#the yadav curse
psychoanalysisandchill · 11 months
The wrathful glare of Kali and the callous gaze of Medusa – the emergence of the femme fatale in the female psyche.
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Legend of Kali
In Hindu legend, goddess Durka and her helpers, the Matri goddesses, slay the demon Raktabīja, only to find out that the stains of Raktabīja’s blood act like seed on soil as every drop manifests another duplicate of him. Durka becomes enraged and summons Kali, whom then proceeds to slay and devour Raktabīja and his legion of duplicates. She dances on their corpses and parades around with Raktabīja slain head in her hand, securing the droplets of blood through holding a plate underneath it, so as to prevent further bleeding on the soil. Motivated by her insatiable fury, Kali proceeds with the destruction of all else that crosses her path, but after stepping on the corpse of Lord Shiva, Kali is struck by embarrassment and remorse as her supressed superego is released from her shadow and brings her back to her senses. Lord Shiva’s has the power to liberate Kali from her fury as he is the transcendent Self. He is the benevolent patriarch, yogi supreme, yet also husband and father, suggesting the achievement of harmonious balance between wordily duties and that of holy men. His anima, being integrated, is neither possessing him nor is it plaguing him as a result of repression. He neither falls prey to the manipulative trickery of deceitful women nor does he view women as disdainfully inferior sexual objects.  Only he can liberate Kali from her all-consuming misandry and soothe her sorrows.
Shiva’s non-threatening benevolence makes itself known through the act of laying underneath Kali’s feet. Possessed by wrath, Kali has lost sight of that which is holy. Without recognition of the benevolent aspects of Shiva, Kali’s fury is bound to drown the universe in her flames, however, Durka’s initial intention behind the summoning of Kali was to defeat Raktabīja and his legion of duplicates, rather than bring about the destruction of the universe.
Durka and the Matri goddesses are at loss at Raktabīja’s lack of chivalry in combat and the injustice of his supernatural power. They are the modern-day women whom get harassed by demonic and demeaning men despite enforcing their boundaries. Such men seek to dominate through ridicule rather than reason. The lack of decorum in both combat and dialogue makes the summoning of Kali inevitable for a woman as all else has failed to shield her vulnerability from the malevolence of a demonic beast.
In recent memory, Raktabīja and Poseidon manifested themselves as Harvey Weistein and Jeffrey Epstein, powerful demonic beasts, seeking to preserve their authority whilst uninterested in the discontinuation of their predatory behaviour. The faith in the punitive power of the rule of law arrests Kali from flooding the consciousness of their victims, making Durka and the Matri goddesses persevere in a civilized manner, unlike the instance in which 200 Indian women, armed with vegetable knifes, stones and chilli powder stormed the court hearing of gang-leader and rapist Akku Yadav, dismembering his genitals with a vegetable knife, robbing him of his phallus through a vengeful barbaric act of literal castration, dead in a matter of 15 minutes, leaving his lifeless corpse daggered by kitchen knives on the white marble floor of the court, in an exhibition of gore galore, resembling the sublime beauty of a transcendent piece of art in the eyes of Kali.
Legend of Medusa (Ovid´s version)
In Greek legend, Medusa is the sole mortal among three gorgon sisters, depicted as a beautiful maid with plentiful of potential suitors, longing for the reciprocation of her attention. She is brutally raped in the temple of Athena by God Poseidon as a result of the rejection of his advances. Enraged by the desacralization of her temple, Athena curses Medusa, turning her hair turned into snakes, metamorphosing her into a monstrous form armed with a glare that petrified anyone who dared to meet her eyes.
As if Medusa hadn’t suffered enough, she was later beheaded by demigod Perseus. Many men had tried to behead her prior to Perseus, but all had been turned into stone at the sight of her petrifying glare. Perseus however, was clever enough to stare into the mirror moments before the beheading, instead of in her eyes. As he flew over Libya with Medusa’s decapitated in his hands, blood dripped on the soil and snakes sprout from the droplets. Medusa’s head is later gifted to Athena, whom attaches it to her shield, supplying her with the power of Medusa’s deadly glare in combat.
The legend of Medusa is one of horrific injustice and betrayal. After the violation of her person through the act of rape, her boss, Athena, does the unimaginable: curse her. The ancient equivalent to the modern-day slut shame of a genuine victim of rape. The horrors of rape alone didn’t metamorphize her hair into serpents, it was that the aftermath of her rape was followed by the ultimate betrayal by a deity she had bestowed with trust.
