#then you don’t support trans people
hitaka5ever · 1 year
If you don’t support/respect one aspect of my identity, then you don’t support/respect a single atom of me
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a-polite-melody · 8 months
“Maybe the people who sent the anons were trolls, but the transandrodorks are defending the sentiment so actually…”
Are the “transandrodorks” defending that transmisogynistic copypasta in the room with us? Or are you just upset that trans men/mascs are speaking up and saying we aren’t okay with being labeled as untrustworthy because of there being an anon copypasta and simply our being trans men/mascs?
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mycological-mariner · 4 months
First day of Pride and I just want to shine a light on all the trans people who are unable to transition, especially those who aren’t fresh faced university grads. Those who don’t live in a supportive or even just accepting home or community. Those who aren’t well off, those who aren’t good at or popular enough to crowd fund. Those who can’t afford transitioning. Those who can’t even transition socially or need to stay in the closet for your safety. Those who rely on benefits or unforgiving jobs to just pay the bills. Having to hear day in and day out you’re just GNC, that your pre-transition body is “ugly” and the ways you can express your gender are “cringe.” Every trans person who’s been told they aren’t “trying hard enough”. Those trans people who won’t even get to imagine transitioning for years.
I see you. I love you. You’re so undervalued and under appreciated in a world where being a white, well off 20 year old on HRT and getting surgery is more common to see than people who work full time and just don’t have that privilege. It sucks, so much. But you are loved and you are seen.
Happy Pride Month to trans people who aren’t where they want to be. The world is better with you in it. We all need each other.
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vampire-nyx · 3 months
Honestly really disappointing and upsetting that just after I found the pills that make you green comics the creator turned out to very much extremely hate people like me
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angelsarecomputers · 4 months
I really wish I could headcanon kim kitsuragi as trans but he exudes the unstoppable vibes of a cis gay man who has barely heard of trans people in his life
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sinistersuns · 6 months
I hope more people who feel they’re leftists begin to realize that genuinely hating men AND/OR immediately assuming a man (or someone you perceive as a man) you don’t know is out to harm you is t3rf behavior. This belief will not keep you safe, it’s meant to isolate you and put the marginalized men around you in danger. Hating men will not do shit to the bigoted cishet white men in power, but it’ll tell the marginalized men around you that they aren’t welcome around you. This extends to anyone who looks like cis society’s idea of a man, but isn’t actually one, too - do y’all really think trans people of ANY gender say “okay I’m x gender now” and are immediately treated like that gender by society as a whole? Do you think your fear of anyone with facial hair and a deep voice will stop at dangerous cis men, and that only dangerous cis men have those traits? And I’m specifying DANGEROUS cis men because cis men as a group aren’t inherently dangerous. The way someone looks or identifies says nothing about whether they’re “safe” or not! I thought we fucking learned this!!
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theforesteldritch · 9 months
If you claim to accept genderfluid people while not understanding that for some people gender has changed and they’re now a trans man but were a girl or vice versa and trying to police how we identify ourself you don’t support genderfluid and trans people Im sorry. Some of us were always our gender, some of us used to be x and are now y, for some of us that changes regularly, for some of us we’re both but may lean one way or the other more or have that change and it still doesn’t invalidate that we’re both. Some of us are non binary and some of us aren’t. Some genderfluid peoples gender shifts relatively regularly and some multigender people do feel half man and half woman but that’s not a universal experience. I’m mostly genderfluid and sometimes feel my gender as more close to man or more close to woman and I’m mostly a trans man because of how my gender currently is but I’m bigender and transfemmasc because I’m intersex and bigender and my genders aren’t percentages, no matter how I feel aligned, I’m always fully a man and I’m always fully a woman. Just. People have gotta be better about multigender and genderfluid people and those of us where it might be complicated, or where it might not fit into your narrow understanding of genderfluidity or having multiple genders, because if your support for us ends with those of us that fit into your ideas of gender and fluidity it’s not support.
