#then i think i accidentally flirted with halsin but i know for sure he's not seira's type
stxrmstained-a · 1 year
// "Ah, that smile— It could light up a room. Hells, it could light up the entire Bay of Balduran" wyll you're absolutely RIGHT.
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parvulous-writings · 3 months
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, and Halsin react to being stuck in close proximity with gn crush? - Fluff anon
Notes:  My requests are currently open, though limited! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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Initially, Astarion is rather grumpy about the whole situation; being stuck in close proximity with anyone is going to initially make him a little frustrated. He likes having the freedom to move all his limbs as he pleases, thank you very much.
However, it doesn't take him very long to start flirting, or making risqué comments to you. He's of the opinion that, despite you both being stuck together, he might as well have a bit of fun with it whilst it lasts, right? What else is there to do, if not seize the moment to make a few cheeky jokes?
"You know, darling... Things normally happen between two people who are so close..." His voice isn't much above a whisper, but you can hear it loud and clear. "I do believe there may be a game around a situation such as this..." He taps his chin in mock thought. "What say we give it a try~?"
He very much enjoys giving you little, teasing touches. Nothing too risque, they're usually feather-light, the only reason you know he's doing them, is because you can practically see the smirk in those red eyes of his.
Once the pair of you are free, the whole ordeal becomes a little inside joke between the two of you for him, something that he frequently will bring up during your travels together, usually at your expense.
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Gale is incredibly awkward about the entire situation - he tries not to be, he tries to play it off coolly, but alas, it does not work. He's jostling near constantly, his legs always moving in a bid to try and give you more space, and always failing. He just ends up kicking you, which he profusely apologises for every time.
"Oh- sorry, sorry... I didn't mean to- Ouf- Sorry, again-" He falls entirely still for a moment, trying to think of a way out of this little situation. He, obviously, cannot wriggle out of it, lest he bruise your ribs more, nor can he actually see a way out - it was far too dark to make out many details. He would have used his magic, but it felt like any movement only ended up in hitting you, and making the situation ever more tense - and he's not looking to upset you, not in the slightest, he wants the same thing you do! To get out!
After the two of you are finally let out - thanks to a very helpful Karlach - Gale tries to brush over the whole incident. He tries not to touch upon it too much, if at all if he can help it. If you mention it at all, he'll play along in the conversation for a couple of minutes, though his cheeks are bright red, before he excuses himself for anything he can think of - no matter how trivial, or outlandish the thing may be. He doesn't overly like remembering the time he kept accidentally kicking you.
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Halsin is no small man - entirely the opposite, in fact. Thankfully, though, he is very aware of this. He tries not to move too much outside what is strictly necessary to keep his joints from screaming at him, and he makes sure to move slowly, and with warning. He's constantly mindful that it's not going be easy, being stuck in a confined space with a man who is quite literally as large as a bear.
He's very sweet about the whole thing - constantly asking how you are, and if there's anything you'd like to talk about to keep your mind off of the current situation. He'll only make jokes if you start making them first - he doesn't want to make you feel like he's making fun of you for somehow getting stuck in here with him.
He doesn't try to bash his way out - knowing full well that it may likely hurt you. He just reassures you that all will be alright, soon enough. And it is! He doesn't bring up the incident unless you bring it up first - he knows that some may make comments or assumptions about the predicament, so you touching on the topic first tells him that you're comfortable to talk about it in that moment, and he will almost happily reminisce with you.
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autistichalsin · 9 months
One of the things that fascinates me about Halsin is how, as into sex as he is, he seems singularly focused on his partner's pleasure; he gets on his knees for them in his romance scene, but shows no sign of wanting them to return the favor.
And in fact, he is a lot better at giving advice than taking it. After flirting at the Tiefling party, Halsin tells the player not to worry about coming on too strong and that they were just seizing the moment, and yet, if the player rejects Halsin after he accidentally wildshapes, the next morning he apologizes for coming on too strong.
