#then it looks super short !!! ty blaze <3
luveline · 2 years
“You look better in my clothes than I do.” with remus 👀
this might be a bit of a twist on what you meant I’m sorry <3 ty for ur request <33
Your door slams shut just milliseconds after you remember you’re naked. Well, mostly naked. You’re wearing the world's smallest vest - lacy, pink, so short it hides absolutely nothing - a small pair of black knickers and dirty white ankle socks. Not an inch of your leg is covered, nor your midriff. 
You try the handle and find your front door has already latched. You reach into a pocket that doesn’t exist for your keys before pressing your face into the chipping paint of your front door and letting out a tortured, pathetic whine.
The building’s fire alarm roars, its vibrations climbing up your naked legs. Maybe dying in a fiery blaze won’t be so bad, you muse, startled into clarity. When you woke, sweaty on the hottest day of summer, disorientated by the screaming chirp of the fire alarm, you hadn’t thought very hard about tumbling out of bed and stumbling down the snug hallway to your front door. Now, on the other side of it, you want to wring your own neck. 
You whirl at the sound of a door opening. Remus, your neighbour of a few months, staggers out of the flat opposite yours. He’s in a sensible but tattered outfit: a washed out t-shirt and a pair of jogging bottoms with a bleach stain on the hip. Still, he’s dressed. The red light of the fire alarm splashes over him in waves. 
He’s rushing. He looks up and spots you across the banister, pausing in his hurried pocket shove. You cross your hands across your chest like that will help and give him your most neighbourly smile. “Hi,” you say shyly.
Before you can explain he turns from you and walks back into his flat. It’s absurd. You have twenty seconds to feel the most insecure you’ve ever felt in your life when he opems the door and strides out. He beckons for you to walk towards him and you do unthinkingly, seduced by the soft bundle in his arms. Remus passes the shirt to you wordlessly and you pull it on, following him down the five flights of carpeted stairs to the ground floor. 
You’re not sure what time it is, late enough that the summer sun has fled the sky and left behind it’s humidity. The night is clammy but blissfully dark, you find, muttering a “Thanks,” to Remus when he holds open the big metal front door. 
“I got locked out,” you say, unprompted. Remus is a nice guy and you've had a few funny, slightly flirty conversations with him beforehand. He’s easy to talk to.
“I gathered,” he says, humour colouring his words. 
“The uh, the alarm surprised me.”
“Me too. Though not to the same extent," he says smugly. 
He groans, stretching, his arm moving behind his neck. The answering heat in your chest could be because he’s ridiculously pretty, or because you’re in his wrinkled Rolling Stones shirt that smells undeniably of cologne, or because of the lingering sweaty warmth of the day. You’re not sure which, but you plead the latter. 
His shirt covers your underwear just about. You hope you won’t have to bend over at any point during the drill, lest you flash the small gathering of neighbours collected on the pavement an eyeful of your arse. Or worse. 
Remus displays a gentlemanly nonchalance. You’re drawn to his side, perhaps by an overwhelming gratefulness, and he doesn’t seem to mind. 
“Do you think it’s a real fire?” he asks you quietly. 
“I mean, I think so? I don’t know. This seems super late to have a drill, but that might be why?”
“Or the building manager is a pervert.”
You don’t expect it of him; you burst into laughter, throwing your hand over your mouth. It does nothing to quieten your breathless giggles. 
“How’d you figure?” you ask, elated. 
He steps closer to you, the street lamp bright enough to showcase the light brown of his eyes as he nods towards a girl you think lives on the floor below. She, though wearing bottoms, is topless besides a sports bra. At her side, a man you see every now and then in the lift is in a dressing gown, clearly shirtless underneath. 
“You’re not the only scantily clad one here.”
“Scantily clad!” you echo. “I’m covered, aren't I?”
“Mostly.” You detect a hint of smugness that you take gladly as flirtatious.
“I don’t usually sleep like that, I swear. It’s just really, really hot, and-“
“Hey, sleep how you want, it’s no skin off my nose. You look better in my clothes than I do.” 
There's no mistaking his meaning. You warm all over. 
"I don't know," you say back, voice calm and completely unlike the terrible excitement growing in your chest. "I think you look pretty good." You smile, hopeful and earnest. 
