#therapy sessions with Dr Taylor Swift
My day so far
Wake up with headache
Mind blowing* orgasm
Ugly cry with big emotions for 2hrs
Play Taylor Swift music
Sit in sadness and feel all feels
Feel a little better
Start period
Say “oooohkay, yeah, that checks out”
Dance to more Taylor Swift
*dramatic effect, mediocre at best
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whimsical-roasting · 1 year
okay just imagine being friends with colin and jamie being like slightly jealous
okay so i’m thinking about doing like a psych major!reader who shadows Dr Sharon at the football club for experience and ends up having a thing with Jamie... like Jamie asks for her to tutor him on psych knowledge and being a better person and ofc they lowkey fall for each other but don’t know it... 
ANYWAYS AROUND THAT PLOT LINE... the reader and Colin end up as bffs (lowkey spoilers for Colin’s info in s3?).. also my bestie is @sokkigarden and i love and appreciate her support
okay, so reader is shadowing Dr Sharon and Colin is so nice that he consents to her sitting in on the session since Dani was a bit too traumatised to have any silent observers 
she doesn’t speak and tries not to make too much eye contact but when they do lock eyes, she gives him a soft smile, and he returns it
after the session, now only 3 people know Colin’s gay... him, her, and Dr Sharon. when she catches his eye at the end of the session, she does a little lock and key motion to her lips as if to say ‘my lips are sealed, promise’ with a soft smile, and he smiles and nods
the reader is usually extroverted and chatty but remains professional - not really interacting with the boys unless necessary (obvi Ted won’t have any of it, but that’s a diff point) so Colin isn’t too fussed about her...plus, she seems genuinely nice
in the next couple of weeks, the reader bumps into Colin in the hallway and goes, “oh!! Colin, I was out on the weekend and saw this and thought of you, so um, here :))” and nervously passes him a small pocketbook of affirmations since Dr Sharon instructed him to reaffirm “I am a strong and capable man”
he grins and thanks her, and then BOOM, they’re now good friends. he offers to drop her home when her Uber cancels, and they blast Taylor Swift and rap to Drake 
now fast forward a while when Jamie asks the reader to tutor him in psych/therapy, and it is a funny exchange:
Jamie: you’re uh, good at this psych shit huh?
Reader: uhh, you mean the 4+ years I’ve dedicated to this degree? Yea, I kinda hope I’m good at this psych shit
Jamie: can you help me do better at therapy?
Reader: um,, therapy is more of a personal thing.. you kinda do better yourself
Jamie: oh, then what do you do :/
Reader: -_-
Jamie:  no no, I didn't mean it like that, fuck sorry
Reader: I can tell you about tools and theories that can HELP YOU help yourself 
Jamie: yea yea.. that. let's do that, I want that
Reader: this isn't a drive thru, Tartt, you can't just ask like it's a dollar menu
anyways,, she agrees bc experience yea totally it’s the resume experience and not cause he has a cute thinking face and emotional intelligence is hot or anything like that
so they’re like a month in with this whole ‘tutoring’ thing and she’s at his place and he notices a childish bracelet on her wrist.. he seems to notice a lot about her but he tells himself it’s cause he’s getting more self-awareness (lmao dumbass, SELF-awareness has nothing to do with HER hair, eyes, and new accessories but sure)
okay the next day in the locker room, he sees Colin w the same bracelet??? so he asks and Colin’s all like, “it’s a friendship bracelet, boyo!” and Jamie just kinda nods not replying before they head out onto the pitch
next time he and the reader are tutoring he asks why she and Colin are wearing the same bracelet thingy...she tells him it’s a friendship thingy and she made it for the both of them.... Jamie just kinda stares and goes ‘where’s mine.’ 
she blinks at him and tilts her head, “are we friends?” and his mouth falls open “we’re fuckin not???” he questions, slightly offended. and she’s all like “no no, ofc we are... but maybe just not friendship bracelet level friends” 
Jamie fights back a pout, but there’s a crease in the middle of his brows and she wants to lean forward to flatten it with her thumb but fights the urge
there’s silence for a moment...
“when you upgradin meh?”
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Tying You To Me — Part 3
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Summary: Spencer's trip the therapist gives him something to think about. New friendships are made and a new fluffy edition is added to his tiny family of one.
Content Warning: Cursing, a drunken kiss that is rejected, running themes of infidelity and cheating, prose so purple it's Red TV, an unhealthy amount of Taylor Swift references because I decided to write this while crying to Red at 3:00AM on Friday morning.
Word Count: 6500
Author's Note: This chapter turned out much sadder and more angsty than I intended and it's all Taylor Swift's fault. And thank you to @reidslibrarybook i love you Nat :)
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Did The Love Affair Maim You Too?
“So Dr. Reid, what brings you in here today?” Dr. Cruz asks, sitting across from Spencer in her comfortable chair. Her office is decorated with pictures of State Parks and the warm yellow paint makes him feel relaxed. It’s all mind tricks, though. He knows it because he uses it, but when it’s being used on you it feels a little different, “What made you want to go to therapy?” she asks again.
“It’s Spencer, please, I’m just Spencer here,” he corrects, “You know, I think the obvious answer is Rebecca cheating on me with our neighbor”
“But is that why you’re here, Spencer,” Dr. Cruz asks, prompting him to look a little deeper, “And if formality isn’t an issue with you, you can call me Valentina,” she tells him, placing her clipboard on the side table next to her. She’s a little older than Spencer, which is comforting in a way, and reminds him of Penelope.
“No, I guess not,” Spencer says, “I guess, I really don’t know why I’m here. Other than my friends, Luke and Penelope telling me I should have gone after I got out of prison. I mean, I did, but just so I could keep working at the BAU, but I guess that’s not really a good reason to go to therapy,” he says, his thoughts muddling through his mind, “So, I think with everything that happen since then I kind of have felt a little lost,”
“Can you tell me more about that feeling, Spencer?” Valentina asks, “What do you mean by lost?”
Lost. Such a fickle word, Spencer thinks. It’s a vague term that, in Spencer’s case, has a murky history going back nearly 15 years. Has he been lost since he met Gideon and came to the BAU? And what was that, if not filling that father-shaped hole that William left in his heart? Does everything stem from him? His failure as a husband is because he didn’t get to watch what a good husband looks like growing up. But does that excuse Rebecca’s infidelity? Does that make her wrong, right?
“Spencer,” Valentina says, “Spencer, I think you need to separate your professional mind from your personal one,” she suggests, “You can’t think like an agent. You’re treating your situation like a case, and you can’t do that. Not when you’re so emotionally invested in what’s happening,” she tells him, reminding Spencer of the times that he’s gotten way too invested in cases, many of which usually don’t end well or leave him with life-long scars.
“Okay, I can try that,” Spencer says, wishing that turning the part of his mind that’s always on overdrive was easier said than done, “Rebecca, I met her through my friend Derek and his wife Savannah. When I met her, she really seemed like my last chance at happiness. And for what it’s worth, I think we made each other happy, even if it wasn’t for a lifetime like I wished for,”
“So why do you think she was unfaithful?” Valentina asks, “In our last session, we talked about what you went through in prison, but I want you to think about what you mean by lost yourself. Do you think your marriage had anything to do with that?”
He knows the answers that can get him out of here in under three weeks, but like Valentina said, he has to separate the professional from the person. Which is hard, when her personal life is so intertwined with her professional one.
“I think she lost herself too,” Spencer answers, “I love my wife, or loved. Or still love, I’m honestly not really sure, but all I know is that at some point she was the most important person in the world to me. And I thought I was to her, but I guess somewhere along the lines we slipped through the cracks,”
“There’s that word again, Spencer. Lost, you know, when a lot of people come to me saying that they’ve lost themselves two things are the most common: divorce and unemployment. In a way, but are mourning something. You’re mourning the life that you thought you had, Spencer. And that’s okay,” Valentina reassures him.
“I never thought about it like that,” Spencer says, picking at the frayed strands of fabric on his chair. He’s no stranger to grief and loss. But is losing Rebecca the same pain as he felt when he lost Maeve? He feels the heaviness on his chest, but he feels a strange sense of relief too, “I did lose a girlfriend, she, uh, she died. A couple years before I met Rebecca. It feels similar, I suppose,” Spencer says, not fully ready to talk about Maeve with Valentina.
“You’ve been through a lot of loss, Spencer,” she comforts, “Feeling this sense of loss, this sense of uncertainty, after having the rug swept up from your feet, is normal. So you felt lost, Rebecca felt lost, but she cheated,”
“I was married to my work more than I was married to my wife,” Spencer ventures, feeling that familiar tightness in his chest whenever he feels uncomfortable, “And it fucking sucks because all I ever dreamed of is having a family and a partner. I never wanted to be like my dad, to be married to my job, but here I am,”
“So that’s what you fear, turning into your father?” she asks, “And do you think that’s come true? Are you the same man as your dad,”
“Well, no. Maybe, I’m not sure anymore, Dr. Cruz,” Spencer laments, still feeling the lump in his throat as he looks across the small coffee table at his therapist, “And if there’s one thing I hate it’s not knowing the answer,”
“From what you’ve told me about you father, Spencer,” Valentina starts, “You’re nothing like him. Your marriage to Rebecca isn’t like your parents’ marriage. All marriages are different, Spencer,”
Y/N’s ghostly haunted face, not unlike Spencer’s, flashes across his mind’s eye. As much as he can relate to his former neighbor, Spencer doesn’t know what exactly happened behind closed doors. She can’t always be the vengeful woman drinking wine as she kicks her husband out of the house for infidelity, nor can she be the mysterious neighbor with a broken heart at the bar. Maybe she’s lost herself as well, maybe they are just two ghosts standing in the place that was once home.
“I’m scared that I gave up on Rebecca like William gave up on my mom,” Spencer confesses, “Maybe I should have tried harder, spent less time in the office, maybe if I didn’t let her slip through the cracks she wouldn’t have cheated on me,”
“You know that’s not true, Spencer,” Valentina says, “Your marriage ended because Rebecca was unfaithful,”
“Yes, but, what if I tried harder, I could have worked less. I could have done more to save my marriage,”
“Dr. Reid, there’s no buts. Let yourself grieve your marriage without casting blame on yourself. Let yourself mourn the life you dreamt of, but don’t dwell on it. If you dwell on it, it will consume you and then you’ll never move on,”
“Move on?” Spencer asks, his voice hollow and hardly recognizable. In that moment he can pinpoint the exact meaning of lost. He is lost. He feels loss. But, he can’t let it consume him, he knows that. He saw the way that Hotch felt after Haley left him, how he was when she was actually gone. He’s been through that, to some degree, with Maeve.
“How do I do that?”
“Find yourself, Spencer,” Valentia says, “I’m going to give you a little homework,”
Homework. Spencer likes homework, but something tells him that this homework might be a little more difficult than Math 50 at CalTech.
“Have a conversation with a friend. And they can’t be from work,” Valentina tells him, “Go for coffee, a walk, to a museum, but have a conversation with someone. And don’t talk about work, or your divorce. Just be Spencer. No facades, no masks hiding you,”
“A friend?” Spencer says skeptically thinking that this is probably the hardest homework assignment he’s ever gotten.
