#then watch this as a fun silly dessert of media
keepyourpantsongohan · 4 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Cherry Magic S1
For anyone who doesn't know the premise of this series, it is about developing touch telepathy from 30 years of virginity. Believe it or not, at least in live action, it is a much more sincere, kind and lovely show than that premise might lead you to believe
"It's not a very useful power, and it's hell while commuting on the train." Anime Adachi is a bit more sombre than I expected. Grumpy little man
Interesting that the anime actually immediately confirms bisexuality for Adachi in a way that the live action only implies
"This is my colleague, Kurosawa. He's handsome, good at his job, friendly to gloomy plebs like me." Ah, the original Colleague Adachi Thinks About Such A Normal Amount
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"You better have a crap personality." HAHAHAHA Adachi, please
"He's so close. He's so cute. I love him so much." I do love the visual representation of Kurosawa's thoughts going a mile a minute
"I thought I gained magic powers, but what if I imagined all of it?" I've said this so many times before, but it is INCREDIBLE that Adachi was fully willing to believe that he had magical telepathy until he learned his coworker had a crush on him and he was like, 'Unrealistic. Blocked.'
I gotta say, the flirting is so far not as cute in the anime as in the live action. Timing, perhaps? Tone? Not sure
"Maybe, I'll have you thank me with your body next time." This is an INSANE way to ask your colleague to dinner, Kurosawa!!!!
I do appreciate the consistency in Kurosawa only having nice thoughts. Also the pajama fantasies continue to be funny
"His place is dripping with popular guy vibes." At least in this version, Adachi says this about Kurosawa's bachelor apartment with FOUR houseplants instead of one. That's growth!
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[Thinking about Kurosawa with this shirt half-open] "Would this have been simpler if one of us were a woman?" As a fellow bisexual Adachi: No, probably not
"Kurosawa likes me, right? So why didn't he make a move?" [Blushes, thinking about Kurosawa leaning over him] "That makes it sound like I was hoping he'd try something." Oh, Adachi, you're in it now
The way they both can't sleep through the night because they're too nervous thinking about each other is very sweet
"Try to get along, boys," said the director, as he set them up on a little thank-you barbecue date
"This is actually kinda fun. Kurosawa seems to be having fun too. This is pretty fun." Adachi is having such a good time the barbecue date he had to say it in three different ways
Adachi feeling guilty about wanting to leave things as they are... kind, sweet man
"It's not like I can reciprocate Kurosawa's feelings," said Adachi, like he doesn't compliment Kurosawa in every other thought and mentally flashback to him with his shirt unbuttoned
"It sounds like he's being nice to you. Why not use it to your advantage?" "What? I can't do that." Tsuge has absolutely NONE of the moral reservations that Adachi has about imposing on Kurosawa's kindness
"This is why you're unpopular. Too earnest, too awkward, too dense," Anime Tsuge handsome, but a hater
Also Tsuge, babygirl, your only other friend is your cat. WHO ARE YOU CALLING UNPOPULAR
Also, I looove Udon the cat sleeping in the bookcase. Babyyyyy
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"Instead of worrying about what you should do, maybe you should think about how you feel about him." That's actually really solid advice. Good job, Tsuge!
"I bet he'd be really nice if we dated." HAHAHA it didn't take Adachi long to start fantasizing himself!!
Fujisaki first spotted!! I can't wait for more of her as well
"At first, I wondered why I had to get such a stupid power. This is the first time I've been glad to have it." I LOOOOVE that the first time Adachi sees an advantage in having his powers is for him to rescue Kurosawa from work trouble. It is so sweet!
Lmaoooo the gendered alcohol is so funny. Why are men only allowed to drink beer and women only allowed to drink wine
Kurosawa giving a Adachi forehead kiss while mentally saying "Sorry," for them being roped into the King's Game dare also gets me in the heart every time
"I'm sorry, Adachi, for falling in love with you." KUROSAWAAAAA
Adachi clarifying that he doesn't mind that Kurosawa kissed him is perhaps the flirtiest thing he's done yet
"For the first time, I want to get to know him better," said Adachi, while Kurosawa swerved into him ready for Kiss #2
"What were you two doing?" "Nothing!" HAHAHAHA I take it back, the flirting is fun. Also this is just as, if not more suspicious, than standing 1cm apart:
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"I think I might've gotten ahead of myself." Realistic Rooftop Romance Re-Evaluation
"I was glad to hear he didn't dislike me, but I rushed things. I don't want to bother him, so I'll act normal at the office." Kurosawa is sooooo attuned to Adachi's needs
Every time they show them from behind I keep being distracted by what an ass Kurosawa has. Baby got back!
Also also also. The Yaoi Hands proportions of it all hahahah. On one hand, Kurosawa is also very tall in the JDrama. On the other, Adachi wasn't this short or slight of frame in it
"I hope it ends soon," said Adachi, only a little bit talking about karaoke, and otherwise mostly thinking of the women flirting with Kurosawa:
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"It's Rokkaku, the recent graduate!" I also love Rokkaku. He's Valentina, an ally. Also the IRE in Adachi's voice
"You're surprisingly considerate, Ando-san." "It's Adachi." HAHAHA I now understand why the ire
Wild that Rokkaku's main characteristic is being a playboy. I guess everybody needs a trope
"Frustrated the words that came to mind were 'what a handsome face.'" I LOVE the text interjections about what the characters are thinking. A new angle only the anime could provide. Also LOL Adachi
"It'd be hilarious if someone so handsome were tone-deaf. I really want to hear." Shockingly mischievous of Adachi hahaha
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"Why would someone so handsome sit next to me?" Because he loves you, stupid
"If someone like [Fujisaki] liked me... No, nothing that convenient would ever happen." I think it would be too much to ask to have TWO of your coworkers in love with you
It's interesting to see how the JDrama really tried to ground them in every day work tasks but instead the anime (and presumably the source material) has the Punks Bother Fujisaki all as part of a Karaoke Confrontation. They have such a busy post-work social life!
"D-do you think you could stop?" You tell 'em, Adachi!
"I had no idea I was so narrow-minded," thought Kurosawa, like jealousy wasn't a normal human emotion that we all feel sometimes
"Until now, I thought Kurosawa was perfect and always composed. But he actually isn't. He worries and gets anxious too... Just like me." Hot Coworkers: They're Just Like Us
Also Adachi working himself up into getting annoyed at Kurosawa for being perfect and then liking him more because he ISN'T perfect is really a 'Congratulations, you played yourself' moment
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Awwwww I love them sneaking off to get ice cream, very cute
Ah, the sauna adventure that made it into the Thai adaptation but not the JDrama. Let the embarrassment commence!
In the anime tiddy debate, Cherry Magic says: Men DO have nipples
"I know Adachi isn't interested in my body, though." Give him a second, he'll get there, Kurosawa
"I like Adachi, and I've fantasized about him, but I've only ever dated women before." Honestly I have never really given Kurosawa's sexuality much thought, he just seemed like he was pretty settled in his feelings regardless
"[Adachi's stomach] probably feels really nice. No, it definitely does." "'Steam conducts excessively strong thoughts.'" CRAZY WORLD-BUILDING. Tell me more
Kurosawa's tragic backstory being that he's too handsome is still the funniest explanation for inner turmoil I've ever seen. Sweet angel, I want to study you:
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"Adachi. He doesn't know how how to brush off people like that because he lacks tact." Kurosawa said: I like them tactless and tense!
Kurosawa falling in love with Adachi because he sees him as an individual with flaws is sooooooooooooooo. They are the blueprint for Park Bench Romance:
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"I never thought I'd experience what feels like a first love at my age." <3 We love finding yourself in your 30s
Also I have also said this many times but: I love love love that Kurosawa's feelings far predate the powers. The powers give Adachi some confidence to reach out to Kurosawa, but they are NOT what brought on the feelings
"If I said it felt like magic, would Adachi laugh at me?" Only out of extreme nervousness that you can also read minds
So engrossed was I in the love story of Adachi and Kurosawa, I didn't even think about the fact there's really been no Tsuge B-plot in these first three episodes.
Udon the Cat may in fact be my favourite side character. I hope Tsuge gets to read HER mind
"I thought he was a just a shut-in, but he's a good guy after all." Hey now, Party Boy Minato, you can be a shut-in AND a good person
Tsuge feels SOOOO normal through the lens of anime LOL. This show can never match the energy of "what emotion does this image make you feel" "lust"
"Would you like to like to come again some time? Udon seems to miss you." OKAY TSUGE, SMOOTH
THAT'S MORE LIKE IT. This is the slightly off-putting vibe I expect from Tsuge:
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"In fact, [Kurosawa] completely overshadowed me." "And yet you seemed to have enjoyed it." Hee hee, I love how Kurosawa brings out a more sociable side to Adachi
"Damn it. I always end up thinking about Kurosawa's face." Adachi starts to admit that Kurosawa perhaps is a colleague thinks about more than a normal amount
"Of course he's got an ex or two. I should've known. [Gasp] Why am I so shocked by that? I don't understand." Adachi experiences romantic jealousy for the first time
HAHAHA not Adachi reliving all his romantic traumas after seeing Kurosawa talk to one pretty girl. Connect the dots, my love
LOOOOL it's funny how in the JDrama they had Adachi get sick at work and THEN Kurosawa takes him home (reasonable), as opposed to the anime where he just shows up out of nowhere on Adachi's sick day (much less reasonable, how do u know where he even lives).
"It means they'll be your first, right? I think that would make [who you end up dating] really happy." [Silently] If it were me, I'd be really happy. KUROSAWAAAAAA, I love how what Adachi sees as a flaw, Kurosawa sees as something to love
"It makes me feel like I wouldn't mind experiencing all my firsts with him." Adachi recognizing his feelings <3333333
I thought Adachi might actually kiss him until the interruption
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SCREAM KUROSAWA HAVING TWO INNER KUROSAWAS FIGHTING BETWEEN REASON AND DESIRE? I guess that's more realistic than him never thinking lustful thoughts
"No wait, Adachi's getting over a cold. I shouldn't be getting happy over this. But we're so close." [Quiet laugh] I'm amazed none of that ever shows on his face. Adachi is SOOO endeared by Kurosawa's thoughts
Adachi blushing through their train chat is adorable as hell
HAHAHA I also never tire of Adachi inviting Rokkaku to ALSO stay with him to avoid the romantic consequences of his situationship
[Internally, in a sea of mental flames] "You're not ready to try to win over Adachi with food." The energy of this was SO threatening I genuinely had to look up if Kurosawa was ALSO the VA for Sukuna from JJK. He isn't!
"He's such an idiot. He can't eat spicy food, but he will for my sake." The prophecy of the spicy true love chocolate returns <3
"It won't kill him." HAHAHAHA not Kurosawa making the spicy food challenge lustful in his mind and Adachi abandoning his plan to help as punishment for his spicy thoughts
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[Rokkaku, internally] "I still dream about it sometimes. Aw, man. I'm still not over it. That's so lame." [Adachi, aloud] "Why not?" "What?" "You got good enough to compete in a tournament, right? Why not dance sometimes?" I absolutely love when Adachi uses what he learns to comfort people. That is what makes him so loveable. Not that he can know what others are thinking, but the desire and ability to help them with that knowledge
"I thought he was just some shallow playboy, but he seems kinda cute to me now." Bold move to call your coworker cute in front of your situationship
"What were you going to say last night before my sister showed up?" Kurosawa said: I will hold my silence on our romantic tension no longer!!
NOT Rokakku and Kurosawa experiencing the "there was only one futon" trope LMAO I love a romantic trope turned comedic
OH NOOOOOO not Fujisaki fetishizing for her coworkers. I miss when she was their ace homie being a confidante for their office romance
"Maybe it's not that I fell in love with Kurosawa, but I'm just happy that somebody likes me." This is a valid question for Adachi to ask himself
"I love you. Not as a colleague or friend." Kurosawa said: While we're defining our feelings, I have some to share
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Extremely fair of Adachi to need to ask himself if his romantic interest in Kurosawa is about Kurosawa's feelings or his own
"I don't know much about her personality, but she's earnest." Maybe it's good for you to know less about Fujisaki, Adachi
Adachi only hearing the first half of every thought Fujisaki has is killing me. If you're GOING to eavesdrop, eavesdrop fully!!
"Does she really have feelings for me?" No, she doesn't, she just wants Kurosawa to rail you
"Dating him would probably be a pain." While true, not dating him won't unbisexualize you, Adachi
Awwww, I kind of like that Adachi doesn't know Fujisaki doesn't like him, because it means even when presented with other romantic options, he chooses Kurosawa
[Internally] "It would probably be easier to remain coworkers. But, I... No one's been able to touch Kurosawa's heart before... and I want to know more. Kurosawa said he'd treasure all of me, and now I want to treasure him too." ADACHI GOT THERE EVENTUALLY
"Me too. I'm in love with you too." YEAHHHHHHHH ADACHI!
"But perhaps I became a wizard in order to touch Kurosawa's heart." I will never tire of this line. He touched Kurosawa's heart much before this, but to be grateful to a power you once spurned because it opened the door to you deepening your relationship. To believe the universe has brought you together. It's such a nice way to reflect on falling in love:
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HAHAHAHAH them both having the realization about the PDA at the same time
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Hahahahaha Adachi shoving Kurosawa away at the speed of light so they don't get caught canoodling by Colleague Asahina
"People who engage in office romances are crazy," said Adachi, tits deep in office romance
"Damn it, stop thinking about him." Adachi's brain has left the building and now lives in Kurosawa Town
Adachi feels guilty about feelings Fujisaki doesn't even have
"For some reason, these two have been spending a lot of time together recently." Oh, I cannot wait for Detective Rokkaku to try and piece this one together
"Kurosawa-san and Adachi-san are... working together to use a carrot-and-stick method to help me improve! They must really love me!" HAHAHAHA gets me every time. Rokkaku at their wedding: I can't believe you're going to mentor me together for the rest of your lives <3
Also the fact that Rokkaku's inner monologue has Adachi's name correct implies that he messes it up on purpose. Incredible!
HGKJHGKJHGKJHG Tsuge just ordering deliveries to see his deliveryman every day without once questioning himself on what motivates him to do so
You know, I'm so used to calling him Flashy Minato (or in the case of the anime, Party Boy Minato), I did not remember that Tsuge doesn't know what the fuck Minato's name is:
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LOL, Tsuge considering buying a How-To Book for romance. Valid! He needs the help
"Worrying you're wasting your time, anxiety about the future, doubting your own abilities, and fear of being an outcast are all feelings I know well. However, you don't rue want to give up yet, do you?" "How do you know that?" "You wouldn't practice until your shoes were falling apart if you actually want to stop." Wow, Tsuge can be emotionally AND physically observant! Good for him
"I knew I'd lost my mind when I realized I wanted to buy him all the shoes he wanted." That's love, Tsuge
Adachi and Tsuge having meltdowns at the same time in different places is true friendship
"His voice is scary hot. His face is distractingly handsome, but not being able to see it makes me nervous, too." I love Adachi's Loverboy era
HAHAHAHA did they Eren Jaegerize Adachi's date outfit for just a second? I feel like they did. They were like 'we're releasing at the same time, gotta get our jokes in while we can'
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Adachi worrying that Kurosawa is out of his league and Kurosawa immediately unintentionally comforting him by thinking of how cute he is and how he loves that their hoodies match. GOD
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"The lyrics are insane, but he sings them so well." This is the man you have chosen to love, Adachi <3
Adachi doesn't need to mind read, Kurosawa wears his heart on his sleeve and his thoughts on his face
"When a man gives someone clothes, it's because he wants to undress them." Bold take, shopkeeper, tell me more!
