#the whole time I was drawing the first one all I could think was ‘my skrungly scringlo dude my skrongly guy’
echobx · 3 days
Birthday Schenanigans - JJ Maybank × fem!reader
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summary: it's y/n's birthday and she gets distracted while playing a game with her friends, just for JJ to take care of her soon after
word count: 969
warnings: smut, edging, thigh riding, fingering
author's note: I wrote this around this time last year, and decided to give it a new home outside my wip folder. It's a little bumpy bc it's one of the first things I ever wrote, but I think it's still okay.
kinktober masterlist
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Without thinking about what you are actually doing, you roll your hips back to lean forward and hand Kie the pen. JJ's leg presses against you, the friction of the jeans against your panties and the light pressure feels incredible. Your mind is clouded by the weed and the warm feeling that started building in your core. You crave a release. Any release. And this is just too perfect to not try it out. Over the next half hour or so, basically the whole duration of the stupid game, you grind on his leg. Very slowly and carefully so that no one but the two of you notices. Small motions that bring you just enough pleasure to keep going, but not enough to actually make you finish. Every once in a while, he tips his leg for a few seconds and stops again. You gasp the first time he does it, and your friends all look at you for a moment before continuing with the game. Keeping a straight face and not making the slightest sound is incredibly difficult, but you manage it anyway. 
If you weren't focusing so hard on not showing your lewd actions, you might have heard the knock on the door when your friends do. JJ’s hand moves from your back to your stomach, and he pulls you back to sit fully in his lap. You can feel his warm breath on your neck and his left hand intertwined with your own. Leaning his head against yours is making a shiver run down your spine. "You can stop fucking my leg now. Someone is here for you," he whispers into your ear, and you bite your lip, before recalling the last words he said. "Who?" you turn to look at him. There is a spark in his eyes that you haven't seen in him all night. A lustful glimmer, as if your little game messed him up more than yourself, if that is even possible. You feel the need to kiss him; his soft and demanding lips. To feel him inside you in the only socially acceptable way for the situation you are in. Anything would suffice. Even just a gentle brush of his hand against your cheek or the small circles he likes to draw on your skin. Just him for you, nothing else. You don't bother for who is at the door. It could be Santa Claus and you wouldn't give a fuck. All you can think of are the very dirty things you want to do to your boyfriend. 
"Get up, or I'm not going to let you do whatever you are thinking about," he whispers against your lips and gently pushes you off him. The sudden loss of his presence makes you more dizzy than the thoughts that still haunt your mind. You shake your head, trying to sort your thoughts before opening the door. "Pizza and beer is all the gift I can offer," John B says from behind a huge mountain of boxes. You have to laugh while guiding him inside, your mind suddenly freed from the lust that captivated it just moments prior. He puts the boxes down on the kitchen counter and hugs you, "happy birthday." "Thanks bro," you wink at him, taking a slice of pizza and going into your room to change, not wanting to sit in wet underwear all night. 
The door behind you closes, and you are pushed against the closet, hands above your head and JJ’s hips pressed against yours. He kisses you with so much passion and tenacity that you forget why you even went into your room. You know it wasn't to do this, but you can't for the life of you remember what.  "Don't ever do that again unless we're alone. I don't want anyone seeing you like that, not even them," he breathes against you, and you nod, biting your puffy lips. "Keep your arms up." A silent order that you are more than willing to follow. Not sure what exactly is to happen now, but with the impression that it will be worthwhile. He opens your jeans and pulls your panties down with them, letting you step out of both. "Fuck," his fingers grace over your swollen cunt. "You are way too wet for how little movement you got. What did you think of while doing it?" You gasp as he pushes his long fingers into you. "Tell me what you thought of," he demands again. "You. How you would punish me. How you punished me before," you have to bite your lip so you don't moan, not wanting your friends to hear what you are doing. "I could do it now. Not make you come, let you sit in anticipation for another hour before I let you wreck me," he whispers and kisses you again, not just to kiss you, but also to muffle the lustful moan that you can't hold back at that moment. "Promise to show me how that new toy works, and I'll let you finish." His quiet whispers are followed by another kiss and even more choked moans while he keeps fingering you. His thumb is playing with your clit while you try to stay contained. "Promise me,” JJ rasps in your ear. "I do. I promise. Please," you beg for your release, and he kisses you again while finally allowing you to let go of the tension that had nested in your stomach for the last few hours. JJ pulls away as soon as your legs are done shaking and picks up your slip, using it to wipe off most of what spilled out of you. "You need clean underwear," JJ smiles, proud of his work, and then he leaves you standing in your room, panting and flushed and completely exhilarated. 
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @redhead1180 @spideysimpossiblegirl @drwstarkeyy @princessmaybank @ijustwantttoread @kys4-20 @immyowndefender @julczimozart @m2m2m2 @mochimms @dorkyfangirl24 @itsme-again @maybankslover @th3eternalersi @jjmaybankssurfergf
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So Oct 3rd is coming up :D spoilers for Oct 3rd below
As I was lying in bed debating whether to get up I realised I very badly want to make a piece for Oct 3rd, I’ve wanted to for ages but I’ve been hesitant and unsure
1. It means so so much to me, I want to do the scene justice
2. There’s just so much to do for that one scene you know? So many different ways to portray it I have loads and no ideas all at once
3. I don’t draw faces so portraying the anguish of the scene is a challenge, a welcome challenge! But a challenge nonetheless
So first, debate on what aspect I want to present, what is my focus. Of course I want to depict Mina’s anguish and pain, I think there’s not very many artworks that have her at the centre of the scene, it’s her and Jonathan. But I also want to do that too!! I want to show the comfort and support she has
Depending on whether I focus purely on Mina, or Jonmina together, want to be able to portray it so that in looking at the piece you feel a scream in your chest and can almost hear hers.
But can that be done in combining the ideas, having Jonathan present in a painting that has her anguish at the focus?
One of my friends suggested a wonderful idea to get around the issue of the face, *illustrate the scene through her reflection on a cracked mirror*
Which I think is stunning especially because oooh the mirror crack’d references there could be (though it’s a long time since I read that poem I’d better reread it and see if it’s relevant)
Also vampires, mirrors, the fact she’s obscured suggests her impending transformation
Also “foul bauble of man’s vanity” reference, nice visual parallel with Jonathan and losing his mirror.
