#the whole video plays up the farce that is his public love life
larrylimericks · 2 years
With scenes that showcase his bedmates, ‘Massive Orgy!!’ is how most fixate; But it’s just pillow fights And little spoon rights And one private, romantic, male date.
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evakuality · 5 years
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I’ve been thinking of doing this for a long time, but it kind of got kicked into another gear when I got this ask a while back.  That gives a broad overview of the similarities and differences between these boys, but I’m also interested in drilling down and looking at them as their respective stories progress.  Now I know a lot more about Isak because I have actually seen all the seasons of Skam and have only seen the full season 3 of Druck.  So I’m going to stick to the storylines in their own seasons, but bear in mind that there’s a broader understanding of Isak behind what I’m saying.  Having said that, I did watch those ‘season x but it’s just Matteo’ videos for s1 and 2 of Druck but it’s not really helped a huge deal.  I don’t feel like I have that good a handle on his character as it stood before s3 started.  Anyway, the thing about these characters is how fascinating it is that they share a lot of similarities (of course, since Matteo is based on Isak) and yet they’re very different and their stories play out in quite different ways.  So I decided to take a look at why this has happened.  Episode by episode because as usual I’ve been very wordy.
Season 3 introductions: From the start, we get some very different vibes from the two of them.  The music chosen to set the scenes for each is interesting from this point of view.  Isak’s is ‘LiQR’ which holds suggestions of needing social lubricant to enjoy the situation.  And indeed, there is a lot of that on display: people drinking, smoking etc to enable them to enjoy the party.  Matteo’s, by contrast, is ‘turning me on’ with it’s heavy suggestions of sex.  That also plays out.  Lots of sexually charged behaviour happens before we see him and even when he meets up with the boys it’s all very explicitly sexual.  I think in a lot of ways, these things set up how the seasons play out.  Isak does need to learn how to rely on himself rather than the easy drug and alcohol-fueled flippancy he’s been used to hiding behind.   By the end of the season he’s much more secure in his own sense of self and we see much less dependence on those social lubricants.  Matteo has been holding back from his life, including sexually, staying on the edges of those conversations etc (and it’s interesting that when he blows up later in the season at the boys it’s sex talk that he targets as the way they piss him off), and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Matteo waits til the last episode before this is something he really explores.
Then we get the actual introductions of each of the boys.  Isak’s in a bathtub surrounded by his friends, outside of the party which is what we see first.  Matteo is at the party, but on the wall.  He’s isolated himself not just from the schoolmates but also from his friends who at this point are in the bathtub together.   Isak is far more integrated into the boys’ conversation than Matteo is, and seems to be far more consciously deploying the ‘I’m a straight guy’ cover.   Matteo, as we see later in this episode, almost falls into the pretence without his own impetus, whereas Isak very definitely uses it to convince the boys.  There’s a reason for this: Matteo has fallen into a reluctant relationship with his Sara and is still in it.  Isak has removed himself from the relationship with his Sara, and has no ties at all with Emma.  In fact, he uses her as his cover story before we meet her.  Once she’s there, he has to carry through with it or he risks losing his mask with his friends.  It’s very obvious that he’s only doing this for their sake by how quickly and how thoroughly he pulls back as soon as they’re gone.  Matteo is still with his Sara, and we see him with her before we see him with the boys.  He’s dragged into it by her but doesn’t want to be there at all, and yet he plays along.  He seems kinder at the start (not to say Isak isn’t kind, but he hides that side of himself a lot more at the start of the season), and he doesn’t want to hurt Sara at all.  Isak’s ‘insult her to intrigue her’ thing isn’t something I can see Matteo doing at all, even if he wasn’t already connected to Sara in a deeper way than Isak is to Emma.  
The interesting thing here is that, despite the very deliberate facade Isak is wearing, Isak has a real connection with his friends and he has a happy enough life.  I get the feeling that if Even hadn’t come along, Isak was reasonably happy with how things were.  He may be tired of the pretence but it isn’t affecting his ability to engage in the rest of his life.  For example, Isak has a much longer time with the boys in the bath and he’s much more present in the conversation.  Matteo is very quiet by comparison, and is faced with explicit sex talk immediately, while Isak’s boys are much less forthright at this point (again, this ties into sex being part of Matteo’s learning curve; that’s all part of being present in his own life by the end).   Part of this is because Matteo is isolating himself, putting himself on the edges and he quite clearly doesn’t really enjoy his life.   From the start,  Matteo is a lot softer with less hard edges, and so he feels a lot of the things in his life more obviously than Isak does.  He’s also a lot more internalised than Isak is, even though they are both fairly clearly introverts.
Matteo has already gone through getting with Sara, so his comments to the boys about things with her are all vague; he has no need to convince the boys of his heterosexuality as he’s already got the cover he needs.  Isak has to ‘perform’ in front of the boys to make good on his boasts, and indeed he has to make the boats in the first place to let them know he’s into girls when they question him.  This is partly his own fault: he talks up his chances and talks a good talk so when Emma arrives he’s put on the spot.  Still, even though the situations for each here is different, they’re both left alone with their own thoughts when the boys leave.