If Kali’s fury has lit her heart on fire, then Athena’s betrayal has frozen Medusa’s heart into ice. In Kali, the Nietzschean will to power is alive and striving, but in Medusa it is nowhere to be found. Medusa, as a beautiful maiden was pure, pure in the sense that she couldn’t conceive of the unfathomable betrayal of Athena, thus when it dawned upon her   hope in both humanity and divinity was lost. Anyone who’s superego isn’t as disturbed as that of Athena and Poseidon will be overwhelmed by their conscience upon meeting Medusa’s gaze. The burden of her victimization is a collective bearing for all to carry, reminding us of the consequences of vicious cruelty.
Every young boy has looked into the eyes of Medusa as their, otherwise loving, mother coolly hit them with the “I’m not mad, I’m disappointed,” remark. Such disappointment, from women, causes a man to cringe in an instinctive act of clenching the gut muscles.
In yogic philosophy, masculine consciousness is associated with fire and believed to reside in the solar plexus. One believes to be speaking figuratively when alluding to bravery as “having guts” but embodied bravery, is quite literally impossible without having a strong presence in the gut area.
The act of cringing is the act of shame as a biological reaction rather than an emotion. Medusa’s ice-cold gaze, cursing one to cringe in shame, is the true extinguisher of a man’s masculine consciousness, making him think twice before he acts next time, however since Medusa has lost hope in the redeeming qualities of man, there will be no next time, whomever meeting her gaze is doomed to freeze for all eternity. The many men whom attempted to behead her prior to Perseus couldn’t bear the collective burden of a restless conscience and thus instinctively attempt to rescue their phallus from the prospect of psychic castration through beheading the source of their restlessness. Such an act of profanity, is nothing short from foolish desperation, a last resort for restoring balance in one’s psyche, bound to fail from the get go, which is why all men prior to Perseus freeze to stone upon their attempted murder.
Perseus only finds success through looking in the mirror at the moment of execution, sparing his phallus from castration as his conscience remains unaffected, but his heinous crime is not without consequence as Medusa’s spilled blood sprout to life venomous serpents on Libyan soil. Medusa is Mahsa Amini, as the Iranian morality police seem to mistake the beauty of a woman’s hair for poisonous serpents. The serpents sprung to life by Medusa’s blood are the many Iranian women unleashing the terror of their liberated hair upon the morality police. Nothing terrifies fundamentalist Islamists more than the emergence of their own anima, as it becomes projected upon an enchanting woman. 
Raktabīja’s blood stains produce duplicates as a reaction to fair female resistance, Medusa’s blood stains produce serpents as a reaction to horrific injustice and a cowardice murder. The moral of the story is that injustice and disrespect of self-assertion lay the groundworks in which mayhem may flourish.
Lastly, Athena attaching Medusa’s head to her shield is a ploy to harness the power of a victim’s hopeless disappointment and masquerade it as her own. Athena, despite being a deity, could impossibly freeze her opponents with her own gaze, as she created Medusa’s through initiating the destruction of her reputation. It is solely through a masquerade in which Athena cosplays victimhood that she can harness the powers of it.
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bhoomikasworld · 1 month
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Jagatguru Tatvadarshi Sant Rampalji Maharaj illuminates a startling truth from our ancient scriptures - even deities like Shri Krishna could not escape the influence of the three 'Taap'. The three Taap are the curses and sufferings that plague a soul. Sant Rampal Ji highlights an important incident where Krishna advises his entire Yadav clan to bathe in the Yamuna river to wash away their sins, after Sage Durvasa's curse. Instead of washing away the sins, it turns into a bloodbath for all Yadavas. This article offers a glimpse into the thought-provoking spiritual knowledge in the book 'Way of Living', written by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, that will compel you to question the effectiveness of the spiritual practices you follow: https://bit.ly/3A1foU5
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shai-manahan · 2 years
I'm not sure if this has been asked but I remember it being a popular question sometime last year, so apologies (tumblr search function is cursed) but do/would you ship any of your OCs with other IFs?
I honestly don't like pairing my OCs with others without the author's explicit permission so I probably wouldn't have done them anyway if I'd received them before.
Now, though! :D
@bloodinthewater-if has an amazing MC called Lich and we've both been uhh shipping them with HM's Karan Yadav, the grumpy bartender in the prologue. So much so that we now have a fishing trip arranged for them :). (Which would actually be their first meeting heh. The Ripper would also be in that trip but let's ignore that ass. Maybe far in the future there'll be a fishing dlc.)
