#then again i WOULD be uncomfortable with Damian or especially Adam
neuromantis · 4 months
i love responding to "what's your name" with "you may call me *something*" and to "what's your pronouns" with "you may use whatever you want"
i am giving you a permission to call me something. you will never know if it's my actual name probably. but you may use that.
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all-risejd · 1 year
A New Judgment Chapter 15: Where Dom Gets in His Feelings and They Reconnect (Poly Judgement Day Fic)
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Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.  Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10. Part 11. Part 12. Part 12.5. Part 13. Part 14.
Nessa and Dom go out to breakfast where a waitress sees the marks on her neck. A day out with Dom ensues where they rebond.
Nessa is woken up, what feels like minutes later, by gentle hands rubbing up and down her arm. She groans and snuggles into the chest of the person she is facing. She can tell by the feeling and smell that she is still facing Dominik who wraps his arms around her and pulls her closer again. “Good morning Mi Vida. Are you ok?” He groans, his voice thick with sleep but wanting to make sure she is ok. She nods against his chest making him hold her tighter.
“Did something happen last night?” Damian asks, his voice equally as deep as the morning before, tinged with concern. Nessa feels the bed move as she assumes Damian moves into a sitting position.
“Do you want me to tell them Princesa? Or do you want to keep that between us for now?” Dominik whispers into her ear, but only Rhea is able to hear.
Nessa sighs and does her best to remain calm, not wanting to seem weak again. “Go ahead Dom.” Nessa answers, still firm against Dom’s chest, Rhea tracing shapes up and down her arm.
“She had a nightmare about her ex, more of a memory, and couldn’t sleep. She needed to feel safe.” Dom keeps it short and sweet knowing Nessa doesn’t want more details to be said. If she did she would tell them.
“Do we know who he is?” Damian asks, anger rising and coloring his tone. Finn sits up as well and grabs Damian's hand squeezing it.
Nessa feels Dom sigh, annoyance radiating off his body and she knows why. “No, she won’t tell me, she never did and I have not and will not push it.” He announces to the group the promise in his words. He may be annoyed but respects that it is what Nessa still needs.
Damian begins to grumble, "Cuando descubra quién es, lo mataré.”
(When I find out who he is I’ll kill him).
“Let's not do that Babe, you don’t need to catch a case and be released from the company.” Finn tries to reason with Damian and squeezes his hand again, laying his head on his shoulder.
“Please don’t.” Comes Nessa’s voice stronger than expected. She sits up and pops her neck, Rhea and Dom doing the same, an uncomfortable silence between them. Nessa sighs and continues, “Even if you do figure out who it is, I would like it very much if you did nothing. I don’t want to lose any of you for catching a case no matter how justified. That and I don’t want to see that no matter what he did to me…” She begs.
“I won’t actively seek out Mariposa, but if I run into him I might not be able to control myself. I am sorry,” Damian warns while simultaneously apologizing and Nessa scoffs and climbs over Dominik to get out of the bed.
“I don't understand why you men immediately go to violence to deal with your emotions. I asked you to not, I set a boundary and you tell me you will violate it.” She crosses her arms and takes a few steps back from the bed to get some distance especially as Damian got out of the bed looking at Nessa, eyes wide the realization settling in his stomach he messed up.
“Nessa…” He calls her name instead of her pet name to show he is remorseful and takes a step towards her only for her to step back, putting more distance between them. Dominik jumps out of the bed and stands between them.
Nessa glances around the room to see the look of fear on everyone's faces and she sighs, “I am not changing my mind, Just please don’t do anything like that. You asked me to voice what I need. That is what I need.” She stares down Damian who takes a step back, not wanting to make things worse. Rhea glances between Nessa and Damian wondering why she is so adamant about keeping the secret and not reacting. Rhea’s eyes widen and she takes a sharp breath that is missed by everyone but Finn who has a similar look of realization on his face.
“I promise, I won’t do anything to him if I ever come across him, Nessa, I’m sorry I let my emotions get the best of me again when it comes to you it is no excuse.” Damian promises by holding his hands up in surrender.
“Ok, thank you for that Luis.” Nessa thanks him curtly, not telling him it’s ok because there is no apology but she knows the apology will come from his actions… hopefully. Dominik notices the looks on Rhea and Finns faces and plans to ask them about it when Nessa is out of the room.
“Corazon, go get ready and I will take you out for breakfast. Get you some space and we can have our quality time together yeah?” Dominik offers, knowing she is going to want to stress eat and get some space.
“Y…yeah… that's fine, I’ll go shower, I’ll meet you in the living room…” Nessa agrees, eyeing Damian sadly before opening the bedroom door an exiting, closing the door behind her trying to blink the tears away.
“Mami, what did you figure out?” Dominik turns to face Rhea and Finn who are still just sitting up in the bed, Damian rooted to the spot still looking defeated but looking towards Rhea and Finn confused as to what is going on, his mind still processing the massive fuck up he just did.
“I think her ex is in the industry and we might know him or potentially have worked with him.” Rhea offers up the only explanation that makes sense to her as to why Nessa was adamant that they do nothing.
“It seems there might be a possibility that we do run into him if we are going off her reaction.” Finn agrees and Damian catches on and begins pacing around the room.
“That is why she is so adamant we do nothing and give nothing away that might identify him.” Dominik muses out loud.
“Dom, did she ever report it to the cops?” Damian stops pacing right in front of Dominik as he asks. Dominik nods his head with another look of realization. “What, what is it?” Damian asks, grabbing Dom's shoulders. Rhea and Finn are out of the bed at this point standing next to them.
“The cops refused to file a report beyond a simple domestic dispute and would not arrest him. Said he was her boyfriend so it was consensual and the marks are just from rough play she regretted.” Dom answers and Damian removes his hands and clenches and unclenches his fists, Finn begins jumping up and down shaking his hands and Rhea just shakes her head sadly knowing that is normal.
“Look, we keep our word to Nessa, but keep a close eye on her to make sure she is protected. Priest, you need to keep your cool and listen when she lays out a boundary and not run your mouth. Now we have two of you having to repair stuff with Nes. You need to apologize when they get back.” Rhea places her hand on Damian's chest.
“Why now when she gets out of the shower?” Damian asks, wanting to impart just how sorry he is.
“Because it will seem forced, sit on it and understand what you did was wrong so you don’t do it again. Let her think it through and calm down.” Rhea explains like it is the most obvious thing, Dominik nodding along agreeing knowing how Nessa is from years of experience. Damian runs his hand through his hair and huffs.
