#then again this is fucking hilarious the fact they sat down and made a list of ages that idols enlisted at
dakbees · 6 months
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He literally isn't tho???
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Y'alls I'm reposting my work here because why not (please don't do so yourself though 🫶)
Link to the series I started: here
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"Leonardo Da Hamato!" I shouted from the living room. A clang sounded from the kitchen, followed by a fearful, "Yea?"
"Oo, Leo's in trouble." Mikey teased him as he emerged warily.
"What's up, Y/N?" Leo tilted his head as he walked closer to the couch I was on. "Come here."
He walked closer, suspicious. I made grabby hands at him and Leo held up his arms, now standing in front of me. "I haven't gotten a Leo hug in too long," I said simply, rising to my feet and grabbing his arms in a hug.
Leo paused before wrapping his hands around my back. "Geez, Y/N, you gave me a heart attack hollering like that." I chuckled into his plastron. "'s funny."
A few moments passed in silence, before- "Better than Raph's?"
I scoffed, before replying, "Different. Definitely number four on the list of things you're amazing at." I felt Leo's breath stutter in his chest at that before continuing. "Yea, you're great at hugs, but you're also hilarious, and charming, and a fucking badass in battles."
I pulled away long enough to glance at his face, which was gloriously flushed. "I could keep going?"
"No- no- no, um, I- uh, I already knew that," he stuttered, burying his face in my shoulder.
Should I be evil? Yes, obviously, me, duh. "I don't think you do, Blue," I began, slowly drumming my fingers on his shell. I smiled as he audibly gulped. He didn't need to know that I looked up red-eared slider facts, and learned that sliders flutter their fingers on other sliders as a sign of affection.
"Anyway, yea, you know, you're a crazy BAMF, and your jokes really light up the lair, and your sense of style is ON FLEEK," I intoned, getting a slightly wet chuckle in response.
"Plus, your leadership skills are getting really good. You know, I don't remember when I noticed it, but you've always been pretty good at analyzing situations and coming up with solutions that end favorably for us. It's really impressive to witness. That part might tie with the badassery," I continued. Leo's legs seemed to be shaking slightly, so I sat down slowly, letting go of the turtle to get comfortable. Leo turned, grabbing a pillow to hide his face in, practically a ball on the couch.
I smirked at him. "Shall I continue?"
He looked up slightly, glaring at me with the ferocity of a kitten. "Screw you," he mumbled, pillow muffling the words a bit.
"I'll take that as a yes-"
Leo whined loudly from the pillow, curling up even more around the pillow.
"Yea, you're just really cool, and when you wield your ōdachi you just look so surreal. It's amazing-" I was cut off with a pillow thrown at my face. I tossed it back laughing, but Leo dodged, pouting from the pillow he was hiding behind.
"Shame on you. Where'd all this confidence come from?"
"Oh darling, you don't understand. I have very little shame to begin with," I put on a posh English accent. It worked, Leo's eyes crinkling, though the smile was still hidden behind the pillow. I snapped my fingers. "Confidence! Confidence looks amazing on you as well!"
Leo groaned and dove back into the pillow. I could see the blush spreading past his cheeks. Mission success. As much as I enjoyed it, Mikey was probably finishing up with dinner.
Leo looked up again. "Y/N, why-"
"Because, Blue. You deserve the world. You all do, equally. Especially you, Leo. And I love you guys. I wanna make sure you know that, Leo. I-" I dropped my voice, locking eyes with him. "I know you have nightmares. You've been through a lot, and you've decided to and been forced to shoulder a lot. So if you even need to be reminded, you just have to ask."
Leo's eyes had widened, and were now searching mine for any, any signs of deception. I knew he would find none, and I smiled gently. His bottom lip trembled before tears began streaming down his face. The turtle looked down quickly, unable to maintain eye contact, but I didn't mind.
"Come 'ere, Baby Blue," I murmured softly, scooting closer. The sobs grew louder at the name as he clung to my shirt. I held him until they quieted with his grip softening.
"'s ok, Leo. It's ok to be vulnerable. I'm honored to be entrusted with that right now. I'd be honored to be someone, if not the one, you come to to get something off your chest. If not, that's fine. Emotions should never be a burden for one, Blue," I said softly, fluttering my fingers on the edge of his shell again as though it would drill it in. A few more minutes of silence passed as the shakiness in each of Leo's breaths disappeared. The turtle shifted and looked up at me again. "There's the Baby Blue," I cooed, cupping his face and fluttering my fingers. The blush dusting his face darkened again, and Leo looked away. "'m too tired for another breakdown," he yawned, pulling away to sit up. I chuckled.
"Mikey's probably close to being done with dinner," I said, standing. Leo followed slowly, but I stopped him. "I can and will keep reminding you. You deserve the world, champ," I added softly, poking him between the eyes. He looked down, embarrassed, and I grabbed his hand to lead him to the kitchen.
He paused at the entrance, and Mikey and I looked up at him. "I gotta- go to the bathroom!" he said loudly, before quickly walking off. "Don't fall in!" I hollered with a grin.
"Wouldn't dream of it!"
Mikey looked between the empty entrance and the spot I'd taken up. "SO... what was that?"
I shook my head slightly, smiling. "Just reminding Leo of his worth."
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pupiiaye · 3 years
Reminiscence of Violence //. A yandere Diluc x GN reader.
They were a virus, a disease that needed curing, a simple tune that needed listening. They were a pill, an addiction if you will. He had to have it, he craved it more than the bloodlust that trickled through his veins and caused up a storm. What exactly was this feeling? Why did he feel it? Why was it more intense than the deaths and bloodshed he's seen a thousand times over? And why… why did he want it so badly? Why did he want to rip it from its core and feast upon it like a starving man? Tonight, he will have his answer.
Fair warnings: knife play, character death / threat implied, possessiveness, spankings, dirty talk, a rather dark Diluc, markings.
The stars in the sky glistened above them, whispering secrets told from different lands, different stories. The clear wind danced through trees, kissed against skin, leaving their invisible mark against the bare flesh. It was not odd to be seen wandering around the grassy plains of Mondstadt, travelers and knights had duties to attend to, commissions to complete and bounties to conquer. Moonlight blessed those who decided to wander without any real reason, the wanderer in question being a simple soul. One who had found themselves living amongst the city of freedom for quite some time. Not a knight, but a fair citizen who took the pleasure in helping others. They didn't consider themselves to be a savior, nor did they consider themselves to be someone without any purpose. This was the main reason as to why they've managed to catch the eye of /the/ the richest man in Mondstadt.
It goes without saying that this was rather impressive, everyone can see the clear hook they had on him. The addiction they provided without even doing as much as lifting a finger. Their eyes screamed of excitement, and in return the ex knight's heart would scream with desire. Diluc, quiet noble man who had his morals, his regrets, and his fancies. Diluc, the man who didn't take pleasure in affairs or hit offs, the man who cared not of looks but of trust and genuine emotions.
This drove a man crazy, off the walls even. It was not of hate, but confusion as to why or how one person could pull the heaviest of beats out of his once dying heart. Frowns that once covered his features turned into ones of admiring grins, turned into little smirks whenever they would ramble and rant about their passions. Beauty, they were littered with it, from the very gleam of irises to the movement of plush lips. Archon's, he wanted to taste them, wanted to nibble and bite into those moving pillows they called lips. He wanted to make them bleed and bruise after getting done with kissing them, and would he stop there? Absolutely not.
His daydreams were becoming worse, and the only thing that could snap him out of them were the blissful sounds of laughter. The symphony of little chuckles mixed in with a breathy hiccup of air. Oh, he knew this sound like he knew the scriptures of poetry, this sound was one he got drunk on. Instead of wine, he could listen to his baby's sweet giggles until death slayed him where he stood.
The reason as to why it was happening, however, was enough to make a man see red. How dare he? How dare that betraying drunk prick, the simple audacity of this … Fool. Was he asking for another death wish, perhaps? Did he wish to watch the flames of hell rise once more? Did he want Diluc to throw him out in the coldness of oceans and watch him choke and gasp and cling on to whatever breath of fucking air he could get? So many questions, not enough action. The solid glass in his hand could shatter from how tight he was gripping it, however Diluc was a man with pride, a man with patience and logic on his side. He would not yell, he would not allow his nerves to get the best of him. What he will do, is way worse than a simple “get the hell out” will do.
“Sir Kaeya, last time I checked, that was your fifth drink as of tonight. I suggest you wrap it up quickly before it gets too dark.”
The words were not of an option, but rather one of a demand. Those blazing embers Diluc called eyes were boring into a crystal one. He did not care where Kaeya went, how he got there, or where he will end up. All he knows is that he best make his decision quick before patience thinned out. The look he got in return did nothing to calm his raging pulses of blood either, he could kill this man given that chance again. This time, Diluc wouldn't forget it.
“My, what a rush… Pardon me, Master Diluc. I was not aware you had other things to tend to, throwing me out so soon. Or do you wish to have them to yourself, hm? Very well, I mustn't interrupt your … Desires. Just do not have too much fun whilst everyone are away, it would only make me jealous. Ain't that right, sweetheart?”
This chattering baboon talked too much, he was too touchy with what clearly belonged to Diluc. He did things too much, talked too smoothly, acted as if they had any interest in him when Diluc knew for a fact who the real winner was. As expected, Kaeya always thought certain things belonged to him, and for once in his life Diluc had the urge to be as competitive as his brother.
“Are you quite done? Hurry up and take your leave, or do I have to throw you out myself?”
Venom laced with every word, hands turning white from how hard he gripped onto the table. Mark his words, when he's done laying claim, this man was next on his overdue hit list. His thoughts were so loud that he didn't even hear his brother mocking him before the tavern doors closed with a squeak. So loud that he didn't even hear his soon-to-be — no, that's not right. They are his dearest, his love, his desires, and everything more. Right? Why would they look at him with such concern if not were true? Why would they touch his arm and smile so sweetly if not for him? Did they not come to him, and only him when scared, if not because they held dear feelings that he too reciprocated? They loved him, it was plain as can be. They adored him even, yet they were too shy to admit it to his face. Figures, Diluc knew this, he knew them more than the back of his hand. They just need a little help expressing It, right? Especially with the way they were chatting and laughing up a storm with his dearest, soon to be dead, brother.
Clouded eyes came back down to heaven, that heaven being the warm smile of his love. That's so much better, he didn't want to see that smile directed towards anyone else but him, it wasn't their fault. They didn't know that they belonged to Diluc yet, and that was okay. This is why he must teach a very simple lesson. One that will engrain itself in their memories until death.
“I find it funny…” eyes hands smooth over the wooden surface of the bar stand. He took in the smoothness, the patterns that followed along his fingers. “I find it hilarious even, how he thinks you belong to him when we both know that isn't true, right?”
What was that expression they wore? Confusion? Oh, how Diluc loved it when they played stupid, they were nothing of the sort. Perhaps they wanted to entice Diluc further, pull him in deeper, so he could ravish them against this here bar stand. Yeah, that's exactly what it was, Diluc could tell, he knew the signs all well. Being the observant man he was, he would not allow this one to wiggle free from his dangerous palms.
Slowly, gloves slowly began their journey off of slender fingers. Those red eyes burning into ones of a pretty little thing, just waiting to be taken. Their body screamed to be claimed and taken over by, but not just for anyone — no. He danced those same eyes up and down, taking their time to design the way they'll look, shivering and begging for more of him. He took his time imprinting the thought of them choking on air as he drew breaths and sweet words out of them. Bare hands reached for the blade tucked away in the waist band of his pants. Hands gliding over the wooden surface as long legs carried him out to where they sat. Confusion on their face turned into one of interest, and oh Diluc could not wait until that face of theirs turned into one of pleasure, pain, and agony. He wanted to make them beg, scream, chant his name like a god-damn song. It will happen, he's sure of it. They had nowhere to run, nowhere to escape. The only thing saving them from Diluc's hands was Diluc alone.
“Now, I hate to be the giver of bad news, but he doesn't own you. You do not beckon to his every call, and you certainly do not belong to him. Your thoughts, your words, your actions, even the way you move…”
A small sigh, eyes casting down on sweet thighs that were soon to be marked with the carvings of his name
“You know it all belongs to me, correct? When you lay in bed, and you drift your pretty head to sleep, you are aware you dream of me, yes? When you bat those eyes and look up … At me, you know I am the one who controls that seemingly empty head of yours, right?”
There's so much silence, but Diluc has enough patience to see the way their legs clench at every word, could hear the way their breathing thickens and stutters in the back of their throat. That's all he needed to see to know what he was saying was nothing far from true. Finally, hands are reaching forward, moving to caress and then cup at warm cheeks. Blushing, he can tell just from how abnormally hot they were. Their temperature is never this warm, he should know since he memorized their normal body heat.
“So you do know that. Then why is it, why my pretty flaming flower…”
Remember back when he thought he had patience? Apparently he had thought wrong of himself. He found his hands gripping tightly to their jaw, the free hand coming down to cup at smooth thighs. Oh, oh how they flinched so beautifully in his grasp, oh the hopeless look in their eye made his dick sing. They way they didn't resist, the way their thighs rubbed together. Their body was so damn honest, what was he to do? How could he not take them when they were basically asking for it?
"Why is it you let him touch you? Why did you allow him to touch and flirt with something that clearly belongs to me? Answer me, quickly."
He saw their mouth open to talk, and for a moment he had nothing but the thought of making them choke on his cock. Soon, not tonight, but soon enough.
"I'm sure he wasn't flirting, Diluc. You know Kaeya, he talks with charm, theres nothing I can do about that."
Wrong move.
A deep breath was taken before a hot hand reached up to grab at their arms, pulling them up just to twist them around and push them against the edges of his very own bar.
"Give me a good reason why I should not mark this body with my name at this moment."
He didn't give them time to answer, too busy trailing the edges of a blade down their clothed back. No matter, they do not need to talk all too much. Diluc only wanted to hear their cries and begs, nothing more nothing less. "Tell me that you desire me. I need to hear you speak your truth before I continue, I already know that you do so do not try to lie to me, dear flower."
His words spoke deep into their ear, tone clear and free from hesitation. And when their lips opened to plead for him, oh it made it all the much better. His pride hit the ceiling, he knew it. All those signs from before were so true, and now he was able to hear it for himself, soak in those desperate words of, "yes Diluc, please take me. Make me yours, please." oh how polite they were, always so obedient, always listening out for any command. What a good pet they were, what a good flower they were.
The sounds of material being cut open filled the thick air, along with those rough fingers feeling up the smooth of their back, enjoying the way his canvas felt right under his flaming tips. Diluc could not wait to sink his teeth in and taste their sweet necture himself. Those eyes drunk up their topless form once more before trailing the knife further down, he had other days to take his time with them. Tonight they were his to destroy and break down.
Lips and teeth ran free on their body. Leaving purplish marks against sweet tender skin, his knife work not being cut short. He made sure to tear at their bottoms leaving them in nothing but the bruises he had gifted them. Their sweet moans and whimpers filling his ears, filling his desire to ruin them even further. He wasted no time in running possesive hands down their waist, grabbing at thighs just to pull them apart. The squirming under his palms not going unnoticed, infact he laughed something dark at the way their body twitched and pathetically squealed under his touch.
'Look at you. Isn't this just pathetic, if it were any other day I would give you the honor of laying under my damn boot just to watch your body squirm for me. Just to watch it beg for me to continue, Archons look at how you move, and you expect me to just stand idle while others try and get of piece of you? No, I refuse."
It didn't end there, his touches only got more intense. Grabbing a handful of their ass, manhandling it under a rough smack was placed upon them. Oh he hoped that left a bruise, he hoped that with another smack they would cry out /louder/ for him. He deserved to hear. After nights and endless nights of not being able to see them under him, Diluc deserved to watch them grow more desperate for him.
"Look at that, look at you squirm for me and not him. Listen to the way you call my name and not his. Do you know what that is? It's the signs of you belonging to me, nobody else but me. And if I catch anyone, and I mean /anyone/ putting their damn hands on you I will make sure to take you in front of them. That is a promise, my flower."
He made sure they could feel his now slicked up warm fingers prodding at their entrance, the dark chuckle exiting from his lips and into their burning ears. The warmth of their gates of heaven fans against his fingers and diluc can't help but groan out in pure need. Oh how crazy they make him. With caution diluc moves his fingers in, one and then the next and then the next after that. Each finger slipping inside once pained gasps turned into ones of satisfaction and greed. They were so good for him, taking him like he was no damn problem. As expected of course, it were only his fingers after all, but soon...
Sounds of metal and then thick clothing could be heard hitting the ground. Their ears can pick up the way diluc's breathing deepened, showing signs of how badly he needed this just as much as they did. Hot hands suddenly slam on either side of them, their skin touching so they can feel how hot Diluc was at the moment. No words were spoken while a hand came behind them, caressing that sweet throat just to pull their head back. Lips coming in contact with their own, connecting in this brutal dance of love, crazy untammed and dangerous love.
This was a great time for him to distract them, leading his aching cock with the other free hand he had. Poking at their entrance with the demand to be let in, eyes glowing with determination. Inch by inch walls wrapped tight around him loosened up the more they took him in. Archons the way they arched against his chest and lips trembled against his own, the way they whimpered and furrowed their eyebrows, gods help him for he is a man weakened by the simple sight of them breaking down.
"That's it... There we go, you take it. You take it like the good bitch you are, yeah? Look at you, god damn look at you. Do you think kaeya could make you react like that? Here allow me to help you answer that."
Hips finally got sent flying home. Making contact with their skin, kissing at the thin layer of sweat, evidence of how much work was put in. Diluc felt his grin widen, something so foreign to his features, yet he invited it in whenever they were involved. One hand came down to grip at those hips, pulling them back home to the base of his cock every single time. They cries, oh their sweet cries encouraged diluc to destroy that willing hole of theirs. The tears that began to bubble up brought him nothing but satisfaction, the gush and mess made was art against his now squirming canvas.
"Harder. Cry harder for me if you wish to cum, I promise you I'm not allowing you out of this damn tavern until your tears beg me to. You can squirm and gush all over my fucking cock as much as you please, but until I start seeing some real tears... Well, baby love, you can kiss Kaeya goodbye, would be a shame for him to lose a friend, hm?"
This was followed by harsher thrust, his dick swelling up to the brim, damn near ready to explode and unload deep inside of their aching fuckhole. Oh but the harder they teared up and rushed out with tears, the more diluc couldn't help but wish to fill them up with his thickening seed. His hand on their throat growing tighter and tighter until one more thrust sent them jerking against the edge. Hand now moving to their head, pushing them down until their faces squished against the wooden table. He kept them there while hips rolled his name out against their ass, unloading his cum inside of their shivering walls. Feeling them clench and gush with their own orgasm, oh how proud he was to know they knew when to cum. How proud he was to know that his flower could milk him for everythiing he had.
"That's it.. There we go, you are so good for me, sweet flower. Unfortunately I am not finished with you."
Diluc, a man who will never be satisfied until things were perfect. Diluc , a gentlemen , a man who only believed in trust and hard work. Diluc, the man who could go more than one or two rounds. Diluc , the man who made them scream until their throat went dry and their vision went blurry.
Tonight he laid his claim, and much like many other nights, he will make sure the entire city of Mondtstadt knew who they belonged to.
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waywardsummoner46 · 3 years
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A/N: Second one shot, yay! Definitely toying with expanding this as well as my Lucifer!Sam and Michael!Dean fic. I’m open to requests and let me know if you want to be added to my tag list (never had one before, oo this is exciting). As ever enjoy the fic and let me know what you think!
Word count ~ 1620
Alright so, not to sugar coat anything but this was an absolute nightmare.
  You, Sam and Castiel had gotten word of a hunt - well more Sam but that’s besides the point - and had left yesterday. You’d paused at a gas station outside of a place called Charming Acres but the dude at the counter said something was off about the place… so naturally (or supernaturally) you all went to check it out. And a dude’s head just completely blew up out of the blue after he came in for his phone?
  Pulling into the town itself, now that was something. You felt as though you’d walked into a 1950s sitcom about some cheesy, lovesick marriage story. Something that you’d like to stay well away from. Consequently, you met a cheesy, lovesick couple called Justin and Cindy Smith who said they’d heard absolute zilch about any deaths and “this is a very close-knit community, nothing goes on here without everyone knowing” blah blah blah.
  Anyway, the strangest thing for you wasn’t the clothes, nor was it the 1950s behaviour, no, it was the fact Justin didn’t seem to recognise what a phone was. You silently ogled at him but he paid no attention to you. So now you definitely thought something was off about this place. 
  After that fateful encounter, you all stumbled upon the local diner “Harrington’s” who was run by the Mayor Chip Harrington and his daughter Sunny. You thought Sunny was a very sweet young woman who honestly looked like someone you’d get along with, however you noticed her head perked up once conversation about Conrad (watermelon head guy) started. Castiel so delicately stated, “Oh no! His head exploded” rendering everyone in the diner speechless.
  The Mayor stuttered for a moment then questioned “Excuse me?”
  “Like a ripe melon in the sun.”
  Whilst this confrontation was happening, Sunny gave you and Sam milkshakes, as Cas had refused earlier, so you were busy trying not to spit it out as you found that conversation hilarious. Chippy boy gave you the information where Conrad was last seen and then you all took off but not before Sam abruptly said “Alright, you know what? We’re leaving, bye.” And that was that.
  When you’d all arrived at the boarding house, a too cheerful Ms. Dowling greeted you at the door, and creepily said she knew you were coming because it’s a small town and things travel fast. Honestly, what is it with these people? From there, and after a brief explanation on why you all were there, she showed you to Conrad’s room and said he moved in a few weeks ago.
  Being your observant self, you came to the conclusion that the bed had been barely used but there were passionate and just plain disgusting letters under the mattress addressed from Sunny (so maybe she wasn’t so innocent, neither were you).
   At the same time Sam suggested you all stay overnight and divulge and investigate more thoroughly in the morning and yet his almost desperate tone of voice put you on edge. Obviously, you were all tired and weary but Sam was just on a whole new level of “oh this is amazing, we should stay here because it’s so cool”. So reluctantly, you and Cas agreed but not before exchanging an uncertain glance with each other, the intuition of a teenager and an angel right?
  Sam and you were sharing a room since Cas had insisted on his own, and instantly something changed with how he addressed you. “(Y/N), please take your shoes off, you’ll ruin this lovely carpet,” and “(Y/N), sweetheart, don’t you think wearing something a little more lady-like would be more appropriate, hm?” 
 All you could do what was sit and stare because not once had Sam ever been this pedantic or pathetic and he certainly had never called you “sweetheart”, so too baffled to engage in intelligent conversation, you went to bed just after Sam as you were too busy burning incredulous holes into the back if his hairy head. Struggling to grasp sleep, you softly whispered a “What the fuck?” and thank god Sam didn’t hear you because you would’ve absolutely hated the outcome.
  The next morning you were woken up quite rudely by an angel banging on your door. Blearily you struggled out of bed and opened the door, rubbing your eyes. “What time is it?” You said.
 “Time to get up, get dressed and Sam-Sam?”
 Noting Castiel’s confusion, you turned quickly in what was once Sam’s direction only to find your lovable older brother had disappeared to Chuck knows where. Great, man hunt at ridiculous o’clock in the morning. Cas immediately raced down to the stairs to seemingly find Ms. Dowling leaving you rushing to change into something more appropriate that pyjamas.
 Descending the stairs you notice the front door open and a frantic looking Castiel waiting in the Impala, waving for you to get in. Shouting a quick “thank you!” to Ms. Dowling, you sprant for the car and sat in Sam’s seat.
 Castiel started the car and you asked “So? We know where he went?” 
  “I’ve been told he left this morning saying he was going on a walk to the diner and wanted a milkshake, but only after screaming at Ms. Dowling who had her eardrums blocked with ear plugs,” he said. You nodded, absorbing the information and pondered why Sam would just up and leave for a milkshake.
  “Cas, you don’t think that there’s something wrong with the milkshake? Or like, this town in general? Because I do and Sam was being a real overbearing douchebag after you left yesterday and acting completely out of character.”