Perhaps some other time I'll have pairings for the ROs but not for now. Besides, I've thoroughly designed their developments in a way that it might be hard to ship them with others, especially due to their roles in the plot. It just feels a little strange, kinda.
Thank you for this ask :))))))))
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bajrang786 · 1 year
Even Shri Krishna ji could not end the three 'Taap' (suffering). "To curse" comes in the category of three 'Taap' (Divine Taap). Shri Krishna himself along with all the Yadavs became victim of the curse of Durvasa.
- Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji
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bookoformon · 3 months
The Book of Moroni, Chapter 8. "The Conference."
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As we near the end of the Book of Mormon, I am toning down the amount of drilling in order to allow the Prophet to make his points. There is Gematria present in the first two verses below which expound upon the importance of maintaining few disputations about good and evil in the rearing of small children:
The baptism of little children is an evil abomination—Little children are alive in Christ because of the Atonement—Faith, repentance, meekness and lowliness of heart, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end lead to salvation. About A.D. 401–21.
1 An epistle of my father Mormon, written to me, Moroni; and it was written unto me soon after my calling to the ministry. And on this wise did he write unto me, saying:
2 My beloved son, Moroni, I rejoice exceedingly that your Lord Jesus Christ hath been mindful of you, and hath called you to his ministry, and to his holy work.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 1: An Epistle of Mormon, "The Balm of the Oppresed":
The Number is 11193, קיאטג‎, kitterg, "the arraignment."
v. 2: A call to this ministry. The Number is י‎דו‎ו‎, "His Hand, yadav," "know how to perceive."
3 I am mindful of you always in my prayers, continually praying unto God the Father in the name of his Holy Child, Jesus, that he, through his infinite goodness and grace, will keep you through the endurance of faith on his name to the end.
4 And now, my son, I speak unto you concerning that which grieveth me exceedingly; for it grieveth me that there should disputations rise among you.
5 For, if I have learned the truth, there have been disputations among you concerning the baptism of your little children.
6 And now, my son, I desire that ye should labor diligently, that this gross error should be removed from among you; for, for this intent I have written this epistle.
7 For immediately after I had learned these things of you I inquired of the Lord concerning the matter. And the word of the Lord came to me by the power of the Holy Ghost, saying:
8 Listen to the words of Christ, your Redeemer, your Lord and your God. Behold, I came into the world not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance; the whole need no physician, but they that are sick; wherefore, little children are whole, for they are not capable of committing sin; wherefore the curse of Adam is taken from them in me, that it hath no power over them; and the law of circumcision is done away in me.
9 And after this manner did the Holy Ghost manifest the word of God unto me; wherefore, my beloved son, I know that it is solemn mockery before God, that ye should baptize little children.
10 Behold I say unto you that this thing shall ye teach—repentance and baptism unto those who are accountable and capable of committing sin; yea, teach parents that they must repent and be baptized, and humble themselves as their little children, and they shall all be saved with their little children.
11 And their little children need no repentance, neither baptism. Behold, baptism is unto repentance to the fulfilling the commandments unto the remission of sins.
12 But little children are alive in Christ, even from the foundation of the world; if not so, God is a partial God, and also a changeable God, and a respecter to persons; for how many little children have died without baptism!
13 Wherefore, if little children could not be saved without baptism, these must have gone to an endless hell.
14 Behold I say unto you, that he that supposeth that little children need baptism is in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity; for he hath neither faith, hope, nor charity; wherefore, should he be cut off while in the thought, he must go down to hell.
15 For awful is the wickedness to suppose that God saveth one child because of baptism, and the other must perish because he hath no baptism.
16 Wo be unto them that shall pervert the ways of the Lord after this manner, for they shall perish except they repent. Behold, I speak with boldness, having authority from God; and I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear.
17 And I am filled with charity, which is everlasting love; wherefore, all children are alike unto me; wherefore, I love little children with a perfect love; and they are all alike and partakers of salvation.
18 For I know that God is not a partial God, neither a changeable being; but he is unchangeable from all eternity to all eternity.
19 Little children cannot repent; wherefore, it is awful wickedness to deny the pure mercies of God unto them, for they are all alive in him because of his mercy.
20 And he that saith that little children need baptism denieth the mercies of Christ, and setteth at naught the atonement of him and the power of his redemption.