Adachi shocked that on his and Kurosawa's date people can perceive that they are on a date
"A walk, like I said. In the sky, that is." Insane way to ask someone to join you on helicopter ride, Kurosawa????
[Kurosawa, aloud] "I wanted to talk privately." [Adachi, internally] "That's not the problem, here! What is this, a trendy Showa-era drama? This isn't something 30-year-old men should be doing! To be honest, helicopters scare me, and I can't hear what he's saying because it's so dang loud!" REAL LMAO. Except for the 30-year-old men thing, what's the problem with an adult man taking a helicopter ride?
"I really like your smile." The helicopter pilot also on the same radio channel hearing what Kurosawa is saying into his headset 👁👄👁
Hahahahaha I see how they translated this into an amusement park ride in the JDrama. Much more grounded, same result of Adachi not being able to stomach the date activity
"Next time, I need to tell Kurosawa how I feel." Maybe I don't watch enough romance anime, but I feel like Adachi is the only anime protagonist I've ever seen to realize the solution to dealing with your relationship problems is communicating your feelings
I looooove Adachi taking Kurosawa to read manga they both like and to a dinner spot where he's comfortable so they can relax with each other. He is so good at acting on his feelings
"There's no point in going on a date unless you have fun, too." [Soft gasp] It's kind of heartbreaking that Adachi has to TELL Kurosawa explicitly that his feelings matter. Baby boy, how have you been living?
"It doesn't matter others think or if I know what I'm doing or not. I just want to have fun with you." ADACHIIIIII
I truly do love the visual representations of Kurosawa's thoughts:
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[Kurosawa, internally] "'The moon is beautiful tonight.' I wonder if Adachi's familiar with the romantic meaning of that statement." [Adachi, aloud] "I know that one." The Psychic Boyfriend Ball begins to drop
"I'll be 262 days older than him. For some reason, that excites me." "What, why?" Hahahah Adachi's aware that his boyfriend is a little weird
"There's no way he can dance. He's not that kind of guy." I hope this leads into a High School Musical-esque I Don't Dance Number
It DID lead to a (brief) dance interlude, and now Tsuge has twisted his ankle HA
I do actually like the Minato/Tsuge better in the anime. Maybe it's that their age difference feels less apparent (or rather, Tsuge specifically looked older than 30 to me in the JDrama) or something about the smiles and nice animation:
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"I don't know much about dancing, but I thought your dancing was beautiful." Awww that's sweet, Tsuge
"When he takes off his glasses, he's actually kind of hot." HAHAHA, what is this, a 90s teen movie Minato?
I'm really curious what the hell Adachi and Kurosawa's company actually does. They were a stationery company in the JDrama, but now they are doing customer panels for exercise equipment? Are they broadly like a consulting/consumer data collection firm?
"I guess normies have normie friends." I haven't really talked about this but every so often Adachi thinks something vaguely spiteful about 'normies.' Is this just because he likes manga/is an otaku? Seems a bit of an extreme divide? I have friends who like anime and friend who do not
Also. Kurosawa likes manga ALSO. What is your normie definition, Adachi? Handsome guys? People with relationship experience?
[Internally] "'He's our top salesman and my boyfriend. 'I could never say that." Being in an office romance is tough
Distracted by the fact Adachi AND Kurosawa's ties change colour for their close-up. Animation error or colourblindness error?
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"So that's the odd man who's in love with Adachi." That's right. I hope that one day this is his contact name in Tsuge's phone
"I can't help it. Love has made a fool out of me, too." "Love?! Wait, were we just having a conversation?" (Subtitle: Wizards can communicate telepathically.) HAHAHAHA what a way for Adachi to find out
"Be more confident in yourself. You're nice and actually pretty good-looking." Pot-kettle, Adachi!
"I've never seen Adachi smile like that when he's with me." He is distracted by your hotness and many thoughts, Kurosawa, both of which make him nervous and embarrassed but also very happy
I do absolutely understand why Kurosawa would be worried about their relationship given both Tsuge and Adachi staring at each other (talking telepathically) and the overheard mention of love
"I've been reading your thoughts the whole time. Since before you told me how you felt, like how you think I'm cute, how you love me, how my stomach looks like a shiratama, or how you bought pajamas that would look good on me." HAHAH Adachi, while it's good you're being honest, I don't know if you should be THIS specific
Also I can't believe they're having this whole conversation in an office supply closet!
"You reallize how I felt because of that, right? Then, I'm glad." Kurosawa takes the Psychic Boyfriend news better than anyone could expect
"Does that mean the more you touch me, the more you know how I feel?" Kurosawa said: I have already figured out the positive for this situation!! He's not top salesman for nothing
I cannot believe we are macking in the office supply closet. New Office Romance Achievement Unlocked
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Good for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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JDrama Kurodachi Elevator Kiss Found Dead on Scene; No Witnesses
[Mentally, to Adachi] "I'll show you all your good qualities." Kurosawa has immediately found multiple benefits to having a telepathic boyfriend
I do like that Tsuge's mind-reading is now starting to come up in a different way as well with him finding out why Rokkaku and Minato are avoiding each other. I hope like Adachi, he gets the chance to help them through it
"Where have you been? I already started cleaning up!" Macking in the office supply closet
"Maybe they're just friends now, but he's more likely to get along with someone who isn't almost eight years older than him! I needn't help rivals." HAHAHAHA once again Tsuge proves his moral compass is a little more floppy than Adachi's
"We can still make friends as adults, but college friends you can speak frankly with are hard to come by. Both for you and him." Awww Tsuge, you couldn't help but help
"I feel safe around him, like he's my dad." BRUTAL review for Tsuge who was worried about being a 30-year-old with this 23-year-old Minato
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"We'll be sending a few veteran employees to the new branch in Nagasaki." Awwww, not the Nagasaki Long Distance Relationship
HAHAHAHA Adachi getting jealous because Kurosawa as better at using Adachi's magic power situation than him
"I can't imagine leaving Kurosawa." It's tough having to choose between your career growth and your boyfriend!
Maybe I'm just Canadian and used to being in a huge country, but I think he and Kurosawa should just fly to see each other. Like yes maybe it's 10 hours by train but it's a two hour flight and some of the flights cost less than Adachi's jacket purchase on their date!
"I get anxious when I can't see his face, because he's good at pretending to be perfect." AWWWW that's so sweet, wanting his powers because he wants to understand Kurosawa
Honestly although it's ultimately Adachi's decision whether he denies the transfer or not, I appreciate that Kurosawa wants Adachi to 1) not miss out on this opportunity for him and 2) be willing to discuss it with him instead of handling what involves a relationship decision all by himself
"Unlike you, I don't know what you're thinking unless you tell me." Extremely valid, Kurosawa, this must feel very one-sided
"Without an audience, writing is meaningless nonsense." Disagree Tsuge, you can write for the joy of writing
I do enjoy Tsuge and Minato's chat about their respective passions
"He can't read your mind, unlike us." "You're right." Adachi had to hear it twice for it to stick
"Even if I can read Kurosawa's mind, I'll never get anywhere unless I tell him how I truly feel." YEAHHHHH ADACHI
"I figured this was God telling me to give up." Wow, Minato, bleak
Minato and Tsuge's story is sooo much more well-developed in the anime, going to the focus group together, repairing Minato's relationship with Rokkaku, Tsuge helping him get to his audition, no ex-boyfriend, the push-and-pull of Minato's dance dream vs. the office job opportunity
"Why are you so nice to me?" He looooooves you
"Because... I have ulterior motives." HAHAHA wild way to start telling someone you love them
HAHAHAHA is Minato MIA because he's trapped into an idol no-dating contract?
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"Even if we're dating, I have no right to dictate Adachi's choices." That's a healthy perspective, Kurosawa. You get an opinion, not a vote
A letter is a nice way to communicate. Good advice Tsuge!
"But there's one thing I hope you believe. I love you so much that being away from you makes me anxious." Adachi, you romantic bastard
Awwww Tsuge unable to write about Minato because he cares about him too much (it's such a "If I loved you less, I'd be able to talk about it more," moment AHH)
"I wasn't sure how I felt about it, so I couldn't text you." Actually an incredibly reasonable reaction from Minato
"I resolved my feelings by writing books about the people I fell for." I think this makes a lot of sense for Tsuge. Also. NEW TSUGE LORE UNLOCKED!
Also also. Tsuge: Actually all of my protagonists are self-insert OCs
"No story compares to the real you. Minato. I'm in love with you." TSUGE, you're good at this!! 10/10 confession
"Oh, come on, can't you figure it out?! You're a romance novelist?!" HAHAHA they left out the 'baka' in the translation. Also I love Minato just like, implying repeatedly that he loves Tsuge rather than saying it aloud
I can't imagine what it was like for someone who read the manga and whose favourite couple was Minatsuge having to watch the JDrama first, because the energy here is LEAGUES different. My god, this is romantic. Giggling and kicking my feet:
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"Your eyelashes are really long, Kurosawa. I thought you were handsome since I started working here, but I'm amazed that I find you even more handsome now. It's cool that you don't let on how much reasearch you do, or how hard you work for your job. I've never heard you speak poorly of anyone either. Also, even though you're normally calm, your thoughts are so excited. I thought you were a perfect person, but surprisingly your expressions show on your face, and you have a narrow-minded and jealous streak. And sometimes when you're trying hard to act cool, you end up looking lame instead. I think it's cute." Adachi sharing every single thing he likes about Kurosawa, even things Kurosawa doesn't like about himself. THIS IS SO SWEET
Adachi kissing Kurosawa because he can't express how he feels in words alone <3
[ProZD voice] Oh, they fuckin'
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"We finally did it! I could hear his thoughts the whole time." OH MY GODDDDDD I've had this thought before, I can't believe Adachi is confirming it
"I thought I became a wizard because I was still a virgin when I turned 30, but... was I wrong? Is my definition of virginity wrong?" HAHAHA not Kurosawa making coffee in the background while Adachi has a crisis over the logistics of Virginity Magic
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"It wasn't your magic power that first touched my heart. It was your words." YEAH IT WAS <333333333333
"But now, if I ever get anxious, I'll use my words. I know we can touch and be touched to confirm how the other feels. That's it. I finally figured it out. It's because I felt like I'd be okay with you even without my power. That must be why I lost my power!" The way that Adachi orients the rules of the universe around his feelings for Kurosawa is the most romantic thing in the world
"When I'm around you, I'm incapable of being perfect. But for some reason, I don't hate that version of myself." Kurosawa learning to love his imperfections through Adachi!!!
"I think I'd go crazy if I fell anymore in love with you." [Seriously] We can't have you acting any crazier." HAHAHA ADACHI. Honestly fair, Kurosawa's got a lot going on mentally
I do love Adachi going for the transfer <3 He really has such a growth in his interests and capacity at work
HAHAHAHA Tsuge accidentally finding out Adachi lost his Virginity Magic by accident, because he hasn't yet (clearly this version of Minato isn't so fuck forward LMAO)
I really do love Kurosawa and Adachi navigating their long-distance and trying to trust that if there's something to know, the other one will tell them
"There are things that can't be conveyed with words. But some things have to be conveyed with words." <3 COMMUNICATION
"Why are you here? I was on my way Nagasaki." HAHAH I predicted this for the movie (that they'd both try to visit each other at the same time), they didn't lean into the trope though. But I was right, after a fashion!
"When I finish the job in Nagasaki and return to Tokyo, I want to live with you!" Adachi moving the forward as a couple by clearly sharing his desires. That's growth, baybeeeee
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I LOOOOOVE HOW AT THE END OF ALL OF CHERRY MAGIC MEDIA THEY GO 'YEAH, THEY GET MARRIED. LEGALIZE GAY MARRIAGE. MARRIAGE 4 ALL JAPAN!!' I wish I could kiss all of the people who made Cherry Magic on the mouth. It is such a gorgeous, kind show that deserves every good thing that has ever been said about it. Both the JDrama and anime have carved their own places in my heart:
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It's Not Over, Is It?
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{Where a silly game of blooming romance, becomes tangled in a spiders web of jealously and rivalery.}
Cast: (Y/N) (L/N), Bruce Wayne, Talia Al Ghul [Rule 63], Catwoman [Rule 63].
Au Synopsis:
(Y/N), having been chosen as Bruce Wayne's manager/secretary for his "playboy act". Controlling over the media and press that had anything to do with Bruce Wayne or Batman.
(Y/N) is in love with Bruce and is a mother figure to Dick. But Bruce has never once tried to express his love for the reader. Afraid to ruin the little peace and normality he had in his life with you, Dick and Alfred.
So, he finds "comfort", in other's embraces unknowingly.
(Y/N) knows everything about Bruce, to his coffee, to the names that he slept with or fancied when in his "playboy persona".
Has helped create every file and notes or each vilian or other in his rouge gallery.
Talia Al Ghul, the son of the Demon Head: Ra's Al Ghul.
Knows of the little game of "hopeless lovers" when he sees a pair. Instead of waiting for the other to fall, he instead makes his move. Finding (Y/N) under the guise of friendship and a random civilian that happened be at the right place and right time.
Yet. He toys with the Detective, that he and his father had found quite intriguing.
Though he is not seen as a worthy enough successor in his father's eyes. He doesn't mind, finding Batman much more of a worthy advisory and leader.
Ra's sees you as the perfect bride for his son. Along with carrier for the perfect successor.
Catwoman: Selina Kyle
Selina adores poking fun at the Bat when knowing somewhere you could be listening. Often stealing Batmans communicator to converse with you.
He too plays the civilian card with you, wanting to charm you with his real self instead of the sleek cat burglar he dressed as.
He found you gorgeous, more precious than any jewelry he could've stole.
But you know his true intentions (?) and identity.
So often leading him astray with words of formality and obliviousnsss.
"You know, I think it's weird.." The young Grayson started, watching you clean up Bruce's wounds carefully as he stares at you. Doing his best not to flinch or show any signs of pain. Failing terribly, but you didn't seem focused on it. More wrapped up with placing bandages over his ribs.
"What is odd to you, young master Richard?" Alfred questions the little Robin.
Dick looks away from the two, giving Alfred a stern look.
"Mom's been busy as of late..." The sidekick kicks his legs back and fourth on the small chair.
"In what way?" Alfred rose a eyebrow.
"I've noticed she's been getting flowers or little notes. I think, she thinks, there from Bruce." Dick sighs, "but I know there not. But also, I saw this guy follow me and her to the nice bakery she takes me too when I get a good grade on my tests."
"Yeah, the desserts are good. But not as good as your's Alfred."
"Why thank you, Master Dick." Alfred smiled at the young lad. "But I must say, a strange fellow following the two of you around sounds concerning."
"Don't worry, I kept glaring at him and told mom about it. So we left in a hurry. I made sure they didn't track us!" Dick said pridefully.
[Just a small idea I had at 3am, hope you like it!]
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I like Brick!
I do I like the military (cops' sirens in the background) Hella yeah, I support my troops ignore my eye twitching
I believe he loves the military and his mom and maybe we should let him have that!