The options as it stands:
1. Mina alone and reflected in the mirror, a piece highlighting her pain and fear and anguish as a victim and allegory for SA
2. Mina in the same pose, kneeling, blood spattered, shattered mirror reflection, but with Jonathan holding her tight from behind. I like this idea very much but how does it influence the message and idea? It must be said though she’s a victim she’s not *alone* in her victimhood, on two counts. Jonathan has suffered at the hands of the Count too, albeit to a different degree and it was because she didn’t want him to be hurt again that she didn’t scream out during the assault, and also even if he hadn’t been through it, he would still not let her feel alone. None of them do, none of them for even a second blame her.
3. Make a separate piece of Jonmina as well as the Mina alone piece
This option I’m considering because I can’t decide whether it would be better to have them in separate pieces or not. I like the idea of keeping Jonathan in the main one about Mina, but is that messy, does that detract from the pain and fear I want to portray? It’s supposed to be her perception
Or does it make it better and more complex, I can portray the actual scene, he is holding her she is not alone, but the mirror sort of represents her skewed perspective, so we have both pain and hope, loneliness and companionship in one
If it were two different pieces though then I feel like separate, the message for both only heightens. To combine I worry muddies them both, I don’t do justice to either the significance of his comfort or her pain. Which is why I could do a separate piece of him holding her after the others leave, lying down on the bed, alongside the first one of her reflected in the mirror.
(I feel like I would then need a third piece to make a triptych and complete a series but that’s a whole other discussion~)
Anyway, fellow Dracula/artist/both fans advise!! What to do what to do…
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ripdragonbeans · 16 hours
Do You Believe In Fate // Part 4 // Aegon II x Reader
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Summary: Tensions are high during dinner. The next day you all spend it outside but Cassandra decides to stir up trouble.
Warnings: None
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6
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Entering the dining room, all was quiet. Just like in the living room, there was thick tension. Alicent sat at the head of the table with Criston to her right. Across from Criston sat Helaena. Next to Helaena was Aegon and Cassandra. That left the seats next to Criston open. 
Aemond played the part of the ever loving boyfriend perfectly. He pulled out your chair and kept your hand in his the whole time. You were sure to give him a sweet smile before sitting down. Aemond let go of your hand to seat himself but quickly had yours back in his grasp. He looked at you with a big, love struck eye. You let yourself get lost in it, thinking about looking into Aegon’s. Aemond simply gave you a knowing look and smirked.
Aegon cleared his throat. “Now that we're all here I’d love to share with you all how I proposed to my beautiful Cassandra.”
Bile ran up your throat but you swallowed it down.
“A story I'm wanting to hear since you didn't include me in it,” Alicent said.
Cassandra interjected before Aegon had a chance to speak. “Oh, it was so wonderful!”
A small frown appeared on Aegon’s face but was quickly replaced with a shit eating grin. Everyone else may have missed it but you didn't. You spotted Aegon taking his hand away from Cassandra and flexed it on the table. You knew Aegon well enough to know that he's the one who liked to tell the stories. 
“He took me out to a beautiful park. We walked around admiring the trees and flowers and stuff.”
You coughed. “And stuff?”
“Hey, she may not be as good with words as you,” Aegon defended Cassandra, “but at least now she has a future husband.”
“Wow, what a great way to insult your fiance, Aegon.”
“I did not insult her!”
“You kind of did,” Aemond jumped in. “You said that she's not as eloquent as my girl and implied that her worth is just now important because she's engaged to you.” 
Cassandra and Aegon looked at Aemond with their mouths open wide.
“Anyway,” Cassandra laughed, attempting to draw everyone’s attention again. “The park was beautiful and our walk had the best views. It was actually one of the first places Aegon took me when we started dating.”
You bit back a laugh knowing full well that Aegon wouldn’t take a date to a freaking park.
Cassandra continued with her story. “There was a bridge that looked across a stunning lake. He stopped me in the middle of the bridge and bent down on one knee. The rest is history.” She flashed a toothy smile and held out her hand to show off the sparkly diamond ring that adorned her finger.
Looking at the ring, you turned to Cassandra. “It’s so…you.”
Batting her eyelashes, she gave you an innocent smile. There was fire in her eyes, though. One that challenged you to say something else, to insult her. “Thank you. So when are you two going to get engaged?”
Aegon addressed Aemond but held your eyes. “Yeah, when?”
“Oh, we haven’t thought about that yet,” you jumped in. “We’re taking our time and we want to enjoy each other and not think or focus too hard about what’s ahead. Neither of us have graduated yet and we want to complete university before making any big decisions.”
“Well, you know what they say, brother,” again, Aegon only addressed Aemond. “Ring by spring; gotta get that ring before your final spring semester.”
“Hey,” Aemond gently gripped your chin so you could face him. “We’re in no rush, okay? We’ll take our time and we won’t let my brother, of all people, force us into something we’re not ready for.”
You nodded your head and brought his hand from your chin to your lips to brush a kiss on his knuckles. Silence enveloped the table again. While you were looking only at Aemond, you felt Aegon’s hot gaze on the back of your head. 
Helaena broke the quietness. “Well, if anyone is interested, I’m now the proud parent of a lunar moth, comet moth, and a rosy maple moth!”
“Oh, tell me about them,” Alicent hopped on the train fast.
Helaena and Alicent talked about the moths, what their names are, what their personalities are like, and so on. If only they were real. Helaena was lying out of her ass and you couldn’t help but tuck your head into Aemond’s chest and laugh quietly.
Dinner ended up being a fairly quiet one. There was the occasional giggle from Cassandra, usually due to something Aegon whispered in her ear. Each giggle was like nails on a chalkboard. They grated against your brain and it made you want to throw up. Each time your jaw tense, though, Aemond was quick to place a hand on your leg or hand in show of silent support. Desserts were about to be passed around but you took that moment to call it a night.
“Alicent, it's been wonderful catching up with you, with everyone, really,” you nodded at Aegon and he returned it with a blank stare. “But I'm really tired and I think I'll turn in for the night. I assume I'm gonna be in Helaena's room?”
Alicent gave you a warm smile. “That's where I was initially going to put you for the night but since you and Aemond are dating you can sleep in his room if you'd like,” she turned to Aegon. “The same goes for you and Cassandra.”