21 Wo unto such, for they are in danger of death, hell, and an endless torment. I speak it boldly; God hath commanded me. Listen unto them and give heed, or they stand against you at the judgment-seat of Christ.
22 For behold that all little children are alive in Christ, and also all they that are without the law. For the power of redemption cometh on all them that have no law; wherefore, he that is not condemned, or he that is under no condemnation, cannot repent; and unto such baptism availeth nothing—
23 But it is mockery before God, denying the mercies of Christ, and the power of his Holy Spirit, and putting trust in dead works.
24 Behold, my son, this thing ought not to be; for repentance is unto them that are under condemnation and under the curse of a broken law.
25 And the first fruits of repentance is baptism; and baptism cometh by faith unto the fulfilling the commandments; and the fulfilling the commandments bringeth remission of sins;
26 And the remission of sins bringeth meekness, and lowliness of heart; and because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God.
27 Behold, my son, I will write unto you again if I go not out soon against the Lamanites. Behold, the pride of this nation, or the people of the Nephites, hath proven their destruction except they should repent.
28 Pray for them, my son, that repentance may come unto them. But behold, I fear lest the Spirit hath ceased striving with them; and in this part of the land they are also seeking to put down all power and authority which cometh from God; and they are denying the Holy Ghost.
29 And after rejecting so great a knowledge, my son, they must perish soon, unto the fulfilling of the prophecies which were spoken by the prophets, as well as the words of our Savior himself.
30 Farewell, my son, until I shall write unto you, or shall meet you again. Amen.
So the Prophet concludes the section on who should perform Holy Baptism on whom and when and says "a person who knows of God's Hand very well, who does not perform dead works" is the one who should be entrusted with the Authority of the Holy Ghost. Such a person, like the Spirit Himself would be known as a Comforter, who loves others and gives them hope.
These are the words spoken by Christ in the flesh and He communicates them always through His Spirit. This is what children need. Adults too. When it is time for the dawn of faith in such a great knowledge, and conviction or "an arraignment" is made through the study of the scriptures, the Conference with the Holy Ghost takes place, and in no other way.
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meetawwww · 5 months
It is not because Gandhar cursed krishna that yadavs will suffer worse fate but krishna himself said that since yadavs weren't in war, they won't be affected by what change it brings. They will carry on old beliefs, fight and die from the chaos it will bring in their community. Concluding you are on your own and there are reasons for what happend to you.
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bukreview · 8 months
Pandavas Suffered for their Sins in war
Remaining Story Of: Blowing of conch by Supacha Sudarshan – 2 “The Pandavas including Arjuna were guilty of the sins of violence committed in the war.” God Kabir ji told Dharamdas ji that the above description proved that the Pandavas were guilty of the sin of killing in war. Listen and tell further: – Due to the curse of sage Durvasa, the Yadav clan fought among themselves and died on the banks…
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anju-1 · 1 year
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Shri Krishna ji
could not end the three 'Taap' (suffering). "To curse" comes in the category of three 'Taap' (Divine Taap).
Shri Krishna himself along with all the Yadavs became victim of the curse of Durvasa.
Must Watch Sadhna tv7 30 PM
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dharmarajdas · 1 year
Supreme God Kabir
When Lord Krishna could not save his entire Yadav clan due to the curse of sage Durvasha, how can he be called Supreme? To know who the Supreme God is, must read the book "Gyan Ganga".
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shyampyari · 4 years
Day 6: Underrated Characters  Pradyumna
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“The end, my son, is a fact of start itself. Similarly, death too is a fact of life. Why people fear death is funny.” There was something about the silence that told Pita shri everything that the person in front of him thought of. Pradyumna’s mind was stuck on the children he had seen the morning, barley 5. They didn’t deserve the curse. “They don’t, yes. But son life isn’t just your past or your future. Time can’t define life.” He was sitting now, looking into Pradyumna’s eyes, or maybe his soul. “Life is present, this second, this moment, this breadth.” When Pitra shri took Pradyumna’s hands in his, he was still surprised by the instant comfort it provided. “Live it my son, live the moment, live your life in a single moment” and then Krishna laughed.
When pita shri returned from the war, with an expression as empty as the road behind him, his heart wasn’t empty. He brought the curse, a cruel, detrimental and deadly curse and oh, a smile.
Pita shri had made it clear that nothing could be done. No penance or tirth could right this wrong.So they waited for the time to come the way a person with an incurable deadly disease waited for his end, this way the yadav waited for it’s doom. 
