#then I froze & got this weird feeling out of nowhere that I was being watched
juniperhillpatient · 4 months
as someone who very much believes in the supernatural & believes I’ve had countless experiences with it I have a love hate relationship with those experiences that are like. either I’m actually losing it like actually hallucinating/delusional or that just happened because it’s like. i find it interesting & exciting but also if I ever want to talk about it people either think I’m crazy or lying & it’s like. well . I literally might be crazy? I don’t know what to tell you I’ve been having these experiences semi frequently since I was a kid either I’m legitimately mentally ill in some undiagnosed way (which feels unlikely to me if I’m being honest given my many years in & out of therapy & the fact that these encounters have never impacted my life in a negative way) or I’m very sensitive to spiritual encounters & at a certain point those are literally the only two options in my mind
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Requested: Percy Jackson x Son of Iris Reader
You were entertaining some of the younger campers, making rainbows appear out of what seemed to be nowhere to them. They were enthralled to say the least, you lived for the smile on their faces. Knowing you were bringing joy to them, was why you continued to do it.
That's where you were right now, by the lake conjuring up rainbows. You made them dance across the campers, the giggles that followed only causing you to do it more. Your eyes changing color with your emotions, something hardly anyone noticed as it only happens when you focus on powerful emotions. Right now they gleamed almost gold, and it caught the attention of Percy Jackson.
He was astonished by your aura, and just you're overall being. He just knew that he had to talk to you; he had to know more about you.
By the time you had stopped entertaining the kids, Percy had made his way over to you. "Hi! I'm Percy, I just wanted to introduce myself. Also I wanted to tell you how cool that was! Is there anything else you can do, not that that's not cool-" he continued rambling as your face flushed your eyes changing color again, they were a mixture of pale greenish grey. "Woah that's so cool, how your eyes change color!"
Your face flushed a deeper shade of pink. Your eyes only becoming paler with the emotion. "Sorry I'm probably overwhelming you" he started to walk away when you realized what was happening. You used one of your rainbows to travel closer to where he was, appearing right before him coming out of a rainbow.
"woah! That's so cool! Did you just travel through a rainbow? That's like shadow travel, it's so impressive!" You smiled at him then responded "thank you, uh yeah I can teleport through rainbows." He smiled at you, "that's so cool! I wish I could travel like that!" You smiled laughing slightly, "I don't know if it's 100% my favorite thing I can do, but yeah I guess it's cool!" You hadn't really preferred traveling through rainbows mostly because it consumed quite a bit of your energy, but hearing the way he viewed it really made you feel proud to have that kind of power.
"Also your eye color changing thing, is so cool! How does it work?" He realized how that might've sounded weird, "sorry I didn't mean that in a bad way, I just think it's cool, and I was wondering if you got to choose the color or if something else affected it?" You smiled at him warmly, "basically my eye color reflects strong emotions I'm focussing on. And the color is reflected off of what color I view the emotion as." Percy nodded, "so can you in theory change the color of an emotion?"
You shook your head, " it doesn't really work like that, Iris kids have synesthesia so are brains kind of just hardwire a thing or feeling with a color." He nodded "that makes sense, I think I get it. Do you think maybe we could hangout just the two of us and maybe you could show me some of your powers?"
Percy hoped you had caught on to him eluding that he was asking you on a date, he really wanted to get to know you better. "Like a date?" Percy smiled at you brightly "exactly like a date" he added smiling at you. "Sure! How about Saturday and we can meet on the beach around 3?" He smiled brightly while nodding.
Right as he was about to say something, one of his friends came running over, it was his satyr friend Grover. "Did you finally talk to y/n yet, or do I have to keep hearing you talk about him and how you'll never have a chance? I think I saw him somewhere over here earli-" Grover froze when he turned his head and saw you. A look of confidence taking over your face, as you turned to Percy a smirk tugging at your lips. "So you thought you didn't have a chance?"
Percy face flushed, as he tried to gather an answer. "It's cute, don't worry about it though. You've got a chance, trust me, you've got a chance." You smiled at the boy, watching his demeanor change from bashful, to hopeful. It was beyond cute to you, adoration for the boy in front of you taking over. Your iris probably starting to dust with shades of pink, if it was Percy hadn't said anything.
So I really like this one, it's cute. I didn't fully do the requested idea only cause I wasn't sure how to do it and have it align with other children of irises powers so I changed it up a bit.
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madsworld15 · 6 months
Heal Me, Hold Me, Make Me, Know Me Chapter 3 Part 2: June
QAF, Brian x Justin, Asexual Spectrum Representation, Season 2 re-telling. Part 2: 3k words
As always, thank you @winderlylandchime and @maryp50 for your support.
“What is your problem?!” Brian tried his best to keep himself from exploding.
“Nothing, I just think it’s weird how we are all bending over backward to make sure he’s comfortable.” Michael didn’t care about yelling. “When I broke up with David, no one batted an eye. No one cared!”
“This is why you’re upset? We didn’t hug you and say, Poor Mikey, his relationship fell apart?” Brian shook his head and left the table. He went to Debbie’s backyard so that he could have a smoke.
A few seconds later, Michael followed him.
“You don’t get to just walk away!” Mikey yelled at him, his perturbed facial expression on the verge of being comical.
“I wasn’t invested in your pity party. You’re comparing apples to oranges, Mikey. A breakup sucks but is nowhere near on the same level as nearly dying!” Brian glared at his best friend.
“I’m your best friend. It’s always supposed to be me and you against the world.”
“You left first. In case you forgot, once you started seeing Dr. David, he felt threatened by me, so he convinced you to stop hanging out with us!”
“He wasn’t threatened! And besides, that's not the same thing.” Mikey stomped his foot and clenched his fists. 
Brian shook his head, took a drag from his cigarette, and laughed. “How is your relationship different from me looking after Justin?”
Michael stood there thinking for a moment. Brian knew he would have to say something he dreaded in order to prove his point.
“You don’t get it, Mikey. I’m in a relationship with Justin. I care about him. And in case you forgot, you stood there and watched while those guys beat the shit out of him. He almost died.” Brian took another long drag from his cigarette. “So excuse me if I’m not scrambling to stroke your ego about your failed relationship with the good doctor.”
Brian half expected Michael to walk off in a huff bent on complaining to his mother. Instead, he stepped even closer to Brian and started yelling at the top of his lungs.
“FUCK YOU MIKEY!” Brian put all his energy into not succumbing to the guilt Michael was trying to stir up. “I’M THE ONE WHO GRABBED AND PUSHED THEM OFF OF HIM. IT’S BECAUSE OF ME THE AMBULANCE WAS CALLED!”
Brian dropped his cigarette at that point and calmed down slightly to try and get the upper hand in the argument. “You have never liked him. You have always been jealous of him, and it got in the way of you actually being the kind person I know you are.”
“I’m not fucking jealous. I just don’t like the person he’s changing you into. The Brian Kinney I know doesn’t do relationships. He sucks and fucks and doesn’t give his heart to anyone.” Mikey calmed down slightly, too, but Brian knew something bigger was coming.
“People change, Mikey. They grow up.” Brian sighed. 
“That’s a laugh. The poster boy for childishness and immaturity telling me how people change. Well, don’t kid yourself. You’re incapable of change.”
“YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME ABOUT MATURITY? YOU LET YOUR JEALOUSY GET IN THE WAY OF HELPING JUSTIN THAT NIGHT! YOU FUCKING FROZE MIKEY!” Brian knew he was reacting a bit dramatically, but it was either this or punch Michael in the face.
“You’re right. I froze up. But you’re putting the blame on me when it’s not even my place to look out for him. You’re only with him right now out of the guilt you feel.” Brian watched as Michael walked away toward the house, passing Justin as he went.
Brian pulled out a second cigarette and lit it up. His chest felt tight, and he could hardly breathe; not exactly the best time to be smoking, but he needed to let out some of his frustration, or else he risked saying the wrong thing to Justin. The blonde inched closer to him and put his hand out, silently asking for a drag, too. Brian acquiesced, extending his hand out to Justin’s.
“Is that why I’m here?” Justin’s voice finally came, smaller than Brian could have ever imagined.
“Mikey’s just jealous.” It wasn’t a lie, but it also wasn’t the answer Justin was looking for, and Brian knew it. He still didn’t have his head on straight, and so that was all he could offer.
Brian blew out some smoke, handed the rest of the cigarette to Justin, and walked back into the house. He knew he was fucking everything up big time, but he couldn’t stop himself from doing it. Justin’s security was something that meant the world to Brian, but right now, he is extremely hurt by the actions of his best friend. Having been raised by two verbally cruel alcoholics, Brian was used to hurtful words, but in the almost two decades that he’d known Michael, they’d never once come from him until now. Tears stung at the back of Brian’s eyes, but he couldn’t let them fall. 
He walked into the kitchen and pulled Debbie aside. She looked him up and down, confused. Michael was nowhere to be seen, which was just as well. Brian couldn’t handle seeing him right now.
“Could Justin stay here tonight?” Brian choked on his words, but he knew it was best for both of them. “I just…I need some space.”
Debbie, bless her heart, didn’t question him for a single moment. Instead, she wrapped him in her arms and whispered. “Don’t you dare believe a word my ungrateful son said to you. Go get your head on straight. I’ll look after Sunshine.” Then she planted a kiss on his cheek, and that was that. 
Justin POV
Justin finished up Brian’s cigarette. Not because he still wanted it but because he could tell Brian needed time to make his escape without any attention. Justin figured Brian needed a few minutes to cool off, and then they would go back to his loft for the night, calling the festivities a wash. 
What he didn’t expect when he walked back into Debbie’s kitchen was to see her and Vic sitting around the table and Brian nowhere to be found. Justin couldn’t even hear him in another corner of the home. He looked around, confused. Mel and Lindsay must’ve left, too, because they and the baby were also gone. Emmett was still lingering in the front room, but with his coat on, he appeared to be on his way out with Ted.
Vic cleared his throat, capturing Justin’s attention. He barely knew the older man but could already tell he had a good, kind soul.
“Why don’t you sit and have some dessert? It’s chocolate cream pie.” Vic pushed a small plate with a hefty slice toward the spot at the table closest to Justin.
He took a deep breath and plopped down.
“Brian asked if you could stay here tonight.” Debbie finally said, her voice taking on that motherly tone Justin had always been able to trust. 
After placing a bite in his mouth, he chewed and looked between the brother and sister. His heart fell. Ever since Michael had said what he did, he’d been hanging onto a faint hope that the man was wrong and Brian was just a terrible communicator.
“So, Michael was right,” Justin stated once he’d swallowed his bite. He sniffed and coughed to will his emotions not to make themselves known.
“No,” Vic responded fervently. “My nephew…” He started and then stopped as if he wasn’t sure how exactly to say what needed to be said.
“I don’t know how much you know about Brian, but you have to understand that he was raised in a home where words of cruelty and malice were used to communicate. Brian never learned how to express his emotions properly. So, he shut that part of himself down a very long time ago. Usually, when something gets under his walls, he bites back using words of hurt and pain. But he doesn’t want to do that to you.” Vic finally managed.
Not really knowing who Vic was or where he was coming from, Justin had a very hard time believing him. “How could you possibly know that?”
“I have seen Brian be short-sighted and sharp to men who expect more than a one-time ride with him. His words could cut down even the strongest-willed person.” Vic gave Justin a small smile before he continued. “But, tonight, Michael said what he said to Brian, and instead of lashing out at anyone, Brian went home.”
“But not before making sure you were looked after,” Debbie muttered quietly.
“He might not be able to say it or even admit it, but Brian cares about you.” Vic continued. “He never lets anyone stay the night, much less live with him.”
Justin sat there, quietly contemplating what Vic had just said and eating the rest of his pie. The kitchen fell silent, but it wasn’t a cold silence; it was comforting. In fact, Justin kind of felt like he was back in his own mom’s kitchen while she cooked dinner and he drew a picture. It was a nice thought, but soon enough, it broke his heart.
“What is he still doing here?” Michael announced his presence.
Justin looked up in time to see Debbie stand up, wagging a finger at her grown son. 
“Michael Charles Novotny! I think you’ve done more than enough this evening. Go home!” 
Michael started to protest, but then, with one look from Debbie, he turned around and walked out the front door.
“So,” Debbie turned to Justin and gave him a smile. “How are your hand exercises coming along? Gonna come back to the diner soon?”
“My hand exercises?” Justin looked confused from Vic to Debbie and back. “You guys know about that?”
“Brian talks.” Vic shrugged and grabbed all the plates to take them to the sink.
“He does?” Justin felt like he was learning more and more about the man he was sharing a living arrangement with than he ever imagined there was to learn.
“To Emmett.” Debbie clarified with a swat at her brother as he walked past her. “And then Emmett titters on about it all to us.”
Justin grinned at his lap with a chuckle. “Okay, that makes much more sense.”
“Em said you were struggling with seeing the purpose of doing them.” Vic sat back down at the table.
Justin looked at him, really looked at him. At that moment, he saw a man who understood. A man who would never say it out loud but could see his perspective and frustration.
“You know, when I first got sick, like really sick, I had to quit my job as a chef in New York City. It was terrifying times, and my boss wasn’t willing to see reason, let alone have compassion for my needs.” Vic started, his voice even and soft.
“I needed work in order to afford my medical bills, but I could hardly stand up some days because my whole body was at war with itself.” He continued.
“I would send him as much money as I could at first,” Debbie spoke up.
Justin hung onto their every word. He’d heard all about AIDS and HIV from science class and the after-school queer group he went to in secret a few years ago. But he’d never experienced someone who lived with it. Justin wanted to learn everything he could from Vic. 
“For a while, I managed to make things work, but then I got so sick I couldn’t afford to live on my own anymore. So, I moved back home, and here I am. It’s hard having to give up your autonomy for something you never asked for. So, fight like hell to get it back.”
“Vic’s never backed down from his fight. He was on death’s doorstep not two years ago. Look at him now! He’s baking again, and pretty soon, he’ll be working, too. Just you wait and see.” Debbie cupped Vic’s cheek and gave him a warm, loving smile.
“Thanks, sis.” Vic returned the smile. “Justin, don’t give up. Where there’s a will, there is always a way. Even if it’s not the same way as before.” 
Vic gave him a wink and added, “Besides, you’re much too beautiful to hide yourself away forever.”
Justin ducked his head with a blush and smiled at his lap.
Brian POV
Brian walked into the backroom at Babylon, looking for his prey for the evening. He needed someone that would allow him to be unrelenting and rough. He was angry at Michael, but more importantly, he was angry at himself. 
Justin had somehow gotten in under his walls, and it terrified Brian. While Michael rarely ever fought back whenever Brian used him as an emotional release valve. This time had been different, and they both knew it.
Brian looked around and found his prey. He was a scrawny man, similar in build to Emmett but shorter. The twink had bright eyes and an enthusiasm that told Brian he would be willing to do just about anything Brian asked. Brian smirked as he bracketed the guy with his arms.
“Hey,” Brian nodded at him. “You look like you’re here for a good time.” 
Mr. Bright Eyes nodded way more times than was necessary. Brian shook his head and flipped him around so that he faced the wall. Without much more spoken between them, Brian whipped out a condom and his dick and penetrated Mr. Bright Eyes.
A few hours later, Brian stumbled his way into his loft after paying the cab driver more than enough for the ride, having left his Jeep parked on the street near Babylon. He dropped his keys no less than five times as he tried to unlock the door. If Justin had been home, Brian was sure he would’ve woken him up with how loud and uncoordinated he was being. For a fleeting second, Brian considered he might have a drinking problem, but then, much like every other thought after his fifth shot of whiskey, it fizzled and disappeared.
Brian stopped at his desk, where he spotted the picture of him and Michael about a decade before, having just gone to Babylon for the first time. There was a gentle innocence to how they smiled together, sucking on milkshakes at the Liberty Diner. Fuck, they were practically kids there. 
Brian snorted and then lobbed the frame toward his door. It hit the metal with a resounding thunk and fell to the floor, where the glass in it shattered. A crack now sat over the top of their faces.
Much like our friendship. Cracked and broken. Probably never to be repaired.
Brian crossed to his answering machine where there was a flashing 2 beckoning to him. His brain was extremely fuzzy, so he was sure none of what these messages said would stick, but he played them nonetheless.
The first one was from Michael.
Brian. I know you went home. Jesus, are we really never going to talk again? You’re just pissed because I’m being honest with you, and you don’t like it. Justin is changing you. You're forgetting who you are and what makes you happy. You meet this blonde twink, and all of a sudden, it’s adopt-a-trick, and you’ve stopped fucking everything that moves. We’ve been friends since we were kids. Are you really going to end all that for some trick who won’t even let you fuck him?
Brian ended the message and immediately deleted it. The next one was much more pleasant. It was from Justin.
Good night, Brian. I know our arrangement is that I sleep on the bed, and you sleep on the couch. Tonight you can sleep on the bed, it is yours after all. Anyway, Vic and Debbie told me I shouldn’t worry that you were just overwhelmed by everything and needed some time. I get that. I get so overwhelmed sometimes my hand starts to shake and I can’t get it to stop. Anyway, please sleep. You need it.
Brian couldn’t stop the grin that formed on his lips. It was just after 10 pm, and had only left Debbie’s a few hours prior, but he already missed Justin’s incessant talking. Even when Brian wasn’t listening to him, the younger man would go on and on about whatever topic of conversation interested him at that moment. 
Before Justin moved in, Brian never would’ve guessed that he’d actually crave the presence of someone else in his loft. There was so much about Justin that didn’t make sense to Brian. And yet, he couldn’t get enough. The thought of coming home to Justin every day got him through some of the worst client interactions he could imagine. For the first time in Brian’s life, he knew what it was like to have someone actually interested in what he had to say and cared how he felt.
Brian decided it wasn’t too late to call Justin back. Debbie’s house was open at all hours for any of her boys. After two rings, Debbie answered and then called Justin to pick up the line.
“Hello.” Justin’s voice came through the speaker. Brian felt his drunkenness melt away and his brain clear.
“I just wanted to call you back to wish you a good night.” Brian sucked his lips in over his teeth, “And to see if you were okay.”
Brian knew he should apologize, but that wasn’t something he did. Apologies were useless.
“Yeah. I’m okay. Vic fed me some chocolate pie, which always makes everything better.” Justin chuckled softly.
“Yeah, Vic’s desserts are pretty great.” Brian agreed, his smile stretching as he lay down on the bed on Justin’s side.
“How would you know? In all the time I’ve known you, I’ve never once seen you eat anything remotely unhealthy.” Justin’s tone was playful, and Brian found himself wishing he was in the loft with him.
“Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it never happens.” Brian stretched, putting his arm behind his head. “Besides, I’ve known Vic most of my life. I used to live on nothing but sugar and blow jobs when I was a teenager.”
“Sure you did.” Justin shot back, not believing a word Brian uttered.
“Ask him if you don’t believe me.” Brian loved how easy it was to talk to Justin and how much fun he had doing it.
“Maybe,” Justin paused to yawn. “Maybe I will. I think I’m going to stay here while you’re in Chicago. I’ll have Debbie bring me by the loft in the morning for some clothes.”
“Okay.” Brian didn’t say it out loud, but he was relieved Justin chose to stay with someone. Based on Justin’s final words he knew that Justin heard him loud and clear, regardless.
“You don’t have to worry now.” Justin yawned again. “Anyway, good night. Best of luck in Chicago.”
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crowwritesaway · 2 years
Thomas Shelby Best Friend XX
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Anything. I could handle anything. But this…this, I-I can’t. Why? Why now? I mean, she’s not a saint but neither am I.
She looked inside through the window. She glanced around. Nurses rushing out of one room to another. One or two doctors walking into rooms.
She inhaled and exhaled. She needed answers. She had to get answers.
She walked up to Lucas. “Why didn’t you call me? Why did I have to find out through Jade, huh?” Zoey snapped. She balled up her fists.
“Look at yourself. This is why I didn’t tell you.” Lucas said, pointing at her.
“What happened?” Zoey asked, glancing at her mom. She looked so small and fragile.
“She found out.” Lucas said, gritting his teeth. “Found out about what…me?” Zoey whispered in disbelief. She ran a hand through her long hair.
“Fuck sake.” Zoey said, licking her lips. “How?” She asked Lucas, turning away from their mom and looking at Lucas.
“That nosy neighbor of ours, little Miss Patricia.” Lucas said, glaring as he reminisced
“What..what they told her about, me?“ Zoey hesitantly said, sighing.
