#then add in citations
moonlightpirate · 1 year
Anyone have spare motivation to give me so I can finish this essay?
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chaoxfix · 5 months
papers i know for sure were written through the ages:
A study in universal medical care. Robotnik, G.
A study in non-human universal medical care. Robotnik, G. 
A study in chaos energy. Robotnik, G.
The history of the chaos emeralds and the history of the echidna tribe. Robotnik, G.
A study in chaos as healing energy. Robotnik, G. Funded by GUN
A study in chaos energy as a replacement for nuclear technology. Robotnik, G. Funded by GUN
A study in self-perpetuating appliances. Robotnik, I. Undergrad in Robotics thesis.
A study in AI. Robotnik, I. Master of Science in Computer Engineering thesis.
A study in energy conservation. Robotnik, I.
A study in chaos energy, revisited. Robotnik, I. Excerpts from Robotnik, G. 
A study in non-human energy conversion. Robotnik, I.
A study in non-human energy conversion in robotics. Robotnik, I.
A study in non-human energy conversion in AI. Robotnik, I.
An applied study in ring-induced invulnerability.Robotnik, I.
A study in non-human chaos energy conversion, and conservation. Robotnik, I.
An applied study of the chaos emeralds. Robotnik, I.
How the chaos emeralds function. Prower, M. Excerpts from Robotnik, G, and a strong rebuttal to Robotnik, I.
Decontamination of Green Hill Zone: Three Key Principles! Prower, M.
Ring-induced invulnerability: What we know, and what we’re learning! Prower, M.
A study of Chaos: Mythologies of the echidna tribe. Robotnik, I.
Restoration of Chaos: What we know about Angel Island and the Master Emerald. Prower, M.
Falsified chaos emeralds: abilities and limitations. Prower, M.
A study in safely containing infinite power. Robotnik, I.
The history of Gaia: Non-human mythology. Robotnik, I.
Robotics and safe utilization of chaos energy. Prower, M.
A study of Planet Wisp. Robotnik, I.
Super: A look into chaos emeralds and those that can utilize them. Prower, M.
Energy conversion recovery: Flicky, Wisp, and beings beyond. Prower, M. 
An applied study of the phantom ruby. Robotnik, I.
Chaos energy: Ability to Heal Chaos-Sensitive mobians? Prower, M.
Time-Travel: Why now? Prower, M.
Digitized consciousness recovery: Cyberspace edition. Prower, M.
A study in AI recovery. Robotnik, I.
Alien Technology: A revision of the history of the chaos emeralds. Everything we know from Starfall Islands. Prower, M. Excepts from Robotnik, G. 
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oikyskau · 2 years
seeing kenji muto, the director of trigun stampede, reading an article about the portrayal of women in media made me want to take a little bit of a closer look at the women in trigun and as i was rambling about this earlier to my partner, they told me to write it down LMAO
as most of us know, in a lot of fiction, women are mostly characterised through common tropes, leading to a lack of complexity and a one-dimensional portrayal: as the doting wife, the femme fatale, the mistress, or the virgin. Their role only amounts to an Other, an extension of the male hero. they’re either the whore or the madonna.
for female characters in anime that usually means they’re either the sexy femme fatale, big badonkers and all to be gazed at, the mother, the helpless damsel in distress, or the child (yet, still sexualised despite the fact that it is a literal child); they’re portrayed through the way they are being perceived by men and mostly sexualised beyond belief. 
tristamp doesn’t do any of that.
