#then operation starfall.
thatonegaybastard · 2 years
I havent done any of the star bases yet if my siblings cirrect i was supposed to do the dark one first but he kicked my ass
maybe now my teams better I caan takehim on
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vaugarde · 2 months
kinda wanna do a spontanous nuzlocke story where instead of doing the whole run beforehand, i do a bit, storywrite, post, and then keep going. it sounds stressful and i know several nuzlockers have said to NOT do this but i feel like itd be a good exercise in posting public writing for once
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I need more ideas to avoid thinking about the inevitable fight with the Fire Star Squad.
Anything os fine. I just wanna do stuff people wanna see me doing.
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bluekat12345 · 2 years
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Here are screenshots of me with the Team Star bosses after getting their badges.
I think Team Star might be my favorite 'villain' team, even though they're not actually villains. The Bosses have cool designs, and their backstories and personalities are awesome. And battling them is a fun challenge.
I really love their outfits.
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LMAO love how the legendaries were revealed in a trailer to be these godlike beings then u play the game and they eat sandwiches and do this
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Why do all of you only think Arven's sick dog in Scarlet and Violet is the only emotionally overwhelming storyline in the game. Fuck YOU team star is about LGBT themes and bullying and I am tearing up after beating it just now FUK
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ameftowriter · 2 years
Sigh ... XD I think I may have bitten more than I could chew with those fic ideas I had earlier. The one where I wrote in 3 of them. Anyway, so I ended up writing one of them more in depth than the others, but still incomplete, but I wanna show what I have so here's a snippet of one of those ideas.
I hate to use this but English isn't my first language so there will be grammatical errors, but I did my best in writing them properly.
It's about Clavell's PoV of the Starfall Street route, and also I played Violet so it's in this version.
I begin to doubt my own resolve…
The Treasure Hunt is approaching and yet no member of Team Star has spoken up about anything.
And the deadline is fast approaching.
I really am at a loss of what to do. I pace around my office thinking of how to communicate with Team Star. It is one thing to be rebellious and break the rules. But this… this is beyond simple youthful rebellion. It's been more than a year since a few students have set foot to the school let alone a classroom. This ultimatum would surely try to cease this persistent truancy.
And yet ..
And yet… I have only been met with stubbornness and no response.
There must be a reason. There has to be. Why would Team Star and it's members blatantly break these many rules without any consideration to its consequences. It's maddening… 
Or perhaps… I am looking at this from the wrong angle. It is not why they break these rules, rather they have to… but then…
I sigh as I collapse on my chair. 
If there is a way, a way for me to communicate to the Team, maybe I could see their reasoning, understand their mindset…
See this whole situation through their eyes….
Maybe I could prevent any at all from being expelled.
I felt an embarrassing rumble in my stomach. I check my watch to see that it is lunch time. I seem to have lost track of time trying to think of anything that could help me and these students.
Perhaps a good lunch and a cup of coffee from the cafeteria could help me clear my head.
I want to know and understand their reasoning behind all of this. No one would just blatantly ignore this ultimatum. Otherwise, it would have been simpler for them to just drop out. 
But I shouldn't think that way.
I just …
I just don't want to expel any of them…
They don't deserve any of this… 
"Oh! Hello Mr. Director sir!" My attention was caught by a student who was taken by surprise. "I'm really sorry for getting in your way, sir…" 
"Oh no, don't worry you're not, I was just in deep thought and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I must apologize."
The student looked at me with a face etched with shock and disbelief. I was simply apologizing for a silly mistake I made. Why would he look shocked that I have said that?
"O-okay then sir…" the student managed to utter, "Then I'll just head on to class then, thank you sir."
Even a thank you.
For what?
The student took off down the hall.
It was nothing more than a silly mistake that I had made. After all, I should have been playing close attention to where I was going….
I see…
If I was a student, like them…
I wouldn't have been faced with that disbelief expression.
If I was like any other student in this academy, especially with that young one, then that interaction wouldn't have happened.
But I am not a student.
I'm Director Clavell, the esteemed Director of this prestigious Uva Academy.
I'm the director.
And yet this is another silly mistake I have committed.
No wonder that student looked so nervous and anxious around me.
I look to see a group of students from what I can guess gossiping around the hallway. Then they turn to my directon and their conversation went to a halt.
I simply waved and said hello and went on my way.
