#then completely skip 6.3 after
anominous-user · 2 years
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i think ill stop here
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gyanam · 8 months
How I reversed pre-diabetes without medicine
My siblings once checked their Hb1ac count and they were pre-diabetic. I immediately tested mine because I knew that since I was the person who used to eat more sugar I could have levels higher than them. And as expected I clocked 6.6 which I would say as borderline diabetes. My father had diabetes and had serious helath issues that led to his demise. I knew I had to be careful. And then began a strict diet. I stopped eating breakfast which usually used to contain high carb foods. My morning diet would be 1 cup of milk (without sugar), little bit of fruits and nuts (mostly roasted peanuts) just to kill the hunger
Going without breakfast is a little tough however I used to eat my lunch a little early around 12:30 PM. I avoided packed foods and preferred eating homemade food. However I didn't do much exercise. The only exercise that I did was going up and down the stairs maybe 10 times a day since my room is in the first floor. My weight reduced from around 66 kilos to 60 kilos. After 6 months I checked my Hb 1AC count again and it showed up 6.0. However in the coming months around a year or so my Hb 1AC count increased and also my weight increased as I started breakfast again. I clocked around 6.3, 6.4 point 6.5. I also gained weight and was back to around 66 kilos.
So once again I started my diet routine I stopped breakfast and did little bit of exercise however I had a bout of viral fever, because of which I had Post viral fever arthritis and so my exercise routine stopped completely however I continued with my diet where skipping breakfast was the main focus. A month back I tested the HB1ac count and it showed 5.6 (normal)
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parttimedragonslayer · 9 months
Day 49 (Day 66) - Complete 4 January 2024
Rest day
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Day 50 (Day 67) - Complete 5 January 2024
6km run today. I actually about 6.3. It was mostly nice and easy, the last half a km or so was difficult though, I was starting to get pretty fatigued by then, I think. Took it real slow, as usual, and finished in 46 mins. 
I really enjoyed this run. Steve came with me on his bike and he rode beside or behind me the whole way. He’s easing back into exercise after his knee flared up while we were on holiday and he pushed it too far with all the walking. It was a beautiful day, too. The sun was out, it was about 14 degrees, so warm enough for a t-shirt but not too warm that it I started to get uncomfortable. I hadn’t planned my 6k route, I’d just been planning to go out for 3km and then turn around. But because Steve was with me and it was such a nice day we took an unplanned trip through some rice fields and along a river, through an area I don’t usually go. That’s why the run ended up being a little bit longer, because I was kind of eyeballing the distance. 
Day 51 (Day 68) - Complete 6 January 2024
Went to the gym for the first time in nearly two weeks. I took it really easy because I don’t want to knock myself out with DOMS. A little bit of whatever was available, all at lower weights. The gym was really busy. Either because it was Saturday, or perhaps a bit of a New Year’s influx. 
Day 52 (Day 69) - Complete 7 January 2024
Had been planning to skip rest day, but even though I took it easy yesterday I’m feeling it. My glutes in particular are really sore today. 
Day 53 (Day 70) - Incomplete 8 January 2024
Supposed to run today, but had a headache. It started yesterday evening and I took some painkillers for it, but then I also slept really badly and it was still around in the morning. I took some more and started to feel better. I should have gone out then, when I started feeling better, but before lunch. But instead I decided to have lunch and then I’d head out after giving myself some time to digest. That was a mistake. I had lunch, the headache got worse again and I bailed on running for the day. 
Day 52 (Day 71) - Complete 9 January 2024
The alarm went off at 6 and I seriously considered just going back to sleep. But I didn’t. Got out and ran. It was -3 but it didn’t feel too bad. I thought -3 would feel colder, to be honest. I felt like I was running at a decent pace, and that the faster intervals were noticeably faster, but when I checked when I got home I was surprised at how slow it was. The run was 36 minutes, compared to the last time I did the same run it was 33 minutes. Maybe that’s the difference between rolling straight out of bed into a run and doing it after having been awake a while and had something to eat.
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
SWTOR: Galactic Seasons objectives
The objectives for Galactic Seasons have been datamined and meticulously listed by someone on Reddit. A few takeaways: 
1. Every single weekly objective requires grouping. It's Ops, World Bosses, PvP, etc. They seem to even discourage playing with friends - the Veteran flashpoint objective specifically requires going through groupfinder, for example. 
2. The daily objectives look a lot like conquest objectives. 
I'm guessing a lot of people are going to be playing this and trying to get the objectives, at least at first. Unfortunately it means there might be more crowds which means more ninjas and mob thieves. For those of you like me who solo and like quiet areas, well, it's not our day. 
Looking at the new GS objectives, it seems as though there might be a few very specific trouble spots. I'm listing the ones which seem to yell, "If you want a character to do these things without stress, do them NOW."  I am not marking this for spoilers because there's nothing about story in here.
Areas with reputation that are being added as GS objectives: 
1. Oricon
2. Yavin 4
3. Rishi 
4. Iokath
5. Onderon 
6. Ossus 
7. Section X
8. CZ-198
1. Daily PO: Defeat Home World Enemies - Defeat non-player opponents across Hutta, Korriban, Ord Mantell, or Tython.
I dearly hope this objective is gated to the lower levels, because otherwise it's going to be a nightmare. The only starter planet that has fully instanced heroics (ie, an opportunity to kill mobs without interfering with other players) is Korriban. The other three? Nope. Most of the mobs are open world, and players just starting new characters need them - to level up, to fulfill their story and side missions, and often to practice a new class or advanced class. 
I'd like to think the devs have had some foresight on this but, well, you know. If you have a character on a starter planet, you might want to finish up before 6.3 comes out. 
2. Daily PO: Makeb Daily GSI Missions - Complete [DAILY] GSI Missions on Makeb
RIP to one of the most relaxing sets of missions in the game. The Makeb GSI dailies take you through waterfalls and bucolic landscapes, and there's little combat. The only trouble is that there are also very limited objectives in each area. If even three players are looking for them simultaneously, it can be tough to find what you need. Throw in players who have been specifically directed to the missions for GS? Yeah. 
Between items 3 and 4, I think doing Shadow of Revan might suck for a while. I'm planning on trying to rush a few characters through, even if it means they need to go back and do Makeb and Ilum afterward out of order. 
3. Daily PO: Yavin 4i Daily Missions - Complete [DAILY] Missions on Yavin 4. Daily PO: Defeat Seat of the Empire Enemies - Defeat non-player opponents across Oricon, Taris, Yavin, or Dantooine.
This, to me, is going to be a real problem. Yavin 4 is already very crowded - you have limited space, they never have enough instances, and you have both players completing SoR and players doing dailies/weeklies in both factions, ALL going for the same objectives. You need the mobs to complete one of the missions (both for story and the weekly/dailies) and now more people will be going after them. Great. 
4. Daily PO: Rishi Daily Missions - Complete [DAILY] Missions on Rishi. Daily PO: Defeat Outer Rim Enemies - Defeat non-player opponents across Belsavis, Hoth, Rishi, or Tatooine.
Rishi isn't quite as much of an issue, but: there aren't very many clickable objectives for the missions here, and they're all open world. Also, the mobs needed to find the parts in Pieces of 8 are the same ones you need for a bonus mission in the SoR story, so there may be a clash here. 
5. Daily PO: Oricon Daily Missions - Complete [DAILY] Missions on Oricon. Daily PO: Defeat Seat of the Empire Enemies - Defeat non-player opponents across Oricon, Taris, Yavin, or Dantooine.
The only reason these two are not going to be as much of an issue as Yavin 4 and Rishi is because a lot of people skip this one due to the forced Ops at the end. But you have the same perfect storm: a small area, not enough instances to accommodate them comfortably, both Imperial and Republic players going for the same mobs and objectives, and both story chain and weekly/daily players going for them, too. 
6. Daily PO: Section X Daily Missions - Complete [DAILY] Missions on Section X.Complete Section X [DAILY] Missions
Section X is the only daily area I play now, because I actually enjoy it. It's quiet, it's usually not well populated, and it's fun for me. I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can in these last few weeks before it's more crowded. 
7. Daily PO: CZ-198 Daily Missions - Complete [DAILY] Missions on CZ-198. Daily PO: Defeat Unknown Wild Space Enemies - Defeat non-player opponents across CZ-198, Ilum, or Iokath.
If you've been to CZ-198 when there are even 15 people in the instance you know how annoying it can be. Adding more? Yep. Good luck ever getting that droid now.  Of course we know the stock answers to anyone complaining about this will be "well, group!" and "well, go to the PvP instances," both of which place solo players in positions they might not want to be in. We also know that even though these concerns have been raised on the Public Test Server, there isn't a huge trend of the devs actually listening to those who have been gracious enough to test. So, do it now.