Interestingly, they’re both isolated and unhappy at the end of the bathroom section, but how they get there is different.  Isak is there because of Emma and how that whole little farce had felt (pretty awful as it went on and he was left alone with her), whereas Matteo was already there before he got into the room and lets it out properly once the boys have left and he can be alone.  Neither of them has any focus on the girls they’re with at this party; Isak is performing for the boys, and Matteo is so tuned out he can’t wait to get away from Sara.  He’s not performing here, just genuinely totally not into it.  They both reject sexual advances from the girls, though at different points in this episode.  Emma has literally just met Isak and wants to go down on him, which flusters him because she’s just supposed to be an easy cover and not this forward this soon.  Later in the episode, Sara wants to seal their newfound relationship with sex.  Both boys are visibly uncomfortable (to the audience) with the idea and find ways to get out of it.  Both girls don’t recognise how uncomfortable the boys are, though Sara seems to get it faster.  She just always manages to talk herself out of it.
Getting the weed is different too.  Isak’s boys are arguing about who ‘has’ to take it, whereas Matteo keeps it as a way of teasing when Abdi wants it back.  They both have different responses to the police as well.  Isak’s not at his own place, and just wants to get rid of the weed.  Matteo fobs off responsibility for talking to them (but only after Linn also does), and plants the weed on Amira.  Matteo’s actions are far more shitty to the person who confronts him about it, though both are shitty in trying to hide it somewhere that it will come back to bite someone else if found.  This of course means Isak doesn’t know what happened to his weed, whereas Matteo does which in turn changes how they go about getting it back.  
Isak in general is far more glib, able to use his wit to get himself out of trouble (eg with the police the way he talks to Emma etc), apart from the disastrous story he tries to spin Eva to get the weed back from her.  Matteo is much less vocal even with his friends, and therefore less able to talk his way out of things.  They both end the clip (or start the next one) with their Jonas, but Isak’s much more bro-ish.  He seems by this point to be over whatever it was that he felt for Jonas.  Whereas Matteo is very clearly still pining.  This of course changes how they approach their love interests.  Matteo seems hit by a truck, whereas Isak is flustered again.   Isak sees Even in a very public place, catches his eye across a crowded cafeteria and immediately tunes out everything the others are saying.  He’s ready, I think, to find this overwhelming big passion, the thing that will force him to drop his carefully cultivated mask.  Matteo, on the other hand, is tuned out of his life already, moving once again away from his friends, going through the motions of the day.  He wakes up suddenly when David appears.  He doesn’t need to break a facade at all; he’s a bit more self aware I think, in terms of accepting who he is.  So, what he needs is someone to push him out of his apathy and make him face life.
The social media stuff the morning after the party is interesting too.  Isak is included and involved even if Eskild insults him a bit; he’s cuddled up with the others while they talk to Noora.  Matteo leaves before they take the picture and so is once again excluded, even from his own bedroom, though again this is a deliberate choice he makes when Jonas and Hans are talking.   Matteo flinching away from Jonas when Hans comes in is fascinating too.  He’s hiding everything he’s feeling and it’s part of what’s isolating him so much.  We see Isak consciously deploy a persona to cover up for who he is, so he puts himself out there almost as a larger than life version of himself.  But Matteo doesn’t want that; his preference is to fade so far back into the shadows that no-one ever notices him and he does everything he can not to be noticed and not to be seen as different.  
Having said that, Matteo is a lot more proactive in some ways than Isak (again, not to say Isak isn’t, but Matteo takes more action even at this point).  It’s his choice to go and talk to Amira and try to get the weed back.  This is partly because he knows exactly who has it and Isak doesn’t, but it plays out over the rest of the season as well.  He’s an odd mix, actually, because he’ll let people tell him what he should think and he’s passively willing to go along with Sara but I think it’s because it doesn’t really matter to him.  When it does matter, he’s all action and quite determined.  Isak will be proactive in defence of his mask or persona, but he doesn’t do much about pushing in other ways.  This is seen quite clearly at the kosegruppa meeting vs the abistreich meeting.  Isak slips away, sure, but he follows Even outside and kind of lets the conversation come to him.  For the first half, Even is definitely the leader and Isak follows, even if he picks it up more in the second half.  Matteo, by contrast, speaks to David first, gets him to come along with him to the hallway and is the one offering weed.  While they both take an active part in their respective conversations, Matteo is more of a leader definitely at the start.  David does eventually engage further in the conversation and gives as good as he gets, but Matteo is the driver for a lot of the first half.  
So that’s the first episode.  Clearly, while our boys have some similarities and their stories are still mostly the same at this point, the differences in the way they are presented and the way they react have already turned up some big contrasts.  It all boils down to what each has to learn, and as I said earlier, for Isak that’s to open up to himself in a more real and authentic way.  To drop the mask and be true to himself.  For Matteo that’s how to re-engage in life and stop hanging on the sidelines letting things passively come to him.  They both actually make some progress with this stuff in this episode, but they both have a long way to go.
Episode two can be found over here.
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aion-rsa · 5 years
10 Times The Joker Almost Nailed Batman
We celebrate the craziest plans of the Clown Prince of Crime in honor of his first solo movie.
