#theodorus headcanons
klutzyroses · 5 months
IkeVamp HCs: SO wearing Another Suitor's clothes
How do they react when their s/o borrows clothes from another suitor?
Suitors: Theo, Isaac, Shakespeare, Drake
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Oh no no no no no no no no. Cut. Stop.
He knows Y/N is not wearing that playboy's jacket.
When the dealer comes across his hondje one evening tucked safely in Arthur's jacket, one could see the author's lifespan dwindling with every passing minute that she wore it.
"What...the hell is this?"
Said author even saw fit to tease him about it, resulting in being chased around the mansion by his best friend/ future killer, until Vincent had to rescue Arthur from certain death and Y/N returned his jacket to him for his safety.
The reason she was wearing it in the first place? Arthur had left it when he was going out and Y/N kept it for him until she saw him again and, because she was busy all day, she had no desire to carry it around that whole time. So she put it on until she found the owner, only for Arthur to insist she kept it on for the rest of the day, because, in his words, she looks simply adorable.
No, that didn't make him feel better. His hondje should not be wearing any another man's clothing, let alone Arthur's.
End of story, no discussion, not up for debate.
And he lets her know that when he scolds her later, unplacated by her defensive answer of it not being a big deal.
This of course, results in him pinching her soft cheek as she squealed in protest.
"The next time I catch you wearing another man's clothes, you'll get a lot more than this."
The implications of his words are not lost on the woman.
Y/N's scowl was overshadowed by the blush spreading across her face.
When Isaac was faced with the sight of Y/N fully dressed in Napoleon's soldier uniform, he wasn't sure what to feel.
He wasn't even sure how to call attention to it, sputtering a little when he saw her at first.
"What...what on earth are you wearing?"
When he did manage to bring himself to ask her, Y/N had answered that Napoleon had offered to let her wear it after she asked out of curiosity.
He wasn't entirely certain how he felt about that. He supposed there was no harm meant by it but still...
He wouldn't bring it up after that, and would try to put it out of his mind, but as she wore it the whole day, he couldn't help sneaking slightly sullen looks in her direction. She looked engulfed in the clothing...almost like she was engulfed in Napoleon.
No, not a pleasant line of thought at all.
When the two of them are finally alone by the end of the day, he plucked his courage and turned towards her with a huffy, but very embarrassed face as he cut off her sentence.
"I...don't like it much when you wear another man's clothes. Please refrain from doing so in future."
He said it all in one breath, his cheeks red, his face set in a frown he hoped was serious, as his beloved gaped back at him, blinking rapidly in confusion.
It was after all, a very random switch of topics. She hadn't even been aware that it was even bothering him. But she had to respect how vocal he was being in that moment, especially because open communication wasn't his forte.
"I know I sound childish but...it's just the way I feel..."
He locked eyes with her upon saying this, making her heart skip a beat.
As if she really needed another reason to fall for Isaac...
Oh...oh this could be a problem.
When his mismatched eyes land on Vincent's scarf coiled around his muse...?
He is none too pleased.
The only reason she was wearing it, come to find out, was because Vincent had asked her to wear it, because he wanted to paint the pattern and needed her as a mannequin of sorts.
Then he allowed her to keep it for the remainder of the day as thanks and since she was comfortable in it, here she was.
Will stared back at her with an unreadable expression as she explained, not speaking until she was finished.
Once she is, he gives a perfectly calm smile, saying that it suited her. The smile made her a little bit...chilly though...
And he brought no more attention to it...but at some point, Y/N noticed she is missing the scarf.
She completed lost her mind trying to find the item and when neither she and the oh so innocent Shakespeare couldn't find it, she went home to Vincent, dejected and preparing to tell him she lost it...
Only to find Vincent wearing it.
The scarf might not have been lost anymore, but she certainly.
Shakespeare for his part, only smiled and answered her puzzled look with-
"Perhaps the scarf found itself longing for it's owner and thus made haste back where it belongeth....which is not upon the shoulders of my love..."
He's a scary one, that man. Y/N shuddered slightly as she gave her beloved a nervous laugh.
His fawn prancing around in another man's clothes? No.
Why Y/N had Galileo's cloak draped over her bare shoulders while she waited for him at the university was completely beyond him.
When he had initially seen her, he had blinked multiple times, asking why she was wearing it, the answer being that she had been waiting for him to pick her up as they planned, but she had gotten a bit chilly because of her dress being off shoulder and Galileo had seen her and gave her his cloak while he went to teach a class.
An innocent enough answer...but he still didn't like it. The surprise faded away from Drake's face as his expression went flat, sending a chill down his lover's spine.
Suddenly he smiled cheerfully, after being silent for a beat.
"Say, little fawn, why don't you let me hold Galileo's cloak, and you can just cuddle with me instead?"
He said it with such a sweet, persuasive tone that Y/N didn't need to put much thought into shrugging off the cloak and trading it for the comfort of Drake's arms. She lay her head on his chest as she was wrapped in his warm embrace, his hand caressing the top of her head. He then pulled her head up to meet his suddenly serious aquamarine eyes.
"...It's just a cloak, but it's like he's laid claim to you. "
He smirked a little, almost rueful as he stroked her cheek.
"I won't hand over the privilege of protecting you to anyone. Even if its just from the cold."
The man is a pirate, through and through.
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violettduchess · 2 years
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Night in the Mansion- Vamp Headcanons🌙
A/N: This is not a request. Just an idea I had in the middle of the night 🌝 Sometimes you have to write for yourself.
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The Grandfather clock at the end of the halls chimes three times, its heavy bronze pendulum gleaming in the moonlight that streams in from the tall, arched windows. Deep within the warmth of your blanket, you stir, heavy eyelids lifting with effort as you wake…
….with his strong arms around you, his long body curled around yours from behind. One leg also lazily thrown over yours, but you don’t mind the weight. It feels good. You feel warm and safe and protected. He smells faintly of cigarillo smoke and paper and he's snoring. Not loudly, just a lightly voiced breathing sound that brings a small smile to your lips. Who ever would have thought you’d find that endearing? Love makes the smallest things special. You snuggle down within the cradle of his arms and close your eyes again, allowing sleep to reclaim you.