“S-she told her about Jade.” Lucas said, bitting his lip.
“As in…” Zoey said, hinting about their relationship.
Lucas nodded, glancing back at his mum.
Zoey frowned. How did she find out? Who told her?
She clenched her jaw and told her twin, “I’ll stay away. Take care of her. Her laying on this hospital bed is loud and clear about what she thinks about what Jade’s and I relationship. Let me know if she wants to see me.”
Her twin watched her. She looked conflicted. Mum needs to accept her. She must. I don’t know how she’ll handle this.
Zoey took one last glance at her mum and felt her anger clash with her sadness. Why must she think like them? Why must she judge me based off who I love? She’s gonna hate me. She’s gonna belittle me, again and again.
Zoey walked out we mums room. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Zoey was siting on the couch. Out of nowhere, her mum tells her, “Zoey, don’t become a lesbian. Anyone else can be and live their truth but you. You cannot. You are my daughter and will not be.
Zoey was mine and nodded. Why? Why is it wrong?
Flashback (Zoey’s 14 yrs old)
Zoey glanced at Jade. She looked away. I can’t help but feel. I have to find a way to stop this crush.
Zoey tapped her pencil on the desk. She gritted her teeth. Why is it so hard? Maybe I can just pretend?
Zoey nodded to herself. Yes, ignoring these feelings will be as if they don’t exist.
Zoey sighed. I can’t let her down. I can’t be someone she hate and reject. I don’t think I can handle her hating me.
Flashback (Zoey’s 16 years old)
Zoey accepted she’s different. She leaned that Jade liked her. She happened to overhear a conversation between Jade and her best friend, Sally.
“Shh…you can’t tell Zoey that I like her. I don’t want her to think I’m weird..” She recalled Jade whisper loudly to her friend when she walked into the restroom.
They froze when they saw Zoey. Zoey ignored them. Zoey went into a stall and smiled to herself. Maybe I’m not the only one.
Zoey bitterly laughed once she heard them left. How can I be myself when I know the world and my mum will turn their backs on me or hurt me for being different?
Zoey shook her head. Why should I allow them to push me around? Why should I let society bully me? I’ll hide this from everyone, but not because I fear them but what can happen after?
Zoey clicked her tongue. I’m no lesbian. I simply like a person. I can love a person. There should be no rule to love a person. If both are consenting individuals then love will thrive. Gender should not be an issue.
Zoey got out of the stall. Do I tell my twin? Do I tell the Shelby’s. Ugh.
Zoey inhaled and exhaled
Zoey walked out the hospital. She cleared her throat. She looked around. She felt out of place.
She didn’t know where to go. I can’t to Tommy. I can’t go to John.
Zoey was walking down the street as these thoughts ran in her head. Beep! A car honked beside her. Zoey kept walking, ignoring the honk. Who honks at someone in the middle of the night? Certainly not someone with good intentions?
Zoey rubbed her eyes. She felt stuck. She hated her upbringing. She hated feeling cornered. Why must I hide? Why? Why? Just why? It seems everything that I am causes pain and hurts those around me. Am I in the wrong?
She leaned against a building. What’s another night without sleep? These memories are gonna be the end of me. She pulled out a cigarette and for a moment, contemplated smoking. She shook her head, as memories of the war began to creep in her mind.
You’re okay. You safe. It’s not your fault. She bitterly smiled as she thought about those in her unit who didn’t make it. She angrily crumbled up the cigarette. I don’t deserve to feel at peace.
I should’ve tried harder. I should’ve fought better. I should’ve…ugh. It’s should’ve been me. If only the world was kind to those who are different. If only my mother was less strict and more supportive.
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Stay around for more of Thomas Shelby Best Friend
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cursedbeasts · 7 hours
Bestia's Wrath Chapter 17: Grand Theft Gravestone
Tag in chrono order
Shit just keeps happening huh. Vaylin and Scorpio steal the Gravestone. Bestia and Styrak arrive at the scene and help Koth resolve a mess. Rammas has a vision.
Beginning Notes:
(Music: Skaen - Ad Cryptum)
Koth was humming a tune while working at replacing some fuses in a wall-mounted box. Tora should have been doing this, but she was nowhere to be found, so Koth had to pick up the slack. He wondered where the blue-haired mechanic even was, when a bout of laughter erupted from a room nearby.
"And I said: GIT GUD!" Someone yelled, clearly an ending to some story. 
Koth put the tools aside and peeked his head into the room. Tora, his missing mechanic, sat on the floor together with another woman, controllers in hand. A large screen was affixed to the wall, showing a split view of a grim city of spiky buildings. A character stood in the middle of the left half of the screen, while two other characters, one in orange robes, and a monster, were doing circles around them. The right half of the screen was shifting erratically. 
"How about you 'git gud' and help me with those fuses?" Koth asked. 
"Nah, I'm on break." 
Koth let out an exasperated sigh. 
"Wanna join us later?" The other girl asked, turning around. "We're playing Dreadborne." 
Koth recognised Rammas, one of the Commander's family. She'd befriended Tora, and the two often hung out like this when they had time. Sometimes Shyren, the beastly Scion, would come over, and the three watched holos or destroyed each other in games. Rammas's pitch black eyes unsettled Koth somewhat, but she has always been friendly towards him. 
"Maybe later." Something beeped. "I gotta take this." 
He withdrew from the room and picked up the communicator. It was a distress call from a small vessel drifting nearby. Koth hurried to the bridge, and activated a tractor beam. 
Back in the room, Rammas froze for a moment, nearly letting a giant Dread Seed monster kill her character. She sensed something in the Force, but it was gone, hidden, as soon as she tried to zero in on it. She shrugged, guiding her avatar away from the monster's claws. 
"You nearly let the first boss kill you!" 
"Yeah sorry, just… sensed something." 
"Force nerfshit?"
"Yeah. It's gone now but… I got a bad feeling." 
"Watch out, we got a Scion over here!" 
Tora's taunts were interrupted by the Dread Seed monster swiping at her character, sending them flying. Rammas cackled, while Tora cursed. Shyren's character jumped on the boss's head, delivering a devastating blow to its head and finishing off its remaining hit points. Rammas made her character jump in place in celebration, while Tora's character respawned nearby. Suddenly, Shyren's avatar blinked out of existence mid jump, and a message popped up at the bottom of the screen. 
[cvrsedbeast has disconnected] 
"Huh, that's weird." Rammas said. 
"I think our holonet died." 
"Ugh. It can't be out, I checked the transmitter, like, yesterday."
Rammas sensed the presence again, closer this time. At the same time, there was a burst of static on the ship's intercom system. Koth's voice, yelling about being boarded. Rammas was on her feet in moments, her mind calculating the best course of action. Rammas wasn't sure how many enemies there were, and face to face combat wasn't exactly her strong suit, especially if there were Force users. She was better at hiding and sneaking and being overlooked. 
"I think they have a Force user with them. I'm going to hide and see if I can ambush them." 
Rammas found an air vent opening, and crawled inside, cloaking her presence at the same time. She saw Tora run off to somewhere through the openings in the grate. Another burst of static and shouting came through the intercom. It was patchy but Rammas made out enough bits and pieces to get the image: the enemy was in the hangar. The Sith drew up a mental map of the ship. The game room was on the middle level of the ship. The hangar was in the lower level. She sighed and started crawling. 
Rammas didn't have to crawl far. She made it almost to the elevator when it opened and a powerful Force presence washed over the Sith. The elevator spat out a human woman accompanied by a droid. The human was none other than Vaylin, the reigning Empress of Zakuul. And the droid was Scorpio, the snobby artificial intelligence that betrayed the Alliance to pursue some nebulous goal of her own. Rammas watched with a baited breath as the two passed under the vent she looked out of. This was definitely not a fight Rammas would win, not one on one. Not even with the power of a Dread Master. She crawled away and up, away from the middle level. She'd hide, and try to call Odessen. 
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A grueling climb up later, Rammas peered into the Monolith Room as she came to call it. A foreboding round chamber somewhere on the upper level of the ship, with an odd stone object sitting in the middle, cables connected to the bottom of it beneath the catwalk. Most of the crew actively avoided the room, unless repairs had to be done. The room was thankfully empty, and Rammas didn't sense Vaylin's presence anywhere nearby. It would make a good ambush site. For some reason, Rammas was sure Vaylin would come here eventually, like seemingly every Force user who ever stepped foot on the ship did. Bestia had said the monolith felt alive and evil. Rammas herself was drawn to it. It felt familiar to her. 
She climbed out of the vent, and crouched inside the well running along the edge of the room. She fished out her holocom and put in Bestia's own frequency, feverishly typing away. 
The two messages reached Odessen at the same time. Koth's message was more frantic, but filled in some gaps: he locked down the ship controls and hid. He saw his crew herded onto the bridge, and heard them screaming when Vaylin tormented them. Neither he nor Rammas knew why Scorpio was there, though.
"They also kidnapped Koth and his crew." Lana said.
"Yeah that too. And Rammas." Bestia added.
This time it was Styrak's turn to explode, although his outburst was much more tame and quiet compared to Bestia's. 
"They what?!"
Lana and Theron flinched, again. 
"She was fine as of the time she sent the message." Bestia turned to the two humans. "Styrak kind of adopted her."
Styrak calmed down, but Bestia didn't blame him for the outburst. He developed a sort of a father-daughter relationship with Rammas, and had grown protective of her. That, and Rammas was the sixth Dread Master. She inherited Styrak's part in the union. Bestia and the others kept it a secret as to not expose their least experienced and therefore most vulnerable member. It was easy for anyone even somewhat aware of the Dread Masters to assume Styrak was back in the union. It was easy for people to overlook the tiny woman as the sixth Dread Master as opposed to the giant imposing man who has held the position for the past thousand years as well. And for the most part, he kept doing what he did, while also teaching Rammas as his apprentice. 
"I'm coming with you." Styrak said. 
"No objections here. Considering Vaylin's presence, the more power we bring, the better. Can we get Sharack for a full family outing?"
Lana shook her head. 
"Sharack is helping clean up remnant Zakuulan forces on Voss."
"Guess we'll have to manage without her, then."
The Alliance fleet dropped out of hyperspace at the Gravestone's location. The ancient ship floated in space, and a number of Eternal Fleet vessels hung by. They stayed silent as a small vessel disembarked from Deimos, Dread Masters' flagship. It entered the Gravestone's hangar unimpeded. 
"Koth really wasn't kidding about locking down the controls, huh." Bestia muttered, stepping out. Styrak followed her. "It's odd that the Eternal Fleet is quiet. I'm not complaining though."
They found Koth hiding in a tunnel nearby. 
"So." Bestia put her hands on her hips. "What's going on?"
"Where is Rammas?" Styrak demanded. 
"Vaylin has my crew, but the controls are locked." Koth looked worried and annoyed at the seemingly irrelevant question. "Rammas isn't with them. Probably hiding somewhere. It doesn't matter, if they get around the code we're in huge trouble." 
"No shit, they'll have control of the ship." 
"It's not just that. Do you know what a quantum bomb is?" 
"A what?" Bestia's head tilted to the side. 
"If they get around the codes everything in a several thousand kilometer range will go boom." 
Bestia stood silent for a moment, then took a deep breath. 
"Why in the fucking galaxy did you do that?!"
Koth flinched, both from being yelled at and from Bestia's power that began seeping from her, almost visible to the naked eye. Styrak stepped in, and Bestia walked to the edge of the hangar, fuming. She whipped out her communicator, hoping her message would get through. 
"There is a way to stop it." It wasn't much of a question. Styrak's voice was remarkably flat, given the situation. 
"Of course there is. I'm not stupid." 
"That is debatable. Show us how." 
While Styrak was grilling Koth, Bestia managed to calm down somewhat, and rejoined their little congregation. 
"Okay, where do we go to disarm the bomb? Also, were Vaylin and Scorpio alone?" 
"They have Skytroopers with them. I've been able to avoid them, but they might get on our case." 
"I'll deal with them." Styrak offered. 
"Let's go." Bestia growled. "Let's clean up this mess…"
The first fuse was nearby. Koth set to work on disabling it, and just as he started, a patrol of Skytroopers walked in. Bestia and Styrak dealt with them quickly.
"I could get used to having stupidly powerful Force users keeping me safe." Koth straightened."Anyway that's the first fuse. The second one is going to be difficult." 
"It's on the bridge, isn't it?" Bestia guessed. 
"Yep. Where Vaylin and my crew are." 
"You have two Dread Masters with you." 
"The child and the droid will be focused on us." Styrak said. 
Koth glanced at the two of them. 
"True. Let's go." 
When they reached the bridge, Vaylin and Scorpio were both gone. The crew, however, was tied up on the floor. Koth ran to them, freeing a large bald man with noticeable burns on his body. Bestia recalled the man's name to be Len, and that he was Koth's second in command. Bestia and Styrak took positions on the sides of the door, watching for enemies.
"You alright?" Koth asked Len. 
"Don't know…" the man mumbled. He threatened to topple over when Koth freed him. 
"We're alive." Tora snapped at him. "Took you long enough."
Koth freed her, and she in turn freed the rest of the crew while Koth worked on the second fuse. Styrak glanced over the room. Like Koth had said, Rammas wasn't here, meaning Vaylin and Scorpio hadn't found her when they rounded up the crew. But the Empress wasn't here either, meaning she could find the new Dread Master any minute. Styrak could sense Vaylin's presence, but it was far away.
"Where are Vaylin and Scorpio?" Bestia called out. 
"Probably went out to hunt you." Tora said. 
"I don't have time to explain but all of you have to go to the escape pods now." Koth said. 
He watched his crew run out. When they were gone, he stood by the console, staring down at the keyboard and the screens. The bridge controls were unlocked. He guessed Scorpio sliced through them. However, something wasn't adding up. If Vaylin and Scorpio went around his encryption, they should have tripped the bomb. But they clearly haven't. As if answering his silent question, a small image of Scorpio appeared above the console. Koth took a step back. Bestia noticed and stepped in, sneering at the droid. 
"What do you want?" Bestia demanded.
"Listen carefully. Time is short." 
"Well I don't have time for your six dimensional Pazaak."
"My "six dimensional Pazaak" is keeping you all alive. You are welcome." 
Bestia grumbled, but decided to listen. 
"We have the same objective. Like you, I wish to save the Gravestone. I lured Vaylin away so you could disable your failsafe." 
"Huh. Thanks, I guess." Koth said, still frowning. 
"Vaylin has cornered one of yours. I understand you might want to save her too." Scorpio stared right into Bestia's eyes.  
"Why are you suddenly so helpful?"
"The Gravestone is the key to everything. And the site of their fight may prove to be your undoing." 
Koth's eyes went wide. 
"Oh no." 
"What?" Bestia turned to him. "Where are they?" 
"The creepy monolith room. I hid the bomb there." 
Bestia was sprinting off before Koth could even finish. He cursed under his breath and ran after her. Styrak did his best to keep up. They burst into the chamber only to see Rammas thrown against the monolith, sliding down to the floor and leaving a dark smear on its surface. Before Vaylin could gloat, Bestia tackled her to the ground and unleashed her full power onto her. Styrak knelt before Rammas, channeling healing into her. Suddenly, he was thrown to the side, nearly hitting the wall. He saw Bestia flying through the air, but she used the Force to push away from the wall and land crouching on the floor. Vaylin fired lightning at both of them, and Styrak blocked it with a lightning bolt of his own. While two torrents of electricity collided in the middle, Bestia circled around. She heard Koth swearing from below. 
"We have three minutes!"
Bestia nodded, and charged at Vaylin, hitting her with Force Fear once more. This time it sent the human flinching, battering at her already weakened mental defences. Vaylin screamed, and there was a bright flash of light. Bestia found herself thrown against the wall again, her hair standing on end. She glanced about and saw Styrak getting back up. His wings unfurled from behind his back. And then she saw Vaylin stumble. Bestia suddenly felt tired and hollow. Her eyes drifted to the center of the room. Rammas stood by the monolith, one hand resting on its surface, her face blank. 
"Something is draining us!" Styrak shouted. He looked frantically between Bestia and Rammas. He had to decide. In the end, he tried to make his way to Rammas, her being closer, and a hunch telling him she might have something to do with the Force being sucked out of them. Before he could reach Rammas, Vaylin appeared next to the small Sith, grabbed her and held a lightsaber to her throat. The action dragged Rammas away from the monolith, and the moment her hand left its surface, the weight lifted, and Rammas was suddenly blinking rapidly. 
"One move." Vaylin hissed. "From either of you. And she's dead." 
She sidestepped both Dread Masters, now utterly powerless to stop her, and dragged Rammas away into the tunnels. 
"I'll be fine!" Rammas yelled. 
"We have to stop the bomb first." Bestia said. "Koth?" 
"It's shielded. There's three relays in the tunnels around the room, disable them and I'll be able to turn it off." 
"Got it. Styrak, you go left, I go right." 
Styrak nodded, and the two split up. He had to squeeze through the narrow tunnels, which added to the rage-fueled lightning storm that he unleashed onto the relay. A more rational part of his mind told him to trust Rammas and that she was a Sith and would find a way out. However, it still failed to stop the panic churning in his chest. Rammas was his replacement as a Dread Master. If something happened to her, he wasn't sure that the Dread Masters would survive the shock it would send across their Force union. But also, maybe he'd have his power back? No, this was definitely not the appropriate thing to consider, something piped up within him. Could it be that he was growing a conscience? Could it be that he also got genuinely attached to someone who wasn't Bestia, Calphayus, Mu'hass, or one of his Kell Dragons? 
Styrak put away the moral dilemma for a moment as he squeezed through another tunnel. He saw Bestia standing over the smoking remains of the relay. 
"Is that the last one?"
"Yeah. Let's go back to Koth and see if we're going to die."
"A second time for me." Styrak quipped grimly.
They found Koth sitting on the edge of the catwalk in the central room. He wiped sweat off his forehead when the two Dread Masters entered. He looked relieved. 
"Bomb over!" He called out cheerfully.
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Vaylin dragged Rammas along corridor after corridor. She was much taller than the Sith, and Rammas found herself struggling to walk. She was also being choked, and felt dizzy. The corridors faded away before her eyes, brightening into a dull fuzzy gray that made her think of death and disease and rot. She saw a gray room with a small bed and a force field wall. She blinked and saw a human with shiny black hair, beard, and dressed in elaborate white robes, looking down at her as she hid behind someone's legs. His eyes were pitch black. His face was vaguely familiar. She blinked again, and now she stood before a hexagonal energy cage. A small human girl sat curled up on the bed inside. Her hair was long and golden. Rammas put a hand to the energy field and the hand was tiny. She blinked, and was back inside the Gravestone. Vaylin was shaking her like a ragdoll. 
"Hey. Don't die on me. You're my meat shield." 
"Shut...up…" Rammas mumbled. 
"Oh. Good. You're alive." 
Rammas bit back whatever witty response was slowly cooking in her fried brain. She found her lightsaber gone, now hanging off Vaylin's belt. She had to think, and fast, and this was exactly what her head refused to do. Those visions weren't exactly new, but this was the first time Rammas got more than a vague hunch. She wondered if Vaylin had something to do with the years missing from her childhood. Unable to think clearly, Rammas decided to play along for now. She'd find a way to escape when her head is clearer. And maybe she'd find some answers along the way.
"We have to find Rammas." Styrak was limping to and from, his cane making a clacking noise every step. 
"I know, but if Vaylin is with her we can't really do much."
Bestia sat in one of the chairs. She, Koth, Styrak, and a bunch of reinforcements from the fleet reconvened at the bridge. The other three Dread Masters were here as well. Calphayus was trying to offer Styrak a cup of tea which he eventually accepted, plopping down in one of the seats. 
"We will find her." Calphayus reassured. "And she's a capable young woman, she can take care of herself."
"I know. But she is also part of the union, and if that gets damaged again, I am not sure how the Dread Masters as a whole will handle it."
"That is a legitimate concern." Brontes turned from the console that she stood by together with Koth and Tyrans. "Have you found a way to unbind the union?"
"Not yet, which is why I'm worried."
"I think you're mostly worried because you see Rammas as your child." Calphayus said, and took a sip of his tea.
"No, I don't." Styrak huffed, and crossed his arms. "This is bloody preposterous."
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." Bestia chuckled, despite the grim situation. 