“Hey like you said there is hope. You heard her, she isn’t going to change her mind. Just don’t run your mouth and respect the boundaries. Don’t cop out and get her flowers either; she prefers those as a surprise.” Dominik explains hoping Damian doesn’t fuck up the apology, there is only enough room for one person to be on the outs right now and that belongs to him.
“Wait a minute. FUCK Priest! Nes was supposed to cook for us this morning you idiot. Now you have to cook for us!!!” She thwaps his chest annoyed, she happens to be fond of the young woman’s cooking.
Nessa exits the bathroom fully dressed and ready for her day out with Dominik, feeling guilty she isn’t going to cook breakfast like she promised. She enters the living room to see Rhea, Dom, and Finn splayed across the couch. Dominik is the first to notice her and gets up, making Finn's feet fall to the floor.
“I’m sorry I won’t be making breakfast for you today, I'll make dinner tonight so long as Dom gets us back in time.” Nessa glances up at him as he grabs her hand and gives it a squeeze.
“It’s alright Bunny, we understand things change and you need a little space. Dom Dom is a safe space for you even though you are still working on repairing trust.” Rhea smiles scooting closer to Finn.
“I never lost that trust. From day one he was always safe and understanding.” Nessa tugs on Dominik's arm smiling at the relief on his face.
“Go on out and eat and try to have fun Luv. Rhea is making Damo cook for us because well you know…” Finn tries to shoo them out the door with his words but Nessa stands in place.
“Why do you all call her Rhea? Does she prefer that? Should I be calling her that instead of Demi?” Nessa looks to Rhea worried and is confused by the laugh the woman lets out.
“I prefer Rhea because being Rhea is what gives me confidence in myself and that is how they all met and knew me. You specifically asked so sweet and respectful and hearing you call me by my real name it just makes me happy. That's just our thing Bunny.” Rhea explains, making it perfectly clear she wants Nessa to continue to call her, her actual name.
“Yeah ok, Dems, uh… thank you.” Nessa blushes and Dominik starts pulling her toward the door.
“Bye guys, love you, be back later with Princesa.” He calls out as he pulls Nessa through the door and towards the car.
“Wait, I don't have my purse or wallet!” Nessa tries to stop and stumbles as Dominik keeps going only glancing back at her.
“It’s ok Nes, my treat and what we do after you can pay me back later if you want,” Dominik promises knowing how independent she likes to be. They reach the car and he lets go of her hand and they look at each other. She warily steps toward the door and Dominik allows her to open it, winking at her before jogging around the car and getting in the driver's seat.
“Can we go to Waffle House please?” Nessa asks, her leg bouncing up and down as Dominik pulls out the driveway. He smiles and rests his forearm on the center console with his palm facing up, an invitation if Nessa wants. Knowing she is probably still raw from the previous night. Without hesitation, she weaves their fingers together.
“I had a feeling you would want Waffle House, that is what I planned.” He laughs and relaxes after seeing Nessa stick her tongue out at him. He uses that moment to say what is on his mind, “Nessa, these past few weeks you have been so good, so strong and I am incredibly proud of you. I know it isn’t easy, especially with what I did and I just wanted you to know that.” Nessa squeezes his hand and jokes,
“How long were you thinking about that while I was in the shower and how many times did you practice that?” Nessa tries to smile but it comes off as more of a grimace and she sighs, “It has been hard, you have been the easiest part, to be honest. You haven’t changed… except to be able to talk about your feelings more which makes things easier. I see the effort you are putting into making things right.” Nessa bites her lip waiting for his response.
“Thank you for noticing how hard I am trying. I am glad you can tell, I know you say no pressure, but I really don’t want to mess this up again. I love you and need you in my life as selfish as that sounds after what I’ve done.” Nessa looks at him, a mixture of shock, renewed hope, and understanding, a piece falling into place, and some of that doubt chips away. She holds his hand for the remainder of the ride to the restaurant.
They walk into the restaurant hand in hand and walk to a booth and sit opposite each other. Neither of them grab a menu as they get the same thing every time. The waitress comes over to take their drink order and asks if they are ready for their food since they don’t have menus in front of them.
“Yeah I’ll have a ham and cheese omelet with hash browns covered and chunked and a coke to drink and she will have a chocolate chip waffle and a hot chocolate with water on the side.” Dom orders for both of them. The waitress stops writing on her notepad and turns to Nessa with her eyebrows raised.
“Is that alright with you sweetheart?” She asks, tossing a glare in Dominik's direction.
“Yeah, I get the same thing every time it's not the way you think,” Nessa responds waving her hands trying to make the waitress understand it isn’t a controlling situation.
“All right sweets if you need anything let me know.” She walks away to place the order and Dom and Nessa share a look and try to not laugh.
“I think she knows who we are…” Dominik nudges Nessa’s foot under the table.
“No, I think she thinks you are trying to control me and potentially be dangerous,” Nessa answers, nudging him back.
“Let's make a bet then.” Dom challenges a smug smirk on his face.
Nessa scoffs and rolls her eyes, “Oh you’re on, what are the stakes?” She asks, accepting the challenge.
“If I’m right you owe me potato candy,” He asks for something simple not wanting to push her too far.
“Ok and if I win you have to make it yourself with no help from me or looking it up. I want to see if you remember.” She smirks at him knowing he does not or he wouldn’t ask. He holds out his hand accepting the terms. Not even a minute later the waitress comes back with their drinks and sets Doms down with a little too much force making some of it slop over the edge. Nessa smirks as her hot chocolate and water is set down in front of her gently.
“I’ll have your food out soon love, enjoy the coco,.” The waitress says to Nessa before walking away without addressing Dominik who looks affronted. Nessa picks up her mug of coco to see a small folded piece of paper on the saucer. She sets down the cup on the table and picks up the paper, unfolds it, and reads it with a triumphant smile on her face. Dom groans and sits back in the booth, crossing his arms and pouting. Nessa hands him the paper which says,
“If you are in danger when I come back, ask for another cup with no marshmallows.” Nessa almost made a funny comment but watches him deflate. She can tell without asking him that the fact the waitress thought she would be in danger with him hurt him. Nessa lays her hand out on the table and calls his name to get his attention. He looks up and gently grabs her hand.
“Hey Dom, don’t think anything of it. We both know you are safe and about as dangerous to me as a damn marshmallow. You wouldn’t hurt a fly let alone me…. Ohhhh we are stupid” Realization crosses Nessa’s face, she forgot to cover up the marks on her neck and then Dom ordered for her. “So stupid should have thought about that I am so sorry Ducky I should have covered my neck from this morning” She apologizes and Dom’s eyes widen, he didn’t think about that either. “I love you, Dom, maybe after this we go back to Demi’s so I can put on some makeup, or go to a mall and get a scarf.” She offers to try to find a solution.
