#there are literally no due dates assigned to ANYTHING
knifegremliin · 1 year
wishing my professor a very get better at your fucking job
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
God my language classes annoy me so much. Both are such busy work yknow? I finished all my German assignments when they were due so that's fine, but it got so low effort by the end cause ik he doesn't really read them. But with Russian, I have a lot of unfinished work and I'm kinda tentatively doing it even tho the semester is over 😭😭 she's so lax and disorganized, so I have no idea what her grading will be like. It's like, will she just give me an obligatory 100(as was practice the prev classes) or like should I do these as assurance yknow 😭
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lcriedlastnight · 3 months
Hi :)
Is this the request? :
Friends to lovers with Lando and him being absolutely love sick, mesmerised with reader and one time it's just them two together and he says "For my sanity, we should start dating."
anon. i am literally in love with you. thank you soooooo much. mwah!!
tw: fem! reader, swears, lando’s first win, lmk if you want me to add anything.
w/c: 1.6k
the paddock was bustling, the heat was sweltering. after lando's horrible sprint race, everyone on his team was desperate to make today's race go well. they'd gotten the brit his favourite pre-race snack, given him extra blankets and pillows for his drivers room couch, they'd even gotten oscar to agree to not complain about how loud lando's pre- race playlist was! but the one thing (person) that could actually calm lando down and get him into the racing mindset was nowhere to be seen.
you'd been in the cafeteria, lando begging you to come to states for this race, he had told you that there was a feeling in his gut that this race was going to be great. so you braved the miami heat, just for him. just like each and every time you came to a race. you did actually believe that this race would be special, you shared that gut feeling with lando, so you'd begged your boss for time off and told your lecturer that it was a family members wedding in miami that you just found out you were invited to. you didn't really try hard on the excuse for your lecturer, knowing he didn't care less if you were there or not, just as long as you had submitted all the assignments that were due.
so that's why you were sitting at a table in the cafeteria, with your phone on do not disturb and you headphones in blasting your studying playlist in your ears, typing away on your computer. you didn't know that everyone was looking for you. it's not like you were that well hidden anyways, you were just sitting in the corner of the cafeteria and the motor home wasn't that big. it certainly wasn't big enough to lose someone when there was ten plus people searching for them.
you don't notice one of lando's engineers sitting at the opposite side of the table, as you try your best to finish your essay before the race starts. you do, however feel about seven light taps on the table that makes you pull your eyes from the laptop screen in front of you. you pull your left ear free from the music coming through your headphones.
"hi?" you say, looking at the man. you didn't know who he was, just that he was an engineer.
"everyone is looking for you." he tells you, a little frantic. this worries you.
"what? why? what's wrong?" you ask him, not sure if he knew what was wrong or if he was just the messenger.
"dunno." well that answers that. "lando's been asking for you for the past hour and a half. he's been saying it's urgent." your eyebrows raise in concern. you quickly close your laptop and slide your headphone around your neck. you slip out the chair, thanking the engineer, and heading to lando's driver room.
you knock a few times before just opening the door. the sight you see almost makes you burst out laughing. lando is in his fireproofs, you can see the peak of papaya from underneath the multiple blankets on top of him. there must be about seven on top of him, all of them varying in colour and patterns. lando was practically buried under the weight of them all, stuck to the couch. oscar stood at one end of the couch, you suppose he was the one to blame for this, although this could be the work of lando himself. either way you didn't really know what this was supposed achieve.
"what is going on?" you ask after assessing the situation they had both gotten lando into. "i'm really confused right now." you smile though, the scene still hilarious looking.
"we couldn't find you anywhere and lando needed you." oscar explains, although all it does is leave you more confused than when you first walked in. in what way were you the same as seven blankets?
"right. makes sense. seeing as i am seven blankets. i can see how this would help." you tease them, sarcasm dripping from your words as you lay your laptop, phone and headphones on the nearby table.
oscar rolls his eyes, while yours flit to lando who stays quiet to let oscar explain. you swear you could see a hint of red on his cheeks but you don't get enough time to see if it actually is, in fact blush because oscar is talking again and stealing your attention.
"well he told me that to get in the 'racing mindset' he gets you to lay on top of him and rest all of your weight on top of him so i thought putting blankets on top of him would simulate you laying on top of him!" oscar grins, like his idea is actually a good one. you feel like groaning at his dumbness. a part of you is taken aback that lando had told oscar about what he called his 'pre-race ritutal'.
"right well i'm here now, so why don't you go do your own race prep while i sort out whatever is going on here?" you suggest to oscar, he can tell it's not a suggestion though. so he does what he's told, wishing lando good luck on the track but before he closes the door behind him he whispers to you "and you think he doesn't like you like that? he quite literally needs you to lay on top of him to calm him down". you just sigh and walk over to the driver, once oscar is finally gone.
"what are you doing, stupid boy?" you ask, sitting by his feet on the couch. lando only staring back in response. you stare back until he responds.
"missed you?" he offers. this time you can't hold back your laugh. if your eyes were closed from the laughter you would see the way lando's light up at the sound of your laugh. the pride he felt to the one who made you laugh, it was better than any other feeling. once your laughter stops, you pull back the blankets. they actually didn't weigh much at all, which makes you wonder why lando was acting as if he was trapped under them.
"it's like oscar said, i needed you and literally no one could find you so i went to him for help. then he suggested that and i just went along with it." lando helps shrug off the blankets as he properly explains. the brunette ends up sitting next to you, eyes looking into yours.
it's your turn to explain. "i was trying to finish my essay before the race started, seeing as i won't have time tonight. we'll hopefully be going out afterwards." you explain your 'dissapearance’.
lando nod and hums then checks his phone, that was hidden in between blanket layers. it's almost time for him to go out to the garage and he's literally had no time with you at all. how was he supposed to race in these conditions?
"that's alright, love. guess we just need to make up for lost time right now." lando states, his hands grabbing yours and pulling you on top of him. lando's breaths instantly even out. you didn't know if he was panicking and getting in his head about the race or what it was, all you knew was that you laying on top of him, putting all of your weight on him was helping. and that's all you really wanted.
lando's breaths hit you neck at you run your fingers across the bridge of his nose. usually when you guys would do this before races, you would run your fingers through his hair, but his latest injury on the bridge of his nose made you want to run your fingers across his cut lightly. lando shudders but relaxes once your light movements continue. you both stay in that position until an alarm goes off on your phone, signalling at lando needs to be at the garage in five minutes (you always set two alarms because there's no way you're getting lando out of here on time). with the way lando jumps you think he must have been seconds away from falling asleep. he confirms it by muttering "stupid fucking alarm." as grumpily as ever.
"right lan, let's get you moving." you say reluctant as you move off of him. he whines like a child and his arms cling onto your hips to try and stop you. he uses no force so you stand up easily.
"for the sake of my sanity, we should start dating." lando mutters, if it was a decibel quieter, you don't think you would've hear him. but you did. you don't think it was meant for your ears, either judging by the drivers reaction to your "what?".
you can see the cogs turning in his mind, does he try and wrangle himself out of this or does he stand his ground and admit his feelings. he thinks for a second.
"i like you. you're driving me insane. please can i at least take you out on a date?" lando is not above begging, he will literally fall to his knees if it means you will accept his offer. before you can, the alarm goes off on your phone.
you smirk at him, an idea popping into your head. "win today and we'll go out on tuesday." you tell him. lando groans, his head falling onto your shoulder. "if i do you have to give me a winners kiss." lando bargains.
safe to say, you never thought that yours and lando's first kiss would be on the parc ferme, after he's just won his first face. nor did you think you would have to be getting ready for a date with him two days later. safe to say that essay was not getting submitted on time.
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dolliels · 2 months
synopsis: in which you lay out a series of objectives in order to get jamil to like you back.
you fiddle with your hands, looking down at your knees, almost having a staring contest. that exam nearly put you to tears. what the fuck was that?! you studied for potionology… not… if using frog legs for a potion would make the frog family start grieving! what even was that question???
you feel a sudden brush on your shoulders and you look up to see a concerned face. what was his name? jaemeel? jade mile? you forgot, you rarely talked to the guy, but for some reason, his genuine expression of concern made you feel at ease.
“the exam screwed you over too, huh?” he said, chuckling lightly, almost at himself.
you nod, choking back your tears. “what was even that frog leg question?”
“no idea.”
hence was the start of your newfound friendship with jamil viper.
your first impression of the guy was that he was just your average, friendly joe who was trying to get by. you found out that he’s actually quite quick-witted, sharp mouthed and a great cook. his grades are pretty average, but you had your suspicions. he’d sometimes score lower than you in exams and he’s the one that helped you study!
however merciless jamil may seem, he was still pretty caring, just more silently. he’d sometimes pack an extra lunchbox everytime you complained about the lack of food, help out on assignments and tests and however busy he is (with kalim, mostly.) he’d always make some time stop by)
safe to say you’ve harbored a one-sided crush on him.
no matter how close you two were, you knew that you definitely weren’t his type at all. you were a handful at times (most of the time actually! you’re just too stubborn to admit it) and had a hard time fully functioning at school by yourself without some sort of support system. from how jam packed jamil’s schedule is on a day-to-day basis, you assumed he’d probably want to date someone independent, who can take care of themselves and kiss jamil on the forehead goodbye so he feels a little lighter starting his day.
so you devised a plan.
OBJECTIVE: get jamil to like you back
PLAN A : show you independent capabilities!
jamil is often complaining about how kalim can’t do anything on his own. that puts you into thought… neither can you! (lol) you get embarrassed thinking about the numerous assignments and exams jamil has helped you trudge through. your mind gets boggled when you think about it. you’re literally in the category of people jamil probably finds annoying and seeing how much jamil seems to dislike doing kalim’s bidding because he’s too simple minded to do it on his own, you decided that showing independence and that you’re capable on your own would be the most attractive to him.
so here you were, eye bags forming as you loosely write about the history of dwarves. this was a long and tedious assignment and due to your own negligence, you had to stay up to do it. usually at times like this, you’d call for jamil and ask for his help (sometimes even managing to snag a quick glance at his own work)
you felt your hand slowly lose grip of your pen as your head slowly started nodding off. dwarves are so terribly boring! your eyelids felt heavy and the last thing you saw was something about seven dwarves who housed some runaway princess…
“hey. wake up.”
you felt a tap on your shoulder as you lifted your head from your arms. as the blurriness in your eyes cleared, you started seeing a familiar figure… oh. it’s jamil.
jamil was seated right beside you. it was the late hours at the library, what was he even doing here?
as you turn your head to properly look at him, jamil’s eyes widen as he suppresses a grin.
