#the yurika must always be tagged
prringlecan · 5 months
Guys do you think welt will ever get his silly man arc in hsr. He’s just a silly old man. let him rip off someone’s limbs with nothing but pure gravity thanks
like will we get to hear more about VA. Will he SHOW UP. No not you luocha I want the minecraft cube in the flesh (????). What if something happens to himeko. WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO HIMEKO.
Please,,,, I need the old man to break a leg. And no I don’t mean his own but it is also very likely
also rip to the astral express if welts gay ass red blue sonadow kinning nuke making besties decide to take a trip through space to say hi to his ass they’re not ready for hurricane einsla
This is a cry for help welt fans pspspspspspspsps
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kurenohikari · 8 years
Fateful letters, Chapter 3 (Final Chapter): From problems to weddings.
I hated being away from my country, even when my kingdom became my own prison. Being in enemy territory is always bad news, a residue from my time at war. However, nothing compares to the rage I felt when I thought Obi, the one I considered my true brother, betrayed me. But afterwards, when he told me the truth... one I didn't want to believe. However, when I saw the private gardens I fantasized about for years... I knew that his words were true.
After the kiss I so bluntly stole from him, we couldn't let each other go. One thing led to the other and we ended up in the futon inside of the small house, naked after two sessions of love making. Not only once did I commit sin by letting a man bed me before marriage, but twice. My only relief and excuse was that I bedded the love of my life, one that I had loved and swore that would be the only one I would ever marry. Also, I know that he loves me with all his heart, that I wasn't just a game for him. As well as he proposed to me during one of his letters, I knew that he remembered it when Izana-kun slid an engagement ring on my finger.
"It was my mother's, I wanted you to have it" he told me when I looked at him shocked "I did promised to marry you, didn't I? Also, what kind of man I would be if I let you live in sin?".
"Not the man I fell in love with" I answered, kissing him once again "Let's dress, I need a bath and get ready for dinner tonight. Not only we will be announcing our marriage, but also you will tell your brother of the new family member. Because I will not marry you if you don't love my daughter as if she were yours? Not even if I have to live in sin for the rest of my life" I told him seriously, trying to sound firm and not show any sign of fear, fear of his rejection.
"She surely is an amazing girl, just like her mother. I'll love her as if she were mine" he promised me.
I could only smile at him, tears gathering in my eyes. Then we dressed and he walked me towards my chambers, were he left me to prepare for dinner with a gentle kiss on the back of my hand. I made sure to send one of my maids to Yurika's room to dress her in only the finest, we had to leave a good impression in our future family. When it was almost time for dinner I heard a knock on my door, it seems like Izana had come to escort us towards the dinning room. However, before we could say a word to each other a scream rang through the hall. I would recognise that voice anywhere...
"Yurika!" I yelled running towards my daughter's chambers at the end of the corridor. Izana got there before me, only because he didn't wear heels, sword ready to kill if needed. But it seems that we were late... the enemy was already dead. Kikio, my maid, was very skilled with knives and has one of the best aim I know. She must have thrown a knife straight to the masked man's heart "Yurika! Are you ok my love?" I fell on my knees right next to her. I was so preoccupied checking her for any injuries that I almost didn't notice my fiancé yelling at the guards to get a pharmacist here and to secure the zone "You didn't get hurt did you?".
"No mama. Kikio-neechan protected me" she answered slowly, still looking at the unmoving form on her chamber's floor.
"Thank you Kagome, I owe you for saving my daughter's life" I told my maid and good friend.
"I was just doing my duty, my lady. There is nothing to thank for" she replied politely, but I could notice in her eyes a glint of happiness at being recognised by her princess.
"I think otherwise, you didn't only save your princess' daughter but my future daughter as well. Ask for anything in my power and I'll give it to you" Izana intervened.
Kikio looked at me shocked, looking for conformation that I wanted this. If not, for any clue of how I wanted to proceed with the execution of Izana. I almost chuckled at how eager my team seem to kill for me, or start a war for my happiness. When I only shook my head, a sign to tell her not to worry she just looked even more surprised than before. However, that didn't stop her from answering the offer.
