#then the same leftists who called it antisemetic
former-leftist-jew · 9 months
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"Christa... I felt the same. That it would have been better if I was never born at all. The world hated me just for existing. To give countless joy to many people, I gave up my life. But - when I did, I wished from the bottom of my heart. If someday I was given a second chance at life... This time. I would live for no one but myself!"
Ymir (left), convincing her beloved Cyrsta (right) to stop lowkey throwing herself into suicide missions to please the society that openly wish she'd never been born... because Ymir has spent her whole life hating herself for being Jewish "Aldean."
I'll admit, when I first saw this scene in Attack on Titan, I cried for like an hour, and had to process it for like a day. This show understands what it's like to go from a self-hating Jew trying to "pass" as goy, to learning to love yourself and live for those you love, despite the people who want you dead, better than most media I could name.
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gingerswagfreckles · 10 months
"I don't hate Jews, just Zionists!!" Yeah the problem with this statement is that you guys have expanded the definition of "Zionist" to include every Jewish person on the entire fucking planet. The number of times I have seen the sentiment that anything short of celebrating religious extremist terrorist attacks constitutes supporting Israel in the past month and a half is completely insane. Jews are not obligated to support a militia that had the total extermination of our people as a stated goal in their foundational charter until 2017. We aren't obligated to support an organization who's leaders publicly called for the extermination of Jews as recently as 2019, and who's governing bodies still include those same members. We aren't obligated to support and participate in our own oppression in order for our pro-Palestinian activism to be valid.
"I don't hate Jews, just Zionists." This means nothing if your only definition of a "good Jew" is one who will sit up like a dog and bark on your command. One who doesn't call out antisemitism and who will cheer along side you so-called "leftists" as you throw your support behind an organization who is as explicitly antisemetic as the Nazis were in pre-WW2 Germany.
I am not a Zionist. I have donated as much money as I can afford towards relief efforts and have marched within the crowds of protesters in the streets calling for a ceasefire. I was almost arrested by the NYPD at the Jewish Voices for Peace rally at Grand Central station. And yet I have had the word "Zionist" thrown in my face so many times in the past few weeks, over and over, by a bunch of white fucking gentiles who cry about how they're being "silenced" when Jews call out their antisemitism.
"I don't hate Jews, just Zionists." A good 80% of you do hate Jews. You do hate Jews. If you classify any Jew who won't celebrate explicitly antisemitic terrorist attacks as a "Zionist," I'm sorry to tell you but you do hate Jews. Because that's all of us. Fuck you guys, honestly. None of you have ever cared about anything but chasing online leftist clout.
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Years on this website and considering myself a leftist and i still don't understand what people want.
Is it for queer people to not be murdered or for islam to spread? And yes, Israel is not a "queer heaven" or whatever excuse people are using now, but anyone should be able to tell the difference between being commonly hated and being treated like an animal worth hunting.
We SHOULD be able to differentiate that. Right? But no, queer people having any sort of human rights is "pinkwashing".
You can't even have a discussion about that without people putting the blame directly on Israel. Even though Gaza had 20 years to improve and nothing changed.
Do they really think queer rights are anything, but a joke to the people they're raising money for? What's the end goal? Is it pro or against equality?
Not sure exactly what you are saying here...
But I will tell you that there is no "queer heaven" on this earth, sorry to disappoint you. Israel actually treats queer people like humans, yes there are obviously people who dislike the concept but overall you are projecting Christian values onto Israel. Most people now a days in Judaism don't care what your sexual orientation or gender are. They have pride parades and have the same rights we queers have here.
So let me just clear that up right now.
These people that I consider "extremist leftism", have no idea how to help, they don't make any real effort except arguing with people online.
Baseline I think really they want Israel to no longer exist.
Most of these extremists are young, uneducated, arrogant people who have been swept up in propaganda.