He looks at you and tilts his head to the side. 
The blaring siren stops abruptly and the building manager shouts to let everyone know it's a false alarm. You linger on the pavement as the rest of your neighbours file inside, until Remus opens the door for you. You pause before you pass, close enough to see the white scar branching over his nose, its twin perpendicular over his cheek. 
"I'm still locked out," you say, shifting off of one foot and onto the other. 
"You could catch the BM," Remus suggests, sounding like he already knows you won't. "Or you're welcome to stay the night." 
"If you don't mind?" 
"I don't mind," he says steadily. 
"It's still too warm," you say, pushing past him gently to start up the stairs first, knowing exactly how much of you is covered up. "You might have to help me out of your shirt before bed."
You hear Remus' footsteps after you. You're unsurprised to feel his hand brush the back of your thigh as he overtakes you, or when he catches your eye, his own full of heat, and grabs your wrist, strides quick as he leads you up the stairs. You laugh breathlessly and follow. 
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10boys · 4 years
♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡
*how they like their mouth action
Victor Kissing:
-Victor doesnt do “small pecks”, if your lips are on his he simply cannot just take a “peck”
-Even short kisses are deep and invading, his lips know exactly how to manipulate against yours
-He’ll kiss you where and when he wants and only where and when he wants
-He of course won’t oblige to a request from you
-But you rarely want to give him that satisfaction, he knows if he teases you with almost kisses you’ll start to whine which is what he wants
-His urge usually arises from admiring your face (canon bc of like...all his cards lol), the sunlight hits your eyes perfectly making them a glistening shade lighter, a sunkissed glow making your features appear softer. Your bright eyes accompanied by your long lashes shoot his way , catching him in his trance. He grins as a small blush creeps to his cheeks , knowing he’s seemingly been caught.
-Your tongue quickly made a lap over your lips, drawing his attention downward. Before you had time to wittily joke on him like he does you, his lips are pressed to yours.
-His kisses are deep. they’re possessive. they’re full of all the words he doesn’t say and all emotions he doesn’t show
-Saucy victor loves making you stick your tongue out so he can slowly lick and suck it ;)
-He doesnt think much about it, he just goes in.
- Favorite place to kiss is your lips and ear. He lovesss when you hug him with your head snuggled in his chest, it makes it easy for him nuzzle into your hair and leave small kisses and nibs on ur ear tips
-Loves being kissed on his chest (as tall as you can reach) and back on his shoulder mussels
-Keeps his hand in your hair for his comfort
-Definitely holds your jaw while he sucks
-Lucien loves to give you surprise kisses!
-You two are having one of your guys’ usual library dates
-You’ve been aimlessly wondering through the shelves for a while, collecting interesting finds as you go. After retrieving around 3 or 4 books you venture back to find lucien whos proudly holding down the fort (your guys’ fav spot)
-He leans aginst his seat leasurly holding a wide book infront of him, covering his face from view
-You set down your books and pull out the seat near him, beginning to pry the book away from his face
-“ You can’t see that badly? Did you bring your gla-“
-Suddenly he tugged your face closer to share his behind the book, creating a sensual secret space only occupied by the two of you
-His lavender eyes shares hypnotizing relaxation through with you, his soft smile sent your cheeks a blaze after realizing how near they were to your own. He took a moment sending suductive messages with his eyes, always so full of passion and interest. You watched his delicate eye lashes lower as his lips puckered.
-You instinctively copy his actions, closing the gap.
-Luciens favorite place to kiss is either your fingers or peppered kisses across your face
-Opposite of Victor, sultry lucien likes sticking his tongue out for you to lick and suck ;)
-He’s not afraid of pda, loves leaving kissing on your neck and ears when queued up for a new restaurant or in the line to get coffee
-He loves to build the moment up for your kisses too, sometimes he’ll just stare at your lips bluntly while caressing your face. Being under this intense analyzation brings heat to your cheeks as you try not to grin bashfully, he can’t help to lick his lips, you can only imagine what he’s thinking...
