#the writing she does around the drawing of her and eugene..
pansy-picnics · 2 months
First off I need to just mention that your Uknighted dream art is top tier elite and i am in love. Like you have no idea.
Okay, now thats said, do you have any soft ot3 headcanons/scenes that you can imagine happening but can’t figure out how to write etc etc.? 💕
God is all of them an option bc the answer is all of them
I SWEAR I. HAVE SO MANY IDEAS AND THOUGHTS TAKING UP SPACE IN MY BRAIN (Both for ukd and for the entire family tbh) that i just CANNOT bring myself to draw or write or anything. If i had the time to be able to draw everything that popped in my head it would be OVER for yall i stg. And then theres my in progress fic i have up right now which i last updated in like (checks notes) January but i swear i’ve been THINKING about updating it again and that counts right
- Ummm. this is just something i find very funny but i absolutely love the idea that before they “Formally” announce their relationship, the public have just been spreading rumors left and right about the princess’s “affair”. cass and rapunzel somehow NEVER notice this but for a while it seems like eugene cant go ANYWHERE without someone either awkwardly being like “Soooo how are things going with the princess ^_^;;;” or just straight up asking “Hey is your wife cheating on you?” with no hesitation.
and eugene, being the attention whore he is obviously just Went with it and was like “Well yeah duh. Who do you think set them up”
before long literally EVERYONE has heard about it. rapunzel’s fucking Parents have heard about it. people in other KINGDOMS have heard about it. Meanwhile eugene’s having the time of his Life. He’s got disguises just to go in and listen in on the servants’ gossip. at this point he’s just started Making shit up and every day he’s spreading a proposition thats somehow even more absurd than the last. Most of them don’t even make sense. Like “Oh yeah no the reason rapunzel and cass are always sneaking off together isn’t because they’re having a steamy love affair it’s actually because they’ve been making blood sacrifices to the underworld to make sure zhan tiri never returns. Just girl things yk?”
“No see you’ve got it all wrong thats not cassandra at all. That’s shorty. He and rapunzel are having a book club together. It’s not going very well because shorty keeps eating all the books.” Or his personal favorite, “Wait you thought RAPUNZEL was the one having the affair?” gets them EVERY TIME.
Cass and rapunzel finally declare things officially only for everyone to become even MORE confused and they finally realize eugenes been fueling the fire for the past 3 months and he had just Assumed they were already aware of it
eugene: ….Wait you guys didnt know about that?
raps: i
raps: NO????
eugene: um. Oops
- this is kind of random but i PROMISE its going somewhere bear with me. In my head eugene is NOT the captain of the guard because a character becoming a cop is literally a fate worse than death. instead i like to imagine he does some kind of social work and is also an author…Eugene has a rlly strong connection to literature and is a great storyteller, hes got a flair for the dramatic and a strong imagination and seeing how much the flynn rider books meant to him in his childhood, i think he’d absolutely want to create something like that for other people 🥹
Anyways one of my favorite ideas w them is a modern au where rapunzel and eugene are both starving artists who are making a webcomic together…Eugene is still trying to publish his first novel and is writing for the comic in the meantime. theyre aspiring towards turning it into a graphic novel. Cass is literally just forcing everyone around her to read it. You’ve already read it? Read it again /J. She’s their number one hypeman but she’s trying to act sooo chill about it to keep up her Cool stone cold butch aesthetic. She’s like going to cons with them and hands out business cards and helps sell merch and she has a side account on twitter where she gets into heated arguments with anyone who hateposts about it.
Bonus points: it’s a fantasy comic about a lost princess, her knight girlfriend and her rogue boyfriend and is loosely a reference to the events of the canon show
- OH OH something that DEFINITELY fits this category has to be the girls taking eugene to the lagoon for the first time…….I think cass and rapunzel still spend a lot of dates there just the two of them, and no matter what it is very much Their Spot ™, but after things become official it just. Doesn’t really feel right to keep it exclusively between them anymore. i have a LOTTTT of thoughts on this…..rapunzel bouncing around and showing everything to him and cass just being dragged along for the ride…picnics together by the water while cass and raps are eagerly telling him all the stories of what he missed out on. it’s their quiet place i think they escape to whenever they don’t want to be bothered at the castle LOL. eugene officiates the cassunzel wedding there….. not to mention if/when they have kids 🥹 Augh. They make sooo many memories there i think🫶🫶🫶
- Not a specific scene so much as just a silly hc but rapunzel LOVES it when they “fight” over her. Usually it’s just a playful thing and rapunzel finds it so cute and endearing. They have the exact same banter every time and the same fake “duel” for her hand and raps will NEVER get tired of it
- oh and SPA DAYS. God cassandra’s self care routines by herself have always been SHIT. I love that girl but i think she absolutely reeks. Her hair looks like something died in it and whenever it gets too long she just grabs the nearest sharp object and cuts it off in one swoop. Eugene and rapunzel are UTTERLY horrified by this and they do not let that shit fly as soon as she’s living with them. They have little self care nights at least once a week, sometimes just with the three of them and sometimes the rest of the family gets into it too, it depends on the day. eugene helps do her hair for her and they pick out all sorts of fancy products for her skin and her curls and just absolutely SPOIL her. at first shes kinda whiny about it but once she realizes how much better she feels on a day to day basis she reluctantly apologizes for ever doubting them
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ellayuki · 2 years
26112022 - Wednesday (Netflix)
'Enid's number.' is the first thing she texts as soon as she is back in the cold, comforting embrace of her own quiet bedroom. And, 'Also, Eugene's.'
'Hey to you, too.' comes Xavier's dry reply, followed by a snarky, 'Bold of you to assume I have them.'
Wednesday rolls her eyes and sighs. Boys are so vexing, even those who know the correct way to play hide and seek, and who have good taste in drawing materials. 'I know you have them.'
It takes Xavier a few minutes (too many for Wednesday's liking, she shall have to find an inventive way to torture him for it when school starts again), but he does send the requested numbers. 'Hopefully, this isn't the last time I hear from you,' he follows with, and Wednesday huffs.
'You'll just have to wait and see.'
She saves the two numbers and lays the phone on her desk for the time being.
She has more important things to do, now that she's back home, like catching up on torturing Pugsley (she'd had some new ideas before her parents shipped her off to Nevermore), and seeing to the state of her plants and blades.
She'll text Enid when she'll have the time.
"You've had my number for a week? Then why haven't you texted until now? Or called? We could have Facetimed."
This is why, Wednesday thinks to herself, though this time, she manages to keep herself from rolling her eyes.