You held back a cringe when she brought up Cassandra sleeping in Aegon’s room. Instead, you went to Alicent to give her a hug goodnight and left for Aemond's room.
Once you closed the door behind you, you knocked the back of your head against it.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” you muttered to yourself.
After a few moments of standing against the door and contemplating your life’s choices, you crossed over to the bed and plopped down face first. You let the quiet wash over you and calmed yourself before you could start thinking about everything that has happened within the last couple of hours.
“Can I come in?” Helaena was on the other side of the door. “I know you're in there and you're probably thinking about something silly. Let me in so we can talk, sweetie.”
Groaning, you got up and dragged your way to the door and opened it, revealing a worried Helaena. She enveloped you in a tight embrace as she stepped into the room.
As she released you from the hug she asked, “So, you're dating Aemond now, huh?”
You chuckled and shrugged, “Yeah, I guess I am.” Taking a deep breath, you looked at your friend with some insecurity. “I just didn't know what to do. I don't know if I want to make Aegon jealous or to do something to make him talk to me. I panicked, Hel, I really did, and now I don't know what I dragged Aemond into.”
“Speaking of the devil,” Helaena chimed as Aemond entered the room.
“You didn’t drag me into anything. I willingly went along with it, it’s okay,” he said. “Like I mentioned earlier, bringing Cassandra was a stupid move. I’m also pretty sure it’s fake. Aegon wouldn’t settle down that quickly, if at all.”
The more you thought about it, the more you agreed with Aemond. It didn’t make sense. While it was a few years ago, Aegon said that Cassandra was just fun, nothing serious. 
“What’s your plan with the fake dating?” asked Helaena.
You weren’t confident in your answer, “I guess to make Aegon jealous? Try to lure him out of the engagement?”
“And if it’s real? His engagement?”
“Then I guess it’s time I let him go.”
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You woke up in Aemond’s bed feeling a little more steady than when you fell asleep. The events of yesterday settled in your mind and you had come up with a better game plan. Picking up your phone, you checked the time. It was early enough that no one else but Helaena would be awake; she’s always been an early riser. The soft snoring from the floor indicated that Aemond was still asleep. Very carefully, you got out of the bed and tiptoed around Aemond to leave the room.
As you exited the room you found that you were correct. There was someone in the kitchen, humming to themselves, as they prepared breakfast. You knew that humming anywhere. It was Helaena. A smile graced your lips as you made your way to the kitchen.
“Whatcha making this morning?” you greeted her.
Helaena looked over her shoulder to glance at you. “Just some eggs and bacon for everyone. Speaking of bacon, can you get started on them for me?”
“Of course!”
It was just like when you were younger, making breakfast with Helaena. The two of you would be the first ones awake and prepare it for everyone while you two had some girl talk. 
“Sleep well? I know you had a comfy bed to share,” she winked.
Rolling your eyes, you prepared the sausages for the frying pan. “Yes, I was snuggled all up with Aemond and we whispered sweet nothings to each other.”
Helaena snickered, earning her a smack on the arm. 
“He slept on the floor, you goof. I told him I’d take the floor but you know how he is. Always being the chivalrous one.”
“It sounded like Aegon had a silent night, I didn’t hear anything coming from his room.”
“Thank the gods. If there were noises coming from his room I’d be gone. I wouldn’t be able to stand that.”
“Gods, Aegon, you’re just so good in bed!” You heard Cassandra yell.
“And of course they’re both awake. Prepare yourself,” muttered Helaena.
“Shh! You don’t need to yell it for the whole house to hear!” You could hear Aegon smack his face with the palm of his hand. They weren’t exactly good at being quiet.
You glanced at Helaena, both of you concealing your desire to laugh as best as you could. It wasn’t until you noticed the smoke coming from your frying pan that you were brought back to your breakfast making.
“Oh, shit! The bacon!” You hastily got them off the pan and onto a plate.  “At least they’re not absolutely unedible?”
They were burnt to the point of almost being black and they crumbled at the slightest touch.
Helaena sighed. “Aegon will eat them.”
“I HEARD MY NAME!” He called from the hallway. 
Cassandra and Aegon walked into the kitchen hand in hand.
“What is that delicious smell?” Cassandra asked.
“That would be burnt bacon,” you said matter-of-factly.
“My part of breakfast, however,” Helaena butt in, “is not burnt and is still edible. The bacon is only kind of edible.”
As Helaena passed you, you bumped her with your hip and stuck your tongue out.
“What a sophisticated woman you are,” she joked as she put the eggs on the dining room table.
Cassandra cocked her head to the side. “That’s all we have for breakfast?”
“You’re more than welcome to make whatever you like from what we have in the fridge,” Helaena offered. 
“Aegon, why don’t you make her breakfast? Since you’re engaged and you obviously love her so much that you’re engaged,” Helaena said sweetly.
Aegon puffed out his chest. “That’s right. I do love her so much. Now,” he clapped his hands. “Where to start…”
“I would check to see what’s in the refrigerator first,” you suggested.
“Yeah, a great place to start. Let’s see here.” Aegon opened it up and rifled through its contents. “Leftovers!” He produced a container of last night’s dinner. “Perfect for breakfast, a reminder of last night!”
Cassandra’s eyes lit up. “Aw, Aegy, you’re the best!”
You threw up a little in your mouth. “Since that’s settled, I’m going to wake up Aemond for breakfast,” you said as you exited.
Once you were out of their view, you booked it to Aemond’s room.
“Aemond! Aemond!” you stage whispered once you were in his room. “Something is up with Cassandra and Aegon!”
Aemond groaned as he sat himself up. When you left the room he took his bed back. Rubbing the sleep out of his one eye, he tried to pay attention to your ramblings.
“Cassandra was saying something about how good he was in bed, ugh, but then Aegon told her to be quiet. If it were anyone else but Aegon I wouldn’t think anything of it but he has never minded his achievements being known. Even by family, which is a little much. And then -”
“Whoa, slow down,” Aemond stopped you. “Aegon is bragging again? That isn’t news.”
You sat down next to Aemond and hit his arm. “You’re not listening to me. Aegon was telling her to be quiet. Like he didn’t want anyone to hear anything. When Helaena suggested that Aegon make something for Cassandra for breakfast, he just pulled out some leftovers.”
