#then peter arrives and he remembers just how annoying he can be
enbysiriusblack · 5 months
"Y'know we both had complicated relationships with our parents. James and Remus had such a great bond with theirs, always so close and telling them everything. But Sirius and me couldn't. I mean his parents wouldn't understand and mine just wouldn't listen. But we had each other. And you know, James started growing up, leaving all our silly childhood antics behind. But Sirius was like me, we didn't want to grow up. I mean, you remember, we were always messing about. Merlin, I miss that. I mean, Sirius just got it. He got that being an adult would suck, that we could do what we want whilst we had the freedom to do it, that nothing mattered more than us, than our friendgroup, than just being alive. Merlin, he fucking changed. He's grown up. I mean I have as well, no matter how much I didn't to. But Sirius, he just- he understood me more than anyone... and I hated him for it. I hate him now."
Severus blinked at him, "Can you please be quiet for once?"
Peter threw his hands up in the air and sat up from the sofa he had been laying on, "Geez, still grumpy."
"I'm in charge of you, Wormtail. You're nothing now."
Peter huffed, "Way to state the obvious. Y'know you're a shit therapist."
"Perhaps, because I am not a therapist", Severus spoke slowly, agitated.
Peter shrugged,"You're the one who said I needed therapy."
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meadowscarlet · 2 years
james potter as your boyfriend.
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pairings: james potter x fem!reader.
warnings: nsfw under the cut and inappropriate language used.
author’s note: disappearing again after this so enjoy this for now </3 !!! do not copy, post on another site, translate or claim any of my works as your own or you will be reported! nav.
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in the relationship
• he literally fell for you the moment he first saw you, nobody can blame him; you were too incredibly beautiful, an elegance unlike any other, an just overall lovely so it was no surprise how quickly he grew an infatuation with you
• like he could still remember that day (of course he could, bloody sirius would always find a way to remind him) when he bumped into a wall and fell, crashing to the ground, the lens of his glasses cracking from the impact as he passed by you, and he was too enthralled to pay attention to where he was going
• remus would say to him, looking utterly fed up with him, “james, that's the tenth time you've broken your glasses, for merlin's sake watch where you're going.”
• james would argue, “the love of my life was just near me, you can't tell me that i should just ignore her.”
• remus doesn't bother saying anything and simply leaves him alone with peter and sirius, who were laughing hard
• so yes; he did fell for you, literally and figuratively
• at first you weren’t that pleased with him; he literally won’t leave you alone—flirts with you whenever he has the chance and you were simply annoyed by it
• “you have to stop it,” he would complain with a goofy grin
• “stop what?” you asked, confused
• “being so beautiful; it’s distracting me in class, i can’t pay attention to anything other than you, love.”
• even while you occasionally found his antics bothersome, somehow you grew fond of it to the point that you finally agreed to be his girlfriend
• he literally won’t. stop. smiling
• “you’re finally my girl, i mean you’ve always been but this is much better.”
• treats you so GOOD
• worships the ground you walk on (ever since the beginning)
• calls you “love”
• so clingy !!!!!!!!!!!!! but you love it though
• definitely pouts and sulks when you don’t pay attention to him
• needs affirmation all the time. he cherishes it when you kiss his cheeks and reassure him; it helps him feel worthy of you and you would constantly assure him that he is enough for you
• “godric, i bloody love you,” he would say pulling you to him and never having the intention of letting you go
• you’re his lucky charm in everything but most especially whenever he has a quidditch match
• would refuse to play until you arrive
• his eyes would light up once you finally arrived, and he would be immensely motivated to win
• blows you a kiss whenever he scores
• “fuck me,” he would groan whenever he sees you wearing his quidditch jersey with nothing under it
• gets turned on so fucking fast
• so needy. literally begs for you, “please, love, i need you right now.”
• moans and whines for you to just fuck him as you grind your pussy against his throbbing dick
• a switch—sometimes he takes control when he’s fucking you but he doesn’t mind you being dominant over him, in fact, he likes it
• he is obsessed with eating you out; he would devour your pussy as if he were a starving man; you laying on the bed, bare before him just like he desires, especially after a long day and gripping your hips down anytime you would whine and beg for more
• you both are just desperate for each other
• “you gonna cum, love? fuck, i could cum just by looking at you all wet for me.”
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ladychota · 1 year
Remember It All
Pairing - Loki x Female Reader
Warnings - Memory loss (lmk if you want me to add anything)
Summary - Y/n is working at the coffee shop with MJ when a mysterious visitor arrives to order drinks.
Word Count - 1.2k
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"So... did you guys get in to MIT?" You ask, fiddling with the bandage wrapped tightly around your left hand.
"Nope," MJ tosses her letter into the bin nearby. "Neither did Peter or Ned,"
You sigh. "Ugh, I'm so annoyed that the world believes all that Mysterio crap. If only it hadn't affected you all so,"
MJ hums in agreement. "It's okay. I was kinda expecting it anyways,"
"You expect disappointment so you'll never be disappointed?" You quote the line she has said so many a time, especially since the whole Spiderman and Mysterio nonsense. You feel for Peter - he's a nice kid.
"Mhm, exactly,"
The shop's doorbell chimes as someone walks in, hands in their pockets to stave off some of the winter cold.
"I'll get that. You take as much time as you need, okay?" You say, walking over to the counter.
A man stands in front of it, scanning the menu. He has black, shoulder length hair and his eyes are a stunning - almost familiar - green. You swear you've seen him before, but where? Every soft curve and smile line in his face looks right... except the deep bags under his eyes. For some reason you want to place your hand on his face and smooth them out...
But this man is a stranger. You don't even know his name.
"Hey, how can I help?" You ask, brushing away your odd thoughts.
"Uh hi, can I-" He turns to you and freezes, eyes wide. He just stands there in silence for a few seconds, his eyes scanning your face. Normally you'd find this rather creepy, but this feels strangely... right.
The man turns away and looks out of the shop window to where a man with long, blonde hair stands. He beams at the man in front of you.
"Um..." He hums, turning back to you. "Could I have two coffees... please? The name is Loki,"
You nod and start preparing the drinks, trying to ignore the gaze of the man behind you. Loki... that name is also very familiar. But you have no idea why; it's getting rather frustrating.
In no time at all, the coffees are ready; you place them on the counter and secure the lids.
"Loki?" You call. He doesn't respond. "Loki? Your coffees," He seems to jolt from his thoughts, striding over quickly to pay. 
"Of course, sorry. And thank you," He slides a ten dollar note onto the counter, a sad grin playing on his face. "Keep the change,"
You nod and open the till, picking up the money and sliding it in. "Thanks,"
"Uh... are you alright?" You look up, noticing that Loki now wears a concerned expression. He points at your bandage-bound hand.
"Oh! Yes, thanks. You know, I don't actually know how I did it. I just kind of... woke up one day and I had a huge gash in the middle of my palm," You chuckle at the strangeness of the situation, thinking of the other random cuts and bruises all over your body.
"But it's okay," You continue, for some reason feeling safe to talk in such detail to this man. "It doesn't hurt too much anymore. And I can use it just fine!"
Loki smiles a sad yet happy smile; one that looks as if he's yearning for something but knows he can't have it - possibly for the better.
"Well, I'm glad it's healing well," He picks up the drinks he ordered. "And, uh-" He clears his throat. "Thank you... for everything,"
He smiles, his eyes glittering with... tears? Is he upset? But, as much as you are worried for him, you are extremely confused. Why is he so thankful? All you did was make him some coffee and spit out some sob story about your injury.
Your brow furrows, but you smile anyway. "No problem..."
Usually you wish customers a good day before they leave the shop, but you seem to be frozen as you watch him walk out, handing one of the drinks to the blonde haired man as they walk out of sight.
"What the hell was that about?" MJ calls across the shop, speaking your thoughts aloud.
You shake your head slowly, your gaze stuck to where the man just stood. "I have no idea..."
Snapping out of your daze, you grab a donut in a serviette and place it on the counter in front of MJ.
"Thanks," She says, picking up the food. "Honestly though, he's either a creep or a long lost lover of yours,"
"Really? A long lost lover?" You laugh, your smile not reaching your eyes.
A long lost lover...
Suddenly an image pops into your mind of you and Loki sitting exactly where you and MJ are now, his hand clasped in yours on top of the counter. A small, loving smile plays on his lips as you talk, his thumb rubbing slowly over your knuckles.
"Well, duh." MJ jokes. "I mean-"
You don't hear her finish that sentence. Image after image of you and Loki fly through your head - it feels as if you've been hit by a bolt of lightning, each memory shuddering through you like electricity.
Before you can even process what you're doing, you're running towards the door.
"Wait, Y/n! Where are you going?!" MJ calls out to you.
"I'll be back!" Is all you manage to say as you slip through the door and begin to run down the street.
You and Loki were dating! You were a thing! He was yours and you were his...
And yet, you forgot. How the hell did you forget!?
But that is a concern for later. For now, you have to catch up with him.
You push past everyone on the sidewalk until you see the two men up ahead. Thor and Loki...
"Loki! Wait!" You yell, not caring who hears or sees.
Your thoughts and memories are too jumbled up to know exactly how long it's been since you forgot, but for a while you've been feeling as if something has been missing. Moreover, someone.
The two Gods turn upon hearing your shout, their eyes wide with confusion. Panting, you come to a stop in front of them.
"Y/n? Are you quite alright?" Loki asks, a spark of realisation flaring in his eyes. But he doesn't dare ask for fear he's being too hopeful. 
A smile crawls onto your face, tears springing into your eyes as you realise how much you've unknowingly missed him.
"Y-you... me..." You're still panting after having run down the block, words not forming correctly in your mouth.
Loki just watches you, handing his coffee cup to Thor and waiting patiently for you to finish your flustered attempt at a sentence.
Instead, you reach up and place a hand on his face. He doesn't flinch away, but leans in to your touch, tears welling at the bottom of his eyes.
"I remember... I remember it all..." Your voice is strained and choked by tears. Loki's hands cup your face, his thumbs running over your cheeks and collecting the wet trails.
"You do?" He whispers.
You nod, moving your hands to cover his. He lets out a bewildered laugh before leaning down and smashing his lips against yours in a desperate kiss.
Eventually he pulls away, murmuring: "I love you, my darling... and I'm so sorry,"
"It's alright, you have nothing to apologise for," You reassure, your heart swelling. "I love you too," Your lips meet his once more as you decide to never let go of him again.
A/N - Not sure how I feel about this one so feel free to let me know your thoughts! :)
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gayerthanevertbh · 1 year
the start of war | futile devices pt. 2
pairings: fuckboy!natasha romanoff x fem!reader
natasha romanoff masterlist | series masterlist | navigation  
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summary: you don’t know whether this was a good idea or not, but somehow it felt good. once you start feeling good, then you will feel that sickening betrayal all over your body.
warnings: sexual tension, slight kissing, slight angst, let me know if i’m missing something - 18+ MINORS DNI.
author’s note: this story is getting juicier wow
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It was unusually sunny today as I sat by the window, looking out at the blue sky that I could practically see even with my eyes closed. Today wasn't such a productive day because I was late for school and missed a semester-long assignment. Peter was beside me, tapping the edge of his pen on the table as he was engrossed in our professor's speech, Ms. Louise. I tried to concentrate, but I couldn't. I couldn't even look at her for some reason. I remembered that night when Natasha was in our apartment. I could get lost in her hooded green eyes, which were bright. I wasn't sure if I was interested in her, but it could just be a silly crush. I used to have a crush on an older man who lived three blocks away and I would always see him walking back to his house every day. At that time, I was in a dirty fight with Wanda, so technically, I had no one else to gawk over.
I shifted my gaze away from the window, and my professor gave me a casual look. I couldn't tell if she was annoyed because I wasn't paying attention, so I sat up straight and sighed quietly to myself.
“You aren’t paying attention to my class again,” she said out loud. “And for that, I want you to write a five-paragraph essay about a certain book you like and why you enjoyed it.”
I only nodded in response and looked down at my notes while she continued to speak. I hear Peter whispering, “If you want, we can share notes. I wasn’t paying attention either.”