“you- pff- have ink on your face.”
you look at your pen, then your hand. oh, the pen’s ink must have leaked (or exploded) when you dozed off on it due to the pressure.
the drowsiness left you as you suddenly felt yourself wide awake, face turning an embarrassing bright shade of red.
“what are you doing here? it’s late.” jamil asked, as he looked at the table with all your notes.
“mmph. history of dwarves. essay.” is all you managed to spur out.
“isn’t this due tomorrow? you had, like, 2 weeks to work on it.”
“i know. i was lazy. my bad, i guess.” you shrug as you put your broken pen away.
“why didn’t you ask me for help? you usually do.”
“i dunno. didn’t want to bother you, i guess.”
jamil frowns. “you do know that i don’t mind, right? this happens with kalim all the time.”
he wipes off some of the ink on the side of your face. you can’t see it, but from the smear of ink on Jamil’s thumb, you could probably take a guess that it didn’t help at all.
“go wash your face, and i’ll help you with the essay.”
plan A was definitely a failure…
PLAN B: show your helpfulness!
jamil is a great cook. just the thought of his meals makes your drool. you know that he overworks himself trying to prepare food for kalim, as well as you if he ever has the time to spare for it.
wouldn’t jamil find it attractive if someone could help him cook meals?
unfortunately for you, you’re not as good as you’d hope to be.
it’s not like you’re completely bad, no. as long as you follow instructions, the food turns out fine. the problem is that it’s a carbon copy of someone else’s recipe, so it’s not that special. another issue is that you use the recipe as your complete and total guide, since you don’t know how to work anything without it. so if you were in the kitchen helping jamil, you would need him to i trust your every move and… that isn’t really helpful, is it?
so you decided to try practicing your cooking skills without the guidance of a recipe!
you’ve asked riddle to generously lend you the kitchen (you hope there’s no silly rule about kitchen destruction) as it is already pretty run down from how often trey uses it, so you assumed that no one would notice the small nicks and cracks you might make if there are some already.
to your horror, maybe everyone might notice?
the kitchen was a mess, with sugar and salt flying everywhere (you got confused— why are they both white?), runny egg yolks dripping from the side of the counter (you dropped them after your hands got slimey from the other eggs) and a pitch black face, from the ashy burnt meat that exploded as soon as you opened the lid. now you’re stuck with a wonky oven that won’t stop beeping and you don’t know the cause for it.
you turn around. did trey or riddle get here? from the whole chaos you weren’t able to discern whose voice was calling your name.
oh. it’s jamil.
“what are you doing here???” you ask, completely forgetting the mess you’re in right now.
“I was just dropping off some beans… because trey asked for a box… what are you doing here?”
“I’m… cooking?”
“i thought you were moderately decent at cooking. this is the type of mess kalim would cause.”
you sigh. “i wanted to try something different.”
“you should’ve called me up. we could’ve made it together when i had the time.”
“i wanted to try it myself..!”
jamil rolled up his sleeves. “here. let me help.”
you frantically shake your hands.
“n-no. it’s fine! it’s my own mess anyway, i should be the one to deal with it…”
“it’s fine. i really don’t mind.”
you disappointedly cross out plan b when you get back home.
PLAN C: make jamil feel special!
you know that jamil is overworked. he’s following kalim by the tail everytime while both managing school and his own personal time. and now he’s stuck with dealing you too. sometimes you’d feel really bad because you knew he’s exhausted, but he’d always insist and that he “doesn’t mind”
jamil is kind. even if he has a sharp tongue and tends to keep to himself. he’s wary, but he’s kind. you want to give back to his kindness.
but how…?
“hey jamil!” you yelp in a sea of students. jamil can easily distinguish your voice and swipes his head to look for you. once his eyes land on you, he slowly trudges through the students, meeting you up close.
“you need anything?” he asks, as you look back at him with excited eyes.
“close your eyes.”
“just do it.”
“oh my god stop being so wary close your damn eyes.”
jamil closes his eyes.
he feels something stick to his forehead.
“what are you doing.”
no answer.
“what are you doing?”
no answer again.
he slowly opens his eyes to see that you’re gone. actually, he knows you’re hiding behind a wall but he’s just gonna pretend you’re not there.
a sticky note is on his forehead. he takes it off to see what it reads.
“you’re working very hard!!! remember to take breaks and drink plenty of water!!! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ”
jamil smiles.
within the rest of the afternoon, jamil saw these sticky notes everywhere, with forms of encouragements placed in areas that somehow only jamil would manage to catch. sneaky.
however, one of them stood out the most to him
OBJECTIVE: get jamil to like me back!!
PLAN A: show my independence!
(note: just be smart and work on projects early…)
PLAN B: be helpful!!!!!!
(note: NEVER cook without a recipe ever again)
PLAN C: be nice to jamil! make him feel special!
odd. he’s pretty sure that’s not supposed to be here.
he puts the list in his pockets and walks away. he’s gonna pretend he’s never seen the list. he quite likes the attention, and enjoys watching you struggle to impress him, even though you’ve won his affections long ago.
plan c success(?) you can’t find your list anywhere though. oh well.
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miyaoniku · 1 month
[suna rintaro] how you get together / dating headcanons
[author: chae]
a/n: brainrot because haikyuu is back and so am i (hopefully).
[fluff] [headcanon]
[suna rintaro x reader]
nothing crazy really
you first met suna rintaro in middle school
he sat behind you and often slept in class
you found out that you lived a few houses down from him when he went on his first away game for volleyball, and your homeroom teacher tasked you with delivering his assignments to his home
that's really it honestly
you didn't really interact with him much in middle school
though, after your second year, you had to move due to your parents' having to relocate for work
and that's how you ended up at inarizaki high school
little did you know that you would see suna again in your class on your first day at inarizaki!
morning of the first day, you walked into the classroom and saw someone napping in the last seat in one of the rows
it was a nostalgic sight, you thought, but there's noooo way that it's suna rintaro! he's all the way in another prefecture!
you pick the seat in front of him because you thought it was funny
your homeroom teacher started taking attendance
"suna rintaro?"
from middle school?????
right when the lunch bell rang, you turned around
he looked at you
"...do i know you?"
"yeah? i think? are you from aichi prefecture?"
"yeah? .... wait didn't we go to the same middle school?"
turns out he was scouted to come to inarizaki to play volleyball
small world!
you exchange numbers and start actually hanging out, as opposed to middle school
though, some things don't change as he still sleeps in class and you still have to give him his homework when he has volleyball games
you two have lunch together, sometimes being joined by miya osamu, and play cup pong
your friendship MIGHT be on the line whenever you play 8ball
"i swear to god if you pick that one-"
"what? you'll chuck my phone across the room?"
you send each other WAYYYYYYY too many memes
like, it's to the point where your memes outnumber your actual texts
the instagram reels you send each other go crazy sometimes
like it can range from anywhere between kirby memes to rick rolls to posts that poke fun at each other
he's honestly just a really funny friend, and you never thought anything of it
it wasn't until one day during your club activities where you and a few of your friends were chatting that you ever considered looking at suna romantically
they were talking about their own crushes and asked if anyone caught your eye
and when you responded "no," they brought up suna's name
and the idea was bizarre to you
like you?? and suna??? together???? more than friends?????
this guy literally sends you patrick star memes at 2am and asks "this you?"
pshhh impossible no way
but... you can't really stop thinking about it
you start noticing the little things he does for you, like getting you your go-to drink/bread for lunch without asking you, or giving you random head pats, or him coming over to your house on a stormy day when you're alone in the house to keep you company
you stare up at your ceiling, deep in thought
no y/n, stop getting delusional. he doesn't like you like that.
you have a bigger problem at hand
the school dance is tonight
and you have NO ONE to go with!!!
you feel your phone vibrate
it's a text from suna
"open the door"
you raise an eyebrow when you open the door to see suna staring at his phone in front of you
he looks up, types something on his phone, and looks back up to you again
you feel your phone vibrate, and look at what it was this time
"wanna go together?"
you look back up in surprise, only to see him holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers up in front of you
he had his head turned away, but you saw the way the tips of his ears turned red
you felt your cheeks turn scarlet as you took the flowers from him and gave him a hug
he simply patted your head and gave you a small smile
this guy, who sends you memes at the most strangest of hours, MIGHT have a crush on you
and you MIGHT like him back
you two don't make it official until after he brought you back home
he texted you when he got back home and when he was going to bed
but not without sending one last meme for the night
it was an image of kirby looking out the window with a sad expression with the caption: "me when i miss u"
you liked the message and typed out a response, lingering on the send button for a bit before sucking it up and pressing send
"soooo when are you gonna ask me?"
he responded with another kirby meme, this time of angy kirby with hearts around his head
"be my gf?"
nothing between you and suna changed much
he isn't really an affectionate guy, but his actions speak volumes
lunch with him is still the same, and he still gives you little head pats whenever he feels like it
its just that now, he brings you closer and rests his chin on your head whenever he stands around you
sometimes he wraps his arms around you!!!
he rests his head on your shoulder when he naps during train rides
his favorite passtime is to take naps with you in his arms
he gives you a little forehead kiss and mumbles a "love you" before he drifts off
and you just snuggle into him and drift off as well
he's like a teddy bear please hang onto him QwQ
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cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
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Abby Anderson head-cannons/ relationship HC’s
An: this is like my modern Hc! Only the cannon in game apocalypse version
Tw: nsfw towards the end
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Humble about her title in the WLF
Goes to the gym twice a day, once in the morning once at night plus gas break days once or twice a week
High Proteine girly
Knows Damn well that the gay girls at the WLF thirst over her
Will keep Alice after hours sometimes just because
It’s literally cannon her and manny have competitions for who do what in the apartment
Is a perfectionist
If your in a relationship she’ll take you to the gym and make you try to lift her weights
Actually really likes to cook
If she wasn’t a solider she would of became a medic like her father
Has a shitty green thumb, can not keep a plant alive if her life depended on it
Speaks Spanish to a small degree bc of manny
Once her and manny had hooked up with the same girl — NOT TOGETHER I meant like Abby hooked up with someone THAT FUCKING SCIENTIST first then manny ended up hooking up with the same woman later on down the line.
Makes the worst jokes ever but ppl laugh bc their to scared to offend her
Street smart not book smart
When fall comes around mannys dad still celebrates dia de los Muertos, being that manny and Abby are close manny invited Abby one year to celebrate with them and they made an ofrenda for Abby’s father
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Relationship wise she’s actually really caring
You and Abby met most likely in the WLF, whether it’s from you helping her on an assignment, nursing her to health in the infirmary or her helping you with the animals you two just met at the WLF while helping one another
You of-course had heard of Abby multiple times but you.. this was Abby’s first time meeting or hearing abt you and shit she knew she was heads over heels in the first moment you met
Abby spent months deciding over if you were actually into her or not — one night after you two got drunk together Abby confessed and one thing let to another you two decided to plan a date
Abby freaked out like actually leg shaking anxious breath worried if she would fuck up.