“No, that’s pretty accurate. I wouldn’t look too deep into that. He’s always been too lazy to cook anything. He just rifles through the refrigerator.”
“Well, either way, something is up. I just know it.”
“Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out, I promise. Or we’ll just make Aegon miserable. I’m fine with both.” Aemond offered you a small smile. “Let me get changed and I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”
With a nod of your head, you left Aemond’s room. When you closed the door, however, you found yourself face to face with Aegon. You almost ran into him but stopped yourself. Taking a deep breath, you could smell his cologne, something so familiar yet so foreign. His violet eyes bore into yours.
“Doesn't sound so couple-y to me. Are you sure you and Aemond are actually in a relationship?” questioned Aegon.
“What, like you and Cassandra are the epitome of couples? You two don’t sound like a real couple either,” you shot back at him.
“Cassandra and I are engaged. As in we’re going to marry each other.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, don’t remind me.”
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous,” A smirk settled on Aegon’s lips.
“Of course I’m not jealous. I’m with Aemond, remember?”
“Ah yes, my brother. How could I forget that my once best friend is dating my brother?”
Heat boiled underneath your skin at him implication. “‘Once best friend?’ Don’t pin that on me, Aegon! You’re the one who left!”
“I didn't leave you!”
“You chose Cassandra over me. Once you started dating her you were never around anymore. No texts, nothing. So don't tell me you didn't leave me.” Tears burned in the corners of your eyes.
“But you avoided me! You were still around the house but would turn and walk away as soon as I showed up. You'd cross the street if we saw each other in town. Don't blame it all on me when you didn't put in any effort, either.” Aegon was stepping closer to you. 
“Did you ever think, that maybe, just maybe, I didn't want to be around you because you hurt me? That maybe seeing you caused me pain, that it hurt seeing you happy with someone else? That it was best for me to just avoid it all to ease that pain? I lived in ignorant bliss, ignoring you and Cassandra. I could forget that we were ever close, that there was something between us, that thing that you denied was ever there. So sorry, sorry for moving on. Sorry for healing.” You tried to push past Aegon but he didn't budge.
Aemond's bedroom door opened behind you. He quickly spotted you and Aegon against the wall.
“Hey, back off of my girl,” he growled at his brother.
“Relax, brother. I wasn’t doing anything to hurt her.”
Aemond scoffed. “Yeah, and I have two eyes. You're not going to hurt her, not anymore.”
As Aemond whisked you away, he immediately began asking questions about Aegon and what all was said. By the time you two had made it to the living room, you had answered most of, if not all, his questions with a quick yes or no. Once on the couch, the two of you continued your conversation in hushed voices. 
“I understand we're a fake couple,” Aemond started, “but our friendship is real and I refuse for you to be hurt by him again.” He held your hand tight in his.
Cassandra's voice cut to the living room. “I know, the ring is beautiful. He spent a fortune on it but, you know, he’ll do whatever he needs to do to keep my heart.”
You snorted at her proclamation. “Even she sounds fake, Aemond. You and I both know that Aegon wouldn't spend a shit ton of money on a ring.”
“Even if you're right, I don't want him to break your heart again.”
“He can't break my heart any more than he already has.”
“You say that but you know that's not true. Letting him in again gives him the opportunity to hurt you even more. I don't think I could stand by and watch that. Helaena wouldn't be able to, either.”
“I miss him so much, Aemond. Seeing him with Cassandra has always caused me pain but seeing him now makes me want to shake him and tell him to wake up. He's making stupid decisions but I've kind of missed that about him; his impulsivity and fuck it, let's go attitude.”
“We have today and tomorrow to get him to say something, if you're that sure. Other than that, I don't know when’s the next time you’ll see each other.”
“There's always the chance he'd come crawling to my dorm,” you joked.
“I wouldn't put it past him,” said Aemond. “I see the way he looks at you, when he thinks no one can see him. He doesn't look at Cassandra that way at all.”
You gave him a small smile. “Thanks, Aemond.”
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As with most family gatherings, Alicent and Criston convinced everyone to step outside for the day and relax completely unplugged. No phones.
“This is nice,” Helaena said as she spread out on the picnic blanket. “The food was wonderful, too.” She rested her hands on her stomach.
You laid down next to Helaena and looked up at the clouds. Aemond joined you two soon, and together you looked up at the clouds. This was something you’d do together when you were children and it was nice to revisit it. Various clouds made up various animals. It brought you a sense of peace, a good reprieve from the last twenty four hours.
A few feet away sat Aegon and Cassandra. They were complaining about not having their phones.
“I don’t understand the point of ‘unplugging’ when we’re just going to go back to the house and plug right in again. It’s stupid,” Cassandra said as she rolled her eyes.
“Eh, it’s my mother’s way to get us all to bond or something,” replied Aegon.
Cassandra huffed. “There’s nothing to do out here.”
“If you got your heads out of your phones and looked up every now and then you would see that there’s not nothing!” Helaena called to them.
“Says the bug girl!” Cassandra called back.
You turned your head to face Healena. “I’ll fight them for you, even Aegon.”
Helaena shrugged. “No worries, I am a bug girl and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” She glanced at Aegon and Cassandra. “They’re not even holding hands. Are they even trying”
“Aemond and I aren’t holding hands,” you pointed out.
“Yeah, but you two naturally kind of meld together.”
“I’m not sure I like that.”
“It just means you’re compatible.”
You scrunched your nose. “Look, as much as I love Aemond, I can’t see myself with him. At all.”
“That’s fair.”
“Wow, way to make me feel great,” drawled Aemond.
Helaena jumped at his voice. “I thought you were asleep!”
“I was resting perfectly fine until you made a comment about how me and my best friend here would be compatible as a couple. That’s too weird.”
“And yet you two are playing the part perfectly.”
“Hel, whose side are you on?” you asked exasperatedly.
“Just playing devil’s advocate,” she smirked.
As your two friends settled back into their relaxing state, you looked over and saw Aegon mumble something to Cassandra that caused her to roll her eyes. Cassandra had a sly smile dance across her face briefly before grabbing Aegon by the back of his neck and pulling him into a searing kiss. He melted into the kiss and brought Cassandra closer to him. His hands wandered over her hips and came close to her ass. You could see him smile in the kiss and it made you want to throw up. 
Looking at your friends you mumbled, “I think I’m going to go inside now.”
