candyunicornsateme · 5 months
I got tagged by @nirami-blogin to do this tag game. Thank you <33 I decided to make it as my own post since it was a pretty lengthy chain:
"when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers !! <3"
Dreaming Your Dreams - Hybrid
Wildflower - Beach House
Letters From The Sky - Civil Twilight
Plush - Stone Temple Pilots
Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears for Fears
Ummm maybe @edenfire @thecorruptedquietone @8-bitmono @nya-nbinary @entomologistologist @delivish @sparkles-and-trash
would like to do it if you want??? Or whoever wants else wants to do it ;v;
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aqua-dan · 4 years
you accidentally tagged a craig picture with xenoblade chronicles so I guess I didn’t realise our boy super craig makes a guest appearance in the definitive edition
OOPS. Thank you for letting me know! I mean, I wish he appeared in DE lmao! He’d have some killer attacks!
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kiyan200 · 5 years
hey I think ur art is super swell
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boydcrowder · 7 years
I have no idea why that Tina Guo post says she's the composer it literally says in the YT credits that the song was composed by Hans Zimmer lmao
lmao I KNOW i was like ????????? like she’s one of the original...musicians??????? BUT YA GOTTA GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE 
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kazchester · 8 years
thecorruptedquietone replied to your post “I don’t know what’s happening on Supernatural but seeing Mary hate...”
Mary Winchester hate makes so little sense on every level
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amporella · 3 years
4, 7, 10, 14 for the ask game, if that's fine?
4. Do you have a favorite South Park creator in the fandom (artist, writer, cosplayer, etc.)? If so, who?
Ahh SO many. @/bunypark, @/sn33z3s, @/stankyles, and @/pononoin are obvious favs in the art department (obsessed with their style content <3), and hollycomb, sekritomg, and julads are kind of the giants when it comes to style fics (plus, I'm super old school with my style, so I'm kind of still obsessed with their works). @/south-park-meta and @/dear-wormwoods both have some great meta too! @/thecorruptedquietone, @/caulaty, and @/courtanie are all extremely talented and dabble in some of my favorite ships. @/candyunicornsateme also has adorable k2 and is honestly holding the k2 art fandom on her shoulders tbh, bless you amber. @/dusksmote and @/fishsplash both have SUCH good style art, and I also love @/twinkydots, @/lozislaw, @/thedoublepp, @/faint-sirens, @/herbietales and @/multimandy6-hiatus for their arts of various ships/characters I love. I'm also extremely biased because all of the following are my friends, but @/daydreamingismyhobby33, @/cool-island-songs, @/allymumu, and @/hachichimitsu have all put out a variety of really lovely works, whether meta, fic, or art. THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE BUT I'M BLANKING ON THEM, and these are all people who's blogs are Alive. I'm also obsessed with many a decativated artist. Btw, if I follow you, I also love your works and hug you inside my brain whenever your content crosses my dash (shoutout to @/clydesdonovan and @/imaginationlandtrilogy in particular for always bringing the goods to my dash too). If I think of anyone else (which I'm sure I will), I'll add them here.
7. Do you have a favorite piece of fan content? If so, what is it? (Please link if you're able to)
Just scroll through babes.
10. Has being in the fandom had any positive impact on your life? If so, how?
I think it has! I'm one of those cringelord funruiners who thinks that fandom (and social media) can get unhealthy pretty fast, but when you manage it properly it can bring you a lot of joy, and that's what it's done for me. I've met a lot of lovely people here and read a lot of acclaimed author-level works that have quite literally changed my perspective, and I'm really grateful for that.
14. Do you have a favorite female character? Who?
Wendy. I know this is basic and I'm not sorry. But I also love literally all the girls? Shoutout to Bebe and Nichole in particular.
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Tag list under the cut, to filter by subject or author, now updated with working links!