She did, the day of the date she had bailed on you due to being put on an imporant assigment by Isaac
After wards she found you had a small argument with you before finally kissing you
That’s how you two ended up together
(I’m writing a fic abt this btw wait for that coming soon 😈🙏🙏🙏🙏)
She’s the type to find you souvenirs while she’s out patrolling
Will make deals with the gardeners to get you a bouquet of flowers
Every Saturday she kicks manny out and sets up the apartment so you two can have a date, doesn’t matter if your fighting and not on speaking terms you two always have the date Abby makes sure, once you Didn’t show up and Abby actually picked you up- threw you over her shoulder and carried you to the apartment
Most ppl when they write smut for Abby is alays like she’s fucking the ever living daylights out of you and calling you names but personally I don’t think Abby would do that (not that’s there’s anything wrong with those fanfics I eat that shit up everytime)
I think Abby is more of a soft lover. She takes her time and whispers sweet nothings, she’ll tell you how perfect you are and how you were blessed by the goddess of love herself
She can get a little rough though, she’s the type to while nuckles deep into you she’ll praise you for how well your doing
She’s a switch, she loves to make you feel good but also wants to be told how much you love her and her body esp her muscles
Abby’s not submissive though it’s just not her style
Went into an abandoned mall once and found a Spencer’s that’s where she managed to find a strap on
She doesn’t really like to use it since in her opinion it takes away from the experience, she doesn’t really like the fact that you want to get off on something that isn’t her
Would never let you use the strap on her tho lmao
Once Owen had drunkly said something to insult you and Abby decked him right then and there mel and manny made her apologize the next day
Insanely protective of you like I said previously she would deck Owen for just insulting you (I also don’t like Owen bc he sucks for cheating on my babe Mel)
If you two argue which is rare Abby’s stubborn but after a while she’ll force you to talk to her. She’s also gonna make you come to an agreement with her and actually communicate how you feel
GODDAMN ABBYS ASS IS FAT sorry I’m watching the remastered version of tlou2 while writing this 😭
Abby’s heavy on communication like she refuses to let one of you go to bed angry
She swears that your the most beautiful person she’s ever met
Abby will go on rants about her dad and tell you silly stories
Your the most important person to Abby and she makes that very clear— if you do patrols she refuses to let you do dangerous patrols only east already cleared areas or only if your with her so she can protect you
Deep down Abby’s scared to loose you like she lost her dad
Every night before she lets you go back to your apartment to sleep or if your sleeping over Abby will give you soft kisses and tell you how much she loves you before letting you go
That’s its 😝
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strwbrryeyes · 5 months
𖦹°。⋆ asahi as a best friend
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⟡ cw: fluff, friends to lovers, mentions of panic attack, lmk if i miss anything
⟡ a/n: skipping tanaka for now. also chose to do it where they're in different years bc why not. this is also kinda bad so sorry.
⟡ best friend series: nishinoya, tanaka, daichi, suga, yamaguchi, tsukishima, kageyama, hinata || masterlist
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best friend asahi who you met your second year of high school and his third year when you saw him lurking around the corner of the volleyball gym.
best friend asahi who you got closer to when you found out who he was and dragged him into the gym since you saw it as your duty as karasuno's new manager to bring everyone together.
best friend asahi who introduced himself to you properly once everyone was accepting of him coming back to the team.
best friend asahi who nearly fainted when he found out you were noya's friend because he wasn't sure if he could handle two of him but you assured him you were different than noya (barely different tbh).
best friend asahi who automatically got attached to you because of your sweet and comforting vibes.
best friend asahi who was questioning his life choices when you and noya were fighting over his attention during a group sleepover.
best friend asahi who went over to your house the night before the team played with date tech because he was having a small panic attack due to the last time he played them.
best friend asahi who ended up falling asleep on your bed that night after an hour of crying on your shoulder. you ended up sleeping on the floor because you thought he needed space (also literally because there was not enough room on the bed for the both of you). you both were the tiniest bit late to the bus departing.
best friend asahi who automatically ran to you once he scored the winning point because you were the reason he felt motivated enough to try his best on the court.
best friend asahi who decided that the night before any important game, he would sleep over at your house, don't worry though, he brought a sleeping bag from now on.
best friend asahi who got teased by the other third years by how much time he was spending with you which made him realize how whipped he was for you.
best friend asahi who you helped apply for fashion school by modeling his clothes for his portfolio. he swears hes never seen someone as beautiful as you.
best friend asahi who you gave a giant bouquet of flowers right after graduation as a way to congratulate him for all hes done this year and how far hes come.
best friend asahi who was surprised that you were going to a college near his school after your own third but was happy because that meant he would get to see you regularly again.
best friend asahi who you moved in with once you started your own college journey because he 'needed a model that he can work with consistently'.
best friend asahi who had an assignment to make two matching outfits and let it slip that if he was your boyfriend he'd make more matching outfits because he liked the sight of it.
best friend asahi who froze in place when he realized what he said but unfroze when you asked 'wanna be my boyfriend then?' 'are you serious?'
best friend asahi who tripped over a mountain of fabric running to you when you said you were 100% serious and were tired of waiting for him to make a move.
best friend asahi who is now boyfriend asahi who lived up to his promise and made endless matching outfits for the two of you.
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goldengleams · 11 months
maxed out | luke hughes
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In which Luke calls you out.
Warnings: swearing, fighting
LUKE HUGHES!!!!! ANGST!!!!! Two of my favorite things, hope you enjoy!
The week was almost over but you felt like you hadn’t achieved anything. You had completed dense readings and wrote two papers and yet an exam and a project loomed in the future. And that wasn’t including the internships you needed to apply for. Apparently they weren’t kidding when they said junior year of college was going to hit you like a ton of bricks.
Three of Luke’s attempts to set up a FaceTime date with you had gone declined, you had opted to do more work instead. Instead of watching a livestream of your boyfriend’s game, you settled for watching the highlight reel before you went to sleep, sending him a congratulatory text when he played well.
You knew long distance with Luke wouldn’t be easy but you both were willing to give it a try. Your relationship was strong when Luke was at Michigan and you thought you would be able to balance everything.
You thought wrong.
Forgotten were all the busy nights when Luke had saved you from your studies or you went to watch a movie with him in his room. Quick lunches and chats in between classes seemed so important just a year ago, but now you couldn’t bring yourself to take your mind off college.
You had sent endless apologies to Luke, which he accepted, but you still felt bad. You knew each other’s schedules pretty well so you felt bad declining his advances when he knew you didn’t have a club meeting or a class. Unfortunately, you never really had a real break due to assignments.
As you wrote in the homework for the next week in your planner, you heard other girls passing by your door. Their voices were loud as they talked about which bar to hit up first, who they were going to meet there.
You felt yourself slipping, tears forming in your eyes at the reminder that that was you. Last fall, you had the boyfriend, the friend group, the perfect schedule. Now, that had all crumbled. You hadn’t felt this alone since your first semester.
As if your body was reacting to the stress you had put it under, you felt yourself start to tremble. Your pen fell from your hand as it shook and you slumped over at your desk. You tried to breathe through the shakiness that overcame you, but it was no use.
You had pushed everyone away in hopes that you could accomplish your schoolwork and applications before you devoted time to relationships with others. Luke, especially, had hurt the most to ignore. He had never made you feel alone. Now, you felt absolutely defeated.
In the midst of your tears, you felt your desk vibrating. Lifting your head, you saw your phone sat on the charger, buzzing with a call.
“Call from Luke Hughes 🤍”
Your stomach dropped. You knew exactly what Luke was doing. About a year ago, when he had first started thinking about leaving early to play in the NHL, Luke had pushed you away, thinking it would hurt less. In an effort to save your budding relationship, you made a promise to call each other when you felt like you weren’t ready to talk face to face. If the other felt like something was wrong, a call was the way to get them to open up.
But Luke had never called you before.
Taking a deep breath, you quickly tried to gather yourself before you clicked the green answer button.
“Hey,” you croaked. You quietly tried to clear your throat so that Luke wouldn’t think something was wrong.
“Hi Y/N,” Luke said softly.
A beat went by with no conversation, so you decided to take control in an effort to steer him off his original course.
“Um, how was the game? I didn’t catch the highlights yet, I’ve just been finishing some homework.”
“On a Friday?” Luke questioned. His tone of voice was bordering on disapproving.
“Yeah, Luke,” you bit back. “I’ve been swamped with work.”
“Y/N, you’re literally the only person I know who works this hard. You can’t always be swamped with work, my god,” Luke complained. “We haven’t talked in a week, y’know.”
“I know, Luke,” you said, feeling a lump rising in your throat.
“I just don’t get it, Y/N. Things used to be so much easier. We used to actually make time for each other, and we used to-“
“Luke, don’t tell me shit I already know,” you warned. “We both knew that things would be different long distance, and we’re still figuring it out.” You knew it was a weak argument, but you felt the need to defend yourself against his fighting words. Whenever you called Luke out on his lack of communication, you never went in with criticism like this.
“No, no I will tell you because I thought we agreed to be there for each other, Y/N. You don’t even watch my games, let alone care about my well-being. It’s like you’re not even there!”
“Are you serious?” You flared. Whether it was due to Luke being the youngest sibling or just being a boy, he always knew how to push your buttons at the worst times. “You know how much I care about you, so don’t even say that, Luke.”
“Yeah well it doesn’t feel like it-it feels like I’m just another task for you now, Y/N,” Luke shouted into the phone. “I have games and practice and everything else and I still manage to talk to you!”
“Well I’m sorry that I’m still in college, trying to get a degree and an internship and every other fucking thing at the same time!” You snapped.
“See, you don’t even care that I was literally there with you, not even six months ago!” You could hear Luke slamming his hand on his desk and you imagined he had a pretty intense look on his face. This wasn’t good. “In case you forgot, I took classes and did homework too, Y/N, but I still had a social life and cared about my friends. It’s like you’re trying to act like you’re smarter than me as an excuse!”
“Fuck you, Luke!” You hadn’t meant to start yelling at Luke, especially not through the phone, but you couldn’t help it. You were at your breaking point with school and Luke was at his breaking point with you.
By now, the tears were flowing in steady streams down your face. To be pushed to the side like this by Luke was something you had never expected.
You couldn’t help the sob that escaped your throat. Once one got out, you couldn’t stop them. The weight of your relationship, school, and your future was finally crashing in on you.
“Y/N?” Luke asked. “Babe, I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not!” You mustered out through your tears. “You called me and I thought you were gonna ask me if I was okay, if I needed anything.”
