#then I'd climb out of the surf laughing catching my breath before going back in because
hiddenbysuccubi · 6 months
Just a question. Because I just thought of it and I do not know the answer. Ever since Jr High at the latest I've whipped my head rapidly side to side to dry my hair and as an adult I haven't much but I've done so again recently and - it's a very pleasant feeling / stimulation and is that a thing other people do
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fuseboxspoilers · 2 years
ep. 42 
there were some parts that it was hard to decipher but i'm pretty sure i got it somewhat organized :)
NARRATOR: Previously on Love Island...
The one-man wrecking ball known as Dylan came hurtling through the Villa.
Relationships were tested and foundations were shaken...
PLAYER: You've done everything you could to break [?] and me up!
And though Dylan tried his hardest to rock the boat Y/N and [?] managed to weather his storm. And though Y/N and [?] were able to get past their differences it couldn't last...
And in the end one couple couldn't take the pressure.
            If didn’t break up at first but didn’t recouple
PLAYER: I want to couple up with [?].
We also said goodbye to two unlucky Islanders.
            If Youcef left
YOUCEF: Smell ya later.
            If Valentina left 
The remaining Islanders settle in for the final...
[?]: It's good to have a day like this... no stress just... good vibes.
And our Islanders get some much-needed RnR.
But with the final fast approaching not everyone can stick around forever...
            If coupled with Oliver
Oliver does laps in the pool as you sit on its edge watching him
As he does his strokes his muscles bulge from the effort.
When he surfaces next to you to catch his breath there's a smirk on his face.
OLIVER: Enjoying the show?
PLAYER: There's a show? I was just enjoying the lovely sunshine.
He chuckles at that wiping stray wet hairs from his face to look at you properly.
OLIVER: I love the water. The pool is not like the ocean back home but it's something. If you want to I'd love to take you surfing when we're out of here.
PLAYER THINKING: Oliver wants to take me surfing...
I'd love that
I don't know if I can
You're so attractive when you swim...
Choice: I’d love that 
OLIVER: Sounds like a date then. Don't worry we'll take it slow. I'll show you the ropes.
Choice: I don’t know if I can
OLIVER: Don't worry we'll take it slow. I'll show you the ropes.
Choice: You're so attractive when you swim...
PLAYER: Sorry just thinking aloud.
He laughs loudly splashing the water around him slightly.
OLIVER: Well thank you for the compliment. I do love how bubbly and fun you are sometimes.
OLIVER: But like I was saying... If you're interested it's a lot of fun. My last girlfriend wasn't that into it and I missed this year's surfing season because of coming in here. There's a surfing-shaped hole in my heart at the moment is what I'm saying.
PLAYER: Isn't the water like freezing down there though?
OLIVER: Not if you go at the right time. And you get used to it after a while anyway. Don't get me wrong this pool is a luxury in comparison. It's always warm and calm. And yet... no waves no salt. It's just not the same.
He gestures to the still water around him.
PLAYER: I take it you miss home then?
OLIVER: Just sometimes. But I'm also happy to be here... with you.
PLAYER THINKING: Oliver's happy to be here with me...
You're not the only one
I can't wait to be somewhere else with you
It's not too bad
Choice: You’re not the only one 
Choice: I can’t wait to be somewhere else with you 
Choice: It's not too bad
Oliver brushes his wet hair away from his eyes.
He regards you with a knowing smile.
OLIVER: I've probably done enough for today anyway.
Slowly but deliberately, he climbs out of the pool to sit beside you.
Dripping with water his thick shoulder muscles shine brightly in the midday sun as you watch.
OLIVER: I know it's not been very long. But I like to think that I know when something is right for me.
PLAYER THINKING: Oliver knows when something's right for him...
Me too
I'm clueless
Am I right for you?
Choice: Me too
OLIVER: I'm very glad to hear it.
He smiles warmly.
OLIVER: There's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes it takes a while to figure things out.
He looks you straight in the eyes.
OLIVER: I think so yes. t's not been long but I think we might have something. Falling fast is tricky. I've been hurt by it before. But I don't think it will be a problem this time.
OLIVER: Coming in late I knew I'd have to find someone that clicked with me right away or I'd be out the door. I'm just glad it actually happened.
He laces his fingers delicately between yours.
PLAYER: When did you know that you had feelings for me?
OLIVER: On the date for sure. Not that I didn't love meeting you in that little box of course. But that was just a bit of fun.
OLIVER: I think when I got to really talk to you up in the trees... that's when I realised you were special.
OLIVER: What about you? If you don't mind me asking of course.
PLAYER THINKING: When did I start feeling things for Oliver?
It was love at first sight
On the date
After Dylan happened
Actually I'd rather not say
Choice: It was love at first sight 
            If snuck into his box
PLAYER: From the moment I found you inside that box I know you were the one for me.
            If not 
PLAYER: From the moment I saw you step out of that silly box I knew you were the one for me.
He laughs heartily.
OLIVER: That quick then? Not that I can complain.
Choice: On the date 
PLAYER: I really enjoyed that date. That's when I felt the spark.
OLIVER: Good to know we're on the same page.
Choice: after Dylan happened 
PLAYER: I really appreciated the support you gave me when I really needed it.
OLIVER: I'm sorry all of that happened. He didn't respect you at all. I want you to know I won't ever treat you like that.
Choice: I’d rather not say
OLIVER: That's fine. I'm just happy we're here now.
            If coupled with Will 
You and Will are enjoying a lazy afternoon in the sun.
He sits with his hat over his face his arms drooping from the lounger.
WILL: It's so hot...
PLAYER: You're telling me.
WILL: This is the kind of weather that makes me want to just melt out of existence.
WILL: It's too hot to do anything. I just want to float away. I want nature to absorb me. Becoming a tree would be nice.
PLAYER: Do you want to like move into the shade?
He waves a lazy hand at you.
WILL: Can't be bothered. I'd rather not move.
PLAYER: If you're sure.
A moment later he perks up removing the sunhat from his face.
WILL: Er actually... Do you need anything? Water refill snack or something? I'm trying to be like more attentive and everything.
PLAYER THINKING: Will's asking if I need anything...
Water me please
I'm good
Choice: Water me please 
Choice: Snacks!
He gives you a sincere smile before lifting himself slowly up from the sun lounger.
WILL: Sure thing.
He disappears into the Villa then returns a few minutes later.
WILL: Here.
PLAYER: Wow I'm impressed. You didn't get distracted by anything.
WILL: Well, I did have a sudden thought that I'd like to paint a mural on one of these Villa walls but other than that...
Choice: I’m good
WILL: No worries then.
PLAYER: But thanks for asking.
He gives you a small but noticeable smile.
WILL: Let me know if you change your mind.
A few more minutes of silence pass before Will speaks abruptly.
WILL: You know I've been thinking about how fun it would be to paint a mural on one of the Villa's walls.
PLAYER: A mural?
WILL: Mhm...
PLAYER: What would you put on it?
WILL: I'm not sure. Something abstract to represent my time here. It's certainly been a rollercoaster all in all. Maybe I should just paint a rollercoaster.
PLAYER: It's definitely not been the smoothest of journeys...
WILL: How long has it been now since we met anyway? Because it feels like years honestly. Remember that big dinner we had? We were so different back then.