I also like him with Courtney or with Jo or Duncan or Scott or Lightning because hehe so fun and funny
Like they are so angry beings and Brick like hmm that's nice sweetheart, but I am not going fight someone for you at the moment maybe let's put a pin in this? Or maybe instead fighting we talk it out? Or if I fight this guy, you better make sure we get dessert if we lose, alright? Because I have to fight, I am going try win
More Brick just being army cadet to now grown man in the army and being himself as he watches everyone throw themselves at him while being like uh I have meeting at 13:00 which is soon I don't have time for this nonsense take my number and I might call you!
Brick thinking to himself the army never train me for this as the others be so catty and messy as he just there at the party keeping to himself rethinking his life choices
End the night he helps Geoff clean up the party to Geoff and Brody's shock and happily get help
You legit can make Brick do anything, right? Well, I kinda like the mindset he is like oh damn.... I guess? Hah I guess I have to fight this dude because you tell me too? Or like the army never told me to get friends I would end up pulling them a part for silly gossip in the media and now they are fighting again!
He just ends up hanging out with Dj, Tyler, B, Cameron, Sky, and Dawn at get togethers
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AOT characters taking you on a date pt. 1
Hiiii! Please enjoy this lil post. A bit spicy but I kept it pretty tame lol. 
Part 2 is here
Mikasa: She would want to go somewhere that you like. She would either ask your friends or creep your social media to see if you have a favourite restaurant. Would pick somewhere chill where you don’t need to dress up. I think she would enjoy going for a walk with you after dinner, somewhere by the beach to watch the sunset. She’d pack a blanket so the two of you can sit there and enjoy the moment. I feel like she’d enjoy getting dessert at one of those 50’s diners where you can split a sundae. She wouldn’t initiate any kisses but I think she’d hold your hand while trying not to blush. A wholesome and chill night out. 
Eren: Loves spicy food and takes you to a Mexican restaurant. Loves the music and the food. When you date Eren; you’re his. I feel like he’d want to sit on the same side of the booth as you or at the bar so that you guys are side by side. Likes holding your waist and can’t take his eyes off of you. Drives the two of you somewhere out of the city with a view and has curated the perfect playlist for the drive. Parks the car and wants to hold you and have deep long chats for hours. Wants to know everything about you and share everything about himself too. He loves to kiss your neck and watch your chest go up and down with the excitement of his touch. Lets you wear his hoodie and doesn’t want to stop holding you. One hand on the wheel and one hand on your thigh. 
Connie: He’d want to take you somewhere that the two of you could have a lot of fun at. An arcade bar where you could get burgers and fries and some fun cocktails. He would want to play all of the games with you and would always let you win. Collecting tickets to win you a stuffed animal. Is a little shy about affection so bonding over teamwork and games would be a good way to hang out and get closer. I feel like he would sneak in some touching, like nudging you or giving you a tight hug when you win games. A playful kind of love. Would ask you for a kiss at the end of the night and go sooooo pink in the cheeks. 
Hange: Y’all are going for South Asian food; they loveeee curry. Somewhere on the higher end too. Wants to share everything and try everything on the menu. Hange loves to share their ideas and I feel like if you’re on a date with them they would feel so comfortable to talk to you and share everything; you make them feel safe. After dinner they would want to do something fun like a themed cocktail night at a funky bar. Wants to go dancing with you and get moving. Silly and sweet but they’d definitely know when to turn on the charm; grinding you, kissing you and getting you so turned on. They’re a coy lover and would love making you blush. Making out on a dance floor, and kissing you until you’re love drunk. They’d walk you home late at night in the cool quiet evening, laughing about your adventures from the night. 
Armin: Armin would rather do a day date instead of one at night. I feel like he’d love brunch and indulging in foods like chicken and waffles, eggs benny and all of the delicious brunch goodness. Armin isn’t shy to voice his feelings and so I feel like he’d rather just see you in the sunlight; glowing without the veil of evening to cover you up. Would want to ask you all about work, how your friends are and just get into the nitty gritty of the week. Wants to go to a museum and look at all of the art and history, the two of you picking out your favourite paintings and walking arm in arm. He’d want to understand why you like things to understand your psyche better. Soft kisses on your cheeks throughout the date. Would compliment you so many times on you beautiful you look. 
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creativekha0s · 5 months
Liv Morgan x Rhea Ripley/ Liv 4 Brutality one shot! Finally I wrote some smutty fun for these two after teasing it in other works. This was fun coming off the top of my head 😅 Please enjoy! Also this is my first time writing smut in almost two years so forgive me if it’s a little rusty lol
11:57 PM.
Another year older and the day was coming to an end.
Lunch with the family, dinner with her friends, going out for a few drinks afterwards to celebrate. Everything was perfect. Another year in the books. Well, almost perfect. Not being able to give the answer you want to give someone when they ask what you want for your birthday felt criminal. But what Liv really wanted deep down was something no one could actually wrap up in a box and give her. It was like asking Santa around Christmas for superpowers or bottomless bank account. It was silly. To Liv though, it wasn’t.
11:58 PM.
Not a phone call, not one text, a mention on social media, a Snapchat even. Hell, even a handwritten letter would make her fold with a drop of emotion. But nothing. Maybe it was silly after all to be this hopeful for something she ached for so bad. Maybe calling it an early night tonight wasn’t the right call and staying out drinking, not to celebrate her birthday, but to numb the pain she felt would make things easier. Maybe, just maybe, it was time to face reality and move on with her life. Others have done it to her countless times before and maybe it was time to play their game.
11:59 PM.
A loud knock on her apartment door sends a wave of panic throughout her chest. Not even three seconds pass before a series of quick knocks follow. Liv rushes over to fumble with the locks and turns the handle, and another wave of panic hits her when she opens the door.
Tall. Tattooed. Raven dark hair. Puppy dog eyes. Australian accent. A smile that could warm up the Earth in a blizzard. In her raised hands was a one chocolate cupcake with a single lit candle.
In other words, a birthday wish granted.
“Happy birthday, Livvy.” Her voice soft and gentle but three words spoken hit Liv Morgan right in her heart. The blonde’s eyes lit up and her lips curled into a sad smile. She wasn’t forgotten about after all. “You wouldn’t believe the day I’ve had trying to get all the way here to wish you this face to face. You can’t deny it isn’t spontaneous.” Rhea offered the cupcake with her hands. “But quick, make a wish. We’re almost out of time.”
Thirty seconds to midnight according to Liv’s watch. The blonde was at a loss for words currently. She only had one wish loaded in the chamber as of five minutes ago and it was granted thirty seconds ago. Thinking quickly, Liv took a step forward and slowly blew the single candle out and watched as the smoke drifted into the air. Rhea brought the cupcake back down and pulled the candle out, putting the butt end between her lips to lick the remnants off with a satisfying hum.
“I wasn’t sure if I’d see you or not….” Liv spoke softly as her eyes watched Rhea’s lips wrap around the candle.
“Oh darling, missing your birthday is something I never want to happen in this life.”
She was perfect. This….Liv could barely put it into words. It was all romantic in such a way only Rhea could make her feel. Making her wait all day, hanging onto that thread of hope, that there was a chance they would see each other today, until literally the last possible second….
The next thing they knew was Liv had pulled Rhea inside her apartment and crashed their lips together. Somehow in the midst of being pulled inside, the apartment door getting locked behind them, and being led towards Liv’s bedroom, Rhea was able to safely place the cupcake down on a side table for an after dessert dessert. When the cupcake was safe, Rhea hoisted Liv up so the blonde could wrap her legs around her body and carried the blonde safely to her bed, their lips gliding against each other’s while their tongues danced excitedly together.
“I’ve missed you terribly.” Liv gasped out in between kisses. Reaching down she began pulling Rhea’s top off of her body and over her head. In response, the Aussie leaned down and started to attack Liv’s neck with strong, wet kisses. “Please don’t ever leave me again.” Liv let out a soft exhale turning her head to the side for easier access, then a moan escaped her lips when Rhea latched onto a particular spot.
“Never again.” Rhea promised. This was it this time and neither were going to let any obstacles come between them. The heart wants what it wants, Liv and Rhea knew in theirs that they wanted each other. As her hands dipped up into Liv’s shirt, she quickly discarded it to the side of the bed, smirking when saw that it was the only article of clothing she wore, and targeted her kisses down Liv’s neck, to her chest, before capturing a nipple between her lips. Though it was well past midnight, Rhea was going to make damn sure that Liv enjoyed every second of her birthday gift. Liv was instantly in heaven having Rhea twirling her tongue around her nipples, sucking them gently, pulling one up with her lips while her fingers tugged the opposite one.
The blonde’s hands pawed at Rhea’s ass not once but twice, then she skillfully undid her bra and pulled the dark haired girl up to return the favor, sucking and teasing her breasts with a burning passion. The bedroom suddenly filled with gasps, hums, and low moans while the two battled for dominance over one another. Liv’s night shorts were on the floor, Rhea’s jeans had been pushed down past her ankles, their tongues aggressively fighting for supremacy.
Ultimately, Rhea gained control. Her hand pulled the front of Liv’s underwear to the side and began feeling just how much of a wet mess she made the blonde underneath her. When Liv whimpered, she knew that she had won. Teasing her fingers up and down, pushing along her glistening folds, each moan from Liv was music to Rhea’s ears.
“Fuck, baby…please don’t stop..” Liv groaned out.
“Mmm. Tell me what you want, birthday girl.” Rhea smirked and pushed her index finger slowly inside the blonde then back out, bringing it up to her lips to taste.
“You.” Liv shivered with another moan, gazing down at the raven haired woman between her legs. “I want you, Rhea….take me, mark me, fuck me….” Without keeping her any further from her wish, Rhea hovered her lips above Liv’s and pushed two fingers inside of her, grinning from ear to ear as the air from Liv’s gasp hit her in the face.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, Livvy.” Their eyes remained locked on each other while Rhea began pumping in and out of Liv at a steady rhythm, watching how she moaned and attempted to buck her hips to match her pace. With her free hand Rhea traced her nails up Liv’s thighs, up her abdomen, slow up across her chest, and wrapping her hand gently around her throat before she cupped Liv’s cheek. “I’m going to appreciate every single inch of your body.” Her two fingers sped up fingerfucking Liv until she could feel when she was close, that’s when the Aussie dipped her head down to finish Liv off personally with her tongue, swiping it across her clit over and over again until Liv Morgan was an incoherent mess.
“Oh my. Fucking. Fuuuuuuck.” Rhea smirked at her actions that caused the blonde girl to quiver, watching her legs shake in pleasure as her tongue expertly helped Liv ride her orgasm as long as possible. Liv gripped the sheets on her bed and bucked her hips against Rhea’s tongue over and over until she was forced come back down from her high, laying back flat on her bed with the biggest smile on her face. Once Rhea lapped out everything she had to offer, the dark hair girl crawled up Liv’s body as peppered kisses everywhere until she reached her lips, the two getting lost in each other’s eyes. “You’re incredible, so frickin’ incredible.” Tasting herself against Rhea’s lips as they kissed turned Liv on even more, so she flipped the two over and straddled the Aussie, pulling her underwear down in the process while the girl on bottom giggled.
“Livvy, I don’t want your homemade cupcake to go stale.” Rhea heard something along the lines of only needing a few minutes herself, Liv’s words becoming muffler as her head dove in between Rhea’s legs this time. Rhea gasped more audibly than expected and looked down to watch Liv hungrily provide her the same passionate lip service, running a free hand through her blonde hair to pull her face impossibly closer. “Mmm, fuck yes baby. Don’t stop, don’t you dare bloody stop…” It wasn’t Rhea’s birthday but it didn’t stop Liv from granting her wish and continuing her oral assault until she made Rhea’s legs quiver just the same as hers did, smiling as she savored every single second of Rhea’s orgasm on the tip of her tongue.
Liv pressed a few more kisses up Rhea’s body and joined her in her embrace and rested her head gently on her chest, both panting quietly against one another. When she felt she had her leg strength back the blonde wandered over to the where the cupcake sat and grabbed in her hand and brought it back to bed with her. Rhea had climbed back to the pillows and rested her head as her eyes went from seeing stars to seeing a happy and very naked Liv Morgan peel the wrapper off of the cupcake.
“Some wishes do come true, don’t they?” Liv took a bite of the cupcake and shut her eyes happily to enjoy the flavor of a homemade cupcake. Ripping off a piece she fed it to Rhea, who used her tongue teasingly to wipe the excess frosting on the side of her lip. “This is amazing, thank you so much for everything, Rhea.”
“Everyone deserves to have an amazing birthday dessert after they’ve had their dessert.”
The two chuckled and finished off the treat together, entangling with one another as they shared sweet kisses with each other, doing their best to entice the other to cave first so they could go another round before their night was over.
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ancientgreekyuri · 1 year
5, 6 and 12 + nerine? <3
5. what is your s/i's profession?
Nerine is the curator of the Lumiose Art Museum! Due to her job she's often traveling, finding new pieces and new artists to display within the museum. Outside of that, Nerine is a critic. Though she mostly focuses in criticism of art, she'll do cinema and food to... (though... when it comes to flavours, Nerine's tastes may be considered surprisingly "immature." She doesn't like coffee unless its disgustingly sweet)
6. what does your s/i have most in common with you? what's different about them?
To put it bluntly I gave Nerine the bitchier aspects of my personality 😭 overly serious... doesn't often "get" jokes.... perhaps has too much fun with the criticism aspect of watching and reading new media...she's also a bit prideful and isn't the type to easily give an apology. But she's also surprisingly silly... she likes collecting plushies, she likes overly sweet desserts like I mentioned, she likes to imagine herself like a little fairytale queen sometimes. As for how she's different.... well, I'm not super into makeup!
12. if you had to compare your s/i to an already existing fictional character, who would it be?
White Diamond (SU), Blueberry Pie Cookie (Cookie Run), Nyx (Hades game).... overly serious women who have a penchant for perfection and struggle with shame
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minasummersch · 2 years
Some ramblings about my 2023 goals
I don't know if people still make goals but I definitely think that one of my goals for 2023 is to be more consistent with the things I do. That includes using Tumblr, I am a very lazy tumblr user lol. But from now on if I schedule a post on Twitter I'll make sure to schedule it on Tumblr as well. Just small silly things like that to help me get better at juggling all the stuff I need to juggle as a small indie VTuber.
Another goal is to stop using PayPal. I've been limited on there twice this year for nothing at all and I think that probably isn't worth the effort tbh.
Okay actually let me make a proper list of my goals. This will be overambitious right now but I'll cut down the goals into just the most important ones in the next few days.
2023 Goals:
Clip VODs more, make sure to mark funny scenes in VODs while live?
Release 6 YouTube covers
Script and release 12 YouTube videos, monthly (last Thursday of month)
Live stream monthly shoujo podcast episodes (first Saturday of month)
Read more shoujo mangas for above ^^
Watch more anime, commit to a schedule for watching
Write and post one fanfic a month
Work on health goals (private for obvious reasons)
Eat consistently, sleep and wake on time
Consistent vocal and breathing practice
Crochet 4 stuffed animals
Plot out full novel (for fun)
Apply for more voice acting roles
Practice voice acting, record and make notes for improvement
Job search more and escape freelance hell
Update cake website
Update vtubing website with lore info
Learn to budget??