in fact, the female characters in stampede achieve something that you don’t often see in anime: they are people. and stampede makes that clear in its very first episode by decidedly not going the route that you would usually take with the female characters they introduce:
of course, the biggest example here would be meryl, who i’d argue is the biggest driver of the plot, despite the fact that the plot of stampede is technically determined by vash - vash is an entirely passive character, he doesn’t make things happen, things happen to him and they mostly happen to him because of meryl. she’s the one who unties him, she drags them to the city, she makes them stay with him after ep3, she drives over wolfwood (rip my man), she stops for them to find rollo, she makes them follow the steamer.. you get it. she does all of this, despite being introduced as the newbie, the innocent person who would usually be the damsel in distress, who is helpless and shy and easily manipulated and who will probs be sexualised in her role as the “virgin” (sexually naive young girl who just doesn’t get all this adult sexuality yet hehe) 
but she’s not – she wears a non-sexualised outfit, she only gets called out for being a newbie, or for being small height-wise by wolfwood, but not for being a “girl”, she determines the action despite the fact that she does have a mentor figure and is therefore still in a position of a student – she still isnt an extension of roberto, vash, or anyone
in fact, the other characters – Rosa, Elendira, Luida, Rem – all take up roles that would in other media be portrayed in very specific ways: Rosa could just be a pregnant mother, who is also a divorcee, Elendira could be an innocent child beholden to her caretaker, Luida could be the loving motherlike figure and rem the Madonna figure, symbolising all the virtues a woman should aspire to have. – Rosa is a leader, her pregnancy is mentioned one single time and never made a bigger part of her character, Elendira is young but powerful, making choices by herself that are not inherently based on any kind of innocence, Luida doesn’t coddle Vash or prioritise him over her own work and mission (which also serves to inspire another woman, meryl!!), and rem is also just a non-perfect person, with secrets and questionable morality
none of these women are judged on the basis of their gender, none of them experience gender-based violence, none of them are made into a joke, none of them are sexualised (or desexualised – if you compare them to the male characters, who also do not ever make jokes about sexual promiscuity or similar stuff), they have different body types (rem has a very pronounced chest, and yet stampede doesn’t ever focus on it or give her cleavage) – note also that when presented with the perfect opportunity to call a female character a “bitch”, they chose to go with a “witch” instead, in both original japanese and english dub
their femininity is not used as a weapon against them, nor are stereotypical hypermasculine elements used to define characters’ positive traits (vash not being our traditionally hypermasculine hero for example) - the only time we see a semblance of gender-based violence is, you guessed it, at the very end, when knives forcefully takes control and bodily autonomy away from vash and inseminates the plants against their will (also interesting to note that knives, as the character that does exhibit that kind of violence, is the only character to be shown incredibly buff and all muscle) 
the women in tristamp are written for women, with the goal to be women that we can recognise, that represent the women that we are and know
anyways, i love all women in tristamp and have not once felt uncomfortable or said “oh look, a panty shot” and honestly i just find that pretty neat
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linkspooky · 3 months
Spinner ending kind of confirmed for me that even if Horikoshi does bring back Shigaraki/Tenko, it won't be so he can heal the League, and they can reform together. I get the sense that we are even supposed to feel like all of the villains *deserved* their fates, that it isn't something they deserve saving *from*. It's like he couldn't decide between having them be evil + getting punished for it and having them be sympathetic to an extend + humanising them. I'm seriously trying my hardest to wrap my head around this, it feels so cruel??
I already talked about it in this post, but Obito's death is a much better example of how to "save the villain's heart" then what MHA is trying to sell us.
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It's this excessive focus on whether or not the league's crimes are forgivable that's really the problem, because it comes down to the implication that once the league has crossed a certain line into unforgivable territory they're "no longer human" and therefore not deserving of human empathy for what they've suffered.
The main characters constantly use that line "I can't forgive them" so they don't have to think about the league as human beings who have suffered greatly.
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What does it matter if they're forgivable or not? My Hero Academia is not a work that analyzes moral philosophy. I'm not reading Crime and Punishment here.
The theme they brought up is "Are heroes obligated to save the villains too, even if those villains have done unforgivable things."
I've stated this before but whether their crimes are forgivable or not is irrelevant to that question, because it's about the heroes obligation to save everyone not pick and choose who to save. They are government servants who are supposed to use their quirk to stop villains and save lives, but at the start of the story heroes only focus on the brutally beating down villains part of the job. The central theme of the manga is that the greatest hero wins by saving, and saves by winning, therefore Deku must save even his enemies.