PLAYER: I remember a certain someone burning his fishcakes.
WILL: Yes! Kobi! The poor guy. I haven't thought about him in a while either. Hope he's doing alright out there.
PLAYER THINKING: Kobi left the Villa a while ago...
I hope he's doing well too
He didn't have the best luck
I wish I could've coupled with him
Choice: I hope he's doing well too
WILL: Absolutely. It'll be good to meet up with him eventually if we get the chance.
Choice: He didn't have the best luck
WILL: He really didn't. First Lexi then getting dumped.
PLAYER: It was a rough time. I hope he has better luck dating in the real world now he's semi-famous.
WILL: True! Maybe that'll help.
Choice: I wish I could've coupled with him
WILL gives you a sideways glance.
PLAYER: I mean back then. It's old history now of course.
WILL: Yeah, I get it.
A silence lingers over you both as you ponder old friends and days gone by.
WILL: For what it's worth I'm glad we made it this far. It feels like we've got real history in here. That's got to count for something right?
PLAYER: For sure.
WILL: I will say... It might have taken us a long time to find each other but I'm glad we did.
PLAYER: Better late than never eh?
WILL: Exactly. I feel like a fool for not coupling up with you sooner. But we're here now.
PLAYER: And that's what matters.
            If you didn’t coupled up with Will before Dylan
WILL: It's weird... I didn't think I'd end up with you. For a while I thought you and [?] were going to go the distance. But now we're here I'm pretty happy about it.
PLAYER: And that's what matters.
If coupled with Youcef
You and Youcef are in the dressing room putting the finishing touches on your make-up after a long lie in.
YOUCEF: Ah one moment chérie... And... voilà!
PLAYER: How do I look?
YOUCEF: Absolutely... super
He does a chef's kiss.
His guttural R-sound makes you shiver.
YOUCEF: Have I ever told you what a fabulous model you would make?
PLAYER: I don't think so...
YOUCEF: Ah darling with you by my side... The two of us could light up the world.
PLAYER THINKING: Youcef says we could light up the world...
Let's do it
That's dramatic
You're not going to be tempted by other girls?
Choice: Let's do it
Choice: That's dramatic
He shrugs.
YOUCEF: I have a flair for the dramatic. You should know this by now.
Choice: You’re not going to be tempted by other girls?
He shakes his head.
YOUCEF: No. It may take me a while to find what I am looking for. I'm terribly picky. But when I find it...
He serves you a wicked smile.
YOUCEF: But first we must win eh?
PLAYER: You sound sure of yourself.
YOUCEF: When am I not? I'm not a man of half-measures am I?
PLAYER THINKING: Youcef's confident about our chances...
I'm confident too
It's in the public's hands now
Don't be too cocky
Choice: I'm confident too
YOUCEF: As you should be. You're a stunning individual Y/N. I wouldn't be with you otherwise.
Choice: It's in the public's hands now
YOUCEF: Absolutely. And I'm certain they'll see us for the winning couple we are.
Choice: It's in the public's hands now
PLAYER: Pride cometh before the fall and all that.
YOUCEF: Ah there's no sense being so careful in my opinion. It will just make it harder for the public to believe in us. It's been a long and sometimes difficult journey for us to get this point don't you think? I think the people will admire us for that.
PLAYER: I hope so.
YOUCEF: How long has it been now since we met anyway? Because it feels like years honestly. Remember that big dinner we had? We were so different back then.
PLAYER: I remember a certain someone burning his fishcakes.
YOUCEF: Yes! Kobi! The poor guy. I haven't thought about him in a while either. Hope he's doing alright out there.
PLAYER THINKING: Kobi left the Villa a while ago...
I hope he's doing well too
He didn't have the best luck
I wish I could've coupled with him
                        Same dialogue as this conversation with Will
YOUCEF: For what it's worth I'm glad we made it this far. It feels like we've got real history in here. That's got to count for something right?
PLAYER: For sure.
YOUCEF: I will say... It might have taken us a long time to find each other but I'm glad we did.
PLAYER: Better late than never eh?
YOUCEF: Exactly. I feel like a fool for not coupling up with you sooner. But we're here now.
PLAYER: And that's what matters.
YOUCEF: It's weird... I didn't think I'd end up with you. For a while I thought you and [?] were going to go the distance. But now we're here I'm pretty happy about it.
PLAYER: And that's what matters.
            If coupled with Angie
You and Angie are up on the roof terrace enjoying the gentle breeze.
ANGIE: I love how quiet it is up here. It's nice to just hang out without worrying about someone walking over every few seconds. One of the only places round here where you can get some privacy.
PLAYER: Not to mention this was where we... you know.
Angie's skin flushes.
ANGIE: I remember. How could I forget?
PLAYER THINKING: Our first kiss was on the roof terrace...
I wish it'd happened sooner
You're so cute when you're embarrassed
Was that your first kiss with a girl?
Choice: I wish it'd happened sooner
ANGIE: Yeah... me too. If I'd've realised earlier what I was feeling and I'd been more confident...
PLAYER: But the important thing is that we got here right?
ANGIE: One hundred percent.
Choice: You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed 
She narrows her eyes.
ANGIE (angry): Remember what I said before. I will fight you with this pillow.
PLAYER: Don't threaten me with a good time babe.
Choice: Was that your first kiss with a girl?
She pauses.
ANGIE: Oh yeah. I thought that was obvious to be honest. I'd never even thought about it before. Not for long anyway.
She sighs wistfully.
ANGIE: You know this already but... You just make me feel things that I didn't know I could feel. I don't think I've ever had a crush like you since I was a kid. It's so strange. I'm not used to it.
PLAYER: Maybe you never felt much attachment before because you were... barking up the wrong tree so to speak?
ANGIE: Ugh what a thing to grapple with. But it's totally possible. And now... what? Does this mean I'm gay? Bi? Something else?
PLAYER THINKING: Angie's thinking about her identity...
You're whatever you want to be
One step at a time
You don't need to know
Choice: You’re whatever you want to be
Choice: One step at a time 
Choice: You don’t need to know
She gives you a shy smile.
ANGIE: Yeah, you're right.
PLAYER: You've definitely had a long journey in here. Something like that can change you a lot.
ANGIE: It's really been a wild time huh?
PLAYER: You could say that.
ANGIE: How long has it been now since we met anyway? Because it feels like years honestly. Remember that big dinner we had? We were so different back then.
PLAYER: I remember a certain someone burning his fishcakes.
ANGIE: Yes! Kobi! The poor guy. I haven't thought about him in a while either. Hope he's doing alright out there.
PLAYER THINKING: Kobi left the Villa a while ago...
I hope he's doing well too
He didn't have the best luck
I wish I could've coupled with him
            Same dialogue
ANGIE: For what it's worth I'm glad we made it this far. It feels like we've got real history in here. That's got to count for something right?
PLAYER: For sure.
ANGIE: I will say... It might have taken us a long time to find each other but I'm glad we did.
PLAYER: Better late than never eh?
ANGIE: Exactly. I feel like a fool for not coupling up with you sooner. But we're here now.
PLAYER: And that's what matters.
