#then I typed into Spotify and found other versions because when I like a song w/ lots of versions out there I have to go listen to them all
eternal-reverie · 10 months
I fell down the rabbit hole with discovering new music and then new-to-me old music, and then somehow circling back to familiar yet unknown music that I rarely search for. Music that my mom would play from her country in the background since my childhood.
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ughmiyans · 1 year
skts mild angst, exes to ?? | in honor of speak now (taylor’s version)
atsumu shares the back to december lyrics from spotify to his instagram story, highlighting the lyrics:
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it’s the only song from the album he shares to his stories, and to anyone else it can just be seen as his favorite song, but people like osamu and sunarin know that it’s a silent message to his ex-boyfriend.
they broke up 3 years ago when kiyoomi announced that he accepted the offer to play for a volleyball club in france. well, to be specific, it was atsumu who broke up with him, citing reasons like he can’t do long distance and that the different time zones coupled with their busy schedules as pro athletes would never work in their favor.
his past self was so fucking stupid back then, because even though he’s made peace with the breakup, regret stays rooted deep within his heart even until now. its presence is constant though most days atsumu is able to ignore it, but on late nights like these when the world is quiet and atsumu’s thoughts are loud, it bubbles up to the surface, making him wonder what his life would be like if he decided to fight for their relationship instead of shutting it down before they even got a chance to try. would he and kiyoomi be on facetime right now, updating each other about how their days went? kiyoomi would definitely agree to listening to the album together while on facetime while atsumu gives his commentary.
he sighs, locking his phone after posting to his stories. it’s a callback to their previous relationship, sure, but it’s not like kiyoomi will see it anyway. he was never a social media person to begin with and it’s obscure enough to pass as fanboying. atsumu closes his eyes, trying not to think about the devastated look on kiyoomi’s face when he suggested they break up all those years ago.
all the way in paris, kiyoomi hears the message loud and clear.
he opened instagram for something to do while waiting for his dinner, secretly wanting to check out what atsumu had to say about the new album release (he’d never admit it but he’s been keeping up with his ex via his social media posts. he missed him, okay?). he was surprised to find only 1 story post from atsumu, when his ex would post several from the previous taylor’s version releases.
he stares long and hard at the lyrics atsumu posted.
he could almost laugh at how fitting the song was to their breakup, because it did actually happen on a december night in what would be atsumu’s last visit to kiyoomi’s apartment before he flew to paris. he was devastated back then, but he found his peace in the 3 years he’s spent playing in another country.
still, he’d take back atsumu in a heartbeat.
he wants atsumu to know that. i hear you loud and clear, atsumu. i’d give us another chance, too.
his thumb hovers on the post button. ‘fuck it’, he thinks, before typing out a text post and hitting ‘post to story’ before he can second guess what he just did. it’s very out of character for him to post like that, always just reposting compulsory promotional materials from his volleyball club, but he thinks it’s actually a good thing because the story he posted just now will be seen as a deliberate move. it’s vague enough that people who don’t know about his past relationship won’t get it, but he knows the intended recipient of the post will understand right away:
The door is still wide open.
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randomvarious · 3 months
Alexkid - "Sandfrancisco (F100 Tsunamix)" Live and Rare 1998 Future Jazz
Plays: N/A on Spotify // 430+ on YouTube
Kind of a weird explainer about the multitalented Alexkid here that I found on Resident Advisor, but I think it still works in order for you to get a decent idea of what this dude's about…
So, there's this super cool guy named Alexkid. He's been doing awesome music stuff for almost three whole decades. First, he was in Paris, but now he lives in Berlin, which is far away. People really like him because he's really good at making music and he loves playing with music machines, like big musical toys. When he was a kid, he liked music gadgets more than video games, unlike his friends. He started with music machines and it led him on a big adventure of making cool music and working with others. Alexkid can do lots of things like a superhero. He can be a DJ (that's like the person who makes everyone dance at a party), a music maker, a tech expert, and a sound scientist. In the past, he made special music albums that everybody loved. He was also like the DJ boss at famous places where people dance. Like the Rex Club or Watergate. He's part of different music groups, and he's known by big music labels like Rawax, Fuse, Rekids, and other labels with weird names that sound trendy. His music stories are magical. They can make you feel like you're dancing at a concert or dreaming in a magical world, all from listening to his music. Even though he's always looking for the perfect music beat, he's also like a jazz explorer, finding cool sounds even when they seem a little strange.
So, Alexkid's still going today, but what this little bio fails to mention is the label where it all started for him as a solo producer in the first place: F Communications, which was co-founded by French dance music legend Laurent Garnier himself in the mid-90s. It was on this Paris-based dance and electronic outfit that Alexkid would spread his wings and end up spending somewhere around a full decade, with one of his first releases there being a three-song 12-inch / Maxi-CD single called Castlesmadeofsand, which came out in 1998.
Now, on Castlesmadeofsand is a simply terrific, ten-plus-minute piece of free-ranging, disco-jazzy deep house called "Sand Francisco," which has this dub-funky bassline and backbeat to it that sounds like it may have been inspired by the sound of the Golden Gate city's own insular house scene itself. And judging by its criminally low play counts on both Spotify and YouTube, odds are good that you've never heard this gem before, but ya really gotta give it a listen, because it'll give you a good window into the type of sound that Alexkid's been more or less known for crafting across the genres that he operates in—one that that Resident Advisor summary up above manages to describe rather well, despite its odd, child-aimed tone.
But then after you listen to *that* song, you also have to hear the track that this post is *actually* supposed to be about: the "F100 Tsunamix" version of "Sand Francisco," which only exclusively appeared on a wonderful and aptly titled F Com double-disc compilation called Live and Rare, which came out the same year as Castlesmadeofsand and served as the label's 100th ever release.
This is a tune of pure future jazz (or nu jazz, if you prefer) excellence that drops out the four-on-the-floor San Fran housiness of the original and replaces it with something that sounds more akin to a live, in-studio replication of something like a James Brown-styled drum break. And then above that drumbeat, Alexkid once again manages to channel that "dreaming in a magical world" type of vibe, this time by loading up his tune with a super thick and unrelenting deluge of cosmically funky, 70s-inspired synthesizer wonderment. Its backing, squealy strings have a way of signifying the incalculable vastness of outer space and its extended solos then represent our own adventurous exploration of it 🤩. Unlike the original deep house version, this one takes way less time to get going; by the 16-second mark, we've already been catapulted directly into the thick of it all, whereas with the original cut, there's a whole lot more slow building that takes place in order for us to really sink our teeth into its eventually tasty meat 😋.
So, if you've never heard of Alexkid before, now you have. And while these two tunes certainly aren't the ones that he's best known for—"Love We Have," from his 2003 LP, Mint, has over 2.6 million combined plays across both Spotify and YouTube, for example—these still serve as a stellar slice of some of the gold that he was spinning in the late 90s as a young pup in his early 20s.
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krsonmar · 1 year
Okay you know what I don't have Spotify and I haven't found a way to post fan playlists with annotations that I like yet so guess what here this is in a text post with links like how we used to roll on Ye Olde LiveJournal
This is my OFMD S1 playlist. Loosely follows the season plot. Here we go:
1.) Come Sail Away by Styx
Because duh like why have they not used this in official promos yet but also very call-to-adventure and with vibes of midlife angst
2.) Fraud by Jonathan Coulton
Every playlist needs some JoCo because there's JoCo for every occasion. Fans debate about what this song is about--I think it's very plainly about imposter syndrome as it relates to the creative process--but here I'm applying it more generally to the feeling that everyone can tell you're faking it. In other words, very early-season Stede.
3.) Royals by Lorde
(Also I did not know until looking this link up just now that Lorde is also a Kiwi! I am out of touch.) 4.) We're Going to Be Friends by The White Stripes
This song always breaks my heart (in a good way) with its sweet tale about childhood innocence and ease of making fast friends. When I was making this playlist, this track made me think of Ed and Stede's ease of "falling into friendship"...because making a new friend who gets you really can be another kind of falling, just like romantic love, can't it?
5.) My Favorite Things by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
Pirates like nice things, and they don't ask for what they want...they TAKE IT!!! This is a cover of the Sound of Music song, but made appropriate for the anarchy of a raid by this aptly-named punk rock band.
6.) You're My Best Friend by Queen
I had to get some Queen in here, and this song has always hinted at a slightly-more-than-just-two-friends dynamic to me. The French talk about all kinds of relationships as involving some type of seduction, not just sexual or romantic ones, and for me this track evokes Ed and Stede falling deeper for each other.
7.) Heathens by Twenty-One Pilots OR the cover by Boston Manor
I realized when I was constructing this list to put on my MP3 player (yes, I still have one, can't you tell by now that I'm old-school) that I don't actually own a copy of Heathens by the original band (and yes, I still buy and…ahem…otherwise own copies of the music I like). I did have access to the metal cover off of Punk Goes Pop vol 7, and I think the rawness of that version fits Ed's moment to Stede of "You were always going to find out what I am" quite well. Whichever you, the listener, prefer, I think this is an appropriate spot in the playlist for Stede to be reminded that Ed does have a history, and they are all, after all, pirates.
8.) The Ship Song by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
I love how we all, as a fandom, seem to have discovered this song independently of each other but because of this fandom. And what a fantastic, devastating song it is! It's not just about a relationship that crashes and burns, it's about your own ideals, dearly-held illusions, and self-respect going right along with it. And how it grows to be predictable. I don't really understand the concept of "a good cry", but if I did, I think this song would do it for me.
