appreciates him, rather than being wrapped up in Pike's story Not that Serenrae didn't appreciate him, but I like that he got something of his own
annakie That is so true!!  Like Serenrae gave him comfort when he needed it, and accepted him, but he prayed to her because it's what he knew because of Pike, but I think he didn't do it FOR Pike. But it turns out Scanlan wasn't destined for Serenrae.
Also I meant to mention awhile ago that I really loved Percy holding everything together after Vax died and they were in the Feywild.  He really stepped up and kept everything from falling apart and I was really proud of him.
Scanlan being constantly dismissive of them talking about Tary is hilarious.  "Scanlan can you scry on Tary?"  "Who? Oh... you mean that fancy fellow?" haha
(Later) annakie Oh yay I'm glad they sent word to Tary that everyone is OK.
janiemcpants Yes!! I was so concerned about poor Tary. The necklace is a good idea in theory, but in reality all it does is tell him something is wrong, but he doesn't know what or how he can help What an anxiety-inducing item!
Also yes to Percy! His growth is really inspiring to me on a personal level (all of theirs are in different ways, but he's the most relatable to me personally) I love how, since they're all so different and grow in different ways, there's a good story there for everyone
--------- 8/17/2018 9:07 PM annakie Just finished the ep where they forge the trammels.  Starting to close in on the endgame :o
annakie OH MY GOD... hahaha using the love potion TARY gave Vax to prank SCANLAN, this is amazing, I love it so much.
Last Saturday at 1:15 AM Hi it's 1:14am and I'm still awake because I had to finish this live episode.
--------- 8/18/2018 annakie: In the middle of 112 now, and I have to stop watching to go to my Pathfinder game.... nooo... one of the few times I'm unhappy about going to gaming. :) I think I'm going to be able to finish tomorrow if I just power through and don't stop for Talks.
(And here we go, into the endgame.  I woke up, turned on Critical Role, and knew I'd finish the campaign that day.  In addition to the gifs and posts I made: http://blog.annakie.com/tagged/episode+114, here's the rest of that experience.  I’m not going to link the individual gif posts.)
8/19/2018 12:53 AM annakie: THE STRANGLING WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS
This entire episode is like the most fucked up episode lol
janiemcpants: I was out of town for the weekend and just got home, and I can't believe how fast you're going! Although once you hit a certain point you can't help but tumble unstoppably towards the end, because it's all going so off the rails at once I WAS SO WORRIED FOR KASH AND ZAHRA
annakie: I STILL AM
janiemcpants: And having Cassandra and Gilmore and Kaylee as death knights was a particularly cruel stroke of genius on Matt's part
annakie: Arkhan just got back though, so that's good I guess haha
janiemcpants: CAN YOU IMAGINE, if they hadn't left one alive, they might not even have taken their helmets off and they never would have known
annakie: GOD I KNOW I KNOW... That would have just been.... oh man I can't even imagine And thank God Matt let them revivify even though it could have been more than a minute
annakie: There's so much happening I can barely breathe I feel like I've been watching this episode for ten hours already All I've watched is 113 and this today.
janiemcpants: It's probably even better watching it all together like you're doing, because a whole lot of interesting things happen in a not-that-long amount of time There's so much!
annakie: Yeah... I mean TBH for the last month I've just lived this show, I haven't watched any TV shows.  It's been so great to just really LIVE IN IT and there's so much of it especially after taking a year to get to this point.
annakie: Well, it was around the point of Percy dying the really sad time to get to "OK I can't stop watching", that's when I started watching at home and not just at work.  And then I stopped watching at work much after Scanlan left because I was too invested to only sorta pay attention. Yeaaaaah Grog just kicked ass.
janiemcpants: Percy dying was right when I started watching live! I was trying to catch up on the old stuff before I started doing it live, but when I heard that happened I just COULDN’T stay away. What a hell of a pair of episodes those were.
annakie: OH WOW that's awesome!  How many episodes did you skip to get to that point? haha OH ALSO PIKE TELLING SCANLAN HE HAS TO STAY ALIVE BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENS AFTER.  MY HEART. I was a little worried because since she was back she'd hardly interacted with him, except for that butt-slap a few episodes ago and then this conversation happened and I DIED.  (And then Sam joked it was Scanlan2 and I refuse to believe that it wasn't actually real Scanlan, they're dressed different, she would have known.)