“I thought you were the smartest in this room.”
He chuckles quietly, “I don’t know about that,” he says. “I should’ve just chosen to be a chemist.”
I was walking to catch my train when I got a message from Wanda. She texted I'll be out late, and Natasha will stay at our place for a while. She got into a fight with her roommate. What made her agree to that? I only sighed, pushed my phone back into my pocket, and jumped on the train as soon as it arrived. The trip was relatively smooth and quiet. Usually, it wasn't. I got to my apartment in five minutes and felt like my lungs were pushing out of my chest. As I opened the door, I saw Natasha sitting on the couch, with a phone in her hand. She looked up and waved at me.
“You’re home,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry I have to stay here for a while. Dorming problems.”
“Not a problem at all,” I responded meekly as I shut the door and removed my bag from my shoulder, dropping it onto the ground. I wanted to sit down on the couch she was sitting on, but instead, I just stood there in an awkward manner. “Do you want some coffee?”
Natasha perked up a bit and smiled, something about that grin made me think how beautiful she was. She pushed the back of her head and shook her head, “I might be wasting your–”
“It’s fine,” I muttered with a chuckle, lowering my eyes to the ground. “Wanda will be home in a couple of hours, I guess it’s just me and you for now.”
“Yeah,” she replied, clasping her hands together. “Just me and you.”
If I had to admit that she was attractive, I’d say it out loud. She removes her leather jacket and places it neatly on the arm couch, taking out a stick of cigarettes from the pack. I gave her a furrowed look and asked, “Could you not do this here? I don’t want my apartment to smell like you.”
“Wanda lets me,” she says so easily that she thinks she’s smug, I rolled my eyes and poured coffee into both of our mugs. I can already smell the cigarettes from here. “I’d let you try if you wanted to.”
"I've had plenty of that," I replied calmly, turning around to hand her the second mug. She took it from my grasp and gave me a small smile in the shape of a smile on her stupid face. I sat on the floor and took the cigarette from her grasp, swigging it myself. I've missed the sensation of smoking, especially when life is stressful. It's as if I'm from another planet. "You can smoke here as long as you clean up after yourself."
“How long have you been smoking?”
“Five months ago.”
She lets out a breathy laugh and slowly tilts her head back. I swear she was making fun of me, but I decided not to let it get to me; I can't. “You’re still a baby, aren��t you?” I rolled my eyes once more at the obnoxious questions. “Tell me, did you lose your virginity five months ago too?”
“I haven’t gotten to the point yet.”
She frowns and says, “Why not? Everyone is having sex these days, I thought you were more active than Wanda.”
“It would be okay if you didn’t talk about your sex life with my best friend,” I murmured in a low tone. Natasha quickly gave me an apologetic look and flopped her back against the couch, taking another swig of her cigarette. I asked, “Are you in love with Wanda?”
She only shrugs, “Maybe, why did you ask?”
“Because she’s my best friend, and I don’t want her to get hurt.”
“We’re just having fun,” she claims. “That’s all, I don’t want to get too serious with her. I’ve been down that road, and it did not go well for me.”
“But Wanda is–” I hesitated for a moment, unsure whether I should tell her or not. But I couldn't help but slip it out as she looked down at me with those curious green eyes. Wanda wants you so much, she talks about you a lot and wants you to be her priority. Like… serious stuff.”
Natasha blinked at me, then fell silent for a moment before speaking quietly.
“Is that what she said to you?”
“Yeah,” I said. “She’s very much in love with you.”
“And what if I’m not in love with her?”
"Then you should be the one to break up with her," I sighed, turning away from her and staring at the blank wall. “I love Wanda, you know? I’ve always been so infatuated by her, and to see her dating you is so meaningless, I can’t help but hurt for her.”
“So you’re in love with your best friend?” she asked, a smile appearing on her face. “You’re in love with my girlfriend?”
At this point, I was confused. I don’t know whether I was in love with Wanda or infatuated with her, but I didn’t like to see her get hurt. What would be the benefit if they ended up leaving each other? Will I be upset at Natasha? Or to myself? I shook my head solemnly and whispered, “I don’t know if I am, but I don’t want to find out.”
“It’s okay,” she urges me to continue as she finishes her cigarette. “I won’t be mad if you’re in love with her. In fact, I might as well support you through it. But I don’t want to leave her,” she chuckles. “I don’t think I can. I’d be nothing without Wanda; I’d be hopeless. So at the end of the day, she’s still mine and will always be mine.”
Those words hit me as a big truck had run over my illusions. At the end of the day, Wanda will never choose me as her lover and will always choose Natasha because she has the complete package, whereas I do not. Regardless of how strong our bond is, their bond is far more distinct than ours. And I could feel myself slipping away if I imagined myself being with Wanda, like holding her hand and making love to her. I stood up from the floor and wiped my pants with my hand, turning around as I looked at her with my eyes.
She looked at me back, and I noticed that her eyes changed when she gazed at me.
“At the end of the day, you’ll win. And I’ll always be her best friend.”
Natasha nodded in agreement, standing up as she took a few steps toward me, her hand resting on my shoulder. She whispers close to my ear, “If I could fuck you both, I would.”
She left my apartment without saying anything, and I was stunned for an hour. Why would she say that out of nowhere? Was she interested in me? Was she looking for a threesome? I was never interested in those because I believe I can only share my body with one person. I made a disgusting sound as I scrunched my brows together, images of us fucking in our beds flooding my mind. I was clearly not having a good day.
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“Come on,” Wanda laughs, giving me another shot of tequila. “Drink up! We don’t have any exams this week, so let’s just have fun!”
“Wanda, I don’t think it’s a good–”
“I’ll make us some recovery food once we get back home,” she says, her voice sounding promising; I fell for it. “Kate and everyone else are having fun, why can’t you have fun?”
Because your girlfriend was standing a few feet away from us, and her eyes won’t leave my body.
I sighed and drank the tequila shot, making a face as soon as the alcohol was all over my throat. I wasn't a drinker, but I did enjoy a good party now and then. Wanda was an outgoing person who would invite anyone from the streets to her parties in order to have the cheapest drinks. I blinked a few times and smiled at her, saying, “That was really smooth, where did you get this?”
“Don’t worry about it,” she screams through the loud music in the club. “It’s Kate’s treat! Let’s just have some fun, okay?”
Natasha's gaze was fixed on me as she walked to the dance floor. We made eye contact for a few seconds before Wanda pressed up against me, causing me to pull away at the slightest provocation. Natasha was going to beat me up tonight, and I didn't want that.
“What’s going on?” she asked loudly, pressing her face against my ear. “Do you not like that?”
“Natasha is here,” I proclaimed, moving my hips as the music took me away. “I don’t want–”
“She’ll be fine,” Wanda takes my hand and lowers herself to the ground, then rises to face me, a sheen of sweat on her brow. “I’m here, okay?”
We continued to dance on the dance floor like wild animals, and all I could think about was Natasha dancing with me. How did she like to dance? I saw her drinking with us, but was she as wild as I was? Perhaps she was more daring than I am, as I appear to be more of an introvert. When I turned my gaze away from Wanda, I noticed Natasha getting closer to us, and she was reaching for me as much as I was reaching for her. I knew I was inebriated and that this was not how I felt. I stepped back and drew Wanda away from the crowd, returning to our reserved table.
“What’s wrong? Do you need some water?”
“No, I think I’ll be fine. I just–”
Natasha appeared once more and gave Wanda a peck on the cheek, causing her to giggle softly. She asked, “If you want, I can take Y/n home since you want to spend your night with Kate.”
My eyes bulged out, and I vigorously waved my hands in the air. “Nat, that really won’t be necessary!”
“Y/n, you’re drunk,” she sighs. “I never thought you’d be a lightweight.”
“I-I’m not–”
“Fine,” Wanda agreed, crossing her arms on her chest. “Just take care of her, okay? When I come back here, I still want to have fun with you.”
Natasha winked at her and gave her one last kiss, pulling my wrist as I almost tripped onto the floor with a humorous laugh. I whispered, “Sorry, I think I’m done for tonight.”
“At least you know,” Natasha grumbled as she walked out with me, bringing me to her car. I asked if I could sit at the back, but she shook her head. “That’s not safe, I want you to sit with me so I know what you’re doing.”
“But there are rear mirrors for a reason,” I pointed out with a snort of laughter. “But if you insist, just don’t get mad if I vomit in your car.”
“I’ve had Wanda vomit in my car, I think I’ll be fine,” she replied, closing the door as I rested my head against the window. She got inside and turned on the engine, wiping her eyes. “You can’t ever drink alone, okay? You should always be with Wanda, I mean it.”
“Why do you sound so protective?” I asked, licking my lips. “You’re not my girlfriend–”
“I never claimed to be that person for you,” Natasha drives slowly as she fixes her rear mirror, occasionally looking at me. “I just want to take care of you, okay?”
I only hummed in response and gazed out the window at the city lights as she drove me back to my apartment, wondering why she would ever decide on this. I would occasionally turn to look at her, but she never returned my gaze. I imagined Wanda partying alone with Kate and the rest of our friends as she drove quietly to the suburbs.
"I was worried about you back there," she says as she turns her steering wheel to the right. "I thought you were going to pass out on that dance floor."
I chuckled, “Thank god I didn’t, I think I’m a lightweight.”
“You and Wanda are both,” she said as she stopped at my apartment building, turning to the sidewalk. “Here we are. Should I take you upstairs?”
Natasha ended up helping me by going to my unit, which I was hoping for because I thought I might pass out on the ground. Once we got there, I opened the door and asked for her to come in; she shook her head out of politeness. “I can get you some water,” I said while leaning my head against the doorframe. “Sorry, I’m really drunk.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, go for it.”
Natasha reached into her pocket and looked around, then back at me as she took a step closer. She let out a small sigh, unsure what to do in my presence. Then, unexpectedly, she leans in and kisses me on the cheek for what felt like an eternity since I felt her tongue grazing on my skin. This was a betrayal for Wanda, and I couldn't be in this situation. So I slowly backed away, muttering, "Why did you do that?"
"I'm not sure," she replied quietly as she kissed my cheek once more. "I couldn't stop myself."
"But Wanda is yours," I said, my headache pounding in my skull. I was either going to vomit or sleep it off tonight. “You can’t do that, Natasha.”
“She’s not here.”
“Still,” my stomach started to hurt terribly because I felt like a horrible friend who received a kiss from their partner. “You should go, forget about what I offered.”
Natasha smacked her lips together and nodded, but she still placed her hand on the wall and looked down at me, looking for my eyes. I couldn't look at her like that because everything would fall apart. Wanda will always be my priority, no matter how attractive she is. I tried to turn around, but her hands were on my waist, drawing me in closer. I couldn't get away from her grip because I could feel her breath against my chin.
"I'm sorry," she said with a mumble, pleading for my forgiveness. “I didn’t mean to do that, I’m drunk as you are.”
"There's no such thing as drunk people being unable to think aloud," I explained, looking down at those pink lips. “You want to kiss me, don’t you?”
“Yes,” she said, her throat bobbing with fear and excitement. “I want to kiss you.”
Pull her in, make a move. Do something.
We exchanged very sexual stares, and I prayed to God that it would go away soon - but it never did. Instead, I felt myself getting closer to her lips, but reality kicked in and I quickly backed away from her grip. I took a step back and shook my head as her eyes became disoriented.
“No, I’m not going to do this to her.”
“I’m sorry.”
I nodded, taking her hand off the wall as I shut the door. I turned around and sighed quietly to myself, resting my head against the wooden door. Natasha Romanoff, the woman I shouldn't be attracted to, was all I could think about.
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taglist: @ihartnat​ @natsxwife​ @romanoffsgal​ @kksalexa​ @pancakefan7529 @daydreamerruby @wandanatlov3r @lovsalvatore​ @wifeofnatasharomanoff​ 
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Thank you for putting up with me
Also on AO3! For Cozytober! The main prompt is alt. 4: "Thank you for putting up with me" - plus prompts 1 and 2, Borrowing a sweatshirt or coat, and Wrapped in a soft fuzzy blanket (respectively). This is mostly fluffy, with a tiny bit of sadness - but only softness ahead <3 I surely need it...