…and blink as you allow your eyes to adjust to the dim, silvery lighting of Mozart’s bedroom. He is not in bed. Rubbing your eyes, you slide out from under the warm covers and into the pale lavender velvet dressing gown he gave you for your birthday. Matching slippers protect your feet from the night’s chill as you light your chamberstick and make your way out of the bedroom, through the rich, shadowy halls until you reach the music room. He is there, at the piano, pencil in hand as he leans across the keys, scratching notes onto paper at a speed which boggles the mind. It is only when you say his name that the pencil stops and his violet gaze turns to you. It takes a moment before the fog of creation lifts and he recognizes you there. Now the yawn he has been stifling escapes. You walk over, sitting down onto the piano bench next to him, your hand coming to rest against the small of his back. Just a few more minutes he promises. You nod and he graces you with that soft smile that is only yours. A gentle kiss to your temple, a caress of your cheek and then he belongs to the music once again.
…to feel a heavy arm thrown across your bare back, a leg draped over yours, casually possessive. You smile to yourself as you shift, memories of how the night began dancing provocatively through your mind. As you move, he stirs as well, rolling onto his side. His beautiful summer eyes never open, but his arms reach for you, pulling you against him, skin on skin. He mumbles something, asking in a voice rough with sleep if you’re ok. Your arms are tucked against his bare chest, your head using his arm as a pillow. If he would open his eyes, he’d see the sleepy, soft light of affection and love in your gaze. You tilt your head up and press a kiss to his chin, whispering that you’re fine and to go back to sleep. He huffs out a grunt in answer, but pulls you even closer with his one free arm. 
…and yawn, still half in dreamland. Napoleon’s room is blanketed in shadow and his luxurious covers are heavy and warm. You move your leg, finding a cool spot under the blanket and adjust your pillow. You reach out with your hand in the dark, sliding it across the sheets until you find his. His hand is upturned, lax with sleep. You slide your hand into his and reflexively, he responds, lacing his fingers through yours. If you don’t fall asleep in his arms, you fall asleep holding hands. Always. Connected once again to the man you love, you drift off back to sleep.
….your head pillowed on Comte’s shoulder, your arm resting across his lean abdomen. You fit against him, smooth and precise as the stones in Ashlar masonry. You lift your arm, rubbing your eyes as you slowly come out of dreaming. He breathes in deeply and then his eyes, burnished gold in the pale light, open. He glances down at you and you feel a stab of guilt at waking him. As if reading your mind, he smooths back your hair and asks if you’re alright. His voice is the gentle breeze that stirs the sleeping leaves, soft and reassuring. You nod, lifting your upper body away from him for a moment, stealing a kiss in the middle of the night. No one has ever welcomed a thief more than Le Comte. He smiles as you settle back down against him, adjusting you until you are both comfortable. You fall back asleep to the rhythm of his hand stroking your hair.
…to find Arthur, eyes open, staring at the ceiling. Sleepily you push yourself up, shaking the last wisps of sleep out of your mind. In the pale moonlight, he looks almost like a statue, his pale skin white as marble, the lines of muscles and sinew echoing Michelangelo's David. You ask him why he’s awake, if everything is ok. He quickly reassures you that he is fine. And then, looking almost sheepish, goes on to explain that he woke an hour or so ago with an idea for a story. He’s been composing it in his mind ever since. Affection and admiration bloom in equal measure within the chambers of your heart. The mind of a writer when inspiration strikes is always a wonder to you. Leaning over, you place a kiss on his cheek, the other hand cupping the side of his face. Would he like to get up, make some notes? He catches your hand, turns to place a sweet kiss in your palm. And then a lingering kiss to your wrist. And then heated kisses down your forearm. And then you’re being pressed back down into the pillows, kisses suddenly raining down so quickly you can’t keep track. What about the story, you ask as the storm of kisses and caresses pours over you. That luv, can wait until morning.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @atelieredux @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @somekidnamedkai @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @ikehoe @redheadkittys @themysticalbeing @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @leotoru @ariamichel @kpop-and-otome
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xxsycamore · 1 year
𝐈𝐤𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐬… 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐬!
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↬ May 10th is Maid Day!! The residents get the perfect idea of letting Sebastian rest for a day while they take care of the chores in his stead... while dressed up as maids. Of course, they need a little guidance about what needs to be done, so naturally, they address Sebastian as their Goshujin-sama and ask for orders!
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Napoleon as a maid: The Badass Maid
Initially is assigned to take care of the cooking, and is very skilled at doing so. This maid doubles as a bodyguard! When Master Sebastian is surprisingly attacked by a group of thugs, Napoleon steps in with his rapier in hand - fighting in a maid dress is child's play for him! The long frilled skirts swoosh in the air and the headband is still perfectly secured on his head by the time he's got his high-heel-boot-clad foot on a defeated thug's chest!
Mozart as a maid: The Harsh Maid
This maid will make a disgusted face at you if you're clumsy and spill your tea everywhere, making a mess. Mozart self-appoints himself for everything that involves cleaning, not trusting another maid with this task, as he's quite the pedant when it comes to hygiene. Will scold Sebastian if he abuses his day of leisure by eating in bed. If he's being too cruel, he'll offer to play the piano for his Goshujin-sama as an apology.
Leonardo as a maid: The Lazy Maid
This maid does nothing but sleep! He even gets in the way of the Harsh Maid with his large body blocking the corridor and making it hard to sweep the floor. He doesn't care about manspreading even when wearing a maid dress! But you can't be mad at him, with so many inexperienced maids running around, there has to be someone at the ready for fixing broken gadgets and appliances - he is allowed to nap off the time he's not needed.
Isaac as a maid: The Genius Maid
Managing the budget, listing pending renovations and maintenance work, doing Comte's letter correspondence outside of acquaintances, organizing the upcoming ball... who thought Sebastian did all of this too, on top of his other chores?! Isaac tries his best taking care of these things, which bonds him to a desk for the most of the day - and it's perfect for him, because it means he won't show up in front of the others in this absurd short maid dress!
Vincent as a maid: The Angelic Maid
Vincent's only chore could be radiating happiness, because a room with him in it is a room where smiles and flowers are blooming. This maid has to be kept off the kitchen, and the others ended up telling him to make up the beds instead. Since he got done early with that, Sebastian "ordered him" to paint whatever he wants while he's resting contently in the shade not far from where Vincent happily paints in the garden. His maid dress ends up all covered in colorful stains...