Styrak opened his mouth to protest, huffed again, then closed his mouth and took a big gulp of the tea Calphayus had given him. Exhaustion creeped up his bones. Both the physical kind from having been drained, and the social exhaustion of having to be around so many strangers. 
"I'll go find somewhere to be alone." He said, slowly getting up. 
"We'll be here." Bestia replied. 
Styrak limped away, teacup in hand. Bestia sunk into her chair. She watched Koth explain how the Gravestone worked to Tyrans and Brontes, who nodded and asked questions. 
"Man I'm fucking beat." 
"Language!" Calphayus protested feebly.
"Yeah, sorry. Point is, something weird happened. You know this creepy monolith room here on the ship? Well, in the middle of the fight against Vaylin, it started draining us of our energy and Force power, and Rammas stood next to it like she was asleep."
"That is odd, indeed." 
Suddenly, she heard Lana calling her over. She shambled towards the main console. Theron was on holo.
"The Eternal Fleet jumped into hyperspace." Theron said. "It's just us left here now. We've got some reinforcements in the docking bay."
"Secure the ship and tell us if you find Vaylin or Scorpio. Vaylin has a hostage with her." Bestia said. 
She moved back to her chair and closed her eyes, fully intending to take a nap. She heard Koth cheering, and Lana scolding him for the whole bomb situation. Rest would elude her, because suddenly the room fell dead silent. A familiar metallic voice rang out from the communication system. 
"This vessel is under my control. Organic beings have a few minutes to abandon ship, after which your lives will be forfeit." 
"What do you want with the ship?" Brontes asked.
"The Gravestone is the key to everything. It, the Geminis, and the eternal fleet are all connected. I must find out how." 
The ship jumped into hyperspace with no command from Koth or anyone else. 
"Where are you taking us?" 
"The Gravestone is going home." 
Just as Scorpio said that, the ship fell out of hyperspace, surrounded by a swarm of Eternal Fleet vessels, all bound for the same destination. Everyone gaped at the sight before them: a huge grey planet with a white glowing ring wrapped around it. The Gravestone approached the planet, and up close, it was fully made of metal. The glowing ring turned out to be an enormous brightly lit gap that led inside. The white glow brightened until Bestia couldn't see anymore. And then, she blacked out.
0 notes
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I was restless. After everything that had happened, I’d expected to get a decent night's sleep; thought that learning to control fire and trying to save the city might actually have exhausted me. But apparently not. Even having gone out in the middle of the day to con a few people, in the hopes of feeling a little more like myself again, had done nothing to satisfy my need to do something. Perhaps it was the fact Cosmo hadn’t been there, instead he and Dart had been trying to come up with new and improved ways for our little group to be heroes. Jeff might have wanted to manipulate the hell out of us all, but he’d made a great choice in our little group.
With a groan, I finally threw the cover off and went to look at my spoils from the day. It wasn't much: a couple of ten pound notes, a club card for some supermarket or another, and a key that I don’t remember taking. Still, the motions of getting them had been what I needed; apparently, being a superhero was a rather lucrative business when Ano had figured out fake bank accounts and loads of other cunning things to protect our identities. A smile, that was all it had taken for some to let their guard down. I’d robbed them blind before actually asking anything, instead seeming way too excited about being in the city where those heroes had done that thing.
Heroes. The word still didn't sit quite right with me. I knew that I’d helped save the day, but I also felt a little like a circus monkey. Don’t get me wrong, those guys are perfect for a distraction, but I was suddenly very aware of what it felt like to be asked to do things again and again, just for the entertainment of a few people.
Without thinking I stuffed the things into the pocket of my jacket. If I wasn't going to get any sleep, I may as well make use of it.
I was dressed in less than five minutes, my thoughts already focused on what I was going to do. Or try to, the streets were dead. Despite there being a new kind of protection, people were still scared. Scared other bad people with powers might cause trouble and their heroes wouldn’t be around to protect them. Even heroes need their shuteye.
Yeah, not just the villains you need to watch out for, I thought, a small smile slipping easily onto my face.
'Hey!' a voice called, but I ignored it. “Hey” already sounded too cheerful to be anyone I knew or cared about. 'Willow!'
The use of my name froze me. I mentally tried to place the voice but got nowhere. Quick footsteps forced me into action though; I rounded to see the jogging figure approaching.
The person was a girl, probably a couple of years younger than me. Her hair seemed to bounce on her shoulders with each step she took, even as she slowed down slightly. There was a smile on her face that caused me to arch an irritable eyebrow.
'What'd you want?' I spat before the girl was too close.
She faltered momentarily, but didn't actually stop until she was a few paces away. I could already feel the heat on my hands, a comforting kind of protection whether I needed it or not.
'You found a key, didn't you?'
'I don't know -'
'It's OK,' the girl said hurriedly, 'I got one too. It's weird, but -'
'Is there a point?' I interrupted coolly.
The girl paused for a beat before chuckling, shaking her head ever so slightly. 'Sorry, sorry, I got excited,' she said, before sticking out her hand. 'I'm Ella, and that key...' She scrunched her face as her voice petered out.
My eyebrow arched further.
'Darius said this might be hard,' she murmured, before heaving a sigh. She slipped something carefully from her pocket.
Instantly, I was on edge. The heat of my hands intensified; I could see the faint orange glow that came before actual flames.
But the girl produced a key, one that looked exactly the same as the one in my own pocket. 'It takes you to a place where you can relax,' she explained, moving towards a shopfront.
I watched, unable to look away. This kid had stopped me, and now seemed to be going into a darkened shop with a key that I also had. I wasn't sure if she had the power to create keys to any door, if she was actually the owner's kid or something, or she was about to rob the place blind. It was that uncertainty that drew me closer to her, curious to how all this played out.
'Yours'll do the same,' Ella said, glancing back over her shoulder and shooting me a bright smile. 'Any door as long as it takes a key.'
I didn't have time to question it. Ella had already unlocked the door and opened it outwards.
'Welcome to The Voyageurs Möteplass,' Ella said brightly, stepping through the doorway.
After everything that had happened in recent months, I had hoped that nothing else could shock or, I had to begrudgingly admit, impress me. But I was proved wrong. Beyond the doorway life seemed to flourish, even though from the outside it had looked completely empty. People that looked like nothing I had seen before bustled around, chatting amicably, an air of almost bittersweet happiness tinged the whole thing. Ella's grin seemed to widen. She waved to people that passed, and they seemed to smile back even if they'd looked in thunderous moods beforehand.
'Are you stealing my lines, Ella?' a large man with amusement bright behind his eyes asked. There was something imposing and yet oddly comforting about him.
'Just testing it out, Darius,' Ella said brightly.
He chuckled jovially. 'I think young Badger was looking for you. Something about "The joke to end all jokes," I believe.'
Ella chuckled affectionately before turning back to me. 'I'll be seeing you,' she said, before hurrying away.
Part of me wanted to tell her to come back, to try and have at least some semblance of before this revelation beside me to help make sense of it, but she didn't. Instead, I turned quizzically to Darius.
'Why don't we have a drink, Willow.'
'How'd you know my name?' I asked carefully, once again feeling the protective heat of my power.
'When a hero -'
'I'm not a hero.'
Darius inclined his head slightly as way of an apology. 'This place is for adventure weary travellers to rest a while amongst their own. I could -'
'Is it magic?' I asked before I could stop myself.
A flicker of that bright smile. 'Yes, now, shall we close the door so as not to let the warm air out?'
I hovered for a moment, my toes on the threshold. Cosmo would have loved this, and he was going to be so pissed at me for more than one reason. But I was curious to see what other treasures were hidden beyond the doorway; who knew, there might have been some interesting pockets to pick.
So, ignoring my better judgement, I stepped into the café, and closed the door behind me.
0 notes
crazy-writer-101 · 9 months
"Trial failed." 
The program screamed through the small control room. My ears felt like they were going to bleed everytime it did that. I pressed several buttons and then reversed the subject back to his origin point. Letting out a sigh of frustration, I pressed the restart button. 
"That's weird," the boy muttered. His best friend looked at him and already knew what he was talking about. 
"More déjà vu?" She questioned as she looked at her watch and then at the traffic light, waiting for the signal to walk. 
“Yeah,” he responded. A familiar funny feeling ran through his body that he shook off as normal. He tried to focus and get his mind off the odd thought. Cars speeded by them in hopes of getting to work on time. Him and his best friend were walking to school in a hurry because his friend hated being late. But they already were. 
As soon as the light changed, his friend tugged on his sleeve to follow her across the sidewalk and he couldn’t help but feel that odd feeling even stronger. 
“Wait!” He yelled as he gripped his friend’s arm and froze his feet to the ground like stone. He pulled her back to the sidewalk just as a large pick-up truck ran the red light. 
The two stood, frozen and breathing heavy as they processed what happened. 
After a moment of silence, his friend turned to him, wide-eyed and jaw dropped. 
“You saved my life!” She exclaimed as she shook his arm. He looked at her, his heart still pounding and the sense of déjà vu vanished with his shock. He hugged her tight and long in fear of losing her. 
Not again. 
I let out a sigh of relief.
He survived. So did she. 
The last three trials failed. Each time the subject sacrificed himself for the girl not to get hurt. Finally, the last test succeeded. I recorded the results of the event into the subject’s profile journal and relaxed for a mere second before the alarm went off again. 
The boy had made another mistake and got hurt. I restarted his origin point and watched. After a few tries, he finally got by. 
It felt awful. I felt awful. I watch over this boy’s life and each time he dies, I pass it as ‘normal’ and it makes me sick. I got so used to him dying and being revived that it makes me feel that the last bit of my humanity left in me has faded with the rest of my knowledge from the world. Once, I had told the Head Operator how disgusting it was and he brushed it off by telling me ‘it’s the only way’. He was the creator of all this yet he can’t change these awful ways? 
I rested my head in my arms and took deep breaths to try and clear my mind, but I failed when the alarm went off again. I lifted my head and turned to my controls that glowed a sick gray. 
That wasn’t right. 
The controls usually glowed white not gray. Here they were as if a storm might burst from them. I tapped the replay button, but nothing happened. I searched the control for the multidimensional breaker and tried to move it but it didn’t budge. Then I used the emergency subject shutdown button, but like the rest of the controls, it didn’t work. I glanced at the screen and it was dark. I could barely make out any shapes. I soon figured it out. 
He was hiding underneath a desk. 
His arms shook around his legs as silent tears fell from his terrified eyes. 
His best friend was nowhere to be seen. 
Only crimson replaced where she would be. 
What was happening? 
I rushed to emergency management to tell them what was going on. Turns out, other guardians were there to talk to them too. 
My controls are dark. 
My kid isn’t responding. 
Where is she? 
He’s hurt. I need to help him. 
This can’t be happening again. 
A large blaring alarm and red lights silenced the crowd. The Head Operator entered the room with a stern yet sad expression. His eyes were softer than usual and that initiated to everyone that something was wrong. 
“Listen, guardians,” his voice echoed throughout the large arena, “We are in Operation Survival. The children will have to survive without their guardians-” 
“What the hell? This is our job! We are supposed to protect them! All the time!” A guardian yelled while many others shouted in agreement. 
“I know,” the operator continued, “but we can’t always protect them from the world. They’ll have to learn to survive on their own.” 
“This isn’t the way to do it!” Another guardian announced. More to agree with him. 
“There is nothing we can do about it, but only wait to see if your subject survives. Please find your way back to your labs and do so.” 
He was wrong. There was something we could do. He just won’t. 
Luckily we would. 
The rest of us made it back to our labs with one goal in mind; We’re going to protect our subjects. Our kids. No matter what. 
We grabbed our gear and made our way back down to Earth. Divine guardians aren’t supposed to make contact with humans for what will happen to them when they do. The terrible sounds that escaped the school burned into not only our souls but the kids’ too. Piercing screams and gut-punching pops. It was clear whoever put this upon our kids didn’t realize the consequences of their actions. 
0 notes
yuyumnami · 1 year
Aoi's last words
'I almost froze her... That was close.' Todoroki Shoto thought, feeling guilty and worried about Hagakure Toru after eavesdropping on the girl's and Ojiro's conversation.
Ignoring Yuga Aoyama's voice asking random students where was he, he couldn't neglect the sudden headache that has been over his head since fighting the villain in USJ. Though somehow he managed to stand on his footing and able to survive the attack. He messaged his forehead a bit, trying to ease the pain.
"Are you okay, Todoroki?" Shoto looks to his left and spots his classmate, Yaoyorozu Momo walking toward him.
"Just a headache." He grunted.
Then why is he seeing red? With an iron smell along?
"Todoroki?!" Momo called out to him and he saw her move backward in fright while looking above them. Peeking up, he saw a spiral. And red metallic continued to drop on his pretty face.
Gasp and shouting can be heard around him, telling him to move and things about danger. But Todoroki only found himself frozen, standing like a rock as his face get wetter by blood.
His eyes are glued to the spiral, as the pain is getting stronger and his head feels like it would explode.
He felt his butt sting as he fell backward to the ground and was choked out of the air as a heavy body fell on top of him. All he could see was a person in red with a strong smell of blood. Shoto gagged at the sight just before he passed out from exhaustion.
Shoto heaves a heavy breath as he kept on pouncing his fist into the air. The sun glistened brightly on top of his head, and his shirt got wetter from all the sweat.
He swiftly thrust two more blows upfront, followed by a swift duck as if his imaginary opponent just sent him a punch. Like any martial arts classes he had taken so far, he follows every movement perfectly due to his regular training.
Then only for a sudden and short moment, a portrait flashed in his head.
The girl from that day, red everywhere.
He winced. Why did she suddenly appear in his head?
Ever since Shoto awoke from his short coma, he had never heard any news about the girl.
Her sudden appearance was a mystery, and none of his teachers ever said anything about her. Even the investigated villains, claimed they know nothing about her nor the out-of-nowhere spiral.
What was mysterious regarding himself more, was that he was more worried about her well-being, which is weird.
The girl was someone unfamiliar. Shoto was sure he had never seen her before. But he got a gut that she was faintly familiar and connected to him.
A long-lost family, perhaps?
'Does that bastard have a secret chi-'
"Shoto." Upon hearing the sudden voice calling his name, Shoto tilted his head to the engawa and spotted a buffed man with red hair, similar to his half on the left.
"Get ready, we're going to the hospital." The man, who is Shoto's father said as he put on his watch.
"why?" Shoto hates it when it comes to talking to his bastard of a father, but he can't help but get curious.
"That girl just woke up and we're needed there."
The boy's mismatched eyes of turquoise and grey widen a little.
"And why 'we'? She got nothing to do with you." He retorted.
The father, Todoroki Enji inwardly sighed, ignoring the fact that his son is displeased with his presence. "Not my choice since the police are the ones who begged me to go there."
"So you're saying your name is Todoroki Aoi?" Seikagi Ryuiichi, a doctor in his late twenties asked.
"Yes." The girl hoarsely speaks.
Her face held a wary expression, he noted. Doubtful too. And her sat posture even though seems polite, she's sitting from the left foot, her body tense and ready all the time, as if she's waiting for something to strike.
What's she so tense of? He wonders.
"Okay then, Miss Todoroki, I need you to stay calm and lie down. You might hurt your body more after this." The brunette doctor calmly asked. 
"I'm fine." The ravenette girl argued. Ryuiichi huffed a displeased air. 'Stubborn'
He can't back off from this. As a doctor, it was his responsibility to keep his patients safe. "Miss Todoroki, Im sorry but you have to lie down no matter what. When you were first admitted to the hospital, you were critically damaged and presumably have no hope to continue your life. I am your doctor and just so you know I only want what is best for you as you are my patient." Ryuiichi argued back firmly. His brown eyes staring a firm yet a gentle look toward the girl's in assurance. "So please, miss, lie down and never take off the wires carelessly ever again."
Even though the girl seems reluctant, she complied with his request and let him attach the wires back to her arms.
While doing so, Ryuiichi can't forget the way she reacted when she first saw the nurse.
As if the nurse is the prey, and she's the hunter. It happened in a blink of an eye. The way She immediately jumped on the nurse despite her weak body and her right hand seems to rush for something on her waist, only to find that something is not where it was supposed to be.
And if it weren't for Eraserhead who arrived in time, the poor nurse probably would be dead.
Ryuiichi sees in her eyes that were painted with turquoise color. That used to hold thousands of tears. Anything about her now matches that she's like a samurai, a fighter, just with no sword. Despite her body condition injured and weak, she seems strong enough to strike and rip off his head in a second and her eyes are similar to the one that intends to kill, yet dubious.
"Miss Todoroki, these two men are Underground Pro Hero, Eraserhead, and Detective Tsukauchi." Ryuiichi motioned his hand toward the messily dark-haired man sitting at the corner of the room then a man in a brown beige coat. "They're gonna ask you some questions. Can you cooperate with them?"
The girl warily nodded, perhaps she's too tired to even talk. But then she's also sharp, never let down her guard.
Ryuiichi heaves a sigh. His hand brushed againts his brown hair as he scratch his unitchy head.
"We'll take it from here." Tsukauchi took the girl's patience record from Ryuiichi's hand.
"Do what you have to." The doctor nodded and gave his space to the detective who just arrived minutes ago before proceeding to leave the room, leaving the cautious girl alone with fully bandaged pro hero Eraserhead, and The Detective.
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yourmomsgranddad · 2 years
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— PAIRING: Steve Harrington x fem!reader, ex!Eddie Munson x fem!reader
— SUMMARY: You and Eddie used to date, and everything is fine between you since you don't see him anymore. But things turn on its side when Dustin invites you, Eddie (your ex), and Steve (your current crush) over for a movie night.
— WORD COUNT: 1.5k
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You were pacing around your room, picking things up.
You were supposed to be cleaning but Dustin and Steve just thought it was the best time to come over and bother you.
"Come on!"
And right now, Dustin would not stop pestering you about some movie night.
"Come on, Y/n! It's going to be fun!" He tried to convince you but sadly for him, it was not working in the slightest.
You stopped working for a minute to look at him seriously.
"Dustin, why would I want to spend my night, watching Wizard of Oz with a bunch of middle schoolers?"
"Hey, they're in high school!" Steve corrected from your bed. He was under your blanket, pretending to be sleeping. "Doesn't make your friendship with them less weird."
He rolled his eyes before closing them again and going back to pretend sleep.
"Come on! We're going to watch the movies at Steve's house."
Suddenly, your interest was peaked. You had never been to Steve's house ever. He never invited you, not once. So you kind of wanted to see what it looked like.
"Ok I'm in."
Dustin's brows furrowed as he was kind of confused from your sudden switch. "Really? That's what got you?"
"I've never seen his house. I'm curious."
Dustin turned toward Steve, looking at him incredulously. "What?" He was also wondering the switch, but from Dustin now. "You've never invited her to your house?!"
Pure shock spread across the both of you since you looked at Steve agitated as well.
"You've invited your 14 yr old best friend over your house and not me?" Steve froze, not knowing what to say. There was nothing he could think of to say to make both of you less confused.
"See you at movie night!" He shouted before bolting out of your room and completely messed up your made bed.
"What was that about?" You asked, looking at Dustin as if he knew the answer.
"I have no idea."
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You walked up the stairs to Steve's house and knocked.
He opened the door almost immediately with a bright smile on his face. "Hi." He greeted but the blank expression never left your face.
"I can't believe the first time I'm coming to your house is a movie night with Dustin." He sucked in some air, feeling sort of guilty. "Sorry." He apologized.
"It's fine." You shrugged off, a small smile finding its way onto your face.
That's when Steve relaxed from being out of the doghouse.
He moved over to finally let you out of the cold and into the warmness from his house.
It seemed as though you were the last person to get there because it seemed like there was a very loud party going on in his kitchen from all the shouting happening.
You walked through his house, toward his kitchen to find all of Dustin's friends plus Robin, all arguing about something. But they seem to have stopped when they noticed you looking at them confused in the doorway.
"Oh hey!" Robin was the first to greet you but she had a whole bunch of Pringles shoved in her mouth so her speech was a little muffled.
"Robin? Really? You're here too? How did they rope you in?"
"They told me there would be unlimited snacks." She admitted, making your eyes at your friend.
But then you froze.
You hadn't seen him since the breakup and you really weren't ready to see him now. It seemed like he wasn't ready to see you either from the way he stopped eating and looked at you awkwardly.
You never really provided explanation after you broke up with him. To him, it just seemed out of nowhere. but what's done is done.
No more Y/n and Eddie.
"Um, I need to go to the bathroom. Steve, where is your bathroom?"