Find better systems for organization
Stream 3 times a week, with 2 collabs per month
Rethink grad school again, pick a program and apply?
Design and post 2 cakes per month + smaller desserts for cake social medias
Record TikTok videos, research trends and post scuff singing
Post YouTube shorts and Instagram reels
Read 12 novels and 24 light novels
Finish backlog and old to-dos before January ends
...yeah that's very ambitious lol. But if I keep even 7 of those goals after thinking some more then I guess I can call it a win.
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really obsessed with the concept of someone specifically gaining weight in order to draw your eye. maybe they've been interested in you for a while and they've tried flirting before but none of it has really worked. they decide to look into your social media profiles and see that everyone you've previously dated is chubby or fat. they decide it could be fun gaining weight and set to work to accomplish it. you and your friends and them all go out to lunch together and they purposely sit near you as they proceed to stuff themselves silly. they order a second entrée while everyone is sitting and chatting post meal. you watch in awe as they scarf down all that food. they are incredibly pleased to have noticed you watching them eat and stealing glances at their bulging belly (they purposely wore their tightest shirt and pants to really emphasize it). the next few times all of your friends hang out you pay extra attention to them and notice that they are constantly eating and it has resulted in them gaining weight. one of your friends comments on their weight gain and you say that you think they look cute with the extra weight. this gets back to them pretty quickly and they feel very excited to know that their plan is working. after a couple of months, you finally ask them out the day after an incident in which the button on their pants burst off during dinner. they obviously accept your offer and you have a wonderful meal in which they pop another button. after dinner you invite them to your place and when they complain about how full they are, you offer them a belly rub. both of you love the feeling of your hands on their belly. they direct your hands to kneed on other parts of their newly soft body. you kiss each other passionately as you grab at their love handles, butt, etc. before you can go any further though, they ask if you've got any ice cream or anything they can eat for dessert. you have to resist asking them to marry you right there and then as you go to grab them more food to shove into that tightly packed tummy of their's. you both have a fantastic night and start dating more and more. their waistline grows just as much as your love for each other and you live a fat and happy life together.
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twinklelilstarkey · 3 years
Braids - Roope Hintz
Words: 1.2k+
Summary: Braiding Roope’s hair.
Inspo: This post bc same
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"Pleaseeee." You drag down the word, palms resting against one another as you plead for your boyfriend to let you do what you want.
"Absolutely not."
This all started when you were innocently scrolling through social media, watching random videos and random posts on your explore page. Everything was normal, mostly food videos or silly others, until you swiped to the side to see what your friends have been posting lately.
You saw that one of your closest friends had taken a picture with their younger brother. His hair is usually loose, about chin length and brown, and now it was in two French braids, made by her (according to the caption).
And it looked really good!
You have been living with your boyfriend, Roope, ever since you had completed a year in your relationship, and it's shocking to you how it never occurred to you to just... braid his god damn hair!
We've all seen the iconic pigtails in games or how messily his hair sits on his head after games. Or, in your case, how he walks around the house.
He's surely not planning on cutting it any soon, so, you thought it would be easy to just convince him.
Yeah, well, right off the bat the blonde beauty didn't like your idea all that much. He refused with all his being, yet you did not give up.
"But just look!" You tell him, giving him your phone so he can see the picture you had just seen, "It will look so good on you."
He eyes the screen, a soft scowl still over his features, and after some silent seconds, he shakes his head at you.
You lay your phone back on your lap, giving him your puppy dog eyes and a tiny pout, and, nop, he's not budging.
"Nobody will ever know, I promise." You lay your hands on his shoulders, making sure he's looking at you, "It will just be between the two of us... Please?"
Roope stays silent and you hold your breath as you think he might be considering it. He knows you're in a group chat with both Miro and Esa, for a reason he does not know except that you're all super close.
This also means that any pictures would just be just one click away.
"Nop." He says, sure of himself.
You sit back on your heels since you have been sitting on your knees ever since he had sat beside you. Your hands are still on his shoulders but they aren't grabbing him anymore.
"But it would be so much fun." You try again, dragging your words like a kid.
He gives you another shake of the head, and you sigh.
You let your hands slide from his shoulders to his chest before pulling away completely and giving him a sad look.
Roope's gaze stays on you as you sit on your side, lifting your legs from under you so can bring your knees to your chest. 
Your eyes stay on him, and you silently notice that the show you two had been waiting to watch before all this, is already playing in the background, long forgotten.
"Please?" You whisper, promising yourself that it's the last time.
He doesn't say anything.
"I'll do anything."
"Anything?" He asks, slightly surprised.
"Anything." You do a quick nod.
A smirk slowly grows on his lips and his eyes shift over to the screen, seeing the characters argue over the dramatic music.
You were a giggly mess the whole time. From running to the bathroom to get elastics and a brush to sitting back down on the couch, you were just as happy as one could be.
Roope, even though he expected a lot of things to come from this experience, he surely did not expect it to go by that pain-free and that quick.
You had made him sit on the floor in front of the couch, and he didn’t seem to care too much about that since his mind was too taken away from reality to focus on anything but his favorite show.
Just like your friend, you did two french braids on Roope, tight enough to be completely against his head, and... now that you’re taking a good look at it, you feel proud about your work.
Roope just realizes you’re done working on his hair the moment you get up from the couch behind him and stand in front of him to take look at his face.
Your hands are resting on your hips and a smile is appearing on your lips. 
You definitely need to get used to not see him curls just rest by his neck and by the sides of his head, but, other than that, god damn.
“So...?” He starts, eyes coming back to the TV, “Do you approve it?”
You stay silent for a bit as if contemplating about it and as soon as he looks back at you, questioning your silence, you smile more widely and sit beside him.
Your arms wrap around his neck and you hug him, or should you say: hug his head, close to you. Your cheeks are pressed between one another as Roope sits confused and you a smiley mess.
“You look so handsome!” You squeal.
A laugh escapes your boyfriend at your excitement and you squeeze him closer to you.
“Why haven’t I thought of this before?” You say with a gasp, “My God!”
A contagious smile finds its way to Roope’s face and you pull away slightly to look at him. Your hands are cupping his face and your face scrunches up as you continue to find him completely adorable.
“This is the best day of my life.” You whisper close to his face and he chuckles at your exaggeration, “Can I take a picture?”
His smile falls and he starts shaking his head in your hands.
“Why not?”
“Because you will send it to Miro and Esa!” He says defensively, yet still doesn’t take his face from between your hands.
“I promise I won’t.” You plead, thumbs moving slightly under his eyes, caressing him, “Promise, promise, promise.”
He looks at you in the eyes for a second and lets out a loud exhale.
Oh, you were the happiest you’ve ever been and it shows.
You jump up the couch to get your phone and start taking pictures. Even though you didn’t intend on keeping all of them, you were making sure to have every angle. 
Oh and yeah, one with Roope all smiley at the camera too.
“This is the cutest thing ever.” You say while staring down at your phone screen.
“You better keep your promise.” He warns you as you take a seat back on the floor next to him.
“I will, I’ll protect them with my life.” You reassure.
He gives you one singular nod and a smile playing over his lips.
“Thank you for letting me braid your hair.” You say to him and he whispers a sweet ‘you’re welcome’ back.
And, with that, your day went by just normal. Roope didn’t take his braids off until he went to bed and you were a happy camper the whole rest of the day, making his favorite food as dinner and even make dessert.
And the fact that you have pictures to remember this day is beyond you. How did you convince him again? God damn miracle.
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Don’t lie, we’ve all day dreamed about this.
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zosonils-art · 3 years
ohhh can we hear more about sweet woman 🥺
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we totally can!! infodump about this gaslighting gatekeeping girlboss is under the cut as always
sweet woman was commissioned by a super classy french dessert restaurant called the orgueilleux pâtisserie [orgueilleux being very poorly google translated french for elitist/snobbish lmao], acting as both a chef and a mascot! the gimmick worked wonders for the restaurant's popularity, with rich people coming in droves to experience the novelty of food prepared with a robot master's help, and she was quickly promoted to social media manager as well as her original duties. despite her cutesy demeanour, she's much smarter than she looks, and is equipped with an in-depth understanding of chemical reactions and inhumanly accurate sense of timing and spatial awareness. she knows hundreds of recipes and most of them cost several hundred dollars to make
her personality is more deliberately engineered than most robot masters, designed to fit her appearance and be marketable. she's unwaveringly cheerful, incredibly extroverted, and just silly enough that it's cute rather than grating. she plays these traits up a lot for the cameras, exaggerating her energy and playing dumb when it'll appeal to the masses, but even when she doesn't have her public image to consider she's a bubbly and energetic goof. she's a stubborn optimist, and if she can't find a bright side to look on she'll take out a flashlight and make one. her optimisim makes for a good workplace morale boost and an even better social media presence, although when combined with her ditziness and being a bit out of touch from almost exclusively interacting with the 1% it often makes her come across as insensitive
since she's in the spotlight a lot, most of sweet's hobbies and interests outside of work are still carefully selected to match her public image and look good on an instagram post. she has a passing interest in shopping and fashion, and enjoys going to parties and gatherings and what have you to meet new people. she also loves to experiment with cooking and come up with new recipes, some of which end up on the orgueilleux menu. she does, however, have a private interest in chemistry! as mentioned earlier she knows a fair bit about it already, since cooking is just chemistry with a restricted set of substances, and in her own time she ended up getting curious and reading into the sort of reactions that arise from chemicals she doesn't work with. she rarely mentions this interest herself, but she gets super excited if someone brings it up or gives her the excuse to talk about it, and it's probably listed as super secret trivia about her on the pâtisserie website
unlike other robot masters, sweet has an acute sense of both smell and taste! [since robots seem to only use e-tanks for fuel, there's not much benefit to smelling or tasting things, so i personally believe that most of them don't have those senses unless it'd directly benefit their job.] being able to actually taste the food she cooks makes it much easier to tell if she's doing it right, especially if she's trying to come up with something new. she's also capable of replenishing her energy by eating - it's less efficient than e-tanks, but she thinks they taste gross so she always opts for actual food. fittingly, she has a massive sweet tooth, but she's accustomed to only the highest-class dining and dislikes cheaper or less 'refined' tastes
her magical girl vibe, brought to you by someone who has watched maybe 4 episodes of anime that weren't sonic x, is entirely an aesthetic and marketing gimmick rather than serving any functional purpose. she'll play it up for promotional videos and photoshoots, twirling her fork-trident thing and striking dramatic poses and calling out thematically appropriate attack names like 'sparkling sugar swirl' and 'cinnamon whirlwind' whenever she does anything, but it's mostly for show. while she genuinely enjoys the shouting and posing and twirling, she massively tones it down when she's not performing, maybe occasionally saying an attack name at a reasonable volume while she works. her fork-trident thing isn't even a real weapon, magical or otherwise. it's just styrofoam with metallic paint on it
sweet's weakness to harpoon shot was decided before i figured out exactly what tide man's weapon would be, going on the idea that getting food wet tends to make it sad and gross. this logic doesn't quite carry over with harpoon shot being, well, a harpoon rather than something specifically water-based, but i imagine shooting a cake with a harpoon would also be a very one-sided battle so this weapon wheel makes sense i promise. i guess you could also make the argument that it's because sweet is only experienced with a fake pronged weapon made of foam and would be completely blindsided by a real one? maybe it's that tide is so staunchly anticapitalist that his weapon inherently vibe checks her? i'm grasping at straws a bit over here but listen, if mega man 5 can insist that water is elementally weak to trains, i can insist that it's elementally strong against the french
i think her stage could be some kind of factory! lots of conveyer belts definitely, maybe some crushing hazards, definitely a few mets. the idea there is that she's seized a major food processing plant and is using that position to wreck the regional supply chain. even when she's evil, she basically keeps the exact same personality she shows to the public with only a noticable capitalism upgrade. she has pretty much no combat abilities on her own, but at her own suggestion she was upgraded to shoot a specially formulated icing that's acidic enough to burn through thin metal, finally putting her interest in chemistry to use. her fork-trident, on the other hand, was not changed in the slightest. still just styrofoam. i think it'd be pretty good if she opened her battle with it but even if it hits mega man it only deals one point of damage and the second it touches something it snaps in half and she never pulls out a new one
designing sweet was pretty fun because she's pretty different from my usual taste in character design! my experience with the magical girl genre is that i read about half of sailor moon when i was 12 and absorbed everything else through pop culture osmosis and tv tropes pages, so it was definitely fun to draw what i think a magical girl might look like. i also don't use oranges and yellows much, so picking out her colours made for an agonising exciting challenge! she didn't change too much from the initial microsoft paint sketch, although she lost a skirt layer along the way because i didn't feel like figuring out how to draw another one, and her weapon was originally just a big fork that probably would have been a ksjfjhkjhfillion times less cumbersome to draw. oh well. live and learn [HANGIN ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW]
that about wraps it up for sweet woman, i think - thank you so much for asking about her!! here's the transparent art and the version without 15 different filters on it to make it look kinda like an 80s anime screenshot
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youreacowgirllikeme · 4 years
Blind Date
Note: just an idea I had, hope you like it. some soft fluffiness, but also smut bc I’m still h word for Jake, especially after how he looked tonight on tv.
Pairing: Jake Tapper x reader
 Warnings: smut, NSFW
(sorry for eventual typos, I wrote this in a bit of a frenzy)
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“You look horrible. “Abby stated matter-of-factly as she sat down in the restaurant chair across from you.
 “I missed you too, great to see you, thanks. “you responded, not even bothering to argue with her.
Abby was your best friend since college, if she said you looked horrible it was either a joke or a fact. Considering the way she was looking at you, probably the latter.
“Hard week at work?”
 You let out a tired huff.
“You have no idea. We got this new client who booked us for a nation-wide tv ad, and they’re so incredibly demanding. I’ve been working overtime for three weeks straight, it’s a miracle they didn’t call me in today.”
Your monthly Saturday brunch with Abby was sacred, work be damned.
Your friend was giving you a worried look across the table. “Well, I’m glad they didn’t, you deserve a day off.”
 “Enough of my sad life, how is it going over at Fake News?” you joked.
 “Amazing actually. You won’t believe it, but I’ve heard through the grapevine that they’re thinking about offering me John’s Sunday spot on Inside Politics. Can you imagine, my own hour, as an actual anchor. It’s nothing official yet, but I’m so excited.”
 “Oh my god, Abby, that’s awesome. I’m so proud of you. We should celebrate.” you exclaimed, beckoning a waiter to order two glasses of champagne.
 Abby gave you a warm smile.
“Thank you, babe. But let me be honest, I’m worried about you. You look exhausted, even your voice sounds tired. When was the last time you did something actually relaxing?”
 “I’ve watched a movie, like, a week ago. And I do yoga, at least sometimes.” You tried to argue, not entirely sure if you wanted to convince Abby or yourself.
 A smirk settled over your friend’s face, and she looked at you like she just had the most brilliant idea ever. You did not like that look at all, it usually meant trouble.
 “Well todays your lucky day, because I know just what you need to de-stress a bit.”
 You just raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Care to elaborate, genius?”
 “You, my friend, need to get laid.”

You snorted. “Fun times, Abbs, you almost got me,”

“I’m serious, Y/N, when was the last time you had sex?”