“And, god, I know I haven’t been a good girlfriend or a good friend, Luke, but I’m on the verge of a fucking breakdown and, and I can barely get through each day, and I guess I just hoped you could tell,” you gasped, feeling close to the point of no return. “I hoped that you wouldn’t give up on me.”
There was silence on Luke’s end of the line.
Your heavy breathing filled in the tense space. You were acutely aware that your walls were thin and someone may have heard everything, but you couldn’t care at this point. You sniffled pitifully, full blown crying having calmed down a little.
“I’d never give up on you, Y/N,” Luke said quietly. “You know I care about you, I’d never give up on what we have.”
You felt a breath enter your lungs as he said it. Maybe there really was hope.
“For real? Because we just had a screaming match on the phone,” you let out a pitiful wet chuckle.
"Well, I did plan to call you tonight to like, actually call you out and see if you were okay but it didn't really go that way," Luke said, sheepishly. "I never wanted to make you cry, Y/N. I'm sorry."
You nodded, knowing Luke couldn't see you but feeling comfort in his intention. You took a deep breath, feeling your nerves calm.
"I mean, you weren't wrong, Luke. I haven't called you and I haven't texted, and I know it's not right but I was just so overwhelmed that I didn't want to take it out on you,” you sighed. “Everything’s been piling up and it’s hard for me to admit that I need help.”
"Y/N," Luke whined. "You know I'm here. You don't have to be stressed out all alone, babe."
"I know," you mumbled. You dragged the sleeve of your sweatshirt across your face to wipe your tears. "I miss you, Lukey. School isn’t fun when you’re not here."
Your phone started buzzing on your desk and you realized that Luke was trying to FaceTime you. You swore that boy could stay on FaceTime all day if his life depended on it. He loved just watching you through the screen, whether it was getting ready or just cooking, he enjoyed every moment of it.
“Hey babe,” he answered when you picked up. He had a small smile on his face and he looked so cute with his freshly washed hair and sweatshirt on.
“Sorry I look rank, I didn’t think we’d call tonight,” you admitted. Your hair was pulled back in an uncommitted hair style and your glasses sat on the bridge of your nose, half sliding down as you tried to wipe your eyes more.
"You look perfect, Y/N. And I miss you more, by the way," Luke countered, laughing a little. "I just want you to relax and do something other than stress about school."
“I mean, I’d like to do that too, just for the record,” you mumbled, yawning into your hand. The stress of the week was finally making you tired.
“How about you go get your nails done and go to lunch? See if Molly’s around,” Luke suggested.
You smiled at Luke on the screen. Even after your relationship was just tested, you and Luke always seemed to pull through.
“Maybe,” you replied. “I did finish my assignments for this weekend, so I could probably rela-”
“Yes! Just sent you money, I’m texting Rutger to tell Molly,” Luke rambled. Your heart warmed at the idea that he was so adamant on helping you de-stress after everything that went on this week. You watched Luke’s determined face on your phone screen as he went to work. Your boyfriend had always shown his love in actions. Luke poked away at his phone and when he was content, set the phone back up against his desk.
“Rutger said he’ll ask Molly but that she’s probably free, so you can finally leave that cave that you call a room,” he laughed.
“Oh please,” you rolled your eyes. “But thank you, that would be really fun to hang out with someone, I’ve missed doing that.”
You and Luke talked for a few more minutes, catching up on his games and his brothers. He even mentioned flying you out for a game, but that was a conversation for another day when you weren’t exhausted. It wasn’t long before your eyelids were drooping, yawns escaping your mouth frequently.
“Go to sleep, babe,” Luke said softly.
“But I want to talk to you, Lukey,” you mumbled, but also stood up to make the short walk to your bed. You climbed in under the sheets and immediately felt peace.
“Call me in the morning, okay?”
You gave a sleepy nod, and mumbled a goodnight to him. You felt better about everything you had talked about with Luke. Everything would be alright.
“Love you, Y/N,” Luke said.
“Love you, Luke, sweet dreams,” you whispered. You shut your phone off and dreamed of seeing your boyfriend again soon.
Luke has been looking so boyfriend in the last few games so I had to write this!! Enjoy the angst 🥰 feel free to send me requests!!
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Late night driving headcanons
task force 141 x reader
synopsis: late night drives with members of task force 141
notes: Ghost's part is inspired by this request; also wrote big parts of this during a night ride (going back to college). Hope you enjoy
warnings: none?
Captain 'John' Price
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He knows it the moment he steps out of the base, around midnight, and finds you parked next to his car, mindlessly scrolling through your phone in the driver's seat. You don't have to tell him anything, he just throws his duffel bag in the back and climbs into the passenger seat, putting his seatbelt on.
You do not meet his eyes as you turn on the engine and leave the parking lot with one hand on the steering wheel while the other one is resting on the gear knob, your fingers impatiently drumming against the hard plastic
Resting his head on the headrest, Price turns to look at you, his eyes filled with silent adoration as he rests his left hand atop yours and starts to rub circles into your skin. He does not miss the satisfied sighs that leave your lips.
The night is dark and the car is silent, yet his touch is loving and reassuring, his quiet presence being a constant you always can rely on. The city lights filter through the windows of the car, casting your concentrated figure in a fluorescent glow. Price wouldn't admit it in front of you, but in moments like these, you take his breath away, both figuratively and literally
It is when you are stopped at a traffic light that you eventually let out a deep sigh and start talking. At first, you have a hard time finding your words, as you usually do when trying to open up, but John's presence has a soothing effect on you, his soft, yet approving smile helping you to keep going
Like usual, Price keeps stroking your skin and listens to you carefully, nodding along to what you are telling him. Whether you had a bad day at work, the printer broke again or your professor at the university did not grant you an extension for the final assignment - he will pay utmost attention to the details that ruined your day and try to find the best words (and potentially actions) that will make you feel better
Is someone bothering you at work? He might swing by during lunch break with his full tactical gear on. Has the printer stopped working? He will carry the new one on his shoulders and lay it at your feet. And the professor? If he cannot change his mind regarding your due date, he will help you himself write that essay (and tear the local library apart in the process)
After you make your usual stop at the gas station for fuel and snacks, you roll the windows down to the cool and refreshing night air, one hand casually resting on the window's edge while the other is holding the steering wheel
You can't help but smile at the familiar scent of Price's cigar and you let out another sigh, yet this time it is a content one.
"Remember, things always work out, little one!", he eventually says when you park into the driveway, ruffling your hair and planting a kiss on your forehead. You place your hands on his shoulders and kiss him on the lips, closing your eyes when you feel his fingers in your hair.
"As long as we are together, we will both be fine!"
Lieutenant Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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Ghost knows something is wrong when your messages stop containing emojis. While he is not an emoji person himself, he secretly enjoys the creative and suggestive ways you find to insert them in any of your messages.
But what makes him leave work earlier than usual (and spend only one extra hour on base instead of the usual three) is your clipped reply of "I'm spending the night in. I'm not feeling really well." which is devoid of any bed, sleep or whatever weird emoji he could think of.
And before heading to your place, he makes an extra stop at his, switching his pickup truck for his beloved motorcycle. It doesn't take him long to get changed into the black protective gear and make sure the spare, smaller-sized matching piece is stored in the top case, alongside a matching helmet.
Five minutes later he's at your door, his brows furrowing at the sight of your tired figure. Instead of giving him your usual reassuring smile, you just gesture him to come in and he has to place a hand on your shoulder to stop you from turning your back to him.
'You don't need to talk about it if you don't want to. But we're not spending the night in either.'
It's your turn to frown at his cryptic words, and he gently takes your hands and leads you out of the house until his motorcycle comes into view. He keeps his eyes glued on you and his heart skips a beat when he notices the faint grin that appears on your face, your hands still clasped tightly to his.
'And before you ask, yes, I took your protective gear to the dry cleaners. And you can borrow one of my balaclavas...'
He does not miss the mischievous spark in your eyes and he has to fight the butterflies in his stomach as he knows exactly what you are going to say.
'Can I have the one with the skull on it?'
Playing hard to get is his speciality, so he resorts to rolling his eyes dramatically, blinking rapidly for effect.
'I am wearing it right now-'
'That's why I asked.'
He takes off his balaclava with a loud sigh and gently pulls it over your head until only your smiling eyes are visible. The corners of his mouth quirk up at the innocent, yet grateful look you are giving him and he shakes his head in defeat as he reaches for an identical balaclava in his pocket
Eventually, Ghost can't help but beam at your wide-eyed expression, before helping you get into the protective suit and ensuring the helmet is firmly placed on your head. You do not miss the tender looks he gives you when he thinks you're not watching and you start blushing when he is busying himself with the strap of your helmet, his warm breath fanning over your face
Once his helmet is back on his head, he gets on the motorcycle and gestures for you to join him. It's not the first time you're doing this, but you still get lightheaded at the thought of being so close to him. Yet, as usual, you do not miss the way his body relaxes as you slide your arms around his waist and press yourself against his back, resting your head on his shoulder
The hum of the engine is a distant buzz in your ears as you relish in the friction of the protective costumes and the warmth the body-to-body contact has caused to course through your veins.
The city lights come and go so fast they turn into a blur, and the usual hustle and bustle of the city become a distant sensation as the cool night air embraces your figure the same way your arms encircle Simon's waist.
In that moment, his presence is what keeps you grounded and safe, your hands tightening their grip around his waist as you let out a sigh of relief. No day can be completely ruined as long as you have Ghost by your side.
Sergeant John 'Soap' MacTavish
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He does not need a pretext or excuse for a car ride; he'll simply text you or show up at your door with car keys in hand
And you'll only smile at him, rolling your eyes at his sheepish expression and mechanically putting on your shoes as you ask him:
'Who's driving?'
If he had a long or exhausting day at work, he'll simply hand you over the keys, placing both of his hands on your shoulders and guiding you to the car.
But other times he would swing the keys around his fingers and extend his hand as an invitation, gallantly leading you to the passenger's seat where he would fuss over you triple-checking the safety belt and trying to sneak as many kisses as possible
'Not my fault your face looks so kissable!', he'd manage to articulate the words between pecks and your childish chuckles
There were a couple of times when the 'innocent' pecks turned into something more and you had to call it a night and move into the house.
But he usually manages to stop in time, both to yours and his dismay and get in the driver's seat without causing any more distractions
Soap's the kind of guy who would sing his heart out so you two have several shared playlists prepared for the occasion. Depending on who's driving, you or he would choose one of them, put it on shuffle, and let the chaos begin.
You like to sing along as well, but that does not mean that either of your voices actually match the rhythm of the music. If asked, you would both argue that your renditions are decent, but in reality...
There was this one time where you were stopped at a red light and Unchained Melody was the next song to be played. You two had a great time trying to hit the high notes that the original duo did, singing your hearts out in the car, with both windows rolled down.