Something in Pradyumna wanted all of Krishna that he could have. When Pradyumna’s feet had crossed the gates of Dwarka for the first time, he was spotted with eyes filled with all kinds of expressions he was very familiar with, but then stood the women, her beauty, to be specific, stood out and besides her stood a man. As dark as night and yet as bright as moon, body of a fighter but ways of a dancer, Krishna. From that day on Pradyumna would dream of the treasures of childhood that he could never have. At night in his slumber, his mind would go back to the times when even the touches that called themselves motherly were everything but motherly and he would wonder, what would it be like to play in Mata Rukmini’s lap, tease her and what would it be like to listen to krishna sing, sing him to sleep? let me be a baby again. Pradyumna wanted to be on Krishna’s side all the time, his greatest companion but everytime Krishna would walk away from the field and look at Pradyumna with a confusing smile, pradyumna wouldn’t understand and he thought he would have known his father better if-  let me be a baby again. When small things made his father happy, he would look at him with wonder in his eyes, maybe he would understand if-  let me be a baby again. With the thought Pradyumna would sleep let me be a baby again. 
Krishna wanted that there be no other reason for the faith of Yadavas than his own son and so Samba was obtained. And with Samba another curse was obtained. Samba was a mirror image of Pita shri and something about that always bothered Pradyumna. That boy never used it for any good. The day the Rishis uttered those words, Pradyumna spent the day thinking of all the possible ways he could have stopped it. “Waste, you couldn’t stop it no matter what you did.” Krishna had told him while they gazed at the city from the place. The funny part is Pradyumna didn’t remember asking Pita shri that question. 
 Something about the way the wind blew changed after the curse of the rishis. People found it hard to point out problems in each other, but the more they thought, the easier it got. Every ripe fruit tasted sour, songs lost their rhythm, no smile seemed genuine, every breeze ice cold and the sun's rays burning hot. Every eye that had once looked at Pradyumna respectfully was now baleful. One day Krishna had suggested that they move towards Prabhas. “It’s better that way” he had said and the smile.
 In Prabhas they stayed in camps but what’s important was, they stayed together. The sea breeze on Prabhas beach felt strange, like it whispered ‘it’s here.’
Mayavati had her ways though. She would run her long fingers in Pradyumna’s hair at night, something that calmed him. “We can meet again somewhere” She would say, when she rested her head on his shoulders after she was done untangling his long hair, “Somewhere far away from here” and they would embrace like it was their last. And maybe it was.
The Vrishni had started drinking. Pradyumna couldn’t get himself to believe that it was just the stale liquid that made them glare at each other. 
Satyaki had been grieving for days now. The loss of his guru. His words felt foreign to Pradyumna when he told him about the misconduct the naryani sena had done to the Pandavas. Tears welled in Satyaki’s eyes and something about the way he hurriedly tried to hide them reminded him of a certain teen boy he shouldn't remember right now. Abhimanyu
Kritavarma shouldn’t have teased Satyaki with the topic of dharma in the first place but then again, who could have stopped him? And so it happened. Satayaki scratched just the parts of Kritavarma that made him oil Stayaki’s fire of sorrows. Somewhere in the middle when Pradyumna had involuntarily sided with Satyaki, maybe because something in the conversation had confirmed him that the naryani was the one responsible for the vyuh that swallowed Abhimanyu, the confidence it provided to the warrior was treacherous and what caused him to Move towards Kritavarma with a sword. Something in him wanted his father’s permission before he did what he did, so he turned to pita shri only to find him stopped in his tracks. Pradyumna didn’t realise he was standing until he saw Kritavarma’s head near his left foot. Pradyumna saw Stayaki’s sword slicing the necks of everyone who once had been on Kritavarma’s side. Pradyumna's heart might have stopped because his blood ran cold, his mind went numb with a wailing sound.
It’s here
The Bhojas and Andhakas were approaching Satyaki with a rage that visibly made them shake. Mata Satyabhama was screaming with the sorrow of what she had just witnessed, she was running towards Mata Rukmini’s kaksh but Pradyumna didn’t follow. He didn’t want to see his mother. Not right now. Instead he looked at Krishna to answer some unanswered questions, Krishna had been looking straight at Pradyumna but all the only thing he received from his father was a smile. And suddenly, Pradyumna felt like a baby playing in Krishna’s lap, listening to the stories of beautiful Gopis and sweet curd, listening to a Bansuri and oh, he was a baby. But the second he realized that, the dream vanished. Krishna’s eyes dared to reveal drops of tears when he lifted both his hands, blessing his son. Pradyumna didn’t want to hear the way Stayaki was screaming while being hit by pots that were supposed to be used for serving food. Pradyumna accepted his father’s gift by bowing his head or was he just hiding his tears? No one would know because in the next moment, he took his sword and walked towards Gandhari’s curse.