 He didn’t hesitate to nod his head, “I must admit, the strange customs have piqued my interest and Sam did drink quite a lot of that milkshake yesterday so it might be a possibility that there is a supernatural force going on here.”
  He looked like he wanted to say more, but you’d turned a corner and arrived just before the diner. Castiel left the car and went to inspect whilst you decided a smart move would be to ring Sam’s phone… only to find it ringing in the back of the car. Typical frustrating Winchester. 
  Placing your hands on your head, you massaged your temples and tried to think of any reasonable explanation as to what on earth was going on. 
 You heard the driver’s door being opened and looked over to see Castiel already turning the keys in the ignition. “He’s gone to Mr and Mrs. Smith's house,” was the only explanation you received.
  Suddenly determined, you nodded and said, “Alright, we’re getting somewhere, onward!” So, the car started and picked up speed, as you made your way to the Smith’s house you took a chance to observe the area a bit more.
  It was definitely something outdated and old-fashioned but the people did look happy, even if the shops were called something despicable like “The Rainbow Restaurant". It was very bright and colourful and you didn’t doubt that even if a thunderstorm hit, these people would still be acting on top of the world.
  Upon finally reaching your destination, you took notice of the white-picket fence and the massive garden. The house was huge and definitely unnecessary for only two people. Regardless, you and Cas sauntered up to the door and knocked three times respectively. On the third Cindy opened the door with a clear smile on her face and a very pleasant scent of lavender perfume. “Hello, can I help you?”
 You and Cas glanced at each other before he answered, “First of all, I’d like to offer my condolences for your husband's death but we really need to know-”
  He was cut off by a very confused Cindy Smith who said, “My husband? Honey, I think you might be mistaken. My darling husband is in the kitchen, fetching his newspaper. Justin, dear, come say hello!” 
 Again, Cas looked like he wanted to continue but a very familiar, moose-like voice interrupted “Coming darling! Won’t take two slices  of a carrot cake!” It was, unmistakably, Sam.  You gaped and stared questioningly at Cas in silent question. He merely returned your look.
  Moments later, Sam appeared in the doorway. Wearing a pair of glasses. A ponytail. And a fucking cardigan. A cardigan, because why the hell not? He wrapped his hands around Cindy’s waist and looked at us in confusion. Or sorry, at Cas in confusion, but when his gaze landed on you his face went more stern. 
 “Young lady, do you not remember what I said about un lady-like clothing? Because those denim jeans and that ridiculous jumper are hardly suitable for my daughter, little miss. I suggest you get in this house right now and put on that lovely dress your mother bought you,” he basically seethed.
  Now you were definitely the equivalent of a fish, with your wide mouth and wide eyes. You managed to compose yourself a bit before stuttering “Sam?”
 His eye twitched and there was no warning before he grabbed your arm and pulled you in the house then promptly dragged you into the sitting area. He guided you to the sofa on the left of the fireplace and very softly explained, “My sweet honey, I know that this is hard for you, but your mother and I want what’s best for you. Now, be a good girl and wait here until your mother and I have finished our pleasant conversation with our new neighbour, hm?” Then he planted a kiss on your forehead and returned to Cindy’s side to continue conversing with Cas.
  All you could think was: what the fuck?
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astronomoney · 3 years
i lost the ask for this so i had to improvise
Request: Hi! Your fics are so fun to read!! And i was wondering if you could do 1 and 8 for the fluff prompts for Jason? Thank you you’re wonderful <3
Pairing: Jason Todd x reader
Prompts: Prompt list ☁︎1- "You look really cute in that sweatshirt." ☁︎8- "Your hair is really soft."
Summary: Jason Todd pays you a visit while you're recovering from a slight cold, and he brought you food!
Warnings: Like one curse word
A/n: babes you flatter me 🥰 also I head cannon that jason is a soft boi™️ and i will write him as such. you can't stop me. and you can’t convince me he doesn’t read shakespeare (Masterlist)
Word count: 1k
Tag list: @battlenix
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Sick Days
Falling in love was never part of the plan. Neither was getting the flu but life just loves to throw curve balls your way. That's how you ended up laying in your dark room with dirty tissues spilling out of your trash can and your curtains drawn.
It had been nearly 3 days since you'd gotten sick so you were in the recovery stage but that didn't make your day any better. You hadn't had a proper night's sleep all week and despite feeling your fever breaking you were no closer to rest. You tossed and turned under your covers trying various different methods but nothing seemed to pull your mind into the depths of sleep.
It felt like you'd been laying there for an eternity. Looking over at your clock you realized that eternity had only actually been about 7 minutes. You groaned loudly and pulled the blanket over your head. That's when you heard a soft knocking coming from your window.
You flipped the blanket off your head and you looked towards the sound. It was only 3 o'clock in the afternoon so the sun was still shining through the thin curtains, showing the silhouette of your favorite person ever. You kicked the blanket off and tried to get out of your bed but tripped and landed on the floor with a thud.
"Fuck," you cursed, untangling yourself from the blanket. The wind was knocked out of you and you cough lightly before jumping up and rushing across the room. You opened the curtains with a wide smile plastered across your face.
There he was. Your very handsome, surprisingly romantic, and all around adorable boyfriend of 11 months dressed in a dark blue Superman hoodie (to spite Bruce no doubt) and holding a bag of your favorite food.
You pushed the window open letting a refreshing cool breeze into your otherwise warm room. The giddy smile on your face only spread when he ducked through the gap.
"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?" He quoted, handing you the bag of food with a casual smirk adorning his features.
"Romeo oh Romeo, what would I do without you?" you took the bag and leaned up slightly to press a quick kiss on his cheek.
"Starve most likely," he shrugged, moving his hand to cup your chin and bring you in for a real kiss.
You stepped back and looked at the S design on his chest. "Wow the super logo? What's your dear old dad done this time?"
"Not everything I do is out of spite you know." He quipped.
"Well that's definitely a lie but whatever," you shot back, smirking. "I think you look really cute in that sweatshirt,"
Placing the take out bag on your desk you took a look inside. "How was the mission?" he'd been gone the past few days helping a friend of his with some evil psycho. You always worried about him when he went to face people like that but you knew the other heros would look out for him. Plus he promised he wouldn't be dying again anytime soon and he always kept his promises to you.
"Ugh boring," he sat at your desk chair and leaned his head back dramatically. "I was just a distraction because I had the loudest guns." He twisted side to side while you put the take out on the desk.
"Well that's what you get for throwing your silencers at Penguin," you laughed. When he first told you about his double life you didn't believe him but the more you thought about it the more it made sense. Late nights, mystery scars, not to mention the literal Red Hood suit.
"That was one time!" He defended kicking you lightly with fake offense in his voice.
You laughed and kicked him back before returning your attention to the bag. "The fact that it happened at all is still absolutely hilarious," You handed him his container and a plastic fork.
That's when you were reminded of your sickness. You sneezed 3 times in a row and Jason handed you a tissue. "You're such a disaster," he laughed at the expression you made inbetween sneezes.
"It's not funny! I've been sneezing non stop for 3 days! It's so annoying," you complained, opening the food and plopping on your bed. "Seriously, you'd think i'd have gotten better by now but no."
He laughed again and sat next to you. Wrapping his arms around your waist from behind he pulled you into him so your back was resting on his chest and his back was resting on your wall. "I'm surprised all your complaining hasn't fixed it yet." He set his food on the bedside table so he could eat and hold you at the same time.
You gasped and smacked his leg. "Asshole. I'm allowed to complain if i want to and you're the lucky bastard that gets to listen!"
"Oh yeah, so lucky," he joked, clearly trying to get a rise out of you and clearly succeeding.
After eating some and talking for a little while you put the half empty container on your table next to his much less full container. You leaned back into him and adjusted the blanket so it covered your legs. The steady rising and falling of his chest was calming. He was there, with you in that moment and you felt so strangely complete.
The two of you sat in silence for a few blissful minutes and somehow ended up laying down. You had reached your hand up to rest on his neck and you twirled a strand of his hair between your fingers.
"Your hair is really soft," You hummed, your eyes closed and you body relaxed. He hummed back and began tracing random shapes on your arm.
That was the first nap either of you had taken in a very long time. It was also the best nap either of you had taken in a very very long time.
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v3nusaphr0d1t3 · 3 years
doin’ that night thing
crossposted on ao3: <3 rating: explicit warnings: sex so much sex. just so much horny afab reader, gender neutral. reader is not described.
it was only so long before you texted the number. it was natural curiosity! the number might be hawks’! you let it marinate in your head. the little paper he slipped into his tip to you when you two met at the club that had his phone number sat on the coffee table. you stared at it for a while, eventually just deciding to text him.
you: hey, this is ____
you still used your stage name, since you had decided that you’d trade your real name for his. he replied surprisingly quickly (it was later on in the evening on a sunday so you assumed he was off), with only a couple minutes of anxiously making your way through your carousel of social media before you heard your text tone.
XXX-XXX-XXXX: heyyy. it’s hawks, what u up to?
you would not admit that your stomach did a little flip. this was genuinely his number, or at least you prayed it was. you added him to your contacts. 
you: off day, so i been sittin around. wyd?
birdie: i had patrol today but i’m off the next two days, thank fuck.
you: thats good, bet its stressful as hell to do what u do.
birdie: you sayin that out of consideration or you sayin it to kiss my ass?
you genuinely laughed out loud. you didn't expect him to be upfront, and you had expected to stroke his ego if you wanted into his pants, but it didn’t look like it would turn out that way.
you’d find out soon enough.
he said he was off for the next two days, monday and tuesday. you worked evening shift on monday and got out by 11 PM, so you got an idea.
you: pick me up from the club tonight? 11:30?
birdie: is this what i think it is?
you: i don’t know birdie, you tell me
he didn’t reply to that. it made you a bit nervous, but you weren’t gonna fret. if he didn’t come, you could just take the subway. that’s how you got there most nights, just like tonight. the train ride was bustling in the late afternoon, most people just getting off of work and heading home. you instead got off at your stop to walk the few blocks to the club, work bag slung over your shoulder and knife in your hand. the sun was starting to go down and you didn’t play games. being quirkless in this society was an inconvenience at best and at worst you could end up dead.
you went in the back way, readying yourself for your shift and freshening up. you put on your outfit you has chosen for today, did makeup, fixed your hair the best you could, and hyped yourself as well as a few of your coworkers up. eventually it was time for your set. you took a deep breath like you always did, grabbed your wipe you all used to clean the poles between each set, and stepped out onto the stage. and when you looked up at your audience, you met a pair of warm yellow eyes.
when you got off, you took a quick shower in one of the bathrooms in the back. you tried not to shower at the club when you had the choice, but being sweaty and covered in other’s people’s germs when you took hawks back to your house wasn’t at the top of your list of things to do. you dried your hair well enough when you got out, putting on some cute underwear that you had packed (because you had planned this in advance). you put on a regular t-shirt and jeans, making your way with your bag to the front of the club to look for hawks. you had your hand in your pocket on your switchblade as you surveyed the street and parking lot with your back to the club wall. you knew he was here, or you were going crazy. you saw him.
so intent on searching for a familiar figure in the parking lot across the street, you didn’t notice someone coming from your side. and when the hand fell on your shoulder, you reacted immediately, pulling your knife out and flicking it out, holding it out and steeling yourself.
instead, it was the stupid fucking bird with his hands up and an amused grin on his face. he looked casual like he did when you first interacted, just considerably less tipsy and more excited.
“god, jesus, you scared the shit out of me!” you put your knife away, sighing. hawks let out a little chuckle.
“sorry, sorry, i just thought you were paying attention to ALL of your surroundings. or maybe, since you were looking for someone…?” he trailed off, and you wanted to knock him upside the head. but you didn’t.
“you seem intent on NOT getting head tonight.” you joked, striking a chord as he spluttered.
“was that on the table? i take it back, i take it ba—” you cut him off with a flick to the nose.
“shut up and take me home already.” you chuckled gently, looking around for some sort of vehicle. and then it hit you.
“you… you didn’t drive here, did you?” you asked, sighing yet again, this time in annoyance at yourself for not remembering that this man had wings.
“no. no i did not.” he almost looked ashamed, if it weren’t for the shit-eating grin that split his face.
“and i’m guessing that you’re not driving me home, is that right?” you asked, letting him take your hand and pull you into the alley?
“where are we going?” your question went unanswered as he pulled you further away from where the people were. it made you a bit nervous, but when he suddenly pulled in close and scooped you up like you weighed nothing, you were in no state to protest. and then he shot himself AND you into the sky.
“where do you live, by the way?” you heard over the howling of the wind.
“you ass! its—” and you gave him your apartment building. you found that he smelled nice, from close proximity, and you made the very smart decision to bury your head in the crook of his neck rather than looking at the very far away ground. 
he touched the ground again on the rooftop of your building, and when you were put down you immediately shoved him.
“warn me! jesus,” you were genuinely mad for about twenty seconds, before bursting into laughter and moving to grab his shirt collar, pulling him into your first shared kiss. it was sweet, and a bit too soft considering that this was a hookup. he reciprocated almost immediately, coming up to cup the back of your neck. he tasted sweet. it was nice.
you grabbed his wrist, pulling him along and wrenching open the door to the roof. you found your way out of the staircase to the elevator (your building had way too many floors for that mess) and pressed the ‘down’ button. you waited for only a few moments before the doors opened with a ding and you dragged hawks in with you. you pressed the button for your floor, and when the doors closed you were on each other again, pressing him back against the wall of the elevator as you licked your way into his mouth.
it wasn’t only the elevator that made your stomach jump. it was the fact that this was the first person you had brought home in a while, and the fact that he was a hot ass pro hero who looked at you like you were the hottest person ever. it set you on fire, made your skin sing and lit you up from the inside. it was like being on stage but ten times better.
eventually you broke away when the elevator doors opened, and you grabbed his hand to pull him along. you approached your door, fumbling with your keys and getting your door unlocked. and the moment you were inside, like the MOMENT, he had you pinned against the door. the speed was almost hilarious if not ridiculously hot. 
he brought your lips together only briefly before pulling away to trail little nips and kisses down your jaw and neck. 
“don’t give me any hickeys, it’s bad for business.”
“i’ll pay for your shit.” he said nearly immediately, and the look he gave you was goddamn predatory. 
“i— okay.” you could only agree, because it felt too nice and that gaze was gorgeous.
and with that, he sucked a dark mark high on your neck, going on to make more.
and suddenly, your earlier promise came to mind.
“didn’t i promise you head?” you say with a pant as he bit down on the junction between your neck and shoulder.
“you mentioned it.” his shit-eating grin from earlier returned. you playfully pushed him away and grabbed his hand to lead him to your bedroom. it was humble but comfy, with your bed in the center of the room and the window cracked, letting in the sound of night traffic. your floor was high enough off the ground to not have to worry about the people below hearing you. you didn’t have a headboard to your bed, so you wouldn’t have to worry about that noise either. but you hoped that you could perhaps make a noise issue with the man you pushed to sit on the edge of your bed as you suck to your knees.
you tugged at his belt, undoing it as he watched you with his intense gaze. you unbuttoned his jeans and pull his pants and boxers down, observing his half-hard cock. you spit in your hand, giggling to yourself and hearing a giggle above you that got choked out as you wrapped your hand around him. you pumped him and leaned forward to take the tip in your mouth, twirling your tongue around it as you teased the slit. you heard his intake of breath and subsequent sigh as you sunk your mouth further down.
it was sizeable, and thick too. it made you clench around nothing as you worked your way up and down his shaft, to the point where the head was hitting the back of your throat. you tucked your thumb into your fist and breathed through your nose, putting your faith in that stupid little trick you heard as rumor from your stupid friends. it surprisingly worked, or at least it placebo-ed itself quite well, because you only gagged when hawks rolled his hips upward into the heat of your throat.
you pulled away to take a breath, looking up and meeting his apologetic expression. it was annoying that you thought that little thrust was hot. you steeled yourself again and went back to it, so the next time he ground upwards, you were prepared. he let out a groan, reaching up from where his hands were stabilizing himself on the bed to instead rest on the back of your head.
“fast learner, huh?” his little quip made you roll your eyes, but apparently he took that the wrong way, because he took a ragged breath.
“roll your eyes back again, s’hot.” you would scoff if you could, but you instead took another one of his little thrusts into your throat. his little whines were enough fuel to let him keep doing this, using your mouth like it was made for this.
“damn, baby, you’re perfect—” his words were more likely to make you blush than his actual cock in your throat. suddenly, he grabbed your head and pulled you off. you looked up in confusion.
“don’t wanna cum yet,” he murmured with a breathy chuckle. there was that little glint in his eyes again. the one that zeroed in on you like you were the only thing on his mind, like you were the most important thing in the world. it was frankly a bit frightening. that little primal part of your brain didn’t like the gaze much. but your much larger brain thought it was fuckin’ hot.
“your turn, get on the bed.” he said, standing up and shuffling out from under you to remove the majority of his clothes. you did the same, peeling off your shirt and jeans to reveal the cute underwear you had chosen. he watched you, whistling when he saw you wearing one of your g-strings. 
“keep that on, wanna pull it off with my teeth.” he said, casually, as if that wasn’t enough to make you clench around absolutely nothing. you made your way onto the bed, sitting up as he joined you, pushing you down to prop yourself up on your elbows. he leaned down to make good on his promise, catching one of the strings over your hips with his teeth and pulling them down your legs, pulling it off all the way and throwing it aside. you laughed a bit, matching his chuckle.
“now, lemme get a look at you,” he grabbed your thighs and pulled your legs apart to gaze at your dripping cunt. he bit his lip, leaning down immediately and licking a stripe over your folds with a flat tongue. he moved to suck on your clit, eliciting a moan from you as you felt your nerve endings catch fire, tingling all the way down your legs and up into your core. he moved to rub his tongue over your hole, teasing but never fully giving.
“hawks! c’mon, god— feels so good,” you were talking just to fill the silence, little murmurs threaded into barely legible sentences. he pulls away from you and you whine. you barely get time to be mortified with yourself before he says something shocking.
“you can call me keigo. just don’t tell anyone that shit, okay? you sound too good and i really want to hear my name from your pretty little mouth.” 
“i— i’m ____,” you practically gape for a minute, before giving him your own name. that was your deal, his name for yours.
“pleased to meet’cha, _____.” he joked and once again you barely had time to react when he leaned down to continue eating you out, swirling his tongue around your clit as he reached up to stroke a finger down your folds. once it was sufficiently wet (kinda gross) he slipped it inside you without much resistance, curling upwards a few times and pulling it out to repeat the process but with two fingers.
“keigo, shit! god, that’s fuckin’ great—” you babbled, the constant stimulation to the most sensitive place making your brain hazy. your eyes were closed without your realization, and once you did open them, you looked down on a gorgeous sight.
his head eyes were fucking immaculate. his golden eyes looked up at you like he wanted to own you, like he already owned you. by god, you wanted that. you wanted it bad. you wanted to do whatever it took to have this man keep looking at you. this was its own type of performance, and you feared it would be addictive. you ate up his gaze, the warmth it brought, like it was the air you needed to survive. with a knock of his now three fingers against that sensitive place deep in your core, you gasped, throwing your head back and breaking his gaze.
he was out-doing you. no one was allowed to out-do you. you decided the stretch was enough, and agonizingly shifted away from his criminal tongue. he gave you a confused look, but you guided him to lay back toward the edge of the bed, up on his elbows so his large wings would hang comfortably off the edge, and began to crawl over him. the fact that your legs were quivering was not one that was mentioned aloud, but it was definitely felt. you helped him roll a condom on and you matched eyes yet again as your plush thighs straddled his hips, grinding against his cock that was laid against his stomach. your smirk was telling as you leaned down to capture his mouth in a filthy, open-mouthed kiss. he was panting and flushed by the time you were done with him, leading down to leave playful nips on his neck and shoulders.
your grinding was incessant and reliefless, promising but never giving, and it was driving him mad. any time he would attempt to take the reigns, you would raise your hips, robbing him of any friction at all and making him whine. oh what a sound, it filled you with determination. you were going to put on a show, but you didn’t work for free. he would have to beg. but he was a stubborn ass and you’d have to work him up to it. he was already nearly there, gasping and breathless while his cock jumped against your heat. you held his wrists down so he couldn’t grab your hips, and you leaned down to look him in the eye with a shit-eating grin.
“you know what i want,” you said simply, your voice piercing and thick with lust.
“oh- oh really?” 
“what’s the magic word, keigo?” you asked, watching his pupils pin at the usage of his name. whether it be your tone, or the circular little grinds you were working with your hips, or your penetrating stare, something broke his pride.
“please— please, god, please, ____” his voice was whiney, as it made the simmering heat in your gut roar as you raised up off his cock and used your hand to position it, sinking back down and making a noise low in your throat. it took you a moment to adjust, with little cants of his hips smoothening the transition. but once you had accommodated to the stretch (and by god was there a stretch), you moved your hands to rest on his thighs and set to work. 
you raised yourself up and down, up and down, getting into a rhythm that left your thighs quaking and your core aching from the ceaseless abuse. it felt so fucking good. the sounds of skin slapping and both of your breathy noises filled the room, making you blush even more. the grinds he would meet you with when your hips came together nearly make you drool, mouth hanging open and panting quietly. once again, your eyes had closed by default, overwhelming pleasure making it hard to keep them open. 
but when he sat up, grabbing you by the waist and thrusting up hard into you, your eyes shot open to his gaze again, this time focusing on where his cock was disappearing into you over and over without stop. his wings were tensed, hiked up and spread, shaking slightly from the stimulation. the streetlamp poured light in from the window, casting a strange feathery silhouette all over your room. you gasped loudly as you felt your orgasm start to build up.
“please, god, keigo, don’t stop,” you moaned as he manhandled you to lay back on the bed and started plowing into you hard enough to make your mattress creak. you didn’t think you could ever fuck someone else like this. you couldn’t think at all, actually. you could feel yourself drooling like a dog, running down the corner of your mouth as you choked on air. his hands on your hips were like fire, and you were hot, hot, hot. you burned up under his gaze, under him. you could feel the pressure building, building, building— until you gushed all over his cock. and your sheets, for that matter. the feeling was insane and you were not mentally there enough to think of the consequences. your orgasm rolled over you right after that, hitting you like a train and making you clench down hard enough to trigger a chain reaction. you felt a warm blossom in your cunt as he shot into the condom, groaning roughly a mangled version of your name.
he slowed his momentum to small little grinds until you whined from overstimulation, belittled to noises and half-words. he pulled out and tied off the condom, dropping it into the trash by your bed and laying down next to you to catch his breath. you did the same, eventually catching the rest of your mind as well.
“that was probably the best sex i’ve had in my entire life, no lie.” you chuckled, voice still cracked and airy.
“we’re gonna have to change your sheets.” you looked down to see a soaked blanket beneath you and sigh in slight annoyance and embarrassment.
“i honestly didn’t know i could squirt. i’ve never done it before.” your chuckled elevated to a laugh, and he let out a bark of a laugh along with you.
“well, thanks for the prize money. now hop up, i’ll help you with laundry.”
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Borrower Intruloceit
Janus, Remus and Logan were (very happily) in a polyamorous relationship. However, to most of the world, Janus and Remus were just a couple. You see, Logan was a borrower; a tiny person that lives in the walls of human houses and steals from those humans in order to survive. And, he’s a secret. 
Here’s three close calls and the one time everyone found out about Logan.
1. The time Remus’ brother showed up unannounced
Logan was sitting on the arm of the couch, having a movie date with his boyfriends, when the door slammed open. He quickly gestured to Janus’ pocket, hoping he would understand. Luckily, he nodded and quickly scooped up the borrower and deposited him in the fairly large (to Logan at least) pocket.
“good evening, Roman. Is there a reason you showed up unannounced, or did you just want to ruin our date?” Janus spoke coldly
“oh- I- uh.. I didn’t know you two had a date tonight..” Roman rubbed his neck sheepishly
“us three” Logan corrected under his breath, shifting his position slightly. Unfortunately, Roman seemed to notice the movement from the pocket. 
“What’s in your pocket?” He asked hesitantly
Logan stilled and held his breath as Janus answered “why do you want to know?” 
Remus was staying silent, not trusting himself to not accidentally let something slip.