“Yes, you know that it’s important for us to have identities outside of our marriage and employment. And from what I’ve noticed, you lack in those categories,” Valentina gauges, reading Spencer, not unlike Spencer reading unsubs during interrogations.
“Friends have never been my area of expertise,” Spencer confesses, “I’m not sure how I exactly go about this, but I uh,” he says, wondering if this will be the worst mistake of the year, “I have an idea of someone I can talk to,”
“Then you should call them,” Valentina says, “And next week we will talk about your conversation,”
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“My therapist said I should make a friend,” Spencer says, sitting across from Y/N at the cafe table. Aster sleeps in the stroller next to her, silently snoozing as they stare at each, neither brave enough to bring up the elephant in the room.
“A friend,” Y/N deadspans, her eyes playful, yet guarded as she scans Spencer over. He flits his gaze downwards, knowing the situation is awkward for everyone involved.
“Yes, well, outside of work and anyone that Rebecca and I were friendly with during our marriage,” Spencer explains, taking a bite of his muffin as Y/N nods her head, taking in his words.
“So you choose the woman whose ex slept with your ex, and who you hooked-up with too,” She analyzes, catching Spencer off guard with her astute commentary.
“Well,” Spencer says, licking off the sugar from his fingertip, “I don’t really have many friends outside of work as it is,” he tells her, “And you seem like you need a friend too,” he says, venturing to read the woman across from him. It’s easy when he can recognize the way that her smile seems to naturally fall into a frown. He can look into any mirror and know that what they are, are ghosts of who they used to be.
“At least I know that I didn’t accidentally give you the wrong number, Spencer,” Y/N challenges, her true words stinging his cheeks, reminding him of that night, “Look, Spencer, I get it, we were a little buzzed and sad and lonely. We fucked and you didn’t call. I’m a big girl,” she rushes, tapping her fingers against the table, “I’m not mad, Spencer. I just, that night we had, I’m scared it meant more to me than it meant to you,”
It meant something to her? He wouldn't have thought that, he would never think that it could mean something to her, that it could mean something to her like it meant something to him.
“Sex isn’t something that I’ve ever taken lightly, Y/N,” Spencer whispers, daring to hover his hands over her’s, “I’m just, I haven’t had much experience in love or relationships and with all that’s happened with Rebecca, I’m just not sure I can take another heartbreak,” Spencer professes, his words echoing in his ears with the dancing ghosts of Ethan, Maeve, and Rebecca forever haunting his heart.
“So friends,” Y/N says, squeezing his hand, “Friends who occasionally, sometimes, maybe seek to release certain frustrations together,” he offers, laying on the proposition without saying it directly.
A friend with benefits with his neighbor whose husband slept with his wife is a recipe for disaster. But, Spencer can’t deny the way her hand fit into his perfectly his, or the way her eyes glazed over with pleasure when she cried out his name. She wasn’t perfect, she was like him. Maybe fractured hearts need fractured hearts to learn how to heal again.
“I think I can do that, Y/N,” Spencer says, placing her palm facing up on the table and drawing shapes on her skin, “We can figure it out together, Y/N,” he says, offering a smile, that, while it can’t patch up her broken heart, it might glue it back together, leaving the tapestry of jagged lines in its wake.
“Tell me something interesting,” Y/N says, breaking the tension, “I’m not really sure what friends talk about but, tell me something interesting,”
“My godson, Henry, is trying out for the soccer team,” Spencer says, unsure himself as to what to talk about. It doesn’t take much for him to realize that his conversations circle primarily around work, “I think he takes after his mother, she was a soccer player back in high school,”
“Is Uncle Spencer going to be coaching?” Y/N teases, rocking Aster back and forth in the stroller with one hand and lifting the cup of coffee to her lips with her other, “I know for a fact that you’re deceptively athletic, Spencer,”
“Deceptively athletic,” Spencer repeats, feeling his cheeks blush at her insinuation, “I don’t know where you get that idea from. Besides, I don’t know much about soccer,”
She laughs into her drink, her eyes darting up from the rim. He doesn’t know what he said was particularly funny, but neither does he get the impression that Y/N is laughing at him. For the most part, he spent a good portion of his life trying to decode if people were laughing at him or with him. It’s hard for him to decipher their true intention, but right now it’s not.
“What about you?” Spencer asks, “Do you have hobbies, I mean I haven’t had a hobby since I was 10,” he says, thinking back to the last time he played as a little kid.
“I don’t really have time for hobbies,” Y/N answers, “Between the firm and Aster and putting up with James’ shit, it’s hard to find time to enjoy things,” she says sadly.
“I know what you mean,” Spencer says, carrying on the conservation effortlessly. He wonders if it’s always been this easy to talk to people or if he just needed to find the right person to talk with, “I’ve been with the Bureau since I was 22. It’s hard to recognize myself anymore. All I feel like I do is go to work, go home and sleep, and do it all over again,”
“It gets monotonous, you know. But it’s not my job that made me forget who I was, it’s James,” Y/N says, the venom in her voice reminiscent of how she was in the bar all those nights ago. Spencer really can’t think about that night right now, especially when he’s having coffee with a friend in a cafe. A normal Wednesday afternoon with no intentions or seduction.
“I was so sure of who I was at 22. I thought I knew everything,” Spencer ventures, knowing that he’s going directly against Valentina’s advice talking about his doomed marriage and his unhealthy work habits, “How did I know everything at 22, but nothing at 35,”
“You’re starting to make me wish this coffee was a bottle of Vodka,” she says wryly. Spencer feels his cheeks blush, thinking about the last time they talked and shared a couple drinks.
“Well, we both know where that leads,” Spencer comments, finishing the last drop of his coffee, “Not that I regret anything, Y/N,” he assures, hoping that he doesn’t come off like he’s insinuating he regrets what happened between anything. Regret isn’t what he tasted in his mouth when he woke up to an empty bed. Confusion, maybe. Loneliness, definitely.
“I don’t either,” Y/N says quickly, putting her hand over Spencer’s and squeezing gently, “You were there for me in a way that no one else could be, because they wouldn't understand,” she says, helping him understand, a bit at least, all the confusing emotions battling in his mind.
“I would have made you breakfast, you know,” Spencer says, “If you stayed,” he says, when he really wants to say is when you left me.
“Spencer, I’m 32 years old and I’ve been with James forever,” she says, her voice trailing off at the mention of James, “It was very unlike me to do that. It’s been years since I did something like that. If ever,”
“I could tell,”
Now it’s Y/N’s turn to look bashful. She occupies her flustered embarrassment by fixing Aster’s already perfectly placed baby blanket. As much as Spencer enjoys watching her get flustered by the memories of their hook-up, he doesn’t want to make her too nervous. After all, in all the years that they were neighbors, he always thought she’d make a good friend. Maybe she will, in a very unconventional way. Then again, Spencer was never one for tradition.
“Well, let’s just say that what I did was not like me,” she says, feeding Aster some cereal stars, the same ones that Henry liked as a baby, “At all,” she adds for emphasis, smiling as Aster nibbles on the cereal, “What about you? What’s something crazy that you’d want to do?”
Besides the revenge cheating, Spencer thinks, keeping that comment to himself. He’s not one to do anything uncharacteristic. Most of his days consist of traveling for work, spending his free time three wheeling after Penelope and Luke, or visiting his mother. All together, he’s pretty boring.
“I always wanted a cat,” Spencer says, “My wife doesn’t like them,”
“How could you not like cats?” Y/N says, “I mean they are so intelligent and self sufficient. And they’re very good companions,” she says, repeating the commonly known benefits of cats.
“I know,” Spencer says, “I had one growing up, Alfie was my best friend when I didn’t have anyone. He helped me get through the nights when I’d be up hearing my parents scream at each other. Or when my mom would think that there were people after us so she’d make us sleep in our basement,” Spencer explains, remembering the comfort he’d feel when Alfie would purr in his arms.
“Your mom is she?” Y/N says, unaware of Spencer’s mother’s condition, “I don’t mean to pry, Spencer. You don’t have to say anything,”
“It’s okay,” Spencer says, “I trust you, Y/N. You’re a very good listener. It’s nice to have a friend,” he tells her, holding her hand just as she held his, “But my mom was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was little. So growing up was hard, she did her best. She was the best mom she could be. And uh, she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's a couple years ago,”
“I’m so sorry, Spencer,” Y/N says, looking across the table at him, “That’s a lot for a young person to deal with. I’m sure you were an incredibly brave little boy, you’re a very strong man, now,” she says, looking at him with such care in her eyes it makes Spencer want to kiss her.
He has a terrible habit of falling too quick when people are nice to him. Spencer has spent his entire life falling in love in the cruelest way. He’ll fall passively, as if he’s stumbling over all the red flags and warning signs and after one drink in a bar he’s sleeping with his ex-wife’s adulterous partner’s ex-wife. And now he’s staring at someone who’s driveway he’d help shovel when her husband was too drunk or too selfish to help, thinking about how soft her lips were when she kissed him.
Lost in his daydream, Spencer doesn’t notice when Y/N starts packing up her keys and shoving the plastic container of Aster’s cereal into her diaper bag. One of two things must have happened: his staring freaked her out, sending her to run for, what he will admit is probably for the best, the hills or she has an actual emergency. He supposes it’s the former.
“What’s going on, Y/N?” Spencer asks, as he watches her get up from her seat and sling on Aster’s diaper bag, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Spencer,” she says, beaming uncharacteristically, “We’re going go get you a cat,” she says, keys in hand, ready to head out the door, leaving Spencer dumbfounded in her wake.
“A cat?” he says skeptically, even though he’ll be the first to admit having a cat again would be nice. In the seconds that it takes for his mind to make the decision, his eyes are busy scanning over Y/N’s face. He can’t let himself stare for too long, he’s already feeling like he’s flying through the freefall, “A cat,” he says, this time more confident.
“A cat,” Y/N confirms, smiling back at Spencer for a moment too long, “Let’s get Spencer a cat,” she says, crouching down to Aster. Her voice raises an octave; her delightful tone drips of nothing, but love and adoration for her daughter. He hates the pang of jealousy the twinges in his heart. He’d never resent Rebecca for the way that their life turned out, but part of him always dreamed of being a father one day.
“Come on, Spencer,” Y/N says, pushing the stroller towards the exit, “there’s a shelter around the corner, I’ll drive because it’s a pain to carry all this, so meet you there?” she says, her eyes and expression looking hopeful to Spencer’s observation skills. And before he can stop himself, he rests a hand on the stoller, stopping Y/N from exiting.
“Nonsense,” he tells her, “Give me the bag, I’ll take it and you got the stroller and Aster. It’s so nice out, we can walk together,” he offers, hoping to extend their conversation for as long as he can milk it. After so long with only his colleagues to talk to, it’s nice to have someone else to confide in. Especially when those people understand his pain so acutely.