Aemond reached a hand out to stop you but you shrugged him off and made your way back inside. Wandering, you found yourself in Aemond’s room. At least there you could cry with the safety of no one finding you. At least you hoped no one would find you. You knew Aemond and Helaena weren’t too far behind you, both of them pissed at Aegon for making you upset again. A constant in your life, it seemed. It was Aegon that hurt you. Always Aegon. But it was also always Aegon who made you happy. Always Aegon who would make you laugh. It was only in the last few years that he has been hurting you.
Sitting on Aemond’s bed, you hugged yourself tight and shut your eyes. Seeing him kiss Cassandra instantly brought you to the dreaded party night; the night he abandoned you. Bringing your hand to your mouth, you let out a muffled sob. It was one thing to hear about them being engaged, another to think it to be fake, and then it being completely something else seeing them make out. The fact that Aegon pulled her closer is what made your heart crack. If Cassandra had only initiated the kiss you would have rolled your eyes. Aegon kissing back was a stab to the heart you were not expecting.
There was a soft knock at the door followed by Helaena’s soft voice. “Sweetie, are you okay?”
You didn’t respond. All you could do was let the tears flow.
“Let me go in, we’re supposed to be dating after all, Hel,” you heard Aemond say.
The door creaked open; followed by the sound of soft footsteps. You still refused to open your eyes. The mattress dipped next to you and a hand found its way to yours. Gently, it moved your hand from your mouth down to your lap. A soft kiss was pressed to your forehead and you were soon enveloped in a hug. Again the mattress dipped, but on the other side of you, and another set of arms brought you in for a group hug. You knew without a doubt it was Aemond and Helaena.
“I’m sorry,” you said against Aemond’s chest.
“Hey,” someone squeezed you. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. He’s stupid.”
“We all thought it was fake. Hell, he told me it was fake!” Your outburst pushed you away from the group hug. “He lied to me. He fucking lied.”
Helaena tried to reach for you. “You don’t know that.”
“How can you be taking his side? You just saw him eat Cassandra’s face!
“Aemond, say something!” Helaena tried to get him involved.
Aemond didn’t say anything.
Helaena groaned. “You two are so blinded. It was Cassandra who pulled him in for the kiss.”
“Yeah, but he kissed her back,” you pointed out.
“Because he knew you were watching and would get jealous.”
“Well, I’m jealous. Someone should find him and give him a gold star.”
“Gods, you two are so dense,” Helaena threw her hands up. “You need to stop fake dating Aemond and just talk to him!”
“I’ll stop fake dating Aemond when he stops supposedly being fake engaged to Cassandra,” you shot back. You pouted and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Fine. I’m calling an intervention, then.” Helaena crossed over to the door and left, not even bothering to close it.
“Oh, gods,” you groaned.
Aemond patted your back. “It shouldn’t be too bad. You know she wants the best for you and right now Aegon is being difficult and you’re being difficult so she’s trying to make you meet in the middle.”
Helaena popped back in the doorway. “Come on, girl. Just you. Aemond, you can stay here or something, it’s up to you, but you are not part of the intervention.”
“I’m okay with that.” He put up his hands in a mock surrender before giving you one last squeeze before you went with Helaena.
Helaena took your hand and led you to an extra room. Already there was Aegon, sitting on her bed. 
“Here. Neutral ground. The guest room. Both of you are going to talk things out because you’re acting ridiculous,” Helaena said. 
She plopped down on the floor and encouraged you and Aegon to do the same. Aegon mumbled something under his breath about not wanting to sit on the floor but he did so anyway. You, on the other hand, immediately sat down. There was a tension between you and Aegon. So much has been left unsaid that it’s made the relationship between you two muddled. You held his gaze when neither of you said anything.
“One of you has to speak first; I’m not gonna call on you like you’re in a classroom,” Helaena chided.
“Fine, I’ll go first,” you said. Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm yourself before you let out a storm of emotions. “Aegon, this is stupid. We shouldn’t need Hel here to be a mediator between us but apparently we do. We had this talk earlier but you hurt me. You hurt me bad. I know we were interrupted by Aemond but then you go around and make out with Cassandra to rub it in? Great, I feel great. Seeing you eat her face made me feel so good about myself and my relationship you. Totally didn’t make me rethink everything and bring back old feelings of abandonment.”
“Cassandra was the one who kissed me. I didn’t start the kiss -” Aegon tried to say.
“But you still kissed her back. I was there, Aegon.”
“We are fake!” he threw his hands in the air. “We aren’t together. The engagement? Fake. The relationship? Fake. Well, it was real and then it was fake but that doesn’t matter.”
“Of course it was real, Aegon. I’ve seen you make out with her before. Still feels like being stabbed, though,” you mumbled the last part to yourself.
“What was that, bestie?” He spat out the name.
“Oh, shut up. Don’t get mad at me when you’re the one who fucking left.”
“You’re the one who didn’t go after me!”
You scoffed. “Okay, so it’s all my fault because I didn’t push through the absolute heartbreak of losing my best friend, and crush, to someone else? My bad. So sorry.”
“If you really liked me you would’ve called me out!”
“And I tried! Before Cassandra even stepped into your life I called you out for treating me differently, to acting differently when you were around different people. But you never took any of it seriously. You just brushed me off, something you’re doing right now.”
Aegon closed his eyes. “Hel, I don’t think you need to be here for this.”
There was no response from her but you heard the opening and closing of the bedroom door.
Aegon brought his hands up to rub his face. “Okay, let’s go,” he said to himself. 
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics but didn’t say anything.
“I never meant to hurt you.”
“Yeah, you did that well,” you commented.
Aegon gave you a look before continuing. “I was stupid when I was younger, we both know that. I didn’t think straight and yeah, I mainly thought with my dick.”
“Your dick sure thought a lot about Cassandra.”
“Yes, it did.” He looked you in the eye. “But I know better now. Cassandra never has been the end all, be all. She’s been fun. That’s all she’s ever been.”
“That’s what you told me at the party but that’s not what I see right now. Right now, I see you engaged to someone you claim has never been serious to you.”
“She hasn’t!”
“Look at it from my perspective, Aegon. Or should I say Aegy since that’s what you’re so lovingly called.”
Aegon flinched at the nickname. 
“All that I know is that you replaced me.”
“I didn’t replace you, I promise. No one could,” Aegon begged. 
