#then the prof is a hoe
lucasgregorowicz · 4 months
I deserve to slap that hoe
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toournextadventure · 5 months
I saw ur prof and Sam headcanons,
Do u have any nsfw prof and Sam headcanons?
Also I don't see anything about nsfw vs sfw stuff on ur page so if this is crossing lines in any way I'm sorry.
I'm cool with either sfw or nsfw! I'm nice and simple, if I don't feel comfortable with it, I simply don't answer, so yall are all good 🫶
Now, on to some hc to tide all you Sam hoes over (under a cut in case some of y'all are minors, stay responsible, kids)
Prof is a top but is not in charge. The In Charge spot is reserved exclusively for Sam, and they both know it
Sam likes sex more on the rough side. Nothing too wild (she gets too in her head sometimes), but a bit of roughing up is very much a turn on
Prof, believe it or not, ALSO likes it rough. But they're always so worried they'll hurt Sam because they KNOW they're big enough to do some damage. It takes some convincing from Sam that "it's fine, it's safe, please rail me"
Sometimes Sam makes it a point to catch Prof off guard just because she likes to be reminded of how much they like her. One of her favourite tactics is to wait until Prof is going over class materials, and walking into the room in just a robe
Prof forgets to be worried about being gentle when they're pleasantly surprised by Sam. Hence why she does it
Sometimes (always) finds Sam hot in the Ghostface robe. It's not up for debate, and they will not dig deeper into what that says about them
One of Sam's favourite things is to be praised. Prof's favourite thing is to praise Sam. It works out perfectly
There's a hidden side to Prof. If they're really feeling themself, or they want to have some fun, they're a little mean. They'll make Sam cum until she cries because "just one more, love, you look so beautiful"
If Sam is feeling a little feisty, she won't let Prof touch. Looking only. Just using them however she wants and watching how whiny and needy they get about it. What can she say, she loves having them at her mercy
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hit-song-showdown · 8 months
My favorite songs of 2023
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I am putting together my favorite songs released in 2023. I started off doing a project where I listened to as many new albums as I could (and recording my findings in a spreadsheet), but that project tapered off around June when my move + school year started. But even though I wasn't able to listen to every album that came out, I still came out of 2023 with some of my favorite musical projects of all time. Also as another disclaimer: I am not a professional music writer.
I am also limiting this list to 1 song per album/project.
1. Scaring the Hoes by JPEGMafia and Danny Brown. I wish I could go back and experience again what happened to my brain when I first heard this track so I could properly convey it with text. When I first saw this project was announced, I knew it would take over my life. When I heard this track before the album was released, I knew I would have to form some kind of religion around it. The reason why I'm limiting this list to one track per album is because Scaring the Hoes has 14 tracks so I wouldn't be able to fit them all (other songs I would have given the number 1 spot include Burfict!, Shut Yo Bitch Ass Up/Muddy Waters, God Loves You, and Kingdom Hearts Key). But the title track is the perfect introduction. It's less of a single and more of a thesis statement for the entire project. The production throughout this album is incredible, but STH hits different. The rhythmic, almost menacing handclaps (fun fact: those aren't handclaps--that's the sound my asscheeks make when this song comes on) and the horn sample which I can only describe as Blood Money era Tom Waitsian, it is by far my favorite beat of 2023. Combined with Danny and JPEG's charisma and the way they bounce back and forth, this song is a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart. Also I saw them live and that experience elevated a 10/10 to a 20/10 for me.
2. Prof. Aronnax' Descent into the Vast Oceans by Ahab. I started seriously listening to German nautical funeral doom metal band, Ahab around early 2022 so this was the first new release I got to experience. Even though I loved what I heard previously, nothing could have prepared me for this. The opening track is everything I want from a doom metal song. It starts out with a frantic onslaught of screaming and inhuman growls before mellowing out into a serene instrumental before the mournful vocals kick in. It really feels like the initial shock of your body slamming into the water, then having to slowly drift among the waves as your muscles give out and you're taken deeper into the depths. That's what I like about doom metal: it's music to decay to. This track (and by extension this album) hooked me from a story-telling perspective right away, which shouldn't be a surprise as it was based on Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The story presented in this album intrigued me so much that I had to read the book for myself. Then I read it again. Then I read two different translations. Now I'm working on a visual novel adaptation. I know metrics for album rankings are subjective, so I'm willing to give an album an extra bump if it gets me to read a 19th century novel at least five times in less than two months and learn Python coding. (Other tracks I would have included: the album is at its strongest as a single listening experience, but I especially enjoyed Mobilis in Mobili and Ægri Somnia).
