#theo tugs shipping
toast-com · 2 years
My Theodore Tugboat ships (so far)
1. Foduck x George x Emily
2. Theodore x Lucy
3. Hank x Pugwash
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moodymisty · 2 months
Ugh. I promised myself I wasn't going to spam you, but I just read your post about closing requests soon, and I wanted to get one more in. I swear I won't get impatient, though! Absolutely take all the time you need!
Every so often I go back and re-read your old fics (because they're awesome) and I just finished the one about the serf willingly giving their blood to a Lamenter. What about a fic where a fem-serf is able to bring her Lamenter lover out of the Black Rage?
Put in as much angst (and/or spiciness) as you like, as long as the two end up alive, together, and hopeful at the end. I just need something to go RIGHT for those poor, sweet boys.
Thank you so much!
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Author's Note: Technically you can't pull an astartes out of the Black Rage, but I'm sure we could temper it before he completely loses himself ;3 This came out like, happy sad and fluffy. I hope you like.
Relationships: Theo (Lamenter oc)/Fem!Reader
Warnings: None really
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A booming voice rips through the massive room, where the baseline humans aboard the Lamenters ship are eating. A few marines are eating too, forgoing the traditional time to enjoy a meal with baseline humans they perhaps consider friends.
"Where is Theo's girl?!"
The voice rips through the room, everyone turning to look his way.
He is with one other astartes, who looks just as concerned as he is. They both scan the room, the air itself having dropped into silence at the yells of an Angel.
"The girl! The serf who is always with Lieutenent Theo! Where is she!?"
You're that girl.
You wonder why they want you, why they are screaming; Astartes voices are so ungodly loud, you look at them as your throat tightens. You couldn’t be in trouble?
“…I'm her!"
You eventually say, the people beside you watching as you raise from your seat. They look worried, like your days are numbered, but you doubt the Lamenters would kill you so easily. It's not as if you've done anything wrong; Unless your relationship with Theo was worthy of such a corporal punishment. You pray that won’t be the case.
"Come with us!"
You follow, attempting to keep up with them as they barrel down the hall. Your heart burns from your tired breathing, as you hurry after them.
"Tell me, do you know of the Black Rage?"
One quickly says, grabbing your arm to nearly drag you along when you begin to slow. It hurts, but he's being gentle enough that it doesn't hurt badly enough to complain.
"Yes, Theo has told me."
The astartes nods as you all turn a corner.
"He is loosing himself to it. He is not fully gone yet but he is yelling our primarch's name; Yours as well," He continues. "We are guessing that if you're there, we might pull him out of it before it's too late."
You all eventually reach where ever Theo is, as the astartes here are piled up at the ready near the entrance.
"What happens if this doesn't work?"
You say- though you know the answer. If they put down men fallen to the Red Thirst, you don't imagine it is very much different with the Black Rage.
"He would get the Emperor's Mercy. It is all we can give him if he is lost.”
The thought of Theo being gone backs your chest tighten, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes. You can’t lose him. Not to something like this.
"Come in, we have him restrained but, we aren't going to keep him like this for long. He deserves mercy if we cannot pull him back.”
You follow them in, and you instantly you hear it; The screaming.
"Horus! I will tear you to shreds! Don't touch them! Don't touch any of them!"
Theo is chained on his knees to the floor, ripping and pulling at the chains with every bit of his strength. He is an older, stronger Lamenter, the chains are creaking and groaning with each tug as the threaten to give under his raw strength. A few Lamenters are posted around the small room with bolters ready, fingers on the trigger.
You quietly say to him, and the one astartes who had dragged you hear lets your aching arm go. Theo's attention instantly snaps to you, but it's almost as if he's looking through you.
"You're here? How are you? You have to leave! It is not safe here I must-"
You shake your head and come closer, despite the mutters of the other Lamenters not to. They want to keep your safety in mind next to an enraged, massive Lamenter, but even in your dizzying fear of him you just want to help him. You quell your shaking and move to him.
"Theo, don't look at them, look at me."
He's seeing ghosts in his brothers, his eyes are trained on them like enemies. Each movement they make pulls him away from you, and any calmness you give him is ruined at the sound of another Lamenter even just shifting in his armor.
"Can you all, can you all leave for a moment? He thinks you're the enemy." The look among each other, and debate it.
"Very well."
They move to leave, and you hear the door close behind them once they all file out. The door locks, and you're trapped in here with him. If anything goes wrong, you’re the first in his path.
"Theo, see? They're all gone."
His eyes are frantic, dark- they scan the room looking for enemies you can't see. You hear him muttering names under his breath you don’t recognize, besides the Angel Sanguinus.
Horus, he’s going to kill Horus,
"It's just me and you, like the last time you returned from duty and we had that time alone in your quarters?"
You hear his hearts racing you swear, and you can tell he's still half in that illusion the Rage is trapping him in. He shakes his head, wrinkled brow furrowing.
"I remember, I remember."
His eyes dart behind you and you quickly move to try and block whatever he thinks he sees. It works; You see him squeeze his eyes shut.
"He's not there. Nothing is there." You put a hand to his face.
"There's nothing here but me, Theo."
He takes a few more deep breaths, and you see the glaze on his face- that distant look - slowly fade away.
"You are here. When did you get here?" You laugh.
"Your brothers ran to get me when they saw you were succumbing to the Rage. They hoped I would be able to help."
He can't touch you with his hands chained towards the ground, but he can lean forward and let you put his forehead to your neck.
"You did help. I don't remember any of this day; I was about to be completely lost, wasn't I."
You pull back and nod at him. You push a hand over your eyes to wipe away any tears before they fall down your face.
"You were acting like your brothers were enemies." He hangs his head- not moments after being pulled from the brink of true insanity and he is already admonishing himself.
"You put yourself in danger to pull me from my own weakness. Why?"
Why wouldn't you? He is the light of your life, Theo is your entire world. You couldn't imagine a life without him.
"Because I wanted to." You give him a kiss to the scar on his nose.
"Can your brothers come and unchain you?" He nods, before yelling.
"Brothers. I am here. I can... I can be unchained."
They return, looking at Theo with no small bit of surprise. Even the one who dragged you here in a last ditch effort seemed shocked.
"You managed to pull him back from the Rage? I didn't think it would work." It didn't seem like many of them did. Though you suppose you can't be surprised. You don’t know if anyone has ever managed to delay the Black Rage.
They move to unchain him, and quickly he picks you up and holds you close to his chest. It’s a bit too tight pressed against cold ceramite, but you have zero desire to tell him that.
"Go get unarmored, Lieutenant Theo. Then perhaps today you have earned some rest." The captain looks to you, bundled in his arms.
"Your serf too. She helped us save a good brother."
Theo takes you with him to remove his armor, a deed you have never seen done before. You watch as each piece is pulled away one at a time, until the is only left in his black armoring suit. He removes that too, before covering his bare skin with a robe.
Once he is finished he picks you back up, and silently carries you to his quarters.
When you get there, he places you on the cot he calls his bed and climbs into it with you, dragging you around until you are firmly against his chest and unable to escape.
"I have no ways to say how much I am in debt to you. You have saved me from the Thirst an uncountable number of times, and now the Rage," You shake your head against his chest.
"Don't worry. I do it all because I love you. I’ll do it again, if you need me to.”
The metal of his interface ports digs into your skin, but you couldn't care less.
"I love you as well."
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fieldofdaisiies · 11 months
Halloween Party
ship: Theodore Nott x Reader type: fluff/suggestive word count: 1,8k words warnings: underage (they are 17) smoking, drinking, sneaking out summary: Y/N and Theo attend a Halloween party hosted by the Slytherins and later on decide to sneak away
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Your heart is pounding vividly. Music is sounding all around you, and in your ears.
You stand at the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room, excitement coursing through your veins as you take in the scene before you.
The Halloween party is in full swing, the room in front of you a wicked wonderland full of students dressed up as monsters, spiderwebs decorating every corner, and ghosts adorning the dark emerald walls.
The sconces' soft glow casts eerie shadows across the room. Jack-o'-lanterns flicker all over the room. 
In the centre of the room, is burning brightly, its flames casting a warm, inviting light upon the room. On the table in front of it there is a a lavish spread of Halloween treats like chocolate frogs, liquorice wands, and pumpkin pasties.The scents of these sweet and baked goods mingles with the with the musky aroma of fire whiskey (someone must have snuck it in) and the earthy notes of pumpkin juice.
You look around and spot your friends, all in their Halloween finery. Draco is dressed in an casual attire, not costume though. Pansy is a mysterious witch (more than usual, now dressed up and styled). Enzo, with a wicked grin on his lips, has decided to put on a werewolf costume, his body adorned with realistic fur and fangs.
And then there is Theo. The object of all your desires and your heart. Your boyfriend. And he looks absolutely dashing, with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. He decided to dress up as a vampire, his fangs visible, his hair neatly combed back. He looks stunning, you think and pull your lower lip between your teeth. 
His dark eyes lock onto yours, and a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. He flicks away his cigarette, of course making sure it is no longer burning and approaches you.
"Baby, you look stunning," Theo says, his voice low and smooth. "I can't wait to…let my teeth sink into your soft skin." He leans in a little, kisses your cheek and then your neck. He draws in a deep inhale, your scent and leans back with a smirk on his lips. 
You blush, feeling a rush of warmth at his compliment. You, just like Pansy dressed up as a witch, still wearing your robes, but the skirt is a little shorter, the blouse unbuttoned, the tie hanging loosly around your neck. 'All the other days you are a good witch, on Halloween you are a sexy witch,' is what Pansy had told you when you had gotten ready. You had laughed at her, but you have to admit you absolutely love the outfit and how it fits you. And how Theo looks at you — like he would truly love to devour you. 
"Well, you Mr Nott, look very dashing yourself." You bounce onto your toes and peck his lips. He tastes like Fire Whiskey — musky and sweet. 
He grins and offers you his arm, and you accept it with a smile. Together, you make your way over to a cozy corner of the room where a small group has gathered. Blaise Zabini is talking about their last Quidditch game (one they obviously won), his smooth, deep voice captivating the the people gathered there. He uses his hands, gesturing, to make his point even more clear. 
"Fuck Gryffindor," Draco chimes in when Blaise finishes, pouring a shot of fire whiskey for himself. His housemates are cheering, and so is Blaise. You watch them with amusement and think to yourself, men…
Draco offers Theo another two glasses, one for your boyfriend, one for you. Theo takes the drinks and hands one to you, his fingers brushing yours. The contact sends a pleasant shiver down your spine and makes warmth erupt in your hands. "A toast to Halloween, and to the most beautiful witch at Hogwarts," he says, raising his glass.
You clink your glass with Theo's, the fiery liquid warming your throat as you take a sip and then lean in to kiss him, this time a little deeper, tasting the whiskey on both your lips. 
When you lean back, the room seems to blur, and you find yourself lost in Theo's eyes. He leans closer, his breath soft against your ear. "Dance with me, Y/N?"
Obviously you say yes and follow him into the middle of the room, next to the table with the lavish goods and soon you are joined by your friends. A bewitched gramophone is playing a beautiful music and you sway together, lost in each other's company, his hands on your hips, yours on his strong shoulders. 
Laughter and happy fills the room as you all dance, big smiles gracing your faces. Everyone swirls everyone around but soon your return to your boyfriend. After a few dances, you and Theo make your way back to your cozy corner, and he pulls you onto his lap, your back perfectly fitting against his chest. You hum in delight, feeling his hard chest press against your back. 
His hands sneak around your waist, over your belly and he pulls you closer, his lips brushing from your collar bone up to your ear. You shiver at the sensation and jerk a little in his lap. "Theo," you whisper, voice tinged with reprimand. 
But your boyfriend does not care. He loves showing everyone that you are his. Normally, he is not so keen on the public display of affection, but it always changes when he drinks something. Then everyone has to see you are his, and only his. 
Theo leans in closer, his voice a sultry whisper that only you can hear when he says, "Lets sneak out to the Black Lake." 
You bite down on your lip and turn to look at him. His eyes have darkened, yet the promise of what would expect you shines brightly in them.
The idea sends shivers of excitement down your spine. And so you nod. It is exciting and thrilling, sneaking out with him in the middle of the night. It is not like you haven't met at night in either the common room or a broom closet before, but this is different. You are leaving the castle!
Out of the sight of the others, you slip away with Theo, your hand in his. A wave of thrill and ecstasy washes over you as you tiptoe through the hallways, the large corridors of the castle, hoping to go unnoticed. You really hope no painting will give you away, revealing you to the headmaster or some teachers. But you always stay close to the walls and the ground and truly manage to sneak out of the castle. But you stay calm until your far enough that no one inside the castle could spot or hear you. 
The Black Lake already awaits you as the chilly night air greets you. The moonlight casts a silvery path across the ground and leads you towards the lake. 
Theo removes his cloak and spreads it out on the ground for you to sit down. Once seated he immediately pulls you into his arms and kisses you. And when your lips part, his face stays within inches of yours and he looks at you. Just looks at you and it is all he does for a very long moment. 
Until he brings his thumb up and brushes it over your lower lip. "You are so fucking beautiful, Y/N. I am the luckiest man alive." His voice is breathless, a whispered promise to love you until the very last day of your life. 
Your breath mingles with Theo's when you lean in closer, lips nearly on his. "And I am the luckiest woman alive." Your lips curl when his press against them.  
His fingers brush against yours, and then move lower. Without much effort, Theo pulls you onto his lap, your bodies melding. A gasp parts your lips, but he does not let you escape, his hand buried in the hair at the back of your head, moving your head even closer, his tongue simultaneously parting your lips. He groans when you allow him entrance, his other hand sliding down to grab your butt. "The sexiest little witch I have ever seen," he rasps against your lips and kisses you again. 
Time seems to stand still as you lose yourself in the kiss, the world around you fading into the background. Everything turns into insignificance as you give yourself to him, your bodies becoming one near the lake. 
"Theo," you whisper, a hint of mischief in your voice. 
He nips at your lower lip and then lifts his darkened gaze to you. "Hm?"