-Gavin gives u uwu kisses
-Usually kisses you when he thinks you’re doing something cute to hide his blushing face
-So yeah you get alottt of kisses
-Its usually a “grabs your whole face and mushes his agaisnt yours” type kiss. Butterfly kisses mixed with full-face
-Loves kissing your hand cause it makes him feel like your gentleman
-Loves getting kisses on his forhead and scars
-Sultry gavin loves getting kisses on his chest and nipples ;)
-He also likes to suck fingers ;)
- You were on your bed taking some last-minute notes off your laptop. Gavins head would usually be laying on your thigh at times like this, making it a bit difficult to focus and write
-Which is exactly why he’s across the room on the couch watching TV until you’re finished. He likes looking through the silly things you watch on Hulu and Youtube. You turn your head and catch a glimps of him, body leasurly laid across your sofa with one airm raised to support his head. The odd position causes his shirt to lift, showing his extremely toned V line.
-The view causes you to bite your lip as a malicious thought arises
-“Wahh~ Officer Gavin~ theirs a bug ~ come kill it ~ save me ~”
-He rolls from his previous position on the couch to foot of your bed.
-“Where? I dont see it”
-“Right there!!” you excitedly point to a corner across you, seemingly containing nothing
-He turns inspecting the area, beginning to confront you about its location
-“It just went under that box !! ewww get it”
-You watch as he bends over, searching between and under for said “spider” , but all you’re seatching for is the heart to stop him
-His shirt swings sways and rises as he bends and straightens out, his muscles tighten everytime he reaches while his thighs thicken with every squat
-“Baby im really not seeing it-” he begins before catching you in the middle of your daze. Your eyes are fixed on him but not his face, nor the so-called spider he was looking for
“You think you’re funny” he replies with a smile as he makes his way to the bed crawling on from the foot
-You playfully tease and squeeze his face, admiring his obedience
-He cups his hand over yours, eyes dazzling over a tinge of pink as you two share this loving and intimate moment. You poke a few silly kissy faces making him laugh, inching closer to close the gap. Your smiling faces press against each other, happiness is all you are with him.
-Wants the most kisses
-Or more properly, verbally and physically requests them the most
-Wake up kiss , good night kiss, ily kiss, you’re cute kiss, thank you kiss, I’ve just been stairing at you for 5 minutes kiss, convincing you not to leave kiss, jealous kiss, and many more
-He doesnt necessarily build up a moment every time either
-Ofc he stares lovingly into ur eyes with a sweet grin and blushy cheeks before he dives in intimately
-But most the time he just dives in wheneverr, He likes seeing you suprised and blushy over him. While you’re preparing a meal or finishing documents he’ll just run up to plant one on u, accompanied by a super hero kiro squeeze
-Loves to give cheek and face-mush kisses
-Loves to receive lip, face and eye kisses
-Loves kisses down his spine, when your attention is on him
-Honestly, sultry kiro will kiss and suck along the way to any and every area
-Give him a surprise lip kiss to unlock ‘weird’ kiro
-You sat across him watching as the food 10x bigger than his mouth goes down with ease, goku is that you?
-It seems he’s caught onto your intrigue, his bubbly blue eyes meet yours as a cheeky grin appears
-“Mmm this is so good! Here, try some!” He extends a cream puff twords you encouraging a bite
-You lower his hand as a respectable “no thank you” guesture, his half aten puff sadly falls back go the plate
-Although he’s easily the cutest boy in the world with squirrel stuffed cheeks, his messy left over just didn’t seem apatizing enough
-You reach out for a fresh puff and get swatted away just as quickly , you raise your gaze to kiros brows in a mighty furrow
-“And what was wrong with my puff?!?!” he exclaims pretending to be overwhelmed with offense. You giggle at his child-like energy and pettyness as you use the swatted hand to squeeze his puff-full cheeks.
-“Nothings wrong ! You were just enjoying them so well i wanted my own” you lie. He’s cute, but he’s no fool. His eyes pour into you, somehow letting you know he’s not biting that foney excuse. He smiles to himself although a lightbulb went off that only shined on him.
-“Of course not chip princess! Whats mine-” he begins placing a puff in his mouth
-“Is yours”. He closes his eyes and leans across the table, his lips wet and pink around the pale colored puff are inviting. His eyelashes cast a soft shadow on his cheeks , which seem to always have the slightest ting of pink when infront of you. His blonde locks shine like diamonds in the corner of the dimely-lit restaurant , you swear there are no circumstances that could make this man anything but beautiful.