“Okay, it’s been a while, but I’m fine. I don’t need a man to interfere with the little free time I have. And it’s not like the streets are full of men chasing me. I don’t have time to date, and, like I said, I’m totally fine with the way things are at the moment.” You tried your very best not to sound defensive. 
The expression on Abby’s face told you everything you needed to know. She didn’t buy a single word coming out of your mouth.
“Y/N, trust me when I tell you, blowing off a little steam would do wonders for your stress level. And maybe you’d even meet someone nice. And, lucky for you, I know just the guy. He’s someone I work with, and I think you’d get along perfectly.”
 “You’re not actually suggesting setting me up on a blind date.” You couldn’t believe your friend. The last thing you needed was an evening full of awkward small talk with some boring, sleek CNN guy.
 “Come on, Y/N, take a leap of faith. What’s the worst thing that could happen?”
 (One week later)
 “I can’t believe I actually agreed.” You murmured to yourself as you rummaged through your closet, looking for an outfit to wear on that damned date Abby bullied you into.
You thought about the peaceful evening you could have had, curled up on the sofa with a glass of wine, maybe getting some work done.
But it was too late to back down now.
 “Let’s just get this over with” you told yourself, applying some lipstick as if it was war paint. “Let’s hope that the guy is at least good-looking.”
 The restaurant Abby sent you to was nice enough, a small and intimate place, perfect for a date. You couldn’t wait to have your first glass of wine, because you could feel your nervousness increasing with each passing minute.
You entered the restaurant, looking for the third table on the window side that Abby had described to you…and directly turned around, practically fleeing through the door again as soon as you set eyes on the man sitting there.
 Back outside, you took your phone out of your bag and furiously dialed Abby’s number. She picked up right away, but you were shouting at her before she could even say a word.
“You better tell me that you did not set me up with Jake fucking Tapper.”
Was she out of her mind? This was the Jake Tapper, the face of CNN, hell, the face of the media in this country. What the fuck were you supposed to talk to him about.
But your friend just chuckled at you through the phone.
“When you saw him on TV some months ago, you said he was your type. Plus, he’s intelligent, funny, and single. Perfect for you. And now stop making a fool out of yourself and go in there. You got this, girl. Love you, bye.”
And with that, she hung up.
 You took a deep breath and tried to calm your nerves. You could not just leave now, and stand up Mr. Breaking News himself. So you pocketed your phone again, squared your shoulders and went back into the restaurant.
You made your way over to the table, coming to a stop in front of it. The man sitting there looked up to you and smiled. And wow, what a beautiful smile it was, sincere, warm and inviting, taking over his entire face.
“Hi.” You said, trying to sound confident.
“I’m Y/N, Abby’s friend.”
“It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Jake. I’m working with Abby, but she probably already told you that much.”

“She did, but I’ll be honest, I know you, of course. Big fan of your show.”
God, why did you just say that. He was probably going to think you were some kind of crazy fangirl now.
 But he just continued to smile his open, friendly smile at you.
“Always happy to hear that.” He chuckled, pointing to the opposite chair. “Do you want to sit down?”
 “Yes, of course, sorry.” You said, feeling silly because you totally forgot that you were still standing. You quickly sat down and tried your best to appear calm and collected, even if your insides were in turmoil.
 “Would you care for some wine? They have a pretty impressive list, I could pick one for us if you don’t mind.” Jake asked.
 “Wine sounds fantastic. I love it, but I’m not really an expert, so go ahead.”
 Jake took some reading glasses out of the pocket of his suit jacket and put them on his nose. 
While he was studying the wine list, you took your time to study him instead. He appeared to be in his late forties, so there was an age difference of probably 15 to 20 years. You didn’t mind that at all, older men had always been more your type.
He had a really handsome face, kind eyes that looked even better when he had those glasses on, and you loved his salt-and-pepper hair. He was wearing a light blue dress shirt with a dark grey suit jacket. You caught your mind wandering to how he might look underneath his clothes and gave yourself a mental slap on the wrist. This was your first date, no need to get ahead of yourself.
“Everything alright over there?”
 Shit, he had caught you staring.
 “Yes, sorry, I zoned off for a moment. I had a stressful week at work.”

“Oh, yes, Abby told me you’re working in advertising. Any interesting projects at the moment?”
You went on and chatted about work a bit. You were fascinated by what he was doing, and taken aback by the confident, yet humble way he was talking about it. This was absolutely not the behavior you were expecting from the leading anchorman of the nations most renowned network. He wasn’t arrogant or self-centered at all and you were definitely charmed.
The wine Jake ordered arrived with your starters, and soon after you had your first few sips you felt some of the initial nervousness fading away.
Soon, the conversation was flowing freely, and you discovered that Abby was right, you really did get along perfectly. Jake was incredibly funny in a dry and witty way and his sarcastic remarks made you laugh more than once. You also discovered your shared interest in graphic novels and argued a while about weather DC or Marvel was the superior comic universe.
Jake showed you one of his own cartoons on his phone, and with each moment you found yourself more drawn to the man in front of you.
At some point his hand started to lightly brush against yours on the table, and each touch sent a warm feeling through your chest.
You talked some more over dessert, had some more wine and overall, a really good time.
The alcohol gave you a pleasant, fuzzy feeling, and the desire to just get up and crawl on Jakes lap grew with each look he gave you.
 “Excuse me, Ma’am, Sir, were closing up now.” A passing waiter told you and put the check on the table.
 “Let me take care of that, please.” Jake said, taking out his wallet. You just thanked him and enjoyed the view of him putting on his glasses again to read the check.
 He really was a perfect gentleman, you thought to yourself, as he got up to hold your coat and then the door for you on your way out.

“I really had a wonderful evening.” you said softly, as the both of you were standing on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant. Jake shot you another one of his brilliant smiles, and you could feel your heart beating faster.
“Me too.” He replied. “I really enjoyed spending time with you, and I’d like to see you again.”
Now your heart was almost jumping out of your chest, and you could feel your own smile taking over your face.
“I’d love that.”
 Jake took one step closer, now standing so close you could almost feel the warmth radiating off his body. One of his hands came up to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear, his thumb slowly stroking over your jaw. His touch sent goosebumps all over your skin, and you slightly parted your lips, looking him directly in the eyes. They were warm, and dark, and you felt like you could get lost in them. And then he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your mouth.
It felt incredible, a kind of warmth that was totally unrelated to the wine spreading through your body, your skin prickling where his hand was still on your face.
You put your hands on his arms and kissed him back, enjoying the feeling of his soft lips against yours. He still tasted slightly like red wine, and you wanted nothing more than to explore the rest of his body with your mouth just as thoroughly.
 First date, you reminded yourself, and broke free from the kiss before your lust-clouded brain could make you do something you might regret later. You glanced up at Jake, who looked at you with an unreadable expression. Then, after what felt like forever, he finally spoke.
“Could I maybe have your number?”
“Of course.” You said, with maybe a bit much enthusiasm, but Jake didn’t seem to mind. You quickly typed your number into his phone, and just as you were finished, the cab you had called earlier was arriving.
Jake held the door open for you, and shot you one last, beautiful smile. “Good night, Y/N, get home safe.”
“Thank you for the wonderful evening, Jake. Good night.”
 You closed the door and the taxi drove off. You already missed his face as soon as he was out of sight, and you turned around to watch his receding figure through the rear window of the taxi.
Great, you were already down bad after one date. The man really got to you, and you desperately hoped that you would hear from him soon.
 As soon as you were home, you really felt the effects of the wine, so you quickly went to bed to get some sleep. Just before you were nodding off, you sent Abby a quick message.
You were right, he is perfect. THANKS xxxx
When Abby answered five minutes later, you were already asleep.
 Told you so ;) xxxx
 When you woke up the next morning, there was a new message from an unknown number on your phone. Your heart made a flip in your chest, and you opened it as fast as you could.
Hi, this is Jake. It’s probably way too soon to text you, but I just wanted to let you know, again, what a great time I had yesterday. If you’d be up to it, I’d really like to see you again soon. Let me know if that would be alright with you. And have a nice Saturday :)
He had already texted you. That meant he didn’t think that you were crazy, or awkward, and that he wasn’t just acting nice, he genuinely wanted to see you again. You were filled with a giddy sort of happiness, and decided to answer him right away, there was no need to play any games here. Leap of faith, just like Abby said.
Good Morning Jake, I really enjoyed yesterday as well. I’d love to spend some more time together; would tomorrow evening be too spontaneous? I could make dinner, to return the favor since you paid yesterday ;) my place at eight?
As soon as you hit the send button you started getting anxious again. What if tomorrow was too soon? What if he thought you were being too eager?
“Stop it, Y/N!” you said out loud to interrupt your mental spiral. You wouldn’t make a fool out of yourself for this man, even if he was handsome, and intelligent, and funny. No way.
 But as you were standing in the kitchen five minutes later and heard your phone chiming from the other room, you were there in the matter of seconds to read the new message.
Tomorrow sounds perfect, just text me the address. I’ll bring the wine. xx Jake
You clutched your phone to your chest, the biggest, goofy smile on your face.
 You spent the remaining day extensively cleaning your flat, stressing out, going grocery shopping and stressing out some more. You face-timed Abby and bullied her into helping you pick out an outfit, since she technically was the one who got you into this mess in the first place.
Jake was occupying your mind whatever you did, and when you finally got into your bed that night, all you could think about was how his lips had felt against yours. Those thoughts sent a hot, burning feeling down between your legs and when you finally touched your pussy, you were already so wet and aroused that it only took you minutes until you reached your peak, Jakes name falling from your lips.
To say you were a nervous wreck the next day would be an understatement. When you woke up, you decided to watch some TV to get yourself a bit of distraction. An ad was currently playing, and so you decided to check your mails first.
“Good Morning from Washington, where the State of our Union is in turmoil over the latest…”
Your head snapped up at the sound of the familiar voice coming from your TV, the voice that occupied your mind ever since your blind date on Friday. You had totally forgotten that Sunday morning meant Jake Tapper time on CNN, because usually you were either asleep or at work at 9 am. But now you took your time to really appreciate the man on your TV.
He looked way more serious than the Jake you got to know, no smile, just a stern expression and a dark suit and tie. Which didn’t mean that he wasn’t looking totally hot, and his intelligent and sharp remarks did nothing to calm your fluttering heart or the heat in your lower abdomen. You definitely wanted him, bad.

This is getting ridiculous, you thought to yourself, and turned the TV off to take a very long shower.
Afterwards, you spent the whole day pacing around your flat and annoying Abby with numerous text messages and another two face time calls. She assured you multiple times that everything would be just fine and by the time it was 7:45 p.m. the food was in the oven and you sat on your couch, waiting for the doorbell to ring.
When it finally did, you all but ran to the door only to stop and force yourself to take a couple of calming breaths before opening it. Jake stood outside, a bottle of red wine in his hand. He looked amazing with his white dress shirt and dark grey slacks, but again it was his smile that got your attention, he looked just as happy to see you as you were feeling.
Out of a sudden impulse, you surged forward and threw your arms around the man, hugging him and burying your head in his chest. He seemed surprised, but still put his free arm around you, embracing you.
“Hi.” You whispered, suddenly shy, but as you looked up to meet Jakes eyes you could see nothing but warmth in them. “Hi.” He replied, pressing a kiss to your hair. “It’s good to see you.”
 You slowly let go of him so he could actually enter your apartment. He followed you inside and you fetched some glasses for the wine. You talked about everything and anything over dinner, family, football, the book Jake was working on. You listened closely, and so did he as you told him about your passion for art and music. He even asked you to put some of your favorite records on as you moved over to the couch after dinner.
You were still talking animatedly but having Jake in closer physical proximity made it increasingly hard to focus on what he was saying.
Instead, your eyes and mind wandered to his hands. Without thinking, you reached out and put one of your hands into his, He stopped speaking, and looked at you. You could see the kind look in his eyes being replaced by something darker, more passionate.
 He spoke again, voice lower this time. “I’ve been thinking about you and our kiss without a break since yesterday. And just as long I’ve wanted to kiss you again, touch you again.”
He reached out, cupped your jaw with one of his hands and slowly ran his thumb over your bottom lip. It took every willpower you had not to suck his thumb into your mouth. This man had you hot and aching for him with just a single touch and a couple of words.
“Is that something you want me to do, Y/L?” his voice was only a low rumble now.
“Oh my god yes. Yes please.” You whispered, not really trusting your own voice to come out steady enough. 
The hand on your face slid to the back of your head and you uttered a surprised gasp as Jake just grabbed a fist of your hair and pulled you close, until your faces were only inches apart.
“You are beautiful.” He said, looking you deep in the eyes.
And then he kissed you again. And as soon as his mouth connected with yours, you realized just how much you had missed the feeling of his lips, the warmth of his body. But that was where the resemblance to the kiss you shared last night ended. Because this one was more.
More passion, more lust. Jake softly bit your bottom lip and used your surprised gasp as an opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. The kiss deepened and you could feel small sparks of arousal all over your body with every touch of tongue and every time he lightly tugged on the hair in the nape of your neck.
Your hands found their way around Jakes shoulders, roaming up and down his back. You were really glad he was not wearing his full State Of The Union Outfit, even if it had looked extremely hot, because as soon as you could feel the solid muscle through his thin dress shirt, you knew that those clothes had to come off at some point.
You lightly tugged on the hem of his shirt to pull it out of his pants and spread your hands over the warm skin underneath. Jake broke the kiss as soon as he could feel what you did, just to tilt back your head and kiss your exposed neck.
You couldn’t stifle a moan as he lightly sucked on your pulse point.
The feeling of his mouth on your skin made heat coil between your legs, and you tried to shift even closer to him, until you were almost sitting on his lap.
Jake continued to kiss your neck, while his other hand crept under your shirt to palm your breast through your bra. He lightly squeezed it and you moaned again, you nails raking softly over his back, making him groan against your skin.
“You like that?” he asked, and pinched one of your nipples through the thin fabric of your bra, and you could feel your panties getting soaked with arousal.
You decided that it was time to get rid of some clothing and started to quickly unbutton Jakes dress shirt, revealing more and more skin with each button undone. As soon as you were finished, he pulled the shirt of his shoulders and the view of his body made your mouth water. You ran your hands over his muscled chest, and you could see the way his eyes darkened again.
“I can’t wait to touch you everywhere.” He said in a husky voice and pulled your shirt over your head in a swift motion, and instantly his lips were on yours again, his hands roaming over your back, unclasping your bra. When your nipples came in contact with the skin of his chest, you couldn’t contain yourself anymore.
“Jake, please. Touch me, kiss me, anything. I need to feel you.” You pleaded, your voice slightly breathless.
“Take the rest of your clothes off, now.” Jake said, his commanding tone sending another surge of wetness between your legs.
 You got up from the sofa and stood in front of Jake. Slowly, you opened the zipper of your jeans and pulled them down, leaving you only in your black lace panties.
Jake was watching you, his intense stare burning on your skin.
“Everything. Off.” He said, never breaking eye contact.
Having the undivided attention of this man was so hot, you almost got lightheaded.
You slowly dragged your underwear down your legs, and as you were looking up again, you saw that Jake was palming the bulge that had begun to form in his pants. You wanted to touch him so bad.
“You are gorgeous. Amazing. Beautiful. Stunning.” Jake said, taking in the sight of your naked body. His voice was strained, this was clearly affecting him.