ANGIE: It's weird... I didn't think I'd end up with you. For a while I thought you and [?] were going to go the distance. But now we're here I'm pretty happy about it.
PLAYER: And that's what matters.
            If coupled with Bruno 
You and Bruno are idling in the gym.
He's lifting weights while you watch from a beanbag.
BRUNO: How many am I on now?
You look up at him suddenly realising you hadn't been paying attention.
PLAYER: Um four?
BRUNO: ... Hundred?
PLAYER: I highly doubt that.
He tuts.
BRUNO: Don't underestimate my power.
PLAYER: Was that... Clash of the Cosmos? Since when were you into that?
BRUNO: Many secrets I have. Share them with you I will not.
You roll your eyes.
PLAYER: You're such a clown.
He cackles still doing a jaunty exercise as he talks.
BRUNO: And don't you love it?
PLAYER THINKING: Bruno's antics...
Never change you utter banana
I hope it doesn't get old
I can't wait to come to your packed gigs
Choice: Never change you utter banana
BRUNO: You can talk little Miss Banana!
            If wore banana suit 
BRUNO: I should've known from the moment you walked on your first day wearing that thing that we'd be together at the end.
PLAYER: And now you're stuck with me.
BRUNO: I can think of worse fates.
PLAYER: Like having to sit through one of your gigs?
BRUNO: Oi you!
Choice: I hope it doesn’t get old
BRUNO: Don't worry I won't. I'll just update the jokes as time goes on. Gotta keep my material fresh if I'm gonna make it one day.
PLAYER: I don't want to ever get tired of your silliness. It'll be like losing our mojo.
BRUNO: Then I'll make sure never to get stale won't I?
Choice: I can’t wait to come to your packed gigs
He beams at you.
BRUNO: I can't wait for you to come. I'll look for you in the crowd so I can feel better. You'll be like my support animal.
PLAYER: Animal?
BRUNO: You know what I mean!
He gives you one more sly smile before going back to his exercise for a bit.
BRUNO: Hey... you know I figure I should ask...
PLAYER: What is it?
BRUNO: How would you feel if I mentioned you in my material? You're a big inspiration for me no lie. And I figure it's something lots of comedians do. But I know not everyone would be comfortable with that necessarily.
PLAYER THINKING: Would I be comfortable if Bruno wrote comedy about me?
I'd love that!
Not on your life
As long as it's flattering
Choice: I'd love that!
His face lights up.
BRUNO: Nice! I've been thinking about it already I have to say.
PLAYER: Oh really? You come up with anything good?
BRUNO: Nothing I want to share just yet...
Choice: Not on your life
PLAYER: Sorry but that's not something I want to be a part of.
BRUNO: Nah it's OK. I totally understand. And anyway relationship jokes are so last decade. It's all about existential comedy these days.
Choice: As long as it's flattering
PLAYER: None of that denigrating stuff about the ball and chain' or anything.
BRUNO: I wouldn't dare don't worry. Any jokes involving you will be about how ironic it is that a guy as silly as me ended up with someone as amazing as you.
You roll your eyes but you can tell he's earnest.
A small smile forms on your lips.
He suddenly turns back to his dumbbells a look of confusion on his face.
BRUNO: Um... I think I've lost count again.
PLAYER: Of course you did. Start again?
BRUNO: Probably time for a break to be honest.
He sets the dumbbells down and dabs himself with a towel.
The sweat glistens on his skin.
BRUNO: It's really been a wild time huh?
PLAYER: You could say that.
BRUNO: How long has it been now since we met anyway? Because it feels like years honestly. Remember that big dinner we had? We were so different back then.
PLAYER: I remember a certain someone burning his fishcakes.
BRUNO: Yes! Kobi! The poor guy. I haven't thought about him in a while either. Hope he's doing alright out there.
PLAYER THINKING: Kobi left the Villa a while ago...
I hope he's doing well too
He didn't have the best luck
I wish I could've coupled with him
            Same dialogue 
BRUNO: For what it's worth I'm glad we made it this far. It feels like we've got real history in here. That's got to count for something right?
PLAYER: For sure.
BRUNO: I will say... It might have taken us a long time to find each other but I'm glad we did.
PLAYER: Better late than never eh?
BRUNO: Exactly. I feel like a fool for not coupling up with you sooner. But we're here now.
PLAYER: And that's what matters.
BRUNO: It's weird... I didn't think I'd end up with you. For a while I thought you and [?] were going to go the distance. But now we're here I'm pretty happy about it.
PLAYER: And that's what matters.
            If coupled with James 
You and James are lying side by side on the daybed.
He has a notepad which he's using to scribble notes in from time to time.
When he's thinking you notice him squinting and furrowing his brow.
PLAYER: Have I ever told you how cute you are when you do that?
JAMES: Huh? Do what?
PLAYER: That thinking face you have! It's adorable!
JAMES: I have one of those? Why didn't you tell me before? Now I'm gonna be all self-conscious about it.
Despite his words he laughs and seems at ease.
PLAYER: Don't worry I promise you it's cute.
JAMES: I'll take your word for it.
PLAYER: What are you working on anyway?
JAMES: Ah just some notes for this novel. I'm struggling a bit not gonna lie.
PLAYER: Want me to take a look?
JAMES: Sure, it can't hurt!
He hands you some ruffled notes.
Jacob falls for her because of her good nature needs some kind of impetus figure out what happened to tilly regency ball? sexy spy subplot??? Y/N comes in during finale only
PLAYER THINKING: James's notes...
I don't understand any of this
I like the sexy spy subplot idea
Did you name a character after me?
Choice: I don't understand any of this
He chuckles taking back the paper.
JAMES: Yeah it's sort of written in a way only I really know what I'm talking about. It's fine I'll figure it out.
Choice: I like the sexy spy subplot idea
He chuckles taking the paper back from you.
JAMES: I thought you might. It's just a silly idea at the moment but who knows? I might be able to make it work. I've had spies on the brain ever since we did that game Bruno came up with. Anyway don't worry about it too much I'll figure out the rest some other time.
Choice: Did you name a character after me?
JAMES: Oh uh...
He takes the paper back from you.
JAMES: Yeah, I hope that's OK? It's just a minor character not a love interest or anything. I'm just bad at coming up with names you know.
PLAYER: It's fine. If anything, it's flattering.
JAMES: Anyway, don't worry about it too much I'll figure out the rest some other time.
PLAYER: I remember when I first came in. Even back then you were working on this.
JAMES: Yeah! This is the same project. That feels like so long ago. It's really been a wild time huh?
PLAYER: You could say that.
            This part of the dialogue is the same as the others, just didn’t feel like editing it :)
            If coupled Najuma 
You and Najuma sit opposite each other on the beanbags hiding from the scorching sun in the shade of a tree.
NAJUMA: Y/N babe... I think I'm going to bake.
PLAYER: It's so hot...
NAJUMA: You're telling me. There are times when I'm thankful for being a bigger girl. But this is not one of them.
She takes a long swig of her water bottle.
PLAYER: Don't bake babe I need you! I'm not gonna be able to win otherwise.
Najuma laughs loudly.
NAJUMA: I'll try not to. Hey! I've got an idea. Wanna go jump in the pool? That'll help!
PLAYER THINKING: Najuma wants to jump in the pool...