Let's just say the group of bikers that were stopped on the other lane were not fans - neither of the song nor of your performance.
But the small altercation did not stop you from spending another hour just cruising around the city, and enjoying the overwhelming amount of neon signs and streetlights that filtered through the tinted windows of the car
Sergeant Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
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It is a tradition that casually started the first time he came back from a mission. You were both lying on the couch, cuddling and watching some random sitcom
All was good and fair until you realized you had run out of snacks. And since it was one in the morning, ordering in was not an option.
So you hopped in the car and let Gaz drive around to the nearest gas station to see what you can get
Gaz is definitely the type of guy to say 'I know a place' and proceed to drive you to some hard-to-get, yet breathtaking place. That is what he did that first night, driving you to a quiet place from where you could see the entire city.
You opened the trunk and ate the snacks in there, resting your head on Gaz's shoulder and he on top of yours.
Since that night, every time he comes home from a mission, you go on a hunt for snacks and end up in your snacking spot, as you like to call it
'A snack with a view', you would often joke to Gaz as you huddled in his warm embrace
'Wait- I think the view's missing something...'
He would place his hands on your shoulders, turning you so you were face to face with him and against the nocturnal landscape of city lights
'Yes, it's better now!'
His grin would be impossibly huge, his chuckles eventually missing with yours as you would try to lean forward and steal a kiss from his lips
After the second time you did that, you decided to keep a couple of pillows and blankets in the back of the car
He will always be the one to drive - there's no point in arguing about that
'You do know I'm not a Sunday driver!'
'It's a male instinct, darling! You know, like the primal need to hunt down a bear, cook it and serve it to you!'
If you fall asleep in the passenger seat, he'll carry you inside and tuck you in against his naked torso, pulling you as close as possible to him
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autismprotocol · 5 months
TMAG Theory Board Update (EP 11-12)
Hi guys sorry about the late posting I've just started a new quarter of college and its been pretty hectic. also got into my school design BFA program so pretty stoked about that! Anyways lets get into the Episode Breakdowns because even though not a lot of lore related things happened I still have a lot to talk about
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For the breakdown I'll separate each by episode in sequential order
What Happened in Episode 11: Marked
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Celias Rude Awakening- we jump right into the weirdness straight away with Celia waking up on the side of the interstate. she indicates that this is not a weird occurrence and ends the scene by telling someone named Jack that she's "on her way." If you remember episode 8 after Celia and Sam talk to Gerry and Gertrude, she mentions stuff about wanting help with her own mystery. When Sam asks about it she says she's looking into Time travel, other dimentions and teleportation. Many people have theorized that maybe Celia is just a super heavy sleepwalker, but I think the she teleports random places out of nowhere. This could be a side effect of her reality hopping if this Celia is originally from The archives universe.
As for the identity of Jack I'm not quite sure about that yet. I cross referenced the name Jack with past episodes of TMA. The only thing that came up was Jack Barnabas from the statement about dating Agnes Montague (aka an avatar of the desolation and Jesus-like figure for the cult of the lightless flame) So Unless Celia is secretly Agnes of Agnes reincarnated , I can't find any way to link Barnabas to Celia. (if anyone has a theory feel free to send it my way.)
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Sam Lore- this one is pretty minor story-wise but I thought it was interesting. Before the statement for the episode is presented we get some classic Sam and Alice Banter ™ most of it is pretty lighthearted but I noticed Sam mention something that could indicate he might be an amputee.
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These could not mean anything and I find it weird that it hasn't been mentioned until now but thought it was kind of cool and I will probably be drawing sam with a prothetic leg in the future cause I really like this head-canon. It also begs to question if he is missing a leg. it might have anything to do with his past as a Magnus institute test subject but then again could just be a fun character detail added by Jonny and/or Alex .
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The Statement- Getting into the statement we get another Ink5oul appearance. Also possible Ink5oul identifying as she/they. (and lets be honest being a fear avatar is pretty non binary core). I found this Episode gave me a feeling of a hybrid between the Vast, Buried and the Flesh some people are theorizing that is might be a new entity called the Deep but I think that the fear of the ocean could easily apply to the vast or buried. Not much to say about this story though pretty standard Magnus horror that also gave us a hint to what Ink5oul's goal could be/which entity they serve.
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Post Bonzo- Gwen has a debrief with Lena after her first Externals Liason assignment and her meeting with Mr. Bonzo. Undoubtedly Gwen is still pretty shaken from her encounter, even arriving late to work due to sleeplessness. Gwen is able to ask Lena a few questions mainly she wanted to know who's name was written on the letter given to Bonzo
Lena is largely unhelpful but tells Gwen she should have worked it out by now and if not to pay close attention to the case load for the next couple of days. before the latest episode my guess was Klaus because that is the only person mentioned so far that the OIAR intends to kill. but more on that later
Marked- Now were getting to my favorite thing about this episode. This episode title can have two meanings. The first is the more literal interpretation. Tattoos are marking of the body and the case this episode was all about tattoos so easily a good name would be marked. But I believe this is a red herring meant to misguide listeners who have not consumed all 200 episodes of TMA because if you know the world of Magnus Archives the term Marked takes on a entirely different meaning.
In TMA the term marked is used to indicate that somebody has been influenced by one or more or the fears and are one their way to becoming an Avatar. I think this could be a coded way to tell the audience someone in the OIAR has been marked. I have two potential candidates
Alice Dyer- Alice has been having dreams about the Institute after her and Sam's adventure into the ruins. also she mentions feeling like someone's watching her (common to people influenced or fed upon by the Ceaseless Watcher/The Eye) My guess if she is marked it would be by the Eye.
Gwendolyn Bouchard: Probably the most likely culprit. The main way an entitly tends to mark people is through encounters with other avatars. Gwen has just had an encounter with Mr Bonzo last episode who I strongly believe must be an avatar of some sort.
What Happened in Episode 12: Getting Off
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Aww Sam!!- Sam asked Celia out and it was adorably awkward. not much to say I just loved this interaction and I'm longing for a new Magnus brand office romance hopefully is wont be an agonizing slowburn that ends tragically like a certain pair of morons from Archives (I love you Jon and Martin but Jesus christ)
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It's Bonzo time bitches!!- Probably one of the most gruesome Magnus statement I've ever listened to (good work Alex) Mr Bonzo completely annihilated some poor dude at his bachelor party. Based on the date of the Incident the I can confidently say that whoever Baz (the groom) was he was our mystery person the OIAR sent Mr Bonzo to get rid of. Along with some of the bloodiest imagery we learned a few things about Bonzo. The most interesting detail is that Bonzo has to be summoned by playing his theme song I think the CD of his theme song acts somewhat like the tapes did in TMA by materialising out of nowhere. Also fun fact you know that torn seam that is right down Bonzo's middle? that is actually is his mouth lined with rows sharp teeth so I guess I know that now (so fun) Moral of the story dont f*ck with Mr. Bonzo
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Alice knows something: Theres been this recurring audio glitch throughout TMAGP thatnks to a few extremly observent fans we have started to relize that these glitches are not at all random and are actually letting the audience know when a character is lying (i actually reposted somones deepdive into all the istances of this glitch so far if you guys are intrested in knowing more) why i bring this up now is becuase since we know when any charater is lying we also know when they are being truthful if there is no glitch when they say somthing and at the end of this episode this interaction occurs
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Alice goes ahead and makes a joke about this to annoy Gwen but the fact theres no audio glitch when she says "I know" means she does actually know who is behind the OIAR and is activly refusing to share it with Gwen or the others. What do you know Alice!?
and that's about it im already loving these next batch of episodes and am so excited to learn more (ERROR has to show up somtime )
thanks to everyone who resonded the poll on the last update I will continue to include drawings into the breakdown even if it takes me a little bit of time to post. anyways I wrote this all in one sitting and I'm about ready to pass out so thanks again and the ask box and comments are always open for discussion and theory crafting.
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pinkaton · 2 years
crushcrushcrush ❣︎ mark grayson hcs
gender neutral reader, pronouns unspecified
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mark falls for you either because he looks up to you in some way/thinks you're cool, or because you're super cute to him (or all of the above) - either way you make him nervous.  
he's embarrassingly tongue-tied in almost every interaction, even a simple 'hi' is suddenly difficult to muster in your presence (no his voice didn't crack in his eagerness to greet you, that's not why william is snickering next to him).  
he doesn't really approach you unless he has to though, like being paired up for an assignment or some other 'practical' reason. beyond casual small talk he's almost content to admire you from afar, or just stay acquaintances.  
william alternates between making jokes at his expense or encouraging him to be forward with you, but they're mostly mild ribbing. he doesn't want to push mark after he fully realizes the extent of harm and danger he has to face, so he's more understanding of his reluctance this time.  
he would happily play the role of wingman though, especially if mark is curious about your interests - william has his ways of procuring information.  
mark ends up knowing more about you than you recall telling him, he tries not to show it because y'know, that'd be kinda weird and he doesn't wanna weird you out or anything - he fails at it of course, he was never a good liar.  
him keeping his distance is only partially due to his own uncertainty and shyness in romance, he's mostly hesitant to try dating again after his relationship with amber went south.  
... not to mention the lack of privacy in his life with the GDA breathing down his neck, the fact that he'd been beaten to within an inch of his life a number of times, and at literally any point in time he could be required to leave you to don the mask and suit.  
the thought makes his smile slip as he stares at you from across the hallway.  
it's a world he'd rather you stay far, far away from, and after what happened with his father he finds it hard to fully welcome someone new into his life. especially a civilian.  
despite himself he's giddy with anticipation if you show interest in getting to know him better, and if he suspects his crush is reciprocated he indulges in the feeling.  
if you're forward with him he can't resist flirting and/or bantering back, (even if he stumbles over his own words all the while) but there's something restrained about the way interacts with you, always not-so discreetly slipping away before anything can get serious.  
if you're more introverted he feels emboldened to take initiative to approach you, but besides his somewhat nervous air he's never anything more than friendly and polite.  
even if you don't know him all that well yet mark grayson wasn't considered a hard person to befriend, but around you, and only you, he's surprisingly elusive.  
he tip toes between surface-level friendliness and pulling away when he has to commit to something deeper, oftentimes he's clumsy despite his intentions, and it's not hard to tell that he wants something with you despite his occasional cageyness.  
but for the time being, the innocent rush of a highschool crush gives his dual-life a sense of normalcy, and the thought of seeing you again always brings a dopey smile to his face, even on the confines of a hospital bed.
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flashbangstars · 8 months
How People Found out you two were dating
NCT Dream Edition
pink ~ y/n
Blue ~ dream
Green ~ secondary character/another dreamie
"so um Jeno found out about us dating"
"oh, I thought we were waiting until game night to tell them"
"well yeah uh funny story, I tried to put my sweatshirt on at Jeno's house and your hot pink thong fell out of the sleeve onto his carpet."