3. What A Man by Debby Friday. This is a track off of Nigerian-Canadian electronic musician Debby Friday's first album Good Luck and holy shit, what a debut. This is such a well-formed project I can't believe it. I was already enjoying the album throughout the first few tracks. It brought me back to listening to 2000s club music and thinking "wow I wish I got invited to parties." But then I got to What A Man and the world screeched to a halt. I think I was posting on my main blog at the time, so anyone unfortunate enough to follow me had a chance to see my incoherent screeching in real time. This track is incredible. Debby's warm and sultry voice, the spacey production, THE ELECTRIC GUITAR? The first time the guitar kicks in, that's just a teaser for what ended up being one of my favorite music moments of the year. The electric guitar feels like an oncoming storm and Debby is standing strong before it, taking on the wind and rain as her voice becomes louder and almost yearning. Then the song builds with Debby yelling to the high heavens as the guitars wail around her before fading back down into the low bass and rhythmic breathing motif found throughout the album. This track is an experience, and the music video is gorgeous too (the picture I chose for the banner is from the video itself) and the fact that it has less than 20K views hurts me. (Other tracks I would have included: I Got It, So Hard To Tell, Let U Down)
4. Bite Back by Algiers (ft. billy woods and Backxwash). Speaking of songs that build... This is the sixth track off of Algiers' album, Shook and by this point I was already feeling pretty good about the release. I was already prepared to put the opening track, Everybody Shatter on my top 20, but when Bite Back kicked in, something changed. Here's a recreation of my initial reaction: "this sounds pretty good, I like the way this intro...is that billy woods??") Just to be transparent: billy woods' involvement would have been enough to give this an automatic top slot for me, but it helps that his verse is fantastic. His flow is slower than the introductory verse, but that only makes his lyrics stand out more. From the opening lines "One hand wash the other, they both wash the face / Centrifugal force and inertia keep everything in its place / Slowly, spinning in space, speeding, lead foot on the brakes" I knew I was in for something special. One thing I really appreciate about this track is the production. billy woods has a very steady flow with an almost menacing quality to it depending on the subject matter of the lyrics, and the beat shifts during his verse to reflect that. It sounds like it could be a billy woods beat, but it doesn't sound like one of his beats was carelessly shoved into an Algiers song. It's like the beat ebbs and flows with the artists involved. The production gets gradually more intense as billy picks up more ferocity in his delivery. A detail I really like is when billy says "claws rattling, delicate as roaches' wings," the percussion on the backing track picks up an almost rattling quality, but it doesn't sound corny or too obvious. Then billy continues, the backing track picking up even more intensity until it feels like each noise is blasting at full power...and then the tension releases and settles down with Algiers frontman, Franklin James Fisher, delivering the second verse. His delivery contrasts wonderfully with billy woods' too, with his faster, almost whispered vocals allowing the track to pick up momentum again after the previous release of tension. This track knows when to breathe and it's fantastic. But it also knows when to take the air from your lungs as Fisher goes all out with the vocals in the hook and third verse, reinstating what an absolute powerhouse vocalist he is. And just when the track is at its peak ferocity, in comes Backxwash with the steel chair! If billy and Fisher were allowing the beat to gradually shift under their performances, Backxwash grabs the song by the throat and makes it do whatever she wants. Her verse then trades off into Fisher delivering the outro, operating at full power in his delivery. This song is so well-crafted and none of the artists feel out of place. (Other tracks I would have included: Everybody Shatter, A Good Man, Irreversible Damage)
5. Billions by Caroline Polachek. As of writing this, I haven't been keeping up with other people's year end lists, but I know this album is going to make everyone else's. So I feel a bit intimidated to talk about it, but I will try. The production on this album is so good my brain can't even comprehend how it was crafted. I've seen it described as "maximalist," but that doesn't fully capture how well this album knows when to pull back and let the tracks breathe. Billions is one of the more sparse tracks compared to some of the others, but that only makes each production decision stand out more. The second time Caroline says "give me the closure," you hear a little musical sting in the background (probably some kind of synth, but at first listen I thought it was an electric guitar) which didn't show up after the first time that lyric was sung. It's that attention to detail and letting the production build on itself that makes this project incredible. And it goes without saying that Caroline is an outstanding vocalist. She sounds like a siren. It's ridiculous. (Other tracks I would have included: Welcome to My Island, I Believe, Hopedrunk Everasking)
6. The Black Seminole by Lil Yachty. Opening track off of Lil Yachty's psychedelic rock album, Let's Start Here, and what an opening track on a fantastic project. It should be clear by this point that I love songs that build, and holy shit does this song build. I first listened to this album while I was on a plane, and this track synced up with my takeoff. So while the plane was lifting off the ground and I was being pressed against my seat, Lil Yachty gave the final line before the electric guitars and the female vocalist kicked in, both wailing with equal ferocity. Top 10 music experiences of the year, but even going back to listen to that same track when I'm not on an airplane delivered the same euphoric experience. (Other tracks I would have included: Drive Me Crazy, Should I B, We Saw the Sun)
7. Xena by Skrillex and Nai Barghouti. I debated whether to put this song or Hydrate on the list, but Xena was the first track that made me fall in love with this album. With vocals by Palestinian singer, Nai Barghouti, Skrillex delivers an absolutely outstanding dubstep track. Like Billions, it's the kind of music production that makes me have to step back and fully appreciate the craft. The song is incredible at building intensity, but he also knows when to pull back to let the tension build again. And Barghouti isn't just a feature--she is the heartbeat of this song. Her voice melds with the production so well, but in a way that sounds like she's commanding it. My absolute favorite part of the song is when she starts singing in her lower register as the production turns to more naturalistic instruments. Sometimes I see electronic producers robbing their singers of their voices for the sake of cohesive production, but that isn't the case here. Nai Barghouti's voice is crisp, unique, and perfect. It's a fantastic melding of producer and vocalist that makes way more sense than it should. (Other tracks I would have included: Hydrate, Rumble, Ratata)