The worst part is that despite bringing up the topic of forgiveness, MHA basically has nothing to say about the issue of what should be forgiven, what shouldn't, and how justice should be applied in this situation. It is wildly inconsistent because the villains are all held to task, whereas characters like hawks are never held accountable, and Enji while put in a wheelchair suffers way less consequences than his son and victim Toya.
Since MHA has like nothing intelligent to say about accountability, redemption and what merits justice and what merits forgiveness it might as well have just swept everything the villains did under the rug and thrown them in prison because we would have gotten the same result regardless. The story never addresses anything it brings up or applies consequences to the heroes so why do villains need consequences too?
I'm reading another comic right now Gunnerkrigg court, which actually discusses these themes of morality, and whether victims should be saved even if they've harmed others in the past.
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Zimmy is a character being used as a human battery for the court's (a shadowy organizations) plan to create a new world without the Ether, which is a chaotic force that warps reality. Omega is a character who is for this plan, because she is 1) a semi-omniscient being who sacrificed her own bodily autonomy in order to help the court by giving them predictions of the future that furthered it's plans.
(Therefore, she does have the understandable perspective of, Well I sacrificed myself for the greater good so why can't Zimmy?)
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and 2) Zimmy is kind of a jerk, who has an incredibly dangerous ability that puts everyone around her in harm's way. Therefore if you're going to sacrifice someone for the greater good she makes sense.
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Zimmy isn't a perfect victim. She constantly gaslights her girlfriend by telling her that everyone hates her except for her so she'll never leave. (A girlfriend who is rather selflessly devoted to I might add). She is like, a walking bomb ready to go off at any moment.
At the same time the story never minimizes Zimmy's suffering with the idea that she "deserves it" for being a bad victim. The main character is consistently advocating for her, which also SHOWS the main character's empathy rather than MHA's habit of continually INISTING upon Deku's empathy without ever showing it.
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I don't think the author expects us to side with Omega, but it does entertain her argument so it's a two sided discussion. To cap this off I hope this demonstrates the difference between what I think is a thoughtful depiction of a bad victim and to what extent the main characters are responsible for saving them, and a completely thoughtless one and why one is more entertaining to read than the other.
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thedarkeyedcaptain · 5 months
kaladin: kaladin1234 for everything
adolin: has one (1) randomly generated password he uses for everything. he isn't even sure he could say it out loud if prompted: he has typed it so often his fingers just do it on autopilot. it's like walking or breathing just don't think about it too hard.
shallan: a different randomly generated password for everything. no idea how she keeps track tbh.
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oceandiagonale · 8 months
beauty guru true crime youtubers but make it pokemon and make it significantly less exploitative this is silly send post
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francesbrumes · 13 days
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extra PL-style Tom Scott & TechDif doodles with @clockwork--comet !!
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magistralucis · 26 days
From Darkness Unto Thy Light [Obyron/Zahndrekh Fanfiction]
He is the very model of a modern Sautekh nemesor: Botanically inclined and philosophical in spite of war, In grace and fair appearances you'll see no better epicure, He'd love a recitation by his vargard about paramours. In crises he's undaunted by traditional sagacity, His speech is most compassionate in infinite capacity, Of Setekh diabolical he's teeming with a lot o' news: (It's thanks to him the bastard won't receive his undeserved dues.) He merits the inheritance the world of Gidrim occupies, His regal might and army shall command that noble enterprise, He honours his Obyron true, they'll be together evermore: He is the very model of a modern Sautekh nemesor.
Written for Sehn during the Summer Fest Gift Exchange 2024! 💖✨ A retelling of Obyron and Zahndrekh's beginnings at Yama, up to Zahndrekh's rule of Gidrim. Heavy spoilers for Severed ahead.
Minor content warnings for violence, PTSD, and Setekh. Obyron POV. Multichapter, pre-biotransference. SFW.