Enid is… Enid. And as much as Wednesday feels like vomiting at the mere sight of all those bright colours, somehow, she doesn't want to see the other girl change. It's annoying.
It's vexing in a whole different way.
"I have been busy," she answers, and it's not a lie, she has been busy with all sorts of things. She's had an idea for another novel, for one thing, and the time to write uninterrupted (with the exceptions of Pugsley's miserable attempts at murder).
Enid hums, like she always does when she doesn't fully believe what Wednesday is saying (so vexing, honestly, when Wednesday speaks nothing but the truth), before she says, "Fine, I guess I'll forgive you this one time," in her sunshiney voice. "But! I will get you at least on Insta once the new semester starts," she adds, and it sounds more like a threat than anything.
Wednesday takes it as a challenge.
("Can you play me something?"
"Over the phone? At this hour? Who are you and what have you done with Enid?"
"Yeah, yeah, shut up. Most of the family's away for the weekend and it's so quiet around here that I can't sleep. So. Will you?"
"Alright. I guess."
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rocketyship · 8 months
Hello!! Anyways I noticed that BE has some similarities with the society/government in the novel A Brave New World
Like how they both don’t seem nearly as bad as their usually compared counterparts (classic AM and Ingsoc) and honestly at first seem look like a pretty utopia, but then when you look under the hood or just think about it a bit more you realize “oh shit they’re really fucked up”
They both like genetic engineering/eugenics, progressive (but I’m guessing BE likes traditional stuff more than BNW’s government since she believes in stuff like “men are THE providers of the family”), LOOOVE their robots, are definitely totalitarian (at least in the present with BE).
However BNW hates religions except Fordism while BE loves that stuff. Plus I don’t think BE is super cool with dr-gs and seggs and all that stuff-
BUUUT yeah I think they have some similarities I wanted to point out lol since I think fictional ideologies are cool and I like pointing out stuff (also I’m so sorry if you have no idea what I’m talking about-)
Welp now I have another book for my ever growing list (always down for more recommendations). But I’m quite pleased that BE does come off as something utopian but is actually deeply twisted.
I would definitely describe BE as a “progressive traditionalist” if that makes sense (she is in a queer relationship herself technically). However I wouldn’t outright say she loves religion, more so that she believes that she is the only higher life form capable of guiding and leading humanity, like a guardian angel. It’s very much stuff she has picked and chosen to fit her own agenda.
Generally when it comes to stuff you could consider “sins of the flesh” (lol). BE is a mild hypocrite. As she is very against things like alcohol and drugs, but at the same time has no problem drugging the humans herself if they become too “aggressive” for her liking. She doesn’t have much of a problem with more…ahem… intimate acts. To her it’s just a human primal desire, and as long as they don’t speak of it, she’s chill. She also doesn’t like swearing (obviously).
I really enjoy writing different fictional societies, worlds, and ideologies. And this Love au has been very fun since not only do I have some kind of base to build off of, but also get to play around with Sci-fi ideas and aesthetics. Most of my other works is either extreme high-fantasy (with horror of different varieties).
Anyhow have a random drawing from a different project cause I like posting my art
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(This man has AM energy so it’s fine)
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continentalblue · 1 year
could i request cassandra x female reader general relationship headcanons? take your time with writing it!
YEAHHHHHH it's been so long since I've written one of these omg
i had the PHATTEST crush on her as a kid
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🗡️ Cass isn't sure how to handle being in a relationship with you, at first. You're so lovely and she feels that she's ... not. You deserve sweet things, not someone who is still so irrevocably hurt over Mother Gothel abandoning her. It'll take her a while to work through that.
🗡️ She really likes going horseback riding with you. No matter how good or bad you are, she loves spending time with you away from the hustle and bustle of palace life.
🗡️ She does all of the laundry and chores, even when you don't ask her too. She's so used to being a handmaiden that that stuff comes to her unintentionally. Plus, organizing your house helps her put her mind at ease.
🗡️ She LOVES it when you buy her new swords, especially if they have a pattern of some sort that reminds her of you. If you get a matching set? Whoo boy, she might just start crying.
🗡️ She loves doing your makeup in the morning. She's not the biggest toucher on the planet, but sitting with you in the morning and gently guiding your face to where she wants it soothes something in her.
🗡️ She finds it easy to vent to you about things, because she knows you won't turn around and stab her in the back. As she vents, she gently holds your hand and draws little stars with her thumb. No matter how small her issue, she knows that you'll listen.
🗡️ In return, she listens deeply to your problems. But if someone hurt you, she has to hold herself back from finding that person and punching them in the face. It gets ... hard not to do that, but she forces herself to remember that she has to comfort you, not herself.
🗡️ Sometimes she doesn't realize that she's breaking your heart. When you tell her to stop after she steals the Moonstone, she almost doesn't see that you're asking from a place of love rather than malice
🗡️ Despite this, she would never hurt you. Even when the Moonstone turned her heart dark and cold, she tried to keep you safe. Even when you went to Rapunzel and Eugene and all of the other people she thought she hated, she deliberately used her magic away from you.
🗡️ Once she gets banished, she meekly asks you if you'd like to come with her to travel the world. In her heart, she knows you won't accept. But she genuinely, truly, honestly loves you.
🗡️ When you accept, she almost weeps. As the two of you ride, she tries making up for all the hurt that she's caused you. Slowly but surely, you forgive her.
🗡️ You hold her withered hand almost protectively while on horseback and she thinks "I could marry her right now."
🗡️ She proposes on a spot near the sea and you accept. Your relationship isn't perfect, but it's yours.
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wistfulpoltergeist · 1 year
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15 questions for 15 mutuals!
Thank you, @latteaki for tagging me! 
Are you named after anyone? My mom says I was named after some singer. Doesn’t matter, it’s a lame ordinary name I hate dearly since I was a kid:D I prefer Eugene^^
When was the last time you cried? Um... That was about a week ago. Another russian missile hit a shopping center in Kherson. Zelenskiy published unblurred photos on his Instagram. And well. I saw it. And cried. 
Do you have kids? I don't. And I don’t want to. 
Do you use sarcasm a lot? More than I wished to. Sarcasm it’s a sort of... mental protection. I want to be strong enough just to speak from my heart and don’t feel guilty for telling the plane truth. Plane and simple. Without walking around it with needles. 
What sports do you play/have you played? I practice QiGong, Yoga, a bit of Kung Fu and Tai Chi. And I really like it. I feel much healthier than five years ago when I just jogged from time to time. Does it count as a sport? :D 
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? How close they choose to stand by me. I don’t like people who doesn’t know what personal space is. 