The further I walk away from them, the more I began to hear them talking again.
How could I have been so blind?
If I simply approached Team Star as Director Clavell, I would be faced with nothing but stubbornness and silence. There would be no change.
If i were a student, maybe it would improve my chances and could proper answers I seek.
But I can't just….
I immediately noticed Master Arven running past me at a quick speed. I was in deep thought to once again not realize he was coming, but I reacted quickly enough to avoid him just barely. I wanted to tell him to stop running down the halls but it was too late as the teenager had dashed further from earshot. 
I shook my head. I am surprised that he even came to school today.  I’ve been worried about Master Arven ever since his father, Professor Turo, has fallen off the radar so to speak. I do worry about Turo as well. Maybe I should send him an email…
“This is Juliana, correct?”
“Yeah? Who are you?”
I stopped just at the Cafeteria doors. I hear someone from a phone speaking to Miss Juliana, the new transfer student that just enrolled. 
“I hacked your smartphone so I could talk to you. Hope you don't mind.” The voice from the phone sounded like a young girl. But did she just say–
“Wait a minute, What do you mean hacked?!” Miss Juliana sounded angry.
“My name’s Cassiopeia.” the girl from the phone introduced herself. Is she a student? It feels wrong to listen in to this conversation, but I couldn’t help myself but to listen in.
“But never mind that–it’s you I want to talk about. I hear you're a trainer with serious potential.”
It is true, Miss Juliana has only been here for a day or so and the whole school has already been talking about her. Especially after she had beaten two members from Team Star earlier.
“If that description is accurate, there’s something I'd like to ask of you. Tell me, Juliana… You know about Team Star right?”
… Wait a minute. Is this about Team Star?
“Yeah I know of them…” I hear Miss Juliana hesitantly reply to her.
“Great. I appreciate you being up-front here.” I could hear that this Cassiopeia person felt relieved. “Team Star is a group of troublemakers formed by some academy students a while back… They cause headaches for the school and try to bring other students down to their level.”
Is this true? If so, have I really gone blind and deaf to the problems the school is facing? Was I so oblivious about all of this? In that case, what have I been doing this whole time?!
“And I refuse to sit idly by and let them get away with it!” It seems Miss Cassiopeia is determined to take down Team Star. How noble of her. But somehow I doubt this whole speech is her only reason.
“So I’ve come up with a plan to bring down Team Star and force them to disband for good.” A plan? The Academy and the School Board have tried everything at their disposal to try to disband Team Star and yet this girl has a plan to do so? 
“I call it… Operation Starfall!” She sounds confident about it too. But how? And why?
“But I’ll need allies to carry out this operation… and I’d like you to be one of them.” Of course, Miss Juliana has already made a name for herself despite being her first day at school. Defeating those Team Star members surely must have helped in this as well.
“Really?” Miss Juliana sounded surprised. I wonder if she is unaware of the cause of her recruitment by Miss Cassiopeia. “Well… those grunts earlier were an annoying pain, honestly trying to convince that shy eevee backpack girl to join them even if she said no. So sure, I’ll help ya.”
I am not sure if Miss Juliana is naive or determined. But she did sound eager to help the girl who hacked her smartphone…
“No need to reply right this second. We can discuss the details some other time.”
I wonder…
“Till then, I’ll leave you to it. Bye.” Miss Cassiopeia is quick to hang up.
I shouldn’t linger around here as it would get suspicious if Miss Juliana comes out of the Cafeteria and sees me.
So i opened the door and walked inside and feigned ignorance to ensure that she wouldn’t think I’ve eavesdropped on the conversation.
“Ah, Miss Juliana.” I greeted her as I walked into the room, “Please do try to keep your voice down if you're making calls within the school, won't you?"
"O-of course, sir!" She sounded flustered, "I'll be more careful, sir!"
I nodded, "You don't want anyone else overhearing any personal information, after all." I do worry about you Miss Juliana, especially of what you have gotten yourself into. 
"Honestly… there's so many things we need to be careful about in this day and age…" Not just the hacking but rather the Operation Starfall itself too… I don't want you to get into a lot of trouble and could even get expelled because of this…
"On you go then, young lady!" Please don't get into any more trouble…
I waved goodbye to her as I watched her leave the Cafeteria…
"Team Star, you say….?"