9.) I Crush Everything by Jonathan Coulton
The second requisite JoCo song of the playlist. This one is literally about a giant squid that hates itself, but I defy you not to be smacked viciously about the head with the Kraken vibes of it.
10.) You've Got To Hide Your Love Away by The Beatles
We've all been there. The fake-it-til-you-make-it "I definitely am doing better now :'-)" phase of a heartbreak. This is Ed's floral nightgown being hidden away and replaced by black eyeliner and kohl; this is Stede's determination to grit his teeth and return to the life he hated and now no longer can even fake his way through. The Beatles always knew what they were doing. (That said, as a note, this is about to be four kinda downer songs in a row on this playlist, and the order does matter, so since the next and last heart-wringer is about to roll up, if the tear-jerkers are getting to be too much for you by this point of the playlist, I suggest omitting this one. The Fab Four will understand.)
11.) Samson by Matthew Luke Sandoval
This is a cover I found on YouTube of the Regina Spektor song, sung with such beauty, emotionality, and earnestness by a male vocalist with an angelic voice. The cover is over 10 years old at this point, and it looks like this guy suffered an apartment fire a little while after uploading this video and ended up not getting his singing career off the ground like he would have if this world knew any sense of justice. I tracked a copy of this song down to a mostly-defunct MySpace page and if my Google-fu is accurate, Mr. Sandoval still lives in NYC and is now an accountant or CPA of some type. I hope he hasn't truly given up on his singing dreams, but sometimes doing so makes life more liveable, so I get it if he has.
That said, this song about the bittersweet regret of knowing a relationship just wasn't going to work although it was magic while it lasted seemed appropriate, especially those famous, poetic lines about "the history books forgot about us". Apply that to a fictional reimagining of a man who history knows more as legend than as flesh-and-blood fact, and his protegee, a starry-eyed would-be adventurer, and how they both went down in flames along with a golden age of rebellion against a vicious status quo, and this tender dirge for a love that couldn't be, sung with a masculine vulnerability, gains a new layer.
Yes, I am very proud of this selection.
12.) Beyond The Sea by Bobby Darin
Okay, time to scrape you up off the floor and wipe your nose. Here's a blanket and a cup of something warm. This is, AFAIK, the original version in English of this song (although it was originally written in French), and it has the right musical and lyrical cautious optimism to not only ease you up out of that Pit Of Despair I just put you in, but also to suggest the wistful hopefulness of knowing you'll see your lover again soon, it's just a matter of waiting until the tides and currents and the sea winds align to bring you back to each other. I compiled this playlist earlier this year, and as of this writing we are 10 days away from season 2 premiering, so I am of course conjecturing and self-soothing somewhat here. That said, it's a romance, we know they'll get back together!!
13.) My Favorite Things by Sarah Vaughan
I call this The "Maybe The Nice Things We Wanted Were Actually Feelings and Relationships All Along" Reprise. Another gentle healing song, one that makes me think of cautious but eager reunions and teary-eyed reconciliations.
14.) Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix
This show loves to use purple imagery to show when Ed is falling more in love with Stede, and while the show creators have said they're thinking more along the lines of Prince (and I declare, right now, before all maybe four of you reading this, that I want to bet actual real-world student-loan-paying money on Blackbonnet's canon reunion scene being set to Purple Rain, you saw it here, mark my words, etc.) if the very last scene of the show doesn't have our boys sailing off into the sunset set to the most famous misheard lyric in rock history, what are we all even doing here?
Would love your thoughts or reactions, I haven't shared a fan playlist before, so I'd love any and all thoughts including things like YOU HEARTLESS BITCH NOW I HAVE TO REAPPLY MY MASCARA or anything else you please! :-) ❤
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deadcactuswalking · 8 months
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 27/01/2024 (Noah Kahan/Sam Fender, Benson Boone, Becky Hill/Sonny Fodera)
I think it’s this week that I’ve realised Noah Kahan might be a bonafide star. We’ll get more to it later, but “Stick Season” spends a fourth week at #1 - welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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As always, we start with our notable dropouts, which I define as songs exiting the UK Top 75 (read the FAQ) after five weeks in the region or a peak in the top 40, and this week wasn’t too busy but it did come with some fair losses. Therefore, we bid adieu to “When We Were Young (The Logical Song)” by David Guetta and Kim Petras, “Stop Giving Me Advice” by Lyrical Lemonade, Jack Harlow and Dave (might be back next week given the album), “Won’t Forget You” by Jax Jones, D.O.D and Ina Wroldsen, assisted by a (bizarrely, credited) “donk” edit featuring The Blackout Crew, “One of Your Girls” by Troye Sivan, “Me & U” by Tems and FINALLY, “Anti-Hero” by Taylor Swift. It feels like it’s been there forever.
When it comes to our returns, we see the oddity of Sam Fender returning to #35 assumingly because of a boost to “Seventeen Going Under” that resulted from… well, you’ll see, but otherwise, we only have a handful of notable gains that, during a pretty dreadful-looking week, show some promise, and no, I don’t mean “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi somehow still here at #59, more so “Praise Jah in the Moonlight” by YG Marley at #51, “Scared to Start” by Michael Marcagi at #47, kind of grew on me, and “Nothing Matters” by The Last Dinner Party at #41… and less so “Toxic” by Songer at #32, please, let’s not do this, and on that same pleading note, “Alibi” by Ella Henderson featuring Rudimental at #26… why?! I suppose on a good note, Flo Milli is up to #17 with “Never Lose Me” and I can’t really complain about Natasha Bedingfield’s second wind at #13 with “Unwritten”, but it is majorly a mixed bag over here.
Our biggest story, however, rests in our top five, as “Homesick” by Noah Kahan debuts at #5, thanks to a version with Sam Fender who, surprisingly enough, is actually credited by the Official Charts Company, probably because, well, it would have no reason to as high as this without him. More on that later, but for now, it’s pretty standard elsewhere - Jack Harlow’s “Lovin’ on Me” at #4, “yes, and?” by Ariana Grande at #3, “Murder on the Dancefloor” by Sophie Ellis-Bextor at #2 and of course, Mr. Kahan still sitting at the very top. Now we have a… considerably unpromising set of new songs to discuss, so I guess we’ve just got to trek through that, and our starting point is…
New Entries
#75 - “Coal” - Dylan Gossett
Produced by Dylan Gossett
There aren’t that many new arrivals this week but the songs apart from one all fall into being either by singer-songwriter types or working as faceless EDM, and if you’ve been following this blog at all, you’d know those two styles really aren’t my thing, but hey, an independent folk singer racking up a streaming giant with a song from last year, notching him licensing with Republic, it could be promising in the same way I like Zach Bryan or even Oliver Anthony, who I assume we will never see again but appears as a recommended song in Mr. Gossett’s Spotify search terms. One has to wonder why and how but first of all, the elephant in the room: Diamonds aren’t made from coal.
I found several articles, both from sustainable energy advocacy outlets like TreeHugger and the people selling diamonds like With Clarity, clarifying that diamonds cannot really be made from coal. Coal is an impure carbon whilst diamonds are purer and whilst pressure is involved in the process, it is not a simple “one equals the other” sum, since coal has too much organic matter to be made into crystalline diamonds, especially since you can see vividly in the colour of rarer diamonds to what other chemicals may be found in them. Now I’m tempted to believe these articles as they’re backed by science, but if I’m wrong and these articles are just using words I don’t understand to spread a mythical debunking of an already existing myth that diamonds originate from coal, which is actually true all this time, then I’ll stand corrected. For now, the main conceit of this song, asking why under all this pressure, how the Hell he’s still “coal”, doesn’t really make much sense, and the rest of the song reads like listing off proverbs and sayings that fit the part but he doesn’t fully understand them or tie them together. Singer-songwriters are supposed to weave stories, when this feels like playing word association with common and universal wisdoms. For all of Oliver Anthony’s imperfect wording, at least you can tie them together to refer to a specific viewpoint, seeing where those views align, without becoming vague “woe is me” platitudes that don’t hold much reason for said pity, or really any narrative detail. You might see this as nitpicking but when it’s just a guy with a guitar, he opens himself up for interpretation and autopsy, possibilities he seems to willingly flail away by displaying disappointingly little to even work with, and as the song fills itself up with non-verses, as tightly as this kind of song can be produced without a particularly impressive vocal performance, one starts to wonder what the appeal in this even is. It’s a non-song, let’s move on.
#71 - “Incredible Sauce” - Giggs featuring Dave
Produced by Payday and David Morse
The #1 album this week was Green Day’s best album in decades. I have a full first-impressions review of Saviors on my RateYourMusic listening log (exclusivelytopostown) and whilst I understand that sales factor in here, I’d have loved for the only song here that bucks the categorical trends I laid out earlier to be a cut from that record. Instead, we have a Giggs song from last year that I’m honestly surprised has yet to chart already, given the Dave feature and that it was released in August of last year. Apart from the… choice of a name, I still don’t really know what level of quality to expect from Giggs, outside of a comical menace that emerges largely from his attempt to be “laidback” that can more accurately be described as an active  coveting of his natural voice to sound much more relaxed than he really is, considering he’s never sounded comfortable with a flow he picks out, which becomes especially clear with Dave on the hook as he actually pulls off sounding effortless. Giggs’ delivery honestly reminds me of Dean Blunt’s satirical British rap project Babyfather more than anything, especially with the half-asleep cadences leaving so much dead air in this eerie, stagnant trap beat. The song doesn’t end with a piece of classic Dave wordplay, though he’s not on his A-game here comparing himself to Sonic the Hedgehog, it just ends with “Lingerie on a special occasion”… okay. That’s barely even a flex, why does it punctuate the track’s final moments? This is just another ugly showing of substanceless pretence from Dave over a pretty minimal beat with an absolutely worthless performance from Giggs, whose verses feel double the length and really halt any possible fun that could be had from Dave’s bite-size verse. Somehow, this ends up much like “Coal” - there’s just nothing here.