TRIGGER WARNING - implied past character death
“I’m not cold.”
“Says the kid who forgot to bring a coat and who can’t thermoregulate.”
Peter pouts when Tony takes off his own coat and puts it around the former’s shoulders. Although their size difference is small, Tony’s coat is only a smidge bigger than Peter.
“Seriously, Pete, you could’ve told me, I could’ve dropped it earlier.”
“Tony Stark dropping a sweater at a school for some random kid? Come on… I was fine, Mr. Stark.”
Tony sighs, “You’re literally impossible, kid.”
They don’t banter for now as Tony drives them upstate. The car is warmer than the foggy, cloudy day today. Peter’s hair is drying itself from the drizzle. But what soothes him, what gives him good shivers inside is the coat. If anything, Peter ends up napping.
Once they arrive upstate, Peter is immediately sent to the shower. Tony separates some clothes for him, which are an old Christmas sweater and a MIT hoodie. Not to mention a beanie. Since when does Tony have a beanie?
Even though Peter wears all of it, his mentor still wraps him up in a blanket once he joins him on the couch.
“Mr. Stark, you’re exaggerating.”
“Am I? You’re still pale and you spent all day freezing like a popsicle.”
Tony might sound annoyed, but he looks at Peter concernedly.
“I can handle myself,” the latter insists.
He expects his mentor to tease him to no end.
“… Yeah, I know, bud. You’re Spider-Man, you’ve been for a while. I just want to make sure you have somewhere to crash on. Someone you can count on when you don’t have a coat, or when you’re injured… whenever you’re in trouble. Relying on someone doesn’t make you weak, you know?”
Peter’s self-confident mask starts to fall off a little – which isn’t a bad thing. He then realizes how ungrateful he’s sounded all day.
Suddenly, sadness breaks through.
It’s a cycle that doesn’t end.
“Mr. Stark?”
I’m sorry.
No. He doesn’t have to say that.
“… Thank you,” Peter clears his throat. “Thank you for putting up with me.”
Tony doesn’t reply, possibly noting that Peter has more to say.
“It’s just… last time someone looked out for me… It didn’t end well,” the latter admits, not breaking down. He’s mostly avoidant, ashamed. “I don’t want it to happen again.”
Tony wraps his arm around Peter, like he’s the coat. “That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be cared about, kiddo.”
“Yeah, I know. I don’t always remember that… but I know.”
Feeling Tony’s hand rubbing his shoulder, Peter sighs deeply and lies down against the man. It’s warmer than anything else, and not the kind that makes you sweaty. It’s warm as in cuddly. Safe.
“You help me remember. You help me see another way out of this mess,” the teen tells him. “So thanks, again.”
He can feel Tony smiling at him as he squeezes Peter in a half-hug.
“I’m glad.”
Peter grins, peacefully, and he cuddles even closer to Tony, hiding his face under the hero’s chin. His heart beats, and his lungs fill in with air, then they let go.
The boy then realizes and somehow wraps Tony with the blanket, too.
“… Remember to take care of yourself too, Mr. Stark.”
Tony snorts. “Okay, kid.”
It’s like they’re in a little bundle. Their own bundle. The homiest Peter has felt in… a while.
Like he’s in the same blanket fort Uncle Ben set up…
It’s been empty for so long.
Tony, of course, can’t replace that space. Still, he makes his own little place in Peter’s blanket fort. He helps it stand. He helps Peter stand.
And let him know, you’re going to be okay. I’ll be here.
And so, Peter can sleep in peace, feeling loved again.
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anonomouswriter-blr · 7 months
OuaT Peter Pan X OC (part 1 maybe)
This is just for fun y'all. This isn't a fanfic page so PLEASE don't get attached to anything I post here, there will not be frequent updates (if any). I may drop this and never post again, it's all for kicks and giggles. Even still, let me know how I can write better. xoxo
Brief Synopsis - Loretta finds herself washed up on the shores of an unfamiliar island. The friend she arrived with is nowhere to be seen, but that doesn't mean she's alone on the island.
Story starts under cut.
It’s almost like static, the sounds Loretta heard as she roused from a state of numbness. With her head pounding and body aching and cold, she blinked her eyes, slowly adjusting to the harsh light against her face. Her blinking becomes more rapid as she attempts to remove pests from her eyes. It’s not dirt, but sand. A strong scent of sea veg fills her nostrils. She begins to recognize the familiar feeling of soft waves, washing over her, returning to the sea, then over her again, ending just below her cheeks. As the sand clears from her eyes, she becomes better adjusted to the light and can see her surroundings. She had washed up on the shore of some land. Is it an island? A mainland? Is there any civilization or is she stranded?
Stranded. Stranded would mean she’s alone, but she isn’t alone. As she sat up she remembered. “Noah Reed!?” she calls out into the white light reflecting off the beach, whipping her head around in each direction. He came with her on their wrecked ship, the boy she escaped that life of responsibility with, the one who showed her what magic and true freedom could be. The one who told her about the different worlds. But that storm had separated them. Is he even on the island? What island is she on? There are no strange fruits along the shoreline to indicate if she recognizes the island from stories or pictures. The vastness of the sea isn’t helping either. Loretta stumbles to her feet, taking in her surroundings. She kicks her legs in awkward discomfort as her now dirtied white skirt sticks to her calves. “Noah Reed! Noah Reed! Noa-,”
Loretta cuts herself off as she notices the unfamiliar boy in front of her. He stands unbothered on top of the rigged rocks, cocky, as if he owned the place. “You’re not Noah,” she states blankly.
“Do I look like Noah?” the boy asks.
“If you’re going to be like that I think I’d rather you leave me be,” he raises his eyebrows at that, then holds an entertained smile.
“What’s your name?”
“That’s none of your business. How about you tell me your name?”
“That’s none of your business,” Loretta frowns, eyebrows furrowing. She looks down, spots a stick a short ways away from her, then marches towards it. “What are you doing?”
“Drawing a line in the sand,” she says as she presses the tip of the stick deep into the wet sand and drags it in a long line, separating herself from the older boy. “You stay on that side and stop bothering me,”
With that order, she turns around sharply, wet hair whipping through the air, droplets smacking her in her own face, and marches in the opposite direction for the boy, looking about the sandy shore.
“What are you looking for?” Loretta makes a noise of alarm before scowling. The boy had appeared right before her eyes.
“I thought I told you to leave me alone?” The boy says nothing, waiting for an answer. She lets out a breath of frustration, but answers all the same. “My leather satchel. It can’t be far from here,”
She walks the shoreline, the boy continuing to follow, hoping from rock to rock. He really is fast. And annoying. Like a gnat that just won’t give.
“So how did you get here anyway?” he asks her. Buzz buzz buzzing like a gnat too. Can’t he just leave her alone?
“A shipwreck,” she states plainly.
“I don’t see any ship ‘round here,”
“Because it happened in the middle of the sea, that’s why. There was a bad storm. Now won’t you please leave me alone? I really need to find my bag,”
“You mean the one over there?” Across the shore there’s a tall rock, around its base is the arm band of her satchel, the bag itself fighting against the current of the shallow waves. Without a word she runs to it, leaving imprints of her feet in her wake, the sand gathering on the hem of her skirt. She pulls the satchel up and off the rock. Dropping to her knees, she opens it, digging through its contents. “What’s in this bag that’s so important anyway?”
“A spell book,” she says, lifting up a book with a finely detailed hard cover, eyes wide in excitement and awe. It may look worn from age and seawater, but the magic inside is just as crisp and powerful as if it were still new. “Let’s see if this is the island I seek,”She flips through the pages until seemingly finding a specific one, then places the book open on the sand, her stick from earlier lying crooked against the book's binding. The boy looks quizzically as he watches her over her shoulder. Again her arm plunges into the bag and she pulls out another item, this one a spinning wooden top. Whilst reading the open pages, she mumbles to herself, holding the top over the book. She stares down the item as if waiting for something to happen, but nothing does. “Curses! It isn’t working. I must be on the wrong island, if this even is one,”
“And what island might you be looking for?”
“A place with magic. To keep us young forever and conjure things one can only hope for in my land,” Loretta raises to her feet, looking round and defeated, not knowing what to do. “I don’t even know if he’s in this place with me. Gosh, I wish I could just have a map to find him!” almost in an instant, a drawn out parchment appears in the palm of her empty hand. She looks at it with wide eyes, taking it in both hands and feeling the paper to test its existence. On the piece is a mark of where she is, a large X, and a dotted trail connecting the two. “A map, exactly how I wished it. Wait…” she turns to the boy, “How did you appear in front of me so suddenly before,”
He simply shrugs. “Magic,” Loretta approaches him, looking him in the face.
“Tell me, what island is this?” he smiles at her, a mischievous smile.
“Why, this is Neverland, of course,” Loretta’s face widens with a grin, and she cheers, jumping in the air.
“We did it! We found it! Why didn’t you say something earlier! You enjoyed watching me act a fool, didn’t you?” her whole demeanor had changed. Before she held a posture of irritation towards the boy, but how she shared a fondness towards him. “Come, I still have to find Noah Reed,”
“You want me to come with you? Weren’t you just telling me to bug off before?”
“What, that? Oh, that wasn’t serious. Besides, you seem to know this island better than me. I could use your help. Now are you coming or not?” she flippantly asks, then runs towards the forests.
posted 14.Wed.Mar.2024
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
Hey, hey!
I don’t remember if this was canon or just fanon, but there was something about Mei and putting trackers on her friends? In the TMKATI-verse, this could be her way of dealing with her parents, to know where her family is. Some keep them on them for her sake.
But what if it those trackers also had cameras and could record sound?
And it recorded the moment Mr. Star Lord of Fire hit Li Jing with his car?
I am only saying this because it would make for Nezhas favorite video clip ever.
And him showing it to Canon!Nezha would be good too. He’d get a human world phone just to have this video with him, I think.
May or may not show it to the rest of the canon group – many reactions ensue, at least a few snickers to a cackle.
But imagine, later – Li Jing for some reason has arrived and has to tell the canon-gang something (can be anything, not important). The Eclipse twins are placed a in a hastily made nest from the scarves/capes and given a phone with a video playing as distraction, while the grown ups deal with that a-hole.
And he’s talking.
And talking.
And talking.
Man’s posturing more than saying the very important thing somebody high up in the Celestial Realm sent him to say. It’s very annoying. The 30 minute video the cubs were watching has ended already and they are now randomly jumping from video to video.
Until the algorithm manages something magical.
The next video they play, is the cucaracha car horn.
It is loud.
Loud that the gang instantly stiffen and desperately stone their expressions to not burst out a laugh.
Probably doesn’t help that the ‘huh’ sound Li Jing made was almost similar to the sound he made when hit with the car.
At least that got him to finish the message and leave.
Cackles ensue. The twins are confused but okay with the hugs baba is giving them.
Mei does in canon have trackers on the rest of the Monkie Kid gang as mentioned in "Noodles or Death", it's how they're able to find out where Pigsy and Tang are; apparently a camera is attached to Tang's glasses.
“I attached cameras to all of you guys a while back. Not so creepy now, is it?” ―Mei
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The canon series doesn't really expand upon it much afterwards beyond being an easy way for the crew to find out where Tang and Pigsy went.
[In the TMKATI-verse, this could be her way of dealing with her parents, to know where her family is. Some keep them on them for her sake.]
Oh thats sad af. I love it >:)
Baby Mei def had attachment issues - her dragon parents knew she was the new Ring of Samadhi, and they didn't want to "get too attached" (especially with a warning from Ao Guang about something big going down), and after the whole "batman-ing" happens...
Cue a baby dragon with separation anxiety who screams if she isn't in the presence of at least one of her caretakers. Like she'd start crying if someone went to the bathroom without her.
Mei got better as she got older, but she always had very bad anxiety regarding her family members even as an adult. She started to worry about the ways her adoptive family could be hurt and unable to contact her. An Incident where MK got himself into some hero-nonsense as a kid and couldn't answer his phone for many hours, Mei had a straight up panic attack, worried that her little brother had gotten hurt.
