#then there's Kvold he's cool too
mystery-salad · 4 years
How do your characters feel about the halloween event? Who celebrates it, who dislikes the whole thing, who eats too many sweets?
Right off the bat, Whomstdve and Yalldntve are my Halloween mascots for my accounts! They’re out there pretty much whenever I’m not leveling a character in the lab and canonically that makes them just VERY into the holiday and costumes!!!
Laighe absolutely doesn’t care for it. Too many costumes of her, too many people hoping to be like the Commander. And none of the costumes are accurate to how she looks now lol
Taomesin is NOT HERE they don’t do holidays or crowds at all goodbye!
Tvelle is absolutely dressed up and handing out candy to every kid she passes in LA
Tojoll is helping judge the costume contest and absolutely flirting with every girl backstage~
Embrant is following Wrelia (Socks’) around the whole time goofing off in costumes
Kvold goes for Those Slutty Versions of costumes every year because he thinks they’re pretty and poor Liaur (socks’) absolutely spends a lot of his own time keeping leering viewers off of the naive guy.
Elaphurus loves wandering the smaller towns and seeing all the individual traditions and decorations. Lions Arch is cool and all but there’s so much to see in their favorite little locations too~
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ascalonianpicnic · 5 years
Maroon, Brick, Bronze, Sky, Teal, Violet, Lilac, Blush, Cotton candy, Coconut, and Black for Lace, Wrelia, Rhosill and Aselif
Oooh lot’s of good questions for lot’s of good kids! And by good, I mean every single one of these idiots is morally grey at best. You get a read more because it’s gonna be at least a little long. Have fun~
Maroon - What are you most passionate about?
Lace - They think for a moment, then laugh. “Well, there’s a lot of things I could say, but I’ll keep it appropriate and say the people I care about. Strair, Cue, Kvold, Ive, and others, I’d really do anything for them, and anything to keep them safe.”
Wrelia - “Oh! Oh! Yeah! My research! I put a lot of time into the study of magic, specifically necromancy. I’m mostly self taught, aside from the tips I’ve gotten from Odollumn and Trahearne, and I’m always working to learn more and expand my capabilities!”
Rhosill - “I’m not. Sorry.”
Aselif - “I’m most passionate about my poisons. It’s work I chose for myself, and that I enjoy. It helps with my job, and lets me explore new things. It’s really very lovely. Cayde is the other thing I’m passionate about. I love him, truly and surprisingly. I didn’t think I could, but I do.”
Brick - What are some things you dislike?
Lace - “People who treat public spaces like they’re private, idiots who think they can get the drop on me, people who try to use Cue to get to me. People who don’t respect boundaries. Tenor. Fire. Gods. Not having control. I can go on longer if you want...”
Wrelia - “The Elder Dragons have all been pretty mean. And I don’t really like being alone. And coffee makes me very shaky and doesn’t taste great, though chocolate covered coffee beans are pretty good. I don’t like that Mom has been trying to take on all this burden by herself, when she has so many people around her that want to help. I don’t like that things keep hurting my loved ones. I don’t like that I could lose everyone at any given moment, and that I wouldn’t be able to save them or bring them back. I really don’t like wyld hunts. I hate that we can’t stop, or the world will end. I don’t like this question.”
Rhosill - “Myself, the inquest, bandits, and my old job as an assassin, to name a few things.”
Aselif - “Let’s see, I’m not very fond of Lusus. I don’t particularly like any of the people I meet with for the court, they’re all fairly horrible, especially Tenor. I dislike many of the things the court makes me do. There’s so much more, too, but it’s a long list, and it would only bore both of us.”
Bronze - What is your favorite way to warm up when it’s cold?
Lace - “Coffee, and cuddling with Cue under a blanket if I can. That’s the first thing I did when I got back from the Shiverpeaks after finally finishing my wyld hunt. Second favorite is sharing a bed with someone exciting.”
Wrelia - “Blanket cape and baking. Embrant and I like to joke that we’re royalty, and the oven heats the whole kitchen up pretty well. Plus, we get food after we’re all warmed up!”
Rhosill - “I don’t usually need to, but if I do, then a campfire, and some hot cider.”
Aselif - “Cuddling up with Cayde is always nice. Even when I’m not cold.”
Sky - What is your favorite time of the day?