#39 - “Whatever” - Kygo and Ava Max
Produced by, well, Kygo
Speaking of nothingness, welcome back, Kygo and Ava Max… Jesus Christ. Okay, well, if anything is the saving grace this week outside of #5, it will be this.
I have just checked the sample credits, I have bad news. To delay the suffering, I will say that I kind of like the production here, the acoustics remind me of Avicii’s pretty seamless blend of folk pop with the anthemic festival house that defined much of his catalogue. Kygo has always been a detailed producer who pays much attention to ensuring his songs are as easy as possible on the ears, and he succeeds in the sense of this being a very pretty little tune with depths of cute synth pads, guitar rolicks and plucky percussion. Ava Max herself actually impresses me a tad here vocally, mostly because since this is a Kygo song, she can belt without clipping unnecessarily in the mix for once. However, and this is a big however, the main hook of the song, its crux, if you will, is a direct interpolation and rewording of the iconic melody to Shakira’s “Whenever, Wherever”, a 2001 single that debuted and peaked at #2 for two weeks in 2002 here in the UK, being kept off the top spot by Will Young’s double A-side of “Anything is Possible” and “Evergreen”. I can’t believe such a classic was blocked by not even Westlife, but a Westlife COVER, yet I digress, this is just a lazy and frankly obnoxious way of using the song’s chorus. Kygo is clearly dipping into the David Guetta pool of reskinning prior hits, and I will give it to him that he’s not just redoing a classic EDM track, this is largely a unique house single, but that may make the last-resort hook that much more disappointing. I’m disappointed in you, Kygo. Not you, Ava Max, you can just do whatever. Albania forever.
#36 - “Skin and Bones” - David Kushner
Produced by Rob Kirwin
Oh, we’re actually making David Kushner a thing, fantastic, that other song just had so much to offer, didn’t it? I feel like I can very quickly summarise this melodramatic, uber-serious noir piano ballad, deepened by some of the ugliest froggy-sounding snaps I’ve heard in pop music and only plunged further into sludge by Kushner’s insufferable lyrics, by just a stray observation. When I clicked on the Genius annotation for the first verse of this song, it was completely empty. At least to the first verse, there’s literally nothing there: an empty annotation box. It may just be a glitch on my part, or it was deleted for whatever reason, but regardless, I think this exemplifies how little this song has to offer: someone attempted to just touch upon the pretty self-explanatory first verse, attempted to offer some wisdom or deeper analysis that seems granted with the cinematic grandeur of it all, and couldn’t cough anything up. Once again, there’s just nothing here.
#34 - “Never be Alone” - Becky Hill and Sonny Fodera
Produced by Sonny Fodera
I mean… it has a pulse at least. In fact, this is much more interesting than I expected for Becky, and not necessarily in a lyrical front, simply because she does not need to do much more than recite boardroom word association over four-on-the-floor, but moreso with her vicious delivery, going into an attack that sounds like it was overpowering the mix before being blended a bit more clearly into the nostalgic breakbeat hardcore rhythm that punctuates a surprisingly long build-up into a… surprisingly unique drop. This is really just a flex show for Sonny Fodera here, but Becky stepped up to the plate to match his passion and energy, bringing more of a rough instinct to the trickling alien synth critter that grounds the 90s pads and rock-solid breakbeats into a killer pre-drop that genuinely took me aback, as did this drop, which completely ditches the breakbeats for a tense hardcore kick and more atmospheric, glitching pads that run through the mix like a spiralling staircase, as Becky’s vocalising becomes little more than an inhuman drone until it’s removed altogether. The intensity of the track, filling up the mix with padded quirks even when the breakbeats are relegated to simple fills, is genuinely unprecedented for Becky Hill, and I’m actually really glad that she is not only on hopping on much more effective and unique production, but stepping out of her comfort zone to riff and meander in a way that she never really lets herself do, even in her looser songs. I am honestly quite shocked, but this is fantastic. If this doesn’t smash like much of Becky’s tighter, more restrictive cuts have in the past few years, I will be immensely disappointed.
#18 - “Beautiful Things” - Benson Boone
Produced by Evan Blair
Sigh… one of my first thoughts when Kushner had success with “Daylight” was how much he seemed cut from the same cloth as Mr. Boone over here, and to be completely honest, the concept of the two charting the same week chased me in my worst of nightmares. Hey, at least my dreams have become reality! To be fair to Booner Boy here, he has what Khrushchev and Gossamer lacked: genuine lyrical detail in the verses. There is a certain dichotomy between the universalities of the choruses and pre-chorus compared to the pretty niche and incredibly lucky situation he’s found himself in during the verses, it almost reminds me of Tom Odell’s “Black Friday” given its wordy mundanity, but that’s only lyrically, as I don’t hear much here connecting the two sonically, especially given the faint bass and reliance on soaring guitars on “Beautiful Things” that makes it almost more of a pop rock tune, one that is surprisingly willing to ditch much of its initial build-up for a desperate screech over stop-and-start staccato guitar rhythms that go way harder than I expected. This is what I’ve been saying Lewis Capaldi should be doing for years, if these moan and drone singer-songwriter sadboys are going to have their voice fit over anything, it’s not basic adult contemporary swells, it’s melodramatic, no-holds-barred pop rock, and this honestly becomes pretty killer by that first chorus. The guy can let out a desperate cry, and I’ll be damned if he’s not convincing as he airs out his paranoia about this perfect relationship breaking down. The second chorus could use some deviation, but I’m a sucker for radio rock that takes itself way too seriously and considering his dire earlier material, this may as well be Mr. Boone: The Animated Series. I really want to hear more of this from this guy, and it seems that these last few songs may be the light at the end of the tunnel for an unpromising week.
#5 - “Homesick” - Noah Kahan and Sam Fender
Produced by Noah Kahan and Gabe Simon
Okay, it’s Noah Kahan: there is a base level of quality here and I am actually always excited to hear a new song from him because at least there’s always a lot to uncover and appreciate even if the song isn’t great or has some grating element throwing a spanner in the cogs. This is especially true with Sam Fender in play, as this raises the standard of quality to at least bearable and at its worst, it’s going to be an interesting and perhaps powerful narrative… and if we’re talking about lyrical detail, I mean, Kahan’s your man, almost too much so given some of the awkward wording in that original version from his Stick Season album. On hearing those church organs sliding just slightly off the careening heartland rock groove, I knew exactly why Mr. Fender ended up on this specific song, and this actually lets Kahan let out a little, have a little more fun as he vocalises playfully about his frustrations, delivered largely in the form of punchlines, about his slow small town, with the chorus being him breaking down and basically begging for a reason to grab him out of that place, even if it’s where he grew up, using an on-the-nose but still fun play on words with the term “homesick”. I do wish there was a bit more to its mid-section, it feels like it stagnates a bit once we reach the chorus for the first time, mostly structurally. I want to hear more of Kahan’s stray, funny observations, but we don’t really get more of that even with the ramped-up intensity and a guitar solo way too Weezer-coded for me to not get a stupid grin on my face.
As for the Fender version, well, this is the best-implemented anyone has been in these Kahan duets yet, given Fender brings a new verse giving a unique and personal story about the background of riots in northern England that informed his town, injecting further reason to why one may be Kahan’s form of “homesick”, but also, despite being more strikingly intimate and less darkly comic in his observations, finding a valid and heartfelt reason to live his life outside of that home town: the dreams his father set out for him lay far away from where they were instilled. It adds a lot of depth to the song, and whilst Kahan and Fender don’t play off each other incredibly well, they have a decent chemistry that from interviews with Dork and People seem to have arisen from very similar hapless upbringings and recurring topics in both catalogues. Additionally, I like Fender’s voice more than Kahan’s, and the harmonies fill out the  mix so it’s a tad more impactful, so I think this new version actually beats out the original. I’m also pretty happy that this week, starting off with a lot of mediocrity and not exactly a promising set of artists for me, personally, ended up surprising me with that three-track run by the end, and trailing off with two killer rock songs is the best way to make me feel a lot happier about a week as a whole.
I’m relatively predictable, especially when we get alt-rock on the charts, so I feel like despite how much I liked the Becky Hill song, it’s no surprise that Benson Boone ends up snabbing an insanely close Best of the Week for “Beautiful Things”. It was pretty much neck-and-neck with “Homesick” by Noah Kahan and Sam Fender, which is of course the Honourable Mention, and whilst I think that it is lyrically more insightful, there’s an instinctual raucousness to the emotion in The Booney One’s track that just hits that bit harder. As for the worst, I mean David Kushner obviously gets Worst of the Week pretty much effortlessly with “Skin and Bones”, but I do think I was just frustrated enough with Dylan Gossett to grant his song “Coal” with the Dishonourable Mention. At least Giggs wasn’t trying to say anything profound, and if he was, then I sincerely worry for him.
What’s on the horizon next? God knows, it’s January, but Justin Timberlake has a comeback single, Tom Odell has an album, it may be the week of even more whiny white dudes. Story of my life. Thank you for reading and I’ll see you perhaps a bit earlier than next week.