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themakersmovement · 5 years
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Hands-on with the Pixel 4: Damn, Google Justin Duino Google unveiled the Pixel 4 (among other things) today at a press event, and it’s the best, most powerful, forward-thinking Pixel to date. I was able to spend some time with the phone after the event, and man, it’s so good. The Pixel 3 XL was a pretty polarizing device, mostly because of the huge and completely unnecessary notch. The good news here is that the notch is gone on the Pixel 4 and Google is making use of the bezel along the top of the device by absolutely packing it with new tech. Like, new tech—not just “new to Pixel” tech. I’m talking, of course, about Project Soli and the Pixel 4’s new radar chip. This new chip detects motion near the phone, allowing you to do things like skip tracks or dismiss alarms by simply waving your hand over the phone. But that’s not even the real value in the radar chip—the best part is that it’s part of the Pixel 4’s Face Unlock feature that lets you unlock your phone just by looking at it. This isn’t Google’s first attempt at letting users unlock their phones with their faces, of course—-Face Unlock has been around for a long time. But here’s the thing: it used to be, well, bad. Like, unusably bad. It could be fooled by a picture and it really wasn’t secure at all. It was a gimmick. But Face Unlock on the Pixel 4? Nah, man. This ain’t your grandma’s face unlock (lol, does your grandma even know what face unlock is?); this is new. This is Google take on Face ID, which, let’s be honest here, is pretty badass. But I might argue that Face Unlock on the Pixel 4 is badasser. To use it is to love it, believe me. Justin Duino And that’s a good thing, because the fingerprint reader is gone—no in-display jankiness, and the Pixel imprint sensor on the back is no more. I know that’s going to be a hard hit for some of you, but trust me, it’s for the best. Face Unlock is the truth. That also makes for a cleaner overall aesthetic. The back is flat and smooth…for the most part. There is the big ol’ camera bump to house the dual rear shooters—a 12 MP main camera and 16 MP telephoto lens—but otherwise, it’s just a seamless piece of glass. The Clearly White and Oh So Orange units have a “soft touch” glass back, while the Just Black model is polished and shiny. They all look really good in person, though the contrasting color around the camera module takes some getting used to on the White and Orange models. The Pixel 4 has a 5.7-inch 1080p panel, while the larger XL model packs a 6.3-inch 1440p display. Both are using Google’s new “Smooth Display” feature, which will push the refresh rate “up to 90 Hz.” Having used 90 Hz displays on both the OnePlus 7 Pro and 7T, I can tell you that this is something that you want, but I’m slightly bothered by the “up to 90 Hz” wording. That indicates that the display doesn’t always run at 90 Hz, but somehow intelligently manages when it bump the refresh rate and when to bring it back down. Read the remaining 8 paragraphs https://buff.ly/2BgL49I
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indiarightnow · 3 years
Full Information To Watch TV On-line Whereas Saving Cash
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Have you ever been paying ₹ 600 – ₹ 700 each month on a DTH subscription to solely watch a couple of reveals and flicks? Particularly when most reveals can be found on-line and for a fraction of the worth and even free of charge! Virtually all Indian TV channels at the moment are streaming their reveals on-line and anybody with a smartphone, good wifi connection and a streaming dongle or Good TV can get all their reveals on TV free of charge. The necessities free of charge on-line TV are the next : - Good web connection - Video streaming dongle or Good TV - Streaming apps 1. Good Web Connection For an excellent video streaming expertise, the first requirement is a quick and steady web connection accessible via a Wifi router. This may be both via a Wifi broadband connection (Airtel, Hathway, ACT) or a 4G cell web router (Jio, Airtel MiFI). The primary vital issue on the subject of the web connection is pace. Providers like Netflix recommend minimal 1.5Mbps pace for streaming of video content material. And For HD high quality this goes as much as 5 Mbps. These are common speeds of some broadband networks in India in 2018: - Airtel – 6.64Mbps - ACT – 20.34Mbps - Hathaway – 19.94 Mbps These are the speeds of some 4G cell web networks in India in 2020 – 2021: - Jio – 23.1Mbps - Airtel – 6.3 Mbps - Vodafone – 10 Mbps - Concept – 8.7 Mbps As you possibly can see above, nearly each broadband or 4G community can provide the advisable pace for HD high quality streaming. Please observe that the speeds will range from metropolis to metropolis. The second vital issue after pace is stability. Even in case you have a quick web connection, for those who usually have disconnections or drops then you'll find it troublesome to make use of any of the video streaming companies. Therefore, it’s important to make use of an excellent high quality broadband router or a devoted 4G hotspot system like a Jio portable router in case you might be utilizing 4G (as an alternative of utilizing moveable wifi hotspot of your smartphone). 2. Good TV or Video-Streaming Dongle In case you have already got a Smart TV which helps you to set up apps on it or forged content material out of your smartphone skip to Step 3. If not, then you possibly can simply convert your present LCD/LED TV to a sensible TV with a video streaming dongle. A dongle is a tool which acts as a setup field and connects your TV to the WiFI community. The preferred streaming dongles available in the market are the next : Amazon Fire Stick Firestick is an Amazon product that begins at round ₹2,499 and is mostly pre-loaded with a whole lot of streaming apps like Hotstar, TVF, AltBalaji (find a complete list of apps here). The perfect function about Firestick is the power to put in apps. This implies you can set up nearly any streaming app into the Firestick system and watch the content material on TV. Firestick additionally comes with a voice-enabled distant which makes it a lot simpler to modify between content material and completely different streaming apps. Right here’s a step-by-step information to utilizing Firestick. There are a selection of free sources accessible as properly. Purchase Amazon Firestick here. https://www.youtube.com/embed/0A3mRXeCCEs?function=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://moneyview.in&width=840&peak=1000&uncover=1 Google Chromecast Priced at round ₹ 3,499, then Google Chromecast works seamlessly as an extension to your Android telephone display screen by serving to you mirror your display screen or ‘forged’ any photograph or video via your smartphone apps. Each Firestick and Chromecast are fairly able to streaming video content material to your TV. The primary distinction lies in the truth that you possibly can set up apps on Firestick however you can not do the identical in Chromecast. You'll have to set up the streaming apps that you just wish to use in your smartphone after which ‘forged’ the video to your Chromecast.  This may be barely cumbersome after some time in case you have restricted telephone house or don't like putting in too many apps in your telephone. Shopping for a Chromecast is advisable for those who use Youtube rather a lot.  Purchase Chromecast on Tata CLIQ here. 3. Streaming Apps Right here is the checklist of streaming apps (each free & paid) which you should utilize for streaming content material in India – YouTube The king of all streaming apps. You could find all kinds of content material right here – Internet sequence, Vlogs, Outdated Serials, Motion pictures (some paid and a few free). - Subscription Price – Plans begin at ₹139 per thirty days - Compatibility with Amazon Fireplace Stick – Choose units solely - Compatibility with Chromecast – Sure - Downloadable content material – Sure (primarily based on subscription) - Unique Content material – Sure  Disney + HotStar You could find all the favored Star Community content material accessible right here free of charge viewing. About 70% of the content material on this app is free. Just a few films and worldwide sequence (like Sport of Thrones) can be found as premium/paid content material. - Subscription Price – Numerous subscription plans beginning at ₹ 399 per yr - Compatibility with Amazon Fireplace Stick – Sure - Compatibility with Chromecast – Sure - Downloadable content material – Sure - Unique Content material – Sure Amazon Prime Video Amazon Prime Video has an honest mixture of Indian and Worldwide films and serials with a couple of unique sequence created for less than the Prime Video viewers.  - Subscription Price – Free with Amazon Prime Subscription (₹ 999 per yr or ₹ 129 per thirty days in any other case) - Compatibility with Amazon Fireplace Stick – Sure - Compatibility with Chromecast – Depends upon the model - Downloadable content material – Sure - Unique Content material – Sure Netflix Netflix is the definitive app for those who love watching worldwide content material. Netflix can also be the one app on this checklist which offers multi-user assist (upto 4 profiles).  - Subscription Price – From ₹ 199 month  - Compatibility with Amazon Fireplace Stick – Sure - Compatibility with Chromecast – Sure - Downloadable content material – Sure - Unique Content material – Sure Sony LIV Sony LIV provides you entry to all Sony Community Content material from channels like Sony, Colours, SAB TV. Similar to Hotstar, a lot of the content material is free, however if you wish to stream dwell channels in HD or watch a preferred film, you may need to take the premium subscription. - Subscription Price – Begins at ₹299 per thirty days - Compatibility with Amazon Fireplace Stick – Sure - Compatibility with Chromecast – Sure - Downloadable content material – Sure - Unique Content material – Sure Eros Now If you're an Indian film buff (Bollywood, Tollywood, Kollywood and many others.) then that is the app for you. Eros Now has the most important library of Indian films throughout a number of languages – Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and many others. - Subscription Price – From ₹ 49 per thirty days - Compatibility with Amazon Fireplace Stick – Sure - Compatibility with Chromecast – Sure - Downloadable content material – Sure - Unique Content material – Sure Jio TV If in case you have a JIO connection then you should utilize Jio TV in your telephone to get dwell streaming of just about all Indian TV channels free of charge (550+ Channels) Remember that you will want an energetic Jio Cellular Connection for the app to work. - Subscription Price – Free for Jio cell community customers - Compatibility with Amazon Fireplace Stick – Sure (with Android APK) - Compatibility with Chromecast – No - Downloadable content material – No - Unique Content material – No Airtel TV Airtel TV is much like Jio TV however for Airtel Cellular Postpaid & V-Fiber Broadband plan. It fetches content material from libraries of Eros Now, Sony LIV and HOOQ and has a good quantity of dwell streaming and catalogued content material although nowhere near Jio’s content material library. - Subscription Price – Free for Airtel Postpaid cell customers - Compatibility with Amazon Fireplace Stick – No - Compatibility with Chromecast – No - Downloadable content material – No - Unique Content material – No When you get used to the pliability of watching on-line TV you possibly can simply save greater than 50% of your month-to-month DTH/cable price per thirty days. You'll save hundreds per yr and on the identical time get whole management of your leisure Read the full article
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ashxpad · 3 years
Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7 Review: A Little Weird, a Lot Awesome
Tamron released its longest-reaching lens for the Sony E-mount camera system with the 150-500mm f/5-6.7 Di III VXD. After two packed weeks of glorious bird photography, there’s a lot to be said for this new telephoto zoom.
This may technically be the first of its kind for Tamron, but the company does have a history of similar zoom lenses for DSLR mounts. We’ve seen the popular 150-600mm f/5-6.3 lens released in 2013 with a well-received second-generation model launched in 2016, plus the 100-400mm F/4.5-6.3 which was introduced in 2017. Now, Tamron hopes to take what it learned from those past successes and make a next-generation telephoto zoom for the most popular full-frame camera system on the market.
Design and Build Quality
My first impression of the 150-500mm is that it’s a great-looking lens. I appreciate the black semi-matte finish on the plastic exterior which blends in much better than the off-white that is not uncommon for these focal lengths. The removable tripod collar is metal and has a texture that matches extremely well with my trusty Sony a7R III camera, which I used for this review.
This lens does extend physically as it zooms. At the short end, it’s 8.3 inches (209.6 millimeters) long and all the way out its 11.1 inches (283 millimeters). In total with the tripod collar included, the lens weighs 4.1 pounds (1.86 kilograms). Overall, it has a comfortable balance and throughout my shooting time with it, it was only used handheld (aside from aperture tests). Even more modestly-sized camera backpacks should be able to fit this in with the hood reversed and camera attached.
Taking a closer look, I noted a number of interesting features in the design and functionality that are worth discussing.
Zoom Ring
Starting at the outer end of the lens, there’s a large, rubberized zoom ring that can move from 150mm to 500mm in a 75-degree twist. While there is a zoom lock switch on the side for 150mm, what is less noticeable is what Tamron calls the “Flex Zoom Lock.” By just pulling out the zoom ring, it can lock at any focal length.
The right image shows the zoom ring pulled out, enabling Flex Zoom Lock.
This might be my favorite feature of the 150-500mm. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve inadvertently nudged the focal length out of where I intended it to be with my Sony lens. Before I know it, I’m missing out on over a hundred millimeters of zoom that I now have to recover with cropping. With my Sony lens I made a workaround where I overlap two pieces of neoprene to give the zoom ring some added friction, but what Tamron has done with the Flex Zoom Lock is very smart and extremely handy.
Another great aspect of this zoom lens is the impressive variable aperture breakdown. My testing shows that from 150mm to 237mm, the camera displays f/5, from 238mm to 386mm it’s f/5.6, from 387mm to 479mm it’s f/6.3, and only in the final 20mm of 480mm to 500mm is it f/6.7. This makes the 150-500mm some good competition to the standard 100-400mm lenses that break down similarly but only zoom so far.
Aside from the zoom lock switch I just mentioned on the righthand side, there’s a panel of switches to be found on the left. These include a focus limiter switch, focus mode switch, vibration compensation (VC) on and off toggle, and a VC mode switch. The switches on this lens are the best tactile experience I’ve had when compared to any Sony or Canon lens. Because of the perfect tension and size, even the three-stage switches easily set to the middle without accidentally skipping to the next setting.
I’ll go over vibration compensation in a more detailed section below, but right now I want to point out the focus limiter. Most focus limiters I’ve seen have three modes: One is for the full focus range, one is for infinity to a certain distance, and the last is for close focus to a certain distance. In contrast, the Tamron 150-500mm forgoes that last close focus option for a second infinity-to-distance mode, which means it offers the full range and either infinity to 15 meters or infinity to three meters.
As a bird photographer, focus limiters are a tricky matter that I don’t ever really use for a few reasons, but paramount is the fear I might miss something spontaneous. What Tamron has done here — I believe — is a nod to sports photographers who always have absolute certainty where their subjects will be. If they’re shooting from the sidelines of a game, they will likely need to be back at least three meters for safety. If they’re shooting from the stands, that’s a guaranteed 15 meters away. These are just a couple of easy examples, but taking away a close focus limiter speaks to the type of photographers the company either worked with closely while designing this or the type of shooter it envisioned using the lens.