“I don’t want to bother you with Aster,” Y/N says, prepared, as it seems, to make things easier for others while in turn making it harder on herself. That’s something that Spencer knows a thing or two about, “She’s sweet, but if she gets fussy it can be a lot,”
“I love babies, Y/N,” Spencer says, crouching down so he’s eyelevel with Aster, “And your daughter is probably the calmest baby I’ve ever seen,”
“Well, it’s your funeral if she starts screaming in the middle of the shelter,” Y/N says, handing him the diaper bag as they head out the door. He chuckles to himself, noticing how easy it is for his ex-neighbor to hide the softer, more vulnerable side of herself in favor of a snarkier, harder exterior.
“I’m actually pretty good with babies,” Spencer says, taking two long strides to catch up with Y/N, “Do you want to hear the story of how I delivered a baby?” he says, unable to contain his smile at the site of Y/N’s bemused expression.
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Two hours later, Spencer and Y/N arrived at his apartment with his newly adopted kitten, Aster, and an entire armful of cat toys and pet supplies in tow. The little gray kitten sleeps contently in her new pet carrier. Spencer debated with himself the whole car ride home about what to name the new edition to his family.
“You really didn’t have to come here, Y/N. I appreciate it and all, but I know you probably have better things to do than haul a 10 month old up three flights of stairs,” Spencer says, apologizing for being the reason she’s going out of her way.
“What are friends for, Spencer,” she says nonchalantly as she puts down Aster’s carseat on the floor, “It’s not like we have anything else to do, but go home to an empty apartment,” she adds, reminding them both of their perpetually lonely existence.
It’s certainly a change for Spencer, but a change that Valentina would be happy about, he thinks to himself as they open the packages of cat beds, toys, and food.
“Poppy and you will be very happy together,” Y/N says, smiling as she unzips the pet carrier to get Poppy out, “She’s going to be such a lucky little kitty,” she says, her voice going up to that similar tone she used with Aster back in the cafe.
“You really are such a pretty little kitten,” Y/N coos, rubbing her thumb across the bridge of the kitten’s nose. Poppy purrs happily in Y/N’s hands and Spencer is left wondering if it would be against Valentina’s advice for her to stay over for dinner and maybe into the morning.
He brushes those thoughts away, but it’s difficult when all he can see is Y/N introducing Aster to Poppy and all he can hear is her using that sweet voice to talk to them both.
“You’re a very good mom, Y/N,” Spencer whispers, sitting on the floor with the trio, “I think I need you to write me an advice book,” he jokes, even though he speaks a half-truth.
“I think you’ll be a natural. You’re brilliant and kind and very sweet,” Y/N says, helping to boost his confidence, but taint his heart in the same breath, “You seem like dad material,” she adds, settling comfortably on the floor as she pets a purring Poppy.
“I wanted kids,” Spencer says shyly, approaching a subject he hasn’t dared to tell anyone, “But Rebecca didn’t. And I wasn’t going to make her do something to her body that she didn’t want to. Marriage, as you know all too well, is about sacrifices. And I made that sacrifice a long time ago,” Spencer says, “And now, now I feel like I’d mess a kid up too much,”
“I know that it’s difficult navigating that with a spouse, Spencer. And for what it’s worth, if you end up a cat dad, you’ll be the best cat dad there is,” Y/N says, handing the small kitten to him. Aster’s eyes light up with excitement as she sees Poppy.
“Gentle to kitty,” Spencer says, holding out Poppy for Aster to pet and holding her other hand to show her how to pet the cat properly, “Kitty so soft,” he says, doing his best to mimic the light and airy voice that Y/N uses with her.
“You better stop, Spence,” Y/N says, laughing as she watches Spencer and Aster together, “You’ll make her want a cat if you don’t,” she teases.
“You know, there’s a lot of research done into the theory that raising a child with a pet, particularly a cat, increases their emotional intelligence. Not to mention responsibility and independence,” Spencer says, ready to list off peer viewed articles on the topic if Y/N gives him the word.
“I’ll keep it in mind,” Y/N says, picking up Aster’s car seat, “It was a nice day, Spencer. I don’t really remember the last time I actually laughed like that,” she says, “But, Aster and I will get out of your hair now. It’s almost time for her afternoon nap,”
“Okay,” Spencer says, knowing words of understanding come to echo back in the loneliness of his empty apartment, “Of course, but uh, Y/N. Thank you,” he says, his voice turning into a unsure tone he hates. It reminds him of the boy he used to be, not the man who’s been through hell and back.
“It’s what friends are for, neighbor,” Y/N says, swinging the diaper bag on her shoulder. She plants a quick kiss on his cheek. Her lips don’t linger— but the aftershock stings like a tattoo. She doesn’t give him much time to react.
He wants to ask her to stay because he also can’t remember the last time he laughed that hard too. But it doesn’t take a profiler to sense the tension that blankets the room. Maybe it’s the way his heart feels heavy when he hears Y/N’s voice change as she talks to Aster and Poppy. The unmentionable, yet unregettable and unforgettable night they shared follows them around as the mime fake niceties and casual small talk.
“Bye,” Spencer says, smiling as best as he can when all he can think about is the shape of her lips and Valentina's cautionary words and the emptiness of his apartment.
Well, not completely empty.
Still purring in his arms, Poppy wiggles in an effort to free herself. Spencer’s read enough pet owner manuals to know that it’s important for cats to get acclimated to their new environment as soon as possible. It promotes a healthy and happy relationship between pet and owner. He lets Poppy down and sits on the floor with his legs extended outward.
“Hey there, little kitty,” Spencer whispers, petting a single finger across the cat’s tiny back. She looks so small next to his feet, “It looks like it’s just you and me,” he says, sadly.
Poppy attacks his laces, throwing the string between her small paws. Spencer frowns at the sight, wondering darkly to himself how on Earth he, something so broken and damaged, will be able to care for something so wholesome and innocent. He picks her up, smiling as the kitten licks his hand with her sandpaper tongue. She settles down comfortably against his chest, her purring drowning out the dullness in his mind that reminds him that he’s never going to be himself again.
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His personal phone hardly ever rings.
Spencer sits up from his crouched position on the couch. Poppy sleeps peacefully on his chest so he does his best to not disturb the kitten. He must have fallen asleep to the dull tones of late night television featuring the clownish jokes and immature humor of a man in an expensive suit and a terrible hairpiece. She prefers the bed, but it’s hard for Spencer waking up in the cold bed after so many years with someone beside him.
The glowing blue light burns his eyes as he looks at his phone. Unable to see the blurry name, Spencer picks up the phone without hesitation.
“Dr. Spencer Reid speaking,” he says, wondering if it’s his mother’s care facility.
“Are you always this formal, Doctor Reid?”
Spencer, sitting up, wakes up Poppy in the process. He pets her in apology as she finds a warm spot on the couch. Spencer’s attention, however, is glued entirely to the woman on the other end of the phone call.
“Y/N,” he says, his voice sounding straggled from sleep, “it’s late,”
“So you are a genius after all,” Y/N whispers into the phone, “there were always rumors on the block about you. And them,” she says, her venomous words dripping with familiarity. He doesn’t want to think about the rumors that circulated his former suburban Hell.
Norman Rockwell would have gone mad there with the smarmy men and their stories of college tailgates and the gossiping women and their stories of their so-called friends. It’s not to say that Spencer wasn’t happy there with Rebecca. He was. And he’d venture to say that Y/N was happy, at one point, with James. Or maybe they played ‘happy’ like little kids play pretend. Fake adults playing house but their shattered hearts were made of real glass- not the kid stuff.
“I’d rather not think about that if that’s okay with you,” Spencer says, his clipped tone revealing that he doesn't particularly care for late night phone calls, “Is there something you needed, Y/N?” he asks, turning off the glowing television. He’s left in the dark with only the moonlight to keep him company.
“You,” she says, sounding dreary despite her obvious attempts at being intriguing. She doesn’t need to be anything but herself for Spencer to want her company. And while Valentina’s words echo in his mind, Spencer can’t help but hear himself in her breaking voice, “I’m texting you my address,” she says, hanging up without waiting for an answer.
His phone buzzes as her name appears on the screen. He is reminded just how much he doesn’t use his personal cell phone when his and Rebecca’s smiling faces appear on the bright screen. Somehow, it’s harder to change the wallpaper than it was to sign the divorce papers.
Spencer glances at Poppy. The kitten is curled on the couch not having to play ‘happy’ she just is. She doesn’t have to worry about being anything, but herself. The twisted thing is that Spencer has only ever felt like his old self when he was with Y/N. Maybe they are chasing ghosts, clinging on to the last hope. Or maybe they’re seeking something beautifully fractured and meant to stitch back together.
Spencer wasn’t sure what to expect for Y/N’s apartment. They weren’t close enough neighbors to have spent time in each other’s homes. Even though he’s left wondering if Rebecca has seen more of her old him through James than he ever did. And, on the other hand, did Rebecca bring James into their room, their house, their home. He has to shake the thoughts of the past from his mind so as to not let them sour the present.
He knocks lightly on the walnut door, not wanting to wake Aster. Y/N appears, wearing pajamas, making Spencer’s cardigan and corduroys look very out of place.
“You came!” Y/N whisper-screams, dragging Spencer in by the hand excitedly, “Get in here, neighbor,”
The hallway entrance gives way to a cozy living room with cream colored walls and cherry wood hard floors. She could have only moved into her new place in the last month or so, but somehow she’s made it look like it’s been lived in for years.
“Well, I probably wasn’t going to get much sleep either,” Spencer says, whispering as he watches Y/N move about the room with a kind of energy that could only be described as intense, “Doesn’t look like you get much either,” he ventures, taking in the bright lights, discarded books, and flashing television.
“Nope,” she says, emphasizing the ‘p’ as she plops down on her sofa, “I haven’t slept well in a week,” she adds, carelessly mentioning the unmentionable.
“Stressed induced insomnia is cyclical in some. You’re stressed and anxious and then you can’t sleep. And the lack of sleep only furthers the extent of the insomnia,” Spencer says, so into his facts that he doesn’t even notice that their fingers are intertwined until he lowers his gaze.
His first thought, despite every ounce of his personal reservation, is that her hands look like they were made to be held. Spencer can’t remember the last time someone held his hand gently like this.
“I didn’t invite you over for you to rattle on about sleep deprivation,” Y/N says, her hand breaking from his to trail up his cardigan covered arm. The innocence of the touch long gone and replaced by something less so.
“What did you invite me over for then—”
Her mouth is on his and he can taste the bitter bite of red wine on her tongue. The red flag waves frantically in front of his eyes as Y/N starts moving towards his neck. Her lips dance down his skin, stinging him in its wake. He can feel his head cloud as Y/N’s hands thread in his hair.
“Y/N,” Spencer says, his voice hushed and fragile, “We can’t, Y/N. We can’t. You’re too drunk,”
She doesn’t say anything, but untangles her hands from his hair. Y/N rests her forehead against his. She refuses to meet his eyes, maybe in embarrassment or uncertainty he’s not sure. She’s so close Spencer wonders if he could get drunk from it.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, her eyes flickering up in a small moment of bravery.
“It’s okay,” Spencer says, understanding her pained voice in a familiarity that no one should recognize, “I understand, Y/N. I understand,” he whispers, placing a kiss on her forehead in what he hopes says more than his words ever could.
The silence in the living room rings in Spencer’s ears. He closes his eyes as he kisses her, preferring to not taste a drunken mistake on her lips.