He reached out for your hands but you recoiled at his touch.
“How am I supposed to defend myself if you’re constantly denying me?”
“How can I? Because all your actions have proven to me that you don’t care. Maybe you did when we were younger but not anymore. That much is clear.”
Aegon’s voice broke. “I care about you. Please, I do, you have to believe that.”
He took a deep breath. “Let me prove it to you then.”
Before you knew it, Aegon crashed his lips to yours. You were stunned at first but slowly melted into him. It was over as soon as it started.
“I never stopped thinking about you,” he whispered.
You closed your eyes in contentment for a quick second before pushing him away. 
“A kiss? That’s how you prove it to me?”
“Actions speak louder than words, don’t they?”
“But this? Aegon, you’re engaged!”
“I’m not! I’ve been trying to tell you that. It’s all fake, Cassandra is fake. I told her should could be my fake fiance if…”
“If what?”
Aegon didn’t speak.
“Aegon, what did you do?”
“She said she’d be my fake fiance if I’d fuck her.”
“Wouldn’t think you’d mind. You always wanted her,” you laughed mirthlessly.
“That’s the thing, I do mind. I thought I wouldn’t but the whole time I was with her I was thinking about you. You’re the only one I want.”
“I’m sure you’ve discovered this after sleeping with a shit ton of other girls, right?”
“So what? In the end it’s you. It’s always been you.”
You closed your eyes before giving him a chance. “One date. I’ll give you one date.”
A smile spread across Aegon’s face before it turned back into a frown. “Aren’t you dating Aemond?”
“No, he… Aemond got roped into my insecurities and being the good guy that he is, he went all in with it. We’re not dating.”
Aegon smiled. “Good, good - I mean, not good? Maybe good?”
“It’s fine, Aegon.” You smiled back. 
“I guess I should tell everyone I’m not engaged?”
“Yeah, that would probably be a good thing. Your mother is probably already planning.”
Aegon got up to leave but leaned down to give you a quick kiss on the cheek. Unlike the first kiss, this one had you blushing.
“I’ll be back,” he promised. 
You laughed. “No need, Aegon. I need to talk to Helaena and Aemond anyway.”
Aegon gave you one last wink then left the room.
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tomaturtles · 1 year
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I thought I was gonna be normal about Evangelion but then I got to Kaworu 
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nevermeanttoknow · 4 months
hes a vast avatar to me for reasons
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spaghett-onaplate · 2 months
teehee i now have a very very wonderful photo
#me leaning and slightly sleeping on the guy i like#🤭🤭#for those who follow my lore closely (so i think only milo) this isn't the cute guy in history whom i have never spoken to#this is the now pretty close friend in my school friendgroup who i had a big crush on for a few months#i became less obsessed with him but that was definitely a good thing i think crushes get unhealthy when they're too strong#and i still think he's cute obviously i mean i liked him for looks alone the first couple weeks#anyway today at this party i was sitting next to him and ended up sleeping next to him three times in succession#i mean kind of sleeping looking back i probably did doze off at points but it was kindaaa fake sleep#first time i edged toward his shoulder but didn't fully have my head resting against it#then i ducked my head up and said i wasn't asleep just resting and we laughed a little#i think he said he wanted to draw on my face avjddhbd#anyway second time my head inched toward his shoulder and was fully on there teehee#then when i ducked my head back up he was like awwe its okay and kinda tucked my head back against his shoulder#i was GEEKING bro 😭😭 i opened my eyes those three times when people questioned my sleepiness bc i could not keep a straight face#i was fighting to contain a grin the whole time#uuughh and he was saying how he didn't want to move and was getting people to pass him things abdjbdhd#he could have kicked me off but he didn't!! that's so cute#i was hoping someone would get a photo and a couple people did and they're so cute#gawwddd idk if now is the right time for anything but i really like him i enjoy his presence immensely#he's so nice he's not absolutely perfect of course but he's such a sweet guy#im thinking of that one tumblr relationship advice post about how the ancients didn't stumble across fully built temples#they found a flat place with good grass and water nearby they found a good place to build and then built#if there's any chance of things happening between us iiii think it's a good place to build#literally my only personal downsides for him are such minor things that could definitely change with age and maturing#it's just a lack of motivation or passion toward things and sometimes a bit of a lack of consideration#but i know im guilty of that too and he really is so nice he never acts maliciously#never at all augh he's so sweet
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franeridan · 1 year
i KNOW that oda is aware he's drawn some extremely gorgeous ladies since he obviously does that on purpose (though i believe he's unaware of just how beautiful some ladies he's drawn that stray too far from his usual model are), but I'm, like, pretty much convinced he has absolutely no clue he's also drawn some of the most good looking manga dudes out there. I'm sure he has no idea. He puts down lines and then he's like "???? why are people so obsessed with this guy he has barely shown up ever????" while we're all sitting here going heart eyes or whatever. It's been twenty-six years maybe it's time for him to get on with the program. It's like his experience with benn and ace in the very beginning taught him absolutely nothing
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thatonecrookedsmile · 5 months
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More progress being made. I finished re-reading The Illusion of Living this past Friday. It's a nice book. 👍 This was the last of the Bendy books in this "marathon" that I'm doing which I had already read previously and now I'm rereading, meaning that I'm kind of up to date when it comes to rereading all the books that were released until December 2021. But the race is not over yet. Soon I'll start Fade To Black, and (technically) I'll finally be up to date.