"Didn't you say something about wanting to sink your teeth into my—"
He does not even let you finish, flipping you over, but of course making sure you land softly on the ground and his coat. His finds his place on top of you, your hips falling open, his hands braced on either side of you, lips and teeth attached to your neck. At first his kisses you, softly, gently, then he graces his teeth over your skin until he starts to bite down softly, nibbling. 
You know only magic will be able to conceal the terrible love bight he is giving you, but it is so worth it. Your back arches a little, pressing against him, against the hard ridge of his hardening length and a moan parts your lips. He groans in approval, both at the sounds leaving you and the feel of your body against his. 
He devours you, worships you. Praises you. Tells you how beautiful you are, over and over again. Your bodies come together under the moonlight, accompanied by the soft sounds of the water of the lake and the some owls howling in the nearby forest. 
Only a long time after, you return to the party, hand in hand, with secret smiles that only the two of you share on your lips. You know your hair is ruffled, cheeks flushed, costumes no longer looking as they did before you snuck out. Your lipstick is smudged and Pansy flashes you a knowing grin when she spots the two of you re-entering the party. 
You only roll your eyes at her, but eventually have to grin. 
"I love you," you tell Theo, kiss his cheek and then let go off his hand to walk over to your friends — Pansy and Astoria. You also want to spend the party with them, or part of it. Since you've started going out with Theo you've been spending less them with them and you miss them. Greatly. So, some time this evening has to be reserved for them. And you know that they are sitting on hot coals, waiting for you to tell them everything. 
Later on your once again joined by the boys and the night continues, filled with laughter, chatter and a few more drinks. 
It is a wonderful night to remember, full of love and happiness. Theo wraps his arm around you once again, bringing you in close. "But I am sure I love you more, my stunning witch." He kisses your cheek and intertwines your hands. 
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usermischief · 6 months
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♞Pairing: Steo ♞Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken ♞Tags: slice of life, alpha!Theo, future fic ♞Words: 1754
The blaring of an alarm startles him awake. His hand grasps at nothing, and he topples to the right. A noise rivalling the sound of the alarm escapes him. His stomach drops like a stone as the ground comes to meet his face at lightning speed – and then it stops moving, or rather, he does when the arm around his waist tightens and pulls him back on the couch.
It’s too early for his heart to pound as hard as it does right now. Holy shit.
The alarm stops, and Stiles sucks in a breath, craning his neck to check outside. It’s still dark. Why the hell did he wake up to an alarm? It’s fucking Sunday.
He squints. “What time is it?”
Theo nuzzles the nape of his neck, scruff scratching the sensitive skin. “8 pm.”
Goosebumps spread across his skin. Stiles shudders at the sensation. He honestly wouldn’t mind if Theo kept doing that for the rest of the day, well, night.
Stiles groans. “I was supposed to call dad before work.” It’s a thing they started doing after everything they’ve narrowly survived in Beacon Hills, especially before the nightshifts, and after Stiles left for college. Knowing he’s spoken to his dad in case of a shift gone wrong makes him feel at ease.
“He called,” Theo whispers against his neck, “told me not to wake you up. Apparently, he’s got a full night of paperwork ahead of him.”
Frowning, he shuffles around until he can face Theo without craning his neck. They’re squished together on Stiles’ couch, almost nose to nose now, breathing each other’s air. Only nine months ago, Stiles was willing to throttle Theo on sight. Now, they’re spending almost every night together, and Theo is answering his calls, apparently. It snuck up on him, slow and steady, and sometimes, Stiles still waits for the other shoe to drop.
And then Theo brings Wedel chocolate and Delicje and his favorite butter and salt chips to their movie nights, he cuts out pork on during pack dinner night because Stiles allergic, watches Star Wars and comic adaptions without complaining, and listens to Stiles’ info-dumping on random topics with the patience of a thousand saints. He even makes sure he eats and drinks when he can’t bring himself to stop doing whatever he’s invested in at the moment.
He indulges him.
So much so, that his pack complains about Theo playing favorites.
Theo brushes hair out of Stiles’ forehead, small frown wrinkling the skin between his eyebrows. “what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” He cups his cheek, brushing his thumb over Stiles’ mole.
The crush he has on the guy is already unhealthy enough, all this caring alpha act is going to drive Stiles up the wall. Theo wasn’t supposed to be a good alpha, he was supposed to be the lethal solution to all of his problems. That’s how their relationship of convenience started. Stiles was sick of allowing hunters and monsters to walk away, Theo was willing to dispose of all those problems.
Then the feelings came.
And decided to stick around.
Stiles scowls, “you should’ve woken me up anyway.”
“You seemed like you needed sleep.” Theo curls his fingers around his chin and tips his head slightly back. “And you looked soft, like someone I'd ruin with a touch.” He brushes his mouth against Stiles’, more a whisper than a kiss, before pressing his lips to the corner of his mouth. Fucking give him a break. Seriously.
His fingers find Theo’s collar, and he tugs at it, holds him close. “That ship has already sailed, trust me.”
Theo growls, deep and low, a dark rumble in the evening of his apartment; it’s the hottest thing Stiles has ever heard. The grip on his hip turns vice-like as anger and frustration fill the air around them. It’s a warning, a saving grace, the only thing keeping Stiles’ sanity intact while every fiber of his body tells him to take what’s offered.
The is unstable, even more than Stiles himself.
He combs his fingers through Theo’s messy strands instead. “What’s wrong, buttercup?”
Theo curls his lips disapprovingly. Turns out, he’s not a fan of nicknames – even less when used mockingly. But he’s given up pointing that out long ago. So, he sighs instead, a sound only capable of being produced by someone who resigned himself to his fate. “I don’t want to go.”
Stiles runs his fingers up the nape of Theo’s neck. A low heat spreads from his chest to the rest of his body, almost as if his heart is slowly replacing his blood with molten lava. “What do you want instead?” Because, truth be told, as much as this started out as using Theo’s obsession against him, Stiles wouldn’t mind spending every night for the rest of his life just like this; limbs tangled, pressed together as close as possible, and their hearts beating in sync.  
“My teeth,” Theo whispers, brushing his closed mouth over sensitive skin, “in your neck.”
Fucking hell.
Stiles hooks his left leg around Theo’s and pulls him between his legs. “Sexually or violently?”
Another growl fills the silence around them before Theo nips Stiles’ jaw. “You really have to ask?”
Hands wander under Stiles’ shirt, and he shudders, pulling his shoulders up as goosebumps spread all over his body. The power this man has over his body should not be allowed — it wasn’t even planned. But Theo just showed up and turned Stiles’ whole world upside down, and when it comes to the chimera, Stiles is a weak, weak man.
He leans up, brushing their noses together, and presses a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Then stay?”
Theo lets out a breath. “I can’t.”
Stiles tries his hardest to keep his disappointment buried. “The duties of an alpha.”
Sighing, Theo sits up. “It’s more about keeping Donovan out of prison.”
“If you ask me—“
“I’m not asking.” Theo grabs Stiles by his shirt and pulls him back onto his lap. It is fascinating that, out of all the issues that could have possibly arrived between them, Donovan is the only one that constantly causes an argument.
Stiles huffs but as he tries to get up, Theo pulls him back down, a hand tightly around his neck. “He tried to eat my legs. Sorry, for still holding a grudge.”
Theo chuckles, dark and strangely enticing. “You’re not sorry.”
“Just saying,” Stiles mutters and scrunches up his face, “I’m not getting him out of prison.” If he’s entirely honest, he’s just waiting for the moment Donovan fucks up royally, and Theo admits that he’s more trouble than he’s worth. Donovan is constantly two seconds away from doing something stupid. All Theo needs to do is let him take the fall for once. Stiles’ dad can’t wait to put him behind bars again either.
This time for good.
“Hence why I need to be there.” His smirk doesn’t quite reach his eyes, but Theo tugs him closer by the nape of his neck regardless, curling his free arm around Stiles’ waist to pull him as close as possible once more. “You could join me,” he whispers pressing short little kisses from the left corner of Stiles’ mouth to his right. It such an intimate gesture, like they’ve known each other for years already, like they’ve known each other all along, and they haven’t just started fucking two months ago.
It would be their first outing as whatever they are, but that’s not the reason Stiles is more than willing to decline that offer. He’s not exactly in the mood to be around people today – aside from Theo, that is. Besides, “so, I’m one stupid comment away from getting my face rearranged?” They both know Stiles wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut, and Donovan wouldn’t be able to control himself – not even for Theo.
Theo narrows his eyes. His grip tightens to a point bordering on pain. “He’d be dead before he touches you.”
“Then maybe I should join you.” Stiles quirks a brow and puts a finger under Theo’s chin, raising his head – fully unimpressed by the red eyes glaring back at him. While it is more than unlikely that Theo will be voted “most-caring alpha” anytime soon, he’s not the biggest fan of jokes about weakening his pack; killing Donovan, unfortunately, means exactly that.
Instead of arguing, Theo huffs out a breath.
“Fine.” Stiles moves off Theo’s lap and flops onto the couch next to him. “Then maybe consider getting him laid. It would do him some good to get rid of all that pent-up up rage.”
Theo narrows his eyes. “I hope you’re not offering.”
“I’d rather make out with a dung beetle than let this guy get anywhere near me, thank you very much.” Stiles gets to his feet, stretching languidly.
Chuckling, Theo wraps his arms around Stiles’ waist and runs his lips along the side of his neck.
A shudder runs down Stiles’ spine. He hates Theo has to leave, and he hates that he hates it so much. If he had any energy left, he’d probably drag himself into the club and play nice just to make sure Tracy isn’t trying to climb Theo like a tree again.
Under normal circumstances, he lives to disappoint, and watching Tracy’s face fall whenever he strolls onto the scene is a special kind of pleasure.
But work has been torturous for the past few weeks. He’s drowning in overtime and doesn’t have any percent left in his social battery. He’d only end up moody and grumpy and be pissed at Theo for agreeing to come along, ruining a perfectly good weekend filled with sex, cuddles and good food.
Not necessarily in that order.
“I’ll come back later,” Theo whispers against his skin. “Just going to get Donovan through the night then I’ll be yours for the weekend.”
Stiles smiles, trying to ignore his heart dancing in excitement. “Sounds promising.”
“I’ll make it worth your while,” Theo whispers.
“I’m expecting nothing less.” Stiles closes his eyes, enjoying the last moments before Theo leaves to hang out with his pack. Turns out, he’s gotten embarrassingly attached already. “Make it quick.” Stiles doesn’t like how needy he sounds.
Theo laughs. “I haven’t left and you’re already missing me?”
“Don’t ruin the moment.”
Theo lips curve against the nape of his neck.
Stiles’ heart skips a bit. Yeah, he’s never going to live that down.
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dramaticals · 9 months
🎧 hermione & theo
send me 🎧 and a character/ship and I’ll shuffle my playlist, pick a song, and write a short fic drabble based on a lyric from it
wild heart by the vamps + hermione & theo "take my hand and we will shine"
"Really?" Hermione asks. Hesitation embeds her features, brows furrowing in question. It was bold of them to even be standing next to each other in the busy corridor, but to hold hands? That was a leap.
A leap the two haven't discussed yet.
But as Hermione searches his face, his emerald eyes locking onto her hickory hues, she knew.
Theo wanted it, and quite frankly, she did too.
"Yes," Theo says, lips tugging into a smirk. The same infuriating and sickening smirk Hermione had grown to adore (and often still wanted to smack off his face). "The offer's expiring soon, though. So you better take my hand now so I can stop looking like a bloody idiot."
Hermione rolls her eyes, biting back a small smile, before slipping her hand into Theo's. His hand was warm and strong and the thought of everyone seeing this small and innocent gesture made her cheeks flush. "I'm afraid looking like a bloody idiot is just in your genetics."
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The Way He Looks at You Series II:I
Act II: The Way You Look at Him Chapter 1: The Way You Look at Him
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Read on AO3 Read on Blogger Read on Tumblr Story Master List: The Way He Looks at You Series
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Chapter Summary
Cal find out how much you dislike him without your memories. Rating: 18+ Words: 2.1K
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Song For This Act: Patient Love - Passenger
Three words on the tip of my tongue  Not to be spoken nor sung  Or whispered to anyone 'til I  Scream 'em at the top of my lungs again
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The way she’s looking at me causes unbearable agony that nearly stops my heart. There’s no recognition in her teary eyes; no memory of our past or the love we shared. My role as her lover recalled, then reassigned as her enemy; leaving fear and hatred behind.
The Force gives and takes, blind to the cruel destruction left behind. Realization settles into my bones as I acknowledge my destiny is living on the brink of happiness. Only ever tasting the sweet nectar before falling from the flower.
The Empire stole the gift of Force-sensitivity from myself and thousands of others. I lost my found family and now destroy lives alongside my old enemies. The Force gave me beautiful light in my darkest hours before extinguishing the false hope. I could weep from this turn-
“Please.” Her plea cuts through my desolate thoughts.
Her enormous eyes make me want to clutch her tight against my chest. I want to soothe the fearful expression, but kind gestures hold no power in our new reality.
Instead, sliding my left hand down her arm to grasp her wrist tight before pulling her through the corridors towards my ship. She plants her feet and tenses, resisting with all her strength. Normally, I’d find this disobedience cute and an excuse to have my way with her as punishment; but her physical repulsion is painful.
I don’t let up on dragging her behind me until she cries out in pain. Only then do I turn to see my grip is digging the sharp plastic edge of her hospital band into her delicate skin. I readjust my grip, stopping the pain, and her eyes scan my surname written on the band.
Yanking the proof of our relationship in front of her eyes. “You already belong to me.”
Her lips part, and she shakes her head, obvious terror painting her pretty features. I close the distance between our bodies and hold her in place with the Force. I feel sickened that the woman I love wants nothing to do with me.
“Oh yes, my dear. You are mine.” I say. “My child grows in you because you consented to my seed.”
Her eyes glaze over with a dazed expression, my words throwing off everything she believed to be true. I redirect us back down the hall, and she allows herself to be tugged along. I lead my Light to the landing bay, and she stiffens upon our arrival.
“Let me go, I’m not what you hunt, I’m not-” her voice raising.
Against my better judgment, I turn towards her despaired voice. My heart aches as I find myself unable to provide the care and kindness she deserves.