“Will you stay?” she asks, “Please, I just— I can’t be alone anymore,”
Spencer’s heart can’t break anymore, but if it could she would have just annihilated him. Her eyes meet his in a look that only two broken hearts can truly understand. He nods in response, letting her lead him to her bedroom. His mind churns to thoughts the next all those days ago as the dark bedroom reminds him of his own.
Spencer lets her get comfortable in the bed, finding a space next to her. Y/N’s warm back molds perfectly into his front. He holds her close, wondering for himself as well if the skin to skin closeness will chase away the ghosts. It’s hard to tell though when you’re the ghost and your past is what’s chasing you.
“I see him when I sleep,” her bleakness bleeding out from the blankets, blinds him with reality. All he wants to do is run away from the ghostly girl in his dreams. The girl that smells like Rebecca, that moves like Rebecca, that loves him and holds him like Rebecca.
“It’s okay,” Spencer says, repeating his words and feeling like a broken record in more ways than one, “I see her too,”
“Does she love you like begged her too,” Y/N asks, drawing shapes on his skin, “it’s okay to pretend I’m her,”
If just closes his eyes, maybe he can smell her perfume. But all he can smell is lavender when she wore apple and cinnamon. The soft sheets hug his body, lulling him into a much needed sleep.
Her words shoot to kill, but only because they are true.
“Will you hate me if I pretend that you’re him?” she asks. Maybe he should have expected it. Maybe he should have seen it coming. He can run through all the maybes in his mind until it doesn’t even sound like a word anymore.
“I could never hate you,” Spencer whispers, moving his arms as Y/N flips over in the bed. Their heads line inches apart, eyes looking anyway but forward.
He gives in first, knowing that it might be his Kryptonite, giving into people who will inevitably hurt him. And yet he’s left wondering if a part of him likes the sting of being shoved away. He knows that he can never hate her. But he wonders if he could ever love her.
And as he closes her eyes the only consolation is that the love affair maimed her too.
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justasparkwritings · 4 years
Illicit Affairs: Beautiful Rooms Pt. 1
Previous: You Made Me
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Pairings: Namjoon & Reader (Barely)
Genre: Angst, Slice of Life 
Ratings: PG15
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: Therapy and Swearing 
Summary: Namjoon arrives in LA to begin the work he promised he would do. 
Listen: illicit affairs by Taylor Swift
           Namjoon lays in his plane-bed, headphones blasting D-2, Daechwita, on a blind loop. The sky is dark, 30,000+ feet in the air, he knows he should be sleeping, resting at the bare minimum. But he can’t, melatonin not kicking in just yet, and his mind is too wired, filled with concerns.
           Over a two months ago, after the reckoning, Namjoon put his plans into action. You can’t take managements King, and Queen, and bishops and rooks, without having a plan for total annihilation. Namjoon decided, though without much discussion with Jungkook, what they both needed. What would be the best for both of them, and the rest of Bangtan, was guarantees in their contracts that Bang and Co wouldn’t manipulate them anymore. No more calorie counting, no more extra pay for working out more, no more using Namjoon as a weapon against Jungkook or the others. To do this, Namjoon brought in other lawyers who negotiated with Bang’s team, and in the end the seven men amended their contracts. Gone were the clauses about who they could date, gone was the clause that they couldn’t date, period, gone was Run BTS and the trickery management went through to get the men to perform. They would have ownership of their work going forward, and ownership of their work all the way back to the first Love Yourself album.
           Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin were shocked when their contracts were handed back, careful to read through the changes. They’d been floored, wondering how Namjoon and Jungkook’s brawl could’ve resulted in this swift change in their deals. Namjoon had put it simply: change or we sue. Big Hit knew that if BTS sued them, they’d take the house, the plastic plants in the lobby, the stock options and the futures of every person on the label. They had the option to lose everything, or to surrender, tails between their legs, to the gods that are BTS.
           Namjoon knew that if this had happened three months prior, even two years, he wouldn’t have had the weight needed to push the deal through. But, in their decade plus at Big Hit, their level of power and influence, the fact that they had never signed NDA’s coupled with Namjoon’s intricate diaries, Namjoon recognized he had the power to take everything. Bang and Sejin were scared. They knew that they had a limited amount of time before BTS revolted, and if they were revolting with evidence, there was no possible solution that ended in Big Hit’s favor.
           With their new contracts came one request from Bang, Sejin and the five other members of Bangtan, one request that was truly a demand: fix Jungkook and Namjoon.
           Fixing Jungkook meant fixing Namjoon’s relationship to the maknae, which is how he finds himself flying across the globe to LA. Getting Jungkook help, away from prying eyes, was his idea. He and his love had brainstormed what would help Jungkook get through this, and this was the solution:
Jungkook would spend 3-6 months in LA undergoing rigorous outpatient therapy
Jungkook would be booked for exhaustion, body dysmorphia, alcoholism, and a host of other issues Namjoon could’ve spent his entire flight listing
Jungkook would rehearse in LA and fly back for specific stages but would otherwise record and work in LA while he went to therapy five days a week
Detox would come first, followed by a month of inpatient treatment
Then, Jungkook would be settled in his outpatient apartment, with a few Big Hit bodyguards around 24/7
Jungkook would have a sponsor in Korea and in the states, whom he reported to,
Jungkook is required to attend AA meetings twice a week for the first three months
Namjoon, would attend therapy twice a week in Korea,
Namjoon would fly to LA to spend a month going through treatment with Jungkook
           To this, they signed their names, to the promise of something better, to the hope they would find common ground. Jungkook was packed and on a plane 48 hours later. The two men had some contact through music and through their group chat, but otherwise, Jungkook kept to himself. He loved LA, the sun, the ability to exercise outside every day of the week, the blue skies… There was a level of health that came with LA, and of course the seedy underbelly of diet culture, but for Jungkook, it was a welcome change. Everyone breathed in LA, they weren’t rushing to meet deadlines or get anywhere on time, they didn’t have the next five years planned on a detailed spreadsheet. LA was relaxed, it was breezy, and with its endless supply of green juice, it was the exact place Jungkook needed to be.
           He diligently went to therapy, working exclusively with Dr. Aarons on the years of abuse he’d endured. Wrapping his mind around what had happened to him, not as love, not as building his character or strengthening his work ethic, but as a traumatic state of emotional abuse, was harder to swallow than two horse tranquilizers without water. Dr. Aarons gave him books and pamphlets on trauma and emotional abuse, which in his off hours, he read. His first month in treatment was spent in therapy sessions, a weekly Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) session, monitored exercise to help reteach him how to use his body, and reading to discuss. Some days felt like high school, or training days, when he was required to both train for debut and be a high school student. He hated it, hated studying, hated school, but to get better he had to do the work. All he could hope was at the end of this he’d feel better, maybe he'd be better too.  
           Dr. Aaron’s agreed, for the two men to make progress, to find common ground again, they needed to work through their Kilimanjaro sized problems.
           A month into treatment, Jungkook was ready and willing to begin working on repairing his most treasured relationship.
           “Namjoon, thank you for joining us here,” Dr. Aarons says, eyes darting between Jungkook, who was freshly showered and bouncing his leg up and down, and Namjoon, stoic, perched on the edge of his chair. Dr. Aarons can tell that Namjoon is less prepared than Jungkook, which is why she is in full control of this session.
           “It’s, yeah, glad to be here,” Namjoon says, head bowing.
           “I am first generation and am fluent in both English and Korean. My maiden name is Park,” Dr. Aarons smiles, letting Namjoon into her stratification of both cultures. “We can flow from English to Korean at any point.”
           “Thank you,” Namjoon bows again.
           “This first session is just to create a welcoming and safe space for Jungkook to see you again. Soon he will be off, and you and I will have a bit of time to talk. I have been in communication with your therapist back in Seoul, and he has given me his thoughts as well as points that we can continue to work on as a triad. Jungkook, is there something you wanted to say to Namjoon before you go?”
           Jungkook looks at his brother, irises rising to meet his sun-twin. Namjoon’s eyes are tired, heavy, his lids weighty as he continues to battle some jetlag. Jungkook looks fucking fantastic, the sun and balanced eating working wonders on him.
           “Thank you, hyung, for being here, and thank you for being willing to work on this with me. I still hold love for you in my heart, though I don’t have to. We’ve both fucked up. I am sorry for punching you, well, beating you up, and I hope you can forgive me, if not today, at some point. And again, thank you, hyung, for fighting for me,” Jungkook’s voice breaks as he utters his last words, eyes dropping to his hands.
           “Jungkook, you did great,” Dr. Aarons reassures.
           “Thank you, Jungkookie, for being, forgiving, for still wanting to speak to me, to work with me, it,” Namjoon clears his throat, that familiar lump forming. “I know I let you down. I will always be sorry,”
           “I know, me too,”
           “Jungkook, thank you for being here today. I will see you tomorrow for our first session as a group.” Dr. Aaron’s gave the go-ahead for Jungkook to leave, and he did swiftly, giving Namjoon the chance to confide in Dr. Aarons.
           “Thank you, for doing this,” Namjoon spoke.
           “This was your idea, correct? The therapy, detox, all of it?”
           “Yes,” Namjoon feels the blood rush to his cheeks.
           “From what I understand, you’re kind of a genius, right?”
           “In music, I suppose,”
           Reaching for her notepad, Dr. Aarons’ glances down. “Mm, I spoke with Dr. Cho,”
           “He was very insightful, gave me lots of great notes and things to discuss. I wanted to start by saying that I understand the levels of abuse you went through,” She raises her head to meet his unsteady gaze, clocking the flustered expression.
           “The manipulation, the invalidation, the pain. Namjoon, no one should have to experience all of that, and yet, here you are. You are strong, you are powerful, you are dedicated to your brothers. None of it excuses what you have done, but what I want to convey to you, is that a lot of your actions were not your fault.” Dr. Aarons’ runs through the list of compliments she had jotted down, notes of what to say to create a safe space for Namjoon.
           “I, I know,”
           “I know you do; I also know that isn’t how you see it.” Dr. Aarons’ sets her pen down and recrossed her legs, eyes never straying from him. She’s formidable, honored and esteemed throughout the community, domestically and abroad. Namjoon knew, he helped picked her, she was the reason Jungkook was here.
           “I still did the actions,” Namjoon sighs, “I still followed through with the plan,”
           “Yes, but the cost to you and your life was exquisite. You were a pawn,”
           “Now I am the victor,” He mumbles.
           “Tell me, Namjoon, how old did you feel when you and Jungkook fought?”
           “What do you mean?”
           “Jungkook’s recounted his memory of that night, but how did you feel? In that moment when he hit you, what age specifically did you feel?”
           He takes a moment to think, but the answer is in front of him immediately. “Fifteen,”
           “What happened at 15?”
           He shifts nervously, the rapid speed of his speech slowing as he spoke. “I was still being scouted by Big Hit, no contracts, just negotiations. My parents were, unsupportive.”
           “Within the Seoul rap community, you were making a name for yourself,” Dr. Aarons’ didn’t have to be living in Korea at the time to know who he was, everyone in the first gen community who still had any ties back home knew. You couldn’t listen to music without his mixes coming through.            “Yeah, but that only gets you so far. I was talking to Bang about these big plans for a super group, a group that combined rapping and pop, some bridge between the two and other genres… the places were going to go seemed endless.”