“I want to know beca-” he was cut off by Remus
“why are you here Roman?”
That quickly distracted the human “oh! I was just-” he explained why he was there, Logan still forcing himself to be still.
Once the dramatic man had left, the borrower let out an annoyed sigh “you really need to take away his key, so he can’t do this again. It is rather annoying to have to hide every two seconds that Roman shows up unexpectedly”
Remus giggled “and what would we tell him? ‘oh yeah our secret tiny boyfriend doesn’t like it when you burst in randomly so we’re gonna take your key’ I don’t think that would work very well, tiny nerd”
2. Janus’ brother shows up slightly less unannounced than Roman
Janus, Remus and Logan were watching random Youtube videos, with Logan sat on Remus’ shoulder. They heard the door open at the same time as Janus got a text message from his brother, Virgil
Was on a walk and saw your house. Am now in your house :)
Luckily, there was an entrance to the walls right next to where they were sat and Logan practically ran into it, the entrance closing just as Virgil entered the room.
“Virgil, do you have a reason to be here other than being an annoyance?” Janus raised an eyebrow at his younger sibling
“Nope!” Virgil replied with fake cheerfulness, before sitting cross-legged on the floor staring at the other humans. Remus just stared back, but with a slightly more eerie tone to his actions. 
Janus just sighed at his boyfriend and his brother. He had no doubt that Logan was watching with an annoyed face that he would deny ever making. Almost everything they tried to do together was interrupted by someone bursting in uninvited, and it was getting tiresome. He heard a faint noise from the walls and by the looks of it Virgil and Remus heard it too.
Logan had gotten into a fight with a (luckily non-venomous) spider, and had just killed it, when he tripped. The impact made him hiss with pain and, unfortunately, made a semi-loud sound on its own. “... what was that?” He heard Virgil ask
Janus and Remus looked at each other for a split second, before Janus shrugged and said that it was probably nothing
“Anyway, emo, if you’re scared and you didnt come here for a reason, you can leave” Remus said, slightly too bluntly.
Virgil, thankfully for Logan, did in fact leave. It was at exactly that moment that the borrower decided that Virgil was better (if only slightly) than Roman
3. The time with Patton
Logan was wandering around the house (its his house and he can do that now that the humans knew about him) when a knock at the door sounded. Suddenly really glad that he stayed near the walls on his walk, he rushed into the closest entrance. 
He knew that this would be Patton (he was the only person who ever bothered to knock) but he still couldn’t decide whether this particular human was as good as Virgil or not. He was better than Roman, not as loud (though still pretty loud), and not as keen on staying somewhere that he didn’t own. However, he wasn’t as quiet as Virgil, and had accidentally hurt his ears quite a few times, but at least he knocked instead of bursting in randomly with little to no warning.
He watched from a vent as Remus opened the door
“Heya Remus! Can i come in?” Patton greeted with obviously fake happiness and Logan could see a smile that seemed just a little too forced
“of course, do you want to sit down? I’ll go get Janus” Remus genuinely had no clue what to do, but Janus was slightly better at comforting people. Logan was better at it as well, because he’d bring up facts about why you’re good, but it wasn’t like Logan could comfort Patton..
Janus quickly rushed to the living room, where his best friend was obviously trying to hold back tears. 
Logan watched Patton rant about both everything and nothing at the same time, obviously just needing someone to talk to. As much as he hated to admit it, he was still annoyed at the interruption that had forced him into the walls. He couldn’t control what annoyed him, and that in itself was an annoyance. He wanted to sympathise with the human, but did he have to show up right as Logan was finally relaxing? He decided to just randomly do things on the phone his boyfriends had given him. It had been hard to drag to his house in the walls but it made it easier to not get bored and to contact the two humans
4. When everyone (finally) finds out
Logan had had enough. The three humans that didn’t live in the house had all shown up unexpectedly, together. Whilst Logan, Remus and Janus were trying to finally have uninterrupted time together. Of course that’s when they show up Logan thought bitterly. They had showed up for, as they put it, a ‘surprise sleepover’
He glanced at his phone leaning on the wall next to his bed and a thought popped into his head. The humans were bound to find out anyway, if they were to keep bursting in unexpectedly, so why not just tell them?
Logan unlocked his phone, opening Whatsapp and typing out a message
‘tel VIrgl patan and romun to stay were they are. im reveeling mysellf to them. im going throo the enterance on the bukshelf. see yoo soon’
He probably spelt most of it wrong, but he hadn’t exactly gotten taught spelling. All he was taught in regards to reading, was just barely enough to figure out what he was taking and if it was dangerous or not. And he was making a life-changing decision, so he thought that meant he could make as many spelling mistakes as he did, and play it off to nervousness.
Janus and Remus both looked at their phones and paled. What was Logan thinking?! It seemed that the other humans had noticed their uneasiness “what’s wrong? What’s on your phones that is making you react like this??” Virgil asked, worry lacing his tone
“Don’t worry, Vee. It’s nothing bad, it’s just.. unexpected. ...You’ll see, just stay there” Janus soothed his brother
“you two stay there as well” Remus added , getting up and walking towards the bookshelf, Janus soon joining him. They looked at where they knew the entrance was, waiting for it to open.
Roman piped up “uh, care to tell us what is going on?”
“we will, but not yet. We need to wait” 
“well, that was ominous..��� Virgil commented, seeming slightly nervous
Then, the entrance opened and Logan walked out glaring softly at the shocked humans
“uh, Remus, what the fuck is that?!” Roman practically shouted, reminding Logan just why he was on the bottom of his list of favourites. 
“He is our boyfriend, and I expect you to treat him with respect” Janus said, his voice venomous. Remus held out a hand for Logan to climb onto, which the borrower did, still glaring at the other humans (mostly Roman). 
“Salutations. I am Logan, do not introduce yourselves, I already know who you are” He spoke before muttering an “unfortunately”
Remus, being the only person close enough to hear the mutter, let out a chuckle “Lo, if you revealed yourself just to complain about them to their faces, this will be hilarious”
The three humans were staring in shock, until Roman snapped out of it “Wait- why would he be complaining? I don’t know about those two, but I am positively amazing!” 
Logan scoffed “yeah, amazing. You’re too loud, burst in randomly, and it’s always for the stupidest reasons. You have hurt my ears far too many times to count, and almost every time me, Janus and Remus try to do something together, you show up, and I have to hide or go back to the walls. So, yeah, amazing” He spoke, voice dripping with sarcasm. 
He turned to the other two “you two aren’t as bad, but you still manage to show up at some of the worst possible times. Patton, you are quite loud, but not as loud as Roman, so that makes you slightly better. Also, you don’t burst in, and you knock so that’s something good. Virgil, you’re not as loud as these two, which is good, and you always send a text message when you show up, so I have at least a little bit of warning before going into the walls, so you’re both better than Roman” not that that’s saying much he added mentally.
I kinda wanna write a prequel about how Logan, Remus and Janus met..
Tag list: @icantthinkofacreativeurl @vann-cat @moonfrost-star-comics
111 notes · View notes
j-amespotter · 4 years
★ cardigan - s. b.
“i knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired.” 
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
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x. x. x.
Summary: Your relationship with Sirius is on the rocks, but you loved him and at the end of the day, he was always there. For your own happiness, something had to change. 
Genre/Warnings: angst, alcohol, language, toxic relationship 
Word Count: ~3k
A/N: this took a lot, and i mean a lot of energy. not sure how i feel about it (i am my worst critic) but i really didn’t want a pushover protagonist. ps... communicating with your partner is hot! let me know what you think (and if you think i should make a taglist) :) 
“Ravenclaw girl this time. Blonde… I think I recognize her. Couldn’t see the front of her robes, she might be one of the fifth-year prefects. You know I’m terrible with names. Ask James, he finds it hilarious.”
“You should work for the Prophet, Lils,” you said, without looking up from your toast, which was becoming more and more tasteless with every bite. “What were they doing?” 
“Talking,” answered Lily pointedly. “He ended the conversation fairly quickly when he saw me looking, though.” 
You sighed. This discussion was becoming too routine for your liking, most often with Lily, occasionally with Remus. “Well, if they were just talking, then I don’t see the issue. Lily, it is early. We have double Potions this morning. I really don’t want to deal with your weird suspicions about my boyfriend right now.” 
If Lily sensed your underlying irritation, she chose to ignore it. “I just think you deserve better, that’s all. I mean, James–” 
You finally turned and stared defiantly into your best friend’s vibrant green eyes. “Lily, I hate to break it to you, but James is the exception, not the rule. Just because he’s some angel on earth doesn’t mean all boyfriends are like that, and that’s not even considering the fact that he’s been hopelessly in love with you since second year…” 
Huffing, Lily picked at the fruit off of her plate. “Okay, I get it. I won’t bring it up again.” It was sweet how much Lily cared. James doted on her day and night. It would have been easy to forget about her friend’s love-related quandaries. But that was Lily Evans – always considerate of others.
Truthfully, you were tired. You knew what ‘talking’ with Sirius Black entailed. It did not make you feel as secure as you indicated to Lily. As time went on, it was getting increasingly harder to defend Sirius’s overly-careless behavior. If he wasn’t chatting up girls in random corners of the castle, he stood you up on your scheduled study dates in favor of detention with James. There was only a little comfort in the fact that he wasn’t always like this. If he was, would you have even dated him? Deep down, you knew that as much as Sirius was a thrill-chaser, he was incredibly capable of being a loving boyfriend. For that reason alone, you bore the incredibly painful motions of being in a relationship with him. 
He briefly reminded you of his better qualities when you opened your Potions textbook and felt a feathery kiss on your neck. “Guess who?” whispered Sirius sultrily into your ear. 
You couldn’t help the automatic flush that made its way onto your cheeks. “Hmm… is it Remus?” you whispered back, stifling a giggle. 
“Don’t tease,” he grunted before planting a swift kiss on your cheek. He plopped onto the chair next to you and faced you with a lazy grin. “You look disappointed, love. I’m afraid your usual Potions partner is a bit preoccupied at the moment.” He gestured across the room, where you spotted Lily practically hanging off of James’s lap, distracting herself until the start of her favorite class with his lips. 
“They’re hopeless,” you commented airily, in an attempt to disguise your envy. You felt Sirius’s gaze burning into you. “Missed you at breakfast this morning,” you added in a casual tone.
“Oh, well, you know–” 
“No, I don’t know,” you interrupted, bitterness leaking from your clipped voice. You always let Sirius off too easily. “But I certainly can’t wait to hear your ready-made list of vague excuses. Please, do continue.” There. He had it coming. He deserved for you to throw him off track.
“Baby, it was nothing,” assured Sirius rather predictably. “Just Pippa asking for help with Transfiguration. Honest.” He placed a hand on his heart in mock sincerity, which only angered you further. 
Nevertheless, you chose not to argue. He was incredibly brilliant with his words. There was no way he would understand your plight. Instead, you absentmindedly flipped through your Potions textbook as Slughorn finally entered his unruly classroom. 
Sirius seemed uncharacteristically bothered by your lack of response. With a half-glance at James and Lily, he entwined his fingers into yours. “They’re in their honeymoon phase, you know. You really can’t compare.” 
“There is no comparison, Sirius. James prioritizes Lily. I can’t remember the last time you prioritized me,” you whispered. There was a finality in your tone that you hoped he would hear. It was the most you were willing to discuss the matter. 
Sirius Black was a lot of things, least of all oblivious. He gently squeezed your hand. Silently, he slipped his fingers out of yours, choosing to follow your lead and not pursue the issue any further. 
A part of you was proud of the fact that you finally found it in you to voice your concerns to him, but another larger part dreaded the irreversible distance it put between the two of you for the rest of the day. You weren’t necessarily avoiding each other. Though his smiles were significantly more tender, he seemed reluctant to talk, let alone touch you.
Sick of the mental torment you were subjecting yourself to, you stuffed your unfinished Charms essay into your bag and headed to your dormitory, choosing to retire for bed early. Mid-yawn, you spotted a single red rose on your unmade bed. You didn’t have to read the attached note to know who it was from but felt your heart thudding against your chest as you unfolded the small piece of parchment. 
I’m sorry. I love you. 
There was no signature, but you could recognize his meticulously-slanted script anywhere. You stared at the note adoringly before pressing your lips to the corner of the crumply parchment and marking it with the remnants of your lip gloss. 
Suddenly, you were no longer tired. Skipping down the stairs, you found yourself wishing for a certain map that would tell you the exact location of the only person you wanted to see.
Fate seemed to be on your side when you saw him in the common room, his head bowed as if he was praying. “You’re here!” 
He gazed up at you, his shoulders relaxing when he noticed the smile on your face. “I’m really–” 
You didn’t let him finish. You kissed him hard, throwing your arms around his neck. You felt him smile against your lips. Reluctantly, you pulled away from him. “Don’t worry about it. I was being silly.” 
Sirius’s grin widened. “You’re quite low maintenance, y’know. I thought it would take at least a week and a hundred roses. And if not roses, then daisies, sunflowers, peonies… I was ready to pull all the stops. For future reference, a good snog is all it takes to win me over.” 
You laughed heartily, though you struggled to keep up with his train of thought. You always appreciated his good-natured ability to poke fun at the gravest circumstances. “I just missed you.” 
“Me too, darling. I’ll do better this time, I promise.” 
True to his word, Sirius showered you with a level of affection that could rival James’s for Lily. He spent every spare moment with you in his bed, sneaking into the kitchen for secret dinners, and pushing you against bookshelves in the back of the library, homework-be-damned.
On Tuesday night, you sat on the Astronomy Tower. You glanced at your watch, realizing that Sirius was nearly an hour late. Your eyelids were drooping shut. It had been a long day. Everything in your brain felt scattered. You could’ve been catching up on the mounds of schoolwork you were now falling behind on. Sirius… Did he say midnight? Did you hear him correctly? Maybe he meant for you to pencil it in. Maybe he was hurt. Was it Remus? You stared at the sky, peering at the crescent shape of the moon. It taunted you. Stop kidding yourself. He’s not coming. 
Just as you were about to call it a night, Sirius stumbled into the Tower and onto the floor. Startled, you helped him up. “There you are! Are you alright? I was so worried… Are you drunk?” 
His grey eyes shone in the soft moonlight. The cloudy expression on his face paired with the sloppy grin he sent your way spoke for him. “Lost track of time… we snuck into Hogsmeade,” he slurred. “Rosmerta slipped us some firewhiskey. Here, I brought us a bottle...” He reached into his robes, only to come out empty-handed. “Uh-oh… finished it. Sorry, baby.”
You processed his words very slowly, realization dawning on you with the weight of heavy bricks. “Un-fucking-believable.” 
“Hey! We’re all of age.” He threw up his hands in surrender and widened his eyes innocently. “Next time, darling. I promise.” 
“It’s not about the fucking drink, Sirius! You’re here so you obviously haven’t forgotten that we had plans tonight! I don’t care if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade, but you should’ve told me. I’ve been waiting here like an idiot for an hour. I’m exhausted!”
“Told you,” he grumbled, now irritated, “we lost track of time.” 
You stared at him, unable to comprehend his complete shift in attitude. “Whatever,” you said finally. “I’m going to bed.” 
Spinning on your heels, you swallowed the lump in your throat as you prepared to march away from him with your chin up. Before you could take too many steps, however, a firm hand grasped your wrist. The intensity of the force pulling you back to him felt so otherworldly that you could hardly believe it was a wasted Sirius. 
You had a fleeting thought of pushing him away but instead tilted your head so he could pepper kisses onto the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry,” he whispered over and over again, between his fluttering pecks along your jawline. 
His lips found yours. His hand released your limp wrist as his fingers gently trailed up your arm. “So beautiful,” he murmured, gazing directly into your eyes. You practically melted as your body fell into his. Like always, his arms were ready to catch you, drunk or otherwise. 
“No Sirius yet?” asked your mother, sipping her drink cheerily.
You refused to look her in the eye in fear of giving something away. “No, not yet. Should be here soon, though.” 
“Better be,” said your father, slipping away from a party guest. “He’ll miss cake.”
It was your parents’ twentieth-anniversary party, an occasion made doubly special as their one and only daughter was now officially a Hogwarts graduate. You had planned the party and made Sirius promise that he would not only attend, but also arrive early to help greet your guests as your boyfriend. 
You knew that your parents did not initially approve of Sirius, but as your relationship strengthened, so did Sirius’s standing in your family. Now, post-Hogwarts, you were desperate to not only show your parents that the two of you were committed to one another but also feel yourself that your love would endure the many challenges of adulthood. 
As the last of your family friends trickled out of your childhood home, you failed to hide your disappointment at his loud absence. Like many months earlier, your mind see-sawed between possibilities, some pathetic, others worrying. You were in the middle of a war, after all. You always believed Sirius’s recklessness would be his downfall. 
Fortunately or unfortunately, your worries subsided when you saw him slip into the parlor with a present in hand and a sheepish smile directed at you and your parents. “Happy anniversary! Sorry I’m late, you won’t believe– hey, where’s the party?” 
“It’s over,” you announced bitterly. 
Your mum and dad sensed the tension and tactfully exited the room. “We saved you some cake, dear,” your mother said to Sirius, after politely thanking him for his present. 
“So,” you started as you heard your parents’ footsteps fade away, “where were you? Actually, don’t answer that. Let me talk first. This was important to me, Sirius. You knew that! What will I say to Mum and Dad? Don’t I matter to you at all? Is it always going to be like this?” 
“Slow down,” whispered Sirius. “I’ll explain everything – just listen! I was with James, okay? We were only mucking around on the bike. I was on the way, I swear! But then these Muggle Aurors – police, they’re called – they started chasing us! We were getting away but these three blokes – Death Eaters – caught up to us. Long story short, we got into quite a scuffle and…” He looked at you in an attempt to gauge your reaction. 
Your mouth hung open as you absorbed his story. Regardless of your anger, he presented a legitimate case for himself that you could not quash. “Death Eaters? Thank Merlin you’re alright. How on earth did you get away?” 
“I’ll tell you everything. Your mum mentioned something about cake?”
You stood on your toes, wrapping your arms around his waist and laying your head on his chest. “In the kitchen,” you answered softly. “I wish you would be more careful.” 
He kissed your temple. “Don’t worry,” said Sirius dismissively, “I handled it, didn’t I?” 
“So, what do you think?” 
You and Sirius were standing in the middle of his new studio flat. Primely-located and newly-furnished, it was the picture-perfect bachelor pad. Sirius now had a place to call his own, thanks to a bountiful inheritance from his Uncle Alphard. The walls were bare and the lighting dim, adding an overall sensuality to the atmosphere. 
“It’s nice,” you remarked sincerely, smoothing his plain black bed sheets. You peeked into his wardrobe, smirking to yourself as you noticed it was half-empty. “Lost the rest of your clothes, babe?” 
“No,” answered Sirius quietly. “It’s for you.”
“What is?” 
“The closet space. It’s for your clothes.” His voice was barely above a whisper. 
“For when I come to visit,�� you amended automatically. 
You turned to see Sirius scratching the back of his head. “No, for when you live here. With me.” 
“W-What?” Your mind was reeling. You leaned against his side table to steady yourself. “Me? Move in with you?” 
“Well… yeah,” said Sirius as he slowly regained his signature confidence. “We’ve been together for ages, seems about right. Besides, James and Lily are getting a place together.” 
You did not understand why you weren’t over the moon. It was what you always wanted from him – a tell-tale symbol of his otherwise-flaky commitment to you, a sign of your sparkling love. It was the beginning of the next chapter of your lives, and you were meant to start it together. On paper, it was perfect. There was no explanation for the sinking feeling in your stomach. 
Suddenly, the words that would never come were on the tip of your tongue. The answer was clear as day. “No.” 
It was an extremely difficult task to catch Sirius Black off-guard, a feat you used to motivate your argument. “No, Sirius. I won’t move in with you.” 
Shock was written all over his face. “What the hell? Why?” 
“Because… you didn’t even ask me!” 
Sirius stared at you blankly for a long moment before bursting into laughter. “Alright… (Y/N), will you please do me the honor of sharing an address with me? Is that it, then? Shall I get down on one knee?” 
“No, Sirius. That’s not the point,” you said firmly. “The point is that you didn’t ask me. You just assumed that I would say yes – don’t interrupt. I know we’ve been together for years, but can’t you see? You make me so incredibly happy and yet, so unbelievably unhappy at the same time. You’re so good to me, and then so horrible, and then amazing again… I can hardly keep up anymore. I’m a fucking doormat and I’m sick of it! It’s humiliating. I’m tired of feeling humiliated in front of people I care about. It’s starting to become too high a price of being in love with you.” 
You ended shakily, afraid to look at him. When you dared, you saw him wearing an unfamiliar expression. The silence washed over you both for an eternity. You had the horrible thought that perhaps this was it. Perhaps, you crossed a line. Maybe he hadn’t noticed how broken you both were, how broken you were, and now… well, he couldn’t unsee it now. You were over. Without a word, you headed for the door with your head down.
“Wait,” shouted Sirius hoarsely. “Don’t go. I-I’m not sure what to say to make you stay.”
“Try being honest,” you whispered weakly. 
He swallowed nervously. “Okay, here goes. I know that I haven’t put enough effort into this relationship… I know that. I realize that I take you for granted and that you deserve better. I don’t blame you for thinking that. I would never have blamed you for thinking that. But here’s the truth – I am so far gone when it comes to you, you have no idea. I am so in love with you. I think about you morning, noon, and night. And the thing is, here we are, fighting for Muggles and Muggleborns and the good of the world… but above all, I am so utterly afraid of losing you. I think that’s why, actually. That’s why I keep you at arm’s length. I don’t think I mean to, but it just happens. Because I’ve never met anyone who loves me as much as you do, not even my mother. Especially not my mother. I’m torn between keeping you close and pushing you away because the truth is, you’ll always deserve better than me. And I’ve always been afraid of you realizing that.”
His truth was careful but sincere. Your hand slipped off the doorknob. Still, it was not the first time Sirius had rendered you speechless. “How do I know you mean it? That it’s more than just words to you?”
“Let me prove it to you,” he said meaningfully, grey eyes glistening. 
You took slow steps toward him, and he embraced you with the hope of filling all the gaps he may have left open. “Okay,” you said, your voice muffled into his shirt. “Just… leave the closet half-empty for a little while.” 
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eberles · 4 years
On The Course
Rafe Cameron
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if this gif is yours, lmk and i’ll tag you!
A/N: this is the longest thing i’ve ever written coming in at 3.8K!! it’s set the summer AFTER the show so like a year later basically and rafe isn’t a murderer obv, it’s also loosely based on A Cinderella Story - the one with Hilary Duff, okay enjoy :)
Warnings: mentions of parent death, brief mention of toxic living environments, swearing, lots of dialogue (idk if that needs a warning but)
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You never had many friends growing up, or any really. Except JJ, he was always there for you, your very best friend and even though he offered all the time for you to hangout with the other pogues, you always declined. Of course, you went to school with them and had classes together and sure they were nice, but you never actually felt welcome. JJ was the first friend you made when you moved to the Outer Banks after your parents died. It’s been 4 years since then and living with your ugly aunt and her horrible twin daughters was the last thing you ever wanted for yourself. The only upside of moving to Outer Banks all those years ago was meeting JJ.
Everyone assumed you were dating and both of you had considered the fact, but quickly decided that it wasn’t meant to be for the two of you. JJ liked to be a playboy and he wasn’t really your type anyways. for years you watched him get with girl after girl while you sat idly by watching and looking out for him, never having a guy of your own to trot around with. You never minded it though, being by yourself gave you a sense of comfort and with your current living situations, your cousins made it difficult for you to have many friends or otherwise anyways. JJ always made you feel better about it though and assured you that you didn’t need a man to be happy because of how independent you were and how ‘one day you’re gonna get out of here and meet the guy of dreams, the one that lives up to your standards.” You would always shake your head and roll your eyes at him when he said that, but he believed it. At least the getting out of here part. JJ knew from the moment he met you 4 years ago that you weren’t destined to be on a little island like Outer Banks and you had bigger things coming to you. For now, this was home and you were making the best of it.