8. Babylon by Bus by billy woods and Kenny Segal. I already talked about billy woods, but he was a feature so this still counts. Everything I already said about billy woods' skills applies here as well, especially now that he has full control over the track. billy's flow sounds both effortless, and that he knows the perfect word to use for each line. And he uses interesting words. "Glistening waterbug on clean counter / Plague mask, gave the place a cursory glower / He ran away, I gave chase but gave up and sat on his gate for hours" I love this series of bars. He is a storyteller. And then, the beat pauses after billy's first verse, with low menacing notes, a clattering of naturalistic metallic percussion, and then the switch up??? Seriously the way the beat ramps up for SkrapKnel's verses takes the song to another level. The way the Curly Castro and PremRock pass the mic back and forth to each other is outstanding. This doesn't feel like a guest verse; this is a fully realized project. The shamelessness is even more apparent when billy takes the mic again for the final verse, but now with more ferocity in his delivery as if he's building off of the energy created by SkrapKnel. This song is masterful. "I take care of these words, Munchausen by proxy / Somehow beat the tox screen / God save the queen, but that train doesn't stop here anymore" (Other tracks I would have included: FaceTime, Year Zero, Soft Landing)
9. Drain You Empty by Cannibal Corpse. I listened to this album right around midterms and I needed it. But this was the song I kept coming back to. For one, it's fun. Obviously: it's Cannibal Corpse. But I love the way the song opens with a full minute of just blasting you before the drums, riffs, and screams really kick in. Good god the drumming on this album is so good. I absolutely love Corpsegrinder's delivery on this track. The way he shifts from bellowing growls to shrieks, the way he speeds up his delivery to match the pace of the drums, it's so good. I'm sorry I don't have a better analysis. It's fun. (Other tracks I would have included: Chaos Horrific, Overlords of Violence, Blood Blind)
10. Crossing Guard by Model/Actriz. This is a song that made me wish I went to gay clubs more. Yes, it's a killer dance song, but what draws me in is how chaotic the production is. It starts out slow and quiet, then bam! The production starts screeching at you in a glorious onslaught of noise, held together with a fantastic bassline. I love the vocalist too. He can be monotone and subtle, but he also knows how to raise his voice to match the ferocity of the production. I listened to this song countless times last year (often while crossing the street and trying not to get hit by cars), and the line "Like Germanotta, Stefani / Pull the weight from under me" will be stuck in my head forever. (Other tracks I would have included: Donkey Show, Amaranth)
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milfgyuu · 1 year
Hey doll! I saw you tagged for more asks like the Seventeen working at Walmart (which I LOVED btw!) and I've come to deliver! I'm at a Casino hotel overnight with The Bestie™️ and we're down at the pool! So...how about SVT working at a public pool??? 😅😅😅
bc there are so many mf's in this group i hope you don't mind me expanding a little into a hotel/water park resort.
choi seungcheol life guard i have no other reasoning behind this other than i want to see him in the cute red swim trunks ok. drowning myself in the deep end so he can give me the kiss of life. he's probably working the wave pool and like actually has to rescue people every time the big wave hits.
jeonghan is the barrtenderrrr *t-pain voice* and he has to wear that cute little formal fancy bartender fit (u know the one) and he is a prof mixologist like he's making you shit that is not even on the menu and it is amazing.
joshua works at the tiki bar in the water park so he's whipping up daiquiris and other frozen delights all day long and gets to enjoy the sunshine. humor me and picture that pretty golden glow and long sandy blonde hair okay i have a specific vision.
junhui is also a lifeguard but specifically for one of the big water slides - it's so shallow that he usually sits there are just watches all day making sure everyone is safe but witnesses hella ass crack when people try to exit the slide. so he's kind of just a glorified water monitor and buttcrack patrol.
hoshi delivers room service and knows all the hot gossip because holy shit he just left room 212 and the married guy who was just here last week was in there with a completely different woman today. besties with the entire housekeeping staff.
wonwoo is also a lifeguard (shhh there is a lot of water ok) but specifically for the lazy river so he just wades around all-day from one shady spot to the next making sure kids aren't blocking up tube-traffic. He does think it's really fun to walk against the current and considers it his workout for the day.
woozi is singing in the resort lounge like zack and cody's mom but he is getting hella hoes. tip jar on the piano is full of room #'s and key cards. he's like ahaha i'm flattered but no thanks but has given in once or twice after a little convincing from jeonghan.
minghao concierge bro he can get you into ANYWHERE because he doesn't take no for an answer. exclusive restaurant with a waitlist a mile long? reservations at 8pm with a complimentary bottle of wine, baby.
mingyu is so a cabana boy. he's got warm towels, he's got drinks, he's got a shrimp cocktail to deliver, and he's got a creepy cougar to escape from bc she won't stop making passes at him and now he's hiding in the laundry room which leaves...
boo seungkwan, the other cabana boy who is always annoyed and cursing under his breath but can turn his customer service face and voice on and off like a switch. will drag mingyu out of hiding by his hair when he notices it getting too busy.
vernon works at the resort guest check-in and has his speech so automated in his head that if someone interrupts him he loses all train of thought and has to start over. calls the bell boy just for funsies when he is bored which really pisses...
chan the bellboy off because he just ran his ass all the way across the resort thinking he was actually needed but it's just vernon fucking around with an empty lobby. fills those carts to the brim like Tetris and refuses to ask for help bc his pride says he can move all 800lbs of luggage himself.
seokmin i’m so sorry i forgot u baby it’s bc he is so busy working that resort valet parking the NIOCE cars. running around in his lil polo looking all fine and handsome like tip the man bc he uses it on his expensive cologne you can still smell when you get in ur car.
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delusionalpill · 9 months
𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐣 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞...