Eye color? Blue
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies with happy ending!:D That’s why I like Asian Horror movies. They’re rarely plane and it’s quite common to find a horror movie with happy ending among them. Like say Dark Water. I believe this movie has the best ending for the main heroes. 
Any special talents? Mmm... I invent my own recipes for cooking. I like cooking btw :D
Where were you born? In Kryvyi Rih. The longest city of Ukraine. I still live there;)
What are your hobbies? Playing video games, writing silly stories with my sis, reading (Oh, I love reading), drawing, weaving with beads, cooking
Do you have any pets? Four days ago I adopted a stray cat. You can see her photo above. Meet Pantoflya!^^ Although, we're just getting to know each other I know she’s gonna be the love of my life:3
How tall are you? You wanted to ask how short I am?:D 1.58 cm is my height. 
Fave subject in school? ART, Literature, History, Geography (I once asked my Geography teacher where she would put Atlantis on the map:D)
Dream job? Artist. 
I tag: @glammoose, @puppycheesecake, @its-adrienpastel, @goamazons, @tzuhu, @aniraklova, @maladi777, @simstrouble, @susen70, @qdogsims, @bibidsims, @qrqr19, @poyopoyosim, @javitrulovesims, @oceanbornnomad
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
What draws you to a character? Is it moral conflict or cardboard good people ??
Oooh thanks for the interesting question but why do I get the vague sense this is bait 😅
Very few people with an ounce of writing experience or critical analysis skills likes “cardboard people” regardless of whether they’re good, bad, or anything in between. A cardboard person has not been written into a character. They’re just a collection of traits to serve a certain role in a story. Depending on the genre and their importance, that is not necessarily a writing flaw. When you have a 100 minute movie you cannot possibly develop every character. However, if your main character is a cardboard person that means the writer hasn't done their job and by gods other writers pick up on that. Nat, for example, was not a character in IM2, she was a cardboard femme fatale, because she had no inner world and no inner conflict to speak of.
On the converse, a well-written character will always have conflict , regardless of whether they’re good, bad, or anything in between! And a good conflict, one that has complexity - both ethical and emotional - will reveal layers about a character's value systems and psyche and make them a whole person, and that's what I like.
As I've always said, the first character I liked in the MCU was Tony, because here is a guy who was introduced to us self-centered and has it all, then you realise how little he has in term of human relationships (partly due to his own doing), and in the end he lets go of some of his material possessions and earns human connections. The second character I loved was Loki, because he's not a bad guy by nature, and he's perpetually torn between genuine love for his adoptive family, and anger at the lies they built around him and the identity they took away from him. The third character I loved was T'Challa, who through a fairly small role in Civil War was able to go through an entire conflict around grief, loss, compassion and forgiveness.
I came to like Steve and Bucky after I've gotten some context about 1930s America that the movies didn't give us. Steve's entire existence is a conflict with the world. He starts off the direct opposite of the eugenics ideal (I want to say 'save for the colour of his skin' but eugenicists scoffed at the Irish, so his colour didn't give him an advantage there) then through the serum became the Aryan ideal. He himself continually questions and disobeys the system that has tried to make him into an avatar for their agendas. He yearns of moving forward but the only way he seems to do that is after he finds the piece of his past that he had let slip through his fingers in the alps. And Bucky has a similar arc, how does he marry the identity that was forced upon him to who he once was and who he now wants to be? He is also trying to move forward, but can only do that by reconnecting with the past that was forcefully taken from him. Speaking without the shipping angle, Bucky is Steve's narrative mirror, and very similar conflicts drive their stories (which is why Endgame did the equivalent of narrative suicide by making Steve just...abandon all his conflicts and leaving Bucky to continue on with the same conflicts without his mirror) and there's something delicious in exploring that.
Conflict doesn't have to be just the character choosing between right and wrong, although that is a common conflict. You can have a pure good character forced to be in conflict with people around them and that can still be an interesting conflict (when well-written), and it doesn't mean that the character is "cardboard good".
If this ask is about Peggy -- I might enjoy her character if the story had the self-awareness to recognise the moral conflicts in her character. But it doesn't. It writes her as a series of contradictions and presents her as the perfect model of goodness. She fails at even being a cardboard character.
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blood-mocha-latte · 8 months
~ miscellaneous tag game ~
tagged by the lovely @mutantmanifesto and @dontirrigateme <3
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
rough draw but munich! 'twas gorgeous and also where I got engaged
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
dragging my ass through college in two years and double majoring. nearly killed me but by god it's done
Favorite books?
the awakening by kate chopin - the woman in white by wilkie collins - all quiet on the western front by erich maria remarque - a tree grows in brooklyn by betty smith - letters from the 442nd by min masuda
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
mah wife (borat voice)
Favorite thing about your culture?
god what even is my culture. how unhinged would i sound if i said swamps and rigatoni
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
joined about three years ago but not on tumblr, but watched the pacific first
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
no because i. have a reading list and they aren't up in the queue lmao
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
leckie. he’s like. webster if webster was a wet cat what’s not to love. favorite moment is all moments ever EXCEPT for the sex scenes because what kind of hallucinogen did i take to have to watch that
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
i write fic and am. a little consumed by it at all times. i also make edits but am going through a bit of a rut with that so for now only writing thank you
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
eliza dushku for her wonderful performances in buffy the vampire slayer and angel (i'm gay. can you tell)
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
just this entire dick allen poem which is luztoye coded forever and ever
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
hm. idk. i once got bit by a raccoon in a bayou and had to get rabies shots for the next two weeks
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
i write everything by hand and then put in in the Computer which is like. a built in beta edit. and then mah wife (borat voice) betas for me because she's wonderful
Three things that make you smile?
mah wife (borat voice) (i'm predictable)
our air purifier (i’m old)
our vintage dog teapot
Any nicknames you like?