“I’m of no use to you.”
I let out a single sharp laugh at her false words and she flinches.
“Your use is not my reason for keeping you.” I say in a low voice.
I release her arm when we are safely aboard my ship. She observes the interior while I listen to her thoughts, ensuring her overall compliance. Once satisfied that will not run, I direct her to the usual seat.
She doesn’t strap in, so I lean forward and secure her. Her breath hitches as I near, and I bit back a smile. I listen carefully to her thoughts, hoping to hear traces of lust.
Why does he care? Maybe he just keeping me restrained? He’s so close right now. He has pretty eyes. What did Theo say his name was again?
“Cal.” I say and glance into her suspicious eyes. “You can call me Cal.”
She immediately hardens her expression. “I will only refer to you as my captor.”
“Fine. I will only refer to you as mine.” I retort, blood heating my skin.
She glares and I move to my seat without strapping in, choosing readiness over safety. Mindlessly starting the sturdy craft and raising it into the air. The control panel sounds a loud alarm, showing an issue with the loading door. I sigh, frustrated that my old carelessness has returned to punish me at the most inopportune time.
Suddenly I slam into the side of the cockpit, the wind knocked out of my lungs. I gasp for air and tumble towards the back of the ship. To my horror, the door opens, letting in the roar of wind outside. I grab desperately at the interior paneling, attempting to avoid falling out.
My stomach drops as the ship changes direction, nearly tossing me into the endless sky. I cling to the rubber edge of the door seal. Only pulling my upper torso to safety before reaching towards the controls with the Force. My Light is looking back at me, noting my weak one handed grip. She hinges forward at an awkward angle to grasp the steering in both hands.
I open my mouth to speak, but the words catch in my dry throat as she violently rocks the steering. I fall backwards out of the craft, returning to a stronger two handed grip. She’s trying to shake me off, I realize.
The craft races forward as she skillfully maneuvers my ship against me. The forming sweat on my palms loosens my grip. I’m going to die at the hands of this beautiful woman. I love her, and she doesn’t know it.
There is a fleeting thought that I should make peace with my inevitable demise, but another takes its place. I can use her emotional impulsiveness against her to save my life. She struggles to hide emotions and is usually off balance by their impact.
I suck in the painful air, then yell. “I love you!”
She hesitates, but I don’t. I pull up and release my left hand before pinning her to the seat with the Force. She’s crying out in desperation, begging for a life that I have no intention of taking.
The ship finally stops moving and I climb, one-armed, into the craft. I drag myself across the floor, only hearing my pounding heartbeat and the irritating alarm. My strength is gone, and I stay seated on the dirty floor.
I realize how foolish I have been, providing her the same trust as before. Forgetting her past had almost killed me.
Under different circumstances, her flight skills and resourcefulness would impress me. It is apparent why the Rebellion paired her with one of the few remaining Jedi.
The Jedi, she is unaware their relationship ended. He’s still alive, and likely hunting her; I should have ensured he was dead. I hadn’t been thinking straight, too afraid for my fading Light, I prioritized her. Even knowing this outcome, I would not change my actions.
The Jedi unfortunately has a perfect opportunity to start over, to steal her. He wants her, and she wants him. Maybe the will of the Force is to bring them back together. Perhaps it was not trying to save me by putting Light in my life, but placing me in her life to buy the Jedi a second chance. How cruel.
Tears fall from my eyes and I wipe them away angrily before climbing to my feet. I don’t release the invisible hold on the woman who sees me as a threat. She is babbling pleas and negotiations, but I am too distraught to hear them.
More tears disobediently gather and drop onto my cheeks as I pass her and sit in my seat. I sniff once and run my sleeve across my eyes before pushing the control to close the door.
The annoying beep continues and I whip around to use my right hand to seal the door with the Force. As I turn back, I catch her eye and realize she ceased begging, instead giving me a funny look.
“I’ve never seen an Inquisitor cry.” She says, her voice soft.
I stare forward, feeling exposed. “I didn’t know I could anymore.”
There’s a long silence, but I resist looking into her mind. It’s too humiliating to be seen, let alone thought about in this way.
“Is it because you love…” she doesn’t finish the thought.
“Yes.” I whisper.
“But I don’t know you.” She argues.
“You did.” I reply.
“But-” She starts.
I turn my seat to look her in the curious eyes and she cowers as much as she can in my hold.
“Weeks have passed since the last memory in your mind. The ceiling collapsed in an explosion and you suffered a head injury.” I explain with more anger than I should.
“But I can’t have wanted you. I have a boyfriend!” She yells, then looks panicked at the confession.
“Had a boyfriend.” I correct in a fury.
“What did you do to him?” Her voice breaks at the prospect.
“He unfortunately lives.” I growl.
My Light stares at me in confusion.
“He broke up with you after the night of your last memory.” I cast my eyes down, wishing I weren’t breaking the news this way.
“He wouldn’t-”
“He did!” She flinches at my outburst.
I continue, “Don’t you remember how hesitant he’s been about your relationship? Do you really think he wouldn’t have regrets about breaking his precious Jedi Code?”
She furrows her brow and says. “It was your Code once too! Until you betrayed it to become a monst-”
“It was! And Theo chose the Code over you!” I shout over her words. “I would have chosen you! You mean more to me than any silly rules!”
She pales and I give her privacy in her own mind as I turn and fly the ship back towards the Inquisitor tower.
The rest of the flight is silent and I use the time to figure out how to win my Light again. It’s much more difficult this time around. I can’t only give into her desires. I have to do more than just pick up the pieces that the Jedi left behind to prove that I am everything she needs and wants. That the darkness in me is not what she fears, but allows a love the light never could. I am not sure where to start, but I’m prepared to try with everything I have.
Her soft gasp pulls me from my thoughts as our home comes into view. Funny, I’ve never considered this place home before.
“You’ve been here before.” I say, trying to reassure her.
She doesn’t respond.
“Look, you and I had a relationship before your accident. Give me an opportunity to show you.” I say in a steady tone.
I’m watching her face, but she won’t meet my eye.
I try again and say, “Six weeks. If I can’t change your mind…I’ll let you go. I won’t bother you again. My child will never know their lineage as long as I live.”
“One week.” She’s making eye contact now.
I wince. “That’s not enough time. Five weeks.”
“Two.” She shoots me a hard look.
I sigh. “Four.”
“Three.” She says. Her response is dripping with venom.
“Please, four. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want. But I need time. I know how you feel about my kind.” I’m nearly begging.
“I doubt that.” She says.
“You told me everything. After our first night together. Which you begged me for. I had no intention of laying with you so soon. You made that decision.” I snap back.
She grimaces, and I darken my expression in response. Irked by her denial of my memories.
I cannot believe I just…from his expression…oh my…
The corner of my mouth tugs upward at her thoughts, but I try to mask it.
“Fine. You can have the full six weeks. I suppose if your child is inside me, you should have a full chance.” She says.
I stop listening. She continues to speak, trying to convince herself, and I am overwhelmed with joy. When she finally finishes her speech, I bow my head once.
“Thank you for this opportunity. I intend to show you the man that once won you over.” I say smoothly.
The expression she seems to love no matter her memories stays firmly on my face. Her eyes widen as I speak, pupils dilating. This may be easier that I initially thought.
I stand and finally release the Force hold on her body. I lead forward and maintain eye contact as I unbuckle her from the seat. She gasps as our faces near, and I take my time with the movements. I allow my fingers to graze the exposed skin of the plunging neckline. She shivers to my delight and I play it cool.
“Head down.” I say as I pull the hood up to shield my Light amongst the dark fabric.
“Eyes on me.” I place a delicate finger under her chin to tip her gaze upward.
“Say nothing.” I say, giving her a firm look.
Her lips part and I lean in ever so slightly before dragging my gaze back to her now lustful eyes.
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Next Chapter: The Way You Resist Him
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akindofmagictoo · 1 year
Beneath the Waves
a continuation of the Hurricane x ARMV crossover Potions and Pirates, and a gift to my beloved @ashen-crest​ in return for her wonderful hurt-comfort
part 1, in which we answer the question of “what will Aella get up to with a potion of water breathing?”. part 2 coming tomorrow.
Word Count: 2697
TW/CW: drowning, claustrophobia, panic attack
Context: Ambrose and Eli washed up on the Hurricane, and as a thank you for saving them, Ambrose brewed a potion of water breathing and sent it to Aella, Tempest and Theo. The full thing can be found on my Wattpad, @/zcmitchell.
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Breathing underwater was certainly a strange situation, but Aella could have lived in the feeling forever. She flipped over to look back up at the surface, already so far away, but not so far that she couldn’t see the sunlight on its surface. The water of Wavemeet’s bay was so clear. Clear and blue, just like Theo’s eyes. 
She could picture them now, actually. He’d tried not to show it when she dived, but she’d seen the worry in them. The little furrow of his brow as he clung resolutely to the other end of the rope now tied around her ankle, ready to help pull her out at a moment’s notice despite his hatred of deep water. If she squinted really hard at the surface, she could maybe see the dark smudge that marked the jetty. 
As much as she trusted him, she was also glad that he had his uncle and several of the Hurricane’s crew standing by to help as well. Not that she really needed help. The rope had been obtained at Tempest’s suggestion and Theo’s insistence, even though Aella had never needed to dive with a rope before, not in a clear deep area like this one. But Theo had asked her to take it, and she didn’t mind the slight extra tug on her ankle if it kept him from being too worried about her. 
This potion had a time limit on it, she recalled. She should keep going. 
She turned a slow flip backwards and kicked, forcing herself further down into the inky gloom below.
Since the sun was directly overhead, it pierced far into the darkness beneath the water, but eventually even its last soft rays had to give way to the embrace of the cold depths. She pressed on, stroke after stroke, feeling the deep satisfying burn in her muscles as she propelled herself deeper and deeper, letting the abyss wrap around her like a dark cloak. 
She liked it less when she couldn’t see. 
For a split second, she could hear the sound of a cell door locking behind her… but no, she was just diving. This was safe darkness. The sea was safe, she reminded herself; it always had been, ever since she was a tiny child too young to walk. 
Tempest, Aria, Marisa and Cai had held her while she learned to swim. Theo, Emmy and Victoire were holding onto her now, all of them ready to feel three tugs on the rope and pull her safely back to the surface. 
She could leave now if she wanted to, but she didn’t want to. Not with so much left to explore. She was Aella Onyeisi, veteran of the Hurricane, and she had survived horrors far greater than this. She would not be turned back because she was scared of the dark.
As she reached forward for another stroke, her fingers brushed something. She stopped mid-motion and extended her hand again. Whatever it was was smooth and cold, and strangely familiar. She kicked behind her so she could place her hand flat on the surface. Still oddly normal, but in the darkness it was difficult to tell what. 
Wood. It was wood, worn smooth by time and water. 
It felt like the wood of a ship. 
She felt along the surface in front of her until she reached an edge, then pulled herself along it, hand over hand. Alright, so that felt like it could be a railing, which meant that either she was on the deck or hanging off the side — at least as far as that description applied when she seemed to be more or less horizontal. She pulled her feet forward until they also met the wreck, gauging angles as best she could in her head. Off the side it was. With a gentle push against the hull, she hoisted herself up level with the rail. 
Was that light, or just her mind playing tricks on her? She screwed her eyes shut and waited a moment. Whatever it was she’d just seen was gone. When she opened her eyes again, it seemed to be back. Just a very faint glow somewhere in front of her, maybe one or two arm’s lengths away. 
Another gentle push sent her flipping over the rail and downwards towards the deck. The glow brightened as she moved forwards. It seemed there was a hole in the deck, and the light was coming from within. She kicked out behind her, pushing herself towards the gap.
The gap’s edges had once been jagged, but just like the rest of the ship, they had been rounded and smoothed by currents. She wrapped a hand around the edge and peered over. This gap seemed to lead into the ship’s hold, and that hold was covered in softly glowing algae. 
In places, there were only small pinpricks of it, tiny blue stars in the dark. But one corner was completely covered, and it was that glow that had summoned her. 
The algae didn’t hold her attention for long, however, because its light gleamed off metal in the furthest, deepest corner of the hold. She wriggled through the gap — a tight fit, even for her — and into the hold.
Whatever had happened to the ship, the hole in the deck was the least of the damage. Support beams and all sorts of loose chunks of wood and metal stuck into the room at odd angles. It was hard to tell in the dim light, but off to one side, sticking up from the sea floor, was what might have been another ship’s ram. Two shipwrecks? 
Keeping an eye out in front of her for further debris, and both hands, she swam deeper into the room, heading for the metallic glimmer ahead. What could it be? Weapons? Treasure? Some further indication of what had sunk this ship? She didn’t know, but she needed to find out.
As she swam, she realised the algae wasn’t just blue. Patches were green and purple, and even one or two small specks of gold dappled the overlapping glows. On one wall, just at the edge of her peripheral vision, was something else gold. When she turned, it wasn’t algae, but a picture frame. Parts of it still shone, though parts were covered in algae or tarnish. She flipped over, avoiding a loosely floating crossbeam, and swam closer. The wall with the portrait was tilted such that it seemed more like a ceiling, so she floated underneath it on her back while she inspected it. It seemed to be some rich-looking white man, dressed like a merchant. Perhaps this wasn’t a hold. Maybe it was a cabin. Hard to know. She turned back over, surveying the dimly lit room. That could be a table in the far corner, a broken half-cabinet still attached to another wall. 
Time limit, she reminded herself. Time limit. She abandoned the portrait and dove for the gleam in the bottom corner. 
It was indeed metal that the algae had glinted off. A small chest, not much bigger than her two fists, the metal bands around it tarnished and aged, but not enough to dull their shine. And it didn’t seem to be locked. She drew her dagger and dug it under the latch. 
The latch sprang open to reveal… treasure. 
Pearl necklaces. Golden earrings. Shining jewels in every colour she could imagine and several she had never seen before. A golden ring set with an amber stone. Silver chains with delicate pendants attached. All of it reflecting the colours of the algae behind her, blue and green and purple and pink. All of it beautiful. 
She was probably running out of time on her potion. She shut the chest and gathered it into her arms, and let herself sink down into the corner, ready to kick off upwards. 