-His eyes open, wet and dark as he pleads silently for you to finish the minastration. He knows how to charm you , and his cute ass is making it work, but not this time.
-You lean over the table taking the puff from his mouth, swiflty replacing it with a bold, blunt, but gentle kiss.
-A faint noise escapes his mouth at the sudden gesture, his now wide eyes find yours only inches away. The tips of his ears blush red before he pulls away.
“You’re bold miss chips ! If you thought i tasted better, why didn’t you just say so?”
Hi its been so long i missed writing :,) I have more shorter blurbs in the drafts so i should have more out soon !! Also requests are open ! Ty - myk
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spiicemarket · 7 years
idk if you are still doing this, but im evil so for the ask thing: 1-65
UGH SOMEONE ALWAYS DOES THIS whatevs nonny ty for the ask also i did some of these already but imma just do em again cuz im basically a new person than yesterday. under the cuttt
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? i honestly have no idea what this means so.. no?
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? unreasonably.
3. The person you would never want to meet? hitler
4. What is your favorite word? *moist*
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? the one rotting from the inside out
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? “wow look im wearing boots with heels 2day im so tall”
7. What shirt are you wearing? a plain black t shirt
8. What do you label yourself as? an annoying female
9. Bright room or dark room? dark but i want a pastel one
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? trying to sleep and failing
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? i rlly enjoyed being 6 actually
12. Who told you they loved you last? probably my mom lmao
13. Your worst enemy? hitler
14. What is your current desktop picture? the one that comes with the laptop lolol
15. Do you like someone? i mean i like people (some of them) but i dont have a crush on anyone fjekomd
16. The last song you listened to? sippy cup by melanie martinez
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? nobody id rather push them off a cliff
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? umm the kid that calls me fat at recess lolol
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? hmm my brother and i would basically just make him bring me chickfila
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) hmm i like my hair its really long and
t h i c c
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? umm i would just look like myself with short hair and less chubby cheeks lol
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? i took hula dance class for 4 years
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? burning to death 
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. okay i would have a sub with ham+lettuce+extraextraextra pickles+ pepper + oil + vinegar and thats it lol im v picky
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? parenthood pack and dine out pack
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? England!
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? apple juice plz
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? everyone is equal is society BUT there are representatives so like people dont have to vote for everything
29. What is your favorite expletive? bitch
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? laptop man
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? idk man i dont wanna erase any of my memories bcuz thats what builds me as a person.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! England! 
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? My grandfather but only if he wasn’t sick anymore because I never got to know him even though he was around until i was 10.
34. What was your last dream about? i was in a quidditch game.
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? simblr? cuz no lmao
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? yes once but i also went to urgent care when i broke my arm so idk if that counts
37. Have you ever built a snowman? no 
38. What is the color of your socks? not wearing any
39. What type of music do you like? pop/alternative like melanie martinez
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? sunsets because it gets cooler
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? oreo mint
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) um green bay packers cuz thats what my family likes but i dont like sports..
43. Do you have any scars? nah
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? photographer but that aint happening so lawyer..?
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? i push people away because i cant talk about my feelings to them
46. Are you reliable? what like, a secret because yesssss but if it means not being late to something then lol no
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? whats ur follower count? LOL IM JUST KIDDING DONT COME FOR ME
48. Do you hold grudges? yes literally all the time
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? a cat-corgi
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? one time i spent a solid ten minutes debating with my step sister about whether or not my dog was a good boi
51. Are you a good liar? no (or maybe thats a good lie????????????? the real answers yes lol)
52. How long could you go without talking? approximately 2 seconds
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? i had bangs when i was little
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? nope
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? nope
56. What do you like on your toast? dont like toast
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? my teachers making us draw a poppy :(
58. What would be you dream car? a hybrid
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. LMAO YOU THINK I HAVE TIME FOR THAT I HAVE 50 POUNDS OF HAIR
60. Do you believe in aliens? sometimes my step dad says he was abducted when he was 11
61. Do you often read your horoscope? nope
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? omega
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? dragons OBVI (mostly cuz harry potter)
64. What do you think about babies? adorable
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. THE ANON DIDNT ASK SO ILL TELL A STORY:
one time i fell out of a shopping cart and broke my arm
the end
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jodyedgarus · 6 years
Patrick Mahomes And The Chiefs Are Red-Hot. For Once, They Might Stay That Way.
Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs are officially the toast of the 2018 NFL season so far, after K.C.’s young quarterback threw an incredible six touchdown passes against the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday, bringing his season tally to 10 — and the Chiefs’ record to 2-0.
It’s only been two weeks, but the reviews for Mahomes have been nothing short of breathless. The latest opponent that will have to weather the Kansas City onslaught will be the San Francisco 49ers, who travel to Arrowhead on Sunday afternoon. Although the game doesn’t figure to alter the playoff odds too much — according to our NFL Elo predictions — it’s an intriguing showdown that ranks fourth-best of Week 3 in terms of our measure of matchup quality (which uses the harmonic mean of the two teams’ Elo ratings):
The best matchups of Week 3
Week 3 games with the highest average Elo rating, using the harmonic mean, plus the total potential swing for the two teams’ playoff chances, according to FiveThirtyEight’s NFL predictions
Playoff % Playoff % Team A Current Avg. Chg* Team B Current Avg. Chg* Total Change Game Quality ATL 62.6% +/-13.8 NO 29.8% +/-12.5 26.3 1578 LAC 47.0 10.6 LAR 68.1 9.2 19.8 1561 PIT 39.9 11.7 TB 52.0 11.8 23.5 1548 KC 85.0 5.1 SF 28.3 7.1 12.2 1542 DET 12.3 5.7 NE 72.0 9.4 15.0 1539 CAR 42.6 10.9 CIN 56.6 10.7 21.6 1538 JAX 75.3 11.6 TEN 30.5 12.3 23.9 1529 BUF 11.5 4.5 MIN 73.7 7.3 11.9 1525 DAL 41.9 12.3 SEA 25.8 10.2 22.5 1523 IND 17.4 4.7 PHI 75.0 5.8 10.4 1522 BAL 44.1 11.7 DEN 32.4 10.7 22.4 1503 GB 30.4 11.5 WSH 20.7 8.6 20.2 1473 MIA 48.4 11.3 OAK 8.0 5.2 16.5 1463 ARI 8.4 4.5 CHI 23.8 10.0 14.5 1445 HOU 7.6 3.6 NYG 4.5 2.8 6.4 1386 CLE 1.9 1.4 NYJ 22.4 8.0 9.4 1378
Game quality is the harmonic mean of the Elo ratings for the two teams in a given matchup.
*Average change is weighted by the likelihood of a win or loss. (Ties are excluded.)
Source: ESPN.com
The Chiefs have certainly seen a boost in our ratings with this hot start. Before the season, they ranked seventh in the league, and it wasn’t clear that K.C. was even the best team in its own division. But since the start of the season, Kansas City has risen to third in Elo, adding the third-most rating points of any team in the league (behind only the Buccaneers and Bengals).
Mahomes has been leading the Chiefs’ charge. Going into the season, we noted that he would have a ton of weapons to work with in the Chief offense, and that his starting career could get off the ground quickly if he reined in his occasional “gunslinger” tendencies. Two weeks in, it’s worked out almost perfectly. Mahomes is making great decisions with the ball and has thrown plenty of absolute darts downfield. Since the 1970 AFL merger, only three QBs — Peyton Manning in 2013, Tom Brady in 2011 and, yes, Ryan Fitzpatrick this season — have produced more yards above backup QB (YABQ) through the first two games of a season than Mahomes has so far this year:
The best two-game QB starts to a season since 1970
Most yards above backup quarterback (YABQ) for passers in the first two games of an NFL season, 1970-2018
Quarterback YEAR Age Comp% Pass YDS Net Y/A TD Int YABQ 1 Ryan Fitzpatrick 2018 36 78.7% 819 12.9 8 1 585 2 Tom Brady 2011 34 71.6 940 10.2 7 1 510 3 Peyton Manning 2013 37 67.1 769 8.5 9 0 501 4 Patrick Mahomes 2018 23 69.1 582 10.1 10 0 488 5 Phil Simms 1984 29 66.0 594 10.2 7 0 477 6 Joe Namath 1972 29 47.6 609 13.4 7 2 466 7 Drew Bledsoe 1997 25 64.1 607 9.2 8 0 428 8 Lynn Dickey 1983 34 80.4 623 10.6 8 1 423 9 Steve Young 1998 37 60.3 666 7.9 6 1 415 10 Dan Fouts 1981 30 74.0 646 12.5 4 1 414
Age is as of Dec. 31 of the season in question.