"Then, as I see we will be here for a long time no, I would like a temple. One that the ones that come with our princess can pray on. Not only for them but also for everyone else that wants to join our religion. Also, I would like to be the priest of said temple".
"That shouldn't be difficult to get" he replied "Are you sure you don't want anything else?".
"That's all your highness" Kikio answered firmly, bowing in gratefulness.
"Then so be it, we'll get to the building process after our wedding" Izana assured her "But before that we need to finish with the enemies that dared putting foot on our home" my fiancé murmured in my ear, smile never leaving his face.
Oh, goodness. He is just as good as I am with deceive. I can see how furious he is, but makes sure no one notices it as well. I think delighted by the prospect of someone I can finally consider my equal, without the fear of supressing myself for him.
Two weeks passed, two weeks full of scheming and planning, two weeks of preparations not only for the coronation but also for the wedding. We have to have it as soon as we can, we fear that during our moment of passion we could have conceived. In case of that we wanted to have the wedding as soon as possible to not rise suspicions about me not being a virgin before marriage.
So when the day of the coronation came, we were ready.
"Sakura, Yurika" I heard the voice of my mother calling out for us. I turned around just in time to return her hug "Mother, father. How was the journey?" I asked.
"Good, long and tiring" my father answered with a smile and pride shinning in his eyes. I almost sighed sadly. If he would have only seen me like that when I returned from home and not only because I chose a husband... one that was a king to say the least "Would you present us?" he requested.
"Of course" I replied "Mother, father this is Izana Wistalia King of Clarines, my fiancé and Yurika's new adopted father" I smiled sweetly at him "Izana love, these are my parents Zero Novoka and Karin Novoka, the Kng and Qeen of Japan".
"It's an honour to finally meet you, I hope you've been enjoying the festivities" my fiancé said politely, I believe that I am the only one who noticed the resentment he held for my parents for the way they treated me less just because I am a woman.
"The evening has been marvellous so far" my mother replied, batting her eyelashes charmingly. She is a beautiful woman and that trick would have worked with any other man, but unluckily for her I had a tight hold of his heart "We are looking forward for the rest of it, and for the wedding as well. Now if you excuse us, I believe that those are the Xander's family and are calling for us" with that said she disappeared in the crowd of people with my father. I almost laughed at how ridiculous she looked pouting because a man didn't fall on his knees for her.
"How can you stand her?" he murmured in my ear, making me chuckle.
"She is my mother, I have to" was my short reply, I would have said more but Lord Haruka interrupted us.
It seems like the assassin team that were sent to attack the royal family during the coronation has been dealt with. Inuyasha, on of my guards, recognised a tattoo that the dead assassin had. It was like an initiation process everyone in The Legue of Demons had to go through. After he explained to us how they worked and what they will surely do to get through the guards, Izana and I worked a counterattack. I let him borrow my team, as long as Obi tagged with Yurika and I. The two of us would be enough to protect her and ourselves if it had been necessary.
"What do you plan to do with them?" I asked him lowly, making sure no one hears us, smile on place so no one would think something isn't going as it should.
"Kill them and dispose their bodies" he answered "We can't let anyone know that someone was able to pass through our guards, it would make us look weak... also, an assassin attempt is never a good way to start a reign. But let's not worry about that now, let's just enjoy the evening" he requested, flashing me a comforting smile. One that I returned with the double to potency, and did as he asked me to.
9 months later.
I never want to give birth again... specially not to twins! I exclaimed in my head.
Izana had been helping me take a stroll, a belly with two babies inside tend to make it difficult, when my water finally broke. After long hours of intense pain and a lot of blood and tears, my baby boys were finally with us. As I looked down to Aiden in my arms, blonde hair and blue eyes as his father, and the mirror image that is his older brother Ethan, in my husband's arms I reconsidered what I just swore. Maybe I can do it all over again... even if the rode was difficult and hard, it was all worth it.
Because this family, this happiness are priceless.
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