“JJ, please talk to your boss. I need a job, I have to get out of my house this summer.” you begged JJ one sunny afternoon, knowing that school was ending in a few days.
“Y/N, you’re gonna hate it. Trust me, you don’t wanna serve a bunch of rich pricks.” JJ sighed, looking over at you briefly and noticing you had your best puppy dog look plastered onto your face, the one you always knew got him to cave. “Fucking fine, i’ll talk to him.”
A few days passed and you were finally done with school. This was your last summer before heading off to college and as much as you didn’t want to spend it working, you knew your aunt had no intention of giving you any money for college. So here you were, serving your first day as a cart girl at the most prestigious country club on Figure 8. The course was fairly slow today and you had a small training session for the first few hours of your shift, but it wasn’t all that hard. Drive around, serve drinks, get tipped. As you were riding around on your little golf cart you noticed none other than Rafe Cameron flagging you down.
“Hi, what can I get for you?” you refrained from immediately rolling your eyes at him and forcing a smile onto your face as you climbed out of your cart.
“I’ll just get a beer, thanks.” he pointed to his beer of choice and watched as you poured the beverage slowly into the plastic cup. “I haven’t seen you around here before.”
“That’s because I just started.” you stated pointedly, handing Rafe the drink and giving him a small smile. “Can i get you anything else?”
“Do you know how to golf?” Rafe was speaking before he could stop himself and you were taken aback by his question, let alone his politeness towards you. You’d never actually come in contact with the boy in front of you, but you’d heard horror stories from JJ surrounding the summer before. You shook your head no, not moving back to your cart just yet curious to where this was heading. “Do you wanna give it a shot? I can teach you.”
You knew you shouldn’t, JJ would scold you up and down for it, after previously warning you Rafe was an often golfer and that you’d probably see him quite a bit, but this wasn’t the Rafe you were expecting. Not after JJ’s multiple stories of Rafe beating him and the other pogues up and constantly giving them a hard time. However, you couldn’t stop yourself from agreeing to Rafe’s offer. Moving closer to him and grabbing the club from him you did exactly what you’d seen in the movies: knees spread, club down, aimed at the small golf ball and raising your arms back only for them to swing the club right into the dirt.
“Damn, you weren’t lying.” Rafe chuckled, taking a spot behind you making sure it was okay that he helped you first. Rafe was a good 6 inches taller than you, but when he came up you could still feel his breath hitting your ear causing your heart to beat out of your chest and goosebumps to erupt all over. He wrapped his arms around yours, placing his hands over yours adjusting your grip on the club. “Ready? One...two...three.”
“Oh- oh my god! I did it! Well you did it, but I did it!” you turned around in Rafe’s grasp jumping up excitedly after watching the ball move this time. Before Rafe could react, realization hit you that you were at work and not making a very good first impression. “I have to go, I'm sorry.”
You ran back towards your golf cart, jumping in and driving off checking in on the other golfers. Rafe had a big smile on his face watching the cute new girl drive off. He felt a sense of home building in his chest after your small interaction and he wasn’t sure what was going on. No girl had ever affected him the way you did and he didn’t even know your name. Yet.
“Dude, what’s got you blushing?” Topper asked, joining him on the course and snapping Rafe out of his thoughts about you.
“Have you seen the new cart girl?”
“Yea she’s cute but she’s a pogue.” Topper stated and Rafe looked at him skeptically not wanting to believe the words. Rafe was almost positive he’d never seen you around before and definitely not with the other pogues. Granted, the way everything happened last summer he never saw the pogues anymore, choosing the high road and turning himself into a better man so he could eventually leave Figure 8 on his own.
“Y/N!” you turned around hearing JJ calling your name. You just entered the cut after having to walk home from your first shift at the country club. “I’ve been texting you for hours.”
“Oh sorry JJ, my shitty phone died.” you shrugged letting JJ catch up with you before continuing your walk home.
“How was your first day?” you knew JJ would ask, but you hadn’t quite figured out what you were planning on telling him. Do you bring up your weird but pleasant interaction with Rafe?
“It was good! It was a pretty slow day, perfect for learning.” JJ hummed in response, looking at you quizzically not fully believing you didn’t have anything more to say. You decided to keep it short, not looking forward to JJ mocking your newfound connection with his enemy. You felt bad enough about it without having him breathing down your neck. JJ walked you home, the two of you making small talk for the rest of the short distance to your house.
“Charge your phone, how else will I annoy you?” you rolled eyes, laughing at what JJ said, pushing on his chest.
“Goodbye JJ, Y/N has things to do.” your aunt spoke, catching you off guard as you were saying bye to JJ outside your house. JJ gave you a sympathetic look before walking off, never wanting to leave you alone with them. “Y/N, I’m going out of town tomorrow. I’ll be leaving you this list to work on while I'm gone. I expect everything to be finished. You will go to work, come home and work some more. Zero play time and in the house everyday by 6 pm, missy.”
“Okay but there’s this one event the country club is having and it’s a night shift for me.” you followed your aunt around the small house, hoping she would let you out of the house for Midsummers knowing the tips would be great.
“Well that’s not going to work, now is it?” she huffed, shoving the 7 page list into your hands and storming off, her heels clicking with every step. “One page for everyday, don’t miss anything.”
The next day your aunt left just like she planned to, her twin daughters staying behind to ‘keep an eye on you’ but really, they were just going to annoy you the whole time. The only thing you could really look forward to anymore was going to work and hoping the customers were nicer than your cousins.
“Y/N, we’re coming with you today!” the twins spoke at the same time with fake chipper voices.
“Great.” you deadpanned, turning away from them and making your way towards their shared car and climbing in the back seat. The drive was short and they talked the whole way there so you practically jumped out before the car stopped moving noticing your arrival. You were feeling giddy to be at work today secretly hoping you would see a certain kook boy again. You didn’t know much about him, only the awful things JJ had spoken about him briefly but didn’t see that side of him only enticing you to know more.
After a few hours driving around the course serving drinks to mostly middle aged white men you finally noticed Rafe with a few of his friends. You wanted to talk to him again, but having his friends around made you unsure about the situation so you decided to play it cool.
“Did you guys want drinks?” you stopped on the path behind them before getting off the cart and making your way to them.
“Rafe, is this your cute cart girl from yesterday?” Topper laughed, hitting Rafe’s back pushing him towards you and you noticed a blushing Rafe shoot a quick glare in his direction.
“Hey, how’s your second day going?” Rafe moved closer to you and the cart hoping to get out of ear shot from Topper and Kelce.
“It’s been good, lots of older men come around here I’ve noticed.” you laughed handing Rafe the same drink as yesterday since you remembered the specific beer he wanted. “It makes for good tips though so I can't complain.”
“Yea these guys might be old but they’re rich as fuck.” Rafe sipped his beer, smiling at you and apologizing for his friends being stupid behind him. “Hey so I never got your name-”
“Hey Y/N!” you turned, hearing your name being called and saw JJ running towards you. You mentally cursed because of course this was the one time he would ever step foot on the course to look for you. Rafe looked at you confused even though Topper previously told him you were technically a pogue yourself. “Y/N, your cousins are inside and they’re driving me crazy. I needed a break. What’s going on here?”
“Oh JJ, I’m sorry about them, they insisted on being here for my whole shift.” you ignored JJ’s last question, putting all the attention on your cousins, hoping it would deflect from you and Rafe chatting.
“You okay?” JJ asked in a hushed tone, glaring at Rafe and you laughed nodding your head yes. “Okay I guess I’ll go back inside then. Be careful.”
“So your name’s Y/N?” Rafe stood back a few feet while you had your short conversation with JJ and returned to your side once JJ started walking away. “I’m assuming since you know Maybank that you already know who I am.”
“Well I know of you, but if we keep meeting like this maybe i’ll be able to find out more.” you were feeling brave all of a sudden, hoping putting yourself out there would get your somewhere with Rafe. Everything felt natural with him, and you didn’t want to let that feeling escape you by ruining it.
“Why don’t you give me your number and then it won’t have to be exclusive to only here?” Rafe smirked, pulling his phone out and placing it in your hands. You laughed, typing your phone number in quickly and returning it back to him.
“I should really get back to work, Rafe but I’ll see you around yea?” you climbed back into your golf cart as Rafe smiled and waved bye to you.
The next few days passed and you hadn’t seen Rafe at the club, but you had been texting quite a bit. Just in a few days of talking you felt like you were already learning so much about him and his life. He told you everything from who his friends are to how overbearing and controlling his father was. He explained that he went to college at Chapel Hill for a year before dropping out and his father never forgave him. You shared your deepest feelings with him about your parents deaths and how your aunt and cousins were Satan's children. You told him you couldn’t wait to get out of Outer Banks and go off to college at the end of the summer. He understood you and you meshed together so well just after a few days.
i haven’t told my dad, but after getting my shit together this past year i started applying to schools. my first choice is princeton.
princeton?! rafe, no way! that’s where i’m hoping to go.
You couldn’t deny the fast connection you felt with rafe, everything in your body was telling you that you belonged together. Rafe told you he was looking forward to seeing you at the Midsummers event tonight, but you had to break the devastating news that there was no way you could go.
curfew is 6 pm cameron, get with it😂
jesus, i’m sorry i didn’t know you were 7
You laughed at the text on your phone when a tapping noise on your window startled you. You dragged yourself out of bed to see JJ standing on the ground below you.
“JJ, what are you doing?!” you whispered after opening the window and sticking your head out.
“I'm coming up!” JJ whispered back, scaling the side of your house next to your bedroom window. Lucky for him there was a small rock wall giving him the perfect entrance. “I'm breaking you out, you’re coming to Midsummers.”
“JJ, I can't! They’ll kill me if I leave!” JJ gave you a look as if to say ‘stop being a baby.’ It only took a few more seconds of convincing from JJ for you to agree. He successfully helped you out your window and down the rock wall without your cousins noticing you had left for the night. JJ borrowed John B's van and left it parked a few houses down so the twins wouldn’t be suspicious.
“Thanks for this, JJ. You’re the best.” you smiled wide, feeling free for the first time in a while. It was nice getting out of the house while it was dark out.
“As much as I want to take credit, I can’t. This was Rafe’s idea.” you looked at JJ with wide eyes, completely caught off guard.
“What?!” you all but screamed, not sure why JJ would ever talk to Rafe about you. Especially since you hadn’t even told JJ that you and Rafe were talking almost constantly.
“I’ll try to forgive you for not mentioning your budding relationship, but yea. Rafe came to me and apologized for everything last summer and although I don’t forgive him. He does talk pretty highly about you and I can't deny that.” JJ explained and you couldn’t have been more proud to call him your best friend in these moments.
Once you arrived, JJ snuck you in the back and you couldn’t help but take a peek out and notice Rafe standing by the bar dressed in a navy colored suit with his dad who looked like he was scolding him for something. He looked good, really good. JJ pulled you into the locker room handing you a uniform with a white shirt and a black vest to put over it and informing you that you were on drink serving duty. You made your rounds looking over at Rafe every so often wanting nothing more than to approach him. You noticed Rafe's dad pulling him away from the crowd with a yank to his collar and watching as he stood in front of him yelling and pointing a finger in his face. Your feet were moving before your brain could process it and before you knew it you were in front of the two.
“Hi, can I get you guys anything to drink?” you put the sweetest smile on your face, hoping it wouldn’t be obvious that you were trying to distract Rafe’s dad. Ward cleared his throat before looking at you and ordering a whiskey on the rocks with a fake smile on his face. Rafe took the opportunity to make a break for it while you wrote down his fathers drink, exactly what you hoped would happen. After returning to Ward with his drink you went looking for Rafe only to find him back inside the club.
“Oh look who it is, my savior.” Rafe teased, watching you approach him before pulling out a chair for you to sit next to him. “Thanks for that by the way, you didn’t have to.”
“Of course I did, I understand family issues all too well, Cameron.” you laughed, taking the seat beside him.
“I’m surprised to see you here, so much for that curfew huh?” Rafe smirked, eyeing you from across the table.
“Funny enough, JJ came up with this super smart plan to sneak me out. Usually he’s not that on top of it, but I guess something changed.” you joked and reached for Rafe’s hand across the table. “Thank you for talking to him, you have no idea how much it means to me.”
“I know it sounds weird, but I think I would do anything for you.” Rafe blushed, squeezing your hand in his and putting his head down to hide the pink tint on his cheeks. You pulled your hand from his and reached up to lift his face to look at your before moving in closer to him. Your lips brushed his softly before he pulled you closer by your waist and your lips molded to each other and you melted into your first kiss with Rafe.
“Uh, sorry to interrupt but Y/N your aunts outside.” you pulled away from Rafe hearing JJ’s voice and you couldn’t believe what you heard. You looked between the boys with a horrified expression on your face and walked passed JJ outside to where your aunt and cousins were standing and causing a scene.
“Where the hell is she?!” you frowned, running up to them, hoping you could get her to leave without losing your job.
“There you are! You ungrateful piece of trash! How dare you sneak out with this scum of a boy!?” with each word your ugly aunt used her finger to push on her chest and you felt the anger bubbling up inside of you.
“Don’t touch me! And don’t talk about him like that. I’m 18 now, you can’t tell me what to do anymore!” you pushed her hand away, yelling back in her face with JJ and Rafe watching you from a few feet away, everyone else at the party enjoying the show.
“I sure as hell can if you’re living under MY roof!” you could hear your cousins laughing from behind her and that only fueled more anger in you.
“Don’t worry about me, because I'm moving out.” you finally had it, you couldn’t take dealing with her for another second longer. Unbeknownst to you, Rafe and JJ were sharing knowing looks at each other as the scene unfolded in front of them.
“And where do you think you’re gonna go?”
“With us!” JJ spoke up, and you felt him take a place at your side with Rafe following his actions on your other side.
“Good luck with that. They’ll be tired of you soon enough, don’t come crawling back.” your aunt scoffed, rolling her eyes at the two boys and retreating back to her SUV, “Girls! Here! Now!”
You felt tears start to roll down your cheeks and you laughed feeling both the boys wrap their arms around you. “Everything’s gonna be okay now, y/n.”
“Jeez, I don’t know what to say. Thank you guys for being here.” The rest of the party goers were clapping at you standing up for yourself and finally being free of her even though they didn’t know you or your situation.
“You don’t have to thank us, Y/N.” Rafe smiled as you pulled him into a tight hug feeling safe as his arms wrapped around you.
Summer was officially over and you were sad to be moving on, but you could easily say this was the best summer of your entire life. After the screaming match with your aunt you moved in with JJ and John B and yes it was tough adjusting to living with boys but it was amazing. You were finally getting close with the other pogues Rafe’s sister Sarah and you just wish you hadn’t waited 4 years for it to happen.
Rafe did some digging with a private investigator and found a savings account in your name for your full college tuition that your aunt had been hiding from you. Everything was falling into place for you and speaking of Rafe: you guys were officially dating and going two months strong. You felt the happiest you ever had in your entire life and he was partly to thank for that.
You wound up going to Princeton together and lived happily ever after. At least for now. Hey, you’re only a freshman.
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pricetagofficial · 4 years
Beautiful -KK
Summary: You find out you’re pregnant with Kon’s child. 
Pairing: Kon Kent x Reader
Word Count: 3496
Warnings: Language, FLUFF, birth, pregnancy related things, light-ish hints of the smut
Tag List: @kishony-the-geek @idkmanicantenglish @catxsnow
A/N: So this was a total bribe for Sara to do her work, and I did not expect it to get this long. I hope you all like it!
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You stared at the tests that were laid out in front of you, all three of them had the same results. Positive. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You and Kon had always been safe when it came to sex, it was something the two of you had talked about months ago. You racked your brain, trying to think up a way that it was possible when it struck you. You and Kon were safe, except…
That day replayed in your mind in slow motion, it was just a normal day for the two of you. Both of you were home for the day, you didn’t have work and there was no crisis going on that needed his attention so you spent it together doing whatever you wanted.
Kon had woken up early and made breakfast, even going as far as bringing it to you in bed as he bent to wake you with sweet, soft kisses as you held in your giggles. Sitting up in the bed, you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.
He stood there with a tray in his hands and the goofiest smile on his face, “Morning Sunshine.”
You leaned up and pressed your lips to his once more, cupping his jaw with your hand while running your thumb over his skin. “Good morning handsome.” You replied, slowly pulling away from the kiss and glancing at the food in his hands.
“What’s all this for?” you asked, crossing your legs and looking up at him.
“It’s for the most beautiful person in the world.”
“If that’s for you, then why did you bring it here?” you grinned.
It was as if Kon mentally exploded at your words, his jaw dropped slightly and grinned as he set it aside. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you?” he asked, leaning over you as he took your chin and made you look up at him.
“As a matter of fact, I think I’m hilarious.”
Kon took your waist and pulled you closer towards him so your legs hung off the edge of the bed. “Why don’t I remind you how beautiful you are.” He grinned leaning down to capture your lips in a chaste kiss that left you wanting for more.
His hands gripped your bare thighs as his lips left yours way too quick for your liking and placed soft kisses down your jaw and throat, making you whimper under his touch. Your hand went to his hair, gripping it tightly between your fingers as you felt his hands move higher up your legs, bunching up the large shirt you wore in the process.
He could hear your heartbeat seeding up as his hands went higher up and it made him grin, knowing that he had that effect of you. You tightened the grip on his hair when you felt him drag his teeth against the skin on your neck, letting out a needy moan.
“Kon... fuck.” You muttered, leaning into him more wanting to feel him against you.
You felt him chuckle against the skin of your neck. “Don’t worry Sunshine, we will.”
It had been just a month and a half since that day and you were feeling weird for only the last week or so. You thought that you were sick at first but then you started to notice other things and took it upon yourself to grab tests and figure this out. Kon was currently out on a mission and wasn’t supposed to be back until the end of the week, and that gave you plenty of time to figure out how to tell him. Picking up the tests, you threw them into the trash and washed your hands.
The first thing you needed to do was make sure that you were actually pregnant and weren’t getting false positives, it happened way too often and you wanted to be sure of it.
By the end of the next day, you had your results and you were for sure pregnant with Kon’s child and it was nearly impossible to hide your excitement. The first thing you did was go to a store and buy various items and a gift bag. Kon was supposed to be back the next night and you were going to have it all planned out, down to the tee.
The gift bag rested on the table with curled ribbon tied onto it, while you sat there waiting for Kon to walk in the door. It was needless to say that you were nervous, the topic of kids had come up and you both wanted one but in the future. Seemed like life had other plans for you.
Hearing the doorknob turn, your head shot up and you rose to your feet as you fixed the bright blue dress you wore unable to keep the wide smile off your face. The door opened and in he walked, the look on his face was exhausted but quickly brightened up at the sight of you with dinner on the table and a gift bag set in the middle.
Dropping his back, he ran over and picked you up in his arms and swung you around making you squeal in delight. The second he set you down, his lips met yours in a passionate kiss. A week and a half away from you was way too long for him, Kon hated being away from you. You were his literal ray of sunshine that never ceased to brighten his day.
Your hands gripped the edges of his leather jacket, pulling him closer to you as you smiled against his lips. “I missed you.” You mumbled.
“I can tell Sunshine, but not as much as I missed you.” He grinned, and kept you close to him. “Dinner smells great. But what’s with the bag?”
You pulled out of his hold and held it out to him, “It’s a surprise. You can open it now or later whichever you want.”
Kon gave you a side glance as he took the bag and pulled the ribbon and tissue paper out of the bag, dropping it to the floor. Reaching in, he pulled out a small piece of cloth. It was blue, the same shade as your dress and his suit. Unfolding it, he saw that it was a onesie with the iconic ‘s’ on the front. He peeked over at you with a confused look on his face.
“Uh, Sunshine this looks to be a little too small for me.” He said.
“Conner Kent, just look at the rest of the stuff.” You scolded with a smile; you would have thought he picked up on it immediately but apparently not.
Setting the onesie aside, he pulled out an envelope that had his name on it. Setting the bag down, he opened the envelope and pulled out the card inside it. The front had the word ‘Surprise!’ on it, and when he opened it and saw what was inside his heart nearly stopped.
There, taped under your beautiful handwriting was a sonogram with a circle around what was going to be your future child.
You watched as Kon froze in his spot, looking at the onesie then back to the picture over and over as his brain tried to process it. “You’re pregnant?” he asked, looking at you finally.
Giving him a nod, the biggest smile grew on his face as he pulled you into a tight hug as he laughed. “I’m going to be a dad!” he cried and swung you around again before quickly putting you down.
“Shit, I didn’t hurt him doing that right?” he asked looking down at your still flat stomach then your eyes.
You giggled. “No, and how do you know it’s a him?”
“I just know, I have that sense.” He grinned and kissed you once more.
A couple weeks passed and you were starting to show, and it was getting hard to hide the fact that you were pregnant. You were almost into your second trimester and that was the time you and Kon had decided to tell his family along with yours and your friends.
The great thing about Kon’s family is that Clark, Lois and the others all accepted you with open arms the second they met you and were more than ecstatic to hear the news that you were expecting. Your parents however, they were not Kon’s biggest fans. It was the leather jacket and the haircut; they were worried that he would hurt you somewhere down the line.
You were their little girl, of course it was hard for them to swallow the fact that you were pregnant but they were happy none the less and even offered to help you with anything you might need financial wise.
Telling your friends was an adventure in itself, because Kon was part of the Titans you were friends with a lot of the members. When you told them, Cassie screamed in delight and ran over to hug you making the others laugh. Bart and Tim smiled and gave you both their congratulations, patting Kon on the back with a laugh.
But not everything went to plan, half way through your second trimester you were put on bed rest. Growing a super baby inside you was taking its toll on your body so you needed all the rest you could get. Of course, Kon never left your side doing anything you needed in a heartbeat. Even if it was to get up and go pee for the eighth time that night, he was up and carrying you there and back to make sure you were under the least amount of stress.
Rolling onto your side, you felt him wrap his arms around you and rested them on your now visible bump. He rubbed it softly with his thumb, as it lulled you to sleep. Peeking over Kon saw that you were out cold and smile.
He then leaned over and pressed a kiss to your bump. “I can’t wait to meet you Conner Junior, just know that mommy and daddy love you very much.” He smiled and held you close to him once more as fell asleep holding his world in his arms.
You were sitting on the couch, watching TV and eating a bowl of your favorite ice cream covered in hot sauce, tapping softly on your stomach one day when you felt it. You thought you were crazy, but you looked down and there it was. What seemed to be a little foot was pressing against your swollen belly and almost slid the bowl off of you.
“Kon! Quick get in here!” you called.
At the speed of light, he was at your side with a worried look on his face. “What is it Sunshine? Are you hurt?” he asked quickly as he knelt next to you.
You shook your head, instead you pointed down to your stomach. “Watch.” You grinned.
Kon sat there and watched as you started to tap the spot again softly, when he too saw it. The same little foot pressed against your belly and he grinned widely. “That’s so cool, but creepy as fuck.” He chuckled.
“Language Conner Kent, he can hear you.” You scolded.
“I know, I can kind of hear him too.” He smiled, placing a hand on your stomach and feeling the foot under his large hand. “I’ve been able to hear his heartbeat the whole time, it’s the coolest thing ever.” He explained.
You jolted forward as you felt a hard kick to your stomach with a laugh. “I think he likes the sound of your voice.” You smiled. Kon lit up and kissed your belly, resting his head on it carefully as he listened to the heartbeat of your unborn child.
“He’s going to be so spoiled.”
“We haven’t even picked out names.” You commented.
“I was thinking we could name him CJ, Connor Junior.” He grinned.
You rolled your eyes. “We are not naming our baby Connor Junior.” You laughed, running your fingers through his hair. Oddly enough though, the name had stuck and you both were calling your baby CJ even though you never found out the gender. Your baby had a habit of hiding themselves from the ultrasound so you could never get a clear picture to know for sure so you and Kon decided that you would just wait until the baby was born.
When your baby shower rolled around, Kon was kicked out of the house by Lois, your mother and even Cassie and Steph. All four of them promised to take care of you and told him to go out and have fun with Bart and Tim before the baby came. The party had gone off without a hitch, everything went smoothly and you sat down the entire time so you wouldn’t strain yourself or the baby.