Focus Ring
Moving toward the lens mount, there’s a focus ring that I have a couple of negative feelings about. First is its thinness. The least Tamron could have done about that was to make the ribbing on it rubberized and more pronounced, but sadly it’s even flatter than the zoom ring and plastic.
Secondly, it is not a smooth operator. It has a cheap glide like there’s sand in it, and at times in the rotation, there are high notes of crunching that make me question if there literally is debris trapped. It makes its use more finicky than it should be.
Tripod Collar
Closest to the lens mount is a removable metal tripod collar that needs to be acknowledged. Tamron has already been doing it in previous telephoto lenses, and this one too features a built-in Arca Swiss tripod plate on the foot. Nothing is more insulting than when lens manufacturers skimp on this and instead ship out a completely useless foot.
On each side of the foot, there are also loopholes for attaching a carrying strap if desired.
Image Stabilization
The Tamron 150-500mm does have an image stabilization mechanism — Tamron calls its technolgoy Vibration Compensation — and offers three different modes that are controlled by a switch on the side of the lens.
Don’t skip this part because these are not exactly the modes you might be thinking they are.
Traditionally, Mode 1 would be full compensation vertically and horizontally, Mode 2 would be for panning and compensates only for vertical movement, and then Mode 3 only activates horizontal and vertical stabilization at the moment of capture and does not compensate until only then.
With this lens, Mode 2 is unchanged and is still the mode to use for panning shots. Modes 1 and 3 are different, and a little strange. Mode 1 acts as described above, however, its strength of compensation is not very impressive, especially when shooting at 500mm. I think of it as a soft image stabilizer that allows for a lot more play with the lens and doesn’t tie you down to always making sure you’re in the right mode for the shot.
Mode 3 gets really weird. The level of compensation in both directions is extremely good. It’s much, much better than Mode 1. However, it’s active all the time. Even without half-pressing the shutter or using back-button autofocus — without touching the camera at all — it’s on. As you can imagine, this is not ideal for a long-lasting camera battery to be walking around with the lens in Mode 3, but as noted it’s also the mode to be in for the best compensation. So, generally, I used it. Ideally, I would like to see Mode 3 only active when I’m ready for it.
One last note is about the constant noise of this lens. Many stabilized lenses have some sort of hum that is produced once that image stabilization kicks in. Oddly enough, the Tamron 150-500mm is noticeably whirring away all the time and only quiets down a touch when it’s stabilizing. After two weeks of getting used to it, I’ll admit it’s a little less obnoxious now, but it was almost unbelievable when I switched over to this lens initially.
Image Quality
Inside, the lens uses 25 elements in 16 groups including one extra-low dispersion element, five low dispersion elements, and two hybrid aspherical elements. There’s also Tamron’s BBAR-G2 coating. In all, it’s a concerted effort to control aberrations, ghosting, and flaring while promoting edge-to-edge sharpness.
Upfront, I can say that the Tamron 150-500mm image quality holds up beautifully for real-world use and my proof of that is in the photos littered across this review. I did not encounter any sort of aberration or flaw that became an issue in the field or that needed any sort of labored correction in post-processing. Below are a couple of backlit shots with high contrast and there is no dramatic color fringing. The very little I see is either unnoticeable in the full photos or can be solved with a one-click fix in post-processing.
Full images.
100% crops showing minimal color fringing on edges.
As a telephoto lens, vignetting is certainly something that exists. Personally, I embrace it, but it’s always good to know where to expect an even exposure across the frame. Shooting at the 150mm end, I find f/7.1 shows vignetting only on the edges of the frame, and then by f/9 it’s around the corners only, and at f/13 it’s largely under control. On the 500mm end, f/9 is when it encroaches the edges only, f/10 it’s just around the corners, and by f/16 it’s under control.
Overall, I’m very satisfied with the sharpness of this lens for my bird photography. It has the resolving power to achieve fine feather detail and allows for considerable cropping without the photo falling apart.
100% crop.
Peak center sharpness at both the 150mm and 500mm ends is at f/8, according to my comparative testing. It’s worth mentioning to other wildlife photographers that there is no steep falloff of sharpness shooting wide open at 500mm, and in fact, there’s not much difference at the center between 500mm f/6.7 and 500mm f/8.
At the corners, the lens does need some more room to right itself if the details there are important to you. At the 150mm end, peak corner sharpness is at f/14. At the 500mm end, peak corner sharpness is at f/11. To simplify my findings between its vignetting and sharpness, I’d just remember to shoot the lens around f/11 if I wanted the best compromise of edge-to-edge image quality for landscape photography and the like.
First introduced in the 70-180mm f/2.8, the 150-500mm also uses Tamron’s VXD linear autofocus motor. Throughout my review period, I found autofocusing to be snappy and largely reliable for tracking birds in flight. Due to vignetting, autofocus does become less responsive as subjects move towards the extreme edges of the frame. For typical rule-of-thirds style compositions, however, this did not become a noticeable issue.
The minimum focus distance at the wide end is 23.6 inches (0.6 meters) and all the way zoomed in its 70.9 inches (1.8 meters). Considering the lens itself is 8.3 inches, that means at 150mm the subject can be a little more than a foot away and still sharply focus.
Below you can see two full-frame shots of a skipper butterfly that was about the size of my fingernail, one at 150mm close focus and one at 500mm close focus. As you can see, both produce a subject that is very comparable in apparent size although it is slightly larger when close focusing at 150mm than close focusing at 500mm.
150mm, minimum focus distance.
500mm, minimum focus distance.
Thoughtful Ideas, Thorough Execution
The more I think about it, the more I realize that Tamron made something special with the 150-500mm f/5-6.7 Di III VXD. It bridges the gap between 400mm zooms and 600mm zooms and is still relatively portable and lightweight for a telephoto. There is no hiding any sort of poor light-gathering performance behind the variable aperture numbers, though it is actually only f/6.7 for the last 20mm of zoom and can do f/5.6 almost all the way to 400mm. The Flex Zoom Lock feature is a very welcome addition and I wish every telephoto zoom had it. Other little things about the lens were great to see as well — such as the built-in Arca Swiss tripod plate — that shows the company is willing to take those few extra steps to make its products stand out.
My main complaint is the stabilization mode inconsistency, with smaller quibbles with regard to the focus ring and constant noise the lens makes. In the grand scheme of things though, minor stuff.
Are There Alternatives?
Based on the features of the Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7, the priority on compactness in the design, and its aperture breakdown in the focal lengths, the lens is most closely related to the Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS and Sigma 100-400mm f/5-6.3 DG DN OS Contemporary.
The Sony 100-400mm is in the premium G Master line of lenses and costs $1,000 more than the Tamron. Compared to Sony, Tamron loses 100mm at f/4.5 but gains an extra 100mm at the longer end at the cost of some more light loss. On the other end of the zoom, Sony is f/5.6 at 400mm whereas Tamron is neck-and-neck, able to do f/5.6 up to 387mm. The bonus here is that Tamron keeps going, something that users of these mid-telephoto lenses are sure to value a great deal. The $1,000 difference is going to primarily show itself in higher-quality optics and better autofocus performance.
The Sigma 100-400mm is the low-cost option of the three, and costs around $500 less than Tamron is asking. The Sigma’s benefit is that it’s a pound lighter. The Tamron blows past the Sigma in terms of light gathering, though, where the Sigma is already down to f/6.3 at 235mm when Tamron is still wide open at f/5 at that point. Once again, Tamron’s added benefit is that it keeps going after 400mm as well, which makes a big difference for photographers putting in the effort to carry larger lenses like these.
One question I initially had, which I’ve noticed is shared among those who ask online, is why Tamron cut off 100mm from the 150-600mm DSLR lenses it makes. They question why we are losing 100mm and paying more for the privilege.
I’ve found that this is a flawed comparison. I really don’t think Tamron made this as a mirrorless version of the 150-600mm, and it’s also not a direct competitor to my all-time favorite lens, the Sony 200-600mm. In fact, what Tamron has done is added 100mm to the traditional 100-400mm lenses and made the resulting optic its own thing, then understandably charged more for that. The company has made similar adjustments to traditional zoom lengths before such as the 24-70mm becoming the 28-75mm f/2.8 and 70-200mm becoming the 70-180mm f/2.8. Obviously, this is more than a tweak of a few millimeters, but Tamron has a history of thinking outside the box when it comes to zoom ranges. Heck, I believe it was Tamron that pulled off of the 150-600mm first too, years before Sigma and Sony did versions of it.
Should You Buy It?
Yes. Tamron manages to make a highly sharp and reliably fast autofocus lens in the 150-500mm f/5-6.7 Di III VXD. Overall, my experience was positive and there’s considerable attention paid to much of the lens’s design. This is one worth checking out.
from PetaPixel https://ift.tt/2TSadUO
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junker-town · 4 years
LaMelo Ball has already proven his doubters wrong
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LaMelo Ball was always the most talented prospect in the 2020 draft. Now the NBA is seeing why.
The 2020 NBA Draft was said to be defined by its lack of star-power at the top of the class. While the first pick is usually obvious months ahead of draft day, there was little consensus on the top prospect in last year’s class. The Minnesota Timberwolves reportedly searched long and hard for a trade partner after landing the No. 1 overall pick, and couldn’t find any takers. Some suggested that as many as seven players from the 2021 draft class could go first overall in 2020.
Each of the top prospects was said to have a fatal flaw. Anthony Edwards had freakish athleticism and impressive shot-making flashes, but his focus often waned on both ends of the court. James Wiseman was extremely big and extremely fast from end-to-end, but his lack of polished offensive skill and underwhelming quick-twitch athletic traits left much to be desired from a top center prospect. Then there was LaMelo Ball, the player with the biggest name and most tantalizing highlights held back by a polarizing reputation with decision-makers around the league.
SB Nation had Ball as the top prospect in the draft coming off of his season in Australia, but executives with their jobs on the line weren’t as bullish. Critics thought Ball’s decision-making and shot selection were far too unrefined to be the offensive engine of an NBA team. They thought he would be among the worst defensive players in the league, and would need to completely overhaul his three-point stroke. They saw a lead guard who could make a flashy play but struggled to execute a simple one. There were also pervasive questions on how he would fit into an NBA locker room after typically having his team’s entire system built around him since his early days at Chino Hills High School.
Ball slipped to the Charlotte Hornets at the third pick after Edwards and Wiseman went 1-2. His critics had plenty of ammunition at the start of the season. Ball went scoreless in his debut against the Raptors. A week later, he shot 1-of-10 from the field in Charlotte’s three-point loss to the Magic. He went scoreless again the next game against the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Ever since, Ball has been on the fast track to stardom. His performance against the Phoenix Suns on Wednesday night showed just how special he can be.
Ball finished with 20 points, eight assists, four rebounds and two steals on 7-of-11 shooting from the floor. Phoenix had won nine of their last 10 games, but Ball’s brilliance lifted the Hornets to a 124-121 victory.
Since entering the Hornets’ starting lineup on Feb. 1, Ball is averaging 19.5 points, 6.3 assists, and 6.3 rebounds per game with 40.8 percent shooting from three-point range. The Hornets have transformed into a playoff team overnight, and young teammates like Miles Bridges and Malik Monk have suddenly been unlocked.