Was that a ram over there? Surely she could check quickly? She shifted direction, swimming in that direction instead. 
It was a ship’s ram, forced through the hull but not fitting tightly. Of course. The ship had likely sunk thanks to taking on water, which was harder to do if the ram remained to plug the hole. She hadn’t expected to find a shipwreck here, let alone one that had lost a battle. Rams were a pirate tactic, and Theo said they hadn’t been seen in Wavemeet for a very long time. 
TIME LIMIT. Perhaps she’d have to write to Ambrose to ask him for more of the potion. There were so many unanswered questions in her mind, answers to be found somewhere in this wreck. But she couldn’t stay to find them out, not without getting herself into significant trouble. Theo would be very worried about her if she pushed her limits on the potion. He’d be worried enough about her as it was. She should go.
Finding her way back to the hole in the deck was fairly easy. Manoeuvring through while keeping her hold on the chest was harder, but she managed it without catching her clothes on the edges of the gap or dropping her loot. Now all that was left to do was swim back to the surface, and let herself be reeled up like a beautiful fish if the potion started to wear off. Easy. She kicked off the deck. 
The rope around her ankle pulled her up short. 
She jerked her knee up to her chest to dislodge whatever it was caught on. Or rather, tried. The motion simply pulled her back down. 
What could it be tangled up in? It could be anything. But she might have time to fix it. She took a deep breath in, then let it go, and dived back down.
It seemed that in all her roaming of the room, the rope had gotten looped around some sort of metal apparatus on the wall. She braced her foot on the wall, tucked her jewel chest safely under her arm, and tugged. 
Nothing. Her hands just slid on the wet rope. 
She looped the rope around her hands and tried again. Still nothing. In frustration, she launched a kick at the wall. The shipwreck might be old, but it wasn’t that old. All she managed to do was send a jolt of pain through her heel. What could she do? She could cut the rope, but it was thick rope, and tying it securely back around her ankle underwater would be pretty difficult. She could hook the rope around something else and use that as leverage to pry the metal off the wall. That didn’t seem likely to work either. Shit. 
She yanked on the rope a third time. The wall seemed to groan, a rough grating sound that echoed through the whole room. Something struck her shoulder and she bit back a yelp, letting go of the rope. 
The whole shipwreck was shifting. She glanced down; what she could see of the ‘floor’ was starting to rock and slide to one side. 
She had to get out. 
How could she get out? Could she still get to the deck gap safely? She should have enough slack in her rope still, but… she glanced up towards the gap and nearly shrieked. 
The shipwreck seemed to be falling towards her. 
She couldn’t breathe. 
Why couldn’t she breathe? The potion should still be in effect. Her hands flew to her throat, her heart beating erratically beneath her fingertips. The water pressed in around her, colder now, chilling her to the bone, the glow of the algae seeming to retreat to the corners of the room. 
No. No no no NO. Why was the algae fading? Was she dying? Was she going to be stuck down here until her air ran out, with Theo and her friends unable to pull her up because the bloody rope was bloody stuck and— 
She had to get out. She had to leave. She fumbled for the knife at her belt, her fingers slow and clumsy, barely able to feel anything. Knife. Knife. Where is it? Had she left it where the jewel chest had been? 
Around her, wood creaked and cracked. 
She still couldn’t breathe. She was running out of time. No time. No time. 
There! Her numb fingers closed on the handle. She squeezed it tightly, so tightly her nails dug into her palm, though she barely felt it. Then she grabbed the rope and began to saw at it, still gasping for breath in the cold water. Come on, come on… the rope was thick, but not that thick. She could do this. 
Deep breaths, she heard Theo say in her mind. With every scrap of reason she had left, she forced herself to listen. Deep breaths. One breath in as she drew the knife one way; one breath out with the next stroke. She could still breathe. The potion was still working. And slowly, slowly but surely, the rope fibres were splitting beneath her blade. 
Don’t look at the ship. Don’t think about how to get out. Cut the rope. One task at a time. One task at a time. Just one. It will be okay. It has to be. 
The rope snapped free so suddenly she could hardly believe it. In the same moment, the ship rocked beneath her again. A beam crashed hard into her back, sending pain firing like lightning through her chest. 
Time to go. 
She dodged another slowly falling piece of ship and dragged herself through the hole in the deck. Its edges caught on her shirt this time. She didn’t care. She barely noticed it past the throbbing in her back. She just had to leave.
Swimming up was harder than swimming down. She was tired, she was scared, and she had to work harder to pull herself towards the surface. 
One stroke at a time, she told herself. Theo would be waiting for her. She needed to get back to him. The only way to do that was to swim. 
Something scaled brushed past her bare foot. She shuddered and kicked harder. As with any bay, there were stories of creatures in the water. Some good, some bad. Theo’s parents’ friend, Nell, swore she’d seen several nasty-looking sea serpents in the bay. On the other hand, Theo’s father had told a story of going swimming in the bay and almost drowning, but waking on the shore with a single shimmering scale on the sand beside him. 
Neither story had been proven, but either could be true. The Hurricane had run afoul of a kraken far too recently for Aella to really doubt either story. Either way, she’d rather not take her chances with nasty sea serpents. She swam on. 
She could see the surface of the water, the rays of the sun spilling down, not quite reaching all the way to her yet, but close. So close. The muscles in her arms and legs burned; she shifted her treasure from one arm to the other. Her chest was burning too. Breathing was difficult now. Was it the potion wearing off? Was she just tired? She had to keep going. The rope would do nothing for her now; in her haste to swim back up, she hadn’t thought to follow it. She had to keep swimming.
The burning wasn’t going away. She was so close now, close enough to see the sun sparkling on tiny waves in the bay. Just as beautiful as before. No, even more beautiful, because it meant safety, and now she desperately needed that safety. 
Something brushed her foot again. She ignored it, still striving for the surface. 
As before, she breathed in and took in water, but this time it stung. This was wrong. This was bad. There was nothing in the water to help her anymore. She tried to breathe it out, but there was nowhere to send it. No. No no no. 
The surface seemed to dim. She wanted to scream, but she had no air left to do it. She wanted to keep swimming, but she had no more strength for it. Nothing she could do but watch her vision fade to nothing.
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Potions and Pirates Taglist: @copper-dragon-in-disguise @diphthongsfordays @pepperdee @zmwrites @the-orangeauthor @quilloftheclouds
Hurricane Taglist: @writingbyjillian @oddsandinks @ahowlinwolf @aziz-writes @juls-writes @lookinpeach @zmwrites @quilloftheclouds @lowslore @isherwoodj @katnapped @thepsycheofbrokenthings @happyorogeny @magicalwriting @ettawritesnstudies @florraisons @tea-and-pirates @writtendevastation @talesofsorrowandofruin @lilmissravingwriter @zielenbloesem @metanoiamorii @little-boats-on-a-lake @lottieiswriting @violetwrites @the-unwrittenwriter @ink-fireplace-coffee @iparisaltanwing @tragedieds @pamsdrabbles @waysofink @hekat-ie @thehellinsideyourhead @starryeve88 @trans1ence @vellichor-virgo @the-orangeauthor @google-plexed @literary-lavender @crystallized-ink @ellatholmes @seamajorshanties @crowewritesstuff @ashen-crest @astridmayewrites @wannabeauthorzofija @mel-writes-with-her-dragons @waterfallwritings @enchanted-lightning-aes @wizardfromthesea @huloglangit @diphthongsfordays​ @ruby-overlock @copper-dragon-in-disguise​ @mr-writes​ @josephinegerardywriter​ @teardropsandtherain​ @emilyoracle​ @matcha-chai​ @fablewritten @autie-auden-writes​ @innocentreticent
ID: a banner with a brown pirate hat in the middle. the hat has two fluffy feathers sticking out of it, one blue and one yellow. the banner is placed above and below the main text. /end ID.
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windupnamazu · 1 year
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like the hands on the clock, they'll go in circles back to their places
ffxivwrite2023 #06: ring a small circular band [...] worn on a finger as [...] a token of marriage.
Lunya/G'raha. Endwalker finale. 1143wc. Content warnings: kinda gorey descriptions? ⮞ Fourteen years ago, a little girl learned something from the man who would give his life for hers.
"Mister Kichirou," Yeyema began, tugging at the sleeve of her guardian's haori as they traipsed down Ruby Road Exchange together, the old man's steps slowed to keep pace with the young girl's smaller ones. "Why's your ring got so much aether in it?"
Kichirou's face lit up with delight as they drew to a stop at the intersection of the road and Emerald Avenue. "You can sense it, little moon? That is my wedding ring—it's filled with my late husband's aether. It is all I have of him now."
"Oh." She looked upon the ring and its crystal setting with a new kind of sympathy and curiosity. "It feels like there's almost enough aether in there to make a whole person."
Her grandfatherly guardian laughed, but it sounded kind of sad. "That's because there is—he passed before we finished the full transfer. Maybe if we had done it sooner he could have been healed." He chuckled more when she tilted her head cutely. "The rings were a failsafe, of sorts. Were one of us gravely injured, we could return each other's aether back; a unique token of love, trusting another with our life literally in their hands."
"You can really do that? Transferring that much aether into such a little thing?"
"There are many old spells lost or forbidden to modern mages," Kichirou told her, in that mysterious tone he oft used when she tried to poke too much at his life before Eorzea. "If you're truly curious, I will tell you of its fundamentals later. But first, shall we pick up your snack from Momodi-san?"
"Cookies, please!"
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They don't expect the first of their missing Warriors to return in the state that she does.
The teleportation spell releases her on the floor of the Ragnarok with a whisper of wind and a flash of light that draws the attention of all the waiting Scions on the ship. G'raha Tia is the first to his feet at the sight of white like starlight, a wail erupting from his mouth when he takes in the state of his wife. Majj and Einar join the chorus.
Uncountable bruises bloom like twisted flowers across Lunya's face and upper body, the light of her freckles dimmed like clouds smothering the stars, but most concerning and terrifying of all is a vicious gash nearly splintering her in twain from her shoulder to opposite hip, blood seeping through the pearl sheen of her coat and black lace barely containing her insides. Her breath is so shallow it's hardly there at all as her twilight and crystal eyes gaze blankly into nothingness, and her white hair spills across the steel floor drenched in her crimson.
"NO!" G'raha's voice breaks as he falls at her side, hands glowing with healing magic even though a voice at the back of his mind tells him it's for naught. Never before had she come back to him in such a grievous state; of all the men and monsters she's faced, only one managed to strike a blow to her in this way, and Meteion hadn't said she and the others were left with him.
"Focus, G'raha," Y'shtola orders in a soothing but stern meter, but even her hands are shaking as she pushes aether into the open cavity of Lunya's chest, coaxing sinew and skin back together as fast as she can as Theodaux redirects organs where they need to be. Alphinaud and Ahnji hover; they can't expend all their healers at once when there are still Warriors yet to return, no matter how much G'raha wants to beg them to help her or how much they want to help themselves.
"It isn't enough," warbles Theo, sweat beading on his forehead from exertion as he leans against his staff. "There's too much to replace and she's losing what's left fast."
"Short of a whole person's worth of aether, I am not sure what we can do," Fleuriri murmurs, resting a hand on the Elezen's shoulder. "And seeing as she's already received a full foreign transfer once, I can't say how her body might handle another attempt."
Gods. He wants to cry. To kick and scream and curse and tear apart the universe for trying to take her from him. G'raha scratches groves into his wrist, a nervous habit turned frustrated, but as his fingers slide down to his wrist he remembers.
"Her aether," he says desperately, turning to Y'shtola. He pries off his wedding ring, crystalline and glowing, and shows it to her. "I have her own aether—enough to make a whole person, she said. The spell she used wasn't anything we know."
Y'shtola's eyebrows shoot into her bangs as she regards it before settling in grim determination.
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Lunya blinks pitch night and stars from her eyes to find the ceiling of the Ragnarok. The twins are the first thing she sees after; Alphinaud has a steady stream of healing tethered between her stomach and his nouliths and Alisaie is pacing back and forth, muttering furiously to herself. The second thing she sees has all the residual fear she hadn't realized she was holding onto drain from her body in a heartbeat—her husband is crying, which won't do at all, and she fights against the heavy weight of her body to raise a hand to his face.
"My lodestar," her Raha weeps, grabbing her hand in his and pressing it to the curve of his cheek.
Voice creaking, she wonders, "Is everyone all right?"
"You're the last person who should even ask," G'raha huffs, but he smudges away the tears at the corners of his eyes and squeezes her left hand in his own. Distantly, she notices she's not in her robes anymore, bandages winding around her chest and stomach instead. Her husband's covered in blood that can't be his own and his wedding ring is gone and Y'shtola is across the room downing mana potion after mana potion, swaying in place as Majj does his best to steady her. She gets the feeling she knows exactly what they did.
"Thank you, sinta ko," she murmurs. "I'm sorry."
The ship explodes in a flurry of sound as another Warrior arrives in a haze of pink fur and blood and the others rush over to administer emergency healing yet again, but to G'raha and Lunya they sound a million miles away when he kisses her brow before pressing his own to hers.
"I would do anything for you," he reminds her. "I gave you my life just as you gave me yours, so I'll remind you a million times if I must. Just—live for me, Lunya. Don't apologize—just never do that to me again."
"I promise," she says, twisting his engagement ring around his finger. They'll have to make him a new wedding ring now. "And that is one I truly intend to keep."
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Rating: G
Category: F/M, M/M, Multi
Relationship: Arthur Conan Doyle/Vincent van Gogh/OC
Prompt(s): Multiamory March Day 2 - Supernatural from @polyamships and Year of the OTP March - acceptance from @yearoftheotpevent
Summary: When strange things start to happen, Arthur is convinced the mansion is haunted. While he tries to capture the ghost, Vincent finds out the true nature of the playful "spirit".
I was going for all of my fics for this fandom to take place in the same alternative universe, but this one takes place in a different one, because I decided to go with an alternate ship. In fact, I decided to use my IkeVamp writings this month to try out new characters and some of the ships I was suggested (in the polyship format I am more comfortable with for now) and learn them by trial.