He is the greatest villain of them all. He is the evil that tests Batman and makes the hero better. He is an uncontrollable force of chaos, more akin to a hurricane than a criminal, who strikes without warning. He believes that life is a chaotic farce and everything exists as part of a twisted game between him and Batman. He is the star of comics, television, cartoons, and film. He is the Joker, one of the most enduring symbols of evil in the last century.
The Joker is no match for Batman physically, so when he puts one over on the Dark Knight, when he “gets” him, it has to be a masterpiece of chaos and violence. These are just some of the greatest moments when the Joker put one over on his eternal adversary.
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10. Death of the Family: The Dinner Scene
Almost Got Him moment: Made Batman believe he skinned his children. And he coulda done it too…
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo gave us a Joker for a modern age. He embraced what went on before but really upped the ante in terms of intensity. Snyder’s Joker wore his own severed face as a mask and threatened the sanctity of such long standing but icons like Alfred and James Gordon. It all culminated in a dinner scene at the Batcave as a brainwashed Alfred seemingly serves each member of the Bat family, Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Robin, Red Hood, and Damian Wayne their own severed faces.
read more: The Many Deaths of the Joker
The pages read like a fevered nightmare as the Robins and Batgirl all sit starring at their own amputated visages. Staying true to his character, the whole thing was a joke, and the Bat family were unharmed, but their confidence in their mentor and their own safety was shaken forever because of the Joker’s actions.
Read Batman: Death of the Family on Amazon
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9. Mad Love (Batman: The Animated Series)
Almost Got Him moment: Harley beat Batman, and Joker created Harley. Although Mr. J didn’t quite see it that way.
The final episode of the New Batman Adventures is also its high point. The story deals with the origin of Joker’s moll, Harley Quinn, but it also serves as a reminder of just how all-encompassing the Joker’s twisted ability to manipulate anyone is. It was the first time fans learned that Harley Quinn used to be the Joker’s psychologist, and through sheer charismatic manipulation, he was able to mold her into his own twisted image. He made an educated woman, an expert of the inner workings of the psyche; believe that the world is a meaningless joke. Through the Joker, Harley had become a competent criminal, one who did what even he could not, successfully capture the Batman.
read more - The Best Batman: The Animated Series Episodes
In a moment that transcended traditional animation, the Joker shows just how depraved and selfish a soul he truly is by slapping Harley for making him feel inadequate because she defeated Batman and not him. The whole episode dealt with a broken woman’s devotion to the Joker, and her entire world came crashing down in one moment of shockingly realistic domestic violence.
Watch Batman: The Animated Series on Amazon Prime
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8. Infinite Crisis “You Didn’t Let the Joker Play”
Almost Got Him Moment:  Joker saves the multiverse, in a way that the Justice League couldn’t. Take that, bats!
Infinite Crisis was a huge, continuity laden epic all boiled down into the essence of a Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman story. It was one of the biggest stories DC had ever attempted and it did shake the very foundation of the DC Universe, but with all the cosmic shenanigans, the story’s finale centered on one sick man, with no powers, forcing his will into the proceedings.
Alexander Luthor, the son of Lex Luthor of Earth-3, is the antagonist and the catalyst of the events of Infinite Crisis. His machinations are godlike as he manipulates multiverses like gears of a clock. Alex Luthor recruited some of Earth’s most dangerous villains to fight his battles against the heroes of the multiverse. Luthor dismissed the Joker as an unpowered wild card, a man who would be difficult to manipulate and useless in a fight against Supermen and Green Lanterns.
read more: Joker Movie Review
The Joker did not appear in any part of the epic, but is revealed by the prime reality’s Lex Luthor at the story’s climax. Joker sprays Alex with his signature acid flower and shoots him in the head, with a smirking Lex, who did not wish to share the villainous spotlight with the younger Luthor, declaring that Alex’s one mistake was he “didn’t let the Joker play.” This moment reveals that it could be a god, monster, or cosmic manipulator, whatever the case; the Joker is still more dangerous with a gag flower and a bullet. Sometimes the universe needs a master of chaos to do the things heroes can’t. 
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7. Batman 1966 TV Series: Cesar Romero's ‘Stache
Almost Got Him Moment: Every death trap, every gag, every cliffhanger. Shoulda taken those utility belts, Cesar.
Sure, the camp vibe from the 1960s Batman TV series set comics back a few decades. Even when Watchmen was being published, the public perception of super-heroes was still “BIFF POW WHAM!” Yet, for many young children of the '70s and '80s, the series was a gateway drug into the world of comics. While Romero camped up some truly ridiculous plots, there was something about his demeanor as the Joker that still strikes a chilling chord. That special way he had of frowning while wearing a painted on smirk, and the white face caked on over Romero’s signature ‘stache gave his Joker a sinister heir that transcended the shows limitations.
read more: The Actors Who Have Played the Joker
For many generations Romero’s performance defined the Clown Prince of Crime. Every time Romero appeared, he and his ‘stache would come within inches of taking out Batman and Robin turning his every appearance into an “almost got him.”
Watch Batman '66 on Amazon
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6. Batman #1: The First Appearance
Almost Got Him Moment: It all began here. Joker committed murder right under Batman’s nose until Batman figured out the eternal game.