Ball is just getting started, but it’s already clear that he’s a star in the making.
LaMelo Ball can absolutely be a lead offensive engine
The toughest thing to find in the NBA is a player who can consistently create in the halfcourt for himself and his teammates. While this has traditionally been the role of the point guard, wing-sized offensive players have taken on these duties more and more in recent years. Last season, LeBron James and Luka Doncic finished 1-2 in assists.
Ball provides the best of both worlds: he’s listed at 6’8 and is blessed with natural point guard instincts. There aren’t many players in the world who could see and make this skip pass to the corner:
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There are plenty of examples of Ball finding the shooter in the corner with a pass on the money throughout the season:
LaMelo already so good as a passer. Double clutch mid air fake pass to the roll man on target to the corner. pic.twitter.com/DkO9iB7Fr7
— Raj C. (@UnwrittenRul3s) February 23, 2021
Ball’s passing ability was highly regarded entering the draft, but it was fair to wonder how much value it would have if he couldn’t put pressure on the defense as a scorer.
That hasn’t been much of a problem thus far. After getting Suns center Deandre Ayton on a switch late in the fourth quarter, Ball cooked him off the dribble and finished with a dunk.
LaMelo's handles pic.twitter.com/6IOBREEpjL
— NBA TV (@NBATV) February 25, 2021
On the season, Ball is taking 31.1 percent of his shots at the rim, and he’s making 61.2 percent of those attempts, per Basketball Reference. His true shooting percentage is a tick below league average, but still impressive for a rookie at better than 54 percent.
If teams thought they could go under every screen against him at the start of his career, they’re quickly learning that’s an easy way to get burned.
LaMelo’s three-point shot has translated
Ball had flashes of shot-making with deep range during his year in Australia before the draft, but his numbers at the end of the season weren’t good. He ended his year making 27.9 percent of his three-pointers on 6.62 attempts per game.
His shot has already looked so much better in the NBA. Right now, Ball is making 35 percent of his threes on 5.3 attempts per game. Playing off the ball at times next to Terry Rozier and Gordon Hayward has helped put Ball in position to hit spot-ups he wasn’t getting often last year. He’s also been incredibly impressive at hitting pull-ups.
So far, Ball is making 37.1 percent of his pull-up threes on 2.3 attempts per game. He’s making 35.6 percent of his spot-up threes on 2.9 attempts per game.
LaMelo Ball jumps to the ball and gets the steal/INT, then pushes in transition for a deep pull-up 3 pic.twitter.com/aAWeAAae9e
— Brian Geisinger (@bgeis_bird) February 25, 2021
LaMelo’s defense is already passable
While Ball had plenty of lowlights on the defensive end in Australia, there was always reason to believe he would turn into a quality defender. Being 6’8 gives him a size advantage on any opposing point guard in isolation defense, and also helps him make plays as a rotation defender. He’s clearly a player with a great feel for the game offensively, and that has translated on the defensive end, too.
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Right now, Ball is No. 6 in the league in steals per game, but his impact goes even beyond that.
If it was assumed Ball would be among the worst defenders in the league as a rookie, he’s far exceeded that expectation. The EPM metric from Dunks and Threes puts Ball in the 40th percentile league-wide as a defender. He grades out as a positive defensively by win shares and box score plus-minus, per Basketball Reference. He has plenty of room to grow on that end, but anyone who expected him to be a disaster should feel foolish now considering he’s already much better than that as a rookie.
Ball is only going to keep getting better and better
Ball is currently the second youngest player in the NBA behind fellow rookie Patrick Williams, who was taken one pick after him by the Chicago Bulls. Ball won’t turn 20 years old until August 22.
The Hornets finished 23-42 a year ago. With Ball this season, they’re currently the No. 7 seed in the Eastern Conference playoff picture at one game under .500. Ball isn’t the sole reason for the Hornets’ turnaround — Terry Rozier’s career season, the addition of Gordon Hayward, and the recent breakout of Malik Monk have helped — but it’s clear his energy and enthusiasm has been infectious.
Edwards has been impressive as of late and Wiseman should be a solid center, but it sure feels like Ball should have been the first pick at this point. Maybe Cade Cunningham and/or Evan Mobley have brighter futures, but the idea that half the lottery from the 2021 class would be better than anyone in 2020 was laughable.
The Hornets already feel like LaMelo’s team. It isn’t hard to imagine him as one of the faces of the league in the near future. Not even halfway through his rookie season, Ball looks like the young centerpiece every team wishes it could have.
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atcmicorgasms · 7 years
Name: Oh Gayeon
Nickname: Grace, Gracie
Reason for name: Grace was given as a sort of nickname for Gayeon when she was younger and it’s always stuck, so as she’s gotten older, she’s started using Grace as the name 
Birthday: May 31, 1989
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Grace was born in Wichita, Kansas
Places lived since: Grace lived in Wichita until she was two before her family relocated to Athens, Georgia. Grace moved to Los Angeles to attend UCLA and has stayed, pursuing an acting career
Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: Grace was born to Oh Jin Young, who ran his own carpentry business and Oh (nee Kim) Yoo Ne, a real estate agent. Jin Young and Yoo Ne (who would go by Jin and Yuna, respectively, at the time) met in college at the University of Kansas as lab partners in a biology class and ended up being in the same Psychology and English 102 later in their college careers)
Number of siblings: 2, Junior and Sora, Grace is the middle child.
Relationship with family (close? estranged?): Grace’s relationship with her family is distant. She still will talk to her family, but traveling to see them doesn’t happen very often. Her parents weren’t too excited about her leaving the nest but it’s something they’ve been slowly working past.
Happiest memory: Easily her acceptance into university.
Childhood trauma: Grace chooses not to talk too much about any of the actual major traumas that have happened during her childhood and instead chooses to recall the time she had been caught smoking pot underneath the bleachers and the punishment she received from there. 
Children of his/her own?: none
If so, relationship with their mother/father?: n/a
Age he/she gave birth/became a father: n/a
Height: Grace is 5′9
Build: straight
Nationality: Korean-American
Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): Grace has PMDD, which gives her more severe symptoms than the average PMS. 
Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birth marks): Grace has a noticeable tan, and has finally gotten control of her adult onset acne, although she’ll get very nasty flare ups the week leading up to her period. 
Face shape: rounded
Distinguishing facial features: the apples of her cheeks are very prominent when she smiles
Hair color: Brown
Usual hair style: Grace is self-conscious about her ears (Although she’s been told on numerous occasions that they’re perfectly normal) so her hair is usually kept down.
Eye color: brown
Glasses? Contacts?: none
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): Grace honestly is Target girl at heart, so nine times out of ten, she’ll find things from the clothes section in Target, she doesn’t really have a distinct style or anything typical.
Typical style of shoes: Give Grace tennis shoes or sandals any day.
Health (is this person usually sick? or very resilient?): Grace got a ton of ear infections as a kid and despite getting a flu shot every year, she tends to fall victim to the flu or a nasty bout of pneumonia if she’s lucky enough to avoid the flu.
Grooming (does she/he wear makeup? shower daily? wear only clean clothes? pluck her eyebrows?): Foundation and eyeliner are Grace’s go to for make up looks. Grace showers daily, if she skips a day, she ends up showering twice in the next day that she does shower
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: At any given time, you can find her with a simple chain necklace with some small accent piece on it (like an arrow or feather) and bangles, and about two rings on either hand. Any of the cuff style bracelets are reserved for when she’s dressing up.
Accent?: She’s worked very hard to get rid of any trace of an accent, although it’ll still slip when she’s talking to certain people or saying certain words.
Unique mannerisms/physical habits (bites nails, talks with hands, taps feet when restless): Grace tends to lick her lips a lot when she’s nervous and if she starts to feel any sort of embarrassment or awkwardness when talking to someone, she’ll wiggle in place.
Athletic?: She loves doing the high intensity workouts and pilates
Level of education (high school drop out, undergrad BA/BS, PhD, MD, etc.): Grace has a bachelor’s in sociology and has looked into going towards social work if acting doesn’t pan out
Level of self esteem: 6.3
Gifts/talents: Grace has a great memory and she’s good at wrapping presents.
Shortcomings: Grace can be incredibly naive and fairly easy to upset, she’s been working on being in better control of her emotions, especially when she’s due for her next cycle.
Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.): Grace has a medium volume of speech, she speaks at a fairly quick cadence and her voice is a little more on the huskier side
“Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?: Right brain
Artistic?: She’s good at coloring and has made some sort of name for herself, albeit small in acting so there’s some artisticness there
Mathematical?: Not at all. She was able to scrape by in her math classes and had to study five times as hard to make sure she really understood a concept and as soon as she was done having to take math classes, she was super happy
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: Emotionally
Neuroses: a mild hypochondriac. She visits webMD way too often for anything small to turn it into the mountain she does
Life philosophy: 
Religious stance: Buddhist 
Cautious or daring?: A little bit of both
Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: Some of the major life choices she’s made. 
Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist
Extrovert or introvert?: Extrovert
Level of comfort with technology: Like a 7 or 8
Current marital/relationship status: Single
Sexual orientation:
Past relationships: 2
Primary reason for being broken up with: Location and it just being a short lived thing
Primary reasons for breaking up with people: Long distance
Level of sexual experience: 4
Story of first kiss (if any—if not, how does he/she want it to happen?): A middle school dance, it sort of just happened by accident
Story of loss of virginity (if any—if not, how does he/she want it to happen, if at all?):
A social person? (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): Grace is social when she needs to be. She’s very comfortable reaching out to network, but she can also be a huge homebody.
Most comfortable around (person): Herself
Oldest friend: A friend she made in George
How does he/she think others perceive him/her?: 
How do others actually perceive him/her?: 
Profession: Grace is an aspiring actress
Past occupations: She helped out with data entry in her dad’s business and has worked in the mall
Passions: Music, cat cafes, going to the beach
Attitude towards current job: She likes it
Attitude towards current coworkers, bosses, employees: It really depends on the gig
Salary: Depends on the gig
(Every character—no matter how minor—should always have secrets!)
Phobias: She has a reoccurring nightmare of her going into any room in her home and the lights not working
Life goals: Just to be recognized
Dreams: Win an award
Greatest fears: losing her family and not finding out for a long period of time
Most ashamed of:
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: Her brother telling his best friend that Grace had a huge crush on him when she was thirteen 
Compulsions: She buys one of those decorative birds from Target every season
Obsessions: practicing for hours, even after rehearsal or performances are finished
Secret hobbies: Ghost shows
Secret skills: Did I mention that she’s also really good at putting shelves up and even crafting some shelving units
Past sexual transgressions: nothing completely naughty
Crimes committed (and was he/she caught? charged?): staying out past curfew, underage drinking and smoking
What he/she most wants to change about his/her current life: Nothing
What he/she most wants to change about his/her physical appearance: Nothing
Daily routine: It varies on when she wakes up
Night owl or early bird?: Early bird
Light or heavy sleeper?: Light sleeper
Favorite food: Give Grace all the pasta and starches in the world
Least favorite food: But if Grace has to eat another cheesecake she will lose her mind
Favorite book: She really likes Danielle Steele novels
Least favorite book: Lord of the Flies
Favorite movie: Clueless
Least favorite movie: she really doesn’t have a least favorite, she just doesn’t watch the ones she doesn’t like very often
Favorite song: Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks
Least favorite song: That Ed Sheeran song that’s getting played all the time
Coffee or tea?: Coffee
Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: She’s allergic to peanuts
Type of car he/she drives (or wishes he/she drove): 
Lefty or righty?: Lefty
Favorite color: She likes the magenta-y color the sky can take during a really pretty sunset
Cusser?: No
Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: More of a social drinker than anything, she doesn’t smoke, or hasn’t since she’s moved.