Whether that's just a hangup of his because he thinks he has to be the Best to make sure his lover won't leave him, or maybe some of it is a result of the Underdark, I'm not sure. But he definitely is harder on himself than others.
And I think that is one thing that would come out in his kinks; as much as he affirms that, for example, dom/sub fantasies are perfectly normal (like in that party banter to ascended Astarion, where his worry is specifically because the player is actually thralled) he seems like he has trouble affirming his own. For example, he shifts into bear form in the Drow brothel, but only does this when they express interest in his bear form; "we must give the people what they want, mustn't we?"
So it would be really interesting, then, for Halsin to have a really taboo kink/desire, and be absolutely terrified to tell his partner about it, terrified they'll think he's sick/a freak and leave him.
TW: Discussion of consensual non-consent, also known as rape fantasy or rapeplay, are under the cut. Read at your own risk.
So imagine Halsin having this fantasy. As a big guy he is used to being the dominant partner; no one has ever suspected he might like to bottom, or to be a submissive. The only time he's done such a thing was with his Drow captors. He knows he would like to give his submission willingly, and he does with his partner a few times, before expressing this particular kink.
One thing that gets horribly misunderstood is what makes one actually want CNC. It isn't that they actually want to get raped; it's the idea of having control forcibly taken so completely, while still being safe. Such people wouldn't enjoy a real assault. It's precisely because it comes from a trusted partner, who isn't actually hurting them, that people enjoy it.
So for Halsin, who always has to be in control, to want to explore his trauma where he was forced to lose control, and to experiment with elements from that in an entirely different scenario, where he can draw comfort from it, is something i could very much see him wanting. He would want to revisit those on his terms. He himself said that while under such endless stress from the Shadow Curse, he began to fantasize about his days with the Drow, viewing it as a safer place mentally. "Perhaps [the Shadow Curse] caused me to gild undeserving memories of my youth..." He is trying to work out his feelings towards when he lost control.
He clearly doesn't want to return to them; if a Lolth Drow threatens to sell him back to his captors, he snaps, "you would be unwise to attempt it, trust me. In any case, the house of my captors is long-extinct." Then he pauses and has a realization; realizing for the first time that they were captors, not hosts, and that captors was a more accurate term. Halsin is still processing parts of his trauma, after all this time, and admits that his current stresses caused him to struggle with this.
So he doesn't want to actually return to them, but in his head he constructed a fantasy version of them that was safer to engage with, where the violations he endured weren't real. And honestly, in his shoes, it's completely understandable how and why that happened.
So that makes the case for why he needs a safe place to explore himself, his fantasies, his fears, all of it.
The issue of course is that Halsin is self-sacrificing and, as noted above, doesn't seem to prioritize his wants as much as his partners'. If he ever did manage to speak about this, it would be, I think, after a great deal of guilt and maybe even self-loathing, thinking there must be something wrong with him for having these fantasies.
So imagine him with a partner who is happy to indulge him, who gets him to finally open up about his desires. Who affirms that he's allowed to have desires, to process his trauma however he needs; after all, any way of working through it is better than doing nothing like Halsin has been doing for centuries. This is him finally being willing to explore it, to see how it interacted with his own sexuality; of course his partner would never refuse him such a thing.
That is the core of the CNC fic I'm going to write; showing how Halsin's unique blend of traumas affect how and why he craves this in particular.
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Did you get a request? It's headcanons for Wyll, Dammon, and Rolan being jealous of some guy is flirting with their female s/o although she's oblivious that he's flirting with her? He's so possessive that he even took her back home to have a heated make-out while holding her close! (For Dammon & Rolan, please have his tail wrapped around her 🥺). Please stay safe! Thanks!
I did, in fact, get your request, Anon! I just had a few ahead of you!
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Will is a pious man. He tries really hard to remain level-headed and cool as a cucumber.
That doesn't mean he doesn't have a moment or two of self-doubt or even rage.
Wyll is very quiet until he needs to speak up. He likes to observe and monitor the situation. For example, Y/N is being touched and laughing with Astarion for too long.