Let's do it!
I think I saw Oliver doing laps earlier
It's too hot to move...
Choice: Let’s do it 
NAJUMA: Yes! Come on!
Before you know it she's up on her feet tugging you gently by the fingers.
Choice: I think I saw Oliver doing laps earlier 
NAJUMA: Not to worry! I'm sure he won't mind us crashing his party.
Before you know it she's up on her feet tugging you gently by the fingers.
NAJUMA: Come on baaabe! It'll be fun.
Choice: It’s too hot to move 
NAJUMA: But this will cool us off!
Before you know it she's up on her feet tugging you gently by the fingers.
NAJUMA: Come on baaabe! It'll be fun.
PLAYER: OK OK I'm coming!
The two of you head over to the pool where Oliver is swimming slowly back and forth.
No one else is around.
Without warning Najuma starts sprinting for the pool.
PLAYER THINKING: She's really gunning for it...
Chase after her
Take your time
You run after Najuma hot on her heels.
PLAYER: I'm gonna catch you!
She giggles scrambling towards the pool then jumps straight in.
You follow right after her.
The two of you cry out in unison as you catapult yourselves into the water.
You amble slowly behind her content to go at your own pace.
Without warning Najuma catapults herself into the water causing a huge splash.
NAJUMA: Cannonball!
A great wave is thrown up showering the lawn and Oliver.
Najuma emerges from the water laughing maniacally.
NAJUMA: That's more like it!
NAJUMA: My days I feel like I just woke up from a nightmare.
She notices Oliver and then suddenly looks embarrassed.
NAJUMA: Ah sorry Oliver. We just needed to cool off.
OLIVER: It's no problem. I'll give you girls the pool. I think I was going to head off for a snack anyway.
Once he's gone you and Najuma are left paddling in the pool alone.
No one else is in sight.
PLAYER: I love your chaotic energy babe. It's infectious.
She grins widely.
NAJUMA: I'm pretty proud of it no lie. I mean where would we be if I hadn't come down on that first night and asked you for that dance? When I want something I go for it. That's me to a T.
PLAYER: Oh my gosh the heartrate challenge! I'd almost forgotten.
NAJUMA: Feels like years ago. It's really been a wild time huh?
PLAYER: You could say that.
            Back to this dialogue again </3
            If coupled with Tom 
You and Tom are busy in the kitchen cooking up a late breakfast.
The smell of frying vegetables fills the air.
TOM: I love this! Me and you cooking together like a real couple. I should have learnt how to do this a long time ago.
He deftly cuts his onions while keeping a second eye on the frying pan.
PLAYER: Did Youcef teach you this?
TOM: Yeah. Plus a few other people. It's been a lot!
PLAYER: You're such a different person from when you came in you know. I'm happy for you.
He grins widely.
TOM: Thanks Y/N! You were part of that too.
PLAYER THINKING: Tom says I helped him come into himself...
I'm proud of you
I'm happy I could help
Your parents will be shocked when they see you!
Choice: I’m proud of you 
Choice: I’m happy I could help 
TOM: Thanks so much! It's been quite a wild ride really. But I'm happy with my choices and the journey I've been on.
Choice: your parents will be shocked when they see you!
TOM: Ha yeah... I'm not really sure if they'll approve of some of the stuff I've done honestly. But I'm happy with my journey so far.
PLAYER: It feels like forever since you came in with Cora for those dates.
TOM: It really does. I remember being drawn to you straight away. I'm glad I got to pick you that time as well. We might not be here together otherwise. I was kicking myself for days for not picking you the first time I had the chance. Thanks for giving a guy like me a chance though. I know I can't have been that easy to be around at first.
PLAYER THINKING: Tom's worried about how he came across...
Honestly, it's fine
What matters is you're different now.
You were a bit aloof yeah
Choice: Honestly, it’s fine 
TOM: Yeah, that's true. But I'm still sorry if I made it difficult before.
PLAYER: It's fine.
Choice: What matter is you’re different now 
PLAYER: No need to apologise or anything.
Choice: You were a bit aloof yeah 
Tom winces for a moment.
TOM: Like I said I'm sorry.
PLAYER: It's fine.
He smiles then suddenly realises that the toast is done and hurries over to get it out of the toaster.
TOM: Hey maybe I could be a cook one day. I'm really into this being in the kitchen.
PLAYER: It's worth a shot!
After a few more frantic movements and finishing touches, Tom serves up a very passable breakfast.
TOM: As Youcef would say... voilà!
His fake French accent is surprisingly good.
TOM: Want to go sit and eat somewhere nice? Like the pool?
PLAYER: Sounds like a great idea!
The two of you take your breakfast plates and find a nice spot by the side of the water to eat.
TOM: So anyway... what was I talking about?
You chat back and forth in between bites of Tom's meal.
PLAYER: Your time in the Villa?
TOM: Right! Not going to lie I sometimes forget that I wasn't here at the start. Bunches of other people have come in since then and others have gone too. I feel pretty lucky to be here all in all.
PLAYER THINKING: Tom feels lucky to be here...
And I'm lucky to have you
I'm glad you're here
Don't get too relaxed
Choice: And I’m lucky to have you 
Choice: I’m glad you’re here
TOM: You're so good at making me feel... good. I'm so glad I met you Y/N.
He pulls you in for a tight hug.
Choice: Don’t get too relaxed 
PLAYER: You never know what'll be around the next corner.
TOM: Yeah... you're definitely right about that. Still I'm happy for what we've got here and now.
He pulls you in for a tight hug.
You snuggle into him catching a whiff of his expensive cologne.
PLAYER: This is lovely but... It's so hot today.
TOM: You're right. Not good hugging weather, is it?
You both eat for a while longer before finishing up your meals and setting the plates down by your sides.
TOM: You know who was a great hugger...? Kobi. Didn't know him for very long but good gosh I miss that man's hugs. Hope he's doing alright out there.
PLAYER THINKING: Kobi left the Villa a while ago...
I hope he's doing well too
He didn't have the best luck
I wish I could've coupled with him
                        SAME DIALOGUE </3 
            Starting here it picks up for all the possible couples after the Kobi convo
[partner] glances at you a pensive smile on their lips.
PLAYER THINKING: This feels like we're having a moment...
PLAYER THINKING: Shall I go for the kiss?
Seize the moment
Kiss them on the cheek instead
Smile back
Choice: seize the moment
You share a longing gaze and then part.
Choice: kiss them on the cheek instead 
You lean over and plant a quick kiss on [partner]'s cheek.
[partner] rewards you with a happy laugh and a kiss on your own cheek.
Choice: smile back 
You return the smile to [partner].
            If coupled with Youcef
YOUCEF: Anyway we've messed around in here long enough. Do you want to head out?
He picks up a bottle of your foundation and inspects it closely.
YOUCEF:  What do you reckon shall I pop some on?
He starts rifling through your make-up bag.
PLAYER THINKING: Youcef wants to put some of my make-up on...
Go for it!
Maybe later
Hands out of the bag!
Choice: Go for it!
Youcef takes a few minutes to apply some very subtle make-up.
It's clear he's done this before.
PLAYER: You seem pretty good at that.
YOUCEF: Well, I am a model my sweet.