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thegaypatron · 9 months
Commissioning Music
So what does it mean to commission music, as opposed to making it? It helps to think of me as a Patron of the Arts--thus, The Gay Patron.
I've hated how little fun LGBT-centric music exists in the genres I enjoy most; those genres can be summarized as, "anything you might hear at a Renaissance Fair".
Every song starts with an idea--or, really, two ideas: one for the content of the lyrics, and one for the type of instrumental.
Let's take my upcoming release, Who we Are and Who We Love, for example. I hired a lyricist, Travis Myles, who I found in an LGBT Professionals group on social media. He had written religious content in the past, which was appealing because I wanted the song to make references to Christian hostility.
I provided a short creative brief, "I'm looking for an LGBT march to war against Christianity. Something uplifting, as a rallying cry. Not in the march genre, but a march to war such as in these sample songs. I don't want Christianity named overtly; show, don't tell. And include as much of the rainbow as you can, with the same show, don't tell, style."
We went through a few rounds of revision. Some were structural, "the tone focuses too much on us being victims; we're too passive in our story. Turn it around: make these slights against us become our weapons. Have us do so actively. Rally us."
Others were much smaller, like, "I like the concept you have here, but that word makes it very America-centric. Here are some ideas for making it more universal."
When it was finished, I had lyrics that met my specifications, but still showcased the writer's personal style. That was important to me; even though I'm commissioning this music, I'm not looking for something that's perfect as I'd write it, otherwise, why wouldn't I just learn to write it myself? It's as much about our community as it is about my tastes.
Next, I went to the musician. I exclusively hire Ruben Monteiro, via Fiverr. Why? He specializes in hurdy gurdy, and has a wide range of specialty instruments that he plays at a high level of skill. I can get bagpipes, an oud, even a riqq through him. And every single time, he tries to understand my goal--and he nails it very quickly!
I provide a short brief to him. For this upcoming song, it was to the effect of, "I'm looking for a march to war similar to these samples. I specifically want it to be uplifting, not at all somber. Hurdy gurdy as the lead, and I really want to include the riqq again, but I'm open to your recommendation about the other instruments."
He starts with a digital composition and a warning that the real version will sound better. 🤣 This time, though, he realized the lyrics were a bit long: 6.5 minutes vs the usual 4, and he felt it didn't showcase the powerful chorus enough. He recommended cutting 2 verses.
Those verses had some great lyrics, so I opted to trim it myself. Instead of cutting them, I pulled out the lines that I thought were less powerful, and re-combined the ones that remained in a way that made sense.
This allowed me to remove the equivalent of 2 verses, but keep the meaning. And of course the lyricist was sent the new version! (Side note: I absolutely do not take a writing credit in my commissions. Even after a significant structural change like that.)
Once the chorus repetitions were added, the song remained 6.5 minutes. And after hearing the first draft, I realized it would sound even better with some harmony. I identified where I'd like it, and Ruben hired another singer to fill in those parts.
The final song is absolutely incredible, and I'm really excited to share it soon! The distributor is out of office until tomorrow, then it takes about a week to process on Spotify and other platforms. When it's ready, I hope you enjoy it!
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My Nearly 7-Hour-Long Loki Playlist
I have over 100 songs on a playlist for Loki. I use Apple Music, and I would recreate and link a Spotify playlist, but the account is linked to my Facebook and I don’t want to reveal my full name so I’m not going to do that. All of these songs should probably be able to be found on Spotify, though. I pulled inspiration for this playlist from many versions of Loki from the comics, movies, show, and my fanfic characterizations, as well as the various ships I include him in (post on these forthcoming). This post will be quite long given how many songs I have on this playlist, but I will try to restrict my explanation for including the song to a few words about the pairing or version of Loki the song calls to mind or some specific lyrics that made me think of him. Also some brief spoilers for some of my fics. 
“Next to Me”, Imagine Dragons: How Loki views his relationship (brotherly or romantic, you choose) with Thor.
“Two Hands,” Passenger: Post-Infinity War Loki to Thor (again, you can decide type of relationship), includes the line “Our sun is all but set,” which I titled one of my Infinity War fix-it fics as a callback to Loki’s words, “The sun will shine on us again.”
“Timber and Coal,” Passenger: soft FrostIron
“Thunder,” Imagine Dragons: Thor
“Immigrant Song,” Led Zeppelin: essentially the Thor: Ragnarok theme song
“Thunder,” Passenger: Thor
“I’ll Keep You Safe,” Sleeping at Last: Thor and Loki (The line, “Your darkness will be rewritten/Into a work of fiction” feels very Thor reassuring Loki that he can change.)
“All Through the Night,” Sleeping at Last: title of part one of my FrostIron series, Nights on the Roof
“Saturn,” Sleeping at Last: Canonically, Loki mourning Frigga. Or Loki mourning Thor in part 2 of my Visions Made of Flesh and Light series, written just after the first trailer for Infinity War, before we knew Loki dies but saw Thor floating unconscious in space.
“Pompeii,” Bastille: This is mostly from the repeated line “How am I gonna be an optimist about this?” Either my point of view, because I added this right after Endgame, when Loki bit it in Infinity War and didn’t come back. Or the series finale of Loki, after everything goes to shit. 
“Icarus,” Bastille: Loki: Agent of Asgard angst of Loki burning. (They talk about this a lot and I put that into fics a lot because it’s such angsty imagery.)
“Devil’s Backbone,” The Civil Wars: Some of these songs are my opinion on Loki.
“Glory and Gore,” Lorde: I think I found this on a different Loki playlist. It just fits him.
“Poison and Wine,” The Civil Wars: Thorki
“The Last of the Real Ones,” Fall Out Boy: FrostIron
“I’ll Be Good,” Jaymes Young: Loki: Agent of Asgard (and also Journey into Mystery)
“After the Storm,” Mumford and Sons: More Loki: Agent of Asgard angst. Just this Sisyphian struggle he constantly has of trying to be good and do the right thing and rewrite who he is, and then either self-sabotaging or falling back into the box other people have made for him. 
“Thistle and Weeds,” Mumford and Sons: More angst. Sometimes when I hear angst, I just think Loki.
“Gale Song,” The Lumineers: “It’s a lonely road for the tired man.” My AoA boi again.
“Long Way Home,” The Lumineers: My guess is this was also inspired by the Visions Made of Flesh and Light series.
“Gun Song,” The Lumineers: Mostly for the line “One day I pray I’ll be more than my father’s son.”
“White Lie,” The Lumineers: God of Lies
“Nobody Knows,” The Lumineers: Every year at the camp I go to, we hold a memorial for those that passed away that year, and every year on the slideshow of their pictures they play this song. So this song is just forever seared into my brain as a mourning song. At this point in playlist creation, Endgame is out but Loki is not, so Loki is still super dead and I’m mad about it. 
“Second Child, Restless Child,” The Oh Hellos: Loki to a goddamn T.
“Like the Dawn,” The Oh Hellos: Thorki, hence my fic Like the Dawn.
“Her Sweet Kiss,” from The Witcher: Either Mobius about Sylvie and Loki or Theo about Amora and Loki, it could go either way. 
“In Case You Don’t Live Forever,” Ben Platt: Thorki or FrostIron
“Kiss Quick,” Matt Nathanson: FrostIron, if I remember correctly.
“Ghost Town,” First Aid Kit: Thorki (“But I’ll come back to you someday.”)
“Golden Leaves,” Passenger: Thorki (“Do you remember how this first begun?/ Teeth were white and our skin was young.”)
“I Was Wrong,” The Oh Hellos: Loki showing remorse and trying to be a better person. 
“Temporary Love,” Ben Platt: FrostIron (Specifically Nights on the Roof FrostIron)
“Cedar Lane,” First Aid Kit: Thorki 
“If I Walk Away,” Josh Groban: Thorki
“Wait For Me,” from Hadestown: I think this was either Phantom Limb, which is my Theo/Loki fanfiction that links Where Mischief Lies to the rest of the MCU. Or I also had a FrostIron idea that didn’t go anywhere that I was temporarily calling Valhalla Heist, where Loki and Tony break out of Valhalla and fall in love along the way, so like kind of Orpheus and Eurydice a little bit. And then also the similarities between this song and “Where you go, I go,” which is the recurring vow FrostIron makes in the Nights on the Roof series. 
“My Fault,” Imagine Dragons: Loki’s guilt and angst
“Bitter Water,” The Oh Hellos: “I know I shouldn’t love you, but I do.” Thorki, because incest.
“Before You Go,” Lewis Capaldi: “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, but I was just kidding myself.” Enemies-to-Lovers. And more specifically, Thorki during Loki’s death in Infinity War, “Before you go,/ Was there something I could have said to make it all stop hurting?”
“River,” Sam Smith: Angst
“Keeping Your Head Up,” Birdy: FrostIron (Specifically Nights on the Roof, as usual)
“King of the World,” First Aid Kit: Loki’s motivation through most of his history.
“Scars,” James Bay: That point in Ragnarok when Thor and Loki part ways on Sakaar, but then Loki follows him to Asgard because they love each other (again, brotherly or romantic, doesn’t matter, it fits for either). 
“Heirloom,” Sleeping at Last: The angst of having to deal with a dad like Odin, who’s a frickin’ dick. “You are so much more than your father’s son/You are so much more than what I’ve become.”