Wyll tried at first to use justification; maybe this is happening cause you are planning a battle strategy, or you need something lock-picked.
As the night progresses, he gets even more anxious and feels his blood boiling. Why haven't you come to his tent yet? Why are you busy now talking to that stupid Wizard?
Will would like do some soothing mantras, maybe even yoga, to calm himself down.
When you moved to talk to Halsin over him, though, all bets were off. Will stormed over there, so red in the face he rivaled the trim of his shirt.
Will is never physically harmful, but he did grab the back of your neck like a cat and redirect you to his tent.
As he let you in his tent before he entered, he turned to look at all the others in your group and stared them down individually before joining you.
Wyll hugged you close and sighed into your shoulder now that you were finally in his grasp.
As he calmed down, he started to feel really bad for his emotions and feelings of jealousy.
While doting on you, apologizing for his transgressions, you would tell him how much you liked it and thought it was hot.
That was all he needed to form an impish grin and smash his lips against yours. Wyll left hickies in places you didn't know hickies could go.
The following day, he had a huge grin, and you, sore and refreshed from your night together, proved to everyone in camp who owned you.
Dammon is pretty secure in himself. His whole life, he was told how attractive and good-looking he was. Being a blacksmith just made him that much more attractive because of all the manual labor he had to do.
Dammon was indeed possessive of you but trusted you, so he didn't think he needed to show it all the time.
That was until the day those travelers came to town, and all resolve Dammon had was ruined.
It's not that he lost trust in you. No, he lost the ability to trust others as that man began to touch you and play with your hair even after introducing himself as your partner.
Dammon was hot, not just physically but mentally. He was beginning to see red.
Dammon knows how oblivious you can be. Hell, it took him eight weeks to get you to realize he had feelings for you because you were so clueless, but he loved that about you.
Dammon watched from afar as the travelers asked you more questions about the town and kept touching your arm.
Dammon did, in fact, ruin three swords while watching this whole interaction.
After the third sword snapped, he had enough. Dammon walked right over to where you two were talking. He shoved the traveler out of the way, grabbed the back of your head, and smashed his lips against yours.
Man did not stop kissing you until he needed to breathe. When he pulled away, he turned and looked at the traveler, who was mortified by the intense PDA just witnessed.
If someone were to ask Dammon what the bruise on his hand was, he would say he accidentally hit it with his hammer. If someone asked you or anyone else nearby, Dammon broke a man's nose and probably cheekbones.
After Dammon's display of superiority, he wrapped his tail around you gently and guided you back to your home, where he made sure everyone knew you were claimed by him from here on out. (I am talking about hickies; I do not believe Dammon would brand anyone with his equipment.)
Rolan comes off as self-absorbed, but that's only because he is so scared of messing up and losing what little he has left.
He is very, very invested in his studies and in continuing to be the best Wizard on the coast so he can protect you and his siblings.
Once he had control over the tower, his obsession with learning grew even more, which never bothered you; seeing him succeed made you so happy.
Rolan would be in the middle of reading a book downstairs when he hears your laugh from the other side of the room.
Curious about what you found funny and wanting to reconnect with you since it had been a while, imagine his surprise when he saw you laughing at a Sorcerer who wandered in.
Hoping his eyes were deceiving him, he hid behind a bookshelf, watching as you checked out books for this man and laughed at his tales from the field.
Nothing seemed inherently wrong with the interaction; as Rolan began to blow it off, he noticed the Sorcerer's eyes rake across your body. Oh. Hell. No
Rolan redirected his attention to you two and noticed all the small queues the Sorcerer was giving, from prolonged hand touching, overzealous compliments, and those damn eyes.
Once all his books were checked out, the conversation should have ended there. You could have even said goodbye and wished him a nice day. Yet that man stood there and kept talking for ages.
Once, Rolan heard the dreaded words, "Wanna hit a tavern with me?" He used Misty Step, the fastest he had ever had, and appeared before you.
At this moment, Rolan was the exact verbiage of 'if looks could kill.'