Source: Pro-Football-Reference.com
And unlike the names above him on the list, each of whom were seasoned veterans, Mahomes is just 23 this season1 — and he had just one game started under his belt before this season. Although he probably won’t stay on this record-breaking pace all season, Mahomes’s early career performance doesn’t look like a fluke. Since 1970, only two QBs (Hall of Famer Kurt Warner and Pro Bowler Jeff Blake) had more YABQ through their first three NFL games as a primary passer2 than Mahomes. Of course, not every hot three-game start presaged a path to Canton; for every Warner or Dan Marino near the top of the list, there’s also Eric Hipple, Scott Mitchell and Ty Detmer. But even if Mahomes’s career develops more like that of, say, Daunte Culpepper — whose stats at the same age are strikingly similar to Mahomes’s 16-game pace over his career to date — it would surely validate the Chiefs’ decision to jettison successful longtime starter Alex Smith in favor of his rifle-armed young successor.
We can already see how the Chiefs’ offense has changed with Mahomes at the helm. According to ESPN’s Stats & Info Group, his air yards per pass — which measures the distance the ball traveled downfield before being caught (or hitting the ground) — is 11.5 this season, which ranks first among all qualified passers. Smith’s number last season was 7.4, which ranked 23rd. Mahomes has faced more blitzes (and more pressure in general) than Smith, but he’s handled the heat much more capably — his Raw Total Quarterback Rating against pressure has been 74.0 (the league average is about 50 on all passes and 20 versus pressure), compared with Smith’s 31.3 mark last year. And for a team that went an entire season without a TD pass to a wide receiver a few years ago, Kansas City now ranks third in touchdown passes to receivers and eighth in passing yards to wideouts, with Tyreek Hill on track to surpass his 1,183 receiving yards from a year ago.
Kansas City is hoping this newfound offensive attack can prevent another midseason letdown like the one the team suffered last year. The 2017 Chiefs also got off to a blazing start, winning their first five games behind a dominating offense. Then they promptly lost six of seven at midseason to bring their record to 6-6, requiring a four-game end-of-season winning streak just to make the playoffs. That wasn’t exactly rare for K.C. under Andy Reid: The Chiefs finished the 2014 season on a 2-4 stretch after starting 7-3, and they went 2-5 down the stretch in 2013 after a 9-0 start. So Chiefs fans would be forgiven for tempering their optimism at the moment. But the versatility of this year’s attack — made possible in part by Mahomes’s unique arm strength and comfort level in a spread system — might be the missing ingredient that makes this hot start more sustainable than the ones that fizzled in years past.
In light of all this Mahomes mania, the 49ers are an especially interesting foil for the Chiefs this weekend. Niners starter Jimmy Garoppolo captured the NFL’s attention late last season with a five-game run that rivaled what Mahomes has done thus far. (Jimmy G. averaged 131.4 YABQ per game in his best two starts of that stretch, compared with Mahomes’s 243.9 per game this season.) But Garoppolo’s 2018 also illustrates the reversion that is sure to come for Mahomes sooner or later: San Francisco’s highly paid QB has seen his QBR drop from 82.7 in 2017 to 22.7 this season. He’ll almost certainly improve on that in the near future — perhaps substantially so against a K.C. defense that currently ranks a distant last in the NFL in defensive expected points added. But Mahomes can learn from his counterpart how quickly a QB can go from acclaim to adversity once opposing defenses study enough of his tape.
Until then, though, Mahomes and the Chiefs are riding high, with the league’s best projected record and playoff chances according to our model, plus a status as co-Super Bowl favorites (with the Eagles). It’s hard to imagine a better way for a young QB to begin his career as an NFL starter.
