#there are definitely interpretations of dynamics that i don't quite agree with fanon wise but i simply don't interact with them
mirchloe · 6 months
i know it's easy to say "oh, x is like the team dad!" or "y is z's mom," but those interpretations in general never really stuck with me, especially when the characters are close in age like "vector is espio's dad" when he's only four years older.
for pn, i never really saw hollis as the mom of the interns - she's their teacher! their boss, too. she cares for them as a mentor and does everything she can to keep them safe. i think she draws a good line in the sand for them, and based on how she views family, she doesn't want to perceive them as her kids.
it's a similar, but different vein for morris and milla, where she's another treasured mentor figure, not really a mom. those cut lines serve as him wanting to impress her because he's thrilled to have her as his teacher (which is just another part i wish wasn't cut because those clips were very sweet for his character and smooth the "cool guy" edge that he has). milla definitely views the campers as younger than they are, just look at how she sees raz. based on her own trauma, she views any psi cadet or intern under her wing as a kid she has to nurture, but she doesn't perceive or present herself as their mother. same for sasha and raz, in which he sees himself in raz and wants to help bring out raz's potential and see him grow up because raz will, and always, have his real parents in augustus and donatella, in general, for all the interns, they can always be trusted adults in their life, people to rely on, without explicitly slapping on a label like "sasha's is raz's other dad."
and obviously, there are definitely dynamics that can be read as familial and earn those labels like, in a different example, the bond between sonic and tails is very clearly meant to be interpreted as brotherly. adam can be seen as a more positive big brother figure to raz, compared to the complexity that raz shares with dion, who harbors a lot of mixed feelings and anger for raz running away and their father suddenly dropping his long-running anti-psychic sentiments (that, you know, dion has been forced to hear all his life and internalized because of his father). it's definitely a nicer relationship because raz doesn't have any issues with adam, while he has a life-long history with dion. as such, both dynamics are equally unique when reading into raz.
of course, this isn't me saying, "you can never interpret them as familial." otto can definitely be seen as gisu's cool grandpa mostly because of how each character acts individually. maloof might be mikhail's boss, but there is a brotherly aspect to their mafia boss/henchman dynamic. i'm sure lili has come to see sasha and milla as extended relatives with how long they've been in her life, like uncle and aunt figures. raz still idolizes sasha and milla in the post-game, like a kid who made his "parents" proud, even though he doesn't see them that way. the psychic seven are quite literally the found family trope but without any labels attached - no one is the "mom" of the group, etc. fanon wise, the "you guys wanna split a cab?" group has a variety of interpretations. it's just nice that there are a multitude of dynamics presented in the series that can't just be boiled down to "oh, hollis acts like such a mom to the interns."
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hklnvgl · 3 years
Hi! I have a totally random question lol. I've seen a few people compare Pynch to Wolfstar (and Adam and Ronan to Lupin and Sirius as people too). What I don't get it folks saying that Wolfstar was a 'better' (stronger? more interesting? idk) ship than Pynch. I mean..? I don't see it, personally. What am I missing here?
👋 hi! i’m gonna begin this (i’m guessing it’s gonna get long—i’ve actually filled two pages of handwritten notes to try and make sense of my many opinions about this) with a disclaimer: my approach to shipping is very different when it comes to pynch and other fandoms. normally, i’m not actually a very active shipper—when i read fics for other fandoms i normally look for plot and feelings and, because most of the time there’s shipping involved, i usually don’t mind if a ship is there and might actually enjoy it but it’s not something i tend to go out of my way to search for. i just don’t usually ship fictional couples romantically! it’s all the same for me if they’re canon or not (though if they’re canon they will have more canon scenes together so that might help me to eventually ship them? idk i’m just the least romantic person you can find out there 🤣)
so that’s why i haven’t read a lot of wolfstar fics (i think maybe 2 or 3 where the focus was on their relationship? i remember a quite lovely texting au) and even less meta—when i read hp fics i will look for explorations of harry’s abuse, which is what gives me feelings, and in those wolfstar is usually there bc they adopt harry or something like that.