(ik im late ok? but here you go)
@soniaoutloud​ (thanks for giving me the confidence to post this♥) @1nsaankahanhai-bkr​ @amandaanubis​ @supermeh-krishnafan​ @allegoriesinmediasres​ @chaanv​ @vrlndavan​ and everyone who takes time to go through my posts, read them, like them and omg reblog them. Ya’ll precious uwu. 
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therandomanimefan · 5 years
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I got the sudden urge to draw some Nancy Drew characters, so here are some of my favorites from 3 games in no particular order!
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vivekc45 · 3 years
6 Facts Regarding Lord Krishna You Presumably Didn't Identify
Lord Krishna is one of the most admired and famous gods of all Indian divinities, the 8th avatar of God Vishnu, and also a supreme god in his own right. When you think of Lord Krishna, the first thing that strikes your mind is his flute and gopis. Then, of course, Lord Krishna was a lady charmer, butter thief, and a charioteer guide of Arjun in Mahabharat. Every human being on this planet admires Krishna. From educating on devotion and Dharma to enlightening about the realities of life, Lord Brass Krishna idol has remained the wellspring of knowledge and wisdom. Lord Krishna is known for being a divine individual that connects well with mankind.  Most people claim to be well-versed with him and his stories, but there are so many more facts about Krishna that they aren’t aware of. Here are few things about the legendary mythological character Lord Krishna that you probably didn’t know.
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1.  His Skin Color Was Dark, Not Blue
The adored god Krishna has made a great impression on humankind. Krishna symbolizes “all-attractive”; he was known to possess beauty at his best. One of the interesting things about lord Krishna that most people don’t know is his color was dark, not blue. Though Krishna is commonly depicted in paintings and idols as blue, his actual skin color was dark. It is believed that his all-inclusive, magnetic aura had blue hues, and that’s why he is generally portrayed as being blue. 
2.  Krishna Had 16, 100 Wives
Krishna idol brass had 16 100 wives, out of which eight were his principal wives, specifically Rukmani, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Nagnajiti, Bhadra, Kalindi, Lakshmana, and Miranda. Rukmani was the manifestation of Goddess Lakshmi, whom Krishna coupled to save her from her relatives. Krishna rescued the remainder of the 16 100 wives from Narakasura. He killed the rogue and published all women who were violently kept in his place.
3. He is in Multi-Religion
Everyone believed that Lord Krishna was a ‘Manifestation of God’. Conclusion and also a major deity in Hinduism and worshiped across many Hinduism traditions in a variety of different perspectives. Besides Hinduism, Lord Krishna is also a part of another religion which is called the Jain religion. He is spoken to as one of the Triads, named Vasudeva. Even in Buddhism, he is a part of the Jataka tales where he is represented as a prince who kills his evil uncle Kansa and proves himself legendary by killing all the kings to rule over Jambudiva.
4. Hindu Scriptures Have No Record of Radha
Though the tales of Radha Krishna brass statue is deemed one of the most numerous love in the world, surprisingly, none of the ancient scriptures, including the Mahabharata and the Shrimad Bhagavatam, state Radha at all. Even Harivansham, a book based on the life of Lord Krishna, does not possess any release of Radha. 
5. Krishna Was Related To Eklavya and Draupadi
Draupadi is believed to be the incarnation of Goddess Parvati, while Krishna, the carnation Lord Vishnu, is the brother of Goddess Parvati. That is why it is believed that Lord Krishna and Draupadi were siblings. Eklavya is a skilled archer who was the son of Devsharavu, who was the brother of Vasudev. Lord Krishna grants him a boon to be reincarnated to seek revenge on Dhronacharya, who makes Eklavya cut off his right thumb. So Eklavya is reincarnated as Dhrishtadyumna, who stepped out of the yajna fire, made for the sole purpose of beheading Dronacharya.