The entire time, everyone was dying to try and feel your stomach to see if they could feel him move but it seemed that the only person little CJ moved for was Kon, and no one else.
You were now in your third trimester and you could not be more miserable. You were fat, bloated and had to pee every ten minutes. Deep down, you knew that Kon was probably as irritated as you were but he never showed it.
Truth be told, you both were scared to be parents. It was only weeks away by this point and the reality that you were going to have a baby was hitting you hard. Nothing was going to be the same after you gave birth, but you were still excited. But no one was more excited than Kon.
Every ten minutes, he asked you if you felt like the baby was coming. You knew this was how he was handling his nerves, but it was still kind of cute. He had been so supportive of you, making sure you stayed relaxed as he rubbed your shoulders, your back and even bathed with you just so you would relax with him. Seeing you so big and carrying his child no less, it was the coolest thing in the world to him. Whenever he talked to Tim, all he mentioned was you and the baby. You never would have thought that your boyfriend would get baby fever like this, but it was adorable.
When the day came, you were not ready. At all.
You had just gotten comfortable on the bed finally when you felt a little odd. You didn’t have to pee, yet you felt like you had just gone in your pants. Slowly you sat up and saw that you were sat in a puddle of fluid, and you went into shock.
The one day Kon went to the store, to find you those chili covered mango pops, was when your water broke. You took a deep breath and grabbed your phone dialing the first number on your list.
“Hey Sunshine, I just found those mango pops of yours. Is everything okay?”
“Uh, Kon I think my water just broke.” You muttered.
There was silence on the other end, it seemed that Kon was in shock but you had no idea. “Kon? Conner?” you asked.
There was a scuffle before you heard him speak again. “I am on my way, don’t move. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
You nodded and winced as you felt the first contraction, it hurt but there was nothing you could do about it. Sitting on the bed, you tried to reach for your shoes but they were just out of your reach. With a huff, you carefully slid down to the ground and grabbed them before pulling them onto your feet.
Kon ran in to see you struggling to get your shoes on, and ran over to help you. He picked you up with ease and carried you out to the car where the overnight bag was already waiting for you and he sped to the hospital.
You gripped his hand tightly as he drove, the contractions getting more and more painful. The good news was that you didn’t live far from the hospital, and was there in no time. Once he parked, Kon picked you up and carried you in.
The doctors saw you coming and had a chair ready to take you back to prep you for labor, and Kon never left your side and never let go of your hand. You were lying in the bed, holding his hand tightly, as another contraction passed. It was a good thing he was indestructible, or you would have broken his hand by this point.
When it came time to push, Kon held you in his arms muttering how good you were doing.
“Why don’t you push a mini you out of your fucking uterus as I sit there and tell you that you’re doing a good job.” You snapped, making him chuckle.
“You can get me back for this later, just keep pushing.”
“I’ll push you out a window Conner Kent!” you screamed, “I am never having sex with you again!”
He rolled his eyes, pressing a kiss to your temple as you gave one final push and heard the small cries of your baby fill the room after 9 hours of labor.
Exhausted and covered in sweat, you leaned back against the bed as Kon pressed a kiss to your lips. “You did so good Sunshine, you did it.” He said softly, cupping your cheek.
You raised your hand and flipped him off with a grin. “Fuck you Kent.” You chuckled as the both of you looked to see a nurse stand and hand you your baby.
“Congrats, it’s a girl.” The nurse smiled as you took your child in your arms.
She had the slightest tufts of black hair, that stuck off the top of her head as she curled into your embrace. It was then the tears left your eyes as you held your baby girl for the first time. Gently, you ran a thumb over her cheek and kissed the top of her tiny head before you looked at Kon.
“She’s beautiful.”
“Well, she is half you.” He smiled, looking down at the little baby.
“She is half you as well Kon, don’t forget.” You smiled.
“We still need a name for her, Connor Junior won’t exactly work.” He chuckled, running his fingers over the black hairs on the top of her head.
“What about Ella?” you asked.
Kon smiled and watched as your little girl cried softly. He took her from your arms and held her close to his chest, the baby quieting down as she heard his voice speak softly to her. “What do you think sweetheart, do you like Ella too?” he asked, bouncing her softly.
The baby let out small coos, as if she was agreeing with him. You could see from that moment, Kon would be wrapped around her tiny little finger ready to do anything for her. You watched as the nurse took little Ella and cleaned her up before placing a pink bow on her head and wrapping her tightly in a blanket.
You had gotten cleaned up as well and was watching Kon as he walked around holding your little girl tightly in his arms, to keep her safe from the world around you. He bounced her softly, as he talked to her muttering under his breath things that you didn’t hear.
A few days later, you and Kon were able to take your little girl home and it turned out she had the biggest blue eyes to match his. Kon just about melted when he saw them for the first time, gazing up at him with curiosity.
You had made dinner that night and went to go tell Kon that it was ready when you found him asleep on the couch with Ella on his chest out cold. Your heart melted at the sight, and took a picture before sending it to Clark and Lois.
Carefully, you walked over and kissed his cheek waking him from his slumber. He looked around and smiled as he saw your face looking down at him. “Well if it isn’t the light of my life.” He grinned.
You rolled your eyes and carefully picked up the little baby and set her in the travel crib. “Food is done, come eat.” You smiled, helping him off the couch. Once he was on his feet, Kon pulled you towards him and kissed you deeply.
“I love you (Y/N),” he smiled softly, looking down at you with the same eyes your daughter had.
You smiled back and leaned into him. “I love you too Connor.”
“Did you mean what you said when you told me you’re never sleeping with me again?” he asked, only to get punched in the arm.
“Keep it up and I will.” You grinned.
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horansqueen · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 15
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Chapter 15: Some Say
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6   🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8  🡪chapter 9  🡪chapter 10  🡪chapter 11 🡪chapter 12 🡪chapter 13 🡪chapter 14
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
I will find the time, we will find the timing 'Cause you are on my mind, I hope that you don't mind it
And I know it might sound stupid but for me, yeah yeah I just gotta keep believing and I've heard
Some say you will love me one day And I will wait, I will wait to get your loving one day Just say you will love me one day And I will wait, I will wait to get your loving one day
click here to be on the update list
                                                I felt my heart threaten to jump out of my chest as we both stood motionless. Niall's eyes met mine and I shook my head slightly.
"No..." I whispered, suddenly finding back the use of my legs and taking the few steps separating me from the buttons. "Fuck, no."
I started hitting all the buttons as my heart was racing until I felt Niall's presence next to me. He put his hands over mine to stop me and grabbed my fingers, pulling gently on them to make me turn around.
I looked up in his eyes and for a reason I ignored, it calmed me immediately. I blinked a few times, barely believing that once again, I was stuck somewhere with Niall, and I was starting to wonder if it wasn't a joke from fate. Someone out there was probably having a laugh from locking us together and I just closed my eyes and sighed.
I was trying to sober up but it wasn't easy, and when I opened my eyes again, I could swear I saw anxiety the way Niall was looking at me. He gripped my fingers tighter and all the anger I felt towards him faltered, almost disappearing.
"Okay, I'll call Lewis."
He let go of my hands, making my arms fall on each sides of my body as I watched him. Quickly, he grabbed his phone from his pocket, almost drpping it, and composed a number after putting his phone on speaker. It took half a minute for Lewis to answer, and I was feeling more and more nervous with every ring.
"Maaate, where are you? It's complete darkness here! Even the lights outside are off."
Niall glanced up at me before looking back down at his phone and licked his lips. I didn't know if it was the alcohol running in my veins but I ended up staring at his mouth for way too long and took a step closer.
"Okay you need to call your landlord, I'm literally stuck in the elevator." Niall quickly explained, ignoring everything his friend told him.
"You are?" Lewis asked before bursting into laughter. "What were you even doing there?"
This time, Niall looked up in my eyes and his lips parted. "I'm.. I'm here with Devon."
"Wait wait, you're stuck in the elevator with Devon?"
Once again, he started laughing so loud I actually moved my upper body slightly back, as if it would change anything. Niall just rolled his eyes and sighed, waiting for him to stop laughing.
"Come on, just call your landlord will you?"
"Everyone here started doing nasty things everywhere in the dark." Lewis added with a chuckle. "And Mandy is looking for you."
My heart dropped in my chest and Niall's gaze moved away from mine, avoiding it. "Lewis, you know I can't stay here okay, call someone. I don't care if it's the fucking police okay? You get someone to make that fuckin' elevator work again!"
Once again, his words hurt me more than they were supposed to. Was being locked with me that bad that he couldn't handle it even just a few minutes? Or was he just too impatient to go find Mandy?
"Yea yea, no worries, i'm on it. I'll text you about it." Lewis replied as I took a few steps back slowly and leaned again the wall. He started laughing again and I heard Niall sigh for a second time. "I can't believe you're stuck there with Devon! This is the most hilarious shit that happened tonight!"
I didn't understand why it was so funny but perhaps Lewis was just too drunk to be coherent, or I was too drunk to get the joke.
"Yea. Hilarious." Niall let out sarcastically.
"Oh hey mate while you're there, maybe you could tell Devon about-"
I held my breath when Niall took off the speakers and brought his phone to his ear before turning his back to me. It made me frown, wondering what Lewis was about to say that was so bad that Niall didn't want me to hear. Was he asking Niall to tell me how much I annoyed him? If that was the case, it was clearly not necessary. I knew I had been annoying Niall since day 1 and I probably always would. It was true, he has actually been kind with me in the past 24 hours and I was still not sure why, but he had been rude and mean to me way more often than not. Of course, he had kissed me twice also, and those were moves I still didn't really understand.
"Shut up and get us out of here!"
He hung up quickly and turned back to me, his eyes now roaming on me as I leaned my head against the wall. "What was so funny?"
"Nothing. He's just pissed."
"Are you impatient to get out of here so you can go back to her and let her literally sex-kiss you in front of everyone?"
His lips curled slightly on the right in an amused smile. "Sex-kiss me?" he repeated, raising his eyebrows.
"Yea. Pushing her tongue so deep on your mouth and making sex sounds."
"Is that what she did back there?" he asked, his smirk growing as he took a step closer.
"You should know it. She's probably not the first or last girl you'll be having sex with." I pointed out rudely, making him lose his smile and frown.
"Okay, what does that mean exactly?" he asked cautiously as I nodded. "Are you slut-shaming me?"
His expression surprised me but I just shrugged. "Tell me I'm wrong."
He scoffed and shook his head, placing himself in front of me, forcing me to raise my chin up to look in his eyes. "So basically you think I sleep with every single girl I meet? That I just see a pretty girl and kiss her or bring her to my bed to shag her? You don't know shit about me but you just judge me and decide what kind of person I am by just looking at me?"
"She doesn't even have to be pretty." I pointed out, feeling my heart jump at my confession.
It took him a few seconds to understand and his face changed. His shoulders moved down and he seemed to relax slightly, closing his eyes for a few seconds and sighing again. When his eyes met mine, I could tell he knew I was talking about myself. I could read it in the way he was looking at me.
"For your information, Mandy is the only girl I slept with since... well, she's the only girl I slept with in over a year. Happy?"
No, I was not happy. The fact that he literally only had sex with her made everything even worse. It was impossible to shag someone for so long without developing some sort of feelings for them.
"Why did Lewis say you'd kill him if he accepted that I moved in with him?"
Niall turned around and grabbed his phone, checking to see if he got a text message. "Because Lewis is an idiot, that's why." he looked up and stared at me for a while. I could feel he was a bit angry at me and I was not sure why but I probably deserved it. "Why were you leaving?"
"Because." I just replied in a low tone, looking away.
I wrapped my arms around myself like this move could shield me from his words, from his questions, and from his eyes.
"Because what?" he insisted a bit louder. "I answer your questions now it's your turn!"
"Because you.. you kiss me! And you.. you press your body on me and, and and your cock is pressing on my thigh! And you pull away and leave like it didn't matter! Like you do that to random girls all the fucking time! And you like my instagram posts in less than a minute like you actually turned the fucking notifications on! And then you invite me here like we're friends or some bullshit like that! But this girl is all over you and she literally makes out with you in front of everyone!"
I felt my heart beat so hard in my chest that it throbbed all over my body. Normally, I'd be ashamed of all the things I had just thrown at him but at the moment, stuck in an elevator and totally drunk, I really didn't care. In fact, it made me feel better than I thought it would.
"You know you're making no sense right now."
"Oh shut up!"
We remained motionless and silent for a few minutes and he finally moved back to lean on the other wall, his arms crossed on his chest. I finally let myself slide down against the wall until my butt touched the floor and sighed loud.
"I don't do that all the time, okay." he finally talked. "It just... It just happened!"
"Yes ok? It just happened twice!" I didn't answer but simply rolled my eyes and he continued. "And about instagram, well I just happened to be scrolling through it."
I sighed low and closed my eyes, trying to empty my mind from all of this, but after a few minutes, I heard him curse low. I opened my eyes and he was crouching down, his face looking at the floor, and it made me frown.
"Niall?" I moved my head, trying to see him better. "Are you alright?"
I watched as he gripped the back of his head with his hands and let out a short groan as I felt my heart skip a beat. I crawled to him on my knees slowly and finally sat on my legs, tilting my upper body a bit. It was making me nervous and the fact that I was so drunk that everything seemed to be slightly moving around me didn't help.
"Seriously, Niall, what's wrong?"
"Lewis texted me and said that we may be stuck here for a while and I just..." he seemed panicked and held my breath. "I'm.. I'm claustrophobic okay?"
Out of anything he could have told me, that was one thing I didn't expect at all. I put my back straight again and my lips parted. I shook my head a bit and licked my lips before looking at his hands as they gripped his own hair.
"But we've been stuck together in places before..."
"The basement of the library was big, and there was a window in the bathroom." he pointed out very quickly.
So the reason he wanted to be out of here as soon as possible was not because he couldn't stand to be with me, or because he wanted to see Mandy. I felt extra guilty for thinking about that at that exact moment and shook my head, trying to get rid of that thought.
"What am I... what should I do? How can I help?"
He didn't answer, he just let himself fall on his butt, his legs spread, and leaned his head against the wall, his eyes shut. I placed my hand gently on his shoulder and his eyes fluttered open. He seemed so fucked I thought he could pass out.
"Hey, look at me, okay?" I whispered, raising my eyebrows. "We can breathe together. Okay?"
He blinked a few times and nodded. I searched for his fingers and grabbed them, licking my lips. I was getting nervous too, and I honestly had no idea what to do to help him.
"Nothing's gonna happen to us, okay? So when I squeeze your fingers, we slowly breathe in, and when I stop we breathe out."
We did this for a few minutes but stress was slowly invading me and after a while, he finally closed his eyes again.
"Help me change my mind, Devie, I need to think about something else than the fact that we're stuck here." he let out a bit louder.
"I don't... I don't know what to do." I admitted, feeling myself tear up at how powerless I was.
"Anything, just, do something!" he insisted, making my heartbeats accelerate suddenly.
That's when it happened. I just crashed my mouth against his. My lips pressed on his but after a few seconds, my body relaxed a bit and so did my lips. I closed my eyes and pulled away slowly, feeling extremely stupid.
"Why did you do that?" he asked as I opened my eyes again. My gaze softened despite myself when it met his and he shook his head a bit.
"I don't know." I admitted in a whisper. "It's the first thing that came to my mind."
"Do it again."
"What?" I breathed out, my eyes getting bigger.
"Do it again." he repeated just as low. "Please."
My lips parted and I started panting as my heart thumped hard in my chest, so hard that I felt like it wanted to escape. I moved closer again, tilting my head slightly and brushing my lips against his. Every single time I felt Niall's lips against mine, it was driving me insane, and now that we were both not only drunk but also in a crisis situation, I felt every single pore of my skin shaking. His lips were warm and wet and I kissed him a bit harder. I don't know what suddenly got into me but quickly, my lips parted his and I made the kiss grow deeper. I thought it would surprise him as much as it surprised me but it took only half a second for his arms to wrap around me before he pulled me closer. I moved my knees on each side of him as I felt his fingers sink in the skin of my back through my clothes. He tasted amazing and I let a whimper escape my lips without shame as I sat on him, grinding down against him. It made me feel so dizzy I started seeing yellow spots behind my eyelids and I knew it was not the alcohol this time. It was him. It was always him.
I slid my fingers in his hair just as one of his hands reached for the bottom of my shirt, slipping under it and reaching for my breast. My lips parted again and I whispered a low 'Oh my god' as I pressed my legs more on the sides of his thighs. His fingers grabbed one cup of my bra and pulled it down a bit. I felt his knuckles rub against my nipple and I kissed him again hard, shutting my eyes tight and barely controlling my own body anymore. I could feel my inner thighs throb even harder and I pressed myself on him again, feeling his cock swell between my legs.
That was not what I had expected at all but I didn't want to stop. It's only when I heard him whisper my name as his free hand traveled down my back to reach my ass that I snapped out of it. I moved away slowly, my lips still parted as i panted, and waited for him to open his eyes. We stared at each other and I finally licked my lips as he leaned his head back on the wall, his eyes never leaving mine.
"I'm sorry." I murmured. "It probably didn't help you much."
He chuckled and his lips curled enough to show me his teeth as he shook his head slightly. "Actually, it did."
"Devie, it's hard to think about being locked in a confined place when your dick is hard."
I pressed my lips together, trying not to laugh too, and his hand slipped out of my shirt to fall on my thigh. That position, I had dreamed of it since the first day I met Niall, and I didn't want to move away. He let his fingers trace a few shapes on my jeans and my eyes fluttered at how soft he was being with me. He brought his free hand and moved a lock of my hair behind my ear before letting one of his fingertips brush against my jaw and down my neck before sliding between my breasts. His hand finally reached for my other thigh and he squeezed both at the same time.
I couldn't pretend my inner thighs weren't throbbing anymore, but somehow, it was for an other reason. I had never been excited like that by someone being so soft and gentle with me but it made me want to kiss him again.
"Thank you." he whispered as one of his hands left my thigh to move behind my head.
He pushed me gently to him and I let him. There was nothing I wanted more than to kiss him again and when my face got close enough to his, he kissed me softly and slowly a few times. I tried to remain motionless and eyes closed, focusing on the way his warm lips peppered tender kisses on my mouth as his fingers played in my hair. It was an incredible contrast with the last kiss we just had but I enjoyed it just as much.
"Niall, why do you-"
I was cut by the sound of his phone and he sighed as I moved back to give him space. He grabbed his phone on the floor and checked the message he had just received before looked back in my eyes.
"They'll put back the power any minute now."
As if on cue, the lights changed and the power came back. I remained sitting on him as the elevator brought us to the main floor and felt my heart sink in my chest. The moment was almost over and all that would be left of it would be the memory playing over and over in my head probably forever.
"Come on, Devie." he said in a low tone. "Let's get some fresh air okay? I really need it."
I nodded and got up in silence, holding out my hand to him to help him up too. He rubbed his sweaty hands on his jeans and we got out. It was still warm outside despite that time of the year and we started walking in silence. I kept glancing at him as we wandered around the streets and he was focusing on his feet, his hands in his pockets.
"Are you ever gonna share your story with me?"
Hearing his voice again made my heart jump in my chest. "My story?"
"Yes, You know about the girl who broke my heart, partly because of Louis." he explained, turning to look at me for a few seconds. "But you never told me who broke your heart."
I brought my arms around myself as a shiver crossed my back. I hadn't shared that with anyone but somehow, I wanted to share it with Niall. It's not that I felt like I owed him, it's just that if anyone could understand what it felt to be betrayed, it was him.
"When I started my second year at my old college, I met this guy... he was my professor and he was everything anyone could wish for. He was hot, smart and funny. Everyone was in love with him and I was head over heels." I scoffed and rolled my eyes at the thought. "He showed interest in me and I.. I couldn't  believe it, you know? With all the gorgeous, perfectly-shaped and sexy girls in that school, he still had picked me."
I could feel Niall's eyes on me and he started walking slower. I followed his pace and breathed in before sighing.
"So we started seeing each other in secret. I was.. in heaven. I thought it was real, you know? I thought we had something great, something epic. And someone caught us. So he denied me. He denied our story, and he broke my heart. I changed school because everyone knew, everyone talked behind my back, everyone pointed their fingers at me and whispered when I walked by. The person who caught us literally told everyone."
"That's shitty of them."
"It was my best friend." I admitted, raising my eyebrows and sighing.
"So you really loved him? Your teacher?" Niall asked after he stopped walking and turned to face me.
I realized we were back in front of Lewis' apartment building and I swallowed hard. "Yes. But I was just one of the girls he slept with. Found out the hard way."
Niall took a step closer and I tilted my chin up to keep my eyes locked with his. Once again, he moved a lock of my hair behind my ear as one of his fell on his forehead. "He didn't deserve you."
"Just like your ex girlfriend didn't deserve you."
His lips curled slightly on the right in a mix of melancholy and softness and he finally sighed.
"Come on, Devie, let's go get a rest. We're both too drunk to drive and I'm exhausted."
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daydreamsofh · 4 years
A/N: Ahhhh! Hi, hello :) Here is my piece for the Pick Your Poison Fic Challenge! This is the first thing I have ever written,(please be gentle hehe) and I cannot believe you’re about to read it! Thank you, I love you forever. So much love goes to my girls, my best friend @haute-romance-quotidienne (you know how I feel about you) & @harryinsweatersandbandanas​- Ash thank you for your constant support and shared love for yearning over H :) 
And lastly, I have so much love and adoration for the girls that put this whole thing together. @for-fucks-sake-h ​ @oh-honey-styles ​ @andwhenshesays​, thank you all for being so brilliant and allowing us all the chance to try new things and for just constantly being people to look up to and admire. I love you all forever and ever, and I am the luckiest to know you. 
Word Count: 7.3K
Yearning, yearning, pining. more yearning, yearning, and some more yearning. Sometimes our wildest daydreams do come true. 
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Dreamy soft green eyes watched you from the other side of the room before he shifted his eyes back to the person he was talking to. Arguably this was the hardest part of your friendship with Harry, to see him with other people, other women and knowing that you’d never measure up. Or at least in your eyes, you wouldn’t. And truthfully it had nothing to do with the women he dated. They had all been kind to you and tried to be your friend once they realized how big of a role you played in Harry’s life. They were all lovely and nice and funny, and generally good to him. It never had anything to do with them, and everything to do with you.
Over the years of your friendship with him it had gotten harder and harder to act like you weren’t totally, completely, annoyingly, hopelessly in love with him. Especially on nights like tonight.
Gathered in his lofty, but cozy house with dozens of his closest family and friends for a listening party to celebrate the release of his brand new spanking album. He’s already had two listening parties specifically for his fans, but he wanted to have one for the people that make up his support system, that keep him going when the world feels too big and scary. Plus being the narcissist he so naturally is, the ego boost of his most loved ones listening to his album first and loving it first was an added plus.
He’d told you for months how special this album was to him, and you had singlehandedly witnessed the sheer joy he felt while making it. So when he invited you to the listening party, with those big green eyes slowly blinking at you, of course you said yes.
Walking into his home you were greeted by Anne, who was already teary eyed just from simply seeing all of the people gathered together that make up Harry’s life. She jumped up from her seat once she saw you and wrapped you up in a warm hug.
“‘There she is! Always so wonderful to see you love. I’m happy you’re here, he’s been asking for you.’” She squeezed your arm and sent you a wink before leaving you to go find Harry.
Right as she was, once you turned your back from her his eyes caught yours and he made a beeline for you. Weaving in and out of the crowds of people he reached for your hand before pulling you in and burying his face in your neck. The gesture made you sway, having to brace his shoulders so you wouldn’t fall over. When he finally pulled back he had the biggest smirk on his face as his hand reached to cradle your head and he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“‘Look who finally made it! Just in the nick of time like always. Hi Sweets.’”
Taking him in made you suddenly very glad you chose not to wear too high of heels tonight, because you almost fell over when you saw what he was wearing. Grey high waisted trousers, because why would anyone wear pants that actually sit on their hips correctly? A striped button top with the sleeves rolled up, and an over the top overly-grandpa sweater vest. His hair kept falling in his face and he had a content, soft, dreamy look on his face. Add the way he looked at you to the long list of reasons you loved him.