"Right through there." He instructed. Eddie walked past everyone, going toward the bathroom. Steve wondered why your smile fell so quickly. I mean you were happy a few seconds ago.
He shouldn't dwell either.
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Eddie walked out of the bathroom to find you right outside the door with your lips making a thin-line.
"Are you going to be okay? Because if things are going to be weird between us, I'll leave. I'm pretty sure Dustin would want you here more than me."
Eddie felt frozen. On one hand, he really didn't want you to leave because he liked seeing you, even if that meant as a friend.
On the other hand, seeing you right now was kind of hurting his heart.
He was slightly conflicted.
But his mouth acted before his brain making him say, "yeah. you should leave."
You nodded, accepting your fate. You walked away with your hands lightly clasped together. You walked up to the couch where Robin, Dustin, and Steve were all play-fighting. But, again, they stopped when they noticed you.
"Ok Dustin, I'm going to go."
His face dropped and sadness grew across all three of them.
"But you just got here. I thought we were going to watch Wizard of Oz."
"First of all, that wasn't a suggestion, it was a hypothetical."
It made you feel worse how his little face looked when he was sad. You could tell he really didn't want you to go.
You could tell all three of them didn't want you to go.
But Eddie did. And you had to respect his wishes.
"Second, my mom said I have to be home. Apparently, I'm grounded because you two wouldn't let me clean my room."
Dustin's face scrunched up from guiltiness but Steve remained expressionless, which made you nervous. "Anyway, I'll see you guys later."
You walked out of the door and began walking to your car. You had your keys in your hand, getting ready to open your door. But then you felt someone smack them out of your hand.
You looked up and Steve was now standing in front of you.
"Steve!" You shouted at him but he didn't seem guilty at all. Just concerned for you. "What's wrong?" He asked, putting his hands on your wrists, pulling your hands apart and near him more.
Your heart just melted at the fact he could tell something was wrong.
But it didn't make you feel less bad. So tears started bubbling in your pupils, making your eyes glassy in a sense.
He dropped your wrists and pulled you in for a tight hug. Your head falling into his shoulder as you softly cried. "He couldn't be in the same room as me."
Steve pushed you away and that's when he remembered.
"Oh i'm sorry. I forgot you two used to date. I can tell him to leave if you want."
You shook your head as he wiped away your tears away with the pad of his thumb. "No. I broke up with him. He has every right not wanting to see me."
"But it's my house. I can kick him out if you want me to. You're my best friend, not him."
"But it's Dustin's movie night. Plus, I don't want to ruin your night."
"You want to know what's ruining my night? Seeing you cry. I don't like it when you're sad." His hands retreated back to yours.
There was a moment of silence as you relished in the wind, flowing through your jacket and resting on your now cold hands. Steve noticed how cold you were feeling so he decided to get even closer, giving you his body heat.
"Why did you break up with Eddie? I mean both of you seemed happy days before it happened."
You took in a deep breath, getting ready to tell him the real reason you left your only healthy relationship.
"Because I was in love with you. And I didn't want to string him along. It wouldn't have been right."
Steve's eyes went wide but he dared not to move away from you.
He didn't answer, prompting you to keep talking.
"I know that's so stereotypical since every girl and their mother has a crush on Steve Harrington but it's not because you're attractive! It's because your personality is hot. Oh my gosh! I sound so fucking stupid and I really want to kiss you right now."
You felt like this weight was lifted off of your chest and Steve was just chuckling at your awkwardness, which was a good sign.
"Then why don't you do it? Nothing is stopping you."
He stepped even closer, putting his hand on your cheek.
He leaned into you slowly, making the anticipation build up until finally your lips touched, lightly almost like his lips were made of clouds.
The kiss was getting quite heated as his tongue slipped through the passage that was your lips and teeth.
But you broke away when you heard a slight, "Ew," coming from Steve's house. You looked at the window to see Dustin looking at both of you with disgust while Robin was giving you the thumbs up.
"Gross!" he shouted before shutting the curtains, making you both chuckle.
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If You Flinched Away From Their Touch
Dream SMP x Fem! Reader
Here’s some more angst lol
I’m definitely doing more Dream SMP stuff now that it’s ‘ended’ so if you have any requests just comment or message me! ^^
I’ll do prefrences, imagines, oneshots, fluff, SFW, angst and NSFW (not for The Dream SMP tho, only for other fandoms lol. NSFW in the MCYT community is genuinely weird-).
Clay stared down at you with trembling green eyes, his hand that was about to cup your cheek was still held up and shaking a little. 
His mask was pushed to the side of his head so he would be able to kiss you, but you had actually flinched away from him. Like, properly flinched away like you were afraid of him. The more he looked into your nervous eyes, he finally realised.
Eyes darkening, he gritted his teeth and brought his hand to his side,” Who was it.” It was more of a demand than a question.
You panicked at his angered tone and how his hands clenched,” N-no! It’s fine! You just surprised me--”
His tone shut you up, your eyes burning a little. He looked hurt and most of all, concerned,”... Just tell me who. Please...” 
You gulped and told him, his dark eyes lighting up ever so slightly at your cooperation.” Thank you...” He then reached down and gripped your hand tightly within his own, squeezing it reassuringly.
His eyes wide with concern, George instantly took his hand from your cheek when he saw you flinch. It hurt him... Where you scared of him?
“ [Y/N]... A-are you alright? Are you-....” He paused, gulping down the tight lump in his throat,”... Are you afraid of me?” He whispered, it was barely audible but you heard him clearly.
You instantly denied his claim, grabbing both of his hands within your own,” George you could never scare me... It’s just... The last relationship I had wasn’t.. the best, lets just say.” You explained it horribly but your boyfriend seemed to get the gist of it.
The brunette’s hand moved from holding your hand to holding your waist, pulling you into his chest and then wrapping them around you safely and securely, you froze at his warm embrace but found yourself melting in it,” I get it...” He whispered next to your ear,”... I’m sorry. I love you.” He muttered.
You couldn’t stop the loving smile from crossing over your lips,” Yeah... Same here.” 
“...babe?” Nick muttered out with a confused look,” Why’d you flinch away? Is everything good?” He was worried now.
You smiled up at him quickly and nodded your head,” Y-yeah! Sorry, you just surprised me a little. I didn’t think you were just gonna hug me outta nowhere!” You laughed out to make it more convincing that you weren’t lying.
Nick knew better than that.
Sighing, he settled his head in the crook of of your neck, holding your arms gently and securely. You looked at him in confusion and you were about to question him, but he interrupted you,” I’m not gonna push anything out of you... but if you need to talk about it, then just talk. Okay?” He whispered to you reassuringly, burrying his face deeper into your neck.
You visibly relaxed and took your arms from his hold gently, moving them around his neck and playing with the back of his hair,”... Okay...”
                                WILBUR SOOT 
The brunette looked terrified for a moment, afraid he had hurt you whenever he cupped your cheek but then a wave of realisation crossed over his expression. A solemn and monotone look passed over his worried expression, biting his lip due to habit.
“ Who was it, [Y/N]?” He asked calmly, but there was an angered undertone to his voice.” Who hurt you?”
You were silent for a long while, staring deeply into his chocolate-brown eyes that were dangerously dark. Those eyes that you had fallen for the first time you ever saw them. Sighing, your brought a hand up to his cheek and cupped it gently. Standing on your toes, you pressed a light kiss to the tip of his nose with a kind smile.” Who cares who hurt me before? I’m with you, and I could never be more safer than I am when I am in your arms.”
He was surprised for a moment before his tense shoulders relaxed, and a smile twitched onto his lips.” Fair enough.” He muttered, giving into you.
Pulling you into a deep kiss, Eret’s eyebrows furrowed in concern and anxiousness. You had just flinched away from him when he tried to hug you. You were afraid of something.
He pulled away, staring down at you with stern eyes,”... Who was it and did they hurt you.” He demanded a response, he was just being a concerned significant other but his deep voice cracked a little when he spoke those words, he was silently panicking on the inside.
Shaking your head a little,” I don’t... please, can we not talk about it?... I didn’t mean to flinch away, I just need to get used to it. Give me some time.” You pulled him down a little and pecked his lips lovingly,” Just give me some time...”
Silent for a moment, he nodded.” I’ll wait.” 
“ Who the hell was it.” 
His words were like venom as his red eyes glowed with malice and killing intent. Whoever had hurt you, he was going to find them and torture them until they wished they had never even met you before him-
His thoughts stopped spiraling as soon as he felt arms wrap around his waist, watching as you buried your face into his chest, shaking your head a little.” I-I’m sorry for flinching away, but please, when I tell you who it was... You need to promise me that you won’t go and hurt them.” The girl mumbled into his chest, her voice muffled by his clothing.
His lip twitched a little but he brushed it off,” Yes.”
“ Yes what?”
“ I promise.”
You looked up at him with narrowed eyes, watching as his eyes narrowed in return. ”Lair.”
“HEH? I’m not lying!! All I was gonna do is introduce them to my axe of peace, that’s all-”
“This is why I’m not gonna tell you, Techno.”
“ Eh, I’ll find out sooner or later anyways.”
Schlatt breathed in a little, closing his eyes to calm himself down.’ Why the fuck did she flinch away from me, I swear to fuck if someone hurt her I’ll fuck em up-’
“ Sch-schlatt?” You stuttered out, concerned at the fact he was staying silent.” What’s up?...”
He coughed a little and opened his eyes, narrowing them a little as he looked down at you,” Look- I love you [Y/N] but who the fuck hurt you.” He spat like an angered snake.
You gulped a little,” Hey now- whatever your thinking...” You trailed off, not even able to defend yourself.
Scoffing, Schlatt settled a strong yet reassuring hand on your shoulder, squeezing it as a way to reassure you. He was never one for comforting others face-to-face even though he was so good at it. 
Breathing a  little before he spoke with a softer tone than before,” [Y/N].... Tell me who the fuck hurt you.” Although his words were threatening, his calm voice made [Y/N] give into him. He could only smile a little at her submissive nature and bring her into a tight hug.
There was a long silence.
”I’m getting my glock 17.”
“ Schlatt, nO-”
He gritted his teeth a little as thoughts ran through his head, different scenarios of what you had to go through consuming his mind. The panic in his eyes were clear, the darker they got.
You stepped closer to him and cupped his face in both of your hands, bringing his face closer to yours. He was surprised for a moment before you pressed your forehead against his. Looking into your serene and calm orbs, he felt at peace again, his thoughts moving to the back of his mind.
“You need to stop thinking for a bit, okay?” You whispered to him reassuringly, he was silent as he just listened to you speak, feeling his anxiety slowly disappear,” I’m safe now. I’m safe and I’m with you... So calm the fuck down.”
Laughing at how out-of-character the last sentence you said was, Alex shook his head a little,” Alright, alright...” He muttered, a slight grin on his lips,” Whatever happened to you... if you wanna talk about it at all, come to me.” He reassured her, placing his hands on hers.
Snorting at his sentence, you gave him a cheeky grin,” Who else would I go to?? Sapnap?” 
“ Yeah, no me gusta-”
As soon as you flinched from her hug, she instantly pulled away with a conflicted look. Her eyes full of hurt before realisation washed over them.”... What happened?” She whispered with a concerned expression.
You panicked and settled your hands on her shoulders quickly, a nervous grin on your lips,” D-don’t worry about it, Niki! You just caught me off guard-” You stopped talking as soon as her soft hand settled upon your cheek, caressing it gently with her thumb.
A soft smile crossed over her lips as she shook her head lightly,” You don’t need to hide things from me, [Y/N]... Just talk to me, I can help you.” She reassured, her smile widening further.
You stared at her for a long moment before sighing and leaning into her touch, nodding ever so slightly,” Yeah... yeah, okay...” 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
(Pina Colada Anon) Mark: SHOOT HIM! HE'S THE IMPOSTER! Dark: No, he is the imposter! Shoot him! Y/N, setting down the gun and walking over to both of them: I have two hands, don't worry.
(Hope you dont mind I turn this into a fic ghdhgh bc I haven't done any for ADWM on here)
“You’re never, ever going to escape me. Not now-?!”
Out of nowhere, Mark ran in and tackled Dark as the world reverted back to its normal colors. 
You wondered where he had gone this whole time, but you could only stand there in bewilderment, watching the two pretty much fight to the death over you. Humorously enough they tried throwing punches with bags over their heads, which were quickly discarded. 
Dark tried glitching around to confuse Mark and gain the upper hand, though it ended up confusing you too as they were both identical, voices sounding the exact same.
Eventually one of them pulled out a gun, which got knocked away and slid directly towards you.
You huffed and picked up the weapon, looking up to see them still fighting and started to get annoyed. This isn’t what you signed up for.
“Alright. That’s enough! I’m settling this once and for all.”
Hearing a click, they froze and backed away from each other, seeing you standing there with the gun. Immediately they pointed at one another, once again yelling as they begged you to shoot the “Dark Mark.”
“He needs to die!”
“Shoot him!”
“No! Shoot him!!”
“He does bad things to good people!”
“He’s got weird eyes!”
You feel like you’ve seen this trope in dozens of movies--with identical clones forcing you to decide who’s the “fake” and praying you’re right if you kill them.
But then you wondered..
Why did this have to be like a dumb cliché movie? Can’t you make your own choice? Your own story?
Besides, you weren’t too keen on killing anybody on a first date. Maybe you can figure out some sort of compromise if these two really loved you that much. You knew Mark did but you weren’t sure about Dark.
You made up your mind..
And calmly put the gun down.
Once Mark and Dark realized you weren’t aiming at them anymore, they slowly stopped arguing and just stared at you, confused. At first they thought you were gonna just walk away from the situation, leaving them with broken hearts, but no...you were walking towards them.
“Boys, boys..I’m flattered you’re fighting over me. But I have two hands, y’know.” You chuckle, taking Dark’s hand in your right and Mark’s in your left. “And I'm not gonna use them to kill, but to love you both."
Mark was taken aback by your smooth pickup line, a warm blush growing on his face. But he huffed and stared at the copycat. "What’s there to love about this idiot who interrupted our date? He's a liar and a cheat."
"As if you're any different." Dark snarled, reverting back to his original self. "What kind of fool "forgets" his wallet on the first date? You clearly have no shame in making them do everything for you. You can’t keep forcing them choose again and again!”
“Well at least I didn’t keep them hostage in a scary dark void-!”
“Hey. Nobody forced me to choose anything.” You huffed, making them both turn their gaze back to you. “So what if neither of you are perfect? You are to me, and that’s okay. Dark..I’d like to get to know you better. You seem a bit creepy but I’m not one to judge books by their covers.”
The entity’s shoulders visibly relaxed a little as he quietly nodded.
“And Mark, today has been fun and I don’t wanna end it on killing someone. Not a good impression to leave on a first date. Let’s talk about this over dessert and you guys can prove yourselves to me in your own ways, yeah?”
For a long moment they just stared at each other, then they looked at your hands. As much as they despised being together and having to share you, they didn’t wanna disappoint you on your first date.
Finally they sighed in defeat.
"Alright..but just this once. Maybe this won’t be so bad."
ENDING 11: Swirl
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asafeplacetostay · 3 years
God!reader x Ranboo, Tommyinnit and Tubbo (The Bench Trio-DSMP)
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a/n: over the last few weeks i've been obssesed with dsmp and my fav are the bench trio. I had this idea for some time now, and wanted to execute it, so it may not be the best, but oh well, hope you enjoy!
(Y/n) created the world a long time ago.
She lived in peace amongst the animals, mobs, waters, trees and caves. Her favourite place, she said, was the flower field next to a small village. The ground was decorated with said plants, sprinkles of yellow, red, pink, purple and other colors spread along the landscape, the sweet smell of bloom wafting back in her nosedrills everytime she flew past the scenery.
She loved being a god.
But her peace soon was cut-short when humans started spawning on the world. Her world.
They built houses, weird structures, destroying the land beneath them, ocassionaly killing each other for different pupouses.
She decided to step-back, the terrifing creatures made her hide in the skies, camuflaging her body and extensions with fluffy white clouds.
She became concerned when some mobs began getting hostile, everytime she tried to spend time with skeletons, the just aimed at her, forcing her to get away from the area. Even her best friends, the endermans began screeching every time the girl approached them and stared back at their lovely purple eyes, making her hide underwater for some time 'till they went away.
(Y/n) soon became depressed with the change of the world she got used to live in, but soon that feeling of sadness morphed into one of pure anger, her pink pupils changing colour dramatically, all she ever saw from there was red.
Tommy was fooling around on the server as always, pulling pranks at the other members and running away laughing.
When he was approaching Tubbo's and Ranboo's mansion one day, he saw her.
She stood quietly on the mountain behind the mansion, spread huge wings of an angel wide in the air, as if she was ready to take off into the skies.
Tommy was confused, and even when he checked to see who was online in the server, no unfamiliar names came into his vision. He also took notice that her name didn't pop on top of her head.
He started writing in the chat, asking who she was, but when he stopped and looked up, she was nowhere to be found.
Tubbo was playing with some bees he had found in the forest, but the unshakable feeling of being watched made his throat tighten.
He turned around and looked to his surroundings, catching gazes with two big red eyes staring at him from the distance. He screamed loudly but still chased after them, watching as the person suddely spread their wings and flew away. He didn't comment anything about it and decided to continue playing.
Ranboo stared at the ocean longingly, his legs crossed over the other as he sat in silence, watching the waves and little sea creatures inside the water curiously. He wondered how would the liquid feel against his skin, or his clothes, how would it taste.
He continued day-dreaming until he saw a figure emerging out of the ocean a few meters away. Her clothes and wings were soaked and dripping wet, and her long hair was sticking into her shoulder-blades and collarbone.
He stood up ubruptly and was quick to send a message on the chat, knowing there was no one else on the server that could hear him.
'Who are you?'
The girl froze while wiggling her wings to get the water out of her feathers and turned her face slowly to face the underman hybrid.
He didn't move from his place, not wanting to scare her off. He remembered Tommy talking about a mysterious girl with angel wings (Tommy had said bird wings tho) near his and Tubbo's mansion , but Ranboo didn't take him seriously until now.
'It's ok, i'm not going to hurt you' He said, taking slow and steady steps nearing her, but when he saw her wings extending into the air, he stopped.
His long arms flew up in the air, letting her know he meant no harm. What he was not expected was the angel to talk.
'Stay away from me, human."
And flew off, dissapearing into the clouds.
Ranboo stood there in shock, not really knowing what to do, but for his and her sake, he didn't say anything to the rest of dsmp, just hoping that one day, he'll be able to see her again.
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poguesholland · 3 years
Hey could you write something for Harrison where you really like him but the last person you were with rejected you so your scared to tell him
“Fucking tell him already, Y/N” Tom groaned, cutting you off. He was sick of hearing you talk about Harrison over and over with no intention of acting on your feelings. This had been going on for a year now and all your friends were so done with this.
You let out a laugh, thinking Tom was being sarcastic. “Sure, Of course Tom, great idea” You spoke sarcastically only to look at Tom and realize that he wasn’t joking. Not the slightest bit. “Are you joking? There’s no way I could ever tell him. Not after what happened with Alex” You shook your head, the idea of Harrison ever finding out how you feel almost bringing you nightmares.
Alex was a guy you had liked last year. You two were the closest anyone could be and naturally, you developed feelings for him. Everyone thought that the feeling was mutual. But when you told Alex how you felt, he shot you down in the worst way possible. He broke you.
“You what?” Alex spits, as you began to feel like he wasn’t too happy about what you were saying. “I, I like you” You repeat, with less confidence this time. Alex shakes his head, raising his eyebrows with a look of frustration displayed on his face. “I can’t fucking believe this” He mumbles under his breath, hands going through his hair. You stand there, not really believing the way he was reacting right now.
“Alex-” You start but he cuts you off, “Just shut up!” He yells at you making you flinch. Alex grabs his stuff and quickly walks towards the door, his shoulder bumping into yours. “Why would you ruin this?” He asks, angry with you for ‘ruining’ your friendship. “You made me think you feel the same way! Don’t act like I’m some crazy bitch who likes you!” You retort. “How could I ever feel the same way about you?” Alex spits, and your heart dropped to the floor and he slammed the door.
“We both know Harrison would never do what Alex did, Y/N, if you don’t tell him I will”. You raise your eyebrows at Tom, believing that there was no way on Earth that what he was saying could be true. “The boys and I are sick and tired of hearing you bitch about how you much you like him, so if you don’t tell Harrison by the end of the week, I will.” Tom deadpanned and you turned as pale as a ghost.