The trackers/cameras came in as a compromise to Mei clinging to MK 24/7 after the incident. It really helped to put her anxiety at ease and allow for her and MK do their own things as teenagers. As someone who grew up with anxiety, its kinda hard to learn to just "go do stuff" on your own.
Pigsy thinks the cameras/trackers are a bit creepy, but Macaque and Wukong are like; "How is it any different from us using our powers to keep tabs on you guys?" Pigsy in turn argues that the monkeys don't have a chance of catching him in the bathroom ("I use Gold Vision all the time during work to see if you're in the can or not."). Eventually the arguments peter off until the adults just agree to keep the trackers on their phones/personal effects.
MK in turn is very meticulous on keeping himself findable for Mei.
MK: *is being kidnapped by Villains of the Week* MK: "I wanna warn you guys, I swallowed an air tag." VOWs: *shared looks of confusion*
And ofc due to at least one family member at a time having a camera on them, especially during missions...
[And it recorded the moment Mr. Star Lord of Fire hit Li Jing with his car?]
Post referencing; Li Jing getting hit by SWK's Lawyer's car XD
You know the kids are watching that on loop, adding sound and video effects until it's like an old youtube poop. Nezha has the video saved in multiple dimensions for a laugh.
[The Eclipse twins are placed a in a hastily made nest from the scarves/capes and given a phone with a video playing as distraction, while the grown ups deal with that a-hole.]
Oh gosh the imagery of two pairs of little glowing eyes peaking out from a scarf/blanket nest is soo cute. Probably the default way the monkey parents know how to keep cubs occupied. X3
I love the idea of the Eclipse twins accidentally startling/embarassing a whole god with the sound of La Cucaracha. You know the Celestial Realm would never let Li Jing live it down, no matter the universe XD
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loving-elvis · 9 months
Ugh, I am so freakin' annoyed right now. Some idiot on TikTok was calling E a "groomer" as usual, and when I tried to point out how they were wrong, they were like "lol he took that trip to Vegas with [Cilla] when she was 16, gave her drugs and purposely wrote fake postcards to throw her parents off the trail so he could f*ck her and keep her all to himself. SHE WAS 16. You're as bad as him if you don't think that's grooming."
Is any of this true? I figured I'd come to you about this since you're the expert in this community. I don't understand how people can be so wrong and dumb at the same time. It's like they're proud to be misinformed.
Good evening, Anon!
I'm flattered that you think that about me, I'm certainly not an expert--I'm learning new things about this man every day 💖 But I will try to answer your question as best I can!
Like many stories surrounding Elvis that get stirred up in our social media age, it's only partly true. We just have to sort out the truth from the (frequently blown out) fiction. The 'grooming' story is only one of many that seem to surround him.
Yes, she did visit him when she was around 16/17, after insisting for a while and he did take her to Vegas. It's important to remember that in 1962 that Vegas was a refuge for him. According to Peter Guralnick, "It was, for Elvis, momentary respite from all the self-doubt, from all the questions lying in wait, lurking in the shadows, waiting to assault him."
So yes, she arrived in LA, and then he and the Mafia guys drove to Vegas. They would spend two weeks there, taking in shows, and he would take her shopping and getting her hair and makeup done. He introduced her to the drugs he would take to stay awake and then get to sleep. He refused to sleep with her, even though she kept insisting, until they were married. ("Elvis in Vegas" by Richard Zoglin, pg. 103)
It's important to remember that Elvis was human. Talented, amazingly beautiful, humble, and so charismatic that it's hard to believe that he existed at all. But he was also flawed, made mistakes, did stupid things. He wasn't perfect, and that's just one of many reasons why I love him so much, and why I adore him. And it's why what makes his accomplishments so remarkable 💖
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thislovintime · 2 years
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"I was booked in here [CBGB, on July 31, 1977] by a journalist friend of mine who’s helping me do a book on the Monkees trip, and after it’s over I’m gonna go back to California and teaching." - Peter Tork, Village Voice, August 8, 1977 (more about that gig here)
“As to my tell-all book, well, I don’t believe that’s going to happen. Never say never, of course, but I’ve thought about it off and on for years, and I never seem to sit down to the computer and start writing the thing. Meanwhile, I do make music, and that’s where my heart is. These days, it’s just about all about the blues.” - Peter Tork, Ask Peter Tork/The Daily Panic, 2008
Below the “read more” cut are some quotes from the unpublished interview transcripts for Peter’s potential autobiography, transcribed from the auction preview images. The interviews were conducted in circa 1975/1976, and listed on eBay some years ago. (I’ve taken the liberty of correcting spelling errors as I’ve spotted them; see words in square brackets. Although, a final editor’s note: can’t help wishing that the transcripts had been given to Peter/Peter’s family instead of being sold on eBay.)
“Davy had [smoked some marijuana] on Broadway, kind of, but he didn’t dig it. Micky had absolutely never had it [marijuana] before. […] [At] my house. We smoked, we had smoked something pretty good, I don’t remember what it was, and there was a Ray Charles record on, and Micky just stretched out flat on his face, and was gone, for the entire time the record was on. And then it was over, he got up, and just this look of amazement crossed his face. […] Michael did smoke, he may have smoked beforehand, just a little now and again, and for a while he was smoking it with us when we were smoking it in rehearsals and so on, and then he faded out of that. I don’t think it ever really attracted him too much. It meant too much. He didn’t like to really lay back that way, the way grass makes you lay back. 
[While living with Mike and Phyllis] I wrote a banjo tune called the Monkee Breakdown. It’s pretty good. […] You had to walk up a huge flight of stairs. His address was actually on the sidewalk, the Something Terrace, Stoneview Terrace, I don’t remember. Michael had a garage and you drove in and you had to drive up a windy little road for a short whole just to get to the garage and then you had to climb about 120 steps. I remember when I walked in after the pilot I arrived separately, arrived back home, as it was, Phyllis walked in from the show, stark naked, scared the shit out of both of us.
Q: Out of her, too?
PT: Well, we were both quite startled.
Q: Oh, it was just you and her.
PT: Mike hadn’t come in yet. I hope it’s not too embarrassing to her to say that. Maybe I should ask her, I think I can reach her.
Q: Got anything else?
PT: Nah.
Q: Do you remember in more detail what you did when he picked you up that day?
PT: No.
Q: Let me backtrack a minute. Where were you when Phyllis walked out of the shower.
PT: I had just opened the door, dropped my bags, moved a step and a half to my left and plunked myself down on the chair.
Q: And was this the living room?
PT: Yeah. And Phyllis came walking out of the bathroom and through the hall, and to the living room. Off the living room was the a door and then there was a hallway with the two bedrooms and the bathroom off of that. i heard her in the shower and I might have told her, but I didn’t happen to say anything at the time.
Q: Ok. How did you meet David Pearl?
PT: I don’t recall. He was just like a guy on the set, a Texas friend of Mike’s. 
Q: When you were living together were there any habits of his that annoyed you or vice versa[?].
PT: No. We were pretty circumspect. We kept out of each other’s way. We made it a point not to get involved with anything that would be destructive.
Q: But you didn’t have little fights over who would clean out the toilet that day and things like that?
PT: No.
Q: Were you uncomfortable living with a couple?
PT: No. I was circumspect as you know about that.
For Pete’s Sake was real handy. […] I was upstairs in my living room. You take a C7 chord and move it up 2 frets. And [what] happens is you have a D9. Cos the C7 chord leaves the high strings open. The high string is the one on the bottom. That is to say, the musical top string is the gravitational bottom string. So that string is an E, which is only a part of a regular C7 chord. But if you add it onto a D7 chord, that chord becomes a D0. And there was this note. This great big 9th note. And it seemed to hang in the air.
Love is understanding. That was what was on my mind at the time. I was into flower child lyrics. And it just seemed natural to rhyme. Love is understanding. Don’t you [know] that this is true. Love is understanding It’s in everything we do. Well, it sort of fell into place. It kind of sounds like doggerel now. 
Q: [You’re] flying to the East Coast. So tell me a little about that. How long it took, what you did there.
PT: Well, I had a strange feeling when I was in New York, on the East Coast. I had fully expected the thing would be picked up, and that I would hurry back. I don’t know why. I didn’t even expect it to have as much trouble as it did. Although, I guess that shows my ignorance. Anyway, I wandered around the old haunts, looked in at the old places, played a few sets here and there, I think, and told some friends that I’d had an opportunity to make a thing happen, that it might happen, and so on and so forth, and I hung out at the house.
Q: Do you remember anybody’s specific reaction to that?
PT: Everybody’s reaction was, ‘Oh, that’s very nice,’ ‘Yes, that’s quite nice,’ ‘Oh, that’s nice,’ ‘Well, good luck, I hope it turns out all right for you.’ It was a kind of lightheaded time. I would wander around and I was so sure. Like, I WAS SO SURE, when you say that, like in italics, that’s the kind of expression you use when it turns out wrong, and what I was actually thinking was, well, it just seemed like that natural thing to happen.”
* * *
In connection with Phyllis:
“The first time I met Peter was at the Troubadour where he performed, long before the auditions. I’ve always liked his warmth and honesty. And he’s always been very kind to me. Both Davy and Peter have lived with us and Peter was always very considerate, helping with the dishes and all.” - Phyllis Nesmith, Fave magazine, January 1968
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wastelandmoony · 2 years
Déjà Vécu: Chapter Nine
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Chapter Nine: Alright
Characters: Remus Lupin/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader (no use of y/n), James Potter, Petter Pettigrew
Warnings: Minors DNI, 18+ only!, angst, anxiety/overwhelming feelings, language, mentions of death and self harm, allusion to bad home life/families
Read on AO3
Companion Playlist
December 25th, 1971
Dear Remus,
Happy Christmas! I hope you’re having a good holiday so far, mines been alright at best. It’s been great to see my parents, I’ve missed them, but I can’t wait to get back to school. We’re having a Christmas party tomorrow, and I can’t wait to hide in my room and pretend I’m in the library at school (specifically that one spot by the far windows, the one with the extra comfy chairs, you know which one I’m talking about). Anyway, I miss everyone, I even miss Sirius’ annoying look that he gives whenever I poor my tea at breakfast (I still don’t think taking it without sugar is that weird?) Speaking of Sirius, my parents gave me a new record for Christmas. It’s T-Rex’s Electric Warrior, have you heard it? I’m bringing it back with me to school, Sirius is going to flip when he hears it. Please write back as soon as you can!
The week leading up to the full moon on the 31st was full of anxiety, exacerbated by the fact that she had yet to receive a response from Remus. The other three had written, wishing a Happy Christmas and talking about their various holiday activities, save for Sirius who completely omitted any mention of his family whatsoever. She responded to them all, asking the same question at the end: have you heard from Remus?
—I wrote to him the other day, haven’t heard back yet. He’s probably just busy with family, y’know?, James wrote in his barely legible handwriting, immediately following a long-winded description of the new broom he received for Christmas.
—Haven’t heard from him, sorry. Maybe he just forgot?, Peter added to the end of his letter, almost as an afterthought.
Sirius responded rather quickly, something she was surprised about due to how strict his mother seemed back at the train station; she assumed the woman would have been controlling over the owl post as well. 
I haven’t spoken to Lupin, I wrote him a few days ago though. I know you’re worried, you do that too much. Relax, I’m sure he’s fine. I hope your holiday is going well.
Can’t wait to be back at school.
Shesent another letter to Remus on the 31st, not able to stop thinking about his transformation that night, knowing that he was probably already reeling from the soreness in his muscles. 
I hope you’re okay. None of us have heard from you, and I’m worried. I hope this reaches you before tonight, but I doubt it will, and for that I’m sorry. Please remember, you’re wonderful and very loved. 
Be well, I’ll see you at King’s Cross this weekend.
January 2nd, 1972
The platform was packed just like during the start of term back in September, the vast crowd of families sending their students off for the semester was overwhelming, but this time around she wasn’t nervous…at least about going to school anyway. 