FiveThirtyEight vs. the readers
In addition to our NFL Elo prediction interactive, which updates after every game to help you keep tabs on how your team stacks up, we’re also running a prediction game in which you make picks against our model (and your fellow readers). After the dust settles each week, we like to look at where Elo made its best — and worst — picks against the field. Here’s how it did in Week 2:
Elo’s dumbest (and smartest) picks of Week 2
Average difference between points won by readers and by Elo in Week 2 matchups in FiveThirtyEight’s NFL prediction game
WSH 75 WSH 68 IND 21, WSH 9 +8.4
PIT 58 PIT 51 KC 42, PIT 37 +4.9
SEA 54 CHI 52 CHI 24, SEA 17 +3.9
LAR 74 LAR 82 LAR 34, ARI 0 +1.9
SF 58 SF 62 SF 30, DET 27 +1.2
MIN 60 MIN 56 GB 29, MIN 29 +0.0 NYJ 61 NYJ 61 MIA 20, NYJ 12 -1.2
DEN 63 DEN 63 DEN 20, OAK 19 -2.2
NO 85 NO 81 NO 21, CLE 18 -4.0
NE 56 NE 58 JAX 31, NE 20 -5.1
ATL 62 ATL 58 ATL 31, CAR 24 -5.2
PHI 63 PHI 67 TB 27, PHI 21 -7.6
CIN 50 BAL 55 CIN 34, BAL 23 -7.7
DAL 76 DAL 58 DAL 20, NYG 13 -15.1
TEN 70 HOU 51 TEN 20, HOU 17 -20.1
Home teams are in bold.
The scoring system is nonlinear, so readers’ average points don’t necessarily match the number of points that would be given to the average reader prediction.
After a successful Week 1 performance against FiveThirtyEight readers, I expected Elo to tail off a bit in Week 2. But instead, it did even better! On average, Elo beat the typical reader by 32.2 total points in our game this past week, bringing its overall lead up to 60.5 points on the season. The readers cleaned up in the Bills-Chargers game, taking advantage of Elo’s reluctance to acknowledge that Buffalo is a pit of despair this season. But that was offset by Elo’s confidence in the Cowboys at home against the Giants, and the fact that its seemingly misguided faith in the Titans — who were starting Blaine Gabbert, one of the worst QBs in NFL history, instead of the injured Marcus Mariota — paid off.
We’ll see if Elo’s run of luck continues next week. Either way, congrats to reader Alexandre Augusto da Rocha, who led all (identified) users in points for Week 2 — and as a result leads for the season as well. And thanks to everyone who played last week. If you didn’t play, remember that it’s not too late to get in on the game, even if you missed the first couple weeks of the season. Make your picks now!
Check out our latest NFL predictions.
from News About Sports https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/patrick-mahomes-and-the-chiefs-are-red-hot-for-once-they-might-stay-that-way/
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nflfan2018-blog · 7 years
Best Young Quarterbacks of 2017
Here is a list of the top 5 quarterbacks to be drafted in the last 5 seasons (2013-2017). These are players that have proved their worth with their arms, legs, or both since the 2013 season. This is my opinion entirely and can be judged on consistency over the past 5 years, or new players that have only been in a little but show that they are going somewhere.
#5- Dak Prescott
The next big thing for the cowboys, he and Ezekiel Elliot had a magical first season as rookie team leaders. Though a Super Bowl would have been amazing, a 13-3 season was a great start for a team in the ever competitive NFC East. Through Dak’s first season, he set the record for highest rookie passer rating (105.7), also tying Aaron Rodgers for 37th highest passer rating in a season all time. Along with that, he finished with 3,667 passing yards, 6th most as a rookie behind Peyton Manning’s record that stood from 1998-2011. Dak’s second year wasn’t great. In 2017 he is 19th in passing yards, 13th in completion percentage, 26th in interception percentage, and 17th in passer rating. The Cowboys’ 9-7 record was far from best, being two games back from a wildcard spot and 4 games back in the division, the ‘Boys aren’t in a great place. Despite below average play in 2017, Dak had a solid first two and kept his team in contention until week 16, which leaves his at #5 on my list.