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lonelypersonhere · 4 months
i wanna give a shout out to all the queer people and lgbtq people and anyone who as ever been outed.
it can feel really lonely, especially during pride month, but you aren’t alone. there are people out there who support you and are just like you.
you aren’t alone <2
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 9 months
if you don’t support aros/aces or other aspec people get the fuck off my blog <3
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r0semultiverse · 6 months
A message to the recent & future transgender pick-mes.
If you’re a trans pick-me (no matter where you align with gender) there’s a special place in Hell just for you & I don’t even believe in Hell. Having trauma isn’t excusing your actions of going out of your way to hurt other people actively. It explains that it comes from a place of hurt potentially or you’re just turning into a rage-bait influencer because it makes you money. Either way you come after trans people who don’t do being trans exactly like you so they “aren’t really trans.” You get a taste of the right-wing rage-bait money pot & you wanna keep going because money & maybe some weird part of you thinks this will save you from transphobic attacks? Honey, we’re all just fags to them no matter how we look or act. Even if you’re a cis person not following the norm or unaware of the politics of it all, you’re still just a faggot to them who they will eventually want to snuff out. I’m saying this as a tranny fag just to be clear! You can’t be playing these exclusion games & thinking it’s going to make you powerful! Even Milo Yionnapolis or whatever that fucker’s name was got dropped by the Trump Administration! They do not like us & they never will like us! Democrat, republican, whatever it is; if it’s capitalist, it doesn’t like us! No matter how much you lick those boots, it’ll do you no good. You’re a faggot/tranny just like me & the rest of us, that’s how these suits see it & always will see it no matter how much you try to prove “I’m one of the good ones.” They aren’t going to save you, we’re all on the chopping block to them no matter what our politics are. These government folks don’t see any of us as “one of the good ones.” Get over yourself, grow the fuck up, and stand side-by-side with your transsexual siblings! All we have is each other, these cis people aren’t shit! 💜 Down with cis! 💜
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biowho · 1 year
I’ve got a lot of people following me in the last few days that aren’t bots so hello! Hi! This is a reminder that I love queer people so much like soooooo much (oh look I’m one of them!) I would die for my trans siblings without hesitation!
If you do not stand beside every single queer person you are against every single queer person! 
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“Bla bla bla bla xyz is only done by MENTALLY ILL people and therefore INVALID” well maybe if you fucking saw us as people-
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nappingpaperclip · 16 days
idk it rlly gets to me sometimes to be told that I like don’t get it/don’t care about trans youth or whatever whenever I am vocally critical of democrat politicians cause. idk I AM trans youth, I struggle a lot and get treated like shit a lot for it, by politicians and people who should care about me and idk, have y’all ever been kicked out as a teenager and had to call the only adults who support you to come pick you up as a lonely suicidal trans kid? have you ever had to walk home from pride cause you can’t call your parents? ever been outed to your parents against your will and without your knowledge? cause I have and it rlly sucks. having my own experiences and rights used against me, as a token to silence me and others is rlly frustrating and upsetting. It was so lonely being a trans teenager and I spent a lot of time trying to connect with other lgbt+ people but especially younger trans people at my high school (lowerclassmen at the time) when I was a teenager cause I knew how lonely it was growing up with no one to see you for who you are.
People talk down on me for speaking out against politicians who have done nothing to secure my safety or rights, my right to exist because it is “too controversial,” ever since I was a child, and things are somehow even worse now… like I don’t live in the south, like I don’t see the obituaries of murdered trans people on my social media every day, like I don’t see tv ads from local politicians insulting eachother via support for people like me aka “letting men in girls bathrooms” and like I don’t have to see signs around local places bathrooms that say transphobic stuff. like I somehow don’t get it even though *I* don’t feel safe or comfortable no matter which bathroom I’m in, like I don’t have evangelical conservative “”redneck”” family members who would pop a blood vessel in their face if they saw what I look like now, like I don’t get called slurs by strangers or experience crazy micro aggressions in public & at work, like I didn’t have the experiences of being one of the literal handful of openly queer people in my southern public school.