One more for my list of: this prompt was more fitting of a longer fic but i don't have time to write all of it right now so I wasted a lot of time trying to shorten it
AO3 Versions / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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Vincent had been worried about his boyfriend’s sleeping habits for the last few days.
He understood when Arthur was writing. Vincent himself had nights when he would paint, no matter the time. Their works had to be done when they were inspired to do so.
In the past week, all the males in the mansion had been reporting strange events, from the others acting strange, to illusions. Vincent was the only one who had never seen anything.
Dazai had roped Arthur into hunting down what he was convinced to be a kitsune. And Arthur was both a good detective and very curious, so he had gone along, which meant long hours into the night hunting.
Vincent tried to help, although their girlfriend, Reina, insisted they were wasting their time.
In the end, she had been right. All of their efforts had been unfruitful. The closest they got to seeing the kitsune was that morning, when Arthur had convinced another of the mansion’s girls, Amy, to help him make some inari sushi as bait but, in the end, the spirit cast an illusion to distract them and stole the food.
That afternoon, they had allowed themselves a break, at least. Vincent was sitting in his bed, with Arthur laying beside him, head on his lap, while Vincent ran his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair.
Arthur looked so relaxed and content, and Vincent was happy to at least support his partner like that. He just wished the peace would last longer.
“Do you want to continue searching?”
“Of course. A detective never gives up until the case is solved. But you don’t have to accompany me if you don’t want to, luv. Rei must be quite lonely by herself.”
Maybe Arthur was right. They had only briefly seen Reina at breakfast, but as soon as Arthur asked about the kitsune she wished them good luck and left them to their hunt. But what Vincent wanted at the moment was more time for the three of them, but Arthur was so determined to solve the mystery of the spirit haunting the mansion.
Vincent couldn’t deny he was curious too, though, so helping Arthur wasn’t just about to spend time with his boyfriend.
Sometimes it was complicated having two partners with different needs. But Vincent wouldn’t trade any of them for a simpler relationship.
“It’s okay. I promised to be your assistant in this case.”
“Thank you, Vincy.” Arthur tugged at his hand and kissed the back of it. “I’ve been thinking about something that happened this morning. Amy was laughing whenever she thought I wasn’t looking. When I asked, she said I was wasting my time, just like Rei. I thought she might be the kitsune.”
“But she wouldn’t have scared Jean that day.”
“True. You are the only one who hasn’t been tricked by her, except for this morning. So I was thinking of Mai, instead.”
Mai was Theo’s girlfriend and was a little too serious to go around pranking people, in Vincent’s opinion, but he could see where his boyfriend’s conclusion came from, except for one thing.
“She wouldn’t have tried to trick Theo, either.”
“Maybe after that argument they had the other day. It was the only time Theo complained about the kitsune. All the other girls know, and they must have some sort of promise not to tell anyone.”
Why? Vincent was about to ask when someone knocked on the door and they had to leave it for later.
A little after Arthur left, Vincent found himself approaching the window to observe the garden, still thinking about the interrupted conversation.
Arthur never said things he didn’t have a good base logic to support, and he was good at catching details most people would miss. Vincent had to agree that the kitsune being someone in the house made sense. Or the other theory Arthur had before, that it had followed the girls through the door. What didn’t make sense was for it to take so long to manifest.
Observing the garden, he saw Amy working there. As if noticing him, she spun around and looked up, waving with a smile as she saw him. He waved back, and she laughed before returning to watering the plants.
Then Vincent saw Jean entering the garden, but his attention didn’t fall on his girlfriend, and he looked surprised and confused. Vincent followed the man’s gaze, to see another Amy on the other side of the garden, who winked at Jean.
The first Amy, which Vincent was convinced was the real one, finished her job and looked at her boyfriend, then at her double. She only frowned and marched to where Jean was, practically dragging her boyfriend away.
The fake Amy pouted as she watched them leave, shaking her head, before transforming into Reina.
But she couldn’t be the real Reina, either. She might have noticed he was watching and was teasing him.
Then she looked surprised at whatever she was staring at and looked up to see him. She jumped in surprise and dashed away.
Arthur was right. The kitsune lived in the mansion, hiding in plain sight. But, unless he got an undeniable lead, Arthur would investigate every other girl in the house before ever suspecting his own girlfriend.
Vincent himself was stunned for a moment. Why would their girlfriend be hiding from them? And why would she take so long to even use her powers?
Maybe Arthur was also right and all the girls agreed to hide it for a reason. She wouldn’t hide it just to mess with Arthur and the other guys.
Both the possibility of Reina being afraid to trust them with her secret, or of her and probably Amy hiding it for their safety worried Vincent. He loved her and wanted her safe, but he couldn’t help when she hid from him.
Now that she knew he saw her, maybe they could talk about it. But when he went looking, he couldn’t find her anywhere.
Only when he returned to his room later was that he found Reina sitting on his bed.
Although he knew it was his girlfriend, she looked more like a female version of Arthur. The more he looked over, the more he could see traits of both of his lovers in her, blended together in a curious harmony.
“Rei? Why do you look like that?”
She laughed, voice sounding like her own, and stood up to approach him.
“Hi, prince. Just a little surprise. And kind of showing off my powers since you found out. Did I do a good job?”
Vincent blushed when she wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling quite seductively at him from very close, but he touched her cheek.
“You look perfect, but I would rather have my beautiful girlfriend back and my boyfriend actually here.” He chuckled, smiling at her.
He wanted to ask about the whole kitsune thing, but assumed she would only talk when Arthur found her out and she could explain things to both of them at once.
“Really? What about after Arthur comes back? Should we wait in his room?”
Vincent could practically hear the hidden suggestion in her words, and it was rare for Reina to be so forward with these things. He was tempted to just accept it.
“Like this?” It was the only thing that made him hesitate.
“Only if you’re comfortable with it, of course, but I did have something in mind while we wait. Or we could go meet Arthur, but I would rather not see Amy again today.”
“She got angry because of what I saw early?”
“She’s been more protective this week than usual, and I realized a little too late. It has been a hectic week. I missed spending quality time with you and Arthur.”
Vincent didn’t resist when his girlfriend kissed him, despite her not returning to her true form. He had missed Reina too and would totally indulge her if it made her happy.
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Arthur never imagined this ending for the great mystery that he’d been trying to solve the past week. He didn’t feel like sharing his findings with anyone but his boyfriend, either. It would be fun to see the others trying to figure it out themselves.
Although he might just tell Comte, who had ‘hired’ him for this, and Vincent would likely tell Theo. But it would be fun to just tell Dazai he had solved the case and not what he found out.
It had been quite the chase. A nice challenging game. Maybe because his personal interpretation of the clues got in the way of what could have been a simple solution otherwise? Arthur didn’t know, and it didn’t matter.
He had figured it out in the end. Of course he did. Now all that was left was the why it happened. Was it just a game? Because he hadn’t been able to find a cause.
But he had decided to simply ask that from Reina. He had figured her out, and she owed him an explanation. And maybe some other sort of prize, especially if it was really just a game on her part.
First he would talk to Vincent, then the two could talk to Reina together.
But Arthur couldn’t find Vincent anywhere in the mansion at first. He found him in the last place he expected, his own room, with a woman that looked like him.
He immediately knew what was happening, and it was such a cheap trick that no one would have fallen for it, but Reina had just come out and told Vincent everything?
“Having fun in my room without me?” He teased. “And they say I am the naughty one.”
Reina laughed and Vincent just smiled at him, gesturing for him to join them.
“We were waiting for you.” Vincent told Arthur.
“I was just showing Vincent something I can do. I don’t think you would have liked this one, anyway.”
With someone who looked like him, even if Arthur knew it was his girlfriend? Likely not.
“Why don’t you turn back and show me something different then, luv?”
As if she was just waiting for him to ask, Reina shifted to sit on the bed. The details of her transformation that Arthur got a glimpse of were surprising. Would be fun if she could do that without looking like him.
Vincent also sat up, and Arthur stood by the other side of the bed.
When she turned back to the form they were used to, it wasn’t without showing the traits of her true nature. The pairs of ears and tails had fur the same color as her hair, unlike the depictions of kitsunes in old tales they had been told. Reina stared down and bit her lip.
Arthur ruffled her hair and sat on her other side, while Vincent caressed her cheek and ran his thumb over her lips until she stopped biting it.
“Why were you hiding from us, luv?”
By the way she was acting, Reina wasn’t doing it just for fun.
“When the girls and I were younger, someone sealed our powers and memories because of an accident I barely remember. I only recovered them about a week ago and Amy wanted to figure out why, first. And…” Reina sighed, her ears dropping. “I wasn’t sure how you would react. When we met, you thought I was human, but now… I wasn’t sure how things would change.”
“Nothing will change, Rei.” Vincent hugged her closer. “Neither of us fell in love with you just because you were human. You are the one who taught us how to love again, after all.”
Maybe that would change their relationship, but they could only grow closer from facing these changes.
“You are perfect the way you are. Still our beautiful girl.” Arthur kissed her cheek. “Beautiful and naughty. You had me running in circles for a week and Vincy quite worried.”
“Sorry. It was an accident at first, but I thought it was fun. Although you were never a target, just happened to be in the wrong place. So I found it interesting to see if you could catch me.”
“And I did. What do I get for it?”
Reina laughed.
“Actually, Vincent found me first. It was carelessness on my part, but he is the one with rights to the prize.”
“I don’t mind letting Arthur choose.” Vincent told her. “I just want to spend more time with my partners.”
Smiling, Reina warped one arm around each of her boyfriends’ shoulders and a tail around their middle.
“Both worked hard, and you both accepted me, so I should reward both of you, then, right? I’ll make up for this last week.”
They still had many questions, but getting these answers could wait. The moment felt like a long waited reunion, like they hadn’t seen each other all week instead of just having separate schedules. For now, they only wanted a little of each other’s time.
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IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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toast-com · 2 years
I ship them.
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*something something opposites attracting*
Dorothy Dory is such a sunbeam, compared to the grump that is R. Boat. There is just something about these two that I find very adorable, seeing their pictures side by side.
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sniperjade · 1 year
Chapter 5 - The Screaming Starts Now
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They got to the moon in exactly nine hours, fifty-three minutes and forty-two seconds. Hermione appeared at the doorway when they were fifteen minutes out and asked them to come back to the cockpit. Draco nodded in cold silence, Theo thanked her, and they both moved back to their seats.
Space travel had not been all he had thought it would be. The lack of gravity made it impossible to get comfortable. The only time his muscles could rest was to literally strap himself into something. After the first hour, his muscles were aching from the constant strain. The slightest touch to any surface sent him careening off in the opposite direction unless he was holding on tightly. It was only when they ventured into the kitchen for lunch had he realised that in most rooms the seats had restraints. He sunk into the first one and buckled in letting his muscles rest for the first time in hours.
Lunch was a travesty. The food was horrendous. He understood that there had been little opportunity to refit this muggle contraption to wizarding standards, but stasis charms were not hard. He would have cast them himself if it meant he had any option other than eating the strange things on offer.
It was wrapped in shiny stuff that looked like metal but easily ripped open when you tugged at the corner. Inside, it was like a brick, compacted down until all that was left was a cube of dense material. The writing on the package said it was chocolate, but whoever had chosen to name it that must have never had any in their life, because the only thing that it had in common with its namesake was the colour. He had eaten it with as much grace as he could muster whilst strapped to a stool.
Theo appeared to be having a great time. He enjoyed flying around the different spaces in the ship, flitting from room to room in a blur. He had spent hours at the various viewing portals pointing out constellations, planets, and other astronomical phenomena. Draco had weathered it with fond exasperation and had begun to regret their fallout with Granger. Surely, they could have both regaled each other with the information so he could sulk in peace.
It was partially for this reason that Draco accepted Granger’s apology seven hours in. It was the third time that she had tried to set things right between them. The first two Draco had simply glared at her until she left again. This last time, she floated in and waited nervously at the door. Draco had looked up with a blank expression, but Theo gazed at her with such barely concealed adoration that Draco finally caved.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured looking down at the floor with her body angled toward Draco.
Draco raised an eyebrow and met her gaze when she looked up. “I’m not sure that I’m the one who you should be apologising to.”
She blushed slightly and faced Theo, who looked delighted to have her attention. “I’m sorry. I really am.”
He smiled gently, “It’s ok, Hermione. It was an impossible situation.”
She smiled at him gratefully and Draco looked away, wrestling with both the urge to protect his friend and a painful dark flash of jealousy. He wanted Theo to be happy, he did, and if this is what it took, he could pull back his overprotective tendencies. He tried to tamper down the resentful feelings inside him. No good would come of wanting either of them.
As he had suspected, Theo and Hermione launched into an avid discussion of gravity, how the ship worked, how bright the night sky is in space, and a variety of other topics that Draco had absolutely no interest in.
Instead, he practised magic. He tried Leviosa, Lumos, Locomotor, and other basic spells. The effect space had on them was interesting. In zero gravity Leviosa practically shot things around the room, and it took him almost half an hour to get it to the point where he could gently move an object. Lumos was the opposite. It seemed to do barely anything in the darkness of space. The light dwindled almost instantly requiring more and more magic to stay sustained.
By the time Campbell called them all back to the cockpit, he felt like he had a reasonable grasp on how the environment would affect his magic.
Theo floated past first but before he could follow, Granger grasped his wrist.
“Are we ok?” she asked her expression determined, “I don’t what any hard feelings to jeopardise the mission.”
He looked at her blankly, “I don’t give a shit about your mission. My priority is his safety. The only value your mission has to me is getting him out of that hellhole.”
Read the rest on Ao3
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phantomraeken · 1 year
Wilted Roses Ships & Dynamics!
A/N : more friend dynamics may come up as the story progresses!! So please keep that in mind! <3
There will also inclue a small snippet of their relationship as a whole!