(Also in the Vecna fight Real Scanlan had to use the Death Ward Pike put on him so yeah, she said it to Real Scanlan.)
Oh also I found online where Sam posted the letter Scanlan wrote to Pike and OH MAN, TEARS.
janiemcpants: RIGHT?? At the beginning I never thought I'd be invested in Scanlan and Pike's relationship, just because of the nice-guy stuff, but it got really, really good as it went on I still had about 15 episodes or so to go when I started watching it live, so I missed a little bit of context, but it was worth it That letter was so good
annakie: Oh man we just almost lost Vex and the looks on Liam, Travis AND Taliesin's faces all killed me. I can't wait to start watching live, still probably going to be a month or so.
annakie: I can't believe I still have an hour to go (probably 45 minutes of game time) and Scanlan and Grog just got banished.  Also I know something bad happens to Grog so I'm just waiting for that.  Maybe he never comes back from banishment!??!
annakie: Hahaha Scanlan dispelled Vecna's teleport and MATT'S FACE. Oh no, he's saying sorry to Liam This is why... “I was going to save Vax.” OH MY GOD  Sam is crying And Liam is crying
janiemcpants: That moment is where I cried the hardest in all of 114 Especially because they called each other Sam and Liam instead of Scanlan and Vax IT'S SO PAINFUL
annakie: THIS HURTS SO MUCH, I’M BAWLING. Most of the table doesn't even see what's going on Like they're having this private moment while the game keeps going.
annakie: Oh God that Nat20 for Scanlan to counterspell dominate person on Keyleth. Could you imagine this fight with Tary instead of Scanlan?  It'd have been over in round 2
annakie: lol I watched Jocks Machina on the D&D twitch channel awhile ago so I knew Arkhan was going to betray them, that's amazing how he did it. Also, so great that Keyleth was able to finish the ritual
annakie: Oh no Sam and Liam are crying at the end this is the worst
annakie: Annnd here we go.  115.
janiemcpants: GOOD LUCK
annakie: I'm really going to miss this credit sequence, I love it so much I always watch it every episode. I've seen the new one and it's cute but I love this one.
janiemcpants I miss it too! It's so good
annakie: I get why they did a more generic "look at us playing D&D" instead of character intro credits but this one is amazing I mean especially after what happened to Taliesin's character in season 2.
annakie: Yay Kash and Zahra :D I'm so glad they got a goodbye. :)  That was a great sendoff!
janiemcpants: It was so good! Even with Liam wreaking emotional havoc
annakie: vax is saying goobye and I'm bawling
even matt is crying, i can't
(I made this post.)
janiemcpants: I cried through that ENTIRE EPISODE
annakie: I'm taking a crying break to watch the fanart Glad Ashley made it just in time for that moment
Oh man this great series of fanart with the quote where Sam asking what's the worst character, and Liam saying gnome bard, and the art is all showing how Scanlan saved the party, that was amazing
annakie: Oh my God Liam isn't even at the table anymore THIS IS SO SAD
janiemcpants: That art sounds fantastic! Must try to hunt it down Oh no, I can't cope when they leave the table
annakie: "We'll fill in each other's gaps, we'll be the glue." THANKS LAURA NOW I'M CRYING AGAIN BECAUSE I LOVE VEX/PERCY SO MUCH.
That even broke Taliesin a little
There's a part of me right now that's still screaming "GO FIND GILMORE AND CASSANDRA AND KAYLEE!"
janiemcpants: I know!!! There's so much they should be doing, all at the same time! HOW IS EVERYBODY??
annakie: Percy just mentioned cassandra, maybe they'll remember lol
NOPE, off to a bar!