A light flush was beginning to form on your skin, you weren’t sure if it was because of arousal or embarrassment, but you definitely knew that you needed Jake to get his hands on your body, now.
You made your way over to him again and leaned down to open the fly of his trousers. His briefs were already tented by his erection, and you palmed him through his underwear, making him groan.
“Those need to come off.” You whispered, smiling at Jake, who just nodded and lifted his pelvis so you could pull down his trousers along with his underwear.
Finally, he was naked in front of you. He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you down on the sofa, lying on top of you. The feeling of his warm skin against yours was thrilling, you tried to get your hands on every part of his body you could reach, stroking his back, pulling his hair. Finally, you wrapped your hand around the base of his hard cock, giving it some light strokes.
“You feel so good, Y/N, I’ve been thinking about doing this since I first laid my eyes on you. I’ve been in a state since we kissed, and now” he whispered against your neck „I can’t wait to finally have that sweet pussy of yours.”
You couldn’t believe the words coming out of Jakes mouth, hearing him say filthy things like that was turning you on more than you could’ve ever imagined. Obviously, your thoughts were written all over your face.
“You like it when I talk like that, don’t you, sweetheart.” He said, pinching one of your nipples as he did.
“I…Oh shit, yes, yes I do. Please.” You whimpered, almost going you crazy with the need to finally feel him. 
He had mercy on you, reaching out between your legs. When he touched your pussy for the first time, you felt like the pent-up tension could make you faint any moment.
“God, you’re so wet, Y/N.” He thrust two of his long fingers into you without warning, and you almost screamed.
“And so tight.”
“I need you, please Jake, fuck me.” You were begging now, way beyond caring about any sort of decorum as his digits touched that sweet spot inside of you again and again.
 He withdrew his fingers and shifted on top of you before he put his hands on your tights, spreading your legs. You couldn’t even begin to complain about the loss of his fingers, he was already lining up his cock with your entrance, and pushed in, slowly, filling you inch by inch until he bottomed out with a deep groan. His length stretched you in the most delicious way, and you cried out as he was starting to thrust in and out of you, leaving you almost no time to adjust to his size.
You couldn’t talk coherently anymore, you were just chanting his name over and over as he was fucking you into the sofa. Your nails clawed into his back as he was leaning over you, his hair falling into his face. Just as you thought you couldn’t feel any more pleasure, he grabbed one of your legs and probed it onto his shoulder, the new angle making you see stars with every move of his hips.
“You feel incredible, so tight and warm around me, you are amazing.” He looked down on you, taking in your face, squinted with pleasure, his name falling from your lips over and over again.
He reached between your legs and started rubbing your clit, never slowing down his relentless, hard thrusts. The combined stimulation was almost too much for you and your orgasm was approaching fast.
“Don’t stop, please, just don’t stop.” You cried out, the pleasure running through your body like a wildfire.
“Look at me when you come, I want to see you. Look at me!” Jake growled, breathing hard as he sped up even more.
You hit your peak with a cry, sparks dancing over your skin as your walls clenched around Jakes cock. Your eyes were fixed on his, and he looked at you like you were the only person on the entire planet.
Seeing you come undone beneath him, Jake only lasted for another few deep thrusts before he came, shouting your name and spilling his hot release inside of you.
 He laid on top of you afterwards, his face on your shoulder, breathing deeply. You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, and he turned his head to look at you.
“Hi” you said.
“Hi” he replied, your favorite smile spreading across his face again.
 “I liked that very much.” You said, pressing another kiss to his lips. He chuckled and propped himself up onto his arms with a small sight, rolling off you. Luckily, your sofa was large enough so you could comfortably lie next to each other.
“Me too, that was fantastic.” He replied and pulled you closer, putting his arm around you. You buried your face into his chest, soaking up the heat of his body and his wonderful smell.
 “Maybe you should come over more often.” You suggested, sounding a bit nervous again. You didn’t want to appear clingy. But this man had just rocked your world, and you couldn’t just act like nothing happened.
“I’ll come over whenever you want me to, sweetheart. Consider me at your beck and call.”
 “Stay the night?” you asked in a hopeful voice. You had work in the morning, but you just couldn’t imagine letting him go anywhere now.
He just nodded, smiled, and kissed you again. That soft, tingly feeling in your chest increased even more, and you just happily snuggled up to him.
 Later, as Jake was already asleep next to you, you took up your phone and sent a quick text message to Abby.
Next brunch is my treat! I owe you xxxx
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Some Goddamn Curtains
When I was in college, I kept getting the compliment, “Wow, your room is really nice for a guy.”  I never understood what that meant for the longest time.  Then I actually paid attention to how most guys kept their dorm room. I once waited for a guy to get ready to head down to an event. I realized that I had never actually stepped foot in his room, much less even glanced inside of it. So when he stepped out and said he was ready to go, I leaned to the side over his shoulder and oh my god it was like downtown Baghdad during the worst of the Iraq War. Damn bruh, you live like this? I liked all my college roommates but the most untidiest one was in sophomore year. He left his toothbrush lying around in the open in a sock drawer, and it would end up somewhere else each night. Maybe he liked to play scavenger hunts to keep himself on his toes? He never put the DVDs back in their respective cases. I once couldn’t wait to watch Iron Man with a friend at their dorm, only to open the case once I got there and realize that my roommate had replaced it with Season 1 of Martin. He would also do this thing where he would drink a can of Coke (that I bought), not finish it, put it back in the fridge, then later open a new can of Coke that he didn’t feel like finishing, and rinse and repeat. First year roommate wasn’t that bad. Third year roommate was nearly as tidy as I was. Then in my fourth and final year I lived alone,  so my sense of the idea that “guys were messy” didn’t really hit me because I’ve only had one bad experience and chalked it up to “It was just that one guy”. I’m 31, and by now I have noticed people saying things like, “Oh my God I was actually thinking about what curtains I liked and I’m such an adult. This is what adult thinking is like. I’m adulting now.”
I hate hearing shit like that. I grew up blithely admitting liking things that an adult would “normally like”, such as curtains. The curtains thing came up in high school when I hung out at the senior lounge. The senior lounge was this bare room that looked like it was meant for old people to sit and play bingo. It was boring and dull and I hated it. It felt more lke a prison cafeteria really, with some worn out couches. I would bring my video games to that lounge, namely GoldenEye 007, to play with friends during our free period.  The room didn’t have any curtains, so at a certain time in the afternoon, the sun would beat down directly onto the screen, making it difficult to see properly. A lot of us would squint and move closer or lean forward.  I then said, “This room needs some curtains.”
A pause, and then someone replied, “Did you just say this room needs curtains?” And I was like, “Yeah. Maybe something blue. Something dark.”
And he looked at me and scoffed, and all the other guys did the same - they gave me this funny sideways glance and scoffed. I asked what the problem was, but they mostly shook their heads in disbelief. I was frankly annoyed by their response. So I said, louder, “This room needs some goddamn curtains”, because I thought it was perfectly fucking reasonable that a person would logically do something about the fucking glare from the fucking sun. Maybe they liked blinds better. Who knows? But it took me ages to fully realize two things:  1. It’s not socially acceptable for boys to be interested in style - whether it be about living spaces or clothes. I was fiercely made fun of for the clothes I wore as a kid throughout young adult life. I hated all kinds of t-shirts. I think growing up thin and gangly made me too self-aware of my arms. But I never specifically wanted to wear anything that had a band name or a company logo or even my favorite video game or movie. I would feel like a walking advertisement, and that would piss me off. I often liked ties, long-sleeved shirts, and sweaters. I never left the house in sweatpants or pajamas. I always had to comb my hair and put on a good shirt. Sweatpants were when you worked out or worked around the house fixing things.  I grew up in Catholic school, so we had uniforms. On dress down days, my classmates would come up to me and say, “Eddie, you were supposed to dress DOWN, not up” or “I can’t believe you’re wearing that on a dress down day!”.  I didn’t have a problem with people dressing how they dressed. Sure I was never into the goth thing, but I didn’t want to judge. I just wanted to dress how I wanted to dress. And maybe I was influenced in some way by how my parents dressed me up, and maybe other times I did feel embarrassed, but I knew that at the end of the day I would wear what felt most comfortable to me. Sometimes my mom would give me a sweater that was a tad too bland, so I went to the bathroom once I got to school and took it off. I would like the polo but untucked it and unbuttoned the top buttons. Half-and-half. Right idea, but lemme wear it like this instead. College was really when I started to develop my everyday style, my “main outfit”, like a video game character. I always wore some untucked button-down shirt with a tie, jeans, and sneakers. I liked it. It was this weird blend of dressing up and dressing down. People my age thought I was overdressed but my parents and people over 50 complained that I was underdressed. It was great! It feels so special to piss off both sides! My parents still remember the time I got an award at college and I went up the stage wearing that getup. You look at the picture and see the students standing side-by-side in nice dresses and dockers, and then there’s me wearing jeans and sneakers with a shirt and tie.  There always seemed to be this false dichotomy for how men should look and be - either the dapper “metrosexual” man who was slightly effeminate or the rough-and-tumble strong man who didn’t need to use an umbrella when it rained and never cared to fix his hair because that’s some “gay shit” for silly city folk. That false dichotomy is always played out in media. There’s a million buddy cop movies about the book-smart guy who is suave and sophisticated teaming up with the street-smart guy who is all muscle and manly and goes for the more practical route. Yin and Yang. Hot and cold. Good cop and bad cop. Lucky and Wild. Tango and Cash. But growing up I thought, “Why not both?” I loved watching James Bond as much as I loved watching Indiana Jones. Why couldn’t I be both if I really wanted to? It fit me best to play both roles. I AM GOING TO MIX THESE TWO THINGS AND YOU CAN’T FUCKING STOP ME! I WILL BE BOTH BOOK-SMART AND STREET-SMART. I KNOW THE QUADRATIC EQUATION AND HOW TO CON SOMEONE. THE ULTIMATE LIFEFORM.  The fucking worst though is being an adult now and hearing women wish they knew a guy who “dressed properly”, and men complimenting my clothes saying I look sharp.
Fuck all of you, honestly. 2. Young people are afraid to admit they like things that adults like. I grew up with extended family members living in cozy homes. I liked to admire their grandfather clocks, their decanters, their entertainment center, their offices and their chairs. I liked to wander around their houses during the holidays and poke my nose into their closets and admire old things. Maybe it’s something that an only-child might relate to the most. I wasn’t required or asked to be upstairs to attend a younger or older sibling. The adults just did their own thing and so I wandered off. Ikea always tickled my fancy as a kid. I would wander through the model rooms of offices and bedrooms and bathrooms, and I found whatever felt coziest to me and pretended that I was home. Better yet, I sometimes daydreamed that the entire Ikea facility was my home. How about that? Tired of sleeping on the bunk bed? Go to the next room to the big bed. I feel like cooking in that kitchen today, not this one. Some days I’ll feel more serious and work in the wooden office desk and other days I’ll feel silly and be in the kids room. I’ll take the whole building, please. This is where I live now. Swedish meatballs for dinner and creamy European chocolate bars for dessert every day. Young people fear being old and facing responsibilities. That doesn’t mean you liking these things makes you older. Taste and style is part of who you are, and there’s no shame if you have an interest in some bath mats or a nice decanter when you’re 20 or 17.
When I lived in my single dorm back in senior year of college, I realized that I was truly living alone for the first time. It brought some sanity to me that I didn’t know I needed. I was able to organize things how I saw fit, and hosted parties whenever I wanted. If I felt like something needed adjusting, I didn’t need to ask anybody’s permission. I really started exploring my sense of style and taste. As I grew up, I developed really specific tastes about where I would live: 1. Everything has to make sense. The placement of shelves, TVs, desks, dressers, paintings, pictures, all have to feel like they are easily viewed and accessible without needing to awkwardly turn to face them or reach them.  2. Symmetry is not always necessary but still good to fall back on when you don’t know what to do. 3. I never liked to sit with my back to the window(s) or the door. I always needed to see who or what was going to approach me or look at me.  4. TVs should never go on top of fireplaces.  5. Always have some kind of drawing room for guests to wait.  6. Never put your keys or sensitive documents in the foyer, drawing room, or wherever else strangers can easily find them the minute they walk into the house.  7. Open concept is pretentious.  8. It is far easier to cook if you have an island in the kitchen.  9. McMansions are the bane of style. Fake balconies, fake shutters, brick facades - everything about them is evil.  10. Get some goddamn curtains.
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sillyrabbit81 · 4 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 2.5k
Warnings: Smut, swearing
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 6 Part 8
Part 7
Liam's phone rang. He ignored it and let it go to voicemail. When it rang again, he made a noise of disgust and took his phone out of his pocket to look at it. "It's my publicist. I had better take this."
Liam answered the phone and went outside to talk. I turned the oven on and started to unpack the groceries. Then I got the roast, put it in a baking tray, poured olive oil over the top and seasoned it with salt and some pepper. I got out some onions and garlic and started to cut them up to place around the roast to give it some added flavour.
"That looks great," Liam said when he came back in.
"Thanks," I said, and I gave him a grin. I took the tray and put it in the oven. I got my phone and put an alarm on, giving myself time to cook the veggies before they finished. A thought came to me, and before I could bite my tongue, I said, "They do say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."
"Really?" Liam licked his lips, looked down at his pants and said, "I'd say they were aiming too high."
It took me a minute to work out what the joke was. When I finally did, I couldn't help but laugh and hide my face in my hands.
"You've gone so red!" Liam appeared to be having fun with my inability to control my blushes.
"Oh, my God!" I said, still hiding my face and laughing. "Alright, that was funny."
It took me a while to stop laughing. When I did, Liam said sombrely, "Sweetheart, I have to tell you something."
"Uh, oh, it doesn't sound good."
"It's not bad. I don't know how you will feel about it." Liam then told me that his publicist had called to let him know there were pictures put on Instagram and Twitter of the two of us kissing at the pub last night. "Your name hasn't been mentioned, and the photos look to be shot from pretty far away on a mobile, so someone in the pub took the pictures. Sarah says they probably aren't going to tell who you are by the pictures unless someone who knows you well comes forward."
I think if my eyes bulged out of my head any further, they would have fallen out and rolled on the floor. "That quick?" It was all I could think to say.
"Yeah. It's hard to know what will come out and when. A lot of times I go out, and no one notices me, but other times I have paps or members of the public following me for hours."
"Who's Sarah?"
"My publicist." Liam reached across the bench and took my hand in his. "Are you ok?"
"You say they don't know who I am?" Liam nodded, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't happy but what was I going to do about it? I picked at my nails. I needed to paint them; the pale pink polish was starting to chip.
"You ok?" Liam asked again
I shrugged. "Your life is weird."
Liam chucked. "You keep telling me that."
"So, what happens now?"
"Well, usually Sarah would say to private all social media, but she had a look and said she could only find a Facebook profile for you which was already private. Do you have any others? Instagram? Twitter? Snapchat?"
"No. I have a YouTube account that I use to watch videos, but that isn't linked to my real name or email. Also, a Tumblr account, again not associated with my name. And no pictures of me."
"Tumblr?" He raised an eyebrow. His fucking lip twitched.
"I was a confused 22-year-old ok?" I said a bit defensively. "I haven't used it in years," I remembered then the dating site we met on. I quickly logged on and selected the options to hide the account.