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JYP University was proud to announce their new semester starting, always talking about how they'd help the students there prepare for their futures, little did they know they'd help two of their professors find their own future. When the football players get into trouble about their math grade, Coach Seo decides to step in. Unfortunately for him, their math teacher doesn't seem to appreciate that. He'll try his best to find a way to coexist with this teacher, but they won't make it easy. Who knew a single mom could be such a pain in his ass?
Warnings: y/n is female and a single mom! Mentions of drugs, alcohol, sex talk, dirty jokes, dark humor, suicide jokes and playful mentions of self harm, occasional violence, literally all a Crack fic. Bare with me since it's my first rodeo!
Titles and amount of parts subject to change! PLEASE DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE!
Profiles: TheOGSKZ : NunyaBusiness : Children of Divorce : JYPUni & Profs :
Side Quests | Chan gets all the hoes | Highschool Drama? | The Announcement | SO I DO KNOW HER? | The Blahaj Adventure
Tags below!
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gojonanami · 6 months
I just read shades of blue. That's it. You are my favourite Suguru and SATORU writer now.
🤩anon (this hoe of a man is pushing me into my hoe era. The way I'm desperately trying to cling on to any good memory with prof geto i-
🥹🥹 you’re so sweet I love you 😭😭 I’m so glad you enjoyed the fic babe 😭 I had such a struggle with that fic but the fact so many of you like it (including you!) makes me so happy
hahaha this man also pushed me headfirst into my hoe era for sure 😂🫣
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feeshies · 1 year
Favorite New Songs of 2023 (so far)
Unfortunately I fell behind with listening to new releases (since most of my music listening has been for my music poll blog lately), but here are some of my faves so far:
Scaring the Hoes by JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown
Prof. Arronax' Descent into the Vast Oceans by Ahab
What a Man by Debby Friday
Bite Back by Algiers
Billions by Caroline Polachek
The Black Seminole by Lil Yachty
Everybody Shatter by Algiers
Xena by Skrillex ft. Nai Barghouti
Babylon By Bus by billy woods
Hydrate by Skrillex ft. Fred again.. and Flowden
I Got It by Debby Friday
Author by Katatonia
Welcome To My Island by Caroline Polachek
Crossing Guard by Model/Actriz
I Wish you Roses by Kali Uchis
Deeper, Darker Waters by The Howling Void
The Weatherman by Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs
Saturine Saturnalia by VV
Haelegen II by Liturgy
Through the Night by The Men
War by Obituary
アストロちっく・アラスカ by Lady Flash
Married in Mount Airy by Nicole Dollanganger
Mercy by John Cale
Ethel by The Murder Capital
Swampy by Dry Cleaning
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ynseincanada · 1 year
dinsdag 05/09/2023
Ik ben nog altijd een beetje verkouden, maar het gaat al stukken beter dan vorige week. Vorige week heb ik ook mijn tweede bloeddrukval meegemaakt toen ik pizza aan het eten was. Opeens was al mijn kleur weg (aldus, mama). Het duurde even voor ik terug kon rechtstaan, maar sindsdien heb ik het niet meer meegemaakt.
Afgelopen zaterdag zijn mama en ik naar de Farmer's Market in St. Albert geweest. Wat een evenement. Een honderdtal kraampjes met fruit, koekjes, juwelen en heel veel jerky (ieuw). Ik heb zalm jerky geproefd en ik heb nog nooit zoiets zout geproefd. Mama en ik hebben een watermeloen, koekjes, frambozenconfituur en vegan feta (zo ongelooflijk lekker) mee naar huis genomen.
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Maandag ben ik naar de opening geweest van het academiejaar. Naast een gratis drinkbus, zoute popcorn (ieuw) en een cola was er niet veel te doen. Twee uitverkoren studenten kreeg 1000 CAD, maar daarvoor moest je in Canada wonen :') Je kreeg ook een gratis bellenblazer. Redelijk teleurstellend.
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Vandaag heb ik mijn eerste lessen gehad. Deze ochtend had ik Global Critical Race Theory, maar ik weet niet of het vak iets voor mij is. Ik denk dat ik morgen Topics in Gender and Social Justice ga volgen, om te zien of ik het kan vervangen met GCRT.
In de namiddag had ik Canadian Texts en dat was geweldig. We trekken in de natuur rond om te praten over literatuur, hoe geweldig is dat? De prof is ook een geweldig lieve vrouw. Voor onze eindopdracht krijgen we een plant of dier toegewezen. We moet in de natuur opzoek gaan naar die plant of dat dier en over deze ervaring schrijven. Ik kijk er enorm naar uit.
Hier zijn nog wat sfeerfoto's van de afgelopen week:
De Rogers Arena, waar de Edmonton Oilers spelen
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De plaats op campus waar ik verblijf
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Het zicht van op mijn kamer
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Het mooiste zicht tot nu toe (niet zo duidelijk op deze foto's)
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Tot de volgende keer.
x ynse
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tuesday 05/09/2023
I still have a slight cold, but I am doing much better than last week. Last week I also experienced my second blood pressure drop while I was eating pizza. Suddenly, all the color drained from my face (so my Mom said). It took me a while to get back up, but I haven't experienced it since.
Last Saturday, Mom and I went to the Farmer's Market in St. Albert. What an event. About a hundred stalls selling fruit, cookies, jewelry and lots of jerky (juck). I tasted salmon jerky and I have never tasted anything so salty. Mom and I took home a watermelon, cookies, raspberry jam and vegan feta (so incredibly delicious).