Yay Kima's there!
Oh ok good they're in whitestone whew
Oh man Kaylee and Scanlan's conversation, I'm crying again.
janiemcpants: Grog pulling the card was so goddamn funny Especially in the midst of so much sadness
annakie: Oh my God he just pulled the card in whitestone
Annnnnnnnnnnnd this is why they have to go rescue Grog omg omg omg
annakie: Aw, I was almost hoping they'd actually do one last adventure but that was funny.
janiemcpants: Yeah, I really wish we could have seen the rescue, but they were clearly planning on this being the last episode, and it would have thrown everything off But it was worth it
Scanlan and Pike’s conversation was everything I always wanted THEN HER INTERNET DIES
annakie OK Scanlan's epilogue was awesome :3 “I will do literally whatever Pike wants to do.”
And YAY we get to hear about Tary!
janiemcpants: I'm so glad Lawrence wasn't dead! I was totally convinced Tary's dad had him whacked
annakie: Oh God Pike’s marriage proposal and one last grog & scanlan conversation I love it so much I'm crying again
I've known they ended up married for a long time but that was great. :3
janiemcpants: I just love that they both planned to ask each other out in their epilogues!
annakie I KNOW, so great :D
I'm really glad that Scanlan let Pike lead, that was amazing.
janiemcpants: Yes! That brought it from great to perfect
annakie: And he just wanted to follow where she went and helped out.  And they have a home, and Grog with them, and are a perfect weird family! :D
They're my favorite ship, though I love all three very much.
janiemcpants: And Grog gets to stay with his gnomes forever! And he's not left alone even though he didn't end up with a romantic relationship!
annakie: YES!
I love Percy and Vax being so Percy and Vax in their epilogue.  Kids with lots of names!  Tinkering!
janiemcpants: The part about Percy making clocks made me weep BUCKETS
annakie: Percy finding redemption helping Cassandra omg
"Make a clock tower, make art and never make another weapon. I'm good." :D
annakie: Aww Grog taking punishment from Vasselheim
Hahaha the potion guy being the tutor ohhhhh my God this is amazing.
This guy never even got a name did he and yet he's brought so much joy
janiemcpants: I don't think he ever did!
annakie: Marisha is making Liam cry this is so sad
annakie: "And every day that Raven comes to visit."
I'm dead.
Oh my God Matt and Marisha get married THE NEXT WEEK!?
annakie: Well I'm completely emotionally drained.
(We said a bit more here, but it was personal.)
11:28pm:  I made this post. ) -----------------
I couldn't do much yesterday but think about this fucking show.  I'm catching up on the Talks Machinas I missed from like 108 through 115, I think I'm on 111 now?  I also watched Matt Colville's recap of the episode and why it's so great.  I'd been looking forward to watching that since he made it, since I watch most of what he puts out it's been sitting in my suggested videos like for almost every episode I watched.  That was perfect, as well.
I removed some talk about this in the chatlog Janie and I had but I'm going to take like this week off and catch up on the Specials & Oneshots I didn't watch before.  I need that cooling off period.  I'll probably power through season 2 after it's done and start watching live and wondering if It's Thursday Yet? within a couple of weeks from now.
I'm still sorting through feelings, too.  I'll probably have more to say.
But you know how there's a lot of media you like, and some that you love but only a few make it to that "Favorite things" level, the place where it turns into something that you love wholeheartedly and will remember forever and kinda wish you could erase from your brain so you could re-experience it for the first time again?
I have a few of those.  Futurama.  MST3K.  Parks and Recreation.  Psych.  Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.  The entire Mass Effect trilogy.  Neverwinter Nights 2.  The Thrilling Adventure Hour.  U2's Songs of Experience album.  Sugar's Copper Blue album.  The Princess Bride.  All of Star Wars.  The Lord of the Rings trilogy.  Star Trek: TNG and DS9.  The Good Place will end up here once it's done.  
And now Critical Role: Season One.  
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