“Sandstorm,” Passenger: “Lover, oh my lover/I know I’m not easy to understand/Cover, darling take cover/For I am the sandstorm/And you are the sand.” Angsty FrostIron
“Bad Habit,” Ben Platt: Thorki
“C’est La Mort,” The Civil Wars: “Say your good-byes, but darling if you please/don’t go without me.” This is some Thor crying over Loki’s body as the ship explodes around him type of angst.
“I’m With You,” Vance Joy: FrostIron
“How Long Will I Love You,” Ellie Golding: Thorki
“I Won’t Give Up,” Jason Mraz: FrostIron
“I Never Told You,” Colbie Caillat: Thorki
“North,” Sleeping at Last: I feel like this relates to all of my ships, always, ever. It’s one of my favorite songs. But this is where the title for my FrostIron wedding fic comes from, Give Us Bread, Give Us Salt, Give Us Wine. It just has wedding vibes. 
“Achilles Come Down,” Gang of Youths: Icarus-like burning vibes. Avengers-era MCU Loki or AoA Loki
“Chemicals,” Dean Lewis: Thorki
“Remember When It Rained,” Josh Groban: Thorki angst, especially with the rain imagery and Thor being the god of thunder.
“Left Behind,” from Spring Awakening: Thor mourning Loki. (And also sometimes I play around with killing off Tony. It’s never going to be canon in my FrostIron series, but I play around with hurting Loki sometimes.)
“Very Full,” Tom Hiddleston: I love this song. It’s the song he sings in Asgardian (Norwegian) on Lamentis in Loki. I wish we had the rest of the song; it’s so good.
“Everything,” Michael Buble: Thorki
“Eavesdrop,” The Civil Wars: Either FrostIron in the most recent part of my series (part 6), or Lokius once they reunite after the events that happened in the season finale. Because it starts, “I don’t want to talk right now/I just want your arms wrapped around me in this moment.”
“Hold My Girl,” George Ezra: Don’t mind me, just pretending to serenade Sylvie. 
“Jump For My Love” and “Fire,” The Pointer Sisters; and “Jupiter”, from The Planets, by Gustav Holst: A while back, Tom Hiddleston did like an AMA or whatever with Tumblr. I didn’t watch it, I don’t know how you watch them, and I don’t care. But Tumblr is Tumblr, so they do “ads” where they make you see some of it. And one of the things he was asked was, “What is some music you think Loki would listen to?” And he said that Loki would either listen to something classical with like a redemptive arc, like “Jupiter” from The Planets, or he would listen to disco dance music like The Pointer Sisters (of which I grabbed “Jump For My Love” and “Fire” because I didn’t feel like listening to their entire discography). And he was right! I don’t know how he was right; it seems very unlikely that these songs fit, but he’s 100% right, and it’s insane how right he was. And “Jupiter” makes me cry every time. There’s no words, it’s completely classical, and I cry every time. Because he’s right, it’s Loki’s arc in music form, and it makes me cry.
“All I’ve Ever Known,” from Hadestown: “I was alone so long/I didn’t even know that I was lonely.” Lokius
“Hymn for N,” The Cottars: Sylvie
“Lokius,” Natalie Holt: The score from Loki. 
“She Used to Be Mine,” from Waitress: Oh my God, this song is so Sylvie, it’s crazy. This song also makes me cry, because I love Sylvie and she’s perfect and this song breaks my fucking heart.
“A Long Time Ago,” First Aid Kit: Thorki
“Shotgun,” George Ezra: This song has nothing to do with anything, EXCEPT for two lyrics that make me think of my friends in the Void. And they are: “Home-grown alligator” and “time flies in the yellow and green.”
“Send Me a River,” The Cottars: Sylvie
“RAIN,” Ben Platt: Lokius
“For the Dancing and the Dreaming,” from How to Train Your Dragon 2: I’ve decided that this is a song they sing on Asgard. I wrote a ficlet (that I haven’t posted anywhere yet) of Loki from my FrostIron series singing this in Asgardian (Norwegian) to Tony. 
“Vargsangen,” Johanna Grussner: This is a Scandinavian lullaby (I think) about wolves (if I remember correctly). I was trying to find a song for Loki to sing and this is one of the songs I found that I liked, but ultimately went with the above song for the ficlet instead.
“Light,” Sleeping at Last: Thorki (“May these words be the first to find your ears/The world is brighter than the sun, now that you’re here.” The sun will shine on us again, essentially.)
“The One,” Kodaline: Lokius, namely from Choose Me. 
“Dark Moon,” Bonnie Guitar and “If You Love Me (Really Love Me),” Brenda Lee: two songs played in Loki.
“Don’t Go Breakin’ My Heart,” from Ella Enchanted (I know this is a cover, but this is the one on the playlist): FrostIron
“Paradise,” George Ezra: Lokius
“So Will I,” Ben Platt: FrostIron, namely Nights on the Roof
“Love Will Find a Way,” from Lion King 2: Either FrostIron during part 6 of Nights on the Roof or Lokius after the season finale of Loki.
“I’m Still Here,” from Treasure Planet: AoA Loki and Loki (“And how can the world want me to change?/ They’re the ones that stay the same.” “They can’t tell me who to be/ ‘Cause I’m not what they see.”)
“Won’t Look Back,” Josh Groban: Nights on the Roof FrostIron
“Where Do I Go From Here?” from Pocahontas 2: AoA Loki and Loki
“If I Say I Love You,” Mumford and Sons: Lokius
“Ten Thousand Miles,” Altan: Thorki, especially Loki trying to get back to Thor after being killed by Thanos
“You Are Enough,” Sleeping At Last: Lokius, a la “You can be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good. Just in case anyone ever told you any different.” Could also be me, slapping the shit out of Loki, being like “Get your head out of your ass. You are worthy.”
“Carry You,” The Native Sibling: Lokius
“Half a Man,” Dean Lewis: angst
“Overcome,” from Cyrano: Thorki, probably
“Break My Heart Again,” Finneas: Anything angsty is Loki related
“All These Things That I’ve Done,” The Killers: “Last call for sin/While everyone’s lost, the battle is won/With all these things that I’ve done.” More angst, honestly.
“Sweet Child O’ Mine,” Guns N’ Roses: He’s not even in this movie, and I’m so mad about it, but the theme song for Thor: Love and Thunder.
“Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked,” Cage the Elephant: Again, another song I found on another Loki playlist, but very Loki.
“True Love,” P!nk: Okay, listen. This is exactly how I feel about Loki. “Sometimes I hate every stupid word you say/ Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face/ There’s no one quite like you/ You push all my buttons down/ I know life would suck without you./ At the same time I wanna hug you/ I wanna wrap my hands around your neck/ You’re an asshole, but I love you/ You make me so mad I ask myself/ Why I’m still here, oh, where could I go/ You’re the only love I’ve ever known/ But I hate you, I really hate you/ So much I think it must be true love.” All of the lyrics are relevant. Loki is a dick and I love him. 
“Come What May,” from Moulin Rouge: “Never knew I could feel like this/ Like I’ve never seen the sky before/ I want to vanish inside your kiss/ Everyday I love you more and more.” Is it thorki? Yes. Is it FrostIron? Yes. Is it lokius? Yes. Is it Cloudki? Probably. (If you don’t recognize that one, stay tuned; I’m planning a ships post soon.)
“Rat A Tat,” Fall Out Boy: Just Loki vibes. Also, “If my love is a weapon.” Love is a dagger, anyone?
“Victorious,” Panic! At the Disco: Vibes again, I think, sorry.
“After the Gold Rush,” k.d. lang: I think the last verse was giving me Ragnarok and beginning of Infinity War vibes.
“I Was an Island,” John-Allison Weiss: Lokius or FrostIron
“Allies or Enemies,” The Crane Wives: Thorki 
“Easier,” The Crane Wives: Loki at the end of Defenders: Beyond (It’s a very long explanation, I would just say to read Al Ewing’s Loki arc, AoA and DB and then you’ll get why this fits at the end.)
“October,” The Crane Wives: Lokius
“Let Me Fall,” Josh Groban: End of AoA Loki in his moment of Ego-Death (“Someone I am is waiting for courage/The one I want, the one I will become will catch me.” “Though the phoenix may or may not rise.”)
“Caleb Trask,” The Crane Wives: “So you’ve got bad in your blood/ Brother, you’re one of us/ So you’ve got bad in your blood/ How long you gonna wait for those azaleas to bud?” Just Loki.
“I Am My Own Muse,” Fall Out Boy: Loki vibes, and also the line, “Let’s twist the knife again.” Love is a dagger.
“Beloved,” Mumford and Sons: Lokius
“All Things Shall Be Peace,” from Were the World Mine: “Take comfort, he no more shall see my face/Whom I do love and will do till my death.” Lokius from Loki’s perspective in the finale (though I think we’re going to get the original Mobius back very soon).
“Unwritten,” Natasha Beddingfield: Sylvie just killed He Who Remains, and the Sacred Timeline has gone up to a point. And now what happens beyond it is anyone’s guess. “The rest is still unwritten.”
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faithghoul · 2 years
Songs that remind me of the Ghouls, part. I
Hello! This idea comes to me out of nowhere when I was listening to Spotify a few months ago (yes I'm procrastinating on making this post).
Hope you enjoy what I write and take it as a new music recommendation for your library 😉
1. Dewdrop
"Play with Fire" by Sam Tinnesz gives the dangerously delightful violence that reminds me of this incredible lead guitarist. Despite being the tiniest among the ghouls, with his intense prancing, his naughty hand gestures and guillotine-like headbang moves confirms that Dewdrop IS indeed the fire ghoul and most intimidating one who deserves this wicked, deep, and dark song.