Many times, especially in the Golden Age, a character’s first appearance only gives a readers a fraction of an indication of what the character would become. The Joker, being the Joker, defies expectations, and everything a fan needs to know about the character can be found in that first appearance in Batman #1. His use of poison gas, his terrifying penchant for popping up out of nowhere, his need to intellectually challenge Batman, all add up to relatively the same character that exists today.
read more: The Secrets of the Joker Movie
Based on actor Conrad Veidt in the silent film The Man Who Laughs, the Joker was a rarity for his day, as most villains were used to challenge the hero for one story and then fade away. Not the Joker, who endured, and despite some shifts away from the characters vile roots, he still exists almost identical to his 1940 appearance. This first story is so enduring that Chris Nolan adopted many elements for his first act in The Dark Knight including the unforgettable poison booze glass murder of Commissioner Loeb.
Even in his first appearance, committing crimes right under the Dark Knight’s nose, was a great moment of mastery over Batman.
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5. Batman: No Man’s Land: The Murder of Sarah Essen Gordon
Almost Got Him Moment: In Gotham’s darkest hour, Joker managed to destroy the life of Batman’s best friend.
While Gotham was crippled and cut off from the rest of America’s infrastructure by a massive earthquake, the Joker strikes, kidnapping all the babies of Gotham. The Joker is confronted by James Gordon’s wife, Sarah Essen, and tosses her a helpless infant. When she catches the child, the Joker shoots her between the eyes.
read more: How Joaquin Phoenix Became the Joker
Many people treat the Joker as sort of an anti-hero, the freedom his manic behavior allows him is attractive to many fans, but this moment shows that the Joker is a brutal thug looking to take advantage of a tragedy to suit his own twisted machinations. The Joker took a delight in Gordon’s torment, promising even more pain in the future. The shooting of Sarah Essen, an honest cop and loving wife, stands as a constant reminder of the Joker’s cruelty. Batman’s inability to save his friend’s wife stands as one of Joker’s greatest victories.
Video of Bob Gun Batman 1989
4. Batman (1989) “Bob…Gun.”
Almost Got Him Moment: Batman robbed the Joker of his fun, but despite Batman’s careful planning, someone still died.
There are many fantastic moments created by Jack Nicholson in Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman movie. From his fantastic origin sequence in Axis Chemicals, to the murder of his boss, Carl Grissom (played by the great Jack Palance), to his climactic church battle with Batman, but his greatest moment, like all great Joker moments, was random and chaotic.
read more: Creating a New Joker Origin Story
At the beginning of the film’s third act, the Joker tries to poison Gotham with gas filled balloons, when Batman swoops down in the Batwing and drags the balloons away, the Joker is incredulous. Like a kid who had his favorite toy snatched by a playground bully, the Joker pouts and asks his most loyal henchmen Bob the Goon, for a gun. Bob, ever loyal to his boss, complies and the Joker, without changing expression, shoots Bob in the gut. Batman ruined the Joker’s fun, and someone had to die, even if it was someone loyal and useful to the Joker. Even though Batman seemingly saved Gotham, people still died, making Batman’s victory incomplete.
Watch Tim Burton's Batman on Amazon
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3. A Death in the Family “The Crowbar”
Almost Got Him Moment: He killed Robin. Duh.
Yes, it was gimmicky to have fans call a 900 number and decide whether Jason Todd’s version of Robin would live or die. Yes, it robbed the story of any organic creatively, but even the most jaded reader has to admit the death itself remains shocking to this day.
Over the years, the Joker has used many gimmicked gags and traps to take down Batman and his family, but when it came to the moment where the Joker finally was able to kill a Bat Hero, he was just a thug wielding a blunt instrument. It was another reminder of just how dangerous and brutal the sometimes likable clown can be.
Out of Todd’s death, DC was able to ignite literally hundreds of story ideas from the arrival of Tim Drake, to Todd’s resurrection as the Red Hood. From one violent act with a crowbar, the Joker created a legend.
Read Batman: Death in the Family on Amazon
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2. The Dark Knight “The Interrogation Scene”
Almost Got Him Moment: He did what no else could do, made Batman powerless.
One can fill a list of great Joker moments on Heath Ledger’s performance in The Dark Knight alone, but one stands out above the others. Yes, even above the pencil trick. After the Joker is captured, Batman and Gotham’s Finest believe that the ordeal is finally over, until the Joker turns his trump card, revealing that he kidnapped, not only Gotham’s beloved D.A. Harvey Dent, but Batman’s true love, Rachael Dawes, as well. There is one thing all the crooks and villains had in common in the Nolan Universe; they feared Batman.
Not the Joker.
At this moment in the interrogation room, fans and Batman realized that Batman had no power over the Joker. That the Joker did not care about pain, he couldn’t be intimidated, bribed, or threatened. The more violent Batman became, the funnier the Joker found the situation. This was a new type of villain, one who could not be controlled, a swarm of hungry locusts in a man’s form gleefully destroying everything in his path.
read more: The Dark Knight, the Joker, and Game Theory
As Batman races to save Rachel and Harvey, with just a few words (and a very well hidden cell phone bomb) the Joker is able to escape police custody. As Batman pounds on the Joker, it becomes clear just what an uncontrollable force the Joker is.
As Rachel burns, the Joker wins.
