#theo tug foduck
toast-com · 9 months
Theodore and Co!
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noobitynub · 1 year
Anyways hi guys, any Theodore tugboat Foduck fans out there????
I'm very lonely.
Also tugs fans and theo fans in general pleas I need friends
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toast-com · 1 year
It's that time again.
Theodore Tugboat time.
It's a very good show, which I recommend to fans of both Thomas the Tank Engine, and TUGS (Robert Cardona worked on all three series). I'll be watching it over the summer.
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toast-com · 2 years
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toast-com · 2 years
The V-trio
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toast-com · 2 years
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The EmGeoFo brainrot is real y'all.
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toast-com · 2 years
It is once again time for me to ramble about Foduck.
I love him. He's good at his job, but he isn't no-nonsense, and as seen in "True Blue Friends," he likes cracking jokes. He notices a lot, hence his V-word being Vigilant, and he has, in my opinion, an older brother relationship with Theodore, and Hank to a degree. He, George, and Emily are very good friends. (I also ship them)
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toast-com · 2 years
Foduck, Humanized.
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toast-com · 2 years
Noises at Night (11-7-22)
Hank could hear the dragging and thumping outside. It was keeping him awake. He sat up, scared out his mind, at an especially loud thump, near his window. Hank frowned, slightly fearful, and unable to go to sleep.
"T-Theodore?" He looked towards the other side of the room he shared with his friend. Theodore was sound asleep, unaffected by the noise. Hank's mind immediately went to the story George had told the day prior, about Kamel, the ghoul of Big Harbor. He could feel something watching him, as he quietly got out of bed. Hank didn't dare turn and look at the window, for fear that Kamel would be there, staring unseeing ahead with empty black sockets.
As he soundlessly made his way down the hall, he passed Rebecca's room. Her reading lamp was on, which meant she was awake.
"Rebecca?" He knocked lightly on her door, and waited. The door opened, and he rushed inside.
"Hank, what's the matter?" Rebecca asked, as Hank tightly clung to her. He told her about the noise, and George's story and Kamel. She hugged him.
"Cherub," She murmured, stroking his hair. "Those are just stories. Kamel, has been dead for a long time."
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toast-com · 2 years
Pet Names
"George?" Hank spoke up suddenly, glancing at him. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure." George grunted, his eyes on the road as he drove. "Ask away."
"...Why do Emily and Foduck call you babygirl?" The car stopped suddenly as George slammed on the brakes, and turned to give Hank a glare, face red.
"It's a pet name," He rumbled sharply, a flustered scowl on his face. "Why does Rebecca call you cherub, huh?" Hank blinked and blushed, looking away from George, and out the car window.
"...I guess our partners both have pet names for us..." Hank murmured.
"Yeah." George replied in a mutter. "They do." He started the car again. "Let's talk about something else."
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toast-com · 2 years
Friends, or Something More? (10-26-22)
"George?" Foduck poked his head into George's room. George was napping at his desk, snoring lightly. Foduck entered his room, glancing at the unfinished paperwork on the taller man's desk with a frown. George never was the best at paperwork. Foduck made a mental note to remind him to finish it later, as he tapped George on the shoulder. George stirred with a groan, opening hazel eyes, glazed with sleep.
"...Huh? Wha...?" He looked at the desk, and the paperwork strewn across it, and then out his window, and the night sky. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. Foduck cleared his throat quietly, and George shot up with a jolt, their heads colliding with a thud. Foduck made a quiet, pained sound, stumbling backwards. George grabbed him before he fell, the rough and tumble man unnaturally gentle as he helped him to his feet.
"Are you alright George?" Foduck asked. George nodded with a grunt.
"I should be asking you that Fo," He replied, gesturing to the bruise on the other man's forehead. "You're the one who's got a bruise. A pretty bad one too." Foduck gingerly inspected the spot with slender fingers, and winced.
"You're right." Foduck admitted quietly. "Let's head to the med-bay, there's things to treat bruises there." George nodded, and the pair left his room, and headed for the med-bay. As they walked, Foduck stared at George. He was staring straight ahead as he walked, focused on the space in front of him.
"Foduck." Foduck glanced up at him. George's hazel eyes twinkled.
"Yes, George?" Foduck didn't know what his friend was thinking, but, knowing George, it was going to be a competition of sorts. "What is it?" George grinned, and grabbed Foduck's hand, and it was like they were in grade school again, and George was leading Foduck towards his other friends for a game of tag.
"Wanna race?" George watched him eagerly for a response. Foduck smiled.
"Sure." George's grin widened, and he let go of Foduck's hand, slowing down.
"I'll give you a head-start." Foduck smiled softly at him, and started to run, his long legs easily putting distance between he and George. As he ran, his mind wandered. He found himself thinking about George. His heart did the funny thing it always did when he began thinking about George. He slowed, as he pondered these feelings.
"George and I are friends," He thought, with a blush. "But...everytime I'm near him..." He frowned. Was it possible that he...thought of George as more than a close friend? He shook his head, but the funny feeling persisted.
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toast-com · 2 years
"I like you!" George shouted at Foduck and Emily, face red. Emily and Foduck exchanged a look. 
 "Like who?" Foduck inquired. 
 "Both of you! I-I," He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "...I've had a crush, on both of you, for a while." Foduck blinked, a surprised blush coloring his face, while Emily merely nodded knowingly. 
 "Well!" Foduck spoke up suddenly. "If we're suddenly confessing our feelings for close friends-" He turned to Emily. "I've had a crush on you." He looked George in the eye. "You as well, George." 
Emily smiled, and took both of their hands. "Well boys," She grinned at both of them. "I must confess." She kissed George first, and then Foduck. "I've been crushing on you both since we've all met."
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toast-com · 2 years
Don’t think about these three challenge (failed).
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toast-com · 2 years
Emily frowned slightly as she placed a hand on George's forehead.
"Are you sure you're alright, Georgie?" She asked, already knowing what was wrong with him. He had a fever, and had probably gotten a cold from being out in the rain. He huffed, crossing his arms.
"I'm fine." He muttered, pulling away from her slightly.
"Are you sure?" Foduck pressed. His arms were wrapped around George's middle. He too was frowning. George was usually warm, but he was warmer than usual. George opened his mouth to protest, but fell silent when Emily hugged him.
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toast-com · 2 years
Day Off
Foduck blinked in the pre-dawn dark, awake. His partners were sleeping. George was in the middle, snoring away, and Emily was to George’s left, quietly sleeping, brow furrowed, like she was deep in thought. 
“George,” Foduck whispered, shaking him lightly. “Wake up.” George scowled in his sleep.
“...Not yet...” He muttered drowsily. “...Too early.” Foduck sighed, reached across him, and lightly tapped Emily, who was instantly awake. She yawned, looking at Foduck with sleepy blue eyes.
“Emily,” Foduck murmured. “Come on, wake up. The Dispatcher won’t be pleased if we’re late.” 
“We have a day off.” She replied, and Foduck blinked, puzzled. 
“We do?” She nodded, and yawned, closing her eyes. 
“Yep.” Emily snuggled closer to the snoring George. “Harbor Master said all three of us earned a day off, because we worked so hard...” She fell back asleep, leaving only Foduck awake. 
“Well,” He thought, moving closer towards George’s slumbering form. “If we do have a day off, I guess sleeping in’s a great way to start it.” He was warm, and the warmth made Foduck sleepy. He closed his eyes, drifting back off to sleep.
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toast-com · 2 years
Local man confesses his love to his two crushes. 7 dead, 2 injured.
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