"Ok, well, there's not much else right now. A few rags called Sarah for comment. She said the standard no comment and asked for my privacy to be respected. The rest is up to you."
"Up to me?" I asked, confused. "What's up to me?"
"When you want to confirm the relationship and release your name."
"Liam, I met you less than 24 hours ago and have known you only a few months. I'm not ready for that. I like you a lot, but maybe you pick your nose and eat it, and I'll have to dump your arse tomorrow and then it's been a big song and dance over nothing." I joked. The mood had gotten too heavy for me. I wanted to talk about something else.
"Sweetheart, I'd never do that." He smiled sweetly, "I'd make you eat it."
"Ewww!" I screamed.
"Get over here." He chased me around the bench, and after a few evasions and some more squeals, he caught me. Perrin came in through the doggy door and barked at Liam a few times. Our behaviour obviously scandalised him. "Perrin," I called. "Come here, boy."
"You think your dog can save you?"
"Of course, he's very protective of my honour."
"We will see about that." Liam bent over, and I thought he was going to tackle me. Instead of flying backwards, I was hoisted forward and found myself over his shoulder. I screamed as I heard a loud crack, my hands flying to my bum.
"Did you just smack my arse?" I must admit I was finding all the manhandling arousing. I wasn't going to let him know that, though.
"Yes, I did. Want another?" Liam was heading down the hallway, taking me to the bedroom.
I giggled. "No!"
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks," Liam quoted. Shakespeare sounded good with his accent. I giggled some more, and I got another one. Yes, very arousing.
Liam hummed. "I quite like the view here." He rubbed my bottom and took me into my bedroom.
I was very close to his round bum. "This view is not so bad either," I said and smacked his arse. Unfortunately, it probably hurt me more than it hurt him. His butt was tight!
Liam dropped me onto the bed at that point, and the look on his face was hysterical. I couldn't stop laughing, and tears were rolling down my face. Then I did the most embarrassing thing: I snorted.
That was it. Both of us couldn't stop. Every time I calmed enough to think I could speak, one look at Liam's face, and I'd be off again.
Eventually, we stopped, and I was able to say, "Oh my God, your face! That was so bloody funny." I wiped my eyes.
"I think that may have been the first time someone's done that to me."
"Really? Didn't you go to an all-boys school?"
"Yes, but it wasn't the US." Liam tried suppressing a grin as he said, "we got ball taps."
I tried not to laugh. I really did. "Oh, my God!" I was off again.
We watched the original Mad Max before I had to go and finish dinner. I was horrified when Liam said he hadn't seen it before. I immediately made him watch it. He said it was ok, the concept was great, but he didn't love it. I told him he needed a brain scan.
When I went to make dinner, Liam offered to help, but I told him not to be silly.
Liam sat at the kitchen bench chatting to me while I chopped and blanched the vegetables. After a while, he said he had to call Sarah and his assistant Ryan to make sure he had organised the dog walker to take Cole for a walk and play.
"Any update from Sarah?" I asked Liam when he returned. I feigned disinterest while I finished slicing the roast.
"All the same right now. Some sites have posted the pictures, saying I was spotted drinking with an "unknown female companion." The pictures have circulated a bit on Twitter, but it's mostly just by fans. They haven't hit the mainstream yet. It's all fairly standard, and it will go away by tomorrow by the looks of it."
"Good," I said. A look I couldn't interpret passed over Liam's face. He masked it pretty quickly. I opened my mouth to ask if he was ok but shut it again. I said, instead, "dinner's ready." I passed Liam his plate.
"Thank you," Liam said, leaning over to kiss me before eating. I watched as he cut up some beef and started chewing. "Pretty good. Almost as good as Mum's," he teased with a wink.
I elbowed him, and God bless him; he pretended it hurt.
We ate in silence for a while. I gave a few pieces to Perrin. He was so old, and I couldn't help but spoil him occasionally. He won't be around forever.
After dinner, Liam insisted on helping me clean up, and we stacked the dishwasher. Watching him bend over, his jeans straining as he put the plates in, stirred some feelings. Erotic feelings.
"Want to watch another movie?" He asked.
"Not really," I said. "I'm in the mood for some dessert."
"Ice-cream? I can't have any, but you can."
"Not ice-cream," I said, shaking my head. I looked at him with my very best bedroom eyes.
"What do you want then? Want me to go to the shops?" He said, not catching on. I put my arms around his waist. "If you let me borrow your car, I'll go. I can just go on my own."
"No, you wombat." I met his hips with mine, his eyes widened. "What I want is right here." I wriggled against him. Liam grinned widely, his cheeks creasing in such a sexy way.
"I thought you were shy."
"I am getting used to you," I said. "The real me is coming out." The truth of my words took me by surprise. I looked away, second-guessing myself. Why did I do that?
"I like her," Liam said hoarsely. If he hadn't spoken then, I think I would have stopped. But when his hands went into my hair, and he pulled, stretching my throat, I knew I wasn't going to stop. He kissed me there, and his teeth grazed my skin. My fingers reached under his shirt, and they gripped his back. My nails dug into his skin.
"Bedroom?" I whispered.
"Bedroom," he agreed and walked me backwards to my room.
"You promised me something earlier today," Liam said in between kisses. We were close to my bed.
"What's that?"
He stopped kissing me and cupped my face with his hands. "You said I could undress you."
Liam took hold of my t-shirt and waited. I nodded. He slowly lifted my shirt up and over my head before dropping it to the ground. He tilted his head as if contemplating and gently turned me around.
I felt Liam gather my hair and put it over my shoulder. He caressed my back with his fingertips, making me shiver with pleasure. I heard him give a satisfied hum before undoing my bra. He turned me around again and took hold of my bra straps, pulling them down my arms.
When I dropped my bra beside my shirt, Liam took a step back. He looked me up and down, his eyes hungry. I wanted to cover myself under his intense gaze, my earlier courage wavering under his scrutiny.
My arms started to move, and he gave me a stern look. "You're not thinking of hiding now, are you?"
I shook my head and forced my arms back by my sides. "Good, because I want to look. You're quite the sight." As if to emphasise his point, he adjusted himself through his pants. I felt a thrill of excitement flow through me and felt the familiar throbbing between my legs.
Liam got down on his knees and kissed my belly. His rough stubble tickled. "Your skin is so soft," he said in a low voice. He undid my jeans and kissed a trail down as he unzipped me. His breath was warm, and I felt it through the cotton of my briefs, his last kiss placed just above my slit.
It was almost agony. I moaned at his teasing breath and lips. Then Liam pulled down my underwear and kissed my mound. I felt his tongue part my lips, and when he found what he was looking for, he flattened his tongue and moaned into me.
I didn't know what to do. For a moment, I wanted to stop Liam, but it felt too good. I could feel my resolve waning. I didn't want to wait. Why should we wait? What was I waiting for? I had to stop thinking and go with it, enjoy him, enjoy the experience. I put my fingers in his hair as he licked and sucked at me. He seemed to remember what I liked, and soon I was close to my peak.
One of his fingers played at my entrance. I silently begged for Liam to put it in. My core was desperate to be filled. His finger slowly entered me, and I was lost. I needed him. At that moment, all I wanted was to feel more of him inside me, have him fill me.
I felt like this was the moment. If I don't ask Liam now, I probably never would. If I didn't want him now, why am I even allowing this to happen? I wanted him. He excited me like no one had done since Andy. He had knocked down the defences I'd built to keep myself alone. Keep me in my grief and guilt. I didn't want to be alone anymore. I wanted to feel desired again.
"Fuck me?" I asked. The words just tumbled out. I knew at that moment I would beg if I had to. "Please, Liam, I want you to fuck me."
I wasn't sure if Liam heard me. He increased his attention, and I felt the pressure building. His hand gripped my arse, his fingers digging into my cheeks as he pulled me closer to him. The short rough hair on his cheeks and chin tickled against my thighs. My legs buckled. I couldn't stand up anymore. He held me there while I panted and moaned, seeking release.
I felt my climax arrive like a bolt of lightning. It was sudden and intense. My body contracted as waves of pleasure exploded over me. Short, wordless shouts came from my mouth until it was over. I collapsed onto the bed.
I laid there a while, eyes closed, trying to catch my breath. Liam was shuffling around and heard his belt come undone. I felt the bed dip, and I opened my eyes to find Liam naked, climbing up the bed until his face was above mine.
Liam supported some of his weight with one hand and laid on me, our whole bodies skin to skin. He was warm to touch, and he almost felt hot to my now cooled skin.
"Ask me again," Liam said.
Part 8
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
What Happens in Paris...(7)
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Back at the train, the men and women separate to get ready for the tea party. Down in Max and Drake’s shared room, Drake is sitting on his bed watching Max do his primp and polish in front of the mirror. Impeccably dressed in his black Gucci dress shirt and trousers, Maxwell is running a comb through his neatly trimmed hair and whistling. If he wasn’t his friend, Drake could almost hate him for it. His clothing style rarely changed. His way of taking his day look into a night look usually involved the undoing of a button on his shirt, and the addition of a hair product to keep himself looking sharp when he broke out the moves on the dance floor. Drake knew though, even by day when Maxwell appeared to be calm and collected there was always a three ring circus, complete with peacocks, going on inside his head.
Drake looked down at Maxwell’s shiny black shoes, and then glanced at his own scuffed and worn looking brown ones. As much as Drake didn’t want to dress all fancy for a Royal tea party today, he knew that Kate was expected to be there. Plus he wanted to witness the look of envy on Maddy’s face when Kate walked in all dressed up and stole away attention from the future Queen. Although he usually wouldn’t give a damn how he looked when he skulked his way into events after everyone else important arrived. This time he knew Kate would be under Liam’s lustful eye, and it made his stomach ache at the thought. If he was going to escort Kate into this stupid party, even as her seemingly platonic friend, he had to make an effort to fit in for his own peace of mind. Drake cleared his throat to get Maxwell’s attention. I can’t believe I’m doing this again. Heaven help me.
“Uh, Max? About this party today… I can’t exactly show up looking like some bum off the street. Could you help me pick out something fit to wear?”  
Maxwell gasped, dropping the lint roller he was using to remove fluff and hair from his trouser leg. “Really?! You’ll let me dress you up for two events in a row?”
Drake sighs, getting up from the bed and running his hands through his hair. “Well don’t make a big deal out of it.”
“It is a big deal. My grumpy best friend wants to impress a girl!”
Drake grimaced, “Tone it down will ya? Besides, you are not my best friend.”
Maxwell is unfazed by the brush off and just raises his eyebrows, nodding, “Oh right! We’re even better than that now. We’re family!”
Drake opens his mouth to protest and then closes it again. Technically Max was right, as painful as it was for him to admit. He raises his hands and gives Max an impatient head shake, “Alright! Alright! Whatever! Are you gonna help me or not?”
“Of course I will. Show me what you got.”
Drake holds his hands out to the sides to display his current denim disaster.
“No, no silly.” Maxwell drags over Drake’s suitcase and flops it onto the bed. Drake places a protective hand on top, shakes his head.
“No point in looking in there," Drake grumbles.
“Okay then, to the Royal Closet we go.”
Kate sits in front of Hana’s portable makeup mirror, while Hana runs a round brush through her hair, coaxing it into soft waves. “I love your hair Kate, it’s so soft and manageable. What shampoo do you use?”
With a shrug, Kate admires her freshly painted fingernails. “Some kind of fruity scented stuff that I bought at the drugstore. Drake forgot to grab the matching conditioner when we showered, so I hope my hair doesn't get all full of static and frizz.”
Hana meets Kate's gaze in the mirror and they both giggle. “Oh my goodness, Kate. No wonder you two were late for breakfast.”
Trying to hide her blush in the lighted mirror was impossible, “Yeah, well I did interrupt him while he was shaving this morning. And damn he looked sexy in that bathrobe.”
Hana sighed with envy as she parted Kate’s hair and swept it behind her shoulder. Kate hands her the golden, flower embellished comb from the counter. “What’s it like Kate?”
“Having a King and his best friend both in love with you?”
"It's not as fun as you might think. They've both staked their claim on me in some way and I hate being the rope in their tug of war. The worst part is that Liam has already lost me and he doesn't know it yet."
“Poor guy, he’s going to be crushed. What does Drake have that Liam doesn't?”
“He doesn't have the weight of the kingdom sitting on his head and shoulders, nor does he have a bunch of noble ladies fighting over him. Plus he’s nobody important to the press or tabloids. I’m not as worried about being seen with him, because I know he’ll protect me.”
“He’s not worried about being pulled into the Tariq scandal with you?” Hana asks, a look of concern on her face.
Kate shrugs, “I know he doesn't regret coming to my rescue, except for maybe the punches Tariq landed on his ribs. He was very much a gentleman about the whole thing, which is a lot more than I can say for Tariq.”
“But speaking of having two guys interested at the same time, what about Neville and Rashad?”
Hana wrinkles up her nose with a frown of disgust, “They're so boring. And neither were very nice to Penelope when we first met them.”
Kate applies a pale pink lip gloss to the center of her bottom lip to enhance her lipstick, pressing her lips together and then checking the results in the mirror, “Well frankly, since finding out she participated in the smear campaign against me, Penelope isn't one of my favorite people either. But I get what you’re saying, especially with Neville. He creeps me out in the same way Tariq does. Rashad seems to be marginally better than his friend as far as character goes, having made his own way as a businessman. He’s not depending on his Father’s money like Neville.”
Hana tilts her head, considering Kate’s thoughts. “I suppose you make a good point. But still, neither are as important, charismatic, charming or handsome as the King.”
Kate smirks, “Liam's definitely a charmer. I wonder sometimes what he sees in an ordinary barmaid like me. Or what Drake does either.”  Kate meets Hana's gaze in the mirror. "Am I really worth all this fuss? What's so special about me that loving one man must mean breaking the other's heart?"
"You mean besides your charisma, charm, intelligence and beauty? You're a genuinely nice person Kate, and everyone is drawn to you. The other women in the room envy you when the men all look your way."
Kate turns around to look up at Hana, seeing the admiration in her eyes. "You're all of these things and more, Hana."
Hana looks down at her shoes, shyly,  "I wish. My parents have invested so much into my training, refinement and education. But they've rarely praised me for any of my achievements. Sometimes I feel like they'd throw me at any available bachelor if it would raise my status on the social ladder, especially if it got our names in the media back home."
Standing up from her seat, Kate places her hands on Hana's shoulders. "Hey now, don't beat up on yourself. You're more than just some guy's arm candy or potential wife. You need to stand up and grab the future you want for yourself. To Hell with your parents’ expectations. I bet you could excel at anything you put your mind to. You don't need a man to raise your status. Be the strong independent woman I know you can be.”
Hana smiles, “Thanks Kate. I wish I’d met you years ago. You're the type of friend I've been missing all my life.”
Kate smiles back, “You’ve been here for me too, so it's only right that I return the favor.”
Stepping back from Hana, Kate strikes a pose with one hand on her hip, raising the other in a provocative sweep of her hair to highlight her face and bare shoulders. “So what do you think of my finished look?”
Hana smiles broadly, with a clap of approval at her stylish handiwork. “You're going to be hotter than the tea, that’s for sure.”
Kate winks, “Damn straight. We are.”