James and Peter were the first to arrive, escorted by Mrs. Potter after Pete’s mom was called away on an urgent matter for work. The two of them waited outside one of the train doors, Peter waving frantically as they noticed her come through the platform entrance. Her parents didn’t follow this time, something she reassured them that they didn’t have to do. They had walked her to Platform 9, hugged a tearful goodbye, and watched as she disappeared without looking back.
She embraced Peter first, face beginning to hurt from her smile being so wide. James was next, squeezing her a little too forcefully before letting go with a laugh. The three of them filled each other in on their holidays, and she quite enjoyed hearing all about the wizarding Christmas traditions. James was animatedly recounting a wild party game his family had played on New Years Eve when his face fell mid-sentence, eyes trained on something behind her. She turned to see Sirius standing on the platform just past the entrance, staring absentmindedly at the train.
“Black!” James called over, snapping the boy out of whatever daze he was in. When his gaze panned over to them, her heart fell. His eyes were dull, the consistent spark of mischief and joy extinguished. 
He slowly made his way over, and she noticed the ghost of a bruise on his cheekbone, the yellow hue contrasting with the dark circles under his eyes. 
“…Alright, mate?” James asked cautiously, while Peter shuffled nervously beside him.
Sirius nodded, seeming to reassure not just James, but also himself. 
“Yeah, m’alright. How ‘bout you lot?” He looked between their faces, and she watched his hard exterior reform as he straightened his spine. 
James continued his story from earlier, and she zoned out a little trying to scan the crowd for the last piece of the puzzle. 
Finally she saw a mousy head bobbing through the crowd of students and well-wishers. She removed herself completely from the rest of the conversation and ran toward Remus. His face brightened as he saw her barreling towards him, pulling her in tight as she grabbed onto his jumper. He buried his face in her hair instinctively, breathing in as she whispered into his chest, “You’re okay—“
“—I’m okay…” he murmured, pulling back after a few short moments, noticing her pained expression as she inspected every centimeter of his face. In his mind he mapped out the new scars, knowing they weren’t anywhere visible. He wasn’t ready to have her see them—to see the reality of it all.
“Where’ve you been? Why didn’t you write me…” the sadness in her voice broke his heart. 
“I’m sorry, I just…couldn’t…” he trailed off as James walked up. 
“Hiya!” He clapped Remus on the back, and his sharp intake of breath wasn’t lost on her, “We should try and find a compartment before it gets too full.” 
Remus shot her a reassuring glance before grabbing his trunk and walking onto the train with his friends. 
June 16th, 1972
Spring term was more hectic than the Fall. End of year exams were held at the end of May, all of which she passed with flying colors, same with Remus. Peter slipped by on average marks, while James and Sirius were barely allowed to complete their first year at Hogwarts, purely due to their lack of completing any schoolwork in lieu of wreaking havoc. The two had become even more inseparable after the Christmas holiday, Sirius latching onto James tightly and throwing all of his energy into galavanting around the castle causing mayhem with his chosen brother. She had stopped counting the detentions both of them had received, and after the 10th one, her and Remus ceased making bets about which one would be caught first because it had become too exhausting. 
Every full moon was a struggle, one that was never easier no matter how much she prepared. Each month she would walk with Remus down to the hospital wing, never letting go of his hand until the very last moment. Before they said goodbye, she would slip a chocolate into his pocket, along with a note. The week prior to each transformation, she would make it a point to find a poem about the beauty of the moon, attaching it to the chocolate in the hopes that maybe one day he would see not only the moon but in turn also himself, as something worthy of admiration and love. Afterwards she would join the rest of her friends at dinner, putting on a happy face and keeping up appearances. When she went to bed those nights, she cried in solitude, an act that made her strangely feel closer to Remus, who was also suffering alone somewhere. 
The following morning, she’d run down to the infirmary after dawn where Madam Pomfrey would greet her with a smile and an update on that month’s damage. She found that whenever Remus was particularly stressed, the transformations seemed to be worse, so May was rather devastating. The end of year exams weighed heavily on both of their shoulders, but Remus’ strain manifested in deep gouges across his back and legs. He didn’t wake up until past noon the following day. She watched as Madam Pomfrey changed his bandages while he slept, applying a healing salve to the gaping wounds stretching across his ribs. He had never shown her his scars, she’d only ever seen the small ones on his hands. These were something else; these were gruesome tears through the muscle down to the bone. She never told him that she’d seen them. When he would wake the mornings after a transformation, she noticed that he would always pull the blankets up higher on his torso immediately, an instinctual habit of hiding the evidence. Patience was key with Remus, and she would never ask too much or push him to speak about anything having to do with his affliction; when he was ready to open up, he’d do so. All she knew was that they were now in this together. 
During breakfast on the morning they were set to depart Hogwarts to go home for the summer, Sirius had reverted back to the scared little boy she saw at Christmas. He didn’t eat that morning, and avoided contributing to most of the conversation. Collectively, they knew why, they had all seen his mother Walburga that day on the platform, what they didn’t know was the extent to which the abuse reached.
James tried to keep the day light and fun as usual, always the optimist. The only time he faltered slightly was when he saw Lily depart the Great Hall for the train, and his face fell as she passed by without a word. He had tried all year to get her to speak to him, something that seemed almost impossible at this point, a feat that was made more difficult by the fact that she was almost always seen around Severus. The greasy haired Slytherin was in a perpetual war with James and Sirius; their fights being the cause of almost half of the latter boy’s detentions throughout the year. 
As they boarded the train to leave, she stood on the platform and took one last look at Hogwarts, something to remember for the next two months—something beautiful. Storm clouds were rolling in across the lake, an early summer rain that would paint the Forbidden Forest a darker green, the smell of the damp woods permeating over the grounds as the rumbling thunder would echo off of the stone turrets. The thought of missing it caused a lump to form in her throat.
The boys found a compartment, and they all piled in and stowed their bags. James and Sirius got to work planning their opening prank for the following school year, once again setting their sights on the Slytherins.
“—it’s got to be bigger! We’re not first years anymore, it’s time to think more mature,” Sirius gestured while pouring over a notebook filled with scribbles and diagrams of what she could only imagine was pure trouble. 
“I find it a little concerning that you two are still planning on putting all of your energy into pranks and not schoolwork,” she deadpanned without looking up from her sketchbook, “even after the both of you barely passed first year exams.”
Sirius scoffed, “Listen little bee, our talents lie outside of the confines of the classroom. Why shouldn’t we practice them as much as possible?”
She cocked an eyebrow at him, to which he smirked. 
She dozed off midway through the journey, head leaning on Remus’ shoulder and feet in Peter’s lap, too full of sweets and the happiness of being surrounded by her favorite people to fight off sleep. When the train arrived at King’s Cross, James, Sirius and Peter whispered their goodbyes to Remus, who was trying his best to not startle her awake. Once the three boys left the compartment, Remus squeezed her hand a few times as she stirred, opening her eyes to discover everyone else had gone.
“Oh god, I fell asleep! I didn’t get to say goodbye!” Her eyes were wide as she got up to look out the window. James and Peter were on the opposite end of the platform laughing together while their mother’s talked animatedly about something. Sirius was nowhere to be seen. She scanned the crowd of students and families, searching for any glimpse of him. 
“All of them said goodbye, if it’s any consolation,” Remus said, pulling her attention away from the window. 
She looked back at him sadly, picking up a bag and swinging it over her shoulder. 
“I dunno how I’ll survive the summer without you…” she murmured as they stepped onto the platform.
Remus scanned the crowd, locking eyes with his father towards the back of the station. 
He swallowed dryly, turning his attention back to her, “Me either, but I’ll write you as much as I can, and before you know it…we’ll be right back here, dealing with James’ incessant whinging about Lily, and Sirius’ unrelenting assault on the entire Slytherin House.”
The images of her friends floated through her mind: the way James’ hair always looked like he stepped out of a wind tunnel; how Peter always asked for her opinion on something first before the others; play-fighting with Sirius at the table in the Great Hall; and Remus—her other half. 
“—Remus, are you going to be okay?” She said abruptly, concern and sadness written in her eyes as they searched his. 
He swallowed and glanced back at his parents, “…Yeah. I’ll be alright.”
She launched herself into his arms, hugging him tightly. Remus stiffened, knowing that his parents were watching right behind them. Coincidentally, those were the two her eyes were trained on as she stared over his shoulder, tightening her arms as she watched his father clench his jaw at the sight, his mother quietly resigned to studying the ground beneath her feet. 
Remus pulled away first, something he only seemed to do when his parents were around. He’d never spoken at length about his family, nor did she ever ask; she’d already seen their disdain for their son, there was nothing that could change her feelings towards them. 
“Do not forget to write me, Remus Lupin!” She swatted him playfully in the arm before he walked away. He smiled sheepishly as he gave one last look back at her, trying to memorize every detail of her face.
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3mcwriting · 1 year
An Asgardian Date
Or, in other words, you get snatched by Loki and end up dragging him around Asgard while he tries to hide his blushing.
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This was actually meant to be a non-canon oneshot sort of thing connected to Any Fan's Dream, but if you haven't read it, you can still read this it might just be a little confusing at the beginning.
After the first two times getting taken by Loki(also that time he broke into your apartment), you really shouldn’t have been surprised when he kidnapped you on your way to Avengers Tower(again).
It had been a normal day- well, as normal as a day living in the MCU could be. 
You had struggled to get your eyes open in the morning, but when you remembered that it was one of the days you interned with Tony, you just about flew out of bed to get ready. You did your usual morning routine, ate the breakfast “your” dad set out for you in the morning(even though “your” mother insisted you were old enough to make your own meals), and went on your way to Avengers Tower. 
You had taken the bus, arriving at the bus-stop you always did(the one Peter had to remind you of because you were completely lost wandering around MCU New York), and exited only about a block away from the Tower. 
Honestly, you would’ve thought you’d be safe from kidnappers being so close to the Tower, but fate decided to remind you that you were wrong. 
A hand grabbed your shoulder, and while your mind belatedly remembered the training Natasha and Steve had been drilling into you, the person was too fast, and with another blink, you were somewhere else. 
Your entire body tensed the moment that person touched you, and the moment your eyes opened again, you were almost blinded. You blinked rapidly, then squinted at the new surroundings. Once your mind latched onto the fact that you recognized the place, you relaxed, knowing exactly who had kidnapped you. 
You took a couple minutes to marvel at the golden palaces that were so abundant on this planet, the sun rays bouncing of the glinting edges and leaving it in an ethereal light.
Once you got a rein on your awe, you sighed. “Really, Loki? You couldn’t have asked before kidnapping me? Now, Mr. Stank is gonna get all worried again.”
Loki’s eyes twinkled with something akin to amusement. “What a peculiar thing to worry about. After all, you just said that you were kidnapped. Should you not be panicking and trying to find a way to get out of this predicament?” 
“Oh noooo,” you lamented flatly, “I’ve been kidnapped...again! Whatever will I do?”
Loki could’ve laughed at how little you seemed to give a shit about being kidnapped, but he restrained himself. 
“I really shouldn’t be surprised anymore,” you looked at Loki, “Is there a reason you snatched me? Or were you just bored?”
”So the mortal is not entirely dense,” Loki remarked, “How refreshing.”
”Aww, thanks.” You placed a hand on your chest, feigning being flattered. “You really are too kind, you know that?”
“Oh, trust me, I know.” Loki’s shit-eating grin made you roll your eyes, but you couldn’t deny that it was attractive.
You looked around. “So, why am I here?”
“I was lounging in my chambers, thinking of all the ways I make our universe better, and it struck me: why don’t I give a lowly mortal an experience far magnificent than anything they’ve ever had?” Loki’s voice was lofty, tone as if he had bestowed upon you the very highest honor. “There is no pastime in any universe greater than the pleasure of my company.”
You grinned cheekily. “Aw, so you missed me?”
”As if!” Loki wrinkled his nose. “How could I—a prince and a god—miss an annoying human such as yourself?”
You hummed. “I don’t know, your blush says otherwise.”
He sputtered. “I will have you know that this is a flush of disgust.”
”It is!”
His indignant huff made you laugh, and you patted his shoulder. “Whatever you say, hotstuff.”
“I do not know why I bother reasoning with a mortal.”