They do not know how badly hamasshole treats his people, they don't care that in Islam being queer is punishable by death. They don't realize how bad Sharah law is and how it is actually happening as they sit as their computer. Women have no rights, the people cannot protest, the people have no choice but to be Islamic, they have no choice if they are chosen as a small child to be trained to be a soldier. People don't know what actually happens to the citizens under hamasshole.
They are showing more antisemetic behavior more and more everyday and think that calling it (((antiZionism))) is somehow different.
Israel (*Tel-Aviv) was built on legally owned and non occupied land by about 60 Jewish families. Us Jews are indigenous to the land, the fact the daily Jewish cultural artifacts are found in Israel and the surrounding area. This isn't some lie, it's the truth.
I still don't know what you were getting at, but leftists really want Jews to not exist and those who are left have no home. If they kill the population in Israel, they want more deaths than Hitler was responsible for in WW2 and nearly 80% of the population.
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rjalker · 1 year
you ask leftists not to be active bigots saying the exact same shit as actual Nazis and they pretend it's a conspiracy to make you stop criticizing the rich.
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[ID: A screenshot of a reply by bottom-bunk-art from Jul 26 2023, reading: "dump-the-ashes I’ve seen a ton of posts saying “don’t call mega-rich this word because it’s actually nazi propaganda” I’m starting to think it’s a plot to turn people against anyone who says something bad about the uber wealthy." End ID.]
This is on a post telling people to stop spreading antisemetic conspiracy theories about Mark Zuckerberg.
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fittingoutjane · 5 months
The reason leftist antisemitism is so damned painful is the lack of reciprocity.
When Black people, or trans people, or Native Americans tried to teach me things, I've done my best to listen. I've spent many hours reading about and studying the problems that affect them, examining my own biases, and, I think, becoming a better person in the process.
I've learned that prejudice is complicated, and that positive stereotypes can be just as damaging as negative ones. (Stereotypes about Black people's physical strength and toughness, for example, and ones about Asian women's beauty.)
I've studied the nuances of history from multiple perspectives, learning about how, for example, British colonialism was powered by British commoners who were themselves being harmed and exploited.
But since October 7, I've learned that it doesn't work the other way. That the majority of self-declared leftists have no interest in listening to me about what it means to be a Jew. I offer the extraordinary vulnerability of my own family's trauma, and I get political slogans. I offer a full discourse on history, the history that I've had the equivalent of several college courses on, and I get arguments from people who know so little their questions make no sense. I try to explain antisemetic dog whistles and why they're so scary, and people I've called friend for decades tell me that I'm wrong, actually.
Literally, I asked someone to give me a source for a claim about Gaza, and was told BY MULTIPLE PEOPLE that it didn't matter whether that particular claim was true or not, because it was still raising awareness. These are the same folks who said "facts matter" back in 2017.
And I'm still listening to the needs of other minorities. Because it's the right thing to do, whether it's reciprocal or not, but, well, it's not as easy as it used to be.
Still, I refuse to turn bitter, like some of the older Jews I know. I'm going to continue to pursue the principles of true leftism: Kindness, intellectual honesty, plurality and above all the value of all human life.
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I’m interested in learning and talking more about how the term antisemitism has been used as a term to describe Black activists, especially during the civil rights movement, and its interesting when you think about “white antisemitism” in “the south” which is also used by northern leftists to equate southerners to poor and antisocial communities, and how that framing of the south disproportionately affects Black people.... but like civil rights activists who were pointing out the privilege that white Jewish people had at the time, gave people permission to call them antisemetic? To push harder against progress? Like listen to Malcolm X’s speeches where he talks about white Jewish privilege because points were made. And also, no civil rights activists were fucking saying that WWII wasn’t terrible. It is possible to acknowledge genocide and systemic racism, while also continuing to critique those same goddamned structures!!!!! People that do not benefit from systemic racism at one point might at another, and it’s valuable to acknowledge that power shift! It has the same energy of white cis gay men being misogynistic and transphobic and not accepting any form of critique because they are a part of a marginalized community. Obviously NOT the same as race but like you get what I mean?
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