Biggest regret: Not talking to her brother and sister more
Pets?: She has a maltepoo named Charlie that she constantly posts about on her social media. 
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Star Trek: The 10 Worst Episodes Of DS9 Ever, According To IMDb
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was a sci-fi series that ran from 1993 to 1999, spanning 176 episodes. It was the third sequel to the original Star Trek series, after The Animated Series and Next Generation. It takes place in the years 2369-2375 and takes place primarily on a space station as opposed to aboard a star ship. The show follows Commander Benjamin Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Constable Odo, Chief Medical Officer Bashir, and Quark.
RELATED: X-Men: 5 Best & Worst Movies, According To IMDb
Critics and audiences loved that it explored lengthy serialized storytelling, as well as religious themes—ideas that Rodenberry had forbade in the original series and Next Generation. But every series has its bad episodes. Here are the ten worst episodes of DS9. 
10 The Passenger (6.4/10)
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This early episode is generally disliked because fans think it either dumbs down the crew too much or because the execution of the story is boring. 
The DS9 crew respond to a distress call aboard a ship and find captain Ty Kjiada and a dead prisoner Rao Vantika. Kjiada repeatedly warns the crew that Vantika is too wily and determined to extend his life to have allowed himself to die so easily. They don’t believe him until it turns out that he has managed to transfer his consciousness into another character. 
9 Fascination (6.3/10)
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This episode in season 3 focuses on the Barjoran Gratitude Festival. The plot line focuses almost exclusively on romantic and lusty stories. Jake is moping, O’Brien’s wife is upset about things, a Betazoid ambassador arrives explicitly to start a romantic relationship with Odo, and Dax is obsessed with Sisko to a dangerous amount. It has a strong Midsummer’s Night vibe, and things go very strange before they’re righted. 
RELATED: 10 Best Spielberg Movies Ever, According To IMDb
According to fans, the episode is filler—unwatchable filler, at that. In a show with 176 episodes, there are bound to be a few that feel like filler, and “Fascination” is one of them.
8 Second Sight (6.2/10)
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Commander Sisko meets a woman who he finds himself intrigued by—she seems to appear and disappear randomly. He asks Odo to investigate her so he can learn her secrets. Meanwhile, Dax works with Professor Gideon Seyetik, a brilliant scientist known for his ambitious terraforming projects. He’s arrived to complete his most ambitious project yet: relighting the star Epsilon 119. He invites the crew over for dinner so he can expound upon how brilliant he is, and the two storylines finally come together.
RELATED: 20 Storylines That Deep Space Nine Wants Us to Forget
Fans see the episode as northing particularly special. Seyetik’s arrogance made him a frustrating character and his final sacrifice less meaningful. 
7 The Storyteller (6.1/10)
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Chief O’Brien is sent to Bajoran village with Bashir in order to help out with a medical emergency that endangers the entire community. When he arrives, the only sick person is Sirah, a spiritual leader who controls a monster, the Dal’Rok. He indicates that O’Brien is the successor, and people are immediately devoted to him. Meanwhile, back at the space station, Sisko mediates between two Bajoran tribes who are having a conflict about a border that changed due to the Cardassian interference. 
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Fans found both plots boring, and some criticized it as being too ‘feel-good’ rather than a real adventure. 
6 Move Along Home (6.0/10)
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The DS9 crew is awaiting a visit from Wadi, a Gamma Quadrant species who are trying to make official first contact. However, when they arrive all they want to do is go to Quark’s place so they can drink and gamble. They have unfamiliar and advanced games, and somehow the command staff end up inside a live action game that they have to be guided out of.  
RELATED: The 10 Biggest Deep Space Nine Twists and Reveals, Ranked
Fans who dislike the episode complain that the Wadi simply leave at the end of the episode. They are not punished, nor do they attempt to maintain diplomatic relations. At the 50th anniversary Star Trek convention in Las Vegas, this episode made the list of 10 Worst Episodes in the entire Star Trek franchise. 
5 Resurrection (5.9/10)
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The Star Trek mirror universe was first introduced in the original series. In Deep Space Nine, the crew interacts with the mirror universe several times; “Resurrection” marks the fifth episode exploring the universe. It begins with Bareil beaming into the ship—but Bareil died over a year before. Major Kira, who had loved the original Bareil, immediately begins to trust this Bareil, even though their experiences of the mirror universe have been with criminal versions of themselves. Naturally, he and Mirror Kira are up to something. 
Fans find the episode dull and the writing lazy. 
4 Profit And Lace (5.9/10)
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The Ferengi leader Grand Nagus arrives on DS9, we learn that he has been deposed for giving equal rights to the females. The evil Brunt is going to take his place, so Quark and his family decide to do whatever it takes to reinstate the rightful Nagus and keep the new equality in place. They invite Nilva, a member of the Ferengi Trade Commission, to DS9 to see that a Ferengi female can be just as competent as a Ferengi male. However, Quark’s mother—the only female Ferengi available—falls ill at the last second and Quark must disguise himself as a woman to try to convince Nilva. 
3 Meridian (5.7/10)
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Sisko wants to explore the Gamma Quadrant, and the crew discovers unusual distortions in a system without planets. When a surprise planet appears, an inhabitant explains to them the Meridian’s shifts between dimensions. It only exists in this dimension every sixty years. Jadzia falls in love with a resident of the Meridian, while the wealthy creep Tiron pressures Quark to create a holosuite program of Major Kira after she rejects Tiron. 
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Boring is the most common criticism of this episode. A lot of people also would have liked to see the Tiron/Quark/Kira plot take the main focus as it had a lot of untapped potential.
2 The Muse (5.7/10)
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Lwaxana Troi returns to DS9 to beg for Odo’s help. Her husband wants to take their son from her to raise him separate from girls until he’s 16, as is traditional in the Tavnian culture. Odo promises to help her and they ultimately come up with a strange but ultimately kind solution to her problem. While this is happening, Jake meets an older woman who is fascinated by his writing and encourages him to keep writing more and more. Her presence serves as a muse to him and Jake writes great things while she’s there. However, it appears she’s a succubus because the more he writes, the weaker he gets. 
1 Let He Who Is Without Sin… (5.6/10)
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This season 5 episode is the lowest rated episode in the series and the reviews of it are full of people who vehemently hated it. It reads as sensationalist—the team goes to Risa, a pleasure planet of the Federation, where Dax looks forward to letting loose with her Klingon boyfriend Worf. Suddenly, conservative protesters show up who are calling the Federation soft. Worf, who has become increasingly abusive, supports them while also treating Dax horrifically. 
Fans hate that Dax and Worf make up at the end. No one likes that Risa has been made dramatic when it was always a place for light and fun episodes. And most think it’s worth skipping. 
NEXT: Star Trek: 10 Hysterical DS9 Logic Memes Only True Fans Understand
source https://screenrant.com/star-trek-deep-space-nine-episodes-worst-imdb/
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presssorg · 5 years
Mayan Train’s fast track raising concerns in Mexico
Mayan Train’s fast track raising concerns in Mexico MEXICO CITY — Maps, renderings and charts paper the walls of a government conference room. They lay out in detail the plans for a rail line that could be Mexico’s biggest infrastructure project in a century. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has put the multibillion-dollar Mayan Train project on a fast track. He says it will provide an economic boon for the poor communities of Mexico’s long neglected southeast by bringing in more tourists and the hotels, restaurants and other businesses needed to serve them. Yet, among the papers on that wall at Mexico’s tourism development agency is a chart showing that the Mayan Train is being pursued at a pace that outside observers say could threaten its feasibility, the environment and the people the president wants to help. The chart in the Fonatur offices outlines planning, contracting and building times for 45 recent train projects in Canada, Australia, Britain and France. Those projects, which do not approach the Mayan Train’s length, averaged seven to 10 years to complete. And there’s the rub: Lopez Obrador is limited to a single six-year term and wants the trains running before he leaves office Dec. 1, 2024. The chart says the nearly 950 miles (1,525 kilometres) of the Mayan Train will be finished in 4.8 years, with nearly all of the time savings coming from the planning and contracting phases. “Yes, we’ve skipped some steps, but we are forced to by the circumstances of the political terms,” said Rogelio Jimenez Pons, director of Fonatur who says government planners are also working with international experts and the United Nations. “It’s a six-year term, so if you don’t get at least a year of operation for the project it’s at serious risk.”
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Maps, renderings and charts paper the walls of a government conference room. They lay out in detail the plans for a rail line that could be Mexico’s biggest infrastructure project in a century. Lopez Obrador himself underlined that point by making one of his first presidential acts the cancelling of a partially built $13 billion new airport for Mexico City that was begun by his predecessor. The Mayan Train would circle the Yucatan Peninsula and drop a spur south to near the border with Guatemala. It would serve tourists and workers at Cancun and the glistening resorts of the Riviera Maya, but also haul cargo. Lopez Obrador says the project will fulfil his dream of helping the people of the southeast and will display a new brand of inclusive development and respect for the environment. “Not a single tree will be felled,” the president has said — a promise that strains credulity for a project that is intended to travel through jungle, even if it is along existing right of way. An immediate question for many is whether planning and executing a megaproject can really be carried out so quickly. And what about its projected cost of $6.3 billion to $7.9 billion (120 billion to 150 billion pesos)? The Mexican Institute for Competitiveness, a public policy think-tank , published a study last month predicting the cost would come in at four times that — $25.3 billion (480 billion pesos). Its report also urged not to rush the project without careful planning. “There aren’t serious cost-benefit analysis studies, nor a study about demand, nor a serious study of bids that will really have a projection of this train,” said Ana Thais Martinez, a researcher who wrote the study.