Theodorus as a maid: The Bossy Maid
Wearing a maid dress doesn't stop this maid to be scary when angered! Theo's crossed arms are even more noticeably muscular with the short, frilly sleeves. His job is overseeing the other maids and making sure they're not slacking off. He's a bit of a perfectionist, so much to Sebastian's dismay, he ends up rearranging a whole section of the kitchen or another corner of the mansion to what he believes is more convenient for doing quick and efficient work.
Let me know if you want part two! 🤍🖤
@arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @cilokgoang Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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ikesenwritings · 2 years
Huehuehue in the case of reqs being open... I humbly request hcs of a couple suitors with a short s/o. Preferably Arthur +/ Theo +/ Ieyasu +/ Jin. Or whoever else you like, really. I'm just a short simp over here lol
Thank you so much! I look forward to reading all of your future work :3
A/N: Thank you for the request! I think this turned out to be more of a general boyfriend hc. I tried to avoid being as repetitive as possible, so I may not have talked about the s/o being short, specifically, but it’s fluffy nonetheless! I don’t know why I had such trouble thinking of ideas because I am also a short simp hehe. And funnily enough, though Jin was the latest route I read, I had the most difficulty writing for him :(
Content Warnings: None
[HC] Short s/o
Suitor(s): Arthur (ikevamp), Theo (ikevamp), Ieyasu (ikesen), Jin (ikepri)
He’d move the coffee beans to a higher shelf.
“Bless me with a cup of coffee, luv?”
And he would watch you leave his room with that charming, wicked smile of his.
You’d catch on early, but why mess with the new routine you’ve got going on? Especially when it always ends in a kiss and a particularly proud boyfriend?
So you continue asking yourself aloud, “Why on earth does Sebastian insist on putting the coffee beans on this shelf?” or some other variation.
And instead of utilizing the step stool just feet away, you continue standing on your tiptoes, arm outstretched.
You know Arthur is leaning against the doorframe, watching and waiting to come save his little bird.
He’ll watch you struggle some—you never cease being adorable, no matter the situation.
And then his body encompasses yours, one hand on your waist, the other wrapping firmly around the jar high up on one of the shelves.
You work in silence. Arthur usually never interrupts the process. He’s there to keep close, to wrap his arms around your waist and lay his chin atop your head, even though it may strain his neck at times. And when it does, he’ll lay a series of kisses all over your face and hair while breathing in your scent.
Eventually, the coffee is ready—it’s pleasant aroma permeating the air but it becomes long forgotten.
Now it’s just you and Arthur swaying in the kitchen to the tune of an imaginary song.
And soon, you’re turned around, placing kisses on his clothed chest, a content hum runs through you.
You look up with a lazy smile. This is it. Your favorite part. You grasp Arthur’s loosely knotted tie and pull him down to meet your lips.
To be honest, he had never really considered you short. It just never occurred to him. He’s always had other things on his mind.
And then one day, he goes to rest his elbow on your shoulder but found that it was actually your head.
That changed his perspective, for sure.
“Hondje, were you always this close to the ground?”
There go the days of blissful ignorance.
Theo spent the next week distracted, noticing the small quirks about you and your height, which resulted in less than satisfactory work from him in his opinion.
How you seem to place all the things you frequently use on lower shelves, leading to the other residents grumbling about having to bend down.
How you seem to disregard some things altogether, if it wasn’t that important and required the help of someone taller.
How you manage to create scary and unstable step ladders out of stacked books and countertops when you needed to reach something.
How absolutely wide and shiny your eyes gleamed when looking up at him.
How, whenever you wanted to discuss something with him, you always pulled him down to sit on the bed while you stood up to appear taller.
He’d never you all that though. How everything you did was charming and how glad he was to have finally caught on to these particular habits.
Soon enough, a new habit kicks in: Theo standing beside his hondje at an art gallery or auction, his elbow resting gently atop your head, both silent, brows slightly furrowed and in deep concentration over a new painting. It’s what inspires Vincent’s next painting, much to his broer’s surprise.
He may never escape the teasing, that poor boy.
He’s one of the youngest, he’s a porcupine, he’s Ieyasu. And Ieyasu is dating you.
You just know that Masamune won’t go a week without making some silly joke about their opposing personalities or the fact that Ieyasu, who’s already among the shortest of them all, is with you, an even smaller human.
And it’s Ieyasu, so he’ll reply with something crass and then walk away with red cheeks and ears.
But at the end of the day, when he finally gets his share of peace and quiet and is absent for all the teasing and shit-eating grins, he’s in his futon with you. Legs intertwined, hands clasped together, foreheads pressed firmly against each other.
Sometimes, when he’s absolutely content with laying in silence, he’ll lay his palm to yours and try to guess how many grains of rice he’d have to stack on the tip of your fingers to reach his.
He almost never finishes estimating for all five fingers because you’d get bored and start to nuzzle his neck, and Ieyasu would get incredibly flustered.
“You’ve made me lose count,” he’d pout before giving into a kiss.
He’s a man’s man, y’know?
He’s tall and he’s got the broad shoulders and the trap muscles; he’s the eldest, he looks after his brothers.
And now he looks after you—his itty bitty Belle.
Well, not really. It’s more like he follows you whereever you go. After having finally come to terms with his feelings for you and becoming an official couple…I mean, he’s almost like Rio.
Not that you ever asked for all the extra help around the bookstore or the palace, but it’s nice to spend all that time with him.
Now that his weekly trysts are over, Jin almost never wants to stray too far from you.
And so he helps organize your highest bookshelves and often lifts you by the waist so that you can double check his work.
When the holidays come around, he’ll help string decorations all over your store.
If the two of you ever cook together, you’re manning the stove while he’s in charge of prepping the food since some pantry items are stored on higher shelves so that recipe books that Jin snuck out of the palace can be nicely displayed at your eye level.
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onegianthotmess · 10 months
Ikemen Vampire Rants:
🙃Cat Mischief🙃
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I feel like if Leonardo or Arthur had a kid, they’d love fucking with Theo.
Like either Arthur’s son or Leonardo’s daughter or both would just randomly scoop up Lumière and just take him to Theo’s room and leave him there. And about an hour later, they’d both just smirk at each other when their hear the high pitched shriek coming from Theo’s room. And Lumière doesn’t ever run away because he actually really likes Arthur’s son and Leonardo’s daughter and doesn’t mind laying around in Theo’s room.