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ixtaek · 2 years
The fact Operation Starfall was funded by cryptocurrency theft has had me in hysterics for two days now.
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trainer-azure · 1 year
Weird thing I saw on campus this last week: I swear I saw Director Clavel with a pompadour wig??
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seginbeats · 2 years
◁◁ ▐ ▌ ▷▷ Now playing. . . starter for @arvend
He’s become acutely aware of how his days seemed to be overlapping and repeating in cadence and theme; the date on his phone would remain static for three days sometimes, before springing back and restarting. When asked what was taking him so long to finish cleaning up his track for one of his grunts, Giacomo grew more and more frustrated— he finished it days ago.
It’s just that every time he tried to play it for them, static came out of the stereo system.
Seven days ago (or this morning) he was outside of Mesagoza loitering with members of the Segin Squad, apparently, but he hadn’t gotten out of bed yet today (and didn’t the next day, but yesterday hadn’t happened yet.)
The fruit punch stain on his bed sheets is nearly dried when it’s suddenly soggy as if he’d just dropped his drink everywhere.
Someone sounds like they’re talking in reverse.
When was the last time he had made a phone call? Sent a text? Tomorrow? Yesterday? Someone was supposed to get back to him about the strange illness he had been experiencing since his visit with Ortega.
He’s laying sidelining on his bed, thumbs meticulously texting the one dork who might know something about how he was feeling: Arven had used herba mystica to treat his Mabosstiff’s sickness, perhaps whatever was going on with Giacomo could be alleviated with the bitter variant.
He wipes the back of his hand across his forehead; he’s sent the text:
[Outgoing text] dude I texted you days ago when are you gonna answer
Realistically, Giacomo hadn’t reached out to Arven ever, this was the first instance of making contact; he’d briefly spoken with him after learning from Penny that a dive into Area Zero had occurred recently. Even then, neither Giacomo nor Arven made it a point to converse with one another.
A minute later.
[Outgoing text] hey man I don’t mean to be a pain in the ass but it’s been two days now.
The glimmer of the antique ring on his finger catches Giacomo’s eyes. A weird gift from Ortega, an antique that his family had kept in their splendorous collection of luxurious items and strange curious.
[Outgoing text] hello????
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blazingflareon · 2 years
so for pokemon sv i said ‘fuck it i had the name star first’ which leads to stuff like this lmao
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goofygoldengirl · 2 years
I’m 4/5 in starfall street and although I like the storyline, there’s something a bit iffy that I can’t describe with how they’re tackling the bullying plot line. On one hand, it’s realistic to show schools doing nothing to address bullying and to show that there can be people who have been bullied go on to be bullies themselves. On the other hand, I can totally see how a kid can misunderstand that and come out thinking that if you stand up to your bully, you’re just as bad or worse than they are, just because team star is set up as the bad guys in the game.
Eh maybe I’m overthinking it.
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katfreaks-hidyhole · 2 years
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Am steadily progressing through Pokemon Violet, and am having fun. My Lili has gotten super strong 💚
Also, my character is called Thyme R :)
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Alright, I can't push the deadline back any further, I gotta go fight Cassiopeia and put an end to this once and for all.
Today is the day Team Star falls.
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Pokemon ScarVio plot line is overall dissapointing; the following will contain spoilers for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
As mentioned above; I think the overal plotlines of ScarVio are dissapointing, I think Operation Starfall has a rushed an awkward start that feels disconnected from the engrossing and empassioned middle before hitting us with a fake twist reveal before crashing and burning miserably at the end. Victory road is the gold winner here; but it's also not trying to reinvent the wheel, it's just the most consistent from beginning, middle to the ending. Path of Legends I liked and was kinda hooked on as the mystic of massive pokemon with unique powers and terrifying strength that may or may not be fairytales was cool, Arven's growth was cool; but like Operation Starfall, PoL crashed at the end for me.
I will break down my thoughts more thoroughly below.
The way we're introduced to Team Star is by them picking on students to try and brute force them into signing onto the team to fill quotas; this is never addressed nor brought up again. It's literally there for us to go "No, stop; Don't bully people" and then battle them. This is incredibly ironic especially when you start beating the base guards, the grunts and the Star Squad Captains and find out that they were bullied relentlessly in the academy.