Tom gets up from the table, making you scramble to get up and follow him. “Tom! Tom, you’re- No, you’re joking. Right? Tom, no!” You pleaded and he turned around to face you. A smirk plastered on his face as he saw the fear in your eyes. “Bye, Y/N” Tom leaned on to leave a kiss on your cheek as you froze in place, crossing your hands over each other. You raised the finger at him, only making him laugh.
How could you possibly tell Harrison how you felt? What would you even say? How could you deal with him not feeling the same way? What if it ruined your friendship? What if he laughed at you? But a little part of your brain thought the opposite, what if he felt the same way?
Three days go by and you were yet to say anything to Harrison. Tom and the boys were keeping a close eye on you, giving you a warning look when you two were alone and you left to avoid saying anything. They had been trying their best to make sure that you two were always left alone for as long as possible, in an attempt to give you as many opportunities as they could. But, alas, nothing worked.
“Tom, do you wanna help me get something from the kitchen?” Harry rushed as he quickly got up from the couch. Tom immediately followed, “Yeah! I need-Um, some ice, yeah ice”. Harrison looked at them skeptically and you gave them a death glare. Now it was just you and Harrison on the couch.
Harrison laughed lightly, “What’s up with those two divs?”. You forced a laugh, covering up the anxiousness you were feeling at that moment. “No idea” You raised your eyebrows, but Harrison could tell that you were acting weird. Your hands rub your arms, trying to rid yourself of the nervous goosebumps beginning to appear on your body from the tension between you two.
“Y/N, is everything-” He starts but you shoot up off of the couch. “I need some ice!” You stutter out, rushing to the kitchen only to be met with a glaring Tom and Harry. You walk past them like nothing was wrong but Harry gives you a smack on the head. “Ow! What the fuck, Harry!” You yelp in pain, clutching your head to try to relive it. “Tell him” They both whisper-yell at you before leaving, making you huff.
Every time you almost said something, you could genuinely feel your throat dry up and words would not come out of your mouth. But as those three days went by, you found yourself trying harder and harder to just spit it out.
Harrison didn’t know why you were being so distant lately. You two were always together, always sitting beside each other, always taking naps together, always going everywhere together, but that was not the case anymore.
You rested your head against the couch, sprawling your legs out in front of you. Harrison and you continue watching the movie intently, the popcorn he had made already finished while the movie had another hour to go.
Harrison shifts to find a comfortable position and is unsuccessful, so he turns to lay his head on your lap and put his legs up on the couch. This was how you always watched movies but as soon as Harrison did so, you shot up from your position feeling panicked.
Harrison’s head hits the couch making him groan, reaching a hand up to rub his head. He looks up to say something to you, but you were already long gone and out of sight. Hurt fills Harrison’s chest as he was now sure that something was up with you.
You unlock your door, walking into your shared apartment. Immediately, you take notice that your roommates were nowhere to be seen as you close the door. However, you were proven wrong when you walk into the kitchen to see Harrison, making you jump up. “Shit, Haz! You scared me!” You exclaim, putting a hand over your heart as you laugh. His heart hurt once he heard his nickname leave your mouth, it’s been days since you said his name. It was his favorite sound coming from you.
The laugh on your face quickly falters as Harrison doesn’t respond, not even making the effort to turn around to look at you. You furrow your eyebrows, “Hello?”. No response. You walk around the kitchen counter to stand next to him, but he continues cutting up the vegetables he was cooking. “Harrison?” You call out but he doesn’t even turn to acknowledge your presence.
“Is something wrong? Did I do something?” Your voice quiet as you watch him, not even phased by you talking to him. “Talk to me Haz, please?” You call out again and Harrison drops the knife on the cutting board, huffing in frustration. He turns to face you with an angry look on his face, making you even more confused.
Harrison raises his eyebrows, “So now you want to talk to me? No, I’m sorry, now you feel like talking to me?”. You look at him with confusion, “What? I always want to talk to you. What are you talking about?”. He shakes his head, crossing his arms in disbelief as he looks at you.
“Harrison?” You question him again when you don’t get an answer. “Don’t fucking Harrison me!” He yells in frustration but lowering his voice after he realized, “Just don’t”. Unintentionally, you flinch at his loud voice. You rest your elbow on the kitchen counter, trying to figure out what he was talking about and what got him so mad.
A huff of defeat escapes your lips, “What the hell are you talking about?”. Harrison clenches his jaw and bites the inside of his cheek. “You haven’t talked to me all week, you run away when I enter a room you’re in. As soon as we’re alone, you leave. You can’t even look me in my fucking eye, Y/N! And now you want to talk to me?”.
You immediately shut up, looking anywhere but at Harrison as you feel ashamed of yourself. Harrison moves closer towards you, looking into your eyes as you try to keep your composure, avoiding his eyes. He looks at you for any sign of a response, but shakes his head when he doesn’t get one. “I’m not fucking doing this right now” He mumbles under his breath, walking out of the kitchen.
“Tom told me I have to tell you about my feelings for you before the end of the week, or he will” You sigh, not sure if you even thought that whole sentence through before saying it. Harrison freezes in his place as he tries to register what you just said, there was no way. No, this didn’t make any sense.
He turns around to face you and your eyes meet, your eyes full of fear that this would be the end of your friendship. “I couldn’t talk to you all week. I- Um, I was too nervous to be around you and couldn’t bring myself to tell you, but here we are I guess” You ramble quietly as Harrison stares at you with a dumbfounded look.
“About your feelings for me..” Harrison tries to comprehend and you nod, waiting for any sort of response from him. His silence was killing you. “I didn’t want to do it, after what happened with Alex-” “Alex is a dick” Harrison retorts, his voice sour at the sound of his name. He absolutely hated him, even before he broke your heart. He hated him even more when you were crying into his chest every night about what Alex did.
He didn’t tell you this but as soon as Tom told him what happened, Harrison went to Alex’s apartment. All of Alex’s neighbors could hear Harrison yelling at him as Alex stood there, like a coward, trying not to cry. Harrison knew you would’ve gotten angry if he told you so he kept it to himself, and swore that any guy after that he would keep an eye out on.
You clear your throat, “Yeah- Um, that’s true. I just- I was scared that you would...”. Harrison continue the sentence for you, “I would do the same thing”. You don’t reply, knowing Harrison was hurt from that comment. “Y/N, I am nothing like Alex, okay? You know that, you know me” He speaks quietly, taking a few steps towards you and you nod.
Your hands grip the counter behind your back as you look at the boy in front of you, trying to digest the information you were saying. “Did Tom tell you why you should tell me?” Harrison asks with a bit of realization in his voice, confusing you. “No, Um- He just said I should tell you how I feel”. Harrison nods, a small smile making its way onto his face.
Staring at him blankly, you try to make sense of why he was smiling. You had just ruined your friendship, was he happy? Relieved? Harrison walks closer until his hands grip the counter behind you, only a few centimeters separating the two of you.
“Did Tom tell you that I feel the same way? That I’ve had feelings for you for almost three years now? That seeing you with any other guy broke my heart? That I wanted to kill Alex for what he did to you?” Harrison asks, his voice quiet. Your eyes widen, thinking that this had to be a joke.
Harrison’s hand slides to yours on the counter, holding it gently. “That I had no idea how he could lose such an amazing girl like you? That I thought he was crazy to not appreciate how lucky he was to have you?”. You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. His hand slides up your arm, going to cup and caress your face slowly. You felt yourself shiver at his touch, almost like it was electricity.
“W-Why didn’t you-” “Tell you?” ,He continues and you nod, “Just thought that there was no way you felt the same about me”. You straighten your back, your chests now brushing against each other. “I would be crazy not to love you, Haz” You admit, and Harrison’s hand grips your tighter once you said those two words. “Y/N, be very careful with your words okay? I cant-” He shuts his eyes, leaning his forehead against yours as he tried to control himself.
Your fingers slip in between his, resting on the counter as Harrison opened his eyes. “I know” You state quietly, showing that you were being one hundred percent truthful. Harrison quickly leans forwards to push his lips against yours, making your breath get caught in your throat.
His lips move against yours in perfect sync as he moves closer to you, pressing you harder into the counter and his body. The hand on your cheek moves to your waist and grips it tightly, kissing you needily. A hand of yours goes to his chest to steady yourself.
You slow your lips against his before pulling away to catch your breath. Harrison licks his lips as he looks at you, admiring how beautiful you are. “I love you” He speaks up, and you look up at him. A shy smile finds its way to your face as you bring your arms to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to you. “I love you too” You whisper against his lips and feel him smile. You lean in to kiss him before both of you smile into the kiss, breaking it.
Harrison brings you in to hug you tightly, holding you so softly, like you were made of glass. You rest your head in the crook of his neck as you take in his warmth. “Holy shit! Tom what did I tell you! Both of you divs owe me a hundred each!” Paddy yells, startling both of you. You move your head to see Tom, Harry and Paddy looking at the two of you, only making you hide your flushed face once again.
“Finally told him, did you? Wonder who gave you that idea” Tom teases and you whine, making Harrison laugh. He holds you close to him before slightly turning around to face the guys, mouthing an excited ‘yes’ and pumping his fist to the air. You feel Harrison shoo them out of the kitchen, just wanting to be with you.
Harrison’s arms hook under your thighs and lift you up, making a squeal leave your lips. You wrap your legs around his waist as he walks towards his bedroom. “No fucking while we’re in the house!” Harry yells making you yell at him, “Harry!”. Harrison only laughs at the two of you and shakes his head, “Only been twenty minutes and you already made a dirty joke, Harry”.
“Ignore him, love” Harrison mumbles against your cheek as you giggle. The nickname makes butterflies appear in your stomach. You were grateful that your friends had pushed you to tell Harrison how you felt. Because what else would you need other than this?
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sugurus-slxt · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys Walking In On You Dancing (smexy edition)
Lineup: Tsukishima Kei, Azumane Asahi, Kozume Kenma, Yamamoto Taketora and Oikawa Tōru.
Warning: cursing, one mention of alcohol, and suggestive smexy content
A/Note: So yes two in a day, I was extra motivated y’all don’t question it. It’s probably because it’s been so long. The songs are just what I like to listen to, m sorry.
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Tsukishima Kei
♬♩♪♩ Sean Paul – She Doesn’t Mind ♩♪♩♬
Tsukishima was looking for his bluetooth headphones everywhere because he was positive he had left them on the couch, in the living room. However, they seemed to have grown legs and walked elsewhere, he joked to himself. “Y/N! Shorty! Have you seen my headphones?” he called loudly but no response. He walked through the house shouting your name but you were nowhere to be found. Tsukishima glanced at the clock on the wall; it read 4:30PM. He considered maybe you had been outside, possibly reading a book which you often did.
He was right; there you were blanket laid on the grass with the long-forgotten book and you standing up dancing with his headphones. You hadn’t seen him yet and he had considered stopping you but he just couldn’t. Kei stood at the door admiring the way your hips rolled and body moved. He wondered what you were listening to make you dance this way, so beautifully, so erotically. Tsukishima wasn’t much of a dancer but he’d love to be body to body with you right now. He had clearly gotten a bit too excited and the tent in his pants was proof. His cheeks burned red in embarrassment, you still dancing, unaware of his presence.
He quietly crept up behind you gently clasping his hands around your waist. You jumped a bit, immediately lowering the headphones. “I was looking for those you know,” he whispered lowly in your ear. “I- I’m sorry you can have them back now,” you apolgise trying to turn around. He held your body still, pressing his closer to yours. Then you felt it, the hardness pressed against your back, “But I want something else now. Hmmmm. Care to help me with it shortcake?” he asked his hands finding his way below your shirt, caressing your chest and brushing over your nipples. “K- Kei we’re outside. S-someone could see,” you tried reasoning.
“Really… Hmm you didn’t seem to mind a few seconds ago. So unless you want the neighbors to get a perfect view of your body being wrecked which I’m sure they wouldn’t mind get your ass on the bed upstairs right now,” he said biting your ear, eliciting a whimper from you. “I- y-yes sir,” you reply, pulling yourself from his grasp to go upstairs, he followed closely behind.
Azumane Asahi
♬♩♪♩ Bailando – Enrique Iglesias ♩♪♩♬
Asahi was busy at work in his office; with a tight deadline and 3 designs to perfect every waking hour was spent working. But he’s been staring at the blank page for the past 20 minutes with no breakthrough and it’s not because he couldn’t come up with anything, he just couldn’t concentrate. Why? Because right now you were just outside his door in the living room blasting music. It’s not like you meant to disturb him or had forgotten either, he just didn’t tell you.
He knows you’d insist on staying up to ungodly hours with him as he finished his designs so he told you he’d be in bed shortly, he just had some papers to sign. He hoped you would go to sleep but nope. Asahi wanted to leave you to your music he truly did, he knew you were happiest when you’re dancing and enjoying yourself but he wanted to enjoy it with you. The faster he finished the faster he could come and be with you, so he decided to tell you.
“Hey-,” the words died in his throat as his eyes landed on you. Asahi considered retreating to his office right now but he couldn’t move. You hadn’t heard him and he was kind of glad you didn’t. Your hips swayed to the beat, moving in just the right way, his eyes didn’t leave you. Your clothes hugged your body just right even if they were just sleepwear. Was that really what you wore to sleep he thought? If he had noticed all this sooner he was sure your nights would end a much different way. Asahi’s face flushed red; he cursed himself for thinking such inappropriate thoughts.
Your hands trailed up your body that was moving to the music as you finally turned to see him. “Oh! Hey, honey. I didn’t see you there,” you paused the music and walked up to him. “I- I wanted you to turn down the music. I- mean if that’s alright,” he said scratching his neck. “Yeah yeah. I’m sorry honey. Lemme do that and you can get back to your work,” you pulled his hand to your lips placing a kiss on them, and walking back to the speaker. “W-wait could you umm maybe help me with something. It's fine if you can’t,” he waved his hands in front of him. You look down to find a very turned-on Asahi and chuckled, “Mmmm Of course honey. Maybe next time you can join me dancing. I didn’t know you liked it so much.” Asahi hid his face in his hands as he followed you to the bedroom.
Kenma Kozume
♬♩♪♩ LUV – Tory Lanez ♩♪♩♬
Kenma was busy working a TikTok Livestream because his followers and subscribers have been bombarding his inbox with messages to get one. He was currently in the process of making sure everything was in order as people started popping in and saying hi. You were in the bedroom trying to strike up some inspiration but instead, you got so caught up in the music. Meanwhile, Kenma was telling them about his day but the chat was blowing up with questions so he had skipped over to answer them.
About an hour had passed and he was getting a bit hungry so he decided to headed over to the kitchen, phone in hand to get some apple pie from the fridge. Everyone started commenting typical Kodzuken, a couple people suggested that he ask you if you wanted any. His fan base was very familiar with your presence and often asked for ideas where he would interact with you. The community loved seeing the softer side of Kenma that came out when you were around. His phone was turned to face you so everyone could see you when he entered.
Not even five seconds after he opened the door he closed it. “Hey guys, ummm I need to go. I’ll come back later. Kodzuken out,” he quickly ended the stream and turned off his phone. “Hey, baby. Are you ok?” you peeked out from the door one side of your bluetooth earbuds still in. His face was tinted pink as he pushed you into the room, “I- Kitten … umm my fan base just saw… they … well how you were dancing and I-,” you stopped him pulling him to lay his head on your lap. “I’m sorry baby, but it’s nothing special. Was I bad?” You ask while stroking his hair but he sat straight up. “No! I mean no, you weren’t bad. It was just,” he played with his fingers, “It was just really seductive and it's that’s not really for my fan base to see. “
“Oh? Then who is it for then? Hmmm,” you asked in a teasing manner. He was embarrassed but still confidently answered, “For me ok. It’s for me now stop teasing me ok,” he pouted turning away from you. You giggled, “I’m sorry but maybe you want me to continue. For you alone that is?” He thought about it but then his stomach growled, “Ok I do but maybe eat some apple pie with me first?” You nodded and you both headed to the kitchen but don’t think he forgot about your suggestion.
Yamamoto Taketora
♬♩♪♩ Fast Wine – Machel Montano ♩♪♩♬
Today had gone by pretty slow, and you spent it watching movies and just spending time with Yamamoto. But now it was a bit later and you were feeling some creative juices flowing so you decided to put that to use you grabbed your stuff and set it up at the kitchen counter. He decided to up Kenma’s offer to play some games. About two hours had gone by and your shoulder was getting pretty sore. The playlist was pretty upbeat and just as you had gotten up a dance-worthy song had begun to play. You thought maybe it’d be a good warm-up.
You were swaying your body to the beat and getting in the rhythm. Your hips moved freely as you dragged your hand over your body and fit your dancing to the nature of the song. What you didn't know, is as soon as you started to dance Taketora was coming to get some snacks and check up on you. But his plans changed when he saw you dancing, he froze. If he went back now he’d definitely have to take a cold shower and he saw no difference if he stayed. So he decided to enjoy it for a bit. His cheeks were lightly dusted pink and the situation in his pants was only getting harder.
He felt weird just standing there, kind of like he was being a creep so he decided to quickly run to the kitchen and run back as the song came to a close. “H-hey baby. Just getting a snack and heading back,” he said hurriedly. “Oh ok. Did you enjoy the view?” you quirked your eyebrow smirking at him. “W-what? I didn’t see anything just you baby always se- I mean beautiful as ever,” he turned away from you and opened the fridge. You slowly walk up behind him, and start climbing your fingers up his arms, “Really nothing? I guess that’s too bad, I wanted to know what you thought. Guess I just have to assume it was terrible.”
“Wait! Baby your dancing is really amazing and sexy! How could you say it’s bad!” he shouted covering his face in realisation of what he just said. You burst out in a fit of laughter, it was so easy to get him to admit things, “Babe I’m sorry but I’m glad you like it. I didn’t know how much you saw I only caught you down to the end. But I’m glad you like it I but I do see that your little friend down there liked it much more.” You pointed down to his crotch which he covered while flushing bright red. “I’m sorry I- umm I’ll take care of it,” he apologised turning to leave. “How about we both have a shower and I can fix it for you hmm,” you held his hand and whispered in his ear. “Y-yes p-please. Thank you,” he looked down blushing as you led him to the bathroom.
Oikawa Tōru
♬♩♪♩ Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira ♩♪♩♬
Oikawa was gone for practice and you decided it’d be fun to catch up with your friends because it had been a while. You were on a video call and you guys had started talking about music and gotten into a bit of details about dancing. So now you and all your friends were showing their wining and grinding skills. This was a rather normal occurrence because in all honestly things always got wild between you guys. Put the three of you in a club and all eyes would be on you in no time. It was always a surprise how a couple shots could go such a long way.
You were going off to this song, all the seductive movements, hands dragging over the dips of your body and your hips moving at just the right tempo. Tōru had forgotten his water bottle and came back only to find you dancing. Turned on was an understatement but his time in Brazil gave him experience in more than one way and he was going to use that. This man was not shy but he did wait for the right moment to jump in. He came up behind you resting his hands on your waist, guiding your movement with his. “Hey cutie, moving that beautiful body of yours I see,” he whispered in your ear gently biting it. “You startled me,” you smiled still dancing as you put your arms back against his chest and dragged your body down his, slowly coming back up.
He started placing kisses on your neck, “Mmmm m sorry, fuck I’m not gonna make it to practice baby.” He twirled you away from his body only to bring you back and dip you. He smiled and pulled you up for a kiss. Suddenly, whistles and claps erupted, “Shit- I forgot I was talking to them.” He chuckled as they asked where they can find themselves an Oikawa Tōru. “Well ladies there’s only one and I don’t think Y/N-chan is sharing,” giving them a wink.
“Well, I don’t know you cause a lot more problems than fix them,” you joke as he clutched his chest. “How rude Y/N-chan! Maybe I’ll take your friends up on their offer then,” he crossed his arms and pouted childishly. “You’re not going anywhere, you’re all mine mister, and now what’s that about not going to practice. What did you have in mind?” you asked ending the call with your friends. He didn’t reply, just grabbed you by the waist and placed you on his lap, earning a small squeak from you.
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Tell me if you'd like to see anyone else for this? Whether it's MHA or Haikyuu, maybe even Jujutsu Kaisen.
If you liked my writing, maybe you’d like to buy me a coffee?