What’s also funny is that Lumière also likes Theo for no reason. He just likes following him until he turns around and notices and screams like a little girl. And Lumière just stares at Theo like he’s a crazy person.
And do Arthur and Leonardo stop their children or Lumière?
Arthur laughs his ass off and Leonardo just sits there smoking a cigarillo and enjoying the show.
Little does everyone know that it was Theo’s oldest daughter who got that idea into the two trouble makers’s heads so that her father could be punished for not sleeping properly due to getting so wrapped up in his work every once in a while.
She may be a daddy’s girl, but she knows how to punish him if he ever misses out on sleep.
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twistedwonderworm · 1 year
Headcanons: Residents with a Child!MC
He's the father figure of the group so he'd be the closest to you. A really good father figure and very protective. Sometimes a little too protective.
Not like you can blame him though. You're just a fragile, tiny human alone so of course you need someone to protect you. 
He can be strict whenever you do get into trouble but he doesn't like punishing you too harshly. If you burst into tears at his scolding, his paternal instincts kick in and he'll do whatever he can to comfort you.
Big brother Napo is another one that is very close to you. This guy gives me the impression that he probably loves children. He is also just as protective of you as Comte is. 
If something is bothering you, you can come to him for help. Though if it's something you don't want to talk to anyone about, he won't pressure you about it.
Just know if you're ever in need, big brother Napo is there for you. He'll have your back no matter what.
More of an uncle than a brother or father figure but I can see him liking kids. 
Most people would say he's not a good role model but I feel like he'd be a good one. Always gives you life advice and is always there to help if you need him.
Of course, he'll be a little hard to win over, especially with a human child. He doesn't like the idea of losing someone he cares about to the passing of time.
Mozart doesn't even like the other residents interrupting him so of course he's not going to be going anywhere around you. It's nothing personal, he just prefers to be alone.
If you do end up getting close to Jean though, he may get closer to you as well. He and Jean are close friends so Mozart loves to see Jean start letting more people in.
Also if you're a calm, quiet kid who likes music however, he probably won't mind you sitting in his room as he plays. Hell, he might even teach you how to play. Just don't be too loud, okay?
Most likely to stay the furthest away from you. It's not that he doesn't like you, oh no it's the opposite really. He absolutely adores you. It's just that he's afraid of hurting you.
It's no secret that Jean doesn't drink as much as he should and you're just so small and fragile. He could easily hurt a child like you if he wasn't careful.
But if you gently break down his walls, he can't run from you forever. He desperately wants to be a big brother to you like Napo but he's not sure if it's possible for him.
Doesn't like kids. At least this is what he says. It's just a cover. Between not wanting to accidentally hurt you as well as not wanting you to mess with his work, he's another one who'll probably stay away from you
If you are known for wandering all around the mansion, he'll probably stay locked up in his room unless he absolutely needs something. Otherwise, he'll try to keep to places where you don't go.
He may warm up to you eventually but it'll take a lot longer than it'll take for others since he's as guarded as he is.
Kids? He loves kids! Sweet little Vincent is probably the most eager to be around you besides Napo and Comte.
If you're interested in painting, he'll be incredibly happy. He's very helpful with tips and even lets you sit with him as he paints.
He'll be the absolute best big brother you could ever ask for besides Napo. I mean he does have experience being Theo's big brother.
He could pass on dealing with a kid. If Vincent is happy around you, then you're alright. Theo however just isn't too big on kids himself.
He does get a little jealous seeing Vincent being happy around you, but he's also very happy. All he wants is for Vincent to be happy.
Eventually though he'll start to realize that you see them both as older brothers and he'll try to start being as good a big brother to you as Vincent was to him.
Did anyone say Uncle Dazai? Again he loves kids but probably isn't the best role model. And he absolutely adores being a big brother to you. Though that doesn't mean you're immune to his antics.
He loves to tease people, and that includes you so don't think he'll leave you alone because you're a child. You and Isaac are his favorites to tease after all.
How much he likes you honestly depends. Like he's probably really stressed from taling care of all the residents and you but if you don't cause him too much stress, he'll adore you.
If he bakes any sewers he'll let you have some fresh from the oven. But too many or you'll spoil your dinner. If Comte is a father figure then Sebastian is kind of like the mom.
He'll always say that you don't need to, but his heart will melt if you help him around the mansion anyway. 
As long as you don't mess up his work, Leo doesn't mind having you around. Though if you spot him napping somewhere, you can nap with him. He doesn't mind. 
Leo does really enjoy your company, no matter what he's doing and he's generally like a parent to you just like Comte and Sebastian. It's not rare to see you sitting in his lap while he's reading a book to you.
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solomons-poison · 2 years
Relating to my previous post about Isaac making little videos of Harry for TikTok or YouTube, I'm thinking about some of the IkeVamp boys also doing those vids, maybe even having a group account.
Isaac just shows cute moments with Harry, sometimes Harry will have like a little toy hat on or cape or something. He's awful at responding to comments, he gets really flustered especially if someone compliments him (he tries not to be shown in his videos after that ;;)
Arthur definitely tries to attract the ladies with his adorable Vic, taking cute videos where they're somehow both winking. Also video clips of his detective adventures with Vic and MC.
Vincent makes little videos with Brush where maybe he's painting something and Brush is imitating him. Also other cute little raccoon mannerisms, like washing his food or when they're cuddling together.
Theo reluctantly does videos, but only because Vincent does it and Arthur won't stop hounding him. It's him showing what tricks King can do, but often its bloopers where King refuses to do a trick or is tackling Theo (RIP his reputation).
Comte of course is also involved. Like Arthur, he uses his natural charm and the natural cuteness of Time, also dressing up Time in little outfits provided by MC. He is one of the most popular/most-requested suitors on the account.
Leonardo's videos often consist of him and Lumiere taking a cat nap. People comment about how similar Lumiere is with his "daddy" Leo.
Napoleon makes informative videos about Jupiter, showing how Jupiter hunts or fetches items, checking out his talons and wingspan. He's one of the cooler ones on the account.
Shakespeare is no foe of the camera. He'll do little scenes with Puck, reciting either his own works or even improvising on the spot. Everyone goes nuts over his overflowing charisma and, of course, the adorable little Puck.