Lace - “Very late at night to very early in the morning. The wee hours, when everything is quiet, and it’s just you, the stars, and maybe some stray crickets. It’s so peaceful during that time.”
Wrelia - “Late morning! Making brunch with my wife when we both have a day off! And we laugh and joke and each food that should probably count as desert, but brunch has no rules~”
Rhosill - “It’s changed a lot over the years. Right now, it’s lunchtime.” He smiles a little. “You haven’t seen excited until you’ve seen a bunch of recruits being let out from their morning drills to go eat and hang out.”
Aselif - “Dawn, the moments before the sun rises. Responsibilities don’t exist during that brief period of time, and the sky just look beautiful. I wish I had more opportunities to be up then.”
Teal - What makes you feel most at peace?
Lace - “Quiet and solitude, or having complete and total control of a situation. Both together is especially nice.”
Wrelia - “Spending time with my friends! They’re all great people, and we all make each other feel loved and wanted and welcome! It’s a nice feeling, and it helps me forget some of the big problems I’m facing.”
Rhosill - He mimes holding his rifle. “Gun in hand, and a bandit or inquest bastard in my sights.”
Aselif - “When Cayde comes to my office to just sit with me while I work. He makes the work go quicker, and makes it easier to think. And it is also simply nice to hold him close while he gets a break.”
Violet - What is your ideal date?
Lace - “Cue and I built my house together, and we fucked in every room as we built them. I’d say that was pretty ideal!”
Wrelia - “Whenever Em pulls out the blanket fort again! We usually bake cookies, and sometimes other treat too, and we spend all day curled up together and having a relaxing time!. It’s the best. Embrant’s the best.”
Rhosill - “My... what? I dunno, have I ever been on a date?” He hasn’t, and he wouldn’t know how to go on one, or what he’d want from one.
Aselif - “Any chance I get to spend an entire day with Cayde. I’d love to take him out to see more of the world together with him at some point, but our responsibilities keep getting in the way of that.”
Lilac - How would someone win you over?
Lace - “There’s... well there’s a lot of intricacies to it, so it’s kind of hard to say.” They rub at the back of their head for a moment, thinking. “Well, if you aren’t looking for any serious sort of relationship or friendship, good, kinky sex is a very fast way to my heart. Longer term, respect my boundaries, respect my privacy, respect my triggers... really just show some fucking respect and don’t push for shit I haven’t given you permission to push for.”
Wrelia - “If you have any notes or research on necromancy, that’d be great! I just really like when people talk to me in general, though. I’m pretty easy to win over.”
Rhosill - “Uh, whiskey? I guess? Tvelle punched me, and I let the recruits all try and fail to beat me up, so I guess whiskey or kicking my ass?”
Aselif - “Usually, I’m the one doing the hard work of winning others over.”
Blush - Do you have a crush on anyone? If so, who is it?
Lace - They laugh. “Cue, pretty obviously! That’s why I’m dating him! Strair, too, I suppose, and Maric. I’m sleeping with all of them, though, so it’s not really a thing.”
Wrelia - “Does my wife count? Even though I already married her? Ummm, Sayeh al’ Rajihd was really cool. I only got to meet her like once, but I have a little bit of a crush on her still.”
Rhosill - “I don’t think so, no.”
Aselif - “I think you should have gotten the picture by now. I am taken.”
Cotton candy - Would you say you have a sweet tooth?
Lace - “No, that’s why I drink my coffee black. I don’t hate sweets, but I don’t love them either.”
Wrelia - She looks around a little awkwardly and giggles. “I think it’s pretty obvious that I do. I’d eat pastries for every meal if I could get away with it! Uncle Ruzzier caught me last time I tried though, and I got this whole lecture on the importance of a balanced diet.”
Rhosill - “Don’t really care how things taste at all, if I’m honest. So no, I don’t.”
Aselif - “Yes, I would. I especially love the sweetness of fresh fruit.”
Coconut - What would be your ideal vacation?
Lace - “I’m admittedly not a huge fan of vacations. I’d usually rather be working. But if I were to pick anything, I’d like to follow Cue while he goes to work and just spend the day watching him.”
Wrelia - “One that my mom, Laighe, takes. She can take all of mine for all I care, as long as she uses them and takes a break.”
Rhosill - “Fuck, I don’t need a vacation. I’m basically always on vacation already. Not like I have a job right now or anything.”