"Yeah I know me too, besides that. Jeno got mad and lectured me on not leading you on if I had other girls I was doing stuff with, so I uh.."
"you told Jeno the hot pink thong was mine"
"yeah basically"
"and I have to face him on friday knowing he's seen my panties"
"to be fair he did say they were cute"
"you know that actually didn't help at all"
"hey babe can you help me really quickly, I need help moving my monitor, the cord is stuck somewhere behind my desk"
"Y/n can it wait like 10 minutes"
"No it literally can't I have a assignment due in thirty minutes and I will literally jump off a fucking cliff if I don't get full credit for this"
"Nice Hello Kitty Underwear"
"Renjun you're the one who bought me these, you've seen them and taken them off me numerous times"
"oh he has!! has he!"
"go put some pants on please sweetheart"
"I'm so fucking terrified why were their two different voices just now"
"Hi y/n"
"I'm gonna start crying please tell me Jaemin didn't just see me in fucking hello kitty underwear"
"Y/n please go put some pants on"
"yeah....yeah I'll go do that...... Uh just so you know....im not letting him hit for free.....he did ask me out"
"congrats to the happy couple"
"fuck you"
"so how did you all manage to fail the same test?"
"I cheated off of Haechan, and Haechan Cheated off of Jaemin, so its basically Jaemin's fault"
"hey I thought Jaemin knew what he was doing"
"Haechan, Jaemin never knows what he is doing"
"oh fuck, I have to go babe I'm gonna miss the bus if I dont run, I will see you soon" *phatass smooch before leaving* *leaves*
5 minutes later....
"alright I'm back I missed the bus"
"oh thats so crazy I think I just heard the bus, I have to go omg byeeeeee"
"so you're leaving me to deal with this"
"yes, bye pookie, smooches I'll see you later tonight, bye Haechan!"
"are we gonna talk about it... or should I just ignore it"
"ignore what"
"im not following"
"are you two being serious"
"dude what the fuck are you talking about??"
"you've been sitting in y/n's lap the entire time we've been here"
"we are literally just close friends"
"dog you are literally hand feeding haechan french fries"
"im literally baby"
"even that was a lot for me"
"im sorry pookie"
"allllriight get off, I wont be this couple"
"pookie did you just make it official!"
"can you please be normal"
"Hypothetically what do you guys consider too much for a gift for your significant other"
"well how long would you two have been dating"
"like 6 months...?"
"umm anything ring related, thats kinda scary, too reminiscent of marriage"
"well fuck"
"what do you mean oh fuck? what the fuck did you buy"
"a ring"
"for who??"
"the guys know you and me are dating"
"what? how"
"I got in trouble"
"what did you do..."
"they all got kinda mad at me and said I was kinda mean to you and asked what my issue with you was"
"and what did you say"
"please don't be mad"
"I told them not to worry because you think it's hot when I'm kinda mean"
they didn't believe me at first... and I was feeling pressured!...they literally cornered me!"
"so I showed them a little bit of our texts when you said...itwassexy whenIwasmeantoyou"
"run. now"
"hey guys, just wanted to let you know me and jisung are dating now officially"
"Jisung what..."
"jisung park"
"please ma'am stop spreading that!"
"I'm so sorry guys I dont know whats gotten into her!"
"jisung...She's literally your lockscreen"
"I literally have no idea what you are talking about"
"jisung I WILL do a coochie ban"
"this is actually bae 4 lyfe, she my day one and I worship the ground she walk on fr"
"thats what I thought"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hi! here is a little something from the drafts that is basically finished, I hope you like it! I am fr just getting back into writing so excuse any errors. But i hope yall have a good night/day!
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mixelation · 8 months
oh yeah i wrote this last night
“No,” Shisui said, flatly. “Absolutely not.”
He still maintained his proper at ease pose, feet apart and arms folded behind his back. It was a stark contrast to his rather blatant words. 
“I recognize you have a very… strong interpersonal relationship,” Minato said carefully. “But like all our shinobi, Tori knows how to behave professionally when on missions.”
“With all due respect,” Shisui replied, “if she wasn’t a problem, you could hand her to any other captain.”
Minato’s lips thinned. He had wasted so many years believing Tori was the most personable member of Team 4, and now look what he and Kushina had allowed her to become. Now that he needed to temporarily pull a fuinjutsu master for ANBU, it was becoming clear she’d somehow ended up on the shit list of several key ANBU members. She was as bad as Itachi in terms of reputation, except she had to clout within ANBU to command respect. 
He could just put Kushina on this mission, but her personality was wildly unsuited for ANBU. Tori was theoretically a much better pick. She could be incredibly discreet when she wanted to be. 
Shisui’s dark eyes watched him, waiting for a reply. Unlike any member of Team 4, Shisui was not openly judging him for his decisions, or the fact that he’d just let Tori piss off half of ANBU and done nothing to intervene. 
“Uchiha Itachi recommended you,” Minato said finally. “He believes your skills would complement, and that despite your differences, you would be able to read each other well, despite never having run a mission together.”
He could tell Shisui was fighting hard to not react, like a good ANBU. 
“Perhaps Itachi should captain this mission then,” Shisui said finally. “They have an excellent mission record together.”
“You know I can’t assign them together,” Minato replied. 
In theory, he could, because he could do whatever he wanted as Hokage. But now that they were dating, he didn’t want to throw them together into a high-stakes mission until after they’d had some trainings on workplace romances and run a few easier missions together, if they wanted to explore that. Romantic feelings and missions could be a disaster for both the mission and the relationship. 
(Kushina would be so upset if they broke up.)
Shisui took a deep breath. 
“If you force this,” Shisui said, steely eyed, “I will consider resigning from ANBU.”
Wow, Minato thought. He hadn’t thought they’d disliked each other this much. 
“I will take your opinion into consideration,” Minato said, and then dismissed him. 
Minato distracted himself with some more mission assignments for an hour, but he inevitably came back around to the Tori problem. 
The unfortunate truth of the situation was that he did have to build an ANBU team around her, rather than carefully pull the best agents from a range of different candidates. 
The mission was a rare invitation from the Water Country Daimyo. He wanted a certain political enemy eliminated, but all three of Kiri’s own attempts to assassinate the mark had failed, because the mark had somehow turned his home into a maze of fuinjutsu barriers and traps. So the Daimyo wanted Konoha to infiltrate, kill only the mark and his two partners, and also not leave any evidence a foreign ninja had done this so he didn’t have to explain anything to the Mizukage. 
The fuuinjutsu requirement, along with baseline ANBU requirements, meant literally only Kushina and Tori could reliably do this, and Kushina was horrible at being subtle. 
Could he maybe move the mission out of ANBU and widen his pool of other teammates…? No, it really had to be ANBU. 
What if he just did the mission?
Kakashi walked into the office to find Minato with both hands in his hair, glaring at the current ANBU roster. ANBU Jaguar would be perfect for this, actually, except Tori had brought Jaguar to Book Club the time Bounty Hunter Kakuzu had inexplicably shown up. 
“Have you also been speaking to genin?” Kakashi asked, dropping a folder onto Minato’s desk. 
Minato stared up at him helplessly. That was right; he’d asked for the newest Jounin Sensei to turn in their six month report on their genin teams in a tad early so they could discuss entering them in the Chunin Exams this round. 
Team 7 must have really done a whammy on Kakashi if he was the first to turn his in. 
“ANBU is sort of like speaking to children,” Minato said, and Kakashi dropped into a seat across from him to listen to him whine. 
“Just make Itachi deal with her,” Kakashi said when Minato finished. “Or are you afraid their relationship will turn them into a vortex of toxic behavior likes of which ANBU has never seen?”
“Something like that,” Minato replied. He absently picked up a pen and jotted down a note to himself to tell them they had to do workplace romance training so he never had to deal with this again. 
Then Minato said, “I really thought Shisui was a good fit. They’re not friendly, but they’re civil at Book Club.”
“Ah, it’s because Shisui is intimately aware she’s a manipulative little monster,” Kakashi said. He settled back further in his chair and crossed his legs. “He used to get weird about having to work with Itachi too.”
Minato sighed and tapped his fingers on the desk. He should have a conversation with Tori about being more pleasant. Except if he used that wording both she and, more importantly, Kushina would yell at him about being anti-feminist because… something something women were expected to be kind and gentle where men weren’t. 
He just wanted her to not use her teammates as psych experiments… 
“Hey,” Minato said, eyeing Kakashi up and down. “Do you want a break from your genin?”
Kakashi, currently fiddling with a pen, froze. 
“It’ll only be a couple weeks,” Minato said. “I’ll stick them with someone else and tell them it’s an evaluation for candidacy to the Chunin Exam.”
Kakshi looked less than convinced. 
“I of course enjoy my cute little ninja sibling,” Kakashi said very slowly. “But only in my personal time. When there’s other people to point her at.”
Minato could force the issue and just assign Kakashi to the mission. But he was trying so hard to get people to get along on their own. That was his philosophy as Hokage. 
Of course, sometimes people just didn’t want to get along, and then he had to use other tactics. 
“I’ll get you Jiraiya’s current manuscript,” Minato offered. “And just think: it’ll be really, really funny.”
Kakashi looked more considering. 
Tori stared down at the mask on the desk. Her eyes rose, meeting MInato’s. They had a certain dewey quality to them that almost made him feel bad.
“Why would you do this to me?” Tori asked, sounding betrayed. 
“Wow,” Kakashi said, putting a hand on a hip. He was a nostalgic sight, in full ANBU uniform again. “Usually people are overjoyed to work with me.”
Tori made a face like she didn’t believe this. 
“It’s just like any other mission,” Minato assured her. “Just with a couple extra rules.”
Tori reached hesitantly for the mask.
“If you make me ANBU Songbird,” she said, turning it over in her hands, “I am going missing-nin.”
“So,” Minato said blandly, “a stricter behavior code is part of your temporary ANBU assignment–”
“Maa, it’s a Nightingale,” Kakashi interrupted, completely undermining Minato lecture on how he should technically give Tori several demerits and send her off to a psych eval for her joke. “Which I believe is a songbird. Suborder Passeri, right?”
Kakashi had definitely looked this up beforehand, specifically for this. 
“Why would you do this to me?” Tori repeated. 
“I was being sensitive,” Minato defended. “You went on for a very long time about your ancestor Nightingale, and it was available.”
Tori stared at him, clearly confused. 
“The statistician?” he tried. 
“Florence Nightingale?” Tori said, sounding mildly scandalized. “She’s not my ancestor!”
Minato could have sworn Deidara had referred to this Nightingale person as “one of Tori’s people” to explain the strange given name. Maybe he hadn’t meant she was part of Tori’s family after all…?