Dominik nods, tapping his finger repeatedly on the table with his free hand
“Which one baby?” Nessa asks, squeezing his hand again.
“Let's go home first…” Dom starts but stops as the waitress returns, setting down their food and sees that Nessa’s drink has not been touched.
“Oh no dumplin', was there something wrong with it? Do you want a new one with no marshmallows?” She asks, giving Nessa a worried look.
“No actually I am perfectly fine, I would love some more marshmallows. I worked up quite an appetite yesterday.” She answers wiggling her eyebrows suggestively to try and drive the point home that Dom is not dangerous and her marks are consensual. Nessa laughs internally because he didn’t even cause the marks and she can’t tell the poor waitress who is only trying to help. She nods and walks away to get a new hot cocoa with more marshmallows and Nessa rolls her eyes appreciative of the help, but wishing that could have come a few years earlier.
“Dom I know you don’t want to, but please try to eat some of your food, I’ll do the same so we can pay and go home. I’m sorry I’m the reason breakfast is ruined.” Nessa apologizes and starts eating while Dominik nibbles at the omelet and pushes it around the plate with his fork no longer having an appetite.
“I’ll eat what I can, but I want you to finish that plate, Princesa, you need to eat the way you've been training you need the calories.” Dominik points with his fork as Nessa takes another bite not needing to be told as she is stress eating about the thing with Damian and now what just happened. In no time her waffle is gone and her two hot chocolates are empty. Dominik barely has a quarter of his food gone.
“Eat some more Dom Dom please, you need food just as much.” Nessa asks, nodding towards his plate. He rolls his eyes and glances over towards the waitress who has been watching them like a hawk.
“I’ll eat later Mi Sol, go out to the car and I’ll pay.” Dom suggests but Nessa shakes her head.
“No, you are hurting and sometimes you lash out when you are hurting. The waitress was just trying to help. I wish someone like her would have done that a few years ago.” Nessa admits and Dom nods his head understanding but is still hurting. She gets up first and holds her hand out for him to grab which he does and gets up as well, tossing a 20 on the table for the tip. He knows Nessa always tips well and she is right the waitress was trying to do the right thing for what she assumed was a situation. Together they walk up to the podium to pay, the waitress standing there eyeing them warily. Dominik hands her their ticket and his card without saying anything.
“Thank you for what you did, it is not an unsafe situation. These are actually just a bunch of hickies from our partners, we had a little too much fun yesterday.” Nessa leans forward and quietly thanks the waitress trying to impart that she is truly in no danger and everything is consensual, Dominik nodding but not making eye contact, keeping his gaze on the floor.
“I’m sorry for any offense I may have caused, sugar, I just saw your bruises and then he ordered for you and I feared you were unsafe. I see now that is the complete opposite. Please don’t hold it against me or against this facility.” The waitress apologizes and Nessa smiles and shakes her head.
“Don’t even worry about it. You saw something and you wanted to intervene and get me to safety so please Don’t change. Just do it a little less obviously. If I was in an unsafe situation that could have gone bad. Good premise, bad execution. But thank you for being a good person. We left your tip on the table. Once again thank you.” Nessa thanks her and takes Dominik's card back from her outstretched hand and hands it to him and pulls him out the door and to the car.
“Are you ok baby?” Nessa asks at the stop in front of the car, resting her hand gently on his cheek and he leans into it and kisses her palm. Nessa sighs and pulls him down to her height resting his head on her shoulder and wraps her arms around him in a hug and rubs his back. “Oy, baby. You know I know you would never even think of hurting me, everyone who knows you knows you wouldn’t. She doesn’t even know who you are. You are my safe space even still. Don’t let this get to you. She would have done the same thing had Finn or Luis taken me here.” Nessa uses her nails to scratch his scalp, feeling him relax into her embrace.
“I know Corazon, I can’t stand the thought of anyone thinking I could hurt you. Especially with what you have been through.” He answers, adjusting how he is leaning on her and placing a gentle kiss on her neck.
“I know sweetheart, let's go back home and I’ll cover up these lovely marks our idiot boyfriend and lovely girlfriend so graciously bestowed upon me.” Nessa pats his head so he knows to pick it up. He does and takes a little step back and gestures for her to get in the car, staying back letting her open her own car door again.
“Our little secret, I won’t tell Luis of Finn.” She giggles and gets in the car. ____________________________________________________________________________
They pull into the driveway, Dominik in a little bit of a better mood, singing along with Nessa to whatever song is playing on the radio, their hands intertwined on the center console. He puts the car in park and raises their hands, pecking the back of Nessa’s hand. She stays in the car knowing someone is probably looking out the window to see why they are back. Dominik is over to her side of the car quickly and opens it, holding out his hand to help her out. She takes it and intertwines their fingers as they walk up the rest of the driveway and enter the house.
They enter the living room and see Rhea, Finn and Damian on the couch and the sounds of the dishwasher running in the kitchen. “Sorry we are back so soon there was an issue at the restaurant and I need to cover up these marks before we go out to prevent it happening again.” She releases Dom’s hand and starts heading towards the hallway to the bedrooms to grab her makeup.
“What incident? Are you ok Mariposa?!” Damian asks, worried for his partners, his chest tightens when she doesn’t answer him and keeps on walking disappearing from view. Damian turns his attention back to Dominik. “First, are you both ok? Second, what happened?” Damian asks, looking worried. Dominik goes over to the couch and sits on Damian’s lap knowing he needs physical contact.
“The waitress thought I was abusing Nes because I ordered for her and her neck looks like someone strangles her on the regular with the marks you and Mami left on her.” Dominik explains and the others groan in realization.
“Oh Dom Dom I’m sorry we should have been more careful. What exactly happened?” Rhea reaches out and grabs Dom's thigh giving it a little squeeze.
“The waitress slipped Nessa a note with a phrase to ask for help, we made a bet joking, I thought she was a fan that was angry that I broke up with her when she slammed my drink down and was sweet to Nes. I’m just hurt that someone thought I could do something like that.” Dominik explains and shrugs, his lip trembling trying to hold back tears. Damian kisses his head.
“It's a sad truth that is more common than not, baby, she was just trying to help in what she thought was a situation I wouldn’t hold that against her.” Rhea squeezes Dom’s thigh again voicing her opinion.