Aselif - “I’ve been told Elona is quite beautiful, and has an abundance of new plant and animal life that produce fascinating toxins and poisons. I’d love to take Cayde to Amnoon to explore, and spend some time working with the new materials I find there.”
Black - What is the darkest thing you’ve ever done?
Lace - They grin and quirk an eyebrow. “Are you sure you really want to hear that? I can go into some pretty intricate details about how I torture people, if that’s what you’re looking for. Like how I hung a man by his wrists and whipped him until he blacked out, then I healed his wounds and started the whole process over again. Or how I froze a woman’s lungs in her chest and watched her suffocate. Or the courtier whose legs I cut off one inch at a time after they tried to force Kvold back into the court. That was a good one.”
Wrelia - “I, uhm, I don’t really wanna talk about it... so how about I talk about this lil guy instead.” She holds up a strange looking rat, leaking a black tar-like substance. “I named him Jeremy. He’s awakened. I awakened him! Isn’t he cute? I guess this counts as dark, right? Well, I’m studying him with the hope that I can figure out some sort of way of treating the free awakened when they get sick or injured. It’s pretty cool, but just a side project. Taimi takes precedent right now.”
Rhosill - He shrugs. “Mass murdering a bunch of inquest when I was a sapling, maybe? My work as an assassin, could also count. Or my time with Scarlet. I’ve done a lot of very dark things. I only regret some of it.”
Aselif - “I’ve sold many of my fellow courtiers into worse lives than the ones they already had. And I’ve helped torture lots of people. The one that haunts me most was a knight from my own court, who I sold to one Lady Tenor. I see her around more often than I’d like. I haven’t seen the knight since. I don’t know if that’s better or worse.”
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ascalonianpicnic · 5 years
maroon, honey, sandstone, yellow, gold, pine, sky, lavender, pastel, cream, sepia, and umber for Lace, Rhosill, and Wrelia~
What a lovely trio of kids~
Maroon - What are you most passionate about?
Lace: “My family. I’d do anything to keep them all safe and happy.”
Rhosill: “I guess making up for my past, maybe? I’m not really a passionate sorta person.”
Wrelia: “My research, hands down! I could go on for hours about the things I’ve studied and the magic I’ve learned over the years! My most recent personal project has been studying the awakened and it’s been sooo fascinating, and I should stop before I talk you’re ear off, huh?”
Honey - Have you ever considered marrying someone? What is your opinion on marriage in general?
Lace: “I haven’t, but now that you mention it, I guess I wouldn’t mind marrying Cue. I don’t like the idea of being tied to one person, but I guess marriage isn’t necessarily that, is it. It could be nice...”
Rhosill: “Nope. Wouldn’t want anyone to get stuck with me forever like that. “
Wrelia: “I am married! To the most amazing woman! Have you met my wife, Embrant?! She’s great! Marriage is great! I get it isn’t for everyone, but for me, it’s a nice promise that we’ll always come back to each other in the end, no matter what. It’s comforting.”
Sandstone - Who in your life has been the most healing for you?
Lace: “Cue, easily. He’s helped me through so much, and I can’t put into words how much he means to me.”
Rhosill: “Tvelle has been, and Canach has done his part, too. The two of them are always checking up on me and making sure I remember I have somewhere to come back to when I leave. They’ve gotten me to laugh and smile more than I have probably ever. They make me feel like I can be a better person.”
Wrelia: “I have so many people in my life who have done so much for me and helped me overcome some real rough patches, so it’s a little hard to pick. Laighe was so important and helpful at the start, and Odollumn is just always a constant and reassuring pressence. And I always go to Ruzzier when it all gets to be too much. And of course there’s Embrant, who helped pull me out of my lowest low point like it was nothing. I really can’t just pick one person, not when I have an entire family here supporting me and helping me.”
Yellow - Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
Lace: “More pessimistic, but not an all out pessimist. I’m a pretty anxious person, so I tend to prepare for things to go wrong.”
Rhosill: “I’m a pessimist, I think. I’m pretty sure I know what that means. I’ll ask Tvelle later.”
Wrelia: “I’m an optimist! Or, at least, I try to be an optimist. It’s hard when every step of the way, it feels like something big is going wrong.” She’s actually a pretty pessimistic person, but she constantly fakes at being more upbeat and optimistic as a force of habit from when she was trying to make herself more likeable and acceptable as a sapling.