PLAYER: And I do like a man who knows his make-up.
YOUCEF: Perhaps we could teach each other some things hmm?
PLAYER: That sounds like fun.
Once he's done you can hardly notice the difference until you look closely.
PLAYER: It's nice. Very subtle.
YOUCEF: I can be subtle when I want to be.
Choice: Maybe later
PLAYER: Right now, I'm itching to get out of this dressing room. Feel like I'm getting baked in here.
YOUCEF: Ah no problem my sweet.
Choice: Hands out of the bag!
Youcef holds his hands up suddenly.
YOUCEF: Sorry. I should have asked first, shouldn't I? It's been a long time since I played with make-up you know. I was just curious.
PLAYER: That's OK. Just ask next time.
He nods.
YOUCEF: Shall we head to the pool? It might be a nice way to cool off if the heat gets too much.
PLAYER: Sounds like a plan.
The two of you head over to the pool which seems deserted.
YOUCEF: Guess everyone's taking the day off. I can't blame them.
            If coupled with Najuma
NAJUMA: Anyway... we should probably be getting out of here now for a bit. Don't want to get all pruney, do we?
She clambers out of the pool beckoning for you to come sit with her by the edge.
Some time passes you in silence.
The only sounds you hear are the birds in distant trees.
            If coupled with Angie (I am like 75% sure that this is Angie’s dialogue sorry if I’m wrong) 
ANGIE: Anyway... I don't know about you but I kinda fancy a little dip in the pool. This heat is absolutely destroying me.
PLAYER: Maybe we could go sit by it and dip our legs in? It feels like a lot to be doing exercise today.
ANGIE: You're right... Fine let's do that then.
The two of you head over to the pool which seems deserted.
ANGIE: Guess everyone's taking the day off. I can't blame them.
You take your seats by the water letting it lap gently against your thighs.
ANGIE: So...
ANGIE: I figure we should address the elephant in the room.
PLAYER: And... which elephant is that?
ANGIE: A certain... Dylan-shaped one. Like I know you were going through a lot and most of it was his fault. I understand what it means to cheat even just for a moment. I've been there myself. And we weren't together, so I don't need an apology or anything. I understand the situation you were in it must have been horrible. I know we weren't together then and Dylan was the real bad guy in all this... But I guess I'm just anxious. I don't want that to happen again.
PLAYER THINKING: Angie's worried about me cheating again...
It won't happen again
I can't guarantee anything
We already talked about this...
You can't really talk
Choice: It won’t happen again 
I wasn't into [previous partner] like I am with you
PLAYER: It was a stupid stupid mistake. I know not to do that again. Honestly, I don't know what came over me.
Angie puts her arm around you and squeezes tightly.
ANGIE: I understand. It's OK.
Choice: I can’t guarantee anything 
PLAYER: Like I have no idea what's going to happen in the future. I don't like making promises at this stage. Something might go wrong.
Angie smiles sympathetically but her brow is furrowed.
ANGIE: Thanks for being honest. It's good to just be on the same page at least.
Choice: We already talked about this 
ANGIE: I know. But that was before... before we got together for real. I'm not having a go I swear. I just want to be sure this is for real. 
Choice: You can’t really talk 
ANGIE: I know. And we've both owned our mistakes. I just want to be sure this time.
ANGIE smiles softly.
Then she casts her eyes back over the pool.
ANGIE: Alright. That'll do for now then. Sorry I didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything. It's just on my mind, you know?
ANGIE: We're quite close to the end now.
PLAYER: Tell me about it.
There's a pause.
Someone somewhere else in the Villa screams and laughs suddenly.
PLAYER: Someone's having a good time.
Angie laughs.
Another silence follows until...
[?]: What do you wanna do when you get out of here?
            If with Angie 
ANGIE: First thing I'm doing is meeting up with sisters and giving them all a good what for.
ANGIE: Not sure yet. But I'll find something.
She chuckles.
            If with Bruno
BRUNO: I'm gonna go straight back to my local pub and see if they'll book me for a stand-up night.
PLAYER: Now that you've been on Love Island I doubt they'll say no. You're famous!
BRUNO: I know! Weird to think about...
            If with James
JAMES: Think I'm going to take some time to finally finish this novel. Being in here has really given me some perspective... and some ideas!
            If with Najuma
NAJUMA : I think I'm going to just spend time with my dad for a bit. It'll be nice to see him again.
            If with Oliver
OLIVER: Obviously I haven't been here that long so it won't be that strange, but you've been here almost since the start right?
            If with Tom 
TOM: Not going to lie I'm a little apprehensive about seeing my mother and father again after going on here. But I'm sure they'll understand my choices if I explain myself properly.
            If with Will
WILL: I've really missed having my kit and my tools with me. First thing I'm gonna do is go out there and find something to paint on... get all this pent-up creativity out of me.
            If with Youcef 
YOUCEF: I think I'm going to book a trip to Paris as soon as I can. I want to see my mum again. It's been too long.
PLAYER THINKING: What will I do when I get out of the Villa?
Go visit family
Look for a flat with you...
Become a potato
Choice: Go visit family
PLAYER: It hasn't been that long, but it feels like forever. Especially being isolated in here.
[?]: Absolutely. I get that.
Choice: Look for a flat with you...
[?]: Really? I mean not that I'm opposed to it!
[?]: I mean not that I'm not crazy for you but that's moving pretty quick.
PLAYER: Well, we've already been living together in here right? I don't think it will be so different.
[?]: It'll be a lot quieter at least.
Choice: Become a potato
PLAYER: I think this whole thing has been enough interaction for me for a while. I'm gonna go hibernate for a while... close all the curtains and not speak to anybody.
[?]: Hey I get it. Public life can be stressful.
The pool shimmers in the midday sun causing you to shield your eyes.
            If with Najuma 
NAJUMA: I'm boiling. Want to mess around in the pool for a while? 
PLAYER: Again?
NAJUMA: Look I get hot quickly alright? Besides we hardly did anything earlier... just paddled for long enough for Oliver to get up and go.
PLAYER THINKING: Do I want to mess around in the pool for a bit with Najuma?
            Premium choice: *Sounds like fun!
Not right now
            Choice: not right now 
Without warning she slips off the edge of the poolside making a big splash.
NAJUMA: Ah it's so nice! Come on!
She tugs at your hand.
PLAYER THINKING: Do I want to mess around in the pool for a bit with Najuma?
Premium choice: *Go on then
Nah I'd rather just chill
Choice: nah I’d rather just chill 
Her smile fades slightly but she nods.
NAJUMA: That's fair. It's not exactly an exercise day, is it?
She clambers slowly out of the pool dripping wet and comes back to sit beside you.
Premium Choice: Sounds like fun!
NAJUMA: Woo! Jump in!
PLAYER THINKING: Najuma wants me to jump into the pool...
Cannonball... again!
Slip in carefully
Faceplant the water
Choice: cannonball (again, if cannonballed earlier but same dialogue for both cannonball options) 
You get up to take a running jump into the pool.
Najuma sees you coming at the last moment diving out of your way in a panic.
The water envelops you.
When you surface Najuma is laughing.
NAJUMA: Nice entrance!
Choice: slip carefully 
You gently slip into the water from where you're sitting trying not to cause too much of a splash.