Drake stands outside of Kate's train compartment, fidgeting. Dressed in a crisp white dress shirt and dark grey trousers, with his hair combed and set with some of Maxwell's styling compound; he felt like a teenager on Prom night. Drying his sweaty hand on his thigh, he's reminded of how thin the fabric feels compared to his usual denim. The way the slim fit of the pant legs hugged his thighs made him feel so exposed, almost naked, and he was starting to regret not opting for his usual jeans. But Maxwell had assured him that he looked good, and that he’d fit in just fine at the party.
He hoped he looked good enough to escort Kate. The sudden absurdity of wanting to dress up for a tea party makes him chuckle and he shakes his head. Damn it Kate, what have you done to me?
Sucking in a deep breath he knocks on Kate’s door and waits.
Crouching down to secure the gold strap of her shoe around her ankle, Kate hears the buzzing sound of a text message coming from inside her purse. She glances up, “I bet that’s Drake.”
Hana gets a pinging sound on her phone seconds later, “It's a group text from Liam. The cars arranged to take us to the tea party have arrived. We're to meet in the dining car to coordinate who is traveling with whom.”
Kate breathes a sigh, picking up her clutch. “Ok, off we go then.”
Drake is leaning against the wall looking at his phone when he hears the sound of voices to his right, causing him to look up. Kate and Hana are giggling as they approach hand in hand, and then they stop as Kate sees Drake and gasps. “Oh..my...God! Look at you.”
With a smirk, Drake straightens up blushing. “What..do I look that bad?”
Kate shakes her head, then appraises Drake all over again with a head tilt and a slow look from head to toe and then back up again. “Nah, ah. Hardly. You’re looking like a tasty snack.”
Drake clears his throat, raising his eyebrows. “Heh, look who's talking. If I’m a snack you're definitely dessert.”
Hana grins at them both, rolling her eyes, “Ok lovebirds, quit with the flirty food talk and making eyes at each other we’ve got a party to get to.”
Stepping aside, Drake nods. “But of course, after you Ladies.”
Taking in a deep breath and closing his eyes as Kate passes him in the hall, Drake falls into step a few paces behind them. Damn she smells nice, this party isn’t going to be torture at all.
tagging: @jovialyouthmusic @sirbeepsalot @emceesynonymroll @emichelle @mskaneko @speedyoperarascalparty @dcbbw @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @drakexwillow @kingliam2019 @kimmiedoo5 @gardeningourmet @drakesensworld @mfackenthal @thequeenchoices @debramcg1106 @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @wickedgypsymoon @griselda1121 @indiacater @texaskitten30 @nikkis1983 @lynne1993 @bobasheebaby @drakesfiance @moonlightgem7 @princessleac1 @janezillow @jlpplays1 @walker7519 @drakesensworld @furiousherringoperatortoad @samihatuli @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @rainbowsinthestorm @burnsoslow @bbrandy2002 @jessiembruno @msjpuddleduck @princess-andromeda-nazario @princess-geek @mom2000aggie @batgirlassociationofgothamcity @masterofbluff
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k1utzymitry · 3 years
Hi!! Can I request a Voltron matchup?
𝗔𝗴𝗲: 19
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿: Female
𝗦𝗲𝘅𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆: Biromantic Pansexual and
Genderfluid (She/Her or He/Him; but with male preference)
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆: October 20 (Libra; Year of the Snake)
𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲: Southeast asian (Filipino) with spanish roots composed of wavy or messy brunette medium hair (sometimes in ponytail with or without bangs that I tend to style it in side swept or split), having a plump figure and an average stature (5'1.2"). I also have an upturned eyes, chocolate brown irises, and small lashes that could barely seen, heart shaped face, full cheeks, cupid's bow lips, a beauty mark (mole) on my forehead near in between my two eyebrows, and a cute smile.
𝗙𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗼𝗻: Slight combination of boyish, emo, and comfy style (black shirt or MCR band tees, ripped jeans, checkered jacket, 1D printed shoes or plain sneakers, choker, black rounded earrings, and some emo-ish bracelets with light and simple make up (inspired from soft korean makeup look)
𝗘𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗮𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺: 4w5
𝗔𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁: Neutral Good
𝗛𝗼𝗴𝘄𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲: Ravenclaw
𝗙𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Erudite
𝗠𝗕𝗧𝗜 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗧𝘆𝗽𝗲: ENFJ-T/ENFJ-A
𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: I am shy and quiet at first, but not in a way being aloof and distant, I just don't know how to build a conversation first. But once you know me, actually ambivert, talkative, sarcastic, childish, and a crackhead on the extent, I'm genuine, helpful, erudite, supportive, nice, creative, intelligent, ambitious, approachable, jolly, religious, talented, diplomatic, and warm, I have an uncontrollable blatant laugh (if I did/saw anything stupid and silly). Tends to be awkward if I got really nervous or my mind doesn't cooperate with me if things went too sudden.
The paradox is I'm stubborn, got easily frightened, extremely indecisive, clumsy, fiesty, perfectionist, arrogant, foul-mouthed (got a potty mouth even I'm smol), irritable, overly sensitive, naive, quick-tempered, defensive, procrastinator, and a daydreamer. If I receive ends then I tend to become jerk, and a complete douchebag. Also extremely competitive with much expectations, leading to questioning myself so much. Not to mention I feel so insecure when there are girls prettier than me that are preferred by the guys. If there's something I wanna tell, I won't hesitate to do it as being brutally honest---turning more like calling out someone.
𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: Food, (I love to eat and I did it a lot), memes, karaoke, cats, moon and stars (uranophile), stage plays, anime, cartoons, video games, bands (mostly alternative rock), 2000s music (Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne..you name it!), aesthetic photos, choir, art, desserts, sweets, learning about Catholicism or Christianity, (bible, saints, cathecism) talking about random issues (expect that there will be a debate), cute things, trivial stuffs, ASMR, makeup, and beauty pageants
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: Romanticizing mistresses in television, trashy soap operas, being forced what I really don't want, calling my country (Philippnes) a fraud, unfairness, judgemental people, toxic fans, people who self proclaimed an influencer but a diva, bigotry, homophobics, body-shaming, making fun of looks, brown out, huge spiders, cockroaches, boys who prefers beauty and, them neglecting studies
𝗙𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀: Cockroach, Huge spiders, Failure, Being Alone, Handling a Graven Image (I have a trauma about that), Being Left Out, Fireworks, Getting Hurt, Disappointing People Around Me, Falling In Love, and Heartbreaks
𝗛𝗮𝗯𝗶𝘁: Staying up at night
𝗛𝗼𝗯𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘀: Sleeping, Making jokes/puns (I don't even care if they're lame) Chatting on social media, watching ASMR or mukbang videos or pageant videos, researching online, window shopping online, dancing/ramp walking like I really don't care, reading interesting stuffs, drawing, conceptualizing characters or ideas, sleeping, making OCs, singing, and roleplaying
𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: Singing, Drawing, Sketching, Painting, Lettering, Writing poems, Writing essays, Making stuffs out of modelling clay, Playing flute recorder, Playing scrabble, and Acting
𝗣𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻: Arts, Singing, Writing, Speaking In front of the People, Inspiring everyone through sharing my stories
𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀: Gifts, Words of Affirmation, and Physical Touch
oh uhm I would really like to answer this but I'm only doing attack on titan matchups lol. but I guess you would do well with lance?? idk. sorry.
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neriad13 · 4 years
Favorite Media of 2020!
There was a large swathe of this year during which I was unable to concentrate on reading (as there probably was for a lot of other typically-frequent readers), so, as a result, I ended up listening to way more podcasts and watching way more TV shows. Not a bad thing, but boy did I read way less books than usual. 
However, for the first time in a while, the amount of fiction I read was about equal with the amount of nonfiction I read. Last year’s reading resolution was to read more fiction, so...success??
I did read a lot of phenomenal fiction when I had the energy to do so this year.
Books - Fiction
The Martian - Andy Weir
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This book is the hardest of the hard sci fi I think I’ve ever read. Every single aspect of it is minutely researched and calculated. The author literally wrote equations to write this book. The science is insanely impressive and yet...it never loses its sense of humor or humanity in the mix. In fact, they’re the thing that drives the entire story.
Warlock Holmes - G. S. Denning
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Way early in the year I was strolling down the fantasy aisle at the library, when this cover caught my eye. I took one look at it, went “oh, this looks silly” and...proceeded to devour the entire series in a matter of weeks. 
It is very silly. Especially when it’s pointing out something that was silly in the original. There’s something so satisfying about Watson immediately answering Holmes with the correct number of steps in their flat when he’s trying to make his point about how most people don’t pay attention to things like that.
World War Z - Max Brooks
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Every single scenario in here could easily support an entire book. A park ranger whose job it is to contain the yearly zombie spring thaw? HECK YES. I’d read tens of thousands of words about that. A Chinese admiral who defaults, steals the government’s premier submarine, loads it up with the families of his underlings and takes to the sea for years to live in the maritime economy that has sprung up in a world where everyone is trying to escape the shore? That could be an entire movie on its own. 
Every chapter was more creative than the last and as a huge worldbuilding fan, this book was so, so fun.
An Unkindness of Ghosts - Rivers Solomon
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In which a queer, neurodivergent protagonist solves a mystery on a spaceship which is a microcosm of antebellum era politics! This had a beautiful, mysterious, wonder-inducing writing style and it was a joy to peer into the wildly differing minds of every single character.
Books - Nonfiction
Underland - Robert MacFarlane
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In every chapter, the author visits a different hole. Basically.
It’s an exploration of caves, catacombs, mines, nuclear waste facilities and the hidden underbelly of every forest. It was fascinating. And fundamentally changed how I look at time.
Rejected Princesses - Jason Porath
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After years of having enjoyed the web entries, I finally got my hands on the first book and was not disappointed. 
There are the more entertaining entries, of course and the art is as charming as always, but what struck me the most were the more difficult stories. The deeper you go into this book, the more horrific it gets. The author does not hold back on the indignities suffered by the historical figures he writes about. It’s terrible...but also very, very illuminating.
The Gift of Fear - Gavin De Becker
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This book - while maintaining all the essential information in it - could be pared down to one sentence in a sea of blank pages and that sentence would be: trust your instincts. End of story.
But in a world where instincts are either customarily suppressed or going haywire, it’s not quite that easy, which is why I’m glad there is more to the book.
I picked it up thinking “ha ha, betcha can’t help a person with anxiety who fears all the time already” and...what it actually ended up doing was giving me the tools to differentiate between real fear and unfounded fear. And did help with the anxiety quite a bit.
Watch Over Me - cakeisatruth
A Bioshock fic from the point of view of a little sister who is learning how to trust and be an ordinary child again. Dark and sweet. An excellent combo.
All That is Visible - Ultima_Thule
An exploration of a minor character in a well researched historical context? That’s my jam! How did they know?? A Tron fic about what it’s like to be a female programmer in the 70s.
Graphic Novels
The Adventure Zone - McElroys + Carey Pietsch
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Yesssssssss! It was a running-to-the-library type event whenever my library got a new volume in. The jokes are so good, the art is so lively and the ways in which they added the details that the podcast couldn’t necessarily get across is *mwah*
Trail of Blood - Shuuzou Oshimi
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Hoooooooly shit, the art style of this one!! It’s beautifully detailed and expressive, sure, but the real draw for me was how it changes with the emotional state of the main character. There’s this sequence in which he’s consumed with anxiety at school and all of his classmates become blurry and unfocused, until they can’t be recognized as humans at all, that particularly sticks with me.
It’s a horror story about a kid who witnesses his loving mother push his cousin off a cliff for seemingly no reason and is then obligated by her to keep the secret, which is eating him from the inside out. It’s so good, guys, please read it.
Level Up - Gene Lien Yang/Thien Pham
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A story about a kid who is haunted by his late father’s desire for him to become a gastroenterologist. It’s funny and touching and the ending gave me what I can only describe as a feeling of exhilaration. Y’know that feeling when something unexpected but not out of left field, perfectly in tune with the narrative arc and gut bustingly funny happens, all in the same panel? That one.
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This is a fairly standard thriller about a dad trying to find out what happened to his missing daughter. It’s also found footage...but not in the usual way, which was what made it so compelling to me. It’s told through the dad’s phone calls, google searches, social media interactions, news footage, security cameras and webcams. It was such a cool way to tell a story.
Train to Busan
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There’s a lot that’s already been said about this movie and I don’t think there’s much more I can meaningfully add to that. Suffice to say that ya gotta take care of each other if you’re going to survive a zombie apocalypse!!
TV Series
My Brother’s Husband
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As close to a perfect adaptation as a person can get (barring the entire conversation in English which was...oof). I was so happy when they took it a step further and showed Kana and Yaichi actually getting to meet Mike’s family.
Zumbo’s Just Desserts
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I watched a lot of baking shows this year. Like...a lot. They were my much-needed comfort viewing for the year and this one was my favorite, even over The Great British Baking Show (which I LOVE). Why? Because the pastry chef for whom it’s named makes such bizarre and wonderful desserts and fosters an environment in which the competitors do the same. I’ve never seen anything like a lot of the desserts that make an appearance on this show. Every single episode was an awesome surprise and so help me, this show had better get a third season.
She-ra and the Princesses of Power
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There’s also a lot that’s been said about this one, so I won’t say much more. Suffice to say: DAMN. That’s how you do an 80s toy tie-in cartoon remake.
Infinity Train
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This show’s premise is probably the most unique I’ve seen in recent years. Its balance of comedy, horror and existential dread is also *mwah* I also love how much it trusts the viewer to figure things out on their own.
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A late entry sliding in before the year ends! I finally got to watch the second half of the first season last weekend and it was EXCELLENT. The pacing, the brutal fight scenes, the adorable dinosaur antics, the animation, the quiet moments - *mwah-mwah-mwah-mwah-mwah*
The most emotional moment for me was the part in which the protagonists watch, with sorrow, as the rabid dinosaur who’s been trying to kill them all night dies an excruciating death.
Also it sets up a fascinating new plotline right before ending in a cliffhanger!! Another one for the ‘had better get a next season’ list.
Night in the Woods
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This is one that’s been on my to play list for a few years and I was so glad I finally got my hands on it. It’s like...The Millennial Experience (TM), the game. I felt so seen, playing it. The character writing was fantastic.
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I don’t know why I put off finishing this for so long. I guess I wasn’t in the right alien killing headspace for a while?? Anyway, the setting is gorgeous, the alien biology is weird and cool, the ethics are delightfully murky and the interconnectedness of the station was really cool, especially in the OH SHIT moments at the end. 
The Adventure Zone
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I tried to narrow this down to one favorite arc, but found that I couldn’t do it. I love Balance for its comedy and creative energy. I love Amnesty for its drama and acting. I am loving Graduation for the depth of its world and the way in which the real story behind everything that’s happened is slowly unfurling. It’s a good podcast all around.  
The Magnus Archives
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Who obsessively listened to every single season while playing Minecraft in about a month? Surely not me, nooooo. Of course not.
There’s also been a lot said on this one, so I’ll keep it brief. I’ve seen things in here that I haven’t really seen elsewhere in horror. My particular favorites were the creepy psychiatric hospital in which the horror comes not from the patients, but from the denial of the doctor to believe them about their mental illnesses and every single thing related to the Anthropocene. The one with the Amazonian village made out of trash - CHILLS.
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