”Yeah, yeah.” Your eyes lit up as you spotted something in the distance. “Ooh- come on, hotstuff!”
You grasped Loki’s arm, pulling him with you as you ran. 
”Of all the destinations,” Loki looked at the dome in front of him with distaste, “why would you choose this one?”
”I’ve always wanted to me-“ you stopped before you could reveal that you knew something you shouldn’t, knowing that Loki was already suspicious of you. “Look at it! Why wouldn’t I want to be here?”
You thought that was a pretty good excuse, but Loki didn’t seem convinced. Of course, he always seemed suspicious of you, so you supposed that wasn’t exactly noteworthy.
Before he could say anything else, you entered it, practically bouncing as you saw who was inside.
You winced at your own voice. 
The man in gilded armor turned around, golden eyes settling on you. “Hello.”
”I’m (y/n), I’m a huge fan!” Realizing what you had said, you hurriedly added on: “I mean, Thor always talks about you! You’re like his best friend! And he made you sound really cool.” 
You had always been of the opinion that Heimdall was insanely underrated. Like, c’mon, he’s so cool in all the movies he’s in.
He regarded you. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss (y/n).”
“Trust me, the pleasure is all mine!” Part of your brain was screaming at the other part that you were acting crazy, but the bigger part of your brain didn’t give a single fuck. 
A hand grabbed your arm. “Well, I see you’ve exchanged pleasantries, now we should depart.” 
Loki began to drag you away, and you only waved at Heimdall with starstruck eyes.
”What was that for? I barely got a chance to say hi.”
Loki grumbled. “I do not see why it matters. He is of no consequence.”
”’Of no consequence’? What do you mean?! He’s Heimdall! He’s awesome!”
”I do not see what is so ‘awesome’ about him-“ Loki rolled his eyes “-he is simply a servant of the throne.”
”Ooh, is Thor here? I haven’t seen him in a while. Maybe he can join us.”
”Him?” This time, the sourness in his voice was impossible to miss. “He wouldn’t know the first place to show you, that oaf.”
“Yeah, whatever, you’re just jealous.” You had said that offhandedly, but with how Loki turned away to hide his flush(which wasn’t entirely successful as you caught a glimpse of the pretty red tint to his skin), you realized that you had hit the hail on the head. You hadn’t meant to make him jealous(truthfully, you hadn’t known you had the power to make him jealous, but whatever). “Come on, hotstuff. Show me around.”
”Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have Heimdall show you around, after all, he is ‘awesome’.”
You threw an arm around his shoulder. “C’mon, don’t be salty. You’re awesome too.”
”I am not simply awesome, I am better than Heimdall.” Shrugging out from under your arm, Loki looked at you. 
And while you were a big Heimdall fan, you were an even bigger Loki fan so you agreed. “Yup, now let’s go, hotstuff.”
Momentarily stunned by your admittance, Loki didn’t budge. But as you stepped forward, his hand snaked out and caught yours, pulling you closer. “You agree that I am better?”
You were inches apart, and you could see every fleck in his green eyes. “I think that’s what I just said.”
”Such sass.”
You hummed. “As if you aren’t just as sassy.”
”Perhaps,” Loki looked at you, so close to him, the space between you only getting smaller. He didn’t understand, what was it about you that intrigued him? What about you made his face warm, his pulse quicken? Was it your mirthful eyes? Your humorous voice? Your lips that were shaped into that crooked grin? His eyes latched onto that grin, those lips, and he was struck with the uncontrollable urge to touch them. He raised his hand to brush a thumb gently across your lips, marveling at the feel. 
You were still, frozen in disbelief at the situation, but the moment he touched you, it set something off in you. You pulled his hand away softly, and with a force that was the opposite of how gently you held his hand, you surged forward to press your lips to his.
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evansbby · 1 year
Ok bestie i’ll make it as detailed as possible, hope it doesn’t bore you!!
The dream starts as just another day for omega. She wakes up, gets tortured by steve, bucky and sam(steve hasn’t made his move yet). And ransom sort of watching it happen while stinky andy makes jokes next to him🤢 and ransom moves seats next to thor. And he sees thor looking at omega, ransom says “she’s easy on the eyes, don’t you think? Or are you too pussy-whipped for nat to tell me the truth?” then thor says, “thought you were happy and marked up?” ransom says “a mark doesn’t stop me from taking what i want. and stop this good guy act, it’s almost as annoying as sitting next to barber.” Then the professor arrives, and thor sneaks a few glances at omega and of course ransom notices but keeps his eye on the professor. After the class is over, omega hurries out of the classroom and steve sort of stays back smelling the seats which ransom sees and snorts. Omega goes to the library and starts looking for a specific book to study. She wanders around and as she walks by, we see ransom smirking in the gap between the books of the bookshelf behind the one omega’s walking around in. And just when omega turns a corner she bumps into him, she apologizes like ALOT but he just holds his head high and looks down at her smirking. He says her name and she’s sort of shocked and says “y-you know m-my name..” long story short they had a LONG convo and he ends up eating her out and pinning her to a bookshelf row in the corner. While he’s doing that, his girlfriend comes to the library and calls out his name, looking for him. Omega tries to push him away, but he won’t budge, he just sucks harder which makes her scream. his girlfriend hears and says “does someone need help??” Omega glances down at ransom to find him already looking at her, omega comes and then he puts her back on her feet and kisses her roughly. He mockingly says “and i thought you were a good girl.” He walks back to his girlfriend and she says “there you are! i think someone needs help!” “i’m sure they’re fine.” 
and omega just processes what just happened and decides to go to a cafe near campus and orders a coffee, as she makes her way out of the cafe, she spills the coffee on someone’s shirt, “i’m soo sorry!” “No worries, it’s just a shirt.” Omega looks up to find a kind smile, golden hair and blue eyes. “I think i’ve seen you in my politics class, you’re …” (it all went quiet in my dream somehow)
“Yea i-i am, y-you’re name is thor.” he laughs, “i know.” Natasha comes walking from behind him and says “babe, what happened to your shirt?” Omega says, “i-it was my fault.” nat says “don’t sweat it, he somehow ALWAYS gets stains on his shirts anyway.” 
“I-i can clean it for you?” Then thor says “so you want me to take my shirt off?” “N-no i-i i didn’t mean it like that-“ “babe you’re torturing the poor girl, it’s ok sweetie he’s just joking around.” Then thor says “i haven’t really been paying attention in politics and i’m failing so i was wondering if you could tutor me?” (Um poyt steve DUPE)
“s-sure.” “Here’s my number, text me when you’re free to tutor me.” And then he gives her his number and walks into the coffee shop with nat. 
Omega walks back to her dorm and calls peter because well she feels bad for cheating and wanted to tell him the truth and she tells him everything and it was actually a mutual breakup and they went back to being friends. She goes to thor’s contact and contemplates whether or not she should text him, she writes a bunch of different texts but overthinks and instead settles for “hello, this is ….. i’m free to tutor you tomorrow, if you’d like.” She sends it and realizes she’s blushing but then she remembers ransom and how he just left her not knowing if it was a one time thing or not and she just assumes it is. Then she picks a large stuffed rabbit and takes her clothes off and starts grinding on it but she looks down at it’s face and moves it down. And she moans ransom’s name. And then she starts tearing up thinking about what she’s done, what a horrible person she is. And she cries herself to sleep. And the next day while walking to class she gets pulled into the janitor’s cleaning closet and she tries to scream but someone’s hand is covering her mouth and she looks up and sees ransom shushing her AND THEN MY ALARM WENT OFF AND I WISH I KNEW THE ENDING
It made me sort of ship thor x omega bc he’d treat her soooo much better than bucky or peter or steve. thormega you will never be forgotten by me.
BESTIE IM SO SORRY ITS SO LONG AND I DONt think it’s all that interesting or spicy it’s just all over the place but IM PRAYING I KNOW THE END OF THIS DREAM
OMFG bestie what a detailed dream!!!!
So omega hooked up with Ransom, broke up with Peter and flirted with Thor all in the same day?!?! OMFG STEVE IS QUAKING IN HIS BOOTS! As he sniffs her seat bc why is Steve not making a move on her???
Also how’s she gonna flirt with Thor while Nat is right there 😭😭😭 the omega in your dream is kinda ballsy! Also why is everyone in a relationship and cheating SJSJSJJSKS SPICY
I kinda ship your dream!omega with your dream!Ransom 🫣🫣🫣 it’s just so hot how he ate her out in the LIBRARY of all places and made her scream when his girlfriend was right there??? Like??? AHHHH (Canonically, poyt!Ransom does have a girlfriend! I’ve mentioned it in on of the drabbles which I haven’t posted yet! Marta is his omega girlfriend sjsjsjjsks)
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
highlights from peter's commentary on monkees mind their manor:
immediatly he points out how davy and him actually did work on that little musical bit together
"micky and mike decided to just say they didn't like it because mike is a contrary son of a bitch" -> love that peter doesn't say micky is a problem here 😂
peter says he took a lot of the best bits from leftover scripts from season one and doctored them for this episode
peter's pointed this out a couple times, but he reiterates that any of the improv they did actually occurred when they were doing rehearsals. if the improv worked they would then change the script, but they very rarely/never improvised while they were filming
"mick did that on his own, but i get credit for it all the same :)" -> said when micky launches himself out of the sarcophagus onto jack williams
peter talks about the irony of him directing jack good who would go on to produce them in 33 1/3 revolutions per monkee
"that's mike being sarcastic 🙄" -> said when they arrive at the manor and they leave their sarcophagi and mike starts stretching. peter says mike was so annoyed that he was directing and he couldn't get mike to listen/participate at all 🥶
"oh mike is looking at contracts again 🙄"
peter thought myra de groot (mary) did an amazing job. apparently like 12 people auditioned for her role but none of them had what they were looking for until myra showed up. he says she was really the only person who could have done it
in hindsight he thought the pacing of his episode was really slow 😢
peter doesn't remember recording star collector 😂
"one of the greatest freaks of all time i believe" -> referring to micky and his moog. he’s comparing it to the synth in star collector which he says is too formulaic-> "when micky trips he can really trip".
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 029 The Ghost That Haunted Octopus (ASM 157-159, Ann 10)
In this batch, Peter, Doc Ock and May eat KFC together, Hammerhead's back in more ways than one, people throw trashcans at each other and
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Ock has such peak schoolgirl behavior.
Remember what happened last time? Doc Ock's back in spite of an entire nuclear exploding with him on it. Can't wait to hear Marvel's explanation for that one, especially since I don't see him as a particularly interesting villain.
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Just like last batch, this one begins with a tilted picture of Spidey against a carefully drawn backdrop. Ross Andru, I love you.
So Spidey wants to salvage the Spider-Mobile, and I'm elated. I didn't expect us to come back to it, but it's nice to see continuity. Sadly for me though, our hero can't find it aside from a small part. (There's also the question of how he'd get it out of the water, but all in good time!)
Ross Andru's art really improved, and it was great from the very beginning!
Meanwhile, if you're interested in the rest of the cast...
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I'm grinning ear to ear. So Harry follows a therapy, that's good! He doesn't remember finding his father's equipement... and I have to assume, his showdown with Peter too. But "the weeks after" Norman's death certainly stretches it, doesn't it? Oh well. Handy way to stay vague. More importantly, something's going between Liz and Harry. Gee, I'm sure everything will go fine and no drama will happen in the next 50 years.
What am I saying? Let's just enjoy the present time.
And Otto's certainly enjoying his time, showering at May's and putting on that hideous suit of his. Just in time for Peter to arrive with a bucket full of crispy chicken he can't wait to share with his favorite (and only?) aunt.
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He's less than enthused. Octavius's schoolgirl posture just compliments his fatigue.
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The explanation is bonkers and yet oddly makes sense. It still made me laugh. So the reactor didn't explose right when Hammerhead dove into it, giving the time to Ock to find a protected hatch and secure himself in his indestructible mechanical arms.
Silly, but logical enough. Then the island actually exploded when Hammerhead unstuck himself from the reactor.
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Suddenly, Hammerhead's ghost barges in and May does what she does best: she faints. Ock's quite annoyed and leaves with May, just as Peter gives us a nice backshot.