Through the captains we are introduced to the Big Boss (a faceless character) who helped them and they instigated the ethos of Team Star, their dress sense, theme songs and prepared to take on every last bully in the academy because they were just so done by the academy letting it happen. They were planning to take justice in their own hands; but in their own words, the bullies never materialised and more importantly they all dropped out quickly and quietly and dissapeared. Perception of Team Star soured and worrying the faces of the Team (the Star Squad Captains) would lose their place; Penny talks to the corrupt former director (Clavell's predeccesor) and willfully goes to Galar for a year to let them stay at the academy.
We also hear from Clavell as Clive the hip rocker student; that it seems the academy buried so much of this and actively deleted or destroyed records to maintain the academy's reputation and image. This was where I was utterly hooked and I was excited to see who B.B was and how Operation Starfall would end.
So after struggling several times to best Eri and her insanely powerful revaroom; I return the academy, where I meet the fake-out twist of Operation Starfall. Director Clavell. Who admits to being Casseopeia via pre-programmable recordings; claiming he started Operation Starfall when an attempt to try and stop the bullies in the Academy went sideways not due to TS members; but the academy itself. Noting how he had been a visiting teacher when he encouraged students to stand up for themselves and was appauled when as director, he found several records were incomplete or just missing. Through his time as director and as Clive and B.B; Clavell was able to pull the truth together and admits the code is the code and you battle.
his team hits hard and fast; it's varied with types and physical/special attackers and he has the starter strong against yours, its an amazing conclusion about the damage failing your students or allowing the legacy and image of history to dominant the truth. A unique talking point running parallel to the opening text about how the academy operates by pulling from the legacies and history of the past to inform the now.
It's only after the battle that Clavell softly and quietly admits he is in fact not Team Star's Big Boss, nor was he Casseopeia and he will strive to make sure such a great blot and shame that led to the situation with Team Star will ever happen again. No faculty member should be able to wipe their sleight clean at the expense of their students.
Then he gets squaked at by the Maths teacher and is told he has to write out apologies to everyone and is carted off. Which leads us to fighting the actual Big Boss of Team Star; Penny.
Penny can best be described as the colour beige hardcut with anxiety; that's it. Unlike Arven and Nemona; she doesn't grow in the slightest from the time we save her from the Team Star grunts who never appear again on the stairs to the academy to our time descending into the Paldean crator. Nothing changes.
So, we meet her at the trainer fields and you can more or less one-shot OHKO her entire Eveelution team (Umbreon, Flareon, Vaporean, Leafeon, Jolteon and Sylveon). There's no grand speech, other than "I was bullied and it sucked and I can't talk to people, so I made Team Star and I guess you know the rest." That's the end of Penny more or less. Outside of kinda being a foil to Arven during the conversations in the crator; Penny just dissapears from the game.
Victory road is okay; the central thing is growing and competing with Nemona. Who is fairly static, but grows to have some restraint but never a lot; both in battling and in conversation. She's fun and spunky and kind of is a strong reminder and motivator for the player to push themselves too. Nemona can be a little forgiving in some battles; but also incredibly punishing if an when you present an opening to her. This leads the player to level up and try to get a fully evolved team ASAP, as well as when to and when not to use the Terra Orb. As you might actually benefit more from your pokemon's dual-typing rather than the attack buff from the Orb. All in all is the generic, tried and true beat 8 gyms narrative; kinda cool you can do them in any order. meaning if you're crazy enough you can try and battle against gym leaders whose entire team sits beyond your trainer level cap just for funsies. That could be a ScarVio hard mode challenge, trying to build teams that can survive against such massive level divides.
Leaving finally; the Path of Legends storyline.
I like this one the most originally and through the middle; it's the ending that ruins it for me more than anything.
When we start at the lighthouse; we're introduced to Arven, a spiteful and harsh boy with the motorbike lizard. He's intense and awkward and full of a lot of emotions he doesn't quite know how to express or handle. Arven is strongly characterised, like Nemona but in different ways. We beat him in a battle, get motorbike lizard then receive a message from Sada/Turo about caring for it. Arven expresses strong emotions about hearing his parent's voice, more specifically how they don't really address him.
Once we're out of the academy; we venture round fighting the titan pokemon and the Herba Mystica, both of which are things Arven is fascinated in. The original reason given is the Scarlet Book informs that the Titan Pokemon gravitate to certain areas and the Herba Mystica has supposed healing and culinary properties. Arven expresses an interest in the taste and quality of the food; connecting to the picnicking gimmick of ScarVio.