“No one gets to choose their own mask,” Minato said, backtracking. “I try to allow people to turn down temp ANBU assignments, but we really don’t have anyone else with the required skillset.”
Tori scowled down at the mask some more. Minato would at least hear her out, if she decided to give an actual argument for not wanting to run an ANBU mission, but she didn’t offer one up. 
“Maa, I’ll try to fill the rest of the team with people you haven’t personally harassed,” Kakashi said. “Although that’s not a long list…”
Tori held the mask up to her face experimentally, then pulled it away. 
“Do you sterilize these between uses?” she asked. 
“Yes, of course,” Minato said. “But, um, that one’s been in storage for years. I’d clean it again.”
“Don’t worry, my cute little sister,” Kakashi drawled, “I will teach you in the way of mask hygiene.”
Tori shot Minato another pained, betrayed look. 
“He means that as your captain, he’ll brief you on how this works,” Minato said. He almost reassured Tori that Kakashi really was one of their best. But she already knew that. 
Kakashi swung an arm around her shoulder and walked her out, listing tips for cleaning her mask and borrowed armor as he went. 
Minato watched them go with conflicting emotions. Kakashi and Tori… made each other behave worse, in public. It was heartwarming when he looked at them as young people he’d mentored: their mutual interests brought each other out of their shells and they enjoyed each other’s company. It was also kind of a nightmare when he thought of them as soldiers under his command. He trusted both of them to reel it in once the mission started, but Tori’s orientation would almost definitely end with more names on the list of ANBU Tori had personally harassed. 
Ah well. It would be character building for whoever they ended up harassing.
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megistusdiary · 2 years
MMMMM idk if you write for al haitham— if you don’t ignore this request idm 🙏
anyways if you do write for him,, what about al haitham x fem!reader where someone breaks reader’s heart (kaveh perhaps for the drama) al haitham and reader are best friends and they’ve both had tension between them forever so he offers a little help ☝️ all consensual obviously we love consent here
yes ik this is like my one kaeya ask but i love this trope sm 😭😭
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oh, i absolutely will write for alhaitham hahaha. he is literally so mf fine idc idc 😇🙏
on my knees for him he is so 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️ checks all my boxes
anyways yes, yes, imagine this happening back during his akademiya days oo
but this shit straight up 90% unsexy plot sorry. just wrote this all in one sitting, shawties
warnings: dom!alhaitham and sub!fem anatomy/pronouns reader
friends to lovers, fingering/penetration (sub!receiving), ex kaveh (mentions of cheating sorta), confessions, kissing
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you sat beside alhaitham at the library, clicking the top of your pen repeatedly until alhaitham exhaled sharply.
"sorry." you mumbled, setting the pen down as you read over your assignment again.
when your professor announced who the partners for this project would be, it seemed half the class was jealous while half pitied you for being partnered with alhaitham.
you felt like the archons had personally blessed you, however, finally being partnered with the man you considered your best friend.
some might argue it was impossible for alhaitham to ever have a 'best friend. the friendship bracelet matching the one on your wrist that he kept in his pocket begged to differ.
you glanced over at alhaitham, watching him flip through textbooks, letting his eyes barely even graze over the words before turning the pages.
"are you actually trying to learn anything, or just say you looked at the pages as you flipped them?"
"ha ha." alhaitham droned, tone devoid of emotion as he closed the book. "i don't see you making much progress."
"that's because i'm taking the time to actually absorb what i'm reading."
"hmph." alhaitham turned away, sifting through his pile of parchment notes. "we should finish this today. i do not want-"
"woah, woah, hold on." you stopped him, waving your hand in the air. "today? the semester ends next month." you protested. "i actually have other things to do today, you know."
"so do i. it just seems one of us is more efficient than the other." alhaitham scoffed as you rolled your eyes.
"yeah, yeah." you frowned, letting your head flop onto your hand.
"what other things are you doing today, anyways?"
"what? oh, i mean. i'm supposed to go on a date. today." your face felt warm as alhaitham cocked his head, intrigued yet slightly annoyed.
"oh. right. with kaveh."
"he told you about it?"
"i don't know why you're shocked. we live together."
"fair enough. but, yes, that's my very important thing."
"what about the others?"
"huh?" your eyes flitted down to watch alhaitham write down notes about the book he was reading, print perfectly straight and legible.
"you said important things. plural."
"oh." you paused, watching his fingers stop moving as he set his pen down. "i guess more studying as per usual."
"where's kaveh taking you?"
your eyes narrowed as he glanced over at you. "why the sudden interest in my love life?" your heart skipped a beat when alhaitham's eyes met yours.
"fine, no more questions. let's get back to business." alhaitham quickly turned back to his book, leaving you with a heated face and mixed emotions.
truth be told, you did like kaveh, but you also had liked alhaitham for years. no matter how many hints you dropped, though, alhaitham always seemed to dodge them.
and maybe that was the hint meant for you to stop pursuing him.
you had met kaveh earlier in the year. alhaitham never had guests over, so you always spent time at your place. you only ever got to speak to kaveh due to discovering you studied in the same place between classes. one crowded morning, you found yourself sitting together due to a lack of space. and the rest was history.
alhaitham never failed to make your heart flutter with anything he did. despite his witty remarks and snappy comments, he was a gentleman at heart. he always brought you an extra jacket if it was cold, prepared snacks for you, brought you more parchment before you could run out. he was always attentive, even without trying to be.
kaveh was much more easy-going, dropping flirty remarks in all of your conversations. he was very direct about his interest in you, though you were blissfully unaware of his habits to flirt with many people at once.
the rest of the study session carried on in silence, leaving you to finish writing your notes sloppily, hand cramping and exhausted as you slammed your pen down. "okay, i'm tapping out. it's getting late, and i need to go get changed." you told him as he hummed.
"how far did you get?"
"i'm done with page 8." you frowned, turning towards him slowly. "don't even think about making a 'i'm on page 15' comment."
alhaitham's lips quirked up in a faint, yet rare smile that made you smile back shyly. "i'll see you tomorrow."
"i hope your...dinner is pleasant." was all he said, turning back to finish writing his notes as you sighed.
"promise me you're not going to stay here all night. go home and get some rest. you work too hard sometimes, you make me all worried."
alhaitham scoffed, shaking his head. "it's not that i choose not to sleep."
your eyebrows arched at his remark, though he made no further comment, prompting you to collect your things and rush home to change for your date.
you couldn't help but admit you were excited. you had the perfect outfit planned, twirling in front of the mirror to admire it from all angles. and you were ready just in time, hearing three knocks on your door as you announced you were coming to get the door.
"kaveh!" you smiled, gesturing for him to come in.
"ready to go?" kaveh asked, adjusting his hair in the mirror as you grabbed your bag and shoes.
"yeah! sorry i'm running late." you apologized, slipping your shoes on and locking the door behind the two of you. "alhaitham and i are partners for this project, and he wanted to do a bunch today, and i think i can't read anymore."
kaveh laughed, eyes full of mirth. "sounds just like him. typical."
"so, where are we going?"
"you'll see." he smiled down at you, leading the way to a small cafe down the street. "found this place when alhaitham took my key and i couldn't get in to our house." kaveh laughed, opening the door for you.
once the two of you were seated, a waiter approached you rather quickly, greeting kaveh like a close friend. "the usual?" he asked as kaveh nodded. he scribbled something down on his notepad before turning to you.
your eyes widened, trying to take in the menu all at once before kaveh offered to order for you. "trust me, everything's good here, but i'll order the best. you'll love it."
while waiting for the orders, you noticed a few girls passing by on the street, some older couples, and even some stray kitties.
you did not expect someone to stand over your table and eagerly greet kaveh.
"hi, kaveh!"
you jumped, turning to see a girl your age at the table, smiling down at him as he sent her a smirk. "hey, long time no see."
"yeah, it has been pretty long, huh? funny seeing you here."
your eyes flitted in between them, brows furrowed as you took in their conversation. why hadn't she asked about you?
"um, excuse me-"
"can i help you?" she asked, cocking a brow as you frowned.
"we're in the middle of a date...right now..."
she rolled her eyes, shrugging. "okay? kaveh and i went on one like last week."
"what?" you turned towards kaveh who simply nodded. "kaveh, i thought you said we were dating."
"we are." he confirmed. "what's the issue?"
"i thought that meant it was just, i don't know, us..." your frown deepened as the girl held back a giggle.
"don't be ridiculous. just because you're dating someone doesn't mean you own them." she leaned towards you.
"i never thought i owned him- what is your problem?
"hey, maybe you guys should-"
"oh come on, kaveh, what did you tell her? so what, he goes on dates with lots of people. big deal."
"that's fine! i just...i thought we were different. i thought it was special." your eyes started to water and you panicked, begging yourself not to cry in the cafe.
"i didn't realize it was that big of a deal." kaveh awkwardly added, scratching the back of his neck. "most of the time it's just singular dates anyways and-"
you suddenly stood up, brushing the hair away from your face. "i'm going home." you announced, barely controlling your sniffles as kaveh raced to stand up. "don't. you should've just been upfront with me. because...because if i knew it wasn't serious to you from the start, i would've just told you no."
you pulled your coat on, storming off with kaveh hot on your heels. "hey, hey wait up! look i didn't mean to make you cry. i'm sorry-"
"sorry isn't cutting it right now, kaveh. i just- i need space, okay? i didn't realize it was just...dating around to you. i'm not looking to fool around. i thought we were serious."
"we are! but you know how hard commitment is for me, and i really am trying here."
you took a deep breath, finally feeling tears streak down your cheeks. "thank you for trying, okay, but if it's really all that hard for you, then we shouldn't force it."
"what, so it's just done? like that?"
you pinched the bridge of your nose, shaking your head. "yeah. just- just go drink your coffee and talk to that other girl. i can't do this right now."
kaveh watched, finally not following as you walked home, wiping the tears from your cheeks as you sat on a bench in the park, taking a break to wipe your face with your sleeve.
you considered going to alhaitham for comfort, though you figured he'd be the worst person to ask since he lives with kaveh. how were you even going to face him? it all made your head hurt as you sniffled, wiping snot into your sleeves as you took a deep breath.
you could only hope he was still at the library (against your advice) and not at his house. you shielded your face when you walked in, desperately looking for his table. though it seemed he somehow spotted you before you saw him.
he approached you, guiding you towards his table and sitting you down across from him. "what did he do?"
"nothing. it was my own stupid fault for thinking i was the only one."
alhaitham's usual stony facade softened as he leaned over to wipe your tears, smoothing a thumb down your cheek. "kaveh's always been like that. i'm sorry for my roommates stupidity."