Here are the tags that I use:
every soul here is a monster: ficlets that focus on Purgatory itself and Dean and Castiel’s interactions with it I’ll go with you: ficlets that focus on Dean and Castiel’s relationship we should play twister: humour I don’t have a soul to sell: ficlets that feature angels in some way well and truly alone: Sam’s tag claws and sympathy: Lenore chained to a comet: Claire Novak I was the best of those sons of bitches: Ruby remember to let her under your skin: Mary Winchester I don’t like poetry: Meg  but there’s still me: Anna  it’s been a tough sweet sixteen: Emma a mother would never abandon her children: Eve  this is all that’s left: Madison  not a good guy: Benny
Writing Challenges
group challenge group challenge 1 solo challenge solo challenge 1 solo challenge 2 solo challenge 3 solo challenge 4 solo challenge 5
Denizens of Purgatory
a-walking-blasphemy ali-kay amonitrate amoreprofoundblog angel-with-a-tardis anneretic astaraels aufgehen axisofsymmetry blueberrytoast boazpriestly callowyn catboatventure cas-hole comictuesdays crowleyshouseplant deanosaur demon-hunting-wench dirtyovercoats dotfic fallingfraudsandwaywardsons footstepsoftheelephant gutsandachangeup hard-core-troubadour ilovehowyouletmefall jacksonisasub julietfoxtrot killthegiant lizchester m0nst3rj3n mishasmeatstick moreofadeficitsugarglider myjusticecake obsessedkuroi oneinchwonder padapooper partofmealwaysbelieved passingknightly penisvakarian profoundlyunbound proxydialogue pumpkincollins rantothedevil rococorendezvous rubato saltfree sargraf serricoj shabbytiger sistabro siterlas teamfreewolf thecorruptedquietone timeywimeyimpala tsadde veneredirimmel voldemort-grrl wallmakerrelict wherenonagoes wingeddildos zatnikatel
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queasyghosts · 4 years
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@thecorruptedquietone you got it!!! >:3c
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aqua-dan · 5 years
thecorruptedquietone replied to your post “Quite frankly, I’m done using actual measurements for cooking and...”
cooking it will work but baking you might have some issues depending on the good (unless you have like a REALLY good sense of being close to the measurements)
Baking is my thing more than cooking tbh! I just kinda throw ingredients together and it tends to work! Made flatbread today n just kinda tossed things in the bowl and it came out pretty good! 
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stah-l · 6 years
coughs we mutual enough for that hip meme the kids are doin
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OF COURSE we’re hip kids now
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courtanie · 3 years
Do you still get the chance to keep up with your fellow otp shippers? Need to treat yourself if you have been busy man
I mean I talk to @thecorruptedquietone all day every day does that count. Of course it does. I haven't been close to other shippers in many years and that group is long gone so I'm just continuing to stand in my own corner and hold kris hostage so i have company.
I really don't have the chance to keep up with anyone's happenings in fandom life. Reading fics or even browsing art is just taxing at this point so when I do have downtime I just watch Youtube shit and try to zone out until my damn early grown up bed time.
Life's a real barrel of laughs lemme tell ya my friend
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amorremanet · 7 years
heith for that fall ship meme
autumnal shipping meme!
Who gets excited about Halloween in July: Hunk, totally. Keith is the one cringing at the preemptive Halloween displays in Target and going, “IT’S JULY, YOU HEATHENS” when Lance wants to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas at three AM on July 4th.
Who starts wearing sweaters and scarves on the first day of September and completely overheats: Keith, but it’s less out of excitement and more out of wanting to be prepared just in case it gets cold.
Who thrives in Fall/Who prefers Summer and warm weather: Keith lives for fall and winter; Hunk thinks his boyfriend is…… an oddball. Yeah, that’s a way to say it that won’t make Hunk feel guilty.
Who thinks the other looks so cute when they’re cold and trying to fight it with 50 sweaters: Hunk thinks Keith looks cute when he’s doing this. Keith would counter by saying that Hunk looks cute always. But this also usually doesn’t happen until winter, because despite his, “always be prepared” outlook, Keith doesn’t get terribly cold that easily.
Who offers the other their jacket: “Keith, that’s sweet but…… uh. I pretty obviously can’t fit into your jacket” / “……*tries to put it around Hunk’s shoulders anyway*” / “*sighs, picks it up off the ground, and puts it back on Keith*”
Who doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning because it’s too cold and has to run from the warm covers to the shower: Hunk.
Who touches the other with their freezing cold feet at night: Hunk. To everyone’s surprise, Keith actually runs pretty hot as a natural base temp, despite people tending to think that he looks skinny as hell (—which he actually really isn’t, he’s just compact, but that’s beside the point).
Who makes the hot cider to snuggle under a blanket and drink: Hunk.
Who loves carving pumpkins and buys about 300: Hunk, oh my god.
Who is terrible at carving pumpkins: Well, neither of them is really terrible, but Keith is better than Hunk. He has more practice with his knife.
Who thinks pulling the pumpkin guts out with their hands is icky: Eh, neither of them squicks at it, really. Keith’s dealt with worse and Hunk has to get his hands messy to cook.
What is their favourite Fall activity: Hunk - hayrides and picking apples. Keith - L E A F P I L E S!!!!! also leaf fights. not quite as rewarding as snowball fights but finding new creative ways to get Lance and/or Shiro covered in huge quantities of leaves is super-enjoyable, y’all should try it :)
Who gets scared when they watch Horror movies: Hunk, period. So they usually just don’t watch horror movies together. Keith has to watch them with Pidge and Allura, because Hunk and Shiro scare easy, and Lance is totally that annoying, “OH DON’T GO IN THERE, OH MAN NO THE KILLER’S RIGHT THERE, SHE’S GONNA DIE” person.