my name is three letters long like there's not a lot of leeway there. i went by adelasia for a while which is my middle name but like. that's it. does papera count
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
@lamialamia is the pillar of my entire person at all times and genuinely one of the nicest people i’ve ever met. linh wrote this wonderful fic for the secret santa exchange, which i am currently reading and fawning over
@staud is easily one of the talented people in the entire hbo war fandom and has the fucking VISION for gifs and videos. most recent of which i’ve watched (and panicked about) being an incredible eugene sledge video. erin is also just fucking funny bro idk what to tell you
@mutantmanifesto is someone that is like. genuinely a celebrity to me. every time i see lenora’s drawings anywhere i have flashbacks like i’m in the louvre. also just a wonderful person with incredible taste
@ep6bastogne is on a tumblr hiatus right now but always deserves a shoutout. she did incredible edits of skinny sisk, eugene roe, ron speirs, and david webster for the secret santa exchange that changed my brain chemistry forever and is one of the warmest people i’ve ever talked to
@ewipandora is someone that i’m ALWAYS holding hands with <3. both a genuinely funny and wonderful person and has incredible taste in reblogs. ewi is currently doing a band of brothers ship series that i plan to Consume as soon as possible because i have no doubt that they’re incredible
@dcyllom is an incredibly underrated and kind part of my Dashboard Experience™ and is also just wonderful and one of my favorite Tumblr People :)
@educationalporpoises is a genius and an INCREDIBLE writer. zee was my secret santa gifter and this luztoye fic knocked it all the way out of the park and into the cemetery, which is how hard it slayed. also wins for best mutual handle
@almost-a-class-act is ridiculously supportive and kind, and a backbone of the hbo war fandom forever and always. sam’s also one of the best fucking writers to ever grace this earth, with the most recent thing i’ve read being this top notch luztoye fic <3
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
die. girl i work in an er i'd be the first to go
Favorite movie?
ladri di biciclette for all time favorite movie ever. a perfect movie
Do you like horror movies?
it depends entirely on the level of homoerotism that can be found in those movies. and also if matthew lillard is in it
everyone mentioned above as well as anyone who wants to do it since i have no clue who’s been tagged :)
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Okay so I’m just gonna write all my swap AU thoughts down here for now until I draw them. (Tag will be “swap drawtectives” for simplicity’s sake.)
The swaps will be:
Rose - Eugene
York - Grendan
Jancy - Joe Beans
I don’t think I’ll be swapping any of the side characters, because that involves me shuffling around the plot, and S2 is so complicated and I do not dare touch it.
I plan to make two designs for everyone except Rosé and Jancy, because I want to give everyone their season 2 glow up to represent character growth.
I wanna change around some of the ages so Eugene is a little younger and Rosé is a little older.
I also wanna change some of the characters names in this AU, that being giving Rosé a full name and Eugene a shorter nickname. I’m thinking Fynn or something but that might sound stupid, idk. Joe Beans also gets to have a real name in this AU! It’s Pauline Smarten, aka Polly :)
This will be primarily a role swap AU, but personalities will be changed on the basis of this. The characters who change probably the least will be Jancy and Polly.
Eugene will be an anxious, shy fella who’s just hiding behind a facade of flamboyance. He really wants to do good and be a good person, but is kinda lost on how to do that. He inherits Rosé’s back story of childhood delinquency, of course. Not sure if he’ll have the little forehead scar. I think I wanna give him a long pleated skirt in one of his designs.
Grenda is the stoic as hell heir of the Highforge empire. Despite her bright future, for some reason they’ve distanced themselves from his family, and found a new career: detectiving! Being raised in a very powerful family, he’s a bit awkward and regularly experience culture shock around normal people. I definitely want to include straight up armor in her design.
York in this AU grew up with his mother. He’s kind of unmotivated and directionless, and because of that he’s just sorta depressed. He ends up taking this out on other people though, which just makes him more upset because he’s unpleasant to be around. He finds a genuine passion in detective work though, and grows to really respect Polly and his friends, so he gets a lot nicer.
Pauline is an incredibly polite people-person. She’s a bit tired, but hides it far better then Jancy does. It takes a lot to really really anger her, but if you do, you’d better be prepared to face her wrath. She’s very skilled in the art of passive aggression. Usually though, she’s an endless fountain of support with the patience of a saint, and the best detective in the business.
Rosé is a very awkward woman who’s just. She’s trying her best okay you guys please give her a break. She’s extremely earnest and dorky, easy to please but prone to heartache. When her memories haven’t been wiped, she’s a relentlessly studious spirit medium, but at the moment she’s just kind of stupid. Please tell her she’s doing a good job, she’s going through a lot right now and she’d hate to disappoint anyone.
Jancy’s personality is the same. She’s already perfect, there’s nothing to change.
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awesomedurraworld · 10 months
do you just one day realize that you have tons of ideas and Aus, and half of them- if not 3/4 of them will be forever forgotten?
Like. When I tell you the amount of things that I come up with during one day is... Is unbelievable? Sometimes it is the same plot but different scenarios.
The other week, I was going back to my old chats with my bestie, and I was shocked to find this very old Au that I came up with, ( Papa Royed obviously.) and the fact I drew for it too??
I also Reopned an older Au, called “ Roy Elric.” which, really, Roy in Trisha’s shoes. Does that mean Riza is Ho? No I don't think so. I was inspired by this older fic on Ao3, and kinda doodled for their Au.
Another Au- Tangled. I have only shared this with my bestie, but basically when the “ kingdom dance.” music was trending- which has been my favorite type of music since I watched Tangled which was in 2011 😂 when I heard it again, I realized how much that song ( music.) will fit Fma, and 2 ideas came:
what if Fma had a culture? Like, dances, foods, and Music and clothes?? I started designing Riza’s costume over good 9 months ago, so if you are interested I will love to share
Idea number 2 is basically your classic Fma x Tangled. With Ed as Punzel and Roy as Eugene and Ho as mother gothal. Not that Ed is a prince, but the idea of him being locked and Roy freeing him to show him the world.
There is this other idea, that Roy adopted Ed and Al before they committed the taboo but kept them a secret to protect them?
And the idea of Royai retiring and having Ed and Roy is blind and military comes and Ed learns who his parents are?
Also, I never realized that I have been writing regressed Ed? Like, I never did until I started following Mayliz ❤️ and I was like. “ hold up, this has a name?” and then my bestie pointed it and was like, “ Your Ed always regressed,” and I was like “ oh yeah.” and kinda tempted to write a whole fic with that WITH AL AND ED being regressed
What If the taboo failed BECAUSE Ed isn't Trisha’s biological son?
Like, gah, I didn't even scratch the surface of these ideas. And I want to write after math of Hughes’ death! And OH MY GOD I HAVE THE AU WHERE ROY WAS IN HUGHES’ SHOE!