Monday I went to the opening of the academic year. Besides a free drink box, salty popcorn (again, yuck) and a Coke, there wasn't much to do. Two chosen students got 1000 CAD, but for that you had to live in Canada :') You also got a free bubble blower. Overall, pretty disappointing.
Today I had my first two classes. This morning I had Global Critical Race Theory, but I don't know if this course is for me. I think I will take Topics in Gender and Social Justice tomorrow to see if I can substitute it with GCRT.
In the afternoon I had Canadian Texts and that was great. We walk around in nature talking about literature, how great is that? The professor is also a wonderfully sweet woman. For our final assignment we are assigned a plant or an animal. We have to go into nature to look for that plant or animal and write about this experience. I am looking forward to it immensely.
See you next time.
x ynse
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Beautiful Sunday
Happy Sunday, everyone! I hope you are doing well. If this were 1970, the odds are high that the vast majority of us would be getting ready for church. And if you are not of the Christian persuasion, you would have included synagogue or temple somewhere in your weekend mix. It’s what we did.
Notice I used the past tense.
Instead, I find myself writing and working on a Sunday morning. I just returned from Walmart with some groceries, as well as another five gallons of diesel for my tractor. I’ve still got mowing, thanks to the nearly 20 inches of rain that fell while I was gone in May. Can anyone say jungle? My ten acres have proven once more to be tough rows to hoe. I mean mow.
I haven’t been to a regular church service in years, at least eight years, and probably closer to ten. It’s not that I didn’t go before, because I most certainly did. I was raised by a Protestant mother (Church of God—Anderson Indiana denomination) and a Roman Catholic father, and I often went to his and her services in a weekend, not to mention the Sunday and Wednesday evening services in my mother’s church. I was truly holier than thou.
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I was involved to the point of even being church organist, as well as member of multiple praise bands. From “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” to “I Can Only Imagine” I played them all through the years. And while off at university, in addition to majors in Marketing and Economics, I grabbed one in Religious Studies as well. I was somewhat slightly an over-achiever, you see, and, sadly, more theologically qualified that some of the preachers I endured.
But I had growing doubts, many of which were seeded by my profs at Anderson University, the flagship school in the Church of God. While the campus ethos was decidedly conservative (no drinking, dancing, smoking, etc.), those profs taught me critical thinking, and so I had a growing list of questions and concerns I could never resolve.
I wanted to believe, and tried hard. There were simply too many questions. But marrying a PK (that’s church-speak for Preacher’s Kid) who also attended Anderson pretty much meant I had to resign myself at minimum to Sunday mornings in a pew or at the keyboard.
Of course, when she came out and married her best girlfriend, any semblance I had remaining of Christianity rapidly vanished, especially once I saw how our past church—one of Amarillo’s finest mega-churches—removed them from their life group leadership positions and kicked them out. You could say that in the process of a marriage crumbling to pieces, REM’s “Losing My Religion” became my theme song.
Done, and now None. And for the record, the ex, her wife, and I are friends now. We have family gatherings with all the kids. Hate doesn’t win. Love wins.
But enough of my confessions, which I hear are still good for the soul. The fact is that I am just one anecdote among many, and the list of Leavers has grown to the point that only 47% of USAmericans belong to a church, synagogue, or temple, and only 30% attend at least once a month. Can you say empty pews?
And it is a generational thing as well, with religious affiliation trailing off the younger a person is. Older folks like me—but not including me—are more likely to attend just as they always have, similar to those surviving members of generations before the Boomers.
So what does this have to do with marketing, you ask? Plenty, and especially for Christianity, which has its own marketing plan if you will located in Matthew 28:19-20. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (NIV)
How will the Church—and by this I mean all houses of worship—overcome this downward trend and find relevance among the masses once more? What was once the norm has increasingly become an outlier.
Never mind that younger people have become skeptical of churches that say one thing, yet do another. That pithy “Love the sinner, hate the sin” slogan has worn thin, especially in the LGBTQ era. I recently saw the perfect comeback in a meme: “Hate the belief, love the believer.”
Let’s not forget the recent Southern Baptist Convention ruling that women cannot serve in positions of leadership. Well, I give them a couple of points for at least being somewhat consistent in their literal interpretation of the Bible. They need to work on some of the other admonitions, though, like shellfish and mixed fabrics. You really shouldn’t cherry-pick your scriptures, and then explain it all away as saying this part was metaphor, but that another part was intended to be taken as the last word on the matter.
And then there’s The Righteous Gemstones on Max, which makes a mockery of mega-churches. You know what I’ll be watching at 9pm CDT today. It would be easy to say that COVID played a role the last few years, which it probably did when churches were forced to go online, but the trend was already firmly in place before 2020. COVID just solidified it, even though the percentage of people claiming no religious affiliation—the Nones—has leveled off, for now, at 21%. Our highly polarized society, though, will likely exacerbate the problem.
Furthermore, I doubt the Millennials and Gen-Zers will reverse their views on the big social issues. That ship left the port, which means that once the Boomers and earlier generations are dead and gone, our society may never have to deal with a Pride Month controversy again because it will have become normalized. I can only imagine.
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Meanwhile, I cannot help but recall one of my favorite Van Goghs, “The Church At Auvers.” Look closely. A church with no visible doors. Hmmm. You can’t get in, but neither can you leave.