Looking up at him your stomach did a backflip before you breathed a small laugh and muttered, “Hi H, got quite the crowd tonight huh? It’s a shame more people don’t love you,”
“Oh yeah didn’t I tell you? I had to bribe everyone here with Gucci gift cards to get them to show up tonight,”
“Yeah I bet you did Gucci golden boy,”
That had him laughing deep in his chest before he playfully swatted at your arm, but just like always he was pulled in another direction as Jeff told him it was time to get the show on the road and get the listening party going.
“Gonna be okay on your own? Should I go grab you some tissues before we get started? Maybe some tea?” He said it with a shit eating grin on his face and a wink.
You narrowed your eyes at him before you replied, “You are a lot of things Styles but a comedian is not one of them! Get outta here before I change my mind and listen to it in the comfort of my own home,”
“Oh you wouldn’t dare, you wouldn’t make me miss out on that cute face reacting to my groundbreaking musical mastery would you?” He winked at you after his oh-so funny quip and you thought you were going to actually pass out and hit the floor from him calling your face cute. You knew your voice would give out and that your cheeks were burning so you just shook your head no and smiled so hard your face started to ache. With that he was finally gone to give his thanks to everyone for attending and for some more mingling before they would actually start the party.
After he walked away, you bumped into your mutual friend Sam, who actually introduced you to Harry at one of his shows years ago.
“Hey babe! I’m so glad you made it, I was afraid you would be too weepy to come today. No offense, but I know how he makes you. Especially with his music. Something about boys with guitars, right?”
After you smacked him in the chest for his hilarious reminder of just how much you pine for Harry and have for years, you muttered a very matter of a fact, “For your information it is not ‘something about boys with guitars’ it is about one boy with a guitar, and I think I have a pretty good handle on my weepy-ness today, so sod off.”
He gave you a knowingly smile and you shot one right back because he was absolutely right.
Everyone in your inner circle knew how you felt about Harry. Actually, anyone who was around the both of you for more than a few minutes picked up on it. From the way you bantered and poked fun at each other to the way you laughed at every one of his stupid jokes, to the way you longingly and very dramatically gazed at him pretty much all the time. And who could blame you?
He made everyone he spoke to feel like the most important person in the world. It was overwhelming how intently he listened and watched people. He was the most kind hearted, patient man. You’d lost count of how many times he talked you off the ledge, how many times he reassured you when you doubted yourself at work, or how many times he called to check on you after you swore up and down to him that you were okay. It was overwhelming how much he cared. It was overwhelming how much he radiated love and understanding. And most of all it was overwhelming how being in the same room as him even for just a second made you feel like you could breathe again. He was like coming up for fresh air, every single time.
And if anything made you feel more overwhelmed than just simply looking at him, watching him perform was a close second. He was ridiculously talented, a natural performer, and just so annoyingly amazing at what he does. No matter how many shows of his you went to you found yourself getting emotional watching him do what he was born to do, he exuded talent and the fact that you got to witness him in action was something you would never get over. He teased you about it each time he watched you from the pit or sides of the stage blubbering, but nonetheless he loved the fact that he could get such a reaction out of you. You also swore you saw his ears tinge pink each time you told him how great of a show he put on. You knew how hard it would be tonight to listen to his brand new songs in his house, IN FRONT of him and all of your closest friends and not cry the entire time. Damn him and his dreamy musical mastery ways.
You watched him hop onto his fireplace alongside Jeff to give one of his famous speeches. His eyes scanned the room and he gave everyone a slow, smirking grin. A slow, honeyed one that warmed you from the inside out and made your chest feel light and fluttery.
“I just want to thank you all so much for taking the time to come out and listen to my album, I love you all endlessly and this album is just as much for you as it is for me.” Harry's eyes found yours again and “You all know how I feel about you so I won’t bore you with a long speech, I love you and thank you for being here. Enjoy.”
And with that he was gone and you lost him in the crowd. After all of the headphones were passed out and everyone had their instructions on how to go about actually playing the album, you were sat in a loveseat near one of the many windows in his house, tucked away from the rest of the crowd.
Sam took the seat next to you and gave you a reassuring smile before he said, “If it gets too much you can get up and leave. I know that you know who most of these songs are going to be about and I don’t want to see you upset. I’ll even give you a ride home.”
You smiled back at him and sighed, “I really think I’ll be okay. I’m always happy just to hear his voice you know? No matter how hard this will be I’m staying. He has all of my support regardless of the fact that these songs aren’t about me. I just wanna be here with him, for him.”
Another smile, “Okay babe, whatever you want.”
Headphones were finally passed out and it was time to actually listen to the album. But before you could do that, Harry found where you were sitting and leaned up against the wall closest to you. Before you could ask what he was doing he just smiled, actually beamed at you and shook his head.
“Just wanted to lay my eyes on you before you started listening.” He pushed off the wall and walked over to you, kissed you on the forehead and chucked his fingers under your chin. “You know it means the most to me that you’re here. You’re pretty important to me, know tha’?”
It was such a simple, friendly thing to say, and tears pooled in your eyes before you knew it. “Yeah I've gathered that, I’ll come find you when i”m done listening. Go on,”
You squeezed his hand and gave him a smile while fighting back tears. “Go on,” Harry finally walked away and you looked over at Sam who pretended he wasn’t watching your whole exchange.
You know he didn’t mean to but every time you had a moment like this between the two of you it always just felt like he was dangling a carrot in front of you. Dangling the chance of you being together for real, dangling the chance that he felt the same way, and you know he didn’t mean it to be mean, but in a way it was. You knew there was no way he didn’t know how you felt, how could he not? And for him to be so touchy feely with you and look at you with those soft eyes it just felt cruel. And unfair. How could he not know? How could he not see it? Anytime he walked in the room your eyes lit up and you watched his every move. You supported him unwaveringly and jumped at the chance to do anything you could to help him. Not in a love sick puppy kind of way where you doted over him and thought he walked on the moon, you just wanted him to be as successful as he could be and you knew his potential, and never wanted him to settle for anything less. All you wanted was the best for him. And you’d be lying if you said you wished you were the best for him.
You took a deep breath and pressed play on the first song. You had heard samples of a few songs from the album and hearing the whole thing almost felt like an out of body experience. Golden, Watermelon Sugar, Adore You, and Lights Up filled you with so much joy, excitement, and a buzz. His new sound was unlike anything you have ever heard, and you’d still say that even if you weren’t ya know, embarrassingly in love with him. He had found his new groove and it was so poetic and imaginative and just so, Harry. But the farther you got down the list of songs, your stomach dropped.
Obviously you knew that quite a few of these songs would be about her, and obviously there was nothing wrong with that. It was Harry’s album and written from his life experiences, he had every right to write about whoever he wanted. You just didn’t think it would hit you so hard. Falling was a beautiful, raw, purely crafted song and you loved it. But what really did you in was Cherry. Everything from the soft, heartbreakingly warm guitar strumming to his reserved, falsetto voice, to the words that were so obviously meant for someone else, you were done for. Oh god and then his screams at the end. How many times had you felt that way about Harry? How many times had you left a dinner party or one of his shows and watched him leave with someone else and made yourself sick from crying so much and so hard? How many times had you yelled, screamed at the wall for being so invested in him? For loving him so much it made you sick? Too many times. You were able to get through the rest of the album just fine, distracted by the up beat, funky songs. But once you got to the end of the album, your heart cracked wide open again after hearing Fine Line. It was the most beautiful, ethereal, transcendent song you had ever heard, and you couldn’t believe that you knew the person who was responsible for its creation.
Once you were finished listening to the album, you found yourself going back to Fine Line, playing a loop of him saying “You Sunshine, you Temptress”. It was the most beautiful thing you had ever heard, and you just sat there in awe of what you had just experienced.
You looked over at Sam who was already looking at you, and even he was crying. You had no doubt that there was a dry eye in the house.
Remembering that you had so foolishly told Harry that you would find him after you were done listening to the album you tried your best to slow your breathing and heart rate back down, and you wiped your eyes as best you could from the tears that took over a majority of your face. You knew how crazy you must have looked, and you hoped Harry wouldn’t notice that you looked the same as you did when you watched the episode of Grey’s Anatomy when Derek and Meredith FINALLY got together. You had cried THOSE kind of tears.
You stood up from the couch you were sat at and straightened your dress and shook out your hands. Taking a deep breath you wiped at your eyes once more and turned to look at Sam, who was already giving you a sympathetic smile.
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. You shook your head and cleared your throat before you finally found your words.
“Well, you were right. Dammit why does he have to be so? So- just,” Throwing your hands up another tear rolled down your cheek.
Sam smiled and reached for your hand and brushed his thumb over the top, “I know babe. He is just so. I know you told him that you would go talk to him after you listened but you do not have to. I know how hard this was for you and I don’t want him to make you feel even worse. Do you want me to give you a ride home?”
You looked up at him and gave him the best smile you could. “No no I'm fine, I need to stay and go talk to him. I need to tell him how incredible this was, and that I love him. I think I can manage to do that.”
He gave you a reassuring smile and shook his head, “Whatever you need. I’ll be here for a little while longer if you change your mind.”
Before you got up you asked him, “How soppy do I look? On a scale of ya know 1 to soppy?” You asked him with the smallest laugh you could muster.
“You look beautiful. He’s gonna think so too.”
And with that you stood again and finally left to go find Harry. When you rounded the corner of his dramatically long hallway, you found him talking to Jeff and some of his other friends.
Just looking at him from across the room had you teary eyed and your heart feeling like it was going to burst out of your chest. It was like you could feel it in your fingertips just how much you loved him, and every glance he threw your way had you weak at the knees. All you wanted to do was walk over to him and wrap your arms around him and feel his warm hands caress up and down your arms. But you stayed put like you always did, and had your little daydream’s like you always did. As hard as it was to not be “with” him, you’d take anything you could get. Just being in the same room as him made you feel special, and made you feel lucky to know him. Lucky to hear him, lucky to see him, just lucky to know him.
Jeff noticed you lurking behind the both of them and nudged Harry’s shoulder to get his attention. Harry slowly turned around and his eyes softened immediately when he saw it was you. He took off towards you not even bothering to tell the people he was talking to that he was leaving. His gaze on you warmed you from the inside out and you started sniffling again.
He closed the gap between the two of you and you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and looked up at him as his familiar warmth surrounded you. He noticed your weepy eyes immediately and his smile shifted to one of concern. He reached for the crook of your elbow and pulled you in. When he quickly stepped back his hands framed your face and he blurted out a raspy, “Why’re you crying? What happened? Is the album that bad?!” He snorted out a laugh and you gave a matching one, “No no no of course not H. It’s incredible. Really really incredible. I’m so proud of you.” You smiled at him as widely as you could and squeezed his biceps, and for the first time he got an actual look at your face. 
Your eyes were definitely still teary and your lips were a bright shade of red and swollen. Your hair was still curled despite you nervously playing with it all night, and it did a good job of hiding your tears. Harry took you in all at once and you smelled so sweet, devine, familiar. Your eyes bounced between him and the floor and he had decided in that moment you had never looked more beautiful. So real.
He started snickering and asked you, “Is that why you’re so upset? Love you look like-”
“Like I just got hit by a bus? Yeah I’m aware H, thanks. And it’s all your fault” you finished with a laugh followed by a whimper.
“I was going to say you look beautiful. And exhausted. Why don’t we go sit somewhere and you can tell me what you really thought. Tha’ sound good?”
He was waiting for your reaction intently when Ben clamoed a hand on his shoulder and told him someone needed his attention right away. “Sorry to steal you away, uh oh are you- is everything okay?” Ben’s eyes flitted back and forth between the two of you.
You spoke up first, “Oh yeah i’m fine, we’re uh- we’re good we were actually just about to go and talk” You shot Ben a small smile and looked back at Harry.
Ben leaned in and whispered something in Harry’s ear and that had Harry shaking his head in agreeance.
Harry glanced back down at you and said “Why don’t you go find somewhere to sit, where it’s uh- just the two of us and wait for me. I’ll only be a minute and I really wanna hear what you think”
His smile dimpled his cheek and carded his hand through his hair.
When you hesitated your reply he grabbed your hand and searched for your eyes again, he opened his mouth so say something else but you cut him off, “Yeah yeah sure I’ll just be uh where I was sitting earlier. Don’t take too long, I might start crying again” you laughed and Harry mirrored a matching one.
“I'll just be a minute, go get comfy” He kissed your forehead and then he was off. 
Turning around you tried to hide your squealing and practically ran back to the loveseat you were sitting at earlier. You weren't sure what your plan was, would tonight be the night that you finally, FINALLY confess your undying love for him? Would tonight finally be the night that you tell him what you’ve been feeling all of these years? He was eager to talk to you too, right? He was the one who suggested talking somewhere, alone? Oh dear god could he possibly be waiting to tell you the same thing?! Okay, okay no definitely not but still, maybe? He was awful eager to hear what you thought wasn’t he? Awful eager to go somewhere alone with you?
In your very long winded train of thought you realized you had been waiting an increasingly long time for Harry. You decided to get up and go look for him. You eagerly rose from the couch and padded down the hallway to go find him. Turning the corner your eager smile immediately dropped.
There he was, back turned to you surrounded by a crowd of various adoring women. You recognized a few of them, but not all. You stopped cold in your tracks. Your stomach fell to the floor as your tears clouded your eyes again, what the hell was he doing? This is what was so important that he had to leave you for? You weren't sure if you were more pissed off or upset. They all started laughing at something he said and as soon as Harry looked up from their reactions, his eyes caught yours. You felt your knees go weak and your chest start to heave.
Time to go. You held back your tears as you immediately went searching for your coat and your bag. You just wanted to get out of there, away from Harry and his bullshit lies about “wanting to know what you thought”. Clearly he was more interested in other things. You couldn’t believe he put you in this position, again. You felt so stupid for having hope that maybe he felt the same way about you. So silly of you to think, again that you were on the same level as the women that were in his league, in his world. You felt humiliated beyond belief that he put you here, again. You couldn’t stand to even look at him. You were hoping to leave without him seeing you again, weaving in and out of the crowd of people that filled his living room. You ignored people calling out your name to say goodbye, as you made a beeline for the back door. As short as you were Harry still managed to spot you before you reached the door.
He reached for your arm to stop you but you immediately shook his hand off. That caused him to stop you completely by jumping in front of you to get you to slow down.
His eyes found yours and as painful as it was to look at him.
“Oh my god love stop please what’s wrong? I was just about to go find yeh and talk to you- where are yeh going?’
You huffed. “Oh really? You were just about to come find me? Seemed pretty busy already Harry.”
He knew you using his full name instead of just H meant he was in deep shit.
“I was, honest! Why are yeh so upset?!”
You tried to push past him again but his strong hands on your biceps stopped you.
Looking straight up at the ceiling you squeaked out, “Harry I have to go. I can’t be here anymore and I have a work thing in the morning. “
“Tomorrow is Saturday sweets. I know you don’t have a work thing- and what the hell do yeh mean you can’t be here anymore?” He scoffed. “I thought yeh said yeh loved the album?”
Was he seriously using pet names with you right now? Was he looking to get his ass handed to him?
Looking directly at him you mustered all the courage you had left and said, “I can’t be here anymore and watch you get gawked over by other women, and I sure as hell can’t listen to you sing about her anymore. Please. H just let me go.” Your voice whimpered and a tear slid down your cheek before you finally managed to push past him.
Harry just stood there, dumbfounded. Had he heard you right? Christ had he heard you right?
He was quick to turn around and call out your name but you were already halfway out of the door frame. He begged you to stop but you just picked up the pace and practically ran to your car.
Driving home from the party all you could do was cry. Your tears clouded your visions and you were trembling, chest heaving trying to catch your breath. You were so incredibly proud of Harry, and his album. You tried to convince yourself that these were partly “happy” tears but you knew that wasn’t the truth. You knew it sounded cheesy but you have never wanted to be with him as badly as tonight. That was until you saw him with his new friend. But the more you tried to stay mad at him, you couldn’t. You still just wanted to be with him. And it wasn’t because he was Harry Styles and had a brand new (probably going to be platinum) album out. It was because he was Harry. Your H, your best friend, your favorite person. The man who put together a party where he was surrounded by everyone who loved him and who he felt the most safe around, all to just share his most personal album to date. He made this incredible piece of art and the first thing he wanted to do was share it with the people he loves the most, it was the most adorable thing you had ever seen.
You finally neared the street your apartment was on, and as soon as you got inside and pulled your phone out of your handbag, you already had 5 missed calls and voicemails to match. You knew you scared him with the way that you very dramatically stormed out of his place with tears in your eyes, but you just couldn't call him back. Or even begin to think to. Not only were you heartbroken and upset about the whole situation, you were also embarrassed for your outburst, or actual lack thereof. Damn him and his ability to make you lose all the words in your brain every time he looked at you. You put your phone away for the night, washed off your makeup and put on one of Harry’s old t-shirts you stole a couple years ago to sleep in. You pulled the covers over your head and finally drifted off.
The next few days consisted of Harry calling you every .2 seconds. He sent flowers, baked goods. He even sent you a loaf of bread, which he was sure would do the trick. A bit of an inside joke between the two of you and your shared love of eating your sadness away with the help of massive carbohydrates. He knew better than to actually drop by and try to see you, he figured he just needed to give you a few days and you’d call and tell him what was going on. His main reasoning for that actually was that he didn’t want to spook you or see you upset again. He knew you would come back to him, you always did.
By the 4th day of not hearing from you, Harry was getting increasingly worried. You got a call from Sam, your Mom, multiple mutual friends of yours, you even got a call from Jeff. All claiming that Harry didn’t tell them to call you and check on you, even though you knew that they all had orders to report back to him with whatever you said. Each call you either declined or gave a vague reasoning of why you sounded so unlike yourself. You weren’t really sure what your long term plan was, it’s not like you could just ignore him forever or the situation forever. Although, changing your name and moving to Bora Bora didn’t sound like such a bad idea.
The more phone calls you got the more you wondered about what Harry had told them as a reason to check on you. Being the blabber mouth that he is you were sure that he had told them about what you said to him. It’s not like literally everyone didn’t know how you felt about him, but the fact that he now knew how you felt made your stomach churn.
Maybe Bora Bora was still an option. You tried to busy yourself as best you could, but of course like always your thoughts circled back to Harry. Maybe he hadn’t heard you? Maybe he was too busy thinking about what’s her face that was rubbing her hands up and down his back to hear what you said? You hoped it was the latter.
By the 5th day of you hiding out in your apartment, Harry had lost all patience and grace. He decided to make his presence known and come over to your place. He was tired of waiting, and quite frankly he was terrified he had hurt you beyond repair. The two of you had had little spats and fights over the years of your friendship, at the longest it only took a day for the two of you to calm down and then you were okay. This is the longest the two of you had gone without speaking, and it was making him sick. He needed you, and he loved you. He just hoped he hadn’t ran out of time to tell you.
By the time he got to your apartment you had managed to actually get dressed for the day. For you that meant an old, ratty sweatshirt of Harry’s you stole along with your sleep shirt, a pair of yoga pants. You took your hair out of it’s bun and took a long look in the mirror at yourself. You looked pitiful. You pulled the sleeves of Harry’s sweatshirt over your hands, wiped your tears away and went to get comfy in your front room. You were one episode of Grey’s Anatomy deep when there was a knock at your door. Shit.
You stayed perfectly still and muted the TV. You knew exactly who it was knocking. You’d hope he hadn’t heard your TV and he’d assume you weren’t home. You held your breath as your cheeks started to warm.
It was when you heard that slow, honeyed rasp that your eyes started to leak.
Harry let out a long breath and knocked again. “Angel I know you’re in there. Please, please let me in. I just wanna see your face. I need to lay my eyes on you.” His voice was softer, slower. “I need to hear your voice love please.”
You stood at your feet. As mad and hurt you were by him you just wanted to fling the door open and fall into him. But part of you still wasn’t ready to come face to face with him.
Harry knocked on your door again and you moved closer. He let out another heavy sigh, “Love don’t make me use my key. Please open the door.”
Shit shit shit shit! Why had you given him a key?! Could you run to your bathroom and sneak out the window? Could you hide in your pantry? All viable options you thought.
“Okay, you’ve left me no choice. I’m coming in.” Harry all but barked at you.
Your eyes went wide and you ran to the door and put your hand on the lock. “Wait wait wait Harry just uh- give me, give me a minute.” You fluffed up your hair a little bit and straightened your sweatshirt.
Oh god. You were wearing his sweatshirt. Why couldn't you just melt into the ground instead of opening the door? You wanted to bolt but you knew you just needed to get this over with.
Opening the door you were met with a very somber looking Harry, but his eyes softened and he smiled once he saw you. He looked so sad, so concerned, so confused. He was wearing one of his sweatshirts from his first tour, black jeans and his checkered vans.
“There she is. Hi love.” Harry’s eyes raked over your figure and his eyes went wide when he saw you clad in his sweatshirt. He went in for a hug but you pulled away before he could close the gap and you stepped to the side of him. His brow furrowed but before he could speak you muttered a very small “Hi Harry.”
He was still upset you were using his full name. He wanted to hear your sweet, familiar voice saying the nickname that rolled off your tongue so easily. It was one of his favorite words coming from you, and it made his heart swell each time you said it. It instantly felt cold in your apartment, and you suddenly wish you wouldn’t have opened the door.
You walked behind your kitchen island to put a barrier in between the two of you and his eyes wouldn’t leave yours. The two of you just stood there in silence and you swore you had never felt so exposed. So uncomfortable. How many times had you stood in this very spot with Harry making breakfast together? How many times had he danced with you around your kitchen? How many beautiful and truly wonderful memories did you have of spending time together in your home? You couldn’t believe how detached you felt from him, and as hurt as you were itching to touch him. This strange silence felt so unfamiliar.
You smiled as best as you could and asked him, “What’s up? Are you okay? What’s got you so curious that you had to come all the way over here?” you laughed a little at the end in hopes of him not being able to hear you sniffle.
His eyebrows raised before he replied, “Love you scared the shit out of me. I’ve been worried out of my absolute mind the past couple days. I- I need to know what yeh really meant when you said you couldn’t listen to me sing about her anymore?” His eyes flitted all over your face as he waited for your response. “Please tell me. I’ve been out of my mind thinking about it all week.”
You felt your chest tighten and your eyes started to tear up again. You were just about to make up an excuse when you realized that’s what you’ve been doing all these years, and all it’s done is hurt you and not gotten you and Harry anywhere. Hang buildup. He had already heard you the other night. He needed to know how you really felt.
Looking up at him you took a deep breath and tried to steady yourself. You were half expecting you to chicken out and make up another excuse, but all that came out was, “I’m in love with you Harry.”
Harry’s eyes snapped up and you wished the floor would have come up and swallowed you whole. Where the hell did that come from?! Shit shit shit shit there was no way to take that one back. But you know what? Screw it. Hang buildup. The flood gates were wide open.
You took advantage of your rare bravery and kept going.
“Harry I love you. I’m in love with you. My heart is so full of you I can’t even call it my own anymore. I love you. I really, truly do. I love you so much I can feel it in my finger tips. And every time you look at me. You’re a piece of me. I dream of you. I don’t come without you. I take you with me, everywhere I go. I love you in a really big, stupid, annoying kind of way. Like in the way that I check the weather wherever you’re traveling to so I can know what it’s like where you are. I love you in the way that when you’re out of town I go and I visit with your Mom because I know how much she misses you and I take comfort in her home because it was once your home. I love you in the way that I save every voicemail and voice note you’ve ever left me and I listen to them when i’ve had a shitty day or when I just want to hear your voice and you’re not here. I love you in the way that is embarrassing and loud and over the top. You are the best part of any day.”
Floodgates, wide open. When you finally finished your speech you stood there, unmoving waiting for him to say something. When he stood there for a good minute not saying anything, you started to panic. Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit oh shit way too much why did you say all of that?! This was not the finale of Grey’s Anatomy, who did you think you were? Maybe you could still bust out of your bathroom window.
You stuttered and very shakily tried to take it back. “Oh my god I’m so sorry- you, you don’t have to say anything. Maybe you should go, it's clear you don’t feel the same way and we can just try and forget what I said.”