Just to continue my chain of posting about the books I finished (at least, the main ones that I really wanted to read) here it is…something I did at the beginning of March, on the night when shit went down. (I hope you know what I'm talking about). I saw the tweets first hand, I was there! Right at the damn moment. And it was..something reading those tweets alright. If the image above doesn't show it, my mood that night and the next 1-2 days wasn't so… great. You might read this and think I'm exaggerating, but that night especially I, uuhhh, I didn't feel good! And this image (and maybe 2 more posts I made that night) are the results of that. (And to think that a week before this happened, I had finished rereading DCTL after a long time. Talk about better/worse timing than this)
At least, if you want the bright side of this, it's that even after that day, I decided to continue with my book marathon, and I don't regret it. I was down that day, but I wasn't out yet damn it!! and I'm still not. (I don't know if this sentence makes a lot of sense, but you get my point)
As a bonus, here's something I did the night I got to the part where Henry is first mentioned in the book (you can consider this as a representation of my reaction when he's first mentioned, both for when I read TIOL for the first time in 2021, as now in this rereading)
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Feat. canon Henry design and my fanon design for him (I wanted to include him here + I still read this book with my fan-designs in mind)
#bendy and the ink machine#batim#crookedsmile open his mouth#crookedsmile open his mouth;bendy#ABBY LAMBERT; IN MY HEART YOU ALWAYS BE CANON TO THE GAMES; I DON'T CARE WHAT THE OTHERS SAY#also;i'm a Henry Stein fan;could you tell#re-looking at the first image and realizing that I will probably have to change my Abby design eventually;specifically; the hair.#I'm sure this hair doesn't match with what was described in DCTL or TIOL;#It's going to be a little strange; I'm so used to drawing her like this; but hey; every now and then we have to make sacrifices#To summarize my thoughts on TIOL: it's a nice book! Although it is not my favorite among the other Bendy books written by Kress#It's great to see more of Joey; delving deeper into his character and seeing how he thinks and seeing more of his life before the studio#is an interesting read! but I still prefer stories like DCTL and TLO; you know;especially because these two also have the horror factor in#which;considering what TIOL is; it doesn't have it. It's still a good book tho. It's just not my favorite#and re: the whole book canonity thing: I was not happy! Wow; what a surprising thing to say#as someone who enjoyed the books;I was disappointed with what I thought was expanding the games universe;In the end;just wasn't doing it#like;ok;sure;that doesn't mean the books aren't worth reading; I'd say they are! but still;*points to the last tag*#Maybe; one day; in the future; I can even accept this decision and move on with life; you know. understand the why of this.#but in the current present? yeah;no. I will continue to ask myself why#I would say more; but Tumblr has a tag limit apparently so I'm running out of time. as a last message: read the books#regardless of what the devs say; I still think these things should be recognized.#that's all; peace
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marsbotz · 7 months
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this was my realest post ever but i regret posting it every single day bc it got like 1k notes (big for ninjago textposts.) and never seems to die
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sysig · 9 months
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Cool guys, measured in C° (Patreon)
#Doodles#Fionna and Cake#Adventure Time#Simon Petrikov#Winter King#Mostly leftover doodles at this point - chilling (lol)#Ughhh I'm so frustrated by the first one because I'm so pleased with it but it's from a plot thread I had to cut because it suuuuucked lol#I mean it's not Terrible and I probably could reuse it elsewhere but it super doesn't fit into the timeline I drew it at >:P Rude#If I reuse it he'll look different! Ugh! The whole point is that he's cute Exactly Like That!#I got really into draw half-Winterized/Ice Kingified Simon for a bit and gosh heck his design - it never misses! Gorgeous#The rest was mostly around speculating Winter's senses returning after Everything - would it all happen at once? I don't think so ♪#I've seen one interpretation that he kept his long hair but not the facial hair :0 It's interesting to be sure!#I like the idea of him having to kinda build everything back - even if it's able to be done quickly he still has to excavate himself!#Just shoops his facial hair back inside his body egh wouldn't it be easier to just cut it lol#What's the fun in magic if you can't use it for weird stuff ♪#It was fun to draw his facial hair in stages as well haha ♫ Scraggly#Also thinking about him just a touch more in my own style - I made his tongue purpley in the silly BDG shitpost I made but still thinking!#I really like the versions of him that look frostbitten or at least with that bruised look on his knuckles and so on#Something like a nice purple lip gloss - tips of his ears - maybe even around his eyes - definitely his cheeks and knuckles#Making him look almost dead....I mean he's not an elemental :) He's a human who's only real lifeline is The Crown :)#Making him look a little more dead than Simon - it feels fitting#Speaking of - just a couple silly Simon doodles to round off#I'm too used to drawing butts as part of like exaggerated poses :P I'd like to practice a bit more#Him and Spamton lol what Is it with glasses'd long-nosed characters linked to ice magic lately having asses larger than their self worth lol
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fma03envy · 1 year
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In which Junko periodically sneaks out of the old school building to meet with Izuru (and then lies to her classmates about it)
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allyouzombies · 9 months
today in "I obviously have ADHD with intense hyperfixations but will forever suspect autism might be there too because XYZ reasons," I just spent five minutes passionately talking about MRI sounds and their meanings to my boss because she's getting one today 🤪
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dbphantom · 1 year
Do you think these 4 people know that at this point I've pack bonded with them and would kill and die for them if they asked
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#Every day I refresh my tabs and every day I scream internally#Right now I'm betting on us either getting a trailer for the new episodes or a movie/game with It as the main draw OR#Or we are getting a first look at the new opening#I don't know what else could be a special announcement because I would think premiering an episode early would be a mess schedule-wise#So a trailer for a movie/game/the next few episodes would make sense#But also the new opening has been in the works for months at this point. So this would be the perfect time to show it#Cruddy rambles#I'm trying to maintain my expectations to 'I will be disappointed if I expect the best scenario'#But also being realistic in what this special announcement is and what they're gonna show#I really think it will be a trailer or the new opening. I think that'd be perfect while not showing the full episode it'd still build hype#And just show people what they're there to see and what they're promoting (G5)#Like come on don't tell me we wouldn't all lose our minds over a teaser trailer featuring G5 showing us it fully animated for the first time#Because in Film Red we just got static G5 Luffy. Which was dope BUT I want to see how he's gonna move.#And even if it isn't relating to the upcoming episodes seeing a game/movie get announced with G5 as the main draw would be so fucking hype#I loved film red don't get me wrong but I think they're gonna announce another movie soon#And what perfect time to do it!! G5 is gonna be in the anime soon so a whole movie based on rubberhose antics would be so fucking fun#And hey I'm in the minority here but I do love the one piece games despite them being super simplistic#And I would kill for a game where you can play as Nika. I would KILL FOR IT#I will say tho my worst fear is what G5 will have CGI components#They've been using them a LOT in Wano and it's so obvious every time and well 🤢 they don't look good...#It's too smooth and obvious and sure that *could* lend to the whole unnatural rubberman vibe Nika gives off but like...#You have a whole genre of non-CGI animation to be inspired by!!!! If they forgo rubberhose and make it even partly CG I *will* cry