That doesn’t sound like a place I would want to be today or any other day. I’m looking forward to a nicely paced Sunday, and heading to the brewery later. As for whether I would ever find myself in a churchly setting again, I learned long ago never to say never. Besides, I still know all the words. But all the so-called modern-day saints collectively digging in their heels are not going to convince me or many others to come back.

It will take a Church that reaches out to people where they are, just like the Savior they worship did. What a crazy idea.
Dr “Running Through The House With A Pickle In My Mouth” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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juliaanoia · 1 year
i have a prof who keeps pronouncing "know how" as "no hoe" and it's sending me
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guyfieriii · 2 years
hello!! i just wanted to start off by saying your prof price work is a masterpiece and all of us captain price hoes will be forever thankful for your service.
i wanted to ask if u had any tips/general advice for someone who wants to start writing n posting on tumblr but has a new account and no mutuals.
i lowkey have a price fic planned tho am shitting myself about actually uploading anything, as a girlie who has well outgrown wattpad, it feels slightly more intimidating posting here!!
anyhow, pls ignore if u dont feel comfortable answering any of this!! once again, tysm for prof price, perfection all over!!
Hi! ❤️
First off, let me start by saying I was in the almost same position as you just a month ago when I started posting this Prof Price series.
The thought of posting my writing on Tumblr had me shitting my pants. I myself hadn’t posted anything since my days on ff.net (god bless), over a decade ago.
That being said, I think it’s really just a leap of faith you have to take. This fandom is filled with such amazing people who I am sure would love to read what you wrote, myself included. I am especially ecstatic to have more people writing for Price because there is not nearly enough written about him, imo.
It’s also about finding your own way through what you write. Over the past month, I’ve written things I never imagined I’d be able to and it’s only gotten easier.
A thing I’m always told by other writers is to always write for yourself. So if writing and posting this piece gives you joy, then by all means, you must do it!
I’m no writing veteran so I’m sorry I can’t offer much. ❤️❤️
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wonusite · 2 years
prof!wonwoo got me blushing SO HARD JEHSJGSJDWHE like bestie u did it again!! favorite was so good and wonwoo is so hot i want him 😩 the amount of angst and misunderstandings then them literally fucking in his office was just *chef’s kiss* !! also the car sex part was 🥵 i’m down bad for this man…. gonna go read it again now
- hoe anon <3 luv you babe you wrote it beautifully !!
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pls i’m so glad u liked it 🥺🫰🏼
and no bc prof!wonu literally has me on my knees. that man will nvr let me know peace again fr 😩
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leopoldainter · 3 months
You should not have said that
Or maybe not talked to anyone again, say hoe good it was again.
Shoval伍You don't ha
Vien20four of anything
Once you find the lamp it's ten turns till it's back earlier your damned
Which parts the race and which is just the track
Never an absolution
Wrong theatora
In naziger.any procedural dramas helped with displays of anti Semitic concepts and far right topics
Sometimes it's enough and I just want go so.e sleep
Yo yo ma
Knife is corner so eladtic*the rope
Rope being the shell limb. Lye
It's basically word four word from then there's always queen prof. Plum decalPeniple
Why's this won white ma ga, the mais is wife
N'inja mother Hans me something birch
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A Thief Token like in Cat AM price7ro
You know he brought her from Russia
Bearon Vefgas cool risco
KoLanthami eye I I'm inTik
Time4Jail with fakeLoneStar broken nose pisgah posh we have axe and ents and Gaia, my employees sold out when I left for this gala.
-Kristen bell
PPAp to bad for you its just me and lilboi
Volition renison the deer dorm for French er students and score lawns the volleyball tupgun
Piss puss fizz any initial for sexろ交公This is the public transportation route.coVid19
Signatory 爪
Signt Santa clause
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Psychology, Anthropology, and Sociology (PAS)
Accessible Entrance(s)
Door off driveway from Ring Road facing University Avenue - Student Access Van drop off location
Lower level door facing Environment 1 (entrance to Early Childhood Education Centre)
Door facing Environment Buildings opens on to the second floor (ramped, automatic)
So not a clock town ornament or tower!
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But darling you didn't let me finish wash as smudginLon Maeflo er about CURRENTSa vote tally
Then in the lee of a damp quick dryed basement carpet a snot nosed kid let's you know in this house we follow the rules not the instructions
Protestants and Christians have been at war well before there ever was an ireland
Anglican Saxon Norman Invasion Goths Visigoths
Just Visiting
COURAGE in pure formal evening wear down t'here
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Then the neighbors find out there are boys kissing boys that being the problem after all why did we set up the booth!
At the mall!
So they throw in something a little fresh
How was school today?
Who the fuck are you
Did you learn anything new?
Not to take candy from strangers.
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Let's celebrate the second season of duck dynasty
SCAR used
Tenacity Arriving
hey Abe, now that you got bus fare
-cleo,employee of the month
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rotterdamvanalles · 5 months
Het Lijnbaancentrum gezien vanaf de kant van het Binnenwegplein, 1987.
Uit het NRC van 2 december 1970:
Met ingang van maandag zal Rotterdam beschikken over een unieke ruimte voor kunst en recreatie: het Lijnbaancentrum. Het zit, om het met de woorden van architect prof. J. B. Bakema te zeggen, als een spin in een stedebouwkundig netwerk van winkels, horeca- en bank-, kantoor- en woonruimte en een garage, en heeft behalve expositiemogelijkheden een kleine, door Kho Liang Ie schitterend ingerichte bioscoop.