Who hands out candy to trick-or-treaters: They take turns, but Keith is surprisingly gentle about it. Hunk is more enthusiastic about it, but Keith actually handles it pretty well.
Who accidentally scares the kids: Keith did this one time, when the kids thought that his Bowie knife was fake. Then there was a Talk about why showing off said Bowie knife to the neighbor kids probably wasn’t the best plan.
Who suggested the couples costume: Keith did.
What is their couples costume: Andy and April from Parks and Rec.
What is the best Halloween they ever had: The one where they said, “fuck it” and went trick-or-treating despite allegedly being too old for this because screw it, they’re gonna have a good time, give them candy
What is the worst Halloween they ever had: The one where they went to a party and the allegedly non-alcoholic punch got spiked with liquor anyway, and the two of them and Allura knew better than to trust it when Lotor says, “non-alcoholic”…… but Lance, Shiro, Pidge, Shay, and Matt all got completely shit-faced
—so while Allura mostly just took Shay home, Keith and Hunk got to spend the night trying to talk the Holt siblings out of trying drunk science, and holding Lance and Shiro while they cried about everything from, “what if all the nihilistic things I catch myself feeling are right after all and everything means nothing and is completely pointless, we all try so hard and it might mean absolutely nothing, what if none of us ever gets better or makes a difference” (Shiro) and, “what if I’m no good at anything and you all secretly hate me and wish I’d go away, I don’t blame you, sometimes I wish I’d go away too” (Lance)
……to, “you guys, I love you so much, Hunk you’re the best friend I’ve ever had in my life and you always smell like almonds and hugs, and Keith, you don’t suck as much as I thought when I first met you, but you have serious thrill issues, but fuck you for making me care about you, I love you, you jerk” (Lance) to, “oh my god, why aren’t baby cats called, ‘cattens,’ it makes no sense, English is the most asinine language ever, who hurt the English language why is it like this, also the widespread death of bee populations, we’re all going to die” (Shiro)
Who eats too much candy and ends up sick the next day: lmao Keith. Hunk knows his own limits, but Keith thinks of limits as more like vague guidelines, really.
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kathff2 · 7 years
easy-goingveronicamars replied to your post “YALL!!”
happy birthday!!
Thank you!!!!
louisrodeone replied to your post “YALL!!”
feliz cumple!!
thecorruptedquietone replied to your post “YALL!!”
i hope harry drops a leak but only for u
You know how to make a girl happy, Kris. <33 hahaahaha
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kennytucker · 5 years
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shout out to @thecorruptedquietone for the idea. kyle is def not afraid
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madidraw · 5 years
the rules: answer 17 questions and tag 17 people u want to know better
Tag: @toziesque (awwww thank you!! <3 :3c)
Nickname: Madi
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Height: 5′1 or 5′2, I never know, I’m 157cm 
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor somehow xD
Last thing I googled: ‘157 cm in feet’ bite me
Song stuck in my head: .Cruel Summer - Tylor Swift
Following and followers: I am following 497 and I have 1306 followers.
Amount of sleep I get: I am content with 7,5 hrs of sleep, right now I have anything between 6 and 10 hrs of sleep
Lucky numbers: 5 (unless it’s losers club then don’t touch me)
Dream job: Ahh... I’ll go with the dream from childhood and something I wouldn’t mind trying maybe one day. Actress.
Wearing: I literally just dyed my hair so I have a simple dark baggy T-Shirt 
Favourite songs: uuhhhh... Bleeding out - Imagine dragons, Blue - Troy Sivan, ugh idk, I see Fire - Ed Sheeran. It’s hard to pick favorites. 
Instruments: Ukulele, Guitar, very little and some time ago - Piano. Nothing special tho.
Aesthetics: Neons, stars, ‘brave’ colors, clothes with flowery patterns, empty city at night
Random facts: I thought I’m gonna be Slytherin but somehow I’m not, right now my hair is pink, I’m reading unhealthy amount and yet I didn’t read a single book so far this year (March 8th, 2020)
tagging: @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @kaspzier @annxmatron @s-s-georgie @sunxcherries @jwilliambyers @moonlightrichie @eduardoandale @violetreddie @tozierking @tallemy @thecorruptedquietone @stah-l @shahdaryu @kiyan200 @cheerkitty1410 @caliceal 
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eve9910 · 6 years
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@thecorruptedquietone Happy birthday!!!Here is a gift for you!Hope I’m not too late ;;w;;
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