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I have priorities, folks. I'm awake since 2 am, and it's almost 5. You can't be angry at me. I'll objectify my men however I can.
He puts on his Spidey suit and follows Ock, accidentally barging in a random lady's apartment. She has a ferocious dog though and she immediately orders him to attack Peter.
He escapes, then Ock gets into a chopper, Spidey webs himself to it, but Ock notices and slashes his web. The issue closes with our hero falling on a desert landscape! Oh no, will he survive?!
#158 starts with Spidey webbing up a glider. Why not! He still loses track of Ock and Aunt May. The next day...
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MJ does have a nice outfit. I was afraid that MJ would be wary of Glory for trying to steal her man, but it seems like they're going to become friends instead and I'm totally here for it!
I'm also very much here for the objectification of one Peter Parker. It's giving Ripley on the Nostromo. And hey, they pass the Bechdel test!
At the Daily Bugle, we learn that a competitor has been hiring the Bugle's members. Robbie's afraid that they'd already contacted Peter.
They did not.
Still, with Betty being in Paris with Ned (I miss them already!), Jameson hired a new secretary, and we see a funny scene where she's trying her very best, which obviously doesn't cut it.
More importantly, Peter learns May is at the Brookhaven Labs and goes there as Spidey.
Long story short, Ock thinks he's about to disintegrate Hammerhead's ghost... but instead, the man's back in the flesh! Incredible, two villains I don't care much about. Ock at least has the ridiculous May plotline, but what does Hammerhead have?
In #159, the three enemies knock each other down at the same time, the henchmen in yellow confess they've been working to resurrect their boss Hammerhead this entire time, and Hammerhead escapes with May. Spidey and Ock vow to save her together.
I do appreciate that Spidey and Ock are allies for a chunk of this batch, but dear Lord, there really isn't enough civilian stuff for my taste. Thankfully, we get a bit right now.
Somewhere, people have saved the Spider-Mobile from annihilation... but it seems to be booby-trapped.
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At the Bugle, Jameson's second new secretary is having just as hard a time as her predecessor. She quickly decides to value her life and quits.
Spidey and Ock find Hammerhead in his spinning circular office (I know we've seen it before, but I don't remember where and I'm too uninterested to search for it, isn't it a Mysterio issue?), Hammerhead escapes in a chopper and Ock throws trashcans at it until it explodes.
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Pretty explosion at least!
Don't worry, May's fine.
What a mess of issues. Check the fluff, skip the chuffs.
In the readers' letters, Larry Twiss mentions Tomb of Dracula from several months earlier and my interest is piqued. Can't wait to reach that! He also mentions the first Superman/Spider-Man crossover and man, I have to read it!
Now, onto Annual 10!
So the main plot of the issue is not particularly interesting: Spidey stops a criminal, but he gets away and becomes the Fly thanks to a scientist Jameson bribes. The real plot, however, is that the Globe has been getting more popular than the Bugle recently, and I wonder if Peter's going to work there for a bit...
The Fly kills the scientist and kidnaps Jameson. If Spider-Man wants to save JJ, he's going to have to fight the Fly!
Sadly, Jameson created enemies for Spidey (when he isn't one himself) is just not a plot I care much about.
The Fly gets taken care of, and Peter stays at the Bugle.
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Ooooooh, we're finally getting to the second magazine!
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lakecountylibrary · 2 years
Book Review: The Winners by Fredrik Backman
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I'm starting on this recommendation while I still have 164 pages left to read. It's a LONG book.
I'm gonna admit shaking my head when it first arrived on the library holds shelf. How was I going to finish a book that is 670 pages and in the 2 week checkout out time? I mean, I have a job and a family! What was Backman trying to do to us!?
Remembering the triumph that was Beartown and the follow-up Us Against You, I knew this was likely to be worth the undertaking. So far, I'm correct...and hooked.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to get annoyed at the family this evening when they try to talk to me while I am tracking the lives of the Beartown and Hed communities.
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I've officially finished The Winners and it won everything--my thoughts, my heart, my praise.
Heavy subjects, such as rape, corruption, misogyny, bullying, gun control, homophobia and socio-economic prejudice, are tackled with unyielding care. Each of these topics are so intricately woven into the setting and characters that it flows in and out of their daily lives with normalcy, some just as an afterthought.
It's not all doom and danger though; Beartown and Hed are full of laughter, of real moments of joy too. The heartfelt relationships are what really make this novel stand out. The complex ability to rise up and the hope to rebound are explored from the very first pages of the novel. Maya, Benji, Johnny, Mumble, Tess, Hannah, Ramona, Ana, Kira, Peter, Amat—in some inexplicable way, the reader can connect to each of them.
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Backman is some sort of evil genius when it comes to foreshadowing. The opening of the novel doesn't offer much to how the story will end but the ball starts unraveling as each chapter passes. By the end, the storm at the opening of the book will have seemed to be years in the past.
Backman reveals just enough that you think you know what is going to happen, you think you can prepare yourself--you can't. Your initial reaction and expectations will likely be true but what unravels will still be a hard punch to the gut.
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Laughter was had during the reading of The Winners, as were tears shed. Backman has a way to make the reader care about every character, about the forest and the ice.
In the acknowledgements, Fredrik Backman thanks the readers and states that he gave this saga, “everything I had” and hopes that “it gave you something.” It certainly did Mr Backman, thank you for a tremendous novel.
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See more of Beth's recs
Check out the trilogy
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rosesvioletshardy · 3 years
gullible from the start - t.j.
so this is for @sorryjustafangirl for the winter fic exchange that was held by @antoineroussel
i'm sorry this took so long to post, i tried to make sure that it would be something i'd receive and that it wasn't too terrible and what you had requested for
**sorry if there's any spelling mistakes, i've been sick and really congested the last couple of days while editing
tyson jost masterlist
warnings: lying, angst, fluff (idk what else, if i miss something please tell me)
# of words: 4,597
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August 2019
Tyson wanted to prove to his team and to everyone that he was able to get a date to Colorado's annual Mile High Dreams Gala and would stop bickering about being single all the time. Every year since he’s been on the team, he’s always taken one of his friends and if they were honest, they were somewhat sick of it already.
“Tyson, you’re one of my oldest friends and you’re like a brother to me. But for the love of god please take someone else because I can’t keep calling out work and using my vacation days for this.” Peter said as he sat across his friend
“Please? This is the last time I’ll ask you to do something for me.” Tyson begged with pleading eyes, showing that he was desperate and that he only had a few months to find someone
“No.” Peter told him as tyson slid down his seat and sighed before peter got an idea after looking at his desperate friend
“Alright listen. There’s this girl I like that I've been talking to and she told me that because she is back living with her parents, it means that she has to live under their rules.”
“What does this have to do with me?” tyson asked, already annoyed as he took a sip from his water
“It’s a whole 10 things situation. She’s not allowed to date unless her sister dates if they’re under their parent's roof. The problem is, her sister, Y/N, went through a bad breakup a few months ago and swore she wouldn’t date anyone ever again. This person did a real number on her, but with you…”
“You want me to date her so you can date her sister?” tyson suggested
“Please? I’ll even get you tickets to the next Drake concert, and I’ll get you those really nice golf clubs you’ve had your eye on for a while”
“You do realize I can get those on my own right?” Tyson asked him as Peter gave him a “I'm only doing this once and won’t give you another offer so just take it already”
“Yes!” Peter celebrated as his friend across from him and shook his head laughing
Over the next week after arriving back in Denver from a game road trip, Peter had sent the details about you to Tyson. Your sister had gotten details about Tyson from Peter, and she thought he’d be amazing for you. She understood that you were still trying to recover from your last relationship and wanted to take your time before jumping into another one, but she felt that it was time. You on the other hand wanted to take time to focus on yourself. You were done moping about the breakup and now only wanted to focus on your education and your future. Claire figured out how she was going to introduce you to Tyson. She figured that since he enjoyed going to the restaurant you worked at that’s where the two of you could meet after your shift.
“Clarie! I’m headed off to work” you yelled as you found her in the kitchen
“Y/N! Before you go, remember how when mom and dad said that since you’ve moved back how I wasn’t allowed to date unless you were? Well, I’ve been talking to this guy I met since the trip I took to Vancouver back during spring break and we’ve been talking ever since.” she started
“Please get to the point” you told her looking at the time
“He has this friend that I think would be good for you and he’s not like the other guys you’ve gone out with”
“So, you want me to go out with him so you can go out with the Canadian boy?” you questioned
“Funny joke they’re actually both Canadian” Claire started
“But yes. Listen he’s a great guy and he’s funny too” she finished
“What are his details and everything about him and I'll think about it. Just run me the basics before i leave” you said looking at the time again
“Okay, so his job. He’s a professional athlete, the NHL specifically. He plays for the Colorado Avalanche-”
“So, he’s local?” you asked
“Sort of, only during the season but holidays and the summer sometimes he’s back in Canada. Anyways.” she stated before continuing
“Him and Peter played in juniors together, and he’s currently 23. I think that’s it” she finished
“Send me his socials and I’ll check him out on my break, but for now I need to leave”
October 2019
It’s been nearly two months since Claire had told you about Tyson and neither you nor Tyson had seen each other. He hadn’t been to the restaurant in a while due to being busy with the season’s new schedule and training camp, but he wanted to meet you soon.
Tyson had wanted to meet you in person before messaging you but couldn’t find the courage or the time to do so. It wasn’t until he went out with the guys to celebrate the first win of the season that he decided to muster up the courage and go with it. Taking a deep breath and sigh, he pulled out his phone and went to your profile.
“Hey, it's Tyson. Of course, you know that my name is on here. I just wanted to say that Claire gave me your handle and I wanted to know the next time you’re free so we can possibly hang out?”
He stared at the message for a bit wondering if that’s really what he should say to a girl he wants to ask out with his thumb hovering over the send button before pressing it as he tried to delete the message and start over
“Fuck!” he yelled out, hoping no one heard him but luckily to his surprise the sent was changed to a seen as you began to type out your message giggling at the way he introduced himself before responding back
“Hi Tyson, don’t worry about that, it's okay. And I’m free Thursday to Saturday”
“That’s good. I wanted to invite you to the first game on Saturday and then maybe afterwards we can meet up to hang out / grab something to eat?” This made Tyson even more nervous of what your response would be and if you would want to do it.
“Yeah, I’d like that.
“That’s great!”
“I’ll leave some tickets in your name at the ticket booth and afterwards I'll meet up with you at the entrance for players. Just look for a guy named Terry where you enter and leave to go to your seat and he’ll take you, then we can go!” he messaged back, hoping he wasn’t too forward with himself or making himself look weird
“Yeah, that’s completely fine! I can’t wait to meet you!”
“Same here!” was the last thing he sent before telling you he the guys wanted to continue celebrating
A week had passed, and you were nervous about meeting Tyson. You heard great things about him and saw the way he was around his friends and family, but something just felt off about the situation, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. Ignoring it and taking one last look in the mirror and taking a deep breath, you knew that you couldn’t back out of the situation that was about to happen.
The drive to the arena was quiet except for the small giggles that would often come out of your mouth from the things you and Tyson were texting each other. Instead of continually messaging each other on instagram you’d decided just to trade numbers instead. After being dropped off and entering the Ball Arena, you decided to just wait in your seat until the game started. You didn’t want to go down to the glass where warmups were since you wanted the meeting to be a surprise, but something did catch your eye: the way Tyson was interacting with all the kids. At one point he decided to play rock, paper, scissors with a boy no older than nine and you could tell that he was trying to lose purposely so the kid could be happy where he later tossed them one of the pucks and smiled before skating away off the ice after it was over.
As you watched on, you thought to yourself “this is really it. I’m about to meet the person i’ve been talking to for a week in person now” before your mind felt like it was about to explode
“Okay, just take deep breaths. He’s just a normal person and you seem fond of him” you whispered to yourself the teams made their way onto the ice as their names were being called
After those 65 minutes and the shootout was over as Tyson got the winning goal, you knew that he wouldn’t be out right away and decided to wait for a bit before going to where Terry was. Throughout the game, your eyes were only paying attention to Tyson and the way he was playing and how he skated from one end of the ice to the other end. As he was giving his interview after being named the first star of the night, you admired the way he was thanking the fans and the way he talked about the team and how they played the game.