Watch The Dark Knight on Amazon
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1. Dark Knight Returns ”The End”
Almost Got Him Moment: In his final moment, the Joker made Batman’s beloved Gotham see their hero as a murderer.
Nothing defines the relationship between Batman and the Joker, like the proposed final conflict. In Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, and Lynn Varley's The Dark Knight Returns, when Batman returns to Gotham after years of retirement, the Joker awakens from a coma to challenge the Dark Knight. Miller postulates, that without Batman, the Joker would cease to be, only returning when his other half was active. It was their final battle, and a battle in which Joker won. For decades, Batman refused to kill the Joker, but as the Joker snaps his own neck while laughing hysterically, it makes the world believe that one of Earth’s greatest heroes has finally turned murderer.
By destroying Batman as a symbol for justice and turning him into a symbol for selfish vengeance, the Joker turns the public, the government, and even Superman against Batman in the process. The Joker had won his greatest victory.
Read The Dark Knight Returns on Amazon
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The Lists
Marc Buxton
Sep 30, 2019
The Dark Knight
DC Entertainment
from Books https://ift.tt/2nVqs3m
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thebestintoronto · 5 years
Things to do this week in Toronto
What's happening in Toronto April 15-19, 2019
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3rd Monday Nights Free at the Royal Ontario Museum: Bring family and friends to the ROM on the 3rd Monday Night of each month and enjoy free admission from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
Education Town Hall with Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath: Discuss the impact of Doug Ford’s education changes. This is a free event and the venue is accessible. Light refreshments will be served.
TechTO April Edition at RBC WaterPark Place: Join the TechTO Community to meet and learn from Toronto’s technology leaders, innovators, and enthusiasts.
Pop Music : Better Now or Better Then? Is music better now or was it better back in the day? We play a new number one hit, then pick a random year out of a hat and play the number one hit from that year and let the audience decide: better now or better then?
Etobicoke Camera Club presents Rob Stimpson: The Challenges (and Rewards) of Travel Photography: professional photographer, Rob Stimpson, will discuss capturing images on the go focussing on the challenges and rewards of travel. Guest fee of $10.00 in effect for non-club members.
Jaymz Bee's Caravan of Music at Old Mill Toronto: Jaymz Bee’s Caravan of Music is a four hour event where you can explore the various rooms at Old Mill Toronto. Experience 20 bands in 10 rooms. Proceeds will support the Unison Benevolent Fund.
Eric Andersen and Scarlet Rivera: Performing at Hugh's Room Live. Doors open at 6 p.m., concert at 7:30 p.m.
'This Is Me' at Fairview Library Theatre: showcases talented artists from Centennial Colleges PAFS before they make their leap into stardom.
Humber Docs Film Screening at The Assembly Hall
Humber College School of Media Studies and IT would like to cordially invite you to the annual Humber Docs Screening, showcasing the documentary film work of the Third Year Bachelor of Film and Media Studies Students. Free admission.
Toronto Lit Up: Alexandra Kimball at The Ossington: Alexandra Kimball is releasing The Seed: How the Feminist Movement Fails Infertile Women and will be celebrating its publication with a Toronto Lit Up book launch.
Canadian Children's Opera Company's Junior Open House: Does your child love music, drama, and theatre? The CCOC is just who they're looking for. Join them to find out what a CCOC music education looks like and learn about our programs for kids aged five and up.
F*ck Sh*t Up: Trans + Non-Binary Cabaret: A night of performances by trans and non-binary artists and performers! Featuring M A N G O S A S S I, Ravyn Wngs, Robbie Ahmed, Ben Agiter and Velvet Earl. Hosted by Babia Majora and Fluffy Soufflé.
Pro-Case Tuesdays at Absolute Comedy Toronto: Event features headliner Tommy Savitt and host Alastair McAlastair, with Joe Vu, Noor Kidwai, Perry Perlmutar, Rhiannon Archer and Sam Feldman.
Kelvin Wetherell at Cafe Mirage: Cafe Mirage Grill and Lounge presents Kelvin Wetherell on Nov 6. The performance runs between 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm in the evenings with a 15 minutes break in between. Cafe Mirage is one of the leading restaurants in Scarborough.
Hot Breath Karaoke at The Handlebar: Ridiculous game show style karaoke, with prizes.
Westway Christian Church Food Bank: The Westway Christian Church Community Food Bank is open for clients to receive food on Tuesday evenings from 5-7 p.m.
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Caught in the Net by Ray Cooney
Teens Gavin and Vicki happen to meet surfing the internet. They are attracted to each other and yet are amazed by all the coincidences — each having a father with the same name, same age, and same occupation. Why? Find out in this farce.
2019 Cannabis Capital Conference: Benzinga is the go-to source for investors who need the latest news in the cannabis sector. This is the event that connects companies with investors.
Coloured bodies: Material Moves by Dori Vanderheyden: Dori Vanderheyden’s work layers and enfolds themes of sexuality, the body and colour as a way to evoke questions of what it means to be a human in the universe at this time.
OCAD University’s President’s Speaker Series presents: Burton Krame: Kramer was a professor at OCAD University for over 20 years and in 2003 was one of the first to receive an honorary doctorate from the institution.
'My Father's Son' releases new single at The Dakota Tavern: Montreal's 'My Father's Son' releases his new single, "Ribbon in the Wind", ahead of his second full-length album, The Greatest Thaw.