Sebastian is the one doing a lot of the filming of the others, but he'll occasionally sneak in a video of Rotte here and there.
Dazai, Jean, and Mozart are a little harder to convince to do videos. Dazai is simply elusive, but Bunta will make little cameos in the others' videos. Jean does not want to be on camera, he's extremely shy of showing his face, but he'll let MC show Chérie so long as Chérie seems OK with it. Mozart is also not keen to be seen in video, nor does he particularly want to show off Schelm and he doesn't quite understand the craze of making pet videos. However, he may allow a single video, perhaps of Schelm sleeping, to slip through the cracks if he's in a good mood.
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
Congratulations on your follower celebration 🥳 I'd like to make a request: Jean, Theo, and Mozart react to seeing their first movie.
Thank you 💜
Thank you dear! This one was a lot of fun to write. I hope you enjoy!
ikevamp: Jean, Theo, & Motzart
SFW prompt #7- suitors see their first movie
No warnings!
Jean is happy to go anywhere with you. He is also rather excited to experience this new part of your world. You’ve done so much to understand him and where he is coming from, he is looking forward to learning more about you, the one he loves. 
He is nothing but gentlemanly as you two find your seats. Holding your hand and making sure you are comfortable before taking his own seat.
You two share popcorn and other snacks as you sit through the previews. He rather likes the buttery and salty popcorn…though he really likes the mini cookies.
The lights dim and the movie starts, you hold his hand and lean your head on his shoulder.
Jean is impressed by the technology, as it is all far beyond anything from his time. More than anything that he could fathom from the time he had first lived.
He is moved by the story, finding himself laughing and crying along with you. It is an experience he finds he rather enjoys and will happily see many more movies with you.
He is unsure at first, but when you tell him that movies are a form of art… he’s intrigued.
You take him so see something deep and thought provoking, knowing that he’s likely to enjoy such a film.
He sits in the theater, looking around at the crowd, noting how many people are gathered to enjoy art together. He can tell the people are from all walks of life. He sees the rich and the poor, the young and the old.
When the lights dim, he doesn’t understand what’s going on. You tell him this art form is better in the dark and offer him a snack, knowing he prefers the sweeter treats rather than the salty popcorn.
After getting through the previews, you finally get to the movie. He is impressed by the stunning visuals. But even more…he is impressed by the people. For the duration of the movie, people laugh and cry together. Strangers who know nothing of each other share this experience and are changed by it. Moved by it in similar and different ways. Going to the movies becomes one of his favorite things to do in the modern age and becomes a regular date night for the two of you.
When you walk into the theater, Mozart is clearly not impressed. This place doesn’t seem very sanitary. Before sitting down, he insists on wiping down both of your seats. 
He also insists on finding a spot where almost no one else is sitting, good view be damned. He’s not about to let anyone get their grubby hands near you or him. 
You offer him popcorn…which takes some coaxing to get him to try. You point out the worker was wearing gloves and the popcorn was gathered with a special scoop. 
The lights dim and the movie starts. He reaches for your hand, not saying a word, but you know he just wants to be sure you’re still there.
He is impressed by the technology, the colors, the acting talent, but he hides it.
What he doesn’t expect though…was the way music was incorporated into the film.
Used to add tension and drama or underscore how emotional and important a scene was.
Even more…they used some of HIS music. Even after all these years, his songs were still being used to reach people. He may not have liked the dirty, crowded theater…but the movie and use of music were good.
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Okay.... so I keep seeing this ad for an adult sized dog bed, and I don't think I've ever wanted something more 🤣 It just looks so comfy!
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But the more I think about it, my mind wanders to... Does Theo have one of these hidden under his bed?
It says it's big enough for more than one adult, so after a long day he climbs in to cuddle with his hondje? Or Theo and his s/o have an argument and is him banned from the bed... instead of him being "in the doghouse" he's "in the dog bed" 😂😂
... and this is the cutest idea for a Theo valentine's day gift...
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You hand it to him and show him it sticks together. While telling him you'll stick to him like syrup to pancakes 🥞🩷
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natimiles · 7 months
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🤍 Platonic/Friends | 💖 Romance | 💔 Angst
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Fanfics & Scenarios:
💖 Strange Feelings (soulmate au) 💖 A Summer Birthday 🤍 Safer With You (can be platonic or pre-relationship) 💖 Sweet Surprises 💖 Lazy morning with Isaac 💖🤍 Comfort
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💖 Winter Cuddles 💔 Just let me adore you 💖 Lazy morning with Arthur
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💖 A Shiny Christmas Eve 💖 First Day 💖 All of Me 💖 Mimos
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💖 How Traditions Start 💖 Lazy morning with Mozart
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💖 Are you here with me? (soulmate au) 💖 Sharing clothes with woman!Jean 💖 Lazy morning with Jean 💖 Worthy
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Mitsuki (MC)
💖 She could be the one
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💖 Warmth
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More than one suitor
🤍 What is that? (a tattoed reader) 💖 Come a Little Closer: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 (final) (reader x Arthur; f!MC x Mozart)
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Lazy Morning Series
Isaac Mozart Arthur Jean Theo Vincent Comte Leonardo Sebastian Shakespeare Dazai
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Chronology and random facts in Ikemen Vampire
🤍 gn!reader with a sibling-like relationship with them (Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arthur, Theo and Vincent, and Napoleon)
🤍 A hippie, vegetarian and marijuana-user reader (Comte)
🤍💖 gn!reader with a sibling-like relationship with them starts to date Dazai (Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arthur, Theo and Vincent, and Napoleon)
Bringing Mozart into the 21st century and making him travel by modern transportation
💖 Arthur & Isaac: relationship headcanons
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
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Happy May to everyone! @violettduchess and I would like to thank each and every one of you who participated in this event, whether it was as a writer or a reader. We loved reading all of your entries and hope you enjoyed this event as much as we did!