Putting on one of his business fake smiles, Rolan tried to strike up a conversation with the lesser-than-magic user.
What this man did that made Rolan's blood boil was that he ignored him and talked through him before starting to speak to you again.
Before you could defuse the situation at all, Rolan had already cast a few spells and charms on him. Rolan calmed down from rage to something else as the Sorcerer left his tail between his legs.
When he looked at you, he looked like a man in heat. Scooping you up, he quickly took you to his quarters.
"I must not have been paying you enough attention if others think they can claim what mine is."
Rolan devoured you that night and ensured you were covered in his love and admiration.
From then on, when out on the floor helping customers and guests in the building, Rolan kept a possessive tail wrapped around you until closing hours.
I hope you all enjoy this one. It is a bit longer than last time. I hope it is good enough. I am feeling stronger and more confident in my writing every day. Thank you, everyone!
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BG3 Companions Headcanons❤️
💨🌿🍃the party smoking🍃🌿💨
This mental image of the party passing a joint (or several) around a campfire makes me lol irl frequently so I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on here! 😁
Would 110% open up unintentionally and share things he probably wouldn't otherwise
But it would be one of those "yeah, but we all have trauma am I right?" And everyone would gentle parent him which would make him irritated (but secretly, deep down he would feel so supported 😭)
Also likes to vibe to music! Never is he kinder to a bard than when he is blazed lol
Also likes to burn candles/incense/simmer pots because he really loves a good fragrance
Professor!Gale helloooooooo
He would naturally fall into a lecture about whatever exciting topic he's currently researching
"No really! It was previously believed they only grew in the underdark, but some researchers have found them in the wilds of Faerun! How are they reaching the surface?! It is fascinating!"
Would also get handsy with his romantic interest 😉 a little hand on the arm when he says something exciting. Putting his hand on your thigh and giving a squeeze before he gets up to stoke the fire. Ughhh this man.
I feel like she'd be gone
Like snapping fingers near he face bc she's not responding gonzo
She'd come back into focus once in a while to annihilate some snacks and then doze off again
Wyll would put a blanket over her, and, at the end of the evening, he'd carry her back to her tent🥺
She would pretend to be asleep, and Wyll would totally know she was faking it, but he would never tell a soul and he always cherished that moment in their friendship
Gets philosophical!
Really loves to listen to others and ask questions to keep them going
Def the mom friend that takes it easy to make sure everyone else is okay
Definitely a flirt! His inhibitions are just a tad lowered so he lays it on thickkk (to everyone, but especially so to his partner!)
Definitely wanders when he's high lol
You joke about putting a leash on him and he gets visibly excited
Loves to interact with nature (duh) like stargazing, wading through water, and lifting rocks and looking for creatures underneath
Likes to use his bear form and lay on his back with all 4 legs in the air
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Idc what anyone else thinks Lae'zel would get the giggles
And everyone would be so shocked, most of all her, but then she'd think about how ridiculous it was and start giggling again! And everyone would join and the camp would get the giggles until everyone was out of breath clutching their stomachs
She'd also drop some funnyyyy one-liners just casually responding to other people
Also the only time she ever relaxes the tension in her body
Gets extra chatty!