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A ship is where these two characters are in a relationship!
theo x liam
Theo's hands had met Liam's.. He took them in his own, placing small kisses along his knuckles. Liam had a look of pure playful disgust. He pulled his hands away. "Theo!" He gasped, jokingly offended. "Hm?" Theo looked at the boy, confused. "Stop that and just kiss me, idiot." Liam pouted. Theo pushed his lips against Liam, smiling into the kiss.
brett x isaac
Brett had crept up behind Isaac, slowly wrapping his arms around his waist. Isaac had been washing up some dishes for Derek. He slightly jumped at the sudden touch. "Guess who." Brett's breath ghosted over Isaac's neck. "Brett, I'm not that dumb." Isaac smiled softly. Brett placed a few small kisses on Isaac's neck. "Love you, pup." Brett spoke softly. "Love you too." Isaac chuckled.
derek x stiles
Stiles was laying on the couch, watching Isaac and Scott play cards. Isaac was not doing to well. He looked back at the ceiling before feeling his head get nudged. "Move." Derek grumbled. Stiles picked his head up so Derek cpuld sit down. The moment Derek got situated he laid his head back down, in Derek's lap. "Hey handsome." Stiles was trying so hard not to laugh until he winked, then he burst out laughing. "I fucking hate you." Derek rolled his eyes. "I love you too." Stiles smiled widely.
danny x jackson x ethan
Danny was leaning in the doorway, watching his two dumbass boyfriends argue about a fucking cookie. He let out a long sigh and leaned himself back onto his feet, irritation written all over his face. "Guys, its just a cookie. I can go buy more." Danny reasoned. There was a pause before more arguing. He pulled his keys from the small bowl and both boys heads shot up. "Where are you going?" Jackson asked. "To get you both more cookies before you rip each others heads off." Danny spoke, sas laced his voice. "Can I come?" Ethan asked. Danny rubbed the bridge of his nose in irritation. "Yes-- Jackson before you say anything, you can come too." Danny turned on his heels. Before he could take a step he was pulled into a hug. "Yeah yeah, I know you love me." Danny joked.
kira x malia
Kira was sat on the cab of Jackson's truck. Malia had begged him to borrow it. He gave up at some point. What more could he do? Malia climed onto the bed of the truck then onto the hood beside Kira. She had a bottle of water in her hand. "Whats that for?" Kira asked, tilting her head to side. "You." Malia shoved it into her hands. Kira rolled her eyes and opened the bottle, pressing the opening to her lips. Suddenly, Malia slipped off the cab of yhe truck and fell. Kira spat out her water and burst out laughing. "Whats so funny?!" Malia growled playfully. Kira had no warning when Malia tugged her off the cab of the truck. Kira glared at her. "Oh really?" She raised and eyebrow. Before Malia could even talk back Kira poured the rest of the water on her girlfriends head. Malia gasped. Kira couldn't help but laugh which in turn made Malia laugh harshly.
scott x allison
Scott just watched as Allison shot her arrows, never missing. His eyes were wide with amazement. Allison looked so hot. He had completely toned out the sound of his phone buzzing. Suddenly Allison spoke, he practically jumped. "You gonna get that?" She had set her bow beside him, leaning against the log he was sat on. "I wanted to just spend time with you." He smiled softly. She rolled her eyes before sitting beside him. "What?" He laughed lightly. "Nothing, you're just an idiot sometimes." She spoke softly. "I'm pretty sure I'm an idiot all the time."
mason x corey
Corey had convinced Mason to play monopoly with him and a few friends. Mason was winning. Corey had rolled the dice and grumbled slightly as it sent him straight to jail. He felt a slight pressure on his thigh, it was Mason's hand. "I'm gonna kill you later." Corey teased. Mason rolled his eyes. "You walked yourself into this mess, babe. Get over it and let me win." Mason smiled. Corey was not having it. To say he lost quickly would be an understatement. Corey was so mad but loved watching Mason's eyes light up as he played the game. "That was unfair! You should have told me you were good at monopoly." Corey frowned. "You should have asked." Mason smiled smugly.
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Best friends are very different from friends. You trust them with anything and everything.
lydia and liam
Liam let out a frustrated sigh. Lydia could see him getting worked up. Over what? Theo was getting flirted with by some girl. Liam wanted to go over there and rip her a new one but he didn't want to make a scene. Lydia pulled a hand from his side, prying it open and intertwining her fingers with his. He looked at her confused. "She doesn't have good sense of style anyways. Like, those heels with that skirt? Come on now." She rolled her eyes. Liam couldn't help but laugh, his anger melting. Lydia had a huge smile on her face now.
scott and stiles
Stiles had been feeling his mental health decrease again. Scott had picked up on it instantly. Stiles was curled up in his bed just trying to sleep it off. He was too focused on his breathing so he didn't hear the door swing open. Scott stepped in and walked over to his bed, ripping the covers off of him. "You gonna sit around and force yourself to do something we both know you dont want to do or do you want to do something you want to do?" Scott asked. Stiles looked confused until he saw what Scott was holding, a lacrosse stick. His face lit up. "Hell yeah!" He yelled, pushing himself out of bed. "Just you and I?" Stiles asked as he slipped his shoes on. "Just you and I." Scott reassured.
allison and lydia
Allison was being dragges by her wrist. By who? A very excited Lydia. "Allsion! I'm telling you, Victoria Secret will be your best friend!" Lydia cheered as she dragged Allison along. Allison sighed "Just because Scott and I got back together does not mean I need new clothes." Lydia gasped and haulted to a stop. "I just wanted to take you to have girl time!" Lydia frowned. "Girl time could have been running in the woods." Allison reasoned. "Yeah, no. I hate running!!" Lydia rolled her eyes. Allison shrugged. "Fine." Allison agreed. Lydia squealed.
mason and liam
Liam let out a long frustrated sigh. He was so tired of this dumb party but he couldn't leave because he promised he'd be Brett's ride home. Mason slipped through the crowd and leaned on the wall beside him. He'd lost Corey and kinda gave up on partying. Liam leaned his head back, letting out a small frustrated growl. Mason looked at him, then back at the crowd. "Want to ditch?" Mason asked. "Huh?" "Do you want to leave?" Mason asked again. "Yeah, but I'm Brett's dd." Liam looked over at Mason. "Fuck Brett. You're clearly not having fun, which is the point of a party." Mason cocked an eyebrow up. Liam sighed again. "Come on. There's a restaurant down the road, I'll pay." Mason pleaded. "Okay okay." Liam finally had a smile on his face as he rolled his eyes at Mason.
liam and jordan
Liam really needed a supportive older brother figure in his life. He was failing three classes and his lash out were out of control. One put him in the police station. He was sat in the main room, his head in his hands, sobbing. Jordan spotted him as he walked in and knelt down in front of him, his right hand meeting this knee. "Hey Liam, you okay?" Jordan spoke softly. Liam looked up from his hands briefly just to cry more. Jordan moved Liam over so he could sit beside him. "It was her fault. I swear!" Liam cried. Joran wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "It's okay. I know. I'll get this taken care of. Okay?" Jordan reassured before standing up and walking off.
mason and lydia
Ever since the incident at the party they both knew they needed someone. Lydia was sat on the edge of the fountain, a strawberry icecream cone in her hands. Mason had just finished paying before sitting beside her. He leaned into her and pointed at a guy with his free hand while his other hand was occupied with a vanilla and chocolate swirl ice cream cone. "Isn't he a cutie?" Mason chuckled. Lydia gasped and hit his thigh. "Mason!" She giggled. "Am I wrong?" He smiled widely. "Nooo... Not my type!" She smiled. "And Aiden was?" Mason cocked an eyebrow up. "Oh really?" She looked at him, playful anger playing at her eyes. "Oh really!" He chuckled.
stiles and jordan
Stiles let out a long sigh. He was sitting upside down on the couch staring at the evidence board he'd just created. None of it made sense. There was a slight knock at the door that was followed by the door opening. "Hey Stiles, your dad is busy so I bought you--" Jordan paused looking at what Stiles was focused on. "What's that?" "A web." Stiles explained. "I know that. What for?" Jordan rolled his eyes. "The different type of creatures we have here. I mean. Who's in what pack. Who bit who. You know?" Stiles explained. "What color means what?" Jordan asked, setting the bag of food down.
Noah got home to both Jordan and Stiles passed out on his living room floor.
stiles and lydia
"Stiles! You've got to look good on this date!" Lydia begged. "I don't think Derek will be too happy about my ex girlfriend dressing me up for a date." Stiles sighed, sifting through his closet. "Like he has to know." Lydia rolled her eyes and shoved him to the side. "He probably should know." Stiles rolled his eyes. "Nope! Do you not own anything nice? What is wrong with you?" Lydia grumbles, throwing Stiles clothes across his room before settling. "Here." She pulls out a nice flannel and shoves it into his hands. "Okay, okay." Stiles sighs, a small smile growing on his face. "This date will go great. Okay?" Lydia reassured him.
liam and brett
Liam set his head against his locker. Today made him stabby. Very stabby. He sighed. Suddenly a hand met his shoulder, flipped him around making his back face the lockers. He immediately put his arms up in defence. "Its just me." Brett soothed. Liam sighed, gently punching at his shoulder. All the anger soothing from him. "Fuck off, man." Liam shoved him off. Brett laughed softly. "Asshole!" Liam growled softly brfore tackling Brett. Brett quickly rolled to be on top of Liam. "Really?" Brett smirked. "Really." Liam said. The two rolled around until Liam finally had Brett pinned down. "I win!" Liam spoke, sticking his tongue out at Brett. "Fine." Brett sighed.
malia and derek
Malia was sat on the cab of Derek's car while he was out buying the two of them milk shakes. She rocked her legs back and forth before seeing him holding two cups. She lept off the car, landing a few inches from him. "Woah! Tiger, calm down! It's all for you. Nobody else is gonna get any." Derek laughed. Malia sighed and backed off. "Give me mine." She growled softly. "Whats the magic word?" Derek teased. "Give me the fucking milk shake before I smack you." She hissed. Derek sighed and handed her the vanilla milk shake. She snatched it and ran to sit back up on the cab of the truck. Derek sighed softly and hopped up beside her, tilting his drink in her direction. "Want some?" He asked. She glared at him. "Strawberry? Really? Im not some--" Derek pushed the straw into her mouth making her take a sip. "Holy shit!" She cheered. Malia took the cup from him. "That's very nice of you." Derek rolled his eyes.
scott and derek
Scott watched as Liam and Ethan argued. He was stressed out. Before anything else could slip through his lips Derek spoke up. "Shut your traps. Will you? Nobody wants to hear your arguing." Scott looked at him, thanking him with his eyes. "Ethan, lets not set Liam off. Please. And Liam, I don't care what he said, there is no need to get all huffing and puffing. Your claws are out and your eyes are glowing." Scott sighed. Derek looked at him and cocked an eyebrow up. "You don't have to tell them what they're doing wrong. Just tell them to shut up." Derek explained. "Then they won't realize what they are doing wrong. Making them do it again." Scott explained. Derek went to talk again but Scott quickly intervened. "Derek, you need to learn from me too."
nolan and brett
Nolan was standing in front of a guy at least twice his size. He has his fists up, ready to fight him before Brett stepped in front of Nolan. "Listen here, bud. You fight him you fight me. How's that?" Brett spoke firmly, crossing his arms. The boy laughed softly. Yeah, that didn't go to well on his part. Brett had him on the floor in seconds. Nolan blew a raspberry at the kid. "Really Nolan?" Brett rolled hie eyes. "The fact that I started a fight or me insulting him?" Nolan asked innocently. "Both." Brett sighed. "You know, when I said I'd take care of you. I didn't mean I'd fight your battles for you." Brett looked at him. "I could've had it!" Nolan complained. "Sure bud, sure."
isaac and scott
Isaac was frustrated, laying upside down on Dereks couch. Scott sat beside him. "What are you doing?" Scott asked. "I'm trying to think." Isaac spoke softly. "I can tell. Whats up?" Scott asked. "My head hurts. Noises hurt. Its been like this for so long. I don't understand." Issac explained, keeping his voice low. "How long has it been like this?" Scott lowered his voice. "Monday. I got hit with a lacrosse ball." Isaac paused to breathe deeply. "Don't tell--" Scott cut him off. "Who?" "What?" "Who did it?" Scott asked, a growling rumbling in his throat. "I don't remember. Its all fuzzy. I'm sorry." Isaac sighed. Scott pulled Isaac onto the couch and set his hand over Isaacs forehead. "Just rest." Scorr spoke softly. "Im okay." Isaac hissed. "I don't care." Scott grumbled. Isaac sighed. He was asleep in seconds.
derek and isaac
After Isaac lost his dad Derek took him in. What more could he do? Isaac was sick and was not healing. Which was worrying as is. Isaac was curled up in Derek's bed with a high fever. Derek had made him some soup that he didn't touch. Derek let out a small sigh before sitting beside him. "Hey you--" Derek stopped as Isaac burst out into a coughing fit. "Im fine." Isaac coughed out. "You're fine? Really? Don't lie. Eat some soup." Derek growled. Issac sat up, leaning on Derek. Derek smiled and wrapped and arm around his shoulders. Isaac picked up the soup and sipped from it, ignoring the spoon provided for him. "Okay then..." Derek chuckled.