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Mexico’s other recent rail project, a 36-mile (58-kilometre) commuter line between Mexico City and Toluca, is already 90% over its initial $2 billion budget and remains unfinished after more than six years of construction. She also noted that Mexico’s other recent rail project, a 36-mile (58-kilometre) commuter line between Mexico City and Toluca, is already 90% over its initial $2 billion budget and remains unfinished after more than six years of construction. It was supposed to be completed by 2017. Jimenez Pons, the Mayan Train’s point man, said the government will pay only about 10% of the project’s cost, while the private sector picks up the rest through what will essentially be costly contracts to operate the train service. Development around each of the line’s 15 proposed stations would be overseen by Fonatur, but by using real estate investment trusts the land would remain in the hands of property owners, essentially making them partners. The train’s cargo hauling service is to be its most important source of revenue, while passenger ticket prices are expected to be subsidized, Jimenez Pons said. Martinez’s report noted that running passenger and freight trains on the same line is complicated, and it suggested the government’s expectations for cargo revenue could be overly optimistic. There are also concerns about the environmental impact. New track would be laid through the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO-recognized area of wide biological diversity that is Mexico’s largest tropical jungle and home to important pre-Hispanic archaeological ruins. And the region is perforated by underground rivers and caverns. A Fonatur presentation based on a preliminary environmental study in the state of Campeche obtained by The Associated Press highlighted potential “critical impacts” on wildlife during construction of track, stations and associated tourism infrastructure. Some effects could be mitigated, but they would require careful study, it said. So far, people in the areas that would be affected say they have received little information about the project and its impact, even as land speculation surges around them. Jimenez Pons promises that all of the required environmental impact studies and public consultations with indigenous communities will be completed. Jimenez Pons has known Lopez Obrador for decades and says the president has been thinking about this train for many years as a way to benefit the southeast. “This isn’t a whim, an imposition or because Mexico’s president is from the southeast,” Lopez Obrador said in December at an indigenous ceremony in Palenque where he sought Mother Earth’s blessing for the project. “Above all it’s an act of justice, because it’s been the most abandoned region, and now the southeast’s hour has arrived.” Einar Jesus Medina Borges has been shuttling tourists around the colonial gem of Merida in a horse-drawn carriage since he was a teenager. The train sounds good to Medina, who heads the local carriage drivers’ union, because it could bring more tourists to his inland city. Still, he has concerns. “What we also have in mind is what ecological impact is this project going to have?” Medina said. “The people in charge of all this need to make sure it causes the least ecological damage, ecological impact, possible.” Another concern is not so much the train itself, but the tourist infrastructure that would be developed around proposed stations, especially one that would serve the Calakmul reserve. If government projections prove true, bringing 3 million annual visitors to an area that has only about 30,000 residents today would be a mammoth change. “The project has major ecological implications and the design has to change and the magnitude has to change so nothing serious happens,” said Jorge Benitez, an ecologist who has studied the reserve for years and published a paper on the potential impact of the train. He has joined a technical advisory board to the project and says officials have so far been receptive to his concerns and have even heeded calls to include the construction of wildlife corridors over the rail line. Jimenez Pons said environmental impact statements are beginning for areas, including Calakmul, where there are no existing railways — about half the proposed route. But the time pressure looms. “We’re racing the clock, but it’s possible,” he said. —— Associated Press writer Peter Orsi in Merida contributed to this report. Published at Wed, 17 Apr 2019 04:02:02 +0000 Read the full article
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All Ears: How to choose the Right Hearing Aid for Me?
“I'm dedicated to providing optimal health care in a relaxed environment where I treat every patient as if they were my own family.” –DR. ANIKET GUPTA
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So, let’s look at How to choose the Right Hearing Aid for you?
Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye:
Consult an audiologist for an expert opinion on your hearing needs: What can you expect from an audiologist appointment?
Would it really work for me: The science behind hearing aids
What are my options: What are the different hearing aids brands available in the market?
What are the different types of Hearing Aids? Would you prefer a visible or invisible type of hearing aid?
How long do the hearing aids last: Durability of hearing aids
Know about the maintenance: How to take care of your hearing aids?
Let’s know about it from the most trusted Audiologist DR.ANIKET GUPTA
Hearing loss is emerging as a serious health issue and it can affect anyone at any age. It's most common among people older than 60 and also found in newborn children. People facing hearing problems often feel excluded from communication and are susceptible to loneliness, depression and paranoia. Hearing loss also affects our physical and mental well-being.
An awareness of the seriousness of hearing loss is playing an important role in increasing the demand for hearing aids and its diagnostic services in India. Due to factors such as high noise pollution, rise in the patient pool; India is expected to experience the fastest growth rate for hearing aid devices in the coming years.
Symptoms vary from patient to patient, from mild to severe. A patient with a mild hearing impairment may have problems understanding speech, while patients with severe deafness rely on lip-reading or sign language for communication.
According to a survey, In India, 63 million people (6.3%) suffer from significant auditory loss.
With recent technological advancements, hearing aids have become more sophisticated and are rapidly improving to benefit wearers more than ever before. Today’s hearing aids come in various styles and incorporate digital technology in ways that not only improve the performance of the device but also offers the best sound experience to the user. If you are suffering from hearing disability, these new generation hearing aids can far improve your living and listening experience and can help you restore your confidence.
1. Consult an audiologist for an expert opinion on your hearing needs: What can you expect from an audiologist appointment?
Hearing loss is caused by dysfunction of a part of the ear such as the inner ear, the cochlea, auditory nerve, brain damage, etc. The type and severity of hearing loss will influence what kind of treatment is needed, hearing aids, speech therapy, etc.
If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms you need to schedule a complete hearing evaluation:
Facing difficulties during conversations;
Understanding the voices of women and children;
Complain that people mumble or talk too fast;
Feel ringing in the ear
Have preferred ear or “good ear”
Your audiologists (ear doctor) will run a few regular hearing loss tests. These tests may vary between clinics and depending on your particular hearing issues and concerns. After you’ve finished your hearing tests, the results will be mapped on an audiogram. Your doctor will consider all the factors and recommend the best hearing aids as per your needs.
It is important that you choose the right clinic and consult a professional's expert opinion so that you make the right decision and avoid common mistakes associated with hearing aids.
At Tarang Speech & Hearing Clinics in Karkardooma, Delhi, we specialize in the latest hearing aid technology & provide full diagnostic and rehabilitation services for all types of speech and hearing disorders.
2. Would it really work for me: The science behind hearing aids
A hearing aid is a small electronic device that you wear in or behind your ear. It has three basic parts: a microphone, amplifier, and speaker. The hearing aid receives sound through a microphone, which converts the sound waves to electrical signals and sends them to an amplifier. The amplifier increases the power of the signals and then sends them to the ear through a speaker.
The Phonak brand has been developing, producing, and distributing life-changing hearing solutions for more than 70 years. Phonak technology offers advanced hearing technology to create a solution that delivers excellent sound quality. They offer a wide range of products for every type of client and every hearing situation.
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3. What are my options: What are the different hearing aid brands available in the market?
Tarang Speech and Hearing Clinics provide the best speech and hearing solutions under one roof. At Tarang we offer the following different brands as per your requirement:
Phonak: Phonak hearing aids and related products are designed to help wearers enjoy all aspects of their lives with improved clarity. All Phonak hearing aid styles and technology levels include a tinnitus feature. The company’s premium technology level hearing aids (V90 or B90) include all available features. Bonus capabilities include improved speech recognition in cars and integration with other audio devices.
Widex: Widex is one of the world’s largest........
To Continue Reading You Can Visit On https://tarangclinics.com/blog/hearing_aid_in_delhi
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mikemortgage · 5 years
Mayan Train’s fast track raising concerns in Mexico
MEXICO CITY — Maps, renderings and charts paper the walls of a government conference room. They lay out in detail the plans for a rail line that could be Mexico’s biggest infrastructure project in a century.
President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has put the multibillion-dollar Mayan Train project on a fast track. He says it will provide an economic boon for the poor communities of Mexico’s long neglected southeast by bringing in more tourists and the hotels, restaurants and other businesses needed to serve them.
Yet, among the papers on that wall at Mexico’s tourism development agency is a chart showing that the Mayan Train is being pursued at a pace that outside observers say could threaten its feasibility, the environment and the people the president wants to help.
The chart in the Fonatur offices outlines planning, contracting and building times for 45 recent train projects in Canada, Australia, Britain and France. Those projects, which do not approach the Mayan Train’s length, averaged seven to 10 years to complete.
And there’s the rub: Lopez Obrador is limited to a single six-year term and wants the trains running before he leaves office Dec. 1, 2024. The chart says the nearly 950 miles (1,525 kilometres) of the Mayan Train will be finished in 4.8 years, with nearly all of the time savings coming from the planning and contracting phases.
“Yes, we’ve skipped some steps, but we are forced to by the circumstances of the political terms,” said Rogelio Jimenez Pons, director of Fonatur who says government planners are also working with international experts and the United Nations. “It’s a six-year term, so if you don’t get at least a year of operation for the project it’s at serious risk.”
Lopez Obrador himself underlined that point by making one of his first presidential acts the cancelling of a partially built $13 billion new airport for Mexico City that was begun by his predecessor.
The Mayan Train would circle the Yucatan Peninsula and drop a spur south to near the border with Guatemala. It would serve tourists and workers at Cancun and the glistening resorts of the Riviera Maya, but also haul cargo.
Lopez Obrador says the project will fulfil his dream of helping the people of the southeast and will display a new brand of inclusive development and respect for the environment. “Not a single tree will be felled,” the president has said — a promise that strains credulity for a project that is intended to travel through jungle, even if it is along existing right of way.
An immediate question for many is whether planning and executing a megaproject can really be carried out so quickly. And what about its projected cost of $6.3 billion to $7.9 billion (120 billion to 150 billion pesos)?
The Mexican Institute for Competitiveness, a public policy think-tank , published a study last month predicting the cost would come in at four times that — $25.3 billion (480 billion pesos).
Its report also urged not to rush the project without careful planning.
“There aren’t serious cost-benefit analysis studies, nor a study about demand, nor a serious study of bids that will really have a projection of this train,” said Ana Thais Martinez, a researcher who wrote the study.
She also noted that Mexico’s other recent rail project, a 36-mile (58-kilometre) commuter line between Mexico City and Toluca, is already 90% over its initial $2 billion budget and remains unfinished after more than six years of construction. It was supposed to be completed by 2017.
Jimenez Pons, the Mayan Train’s point man, said the government will pay only about 10% of the project’s cost, while the private sector picks up the rest through what will essentially be costly contracts to operate the train service. Development around each of the line’s 15 proposed stations would be overseen by Fonatur, but by using real estate investment trusts the land would remain in the hands of property owners, essentially making them partners.
The train’s cargo hauling service is to be its most important source of revenue, while passenger ticket prices are expected to be subsidized, Jimenez Pons said. Martinez’s report noted that running passenger and freight trains on the same line is complicated, and it suggested the government’s expectations for cargo revenue could be overly optimistic.
There are also concerns about the environmental impact. New track would be laid through the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO-recognized area of wide biological diversity that is Mexico’s largest tropical jungle and home to important pre-Hispanic archaeological ruins. And the region is perforated by underground rivers and caverns.
A Fonatur presentation based on a preliminary environmental study in the state of Campeche obtained by The Associated Press highlighted potential “critical impacts” on wildlife during construction of track, stations and associated tourism infrastructure. Some effects could be mitigated, but they would require careful study, it said.
So far, people in the areas that would be affected say they have received little information about the project and its impact, even as land speculation surges around them. Jimenez Pons promises that all of the required environmental impact studies and public consultations with indigenous communities will be completed.
Jimenez Pons has known Lopez Obrador for decades and says the president has been thinking about this train for many years as a way to benefit the southeast.
“This isn’t a whim, an imposition or because Mexico’s president is from the southeast,” Lopez Obrador said in December at an indigenous ceremony in Palenque where he sought Mother Earth’s blessing for the project. “Above all it’s an act of justice, because it’s been the most abandoned region, and now the southeast’s hour has arrived.”
Einar Jesus Medina Borges has been shuttling tourists around the colonial gem of Merida in a horse-drawn carriage since he was a teenager. The train sounds good to Medina, who heads the local carriage drivers’ union, because it could bring more tourists to his inland city. Still, he has concerns.
“What we also have in mind is what ecological impact is this project going to have?” Medina said. “The people in charge of all this need to make sure it causes the least ecological damage, ecological impact, possible.”
Another concern is not so much the train itself, but the tourist infrastructure that would be developed around proposed stations, especially one that would serve the Calakmul reserve. If government projections prove true, bringing 3 million annual visitors to an area that has only about 30,000 residents today would be a mammoth change.