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nnightskiess · 3 years
₊° 𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐠𝐝𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞, 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭. 𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 (𝐲/𝐧), 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬. 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝. 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐢𝐜, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐟𝐮𝐥...
𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐱
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
for my great friend lux @redhairedwolfwitch ♡ thank you for everything.
"Hey, you paged us?"
Cristina tilted her head, curious, while you stood behind her, wondering if you were in trouble if the Chief needed you.
"I know you're both most interested in cardio, so..." He motioned the two of you two follow him until your pager went off.
"Shit," You mumbled under your breath, staying slightly behind as you heard Cristina gush about the cardiac trauma Hunt showed her, "I gotta run, Robbins needs me, a complication in the NICU."
"Come on?! Cardiac trauma!" Cristina turned to you, the look on her face saying enough. But you had already started to walk away, putting a spanner in the works of the plan the universe had in store for you.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
"Doctor Bailey!" You rushed after her, wanting to catch up with her and show her the results of the CT she needed, until Cristina appeared out of nowhere, seeming frustrated.
"The new attending doesn't even know how to put in a temporary pacemaker!"
They came to a halt at the nurse's station as you hovered next to Cristina, waiting your turn.
You tilted your head, "Wait- we have a new attending?"
"Did you or did you not ask this man for a new cardio attending?"
"And did he or did he not bring in attending after attending, none of them who seem to please you and all of whom you ran off?" Bailey gave Cristina a look, one that made you have to bite your lip so you wouldn't laugh. Doctor Bailey had her cornered, and rightly so.
"That is not a fair assessment." Cristina bluntly replied.
"Doctor Yang, has it ever occurred to you that you might be the problem? Right, leave this man alone. Go torture the new attending. (Y/S/N), you got the results?"
You passed the results over, leaving as soon as Bailey waved you off, so you could go on your way to pester Cristina.
"So... why is the new cardio attending not to your liking this time?" Cristina rolled her eyes and groaned as she heard the teasing in your voice. You followed her, ignoring the annoyed look on her face, "Let me guess... weird hairdo that keeps distracting you? Bad breath? Silly walk? Or are they just not at your level?" You air quoted, making Cristina stop to stare at you before she continued her walk, but you knew she would talk after that.
"She might have been it once, but oh no, not anymore. She made me put in a temporary transvenous pacemaker because she hadn't done it in ages."
You grimace, having to admit how bad it sounded that a cardio attending didn't know how to., "At least she admitted it?"
Your comment went completely over Cristina's head, who was still fed up with the situation, "She's inexperienced, inadequate and is definitely not a cardio goddess. She's a desert storm barbie, who hasn't seen the inside of an OR in like 10 years. Owen was wrong to bring her here."
"Well... you've used up your three wishes and Webber and Bailey are done with your complaints... so I think you're gonna be stuck with her."
Cristina let her head fall back and let out the biggest groan before turning into another hallway, leaving you to shake your head as you walked to the lifts.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
"So, what do you think of the new cardio attending? Excited to learn from her?" Arizona draped her stethoscope around her neck, following you out of the room.
"I can't say, haven't met her yet... but Cristina seems to be really happy with her."
Arizona raised an eyebrow before she saw the look on your face.
"Oh, yeah, I heard. Wait-" Arizona looked at her pager, "Hm... speaking of the devil, Yang paged me. Walk with me?" She squeezed your arm, hoping you'd follow her.
You briefly caught up with your friend as you walked through the hospital. Jackson and Cristina were standing around a hospital bed, but before the two of you could approach, Arizona's pager went off once more,
"Hm... can you inform the parents of one of our preemie babies of his vitals? They're going home and would like to hear everything's still alright before they leave. Check his vitals with them in the room or they're not going to want to leave. They're persistent, but they're good parents. " Arizona gave you a soft smile as you nodded and grinned, doing as she told, not seeing the other blonde approaching Arizona behind you as you walked away.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
You were leaning against the wall, waiting for Arizona to finish up since she was your ride home, when a happy Cristina all but skidded out of the resident's lounge.
"You're being weird. What's gotten you so happy?" You noted as Cristina's frown from that morning had turned into a wide grin.
"Guess who did a Takeuchi repair today?"
"You did not!?" You gasped and stood up straight, your full attention now on Cristina.
"Uh, not all by myself. But she did let me do the coronary artery anastomosis."
You raised your eyebrows, still surprised. Cristina was a great resident, but that was a big shot surgery, even for her. "Damn, are you taking back your words about her now?"
"Yeah, probably. Which means-" She turned serious again, pointing a finger at you, "The games have begun." She let out another ecstatic laugh before walking off, letting you know you would have to step up and fight to get hours on cardio with the new attending.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
You walked into the lifts the next morning, the coffee Arizona had gotten you in one hand, the charts of the nightshift in the other. You only had five minutes to read them all and then inform your attending of the day of any changes. But with the coffee in your system, you knew you could do this.
You skimmed the first few pages of one of the charts as other people hurried into the lift right as the doors closed. A few floors later, you knew it was your turn to step out when the doors opened. Not wanting to waste any time, you kept your head low to read the charts, but you had to look up and stop when someone crossed your path- quite literally.
A woman hurried by, apologising to people left and right as she rushed through them. Though she had been fast, you had not failed to catch a glimpse of the face that you once so adored.
Teddy Altman.
She hadn't seen you, probably because your nose had been buried in the charts, or because she had been in a rush. You watched her disappear through the double doors towards the OR's and that's when it clicked. Teddy, your old friend from back in New York, the same Teddy that was in love with cardio, was the new cardio attending Cristina suddenly seemed to be gushing about.
You ditched your coffee somewhere, your body suddenly being filled with nerves and stress. It had been years seen you'd seen her. Ever since your mutual friend Allison had passed away on that damned day, you had lost contact with Teddy. Almost as if she had disappeared. Just like that. No note, no phone call, no goodbye. Maybe it had been for the best. The abrupt ending to your friendship had helped you get rid of the wish that it would ever become something more. Teddy was gone, and so were the feelings you had secretly been harbouring inside. But seeing her now... It overwhelmed you how only a glimpse of her could bring back the crapload of memories the two of you had shared. You slipped into one of the vacant seats in the waiting room, clutching the charts against your chest.
"No sitting, (Y/S/N), you've only just started your day. Let's go! We've got jobs to do. Chop-chop!" Bailey walked by, gesturing for you to get up and go.
You stood up, took the deepest breath and made a promise to yourself-
It's been years. You changed. You were no longer the EMT Teddy used to know. You took great pride in the fact you had grown, as a person and as a doctor. You were a resident now. Besides, for all you knew, Teddy didn't want anything to do with you anymore. She must have changed too. Besides, who knows what happened to her after you lost each other.
Teddy might be back, but your feelings were long gone.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
You walked into the cafeteria, talking with some of the Mercy West residents as you grabbed your lunch, placing it on the tray in front of you. You rolled your eyes as they started to gossip, happy you had your food so you could walk away from that. Shaking your head, you turned around to scan the cafeteria, your eyes landing on Arizona's, who waved you over. You froze in your spot as you saw the back of Teddy's head, who was seated at the same table. Without thinking, you turned around and left the cafeteria in a hurry, the tray still in your hands. You hoped you had been fast enough before Teddy could have seen who Arizona had waved to.
Facing Teddy was not on your to-do list any time soon.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
You had successfully managed to avoid running into your old friend all day, rather doing scut or helping out in the clinic than scrubbing in or helping with consults. Anything to stay out of Teddy's way.
"So, will you tell me why you ran like a chicken earlier today?" Arizona wore a playful smile as she from the doorway how you were grabbing your things.
"Um-" You shuffled some things around in your locker, trying to stall coming up with an answer. Arizona was one of your best friends and already knew whatever you would say would be a complete lie, "Stomach ache. Needed a toilet."
Arizona nodded her head, her playful grin not disappearing, "Yeah... I usually like my lunch with some nice sound effects and extra stench too."
"Wha-," You stopped to turn around, "I did not eat my lunch in a toilet."
Arizona shrugged noncommittally, going to the next topic, "Had fun removing haemorrhoids at the clinic today?"
You sighed defeatedly and pushed your jacket in your bag, glaring at Arizona, who was having way too much fun with this.
"Fine. I ate lunch in a toilet cubicle and helped out at the clinic today. What's wrong with that? They need all the help they can get."
"Meanwhile you could've scrubbed in with Doctor Altman and I. She let Yang fix the kid's Alcapa. Could've been you." She shrugged.
She patted your back as you passed her out of the lounge, letting out a groan at the missed opportunity. You clung your bag over your shoulder, greeting colleagues left and right, trying to play it off, but knowing Arizona was following close behind.
"Nice try," Arizona whispered in your ear as you waited for the lifts to arrive.
You sighed and turned around, about to shoot back a witty reply to wash the grin away from your friend's face, until you saw Teddy round the corner into the hallway, coming your way while she talked to an intern. The lifts dinged behind you, but you quickly pulled Arizona away, pushing her into the door that led to the staircases.
"Okay- wait, what just happened?" Arizona let out a breathy chuckle, her eyebrows raised as she tried to decipher what was going on in your head.
"We're taking the stairs down today! Let's go, I haven't reached my 10k steps yet!" You were already walking down, leaving Arizona to look back, thinking she might have missed something, until she eventually followed.
"Okay, tell me what's going on because you've been incredibly weird, all day long." Arizona stopped you when you were about to walk out of the hospital. You looked her in the eyes, seeing the genuine concern.
"Doctor Robbins!" You shut your eyes at the familiar voice and quickly turned around, slipping into the gift store unnoticed, still in hearing distance,
"I wanted to give you this for the follow-up surgery but you left so quickly." Teddy smiled softly, watching how Arizona looked around, noticing you had dipped, "Just read through it at home and we can discuss tomorrow."
"Oh, yeah! Sure! Thanks." Arizona's eyes fell on the back of your head as you tried to distract yourself by looking at the many different postcards of Seattle.
Teddy furrowed her eyebrows slightly, "Um... okay, well, we'll talk tomorrow."
"Sure thing!"
You waited until Teddy had disappeared into the lift again before stepping out from behind the rack, Arizona immediately pulling you out of the gift shop, her mouth agape as she watched with excitement, "You are crushing on Doctor Altman!"
"What? No!"
"What else can it be? That's why you've been avoiding every place she's at like the plague. I knew you would like her, but I didn't know you would like her this much." She raised her eyebrows suggestively, the grin on her face only widening as you sighed and walked out of the hospital.
"I'm not crushing on her. I haven't even met her yet. I'm just... shy... to meet new people. I need more time."
Arizona snorted as she followed you to her car, "Yeah, sure, that's it." But she grew serious when she saw the conflict in your eyes, "You know you can tell me, right? Anything. I don't judge."
You turned in your seat, it was clear you were battling thoughts in your head. You let yourself fall back against the seat as you sighed,
"I don't want Teddy to see me. Not yet, at least."
Arizona rose an eyebrow, silently telling you she needed more information if you wanted her to understand.
"We knew each other. Back in New York."
Arizona nodded slowly, knowing about your life as an EMT in the Big Apple, "Did you fall out? Did you fight? What happened?"
"That's the thing- I don't know. One day we were friends, the next... she was gone? This is the first time I've seen her since 2001 and... I don't know, it threw me off. I don't know what to do or say now."
"She hasn't seen you yet?"
You shrugged, "No, I don't think so. Not that I know."
"Well, were you great friends before she left?"
"You could say that. I just-" You stopped yourself, sneaking a glance at Arizona, who looked back at you with an encouraging smile, "Oh God- okay... I just always feared I might have scared her away?"
Arizona pursed her lips before hearing what you rambled out next, "I had like, the biggest crush on her and for a while, I thought she had one on me too until I realised she was like that with our mutual friend Allison too and-"
"Doctor Altman likes girls?!" Arizona gasped, intrigue written on her face. You quickly shut her down, not wanting to start the spread of another rumour in the hospital,
"No?! I don't know! I don't think so. No."
You sat in silence for a while until Arizona opened her mouth, "Well, I think it would be best if you just rip the band-aid off tomorrow. I don't think she'd appreciate finding out you avoided her for as long as you could. It's probably going to be awkward either way."
You nodded softly, knowing Arizona was right, "Will you help me?"
"Pfff, of course! I got your back." She smiled at you as she drove out of the car park.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
You kept yourself busy by alternating between buttoning and unbuttoning your lab coat and fixing your hair, wanting to look presentable since Teddy hadn't seen you in years. It was silly, how you hadn't been able to let go of the nervous habits you had whenever you'd be around her. But the worry Teddy would be disappointed to see you again made it worse this time.
"Stop that, you look great." Arizona smiled encouragingly and fixed your collar as you started to play with your fingers instead, needing something to try and keep your nerves under control.
"Ready?" She asked you as she stopped in front of the room Teddy had paged her to. You gave her a curt nod and took in a breath as she opened the door, revealing Teddy who was looking at the whiteboard in front of her.
"Doctor Altman, I brought a resident who's gonna help me with this case. Hope you don't mind."
"Not at all! I went ahead and-" She stopped midsentence when she turned around, her eyes locking with yours. Sure, you had changed over the years, but you knew Teddy would recognize you in an instant.
"(Y/N)?" She breathed out, her face going from confusion to shock to excitement in just a few seconds.
"Oh my God, it's really you?" She walked up to you, her arms open to welcome you in a hug. Teddy let out an awkward chuckle as she noticed you didn't move a muscle, but she slowly and unsurely wrapped her arms around you when you took a hesitant step forward.
"It's so good to see you again! How- I- What?!" She smiled and rubbed her cheeks, trying to wrap her head around the fact you were standing in front of her, and trying to stop herself from panicking. "You left New York? When? You're a resident now!?"
"It's been years, a lot can happen." You squeezed your fingers behind your back, realising how harsh it sounded, no matter how much she deserved the cold shoulder. You just wanted to get this over with.
Teddy's smile faltered, but only momentarily, before her eyes filled with glee again, "So- what's happening? What's new? How did you get here? Are you.... third year? Or-"
"I love this little reunion but maybe it's best we focus on the surgery now...We've got little time." Arizona butted in with an apologetic smile, seeing you needed a breather.
"Yes! Of course, apologies." Teddy turned back to you, her face unreadable, but her gut wrenched with the guilt she suddenly felt. Your eyes said it all.
"We...um, should catch up later." She spoke before she quickly turned to face the whiteboard again, muttering something under her breath, hoping to be able to mask her panic in the next few hours of you two working together.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
"Go!" Arizona mumbled out, bumping your hip when you stopped, seeing she was gesturing to Teddy waiting in line. "Go break the ice!"
"I thought I already did that this morning?!" You whisper-yelled back but was pushed forward by your friend.
"Oh- hi!" You shot her a wry smile, albeit awkwardly, as Teddy turned around. "Want to...um... eat lunch outside with me? Catch up? It snowed last night and uh, I know you used to love-"
But you stopped as you saw Teddy nod and smile, "I'd like that."
"So, Seattle, huh?" Teddy started once you had found a vacant bench outside the hospital. "I thought you said you could never see yourself leaving New York?"
"Yeah, well, I got the opportunity to do my residency here... I wanted to start fresh, and New York isn't what it's been after-" You stopped, noticing how Teddy tensed. She took her time eating her sandwich, stalling an answer before she eventually had to speak.
"It's good to see you ended up where you wanted to be. Seems like all those times I helped you study for med school weren't in vain." She smiled with her eyes as she took another quick bite of her lunch. She tried so hard to read your energy, but you seemed closed off.
"Don't get me wrong, I loved being an EMT, but this is good. This is great. I'm happy now. This is the right path for me."
Teddy gave you a soft smile as she truly took you in for the first time, daring to stare at your side profile now that you were focused on your own lunch. You wore your hair differently now, your face looked a bit more mature and you also seemed more reserved, but maybe that just had to do with the awkward tension still floating between you two. Your eyes though, still gave her the same comfort, even if she had lost the ability to read them, apparently.
"What's it going to be? You got your eyes set on a specialty already?"
You nodded while taking a sip of your drink, "Cardio or peds... though I sometimes like to dabble in neuro."
Teddy let out a breathy chuckle, "Ha! Knew it! I recognized the light in your eyes every time I helped you study cardio cases."
"Well, you made it fun. It was hard not to like it by the way you explained it. You seemed passionate about it so of course, I would try to feel the same way."
She nodded to herself, the corner of her lip curling up slightly before she changed the subject, "Where were you on Monday? Doctor Robbins and I did an alcapa surgery together, you would have loved that. Would have been the perfect match for you."
"Oh, um, I don't know, I think I was helping in the pit all day? It was a busy day." Deciding to change the subject once more, you opened your mouth again, "Where did you end up? You left but never said anything, I was worried for weeks until I eventually had to let it go."
Teddy stopped and put her lunch down, "I joined the army..." she watched closely as you raised your eyebrows in surprise, "Almost immediately after... That's were I met Hunt and that's how I got here."
You nodded softly, trying to put it all into place in your head. She obviously gave you the short explanation, as she had left out years of details. But you figured she did so for a reason, and you respected her decision.
"Wasn't I worth a goodbye though?" You chuckled dryly, half joking, half serious.
"God- no, I mean yes! Of course! You deserved an explanation, that's on me, I just... had to go. I couldn't breathe. I hadn't been in a right state of mind for a while, especially after my parents passed away... and then Allison..."
You put your hand on her leg, "Teddy, it's alright, you don't have to explain further. Sorry... I just- All I actually needed to know was if you were still alive. I was dying inside not knowing if you were alright-" You bit the insides of your cheek as Teddy's hand was placed over yours. She sighed and looked out in front of her, her fingers tangling with yours as she squeezed your hand.
"I am so sorry. You deserved a proper farewell."
You nodded, agreeing, but decided to stay silent, sensing that Teddy already knew how bad she had messed up.
"So um, are you staying here? This is not a temporary thing?"
She squeezed your hand again, just to reassure you, even if she felt tortured by all the lost memories and feelings resurfacing,
"Yeah, I plan on staying." She cleared her throat, "Which is why I'm glad we worked this out right now? I mean, we're good, right?"
Thoughts circled through your head while you felt your chest tighten. Having to be around Teddy again would be a challenge, especially seeing how you left things. But you could manage. You were a surgical resident, for heaven's sake, and you were not going to let an old friend from the past ruin anything.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
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notchesandbullets · 3 years
Life After Luck (Black Panther!Shinsou x Reader)
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Art credit: Pixiv ID 123370838
Warnings: harassment, descriptions of injuries and blood, mention of a past character death (minor) and violence, angst, fluff, protective Shinsou and endearing dad!Shinsou.
A/N: second work for @ultimate-astridwriting​ hybrid collab!!
Words: 9.4k
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You and Shinsou had been seeing each other secretly for years. And in the famed city of Musutafu where the existence of hybrids were extremely rare, that wasn’t exactly an easy feat.
The statistics varied around the globe but the general trend ended up to be less than 5% of the world’s population being born with some kind of animal trait.
Because they were so rare, most humans lived out their whole lives without encountering a hybrid in person once, but for the odd individual, sometimes they would catch a glimpse.
Ever since he was young, Shinsou had to fight every step of the way to get what he wanted. He had to work harder than most just for the mere scraps of attention from scouts that came to search for those with talent to become future heroes, but he never once complained. Until a fight broke out at school, the jocks beating him up in the cafeteria, calling his aspiration to be a hero stupid while everyone else just sat there and watched.
They called him all sorts of horrible names that made his skin crawl and at the end of it all, they didn’t even get punished for starting the fight. He did.
After that, he stomped away from the school grounds and never looked back.
Overcoming life’s great trials, he made a name for himself in his own community in Japan with the help of his mentor, Aizawa.
The scruffy man demanded that he at least get the bare minimum of an education with him if he really refused to go back to his original school, and that’s how the odd pair that resembled father and son more than anyone else ended up getting homeschooled by the veteran underground pro. 
Eventually, the once scrawny black panther without a quirk transformed into a seasoned pro that Japan’s law enforcement called on whenever a case called for his skills. 
Shinsou’s hybrid traits made it easy for him to sneak around despite his size, making him one of the idealistic hires when police needed someone for undercover work. Coupled with the prowess of his build body, he was more than capable to takedown whatever targets were given to him.
Once he reached adulthood, he left the police reserves and went out on his own, seeking a life that lacked the emergency sirens and ways of deceit that it had been filled with previously.
He bounced around from job to job, starting from the bottom up. He washed dishes in a kitchen for a restaurant then went on to be a cashier and then finally worked on the side of the road, cleaning up litter left behind by inconsiderate people.