Gold - Would you consider yourself more rich or poor, in comparison to the world you live in?
Lace: “I’m filthy fucking rich, and I make no secret of that. I don’t flaunt it either, though. Been trying to give more away to charity recently, since I’m never going to need as much as I have.”
Rhosill: “I don’t have a paycheck. I’m squatting in an abandoned apartment. All the money I earn when I complete a bounty goes immediately to more alcohol. I think it’s pretty clear where I fall.”
Wrelia: “I guess I’m more rich. Never really thought about it, if I’m honest, but I get a pretty good paycheck from the Pact, and live pretty comfortably.”
Pine - If camping exists in your wold, have you gone camping? did you like it? do you go often?
Lace: “I went camping while running around Elona with Laighe and her team, and I enjoyed it. It might be something I look into doing with Cue in the future, if he’s interested.”
Rhosill: “I guess I’ve been camping. I go pretty regularly, if you count when I fuck off into the desert to hunt criminals for weeks at a time. I enjoy doing that, it’s a great stress reliever.”
Wrelia: “I’ve been camping with Mom and her team for work. It’s probably one of my least favorite parts. It’s too hard to bring research along on trips like that, and I end up getting bored or being stressed out. Not super fun.”
Sky - What is your favorite time of the day?
Lace: “The hours leading up to dawn, when the world is still asleep, and it’s just you and some insects and the early rising birds. The sky is still full of stars, the air feels fresher and crisper, it’s the best time of day.”
Rhosill: “Sunrise is my favorite. It has a knack for washing away the thoughts of the night and promising another new chance to do better.”
Wrelia: “I’m really fond of late morning, especially when Em and I both have the day off, so we can make some over the top and extravagant brunch while still in our pjs and wrapped up in blankets!”
Lavender - what is a smell you really like?
Lace: “The smell of Cue, but if that’s too sappy for you and not what you’re looking for, then the smell of freshly cut wood.”
Rhosill: “I really like the way campfires smell.”
Wrelia: “There isn’t a whole lot out there that can beat the smell of cookies baking. The only downside is having to wait to eat them!”
Pastel - Do you prefer pastel, bright, neon, or dark colors?
Lace: “I like dark colors with pops of neon, personally.”
Rhosill: “Uhhh, I’m not sure where earthy colors fit, but those are what I like.”
Wrelia: “Hmmm, pastels, probably! I don’t wear them a whole lot myself anymore, but I still really love them!”
Cream - Do you prefer Tea, Coffee, or Cocoa?
Lace: “Coffee.”
Rhosill: “I’m pretty indifferent. Coffee’s usually what I end up with, though, since people assume I like it and end up getting me some.”
Wrelia: “Cocoa is delicious, and I like to have a cup while snuggling up with Embrant at home! Tea is also really good, though, and I tend to order that when out at a cafe!”
Sepia - Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
Lace: “My work was my hobby, before I stepped back from it for Cue’s sake. He was always worrying about me, and I will admit that it’s been nice to just have time to spend with him. I’m looking for new hobbies right now, things that I can just sit and do around the house.”
Rhosill: “Gun maintenance. Playing the fiddle. Friendly brawls. Getting pulled into Tvelle’s strange pranks. Oh, and stargazing.”
Wrelia: “I really like reading, and baking! I used to sew, too. I should pick that up again.”
Umber - Who do you call your friend? How many Friends do you have?
Lace: “I’ve got a lot of people I can call friends, but only a few close ones. Strair, Ive, and Maric are probably my closest friends.”
Rhosill: “Well, I’ve got Tvelle. I can probably count Canach, too, even if he is my partner. I think I can count Logan, too. Don’t know for sure about that one, but we get on well enough.”
Wrelia: “I’ve got a lot of friends, these days! It’s great, since I didn’t have any for a while at the start. Kvold is my absolute best friend, and his other friend, Liaur, is another really good friend! Em’s twin, Rieft, is also a good friend, but like in a family friend sort of way, since I guess she’s my sister-in-law. Oh, and Fhariem over at the priory is really cool! She always goes on about old court politics, and I don’t really get it, but she’s super nice and kinda spooky, and I like that! There’s also...” She really can and will go on for ages listing them all off if allowed. She’s very excited about having friends.
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