Like she just extra loves everyone even more than normal and ends up having some really cute, heartfelt side conversations throughout the night
Also she gets extra clumsy and when she's animatedly telling a story she makes a big gesture with her arms and accidentally falls backwards off the log she's sitting on
Also loves to relight the j by holding it to her arm and it's a fun party trick she loves to pull out
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fandomchokehold · 7 months
the absolute whiplash I got when I realized I was accidentally romancing everyone when I started this playthrough
Astarion wanted to sleep with my tav even though he was doing lawful good shit and Astarion disapproved of it
Wyll flirted with him by the lake at the party and I know for sure I’m gonna get his dance cut scene soon
My tav had to turn Lae’zel down at the party
Every interaction with Halsin feels like soft core porn
Shadowheart was all “what you wanna tie me up or something *wink*”
and at the party there was a dialogue option I avoided like the plague when speaking to Karlach that said “I think I want to tell you how I feel…”
I have only been making decisions with Gale’s approval in mind and am successfully romancing him because of it but everyone else was also into it
meaning everyone saw this gangly awkward wannabe medical professional throwing himself in harms way to protect the vulnerable and do what’s right while also robbing people blind of their books and herbs
and they all just went
“I want you 👁️👁️”
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yandere-flower · 1 year
Hi! Long time fan of yours and I absolutely love reading about your oc's! I wanted to ask: Say Darling is playing a videogame that the yanderes thought was just an action RPG that they've been playing for a while now. Darling has gushed about the cool story and the fleshed out characters that they grew to love, which they think is nice; Darling's having fun and this is a good distraction away from interacting with people. One day, they grew curious enough to watch you play for a bit. 1/3
It starts off like they expected, a lot of fighting and magic, doing quests, yada yada yada. They're about to leave until you reach camp and start talking with some of the characters and suddenly they hear you gasp as one of the NPC's starts talking all sweet to you? As they watch the scene unfold, they are shocked to find out that THIS GAME HAS ROMANCE OPTIONS?! And are you squealing and giggling over what they're saying?! (cough- Baldur's gate COUGH) 2/3
How would they react/feel about this revelation? I doubt any of them is going to be happy about it but would some be petty about it? Would some try to understand why Darling likes that character so much? Would they act differently if Darling was IN a relationship with the yanderes? I personally gush over some of the romantic scenes in games, and Baldur's Gate 3 has such great character interactions that I can't help but love all of them. I hope this isn't too much to ask, thank you! 3/3"
I knew this was about Baldurs Gate immediately cause same...only doing the boys here since it'll get long but let me know if you want the girls version!
Sawyer- He plays video games but isn't quite into the culture as isn't into turn based as much so he's like "sure whatever can we play together". Very slow at learning and will cast fireball on you and kill you constantly because he doesn't understand. But has so much fun being a nuance to the NPCs, and the moment he accidentally flirts with someone he goes full panic mode and starts apologizing, refuses to romance anyone. Is a bit peeved why you romance, but won't stop you. He does try to understand why however, and gets a little huffy at each romance scene. Also slightly makes fun of your choices. Will try and shove them off the edge when you're not looking.
Desmond - This man has not touched a game....ever, but he's happy to see you're happy and actually a little glad you're so engrossed in some that keeps you indoors and away from people. I actually thing that Desmond wouldn't care? He knows it's fictional, it'll hopefully get you in the mood, and he likes how if he asks you some thing about the game, you'll gush to him for hours. He still has you. But depending on your romance choice he might get curious why you chose that
Mizu - This fucker has already completely a playthough, bought you a custom cosplay of Shadowhearts camp clothes, and constantly wants to roleplay with you. But also gets insanely upset if you so much as mention your romance option and will make fun of all the characters you like. Makes you stop your own playthough so you two can play co-op and he can "watch you".
Cliff - Has no interest in playing, but is familiar with DND back when it was popular when he was a child. Still not super interested, but he likes hearing you be passionate about something. If you mention your romance option he'll perk up a bit, get cheeky, and start to mimic the things you like if it aligns with him. Obviously expects you to romance Halsin though because he likes to imagine there are similarities....
Antonio - I'm torn, cause I do think he'll like the game but I also think he's a bit jealous of your time and will only let you play it with him "so I can share your hobby and see you get excited is all!" Will try and argue that you shouldn't have that character cause it's not good for your party comp, or try and disrupt your romance scenes. He wants to appear like a good sport, but very obviously isn't
Ezra- He hates it. He doesn't understand video games, but he likes seeing you happy. You should be hanging out with him though, and he knows there is co op but he's terrible at it and clearly isn't having fun. He seethes and mopes the entire time you play, and almost cries if you talk about your romance option. Why aren't any of them sweet or kind or like him?? Do you not like him??
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