Harry cleared his throat before he readjusted his stance. He went reaching for the pocket in his sweatshirt, and pulled out a pile of letters and notes with a rubber band holding them together.
“I uh, I've been adding to this since the first week we met.” He cleared his throat but he didn’t want to spook you so he just slid them across the island.
There were dozens of letters and sticky notes, even old receipts that had his handwriting scrambled all over them. You figured they were song lyrics and ideas he had, but then you saw your name. He had written you dozens of love letters and notes. He dated them too, and he was telling the truth. The first one was dated the exact day you two had met. You knew because it was the same night you saw him perform for the first time. Your face was red as a tomato as you started to read them and you were suddenly crying again. You hadn’t even noticed but Harry had closed the gap between the two of you and his warm presence was behind you. He brushed his hand against your arm and spun you around to face him.
“I’ve loved you for forever, angel. I’ve loved you since you set foot backstage at that show so many years ago. We had just met and we had had literally one conversation but I knew. I just looked at you and I knew I was going to be with you. Some way, somehow. I didn’t care how long it took. And for the first couple of years of us being friends I settled for just that because I loved you so much it kind of scared me. Hence the pile of notes of me confessing my feelings time and time again.” Harry grabbed your hand and brought it to his chest before continuing, “I love you I love you I love you. Yeh pretty much my entire heartbeat. Y’my girl.”
You were positively sobbing and you felt like you were on fire. Were you dreaming? Did he just? Did he just say all of that? Did he just swoop in here and basically say that he’s been in love with you since the beginning of time? You were in awe of the man standing in front of you. This man who you had loved for years and who you had watched grow into this incredibly understanding, resilient, unashamedly vulnerable man who exudes love and kindness. How lucky were you to love him, and to be loved by him? It almost didn’t feel real, like some sort of daydream. A beautiful, beautiful daydream.
Your throat went dry and you suddenly forgot how to speak. You broke out into an uncontrollable snicker and managed to choke out, “Me? You, you love me too?”
Harry cradled your face in his hands and brushed his thumbs over the tops of your cheeks and let out a breathy laugh. “Yeah I do love. Loved yeh forever. Don't know why it took yeh so long t’see it. Will yeh let me kiss yeh now?”
Oh, hell yes. Harry brought his mouth down to yours and sealed your lips in the sweetest, most sipping kiss. He tasted like his favorite mint tea and his scent over took all of your senses. He kissed you over and over, somehow buttoning your lips together even more perfectly each time. When you both smiled into the kiss it broke and you stood there holding each other with your foreheads pressed together, panting. Harry looked up at you and you had never seen him smile so wide. You were sure he was actually in pain. He looked you up and down and tugged at the bottom of your (his) sweatshirt. 
“What’s this hm? Another way you love me? By stealing all m’clothes and never returning them?” 
You started giggling and told him to “Shut up H.” You bashfully grinned and hid your face in his warm neck and breathed him in. 
“Hey now that’s not nice m’love. Thought yeh said you loved me?” he gave you a shit eating grin and you gave him a matching one. 
“I do H, that I do.” That had him grinning at you wider than you had ever seen and the two of you spent the rest of the night wrapped around each other telling each other over and over again how much you loved each other. Well, and maybe showing each other how much you loved each other, too. 
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scribble-blog · 5 years
Black Cats and Robinettes- a Role Reversal AU
Thanks @silverwhiteraven for giving me such a lovely prompt to work with!!! Find it here if you’d like to take your own stab at it!
Some side notes: In this AU I picture Adrien as our wonderful spotted hero! With Damian as our wonderful Black Cat. Chloé absolutely has the Bee Miraculous a la Adrien, but never exposed her identity (somehow) and fights beside them regularly. Marinette is the biological daughter of Bruce, and has been raised by him since she was a baby! Dick is very protective of her, as are Bruce, Alfred, Jason, Steph, Babs, Tim, Cass, etc, etc... how she functions as Robin when none of them want her near crime is hilarious I bet. (We all know she’s got a will of titanium and none of them can stop her from doing anything she wants to.)
Damian stared coldly around the room, watching as Césaire fawned around Rossi like cheap desperate paparazzi to a B list movie star. While Chloé and Adrien kept to themselves, icy facades disdainful, the stumbling pack of idiots they had been forced to travel with seemed to orbit her as always, presenting themselves for her approval as she spun low after lie.
He’d tried, long before, back when the Liar had only just started at their school, to show them the truth. A common courtesy, as no hero should let people be swindled they way she got them- but as soon as they made it clear they preferred to follow her blindly instead of believing the facts he presented, he’d let them go.
How Rossi has managed, with her mean intellect, to actually secure them the trip to Gotham he would never understand. Presumably, the entirety of the actual work rested on the shoulders of Césaire, Lavillant, and possibly Lahiffe, but he had no intention of asking to find out.
Truly, he’d had no intention of being on the trip at all, but Sabine and Tom has insisted that he join the school trip and spend time with his peers.
They’d been the best things to ever happen to him, when they’d adopted him six years ago. It was difficult now to tell them no for anything.
No, Damian Dupain-Cheng would never deny them anything they asked of him. When Talia had realized her... partner had lost the Black Cat Miraculous she had hoped he would pass on to their son, to him, she’d killed him for the slight and left Damian in the nearest city. Apparently, his genes were too “sullied” for him to actually bear the weight of being Ra’s al Ghul’s heir, without the promise of the powerful object falling into the League’s lap. It was her last gift to her son that she let him live.
They’d found him his very first day. Sabine’s sharp eyes had noticed him picking the pocket of a woman outside her storefront, and when he’d tried to retaliate when she grabbed him-
Well. She’d won his respect, and some of his fear. And they’d put him in the bedroom at the top of their home, and somehow...
He’d never left. And he’d gotten the last laugh against his mother for it, when Master Fu had chosen him for the very Miraculous Talia had conceived him for.
He shook his heads away front the thoughts as their tour guides, he assumed, approached. Surely it was them, because every other person in this lobby had been studiously avoiding the group. He heard Rossi mention her ‘best friend’ Maria Wayne one more time and resisted laughter. She couldn’t even get the girl’s damn name right.
“Welcome to Wayne Enterprises, everyone,” the taller guide said, gesturing openly for them all to gather up. “My name is Richard. Together with Marinette, one of our interns, we’ll be guiding your tour today.”
He motioned to the much shorter girl, who appeared to be their age. Damian gazed curiously, watching as she flinched away slightly from their focus before stilling, and then looking up, proudly, an easy smile on her face. Her blue eyes practically sparkled.
“It’s a pleasure to be able to join you today,” She said in perfect French, and Damian felt gleeful as her eyes darted towards Rossi with the slightest visible distaste. “Richard can understand French, but doesn’t speak it quite as well, so I am here to act as a translator when needed. I believe the notes for your group mentioned that some of you are not yet fluent in English. I will be available during the tour for any possible questions you have that aren’t as easy to articulate in English.”
Her eyes finally met Damian’s in her final sweep, and he tried not to let his breath catch. She was pretty, yes, but the force of her gaze was intense and it made Damian’s heartbeat stutter. Fuck.
Richard stepped forward again. “Alright. If you all have your guest passes-“
The tour was fun and genuinely engaging, though he noticed several people uncomprehending as they couldn’t quite catch Richard’s words, and no one had been brave enough to speak to Marinette except for Chloé. She’d asked several times for the girl to clarify a point in French.
Which the girl did, cheerfully. It was always some part of information that sat on the edges of Rossi’s many lies, nothing to call her out entirely but enough that the Liar was spending whatever seconds she wasn’t panting after Richard she was glaring at Chloé and Marinette indiscriminately.
They stopped for lunch at the building’s cafeteria, and Damian quickly got his own food, sat down and Chloé and Adrien joined him. They weren’t quite friends- but they kept together in solidarity against the rabid pack. The silence as the age was as normal as the court Rossi held over at the table she’d chosen.
And then another tray joined them.
“So,” Marinette said in beside him. “I had a question for you three, since you seem- sharper than most of your classmates. Does she always-“ she gestured one hand loosely towards Rossi. “Do that?”
“Lie like her life depends on it?” Chloé sneered. “Sadly, yes.”
Marinette looked out over at the full table, growing rambunctious as Lila laughed at something or other. “Hmm. Well. Perhaps I can put an end to it. Also,” she reached across the table, the motion surprising Damian. “Why didn’t you tel me you two would be here! I could’ve made plans! You could’ve stayed with me instead of whatever hotel you guys had to rent out 15 rooms for.”
Adrien chuckled, meeting his eyes. “Damian, let me actually introduce you. This is Marinette Wayne, who we’ve been friends with since every fashion week since our parents first started dragging us to them.”
Marinette- Marinette Wayne looked at him, and then blushed as she offered her hand to him. He took it, shook once. “Damian Dupain-Cheng.” He hoped his heart wasn’t beating out of his chest.
“It’s wonderful to meet you, Damian,” she said kindly, and he knew he had a crush. Her eyes darkened and a grin stole across her face. “How would you like to help me prove to the people in your class that that girl is lying once and for all?”
And he knew he was in love.
TAGLIST: @ash-amg
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secondpubertyscene · 3 years
This year has been one of major change. In Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower, there’s this quote, “God is Change. Beware: God exists to shape and be shaped,” and I think for the first time since reading it, I get what was being said. While I subscribe to the idea that there is a higher power of some kind, I also believe that we (as in, us as individuals) have great power as well. That power lies in our ability to change, to grow, to persevere. This year has been one of major change, and we really have to talk about it.
It is easy to look at this last year and think, “Well, that fucking sucked” because frankly, it did indeed fucking suck. I could write you a list of things that brought me great pain this year, unbelievable, undeniable, unrelenting pain that still lingers now. But, see, the beauty of it all is that none of that pain happens in a vacuum. Along with the pain, I’ve come through it all with more wisdom, more compassion, more empathy, more gratitude, more peace, more love, and more confidence. I’d like to share how those things all are connected, but first I would like to acknowledge something.
While I don’t know for sure if this is just an American thing, it does seem very clear that Americans aren’t fantastic at processing grief, death, and pain collectively. We often are encouraged to suck it up, to shut up about it, to not make others uncomfortable with our tears and trauma. I believe this is in large part due to the fact that American Exceptionalism doesn’t quite allow us to acknowledge when our systems have failed us or when we are suffering in the “greatest country in the world.” I don’t intend on participating in that toxic positivity or to dismiss the seriousness of the year past. I simply intend on acknowledging the nuances of my experiences, the complexity of it all. Now, let’s begin.
Without recounting every moment in large detail (in part because that would be far too much and also because I don’t need to relieve my traumas today), the events of the last year have been as follows: 1) COVID hit, 2) I had a severe emotional breakdown that resulted in a short stay at the hospital, 3) my grandma passed away, 4) I broke up with my partner of a year, 5) I was officially diagnosed with adult ADHD (inattentive), 6) I got into a PhD program for sociology (fully-funded), and 7) I moved to Ohio (two weeks ago now). So much happened in what feels like a blink of an eye. When you’re a kid, you think a year lasts forever. Now, a year feels like a couple months!
Anyhow, all of these things had super intense negative impacts on my life and most of them had super intense positive impacts on my life. Let’s talk about how. I won’t say that COVID had any “positive” impact on my life, because it’s still currently making things difficult and it is still destroying lives (full worlds) every day. The emotional breakdown that I experienced shortly after COVID began, however, was the impetus for some of the greatest change I would ever make in my life. It began with new therapy, medication for the first time ever to treat my mental illnesses, and a new relationship with boundaries.
Out of this breakdown, I came to realize a few things. 1) I wasn’t really feeling most of my life up until that point. That isn’t to say that I didn’t feel at all or that I wasn’t aware of my feelings all the time, but to say that most of the time, I numbed everything out that was too hard to bear. I didn’t cry, I didn’t write, I didn’t even take the time to try to identify exactly what emotions I did feel. I just lived through it and waited until I felt better. Or, I would breakdown with rage and then feel better. Therapy, especially the group therapy I participated in for a couple weeks after leaving the hospital, changed that in huge ways for me.
Because I was able to sit in my pain, in my discomfort, I was able to actually work through some of my issues. I began to identify the areas in my life that made me genuinely unhappy and began to grant myself permission to feel disappointment. I granted myself the permission to expect more, to want more. I granted myself the permission to set boundaries without guilt or shame. I granted myself freedom. It is an ongoing journey of mistakes and back-peddling and trying again, but it is mine and I am proud of it. Had I not had that breakdown, I don’t know that I would be where I am now.
My grandma dying is one of the most painful things I’ve experienced and honestly, I haven’t dealt with it all the way yet. I didn’t get to say goodbye to her in person, I still am battling the feelings of guilt despite knowing that there likely was nothing I could have done, and my chest still feels heavy thinking about her. Even as I write this, I feel that pain. I know she is not truly gone and that she lives within me, but oh, I do miss her physical presence. The nagging, the phone calls, the hugs, the cooking, her soft hair and beautiful hands. I miss her. Because of her, though, I have been able to rehabilitate another relationship in my life. The relationship I share with my mother.
My mother is a lot of things, but for whatever reason I continually forgot that she too is a victim of hardship brought on by nothing but sheer luck. In this last year, she lost her mother, the man that she loved, multiple cousins, friends that went back to childhood, and who knows who else. She suffered a lot this year and she has suffered a lot over the course of her 61 years of life overall. For the first time, I have been able to really acknowledge her as a full being with a complex history and understand her as a person, rather than just as a parent. I’ve set new boundaries with her as a result, boundaries that have completely change the dynamic of our relationship and will continue to do so as we both learn more about each other. Gone are the days where she relies solely on me for emotional support or financial support. Gone are the days where she feels comfortable talking down to me and then expecting any kind of favors from me. She understands and respects that I am an adult, that I am independent, and that I can terminate our relationship should it get to a point where I feel unsafe again. While this might sound like a threat or even negative, it is in fact quite the contrary.
We now share the belief that I deserve better from her and that my continued relationship with her is founded upon our mutual growth. That’s a beautiful thing that arose from us being pulled together by the loss of someone we both loved more than we maybe even loved ourselves. Thankfully, though, I have come to love myself more than anyone else on this planet. This newfound self-love and respect resulted in the severing of my relationship with my partner.
I won’t pretend like my ex was this horrible person because she wasn’t. She was kind, loving, intelligent, hilarious, unique, complex, and so many other amazing things. I still love her with all of my heart and have thought about her every single day since we broke up. It is not for lack of love that our relationship came to a close. The issue was that I needed more than what she could give. I needed someone who could really sit in my shit with me without invalidating my feelings jokingly because they didn’t know what else to say. I needed someone who could make me feel safe and secure, not fearful and insecure. I needed someone who understood boundaries as openings for futures, not closed doors. I needed someone who could show up for me the way I showed up for them, even when they hurt me, even when they lied out of fear. She wasn’t able to do that. She wasn’t able to stick beside me during the worst days of my life. She wasn’t able to see me beyond our relationship. When my grandma passed and our relationship was on the rocks, she made it about us. She didn’t stop pestering me about our relationship for long enough to give me support on losing someone who meant the world to me. I couldn’t trust her after that and I also realized, I wasn’t required to.
Boundaries in that relationship weren’t healthy. I felt unseen, unprotected, and sometimes even unloved. While I am sure that she has grown even more since we have parted, the reality is that when I ended things, I knew that doing so was the most fair thing I could do for the both of us. This is because I deserve someone who sees my value inherently. I deserve someone who takes the time to understand me, to love me, to see me. Not just see me and them together, but me as an individual separate from them. More importantly, I needed to be able to ask for those things without feeling guilty or bad. As of now, I still don’t know that she sees me as me, as a singular person, and maybe she never will. That is okay. I still love her anyway. I just love me more now. As a part of that love I’ve grown for myself, I also now have sought out more help for myself. This seeking of resources led me to realizing that I was ADHD and helped me change my life.
Being diagnosed with ADHD at 21 felt absolutely ridiculous. How could I be ADHD when I can sit still most of the time and have a pretty decent amount of impulse control? The answers came from my psychiatrist, breaking down the stereotypical understanding of ADHD and allowing me to find myself within the diagnosis. Finding the right combination of medication has been difficult, but what hasn’t been hard at all is finding more resources that help me manage my symptoms. It’s because of some of these resources that I am able to sit here and write this.
A huge part of ADHD is this perfectionist mentality that makes it nearly impossible to start or complete some tasks. Every time I sat down to write in the past, I told myself that I absolutely had to write every single day, once a day, or I should just not do it. When it came to this blog especially, I had so much shame when I failed to post for a long time or had a lull, that I would either consider deleting the whole thing to start over, or just never posting again. I realize now that those were just cop outs for my brain, that I can write as little or as much as I want because it is for ME. It doesn’t have to be perfect; it doesn’t have to be anything but what I need it to be. Waiting for perfection would have me waiting forever because it’s simply not how my brain works. Accepting that is a large part of how I got into my PhD program.
I’m not going to lie. I am still trying to figure out all of the feelings I have regarding this PhD program. I am shocked that I got in, shocked that I got full-funding, shocked that I am now in Ohio, shocked that I am in my own apartment, and overall shocked that I’ve made it this far in general. While I do not believe that I am stupid or not capable of greatness, I am realizing that I’ve always seen myself pursuing something more straightforward. When I was younger, I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted to do even as those things changed. I knew what was required of me, I knew what I would ultimately do, and I took refuge in that. Doctors go to medical school. Chefs go to culinary school. Forensic anthropologists get masters degrees and do field work. It felt clear cut, straightforward, safe. This is uncharted territory. What do you do post PhD? What do you do DURING PhD years? I suppose I’ll just have to find out!
Anyhow, this year has been intense. Change is always present in our lives and sometimes it brings with gifts that we can only receive when we’re healed enough to take them. I’m hoping to keep healing, keep growing, keep loving, and keep going. I’m learning so much about myself and about the world. I’m loving myself more than I have in the past. I am incredibly proud of where I am. And I’m not done yet.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 65 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Chapter 65 seems like a good time to tell you that there’s nothing we love more than talking to you guys about this story! We are both on tumblr (@theartificialdane and @veronicasanders) and we’d love to hear from you!! We also have other Galactica content there under the “galactica” and “galactica wardrobe” tags. XOXO!! Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Bianca threw a wrench in the annual holiday party when she brought Courtney as her date, and Katya tried to (not) deal with her surprise pregnancy.
This Chapter: Miss Fame and the team work on the final lineup for the spring runway, and Katya figures some things out.
It was Violet’s luck that she was a light sleeper, the first note of her alarm barely ringing before she had grabbed her phone from under her pillow and turned it off.
There really wasn't a need for Violet to wake up at 6, for her to start her day so early since she couldn’t go to the gym because of her ankle, but habits were hard to break, and she liked how quiet the world was in the morning, how it felt like she was the only one awake.
She wasn’t hungover, had barely had a drink because of her crutches, but she had a feeling all of her coworkers would be wearing sunglasses and asking each other to shut up, the Friday after the Christmas party always an experience.
Sutan’s bedroom was dark, his curtains swallowing the ever present lights of Harlem, the man asleep next to her, his head resting on his pillow.
It took everything in Violet not to reach out and run her fingers through his hair.
She had been so annoyed with him last night, so uncomfortable in the beautiful red dress she had bought with his money, the simmering anger not leaving her until she had felt Sutan’s clever fingers undo the zipper on her back, skin against skin finally freeing her from the smoldering fire.
“Stop staring at me.” Violet froze, Sutan’s voice deep with sleep.
“I’m not.”
“Oh?” Sutan cracked an eye open, a smile playing on his lips as he reached out, grabbing her hip on top of her blanket. “Could have fooled me.”
“Well,” Violet smiled back, allowing him to pull her in, “Maybe I was. A little bit.”
As her alarm sounded, Courtney groaned, burying her head into Bianca’s neck. Bianca laughed, reaching over to hit snooze, giving them a few more precious minutes in bed before Courtney had to get up.
Bianca had never been much of a morning person, but she’d discovered that, in many ways, this was her favorite part of the day. When the world was dark and still, and they were curled together under the covers, naked and warm. She trailed her fingers up and down Courtney’s back, pressed a kiss to her temple.
“You okay, sunshine?” Bianca asked.
“Mmmhmm...I just don’t want to go to work.”
Bianca smiled, one hand settling into the curve of Courtney’s waist, enjoying the way they fit so perfectly together.
“Then don’t,” she stated, warming up to the idea of taking a day off, just the two of them. “Call in sick.”
“I wish,” Courtney scoffed, a deep sigh leaving her. “But I can’t, so…”
“Why not?”
“The day after a party? Everyone will think I have some crazy hangover.”
“Yeah, so?” Bianca laughed.
“Plus, I’m pretty sure Miss Fame is less than pleased with me right now. I don’t want to give her any reason to be annoyed. And there’s a big meeting to decide on the spring runway, and I have to-”
“Alright, alright...forget I suggested it,” Bianca said, holding up her hands in surrender. “I just really liked the idea of spending all day in bed with you.”
Courtney raised herself up on her elbow, gazing down at Bianca with a dreamy smile on her face.
“Maybe, um...can we do that tomorrow?”
“You’re on, angel,” Bianca said, reaching up to run her fingers through her hair.
“And...we still have about seven minutes before the alarm goes off again.” Courtney brushed her lips against Bianca’s neck, murmuring, “You wanna go back to sleep, or…?”
“Hmmm...” Bianca cocked her head, pretending to think. “I may have some other ideas…”
Courtney let out a delighted squeal as Bianca flipped her onto her back with a wicked grin.
Maxwell groaned as a loud clatter sounded through the design floor.
“Sorry!” Kiara whisper-shouted, quickly picking up the pair of scissors she had dropped. Trixie had gone to the department head meeting about 20 minutes ago, which meant that everyone had given up the pretense that they were working. Alexis had gone straight for the couch to take a nap as soon as the door had closed behind him, April still nursing a terrible-looking green smoothie at her desk. “Sorry everyone!”
“Don’t even think about it girl!” Bob smiled, his phone pressed between his shoulder and his ear, and Maxwell groaned again, sliding down so he could rest his head on his arms, Bob chatting away.
He loved his boyfriend, he really did, but there were few things more annoying than when Bob had managed to get into any tabloid, the perceived fame of it always going directly to his head. And of course, it was made even worse by his friends and family back home in Georgia playing right into it, acting as if it meant anything at all.
“Listen, I didn’t ask to be born fabulous, but it’s my cross to bear, and I’m-” Bob laughed, adding, “Exactly!”
“He’s really getting into it, huh?” Maxwell looked up to see Violet standing next to his desk, looking over at Bob, Jovan at her side holding three cups of coffee.
“Here,” Jovan smiled, giving one of them to Maxwell, the scent filling his nose.
“Oh god I love you,” Maxwell grinned, taking the liquid magic. It was probably not healthy to be on his third cup already, but he didn’t care.
“Love you too boo,” Jovan grinned, taking a seat on the edge of his desk, Violet doing the same, balancing her crutch so she could take her own cup. They didn’t talk, and Maxwell loved that, Violet fitting so nicely into their little boys club that he barely even thought about the fact that she was a girl and straight most days.
“Pearl! Pay attention!”
Pearl snapped out of it, the wheels of her chair squeaking as she moved, her eyes wide open at the commanding tone in Fame’s voice.
“Sorry!” Pearl sat up straight, Bendela hiding a snicker behind a sketchbook, her brown eyes clearly filled with delight over Pearl getting reprimanded.
“God,” Fame rolled her eyes, her hand on her hip, her outfit of the day a white cropped cashmere sweater and white linen high waisted pants, her blonde hair in a high delicate updo, a golden belt snug around her waist. “Did anyone come to work today?”
If they had been alone, Pearl would have opened her mouth to point out that she was the one who always arranged for the Christmas party to be on a Thursday, but they weren’t, so Pearl kept her mouth shut.
“Fame,” Raja’s voice was warm, and it apparently functioned just as intended, her tone a soothing balm on whatever had Fame into such a tizzy. “We’re almost done.”