Okay okay, so instead of Gracia and Elysia, it’s Riza and Ed and Al, but the catch here is that Riza isn't a solider, she is just Roy’s wife, one day when the whole team goes around to fight Envy they find Mrs. Mustang there with her husband’s gloves, KILLING Envy? Like having no shame because he killed her husband and orphaned her kids. This would mean, that Riza is an alchemist too. Roy probably taught her to keep herself and the kids safe just in case
Also, I do want to write a fic where the boys just grief the loss of their dad
😩😩😩 I don't joke when I say this is just a normal day with my brain, haha, I just wished I had more time to draw and write. I am busy currently, but I am hoping and praying that mid of December won't come without me posting something. I want to finish Took my kids? Take my fire now- which, has been on my chest since last year and there is no way we're going to Jan 2024 with this fic unfinished
And yeah I guess this is all have to say today, is there an idea that you liked? What do you think of this haha
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cringeyships · 2 months
I get a little carried away with ask games cause they make me so excited so totally feel free to pick and choose which you wanna do or if you wanna do several F/Os!
⏏️ - Reverse Selfship AU,🏴‍☠️ - Pirate AU,💼 - Coworkers AU, and⚡️- Pokemon AU, for the AU ask game?
- @prince-of-something
Alright lemme see if I can speedrun all of these..
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Pickles x Smoke Reversed Selfship AU
I picked Pickles for this one because out of all my f/os, she seems like the most likely to ship herself with fictional characters XD
In this AU, Pickles, ever since she was a pup, is enamored by a character from an animated sitcom called The Dog House. The characters name is Smoke The Xoloitzcuintli, and he is kind of a minor character who appears throughout the show and is an ally to the main family, kinda like Ned Flanders in the Simpsons. Smoke is a good hearted dog with a rather dry and witty sense of humor, and Pickles can simply not get enough of him. She has a whole collection of merchandise of him, but her absolute favorite is her lil plushie, whom she cuddles every night. I just hope she knows that he loves her so much back :3
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Eugene x Smoke Pirate AU
The reason why I chose him for this one is kinda obvious XD..
In this AU, Eugene is the captain of his very own pirate crew, with Smoke being his first mate and lover. Other crew members include SpongeBob (Sailing Master), Squidward (Gunner), and Pearl (Boatswain). They do gain more crew mates overtime however (Patrick, Sandy). Their ship is called the Krusty Krab, and their main goal is to find what every pirate wants to find. Buried treasure! The treasure in question contains the secret formula for the most delicious food in existence…Krabby Patties. After they find it, they plan to settle down and start their own restaurant. However, Sheldon Plankton, Captain of the Chum Bucket ship, ALSO wants the secret formula, so the whole things kinda a race to see who can get it first. The end is up to interpretation!
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Frank x Blake Coworkers AU
Chose this for them because my Simpsons S/I canonically does not work at the power plant, and I think it would be funny if he did.
In this AU, Blake works at the Nuclear Power Plant along with Homer, the two are best friends and inseparable. One day, a guy name Frank Grimes arrives, and he and Blake immediately hit it off. Blake shows him around the power plant and everything, and he along with Homer become the main people Frank trusts at the power plant. Blake and Homer get into all kinds of stupid shenanigans which can tick Frank off (Think The Office type shit), but Frank has a secret that prevents him from losing his marbles…and that secret is that he loves Blake. How will he confess it to him? Once again, interpretation!
Sadly I couldn’t decide who to use for the Pokémon AU, so I may have to come back to that one later!
Thanks so much for the ask Kane! I had a ton of fun writing/drawing these!! :3
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russilton · 10 months
Hi Mark! Absolutely fine if you don't wanna answer because I know you're a big fan - so am I, technically - but you're the first person I felt like going to with this. Again, no need to turn this into discourse, though, if you're not comfortable with the topic. It's about this anon information about Carmen and brands she promotes:
And I was wondering if you know which ones are meant/if you think she is (should) be aware of that? Again, only if you want to comment. This stuff is important to me, so I'll guess I'll look into it too, but I like your straightforward opinions. I don't know how articulate better. Don't feel pressured to answer, however!
Hi anon, first of all I just want to say I’m genuinely thankful as to how you phrased this ask, it’s incredibly polite and i really appreciate that. Sometimes I get asks that feel a bit like a demand and those end up being the ones I avoid. You’ve been super respectful here and that means a lot. I’m not looking to start a discourse here either and I wont engage with it, but I figured I’d answer to say what I thought and leave it at that. Everyone is entitled to draw their own lines on this kind of thing, and they may be different to mine.
I think I have to split this answer into a couple small clusters and add a starting disclaimer
I don’t say this to defend her or whatever, but the original anon in that post is already coming in with a set feeling, and their language reflects that. Carmen isn’t a full time influencer, she very much has a job of her own and literally just finished a charity ride from London to Paris with them. Say what you want about the nature of her job in finance, or her position in the paddock, (plus jobs should not be used as a reflection of worth and respect), but she has one. I’m guessing the anon may not mean that and might be referencing past posts, but I don’t follow op so I don’t know.
Additionally, the op of that post, as far as I’m aware, is no longer a George fan, if they ever considered themselves one. So if you’re taking info from their posts and anons about George, it’s unlikely to be framed in the best light. Op is very much allowed to do that, you wouldn’t come to me for unbiased info on Max Verstappen and Kelly piquet would you? Of course not, I’m set in my feelings and I’m not gonna answer asks praising him, but I might share stuff pointing out crummy things he does because it reinforces my feelings. That’s just how tumblr works, I’m not saying it as any kind of insult or accusation, it is LITERALLY how we all blog post.
What I’m trying to say is while there and elements of truth in that post it’s… the way it’s conveyed is a bit twisted by the anon, and even op is pointing that out. If she has pull, they’ll keep sponsoring her.
Yes, Carmen does a lot of sponsor work… as does George, every time he steps into the paddock. As does LEWIS when he chooses what he dresses in. We often write off drivers sponsor work because we see it as a side obligation of their jobs, like how just today we had new Petronas photos of George and Lewis at their campuses/worksites. Much as we all, really want to ignore it bc it’s not fun to think about, Petronas is an oil and natural gas company, that wants you to think it’s green so bad. Every single person in the paddock has moments they choose money over ethics, even if it’s for a greater good eventually, it is what they do.
I don’t know specifically which brands the original anon is referencing when they mention homophobia and autism eugenics, but the note about Israel is probably linked to DIOR. While I firmly believe in following the BDS boycott, we just aren’t going to see these people do that. And comparably it’s a non starter when Lewis and George are walking around in puma Brand race suits and sport clothing, and Lewis wears Dior himself. What I’m saying is while I think they shouldn’t be wearing it, they’re on a level ground. I tried to do a little research on the recent stuff she’s been promoting, and came up without much result, BUT I’m so painfully not aware of the fashion scene. As my friends are deeply aware, and laugh at me for.