           “How did you feel in those negotiations?”
           Joon smiles. “I felt, ten feet tall. I mattered in those meetings,”
           “And to your parents?” Dr. Aaron’s questions.
           “I was just their high schooler, hormonal, with dreams bigger than my mind could hold. They, they didn’t want me to do it,”
           “But you went for it,” She smiles gently.
           “I did, yeah,” Namjoon, hates flattery. Call it his sun sensibility, his rays unable to shine under the humility of the grey cloud he kept above himself.
           “What else happened around that time?” She presses.
           Namjoon nods again, knowing exactly where she’s leading him. “That’s when I started receiving a lot of hate,”
           “Mm, tell me about that,”
           “Do I have to?” He asks, voice no longer strong and steady.
           “Not if you don’t want to,” She replies.
           “It’s just,” Namjoon sighs. “It still hurts.”
           “I expect it to. The comments were very personal,”
           “About how I look, about the shape of my nose, the sound of my voice, that I’ll never amount to anything and BTS is just, complete trash passing off as music.” He rattles off the ones that plague him, when self-doubt creeps in, the comments that still rise to the top of the pack.
           “They escalated, didn’t they?”
           “Don’t they always?”
           She smiles softly, a precursor to the next blow. “Did you internalize them?”
           “When Jungkook hit you,” She starts.
           “It was like every internet troll finally getting their chance to swing,” Namjoon doesn’t hesitate to finish the thought.
           “Ahh, there it is.” Dr. Aaron’s allows Namjoon a minute to sit in the realization. “What hurt the most? The physical pain, or the emotional weight you put behind it?”
           “I haven’t thought about it like that,” He realizes.
           “Well let’s think about it now,” Her voice is kind, leading him to the pasture but never feeding. No wonder everyone raved about her.
           “It was the emotions,” He concedes.
           “Can you describe what those emotions were?”
           “Anger, frustration, inadequacy, disappointment, like I had just shattered the entire world I’d given every bit of myself to creating.”
           “That wasn’t why Jungkook was hitting you, though,” Dr. Aarons’ informs him.
           “It wasn’t?”
           “You tell me, why would he be hitting you?”
           “I,” Namjoon exhales, “I betrayed him.”
           “Did you let him down?”
           “But did he view you as inadequate?” She pushes.
           “No,” Namjoon whispers, voice caught between his vocal chords as the waves of tears start to gain on him.
           Dr. Aarons’ smiles again, “No, has he ever?”
           “No,” Namjoon shakes his head, hand wiping the tears that have fallen.
           “It seems to me like it’s quite the opposite. Jungkook loves you, pure and simple.”
           “I betrayed him,” Namjoon argues.
           “Betrayal and inadequacy are often put together, at least in our minds. We betray someone, or a relationship, because it’s either not enough for us, or because it’s too much. The dissonance between you and Jungkook is that his anger is misplaced, he can claw at you because you are there, you are present, you are with him every day. He’s shooting the messenger, but you didn’t write the messages, Namjoon.”
           “I don’t know if he understands that,”
           “There’s only so much I can do to separate what he feels towards you, and what he realizes isn’t your fault. In our time together, as a trio, we will hopefully work towards understanding these complexities within your relationship. Sound good?”
           “Yeah, sounds good,”
           “Great! I don’t have any work for you, other than, well, a major piece of homework,”
           “Bring it on,” Namjoon loves work. Pure and simple.
           “You can’t have dinner with Jungkook tonight, or engage with him in a private setting,” Dr. Aarons’ instructs.
           “Makes sense,” Namjoon agrees.
           “We’ll begin work on it tomorrow, but until then, you have to stay apart,”
           “I can do that, we’re staying in separate places,”
           “Great, Namjoon, I am really looking forward to working with you,” Dr. Aarons stands. “I hope you enjoy your day in LA,”
           “See you tomorrow,” Namjoon smiles gratefully before exiting her office, his phone at the ready, texts from Yoongi and Hoseok, Taehyung and the rest of Bangtan to check in on him. And then there’s the text from his love, who as he steps into the sun, is waiting for him.
           “Joon of my eye, what a pleasure it is to see you,”
           Though the smile is clearly plastered across his face, it’s the way his arms circle your waist, head nuzzling into your neck, lips pressing firmly to your skin.
           “I fucking missed you,” He mutters.
           “You’re being so affectionate, in public,”
           “No one’s here,” Namjoon says, head still resting against your shoulder.
           “That eye opening, huh?” Your hands move up and down his back, the comfort radiating from your familiar embrace.
           “Mm, can we go?” He asks, standing to his full height.
           “To your place?”
           “Anywhere,” He slips his sunglasses over his eyes, the mist beginning to cloud his vision.
           “Of course,” You respond, hand finding his, fingers intertwining. With his baseball cap pulled low on his head, Namjoon is barely recognizable. He doesn’t hesitate to move his free hand across your shoulders, holding onto you as you guide him to your rental car. He might’ve been the messenger of Bang’s threats and manipulations, but a pawn is still a pawn. Namjoon had taken the board in his game against Big Hit, but in Jungkook’s universe, under Jungkook’s rules, he’s still a piece in motion.  
Next: Beautiful Rooms Pt. 2
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junerecords · 6 years
June Records 2018 Record Store Day List
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Here’s a list of the RSD titles that we ordered this year. As always, there are no guarantees on what we will receive and everything is first come, first served, one copy per customer. We will be open from 11am-8pm. See you on the 21st - happy hunting! -June Records Staff Aaliyah - Back & Forth (12”) Arcade Fire - Arcade Fire (EP) Air - Sexy Boy (Picture Disc) Anti-Cimex - Anti-Cimex (LP) David Axelrod - Songs Of Innocence Courtney Barnett - City Looks Pretty & Sunday Roast (12”) Courtney Barnett - The Double EP: A Sea Of Split Peas (Pic Disk) Chris Bell - I Am The Cosmos (7”) The Beginning Of The End - Fishman (12”) David Bowie - Let’s Dance (Full-Length Demo 12”) David Bowie - Now (LP) David Bowie - Welcome To The Blackout (Live In London 1978 3LP) Jeff Buckley - Live At Sin-e (LP) Cam’ron - Purple Haze (2LP) Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy (Mirror To Mirror) (2LP) Eric Clapton - Complete Clapton (4LP) Gene Clark - Back Street Mirror (LP) Oliver Coates - John Luther Adams’ Canticles In The Sky (LP) Willie Colon - Wanted By The FBI/The Big Break - La Gran Fuga (LP) Compton’s Most Wanted - Music To DriveBy (2LP) The Cure - Mixed Up (LP) The Cure - Torn Down: Mixed Up Extras (LP) Cymande - Promised Heights (LP) Cymande - Second Time Round (LP) The Dap Kings: A Closer Looks: The Instrumentals For Saun & Starr (LP) Miles Davis - Rubberband (12”) Mac Demarco & Shamir - Beat Happening Covers (7”) Mac Demarco - Old Dog Demos (LP) Bo Diddley - 16 All-Time Greatest Hits (LP) Dr. Dre - Dre Day (12”) Durutti Column - Another Setting (LP) Bob Dylan & The Grateful Dead - Dylan & The Dead (LP) Easybeats - Lovin’ Machine (EP) Brian Eno w/ Kevin Shields - Weight Of History (12”) ESG - Come Away With ESG (LP) Ella Fitzgerald - Ella At Zardi’s (2LP) Five Day Week Straw People - Five Day Week Straw People (LP) Flaming Lips - Pouring Beer In Your Ear (7”) Fleet Foxes - Crack Up (Choral Version 7”) Fleetwood Mac - Tango In The Night Alternate (LP) Maqrvin Gaye - Let’s Get It On (Red LP) Goat - Double Date Score (10”) Gershon Kingsley - Gershon Kingsley & The Moog (12” EP) Robert Glasper - ArtScience Remixes (LP) Grateful Dead - Fillmore West San Francisco (4LP) Grant Green - Funk In France: Paris To Antibes (1969-1970) (3LP) Grant Green - Slick! Live At Oil Can Harry’s (2LP) Johnny Greenwood - Phantom Thread OST (LP) Groundhogs - Scratching The Surface (LP) Hawkwind - Dark Matter (The Alternative Liberty / U.A. Years 1970-74) (2LP) Tim Hardin - Lost In L.A. (LP) Jimi Hendrix - Mannish Boy (7”) J Dilla - Ruff Draft: Dilla’s Mix (2LP) Michael Kiwanuka - Out Loud (12”) L7- Fast & Frightening (2LP) Laraaji - Sun Transformations (LP) Led Zeppelin - Rock N’ Roll (7”) Lil Uzi Vert - Luv Is Rage (LP) Lil Uzi Vert - The Perfect Luv Tape (LP) Madonna - The First Album (Japanese Reissue Picture Disc LP) Madonna - You Can Dance (1987 Remix EP) Marduk - Dark Endless (LP) Marijata - Pat Thomas Introduces Marijata (LP) MC5 - I Can Only Give You Everything / I Just Don’t Know (7”) MC5 - Looking At You / Borderline (7”) Messengers Incorporated - Soulful Proclamation (LP) Miguel - War & Leisure (2LP) Thelonioius Monk - Monk. (LP) Kevin Morby / Waxahatchee - Farewell Transmission b/w Dark Don’t Hide It (7”) Motorhead - Death Or Glory aka Bastards (LP) Motorhead - Heroes (Picture Disc 7”) Van Morrison - Midnight Special: The Bang Records Sessions (2LP) National - The Boxer: Live In Brussels (LP) Molly Nilsson - These Things Take Time (2LP) Doris Norton - Norton Computer For Peace (LP) Doris Norton - Personal Computer (LP) Notorious B.I.G. - Juicy (12”) N.S.U. - Turn On, Or Turn Me Down (LP) The Open Mind - The Open Mind (LP + 7”) Parquet Courts - Mardi Gras Beads / Seems Kinda Silly (7”) Phish - Billy Breathes (2LP) Pink Floyd - The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn (Mono LP) Prince - 1999 (Single LP Version) Ramones - Sundragon Sessions (LP) Rapsody - The Idea Of Beautiful (2LP) Rockabye Baby - Lullabye Renditions Of The Beastie Boys (LP) Redd Kross - Third Eye (LP) Residents - The W****** B*** Album (LP) Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock - It Takes Two (30th Anniversary LP) Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesty’s Request (Mono LP) Daniel Rossen - Deerslayer (LP) Run The Jewels - Stay Gold (Collector’s Edition LP) Antonio Sanches - Buli Povo! (LP) Lalo Schifrin - Enter the Dragon (LP) Nina Simone - Best Of (LP) Shocking Blue - Singles Collection (2LP) Snatch - Snatch (LP) Soundgarden - A-Sides (2LP) Spacemen 3 - Taking Drugs To Make Music To Take Drugs To (2LP) Melvin Sparks - Texas Twister (LP) Spiritualized - Fucked Up Inside (LP) Bruce Springsteen - Greatest Hits (2LP) The Stooges - The Stooges (Detroit Edition LP) The Streets - Remixes & B-Sides (LP) Sun Ra - Astro Black (LP) Sun Ra - The Cymbals / Symbols Sessions: NYC 1973 (2LP) Taylor Swift - 1989 (2LP) Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift (2LP) Taylor Swift - Fearless (2LP) Tangerine Dream - Zeit (2LP) Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels (12” EP) Johnny Thunders - So Alonesome (LP) Too $hort - Short Dog’s In The House (LP) Uncle Tupelo - No Depression Rarities (LP) Sam Weymon - Ganja & Hess (1973 OST LP) Various Artists - The American Dreamer (OST LP) Various Artists - Pornosonic: Unreleased 70s Porn Music Ft. Ron Jeremy (LP) Various Artists - Death Row Chronicles (2LP) Various Artists - Electroconvulsive Therapy Volume 4: The Art of Survival Records (LP) Various Artists - Hillbillies In Hell: Volume 666 (Country Music's Tormented Testament: 1952-1974) (LP) Various Artists - Planet Terror OST (LP) Various Artists - Powell Peralta: the Search For Animal Chin (2LP) Various Artists - Star Wars: Last Jedi (Die-Cut Pic Disc) Various Artists - The Beginning Of The End: The Existential Psychodrama In Country Music (1956-1974) (LP) Various Artists - The Other Side Of Italy: The Beginning of The Post-Punk and Art-Rock Era (4LP+CD) Tom Waits - Brawlers (2LP) Tom Waits - Bawlers (2LP) Tom Waits - Bastards (2LP) The Who - The Kids Are Alright (LP) Wilco - Live at The Troubadour 11/12/96 (2LP)   Wu-Tang - Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) (Cassette) Neil Young - Tonight’s The Night: Live At The Roxy (2LP) Frank Zappa - Lumpy Gravy (45rpm LP)
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Celiac Illness
It's one Taylor Swift quote that Khoudia Diop can associate with. The 19-year-old trainee and also version from Senegal matured getting teased as well as picked on as a result of the darkness of her skin, inning accordance with meetings she's offered to the Huffington Article and the Daily Mail However somehow, she handled to welcome her difference as opposed to changing her appearance to really feel more approved. After dealing with serious bouts of flaky as well as completely dry skin this winter, we asked Dr. Heather Woolery-Lloyd, the founder of Details Beauty skincare, and also Dr. Heidi Waldorf, the supervisor of laser as well as cosmetic dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New york city City, to break down the five most common bathing errors. Diuretics prescribed for hypertension, antihistamines recommended for allergies, as well as retinoids prescribed for acne are all instances of drugs that could dry out the skin. So, if you want to eliminate your brownish areas for a crystal clear skin, see your aesthetician or dermatologist four months prior to your wedding for Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Photofacial therapies for an extra even complexion, states Jolie Martin skin specialist and also lead aesthetician at Skinney MedSpa + Health Likewise, consultations have to be made four weeks besides each other, so obtaining your first one 4 months out will certainly provide you adequate time if you require extra sessions. It enhances the body's collagen, which is required for youthful, radiant skin and also is a powerful anti-aging compound. Stern, RS. Occurrence of a history of skin cancer cells in 2007: results of an incidence-based version. But researchers from the College of Manchester have actually found that even natural oils used for infant massage therapy can harm the safety obstacle in babies' fragile skin. Simple Kind To Skin Deep Cleansing Face Mask is a best mix of energetic components and also vitamin goodness to extract deep dirt and also eliminate dead cells. It's fantastic for day-to-day usage, getting rid of chlorine from swimming pools, and also getting out hair products or cruds (I make my own milk-plastic hair adhesive). The bright side: Your skin is drier, so you're less most likely to deal with unpleasant outbreaks. A healthy way of life, consisting of a healthy and balanced diet regimen and also regular exercise, is one of the most essential way to decrease the formation of blemishes and also creases. Apply a touch of mild cleanser (such as Neutrogena odorless or infant shampoo) to the compress and utilize it to delicately clean the eyelids. Vitamin E likewise lowers the results of sun direct exposure on the skin and also can aid protect against skin cancer cells, says Kotsopoulos. If fexofenadine may connect with various other medicines that you take, ask your wellness care carrier. \ http://crypteslabeaute.info/ is released simultaneously in Medicine & Scientific research in Sports & Workout and Diabetic issues Care. Of lycopene, an antioxidant discovered in tomatoes that is touted as a protection against prostate cancer cells. If you have a minor microbial infection, ask your physician if an antibiotic is actually needed and if a natural option might work. We consulted our viewers' unbiased evaluations to assemble this listing of the top-rated natural hair masks and deep conditioners on the market. I like that for just ₤ 10 you're getting 2 products in one, and even though both products are readily available for purchase individually, having both items combined works quite well and also is extremely handy! THEY SAY: Specifically created to offer both surface area lifting activity and also thorough repair work activity, the array continually presses back the all-natural chronological aging procedure, correcting damage created to the dermis prior to wrinkles appear. Cleaning oils (compared with a gel or cream you are utilized to lathering up with!) are http://crypteslabeaute.info/ for good reason. Aloe is hydrating however does n`t give skin a greasy feeling, so it' s ideal for any person with an oily skin. Depigmenting lotions, solutions, as well as lotions are widely readily available as cosmetic preparations in several local markets as well as shops, as well as in a research study in Dakar, Senegal, more than 50 percent of ladies wondered about specified that they were on a regular basis using lightening creams ranging from hydroquinones to corticosteroids (Mahé and also others 2003 ). Hydroquinones are potentially harmful to the skin as well as with continual use cause patchy increased coloring and also scarring of the facial skin.
As she gathered her vital she then took her situation up so that she might change from her cozy jeans as well as shirt into shorts as well as a strappy t-shirt, which was such a welcome alleviation in the warm of the Greek sun.Moving from the resort to keep her visit with her sis, she got numerous admiring appearances from the Greek guys that talked gently to her as they evaluated her figure with satisfied eyes, seeing her firm busts, slim waistline and flat tummy flaring out to broader hips as well as best base. Utilizing a slaughterhouse to resemble the reducing Camille practices on herself, and also possibly some other horrors also, could have been a bit heavy-handed, yet fine, ok. Having Camille carve words right into her skin most definitely seems over the top to me, a little bit of literary permit, yet fine, ok. I delighted in the enjoyable noir twang with which Flynn begins her story, but it seemed to discolor rather a great deal during 254 pages. The post-it note on the file stated No African American to care for Davis Bauer" - Ruth was the only African American registered nurse on the ward. Zinc assists your skin heal, and also it also aids your body use crucial fatty acids.
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mrjeremydylan · 7 years
Happy Birthday John Lennon! Robyn Hitchcock on ‘Plastic Ono Band’
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To celebrate St Lennon’s Day, I’m revisiting my conversation with British polka-dot enthusiast and iconoclast Robyn Hitchcock on ‘Plastic Ono Band’ - Enjoy!
Traveler through space and time, British cult icon and legendary singer-songwriter Robyn Hitchcock steers his ship into the podbooth this week, for a chat with host Jeremy Dylan about John Lennon’s emotionally confronting classic 1970 album “Plastic Ono Band”.
Along the way, they talk about why Robyn identified with Lennon as a kid, Lennon’s antipathy toward his Beatles music, the possible influence of Bob Dylan’s “John Wesley Harding” album, John and Yoko’s primal scream therapy and which Robyn Hitchcock song borrows its arrangement from a Plastic Ono Band tune.
Listen in the player above or download the episode by clicking here.
Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes here or in other podcasting apps by copying/pasting our RSS feed - http://myfavoritealbum.libsyn.com/rss
My Favorite Album is a podcast on the impact great music has on our lives. Each episode features a guest on their favorite album of all time - why they love it, their history with the album and how it’s influenced them. Jeremy Dylan is a filmmaker, journalist and photographer. He directed the the feature music documentary Jim Lauderdale: The King of Broken Hearts (out now!) and the film Benjamin Sniddlegrass and the Cauldron of Penguins.
If you’ve got any feedback or suggestions, drop us a line at [email protected].
LINKS - Buy our album of the episode on iTunes here.
- Robyn Hitchcock’s website, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook page and on iTunes.
- Jeremy Dylan’s website, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook page.
- Like the podcast on Facebook here.
- If you dig the show, please leave a rating or review of the show on iTunes here.