“Yeah and now Nessa is feeling even more guilty. Oh yeah, Damian, I am going to talk to her when we go back out to see if I can’t help smooth things over. Only one of us can be on the outs and that belongs to me right now.” Dom responds, leaning against Damian who sighs and groans again before responding,
“Why does she feel guilty? Dios. We are the ones to put the marks on her, I may have gripped her too hard too. I’m not going to ask you to fix my mess. Also I would like it if we can make it to where none of us are on the ‘outs’. Disagreements are bound to happen. Our issue is you ghosted her but are working on regaining that trust. I fucked up the trust we were building by mouthing off. I would never intentionally violate a boundary, even one like that I just needed to vent. I just have to tell her that.” Damian begins to plan out loud.
“She feels guilty because she feels like she should have remembered to cover them, she was wearing them with pride like it was a normal part of her. I thought it was incredibly hot until the waitress thought the worst of me.” Dominik explains and the others nod along understanding fully now what is going on.
“While it is hot we do have to be careful in the future.” Finn wisely announces to the group, making them look at him in shock. He looks around at them and shrugs his shoulders and asks, “What? Is it not the truth? We work on TV and under contracts.” he continues.
“Finn, you said we, so you plan to get physical with her at some point?” Rhea asks, smiling from ear to ear and Finn rolls his eyes.
“Yeah I plan to someday be physically intimate with her. I’m not going to try to get into her pants day one of joining our dynamic” Finn teases the two who have already had sex with her or some sort of sexual contact. Damian grumbles under his breath and Rhea just laughs looking proud.
“Hey it’s not our fault she was comfortable enough with us to have sex. Plus she has been traveling with us for weeks and has history with Dom so she does know us and has been building that trust and relationship.” Rhea pops back.
“And that is exactly why someday I will. That reminds me when yall get home later I’m going to give her what I got her from Legoland. I’d do it now but I don’t want it to seem like we are trying to not let her feel her emotions by buying her stuff.” Finn pointedly looks at Dom who holds up his hands.
“She is going to bring her purse and buy the stuff where I am going to take her next.” Dom smiles feeling better than before.
“Where are we going next?” Nessa comes out of the hallway, her neck showing no trace of any bruises, which drives home just how used she is to covering up those kinds of marks. “Sorry it took so long I had trouble finding my color corrector.” Nessa apologizes to Dom and stays at the end of the couch where Rhea is.
“We are going to an arcade. I figured if I want to fix things we go back to the beginning like our first date.” Dominik smiles at her and smiles wider when he sees her blush and smile nodding her head. Dom turns to kiss Damian chastely before getting off his lap and kissing the other two before going to stand next to Nessa. Nessa then leans down and gives Rhea a little peck on the lips and steps over and Finn kisses her cheek. She pauses in front of Damian and for a moment the air feels sucked out of the room for the two of them until she leans down and kisses Damians cheek.
“When we get back you and I are going to talk about this morning and why I am upset. We can go forward from there ok?” She asks, making it clear she needs to talk more boundaries with him and he nods almost eagerly. Just glad she is talking to him again. Nessa returns to Dominiks and grabs his hand and leans against his side, her purse in her free hand this time.
“Try to have fun guys!” Finn tells them and Nessa nods and gives a small smile.
“We’ll try, thank you so much for listening and making me feel better. Love you” He calls out as he and Nessa head out the door a chorus of love you’s behind them. ___________________________________________________________________________
Dominik and Nessa walk into the arcade and go up to the counter. They get two play cards and go over to the nearest cabinet and Nessa laughs seeing it is Mortal Kombat. “Oh it's on Dom, I’m going to kick your ass.” She giggles and swipes her card and picks her character, Dom doing the same bumping his hip against hers. They go a couple of rounds switching off who wins, the stress from earlier all but forgotten. Nessa smiles widely and cheers as she wins yet another round and rips out the spine of his character.
“Fuck, how did you get so good at this?” Dom whines and stomps his foot.
Nessa wraps her arms around his neck and stands on her tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on his lips and plays with the hair on the back of his neck. “I had the time to practice in the hospital taking care of the kids, the only time I didn’t give them what they wanted and treated them like normal and they loved me for it.” Nessa explains feeling content when Dominik rests his forehead on hers and pecks her nose.
“I love you, there doesn't have to be a reason. Thank you for giving me another chance to show you how much you mean to me. I am eternally grateful.” He stands up straight and wraps his arms around Nessa and they sway in place for a minute.
They break their embrace when they hear a shy, “Excuse me…”
The turn around smiling seeing a young boy probably around 10 in a Judgment Day t-shirt.
“Hi, would you like an autograph?” Dominik smiles and holds out his hand for the little notebook in the kid's hand but pulls it back when he sees the way the kid is looking at Nessa. Dominik smirks and tries to hide his snicker, clearly the boy has a crush on Nessa.
“What’s your name sweetheart?” Nessa asks, holding out her hand and the boy immediately blushes and hands over the marker and notebook.
“Otis, You are so much prettier in person!” he answers, his face turning red in an instant as he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind.
“Oh oh.” Nessa giggles and collects herself signing the notebook and handing it to Dom who does the same. “You are so sweet and handsome” Nessa flirts back making Otis even more red. “Come here, would you like a hug and a picture?” Nessa holds open her arms and asks. Otis nods and steps into her open arms. She grabs his cellphone from his hand and holds it out taking a selfie with him and Dominik joins for a second selfie. After the pictures are taken the kid respectfully steps back, his face still red which makes Nessa a little worried. “Are you ok pumpkin?” She asks, bending over to be eye level with him.
“Dominik is an idiot for leaving you, you are better with Priest, but I’m confused why you were cuddling up to Dominik. But if things don’t work out you should be my girlfriend, here is my gamer tag.” He blurts out holding out a little piece of paper which Nessa gingerly takes and puts it in her pocket.
“I’ll keep that in mind Otis, thank you.” She smiles kindly at him as he turns around and runs back to his mom who nods towards them mouthing thank you. Nessa and Dominik nod back and join hands again, Dominik silently leading them away from the cabinets they were just at. Nessa can see the tension in his body and the way he is carrying himself. Nessa feels her heart twinge for Dominik who is clearly still beating himself up and more of her doubts about his feelings for her fall away.
“Dom” Nessa softly calls his name, making him stop walking and look at her. She reaches up and pulls him down, their lips meeting together sweetly, Nessa kissing him all over his face making Dominik blush at the excess of affection. “Dom, you really were just scared and didn’t know how to deal with your emotions weren’t you?” Nessa asks in between kisses and she feels him not his head. “Ducky just talk to me ok, next time you are overwhelmed or have doubts just talk to me so we don’t get that tension and can work it out ok?” Nessa grabs either side of Dom’s face and gently kisses his lips again and beams at the smile Dom has on his face.