#4-Marcus Mariota
Mariota’s blazing speed gives him an edge in these rankings. His 40 yard dash time of 4.50 is the best we’ve seen from an active qb, beating the next best by .11 and beating the all time QB rushing leader, Cam Newton, by .19. While he only has 996 rushing yards through 44 games, his speed makes him dangerous. Mariota has a rushing first down percentage of 32.1% career and 35.1% this season, which shows how deadly his ability to extend drives can be. His passing stats have not been great, with 9,476 career passing yards through 3 seasons, though he is improving greatly each season. Mariota has led his team to contend for the playoffs in the last two seasons, having a 18-14 record in that period.
#3-Jared Goff
After a disappointing 4-12 record with the recently relocated Los Angeles Rams, 2016 first overall pick Jared Goff has improved greatly in his second year. His 0-7 record as a starter in 2016 has risen to 11-4 in 2017. The Rams were one of the hottest teams this season, and though there are many reasons why they have improved so dramatically, Goff has no doubt been a factor. In 2017, Goff’s 100.5 passer rating and 253.6 yards per game have placed the Rams at 3rd in the NFC this season, and put them atop the NFC West for the first time since 2003. This was one of the most exciting teams to watch this season, and looks to be a hot team for seasons to come.
#2-Derek Carr
One of the more interesting QBs since he came into the league, Carr turned his team around completely in 2016. Injury has killed a lot of the work he has done for the Raiders since 2014. Getting hurt in week 16 in 2016 with an AFC West leading 12-3 record was unfortuate and caused the end of the Raiders’ playoff drought to mean nothing. A 2017 back injury kept him out a game and contributed to low level play for several more games. Carr has had good passing stats so far, with a 87.5 passer rating, 236.9 passing yards per game, a 103:44 TD-INT ratio, and a 28-34 record as a starter, which is dragged down by his 3-13 rookie season. Carr has proved himself to be consistent and deserving of a starting role. If his defense comes together and the offense stays healthy, we are likely to see Carr and the Raiders compete for AFC dominance for at least the next decade.
Honorable Mentions
-Blake Bortles
Good quarterback in a surprisingly strong AFC South. As the 3rd best team in the AFC, the Jaguars have finally caught a break and seem to be reaching for it this year. Bortles’ completion percentage has never reached higher than 58.9% in a season until 2016 where he achieved an underwhelming 60.2%. His only 4000 yard season also came with a league leading 18 interceptions. His 90-64 TD-INT ratio is painful for Jags fans, but at least that defense is good enough to make up for it.
-Jameis Winston
Having a very fiery competitive attitude is great for any player on the field, especially QBs, and Winston has that. This gets the best of him at times, which is an issue, but Winston shows that he can play at a level high enough to allow his team to win. A season at 4th in the best division was certainly disappointing after the 9-7 team just short of the playoffs just last year. We’ll see what he can do in 2018.
-Deshaun Watson
After leading the NFL in several QB categories after only a few played games, Deshaun Watson and his red hot Texans look to have simmered down completely. Watson put up an admirable fight against Tom Brady, narrowly losing 36-33 in the greatest performance by a rookie QB we’ve seen against Belichick’s Patriots. An ACL tear during practice left Watson out for the season after going 3-3 as a starter, with all 3 losses coming against teams who were very hot in the early season. The Texans were left out to dry in the surprisingly strong AFC South and finished 4-12. Watson finished #1 in touchdowns and #3 in passing yards among rookies.
-Jimmy Garoppolo
If he started more than 7 career games, he almost certainly would be put at #1 on this list. Since his 2014 introduction, he’s started 7 games and is a perfect 7-0. His career completion percentage is 67.3%, which would rank #1 all time if he had enough attempts. His 2017 5 game starting span to end the season was certainly one of the better starts that we have seen, putting up 260 yards per game, though a 7-5 TD-INT is less than impressive. Possibly the most exciting quarterback looking head to 2018.
#1-Carson Wentz
Leading the 2016 draft class in passing yards, then placing 1st in passing TDs in 2017 until week 17 after missing the final 3 games, Carson Wentz started off his career strong and continued that into one of the top sophomore seasons we’ve seen from a QB. Without playoff magician Nick Foles as their backup, the 11-2 Eagles after a Wentz ACL tear would have likely finished 11-5 and been one and done in the playoffs. Wentz led their team to a 4 way tie for the best record in the league at 13-3 and leaves the league waiting to see what Wentz can do in the years to come.
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