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Friend groups are probably the most likely place you'll see friends hanging around.
brett, nolan, liam, mason, and theo
Mason was on his phone, not paying attention at all. Nolan was laid across his lap, half asleep. Their three werecreature dumbasses were playing some board game. Liam was clearly losing. He could tell by the low growling sounds. Theo was laughing so hard. Mason sighed. "You guys wake up Nolan I'm going to drag your were--" Mason paused to look at Theo. "Creature... Asses out into the woods and make you deal with Derek." Mason sighed. Theo rolled his eyes and continued on. They did end up waking up Nolan who was exhausted as is. Mason had moved him off his lap abd stood up quickly. He shoved Liam to the side, grabbing both Theo and Brett by the ear.
stiles, scott, derek, lydia, and allison
Scott lit the fire as Lydia and Allison set up tents. Lydia had no clue what she was doing, at all. But Allison was teacher her. Derek had been gathering logs and set them on the small fire Scott made. "Damnit, you put my fire out." Scott sighed, leaning backwards to fall onto the ground. "I got this!" Stiles said, flicking open his lighter. He sat beside the fire and sat there waiting for it to light. Derek rolled his eyes before taking Stiles hands in his own and helping him light the fire. Scott sighed at the two before pulling the food out. "Dinner time!" Scott called. It had been their first camping trip and probably their last. But it had been fun! Stiles ended up falling asleep while they were sitting around the fire and nearly set himself on fire.
isaac, stiles, derek, and scott
Isaac had never really played Uno before and very much did not understand what was going on. Scott on the other hand had the lucky hand. Stiles groaned as he had to draw four more cards. "Okay, what the hell is this sorcery." Derek glared at Scott. He shrugged. "Your go Isaac." Stiles sighed. He played a card. It wasn't anything special. Derek played a reverse. Isaac was confused when Derek shoved him to play a card. He played the card Scott was dreading, a draw 4. "Fuck!" Scott cursed. Isaac looked at Derek then at Scott, so confused. "What'd I do?" He blinked. Stiles had burst out laughing. "He had one card left, you made him draw four more. Good job." Derek wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Oh!" Isaac smiled.
jordan, liam, isaac, theo, and stiles
Theo had insisted on going to some fancy restaurant. He dragged Liam along who convinced Jordan to save him. Jordan then dragged along Stiles who probably would have spent the whole night studying. Which left Stiles to drag Isaac, his study buddy to go too. Isaac did not seem to fond of this restaurant. He kept close to Jordan and Theo the whole time. Once they got a table he looked happy again once he saw his food options. Theo had been before and already knew what to order. Liam got whatever Theo got. Jordan had also been before. He got something new though! Isaac got a grilled cheese and Stiles got a hamburger. Isaac looked so excited over his food. "Oo~" Jordan teased. "That looks amazing." "Fuck off Jordan!" Isaac stuck his tongue out at him. Liam rolled his eyes. "We had to go with the most childish idiots we know, didn't we?" Theo sighed playfully. "Yes, because they're our childish idiots." He smiled proudly before smacking Theo in the shoulder. "Loosen up."
mason, lydia, and liam
Mason was being dragged along (as usual) by Lydia and Liam. They were taking him out to get some new clothes. Because apparently his closet was "boring". Liam sighed as he was pushed into another clothing store. Liam and Lydia had disappeared so he was left alone. Suddenly he heard his name called, very loudly. He ducked his head in confusion. "Look what I found!" It was Liam. He was holding a T-shirt that had "Beacon Hills" on the front of it. It was mostly grey with green sleves and lettering. "It's in your size too!!" Lydia spoke. Her voice scared him as she set her hands on his shoulders and peaked at Liam from behind Mason. "Are you using green to cheat your way into my closet?" Mason rolled his eyes. "Yep!" Liam smiled. "Alright. We'll get it." Mason sighed. He smiled as he heard Lydia's slight shriek of happiness and the look of pure happiness on Liam's face as his eye's lit up. "I feel like your baby sitter." Mason spoke. Lydia shrugged and Liam nodded. "You act like one." Liam said as he spun around. "Whats that supposed to mean?"
malia, derek, and liam
You make the three were-creatures with anger issues meet. This can go two ways. 1) They fight each other. 2) They become best friends. In this instance it went the second way. Liam glared at Derek as he rolled the dice. "Come on Liam, just give up." Derek teased. "Fuck no!" Liam hissed. He got doubles. "Hah!" Liam stuck his tongue out. "Oh fuck off." Malia rolled her eyes. "Okay Mrs. I was living in the woods for most of my life." Liam shot a quick look at her before moving his piece. Malia pulled her head back in mock offence. "Im so so sorry Mr. I smashed some guys car!" Malia sassed back. "Jesus Chri-- We get it, you both have issues." Derek sighed, rolling his head back in anger. "Okay Mr. I'm an asshole alpha!" Malia growled. "Yeah!" Liam agreed. "You two are like dealing with fucking TODDLERS!" Derek growled. Malia giggled while Liam hummed. Derek sighed. Why did he do this to himself?
everyone that plays lacrosse, at all.
Liam tossed the ball at the air while he was laying across the bleachers. It was way to hot to be practicing so they were all sitting around. Suddenly a splash of water hit him. He shreiked at the cold water. "Hey!" He sat up and glared at Brett. Kira giggled softly before she was pelted with water balloons by Jackson and Scott. "What the hell!" She hissed playfully. Isaac hid behind Brett, laughing softly. "Oh really?" Liam spoke. "Come here!" He lept up and chased after Isaac.
(Future fic idea)
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Not as close as best friends but they are somewhat close!
scott and theo
Scott sighed softly, frustrated. He was sat in the sun waiting on Liam to hurry up with whatever he was doing. Suddenly someone sat beside him, slightly bumping him. "You waitin' on Liam?" Theo asked. "Yeah." Scott looked at him. Theo stretched his arms up. Now the silence was just.. Awkward. Scott quickly filled the silence. "Are you waiting for him?" Scott asked. Theo looked at him then back ahead. "Nope, actually. Brett is my ride and he's late." Theo explained. Scott nodded. "Sooo--" "Scott, don't try and fill the awkward silence with any conversation. Please." Theo grumbled. Scott made a small 'hm' noise before going silent again.
stiles and liam
Liam was very energetic today. Stiles was not. He sighed as the boy bounced around. He couldn't help but smile but Liam needed to slow down. Stiles knew he also got like this but it was too much for him while he was exhausted. "Hey Liam?" Stiles spoke softly. Liam stopped. "Yeah?" He smiled. "Can you tone it down, just a little?" Stilwa asked softly. "You okay?" Liam asked, he did look concerned. He sat beside Stiles on the couch and leaned on him. Stiles was confused but Liam was a lot warmer than he was. It was soothinh. He was asleep in seconds. Liam smiled and just waited for Derek to get back.
scott and jackson
Jackson was pulling on his jersey as Scott stepped in front of him. "Hey." Jackson spoke softly. Scott looked at him, confused. "You okay?" His voice was a bit louder than Jacksons. "Huh? Yeah." Jackson responded quickly. He closed his locker and was about to turn around. "You're being a lot softer than usual." Scott pointed out. "No I haven't!" Jackson whipped around and yelled at him. Scott only smiled "There's the Jackson I know. And love." Jackson grumbled in anger. "Shut up, McCall." Jackson sighed. "You know you love me." "No." "Yes." The teo of them argued until practice was over. Scott won.
ethan and lydia
After Aiden's death they found comfort in one another. Ethan was sat on the stairs sobbing into his hands. He hadn't been without his brother in years. There was a had that met his shoulder. He whipped around, his eyes already glowing, muscles tensed, just to see Lydia. She sat down beside him and spoke calmly, as if speaking to a kitten, "Ethan, right? I'm sorry about your brother." She wrapped her arm around his shoulder slowly pushing him into her arms. His body melted into hers as he sobbed more. She knew that she needed to help this boy, no matter what.
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People who just overall hate each other, maybe for no reason, maybe they have a reason.
brett and lydia
Lydia still hasn't gotten over the fact that Brett bullied Liam. Even if he forgave him. "Lydia, he forgave me." Brett argued. "So what? Your ass is lucky he did!" She yelled back. She could see Brett getting angrier. His breaths were getting deeper, his hands rolling into fists. "Lydia, Im--" She cut him off. "No. I don't give a shit if you're sorry. You made him cry his eyes out for hours multiple times. That shit doesn't fly with me, buddy." She crossed her arms across her chest. "Scott--" She cut him off again. "Im not Scott." She paused. "I have the balls to say you need to fuck off, unlike Scott."
kira and allison
Kira crossed her arms. She had to have been paired up with Allison. Allison didn't seem to mind as much as Kira did. When Allison noticed how mad Kira was she had to say something. "You okay?" She asked politely. Kirs sighed. "Don't act like I'm supposed to like you. Because I don't. We both know Scott used me to replace you." Kira hissed, avoiding Allisons hand as it reached for her shoulder. "How is that my fault?" Allison looked so confused. "I don't know what you did to him but you made it so he could never love anybody else. Ever." Kira shooed her away before walking off. Allison knew she couldn't make it up to her.
stiles and jackson
Jackson had been very thankful of Scott and Derek for saving him from whatever the fuck the dumb lizzard thing was. Stiles felt off about him still. Something just didn't seem right. Jackson was humming while walking to his history class. He nearly ran straight into Stiles. "Jesus, man!" Jackson grumbled. Stiles rolled his eyes before talking. "Okay, what is up with you? Getting all buddy buddy with Scott and Derek." Stiles was flat out. Jackson cocked an eyebrow up. "What?" "You know what I mean." "I really don't." Jackson shooed him away. Stiles was persistent. "No, why?" He asked out flat. "They saved my life and millions of others lives." Jackson didn't even look at him anymore. He just walked to class. Stiles sighed.
allison and ethan
Ethan watched at Allison walked past him. He then looked back down at his phone. Suddenly she was in front of him again. He sighed. "What?" Ethan grumbled. "I'm still mad at you." Allison explains. "Okay?" he tilts his head to the side, confused. "You're brother used my friend. It was fucked up." Allison explains, her anger rising. Ethan sighs. "I'm sorry, okay? We thought we were doing something good." Ethan grumbled. "Poor excuse!" Allison crossed her arms across her chest. Ethan sighed, standing up from leaning on the locker. "Would you go away? I apologized. Plus, Aiden id dead now and it's not like he can apologize." Ethan spoke angrily before walking away.
derek and brett
Brett was outside of the school waiting to pick up Isaac. He spotted Derek walking his direction. He sighed, already knowing where this was going. "What are you doing here?" Derek asked. "Picking up my boyfriend." Brett spoke softly, not holding eye contact with Derek. "Would you leave Isaac alone?" Derek growled, grabbing Bretts shoulder, making Brett face him. "Get over it, old man. He's in love with me and you and Scott need to accept that." Brett glared at him. "Fuck you." Derek sassed. Brett sighed, rolling hie head back in defeat. The sweet sound of Isaac's voice filled his ears. When he looked back down, Derek was gone. He sighed in relief.
A/N: THIS TOOK SO LONG IM SOBBING?? Im so glad its done. It'll make writing 10x easier than ever. Jesus.
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jodiie-leighanne · 2 years
Three hours. Three of the longest hours, I spent them standing over her grave. 
Not moving as I took in the fresh soil, arrangements of flowers surrounding her. She would have loved it, that’s one of the reasons she loved birthdays; Bouquets merlin would buy her hundreds every damn time. Secretly the attention was something she adored. All eyes being on her. 
My Jessie Malfoy, the most angelic being there is, was. Now she is a real angel, not earthbound any longer. Forever in the sky now. 
Taken away from me, from us too soon. My heart wasn’t ready. I don’t think it ever would be. 
Heavy downpour soaks my suit melding with the tears staining my cheeks. Eyes puffy and swollen the way they have been since I lost her.
My beautiful, beautiful girl. 
Fuck, I loved her more than I can even express. 
The way she hummed whilst cooking, how she would wiggly her toes when something tasted nice, the happy dances when I got home. How the sun kissed her skin, how I kissed it. Almond scents that got caught in the wind as I trailed behind her. How positive she was, balancing out my pessimistic self. Everyone adored her, nobody said a bad word about my baby.
Women wanted to be her, Men wanted to have her. Yet, she chose me. 
“Draco, mate the cars are leaving” Blaise’s tone was soft, careful with his approach.
“Ok” making zero attempts to move away.
“Honey, you need to come with us now” Mother chimes in, rest a palm on my tensed shoulders stroking the damp material
“Come on mate, let’s get you home and dry” Blaise again.
“You don’t have to come to the wake, you can just go to your mums” Oh Theodores here too how lovely, all gathering around at my expense.
“I can’t, I-I can’t leave her, it’s cold out here” I just want to hold her, she is always chilly. Especially at night, she would cling to me as well as being draped in a fluffy blanket and duvet “She hates thunder, s-she needs me” 
“Draco plea..”
“No, she’ll be all alone if I go home. T-then so will I” After a lot of pleading, I left. Practically being held down in the car to stop me jumping ship to go back to her. How could I just abandon her like that. 
Choosing not to attend the wake went down well, everyone understood I needed space. I wasn’t ready for the ‘I’m sorry for your lose’ or sympathetic eyes. It would make me want to poke out my own. Mother, father and my friends came home with me. I know they said it was to be here if I need them but it’s more to keep a tab on me. 
Blaise hasn’t left since the day she passed. She was his best friend, he took it hard too. Jessie was a midwife She actually delivered the Zabini twins, it was meant to be us next. 
Her death was tragic, an unfortunate accident. 
People tried to reassure me she is always by my side, I want to believe it. That’s how I’ve found myself in her favourite baggy t-shirt, perched against the headboard. Staring at a picture of us in Monaco, knee deep in the ocean. Blissfully happy, we was. It wasn’t just for show, both of us were beyond enamoured with the other. 
“Is it true baby, Are you still here?” Thinking I cried enough the past weeks to dehydrate myself, apparently there’s plenty left. Thumb brushing over her face behind the glass “I-I can’t feel you, please show me you are a-anything”
Nothing happened. 
“Of course it’s a lie” I chuckled darkly, mood switching suddenly. 
“How could you? H-how could you fucking die”
“You left me, you promised me you’d never leave me” index poking the photo now, that hard it’s cracking. Blood trickles over our faces.
“Fuck jess, I-I don’t understand. Why couldn’t you have fought, you didn’t fight to stay with me” Shooting up from the bed, launching the frame. Smashing that image of the past.
“Draco, you need to calm down” Blaise, Theo and Pansy stood in the door way. Mother not far behind. 
“No, she l-left – she left me, died. Fucking died to get away” Tugging, pulling at my roots anything to fucking feel. I was numb.
“All I’m left with is memories, pictures and clothes that smell like her” Swinging open the cupboard, hands grasping at anything belonging to her. Discarded it to the ground.
“Fuck this, she didn’t stay so I don’t need her or any of this junk” Tearing and shredding as I went, moving to the vanity table I cleared it on one sweep. Screams sounded, mixed with sobs. Pansy covered her mouth using her palm. 
“Draco stop your going to regret this, Blaise get him please” Mother begged weeping as she held the other girl close. 
