#then tolerable ships
izzyfishie · 1 year
izzy’s shippity pippity chart
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ship chart !!
red tier : riverway, rolohst
orange tier : stagedorks, play ride, richjer, richjake
clementine tier : deere, puppy love, cinnabun
yellow tier : boyf riends, bich, pins n’ patches
lime tier : expensive headphones, christine x michael
green tier : squip x anyone, pinkberry, chloe x jenna
teal tier : mr. heere/mr. reyes x any kids, christine x dustin (they’re fuckin cousins weirdo)
blue tier : book!chloe x nicole, playbook, dance pants, christine x madeline
in case u cant tell… im bored asf rn hmu yall gimme smth to DOOOO
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keclan · 2 years
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i love gay friend groups
edit: i made a new side blog for genshin, follow me @neuvalors instead of here
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yannaryartside · 3 months
No thoughts, just Luca looking at Sydney
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The second gif, Jesus. The way he touches his mouth…
Like, girl…
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sadclowncentral · 2 months
i love when people get more loud and outgoing and happy to talk to strangers after having a drink or two it's fun to watch people come out of their shell however i am like that sober alcohol just makes me unable to mask my autism. which means partying with me is like this
friend: you were right man the people here are so cool i've made so many friend alrea- dude are you okay you are so quiet all of a sudden
me who has not blinked in 5 minutes: yes. can i please list aircraft designations in alphabetical order now
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wickjump · 8 days
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thinking about good dad cross… thinking about how he is a good father despite how his own father mistreated him… how he would be so invested in his kids lives… growhshdhfhdlsls
(all art by jakei, they’re crunchy because these r all deleted as far as im aware so i did have to go on amino)
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heavenlee773 · 1 month
Can you guys tell that I like FOPANW?
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I’m kind of warming up to Jasmine, not because of her character, BUT BECAUSE SHE’S FUN TO DRAW!!
Her outfit’s cute and has personality, which I respect, and her hair is cut to show she’s wild!!
Basically whenever I don’t have a cardboard cut out idea on how to feel about a character, I measure it on how fun they are to draw, and she’s a solid 8! (Which is a lot since I love to put 7 for everything!!)
I went through this process back in let’s say 2022 when I was watching TOH due to a friend’s persistence, and drew Hunter. Beforehand, yeah he was a fun character, but after? HE JUST BECAME BETTER!!
I don’t know, maybe it’s an artist thing, but the moral of the story is—
There is no moral.
I drew it this because Dev looked SO CUTE in this scene and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to draw him.
It had nothing to do with Jasmine…😖
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dreamwinged · 3 months
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wttcsms · 19 days
arranged marriage au but both you and character don't want to get married. however, in order to receive your inheritance, you have to agree to try your best to make this relationship work + because of similar familial pressure, character is also compelled to see this marriage through. however, your family does understand that if it's character that breaks off the engagement, they'll understand that you tried your best and you get full access to your trust fund and you don't have to tie the knot. for character, if you break off the engagement, he's in the clear, too.
so now, it's a competition between you two. unbeknownst to the other, y'all are both actively trying to get the other to get so frustrated that you'll send the loser running for the hills, crying to get the engagement broken.
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toleratesurbs · 7 days
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kagumokou is so hot I wish killing people was real
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already seeing "ugh male Rook with Neve in the trailer... that's a LESBIAN" posts on twitter and I'm beating them with a big stick that says "you can HEADCANON whatever you want about anything ever but your HEADCANON is factually incorrect and if it chaps your ass even a little bit when anyone up to and including the literal creators of the character disagrees with your HEADCANON then that's fully a you problem and you should consider developing coping skills about it rather than contributing to this fandom's legendary hostility by policing (even in a manner you'll claim was "joking" when someone stands up for themselvs) people who are only enjoying their own playthrough, headcanon, or ship" and by stick I do mean the block button
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ogachukwu-the-freak · 7 months
Can't fucking stand Black Butler antis, YES my favorite scene was the fucking asthma scene bitch AND???? I'M WEIRD? WHY DID YOU WATCH AN ANIME WITH CLEARLY SUGGESTIVE SCENES LIKE THAT HUH???
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lordzuuko · 1 year
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Gojou Satoru taking a photo with his kouhai he so totally do not have a crush on, he swears! Print | Ko-fi
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pandadrake · 4 months
How would werewolf miguel react to pets? I wanna pet the beeg boi.
If we're talking about ATSV Miguel, he'd probably act annoyed, but make zero effort to avoid it.
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invye · 3 months
So my friend has me watching One Piece again which means I am back on my Mihawk brainrot--
Therefore let me introduce you to the list of hobbies I headcannon Mihawk to practice when he's sailing from A to B or taking a bit of time off in his goth castle:
wood carving
soap making
Extensive and rambly collection of thoughts on all of these under the cut:
My man lives alone, of course he can cook. And he enjoys it. He is the type who technically can eat anything and everything no matter the taste as long as it gives him the nutrition he needs, but ever since he started cooking more regularly he's caught himself getting more picky about the quality and taste of his food. This becomes a problem when his unbidden guests (read: Perona dragging Zoro along) decide to help with the cooking duties... Mihawk has to go through a unexpectedly difficult phase of adapting to liking food that he hasn't made himself exactly fitting to his own taste again.
(Also Zoro on vegetable cutting duty leaves a Mess™. Mihawk makes him scrub the entire kitchen back to his standards after the first time, and while Zoro at first only marginally improves on the not making a mess part, he significantly improves on the cleaning the mess part. [Mihawk's standards for a clean kitchen are exactly as high as Sanji's, a fact which serves Zoro well after his return.])