“Yeah I promise, Luz de mi vida.” Dom kisses the tip of her nose again and smiles as she scrunches up her nose. He grabs her hand and takes her over to the aisles of claw machines.
“Speaking of talking, I do want to bring up this morning, Mi cielo,” Dom states, swiping his card and trying to win Nessa a stuffed animal. Nessa whines clearly wanting to put off the conversation but it needs to be had. “Damian would never blatantly ignore a boundary any of us set, least of all you. This morning he forgot himself and was just venting. He needed to get it off his chest. That does not make him saying what he said ok but I thought you would like to know the thought process behind it. You don’t know him or them like you know me but I know them well. He cares deeply about you, and just wants you safe and happy and can’t stand the thought of you being hurt even now. It reminds him too much of his past.” Dom explains and curses when he loses yet again.
“Here let me try Mi Rey.” She asks, gently putting her hands on his hands to guide the stick and he freezes and stands there looking down at her in shock as she guides the claw with his hand and drops the claw. She releases her hand and starts jumping up and down clapping as the bear is dropped down the chute. Dominik smiles widely and grabs it, handing it to her and pulls her to his side as she grips the bear and hugs it to her chest.
“Let's go play some more games, Princesa.” Dom suggests and kisses the top of her head and guides her to some of the stupid ticket games he knows she likes. He swipes his card and has her play the game while he holds the silly little bear for her. Looking at her like she hung the moon and stars and is the reason for the earth to turn.
Nessa finishes the game and turns around to face him, her hair whipping around behind her. A smile so big on her face Dominik is sure her cheeks have to hurt. “Thank you Dom, Do you want a turn?” Nessa asks, gesturing to the game and Dom returns the smile and shakes his head.
“Go ahead Mi Sol, have fun you deserve it. Can I continue the conversation from earlier while you do?” He asks and she nods as she swipes her card and has another go at the game. He knows she is willing to listen and is just trying to control her temper which can be as fiery as her hair.
“I meant what I said earlier, he wouldn’t violate the boundary. He just needed to vent. Look there is something there in his past as there is in yours. Ask him. Hear him out just as you have heard me out. We are used to him needing to vent when something happens. You are not and can’t always handle the venting which is not your fault.” Dominik explains as Nessa finishes the round again. She walks a few feet away to another game, Dominik following her and continues,
“When we get back and you talk to him please just have an open mind and for the love of god ask him why he did it, where he was mentally and what he was thinking. It's like the door thing. He has been actively working on unlearning the toxic masculinity we grew up with and that includes beating the shit out of people who harm women and children. Though you know our opinions on that Mi Vida.” Dom explains feeling like he explained well enough and hopefully opened her mind a little to hear Damian out.
“I can see where he is trying and where he is coming from. I will hear him out when we are back, I promise Dom. It just threw me for a loop when he said he won’t promise not to cross a boundary I clearly just set.” Nessa sighs and leans her back against Dom who wraps his arms around her, the panda bear still in his hand.
“That also reminds me, why are you so adamant about us not doing anything if we ever find out who hurt you. Is it a possibility we know him? Dominik asks, his voice a whisper in her ear and he feels her tense up and her breath catches and he has the answer. He sighs and kisses the back of her head. “I’m sorry Princesa, forget I asked I won’t bring it up again.” He promises. He feels her relax a little against him, some tension still there but he knows that she believes him. “Come on let's go get you a smoothie and maybe we can go to Hot Topic before we leave and you can get some more clothes that you can leave at Mami’s so you don’t have to bring so much every time we come home.” Dominik asks, swaying them back and forth.
“Yeah I’d like that” Nessa agrees, craning her head back to look up at him and kisses his jaw. Dominik breaks their embrace and hands her the bear and takes her free hand and guides her out of the Arcade and back into the mall and towards the food court. ___________________________________________________________________________
Dominik and Nessa return to Rhea’s house a few hours later. Like before Nessa waits for him to come around the car and open the door for her before going to grab the pile of bags she amassed shopping at the mall. She eyes him with a slight look of guilt on her face. “I’m sorry sweetpea I went a little overboard.” Nessa apologizes and walks a little ahead of him to open the door so he doesn’t have to struggle as much. They enter the house and walk into the living room.
Nessa looks around and sees only Rhea lounging on the couch, her dogs cuddling up on her. “Where are the others?” Nessa asks as Dominik shuffles past her lugging her many bags of clothes to put in the spare room for her.
“They are training, I finished early and came home and did my Interview. Why so many bags and the cute panda bear?” Rhea answers and asks a few questions of her own. Nessa blushes and heads over to the couch and sits down Barry getting on her lap immediately.
“I wanted some clothes here so I wouldn’t have to pack so much if that is ok. It was Dom’s idea.” Nessa answers looking at Rhea with wide eyes the realization of how that sounded and the possible implications.
“Oh that's fine Bunny, do you want it in the spare room or in the master bedroom?” Rhea asks badly, hiding her excitement at the admission Nessa gave. Rhea throws her arm over Nessa’s shoulders and just pulls her closer leaving room for Dominik who appears moments later and takes the seat next to Nessa, also wrapping his arm around Nessa’s shoulder.
“Are the others still training?” Dominik asks and Rhea nods and Nessa just wiggles getting comfortable in the cuddle pile of dogs and two of her partners. They stay like that, comfortable watching the show Rhea had on the tv, no need to talk just enjoying each other and commenting on the stupidity of the characters and joking. It isn’t long before Finn and Damian return, still sweaty from the intensity of their workout.
“How was training today?” Nessa asks the pair, glad she didn’t have to do it. She is still sore from the previous day.
“It was good, we worked out a good bit of frustrations didn’t we Damian?” Finn explains and claps Damian on the shoulder who rolls his eyes and shrugs him off.
“Hey Nes, are you ok to wait to talk until after I shower?” Damian asks, not wanting her to feel like he is trying to avoid it.
“Yeah go ahead Luis. Don’t need you stinking up my room” Nessa jokes, and Damian exhales and relaxes his posture a bit. Joking is a good sign. Honestly he would prefer anything to the silence he got from her earlier, anything but that. He wants to go over and hug her just to play around but is unsure if she is ok with it. Nessa looks at Damian and sees the cogs turning in his twisted little mind and she smirks and gives him a look that says I dare you. He notices this and smirks and goes over plopping down on their laps, the dogs huffing and jumping off the couch.
“Luis ewwww you’re all sweaty and getting me all stinky get off you big lug” Nessa whines and tries and fails to push him off her lap while the others just laugh. Dominik has a look of relief on his face.