“The project has major ecological implications and the design has to change and the magnitude has to change so nothing serious happens,” said Jorge Benitez, an ecologist who has studied the reserve for years and published a paper on the potential impact of the train. He has joined a technical advisory board to the project and says officials have so far been receptive to his concerns and have even heeded calls to include the construction of wildlife corridors over the rail line.
Jimenez Pons said environmental impact statements are beginning for areas, including Calakmul, where there are no existing railways — about half the proposed route. But the time pressure looms.
“We’re racing the clock, but it’s possible,” he said.
Associated Press writer Peter Orsi in Merida contributed to this report.
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elajyoti-blog · 6 years
What is Embryo Pooling An Insight | Elawoman
This retrospective check evaluated the embryo pooling strategy for managing the insufficient quantity of embryos in preimplantation genetic evaluation (PGD) through serial vitrification of cleavage-level embryos from consecutive cycles, and simultaneous blastocysts biopsy in combination with blastocysts acquired in the final bright cycle. A retrospective evaluation of the cumulative being pregnant price of 68 sufferers underwent cleavage-level embryos accumulation (Embryo Pooling Group) and 90 four sufferers underwent one stimulation cycle (Control Group) over a 2-year length have been performed. The blastocyst formation fee grows to be similar to some of the consecutive cycles and the ultimate cycle in embryo pooling organization (56.0 as opposed to 60.0%, p = .078). No significant difference existed among two instances-vitrified and as soon as-vitrified warmed blastocysts with appreciate to implantation charge (50.8 versus 40 6.3%, p = .658). The implantation charge and cumulative being pregnant charge of embryo pooling enterprise have been 49. 0 and 67.6%, respectively, which have been statistically similar to the corresponding values of 48.9 and 73,4 % acquired in control organization. We have a take a look at suggests that during sufferers present process ICSI-PGD who do now not attain enough embryos in a single stimulation cycle, pooling embryos from consecutive ovarian stimulation cycles is a promising approach, that might give a cumulative being pregnant charge corresponding to the ones patients who only require one stimulation cycle.
During IVF, eggs are eliminated from the ovaries of a woman and fertilized in a laboratory with sperm provided thru her partner or a donor.
One or embryos - fertilized eggs - are implanted into the lady’s uterus (womb).
Here are the standard ranges in an IVF cycle:
The lady’s herbal menstrual cycle is switched off with each day injections.
The lady has injections of fertility hormones to stimulate her ovaries so she produces several eggs, in place of simply one.
When the eggs grow, they may be gathered the usage of a first-class needle, guided via ultrasound, under light sedation.
The eggs are fertilized within the laboratory with sperm supplied with the aid of the female’s associate or a donor.
Fertilized eggs (embryos) are grown in an incubator for some days.
One or two healthy embryos are transferred into the girl’s uterus the usage of a thin tube inserted into the vagina and cervix.
If an embryo efficaciously implants, the lady will become pregnant. She will want to wait weeks for a being pregnant check.
Any final wholesome embryos can be frozen and stored for later use if needed.
Women who've IVF frequently have more than one cycle.
There are many versions of the IVF procedure. For example, sperm or eggs can be amassed from a donor. In some cases, a surrogate may also deliver the being pregnant.
Chances of success with IVF
On common, on every occasion a female has a cycle of IVF, she has approximately in five danger of becoming pregnant. That chance is higher for women younger than 35 years vintage, and decrease for older ladies, reducing with age.
In India, fewer than half the girls dealt with IVF have a toddler. Some women need as much as 5 cycles of treatment to obtain achievement, at the same time as others in no way fall pregnant. Younger women are more likely to have an infant thru IVF than older ladies.
So normal, most girls who use IVF do no longer cross domestic with an infant. But a few do.
Can single, lesbian or gay people use IVF?
Any India who're infertile can use IVF procedure whether or not or now not they will be unmarried or in a partnership.
The scenario for lesbian or gay human beings (who may not be infertile) and equal intercourse couples searching for IVF can variety. Following modifications to the law in trendy years, IVF is now accessible to lesbian couples in all states and territories, besides the Northern Territory. For records approximately IVF that is applicable in your very personal situation, communicate on your health practitioner or a local fertility medical institution. Our professional will help you to solve your problem-related What is Embryo Pooling An Insight at Elawoman.Com.
Costs of IVF
If you're thinking Costs of IVF , it is vital to talk on your clinical doctor, the IVF clinic and your health fund (if you have one) to recognize what you'll be charged for and what you may be blanketed for.
You want to don't forget whether or not it's miles cheap for you and proper for you.
IVF Embryo Transfer Day – This treatment is based totally strictly on scientific research. It can quiet the thoughts and lighten up the uterus, relieve soreness while on the identical time assisting implantation. This protocol includes a 25-minute acupuncture treatment earlier than the embryo transfer further to a 25-minute acupuncture treatment right away following the embryo switch.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) – Acupuncture is commonly encouraged 4 weeks preceding to egg retrieval. These treatments are based on scientific studies to boom follicular improvement similarly to the extremely good of the endometrial lining. It includes 8 acupuncture treatments within this four-week length. After stimulation starts offevolved this treatment also minimizes soreness and aspect effects that can get up in the path of a medicated cycle.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) – Acupuncture is usually recommended for as soon as consistent with a week, starting three months previous to and at some stage in assisted reproductive technology options. This treatment is designed to decorate the fine and amount of developing follicles further to the general satisfaction of the endometrial lining. It additionally serves as a well rounded and personalized treatment for each physical and emotional based symptoms.
For women with elevated FSH levels, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome further to Endometriosis it's also advocated to gain acupuncture three to four months previous to Intrauterine Insemination and In Vitro Fertilization for maximum advantages.
Donor Egg Recipients – Acupuncture is suggested for as soon as according to week, 3 to 4 months previous to receiving an embryo. This treatment is designed to put together the uterus and the endometrial lining. On embryo transfer day, pre and post acupuncture are likewise quite recommended thru physicians.
Male Factor Men – want to be handled 4 to 5 months prior to an IVF cycle to increase each the pleasant and amount of sperm thinking about that sperm productions take 3 months. Generally talking, Males ought to be dealt with as soon as to twice each week until the day of sperm donation.
What are you capable of doing to help yourself?
There is such a variety of confronting solutions to that query, however, maintain it clean and you’ll sleep higher, and all of us realize, nice sleep is the maximum valuable way to improve your frame.
Eat extra end result and vegetables and avoid pesticides whilst you can. Organic produce is the best manner to go to avoid pesticide residues than conventionally grown fruit and veggies carry.
Skip Soda and sugary or salty foods. A weight-reduction plan of such as complete and natural elements, doing away with sugar, and processed food. Adults need to restrict sugar to 6 to 12 teaspoons an afternoon. A single soda carries 10 teaspoons of sugar and the phosphorus leaches calcium from the bones. Soda is horrible for you, a healthy eating plan or in any other case. Limit salt to avoid excessive blood pressure and bloat weight benefit. If you've got a question in your mind related What is Embryo Pooling An Insight get solutions from us at Elawoman.Com.
Eat much less meat, specifically red and processed meats. They are believed to purpose coronary heart disease and most cancers. The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends ingesting no greater than 18 oz. Of red meat weekly (that gives up to 6 hamburgers) and keep away from processed meat like lunch meats and deli meats. Eating a natural food regimen which hormone lose meat and dairy in low to mild amounts is exceptional on your fashionable fitness.
If you have any doubt about the What is Embryo Pooling An Insight. You Can confirm with us.
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bestonreview · 6 years
Top 10 Best Free Smartphones Without Contract
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Have you ever taken the time to walk into a Verizon or AT&T store? You’ll commonly see some phones that cost 0$. On that shelf you’ll see some phones that can’t connect to the internet at all, old phones from 3 or 4 years ago, and cheap knock off. It sort of makes you think: you really get what you pay for when you go for a free phone. Since you’re paying nothing, you’re getting nothing. There are times, however, when you find a really decent phone for no money on it at all. Some companies will give you discounts for phones in a size that isn’t so popular with customers. Other phones will see their prices plummet from their pedestal just a year after they are released. Even some of the best brands out there, like LG, HTC, Samsung, and Apple, see their flagship models eventually drop in prices.