Could she stop wearing these things? Absolutely, and she should. She should also educate herself on these topics. But what I think should happen, and what I expect are two different things in the world of sport and influence. She’s not a driver, but she is almost certainly looking to expand into some level of fashion and model work alongside her job, because it’s something she enjoys. In the same way Lewis worked hard to build his brand and reputation with fashion houses who fight to clothe him now, she’s making connections for herself while working remotely as she travels with George. What she’s doing is no different than what the drivers do for themselves, the change is that we are not privy watch her do her job (can you imagine if there was an entertainment market for watching accountants lmao)
I think sometimes there’s a tendency in fandom to needle the partner people of the paddock for things we shake off their partners doing without blinking. It’s fine for Lewis and George to wear puma it’s their sponsor they probably aren’t thinking about that - but if George’s partner wears a famous brand like Dior, she should know better. Lewis and george promoted ftx, a now notoriously bankrupt crypto investment scene, and we just all went “well that sucks but they’re in a bubble of a different world, so we’ll ignore it”. While, it’s unlikely that Carmen is actively choosing to ignore these problems, she exists in that bubble with George, where they’re comfortable to only toe into charity and betterment when they feel like It isn’t interrupting their day. Lewis said it himself recently, he’s on the road so much he ends up unable to catch up with it all, if even someone as equality conscious as Lewis struggles to stay up to date, someone who isn’t minded like that probably doesn’t even notice (again, im not saying thats a good thing, it isnt, but it is the reality of it)
I’m also not surprised Tommy is clothing her, nor should any of us be. If Lewis had a committed partner who visited the track, Tommy would likely be reaching out to her too- Carmen gives them a chance to showcase their feminine clothing lines that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to do in the way they use Lewis and George. As much as we all want George and Lewis to rock up in a dress and blouse, it ain’t happening. By paying Carmen to show up in their clothes alongside George, they get to show another half of the market what they might be interested in, if they aren’t going to buy the masc clothes George and Lewis wear. If they could get Susie Wolff to do it too they probably would, the difference is that Carmen is only there for George, Susie has an independent job to do and showing up in sponsored clothing would undercut that message. Tommy aren’t favouring George by clothing Carmen, they’re just trying to buy more influence. YOU are allowed to not be comfortable with that, but there’s not an ulterior motive to it either.
I spose the summary of this post is that accepting the reality of something doesn’t mean you’re okay with it, it just means you don’t lose energy over a likely outcome. In essence this what I do with Carmen. I treat her much like the drivers, held accountable but with a certain realism to it, and I don’t judge her more harshly than them, cause thats a brand of sexism I see a lot online- the drivers are babies just trying to go vroom but their partners should know better- grow the hell up.
I don’t like when Lewis and George represent crypto, or AI, or oil based companies- but in a sport like F1 they are going to do that. A lot. And instead of letting those instances demoralise me, I ignore them and try to refuse to give them the marketing they are paying for, while instead promoting and encouraging when they support the things I do. In an advertising marketplace you are the product, by speaking up and creating positive attention around something you want them to keep doing, it becomes profitable for them to do so. Is that fucked and capitalist as hell? Fuck yeah! It sucks! But its not going ANYWHERE any time soon, and if you use it to your advantage you can do good- I grew up watching as brands lurched away from any mention of gay people- to pride icons and pink washing. Change happens in strange ways. I hate pink washing but FUCK am I glad that it’s profitable to be sold to. I’d rather be sold to than silenced and othered.
Well that was a bit of a heavy one wasn’t it, welcome back to the cash is king sport.
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sboochi · 2 years
Been Busy with,,, too many writing projects tbh (and in the process of possibly making my blog into one for the Pokemon au- currently the main roadblock is that I Cannot draw and I'm afraid it'd be boring without art)
but! You asked so I shall deliver!
Pokemon AU Cass headcanons!
- A fairly regular traveling trainer tbh. Been to a couple other regions but ultimately stays in her home one most of the time
- Doesn't focus on one particular type but she does like Dark types! Definitely has a Pawniard or Bisharp on her team, idk why but that's just The Vibes
- Her dad is the captain of the region's police force (sorry Officer Jenny but not this time)
- Is practically sisters with Rapunzel at this point, after housing her when Raps escaped Mother Gothel, and Would Do Anything for this girl tbh
- Has a lowkey rivalry with Merida, the two not only have unofficial pokemon battles every time they cross paths, but also physically spar when they get the chance
- Actually traveled with Jamie for a little bit when he was on his journey, before becoming champion- the two of them are surprisingly close, and she was one of the people he asked to be part of his new elite 4, though she declined
- As a result of the above, she has clearance to go up to the league to visit at any time
- Does Not know who her mother is, barely remembers her and dad Will Not Talk About It
- Licensed to be a stand-in gym leader at Eugene's gym (again, enjoys dark types) but hasn't had to do it yet
- is followed around by a Misdreavus that likes to encourage,,, certain behaviors :)
Lemme know if you have any other character requests!! They're fun to do but it's hard to pick who to do next lol
Glad to hear these asks are starting an entire au, that's what they deserve 👏👏
Honestly the Jamie+Cass friendship is the interaction I didn't know I needed, the idea of a nerdy weird kid and sassy grumpy young woman travelling together is both wholesome and hilarious, thank you
I'd love to hear about the httyd gang and/or the guardians, if you had something in mind!
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dudeshusband · 1 year
What are the most important relationship events for you? Drop a timeline! wiiiith Rick
so, a lot of my ship is tweaked and/or directly from his canon relationship. because I'm a thief (/hj /lh)
one would be our first meeting. rick and eugene show up at murdock publishing company looking for jobs and my s/i's roommate, abigail parker (who they think will corroborate their story that the bat lady was in our apartment which caused eugene to loudly yell down the hallway and disturb their downstairs neighbor by walking directly into her apartment in a frenzy.) bessie, my s/i's other roommate is mr. mudock's secretary (and the bat lady model eugene saw.)
rick hatches a plan to put himself on a list of artists that bessie is collecting to show to murdock. he tells eugene to distract bessie with a kiss when she comes back out of murdock's office (eugene doesn't really like this plan but he goes along with it).
meanwhile, abby and i have just quit because we find our creative talents are being wasted trying to one-up ourselves on gory content for the bat lady comics. mainly, this decision was abby's but there is no bat lady without her, my s/i can't draw and serves as a co-writer.
waiting at the door to kiss bessie is eugene, except bessie doesn't come out first, it's me. i get a rather unpleasant kiss from him, who I'd never met before. I'd like to think rick still pulls his "if i knew he was going to kiss you, i wouldn't have sent a boy to do a man's job" line.