“Go shower stinky so we can talk and I can make dinner after. I’m hungry.” Nessa whines again and Damian just laughs. Nessa pleadingly looks at the other three that Damian is also laying on and they nod and simultaneously push him off their laps and on the floor. He looks up at them shocked for a moment before they all bust out in laughter.
“Oh, I see how it is,” Damian says in between laughs, holding his ribs from laughing so hard.
“Good now go shower, you are helping me cook tonight after we talk. It’s time I put you to work.” Nessa shoos him so they can continue the show. She winks at him, the little gesture tells him they are ok and he nods and disappears from view. Dom smiles watching the exchange, snuggling up to Nessa who is snuggling up to Rhea in one big cuddle pile, minus the other two men who decided to go and shower.
Before long Finn and Damian come back out, both shirtless with only a pair of sleep pants on. Finn jumps over the back of the couch and lands on Dominik who huffs and groans. Damian rolls his eyes at his boyfriend's antics and just walks around the couch like a normal person and clears his throat. Nessa turns her head to face him and untangles herself from the pile and gets up to the pouts of the others.
Nessa follows Damian to the Master bedroom where he holds the door open from her and follows her in. She sits on the bed and scoots back so her back is against the headboard and she gestures for him to get on the bed facing her. He looks confused and just stands there until Nessa crosses her arms, flickering her eyes back to the mattress in front of her.
He sighs and complies, getting on the bed, crossing his long legs and sitting opposite Nessa. She uncrosses her arms and waits for him to start. He just sits there awkwardly, unsure how to start and Nessa feels the tension building so she decides to start.
“Dominik explained and I want to say I understand. I just needed time to process and sort my thoughts out. Why didn’t you try to explain and let me get upset? All you had to do was tell me you were just venting and wouldn’t do anything if I didn’t want it. I need clear communication Luis. I can’t play the guessing game.” Nessa adjusts on the bed crossing her legs the other direction and holds out her hands for Damian to grab which he does gently and brings one hand to his face and places a kiss on her knuckles.
“I know Mariposa. I was just shocked and scared and froze up. I didn’t want to trigger you again and I was afraid I did and didn’t know how to fix it. The last thing I ever want to do is to trigger you, make you scared or god forbid hurt you.” He explains, his thumbs rubbing circles against her palms. Nessa pulls herself closer to him their knees almost touching. She starts swinging their hands back and forth between them trying to loosen them both up.
“I know there are things in your past that influence who you are and how you act and react and that is something you are working on unlearning and that is something I can understand.” Nessa swallows trying to gain the courage to ask what she needs to ask. Finally, she takes a deep breath and goes for it.
“I know there are demons in your past like mine and you probably don’t want to talk about it… and you can say no and not answer but, why. Why do you react so strongly, so violently? Especially when it comes to my past abuse.” Her hands start to shake in Damian’s as she asks and he brings them up to his mouth again and kisses each hand before squeezing them and returning their hands to their previous position. Damian clears his throat a few times before answering,
“As you probably know by now my parents split when I was young. Some of my earlier memories are of my dad… disciplining my mom. When I moved with her to Puerto Rico I swore I would never sit by again as that happens to someone and to give them a taste of their own medicine.” Damian's voice is thick, with barely controlled anger, his own hands begin to shake so Nessa squeezes them and lets go so she can crawl onto his lap, allowing him to wrap his arms around her, burying his face in her neck as he continues.
“Then when I was a teen I moved back to New York with my father and he trained me for boxing and I let him treat me like he treated mom and stood by again as he mistreated the women in his life and I hate myself for it. I renewed that promise to myself and stood up to him and that's when I began supporting myself and became a bouncer. Now I see you struggle with the most simple things like handholding because someone like me stood by when you were suffering and did nothing. You set a boundary and I mouthed off without meaning to. If I find out who he is I will do nothing to him. But Mariposa?” Damian uses his pet name for her making her go “Hmm”, and he continues knowing he has her attention, “If I do find out who it is and I see him doing it to someone else I have to intercede, I won’t let it happen to anyone else. It doesn’t even have to be him, If I see anyone doing it I will step in.” Nessa thinks for a moment, playing with Damian's fingers.
“That is fine and I won’t take that away from you. But hear me out on that. Don’t react violently. You can make it worse if they decide to go home with their abuser because they aren't ready to leave. You have to do it smartly.” Nessa explains and shivers, fighting to keep the memories at bay. Damian starts rubbing Nessa’s arms comfortingly,
“Hey you are safe Mariposa, we are not going to let that happen to you again.” Damian promises. Nessa kisses his jaw in response and relaxes more in his hold and hums.
“I know Bombon and I appreciate that thank you.” Nessa wriggles trying to get in a more comfortable position and Damian lets her.
“You don’t have to thank me Mariposa. Not only is it the right thing to do but we wouldn’t let anything happen to you if we could help it.” He kisses the top of her head, thankful she heard him out and understands. He contemplates what she said and realizes she is right; he could do more harm than good with the way he reacts.
“Mariposa, baby, will you help me with that if the situation arises? I don’t want to make those situations worse.” He asks and he feels her nod against his chest. “Is there anything else you wanted to bring up?” Damian asks, wanting to know if he should feel more relieved or not.
“No, but you shared something from your past so I want to do the same if you are ok with that?” Nessa responds and scoots a little to lean back and look up at him with her best puppy eyes. Damian simultaneously laughs and groans, scared of what she is going to say.
“Go ahead, Mariposa.” He gives the go-ahead and tickles her sides making her jump and pout, sticking out her tongue momentarily.
“When I was a kid…” She starts only for Damian to cut her off,
“When like last year?” he teases, thinking about their age difference.
It makes Nessa huff, “Well if you don’t want to hear it we can just go back out there and make dinner…” She points to the door and tries to get off of Damian's lap but fails because he doesn’t let go of her.
He laughs at her frustration thinking it is cute. “No, I’m sorry, Mariposa, continue, please.” He asks once she stops wiggling about. Nessa huffs and crosses her arms and turns up her head. “Oh come on baby don’t be like that I’m sorry.” He apologizes and Nessa shakes her head no and tries to swipe his hands away when he tickles her again. “You are so cute when you are angry, like a kitten who can't defend itself.” He coos as she tries and fails to stop him from tickling her.
“Well this kitten has claws, keep trying me Priest!” Nessa struggles to get out in between involuntary giggles as he keeps tickling her. She struggles against him and is able to straddle him and she manages to make him lose his balance and fall back onto the mattress taking her with him. Their faces close together, both out of breath and smiling.
