#theo tug v trio
toast-com · 2 years
The V-trio
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toast-com · 2 years
Emily frowned as she looked up a soaked, chilled George, who looked sick.
"Were you trying to catch pneumonia?!" She snapped, pulling him inside. George frowned.
"You're starting to sound like Foduck." He rumbled, with a sniffle.
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toast-com · 2 years
Noises at Night (11-7-22)
Hank could hear the dragging and thumping outside. It was keeping him awake. He sat up, scared out his mind, at an especially loud thump, near his window. Hank frowned, slightly fearful, and unable to go to sleep.
"T-Theodore?" He looked towards the other side of the room he shared with his friend. Theodore was sound asleep, unaffected by the noise. Hank's mind immediately went to the story George had told the day prior, about Kamel, the ghoul of Big Harbor. He could feel something watching him, as he quietly got out of bed. Hank didn't dare turn and look at the window, for fear that Kamel would be there, staring unseeing ahead with empty black sockets.
As he soundlessly made his way down the hall, he passed Rebecca's room. Her reading lamp was on, which meant she was awake.
"Rebecca?" He knocked lightly on her door, and waited. The door opened, and he rushed inside.
"Hank, what's the matter?" Rebecca asked, as Hank tightly clung to her. He told her about the noise, and George's story and Kamel. She hugged him.
"Cherub," She murmured, stroking his hair. "Those are just stories. Kamel, has been dead for a long time."
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toast-com · 2 years
Pet Names
"George?" Hank spoke up suddenly, glancing at him. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure." George grunted, his eyes on the road as he drove. "Ask away."
"...Why do Emily and Foduck call you babygirl?" The car stopped suddenly as George slammed on the brakes, and turned to give Hank a glare, face red.
"It's a pet name," He rumbled sharply, a flustered scowl on his face. "Why does Rebecca call you cherub, huh?" Hank blinked and blushed, looking away from George, and out the car window.
"...I guess our partners both have pet names for us..." Hank murmured.
"Yeah." George replied in a mutter. "They do." He started the car again. "Let's talk about something else."
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toast-com · 2 years
George and Nautilus
"Nautilus?" A deep, oddly familiar voice caused Nautilus to turn, and look up in surprise.
"George?" He blinked. George had changed, quite a bit, from the eager young lad Nautilus had met during his first visit to the Big Harbor. George had grown, he was taller than even Nautilus. "... It's been a long time." George nodded, brushing his longish bangs out of his face.
"Yeah," George replied, his voice deeper than it had been the last time Nautilus had heard it. "...I've been busy, working and the like-"
Emily walked by, waving at George and Nautilus with a, "Hello George! Hello Nautilus!" Nautilus waved back, noticing the faint blush coloring George's face.
"Hey Emily..." Nautilus glanced at George, a knowing look on his face.
"Are you two...?" Before George could answer, Foduck marched up.
"Greetings Nautilus," He gave Nautilus a nod, and beamed at George. "Hello George." Nautilus watched as he walked up to George, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and marched off.
"Hm." Nautilus cocked his head slightly in the direction Foduck had walked off to. "I assume, that you and Foduck are also..."
"Yes." George replied quietly, his face a deep red. "Foduck, Emily and I...are together." Nautilus nodded.
"You three seem to love each other, quite a lot." He observed. "...Reminds me of my wife..." George glanced at Nautilus, eyebrows raised in surprise.
"You have a wife?" Nautilus nodded.
"Yes," He smiled, a memory coming to mind. "Have I ever told you, how we met?"
"No..." Nautilus' smile widened.
"Well, let me tell the story of how I met my darling Arlene..."
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