rick decides since I'm the co-writer, and i live in the apartment i might be useful to him (that and he is somewhat taken with me). so, he follows me around out of the building and all the way back to our apartment building. at which point i decide I'll let him be the artist for one of my novels, and he suggests using me as a model.
while I'm modeling, he decides i need to be in a different position and stands up to adjust me himself. he notices that this causes me to blush, which makes him look up into my eyes. he takes this opportunity to kiss me. having only met two hours prior, my s/i isn't really sure how to react and makes a beeline for the door. at which point this becomes the "you look so familiar" scene (this is a semi-musical romance hehe).
the next time we see each other, he seeks advice about writing the vulture. he can't ask eugene (directly. he does dream about the vulture which is where rick took the idea) or abby because they've gone anti-comics all of sudden. i help him with it, and he gets all flirty on me, so i eventually leave (very flustered, mind you.)
now, i love everything about the "innamorata" scene so I've directly taken that. having tanning oil rubbed on your back while serenaded? yes please. also, my s/i would subtly know those hands were rick's there's no confusing them with bessie's that's for sure. this is where we share out first real kiss (one where i kiss him back).
the next notable scene (after the mrs. curtis debacle, in which my s/i has to have rick explain why there's a random woman in his apartment and why he's trying to lie about it. I'd like to think I'd actually hear him out) is the artists and models ball (I'm neither artist nor model but eugene is there so it's artists, models, and writers) it's very silly and fun and he paints "i love you" on a model's back and turns her around for me to see. of course this event is dampened by bessie getting kidnapped and eugene getting lured to "mrs. curtis's" house. after which rick and i have to go kick some ass before the us govt comes as backup.
as much as i like the ending scene, i think having them in wedding attire comes way too quickly and I'd put us all in something else at the end!
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ebitchwriting · 2 years
Dragged Into The Blood
Summary: Never staying in one place for long, Lea was used to impermanence, chaos, and having to drop everything at the drop of a hat. Lea never expected that she would be kidnapped and wake up in a rusted, decrepit prison cell because of a madman's delusional belief in eugenics and cleansing the Earth of imperfection. By herself, with only the clothing on her back, she will have to rely on luck and logic to escape before she's killed or worse.
Warnings: anxiety from avoiding being caught in the crossfire, anxiety due to nearly being caught, graphic description of removing an invasive control and torture device, guns.
Hello, Dearhearts, for yet another chapter in this revamp! This is another combat-focused chapter. Or rather, the OC Lea trying her best to avoid getting caught in a fight with three people far more experienced with fighting and guns. So I would greatly appreciate if any of my readers would leave a comment about this and how I can improve my writing since I'm not too experienced with writing combat.
Chapter 5: The Continued Evation
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
In an instant, Jill rushed Chris with a flurry of strikes and kicks with superhuman stamina. The other soldier sent warning shots in Jill's direction, drawing her attention away from Chris and onto herself. Jill flitted between the two, seamlessly slipping past every fist and kick thrown at her, bullets zipping past just as effortlessly, impossibly so. Meanwhile, Lea watched from a distance, still fearful but just as quizzical over the development. It didn't take long for the two soldiers to break away from the fight, trying to get as much distance between them and Jill as possible, shouting at each other as they hurried down the stairwell.
Lea perked up at the mention of the red object embedded into Jill's chest, eyes flitting over to the woman in question, jumping off the ledge and in front of the duo, but she didn't let herself hold onto that flicker of hope.
'... I'm not medically trained, and I seriously doubt they would be either... I can't just rip it out... what if she dies....' The teen backed away towards the coffins.
'... Not like I would be of much help anyways... I'm way out of my league....' Lea jogged her way through the winding pathways of the side rooms, away from them.
'... And I can't be certain Chris and his partner would be willing to help me or let me help Jill... But I can't just not help her....' Her thoughts raced, gaze growing hazy as she ran. Running, running, until a blinding, stinging pain knocks her back into reality.
Lea stops in her tracks, closing her eyes and hissing in pain as she holds the bridge of her nose. Then, after a few moments, she opened her eyes. The teenager does a double take, eyes darting around her frantically.
"The fuck..?" Lea mumbles under her breath, nerves screaming at her and electrifying her. Slowly, the teenager started to shuffle back, gradually picking up the speed the more distance she made away from the forked path before she hit the back wall. Her instincts didn't stop screaming at her; no, they seemed to yell at her more desperately.
Suddenly, her vision was blurred by a massive cloud of debris, dust, and concrete particles as the stone wall she was closest to crumbled, breaking apart as a full-grown man was hurdled through, straight at her. Then, just as suddenly, Lea felt the impact of Chris crashing right into her back, sending her to the ground as he ricocheted off her and rolled just a few feet away. Both groaned in pain for a few seconds but very quickly locked eyes with each other. Lea's eyes were wide, brimming with terror, and Chris's were filled with confusion and adrenaline, and she could feel that his weren't the only eyes on her.
Before any words could be exchanged, a flurry of bullets started firing next to them, shocking both back into the fight. Chris rolled further off to the side behind cover; meanwhile, Lea sprinted back through the forked path, away from there, anywhere else than there. Away from danger. Away from death. Instincts screaming at her the entire time.
'... Hide... I need to hide... I'm not dying again...' Lea kept running, ignoring a woman's strangled sounds of agony and the sound of electricity surging and frying skin. Her heart was beating so fast that it made breathing hard for the teenager; Lea couldn't stop even if she wanted to. Following the path as it forces her right, down the corridor, until Lea finds herself in another tomb. Wasting no time, she runs to the, surprisingly, only granite coffin in the room. The teenager pushed the lid of it mostly off but froze, staring down at the large pistol, lying there in perfect condition: a magnum, an L. Hawk, next to two beautiful jewels. She quickly looked around, not fully trusting that convenient placement wasn't a trap. The back of her mind, however, wouldn't let her move. After a few seconds of unbearable tension, she broke, took the gun, and started running where the path led.
Soon enough, the winding corridors finally led her through an archway, oh so very close to the elevator, her way out. Lea runs straight towards the elevator, frantically pushing the button, eyes darting from the button to the double doors repeatedly until the flurry of bullets echoes from the archway she was just at.
"Fuck...!" The teenager whispered loudly, running down the stairs as fast as possible, running towards the hole where she assumed the walking tank tossed through. Lea didn't bother looking behind her as the sounds of shouting, pain, and electricity grew louder and louder, not until she reached the hole.
Quickly pushing her back against the wall, Lea barely peeked her head around, only to see that, thankfully, the fight was staying upstairs for the moment. Her shoulders sagged as she breathed a sigh of relief, letting herself rest as she watched them fight.