Do you guys even know what it’s like for trans people in the south?? do you know how often trans kids get assaulted in bathrooms at school? it’s so fucking scary to hear from my friends from Florida, to hear them talk about how their friends got assaulted in their high school bathrooms, to hear about the crazy shit their teachers and classmates and politicians said….
idk. y’all don’t know me. You don’t know my story, you don’t know how hard I’ve fought just to be here. I don’t rlly have a point, I just wish people would stop saying stuff like that in my replies. I can take getting screamed at and flipped off irl but this type of stuff is worse and for some reason it rlly gets to me.
I know it’s the internet and ppl are going to be cruel but sometimes it makes me feel very isolated from my community and it drives me crazy because like, damn what about me? Am I not the trans youth too?? am I not included in that, are my opinions thoughts and experiences not important just cause I’m loud abt my opinions in a way u disagree with…??
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andthespidersfrommars · 11 months
I truly can’t believe I have to say this but I am so so sick of some people my age (namely those who are tiktok users, and therefore are deeply influenced by “woke” stereotypes about queer people and queer identities that are often perpetrated on that site) telling me that it’s weird to talk about growing up as a female or about experiencing sexism because I’m not a girl? and that it either “makes it seem like I’m not really queer” when I talk about my connection to girlhood or that these things “shouldn’t concern me.” because they very much do and that’s such an ridiculous and inconsiderate thing to say.
I was afab and whether I wanted it or not I was treated like a girl and experienced childhood as a girl. I am not out to many people in my life and in their eyes I am a girl.
as a genderqueer person I still experience and feel very connected to my girlhood and the solidarity that I have among girls and women because of shared experiences despite not often identifying as a girl myself. this is because of many factors including socialization, oppression and personal identity. truly can’t believe most people I know (and quite a lot of people online as well) still don’t understand that the oppression I have experienced as a queer person who was afab and the oppression I have experienced being seen as a girl are interconnected and that we have to address multiple layers of discrimination simultaneously if we want anything to change. this is. not new information. I can’t believe people don’t get this.
#like there’s a very obvious regression to backwards gender roles on tiktok atm#and this affects people who don’t identify as female or male as well because if you have your girl boss girl dinner bimbo queens#and your borderline abusive masculine energy manly men#then nonbinary people are put into this third easy to understand category of#uwu they/them no gender goblincore inhuman elf cuties#and obviously this is as harmful like the other two because it generalises and stereotypes real people into toxic trendy groups#but it’s also harmful because people will think that if you are one of these then you can’t be another#cis gay men get a pass on tiktok and are allowed to be slay queens as well#but if someone is trans than they have to act very stereotypical of their gender or they’re questioned#I have seen this far too much in tiktoks to pass it off as a few harmful users and not the marjority#bc it really is the majority#and if it was only like that on social media I would care less but people literally act like this irl everyday#my aerial class in particular is really bad for some reason#every signal teenage girl there acts like this and says really harmful stuff and I’m just like#do you hear what is coming out of your mouth ???#and they have pronoun badges even tho they’re apparently cis and dyed hair and the like#which I think makes them think they look like woke gen x girlies#but doesn’t help them with actually being normal and respectful to other human beings#from the groups they apparently support#shit I really ranted here but I’m so fed up#sexism#misogyny#girlhood#nonbinary#anti tiktok#tiktok critical#gen z#mine#genderqueer
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“I can’t believe that they identify as (something nonhuman)”
Hey, I think there are bigger things to worry about, buddy, than the personal gender/self identities of someone else
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anyway. am i allowed to say that yes aimsey is a good role player and they make really cool stories and i’m very excited for her being in purgatory, but i’ve always been kinda meh on them ever since they threw a little shitfit over the existence of bisexual lesbians a few months ago?? like it was kinda hypocritical that he was pissed over bisexual women who may also identify as lesbians, which is an identity that breaks the typical definitions of both of those labels, while also being nonbinary and a lesbian, which is also an identity that breaks the typical definition of both of those labels. ik it was a while ago, they did apologize and explain their reasoning, but it’s just left a bad taste in my mouth ever since
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