Het Lijnbaancentrum, als een brug ingeklemd tussen, de panden van Ter Meulen en De Klerk — en van daaruit ook rechtstreeks toegankelijk — bezit in totaal vier ingangen, waaruit blijkt hoe de ontwerpers zich alle mogelijke moeite hebben gegeven om een eventuele drempelvrees bij het publiek bij voorbaat weg te nemen. Maar ook de programmering die voor het kunstcentrum onder leiding: van de heer Felix Valk werd ontworpen is erop gericht een zo breed mogelijke belangstelling te trekken.
Onder de titel Welkom, komt om te beginnen een verscheidenheid aan creatieve ideeën aan bod, zoals mode-ontwerpen, een verzameling oude foto’s in sterk vergroot formaat, een enorme, gedeeltelijk eetbare, taart van Carla Kaper,’ borduurwerk van de zondagsschilder Siebe Glastra, muzikale robots van Roger Spear, en een collectie tanks van R. Evers, lid van de eerste Nederlandse organisatie van tank-hobbyisten. Op de eerste thematische tentoonstelling zullen alle Nederlandse striptekenaars worden getoond en voor de tweede thematische expositie wordt onderhandeld met groeperingen van Zuid-Molukkers en gastarbeiders. Het ligt in de bedoeling dat het publiek op allerlei manieren betrokken wordt bij wat er in het Lijnbaancentrum te zien en te doen is. Zo beschikt men over video-apparatuur, geluidsbanden en camera ‘s waarmee in een afdeling vrijuit geëxperimenteerd zal kunnen worden.
De foto is gemaakt door de Fototechnische Dienst Rotterdam en komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt via delpher.nl uit het NRC van 2 december 1970.
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ratlivesonblog · 7 months
Guide on how to survive school because wikihow fucking sucks.
For me cause i need it
Happiness cause we're all depressed
I like school- good for you buddy, then you don't need anything in here and can go your merry way.
Find good friends- if you didn't that fine. It's ok. Find good friends online then. If you're more of a loner and all previous options failed, watch youtubers, listen to a podcast. Talk to your family. You need to hear people talk. Or just go down your neighbours and knock doors. Not sure if it works, but it's worth a try ay
Think positive- if you don't, now you do.
Don't think negative- if you think negative or have negative thoughts, stop it.
Think neutral- you know what? That's great keep going.
Don't judge others or yourself- it is simply something that is and happened, it isn't negative or positive, it simply IS as it exists.
Find a good hobby- preferably something you can do while at school to take off stress.
Enjoy your time- what? you wanna stay in a room 6 to 8 hours to fucking cry? It's ok to not listen to the professor for some time. At least make the day bearable and not like a nightmare.
Accept the system- don't accept it. It sucks ass and balls, it's horrible, it's shit and it should be changed, but right now you gotta get through, and to do that you have to swim through the current, not against. It's like accepting your inevitable death but it's slightly worse or better depending on perspective.
Your professors are stupid cunts- they are someone who has nothing better to do but waste their time in teaching, why? Because they want a type of power to abuse. Don't mind them. They suck.
And if you find a passionate one?- That's good! I'm happy for you! I hope they explain well!
You aren't perfect- no one is. It's ok if you don't get all high marks. Just do the bare minimum to go on, it's ok. No one gives a fuck about high school grades.
As long as you try its ok- you aren't perfect, some things are difficult, it's ok as long as you try.
If something is bothering you- tell the professor/ staff. Or suck it up. If the lights are too powerful i can't do anything about it. Maybe you can buy some glasses with a tint. If it's cold? Maybe try on more clothes.
If someone is bothering you- don't give them satysfying answers, don't givr them answers at all or fucking kill them. You don't deserve this. It's in self defense, get in a fight, fucking do it, who cares? The guy who wanted you to fight? The not paid enough profs? You?
I don't like PE- i agree. Do the bare minimum then or break a part of your body to not do it. If you have a lucky prof you can do nothing. But try and move. Moving is important.
I hate the bathroom- yeah don't we all.
I hate going everyday- try and go anyway. The amount of trauma the school gave you are now at their max anyway in high school, try or you'll have too many days missing. And remember one day at a time. Think of it like a guy practicing zen every day in a temple. Take a deep breath and one day at a time.
Im UNABLE to go everyday- im sorry. I can understand as someone with cronic migraines. Try and talk to a doctor about what you can do or just excuse your absences when you do too much.
I hate it but i have to go- then suck it up my man. There's no other choice. Im sorry.
I don't understand a subject- it's ok to ask for help. Or don't, search a video on youtube. Ask your professor for the program of the semester and study following that.
I don't like a subject- don't think about it as something you have to do for school. Understand it and search those fun details that make people want to follow the subject for a whole lifetime. You're not learning this for school but because you wanna say fuck you to your professor. Or maybe because if you search online you'll find people who actually know hoe to explain!
This situation is shit- yeah i know! But if you can't change a situation change your thinking around it. Like "wow i got a 4.5 instead of a 4! This is great man."
I keep getting distracted- eh it happens to be best buddy.
I keep getting distracted and then i don't understand anything- that's a big problem. Have you looked for adhd? Try and take constant pauses THAT YOU DECIDE and then listen in again, constant small ones. Try and instill in some way something you enjoy into the subject to keep your focus. Maybe replace your prof with your favourite character. Maybe you can have an oc named nitrogen.