Jill spasmed and clutched at her head as electricity erratically pulsed from the glowing red device. Which certainly explained what she had heard earlier. Meanwhile, Chris looked pale and sweaty, with fear adjourning on his face. Then, as the electricity died, the other woman ran behind Jill, locking her arms in a full Nelson hold.
"Hurry, now!" She shouted at the man, Jill struggling limply in the hold. Despite the trepidation palpable from his body language, Chris stepped forward, hands wrapping around the device and pulling towards himself. To Lea's surprise, she saw it dislodge itself from the skin, the wires wriggling and stretching as the man kept pulling at it. As Jill screamed in misery and Chris finally pulled the thing out, Lea realized the wires weren't wires but organic tendrils, desperately searching for something to lodge themselves into. Chris quickly threw the thing at the ground as hard as possible, pulled his shotgun out, and fired three shells into it, obliterating whatever it was.
Jill heaved, attempting to walk forward after the other woman let go of her grasp. She only made one step before her knees buckled beneath her, a soft grunt escaping as she fell. Chris caught her before her head hit the ground, kneeling so he could more easily hold her against his thighs.
"Jill..." Chris breathed out, fear still clearly etched on his face, but his eyes looked relieved, almost as if he was about to cry. His left hand delicately brushed a lock of her hair out of her face, almost as if he feared she would break.
'... Are they together?... This doesn't exactly scream platonic behavior...' Jill turned her head, locking eyes with him, but unfortunately, Lea couldn't see much of her face from her current position.
"Chris..." Jill softly whispered, so soft that Lea was surprised she could hear her. "I'm so sorry." She heaved out more forcefully, voice cracking from regret.
"It's ok." Chris quickly reassured her, his hand cradling her cheek, his eyes not leaving her for one second. Jill leaned into his touch and brought a hand up to hold his hand in place.
After a moment, Jill turned her gaze toward the other woman. "You're Sheva, right?" Jill asked, forcing her voice not to crack or to break eye contact.
"Yes," Sheva responded, sounding rather suspicious.
'... So that's her fucking name..!'
"I couldn't control my actions, ah, but God, I was still aware. Forgive me." Jill pleaded, her voice practically dripping with regret and sorrow. Sheva's face morphed from suspicion to sympathy. She kneeled as well, putting a tentative hand on her shoulder.
"It's alright." Sheva reassured Jill with complete understanding and compassion. Jill sags with relief, letting her eyes fall and squeeze shut.
"Thank you," Jill choked out, trying so hard to keep a sob from escaping. Chris pulled her into a tight hug, and for several moments, the pair sat there, quietly crying against each other's shoulders as Sheva awkwardly stood back up, giving the pair their space. But, unfortunately, this wasn't the time or place for a grand reunion, and they knew it. Slowly, Chris pulled himself away from the embrace, his hands sliding from around Jill's shoulder down to her hands as he helped her stand up.
"Listen, I'm going to be ok. You two need to stop him." Jill spoke up, her voice hard like steel. Chris did not look convinced.
"We can't just leave you here. You can barely stand!" Chris protested, worry etching his words. For a moment, Lea wondered if the three had just forgotten that Lea was also there. "What about that other one we saw? She's still here, somewhere."
'... Fuck...'
"She's one of Wesker's experiments. She isn't a danger." Jill quickly corrected him, voice firm and protective.
'... Oh, thank fuck...'
"You have to. This is your only chance! If Wesker succeeds. Uroboros will be spread across the globe. Millions will die!" Jill snapped, getting straight to the point. Lea's curiosity perked up at the mention of Uroboros and her fear. The man looked down at his feet, looking resigned.
"You're right. I trust you, but please, I can't lose you again." His voice cracked at the end, looking back up to Jill. Jill swallowed down a sob before forcing herself to speak up.
"I can't lose you too, so make sure the bastard stays dead this time." Jill broke at first before growing firmer and more rigid. Her eyes switched towards Sheva, who still stood awkwardly to the side. "Take care of him." Jill pleaded. Sheva nodded silently, walking alongside Chris as the two entered the elevator. The three stared at each other until the elevator doors closed.
Jill suddenly didn't seem as solid in her stance as the elevator took Chris and Sheva away, wobbling uneasily.
"You're our only hope..." She mumbled under her breath, struggling to turn around toward the stairs. "Come on out, it's ok..." Jill tried calling out, but midway, her eyes fluttered closed as she lost consciousness. The teenager leaped out from her hiding spot to where Jill was.
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minty-marshmallow · 2 years
Wednesday [EP 4]
[Spoiler Warning]
I love that she just broke into a morgue lol. Plus she would enjoy being frozen haha. It's funny that the doctor legit thought she was dead.
Poor Enid she's me haha not that I actually pass out with blood and stuff but I certainly do not like it at all.
Wednesday definitely thinks that Xavier is the monster. However, I don't think so. Even though he tried to cover up his scars he didn't go above and beyond to cover them up. If he was the bad guy he'd do a much better job at hiding tracks. He can make drawings come to life. So did he create the monster though? Maybe on like an accident even.
Wednesday is so meticulous and calculated it's interesting that she slipped up giving Xavier an excuse as to why she was following him. Lol then walked herself right into a trap of having to ask him to the dance.
Okay, I didn't like Tyler to begin with but I certainly don't like him now. Like sir, she has never once given you any indication that she likes you. She needed an escape route and you were there. Then you happened to be the sheriff's son and kinda lingering around these murders. Like she doesn't have interest in you. She has an interest in the murders going on and who the killer is, and you just happen to be here in the middle of what's going on. Men are idiots.
She doesn't like him though, why does she feel like she has to justify not giving him "signals"?
Ugh, Thing made things worse. Why would he pose as Wednesday writing a letter to ask Tyler out? Why does he think she likes him?
I hope nothing happens to Eugene.
There's something weird about how Miss Thornhill knew Tyler. I mean, Yeah I get that he's the sheriff's son but....idk....strange. Also, just saying that someone who isn't a bad person doesn't have to say that they aren't a bad person...Tyler.
Bianca isn't so bad, I mean she refused to use her powers to make Xavier forget Wednesday despite how much we all know she DOESN'T like Wednesday.
Well, it's good that Eugene went, I'm glad nothing happened to him. He definitely saw who burned the cave though. Wait she had a vision last time she bumped into Tyler, and now again?? Interesting.
I kinda ship Enid and Ajax. Not gonna lie.
OH NO! Please tell me that Eugene isn't dead! I like his character!
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princess-rapunzels · 8 years
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A few illustrations from Rapunzel's journal!
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