Shinsou found that over time, he appreciated doing those jobs more and got fulfillment out of it that he didn’t find before.
Little things that happened daily put an extra spring in his step, like strolling down the street and seeing an elder needing help to get across. The simple actions of holding open the door or complimenting someone in hopes of making their day, it was so much clearer than it had been before.
That wasn’t to say that life was a walk in the park for the estranged panther. He still got comments about his appearance when his hood slipped off or from people who looked closely enough spotted his tail, but he no longer cared. His self-worth didn’t rely on pleasing them.
He was done with trying to blend in with the humans. He was different and he was proud of it.
Shinsou’s jaw clenched and his eyes hardened every time someone muttered something not-so-kind under their breath but he pushed on out of sheer determination, shoving it down until he could process it and release the feelings that came with it. He didn’t want to be the type of person who held a grudge.
Nothing good came out of that.
It was hard, but he had an example to set. He didn’t want his son to end up like the person he used to be. 
A loner, an outcast, filled with so much anger aimed at the world that he lacked the ability to get along with anybody. And he didn’t want that for his son.
Naoki. His five-year-old kid with as much spunk as you had.
His wife of seven years.
Shinsou had met you on the eve of a grand ball being hosted in honor of Midoriya’s birthday, a party thrown for the Number One Hero by his large circle of friends. The black panther hybrid had been serving as protection for the night to Kaminari, an old human friend of his from high school who had hooked him up with a steady job within his own company.
Private security.
Since his panther genes gave him a much more built physique, Shinsou didn’t have any troubles convincing the big boss that he was the right fit for being a bodyguard. Coupled with his impressive background, that sealed the deal in one go.
Shinsou had been over at the bar getting a drink for the hyperactive blond conversing with his other guard, Jirou, when it happened.
The grand doors to the Victorian ballroom opened and in you entered, causing everyone’s jaws to drop to the floor.
Your floor-length gown was breathtaking. Diamonds glittered on soft skin from where the expensive necklace sat just above your collarbone. Ruby heels peeked out from under your dress as you floated through the entryway, coming to a stop at the balcony high above all the guests’ heads.
White chiffon skirts sweeping the marble tile, your satin heels clicked against the floor as you strode in, your chin turned delicately at the audible gasp that left the doorman.
An easy smile popped up on your features as he hastily apologized for staring and you brushed it off with an airy wave of your hand.
Shinsou didn’t even know if you were aware of all the eyes on you as you glided down the steps and warmly greeted Todoroki, the one who actually reserved the ballroom for the night, and Bakugou, one of your oldest friends.
Thank Eraserhead for his enhanced hearing.
However, Shinsou practically fainted when you walked over to him, commenting that he looked nice right before introducing yourself. The dress code that he had previously complained about to Kaminari earlier went out the window as soon as his eyes settled on you, drinking in your figure. 
You were the embodiment of a goddess.
At that point, he wasn’t sure if he died and went to heaven or what, but he knew one thing. You were absolutely breathtaking.
Your elegance, your ease and instant kindness whenever you interacted with someone had him weak in the knees. 
You were a vision. 
Radiating pure light and beauty.
Sliding over to him, Kaminari had flashed him a cocky grin and reassured him that Jirou could handle his responsibilities if he, oh, wanted to pay a visit to a particularly stunning girl. 
Jirou, his right-hand woman, swatted the electric blond’s shoulder as he doubled over with laughter but calmly told Shinsou that if he wanted to stroll around for a little while before coming back, then well, there certainly was nothing wrong with having a little bit of fun.
Blushing, he refused, claiming he couldn’t possibly leave Kaminari alone that long. He would find a way to set something on fire somehow. 
The man had a weird affinity with fire. 
Shinsou busied himself with the glasses, pouring the drinks that he had originally came over to get and he was about to get back to Jirou and Kaminari, both who suspiciously disappeared from sight, when he glanced up and saw you in all your splendor. 
Right in front of him.
The crystal flutes he had been holding smashed onto the floor, clear shards flying everywhere. All heads turned to him but this time, the attention was unwanted. 
Shinsou was frantic, trying to amend his mistake before you saw, even though that was literally impossible at this point, and Kaminari popped up out of nowhere, intervening before the enraged caterer could say some not-so-kind words to him. 
That was fortunate for him. 
What wasn’t as fortunate was you crouching down the second you heard the crash, disregarding everyone else’s shouts for you to be careful as you raced to his side, bending down to help.
“Are you alright?!” You asked, eyes wide with panic when your gaze landed on his palms and you froze. “Oh no, you’re bleeding!!”
The next ten minutes consisted of him adamantly refusing to let you help him clean up the shattered crystal and you arguing against him. Shinsou was forced to cave into you as you insisted on helping, threatening to haul him into your car to take him to the hospital yourself if he didn’t at least let you look at it, so he wasn’t left with much of a choice.
It wasn’t long before all the dangerous fragments were swept up and once the situation was handled, you led him out of the way to tend to his injuries.
Shinsou was quiet the entire way out, only protesting when you finally reached your destination of the nearest single stall bathroom. Here, at least it was quieter than the party that had resumed out there. Definitely wasn’t his crowd, but he wasn’t about to stomp all over the opportunity that Kaminari gave him just because he was a bit uncomfortable.
He could handle it. He was a panther, for crying out loud. 
His frame was broad, his sharp indigo eyes terrifying and he was tougher than anyone else out there.
And yet, you didn’t flinch away from his wary gaze, going so far as to tend to the cuts and scraps on his bare hands, disinfecting them gently before bandaging them up in soft gauze you found in the cabinet.
It wasn’t odd to have amenities at an event like this where some kind of physical discourse was bound to happen. You knew it well. 
Shinsou eyed you while you worked. “... I didn’t catch your name.”
If you were put off by the low drawl edged with a slight growl clearly meant to intimidate you, you didn’t show it at all. 
Shrugging nonchalantly, you ducked your head somewhat shyly as you tied off the cotton. “L/N. L/N, Y/N.”
Shinsou smirked. “Nice to meet you.”
You flashed him a grin. “Likewise.”
This time, he was the one to look down shyly as his heart skipped a beat, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck with his newly banadaged palm as you wrapped the other one. “... Thanks for doing that.”
The snort that left you had him doing a double take.
“Thanks for letting me.” You retorted, tugging a bit harder on the end of the gauze to emphasize your exasperation with his earlier stubbornness and Shinsou winced, already regretting it.
“Sorry about that.” He murmured. He didn’t want to be on your bad side already. He had just met you.
Your gaze softened a tad as you picked up on the genuine strain in his voice. “It’s okay.”
After you finished tending to his injury, giving him a lame excuse why you knew first-aid so well, the two of you returned to the ball. 
He let it go. For some reason, he had a feeling he shouldn’t pry.
Shinsou readjusted his tie, knowing that if he didn’t, Kaminari would do it for him. That’s just the type of person the electric blond was. It was hella annoying.
But his indigo gaze kept on you the entire time as your skirts swept across the floor, capturing all the attention of the guests once again. 
Shinsou tapped the rim of the champagne glass to his lips contemplatively, mulling something over in his mind.
He saw through your weak excuse that you just knew how to do first-aid. He spotted the way your hands shook when you saw the blood, no matter how shallow the laceration was, and he couldn’t help but do a little bit of digging.
Jirou helped him find out that you weren’t a doctor or a nurse. In fact, you weren’t in any kind of profession in the medical field. 
While Shinsou was slightly glad you weren’t so that he wouldn’t run into you when missions went sideways, he was more disappointed than anything else.
What if he never saw you again after tonight?
The thought of today being the last time he laid eyes on you was too much for him to bear and even though he tried to keep his distance, tried to stomp out the blossoming warmth in his chest for you when you giggled and threw him a smile through the crowd with logic, nothing worked. 
Shinsou gathered his courage and with a push from Kaminari, literally, he had a date with the bashful bartender by the end of the night.
Waving goodbye to you after he walked you to his car, his arm dropped back down to his side as you drove off into the night. This is going to be fun... 
Two weeks passed by and he still had yet to see you.
At first, he was the one to get called away. Kaminari needed him for a gig while he closed a deal on the nightclub that he owned that he was looking to expand. Apparently, Jirou and Sero were unavailable. He apologized profusely, promising to make it up to you, but you didn’t even mind.
You understood that sometimes life just happened and things got in the way. He had nothing to be sorry for. You rescheduled for the following week. 
That was when you got called away. Family emergency.
Shinsou spent twenty minutes on the phone with you, promising that he wasn’t holding it against you for needing to push back the date again. His eyes softened when he clearly heard how distressed you were through his cell and he sighed, murmuring into the receiver that it didn’t matter how long it took or how many obstacles the two of you would have to get through.
His heart still longed for you just as strongly as the first day he saw you.
With his quiet yet passionate reassurance, you were able to attend to all that you needed to, keeping in contact with him throughout the week. You were ashamed to admit it, but with how easy he was to talk to, you found yourself falling hard.
Then, the day finally came where life allowed you this one happiness.
According to you, the first date went well. Sure, Shinsou was a bit shy and awkward, fumbling over his words but you found it extremely cute. 
He wasn’t nearly as intimidating as his figure portrayed. Underneath all that brawn, the black panther was sweet and he was kind. 
It took some time for him to actually warm up to you, but you were there waiting for him patiently. You never pushed him, never asked him to reveal secrets he didn’t want to talk about or divulge information about his personal life unless he himself wished to talk about it. 
But when he finally did open up, close to a year later after that initial meeting at Midoriya’s birthday party, he found that he couldn’t stop running his mouth when you trained your keen gaze on him so intently, hanging onto his every word.
Shinsou told you everything.
He told you about his lonely past, about the man called Eraserhead but how he knew him as Aizawa, how he preferred coffee over tea because while neither of them actually had any taste, one of them did a much better job of keeping him awake at night when he had to work. 
You giggled and told him you took note of that, leaning forward to plop your chin in the palm of your hand as you regarded him mischievously. 
“Does that mean the great and famous Toshi doesn’t like water?” You teased lightly, stirring your hot chocolate while the snowflakes fell outside, melting the instant they hit the window.
The pillowy softness looked deceptively soft and cozy but you knew after many experiences of jumping into piles of snow that that was definitely not the case.
Shinsou scowled at the lilt in your voice but the edges of his mouth twitched, desperately trying to hold back a fond smile at the sound of your nickname for him.
You gave him that nickname after you learned his given name. He had shared it with you months after you two started dating regularly. You had pestered him for it for a while after the first coffee date but after he asked you to stop, that he would tell you when he was ready, you stopped immediately.
Boundaries had to be respected. 
One of your old girlfriends made fun of you for it, claiming that it didn’t make sense so you shouldn’t feel the need to respect it.
You dropped her right after. 
Understanding didn’t matter. If it was close to him, then it mattered to you. And that went for everyone. 
Shinsou tucked his hands into the pockets of his pants and leaned back in the booth, a low chuckle rumbling from his chest. The only other person he let call him Toshi was Aizawa and that was on the rare occasion that his mentor praised him for a job well done.
“You have some nerve, doll.” Shinsou teased right back, the barest amount of amusement twinkling in his eyes and he cleared his throat. “But no, I actually do like water.”
In spite of the common misconception that all cats hated water, he got that a lot once people saw his ears and tail, fangs poking out between his lips. But if anything, he had no issues with it. Let them say and think whatever they wanted, it didn’t matter to him.
You however… he couldn’t have you thinking things that weren’t true.
Shinsou made a face. “I just am not fond of baths.”
You slapped your knee and cackled at that, laughing so loud that you drew the attention of some of the other patrons in the vicinity but you couldn’t even catch your breath long enough to apologize for ruining their calm coffee cafe experience. 
The two of you dated for quite a long time before Shinsou popped the question.
For you, it had taken you by a complete and utter surprise. You had expected him to ask you to move in with him first or something since his place was big enough, not this. No one had ever committed to a relationship with you long enough and serious enough to make you think that marriage was part of the equation.
But while you were startled, you still agreed, tears caught in your lashes. You may have been shocked but you were so elated.
Shinsou, keen as ever, wiped away your tears and coaxed your face up, finger hooked underneath your chin as he examined you closely.
Indigo hues softened in concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing,” You reassured him with a sniffle and bright smile. “I just— Sometimes I forget how good of a person you really are, Toshi.”
He was taken aback at that. His whole life he had been told the opposite. And yet here he was, with the love of his life telling him otherwise.
His heart was going to explode.
It hadn’t been the first time you said it but he hoped that it wouldn’t be the last. 
And when the news that you two were now engaged finally hit you, you took some time to soak in the scenery.
The place he picked was absolutely perfect.
An alcove secluded and filled with fragrant flowers, vines trailing up the expanse of the old stone ruins. Soothing streams cut paths through the quiet garden, a serene and tranquil place hidden amongst the bustling town of Musutafu. There was no one else around. Just you two.
It was perfect. It was perfectly Toshi. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, leaning your head and resting it on his shoulder. 
He booped your nose softly, smiling slightly when you scrunched it up cutely and his tail curled around your waist protectively, holding you close. 
“I love you.” Shinsou murmured, closing his eyes as he breathed you in.
There was no hesitation in your soft reply. “I love you too.”
But your relationship with Shinsou wasn’t all sunshine and roses. There was a time where you thought you might lose him.
That he might die.
It was bad. Kaminari had called you right after it happened but because you had been working at the time and your dick of a boss didn’t let you have your phone, you didn’t see any of those messages until after you got off your shift. 
But when you finally did look at it, your heart stopped.
What happened next was a blur. Your phone slipped through your fingers, uncaring how the screen cracked and went black the instant it hit the pavement and you tore off in the address now ingrained in your memory despite only looking at it once.
Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay, You chanted in your head, tears streaming down your face and the city lights faded into the background as you zipped down the familiar path to the hospital you swore you would never step foot in again. Toshi, I can’t lose you too.
The front desk receptionist didn’t even stop you as you barreled through the front doors with panicked eyes, chest heaving. She simply waved you on. You knew where to go. 
When you finally got to his room, your heart stopped.
Kaminari wasn’t kidding. It was bad. 
No one else was in the white room with white walls that contained your beloved lying deathly still on the single cot in the center of the room. 
The hospital room was vacant. Empty. No color.
You hated it. 
But you suppressed those feelings of unease that made you sick to your stomach and stepped a foot inside, racing to Shinsou before you could talk yourself out of it.
“I’m here.” You cried out, reaching for his hand. A choked sob left you when his fingers weakly curled around yours. “I’m here, Hitoshi.”
The doctors came and went but you stayed by his side, not even batting an eye when Kaminari, Jirou and Sero came to visit.
There were heavy bags under your eyes from lack of sleep due to the past few days. “When will he wake up?”
Kaminari hesitated, glancing at Jirou, hoping to find her usual reassurance but a foreign worry wrought her features.
“I… don’t know.” He said finally, placing a hand on your shoulder, sighing when you didn’t even look up at him and smiled like you normally did. “He’s under a pretty heavy anesthesia—”
“He’s going to wake up.” You stated firmly, brow kitting stubbornly and you squeezed his hand tighter.
But when it was clear he wasn’t going to squeeze back, your grip loosened and your hands fell back in your lap.
“He’s going to wake up.” You repeated, voice shaking this time around with insecurity as you faced the possible reality that he might not.
That you had just grown close to someone else who was going to leave you.
According to the report that Jirou had tried to tell you about, Shinsou had gotten attacked by someone he had helped the police put away a long time ago. 
A retaliation hit. 
Stabbed in the shoulder with a gunshot wound through his femoral artery, there wasn’t a lot of hope for him. He lost a lot of blood.
But you were certain he would fight. He could make it through this. He promised you that he would never leave you. 
Resolve strengthening, you wiped away your tears harshly with the back of your hand before covering his motionless hand with yours once more. As long as you were here, you would provide him all the support he needed to get through this.
“Toshi…” You sobbed as the other three took their leave after failing to convince you to go home and get some rest. They would get some food and bring it up to you, sure you hadn’t eaten in days. You didn’t want to be the one to tell them that they were right.
Shinsou never liked it when you skipped meals. What would he say if he saw you now?
You pressed a wet kiss to the back of his hand, tears blurring your vision. 
“I’ll be right here when you wake up.” You promised, eyelashes fluttering close as you failed against the anguish.
“Please, don’t leave me alone.”
Days turned into weeks and your hope was dwindling with each passing hour. 
You had lost your job at the diner that you worked at because you refused to leave his side. You were lucky to have Kaminari reassure you that money wouldn’t be a problem and you were eternally grateful that he knew just how important it was that you didn’t leave Shinsou’s bedside.
Jirou and Sero rotated shifts to keep watch over their friend, coordinating with Tsukauchi, All Might and Eraserhead to provide top security but you couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to their activities.
All you did, from sunrise to midnight was stare at Shinsou’s peacefully sleeping face in hopes that he would blink open those tired eyes and gaze at you once more. 
Please, You begged for what seemed like the millionth time to someone, anyone who was listening. Please help him.
Let him be okay.
When a month and a half had passed, you were at your wit’s end. There had been no change since day one. The doctors said that all his injuries had healed, thanks to Recovery Girl, but that it was likely he would never come out of the coma.
You had no more tears to cry. Your figure was gaunt, facial features sunken in like you had seen a ghost and lost your mind. No one could convince you to eat or sleep. 
If Shinsou died, there was a good chance you would too.
Life was empty without him in it.
You couldn’t take this anymore. The waiting, the not knowing. You hated it.
You begged him even though you knew he couldn’t hear you, angry at him, angry at the guy who put him here, angry at the world for being so unfair that you lost it. Yelling at him, you fought back frustrated tears as you poured your heart out to him.
But then you stopped. He didn’t know.
Sinking back into the uncomfortable plastic chair that your body had molded to, you closed your eyes in defeat.
That’s right. You never told him.
Eyes growing sad and regretful, you debated for a second before you decided that if you were feeling this way, you might as well tell him why.
Holding his hand that teetered on the edge of chilly due to the slowed down circulation, you took a deep breath. 
“You always wanted to know, ever since we first met.” You started softly, playing idly with his fingers to distract yourself from the horror of this story. “I knew you saw right through me then, should’ve taken the warning and run.”
You smiled faintly. He never would’ve let you. 
“I…” You trailed off, losing your courage. Breathing shakily, you tried to gather yourself. You knew this wasn’t going to be an easy feat but somehow, this was the hardest part of it all. 
Where you had to admit what you felt with no hidden truths.
Clearing your throat, you started over. 
“I never told you about Ryuu.” You confessed, blinking up at the stained tiles of the ceiling in an attempt to hold back the tears that welled up in your eyes. “He was my little brother, passed away when I was 15.”
You exhaled shakily. “He was only six.”
Your dad had gotten mugged and was beaten to death on the outskirts of the city before you were born. Your mom raised you as best as a single mother her age could but it was hard. 
She had no job, no family, no one to help her. Your childhood consisted of you bouncing around the streets to make a penny, then crashing in whatever crumbling, rundown building you could find for the night. 
Any run-ins with the law weren’t good.
You knew that they would take you away from your mom if they knew, put you in the foster care system. You couldn’t let them do that, who would take care of her?
She didn’t tell you that she was pregnant. You found out when she started showing.
You didn’t say anything about it for the nine months she carried that baby, supporting her with all you could. Life was okay. You got a job running errands for the kind man who owned a grocery store at the corner of the street. 
You had enough money to put some food on the table.
When she birthed the baby, you were there the entire time. You were there when he had his first cry, when the nurse cut the umbilical cord, and when your mother passed away on the hospital bed, too weak from labor to carry on.
You didn’t mourn. No matter how hard you tried or how much you wanted to, no tears came out.
Instead, you held Ryuu in your arms, kissing him on his little forehead as you vowed to protect him.
He was life. He was precious.
But you couldn’t protect him from himself.
Ryuu was born with a flawed heart. The doctors predicted that he wouldn’t live more than a year.
But your little brother pushed through. By the time he turned four, he was already showing signs of great progress and healing. You were hopeful that he could grow up like a normal kid and experience life to the fullest.
You hoped for too much.
Visits to the hospital became more frequent when he started coughing up blood. Violent seizures overtook him and one day, it claimed his life.
And you didn’t cry.
Onlookers speculated that you had no heart if you couldn’t even grieve for this poor boy, but no, that wasn’t it. That wasn’t it at all.