Day 1 - picnics
Read to Me | Chevalier Michel | by @aquagirl1978
Making It Up To You | Leon Dompteur | by @leonscape
Family Outing | Vincent van Gogh | by @fang-and-feather
Family Picnic | Vincent van Gogh | by @not-krys
Chemtrails Over Our Secret Spot | Napoleon Bonaparte | by @xxsycamore
Making Moments into Memories | Leon Dompteur | by @myonlyjknight
Day 2 - rainbows
April Showers Bring May Flowers | Yves Kloss | by @myonlyjknight
Muddy Revenge | Leon Dompteur | by @leonscape
Headcanons | Isaac Newton | by @violettduchess
Day 3 - baby animals
Parenting Practice | Leon Dompteur | by @leonscape
Snapshots of Spring | Leon Dompteur | by @violettduchess
Day 4 - gardens
In Apple Blossom Time | Yves Kloss | by @xxsycamore
Butterflies | Theodorus van Gogh | by @pieground
Magic | Leon Dompteur | by @chirp-a-chirp
Day 5 - new beginnings
A Walk in the Park | Theodorus van Gogh | by @aquagirl1978
Happy Birthday Irene | Leon Dompteur | by @leonscape
New Beginnings | Luke Randolph | by @randonauticrap
Day 6 - green grass
Reliving Fond Memories | Licht Klein | by @myonlyjknight
Headcanons | Johann Georg Faust | by @violettduchess
Day 7 - flower crowns
Bloom | Napoleon Bonaparte | by @fang-and-feather
A Pair of Crowns | Nokto Klein | by @nightfoxqueen
Flower Crowns | Chevalier Michel | by @ivaliny-blog
Snapshots of Spring | Chevalier Michel | by @violettduchess
The Stars at Night | Keith Howell | by @aquagirl1978
Day 8 - rainy days
Dance With Me | Clavis Lelouch | by @sky-drgn
Dreams and Memories Fade Away | Gilbert von Obsidian | by @aquagirl1978
Snapshots of Spring | Cyran Rose | by @violettduchess
Shower of Love | Leonardo da Vinci | by @fang-and-feather
Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Crown | Gilbert von Obsidian | by @wordycheeseblob
Rain, Rain, Go Away | Clavis Lelouch | by @aquagirl1978
Love from the Other Side | Clavis Lelouch | by @claviscollections
When It Rains, I'll Distract You | Clavis Lelouch | by @myonlyjknight
Snapshots of Spring | Silvio Ricci | by @violettduchess
Spring Showers and Their Budding Consequences | Blanc Lapin | by @xxsycamore
Rainy Days | Sariel Noir | by @ikevampoliver
Day 9 - cottagecore
Tranquility | Jin Grandet | by @randonauticrap
The Tale of the Bear and the Princess - Taste of Love | Luke Randolph | by @queengiuliettafirstlady
The Tale of the Bear and the Princess - Home Sweet Home | Luke Randolph | by @queengiuliettafirstlady
Day 10 - spring fling
The First Night of the Trade Fair | Nokto Klein | by @myonlyjknight
Try Again | Jin Grandet | by @leonscape
Headcanons | Arthur Conan Doyle | by @violettduchess
Day 11 - fairy forest
Happily Ever After | Chevalier Michel | by @aquagirl1978
Easter Madness | All Rhodolite Princes | by @myonlyjknight
Headcanons | Vlad | by @violettduchess
Day 12 - walk in the park
Headcanons | Comte de Saint-Germain | by @violettduchess
Day 13 - cherry blossoms
To Make You Happy | Rio Ortiz | by @myonlyjknight
The Letter | Sariel Noir | by @aquagirl1978
Day 14 - birds chirping
Of Conflict and Compromise | Leon Dompteur & Chevalier Michel | by @scorchieart
Wake Up, Sleepyhead | Leon Dompteur | by @leonscape
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violettduchess · 2 years
Could I please request some unrequited love headcanons for Comte, Theo, Arthur, and Leonardo?
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A/N: Hello anon! I've left Leonardo out because he just got a very long fic and the others don't have quite as many requests so I wanted to let them have their time to shine. I hope that's ok!
Word Count: 964
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Comte de St. Germain
Pushing aside the heavy velvet curtain, Comte has a perfect view down into the sunlit garden and a perfect view of you. Of both of you. Leonardo has set up his easel and is watching you attempt to paint the wooden gazebo with its clinging vines and flowering bushes. He leans over your shoulder, reaching around you and covers your hand with his, guiding your brush strokes. Comte’s sharp golden eyes zero in on the way his long fingers curl around your delicate wrist, the flirtatious, downward cast of your eyelashes, the sensual smile playing over Leonardo’s lips.
You turn to look at Leonardo, your faces so very close, and Comte’s breath is held prisoner in his lungs. Your eyes, even at this distance, are bright as stars, your cheeks rival the pink petals of the roses you’re trying to capture. His chest begins to burn. There is undeniable longing in the tilt of your head, the inviting pout of your lips. What would he give to have that perfect expression of admiration and yearning aimed at him?
Leonardo leans forward, as unable to resist you as the tide could the enthralling pull of the moon. The paintbrush falls from your fingers, abandoned, as you wrap your arms around him, your body melting into his impassioned embrace.
Leo deserves happiness. This is the mantra that gallops through Comte’s mind, over and over, even as he tries to ignore the agonizing ache in his chest. He closes the curtain once more with a trembling hand. Now he stands, slumped in darkness, his heart a flower without sunlight, without water, slowly withering away.
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Theodorus van Gogh
One of the best things about walking through Paris on a clear afternoon, just before evening breaks and spills its lavender and orange and pink across the sky, is using the fading light that is left to admire the street artists and their work.
Vincent’s fingers are laced through yours, strong and protective as you move across the Pont des Arts, taking in the different paintings, all sizes and subject matters, that the different street artists are displaying, trying to make a sale. You pause in front of a painting of tiny calico kittens in a basket. “Oh look!” Vincent smiles, soft and affectionate as he nods, immediately engaging the artist in a conversation about brush types and which paint they used. You are content to listen, unable to hide the sunshine of open admiration you have for him. Your smile is radiant with it. Your eyes sparkle with it.
Theo pretends to be deeply interested in a smaller painting of a doomed ship out at sea during a violent storm. Normally he would spend time studying the black, thrashing waves with their white caps, noting the way the artist created movement, how they captured the chaos of nature gone feral with their brushstrokes. But he is distracted. Because rather than stare at the painting and study it, he is staring at something he considers a perfect piece of aesthetics: you. He has long since memorized the line of your cheekbones, the curve of your jaw, the perfect symmetry of your lips. Your eyes are a color that has never existed for him until he saw them. They are the bright window to the part of you he admires most: your kind and gentle heart, that luminous part of you that shines resplendent as a harvest moon.