As he went back, you felt that it was time to get up and leave. You saw a man who was thanking everyone for coming to the game and as you noticed his name tag.
“Excuse me? Are you Terry? I was told by Tyson that you’d be taking me to meet him. My name is Y/N L/N, and I was told he would talk to you?” you asked him
“Yes of course! Follow me!” he told you, giving you a big smile.
The way to where the locker rooms were didn’t take as long due him being an employee and knowing all the entrances and exits. Fans were everywhere as you walked back as they all left with smiles on their faces before Terry opened the door for you.
“This is where I leave you. The team should be done within the next 5 maybe 10 minutes. But other than that, I hope you enjoyed the game and have a good night.” he said before he left
“You too!” you had said as the doors opened and the players started to walk out. It was a moment before Tyson walked out and noticed you immediately. Walking over, a smile on both of your faces he dropped his stuff to talk to you
“Wow. It's um, really nice to meet you. Peter and Claire have told me a lot about you and I’m just glad we’re finally meeting” he said smiling
“Me too. And yeah, Claire has told me a lot about you too!” you said the two of you began walking towards his car
Tyson was different from the people you’ve gone out with. He listened to you talk as the two of you went to a nearby diner to eat. He told you about his family and some memories that he made with them over the summer before returning back to Colorado. You loved the way he talked about his family and how much he owed it to his mom for supporting him and getting him to where he was now, and you’ve never seen someone talk about their family like that before. He felt like he could be different from the others, but you didn’t want to fall for him too quickly.
“Listen Tyson, you’re a great guy. You’re funny, you’re cute, you’re an amazing athlete-” you started before Tyson cut you off
“But you’re scared to get into another relationship this quickly?” he finished as you nodded
“It’s okay. We can take as much time as you need, if that’s what you want” he said as you nodded
“I did have great time with you i’m not going to lie.” he added as you took a sip of your drink
“Thanks. I had a great time with you. Do you want to hang out another time? It’s fine if you don’t.” you asked him as you felt your cheeks heat up
“Ye-yeah. I do” he stuttered through and then smiled making you smile
The night then continued on as you and Tyson continued to exchange stories and make each other laugh until you two were the last one in the restaurant before he dropped you off at your parents' house.
As you got ready for bed, your phone went off signaling that you’ve gotten a text.
“I had a really fun night, and I'm not just talking about the game :) sleep well tonight and see you next week” you read aloud making you smile thinking that being with him wouldn’t be bad
April 2020
Months have passed and Tyson was the best he could be. He was always a gentleman and never let you pay no matter how many times you’ve tried, and he always makes sures that you’re comfortable with everything surrounding you. Whenever he had a plan for a night out, he would ask you beforehand if it was something you felt comfortable with and would change it quickly if you weren’t. He would always facetime you whenever the two of you got the chance whenever he was on a roadie. At one moment he decided it was time to introduce you to the team and they all welcomed you with open arms. There were a few comments that were made from Gabe and EJ about how he finally was able to get someone to go out with and you couldn’t help but smile about his relationship with his team. They all loved you from the start and they didn’t know anything about the bet that he had made with Peter and Claire didn’t know about it either. She thought it was just an innocent relationship of setting two people up.
Tyson has already met your family and charmed their way of welcoming him into the family. You met his family when they came to Denver during the holidays, and you were more nervous of meeting them than Tyson was of meeting your family.
It was November 2019 when Tyson had asked you to be his girlfriend and you still remember what you were doing. The two of you have just come back from an ice skating date seeing that the weather was nice enough for one. You had mentioned before that you haven’t gone before, and he decided to take you to the rink where the Avs were hosting an open skate with family and friends.
“C’mon it would be great” he said trying to get you up and onto the ice
“I’m going to fall on my face!” you tried to argue back
“You’re not going to fall! I’m going to hold your hands the entire time” he argued back, taking your hands
“Tyson please we all know that you’re going to let go” you argued back as he put his head down and laughed
Everyone on the team and their significant others who were there were all smiling and laughing at the two of you because of how you were fighting like an old married couple. They watched as Tyson skated backwards holding your hands smiling before you slipped and he caught you in his arms and made him fall as well making the two of you laugh.
“I told you I was going to fall and now look at us!” you laughed out
“Little kids are already doing laps around us” you finished as you stared each other in the eyes
“I really want to kiss you but we’re in front of a lot of people” he whispered as his eyes flickered down to your lips and yours to his
“Then do it” you whispered back before the two of you leaned in and kissed
It felt like it was only the two of you on the ice before pulling away and hearing a lot of hollering and stick taps and hitting on the boards from the team causing both Tyson and your cheeks to heat up and you putting your head in his chest as he laughed and threw his head back
“Okay we really should get up.” you told him moving away as Tyson got up and pulled you up
The two of you continued skating and as you skated past the guys, they let out a few occasional chirps for the two of you.
“Wait a minute, there’s something I wanted to ask you” he mentioned as you turned back to him
“What is it?”
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he nervously asked as you could hear his voice shake a bit
“Yeah. yes” you smiled as you nodded and then hugged him
That was old news. You haven't spoken to Tyson at all since the night of the gala. The two of you had lasted a year before you found out the truth. The night where you found out everything. He’s tried to get through to you through different types of social media but all you did was block him and move on. You kept in touch with Mel and a few of the other wags but you made them promise to not tell Tyson about you still being in contact. Your parents had loved Tyson from you introducing them and let Claire and Peter date because of you but they ended up letting the rule go seeing as the two of you were both adults and it would seem silly to live with a rule they set when the two of you were young.
Everyday your parents and Claire checked you, and every day it was the same. You had gotten a new job away from the restaurant you worked out seeing that Tyson would always visit you on your lunch break whenever he didn’t have practice or a game. As much as it hurt you, you had to do it.
“Hey, I know you don’t want to hear from me, but I think we need to go out. Get you out of here and get some fresh air” Claire whispered as she rubbed your back knowing that you hadn’t left your room other than for the bathroom and food and water
“Okay if you don’t want to leave, then do you want to talk about it? I know you haven’t spoken a word about what happened and bottling it up isn’t good” she asked you, hoping to get an answer out of you
You thought about it for a bit and decided to turn around and looked at her sister before sitting up and decided to tell her what happened
“He lied. He lied about everything and dated as a dare for golf clubs and tickets he could’ve gotten himself. He made a deal with Peter because he wanted to go out with you but couldn’t because of mom and dad’s rule.” you sobbed out
“I left for a moment to go to the bathroom with Maddie and when I came back I heard him talking on the phone” you breathed out as you tried to calm down
“His exact words were “this was the easiest dare I have ever had to do and she was gullible from the start” and he turned around and saw me and in that moment, and he tried to explain himself”
November 2020, Mile High Dreams Gala
“Okay dude listen. After tonight I’m just going to wait a couple of days and then I’ll just dump her. This was the easiest dare I ever had to do and she was gullible from the start.” Tyson spoke into his phone and looking around to make sure you weren’t in sight
“Really? It only took a year, but thanks for doing this. Claire and I are doing amazing together and I’ve never felt more in love.” Peter told him
“Okay but just know that the bet is now over pretty much and when I get back next month for the holidays, I better see the clubs under my mom’s tree” Tyson said before you cut him off and causing him to turn around and see you
“Oh shit”
“So, the thoughts that were running through my head since we first went out were true I guess.” you whispered as he stared at you
“No! This entire year I thought I had found someone who was amazing and treated me the way I thought I deserved to be treated, but I guess not. I guess you’re all the same but this time for the price of golf clubs and being lied to for an entire year because people were tired of you coming to this event with them for you because you couldn’t find someone. Now I know why.” you shouted in frustration as everyone began to look at the two of you. You didn’t even care if they were staring, the only thing you cared about was leaving. Tyson tried to explain himself but he knew he couldn’t put the words together as you waited for him to explain before letting out a scoff and leaving.
Leaving as fast as you could, Tyson followed you out and called out your name before you stopped him
“TYSON! Just stop! I’m done with all of this. I hope you have a nice time playing golf with your new set and I hope that whatever girl you decide to go after next knows how much pain you will cause them.” you laughed out as tears escaped your eyes more. At this point Mel had decided it would be best to take you back to your place.
“You need to get up and go out. Why don’t we have some lunch? We could go to your favorite place.” Claire asked, hoping that you would get up. You knew in your best heart she was trying to be a nice sister and forget about what happened
“Fine.” you responded as you gave a small smile and left the room so you can change and wait downstairs
“See, isn't this nice? You’re eating a meal and not stuck in your room and crying about some guy-” Claire started
“I did love him. Like I didn’t say it just yet because I was scared that something would happen that happened with Alex, but Tyson was just different.”
“What do you mean?” Claire asked as she saw Tyson walk into the restaurant and sat up straight
“What I mean is, he just treated me differently. Like I was the only person in the room every time we were together and that it was the only two of us. And that night, I-I just” you began as you felt the tears in your eyes
“You don’t have to finish if you want.” Claire started before continuing
“Why don’t you go clean up and I’ll order for the two of us” she finished knowing that you’d run into Tyson
Getting up and grabbing your things, you headed to the bathroom before accidentally walking into someone
“Sorry” you mumbled before you recognized the cologne and looking up and seeing Tyson making you walk even faster
“Y/N wait!” he called out
“Please leave me alone”
“Tyson stop it”
“Let me explain” he spoke as the two of you had now drawn every set of eyes in the restaurant on you. You couldn’t help but let him as you gave into his pleading eyes
“You get five minutes and I’m timing it” you stated setting a time as tyson nodded
“Listen. I regret the way that night went. I regret even making that bet in the first place. If I had known I was going to meet you I wouldn’t have done it. At first, when we first met, I thought to myself “wow she is amazing and funny” and later when we had dinner until the diner closed, I was already head over heels” he started off
“Later on, the team started hustling me every time they saw that you and I were either facetiming or texting. That time, when we first kissed and we got chirped, that was when I fell in love. It didn’t matter how early it was, I knew that I had feelings for you that I probably have never really felt for anyone else. That night at Ball arena when I was talking to Peter, I don’t know why I said what I said and why I said it, let alone thought about it.” he continued as you mentioned he had 2 minutes and 30 seconds left
“Two and a half minutes”
“All I have to say is, I regret everything. Not everything but everything that happened that night. I was stupid and dumb enough to lose such an amazing person that my best friends girlfriends' sister. She had come out of bad relationship and I was stupid enough to hurt her even more.”
You stood there in silence as he poured his heart out and you couldn’t help but still be in love with him. No other person has treated you the way he treated you before that night. When he introduced you to his family, you knew it was serious seeing how much his grandfather loved you and you knew that it meant a lot for him that he loved you. Every single of his friends and family made you feel at home and whenever you were with him, you just felt safe.
“Tyson I-” you managed to get out before clearing your throat and continuing
“There are a lot of thoughts that are going through my mind right now and how I am feeling. A part of me wants you to just leave and never talk to me ever again” you said as he let his head down
“But the other part of me is still in love with the guy who slid into my dms and told me his name when it was already there in the first place. The guy who ended up tripping on his own feet when he was trying to teach his little cousin how to skate for the first time and wanted to impress me. The guy who sent me flowers every day when he was gone for a week and found out I had a few shitty days” you choked out as Tyson began to tear up by looking at your state and realizing how bad he had hurt you. You took a quick pause and a sigh before you spoke up again
“I’m going to give you one more chance. I don’t think I ever want to experience something like again and the fact that I’m saying this means you should know how badly you fucked up” you let out as he smile
“I really am sorry. You had every right not to give me a chance and you decided to.”
“Tyson stop talking before I change my mind” you tell him
“I’m sorry. I’m Tyson” he said holding out his hand, knowing what he was doing as you smiled
“I’m Y/N” you told him, taking his hand as the two of you laughed
“Would you by any chance want to go out? I know a great place we could go to. Actually, we’re here right now.”
“Yeah, that’d be nice. I’d love to”
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