Grades, marks, eh who cares.
If you get a bad mark- it's ok, you can always get a good one after, and if you don't, after again.
My grades are all bad- ok if you can get a tutor do it asap. If not. Sorry buddy you have two options here. Cheat like if you don't you'll die. Or it's time to go hard on those youtube Indian videos where they explain everything. The third secret option is just fucking don't, go get homeschooled loser.
Homework- you tried, at worst case you can say you didn't understand.
Cheat- cheat if it can bring you peace of mind man. Everyone does. Its fine. Its to survive.
Im homeschooled and don't have friends- again, go and make some online man, it's better than nothing. Or go do a sport and have those.
You can't do it anymore?- Count the days backwards until the end. One day at a time is fine. Then one hour at a time. Take things slow.
I'm tired- sleep more. Try melatonin or camomile before going to sleep. find a prof who let's you sleep in class. Try and talk to a doctor. Get a constant schedule where you go to sleep BEFORE 11 pm.
I'm so tired of school- If it's for depression, I'm sorry, get a therapist or get help. It's hard. It's so fucking hard, try and get friends who understand what you're going through who maybe can take notes for you or help you, or maybe a prof who understands and gives you their notes. Go to the bathtoom more often for a break to catch your breath.
I lost my spark thanks to school- im sorry you think that. The past is past. Do not mourn who you were. Try and think ways to better yourself. Don't try and think ways to reverse time. Try and read books of subjects you like. Or try new genres of music. Get a break if you can. Try NEW things. Or new life changing videogames. (Undertale)
Others are doing better than me- shut the FUCK UP. comparisong is the killer of joy. Don't. You're doing enough. Everyone goes at different speed and is good at something different. You're unique. Don't compare. Is like trying to scale sonic and Mario in a fight when Mario works in cartoon logic and sonic in shonen. YOU CANT. SO STOP IT. THEY'RE BOTH GREAT. END OF THE STORY.
I'm a fuck up- hey! I'm too! A lot of us are! You're good in other things. Remember the school system sucks balls. It's not made to make a lot of us thrive but suffer. You're not a fuck up. You're just bad at school. Maybe you're good at playing the clarinet, who know? Maybe you're a great skateboarder.
Im a fuck up in everything- ok fuck you. Then i am too. But i still try to do some shit. Get that boomer mentality that you're the only good motherfucker in the whole country. No one can sway you if you ignore the signs like a true fuckin old man refusing to buy a modern cellphone. But instead you're refusing to adhere to modern standards of shit. "Im not gonna listen to them if i don't agree with this ASS system"
Im scared- don't be scared. No one can kill you there. And if they truly do anything suing a teacher is really easy if you wanna try. They're supposed to be there to help you learn. They aren't doing it? They're bad a their job. It's not your fault.
I'm anxious- stop drinking coffee, sleep more, drink more water, find a therapist or good friends, do more walks in nature. If you can't work on it, search online for methods and try and see what works for you. Apply them. If you find yourself being anxious while under test it's normal. You'll get there i promise, just keep going. Use less your phone.
I want to kill myself thanks to school- woah. Buddy, don't. Please. I'd suck. You want those fuckers to win? No you don't, live to spite them all. Talk to someone. You don't have anyone? Fuck it, talk to me. I'm socially anxious. Who cares? Not me. I'll go against my brain to win. Win life buddy. Win by being alive until you fucking LIKE being alive. Until you LOVE being alive. Because guess what? It doesn't have to be a chore. Talk to someone. Please.
If you don't succeed it's ok.
Try again.
Just have a good time.
Relax. You won't die. Relax.
If you can't relax? Fuck it. Go to the bathroom for a while.
Also it's 2 am and im tired and tomorrow ill be a zombie. i should listen to my advice.
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keynewssuriname · 8 months
Presentatie professor Chan Choennie staat stil bij geschiedenis van de Afro Surinamers vanaf 1863-1963
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Professor Chan Choennie zal in een presentatie dieper ingaan op de rol van de Afro-Surinamers na de slavernij, hun economische – en sociale omstandigheden, culturele normen en waarden alsook de keuzes in relatie tot het slavernijverleden. Zijn historisch boekwerk “Geschiedenis van Afro-Surinamers 1863-1963” die hij woensdag 24 januari zal presenteren in het Buiten Sociëteit het Park is vorig jaar in Nederland uitgebracht. Choennie is speciaal afgereisd naar Suriname voor het geven van deze presentatie. De professor geeft aan dat hij een bewuste keuze heeft gemaakt onderzoek te doen op dit stuk, omdat er nimmer onderzoek is geweest. “Hoe heeft deze groep zich ontwikkeld? Veel onderzoekers hadden hier weinig belangstelling voor. Iedereen stortte zich op de slavernij zelf en de verschillende wreedheden die er hebben plaatsvonden.” Hij is zich er van bewust dat dit een heel moeilijk en gevoelig onderwerp is: de integratie van de Afro-Surinamers in de Surinaamse samenleving. Prof. Dr. Chan Choenni is geboren en opgegroeid te Abra Broki, tussen vele Afro-Surinamers, hun cultuur en invloeden en een Afro-Surinaamse buurvrouw die een heel belangrijke rol heeft gespeeld in zijn opvoeding. "Ik heb altijd gezien en geobserveerd hoe moeilijk Afro-Surinamers het hadden met hun huidskleur, hun kroeshaar en de enorme discriminatie", aldus Choenni. Read the full article
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