6. Curses Led to Krishna’s Death
The Kurukshetra conflict left all 100 of Gandhari’s children perished. When Krishna proposed to pay his sympathies, the grieving mother insulted him along with the Yadu line that both of them would fall in 36 years. Saga Durvasa was browsing kheer in the appearance of lord Krishna brass idol. He asked Krishna to utilize the rest of the kheer on his feet. Krishna accepted implementing it to his body but not his feet as they were leaning on the ground. So, he denounced him that he would disappear by his feet. As the Yadav dynasty brought about their destruction after Gandhari’s curse, Krishna went into yoga Samadhi under a tree. Krishna’s foot was mistaken by a hunter, Jara, for an animal, and that hunter shot an arrow into his foot. When he realized his mistake, he begged for forgiveness, but Krishna revealed that in Tretayug, Krishna was Rama, and he had attacked Vali by shooting him from behind and was now reaping the resulting karma. Now, Jara is an avatar of vali and was destined to kill Krishna.
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vajranam · 3 years
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Ramanujacharya was a great scholar with lot of patience, was simple and generous. He belonged to the Allavandar tradition. His father was Keshav bhatt who stayed in southern region of Terunkudur. Ramanuj lost his father at a very young age. He went to study under the tutelage of a guru named Yadav Prakash. Ramanuj was a sharp student who now started taking out mistakes from his guru's wrong teachings. So the guru, on pretext of sending his disciples to Kashi, conspired with Ramanuj's cousin to kill him in deep forest. But he was saved by a hunter and his wife. Later he acquired many siddhi's and cured the Princess of Kanchi.
When the sage Allavandar was on his deathbed, he sent his disciple to call Ramanuj. But before Ramanuj could reach , Allavandar was no more. On reaching Shrirangam, Ramanuj noticed that three fingers of Allavandar were turned. Only Ramanuj understood it's significance that his guru had entrusted him the work of analysing Brahmsutra, Vishnusahastranaam and Divya Prabhandam. Ramanuj vowed there to get these works completed. The guru's finger now were straight. He took Vaishnav diksha from the main disciple of Allavandar whose name was Periyanambi.
Although he was married but he decided to become sanyasi under Yatiraj. His first guru Yadav Prakash was now Ramanuj's follower in repentance.
He took guru mantra from sage Nambi(Om Namo Narayanaya). His guru urged him to keep this mantra secret but Ramanuj publicly declared this mantra. On facing his guru's ire and curse, he said that if so many people can attain moksha with this mantra, he was ready to go to hell. The guru repented and embraced him.
He was made to take the seat of Allavandar by his followers. His enemies tried to poison him but was alerted by a lady.
He travelled extensively. He wrote the bhashya of Gita and Brahmsutra. He wrote Shri bhashya on vedant. His group was known as Shri sampraday. They believe Shri Mahalaxmi as their originator. His main follower was Kurtallavar who had two sons named Parashar and Pillann. Ramanuj made Parashar write the bhashya of Vishnu sahastranaam and made Pillann write on Divya Prabhandam, thus completing his guru's last wish.
The King of Shrirang was a staunch shaiva. He called Ramanuj to his court with an ulterior motive. Recognising this Ramanuj sent Kurutallwar impersonating as Ramanuj. As a true shishya, he propagated Vaishnav dharm in the court. The King got Kurutallwar's eyes removed.
Ramanuj now came to stay at Shalgram in Mysore. There the King Bhittidev was a Vaishnav. Here Ramanuj stayed for twelve years. He restored an ancient temple at Nimmle which still exists and is known as Tirunarayanpur temple. Once he was attacked by dacoits but was saved by his disciples. He teturned to shrirangam on the death of the King there. He established a vaishnav temple there for Allwar and Nammalwar followers. He reconstructed the temple at Tirupati. He propagated bhakti marg upto ripe old age of hundred and twenty.
His teachings tell us that ishwar is the only Purushottam. He practised VISHISHT ADVAITWAD. According to him ishwar is present in each and every body. Jeev is just his sevak. The aim of life should be purusharth. Bhagwan Narayan is Satt, Mahalaxmi is his shakti and is chitta and this world is their Anand vilas. Laxmi narayan are the parents and jeev is their santaan. The duty of santaan is to serve parents and receive their kripa. They come as avtars from time to time. Always recite the name of Narayan and serve them with our thoughts words and deeds.
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rang-lo · 4 years
3 Headcanons: Mahabharat + Dreams
[Just wanted to thank everyone on here for all the love you’ve given my writing over the course the Hindu Mythology Event! Every comment inspires me to continue doing what I love and fills my heart with such warmth because they come from the same people whose work I admire greatly. And big shoutouts to the mods @1nsaankahanhai-bkr @allegoriesinmediasres and @soniaoutloud and all the contributors, it was a joy to see my feed filled with all your wonderful works.]