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You could get those phones, of course, and enjoy a great bargain in the process. But you will still have to deal with the face that they come with a contract, which locks you onto the providing company’s network. SIM-free phones are rising in popularity every year. Flagship phones that go on sale can be forbiddingly expensive. The iPhone X, for example, cost something like $999 when it was first released. It may make a lot more sense to buy phones that are SIM free and unlocked, and then get a SIM only deal later in order to get a proper bargain. Here we prepared a list of the very best SIM free handsets on the market. iPhone X
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The iPhone X comes with a screen size of 5.8 inches. That’s pretty good considering we’re dealing with Apple, who only recently began to get the screen size right on their phones. The resolution, as would be expected of a premium iPhone, is pretty high at 1125 pixels by 2436 pixels. The real camera has a resolution of 12 megapixels, which makes for some crisp pictures. The storage is either 64 GB or 256 GB and the RAM is 3 GB. The phone weighs very little at 174 grams and the battery has a capacity of 2716 mAh. Of course this is an ambitious start. We’re starting with the biggest phone on this list. The iPhone X is arguably the most significant iPhone launched since the very first iPhone, the iPhone 3G was launched 10 years ago. If you’re wondering why we skipped from the iPhone 8 straight to the iPhone X without having an iPhone 9, then there’s your answer: the iPhone X is read as “iPhone Ten” and that’s because it was launched a decade after the very first iPhone. That’ makes it pretty important. Recommended Articles For You: How to Get A Free Smartphone Online A Complete Guideline The 5 Best No Money Down Cell Phone Plans Switch To Boost Mobile From Metro PCS 2018 Apple has been piling up those incremental upgrades on its phone but went full on no holds barred with the iPhone X. You get Face ID which gives you the magic power of unlocking your phone just by staring at it. You also get a pretty cool 5.8 inch super retina HD display with absolutely no bezel. The whole front of the phone is the screen except for the speaker. You also get wireless charging, iOS 11, and, best of all, Animojis! Samsung Galaxy S9
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The weight on this phone is 163 grams. The dimensions are 147.7 mm by 68.7 mm by 8.5 mm. It operates on the Android Oreo operating system. The screen size is 5.8 inches, which makes it the same size as the screen on the iPhone X. The resolution is 1440 pixels by 2960 pixels. The phone runs on an Exynos 9810 Octa processor. It comes with 4 GB RAM. For storage you get to choose between 64 GB, 128 GB, and 256 GB options. The battery has a great capacity at 3000 mAh. The rear camera has a healthy 12 MP resolution while the selfie camera has a resolution of 8 MP. This is one of the best Android phones on the market. You can get it on preorder from lots of places. If you want it on preorder, you’ll have to part with about $700. Understandably, that’s a hefty amount. However, you can read on to see some of the other options that are there on this page.    iPhone SE
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This phone weighs 143 grams. It has dimensions of 123.8 mm by 58.6 mm by 7.6 mm. It operates on iOS 10 at the moment. The screen has a size of 4 inches. The resolution on this phone is 640 pixels by 1136 pixels. It comes with an Apple A9 chipset. The RAM is 2 GB while the storage comes in 16 GB and 64 GB options. The battery has a capacity of 1624 mAh. The rear camera is actually pretty decent with a resolution of 12 MP while the selfie camera comes with a more modest resolution of 1.2 MP. If what you’re looking for is a cheap iPhone then you can’t really go wrong with the iPhone SE. It’s one of the best SIM free iPhones you can buy right now. It’s not as powerful as the later iPhones, but it’s definitely stronger than the iPhone 5S while maintaining its size, which is an okay for anyone who wants an iPhone like they used to make them; without the massive screens. Moto G6
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This phone comes with a weight of 167 grams. The dimensions are 153.8 mm by 72.3 mm by 8.3 mm. It operates on the Android 8 Oreo OS. It has a screen size of 5.7 inches, which pits it against other standard smartphones like the iPhone X and the Samsung Galaxy S9. The screen has a resolution of 1080 pixels by 2160 pixels. The CPU is an Octa-core 1.8 GHz Cortex-A53. It comes with either 3 Gb RAM or 4 GB RAM while the storage comes in options of either 32 GB or 64 GB. The battery has a capacity of 3000mAh. The rear camera has a resolution of 12MP while the selfie camera has a resolution of 5MP. Motorola has been known for making affordable smartphones for quite a few years. The Moto G6 is a great phone for its price. It’s a great improvement on its predecessor, the G5, in many ways. The screed, which is HD+ and LCD, is one of those improvements. The screen size is also an improvement. In fact, the Moto G6 Plus has an even larger screen. The resolution on the screen is also better. The other features, such as the CPU, the RAM, and the 12 MP rear camera put this phone on nearly the same level as phones which cost twice as much If you want a good phone that won’t cost you an arm or a leg, then you’ll appreciate this gem. Samsung Galaxy Note 8
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This phone has a massive screen size of 6.3 inches. The resolution on the screen is 2960 pixels by 1440 pixels and it’s a Quad HD+ screen. The rear camera is 12 MP and has a dual lens. The weight is a little on the heavier side at 195 grams. The operating system is the Android 7.1.1. The RAM is 6 GB while the storage comes in options of 64 GB, 128 GB, and 256 GB. It also accepts external storage of up to 256 GB. The battery has a capacity of 3300 mAh. This phone has received quite a lot of hype and that’s not for nothing. The huge screen comes with an ‘infinity display’ which is an absolute joy to look at. The dual lens camera in the back is the best in its class. The RAM also makes it a pretty powerful phone. It’s fairly pricey, but it’s absolutely worth the price, considering it comes SIM free. OnePlus 6
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This phone weighs 177 grams. It has dimensions of 155.7 mm by 75.4 mm by 7.8 mm. It runs on the Android 8.1 Oreo OS, It has a pretty large screen at 6.28 inches. The resolution is 1080 pixels by 2280 pixels. The CPU is a Snapdragon 845. The Ram is either 6 GB or 8 GB, both of which are very powerful. The storage comes in options of 64 GB, 128 GB, and 256 GB. The battery has a capacity of 3300 mAh. There are two rear cameras with resolutions of 20MP and 16Mp while the selfie camera has a resolution of 16MP. It’s no doubt that this phone is one of the very best Android phones you could find on the market right now. If you judge your phones based on how good their cameras are, then the cameras on this phone will blow your mind. The rear camera in particular is spectacular. The performance as well as the design of this phone is pretty much in the same league as the iPhone X and the Samsung Galaxy S9. The price, however, is much lower. iPhone 8
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The screen size on the iPhone 8 is 4.7 inches. This is smaller than the iPhone X but still respectable enough, especially for those who don’t like massive screens on their phones. The resolution on the screen is 750 pixels by 1334 pixels. The rear camera has a resolution of 12MP. The phone weighs a paltry 148 grams. The RAM is 2 GB and the storage comes in options of 64 GB and 256 GB. In the tradition of Apple phones, it does not accept any external storage. The battery has a relatively low capacity of 1821 mAh. The iPhone 8 is admittedly not the kind of phone that sends waves through the market. It’s basically just an iPhone 7 with a few tweaks and improvements here and there and maybe an upgrade or two. If you already have an iPhone 7, then we wouldn’t recommend that you get his phone. However, if you have an older phone then it’s probably a good options, especially if you feel like the iPhone X is far out of your budgetary range. Nokia 3310
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This phone weighs 79.6 grams. The dimensions are 115.6 mm by 51 mm by 12.8 mm. The screen size is 2.4 inches. The resolution on the screen is 320 pixels by 240 pixels. The RAM is 16 MB. The storage is also 16 MB. The battery has a capacity of 1200 mAh. It also comes with a 2MP rear camera. This is a great throwback. If you have a case of pure and unstoppable nostalgia then you have the necessary drive to get this classic. In fact, nostalgia is exactly the thing that makes this phone continue to fly off the shelves in large numbers. It definitely comes with a low price and it may just be the right phone to take with you when you go out partying or to attend events. It’s also a great phone to have in your bag for emergencies. It’s not a smartphone, granted, but it is the world famous Nokia 3310; the phone that made the game Snake famous! LG V30
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This phone has a screen size of 6 inches. The screen has a resolution of 1440 pixels by 2880 pixels. It has a rear camera with a resolution of 16 MP. It weighs 158 grams and runs on Android 8 Oreo. The RAM is 4 GB and the internal storage comes in options of 64 GB and 128 GB. It also accepts external storage of up to 512 GB. The battery has a capacity of 3300 mAh. Whenever we think of LG we think of its flagship G series of phones. However, the 2017 V30 is just as good and is a smartphone you should definitely consider. The screen resolution is definitely one of its great strengths. It’s also got great design and you immediately know you’re using something on the level of a Galaxy Note 8. It’s a little pricey, but you’ll love it. Honor 10
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This phone weighs 153 grams. The dimensions are 149.6 mm by 71.2 mm by 7.7 mm. It runs on the Android 8.1 Oreo OS. The screen has a size of 5.84 inches and a resolution of 1080 pixels by 2280 pixels. The CPU is the HiSilicon Kirin 970. It has RAM of 4 GB and storage options of 64 GB and 128 GB. The battery has a capacity of 3400 mAh. The rear camera has a dual lens. One lens is 24MP while the other is 16Mp. Meanwhile, the selfie camera is pretty strong with a resolution of 24MP. The Honor 10 is a pretty robust Android and, while relatively unknown, is beginning to grow popular. It’s a great improvement on what’s been there before and has some pretty impressive features. While it’s not going to outperform a Samsung Galaxy S9 or an LG G7, but all that is more than made up for by the combination of the killer cameras and the low price. Final Thoughts As you can see, the fact that you’re looking for a contract free phone doesn’t mean you have to settle for a low quality phone. There are plenty of premium SIM free options out there. You just have to know where to look. Read the full article
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thegloober · 6 years
Sigma announces five new Global Vision lenses
Sorry, completely skipped this one in the last Sigma press event post. I was distracted by full frame freaking Foveon! But that’s not all they’ve mentioned today. Sigma has now officially announced the five new “Global Vision” lenses (that’s the collective name for their Art, Sport & Contemporary lenses) that leaked last week.
Sigma 28mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art
This wide angle full frame lens will be available in Sigma SA, Nikon F, Canon EF and Sony E Mounts. It features water and oil repellent coating on the front element and is dust & splash proof for extreme shooting conditions.
Focal length: 28mm
Maximum aperture: f/1.4
Minimum aperture: f/16
Mounts: Nikon F / Canon EF / Sony E / Sigma SA
Optics: 17 elements in 12 groups
Angle of view: 75.4° (full frame)
Minimum focus distance: 28cm (11″)
Filter thread: 77mm
Dimensions: 82.8 x 107.7mm (3.3 x 4.2″)
Weight: TBD
Sigma 40mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art
The Sigma 40mm f/1.4 DG HSM was originally developed to “live up to the sought-after angle of view and performance standard for a benchmark cine lens”. And it’s now becoming an Art series lens for photographers. It features three Special Low Dispersion elements which Sigma says helps correct for chromatic aberration, reduces distortion to less than 1% and coma flare to “non-existent” levels.
Focal length: 40mm
Maximum aperture: f/1.4
Minimum aperture: f/16
Mounts: Nikon F / Canon EF / Sony E / Sigma SA
Optics: 16 elements in 12 groups
Angle of view: 56.8° (full frame)
Minimum focus distance: 40cm (15.7″)
Filter thread: 82mm
Dimensions: 87.8 x 131mm (3.5 x 5.2″)
Weight: 1200g (42.3oz)
Sigma 56mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary
Designed for Sony E and Micro Four Thirds mounts, the Sigma 56mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary is a compact and lightweight lens. It’s compatible with the Sony E mount Fast Hybrid AF system and can utilise both facial recognition and Eye AF functions.
Focal length: 56mm
Maximum aperture: f/1.4
Minimum aperture: f/16
Mounts: Sony E / Micro Four Thirds
Optics: 10 elements in 6 groups
Angle of view: 28.5° (full frame)
Minimum focus distance: 50cm (19.7″)
Filter thread: 55mm
Dimensions: 66.5 x 59.5mm (2.6 x 2.3″)
Weight: 280g (9.9oz)
Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 DG OS HSM Sports
This is probably the one Sigma lens that people have been asking for the most over the last couple of years. But Sigma has now finally announced the 70-200mm f/2.8 DG OS HSM Sports lens. It’s their new flagship large-aperture telephoto zoom, which Sigma says is both robust yet lightweight. As one expects, it features a dust and splash-proof construction, with water & oil repellent coating on the front element. It also includes “intelligent OS” with acceleration sensor to account for actual intended movement.
Focal length: 70-200mm
Maximum aperture: f/2.8
Minimum aperture: f/22
Mounts: Nikon F / Canon EF / Sigma SA
Optics: 24 elements in 22 groups
Angle of view: 34.3-12.3° (full frame)
Minimum focus distance: 120cm (47.2″)
Filter thread: 82mm
Dimensions: 94.2 x 202.9mm (3.7 x 8.0″)
Weight: 1805g (63.7oz)
Sigma 60-600mm f/4.3-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports
Because a 50-500mm lens just isn’t ridiculous enough, Sigma has announced teh new 60-600mm f/4.3-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports lens – the “world’s first 10x optical zoom telephoto with a tele end of 600mm”. And it looks like an absolute monster. It features 25 elements in 19 groups, and offers image stabilisation of up to 4 stops. When shooting at 200mm, it can also be used in a macro mode, with a maximum magnification ratio of 1:3.3.
Focal length: 60-600mm
Maximum aperture: f/4.5-6.3
Minimum aperture: f/22-32
Mounts: Nikon F / Canon EF / Sigma SA
Optics: 25 elements in 19 groups
Angle of view: 39.6-4.1° (full frame)
Minimum focus distance: 60-260cm (23.6-102.4″)
Filter thread: 105mm
Dimensions: 120.4 x 268.9mm (4.7 x 10.6″)
Weight: 2700g (95.2oz)
Pricing and availability on most fo the lenses above is coming at a future date. The Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3, however, is available to pre-order now for $1,999 and will ship in October 2018.
Hopefully, at least some of these lenses will become available in L mount flavour at some point, too. If not, you’ll be able to adapt the SA and EF mount versions to Leica L for use with Panasonic and Sigma’s impending full frame cameras.
Source: https://bloghyped.com/sigma-announces-five-new-global-vision-lenses/
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