Who run the world? QTBIPOC: A free drop-in workshop series on relationships for youth. Learn skills and connect with other 2SLGBTQ Black, Indigenous and youth of colour (16-29) at this Beyonce-themed workshop series on relationships-- with pals, family, partners and yourself.
Off The Rails Comedy Competition at Comedy Bar: 'Off The Rails Comedy' is an interactive, improvised stand up show where Toronto's bravest comics make up their acts based on your suggestions! You have the power!
Christian Bernard Singer and Heidi Leverty: HABITAT: In this exhibition we bring together two artists whose artistic practice embraces our relationship with our Habitat, the exhibited works create a striking narrative between the chaotic and the sublime.
The Liveable City? Transportation: As Impressionism in the Age of Industry takes viewers on a journey through a period of immense change in 19th century Paris, we invite speakers across various disciplines to enter into conversations around urgent issues facing Toronto today.
Chocolate Groove: A weekly social dance celebration featuring Toronto’s best DJ’s in one of the most visionary alternative venues in Canada: Alternity.
Great Art: Rembrandt in Black and White: The Printmaker
Art historian Anne Thackray shows how Rembrandt’s immensely creative and fertile imagination embraced the expressive possibilities of prints, the most widespread art form of his times.
Toward environmental rights in Canada: A panel discussion: To mark Earth Week, educators, activists and thought-leaders will convene for a half-day symposium on environmental rights. The event will map a rights-based approach to climate, water and health challenges in Canada.
The Experiment at Comedy Bar: Come see a hilarious improv show featuring performers from CBC's Workin' Moms, Baroness Von Sketch, Sunnyside, and Netflix's Umbrella Academy!
Sketch Swap Showcase: The best of Toronto's Sketch Comedy Scene will be performing the best sketches seen on Toronto stages in the last year and they're not allowed to do their own material! A fun night full of laughs, drinking, and stupidity!
Casual Chess Club at Beaches Library: Join other chess players in a friendly and welcoming environment for casual play. All ages and skill levels are welcome.  
Online Reputation Management with Veronica Chail: The CEO of VC Strategies examines the current online culture and provides tools to help you: Curate content that aligns with your brand; Build trust with your audience; Monitor your reputation; and React promptly to avoid crises.
Rock for Dimes Toronto 2019: The annual fundraiser supports MODC's After Stroke suite of programs. Acts include Fresh Water Sharks, Oui B. Jamon, Bit o' Brit Collective, Martha Rocks and Envy & The Cants. Maie pauts of boom 97.3 will host.
Earth Love & Learn - Yoga, Meditation & Earth Talk: Join Irina Andreea and Cassidy Thedorf for this celebration of earth day. A portion of proceeds will be donate to One Tree Planted to help support global reforestation.
RuPaul's Drag Race Viewing Parties: Fans of the hit reality television series can watch new episodes every Thursday at several spots around the city, including The Gladstone Hotel, The Beaver and Striker.
The Toronto Passion Play at Church on the Queensway
The Christian Performing Arts Centre presents 'The Toronto Passion Play' this Easter Season. This spectacular musical depicts the life of Christ, in a brand new riveting story that is sure to delight and please audiences of all ages. April 19-21.
Mike Rita's 'Pot Comic' album release party: A fresh voice in a haze-filled room, Mike Rita's Pot Comic riffs on being at the forefront of the “weed generation”, how his mom came to love pot, and the hilarious ways in which legalization has changed Canadian lives.
Hey Girl Hey: Bad Friday! Come get bad with us at The Baby G at your fave queer hip-hop and r&b dance party celebrating female and non-binary artists.
International Fan Festival Toronto at Metro Toronto Convention Centre: International Fan Festival Toronto is the newest Anime Convention in Toronto. IFF Toronto is a multi-day, multi-fandom, Japanese focused event. Our featured events include, exclusive Fate/ stay night talk shows with the main casts of the series.
Kidnetix 13th Annual Easter Egg Hunt: Egg-citement for the whole family! Hunt for thousands of Easter candies in our indoor playground. Free photo booth with the Easter Bunny. Crafts, fun interactive petting zoo, and video game theatre.
Friday Night Jazz at Ripley's Aquarium of Canada: Explore the waters of the world the second Friday of every month with live jazz music as you sip on a drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic available) under the sea.
C'mon, Angie! at The Assembly Theatre: Told with humour, heart, and unflinching honesty, C’mon Angie! is a new play by Amy Lee Lavoie that dramatizes a difficult and all-too familiar situation, as two character navigate consent and sexual assault following a one-night stand.
Brooklynn Bar Comedy: We’ve put together some of the best Pro Comedians in the city with help from 'Perfect 10 Comedy' for a VIP comedy show.
Redwood Comedy Cafe: A weekly comedy showcase featuring Canada's top comedians at the intimate Redwood Cafe in Little India.
After Hours: Comedy Bar's beloved late night ensemble party show returns with a fun lineup of some of Toronto's favourite stand ups.
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Annual Beaches Easter Parade Weekend: Easter weekend celebration includes: Good Friday Easter Egg Hunt at Kew Gardens, which includes children's entertainment and a meet and greet with Peppa Pig. Easter Sunday Parade on Sunday at 2p.m. along Queen Street East.
