Hello Friends
Devil here, 
It seems that your lovely staff have finally gotten our account terminated. It looks as though the other blog, treasure detector, has been terminated as well. As you can see, Amy and her minions won’t stop trying to control every single aspect of the game that they can. She wants to make sure that nobody has any kind of free speech or opinion. If this doesn’t show you what kind of person Amy is, then we aren’t sure what will. While we may not have always agreed with everything people posted, we felt it was only fair to post whatever we received so people could speak their mind regarding what happened in the game. Unfortunately, we lost a lot of good information regarding previous incidents that occurred throughout the last few years. It’s okay though, we aren’t going away that easily.
To Amy and her staff, it doesn’t matter how many times you try to silence your players. It doesn’t matter how many times you try and get the burn blogs taken down. There will always be new ones made and people will always find a way to voice their opinions safely. 
- The Devil Wears Black Flip
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myvmktruthbox-blog · 6 years
talk shit or whatever you guys do since the other blog doesn't update
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myvmkfanfic-blog · 6 years
Revival from thedevilwearsblackflip
Magenta was walking around the kingdom, searching left and right for people to observe. No one on Main Street, one lonely person waiting for a Haunted Mansion match partner, and twenty people all in separate Capture the Flag lobbies taking advantage of double credits weekend. Magenta’s heart sank. Surely, somewhere, there had to be some action going on. Something…naughty. It was at that moment that she felt a tingling sensation. A beany sensation. She went to the plaza of active guest rooms and saw one that stood out: christianmingle.com. Surely there was some wrongdoing here. It was decided that she would go into the room. Upon entering the room, Magenta was met with a flurry of greetings. “Hey, Magenta!” “nice taco hat magenta” “MAGENTA WHAT’S UP” She knew perfectly how to respectfully and politely respond to this display of admiration. Radio silence. For Magenta, entering a room in which she was not invited was a rush. Does anyone want me here? Does my hat distinguish me well enough? Which corner will I stand in awkwardly until only one or two people are left in this room? The decisions were enough to make her loins moist. Better yet, this room was a Beauty and the Beast Ballroom with a teleporter up to the balcony – an added dimension to her mischievous kink. Across the room she saw a recognizable beanie on the only tanned player in the Magic Kingdom and knew this could only mean one thing: Jadin was present. Magenta looked around. There was no sign of Mrs. Tripp or PrincessLeiaa anywhere. Jadin was single as far as either of them were concerned, and Jadin was taking advantage of the situation. Jadin was making moves on every girl in site. “Haha if you ever play DHTF I’ll make sure to protect you babe” he would say to one girl, and then turn around to another woman and offer to give up one of his rare articles of clothing, which he had received for free. The women would give a half-hearted “lol thank you” to him before ignoring him the rest of their time spent in the guest room. Magenta’s panties were reaching levels only matched by a tsunami off the coast of Japan during an earthquake. Quaking, even in her clamshell bikini and taco hat, Magenta did not look seductive enough. She made the executive decision to change into her Sorcerer Mickey hat. She knew it was simply a matter of time until Jadin would make his way over to her. Sure enough, after numerous rejections that he ignored, he used his military determination and caramel complexion to make his way through each and every girl until eventually he made his way to the purple-haired dame standing silently. When Jadin got over to her, he simply made a heart with his hands. Magenta’s eyes said she wasn’t playing any games, not even Jungle Cruise. Jadin started to sweat nervously for he had not been with a true woman before. He knew that none of the sexual conquests that riddled his past could match what was coming for him. Magenta immediately grabbed his cock. He was already rock hard and tearing through his pants, mainly because the outfit was more of a Halloween costume than something that was supposed to last long-term. Luckily, Magenta had always been into men who put fashion over function. Jadin expected her to get on her knees and start slobbering all over his average-sized knob. Oh, Jadin. Poor, innocent Jadin. Magenta grabbed Jadin, turned him around and held both of his hands behind his back. She leaned in and gently bit his earlobe. Jadin thought that in theory this was