2. Aether
This quintessence ghoul might look intimidating because of his well-built bulky posture. However, I see Aether is so loving, gentle, and wholesome towards other ghouls and ghoulettes. He's protective, it shows that he can be stern when needed. The song "Someone To You" by BANNERS is based on his softer side, it makes me feel safe, warm, and fuzzy. This is the type of man you should marry, girls (and guys).
3. Rain
Also known as the shy ghoul, Rain is absolutely loved by everyone. He is also acting clumsy sometimes. The song "Billie Bossa Nova" with its simple yet graceful tone reminds me of the way Rain moves and acting on stage. But if you're lucky you'll get to see him being sassy and a total kickass when the right song comes up. Billie Bossa Nova's lyrics talks about privacy, intimacy, and simplicity with the tension being built up with the sweet suggestive atmosphere as the song goes. That's what he is to me—gentle, shy, but secretly enjoying all the pleasure of being the center of attention.
4. Mountain
"Until I Found You" is the best fit for this tall earth ghoul because of his calm and secretly loving nature. Mountain as a vibe would be your favorite gentle and nostalgic memories, the feeling when you go into a vintage vinyl or record store after grabbing a warm cocoa or coffee while walking around the city at 4:33 PM. The vibe is warm, comfortable, and relaxed. Mountain attracts other ghouls or even humans to be closer to him, he's perfect for the ones seeking comfort and a safe place. He may not seem to be acting up so much on stage, therefore it makes him seem so mysterious, and that's also how he is when he's in love: expressing his feelings mostly in private.
5. Swiss
This multighoul is known for being playful, seductive, and energetic. Besides being a talented ghoul who could play various instruments, his best quality is his wiggles and his heart-throbbing shimmy that Papa loves so much. He is often seen making bold seductive moves, which I assume is the output of the energy that runs wild through his veins. You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC contains the same exact vibe, it is fun, sexy, and flirty. Not to mention the lyrics, "and knocking me out with those American thighs", Swiss indeed have what people called thunder thighs. This ghoul will be burning you inside out with the most joyful flame.
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fabbyf1 · 1 year
what’s a song that make you insta-cry?  for bonus points, as comfortable: is there a particular connection that causes it or is it Just That Sad?
Oh god, anon. You're asking the real questions.
I cannot possibly give you just one, I have way too many. (I have a whole playlist for it actually. Appropriately titled: "WINDOWS DOWN CRYIN M8".)
My music taste is very... vast. When I say I listen to all types of music, I'm not kidding. But I won't stand for any slander. I like what I like; you can like what you like, amirightladiezzz?
DISCLAIMER: I cry about literally everything...? I could cry just thinking about a minor inconvenience. I will burst into tears for absolutely no reason. So, take all of this with a grain of salt.
Spotify links and reasons for my tears under the cut!
Falls On Me by Fuel. This song has haunted me since I was a pre-teen. There's just something about it. It's raw, it's real, and his voice makes me cry.
If It Means A Lot To You by ADTR. It was never a phase, mom. I will never grow out of my emo phase. If you've ever heard this song, you've probably cried too. (And if you haven't heard this song... please listen to it.)
Waiting For The End by Linkin Park. LP will forever be one of my favorite bands. I grew up with them, raged with them, and cried with them. They gave me a place to channel my Nobody Understands Me™ teenager vibes and a place to channel my Oh Fuck What Am I. Doing With My Life™ adult vibes. They're a touchy subject for me now because I will never be emotionally over losing the lead singer Chester, but they will always be god-tier to me.
Wrong Side of Heaven by Five Finger Death Punch. Another band that has been with me for a looooooongg time. This song, in particular, holds a lot of deep meaning to me. I found myself in a really bad place in 2021 and listened to this song a lot while I was crawling my way out of it. It still makes me cry, but in a good way now. (I'm much better now, besties. Please don't ever be afraid to ask for help. I wish I had asked for help!)
Jet Black Heart by 5 Seconds of Summer. 5SOS is another band that is just... so fucking special to me. I have seen them live more than any other band (an embarrassing number of times) I have met them, I have a 5SOS tattoo, I have traveled long distances for them. Their music gave me a reason to keep going when nothing else did it for me. I could honestly make this post just 5SOS songs... but that's for another day.
When I Look At You by Miley Cyrus. lmfao fight me. I don't have a deep meaning behind it. It's just a good fucking song. Baby Miley is so personal to me.
Fly Over States by Jason Aldean. fuck, my American is showing, innit mates? LOOK. LISTEN TO ME. THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT THIS FUCKING SONG THAT MAKES ME SOOOOOOBBBBB. I have no feelings whatsoever toward the big flyover states in the US. I've never lived in them, I don't think about them often, and they definitely don't make me cry. BUT THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE? GOD, IT'S SO GOOD. (please still respect me.)
All Too Well (10 Minute Version) by Taylor Swift. Do I need to say anything about this? We're all on the same page, right?
Nutshell (Live) cover by Staind. This is another song that I have grown up crying to and will always seek out when I'm at my lowest lows. It's just... devastating. The original is amazing, but I prefer this cover.
I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes) by The 1975. God, fuck me all the way UP, Matty Healy Daddy.
I could literally go on for hours... I'll stop here.
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azurezra · 29 days
man. today has been, something. started off by queuing up some TMR songs. that was. fun. ended up searching for the SEED song lyrics in an attempt to karaoke like the old days. and ended up stumbling upon the name of an old LJ friend in the translation credits, ah,hahahahaa...hah. (;_; )
somehow or other i next decided to check if 平川地一丁目 was on spotify and uh, gee, two separate artist pages. "Hirakawachiitchome" and "Hirakawachi 1Chome"... weird. one had their early stuff, the other was 3 2020's releases... i d k. made a playlist because i still do not fully comprehend HOW TF to use this godawful app. soon enough noticed how tHE ONE. WHOLE. UNAVAILABLE SONG. 「君のくつ」 i immediately recognised the title it was one of the FIRST I EVER HEARD, and thus SURELY the MOST nostalgic and... goddamn.
cue an attempt to listen to it ELSEWHERE? youtube just showed me. a cover. o-ohhh but it WAS, *VERY* nostalgic!!! but NOT THEM. so, i tried another site. it was a *japanese* lyrics site. it actually had a link. to a youtube video. region block. of. course. ........so, my DUMB ASS has just never bothered with a vpn in all these years (used to use proxies on occasion, but...) —so i did not have one handy!! but after NOT TOO MUCH STRUGGLE, i found a jp one (and the site actually seemed familiar? h-huh...) AND GOT IT TO WORK
....and then the eventual emotional crash. sigh.
i didn't even listen to the pl yet or discover any other songs i used to know, great! and nvm the idea to try to d/l the song cos even tho i HAD it, who knows, now? but ofc MY vpn didn't do jack shit for the mp3 converter websites accessing it from hell knows where. and again. i'm too dumb, to solve, these fucking issues!!
so then there was yesterday's shit. the power got shut off by 11am, curtailing my original plans for TMR. unable to even do chores, and lacking ANY offline activities or crafts in this hellhole, i ended up... reading —INITIALLY ONE. and then, ONE BY ONE— ALL, of my, ancient ass, OC writings. the ones i made like a single file each for, thought about in bed for days/weeks until the next ""idée fixe"" took over, but then eventually neglected in favour of my "top 3"...
well there was ACTUALLY some good/cute stuff. a LOT of cringe stuff. shameless asides laughing at my own cringe-but-free writing ability. peppered here & there with many an ancient ass meme phrase i hadn't heard in a decade+
and ofc, far too much, incomplete scenes, suddenly stopped, SOMETIMES NOTED with, "i'll write that later" and then i never. did. (and yet i KNOW there were more scenes??? so it was. thought up in bed. and never typed up....) (;_; )
well that was FUN. ...until the crash. from the high. and the power was still off ofc. *power eventually paid & resolved by 7pm* BUT. the damage was already done.
brain now overloaded with "freshly unearthed" thoughts about ALL of my OCs, not just my top 3 stories.... oh, god.
a-and THEN i started wondering how they looked? i.e. my pathetic maplestory sprites created in bannedstory (rip in pieces)
and so i. eventually dug into my dropbox. o-oh god. SOME ARE. SOOOOOOOOCUTE. SOME ARE. SO ugly. l-lol. cry. "they'll look better when i finally draw them! these are just design drafts!" .......CRYYYYYY.
and NOW i'm plagued by thoughts of posting them, but even MORE tormented by:
a.) not being to edit or adjust any!!! fucking pixels!! on ipad!!
b.) even CROPPING the massive "collages" is a HUGE PAIN on the ipad???