(EDIT: Now accompanied by this amazing art by the wonderful @eleooooooo!)
[Originally published 10/08/2024 - AO3 link here.]
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ansburg · 2 months
yall ever read da meta and know that op thought they were cooking. but the post is like this
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katabay · 10 months
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Omar El Akkad's forward to the Annotated Arabian Nights: Tales from 1001 Nights (trans. Yasmine Seale)
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mechanismslorearchive · 10 months
heard some people say jonny is cononicaly omni? do you know where this is from?
This is from a twitch clip from Jonny’s streams! I don’t have the link at the moment, but someone asked him quite a while ago about the joke/discourse (brief pause as I am overcome with the specters of discourse past) regarding Jonny d’Ville being homophobic, based on the line in one of the fictions where he asks if Nastya is having one of her “queer orgies.”
Jonny said that he didn’t write that story, so he can’t say for sure what was intended with the line in question, but that d’Ville is, in his mind, omnisexual, and not homophobic. This makes it word-of-god canon, which of course depending on your approach to the text (the text in this case being the albums, fictions, social media posts, and other in-character, official sources) may or may not count as canon in the way that, say, Brookes from Pump Shanty (Bashful) being mlm does. But that’s where it comes from!
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Hello! I did not know Bart learns to manipulate his aging??? Do you know who he learned it from or is it just some Speedforce know,edge he got after bip-bopping into the Speedforce and then returning
Bart doesn't right now but easily could eventually more than likely as this is one of those many, many, many abilities that a speedster can do with the Speed Force.
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(citation to be added) Eobard CAN manipulate his age; easily changing himself from a child to an adult and anything else in-between. Eobard uses the Negative Speedforce but that means very little in the grand scope of things comic-wise.
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starsapphire · 2 months
do NOT answer based on the character's fans. answer based on the character specifically. who would out-bitch the other in an argument circa 2010
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catofoldstones · 12 days
Hi! :) I just discovered your tumblr and love it! What is the white hart theory? I'm interested!
Thank you!! I really like your blog too 💕💕 It’s always so much fun to meet wonderful people!!!!
So this wonderful anon came into my askbox and mentioned how they think that if Sansa is the girl in grey, then she might see a white hart while surviving her way to Jon as a call back to the first book where the Royal Hunt spots a white hart but is not able to hunt it because wolves got to it first.
White harts are supposed to be mystical beings that heroes do not kill, just touch. But Joffrey did, in Sansa’s dream (or maybe she was just cooking shit up to change the subject to convince people and herself that she’s still into Joffrey) in AGOT.
“Lord Beric would never look at someone so far beneath him, even if she hadn’t been half his age.
👀 (for another thing but added this as a reference to context of Sansa changing the topic)
It would have been unkind to say so, however, so Sansa took a sip of milk and changed the subject. “I had a dream that Joffrey would be the one to take the white hart,” she said. It had been more of a wish, actually, but it sounded better to call it a dream. Everyone knew that dreams were prophetic. White harts were supposed to be very rare and magical, and in her heart she knew her gallant prince was worthier than his drunken father. “A dream? Truly? Did Prince Joffrey just go up to it and touch it with his bare hand and do it no harm?” “No,” Sansa said. “He shot it with a golden arrow and brought it back for me.”
“In the songs, the knights never killed magical beasts, they just went up to them and touched them and did them no harm”
If Sansa does encounter a white hart and does not kill it, but does get to gently touch it, it could be a symbolic representation of her finally being the hero of her own story and gaining the agency that has been so scarce to her for so long now!
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kiwisandpearls · 18 days
it’s super annoying when people will drop serious accusations against a person and then will not elaborate :/
like “this person is a bad person btw” and then they’ll just…not elaborate on it? Like, what am I supposed to do with that info? You’re not showing me any proof you’re just telling me they’re a bad person and expecting me to take your word for it.
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nyaskitten · 7 months
Okay, so take this with a grain of salt, but the wiki DOES mention the season 2 trailer is set for release on Netflix March 7th.
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