If Pearl had to make an educated guess, she’d say it was probably the whole Courtney and Bianca thing, though it could be anything from her breakfast grapefruit not being ripe to morning traffic to a photographer catching a bad angle of her last night.
“You’re right,” Fame sat back down, sliding her chair over to Trixie. “So, fourth look. What do you have?”
“I was thinking about these pants?” Trixie held out a sketch, and Pearl folded her hands over her stomach, watching her best friend do his job exceptionally well.
Fame tapped her fingers against the table, french tips hitting the wood and Pearl made a mental note to see if she could sneak in a visit to Fame’s office, providing their boss with an orgasm before lunch a great Christmas gift to everyone in the company.
V-List Alert: BDR’s Latest Blonde Bombshell
[Pictured: A large photo of Bianca and Courtney kissing on the red carpet, along with a few smaller shots of them looking giggly and affectionate. And lastly, a grainy, low-res photo of them on the street after the event, kissing while a driver is opening the car door.]
Well, well, well…
Okay, so to begin with, let’s all admit that BDR showing up on a red carpet with some sweet young thing is nothing new. In fact, it would be strange if she didn’t. But the shameless PDA last night at Galactica’s annual Christmas party—both on and off the carpet—had us wondering...who the hell is the new paramour?
We did a bit of digging and strap in kids, cause it gets juicy…
Turns out that this little darling is named Courtney Jenek. Sound familiar? No? Yeah it shouldn’t. But she happens to have two very interesting connections to BDR: 1, apparently she’s friends with B’s baby sister, princess of the underground punk scene Adore Delano. And 2, even more hilariously, Lil Courtney here is the Executive Assistant to none other than Miss Fame of Galactica.
Wonder what the illustrious and brand-conscious Miss Fame thinks of her bestie using her staff in what appears to be an extremely filthy unprofessional way? And how’s it all gonna play out?
We can’t wait to watch this drama unfold…
As Courtney slipped on her coat and grabbed her bag to head downstairs for yet another coffee run, she glanced at her personal phone, laughing to herself when she saw the 17 missed calls from Morgan. She scrolled through the text messages in the elevator.
ADORE: You guys didn’t know? ;)
TATIANNA: Yawn, old news :p
Courtney called her back, laughing some more when she picked up even before the first ring.
“You know I’m working, right?”
“I am going to murder you,” Morgan announced.
“Wow Morgan. A hate crime? I really thought more highly of you,” Courtney replied with a giggle.
“Omigod, shut up! How could you not have told me already?!”
“Well...I don’t know, I wasn’t sure what it was at first-” she said.
“It’s still fucking major!” Morgan laughed. “I guess it makes sense, though. God, you always chose the worst men.”
Courtney chuckled, nodding as she exited the elevator and headed for the coffee shop.
“So what did your parents say?”
“Uhhh...I haven’t exactly told them yet.”
“What? It’s not gonna be dramatic or anything, you know my brother’s gay.”
“Omigod, Court, you absolute idiot. You have to-”
“One sec.” Courtney lowered her phone to give the orders for the meeting, then went back to the phone. “Sorry, I’m on a coffee run.”
“Yeah, I heard. Listen, Courtney, you have to tell them! Do you really want them to find out that you’re dating a woman who’s almost twice your age from a fucking tabloid?”
“I don’t think my parents subscribe to American fashion blogs.”
“Did you even read the link I sent you?! Someone’s gonna send it to them, trust me.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll tell them,” Courtney told her with an eye roll. She really didn’t see the big deal though; telling her parents was the last thing on her list of worries at the moment.
“Also…” Morgan’s voice lowered, taking on a sing-song, teasing tone now that the business was out of the way, “When are we hanging out? ‘Cause you know I absolutely need all the sordid details.”
“Soon, I promise.”
“Tomorrow night?”
“I’m kind of busy tomorrow,” Courtney admitted.
“Busy getting railed, you mean?”
“Ha, you slag.”
Maybe she was avoiding going home. That was certainly possible. But on Friday, Katya just seemed to keep finding things to do to prepare for the next week of school. It would be their last week before winter break, so she knew that any kind of serious learning would be difficult. Rather than spend her time fighting with the kids to focus when they just weren’t capable of it, she planned as many fun projects as possible, and though a lot of them were old hat for her by now, the prep work never seemed to end.
Which is why, when Jasmine, the woman who ran the afterschool program, came to her door at almost 6:45, she was still there.
“Hey, I’m sorry to bother you…”
“It’s no bother, come on in,” Katya said, a big smile on her face, especially when she saw that Jasmine had Grace with her--one of Katya’s favorite students.
“You know we close at 6, and Grace’s mom is running late today,” Jasmine said. Her tone of voice was light and cheerful, but her eyes told Katya a different story--that this wasn’t the first time it had happened, and that she was likely furious. “I gotta get home, and Dani’s out with the flu, so...do you mind keeping her here until Leslie shows up? It should be soon, she texted me ten minutes ago that she’s on the way.”
“No problem. We’ll have a great time, won’t we Grace?”
The little girl nodded, skipping into the classroom happily.
“You’re a lifesaver,” Jasmine said. “Thank you!”
Katya turned to Grace, who had dumped her jacket and backpack on the rug and was already prowling around the book bins, likely looking for her favorite Junie B. Jones stories. Soon, the two of them were settled into bean bag chairs in the comfy zone, Katya reading a few chapters out loud to her before realizing that she was probably hungry and suggesting a snack. Grace was just finishing her juice box and goldfish crackers when her young mother, Leslie, came rushing inside, harried and out of breath, apologizing profusely.
“Mama!” Grace jumped up from her seat at the little table, knocking the chair over in her excitement to leap into her mom’s arms. She hugged her tightly, face buried in her neck, and Katya could see some of the tension in Leslie’s face melt away.
Katya stood up from her own seat, picking up the book they’d been reading.
“I’m gonna put this book in Grace’s backpack so that you can finish it together this weekend,” she said, and Leslie shot her a look of pure gratitude, nodding.
“Grace, can you say thank you to Mrs. Zamo?”
“Thank you Mrs. Zamo!” she echoed cheerfully, taking the backpack and her jacket as Leslie dropped a kiss to the top of her head.
“Honey, can you go wait for me on the bench for a minute?” she asked, tugging gently on one of her pigtails.
As Grace skipped into the hallway to wait, Leslie turned to Katya, tears filling her eyes.
“I’m really so sorry about being late, I-”
“It’s okay,” Katya said, head tilted sympathetically. “I get it, things happen.”
“It’s been happening all week. I got this new job, and the hours are so tough and the commute is shit, but it’s an extra two dollars an hour and I can’t say no to that. But I just feel like...I feel like I can’t do anything right.”
“I understand,” Katya nodded, putting a hand on her arm. The truth was, though, she didn’t understand. Not really. She’d never been in a position where an extra two dollars an hour would make such a big difference in her life--not even when her dad cut her off. She’d always had money, and by the time her trust fund was depleted, she was living with Trixie, whose generous salary more than covered what they needed, her meager teacher’s salary mostly paying for fun extras, keeping them entertained and living their best lives, or just going in the bank.
She knew she was lucky, but until that moment, seeing the pain in Leslie’s eyes, the fear that she was failing at life and failing her child, maybe she didn’t understand just how lucky.
“I was sitting on the bus thinking about her waiting and waiting, wondering where I was.”
“Can I tell you something?” she asked softly. “Grace didn’t care that you were late, she was just happy to see you when you got here, because it’s really obvious what a good mom you are.”
“Sometimes I feel like the worst mom ever,” Leslie admitted, tears spilling down her cheeks.
“No way. Grace is an amazing kid. She’s smart and kind and enthusiastic--and it’s totally okay if you need some more help. That’s what all of us are here for. I can talk to Jasmine about maybe extending the hours next week, until you can get your schedule sorted. Or maybe Grace can go home with Joey’s mom...don’t you all live in the same building?”
Leslie nodded, a deep sigh leaving her. “Thanks, that’s a good idea. I...I’ll figure it out.”
“Okay. Just remember that you’re not in this alone, you know?” Katya handed over a box of tissues from her desk.
“Yeah. Thanks. Sorry, I-” Leslie wiped her eyes.
“Don’t be sorry,” Katya said, giving her a warm hug.
“Oh god!” Gigi groaned, pushing the door to the modeling apartment open, her shoulders aching, her fingertips numb. “Finally!” She dumped her bags down in the hallway, slumping against the wall.
She had been around the town with Sutan all day, shopping for what he called a model wardrobe, Gigi trying on several pairs of heels and flats, her new backpack and purse stuffed with a newly printed book and her brand new phone, their last stop of the day Gigi’s new gym that was just around the corner.
“Gigi?” Bimini popped her head out of the kitchen door, the golden rim around her eyes and her crimped hair clear indicators that meant she had been shooting, Bimini rarely bothering with removing hair and makeup on set. “Welcome home sweetie! How did it go?”
“I’m exhausted!” Gigi pushed out from the wall and kicked her sneakers off. “Who knew shopping could be that hard?”
Gigi heard Symone giggle, her friend sitting at the table and painting her nails, the apartment's newest arrival chopping vegetables for whatever vegan crock pot Bimini was cooking for everyone. They had someone new arrive every couple of days, most girls only staying for a night or two in the bunk beds in what Naomi had dubbed the summer camp room before they were shipped off again if they didn’t interest any of the agents.
“I told you, didn’t I?”
“I know,” Gigi groaned, dumping down in a chair to rest her aching feet, “but I thought you were kidding.” Symone had gone on the trip two weeks ago, her Instagram exploding with content now that she had a brand new phone to post with.
“Did he give you the drink speech too?”
She had eaten lunch with Sutan at an awkwardly fancy restaurant, three sets of cutlery surrounding her plate, her manager going through each set as well as her wine glasses, explaining it to her. Gigi’s mom had always insisted on good manners, but it hadn’t been anything like that.
“The ‘never leave your drink unattended’ one, I mean.”
“Mmh,” Gigi nodded. “The whole entire speech.”
She hoped it’d be unnecessary, but Sutan had run her through what he called the basic safety procedures like putting a hand or a napkin over her glass when she wasn’t paying attention, her manager drilling it into her skull that she shouldn’t accept poured drinks or opened bottles from strangers in clubs unless she saw the bartender prepare it.
“Is he seriously doing all that?” Naomi raised an eyebrow. “So far, all my agent has told me is that if I showed up in any tabloid looking messy, he’d drop my ass.”
Suddenly, Sutan’s mothering didn’t feel as smothering, the attention and assistance the man had poured over her nothing compared to the terrifying thought of being left basically on her own like Naomi.
At first, Katya wasn’t sure why she stopped at Macy’s on the way home. Especially now, on a Friday night during the holiday season, when the sales clerks were at their most frazzled.
She wandered around, unable to get Grace and Leslie out of her mind...and in particular, the look of pure joy on Grace’s face when her mother appeared in the doorway. Leslie was a single mom, and by the look of her, she was pretty young, but she had managed to raise an exceptional kid who was sure how much she was loved.
Why was Katya so afraid of having a baby? It was like she’d told Leslie--she wouldn’t be doing it alone. Not by a long shot. No, she was fortunate to have the most wonderful man in the universe by her side. And lord knew, Trixie would make up for any maternal instincts she may lack herself. And plenty of people, people much less capable and loving than her, had babies every day.
She stopped, looking around, realizing that she’d found herself in the baby department. Specifically, in front of a shelf full of tiny little infant shoes. She smiled to herself, knowing exactly what she needed.
When she arrived home, she was thrilled to see that Trixie had prepared dinner, heating up some leftover chicken and mashed potatoes and throwing together a salad--exactly what she was in the mood for.
She smiled when she saw him, announcing, “I brought you a present.”
Trixie’s face lit up, and for a split second she could imagine that exact same expression of joy on a tiny child, the thought making her insides warm as she handed him the little bag.
He looked inside, where the two tiny pink moccasin slippers sat in their plastic box, his head then snapping up to look at her with an expression of amazement.
“Kat, are you-” His eyes were bright with tears, hopeful but still a bit tentative.
She shrugged slightly, self-consciously, afraid to say what she’s been thinking out loud, but Trixie seemed to know anyway.
He rushed forward and swept her up into the biggest, tightest hug she’d ever had, repeating over and over how wonderful she was going to be. She took his face in her hands, kissing his tear-stained cheeks, finally sure that as a team, they could do it.
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dameronology · 4 years
the one with the intergalactic babysitter (mando x reader)
summary: you’re a little lost in life - you moved to coruscant to become a writer, but working two jobs to make ends meet has made you dismayed. one babysitting gig with a mandalorian and his weird green kid might change everything.
this is my first mando piece!! it might be the first part of a series or it might be a stand alone - if you want to see more, i’m definitely down to see what else my brain spews up 
- val xx 
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Coruscant was a very fucking expensive place to live. 
It was understandable, seeing as it was the political and cultural hub of the galaxy - the kind of place that Frank Sinatra might write songs about titled Coruscant, Coruscant - but maker, it felt like they were charging you simply to exist in the city. Perhaps if you’d had a career, or a solid job that didn’t require chasing around after rude patrons and yelling at middle-aged women for severely under tipping. Being a waitress simply wasn’t enough to make ends meet. You’d originally moved to the capital to make it as a writer - a statement you would come to learn would age like milk on a hot July day. 
So, you turned to babysitting too; you already spent your day dealing with sticky-handed children and tuning out their incessant screaming. The extra credits wouldn’t hurt and it was something to do that didn’t involve sitting within the four walls of your tiny, concrete apartment. 
The first few weeks were a bit sow, usually tending to the spoilt of children of rich, inner city politicians. They were easy jobs; the kids were easily entertained by a holomovie and their parents usually left enough money to order take away food for them. You simply had to sit and watch them; making sure they didn’t choke and that they were in bed on time. Simple. 
One slow Monday - the kind were the hours dragged and there was a sort of grey cloud of gloom hanging over the skyscrapers - you got a call. Initially, it was supposed to be your night off to work on your debut novel. The first thing on your to-do list was to come up with an idea for said novel but as it usually went with writers, you found it easier to find excuses than to get on with the thing you claimed was your livelihood. 
‘Hello?’ You were halfway through the door of your apartment, your commslink in one hand as you tossed your apron onto the kitchen counter. 
‘Is this...Y/N?’
‘Maybe.’ You thinned your eyes. ‘Who’s asking?’
‘A potential client.’ It sounded as though the caller was covering their mouth. ‘Are your services exclusive to human children?’
‘Not at all. I had a Twi’lek kid last week.’ You replied. ‘What kinda kid are we talking?’
‘I’m not entirely sure.’
‘You don’t know what species your own kid is?’
‘He’s adopted?’ The voice came back, a little unsure. ‘Look, it’s a long story but I’ve had an emergency at work and I need someone to keep an eye on him for a few hours. I’ll pay double.’
That was how you ended up rushing out again, plans for the night completely disregarded in lieu of money . Admittedly, you were a little unsure because a) the address he had given you was in an air hangar and b) you were half-expecting to turn up and find that the child was a demon. But the guy was paying double and you needed to make rent - and you were like eighty percent sure he probably wasn’t going to kill you. 
When you got to Air Hangar 64 - a jet parking spot right in the middle of downtown Coruscant - you almost turned around, thinking you’d got the wrong address. A man in Mandalorian armour (one hell of a man, it should be added) was standing outside of a jet, a bundle of robes in his arms. He was tapping his foot on the ground, the bright lights of the city around you illuminating against the beskar of his suit. 
‘Y/N?’ You hadn’t even noticed that he’d spotted you, given the whole face apparatus situation. The voice, however, matched the one from the phone. 
‘Right. Hi.’ You cautiously approached him. ‘I didn’t catch your name on the phone.’
‘Mando.’ He replied. 
‘Mando the Mandalorian?’ You quirked a brow at him. ‘Or is it short for Mandalorian?’
‘Up to you.’ His words were blunt.
 It was then that you noticed the bundle in his arms was actually moving, a tiny and clawed green hand reaching up. It wriggled slightly and you tried - you really tried - to hide the look of horror on your face. 
‘That's the thing I’m babysitting?’
‘He’s the thing you're babysitting.’ Mando replied. ‘His face is much better than his hands.’
He handed you the bundle - and you noted that the shiny guy had been right. The little face staring back at you, with its wide eyes, brown eyes and hilariously oversized ears, was certainly much cuter than a human baby. He wrapped his tiny hand around your finger, letting out a tiny giggle. 
‘Is that why you wear the helmet?’ You asked. ‘Cos you’re green and wrinkly too?’
You couldn’t see the Mandalorian’s face, but you could tell from the way that he tilted his head to the side that he wasn’t amused by your statement. Tough crowd. 
‘I’ll only be gone a few hours.’ He said. ‘I appreciate you doing this.’
‘And I appreciate you paying double.’ You shot back. 
‘There’s food for him on the ship - some freeze dried frogs and some bantha milk.’
‘I’m sorry, did you just say freeze dried frogs and-’
‘- I’d appreciate it if you stayed out the hull of the ship.’ Mando continued, ignoring your question. ‘Just stick to the cockpit.’
‘Right.’ You forced a smile, inwardly reminding yourself of the double payment. ‘And do you have a rough ETA?’
‘Sometime between now and tomorrow morning.’
‘No need to be precise, I suppose.’ You muttered under your breath. ‘Well, have fun doing whatever is that you do...Mando.’
He didn’t mean to come across as icy and rude. It was just that he rarely ever interacted with anybody else - the Child was hardly chatty and he usually knocked his cargo out before they could get a word in. Still, the Mandalorian smiled slightly to himself at the use of his name. He wouldn’t usually trust a single soul in the galaxy to be alone with his kid on his ship, but he didn’t have much choice. You didn’t seem like the sort of person who would steal it - in fact, he got the impression you probably couldn’t fly it at all. 
Just like that, you were alone with the weird, Kermit-looking child. The first hour was slow; painfully so, in fact. All you could do was sit in the pilot’s chair, spinning around aimlessly in circles as the kid napped. The pile of dead, freeze-dried frogs stacked atop the dashboard was a little unnerving, but not any less unnerving than the six-foot-tall, armour-clad man to whom they belonged. 
By the third hour, you were beginning to wish the kid was still asleep. You quickly learnt that he enjoyed waddling about and pressing random buttons; he was particularly drawn to the bright red one next to your seat. You were no expert, but you’d seen enough holocartoons growing up to know what an ejector seat was. 
‘Oh no, let’s leave the blaster alone.’ You jumped out your chair, quickly picking up the Child. You held him up in the air, eyes meeting for a moment - then he burst into tears. ‘Hey, it’s okay! It’s better to play with safe things, like this mildly disturbing freeze dried-’
- The kid ripped his food from your hand before you could finish the sentence, shoving the creature into his slobbery mouth with an ostentatiousness that was impressive and disturbing in equal measures. 
Watching him guzzle down the bantha milk was a similar experience; half of it ended up down his robes, the other half splattering to the floor. It could have been worse.  He could have spilled it all over the controls or down the seat. Heck, he could have poured it over your head. 
By the time the Mandalorian came back, both you and the Child were passed out. So much so, in fact, that you didn’t hear him enter the ship. You were snoring quietly in the pilot’s seat, leg stretched out to the other chair. The little green rat was snoozing on your chest, one of your hands resting over his back. There was blue milk all down your shirt and a frog’s leg stuck to the windscreen. 
He gently leant forward to pick his kid up, placing him back in his floating crib. You began to stir when you felt the warmth move from your chest, your brain mentally registering the sudden absence of the creature. 
‘Hey, Mando the Mandalorian.’ You sat up, rubbing your eyes. As you did, the frog that had been plastered to the windscreen fell, bouncing off of his helmet. Your hand flew to your mouth, trying to stifle the laugh that was about to come out. ‘I am so sorry about the mess-’
‘- don’t be.’ He cut you off, sticking out his gloved hand to help you up. ‘He’s a messy kid.’
You weren’t sure how you could tell, but something about him seemed much more docile than your previous, brief encounter. His tone was a little warmer - or was it more tired? It was hard to tell with the helmet. 
Your best guess was that whatever work-related task he’d run out to had really taken it out of him. His shoulders were a little slumped, words tinged with exasperation. Coming home to find his ship covered in frogs and blue milk was probably only salt in the wound. 
‘I’ll clean it up.’ You offered. 
‘No, it’s fine.’ Mando shook his head, releasing his grip on your hand. 
‘You’re tired.’ You said. ‘I mean...I think you’re tired. It’s hard to tell with that metal thing covering your face but I’m getting some exhausted dad vibes from you and I did make the mess after all.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Certain.’ You rubbed your eyes. ‘We spent most of the time you were out napping so I’m well-rested anyways.’
After pointing you in the direction of a tiny closet towards the back of the cock-pit, you gathered what appeared to be an ages-old mop and a bottle of unidentified cleaning liquid. Cleaning up spilled and splattered food was simply part of your day job and it didn’t take you long to reassemble the place. You mopped the floor, prying the occasional frog leg or arm from the ship’s windscreen and controls. 
Mando watched as you did, eyes following you as you darted around. You couldn’t see him staring at you but you could certainly feel it. Glancing up from the floor, you paused your cleaning to hold his gaze, letting the mop fall against the wall. 
‘So, what do you do?’ You asked. 
Helmet tilt.
‘I mean, for like a job.’ You continued. ‘You live on a ship and you have a weird kid - he’s lovely, don’t get me wrong - but he’s fucking weird. Doesn’t he have a mum or something? Or another dad?’ 
‘I’m a bounty hunter.’ Mando replied. ‘And no.’
Did you always talk this much? Or was it just his wordless responses that made it feel like you were having a conversation with yourself? You could have sworn that most conversations didn’t take this much effort. 
‘Bounty hunter, huh?’ You raised your eyebrow. ‘I don’t suppose that finding an individual in these Coruscanti crowds is very easy - sorry. I also don’t suppose that you want my running commentary-’
‘- no, I like it.’ His words took you by surprise. ‘I don’t come across many chatty people.’
There was something about you that he liked - you were bright, sparky. The complete opposite of every antisocial criminal and cantina-dweller that he’d ever come across. He was tired beyond words but your voice was soothing. 
‘Yeah, the kid isn’t much of a conversationalist.’ You replied. ‘Where did you find him?’
‘He had a bounty on his head.’ Mando replied. ‘The people that wanted him were bad.’
‘So you ran away with him?’ You dropped the mop, taking a seat in the chair beside him. ‘And just called him your own?’
‘Not at first, but there are a lot of people after him.’
‘Oh yeah. I’m sure that tiny green thing is the galaxy’s most wanted criminal.’ You scoffed. 
‘What do you do?’ His helmet tilted again, this time out of curiosity. He got the vibe that you probably weren’t a full-time babysitter. You’d looked after his kid well enough but you didn’t seem like the sort of person who would voluntarily spend all their time with children. You swore too much for that. 
‘I’m trying to be a writer.’ You explained. 
That made sense, Mando thought, you certainly had plenty to say. 
‘Let’s just say that there isn’t a whole lot of writing happening.’ You replied. ‘You know, life gets in the way. I babysit and waitress to make ends meet but that leaves little time for getting shit done. I’m hopeful, though.’
Mando was almost bewildered by you at that point: you were the opposite of him in every way. You spoke about anything & everything, you’d anchored yourself to this city and you were trying to achieve a dream - an uncertain dream. He was the one that travelled the galaxy but somehow, you seemed to be more free. You had the sort of energy and optimism that felt like a stranger to him. Your presence alone against the cold, metal walls of his ship felt like a warm hug. 
‘Is it lack of inspiration?’ He asked. 
‘Maybe.’ You replied. ‘I thought Coruscant would help with that but it’s actually pretty fucking sad here. I can’t travel though, not when I’m working two jobs just so I can afford to live, let alone go on kriffing vacation.’
‘Right.’ He nodded. ‘I’m heading out tomorrow morning.’
You furrowed your brow. ‘Yeah. Where to?’
‘I have no idea.’ He replied. ‘But I need someone to watch the kid and you need to travel.’
‘Sure.’ You snorted. ‘I’ll just...I’ll just up and leave my whole life here behind to drop everything and travel the galaxy with a random man and his weird frog baby whilst I search for inspiration and - oh.’
‘That sounds like one hell of a story.’
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