Nessa nudges her nose against Damians and meets his gaze leaning down and meeting their lips together in a quick shy kiss. Damian swipes Nessa’s hair out of her face and behind her ears, pecking her lips again. She smiles seeing what he is trying to do. She gets off of him and readjusts, laying into his side, resting her head on his shoulder. Damian begins gently dragging his hand up and down her arm.
“Ok, Mariposa, tell me the story please.” Damian pleads, wanting to hear what she was going to say. Nessa nibbles on his shoulder making him groan in her ear and tighten his grip on her. “Don’t start the car if you don’t plan to drive it Mariposa. Now tell me what you were going to tell me earlier.” He growls in her ear letting her know she is getting dangerously close to pushing his buttons a little too far.
“When I was a kid I went to a theme park somewhere in Ohio. I think it was Kings Island. Anyway, I was like 6 or 7 and there was a stage in the restaurant so me and my bestie Brooke ran up onto the stage under the blocking ropes and started singing Brittney Spears and dancing. We got kicked out…” Nessa bites her lip and uses her index finger to trace patterns on Damian's chest, her demeanor the complete opposite of the story she just told.
The randomness of the story throws Damian for a loop and he starts laughing, “Ay que linda,” He coos at her once he stops laughing and kisses her head as she hides her face embarrassed about the story so Damian continues “And now look at you back on a stage again, just not singing. Would you sing to me sometime? Dom says you have a beautiful voice.” He maneuvers and changes gears. Nessa mumbles into his chest, low enough he can’t make out what she said. “Try again Mariposa, I couldn’t understand you.” He orders gently, his hand pausing mid-pass on her arm.
Nessa picks up her head and looks at him, “Maybe sometime, I don’t like my voice. I don't know why Dom does. I get nervous easily and draw a blank so it has to happen organically.” Nessa explains, laying her head back down on his shoulder.
“That’s fine Hermosa, I don’t want you to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.” He reassures her.
They lay there in comfortable silence for a while until there is a knock at the door. “Hey, I know you aren’t fucking and we are hungry and you promised us dinner. I’m wasting away out here.” Finn's voice comes from the other side of the door.
“Ok, give us a minute you demented leprechaun!” Damian calls out, annoyed that his little pocket of peace was interrupted, even by their boyfriend. Nessa groans and rolls off of Damian and keeps rolling again until she falls off the bed and groans. “Now why did you do that Hermosa?” Damian asks, trying and failing not to laugh at her. She gets to her feet and dusts herself off. Damian gets out of the bed gracefully and waits for her to shuffle over before doing anything. He opens the door for her and holds out his hand which she gladly takes and drags him to the kitchen.
Once in the kitchen, she starts directing him on what to do and he does it without question. The two of them fall into a rhythm not unlike when Nessa was cooking with Rhea. “Luis, you told me some of your past, tell me some more, whatever you want to share. I want to know more about you.” Nessa asks as she tends to the pan on the stove.
Damian walks behind her and wraps his arms carefully around her waist so as to not jostle her and make her burn herself. “Well, living in Puerto Rico with my mom wasn’t always easy. We didn’t have a lot of money but she made sure I never went hungry. There wasn’t much to do there besides play soccer and baseball. Baseball being my favorite sport as I’ve told you before.” He explains.
“Then let's go to a game sometime. I know we don’t normally get this much downtime but next time let's go. We can all go together if that is something you want?” Nessa offers not wanting it to seem like she is only trying to date him.
“That would be nice Mariposa, both. I like one on one time with you like this and as a group. It’s not one or the other.” He kisses her cheek. "What about you? Tell me more about your past." Damian nips at her ear. Nessa silently stirs the food, sorting through her memories to figure out what to tell him. Finally, she decides on something.
"My bubby, my grandmother, would sneak me my favorite snacks when mom would decide to try being orthodox and keep kosher and modesty laws. There are a lot of laws regarding food. I don't keep kosher for a number of reasons. One being mom was never consistent in following them. Another is that I'm not exactly religious anymore. But I still observe some of the holy days to keep the culture alive and plan to pass it down." She smiles at the memory of her grandma sneaking her non kosher candy.
"What kind of candy did she sneak you mariposa?" Damian asked, ready to make a mental list.
"Oh stuff like normal marshmallows, pork rinds, that was a big one mom got pissed at, skittles and non-kosher chocolates. The list is long, I can show you if you go shopping with me next time…” Nessa offers, very much wanting him to go with her. She feels him nod against her head and kiss her shoulder. He breaks their embrace and steps back asking what she wants him to do and he jumps to action as she does.
“Tell me something more while we finish this Bombon.” Nessa asks for more and Damian smiles widely, Nessa doing the same, the excitement and happiness contagious. She listens eagerly as he tells her about his first girlfriend and kiss and he returns the same excitement as they trade stories back and forth while they finish plating up the food and bringing it out.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 5 years
Hii! Congrats on 500 followers. For the prompt a thon, I'd like to request a continuation of your Ra'sJay wedding au with Mpreg Jason. How does the batfam and the Al Ghuls coexist?
Thank you so much!
This is the weirdest version of Ra’s al Ghul I’ve ever written but it was a lot of fun so it was a great start to this thing :D
Breakfast Guests - Read on Ao3!
Rating: TeenWarnings: NoneWords: 1600 (because I said 1500 so I really should have known)———————————————
Bruce does not like this newstatus quo.
It’s bad enough when Jason is offat whatever League location he and his… and Ra’s are calling home for themoment.
It’s even worse when they’re atthe manor.
Honestly, when he suggested theyspend more time here, desperate to see his son and his… granddaughter, andwanting to have his family all in one place again, he’d been prepared to makethe concessions for that to happen. Rationalized that at least Jason and hischild would be where he could keep an eye on them. Protect them from Ra’s ifneed be.
To that end, he put them in theroom next to his. All the rooms in the manor are master suites with attachedbathrooms but only Bruce’s and the one next door have additional sitting roomsthat were made to function as nurseries.
That was his first mistake.
They need their own wing of thehouse or Bruce is going to snap.
He pretty much raised four teenageboys in this house. He’d never put much thought into it before but if he hadbeen asked, he would have said that the manor’s soundproofing was on par withthe cave’s.
Then Ra’s and Jason moved in andBruce hasn’t managed a good night’s sleep since.
Ra’s is doing it on purpose. Bruceknows he is. The Demon’s head looks far too smug at breakfast in the mornings.Jason looks tired but blissful. Which is somehow even worse. There are alwaysthe little hints of purple marks that aren’t quite covered by his clothes andhis voice is always raspy.
Do people really scream that muchduring sex? Can Ra’s possibly be so good that Jason gets lost in the moment,forgets where he is, and just lets go?