It's only after the second Titan that Arven introduces us to the actual reason; his bestest boi Mobasstif is incredibly ill and needs aid. But Arven's tried everything and nothing works; the Herba Mystica is his last chance to save his first pokemon, his greatest companion. The game hammers this home by adding in the cutscenes of Mobasstif eating the Herba Mystica and slowly regaining his strength and control of his body. Arven often exclaiming how he hasn't seen his dog's eyes or barks in literal years; showing how long Mobasstif has been ill and unwell.
Throughout all of this Sada/Turo has been messaging us to take care of the motorbike lizard.
This all culminates in the final titan and Sada/Turo tells us to take motobike lizard to the Paldean crator; also take Arven I guess. This incenses Arven who demands answers and Sada/Turo admit they cannot leave the crator and to go the lab. That doesn't soothe Arven but we go to the lab, where we're told now that Motorbike lizard is healthy again to come to the crator for all the answers; again Arven demands something substantial and is told no.
As we exit, Arven expresses his anger and his sadness and his confusion by informing us of the thing we kind of already knew; that he's the professor's kid. What we didn't know is that he lived in the research centers in the crator most of his childhood before (at least from his perspective) being sent away. The reason Mobasstif was so unwell and injured was Arven attempted to breach the crator some years ago and was almost done in by smaller versions of the titan pokemon. To prove he's strong enough now we battle (he has all the mon he found on the PoL Titan Pokemon battles + Mobasstif) they are all level 60-62 and they can hit like trucks. It's a strong battle and Arven feels confident in almost beating the player but they still need some muscle (this is where you finish Victory Road and Operation Starfall to get Nemona and Penny open to finish Path of Legends).
Your team gets to the crator and there will be future/savage forms of pokemon from top to bottom more or less. The coolest part of this are the research notes from Sada/Turo, the conversation cutscenes with Sada/Turo AI and the automated dialogue exchanges between research stations. We start with Arven having all his burning emotions boiling to the fore-front; making him come off as a giant dick and Nemona and Penny scold and make jabs at him until we get about halfway down and a savage/future pokemon comes at Penny and the reality sets in and both Nemona and Penny realise that Sada/Turo cared more about their research than Arven.
This is actually backed up by the research notes; which kind of slowly descend into aggressive intensity about acheiving paradise in the now. Noting about how they need more researchers in one lab, to pondering the idea of having two of themselves (leading to the creation of their AI counterparts) but the one that stood out to me was when they referenced the new researcher who was as smart as them; abandoning the project entirely and 'taking the boy too'.
And when we finally came to the Zero Lab; Arven doesn't get more than 3 lines of dialogue with Sada/Turo. It feels rushed, clunky and more importantly there's no closure, no admittance of fault or oversight.
Sada/Turo is a terrifyingly neglectful parent who left a robot who has no actual closure with Arven and then fucks off to the past/future and all Arven has is some bland passed over "Mommy/daddy love you; i'm fucking off now BYEEE!" Like that is literally the biggest exchange Arven and the ghost of his dead parent trapped in a machine have. "oh, they actually did love you." Followed by the AI malfunctioning as the Paradise Protection Protocol triggers and the AI just says at the end of the motorbike lizard vs motorbike lizard (which was the most anti-climatic fight ever, even besting Penny's battle). "The time machine will keep pulling future/savage pokemon through it and cannot be turned off. Only when I enter into the past/future, will it turn off." then just goes.
Arven then just spouts off about how his parent must have actually loved him or something; which just rings hollow considering they didn't actually talk, the AI just blurted two lines out at him and then bails forever.
I had thought what we would face at the Zero lab was that the professors had found a way to travel to and from the past/future, but their technology failed and needed us + motorbike lizard to save them. Because they missed Arven and the whole conclusion was gonna tie off all of the issues of Sada/Turo letting work consume their every waking moment to the point they referred to their child as 'The Boy' in their research notes rather than Arven.
... This Installment did a lot; and I think in the end, that scattered focus did more name to the game narratively more than anything else.
Tell me your thoughts on all of this, anyone who has played and finished ScarVio. Am I making a mountain out of a molehill about the storylines?
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sadlazzle · 2 years
i lov dachsbun so much. dachsbun means the world to me. id give my life to see her happy. what a perfect little baked doggy
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