Choice: faceplant the water 
You stand up and outstretch your arms then let yourself fall face first into the water.
The water envelops you.
When you surface Najuma is laughing.
NAJUMA: Nice entrance!
            I think from here until the conversation with you bestie is the same for every variation of who you can be coupled with,, unless I’m missing something but I apologize if it gets messed up 
Without warning [partner] sends a big splash at you forcing you to cover your face.
[?]: What? You're already wet!
PLAYER THINKING: [?] just splashed me!
Splash [?] back
Push [?]
Wrestle [?]
Choice: splash back
PLAYER: Two can play at that game.
You put both hands in the water and throw a big wave towards [?] who shrieks in surprise.
Choice: push
PLAYER: Oh, you're on!
You wade through the water and push [?] hard enough to knock [?] onto [?] back but  quickly rights theirself.
You chase after [?] as [?] paddles away grabbing an ankle and pulling.
Choice: wrestle
PLAYER: Come here you!
You wade through the water and grab [?] as [?] tries to paddle away pulling [?] into a headlock.
PLAYER: Apologise! No one gets water in my eyes before I'm ready!
[?]: OK I yield I yield!
You both disentangle from one another laughing at the absurdity of it.
[?]: Next time I won't let up so easy.
PLAYER: Sure sure.
Without another word [?] disappears beneath the water.
Before you realise what's happening [?]'s underneath you, lifting you up and out of the pool until you're on [?] shoulders.
PLAYER THINKING: I'm on [?]'s shoulders!
Ride [?] like a pro
Pretend to be a cowgirl
Choice: ride like a pro
PLAYER: Woo! Let's gooo!
Choice: panic
You grip [?]'s shoulders tightly and let out a high-pitched squeaky scream.
PLAYER: Don't drop me!
[?]: You're fine!
Choice: pretend to be a cowgirl
PLAYER: Woo nelly! I'm a rootin' tootin' cowgirl!
[?]: Wait are you saying I'm a horse?
PLAYER: Quiet noble steed!
You buck wildly as [?] stands to [?] full height
PLAYER: Wuh-oh!
You flail your arms to keep your balance.
For a few short moments you're high enough to glance over to the kitchen.
You lock eyes with Tiffany who laughs and shakes her head.
            Says something about a portrait so I can’t really tell you what that means, take that with what you will I guess. 
show tiffany and player in portrait
PLAYER: I'm the queen of the pool!
end portrait
[?]: Let's try swimming!
PLAYER: Are you sure?
[?] leans forward to try and swim with you on [?] shoulders but it's too much too quickly.
Your centre of gravity moves too quickly for you to compensate, and you tumble off of [?] back into the pool.
You float underwater for a few seconds looking around you.
[?] dives in after you a grin on [?] face.
She pulls you in for an underwater hug.
A moment later you surface still wrapped in each other's arms and laughing wildly.
PLAYER THINKING: We're underwater!
Underwater kiss!
Underwater hug?
Head back up for air!
Choice: underwater kiss
You gesture to your lips then to [?]'s. 
[?] smiles slyly at you.
Your lips meet but it's nothing like a normal kiss. There's no movement no taste...
PLAYER THINKING: Trying to kiss without opening your mouth is hard... Who knew?
After a few seconds of slightly awkward kissing you both swim up for air.
A moment later you surface still wrapped in each other's arms and laughing wildly.
Choice: underwater hug 
You swim towards [?] pulling [?] into an awkward hug.
A moment later you surface still wrapped in each other's arms and laughing wildly.
Choice: head back up for air 
You wave your arms about gesturing to the waterline.
[?] follows you up.
A moment later you surface laughing in unison.
[?]: Absolute scenes. Thanks for joining me.
PLAYER: Any time.
You and [?] glide lazily around the pool for a while longer until you eventually clamber out and find a towel.
After drying off you sit back by the edge of the pool and admire the scenery letting the silence of the countryside roll over you.
            Okay, this is where I think it differs on if you’re partnered up with Angie or not, but I cannot promise I’m right </3
Just then you hear the patter of feet on the grass behind you.
BFF: Hey lovebirds! Where is everyone today? It's deserted.
PARTNER: Probably sitting around indoors.
BFF: Fair it's really hot out here. I'm not interrupting anything am I?
She looks between you but [partner] answers first.
PARTNER: Not at all. I was actually thinking of taking a lie down for a bit.
BFF: Perf then I can get me some quality Y/N time.
[partner] bends down and kisses you on the cheek.
PARTNER: I'll see you later yeah? Have fun.
PLAYER: Have a good nap.
As [partner] saunters off in the direction of the Villa [BFF] plops down beside you.
BFF: It's good to have a day like this... no stress just... good vibes.
PLAYER: Since when did you say good vibes'?
BFF: Since just now clearly. But I'm for real! That last recoupling...
PLAYER THINKING: The last recoupling...
It was fine
It was terrible
It's over now at least
Choice: It was fine
BFF: I guess we both came out of it alright which is something. But not everyone did.
Choice: It was terrible
She laughs.
BFF: Right?
Choice: It’s over now at least
BFF: Exactly. And I'm happy about that.
            if Valentina left instead of Youcef
BFF: I hope Valentina's doing alright. That whole refusing to couple up with Dylan' thing took real guts. I respect her for that.
            If partnered with Angie 
ANGIE: So I've gotta ask... I know we're a new couple and probably not the one anyone expected... But do you think we'll make it to the end now?
            If NOT with Angie
BFF: What about you and [partner]? Holding up alright?
PLAYER THINKING: [partner] and I...
We're solid
We'll see how it goes
We're shaky
Choice: We’re solid
BFF: Nice! I thought you two would work it out.
BFF: Nice! I'm glad you found the right person in the end.
BFF:I guess we'll see each other in the final then?
PLAYER: Is that a challenge?
She giggles playfully.
BFF: Maybe... Do you think we'll both be here at the end?
Choice: We’ll see how it goes 
PLAYER: I think there's some things we need to figure out, but we'll get there. ... I hope.
BFF: I'm sure you will mate. I think you'll see it through the to the end. Hopefully we'll both be there.
She pulls you into a tight embrace.
Choice: We’re shaky 
BFF : Agh girl... I'm sorry. Nothing I can help with is it?
PLAYER: I don't think so.
BFF: Well, I'll be here if you need me to be. Right up until the end.
PLAYER: You think we'll both be in it that long?
BFF: Sure, don't you?
PLAYER THINKING: Will BFF and I make it to the end together?
If we're lucky
I wouldn't count on it
Choice: Absolutely  
PLAYER: The public would be silly not to vote for us.
BFF: Right? Although they can't vote us both at the end.
She gives you a small wink.
Choice: If we’re lucky
BFF: We don't need luck babe. I'm sure the public love us!
Choice: I wouldn’t count on it  
BFF: What? Babe! Don't be like that. I'm sure the public love us!
PLAYER: We'll see one way or another soon enough.
BFF: For sure.
She trails her feet lazily in the water.
The sun is hanging lower in the sky by now and the air has cooled.
BFF: Say, you wanna hang out in the water for a while? Have a bit of a mess around? Blow off some steam?
PLAYER THINKING: Do I want to hang out in the pool with BFF?