225. David Ryan Harris on Sly & the Family Stone ‘There’s A Riot Goin’ On’ (1971) 224. Lilly Hiatt on Pearl Jam ‘No Code’ (1996) 223. Sarah Lewitinn aka Ultragrrrl on Interpol ‘Our Love to Admire’ (2007) 222. Whispertown on Sugar Pie DeSanto ‘Down in the Basement: The Chess Years’ 221. Aaron Lee Tasjan on The Beatles ‘Revolver’ (1966) 220. Jon Cryer on Radiohead ‘OK Computer’ (1997) 219. Neil Innes on The Mothers of Invention ‘We’re Only In It for the Money’ (1968) 218. Gold Class on the Dirty Three ‘Ocean Songs’ (1998) 217. Julian Velard on Billy Joel ‘Turnstiles’ (1976) 216. Courtney Marie Andrews on Bob Dylan ‘Blood on the Tracks’ (1975) 215. Anita Lester on Leonard Cohen ‘Song of Love and Hate’ (1971) 214. Meet Me In The Bathroom author Lizzy Goodman on Yeah Yeah Yeahs ‘Fever to Tell’ (2003) 213. JAY-Z biographer Zack O'Malley Greenburg on JAY-Z ‘Reasonable Doubt’ (1996) 212. #BeatlesMonth Wall Street Journal’s Allan Kozinn on how ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand’ broke the Beatles in America and the anatomy of an iconic hit 211. #BeatlesMonth Conan’s Jimmy Vivino on the Sgt Pepper remixes and recreating the intricacies of the Beatles with the Fab Faux 210.  #BeatlesMonth Heartbreaker Benmont Tench on playing with Ringo, the Beatles RnB roots and the genius of ‘No Reply’ 209. #BeatlesMonth Ken Levine on ‘Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’ (1967) 208. All Our Exes Live In Texas on Rufus Wainwright ‘Want’ (2004) 207. Eilish Gilligan on Counting Crows ‘August and Everthing After’ (1993) 206. Katie Brianna on Rilo Kiley ‘Under the Blacklight’ (2007) 205. Pegi Young on her biggest influences, from Janis to Joni, Clapton to the Dead 204. Margaret Glaspy on Bjork ‘Vespertine’ (2001) 203. Iluka on Marvin Gaye ‘What’s Going On’ (1971) 202. Veronica Milsom (triple J) on The Shins ‘Wincing the Night Away’ (2007) 201. Charles Esten on Bruce Springsteen ‘Born to Run’ (1975) 200. What’s Your Favorite Aussie Music? with Benmont Tench, Duglas T Stewart, Natalie Prass, Sam Palladio and Jeff Greenstein 199. Showrunner Jeff Lieber on Gregory Alan Isakov ‘The Weatherman’ and how music fuels his writing process 198. Jack Colwell on Tori Amos ‘Boys for Pele’ (1996) 197. Benmont Tench on playing with Bob Dylan, Jenny Lewis and Ryan Adams and the worst advice he’s received 196. Ella Thompson (Dorsal Fins, GL) on Renee Geyer ‘Moving On’ 195. The Shires on Lady Antebellum ‘Own the Night’ (2011) 194. Duglas T Stewart (BMX Bandits) on Beach Boys ‘Love You’ (1977) 193. Dan Soder on Queens of the Stone Age ‘Like Clockwork’ (2013) 192. Kingswood on The Beatles ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ (1967) 191. Comedian Becky Lucas on Michael Jackson ‘Bad’ (1987) 190. PVT on Brian Eno ‘Another Green World’ (1975) 189. Middle Kids on My Brightest Diamond ‘Bring Me The Workhorse’ (2006) 188. The Bitter Script Reader on Tom Hanks ‘That Thing You Do’ (1996) 187. Carly Rae Jepsen ‘Emotion’ (2015) with CRJ Dream Team Roundtable 186. Sarah Belkner on Peter Gabriel ‘So’ (1986) 185. Mark Hart (Crowded House, Supertramp) on XTC ‘Drums and Wires’ (1979) 184. Emma Swift on Marianne Faithfull ‘Broken English’ (1974) 183. Owen Rabbit on Kate Bush ‘Hounds of Love’ (1985) 182. Robyn Hitchcock on Bob Dylan ‘Blonde on Blonde’ (1966) 181. Dave Mudie (Courtney Barnett) on Nirvana ‘Nevermind’ (1991) 180. Brian Koppelman on Bruce Springsteen ‘Nebraska’ (1982) 179. Nicholas Allbrook (POND) on OutKast ‘The Love Below’ (2003) 178. 2016 in Review: What the hell? ft Jeff Greenstein, Rob Draper & Cookin on 3 Burners, Melody Pool, Lisa Mitchell, Emma Swift, Brian Koppelman, Mark Hart (Crowded House), Davey Lane and Alex Lahey 177. Harper Simon on The Beatles ‘White Album’ (1968) 176. Andrew P Street on Models ‘Pleasure of Your Company’ (1983) 175. Matt Farley (Motern Media) on why The Beach Boys ‘Love You’ is better than ‘Pet Sounds’ 174. Lisa Mitchell on Regina Spektor ‘Begin to Hope’ (2006) and her favorite albums of 2016 173. Peter Bibby on Sleep ‘Dopesmoker’ (2003) 172. Slate’s Jack Hamilton on Stevie Wonder ‘Innervisions’ (1973) 171. Showrunner Blake Masters on Drive-By Truckers ‘The Dirty South’ (2004) 170. Taylor Goldsmith (Dawes) on on their new album ‘We’re All Gonna Die’, loving LA and the albums that inspire him 169. Sadler Vaden on The Rolling Stones ‘Goats Head Soup’ (1973) 168. Guy Clark biographer Tamara Saviano on ‘Dublin Blues’, Guy’s songwriting process and his musical legacy 167. What does Trump mean for music? 166. A Tribute to Sir George Martin, The Fifth Beatle with Davey Lane and Brett Wolfie 165. John Oates on Joni Mitchell ‘Blue’ (1971) 164. Jimmy Vivino on the birth of the Max Weinberg 7, his relationship with Conan O’Brien, country music and the future of rock’n’roll 163. DJ Alix Brown on Transformer (1972) by Lou Reed 162. Taylor Locke on Doolittle (1989) by the Pixies, the album that inspired 90s alt-rock 161. Harts on Around the World in a Day (1985) by Prince and jamming with Prince at Paisley Park 160. Mark McKinnon (The Circus) on Kristofferson and programming the President’s iPod 159. Alan Brough on A Walk Across the Rooftops (1984) by The Blue Nile 158. Peter Cooper on Pretty Close to the Truth (1994) and why we need Americana music 157. Will Colvin (Hedge Fund) on One of the Boys by Katy Perry (2008) 156. Julia Jacklin on Extraordinary Machine by Fiona Apple (2005) 155. Japanese Wallpaper on Currents by Tame Impala (2015) 154. Montaigne on her album Glorious Heights (2016) and its inspirations 153. Alex Lahey on Hot Fuss by the Killers (2004) 152. Jack Moffitt (The Preatures) on Physical Graffiti by Led Zeppelin (1975) 151. Mike Bloom on Axis Bold As Love by Jimi Hendrix (1968) 150. Hey Geronimo on Drowning in the Fountain of Youth by Dan Kelly (2006) 149. Mickey Raphael on Teatro by Willie Nelson (1998) 148. Jack Ladder on Suicide by Suicide 147. Rusty Anderson on Hot Rats by Frank Zappa 146. Kenny Aronoff on The Beatles 145. Bob Evans on A Grand Don’t Come for Free by The Streets 144. Chris Hewitt (Empire) on New Adventues in Hi-Fi by REM 143. Dr Warren Zanes on Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers 142. Dr Mark Kermode (Wittertainment) on Sleep No More by the Comsat Angels 141. Van Dyke Parks on Randy Newman by Randy Newman 140. Imogen Clark on Heartbreaker by Ryan Adams 139. Jesse Thorn on Fresh by Sly and the Family Stone 138. Stephen Tobolowsky on The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars by David Bowie 137. Ben Blacker on Blood and Chocolate on Elvis Costello & the Attractions 136. Jonny Fritz on West by Lucinda Williams 135. Adam Busch on A River Ain’t Too Much to Love by Smog 134. Kelsea Ballerini on Blue Neighbourhood by Troye Sivan 133. Natalie Prass on Presenting Dionne Warwick 132. Josh Pyke on Badmotorfinger by Soundgarden 131. Kip Moore on Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen 130. Koi Child on Voodoo by D’Angelo 129. The Cadillac Three on Wildflowers by Tom Petty 128. Julian McCullough on Appetite for Destruction by Guns n Roses 127. Danny Clinch on Greetings from Ashbury Park NJ by Bruce Springsteen 126. Sam Palladio (Nashville) on October Road by James Taylor 125. Steve Mandel on Blood and Chocolate by Elvis Costello 124. Brian Koppelman on The History of the Eagles 123. Benmont Tench on Beggars Banquet by the Rolling Stones 122. Jimmy Vivino (Basic Cable Band) on Super Session by Al Kooper, Mike Bloomfield and Stephen Stills 121. Holiday Sidewinder on Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid by Bob Dylan 120. Ben Blacker on Aladdin Sane by David Bowie 119. EZTV on The Toms by The Toms 118. Jess Ribeiro on Transformer by Lou Reed 117. Whitney Rose on Keith Whitley Greatest Hits 116. Best Albums of 2015 with Danny Yau ft. Jason Isbell, Dan Kelly, Shane Nicholson, Tim Rogers, Will Hoge and Julien Barbagallo (Tame Impala) 115. Phil Spector’s A Christmas Gift For You with Jaime Lewis 114. Xmas Music ft. Kristian Bush, Lee Brice, Corb Lund and Tim Byron 113. Sam Outlaw on Pieces of the Sky by Emmylou Harris 112. Jason Isbell on Sticky Fingers by the Rolling Stones 111. Ash Naylor (Even) on Houses of the Holy by Led Zeppelin 110. Burke Reid (Gerling) on Dirty by Sonic Youth 109. Lance Ferguson (The Bamboos) on Kind of Blue by Miles Davis 108. Lindsay ‘The Doctor’ McDougall (Frenzal Rhomb) on Curses! by Future of the Left 107. Julien Barbagallo (Tame Impala) on Chrominance Decoder by April March 106. Melody Pool on Blue by Joni Mitchell 105. Rusty Hopkinson (You Am I) on ‘Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era’ 104. Jeff Greenstein on A Quick One (Happy Jack) by The Who 103. Dave Cobb on Revolver by the Beatles 102. Justin Melkmann (World War IX) on Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed 101. Kacey Musgraves on John Prine by John Prine 100. Does the album have a future? 99. Corb Lund on Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs by Marty Robbins 98. Bad Dreems on Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division 97. Davey Lane (You Am I) on Abbey Road by the Beatles 96. Dan Kelly on There’s A Riot Goin’ On by Sly and the Family Stone 95. Ash Grunwald on Mule Variations by Tom Waits 94. Stella Angelico on The Shangrilas 93. Eves the Behavior on Blue by Joni Mitchell 92. Troy Cassar-Daley on Willie Nelson’s Greatest Hits 91. Lydia Loveless on Pleased to Meet Me by the Replacements 90. Gena Rose Bruce on The Boatman’s Call by Nick Cave 89. Kitty Daisy and Lewis on A Swingin’ Safari by Bert Kaempfert 88. Will Hoge on Modern Sounds in Country & Western Music by Ray Charles 87. Shane Nicholson on 52nd St by Billy Joel 86 - Tired Lion on Takk… by Sigur Ros 85 - Whispering Bob Harris on Forever Changes by Love 84 - Jake Stone (Bluejuice) on Ben Folds Five by Ben Folds Five 83 - Pete Thomas (Elvis Costello and the Imposters) on Are You Experienced? by the Jimi Hendrix Experience 82 - Dom Alessio on OK Computer by Radiohead 81 - Anthony Albanese MP on The Good Son by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 80 - John Waters on Electric Ladyland by The Jimi Hendrix Experience 79 - Jim DeRogatis (Sound Opinions) on Clouds Taste Metallic by The Flaming Lips 78 - Montaigne on The Haunted Man by Bat for Lashes 77 - Guy Pratt (Pink Floyd) on Quadrophenia by The Who 76 - Homer Steinweiss (Dap Kings) on Inspiration Information by Shuggie Otis 75 - Best of 2015 (So Far) ft. Danny Yau, Montaigne, Harts, Joelistics, Rose Elinor Dougall and Burke Reid 74 - Matt Farley (Motern Media) on RAM by Paul McCartney BONUS - Neil Finn on The Beatles, Neil Young, David Bowie and Radiohead 73 - Grace Farriss (Burn Antares) on All Things Must Pass by George Harrison 72 - Katie Noonan on Blue by Joni Mitchell 71 - Harts on Band of Gypsys by Jimi Hendrix 70 - Tim Rogers (You Am I) on Bring the Family by John Hiatt 69 - Mark Seymour (Hunters and Collectors) on The Ghost of Tom Joad by Bruce Springsteen 68 - Jeremy Neale on Graceland by Paul Simon 67 - Joelistics on Graceland by Paul Simon 66 - Brian Nankervis (RocKwiz) on Astral Weeks by Van Morrison 65 - ILUKA on Pastel Blues by Nina Simone 64 - Rose Elinor Dougall on Tender Buttons by Broadcast 63 - Sarah McLeod (The Superjesus) on Siamese Dream by The Smashing Pumpkins 62 - Keyone Starr on The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill 61 - Chase Bryant on Defying Gravity by Keith Urban 60 - Brian Koppelman on Southeastern by Jason Isbell 59 - Michael Carpenter on The Beatles White Album Side 4 58 - Pete Kilroy (Hey Geronimo) on The Beatles White Album Side 3 57 - Mark Wells on The Beatles White Album Side 2 56 - Jeff Greenstein on Colossal Youth by Young Marble Giants 55 - Laura Bell Bundy on Shania Twain, Otis Redding and Bright Eyes 54 - Jake Clemons on Surfacing by Sarah McLachlan 53 - Kristian Bush (Sugarland) on The Joshua Tree by U2 52 - Kevin Bennett (The Flood) on Willis Alan Ramsey by Willis Alan Ramsey 51 - Lee Brice on Unorthodox Jukebox by Bruno Mars 50 - Davey Lane (You Am I) on the White Album (Side 1) by The Beatles 49 - Joe Camilleri on The Rolling Stones by The Rolling Stones 48 - Russell Morris on The Rolling Stones by The Rolling Stones 47 - Mike Rudd (Spectrum) on England’s Newest Hitmakers by The Rolling Stones 46 - Henry Wagons on Harvest by Neil Young 45 - Megan Washington on Poses by Rufus Wainwright 44 - Andrew Hansen (The Chaser) on Armchair Theatre by Jeff Lynne 43 - She Rex on BlakRoc by The Black Keys 42 - Catherine Britt on Living with Ghosts by Patty Griffin 41 - Robyn Hitchcock on Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon 40 - Gideon Bensen (The Preatures) on Transformer by Lou Reed 39 - Harry Hookey on Blood on the Tracks by Bob Dylan 38 - Rob Draper on Faith by George Michael 37 - Best of 2014 ft. Danny Yau, Andrew Hansen, Gideon Bensen (The Preatures) and Mike Carr 36 - Doug Pettibone on Wrecking Ball by Emmylou Harris 35 - Ross Ryan on Late for the Sky by Jackson Browne 34 - Michael Carpenter on Hard Promises by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers 33 - Davey Lane (You Am I) on Jesus of Cool by Nick Lowe 32 - Zane Carney on Smokin’ at the Half Note by Wes Montgomery 31 - Tony Buchen on Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles 30 - Simon Relf (The Tambourine Girls) on On the Beach by Neil Young 29 - Peter Cooper on In Search of a Song by Tom T Hall 28 - Thelma Plum on Stolen Apples by Paul Kelly 27 - James House on Rubber Soul by the Beatles 26 - Ella Hooper on Let England Shake by PJ Harvey 25 - Abbey Road Special 24 - Alyssa Bonagura on Room for Squares by John Mayer 23 - Luke Davison (The Preatures) on Green Onions by Booker T and the MGs 22 - Neil Finn on Hunky Dory by David Bowie and In Rainbows by Radiohead 21 - Neil Finn on Beatles for Sale by the Beatles and After the Goldrush by Neil Young 20 - Morgan Evans on Diorama by Silverchair 19 - Emma Swift on Car Wheels On A Gravel Road by Lucinda Williams 18 - Danny Yau on Hourly Daily by You Am I 17 - J Robert Youngtown and Jon Auer (The Posies) on Hi Fi Way by You Am I 16 - Lester the Fierce on Hounds of Love by Kate Bush 15 - Luke Davison on Green Onions by Booker T and the MGs 14 - Jeff Cripps on Wheels of Fire by Cream 13 - Mark Holden on Blue by Joni Mitchell (Part 2) 12 - Mark Holden on Blue by Joni Mitchell (Part 1) 11 - Gossling on O by Damien Rice 10 - Matt Fell on Temple of Low Men by Crowded House 9 - Pete Thomas on Are You Experienced? by Jimi Hendrix (Part 2) 8 - Pete Thomas on Are You Experienced? by Jimi Hendrix (Part 1) 7 - Sam Hawksley on A Few Small Repairs by Shawn Colvin 6 - Jim Lauderdale on Grievous Angel by Gram Parsons 5 - Mark Moffatt on Blues Breakers by John Mayall and Eric Clapton 4 - Darren Carr on Ten Easy Pieces by Jimmy Webb 3 - Mark Wells on Revolver by The Beatles 2 - Mike Carr on Arrival by ABBA 1 - Rob Draper on Highway 61 Revisited by Bob Dylan
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/fans-win-katy-perry-vs-taylor-swift-feud-plus-amanda-bynes-back/
Fans win in Katy Perry vs Taylor Swift feud plus Amanda Bynes back
While pop singer Taylor Swift may not have explicitly responded to the recent shade that rival singer Katy Perry has been throwing her way, she did find her own underhanded way at getting back at the “Part of Me” songstress. After weeks of press and promotional efforts, Katy Perry released her latest album Witness early on Friday, June 9th. Coincidentally (or not), Taylor Swift decided to release her entire discography on all streaming services at the very same time. This is a big deal, as Taylor had previously been boycotting services like Spotify, as she felt they were ripping off artists and musicians. Late on Thursday, Taylor’s management’s Instagram account “Taylornation” announced Taylor’s decision to release her complete music catalogue to fans on all streaming sites. Alongside their post, the management team captioned, “In celebration of 1989 selling over 10 million albums worldwide and the RIAA’s 100 Million Song Certification announcement, Taylor wants to thank her fans by making her entire back catalog available to all streaming services tonight at midnight.” Taylor Nation, Instagram post: Unfortunately for Katy, Taylor’s big (and unexpected) release stole a lot of attention away from her new album. However, the attention that the album has received has been notably unfavorable. Katy’s attempt to rebrand herself as a “purposeful pop singer” reportedly did not come to fruition on the album, which has been titled a messy disarray of “purposeless” pop. After several years of staying off the Hollywood radar, former child star Amanda Bynes returned to the spotlight in an all-new interview with Diana Madison of The Lowdown. As you may recall, a few years back Amanda went through a difficult time, as she struggled with her mental and physical health/wellbeing. However, now in 2017, the star claims that she is completely sober and thinking about getting back into acting. In the interview with Diana, Amanda explained, “I’ve been going to school lately, fashion school at FIDM. I love it. I’ve learned how to sew. I make patterns. I want to start a clothing line in the future so FIDM has been helping me with that. I hike. I go spinning. I feed the homeless and that’s been really interesting and fun.” While the 31-year-old star is into fashion nowadays, she does still miss her former career as an actress. Amanda confessed, “I do miss acting, and I have something surprising to tell you, I’m going to start acting again. I want to do TV. Maybe a few guest spots on some shows that I’m a fan of and maybe another TV show where I’m the star of it.” It has been quite a while since Amanda has been seen on the little, or big, screen. In fact, her last acting credit was back in 2010 when she had a role in the hit movie Easy A (which starred fellow actress Emma Stone). In terms of TV, Amanda hasn’t had any major roles since her What I Like About You days, which ended back in 2006. Katy Perry is embracing another peculiar publicity stunt by doing her own version of Celebrity Big Brother and, it’s just as weird as it sounds. As promotion for her brand new album Witness, the singer is currently in the middle of a three-day 24/7 live stream stretching from Thursday to Sunday that has filmed her doing everything from yoga, to sleeping to sobbing to a therapist. The lengthy livestream is taking place at Witness Worldwide Headquarters; a house specifically made for the promotional event. The whole event is a lead up to a free concert on Monday in LA for 1000 of her lucky fans. She’s staying in the house with her team (make-up artist, assistants, pets) and has also been visited by numerous celebrity guests including Gordon Ramsey. Most recently, the livestream featured Perry sitting down to Dr. Siri Sat Nam Singh, a celebrity psychologist who hosts Viceland’s The Therapist. Perry repeatedly broke down as she spoke with the therapist about everything from her difficult relationship with her parents to her past battles with alcoholism. At one point, as she discussed her past battles with alcohol, a minder could be heard forcefully suggesting she stop the livestream. She refused. She admitted to thoughts of suicide in the past: “I wrote a song about it. I feel ashamed that I would have those thoughts, feel that low and that depressed.” “You can be right or you can be loved. I just want to be loved,” she said. The 32-year-old singer also addressed her Katy Perry alter ego and what it was like to leave behind Katheryn Hudson. “That’s the point of this whole thing, if people can see I’m just like them then they can dream just as big. “I’m a bit more nerdy than everybody thinks I am, I’m a big goofball. The fantasy of Katheryn went into Katy and made this bigger than life personality,” she said. The therapy session eventually ended with Perry picking a card out of the therapist’s ‘angel bowl’ “to see what the angels tell her”. And after Perry draws out the word “freedom” she absolutely loses it, bursting into tears. “Thank you,” she tells him.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Kesha at SXSW: ‘The internet is not a healthy place for me’
Singer whose case against her former producer Dr Luke exposed her to online abuse said she avoids the web and wants to raise awareness of eating disorders
Pop star Kesha spoke about the internet abuse she has suffered, which has seen the singer pare back her online presence dramatically, and her struggles with eating disorders at an emotionally charged SXSW event.
Speaking at a session that discussed ways to reclaim the internet, the star said she only uses the web to connect with her fans but no longer finds it a space she feels comfortable in. I use the internet to connect to my fans but aside from that, its not a healthy place for me, she said. Comment sections have also become a no-go zone for her.
Especially not posting comments. I try to limit myself in terms of reading comments because there can be a million positive ones, but I always gravitate towards the one negative one. I hold on to that and I internalize it and I know its an unhealthy habit. Ive stopped reading comments.
Kesha also spoke about her battle with body dysmorphia and bulimia, which she said almost killed her after doctors said she was so weakened by the disease that they were surprised she hadnt had a stroke.
I want to talk about it because I want to help people, she said, visibly moved. It can kill you. I almost died. I came very close, closer than I ever knew. By the time I entered rehab they were surprised I hadnt had a stroke because I wasnt consuming enough of anything.
She added that when she was at her lowest point during her eating disorder was when people complimented her on how well she looked. I was starving and people used to say Wow, you look so great. Keep doing what youre doing. And little did they know they were encouraging me to starve myself to death.
She added that a turning point came when she began to ignore online abuse and focus her attention on her own well-being. Criticism used to tear me up inside, she said. I was making trolls, I was making bullies, I was making people who Id never met before who were projecting their insecurities on to me on the internet, I was making them the truth. I was really sad.
In order to cope with the stresses of online abuse Kesha, who has been embroiled in a long-running legal battle with her former producer Dr Luke, who she claims raped and abused her, undertook a shit ton of therapy and created music.
Over the past couple of years I feel like Ive become a woman in a lot of ways because Im kind of reclaiming my personal space, my body, my music, and my life. With online its important to reclaim that space too.
When I first came out as an artist I thought I had to be really tough and I was really young and I had no fucking idea what I was doing, she said. I thought to overcompensate I had to act really tough and act like nothing affected me, I thought that was strength. Ive since realized Ive found a lot of strength in my vulnerabilities. A lot more people can relate to that.
I think the world should be a safe space, I think America should be a safe place and I definitely think the internet should be a safe place, she said.
The singers case against Dr Luke became a focal point for fans and other acts worldwide who spoke out in support of Kesha. Stars including Taylor Swift and Lena Dunham spoke out, and in Swifts case donated $250,000 to Keshas legal fund.
One lawsuit was filed in California and dropped by Kesha in August 2016; another in New York was dismissed by a judge in April 2016. The verdicts essentially meant Kesha was tied to a contract with the producer who she alleged had raped her.
Dr Luke, whose real name is Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald, has denied all the allegations.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2nqBlpo
from Kesha at SXSW: ‘The internet is not a healthy place for me’
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