c.) there are multiple versions, across different images, made at different times— and SOME charas look better in one, while others look better in another?!? MORE CUT PASTE CROP EDIT HELL
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original song by Hans Zimmer and Camille
now, this is the second song-editting project i have ever done lol (still an amateur, but this one was way easier 👍)
i've been seeing a lot of people on tiktok/reels/shorts, whatever, use the humming from this song and i really liked it! i was surprised i didn't remember the song despite having seen the movie when it first came out. i personally like the song better with just the little skat-hums; and while editing, i found an attachment of lyrics i could keep to help transition the two verses of humming together (albeit, to do so, i edited said verses to now be out of chronological order but eh 🤷 the verse people have been mainly using is now the first bit you hear. so that helps with the song's trendy recognizablity, i think)
this was way easier AND quicker to edit than "Ultraman" lol but yeah! edited it for the same reasons as i had with "Ultraman"; this part helps me battle against my executive dysfunction, the regular verses of the song did the opposite of help with my executive dysfunction bc my brain is fickle for unknowable reasons that having absolutely nothing at all to do with the other verses' quality or the artists (the rest of the song is great! my brain is just overly picky if i want to use music to battle against my executive dysfunction). just thought i'd post my edit in case it similarly helps anyone else, that's all. i did very basic editing here, very non-signature "anybody else could have very easily come up with the same results without knowing my edit exists" type stuff; so i dont personally mind if you do not credit me, unless you really want to, if you want to cross-post this song-edit onto other platforms. i didn't make the song; that was all Hans Zimmer and Camille. i just made this edit because i couldn't find any pre-existing song-edit at the time (that might have changed by now, i haven't checked since, idk lol)
also, same as the "Ultraman" song-edit i just posted: tried to upload the audio-file from my phone to tumblr (as i recollect others having done so), couldn't get it to work, asked google how to do it, google said "you can't do from a file on your phone anymore; it's gotta be from spotify, soundcloud, or something" and i said "oh. okay" so y'all get a video-file that you can convert to an audio-file yourself, i guess lmao sorry?? 🤷 eh
but yeah!! that's it! hope you enjoy!! bye! 👋
● other song-edits by me: [Ultraman Rising's "Ultraman" No Rap / Chorus Only version]
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pink-car · 9 months
tagged by @firemanseb in a tag that i am absolutely not late to in the slightest (lying) but i do appreciate the tag !!!
10 songs i want other people to hear!
"Maybe they're your favorite songs or you think they're classics or they are little known artists that you can to give more attention to. Whatever your reasons or no reason at all"
on my own by tessa violet - probably one of the best representations of myself that ive found like holy shit
eet by regina spektor - one of the first songs that i genuinely like,, Listened To. my sister loved regina spektor and learned to play this on the piano and ive just always kept it around
hell hounds by chloe moriondo - the barking sounds amuse me GREATLY
all the lonely nights in your life by cavetown and chloe moriondo (cover) - i actually really dont like the original version of this song but the cover is one of my favorites. and i only listen to it at uni for some reason so it has an interesting personal tone to it because its ONLY here lmao
merry-go-round of life by joe hisaishi - i will absolutely cry to this song, it is beautiful
scooby-doo by pinguini tattici nucleari - because i ocassionally remember i am suppoused to know italian (i dont that well) and then go and listen to italian music and i just particulary like this band
grow for me from little shop of horrors - went a little bonkers a couple weeks ago (days ago? i dont know when, time is hard) and so its getting included as this is my favorite song from the musical
you coulda knocked me over with a feather from some like it hot - you havent escaped the musicals yet but ive been really enjoying this one! this song is like. practically the end so maybe dont start with it but its one of my favorites from it so womp
what was i made for by billie eilish - most people have prolly heard it but i think it fucks so yeah
falling behind by laufey - another song thats a liiiitle too relatable and not even in a romance way, but a general way lmao. MAYBE i have concerns that i cant form relationships of any type but anyways
anyways i switched from youtube links to spotify links half way through but oh well and im not tagging anyone because tagging is scary so oh well again
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blast0rama · 10 months
I’m Sorry, But Things Cost Money
Sort of a rambling series of thoughts here, inspired by a post I saw over on Threads1.
I’m not going to link to the specific thread, but there was a trending post which boiled down to “Hey, remember 2013, when Netflix was $20, and you could stream everything?” It picked an ongoing nit in my brain when it comes to how people are reacting to streaming costs.
I will preface this rant with a few points:
Yes, Hollywood Accounting is weird
Yes, the executives at the companies who provide our entertainment are vastly overpaid
Yes, even some actors are overpaid2
I think it’s time that we make an effort to understand the costs of our entertainment. While movie budgets have bloated over the last decade, plus, the money is generally on screen. CG, practical effects, name actors, quality cinematographers and more. Not to mention the literal hundreds of other people who work on these films. The credits aren’t just for show, folks.
What ruined our understanding of these concepts is two fold:
The studios all chased what Netflix did
We devalued what this entertainment meant by flooding the market and calling it “content”3
Let’s look at what was prior to Netflix. The cable bundle. $100+ a month, the owners of the channels getting a carrier fee every month, plus whatever money they generate from television advertising. Not to mention the money generated from DVD sales, theatrical re-releases, and licensing their shows and movies to other networks.
Netflix shows up, and guess what? They pay licensing fees to studios! Sure, they’re all undervalued because “who’d want to watch TV on a computer”, but it’s found money.
Netflix grows. People start cutting the cord. Carrier fees aren’t as strong. Shrinking audiences mean less money for their ads. People stop buying discs. Who goes to the theater? Why should we license our work to someone else, when WE can be Netflix?
Now, let’s look at the things that a Warner Bros, a NBC Universal, a Disney, a Paramount then had to pay out to “join the club” with Netflix.
The infrastructure to launch and maintain their own streaming services
The money to buy back license rights from other networks or services to have their shows and movies on something they own
Also, they better be making brand new content for this service, and they need a LOT of it AND it better serve EVERY POSSIBLE AUDIENCE AROUND THE WORLD
And lets be sure to charge LESS than Netflix, too.
That’s how they end up spending literal billions. And losing literal billions.
And to do what? To follow the worldwide leader in this type of service, Netflix…a company that is only as big as it is because they were the first, and they’re the name, like Photoshop, Kleenex and Nintendo, that people think of when they think of their product. Even they’ve found the siren’s song of advertising revenue.
The creators of all these shows and movies? They used to get paid every time a disc was sold, or a movie was aired on television. Limited slots, limited availability. How do you make that work for libraries which are expected to have everything in perpetuity forever. What’s the math there look like?
That’s why the writers and the actors had their strike. To get the money they were deserved and weren’t getting.
Now you say, hey, wait! I’m not getting access to everything ever from these studios? Why can’t they just all be on Netflix? Why can’t I just pay one subscription and get everything, ever?
Ask musicians how Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music, et al. are working for them.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe crew, they’ll be fine. Just like Taylor Swift.
But what of the Wes Andersons, the David Lynches, and the future version of them to come? Would that be sustainable? Would these projects get green-lit?
We’re at a time where art needs to be valued more highly. A time where studios that were once built around a diverse lineup of movies and shows for audiences of all kinds, at different budgets, they instead put their money behind the sure things, repeating the same things again and again.
And we sit there, and we ask for MORE MORE MORE all of the time?
And we want it cheaper.
And if they’re not? I’m gonna PIRATE everything!4
When you have access to everything, everything means nothing.
Would you want to be paid the same amount of money at your job, forever, and you are responsible for everything you’ve ever done, forever?
Think of the movies and shows that surprised you. The movies and shows that took risks, and weren’t what you expected, or you had to go off the beaten path to find.
Things cost money. Art has value. Pay for it.
The Social Media service you’re embarrassed to read, and never post to! ↩
But probably not as much as you think when you consider the monies generated by their efforts ↩
I react to this word the way others do moist. ↩
I think there’s a fair point to be made about piracy as a way of archiving media, or gaining access to content not available to you internationally, but…I don’t think that’s the majority of use here. ↩
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earldalton · 2 years
As my hyperfocus bored deeper into Wildwood Flower, I started examining why the lyrics seemed to make no sense. The ‘69 San Quentin live was the first version I encountered, and therefore it Became Canonical. [Incidentally, thinking about it just now led me to the revelation that I imprint on first impressions much more deeply than I thought.]
I checked out earlier Carter Family recordings, which used the same lyrics; ok, they felt odd, but I’m ESL and phrasing perfectly understandable to locals can sound weird to me. Turns out Johnny Cash recorded it too, same lyrics again and he’d know if something was off, right? So I tried to work out what they were meant to convey: “twine with my mingles and waving black hair” might refer to dancing, then there’s standard floral references, then “the pale and a leader and eyes look like blue” ok, sounds like we got a winter queen archetype here. Solid. “I will dance, I will sing, and my life shall be gay, I will charm every card and his crown I will sway” she’s aiming to party and attract bad boys? Still holds up, now we know it won’t end well. Wait, according to spotify-provided lyrics, that goes “I will charm every heart in her crown I will sway”, which makes even less sense. Moving on! The rest is pretty straightforward, no trouble there.
So I queued up the entirety of spotify’s “wildwood flower” song tab. And one of them had lyrics that made sense, both as I heard them and in the lyrics tab. !!! FUCKIN A, vindicated! Vindicated in wondering whether the first version made sense, as well as in making up a narrative that could fit the misheard lyrics, as JC and other native speakers of US English might have done when they sang that particular version.
I tried to track down the emanita flower from “the pale emanita and hysop light blue” in the version that made sense. And found a folk song database/messageboard dating to ‘00 with the 1860s original meticulously typed and linked to relevant discussions, because it turns out this song is commonly misheard! Native speakers do it too! Fuck, I’m not the worst :D
And now my mind is stuck halfway between versions.
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base0h · 2 years
Hello! Can I get this but with Kid & Sanji? I mean like the other version of it if you don't mind. Thank you!
a/n - oh my you all rlly like these- :0 I might just make this a series lmao- so I guess this is part 3 :D I’ll be sure to make a list of them later, but tell me which characters you want next <3 tysm anon!