Bruce shudders and looks back tohis eggs, trying to ignore the smirk Ra’s is leveling at him.
They will be gone soon, hereasons.
Then Jason walks in and he feelsguilty for thinking it.
He likes having his kids aroundmore than he hates hosting their terrible taste in partners.
Aliens, villains, and mercenaries.Bruce resolutely ignores that his own past romances may have made those seemlike acceptable relationships to enter into.
But just like every morning forthe past week, Jason comes down looking sleepy. The dark circles under his eyesaren’t prominent but Bruce notices them. His black curls stick up at allangles, wild and bed-tousled.
He yawns and stretches, making themuch darker purple bruises on his hips peek out from above the green cashmerepajamas. He’s lost most the baby weight but he’s still soft around the edges. Littlelove handles, rounded cheeks, fuller chest. It makes him look… sweet. Almostcherubic. Jason hasn’t looked that gentle since his early days as Robin. AfterAlfred got his hands on the child and got him up to a healthy weight.
Jason makes his way over to thetable to slide up next to Ra’s, sides pressing against each other, as the mucholder man pours him a cup of herbal tea and pulls him close with an arm aroundhis waist before placing a chaste kiss to his cheek.
These displays of affectionatedomesticity really rankle Bruce’s nerves of steel. It doesn’t suite either ofthem. Ra’s al Ghul is a genocidal fanatic who runs a clandestine society of highlytrained assassins.
And Jason is a gun-toting hero,forged into sharpened titanium by a life of misery and pain.
The way both men’s faces light upwhen Dick enters cooing down at the fussy bundle in his arms, Damian followingclose on his heels, is so off putting it makes Bruce want to leave the room.
“I think she’s hungry, Jay,��� Dicksays, gently putting the baby in Jason’s arms when he reaches for his daughter.
“Of course she is. I heard yousneak in at the ass crack of dawn to get her,” Jason says before singing downto his baby, “Uncle Dickie is even more smitten with you than we are, isn’the.”
The baby grins and giggles andreaches up to grasp her mama’s face.
Bruce’s ire has been dissipatingsince the moment Sora entered the room. She has Ra’s sharp features and darkerskin. But her eyes are all Jason. Wide, curious, intelligent, and the same shadeof aquamarine.
The way even Ra’s softens as hewatches Jason feed their daughter makes Bruce relax a little.
He knows Ra’s is purposefullymaking him uncomfortable. Flaunting his… entirely too sexual relationship with Bruce’sson in his face, just to be an ass.
But Bruce also knows that Ra’scares about Jason. And their daughter. Maybe he can put up with the Demon. ForJason’s sake.
If he stops reacting, maybe Ra’swill no longer find enjoyment in his torment. Maybe they can find a way tocoexist.
The al Ghul’s have already agreedto keep their work out of Gotham as a result of this union. Perhaps they cancontinue to move in a positive direction.
“Shouldn’t be too much longerbefore I can start patrols again, boss,” Jason says, still smiling down at his pup.“Just a few more months. Tops.”
The comment snaps him back to themoment. “You plan on returning? But—”
“I would reconsider your approach,Detective. He is quite adamant.” Ra’s goes stiff as he says it. Means it’ssomething they’ve discussed before. Means that Ra’s disapproves but isn’t tryingto force the issue. Letting Jason make decisions about his own life.
It’s something Bruce still struggleswith, people making decisions he disagrees with and sticking to them even whenhe’s outlined why they’re wrong.
But he’ll be damned if he lets Ra’sal Ghul be more understanding than him. And it occurs to Bruce that the wayJason mentioned it was to get the fight out done with and he’s certainly notgoing to be the one to disturb the weird happy family aura everyone is projectingright now.
“We’ve talked about it,” Jason says,still without tearing his eyes away. He’s been in awe of Sora ever since helaid eyes on her. Bruce questions whether he’ll actually be able to leave herto return to his incredibly dangerous night job when the time comes. “I’m goingto move back to Gotham full time. Ra’s will pass most his duties to Talia on aprobationary basis at first.”
He looks up at Ra’s out of thecorner of his eyes with a quirk to his mouth that says he thinks his husband isbeing ridiculous. Then Jason glances around the table. At Dick who is stillmaking faces at Sora, at Damian who is ordering more baby toys from histablet, at Alfred who looks relaxed in a way Bruce hasn’t seen in… well, maybehasn’t ever seen.
Finally Jason’s eyes find his andhold Bruce’s gaze.
“Lots of parents go back to workafter they have kids, B. Especially if it’s something they love doing. I think havingthis will make me a better parent. And Sora has so many people who love herhere. Dick’s already agreed to watch her at least one night a week and let mecover for him in Bludhaven. And Damian said he’d be willing to switch off too,if it was ok with you.”
That makes Bruce’s heart skip abeat. “You want to patrol with me? As partners?”
Jason smiles up at him and it’spurest, brightest thing Bruce has seen on his face since Bruce signed theadoption papers.
“Of course. You’re my dad. It’stime we reconnect.”
Jason refers to him as ‘dad’ socasually Bruce has to repeat the sentence in his head several times for it toprocess. He hasn’t been the best at showing it in the past, but reconnecting withJason, having the family complete again, has been his heart’s deepest desire.
“And once a week you’llstay behind,” Jason adds. “Bond with your granddaughter.”
Bruce is nodding before Jason evenfinishes the sentence. When his relationship with Talia came to and end, Brucewas positive he’d never have to worry about welcoming Ra’s into his family. Itwas, in a small way, after the heartbreak over his split had subsided some,been a relief. The al Ghul’s and the Wayne’s are too ideologically opposed.
But if Jason’s relationship withRa’s (he refuses to acknowledge that his ex’s father is now his legal son-in-law)is what heals the deep wounds between both himself and Jason and Damian withhis family, then he’ll consider that a win. Well worth every concession.
He fixes Ra’s with Batman’s steelygaze.
The old man just chuckles untilJason elbows him lightly in the ribs. Then he clears his throat.
“I apologize for tormenting you inyour own home. I have been reprimanded and we—” another elbow, “—I willbe appropriately considerate moving forward. You have been a most gracious host,detective.”
Dick and Damian look confused, butthat’s because they don’t share a wall with the new al Ghuls. Jason would bethe picture of calm if it wasn’t for the way he won’t meet Bruce’s eyes and thelight dusting of heated color on his cheeks.
“Uh… thank you,” Bruce says,feeling heat rise in his own face. “I would appreciate that very much.”
There’s a beat of near silence wherethe only sound is happy baby gurgles.
“Well then,” Alfred says as hestands and starts to clear the table, “here’s to a bold new adventure.”
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