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utsugyo · 3 months
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ANYWAYS, wrong blog but, as I was re-reading the manga, I noticed that s.asori didn't even use his 298 human puppets in the fight against c.hiyo and s.akura, he only used 100, that is taking only the manga into consideration where its noticeable that he still has 2 scrolls left to use attached to his back, and assuming each of the last 3 scrolls contain 100 puppets each /as the one he released was the one from where he summoned the 100 puppets he used in the fight/ (the last scroll would only be missing two puppets to complete the last hundred which would have been c.hiyo and s.akura probably) and this paired up with the fact that he could have avoided the final attack by the mother and father puppets makes me think that he really wasn't giving up his full potential (which is something that lit chiyo says) but it just makes me think that there's even more details to add to that reasoning;; now the reasons why he just basically let himself be k.illed can be argued, but one thing for sure is that he definitely had more tricks under his sleeve that he just willingly decided not to use (be it out of pride/underestimating his opponents, or something leaning on the very small bit of humanity left on him & the reason he is an 'incomplete' puppet in the poetical sense)
#;ooc#;headcanons#when i was little i thought it was so unfair that they got rid of him so quickly; but now i can see more sides to it#not only the whole 'he let himself be k.illed' but also the teamwork of c.hiyo and s.akura; looking at it now as im older#i can understand it better; i mean i still think that fight should have lasted 475456895 ages but realistically speaking#theres so many drawings u can include in a volume until ur forced to keep publishing the main storyline#what defeated him was something more thematic; the teamwork; the deep reliance c.hiyo and s.akura were able to form#something that goes completely against s.asori; of relying on others#i love this one video that pointed this out bc its so true; its not a matter of quantity vs quality when it comes to their fight#bc s.asori did n o t just go around turning anyone and everyone he faced into puppets; he clearly states that the ones he makes#come from strong individuals / his puppets are of very very high quality#or like how in the ps3 game he mentions after getting rid of a village how there was 'barely anyone' he could use as material#ANYWAYS!!the point is that even with this advantage; what s.asori lacked was the teamwork aspect; his puppets acted individually#compared to c.hiyo & s-akura's teamwork and c.hiyo's 10 puppets that worked in cooperation#and how this reflects the contrasting growth of grandma and grandson#s.asori not relying on c.hiyo after his paren'ts death#and c.hiyo having this same mentality when it comes to other villages and people#but then growing to trust others; rely on others#meanwhile s.asori kept to himself all the time#puppetry themes my beloved...#the first scroll was used for the fire abilities#in the anime; he wastes a second one to use water; but this doesn't happen in the manga originally#and i think it makes more sense to me#bc like;; why wouldnt he just release all his 298 puppets??#i just summ up the firs scroll with water and fire#and the last 3 are the 300 (actually 298) puppets; each scroll having 100 puppets#anyways he's super cool; like c.hiyo was famous for her technique to use a puppet with each finger but#s.asori can use 1 0 0 and i like to think; could use the 300 as well#and all that chakra is contained in that small lil tube containing basically his soul
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rafecameroninterlude · 3 months
pogue!sweetheart!reader meeting rafe for the first time? 🍰
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warnings: jealous!rafe, topper calls you ‘doll’, a lil bit of flirting, slight fluff
“girl scout, two o’clock.” kelce cleared his throat, topper and rafe following his gaze. you stood at the receptionist desk, chatting with the director about your plans for the week. “is she really a girl scout?” rafe’s eyes trailed down the soft curls of your hair, stopping just above the neckline of your top.
“nah, we just call her that because she sells cookies and shit. ‘really good by the way, highly recommend.” kelce leaned back in his seat, forgetting all about the cards in his hands as you started making your way towards the three of them. rafe would be lying if he said the way his friends ogled you didn’t bother him.
“hey! what game are you guys playing?” you sat your basket down on the hardwood table, eyes flickering over to rafe. “just some solitaire.” topper shrugged, removing the cloth that covered your treats. “what do you got for us this week, doll?” if rafe was bothered earlier, he was even more so now.
you smiled, tilting the basket so they can all steal a peek. “shortbread and chocolate chip.” rafe didn’t care to look at anything else other than your face, his gaze sweeping over your features. “i’ve never seen you before.” he finally spoke up, his voice immediately drawing your attention.
“uhm, i don’t think i’ve seen you either..” you extended a hand, “what’s your name?” rafe didn’t hesitate to return your gesture, taking your hand in his. “rafe, and yours?” your heart skipped a beat when you felt his thumb stroke your skin. “y/-” kelce chimed in before you could answer his question.
“i’ll take two of each. and one of you.” rafe’s head shot in his friends direction, his grip on your wrist tightening. laughing nervously, you brushed off kelce’s remark. “actually, he’s not taking anything. i, however, would like the whole basket.” shaking your head, you waited for rafe to say he was kidding.
“oh! you’re serious-” rafe got up, taking the basket in his free hand as he led you two outside and away from his obnoxious buddies. “what the hell!” topper shouted. without protesting, you allowed rafe to take you to a more secluded space, your dainty heels clicking against the pavement.
“is everything okay? i-” rafe stopped in front of the country club’s garden. “do you have a boyfriend?” he blurted, making you stumble over your next few words. “uhm, well! no, but..” taking his wallet out of his pocket, rafe took a couple hundred dollar bills before cutting you off.. again.
“not that it matters if you do, cause i’ll just take his place.” the certainty in his voice made your face flush with a new profound sense of shyness. he placed the folded bills in your palm, a smile forming on his lips at your smitten expression. “how are you so sure that you’ll be my boyfriend?” you asked.
“because i always get what i want.”
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aerequets · 3 months
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this fic (like strings of hearts beating entwined, this life is alight because it's with you by @/yourendlessblue on ao3) was one of the first ones I read and. Ugh. I think it's like the only one that I regularly think back on. it's a sickfic but it's so much more, I think it explores the guilt and fear associated with a loved one being sick very well (also dw it has a happy ending LMAO), and i've read it like 5 times I think. Every so often I go back and read it and every time I find more and more to appreciate. I drew one of my favorite scenes between Loid and Anya though basically the whole thing is gold, I'd draw it all if I could. I highly highly recommend this to anyone who hasn't read it yet, I feel like it's a staple read (also if anyone knows if the author has a tumblr pls lmk so I can properly tag them lol)
me when I can't decide between drawing angst or silly
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