One: Tossing and turning in their makeshift bed restlessly, Uttara dreams of visiting her favourite mango orchard back home in Matsya. How she had missed those honey-like fruits! She approaches one particular tree to pluck a fruit but pauses at the sight of a giant spider web hanging on its branch. A family of spiders spin the web, round and round in concentric rings. That is till a butterfly lands gracefully at the center of the web. Within seconds its rapidly flitting wings are trapped in the steely threads of the web, and it writhes to a silent death. The spiders scramble to the center of their creation, and to Uttara’s horror, rip and shred the butterfly’s wings to pieces. She shudders awake, breathless. When she feels the boy lying beside her stirring awake in his sleep, she thinks she ought to feign calmness so as to not alarm him, but she knows deep down it is more for her own sake than his.
Two: Drupad spends most of his nights sleepless, but on the rare occasions that he slips into a slumber, his dreams are filled with the same visions each time. He dreams of the youthful Kuru prince wielding his bow in his hands like a key fits in its lock; he dreams of the archer single-handedly defeating an entire army like child’s play. Except in Drupad’s dreams, the prince is his son - the son whose single arrow is the answer to all his dilemmas, all the haughty images of humiliation that gnaw at him every sleepless night.
Three: “And they were all using grass - mere grass - to come for each other’s necks!” Satyaki tells them incredulously about his dream at dinner. “I mean, can you imagine that? A hundred drunk Yadavs trying to battle it out with just grass?” Kritavarma, seated opposite them, roars with laughter at Satyaki’s animated descriptions, and Daruka manages to choke out a retort while draining a goblet of wine. “What did they think the grass was going to turn into, weapons?” 
At the end of the table, Krishna quietly watches them guffaw. The curse of a blind mother in distress echoes in his ears. His companions turn to him, expecting him to mirror their skepticism at the absurdity; but the dark-hued one only makes a great show of chewing on and swallowing a morsel of food. “Indeed, an odd dream,” he offers mirthlessly.
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abeyyaaar · 4 years
Just finished watching Mahabharata & I have sooo many question!!!
Like I knew it's story since ages ago but now I know the entire family tree & who's who and why some of these "Great" people choose to side with Kauravas(though I disagree with their reasons/dharma & also Krishna reminded them later in the story)
I still don't know if the serial is completely canon or not bcoz mirch masala bohat lagaya hai!
Though the CGI was 🙈 I think they choose good actors atleast the lead ones,if not all!!
Favourite moments:
1.When Arjun meets Krishnafor the first time & next episode where they go in disguise to undertake a mission!
2.Draupadi prays to Krishna to save her from the disrobing.
3.Draupadi's monologue to the entire court of Hastinapur.(before as well as after)
4.Abhimanyu's death(I cried like a baby)
5.Karna's death & revelation (again I cried like a baby)
6.Bheem bathes Draupadi's hair in Dushashan's blood..😍😍😍
7.Krishna "convincing" Duryodhan before letting him go see his mother Gandhari.
8.Bheem's love for the Twins & giving them constant hugs & kisses!
9.Also,Saurabh Raj Jain as Krishna is the PEAK!! He has so much calmness in his voice😍 I can listen to all his pravachan all the time!
Things I could not watch/Fast forwarded:
1.The game of dice(fast forwarded it & still cried)
2.Dushashan assaulting Draupadi(fast forwarded that & still was an emotional wreck)
3.The constant humiliation of Karna because of his caste by everyone including all the "Idle" & loving characters.
Things I need answers to aka if someone makes Mahabharat again they should answer these questions!!
1.After Yudhishthira become the Emperor what happened to Dhritrashtra & Gandhari?Did they took sanyas & left the palace?
2.How did Gandhari's curse affected Yadav Clan and how the entire downfall happened?
3.How did Krishna die??
4.Did Uttara's child become a famous King?
5.What happened to Arjun's promise to Karna which he makes on the battlefield that as the eldest among them his kid will become the next Emperor??(is this even canon?😂)
6.How did Kunti die??
7.What happened to Arjun & Subhadra's marriage?
8,Also,why was Yuyutsu not mentioned??
9.I thought Vidur dint participate in the Battle bus was still in the palace with Dhritarashtra & Sanjay watching the battle..did I miss something?
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