Premium choice: *Sounds great!
I'm not sure
She slips into the water without warning giggling.
BFF: Come on! It'll be a laugh!
            (Not sure what dialogue is for the premium choice?)
You enjoy the sun for a while longer as it slowly descends behind the Villa painting the landscape in beautiful orange.
Later than evening the Villa is enjoying a meal together.
TIFFANY: Anyway, that's when he told me he only heckled me because he fancied me. I told him he should have come up with a better heckle at least then I would've thought he was funny!
The other Islanders laugh airily.
The cool summer evening has calmed everyone's nerves.
YOUCEF: That's a good one Tiffany.
BRUNO: Damn I'll have to remember that one!
TIFFANY: I dunno, part of me wishes I'd just told him to eff off but you know.
As the others pick at their plates and chat happily away [?] leans over to you whispering.
PARTNER: Want to get away for a while? Go someplace... private? If you know what I mean?
PLAYER THINKING: Do I want to sneak off for bits with [?]?
I'm good
That would be so nice
I hope you mean bits
Choice: I’m good 
PARTNER: No worries. Probably a good idea to digest this food first anyways.
You sit back and enjoy the passage of the evening.
The air is filled with laughter and good memories.
Choice: That would be so nice 
PARTNER: Right? Let's go!
The two of you discreetly excuse yourselves before heading to the Lovers' Nook...
What's this? Y/N and [?] have found themselves alone after a hard day of... being alone together?
Well, I won't tell if you won't.
You cuddle up to [?] on the bench.
The breeze tickles you gently.
Then you catch each other's gaze...
You stay out late enjoying the sounds of the birds and the trees until it gets cold enough to force you back inside.
[?] gives you a wicked grin.
[?] smiles shyly.
Choice: I hope you mean bits  
PARTNER: Maybe...
The two of you discreetly excuse yourselves before heading to the Lovers' Nook...
What's this? Y/N and [?] have found themselves alone after a hard day of... being alone together?
Well, I won't tell if you won't.
You cuddle up to [?] on the bench.
The breeze tickles you gently.
Then you catch each other's gaze...
You stay out late enjoying the sounds of the birds and the trees until it gets cold enough to force you back inside.
Before you head to bed that night you rifle through your sleepwear one last time.
PLAYER THINKING: Is there anything here I haven't worn yet?
You head over to your bed where [?] is waiting for you.
As you slip under the duvet [?] hands gently roam your body.
You turn over to face [?].
PARTNER: You're look stunning... Can I kiss you?
PLAYER THINKING: Do I want a kiss before bed?
Hell yeah
Only because you asked nicely
Not tonight
Choice: hell yeah / asked nicely 
[?] smiles.
[?] gives you a quick peck on the forehead.
As you slip under the duvet [?] scooches up to you planting a kiss on your forehead.
 Choice:  not tonight 
[?]: Fair enough
[?]: Goodnight, Y/N
PLAYER: Night [?].
Narrator: Oh, what a lovely day!
Surely nothing could possibly disturb this beautiful paradise now.
NAJUMA: You did what?!
Oops spoke too soon!
See you soon on Love Island!
20 notes · View notes
biillyhargroves · 5 years
If you're still taking requests, could we see Billy reunite with his mom? Whether it goes well or not is up to you, but I'd really like to see your interpretation cuz you're currently my favorite fic author xD
oh gosh, you’re the sweetest!! i’m so glad you’ve been enjoying my fics & i really hope you like his one - i find the relationship between billy and his mother to be both heartbreaking and fascinating and i can’t thank you enough for giving me a reason to explore it!!
mama, i’m comin’ home(fic requests open)
First, there were phone calls. They were short and tearful and often left Billy with more questions than answered. He would drop the phone back in its cradle and run - run before his father saw him crying, run until his legs grew too tired to carry him, run until his cheeks were red from heat and sweat instead of heartache. 
Next, there came letters. Billy found the first by accident. The thin paper had been torn in half and tossed in the trash, and Billy fished it out and shoved it in his pocket. He carried it to school and then to the beach, where he climbed up the highest rock on the jetty and fit the two crumpled pieces together. It didn’t say much, but he trailed his finger along the familiar loops of her letters and he cried. He kept the letter at the bottom of his backpack and tried to intercept the mail each day when he came home from school. 
When the letters stopped, there came cards. Colorful birthday cards and handmade Christmas greetings, always with a different return address. They come twice a year, and they are always the same; a few words of the Hallmark poems are underlined in black ink, the card is dated (1978, 1979, 1980…) and is signed With love, Mom with a hand-drawn heart. Billy has stopped opening them. His father hands them to him without a hard, and Billy shoves them, unopened, in a nightstand drawer. Blue envelope on top of green envelope on top of red envelope and so on, stacked on top of the letter he taped back together and the cards he’d read in more hopeful years. 
Starcourt changed things. 
The girl, his sister’s friend, El, she changed things. She pulled out memories that Billy had stuffed in jars, dredged up a past buried in sand, and Billy can’t get them out of his head. 
“El saw her, didn’t she?” Max had asked him. “She brought you back.”
She brings El to visit him in the hospital, because when she asked Billy if he wanted to see her again Billy didn’t say no. The girls sit with him. They talk about California. They talk about the beach. They talk about his mother. When the conversation turns to her, to the pretty woman in her white dress, Billy gets quiet. When El leaves, he tells Max, “I’ve been thinking.”
“About what?” she asks. 
“Going back,” he says. “Going home.”
He tells Max where he stashes his money. There are uncashed paychecks and some crumpled twenties in a shoebox under his bed. Max counts it all up, and while Billy is still under the careful watch of a nurse he unkindly (but deservingly) calls Ratched, she scrounges up whatever cash she can. She digs under couch cushions and breaks open her piggy bank. She mows lawns with Lucas. She talks Steve into checking in on Billy’s car at the mechanic, on making sure it gets fixed. 
“It doesn’t have to be perfect,” she says. “It just has to run.” 
When Billy is sent home, she tucks an envelope of scavenged money into his jacket pocket. They count it together and, feeling guilty or nervous or something in between, he tries to give it back. 
“Half is yours anyway,” Max says. 
“You sure you don’t want to come?” Billy asks her. He speaks more quietly now, and Max doesn’t know if it’s because of the physical wounds or the deeper ones in his head. 
“Can’t. School. The whole being a minor thing.” Max shrugs. They are sitting on Billy’s bed, and it is late. Their parents are asleep. They speak in whispers so as not to disturb the semi-peaceful silence of the house. “But save a spot for me out there. You know, just in case Hawkins gets too boring.”
“Right,” Billy says. “Listen, if he-”
“I’ve got El on speed dial,” Max says. “Her dad’s chief of police. I’m covered.”
Billy smiles softly, almost sadly, and he says, “Okay.” 
He has a bag packed. Steve has parked the Camaro, which Neil had planned to junk, around the corner. Billy sighs and he stands. Wordlessly, he swings his back over his shoulder, and Max jumps up. 
“Hold on,” she tells him, and she slips out of his room. He leans toward the doorway and watches her shadow flit about in her own bedroom. She returns with a clunky walkie-talkie, the kind that she and her friends all carry around. She shoves it into his hands. “Just in case,” she says. 