And now those eyes are fixed on his brother as if he were the one who hung all stars in the sky. Your fingers are locked tight with his, laced together, a perfect pairing. His jaw clenches as he turns back to the painting of the wild, roiling sea. He has that same turbulent ocean inside of him every time he sees you look at Vincent that way. It floods his heart, dragging it down into the black depths of despair, leaving him as windswept and lost as the small, broken ship in the painting.
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Arthur Conan Doyle
Of all people, why Newt? Newt with his wide, cherry-blossom eyes and slight frame, his dislike of people and a good time. His mind which so easily winds its way through impossible equations but cannot small-talk its way out of a paper bag. That Newt is who you have chosen to love. The one you have decided is allowed to receive all of your warm smiles, your tender touches, the melody of your laughter.
He caught you one night. Strolling back from a tryst with one of his regulars, the sweet taste of blood stilling lingering on his lips. He entered the mansion through the garden gates at the back. As he made his way quietly as a shadow around towards the front, a certain sound caught his attention.
He stops, ducking behind the gazebo when he spots you and Isaac. Evidently you had come out into the garden at night to do a bit of stargazing. Isaac’s telescope is set up, pointed toward the sky. But it is abandoned, left to gaze on its own. You and Isaac seem to have gotten distracted, laying on an oversized picnic blanket, wrapped in each other’s arms. Gripping the wooden railing of the gazebo, Arthur’s sharp blue eyes note the details: the way your fingers are white, curled so tightly against Isaac’s shoulders; the way his leg is pressed between yours, the tilt of your head, baring your sensitive throat to him. And that sound, the one that caught his attention, the sharp gasping of your breath as his lips feast on the bare skin of your shoulder, the slope of your neck.
Green-eyed jealousy roars inside of Arthur’s heart. His fingers are bloodless as they grip the railing. The lingering taste of another woman’s blood suddenly turns sour, curdling like rancid milk on his tongue. He doesn’t want her, or anyone else. The woman he wants, the one he dreams of, is currently in the arms of another man. And all he sees now is red.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bubblexly
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cloudcountry · 1 year
unconventional otome game love interest traits each guy would have
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ikemen vampire . . .
guessing their love languages (headcanons of the mansion residents. ~450 words.) — guessing their love language based on the very little information i have about them oops
yearning (isaac newton x reader. ~1k words.) — you fall asleep on isaac's shoulder while he's working.
lipstick marks (mozart, arthur, vincent, & isaac x reader. ~400 words) — you leave a lipstick mark on him, how scandalous!!!
an artist's dilemma (vincent x reader. ~500 words) — vincent sees a masterpiece in you.
painting with vincent (vincent x reader. ~300 words) — after a long day, you find solace in vincent.
lover of flowers (arthur & isaac x reader. ~1k words) — arthur is enamored with the reserved florist & isaac stumbles about her.
hair clips are my love language (ikevamp characters headcanons. ~800 words) — giving the suitors some of my hair accessories.
comte and a vampire hunter (comte de saint germain x reader. ~500 words) — you run into comte (or rather, he runs into you) after you kill a vampire.
mozart & the wire brooch (mozart x reader. ~250 words) — you give mozart a gift.
vlad and the florist (vlad x reader. ~250 words) — it seems you and the florist you met a long time ago have the same idea.
cooking with will (shakespeare x reader. ~300 words) — you teach will how to find his way around the one room in his villa he never uses: the kitchen.
bakery date with theo (theodorus x reader. ~300 words) — theo "takes you out for a walk." (read: takes you out on a date to a bakery.)
baking an apple pie (isaac newton x reader. ~450 words) — Isaac's been working hard lately, so you take Arthur's advice and make him a tasty treat!!
little things they love about you (suitors x reader. ~1,000 words) — the little things they love about you.
shakespearean serenades (shakespeare x reader. ~600 words) — theo yells at you to wrangle your lover. said lover is trying his best to serenade you.
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ikemen prince . . .
self care (yves kloss x reader. ~1k words.) — you're supposed to be doing your skin care routine right now, but teasing yves sounds much more appealing.
small moments with rio (rio ortiz x reader. ~500 words.) — sweet moments with rio C:
guessing their love languages (headcanons of the ikepri characters. ~600 words.) — guessing their love language based on the very little information i have about them oops
dance with me (clavis lelouch x reader. ~400 words.) — you dance with clavis in the rain.
breakfast for you (clavis & yves x reader. ~300 words.) — yves is trying to make you breakfast, but clavis has other plans.
unusual protection (clavis lelouch x reader. ~350 words.) — clavis takes the fall for you, and you're left wondering why.
snowed in with clavis (clavis lelouch x reader. ~1,000 words.) — you get snowed in with clavis. shenanigans ensue.
christmas cookies to save kingdom! (gilbert von obsidian x reader. ~800 words.) — you and gilbert make christmas cookies together!!
sledding with cyran (cyran rose x reader. ~400 words.) — you go sledding with cyran.
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ikemen revolution . . .
pet names (zero, edgar, kyle, & harr x reader. ~400 words.) — you call some of the ikerev suitors a pet name for the first time.
the winter itch (kyle ash x reader. ~300 words.) — you call on your favorite doctor to help you out with some chilly problems.
happy birthday (blanc & kyle x reader. ~400 words.) — blanc and kyle attend your after party. (a birthday gift for vivi!!)
soft kyle ash (kyle ash x reader. ~350 words.) — soft kyle ash, your favorite doctor.
the black army pines (black army x reader. ~350 words.) — some mildly embarrassing things that have happened to you while a certain black army member was pining for you.
baking with luka (luka clemence x reader. ~400 words.) — you decorate a gingerbread house with luka.
decorating with zero (zero x reader. ~500 words.) — you and zero put up holiday decorations in red army headquarters together.
love like a heart is no love at all (edgar bright x reader. ~2,000 words.) — edgar contemplates you.
over and over again (blanc lapin x reader. ~2,000 words.) — to blanc, you are the change he needed, and your pressing secret won't change that.
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ikemen villains . . .
shopping with ellis (ellis twilight x reader. ~300 words.) — you ask ellis to come shopping with you, and he agrees.