weird but in practice, with decent execution, it sent shivers down his spine. Pushing him down by the shoulders, Magenta stood in front of Jadin. Our hero knew what to do and ate her pussy like his name was Alf. But this was not working for her. She pushed him onto his back, tore his shirt open for no reason other than she could, and forced herself on top of his face. Jadin worked until he was almost passed out from suffocation. Magenta was not impressed by his weak, submissive nature. She always saw Jadin as her one true match in the sack. He got what he wanted, when he wanted it. To assert her own dominance, hoping to unleash the beast under the V-neck, she shoved him on all fours and took all of his clothing off, leaving only his beanie. She pushed him down, spread his asscheeks and shoved her Sorcerer Mickey hat into his asshole. Jadin then found out he was into butt stuff. Magenta stripped down herself, leaving her hat inside Jadin, and slid underneath him to suck his dick. The only thing in existence with less power than he had at this moment was Puerto Rico. This all felt so wrong yet so good. She played with his balls while tonguing the rim of the head of his penis. Jadin had finally reached full potential. He took one of his hands and grabbed Magenta’s hair, looking her in the eyes as she stopped the magnificent blowjob she had been giving (I mean, seriously, this is the kind of blowjob you’d expect from a champion of literally anything). He pulled her up until they were eye level. This is the man Magenta had lusted for. He planted his lips onto her and the two lovers started making out as if they were fourteen and finally learned how to properly make out. Jadin stopped, leaned in, and started whispering to Magenta. “You fucking slut.” He started choking her with his left hand. “You think you can do whatever you want to me?” His slowly drew his right hand down to her wet pussy. “I can call you whatever I want, you whore.” At this point, he started to rub her clit slowly, but with efficient full 360 degree circles. “And after this is all over,” he teased as he stopped focusing on the clit and transitioned to full yet light rubs, “You’ll be the one who gets banned.” Magenta, mouth agape, couldn’t contain herself. She was already on the verge of orgasm. The entire situation was like a shitty erotic fanfiction written by a 21-year-old who can count how many times he’s had sex using his fingers, which coincidentally Jadin started using on Magenta. Putting her hand behind his neck, Magenta pulled in Jadin so she could say one thing. “I’ll get you banned for harassment.” Jadin couldn’t contain himself. He rolled her onto her knees and pulled her up to him. He licked his fingers and prepared her pussy for the absolute punishment that was coming to her. This is the moment she had waited for – Jaden was finally getting what he wanted for free. He put his cock inside of her slowly, teasing her. This was the best six inches Magenta had had since the last time she went to Subway and got the perfect ratio of ham to cheese. Fucking her with the intensity of an overused analogy, Jadin was making sure she would cum before him. An impossible feat, some would say, but Jadin was in his zone. He was pounding her hard enough that her Sorcerer Mickey hat was barely staying on, yet slow enough that he wasn’t going to plow into her intestines. He picked her up so that he could look in to her eyes as he fucked her. The thought of being banned turned both on, but not as much as the thought of how hard they were going to get each other banned for fornication in the Magic Kingdom. Finally, Magenta came. Magenta, still moaning from the immense pleasure, got out of Jadin’s arms and put him on his back. She got on top of him to ride him like the mighty steed he was. He finally came and Magenta could feel the cum inside of her. Obviously, as they didn’t use protection, STDs and pregnancy were not on their mind – irresponsibility can be hot, too. As they both sat there, sweaty, exhausted, and reeking of cum, they realized that all the eyes in the room were on them. “I’M BUSTING,” were the first words uttered, by LordDisick. Magenta and Jadin feigned embarrassment but they both knew what they had to do. FlamingBean was sitting, obviously “afk” as some would say. Magenta reported her for an inappropriate signature just because she could, and the signature was immediately removed even though her signature was already “Signature Removed”. How could Magenta tell? She felt it. In her loins. Her moist loins. Jadin decided to report FlamingBean for harassment even though she had just gotten off (pun intended) from a two week ban from the Magic Kingdom. Immediately she was banned for a month. And Magenta and Jadin both came for the second time, like the fucking prophets they are.
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