Warnings ⚠️ - fem reader, I bully kid a lot (sorry) and you have a simp love cook 👍 click on the link for the song that goes with it :D
Wannabe <3
(The song isn’t on Spotify, so I’ll link it here)
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- he is WELL AWARE of how pretty you are
- but the angry man has trouble complimenting you :/
- So, kid doesn’t really compliment very often </3
- you kinda just have to know that he thinks you’re the most gorgeous girl in the world
- He gets jealous extremely easily 👍
- He will beat the shit out of anyone who stares at you
- please get this man a leash so he doesn’t end up killing every single guy who even makes eye contact with you or looks in your direction 💀
- Since he knows your pretty, he’s also aware that other men think you’re beautiful
- Angry and jealous protector man ✨
- Marines wouldn’t even dare to try and capture you before they knew how you were affiliated with him
- Kid won’t let a single person get away with even trying to put a finger on you 🗿
- I don’t think you’ve ever seen a man walk out in “decent” condition if they’ve angered Kid in any way
- you are literally his treasure
- if someone touches it? They’re goners
- marines won’t capture you? Good.
- But they look at you with flirty gazes? Bad.
- let’s just say they’re gone lol
- If you are EVER uncomfortable with the way they’re looking at you (I don’t think they’ll even get to look at you-)
- But Kid will turn around, slam his metal arm into the man’s face, walk back to you, and wrap his bulky arm around you to make sure everyone knows who you belonged to
- Scary dog privileges when you walk with him 👌
- If you’re ever not confident in your beauty, I don’t think Kid would know what to say
- Obviously he should compliment you and say that you’re absolutely gorgeous
- but that’s just not how this angry guy works :’)
- He’s supposed to be big and scary he can’t say those cute things lmao
- If you are looking at yourself in the mirror, and criticizing what a specific part on your body looked like, kid would instantly take notice
- (let’s say you were thinking your stomach was kind of chubby, or your thighs completely touched, etc.)
- “are you stupid? Or just blind?” -kid 2022 (bitch be nice)
- “… Huh???”
- “Nevermind.” Man just walked out of the mf room 💀
- But, he made silent efforts to help you regain your confidence
- When you two were cuddling, he’d always keep a hand on your stomach, and kiss the body parts you found not as beautiful as the rest
- He’d pay more attention to those parts of your body than usual, and he’d tell you that your thighs are comfy to lay on 🥺
- then he turned the same color as his hair when he realized what he just said
- man just embarrassed himself 💀
- If you have any insecurities, don’t expect kid to be the romantic type and compliment them directly
- He’d do really subtle things to make sure you felt confident and comfortable in your body <3
- he’s too shy and has too much of an “I’m scary and will kill you” vibe to him
- But he really does think you’re the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen and ever will see in his life 🥺
- he loves you sm and desperately wants to protect you with his entire life 💜
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- Oh this man is a romantic
- like. romantic af
- (side note- tumblr if you don’t let me make Sanji’s name yellow istg-)
- he’s a mega simp for you <3
- He is so loyal, like he won’t even look at other girls
- How could they even hope to match you?
- you were literally able to turn him into stone with one glance just because of your looks
- Your personality only made him fall deeper in love with you 🥺
- Since he knows you’re absolutely stunning, he knows how to protect you in public
- He’s like a knight in shining armor 👍
- Whenever men start to gaze at your body, eyeing you up and down with that look in their eyes that always made you feel uncomfortable
- He will offer his arm, letting you take hold of it gently
- He’ll also turn around, looking back at the gawking men with a harsh glare
- He’ll breathe out smoke so menacingly the men couldn’t breathe for a second
- Then he’ll be back to his normal self, asking if you were alright and if your feet were tired from walking
- Forgot to mention that this man will carry you if you walk for a little while or if your feet hurt 🥺
- Unlike Kid, Sanji always tries his best not to fight in front of you
- He thinks it’s rude to focus his attention on something else other than you
- And also, he doesn’t want his sweet y/n to witness violence!
- So he’ll never ever beat up someone who’s just gawking at you
- They’ll get quite a harsh stare from him though-
- If they actually start touching you in any sort of way, no, that’s an absolute no
- He’s willing to beat the guy up then
- He’ll ask you to move away or look away though, “Close your eyes y/n, this’ll only take a second love.”
- Once you open your eyes, he wouldn’t let you look back on the crippled bodies of the men
- Man’s a gentleman 🥺
- Marines don’t even want to capture you! That’s great news, but he doesn’t particularly like the reason why
- It does make him a bit uneasy when they stare at you like that
- He doesn’t like it when other guys stare at you that way, so he’ll always try to make sure you were making contact with him in some way
- Whether that be holding onto his arm, holding his hand, or just his arm around your shoulders
- He just wants people to know that you’re with him and not by yourself
- If you’re not confident in your looks? Prepare to be showered with compliments and random ass poems about how gorgeous you are 👌
- “My love, the most beautiful girl in the world is standing right in front of me. And her name is y/n l/n.”
- He’ll also kiss you soooooo much like it’s sometimes overwhelming lmao
- What really made you feel better is when he traced his hands along your body, and whenever he touched a place you were insecure about, he’d say everything he loved about it 🥺
- Man I’m about to cry why am I so lonely 💀
- this guy NEEDS you to feel at least half as beautiful as what he thinks you are
- Bec even half of what he thinks is leagues better than thinking you’re the most gorgeous girl in the world <3
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a/n - I’m so glad you guys like this series 💜 I like it too lmao 😭 the specific version of Wannabe was only on YouTube :’) so it’s linked above in the first desc :)
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gabriella-nastasja · 2 years
the power behind sad girl music
by Gabriélla Siebritz 
My introduction to “sad girl music” - solemn breakup anthems, deeply metaphorical self-reflection ballads, angry girl power melodies - was brought to me on the pink iPod I received one Christmas as a gift at the tender age of eight. Some of the first few songs I had downloaded (with approval from my mom) were Leave (get out) by the iconic 2000s singer Jojo, Complicated by the legendry Avril Lavigne and Behind These Hazel Eyes by the American Idol herself, Kelly Clarkson. 
From the get-go it seems, I was destined to be a feelings type of girl. Internally my emotions were loud, before eventually spilling over into my reality.
As my tastes and personality developed as I grew, I discovered my love for songs that have a melancholic and somewhat dramatic touch to it. I love music that makes me stop, pause the music and sit with the lyrics, accompanied by visuals that I get to analyse and dissect - I eagerly want to dive headfirst into a rabbit hole of metaphors and Easter eggs cleverly left behind by the artists I admire. 
From Avril Lavigne, came Taylor Swift; although, admittedly I wasn’t a fully-fledged Swiftie until recently. And now, here I sit, with my Spotify open and the voice of Taylor, along with the voices of Lorde, Lana Del Rey, FKA Twigs, SZA, Mitski, Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo, to name a few, filling up my room. I've always found it satisfying to scream along to lyrics, even if the situation penned by these singers doesn’t always apply to me.
Music is open to interpretation after all, so while I might not have had the same tumultuous relationship Taylor Swift sang about in her ten minute song All Too Well (Taylor’s Version) or knowingly been in a damaging relationship like Mitski was in Washing Machine Heart, or begging not to share the love I have with my partner with outsiders invading the relationship as FKA Twigs did in her song Cellophane, their words still ring true and tug on my heartstrings, urgently pulling at me to listen on repeat and find ways to relate it to myself or anything else I find joy (and sadness) in. 
SZA's song, Normal Girl, is told from the singer’s perspective of being in love with someone she can’t have because she doesn’t fit or measure up to his standards, according to an article written by Todayville. Unrequited love isn’t a brand new concept, but these words coming from a Black woman was made relatable for other women of colour, including myself.
She beautifully sings lyrics such as “wanna be the type of girl you take home to your mama / the type of girl I know your fellas they’d be proud of” - SZA is specifically talking about how she doesn’t fit into society’s ideals and therefore doesn’t fit into the box of beauty that the guy she’s in love with has built. Feeling out of place is a common experience for many of us, but different chords are struck as a woman of colour navigating a world of white femininity and white beauty standards. 
One of my favourite things to do is to create playlists based on anything I'm currently enjoying. for example, I've made playlists relating to my favourite tv shows, like the cultural resets that were Gilmore girls, The Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars.
As I previously mentioned, I might not be able to relate to every heartbreak the aforementioned artists have written and sung about, but when I listen to a song I make connections between the lyrics and these fictional characters I find comfort in. Almost every Taylor Swift song can effortlessly be used as narration of the Gilmore girls’ plot, proving that sad girl music serves and performs well in both the real and fictional worlds.  
Sad girl music doesn’t only explore love and the loss that comes with it, but also offers perspective on the world from multiple eyes. My first introduction to sad girl music was at eight years old - I had little to no experience with love or the world at the time, but the music touched me nonetheless. as Harper’s Bazaar writer Laia Garcia-Furtado put it, “it wasn’t long before I was enveloped in the universe of Sad Girl Music, a (derisive) term that some of the most brilliant female singer-songwriters in music history have been saddled with—women whose songs articulate the particular feeling of living in a constant state of awareness that the world is not a hospitable or fair place for anyone who refuses to serve the interests of the patriarchy.” 
It might be confusing to some (older generations, maybe) to hear that listening to sad girl music while sad to make us feel even more sad is a daily practice for a lot of us, but it brings comfort.
It covers us like a blanket of melancholy, allowing us to feel our feelings; acknowledge and recognize them while reveling in the satisfaction that somewhere, somehow, an artist was able to wiggle their way into our special and individual minds as listeners and find just the right ways to scratch the itch of the ever-present question: why? They’ve found ways to gather our thoughts and feelings, wrap it in a bow of lyrical genius and present the gift of sad girl music. 
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