Neighbourhood Trust at Lakeshore Arts: A collaborative project examining the state of affordable housing in Toronto through the lens of those directly affected. Runs until April 18.
Angélique at Factory Theatre: Inspired by historical transcripts from the infamous trial, Angélique is a moving account of Black Canadian history beyond the Underground Railroad.
Winter Stations 2019: Featuring six unique art installations. Runs until April 21.
Art Show & Sale by Marley Berot at Starving Artist Restaurant: Trini-Ja Canadian Marley Berot is opening her first show at the Starving Artist Restaurant and Gallery at 467 Danforth Avenue. Her acrylic paintings will stay on the walls until May 18th.
PRECIOUS: An Exhibition of Contemporary Art and Jewellery: By creating precious artwork and art jewellery from everyday and discarded items, Micah Adams, Christine Dwane and Lawrence Woodford remind us that our world is shaped by the decisions we make. Whether disposable or sustainable, beauty is everywhere. On display through May 23.
Being Japanese Canadian: Reflections on a Broken World at the ROM: Explore the original exhibition through the eyes of curators Bryce Kanbara and Katherine Yamashita. Runs until May 25.
The post “ Things to do this week in Toronto “ was originally seen on toronto.com by Whatson
IV Vitamin Drip Therapy Toronto Clinic - The IV Lounge
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davidmann95 · 8 years
Final question for today, why do writers at least starting the 80s until Rebirth love to choose the Superman archetype as their character to deconstruct or parody the most but give all the respects to the "bad*ss" types a la Batman and the Punisher?
Well, for starters, I’d hardly say it’s come to an end. Injustice 2 is coming, and we’re in theory getting an Irredeemable movie sometime in the next few years. Evil Superman is a train that won’t stop rolling anytime soon, no matter how much we all want it to stop. Except in the form of Irredeemable, Irredeemable rocks.
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(Hilariously, Waid wrote an OGN for Legendary last year, Axiom, that I’m 99% sure he did because he figured Irredeemable would never make it to screen, so he did a condensed version of the same basic story for the publishing wing of a movie studio in the hope that it could do the job. Except whadda ya know, turns out he never had to bother.)
It makes a lot of sense, I think. Even aside from Superman being considered an easy target, he’s The Guy. If you’re talking about all of superheroes, the entire concept across the breadth of the collective human cultural consciousness, you’re talking about him. And so by extension, when creators deliberately evoke his archetype, they’re to some degree talking about the entirety of superheroes, hence why you’ve got Samaritan and Plutonian and Supreme and Superior and Hyperion and Sentry and Blue Marvel and Majestic and Miracleman and the Utopian and Endymion and the Crusader and Sun God and the Public Spirit, among so very many others. One of the only two characters I can think of with anything like a comparable degree of weight in that aspect is the Flash due to the connotation of “he is the herald for how superheroes are going to work now” he’s acquired, and that’s only in continuity-minded fan circles for DC specifically.
As for the other character, Batman, he and Punisher are somewhat more selective in what they’re about. Yeah, Bruce Wayne is arguably the biggest superhero in the world, but he represents a much narrower facet of the overall concept (as does the other competitor in Peter Parker); he’s the dark vigilante superhero, rather than just the superhero. If you poke at his iconography, you’re just poking at his iconography, rather than the underpinnings of the genre as a whole; you’re commenting either on a very specific subset of superheroism, or you’re going into nebulous enough territory that you’re basically talking about real-life vigilantism, which is among other things a pretty different kind of narrative territory. Plus, any superhero deconstruction via Superman is going to inevitably end up on the scale of something like the Book of Revelations, while a takedown of Batman or Punisher is going to end up with a guy in Kevlar crying in an alley. And while Superman’s tears are the tears of a god (albeit ones we’ve seen far too much of the last few decades), their tears are the tears of an angry, branding-obsessed weirdo in a military-grade fetish suit sobbing because his life has gone so totally wrong. It’s not quite as dramatic, and it’s certainly harder to do it without descending into utter farce.
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So it’s not totally shocking few go there: tearing down Superman starts a whole new terrifying story, tearing down Batman just ends it. Even that aside, it’s still not shocking few writers go there; a snarl and a fist commands respect in a way a very nice man in a primary-colored body stocking does not, especially among the adolescent mindset comics often attract. And wondering what it would look like if a man with the power of a god was real is an extension of the concept behind every conventional superhero story ever, while wondering what that setting would look like if mental health concerns and physics and the law also applied is something that’s been scrupulously avoided lest the entire premise fall apart (not to mention that requires a hell of a lot more research).
Back to Superman: like I said, you’re talking about all of superheroes with him, so if you want to tear down that idea, you’re by nature attacking him. Especially if you’re talking about the superhero as a god or weapon or celebrity or cultural figure, he’s the obvious guy to go to. And he brings the biggest scale with him: while as a hero you can only judge him against the criminals he fights, same as any other hero, when he’s fighting all sides you can really get a sense of how terrifyingly he overpowers everyone else in the room, which lends the air of desperation that “the superhero has betrayed us” needs.  If Iron Man goes bad, that’s rough, there are going to be casualties, but it’s a manageable situation even by real-world standards. If Superman decides he’s just done putting up with humanity’s shit? Sure, he’s played polite with the others over the years, let other heroes have their turn up at bat. But when that day comes, the whole Justice League can throw their weight behind him and it will not matter, because they’re meat and bone, or steel and circuitry, or gods and aliens, and he’s Superman. Anyone he wants dead is as good as the second he decides it, and that’s a superhero-sized threat if ever there was one.