“The signal,” Billy points out, and Max waves off his concern.
“I have smart friends,” she says. “It’ll work.”
Billy laughs at this, a short sort of huff that could be mistake for a cough, and he drops the radio into his bag. Max pushes his window open and Billy throws the bag outside first. Then, with some difficulty, he climbs out. 
“Bye, shitbird,” he says when he looks up to find Max leaning out the window.
“Get out of here, fuckface,” she tells him. She shuts the window, and Billy sneaks away.
The drive is long and lonely. Billy plays a mixtape he found shoved into a pocket of his backpack, one that Max had made for him when he was in the hospital. He plays it over and over until he can’t stand the songs anymore, then he switches the radio. As he makes his way across the Californian border, he opts for silence. 
It takes him time to find her. Home doesn’t look like home, and Billy wanders once-familiar streets reading street signs and store awnings like a foreigner. Some of his old haunts are the same: the surf shop has a new owner, but the same dilapidated storefront; the corner pizzeria is run by the same old Italian man who greets Billy with an abundance of enthusiasm and won’t let him leave without eating something. He asks everyone he recognizes if they’ve seen her, and they all give him the same sad look. He hates them for it. He hates the sympathy that reads like pity and how it follows him around town, he hates how word starts to spread and people start to greet him with sad eyes and heavy hearts.
When he grows tired of hearing the same answers again and again and again, Billy goes to the beach. He sits in the sand and he watches the waves, and as the sun goes down he closes his eyes and breathes in the smell of the salty air. 
It is dark when a voice pulls him from his thoughts.
“I thought I’d find you here.”
His heart stalls. His breath does, too. Billy opens his eyes and creases his brow. When he bites his lip it tastes like saltwater. Slowly, he turns his head. 
She is older now, and she wears jeans and an embroidered blouse that billows in the wind. Her hair is still long, though it has gone gray at her temples, and the fine lines of her face have deepened. When she smiles, though, she looks the same. She looks like his mother.
Billy stars at her, mouth-open, too stunned to speak. Her eyes mist when they catch his and she holds a hand to her mouth. 
“Billy,” she says, and the sound of his name in her voice - the same voice that used to cheer him on and call him home and scare the monsters out of his dreams - shocks him into motion. He rises to his feet and squares his shoulders to face her. 
“How-” he starts, and then he clears his throat. “Uh, how did you-”
“Small town,” his mother says. “Short grapevine.”
Billy stares are her silently, and when he realizes it his turns to speak he simply says, “Oh.”
She steps toward and Billy remains still. She lifts her hands, but seems unsure where to touch him. She winces a bit when her eyes land on the tip of scar poking out from beneath Billy’s shirt. Billy looks follows her gaze. He touches the scar lightly. When he looks back at her, he feels his own tears building up. 
“You knew?” he asks.
“Your father called me,” she says. “From the hospital.”
“You didn’t come,” Billy says.
“He wouldn’t have let me see you,” she tells him. 
“You didn’t try,” Billy says. 
“Billy-” she starts, but he shakes his head.
“You never tried,” he says, voice louder than its been in months, so loud it hurts his throat. 
“Billy, please.”
“Was I never going to see you again?” Billy asks.
“If I didn’t come here,” he says, “would you have ever come to find me?” Her silence only angers him more. He feels sick to his stomach, but not quiet in the way he had been months ago under hot fluorescent lights. He feels his heart hammering hard in his chest and he thinks it might jump out of his throat. He swallows it down and with a rogue tear trailing down one cheek he says, “You left me with him.”
“Oh, Billy,” his mother says, and this time when she takes a step toward him he steps away.
“You left me with him,” Billy repeats. “After everything, you-” you abandoned me, you saved yourself, you left me alone, you let him hurt me; I trust you, you were supposed to protect me, you let him take me away. There are too many words clamoring to be said and Billy can’t fit them all in his mouth. His breathing gets heavy and he starts to pace. His mother’s outstretched hands hover in the air, wanting to reach for him but not able to get a grip. “You promise me,” he says suddenly, stopping in his tracks and facing her with red-rimmed eyes. “You promised me we’d get away. You’d promised me you’d leave him, and then you left. You got out. You got out and you left me there!” He is yelling now, and when she flinches it makes his chest ache, but he can’t stop himself. He moves towards her, his chest puffed out, his shoulders back, and she fights to hold her ground. She grabs his shoulders and he feels his resolve crumble. He tries to scream at her, but only chokes out a sob.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbles, over and over again as she tangles her arms around his shoulders, wider and broader than they used to be. He towers over her now, and she has to stand on her tip toes to hug him - to hold him. She squeezes him, and Billy stands stiffly in her arms, his head hovering over her shoulder, his tears falling on her sleeve and on her skin. She keeps saying, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Billy, I’m sorry.”
“Stop,” he says, and when she doesn’t hear him he says it louder. “Stop!”
He pushes her away, and she stumbles backwards, stunned but not exactly surprised. Billy shakes his head. He paces one way and then the other. He rubs his chin. He turns away. “I don’t know why I came here,” he says quietly. 
The waves lap at the shore, smooth and steady and undisturbed by the scene he’s made. The sea foam fizzles over the sand and when it is gone it leaves the surface smooth, as if no one has ever walked on the beach, as if no one has ever touched it. Billy’s hand finds his scar again, and he feels its ridges as he watches the water crash agains the land. 
“I’m sorry sounds shitty right now,” his mother says. “I know that.” Billy doesn’t look at her. He keeps watching the water, watching the gulls dip and dive into the sea. “It’s not enough,” she goes on. “And it’s going to take a long time to explain everything. And I don’t blame you if you don’t want to hear it.” She lets her words linger, and when Billy says nothing- when he doesn’t turn around, when he holds his silence -she asks, “Do you have a place to stay?”
“Motel,” Billy says without looking at her.  His voice is still shaky, and he fights hard to steady it. “The one off Bayberry.”
“Right,” his mother says, as if she should have known this. “Well, I’m on Wilmot Street now. Number eleven, the one with the little green shutters. If the motel feels lonely…” She trails off, and Billy finally turns around. “You don’t have to,” she says. “But you’re welcome to stay.”
Billy neither accepts nor rejects her offer. He simply watches her, his eyes still watery and red, his breath still ragged and labored. She drops her gaze to the sand. She sucks in her breath. 
“I work at the Sand Bar now,” she says. “You remember it?”
Billy nods his head. The Sand Bar is the little off-the-beach shack where she used to take him for lunch before the beach or dinner, before the drunks took it over for the night. 
“I’ll be there at noon tomorrow,” she says, “if you want to stop by. We can talk. Or not talk. It’s up to you.” Billy nods again, and she says, “Okay.” She looks at him, sadness in her eyes, and she sighs deeply and repeats, “Okay.”
She doesn’t say goodbye when she walks away, and as Billy watches her walk back along the sand he finds that he can’t remember if she said goodbye the first time. Her exit had been hasty then, much like his own escape from Hawkins. It had happened so quickly Billy can’t recall the details. He doesn’t remember what she was wearing the last time he saw her or what the last thing she said to him was before she became a crackling voice on the other end of the phone. 
But she is here now, and he is, too. And maybe that means something. 
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