Mihawk enjoys his books. Nothing like a nice evening of quiet reading with a good glass of wine. He reads while travelling too, because lets be honest, there is only so much wistful staring at the horizon he can do and only so many naps he can take while he sails Hitsugibune from one end of the world to the other. At this point he has worked his way halfway through the library of his castle. Which does not stop him from buying new books. He's surprised that it still isn't a commonly known fact about him, with how often he has caused near heart attacks in poor bookshop owners when they are faced with the World's Greatest Swordsman having appeared in their shop to buy a book?? But he supposes it's one of these "no one will ever believe you" kind of situations.
Mihawk also has a lady two islands over from Kuraigana who supplies him with romance novels. She wisely knows not to comment, but he will never forget her wild grin the first time she saw him reaching for a queer novel. The woman seems to pride herself in always having a new queer story available whenever he stops by, and Mihawk has stubbornly decided to pokerface his way through their interactions forever and ever.
The library has significantly grown since Mihawk moved in. It's sorted by genre now. He'll never let Shanks in there so he doesn't have to admit just how much and what kind of romance he's reading.
Roses. Mihawk has an aesthetic and he commits to it 100%. He keeps the most immaculate rose garden Shanks has ever seen, and Shanks has seen plenty of pretty places. At least half the different species of rose bushes are actually gifts from Shanks after he's seen the beginnings of the garden the first time he visited (read: dropped by unannounced) Kuraigana after it became known Mihawk had claimed the island. So now, years later, Mihawk has probably the most extensive collection of rose species in all colours, shapes and sizes in all the seas.
To Zoro's chagrin, the garden is set up like a maze. It's not a big maze. Even the rose bushes Mihawk has allowed to grow tall during his absences barely even reach higher than Mihawk's shoulders. No reasonable person could ever get lost in it. It quickly becomes apparent that Zoro is not a reasonable person.
'Hidden' within the rose 'maze' there are some dedicated patches of ground making up a kitchen garden. Mihawk got tired of doing supply runs every couple weeks, so he grows his own vegetables and herbs (healing purposes included) and even started to grow the spices he prefers.
(To his own annoyance that garden is not able to support feeding three mouths instead of just one, so the supply runs are back to their old frequency until he makes Zoro and Perona spend a week helping him extend the garden. By year two Kuraigana is mostly self-sufficient again. [By year three Mihawk doesn't know what to do with his extra produce anymore so he decides to actually host Shanks' crew for once instead of just Shanks on his lonesome. They are surprisingly respectful of his space, he might even get the utterly insane idea to do this again.])
Wood carving
You have seen his clothes. Everyone has seen his clothes. You know the chances of finding a good, waterproof coat that not just fits perfectly but also exactly reflects your style? They're abysmal. And even if you found the perfect piece of clothing for you, it needs to be properly washed and maintained if you want it to last longer than a storm or two. Also, professional hand embroidery costs a ton of money. So yes, Mihawk made all the little embroidered details himself. At this point he doubts anyone even remembers how his coat looked back when he bought it and before he had time to put a needle to it. Well, anyone who isn't Shanks. Because Mihawk distinctly remembers Shanks staring when he first showed up to a duel with his brand new coat and then staring again after Mihawk was done with it.
Embroidery is more of a winter hobby, when the garden doesn't need him, and he feels the urge to keep his hands moving. For a while he considered teaching Zoro to give him more of a feeling for fine control, but he quickly discarded the idea in favour of helping Perona with her clothes making adventures.
Mihawk never thought or intended for wood carving to become an actual hobby at all. It started out with him finding himself having sailed into a middle of a rather big reef in an attempt to evade social interaction with Vice Admiral Garp after he spotted his ship on the horizon in the early days of Mihawk's Warlord-ship. The reef had plenty rock and coral formations just closely hiding beneath the water surface, interseeded with sand banks that shifted with the tides, which any ship that lays even slightly deeper in the water than Hitsugibune would not be able to navigate. Mihawk relied on his Haki and superior eye-sight to spot all the obstacles and even with all that it was difficult to sail Hitsugibune safely. Then the winds turned on him rather suddenly when he crossed a climate barrier, bringing along heavy cloud cover and fog, and Mihawk decided he needed to make note of the rock formations somehow to not run into them after all as visibility pretty much approached zero. Being not at all talented in map drawing, Mihawk used Kogatana to carve the map into a random scrap of plank instead. It served him well (he sucessfully avoided Garp and there was not a single new scratch on Hitsugibune) and it kind of just became a thing he did. He now has a small collection of carved maps of mostly reefs and other dangerous waters he uses for hiding and evading purposes. And if he carves the occasional bird or other animal when he's bored out at sea, no one needs to know.
Soap making
It's another hobby Mihawk stumbled upon mostly by coincidence. One day during a supply run he got annoyed by how expensive soap is. The next day he had everything he needed to make it for much less money. A week later he had a year's worth supply of soap sorted out. Shanks asks how Mihawk manages to always smell of roses, even when he has been gone from Kuraigana for weeks. Mihawk says nothing while Shanks' crew mercilessly teases their captain for always getting up and close into Hawkeyes' personal space to even know that. They are smart enough to know not to comment on Mihawk allowing Shanks this close in the first place.
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jeyneofpoole · 2 months
no more hotd no more iwtv i have got to get back into polar exploration
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hashileio · 1 year
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your honor i love them
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