You thought you were over this already, that you had gotten over your fear of hospitals and all the despair that came with it, but no. 
Seeing Shinsou laying there, deathly pale, had your heart beating right out of your chest, and not in a good way.
“When you wake up, I’m going to kill you.” You swore through the hot tears stinging your eyes and rolling down your cheeks. 
Slouching heavily back down in that same uncomfortable plastic chair that dug into your back and made your butt incredibly sore, you clasped Shinsou’s hand tightly.
“You’re such an idiot.” You sobbed, fingers shaking as you let up the pressure, grazing over the back of his hand as though you were afraid he might disappear on you if you pressed too hard.
Vision blurry, a sob welled up in your chest and your body trembled uncontrollably as you let it all out. The build up of all the emotions you had been suppressing since you were younger released onto him and you cried and cried until you couldn’t anymore.
But your eyes flew open as something soft and fuzzy ruffled your hair. 
Shooting upright, fresh tears gathered at the corners of your eyes and your hands clapped over your mouth in shock. 
A broken cry escaped you. “Toshi…” 
Shinsou’s indigo eyes opened just a crack but they were trained on you and the faintest of smiles graced his lips.
“Hey, doll.” He breathed tiredly.
His mouth barely moved but you heard him.
With an astonished and disbelieving cry of relief, you flung your arms around his neck.
Despite his body just waking up and getting accustomed to its surroundings, he didn’t hesitate to catch you, tucking your head under his chin and he buried his nose into your hair and inhaled deeply. Damn, he missed you.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry.” Shinsou apologized, wincing a bit as he tried to prop himself up. You were quick to realize what he wanted and helped him, fluffing the pillows behind him as best as you could even though it was hard to reach around his much bigger frame. “How long—”
“Too long.”
Shinsou’s eyes softened and he gently brushed away the teardrops escaping with the pad of his thumb as he cupped your face tenderly. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He whispered, eyes closing briefly as he rested his forehead against yours.
You glowered at him even though your heart was already surging towards him with open arms. “You better be.”
The sound of his throaty chuckle was a welcome one and you melted into his embrace, sighing at the deep purr that rumbled from his chest. 
“Princess…” Shinsou murmured, Kaminari’s outburst and Jirou’s relieved expression as they burst into the room going unnoticed as he focused only on you. “Forgive me?”
Vaguely, you registered Sero bolting out the door to fetch the doctor but you blinked up at him and pouted, playing with the collar of his hospital robe.
“It wasn’t your fault.” You mumbled under your breath. 
Shinsou’s eyebrows drew together. “I heard about your brother, I think. I’m sorry I didn’t—”
“You don’t need to ask for forgiveness.” You whispered, grip tightening on him when the doctor entered the room and asked you to leave so he could examine him. “There’s nothing to forgive.”
Shinsou begged for just one more minute with you, one more minute to hold you in his arms but the doctor was insistent. Reluctantly, with great difficulty, he let you go, the man taking your place in a second.
You swallowed harshly as you stepped away from him, Jirou patting your shoulder comfortingly and you turned to her as Kaminari peppered the exhausted panther with endless questions.
Shinsou turned his head at your soft voice and motioned for you to complete your thought. He knew that look on your face.
You broke away from Jirou, leaving her with Sero as you approached him once more. Slowly, with intent, you strode towards him, watery eyes diminishing as your resolve strengthened.
Taking his hand in yours, something flashed through your eyes. “I’m gonna make them pay.”
In spite of his vision growing foggy as the anesthetic kicked in, a small smirk played upon the edge of his mouth and his gaze flickered over your shoulder to lock purposefully with Kaminari’s. A silent request to keep you safe while he was out.
Shinsou sighed, settling into the thin mattress as comfortably as he could when you pressed a loving kiss to his forehead.
He smiled, eyes fluttering shut as the last thing he heard was your hushed declaration of how much you loved him. 
“Go get ‘em, doll.” 
Seven quirk-cancelling handcuffs, demolished turkey stuffing and a plate of thrown pudding later, you left the individuals responsible for attacking your Toshi in the police’s capable hands. 
It had taken you forever to heal from the trauma of that day that landed your life partner in the hospital in such a dangerous predicament, but taking one slow step at a time, you managed to get back up on your feet and move forward.
Now, years later, the shining daylight turned into the ambiance of night, and that was when the real party started.
Purple lowlights glowed softly in contrast against the glittery sparkles of the disco ball hanging above the dancefloor. 
Jirou spun tunes at the DJ booth, Sero jamming with Kirishima unabashedly to the loud EDM in the crowd, Bakugou violently fighting against his best friend when Kirishima begged for him to come join. 
You poured drinks from behind the counter with an impassive Todoroki, bopping to the music that pumped through the air and reverberated through your bones. Your coworker continued to serve customers, strolling out into the dining area as someone waved him over. Uraraka and Aoyama, you think.
Kaminari had given you a position at his nightclub, asking if you wanted to put your bartending skills to good use since his last guy quit once he got a better gig. You accepted immediately.
You bustled around the back of the counter of the bar, glass shelves stocked with liquor high behind you. Polishing glasses, you handled several things at once as customers put in orders and talked to you all at once.
Tonight was a celebration and a bunch of your friends were here. 
Bakugou was now begrudgingly dancing with Kirishima on the dancefloor, the permanent scowl on his face growing once Todoroki leaned over and casually noted how much he resembled a put off skunk in that moment. Midoriya had to intervene and drag away a clueless Todoroki while Kirishima wrangled back a furious pomeranian. 
Kaminari hung out with Yaoyorozu by Jirou, Shoji and Ojiro drifting over to them as soon as they stepped in through the front door.
Excitement thrummed through your veins at all the familiar faces. With all your friends in one place, you were eager to see the one person you had been looking forward to catching up with all week.
He should be getting off of work soon…
A ring from the doorbell as it opened caught your attention.
“I’ll be right with you!!” You called as the figure who had just shuffled through the door of the bar sat down at the counter.
“No worries.” The man responded smoothly despite his tired tone. “Take your time.”
At the sound of the familiar voice, you casted a glimpse at him, spotting ruffled purple hair and indigo hues brimming with love fixated on you.
He waved you off with a lazy grin and you fought back a smile as you continued to make the requested cocktail for the customer you were currently serving.
You had both agreed to not act with familiarity at your workplace but that didn’t stop you from putting an extra bounce in your step as you flitted around from behind the counter with grace and practiced ease to help ease Todoroki’s workload.
Shinsou’s gaze followed you as you swapped places with the dual-haired man.
He had just got off of patrol with his old mentor, Eraserhead. Kaminari had given him the day off and let him spend time with the scruffy man. And of course Aizawa wanted to spend it doing work.
Taking off his signature mask to let it hang around his neck, Shinsou set down his keys on the polished obsidian tabletop, tapping his fingers idly while he waited for you to come back, his eyes flickering to the employees’ door that led to the back.
But he had no complaints while waiting.
One of his favorite pastimes was watching you work. The grace while you floated around the crowd of people coupled with the delicate precision you used to handle each glass while you poured liquor in different combinations, he could watch you for hours on end and never be bored.
Wiping your hands on your white apron dirtied with stains from this shift, you dashed back behind the counter to send out a few plates full of food that a table had ordered.
Shinsou rested his chin in the palm of his hand nonchalantly, his tail swishing lazily from side to side as you took care of things seamlessly, picking up the influx of business that came with the busy hour.
He briefly wondered why there were only you and Todoroki waiting on tables, scowling slightly when he thought that you had to deal with waitressing on top of bartending but you didn’t seem to mind. 
With an easy smile and light shining in your eyes, you dealt with all of it with grace. 
Shinsou glanced up, one of his rare smiles threatening to break out across his face at the sight that greeted him. You were leaning over the counter towards him, spinning a pen between your fingers smoothly as you whipped out a notepad.
“What can I get for you?” You asked politely but the mischievous glint in your eye gave it away.
Shinsou had been so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t hear you come over. Easily enough, a smug smirk curved at the edge of his mouth and he recovered rather quickly as he chuckled.
“Just water is fine, thanks.” He said and you nodded, flashing him a quirky smile.
You got him his water within seconds and in the blink of an eye, you were back to serving others. Caught up in the craziness of the rush hour, you barely noticed a little someone toddling up to stand up behind you as the door burst open.
The babysitter you hired for the night came rushing in behind him, hauling your son back frantically, wrought with worry from when he sped ahead of her. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, L/N-san, I just—”
You held up a hand to stop her, calming her down. “It’s okay, Gen. Take a deep breath and tell me what’s wrong.”
In a single hurried breath, she relayed in a panicked manner that she had a family emergency to take care of. You reassured her that it was okay to go, ushering her out the door when she continued to spew out apologies for bailing like this. 
This wasn’t the first time something like this had happened and you were quite sure it wouldn’t be the last. The girl was nice and she got along great with your son but her parents struggled with their health and usually one of them or both of them landed in the hospital every week.
The stress. 
You shook your head. It was unfair to put such a young girl through something so strenuous but you didn’t have any say in it and you inserting yourself into their lives would be intrusive so you settled for supporting her whenever the opportunity presented itself. 
“Need a ride?” You asked, eyes sympathetic as you headed over to her, snatching your coat from the hook, already ready to help in any way that you could.
Gen waved her hands quickly, the smile that appeared gone as fast as it came. “That’s okay, but thank you, L/N-san!! Monoma is taking me to the hospital.”
Her knuckles turned white at how tightly she gripped the strap of her bag and your eyes softened understandingly as her boyfriend’s sports car pulled up just outside. 
“Go on.” You urged softly. “And be careful.”
“I will.”
And with that, she turned around, leaving behind a fidgeting little boy tugging on the bottom of your apron.
“Mama? Where’s she going?” Naoki pouted, cheeks puffing out. “I thought we were gonna play…”
You hid a smile, reaching behind you to pat him on the head as you expertly handled a tray of empty beers and put the glasses in the sink. As Todoroki took over for you, you bent down to ruffle his hair.
“What is it, little one?” You questioned softly and somehow your son managed to hear you above the noise and clamor of the partying going on. 
Normally, you would’ve done everything you could to keep him away from your workplace. Having your husband watch him in the back room was preferable until your shift was over. Naoki particularly enjoyed coloring. 
The last babysitter you hired before Gen ended up being careless and lost track of him, letting the small boy wander out of the house. He found you at your workplace easily enough since it was a few blocks away but you were in hysterics when he trotted in through the door with his favorite Eraserhead plushie as one of your regulars held open the door for him. 
Grandpa Shouta would never admit how much he loved the little guy but it didn’t matter. He and Hizashi constantly showered Naoki with gifts every weekend when they came over to take your family out on a shopping spree and obligatory trip to the cat café.
You didn’t have any relatives that lived close by or else you would’ve asked if they could babysit Naoki and Aizawa was out of the question since his job was just as dangerous and demanding as Shinsou’s. 
Your workplace wasn’t exactly the traditional nightclub, it was actually a very sophisticated bar with tight security and respectful customers. Rarely you got anyone new but the steady stream of regulars was more than enough to keep the place up and running. 
Nobody usually got violent when they had too much to drink but if they did, the bouncers Kendo and Tetsutetsu were both quick to throw them out of the establishment until they sobered up.
Naoki liked to cling to your legs when you were at home and since all your regulars knew of him from that little incident before, no one was surprised when the small boy tucked himself behind you shyly.
The disco music’s volume lowered a tad as Jirou realized that Naoki was with you, reducing it to a much more acceptable level for conversations to flow easier. 
Shinsou sipped his water. Gen was in and out as quickly as she came, and there was no need for him to do anything when you took care of it so fast. Besides, his son hadn’t even noticed him yet. 
Until now.
Beaming widely, Naoki faced his dad and hugged your leg. 
Shinsou fought back a fond smile, waving at him discreetly to avoid catching the attention of the others. He rolled his eyes though when his silent and goofy conversation was interrupted by a Kaminari and Sero obnoxiously hooting from the side.
You remained oblivious, cleaning up a pile of dishes to clear your workspace as Todoroki disappeared into the kitchen where Sato and Tokoyami were continuing to crank out plates of food for the night.
Tugging on your apron, Naoki’s wide eyes met yours as you knelt down to his level. He pointed to someone sitting on the opposite side as his dad.
“Mama, that man looks mean…” He whispered fearfully, cowering behind your legs as you straightened up to your full height. 
“Can I help you?” You asked with a pointed glance, tone hard as you addressed the one intimidating your son.
While any other person would’ve bristled at your icy tone, this burly man just snickered and leaned closer, making his intent clear.
Arching an eyebrow, you crossed your arms over your chest and pulled out your notepad. You hadn’t seen him around before, he must be a newcomer. 
You sighed after a beat of him just ogling you, tapping your pen to the edge of the mini spiral impatiently as you suppressed the urge to vomit at his behavior. “If you’re not going to order anything, please sit at one of the tables instead so that another customer can take your place at the bar.”
Naoki whimpered and scuttled to hide more as the man stood up. He towered over you and the little boy’s heart started to beat faster with fear.
“Oh, is that right, princess?”
You bristled at the nickname and bit the inside of your cheek to stop some very colorful words from escaping, throwing a hard side glance at your husband when he abruptly stood up with a snarl painted on his face.
Moving to stand in front of him, blocking the man’s view from Shinsou and also stopping your husband at the same time should he do anything reckless, you plastered your best customer service smile on your face.
“Please do not call me that.” You stated, making it clear that you weren’t actually asking. “If you cannot treat me with respect then you should leave.”
“Oh?” The man chuckled, the sound grating against your ears unpleasantly. “And what are you gonna do about it, sweet thing?”
Oh, that was it.
“I’m taken.” You responded dryly, crossing your arms over your chest. “I really don’t appreciate how you’re talking to me, and my husband wouldn’t either.”
He smiled a sinister smile, causing your skin to crawl. “I don’t see him.”
And Shinsou was done letting you take this disrespect.
“Hey.” He barked, standing up to take his place next to you. “If a lady tells you to back off, you listen.”
A snort came from the other and then condescending laughter followed. “Yeah right. All girls are ever good for is being a pretty little thing to show off on your arm, am I right?”
“You’re dead wrong, prick.” Shinsou hissed, indigo alight with unparalleled fury as he came up behind you, wrapping beefy arms around your waist and glaring at the guy who had the audacity to harass you like that. “You don’t talk to anybody like this, especially not my wife.”
The man should’ve taken the obvious warning and backed down but he didn’t. Instead, his interest transformed into judgement and you could visibly see the walls coming down and locking as his hatred overtook his entire being.
“Hybrid, huh?” He sneered in disgust at you. “No wonder you went after someone like her.”
Shinsou’s arms curled around you tighter protectively and he stiffened behind you, coiled like a cobra and ready to strike but you held him back again.
But before you could throw him out of Kaminari’s establishment yourself, someone beat you to it.
In two seconds flat, the man who had been snickering at you and high-fiving his buddies folded over, clutching his stomach as his expression contorted in pain.
Naoki planted his hands on his hips and nodded his head proudly as he kicked the man where it hurt. “No one talks to my Mama like that!!”
“Naoki!!” You cried out.
He had slipped away so quietly and so fast that you didn’t notice in time to stop it. 
Leaning over the counter, you spotted him blinking back at you innocently as Yaoyorozu hustled him away from the troublesome men he had just put in his place. 
Bakugou appeared, a menacing aura surrounding his broad frame as he loomed over the sniveling man now cowering beneath him.
“You’re fuckin’ lucky she asked you nicely, cause the rest of us ain’t gonna, bastard.” He snapped, explosions popping from his palms.
Twisting his arm behind his back, the fuming man marched out the front door with the captured one in his iron grip squealing like a pig, followed by Kaminari and Sero taking the others with Kirishima cracking his knuckles while flashing a smile over his shoulder, shutting the door behind him. They were going to teach him a little lesson.
Naoki raised his hands high above his head joyfully, a wide smile spread across his face. “Mama, Mama, did you see?! Did I do good?!”
Immediately, you and Shinsou rushed over to Naoki, pulling him in for a hug.
“Are you okay?!” You exclaimed, scanning over him for any injuries, making sure he isn’t hurt. “Naoki, you can’t just run off like that!! Or kick people!!”
He pouted, lowering his hands slightly. “But Papa taught me how!!”
Shinsou collapsed into a fit of laughter when he heard that and your head snapped towards him. 
Your eyes glittered with a hint of amusement, wry tone rolling off your tongue. “Did he now?”
Naoki nodded vigorously, his mop of purple hair flopping around on his head. “Yup!! He said that if someone’s mean, then they’re a bully and I can fight back!!”
At this point, you didn’t know whether you should applaud your son or scold your husband for teaching him such things. 
Yaoyorozu shook her head as you deftly tickled Naoki’s sides, making him laugh loudly. He looked so very proud of himself, rambling on and on about how he protected you against the big bad scary man, just like his daddy showed him.
Shinsou, who was leaning back against the counter casually as he observed the two of you, pushed off as his son tunneled into his legs.
“Papa, Papa, are you proud of me?” He pleaded to know, staring up at him with wide eyes just like a koala as he hugged his father’s shins.
Shinsou patted his head, brushing the wispy curls away from his eyes and chuckled. “Of course I am, squirt.”
“Toshi!!” You scolded good-naturedly, pushing up onto your feet. 
Despite the talk about how nonviolence is a better route you knew would have to come later, you simply picked up Naoki and rested him on your hip as Shinsou tapped your cheek and murmured into your ear that he was going to go check on things outside.
He tucked your hair behind your ear. “Will you be alright?”
You nodded reassuringly. “Of course. Go. But don’t beat him up too badly, love.”
Shinsou huffed out a curt laugh, the waggle of his eyebrows making you giggle, dissipating the tense atmosphere in an instant.
When he disappeared from the establishment, you took Naoki to the back room to get away from all the craziness and clamor that came with your son kicking the prick in the balls. Midoriya offered to help Todoroki with serving the food while you took care of your son.
“Here you go, little one.” You whispered as you gathered up the coloring books and crayons hidden away in the bigger desk, placing it on the smaller one Tokoyami built just for him. 
Naoki clapped his hands excitedly, making grabby hands for it, a happy noise emitting from him as soon as gave it to him. “Thank you, Mama!!”
While he busied himself with coloring in a tiger with blues and yellows, you kept him company. That was, until the door clicked open. 
You stood in a second, running over to him and flung your arms around his neck to hug him tight. Naoki remained engrossed in coloring in the Disney Princess on the page as you checked over the black panther.
“You okay?” You whispered shakily, a hint of fear slipping in as your collected façade cracked.
Shinsou rested his forehead against yours, breathing softly as he cupped your jaw. “Yes, I’m alright. Don’t worry, doll.”
The corners of your mouth twitched as you protested childishly, “... ‘m not worried.”
He exhales sharply, chuckling faintly at your characteristic stubbornness and hummed nonchalantly. “Whatever you say, princess.”
He lowered his voice, murmuring repeatedly that he was okay as your trembling fingers brushed over his bruised knuckles. They were a little busted up and bloody from a particularly hefty punch he delivered to the jerk’s jaw. He was going to feel that in the morning. 
Shinsou kept you in his embrace for as long as Naoki took to finish coloring his picture. By the time he did, you had calmed down enough to go back out and finish your shift.
Wiping sweaty palms on your uniform, you sniffled and raised your head up high. You could do this. You had come a long way from the little girl who became paralyzed at the mere sight of a drop of blood. 
He was a bit battered but he would heal. He was okay. 
As you bustled about behind the counter, fighting back a smile as Kaminari sashayed up to you and asked for your favorite so that he could give it back to you, you laughed out loud when Shinsou smacked him upside the head for doing such a thing. 
Naoki ran around, looking for more bullies to kick in the balls before Shoji caught onto what he was doing and diverted his attention to helping Jirou spin some tunes, with some earplugs in, of course, so that his hearing wasn’t damaged.
Shinsou’s cheeks colored as you stretched up on your tiptoes to press a gentle kiss to his temple.
“Thank you for defending my honor.” You whispered somewhat teasingly. “It’s nice to know that my boys have my back.”
His chest rumbled with laughter and an arm looped around your middle, drawing you close to his side as the night rush slowed down and you were finally given a chance to breathe. Tail wrapping around your hip, the cool metal of his ring kissed your skin as his fingers intertwined with yours. 
Ignoring the banter of an indignant Naoki and a pouty Kaminari, Shinsou nudged his nose against your temple and sighed softly.
“Forever and always, doll.”
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