that said, and having therefore canon!wolfstar in mind (perhaps the similarities are stronger in fanon, i just don’t know enough to say!), i really don’t see why people would compare them either (apart from the fact that they’re popular mlm ships?) and i do have to agree with you that pynch is a more interesting ship (for me!)
and, yes, i can see there are a few traits remus and adam might share if you squint, but imo once you start really thinking about it they’re two very different characters! they’re both said to be poor on text, but in adam’s case that comes from the family he was born into and if i remember correctly remus’ dad was middle class (i can’t remember exactly but i think he worked for the ministry?) and remus was poor only because he couldn’t hold a job due to him being a werewolf. idk if people’s comparisons go further and they see cabeswater as a parallel to the werewolf thing? but if that’s the case adam made that choice himself and he embraced it eventually and it’s actually crucial for the resoultion of the series’ plot! remus being a werewolf was great for book 3′s plot twists and for shunning him out of society and little else. personality-wise i guess they’re both smart? i do think remus is more the type to give up after a while but 🤷‍♀️ (oh is it bc if wolfstar were canon it’d be implied that remus is bisexual bc of tonks??)
now when people compare ronan and sirius they only look at the surface which makes me super mad! they say they’re the same just bc they’re brash? and wear leather? and were born in rich families?? but sirius was abused as a child and left his family bc he was the odd one out (which in the lynch family would actually be more accurate to say declan is??) and ronan’s trauma comes from a wildly different place! arguably niall (and aurora? apparently from that little snippet of mister impossible i haven’t read yet) were also abusive to him but definitely not in sirius’ way? (that’s actually closer to adam’s family’s brand of abuse!)
i’ve also seen people say the gangsey’s dynamic is the same as the marauders’! and i’m sorry but i really think that’s not true! for starters we only see the marauders as a whole in flashbacks! and not even then bc lily was not part of the group yet (i guess people compare her to blue bc they’re the only girls??) imo the marauders (or what we see of them) do not inspire healthy friendship feelings! james is the leader and a big asshole and only sees sirius as his equal—he is very happy with peter’s (apparent) worship and i guess they all were super happy to believe remus was the traitor bc they didn’t trust him enough (a werewolf will always be a werewolf) and everyone completely oversaw peter (which i guess is why he did what he did but he’s too plain of a character to have had believable motivations when he turned to voldemort) and he was considered second-class among the group. also that scene with snape in book 5, where we see them all together, is not the gangsey’s dynamic at all??
anyway. back to wolfstar/pynch. the only canon moments in which they give me similar vibes are, for wolfstar, in book 5 when harry firecalls grimauld place from umbridge’s office (i think it was that moment) and we kind of can guess sirius and remus are spending time together at the house and have this caramaderie going (that i guess could be interpreted as shippy) and, for pynch, back in trb when ronan is driving adam to the trailer park for the last time and he says: “man, you don’t have to go back in there” (and i remember thinking in my first read something long the lines of “aw, they are friends after all!).
so. because adam and ronan are part of the main cast of their series they are more flashed out as character (i’ll always think sirius and remus did have potential but everything was too tangled in the plot and, besides, hp is harry’s story!) and i actually do care more about what happens to them as individual characters! but i also ship them! their relationship and their dynamic simply appeals more to my personal tastes! i believe they are perfect for each other and i could read a thousand alternative first meetings and soulmate aus with them as protagonists and i’d never get bored.
as of wolfstar, well, as i said i don’t mind if i go into a fic and they’re a couple in there (they’re cute, sure!), and they’re great friends and obviously care for each other, but we do see too little of them together and how they would counter their respective differences for me to say they’re a perfect couple (they might have been in a different universe and i’m sure there are plenty of fics out there that explore that, which i personally have not read simply bc i lack the motivation to do so).
tl;dr: i like adam and ronan more as separate characters and i just love the dynamic they have in canon, which is why i enjoy reading/writing about them as a ship. imo, wolfstar had potential but hp was not about them and if people say they ship them i nod as i do when a friend tells me irl they’re seeing someone new and i hope they make each other happy.
perhaps someone who’s more deeply in the wolfstar fandom can add a different view to this?
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