“Mate put it down, come on let’s talk” Theodore grabbed my forearm stopping me from continuing as Blaise crept closer trapping me from behind. Thrashing, kicked and throwing my head back as I struggle to get out their grips. A crack echoed, so I know I hit someone. 
A slap hit my face as I was pinned by my wrist to the bed, blinking to clear my vision I saw the identical mane to mine. Father holds his weight with me breathing heavily along with the others.
“Now that is enough boy, you are destroyed we know. Jessie would hate to see you this way, so for crying out loud get a grip let us build you back up” Lower lip quivering as I gave up the battle I’d lost. Slowly father moved off me as I came back to my sense, exploring the room in horror.
“No, no no no. I did-i didn’t do that did I” As quick as I stood I hit the ground again, multiple arms holding me. As a pained cry wrecked my throat, I couldn’t stop them coming. 
“Come on its ok, Theo repair everything. I’ve got him” Mumblings of spells came from my father as he held me on his lap like a child cradled close to him. 
As I left myself collapse into the only people I had now. 
None of them will ever be my Jessie. 
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roswell-rp-archive · 2 years
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Please see below the scenarios for E.T Fest! These are simply prompts to get your characters interacting with new muses, some fun ideas to push you and your characters from your comfort zones. Allocations are below the cut.
Please don’t feel constrained to the below — they are starting blocks to give you ideas of how to interact with fresh faces.
All these scenarios have been randomly assigned so, if you don’t think they fit with your muse or if there are any problems, please let us know!
Participation in the below is not mandatory.
However, what is mandatory is that you reach out to at least one character you have not interacted before during your time in Roswell.
You’re enjoying watching your favorite artist play on the main stage, when a child tugs on your shirt with tears in their eyes! It looks like you’ve been chosen to return them to their parents, having lost their guardian in the excitement of the festival. Feeling a twinge of parental instinct your muses band together in order to reunite the child with their company, even if it takes trawling through the entirety of the field to find them. Please tag all interactions with #etf.thekidsareback — Ian Cahill + Isaias Cabrera + Nora Huynh + Jaden Lapointe + Poppy Dupont + Ramona Colby + Winter Carver + Stevie Novo.
It’s a wardrobe disaster! Your character spent all month looking for the perfect ensemble for E.T festival, and now a ‘Free Hugs’ guy has covered your outfit in beer, glitter and god knows what else. It’s up to your muses to find something alternative (and equally as stylish) to wear before the next act comes on, whether that’s stealing somebody’s jacket while they’re not looking, buying some of the awesome new merchandise, or fashioning a bralette out of aluminium foil and paper towels. Please tag all interactions with #etf.sweaterweather — ​Zoren Reyes, Olivia “Liv” Sunar, Fletcher Liu, Lara Fitzgerald, Mickey Cannon, Rose Anong, Adrienne Gano.
Your characters meet each other in the middle of the Pride march after getting separated from their usual group of friends, and band together to create some eye-catching signs and some new chants to bring cheer to the festivities. With your flags, face paint or some E.T festival merch, you’re showing your Pride and ally-ship by screaming the festival down. Lets hope you don’t get separated from each other too! Please tag all interactions with #etf.loveandpride — Maristella De León, Zoe Lovel, Xiomara Cordova, Sparrow Moore, Jack Huxley, Breanne Samaya, Quentin Dupre, Sophie Jones.​
Your character’s festival wristband has fallen off in a particularly sweaty mosh pit and now, after leaving the festival grounds (for a cigarette, a sit down, or some food that didn’t require a loan to buy) you’re refused entry. Your muses have to find a way back into the festival without being spotted by security and banned for the rest of the night. Will you band together and ensure you slip beneath the radar undetected, or rush the gates in one mad dash for success? All you know is one thing — you’re not missing the headliner. Please tag all interactions with #etf.thegreatescape — Jovi Dicamillo, Theo Fischers, Juniper Green, Artemis Wallis, Suraj Das, Astra Osorio, Gunner Dunn.​
Your character’s favourite artist is performing at E.T Festival! You really enjoyed their set, but now you’re desperate to meet them and it seems you can’t find them anywhere at the festival. You decide to formulate a plan to sneak backstage and it works, but the backstage area is too big, and now you’re lost, Is that a security guard coming toward you? Oh no, come up with an excuse, quick! Maybe that innocent bystander will help you come up with a get-out? Please tag all interactions with #etf.therockshow — Deniz Ersoy, Connor “Soggy” Braxton, Emmett Moore, Sebastian “Seb” Ortiz, Simba ‘Sim’ Gano, Riggs Maddow, Selena Suksai.
Your character is hyping themselves up to perform on the local talent stage where, between acts, there is a karaoke machine to make use of. The crowd that gathered is a little too large for their liking, and they need hyping up to be able to pick a song and, finally, actually get the guts to perform it! Fill this muse with heightened self confidence or shred what little self-esteem they have left by throwing them into the deep end; the choice is up to you. Just, please, don’t sing Wonderwall! Please tag all interactions with #etf.karmachameleon — ​April Winslow, Darryon Sims, Serena Miller, Ender Baptista, Nao Chiba, Alara Zorlu, Juliette “Jett” Moore, Wylie Fyfe.
Your character promised they’d help a friend run their food truck for a brief stint as they enjoy a break to grab some water and use the facilities. They vowed they’d be back in twenty minutes, but the clock is ticking.. The queue is doubling, there’s the smell of smoke in the air, your favorite artist is only minutes away and your festival outfit reeks of grease. Will you make an excuse and go running into the sunset with a hot-dog burdened stranger, or will you enlist the help of an observer to relieve the tension. Please tag all interactions with #etf.americanpie — ​Lance Cannon, Adiya Kaur, Avery Cooper, Holly Berne, Rollo Moore, Amavi Rosales, Alev Özberk.
Time seems to stand still when you’re at the festival. Your character (and their friends) have stopped off to take a breather, but whilst enjoying the June heat they notice.. wait.. isn’t that? Is that one of the headliners, stumbling through the crowds in a daze? Turns out one of the billed artists has had a little too much to drink backstage and has been unleashed out into the real world. It’s now your responsibility, whether you like it or not, to babysit the celebrity and return them to the rest of the band, but not without having a little fun first. Please tag all interactions with #etf.celebritystatus — ​Imogen Xu, Caroline Davis, Aofie Gallagher, Rhys Taylor, Jurriaan Knight, Manuel ‘Manu’ Gonzáles, Brook Tumanday.
Whilst in the queue to buy some much-anticipated merchandise, your character puts their hand int heir pockets to realise their money has disappeared. What can they do? Perhaps they leave the queue to try and track down their wallet or a few singles caught in the wind, or perhaps a silver tongue could help them sway a few bucks from the person in front of them. Either way, it’s going to be a long night without a dime to their name, and that E.T fest t-shirt would just look great on them. Please tag all interactions with #etf.vampiremoney — Lonette Hastings, Aryan Chabra, Maya Åhlund, Victoria Adsuar, Archie MacMillan, Dilan Sunar, Alicia Molina-Cordova.
Your character has been having perhaps a little too much fun at the festival, dancing away the afternoons and evenings without a care in the world. It turns out your mother’s vows of drinking enough water and ensuring you’re wearing enough sunscreen weren’t pointless, after all. You’ve been banished to the medical tent and told to stay inside until you feel 100%, to drink water and enjoy a snack (on the house) to replenish lost energy. Time to make some new friends to pass the time — blowing up latex gloves and pretending you’re a cockerel is always endless fun, right? Please tag all interactions with #etf.fatlip — Bryce Sirilan, Matilda “Mattie” Laurent, Mei Xuan, Striker Cannon, Bridget Matusiak, Weston Davis, Joseph Berne.
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yanderepuck · 3 years
Kinktober Day 17
Welcome to Kinktober. I will be following @xxsycamore otome Visions of Temptation 2021 Kink List. I hope to write a little bit of something for each day, so lets see how it goes.
SIDE NOTE!!! I only write the reader/mc as female. The only guy on guy I write is when its ship related.
17. Against the wall | Uniform kink
"Good girl."
Those words made you even wetter. Your body was facing the wall. Pressed up against your back was Theo. Your blouse is open and your underwear were tossed to the other side of the room long ago. An arm of his is wrapped around you, your skirt hitched up and out of the way while he has his fingers in you.
The feeling of his stiffened cock made you more eager each time he pressed against you harder. How is it possible that his pants could even contain him. He is always so worried about hurting you because of how big he is.
At first you thought he was joking until he was in you for the first time. But now you want every inch that he has.
Even his fingers stretch you out.
Theo's free hand was holding a short leash that is attached to the choker you decided to wear today. That's how you got into his position. You know how he can get when you wear it..
His lips haven't left your neck since he's gotten you up against the wall. He's holding back on biting you. You can feel his fangs graze against your skin every so often. He just knows that once he does that he'll lose control. He's trying to tame his hondje, he can't be the one to loose control.
You pushed yourself against his crotch, wanting to feel more pressure. Theo gave a tug on the leash he was holding. and you moaned.
Anytime he wanted to hear you moan that's all he had to do. He finds it cute that he can get you to moan so easily. Even getting turned on so easily.
You moan out his name as you climax on his fingers. That didn't get him to stop. Theo started using his fingers to get you warmed up, meaning that was only round one of many.
He gave the leash some slack as he made you bend over. You had your hands and part of your chest still on the wall. Rather than simply bunching it up, Theo got rid of your skirt entirely. He also threw his shirt off and let his pants fall to his ankles for the time being. Your blouse was already half way opened, and getting it off wasn't a priority of his.
You were standing there waiting, but you didn't have to wait too long. Your core clenched as he made his way into you. No matter how much of a hurry he seems to be in, he lets you take your time to adjust to him. but the moment you seem to be relaxed he's not going easy.
With his hands on your hips he keeps you still while he thrusts in and out. Each time he can feel your walls clenching tighter around him. Your legs were shaking and juices were sliding down your leg. With how rough he is you aren't sure if you can stay standing the whole time.
You were sure anyone nearby the room could hear the two of you. You're moans are just so loud. Let alone the sound of skin slapping against skin.
You try to bite your bottom lip to stop the moans but it was no luck. The next moan was Theo's name. You felt like you were begging, you really felt like your legs were going to give out. You can feel yourself reaching your second climax.
He stopped for a moment, being deep inside you, and leaned over to talk in your ear. "Are you begging, hondje? I thought I taught you better."
Your hands clenched into fist as his cock just sat in you. Your legs trembled. "Do you need more training?"
He had you sit on his cock for hours last time. "N..no," you adjusted your feet to help better with your stance.
"Good girl," he gave your neck a kiss.
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akindofmagictoo · 2 years
manuscript search tag game
a double whammy from @diphthongsfordays :D
my words are short, loud, submit, truth, distract and still, proud, floor, strong
short (Hurricane draft 3)
The Firebird, drifting on its anchor cable, stopped short and began almost imperceptibly to drift the other way. Water lapped at the hull. From somewhere belowdecks, Marisa let out a snore. Tempest snorted softly and tightened her embrace.
Aella leant into the hug. She wasn’t alone, and she wouldn’t be. And she wasn’t thirteen anymore. It would be alright. Everything would be alright.
loud (Hurricane draft 3) (Tempest my beloved!)
“Listen up!” she shouted. Every face turned to her. “The Hurricane isn’t there. So what? I know where to find her. First, though, we go see what the Marquess is doing there, and why she’s flying Aella’s sash. She’s probably there to throw us off, but I won’t risk it being a double-cross. Aye?”
There was a chorus of ‘aye’s in response, but they were dispirited and quiet.
“So we don’t lose hope just yet,” Tempest continued, just as firmly. “We haven’t found our ship or our girl yet, but it doesn’t mean we won’t.” She said it in an attempt to convince herself, too. They would find her. They had to. “We’re gonna chase down the Marquess and then we’re gonna go find the Hurricane. And aboard one of them, we’ll find Aella. We will. Aye?”
The response this time was louder, more hopeful. Tempest smiled grimly. I’ll always come for you.
truth (Hurricane draft 3) (come on Laila you can do it!)
Did it even matter who was telling the truth?
The answer to the question came more easily than she thought, but it wasn’t the answer she wanted. She folded her arms and fixed her gaze on the wall.
distract (Hurricane draft 3) (tw kissing)
“Something to distract you.” He nodded, smiling his dimpled smile. “So… would this help?” He guided her face up towards his, his hands soft on her skin. She stood on her tiptoes to reach. And when she kissed him again, it did help. She no longer cared about whatever had just gone crash, or the weight of her responsibilities. There was only the here and now, and Theo.
Definitely not one of her many stupid ideas.
still (Dragonsong draft 1)
This time, when she heard the knock at the door, Isi recognised it as Jasper. “Come in.”
“I hear you’re planning,” he said, with the faintest twitch at the corner of his mouth. His gaze fell on Sierra, who was still lying on her back with her legs in the air, propped against the bed. “And I take it things are going slowly.”
Robin sighed.
proud (Dragonsong draft 1)
SB leaned forward, frowning. “Isn’t it harder to remove a spell than to cast it? I didn’t think you could just wait around for them to fall apart.”
Ebele smiled, a proud twinkle in her eye. “You’re right.”
floor (Dragonsong draft 1) (tw blood mention)
Isi held her gaze until both doors had shut and the guards had left the room. “I don’t want you to get hurt as well.” Her legs gave out under her and she slumped to the floor. She gasped.
“Oh, fuck, you’re bleeding. What did they do?” Sierra tore a strip off her sleeve, rolled it up, and pressed it firmly against Isi’s side.
Black spots danced at the edges of Isi’s vision. She tipped her head back against the bars and closed her eyes.
strong (Dragonsong draft 1)
She placed a hand on Robin’s shoulder, and found herself unable to let go. The magic surged through her, like the current she’d felt with Fintan, but stronger this time, and inside her. It was stronger, bigger. Angrier. This wasn’t just an undertow or a warm campfire. It was a riptide, a forest blaze, and it filled her up, blazing hot and cold inside her chest and stomach.
It couldn’t get out, and it wanted to get out. This magic did not want to be contained. It pushed at her, tugged.
Something was going to break.
@zmwrites @mr-writes i’m tagging you! your words are break, bend, bleed, bruise
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