So I understand why it happens. I hardly think it’s a bad idea: the examination of Superman and what it would take to be him via proxy through Irredeemable is the thing that made him my favorite character. It’s just that when you’ve based video games and movies and crossover events on it for years on end, it starts to seem less like thoughtful experimentation and interrogation of the archetype, and more like a bunch of largely disinterested writers, editors and policy-makers leaning on a crutch because they can’t or won’t bother to think of anything else, or in a lot of cases because they clearly just fucking hate or are at least crushingly ashamed of Superman. And once that becomes his only story of note…what’s left of the guy this was all supposed to be commenting on in the first place?
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politicalfilth-blog · 6 years
Trump’s Space Farce: A Distraction From The Imminent Financial Collapse
$52 million dollars a day. That’s how much tax money gets sucked out of Americans’ pockets to pay for NASA’s whopping $19 billion annual budget.
But folks, things are about to get a whole lot worse.
On Monday, Trump officially announced the creation of a “Space Force” which he described as “separate but equal” to the Air Force.
Remember, Donald “I’ll balance the budget” Trump? So much for that.
We can only speculate the astronomical costs of establishing this sci-fi fantasy, but the implications are massive.
Military Industrial Complex? What about the Military Cosmological Complex?Houston, we have a problem. I can already see the arms manufacturers---Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and all the usual suspects---salivating at the thought of some real-life Star Wars.
What does an X-Wing sell for? Lightsabers? Or how about a Death Star?!?
Meanwhile, poor old Elon Musk is trying to scratch up some funds to send his private, boring space company into the stars---all while Trump can snap his fingers and suck the cash right out of Americans’ pockets.No wonder Musk came out on Twitter last week announcing he’s an anarchist!
  But is there a more sinister motive behind Trump’s space farce?Is this just a grand illusion by the Emperor to misdirect the masses from real-world, down-to-earth issues that directly affect us?
Of course it is.
Historically, space has been regularly used to distract the public from the state’s atrocities. Back in the 1970’s, when gold was de-linked from the dollar by Richard “I’m not a crook” Nixon, the promise of exploring the stars kept people blissfully ignorant of the complete financial ruin coming their way.
They had to fake playing golf on the moon numerous times to divert the public’s attention away from that.
And, to distract from the bloody, costly, evil terrorist attacks known as the Vietnam War.
  What could the “Space Force” be attempting to distract us from today? We can start with the obvious answer, that is, the impending dollar collapse, which will in essence invalidate the state itself---all while cryptocurrencies continue their meteoric rise.It’s not rocket science, it’s math. The US government cannot avoid the consequences of their destructive central-planning for much longer.But perhaps this is NASA’s final death throe. Over the years, NASA has seemed to escape public criticism and scrutiny---even from libertarian and anarchist types who love harping about government incompetence.
It’s as if we assume NASA---since it’s engaged with “science”---must be doing a good, wholesome job.
But if the state can’t even maintain roads well, how can they be trusted meddling in space?
It’s been half a century since they seemingly went to the moon---yet still no moon base, or at least a return mission? In fact, they now say they “destroyed the technology” to go back to the moon.
Because, yeah, technology was so advanced in 1969.
It’s apparent that all this Space Force nonsense is just another elaborate statist distraction---a tax scam at best---keeping the masses inspired about the heavens so they remain good little worker-slaves.It’s like the bread and circuses of the Roman era: feed the masses some sports (and a little bit of space) and they’ll never rebel.
Oh, and make sure to spy on, oppress and enslave all humans in the process, while they pay for it and even cheer for it as the global subjugation system is built.
I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it! You can’t make this stuff up.
Well, politicians can keep doing what they’re doing (stealing and killing), and we, the peaceful people of Earth, will keep fighting the good fight.
As NASA’s budget inflates, whether you like it or not, the attendance numbers at Anarchapulco continue to grow---but we didn’t need to point guns at anyone!
The real leaders of the free world will converge again on the beaches of Acapulco, Mexico in February for the largest gathering of freethinkers.
Anarchapulco 2019 is the place to be if you’re interested in a true bright future for humanity. Tickets are now available for a discounted price, but the special offer ends on July 31, so BOOK NOW.
As Dr. Ron Paul, who will be speaking again at Anarchapulco 2019, famously said, “I don't think we should go to the moon. I think we maybe should send some politicians up there.”
Send them all---one-way ticket.
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About the Author
Anarcho-Capitalist.  Libertarian.  Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks.  Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast.  Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and cryptocurrency conferences including his own, Anarchapulco, as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, Bloomberg and Fox Business.  Jeff also posts exclusive content daily to the new blockchain based social media network, Steemit.
from The Dollar Vigilante https://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2018/06/20/trumps-space-farce-a-distraction-from-the-imminent-financial-collapse.html via The Dollar Vigilante
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