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ikemen sengoku . . .
hot springs (yoshimoto x reader. ~350 words.) — you visit the hot springs with yoshimoto.
you are the world (mitsunari x reader. ~1000 words.) — domestic bliss with your husband, mitsunari!!
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mystic messenger . . .
snowball fight for love! (saeyoung choi x reader. ~500 words.) — you take saeyoung completely off guard with a snowball to the back of the head!
jaehee on your birthday (jaehee kang x reader. 360 words.) — jaehee celebrates your birthday!!
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oigimi · 1 year
some neurodivergent ikevamp headcanons
bc i am insane and coping. a mixture of what their irl counterparts had/might’ve had as well as my observations of the characters! spoiler alert there’s a lot of autism in this mansion
Arthur: ptsd, bipolar i, histrionic tendencies, gad Comte: mdd Dazai: avpd, gad, bipolar ii Isaac: autism, ocd, ppd Jean: autism, mdd, ptsd, schizoid personality disorder Mozart: autism, tourettes, ocpd Sebastian: autism Theodorus: adhd Vincent: autism, adhd, schizoaffective disorder
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onegianthotmess · 8 months
Amelia’s Ikemen Vampire Contact List
The contact names and group chats I would have for these chaos men.
Napoleon Bonaparte - Panty Sniffer👀☹️
Either this name or “Trashy Fanfic Author✍️💕” would be my contact name for him
IRL Napoleon wrote a self insert love novel, so I’m saying Ikemen!Napoleon did that
It would probably switch between those two, if I’m being honest
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Fucking Germaphobe✋🙄
Pretty self-explanatory
I’d make fun of him for it and he’d probably yell at me for sneezing and coughing around him-
Leonardo da Vinci - The Bisexual Cat Man💗💜💙🐈‍⬛
One, this man sleeps like a fucking cat
Whenever and where ever he wants
Two, you can’t tell me Leo and Comte haven’t at least had one maybe maybe not drunk night of sex together
Also, it’s a historical fact that Leonardo da Vinci, in real life, was most likely gay
But I’m saying Ikemen!Leo is definitely bisexual
His sex drive doesn’t discriminate-
And there I go rambling again, this isn’t my headcanons on what these sexuality of these weirdos is, it’s what their contact names would be in my phone-
Arthur Canon Doyle - Attention Slut Writer💃✍️
He doesn’t charge for attention, he gets it for free-
Also we’d probably just end up sending each other weird memes that we find while we’re up and on the internet at, like, one in the morning
Vincent van Gogh - Bubba😇🎨💛
As I’ve stated before, the van Gogh brothers have unofficially adopted me, so I’m their baby sister now
And I’m pretty sure people would ask if I’m actually related to them since me and Vincent both have the baby face curse-
Theodorus van Gogh - Bubba🖕🥞💙
Again, unofficially adopted older brother
Except we’re assholes to each other because that’s how we show our love to each other
Even though the bitch calls me a damn hondje-
I’m using salt instead of sugar in his pancakes for a month-
Dazai Osamu - Window 🪟
Seriously that’s all I got
He just climbs in through the windows to get into rooms, even my room
He’s a weirdo, but so am I, so I can’t really judge him-
Isaac Newton - Apple Pie 🍎🥧❤️
I’m his mom friend, I’m allowed to tease him
Also it was either this or “Fucking Nerd 🤓” and I didn’t want to be that mean
Also I’m the only one allowed to make apple pie for him because I don’t make fun of him for it outside of one tiny comment-
William Shakespeare - Wilhelm Shookspear🎭📝🍐
Tbh, I’d mispronounce his name just to piss him off
And then I invite him over to piss off Theo so that Will won’t be mad at me because I find him at least decent
Also, he’s Vincent’s bestie, why would I keep my unofficially adopted big brother away from his bestie he’s probably kissed while drunk once or twice
Le Comte de Saint-Germain - Mommy Comte🥰🥰
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, Comte is the mother of the mansion and Leonardo is the chill as fuck dad
Also, the residents are his children
It’s literally canon that he unofficially adopted them
Sebastian/Akihiko Satou - Husband 🥰
I could’ve been mean, but I love him too much and he’d revoke my affection privileges for a week and replace them with twice as many forehead flicks
Meanie bobeanie
But I love him-
Vlad - Strawberry Shortcake🍰💐🥀
It was either this name or “Dusty Old Man😐”
And he’s pretty as fuck, so that name didn’t really fit in my opinion-
I give him free strawberry desserts, he gives me free flowers to decorate the mansion with
It’s a win-win, really
Johann Georg Faust - Pyromania💥💥💥
Tbh, I’d make fun of him for his death all the fucking time
Mutual agreement that we insult each other and try to kill each other half the time and the other half we civilly interact with a sprinkle of petty insults
It’s fun!
Charles-Henri Sanson - Baby Blues💙💙
He has pretty eyes, what do you want from me?
Also he’s a babie, he needs love!
I’m borderline adopting most of these idiots at this point but I don’t care-
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lorei-writes · 2 years
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Love me, Love me, how would you love me?
"No more events for the time, Lorei. You still have two things left in your inbox, Lorei," I told myself. Yesterday. But it was y e s t e r d a y.
Today I think I could use a little bit of writing exercise 😉
Event Rules
Event Status: CLOSED
Pick one of the umbrella prompts* and a character from the list below, and send me an ask 😉
1 prompts + 1 character = 1 request; 1 request per ask; multiple requests are more than welcome (no need for all the pleasantries in case of multiple requests)
The acquired requests will be written into short headcanons.
*umbrella prompts -- one word prompts. For example, instead of having different prompts for "What is his favourite way to cuddle?" and "How cuddly he is?", I put them together under "Cuddle" prompt.
Surprise [Wild Card for the writer]
Available Suitors
Ikemen Sengoku: Hideyoshi, Ieyasu, Kennyo, Kenshin, Masamune, Mitsuhide, Mitsunari, Nobunaga, Sasuke, Shingen, Yukimura
Ikemen Vampire: Arthur, Comte de Saint-Germain, Jean, Napoleon, Theodorus, Vincent
Ikemen Prince: Leon
Ikemen Revolution: Lancelot
The Arcana: Asra, Julian
There's no deadline for sending in requests. Check the reblogs under this post / the original post for status updates. Don't think for too long, or it may be too late ~~ <3
As always, I'd be very thankful if you gave me a boost <3
Event Masterlist
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