"i just...i broke up with him and i left him. what do i do now?" you asked, confused and hurt as alhaitham sighed, leaning back to collect his things in his bag. "what are you doing?"
"i'm taking you home. people are starting to look over here instead of minding their own business. come on." alhaitham gestured for you to stand, holding his arm out for you to take as your lips parted. "are you coming or not?"
you quickly held onto him, cheeks heating up as alhaitham carried your bag for you along with his own bag filled with books. "i can carry my own stuff, you know."
"i can handle it, don't worry about me."
"i always worry about you." you admitted as alhaitham pretended not to hear it, leaving you to frown at your feet. the second you got to your door, alhaitham fished the key out from your purse, opening the door and closing it skillfully with his foot. he set both of your things down, perusing your kitchen for your kettle and something he could make you to eat.
your heart hammered in your chest as you sharply inhaled. "why is it that whenever i try to tell you i like you, you act like i didn't say anything?" you forced out, watching alhaitham freeze in place.
"what are you talking about?"
"i...years. i tried for years. i finally gave up, and when i tried to date someone, i couldn't even do that. we broke up after a month. i couldn't even consider reconciliation because..."
"you're such a dick! because i like you, asshole." you snapped, tears springing to your eyes again as alhaitham crossed the room to stand near you. "i- you...you always just act like nothing happened. it fucking hurts-"
he suddenly gripped your chin, moving closer as he pulled you to meet his gaze. "do you really take my fear as a sign of rejection?"
alhaitham frowned, dragging his thumb over the apple of your cheek. "for that, i humbly apologize then."
"what are you afraid of anyways?"
"you know how much of a perfectionist i can be." he sighed.
"of course."
"i want to be the best for you."
"but you are good already, and-"
"'good' isn't enough. i don't want to be a subpar filler partner. and i certainly don't wish to be 'the one who could have done more.'"
"i don't understand." you told him, exasperated as he leaned towards you, shifting his thumb to trace your jawline.
"i want to be perfect for you. the only person who sees when i stumble and treats me as a human. not as some machine who can never possibly fail, or as a top student with drive only to knock everyone down."
you were shocked, lips parting in surprise as you listened to his sudden confession.
"i wanted to tell you this whole time." you admitted. "i was scared of rejection. i think...i think i only dated kaveh because i thought you didn't care about me. i thought i had no chance with you."
"your thoughts mirror mine then. i thought i wasn't the man you deserved."
"just...shut up and kiss me already." you blurted, neck and ears heating up as alhaitham turned light pink, leaning in and pressing your lips together nonetheless.
you sighed into the kiss as he tenderly cupped your face, feeling your smile against his lips. when he broke away, he pressed his forehead to yours. "i didn't know you were so demanding."
"only because you made me wait for years."
alhaitham kissed you again, stealing your breath when he swiped his tongue along the seam of your lips, prompting you to open them for him. you let out a soft moan into the kiss, thighs pressing together as alhaitham groaned.
"i think we should stop here."
"what?" you blinked up at him with confusion. "why?"
"you're getting over kaveh. it's understandable, and a common human trait to-"
"i don't think you understand what i said, alhaitham." you reached up to grip his face, hands tangled into his fluffy hair. "i liked you since we were kids. long before i knew kaveh existed. i liked you all year. i liked you when we ate lunch, when we studied at the library, when we argued over exam scores...if anything i guess i'm guilty of using kaveh to get over you."
"kaveh isn't an innocent party either. he uses people as stress relief from his problems."
"well, you caused me a lot of stress you know." you laughed, shaking your head.
"you're guilty for doing the same to me."
"well, lock me up and take me in then, sir." you laughed, slowly easing up when alhaitham stared down at you differently. "what?"
"you're playing with fire. you should be more careful with your words."
"and what if i meant them?" you smirked, leaning up.
"then you should be aware of how i feel." alhaitham pressed himself against you, allowing to feel the hardness straining against his pants.
"archons...please, please i want you."
"you have me."
"you know what i mean." you frowned as alhaitham smirked ever-so-slightly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
no more than a few minutes later, alhaitham had you leaned up against his chest, in nothing but your undergarments as alhaitham trailed his fingers over your bare skin.
"sensitive." he hummed as his touch left goosebumps, feeling you shiver.
he gently brushed his fingers over your clothed core, your hips moving against his hand to earn more friction as he held your hips down with one hand. "patience."
"alhaitham, please." you whined, feeling him hook his fingers into the waistband and slide the fabric down your legs.
he carefully spread your thighs, dropping the hand to slide through your wetness as you whimpered, shifting on his lap.
he nibbled along the column of your neck, leaving little bites on your skin as you bared your neck to him, gasping as his tongue slid across the expanse.
his fingers began playing with your clit, feeling your hips jump again as you sighed, trying to chase his touch. "oh, alhaitham, that's good-"
he couldn't help but find you cute as he played with your slick, swirling his fingers around your hole as whines of his name spilled from your lips. "come on!"
"be patient." he warned again, lightly smacking your thigh as you huffed. "i have to prepare you properly first."
you felt him ease a finger into your heat, allowing you to fully adjust before adding another and one more after that, curling them into your g-spot as you writhed against his chest. your hands gripped the fabric of his clothes into your fists, shaking and begging for more as he swiped his thumb across your clit, rubbing in circles as you cried out, moving a hand to grip his wrist tightly.
"oh, archons!" you gasped, back arching when you finally came, hole spasming around his digits as he eased you down from your high. "wow." you sighed, leaning back against him to recover as he hummed, reaching down to unbuckle his belt.
"i think that can be considered decent preparation."
"i'd say more than just decent."
you snorted, suddenly being replaced by a gasp when the head of his cock tapped against your hole.
you glanced down, eyes bulging as you saw his dick against you. "you're huge, oh, archons...my classmates said you were packing but i didn't know this much!"
"your friends talked about my proficiency in bed?"
"classmates, not friends. and anyways, yes, but clearly it helped me for once."
alhaitham laughed softly, shaking his head. "take a deep breath and try to relax for me. just focus on being calm." he slowly pushed inside of you, anchoring you to his chest as he slid you down onto his dick, feeling you tighten around him. "relax, relax, please."
alhaitham bit his lip, shaking his head as he continued to try and bottom out, feeling you shiver and shake in his hold, eyes watering.
"you're doing well. i'm proud of you. just keep breathing."
you whined his name, leaning into him as he kissed across your neck and shoulders, "just be good for me, just stay very still and i will meet your every desire."
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arcielee · 2 years
Each Coming Night
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Summary: Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Modern!FemReader Word Count: 2870 Warnings: Smutty smut, smidgen of knife play, fingering, oral (female receiving), some spanking, p in v.  Author's Note: Okay, this took a minute because I literally was unsure what the fuck to do next with this depravity. It was supposed to be a smutty one shot and now it is finding a full arc. Thank you for much to @f4ll-for-you because your feedback and editing has helped me with this entire series. There will be 5 parts and I hope you all enjoy!  Tags (kindred spirits): @glitterandgoldfinds @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @fan-goddess @welcometothelioncage​ @hueanhdang (it won’t let me tag you??)   Series:  Call It Dreaming
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This cannot be happening to me.
This was your thought when the timer on your phone had gone off and you looked to see two pink lines glaring back.
This is a false positive, a defective strip, you reason, throwing it into the trash and retreating to the kitchen to refill the mason jar you were using to hydrate. 
At first you rolled your eyes when your roommate, Emma, made a comment about how your diva cup was only collecting dust as of late, but when you checked your calendar you realized that your cycle was, in fact, late. You purchased the test-a pack of three, actually-from the corner mart for peace of mind, reminding yourself that the only way for you to be pregnant would be to actually have sex or immaculate conception, which made the latter plausible since you were not fucking anyone.
Or fucking anyone within this reality.
You felt your chest tightened with the damn intrusive thought that spoke boldly from the back of your mind. Your sleeping schedule felt irreparable as of late, with you only having two solid nights of sleep that left you aching in the most delightful way the following day. 
You felt crazy and you were certain you could not speak it out loud to anyone-how would you even describe these lucid, sexy dreams? You assumed it came from the stress of the semester, these graduate level courses particularly grueling as you worked towards your masters; you used to appreciate being a recluse, the burden of your coursework and internship damn near suffocating, but you were finding it difficult to focus on anything as of late. 
There was a time when you were able to turn your brain on automation and be able to retain whatever your professors spewed, dive into assignments with an outline in hand, and be able to finish projects before their due date. 
Instead, you were consumed by this ache in your core that could not be resolved by any means available within the 21st century. 
Then you dreamed of him again, Aemond fucking Targaryen, and it was just as delicious as the first time, fulfilling a satisfaction that you were grieving the prior day, assuming it was lost forever. It was unlike any dream you ever had and you remembered a tone of sadness when he said the words, “I imagine you will leave me again.”
You had, of course, woken up in your bed with that same delicious ache between your thighs and naked. Damn, I liked that dress, your mind thought as you were quick to check yourself in your mirror, just like last time. 
There were love bites that trailed your neckline and you could see the bruises from his grip on your hips.
It did not make sense. 
Your mind was in a fog and you would tread through each day listlessly. Whatever the lie you convinced yourself of before had faded into nothing, your only motivation was to be done with your degree and even that was clouded by the impending student debt. At night, you pined for your subconscious to return you to Westeros but instead you had a few hours of a fitful sleep each night. 
There was an unexpected release when you found yourself returning to a passion you had not felt in years. 
It began one afternoon, during a particularly long lecture, when you were enticed by the vacant space on the lined paper you meant to use for your notes; your pen was intentional with every stroke, flitting across the page, desperate to capture the sharp angles of his face… 
“I appreciate your rapt attention, but class is over.”
You looked up to see the room was nearly empty, with a few students filling out, and your professor watching you, holding his bag and waiting for you to exit. 
You were quick to throw everything into your backpack and return to your apartment, to your room, where you dug out an old sketch book you purchased years ago. You retrieved the notes from the class and saw the beginnings of Aemond’s portrait peering back; you had been complimented often for your drawings, but your family was apt to remind you the impracticality of an art degree and had been appalled at your suggestion at having no degree.
You could not place the blame on them entirely; you eventually shelved your passion and enrolled in a university you knew would make them proud. 
And clearly the pressure of all this had cracked your brain entirely, since you suffered from a fucked up insomnia and found only a fictional prince from Westeros could get you off these days. 
You groaned when the timer on your phone brought your attention back to see the two tests on the bathroom sink, both with two lines of pink mocking you. You threw them in the trash and piled toilet paper on top to hide them. 
Fuck me. You sighed and washed your hands, peering at your reflection in the mirror. The love bites had faded away and you just looked tired, which was an understatement as you had not slept well this semester save those two nights in King’s Landing. 
You returned to your room and threw yourself on the bed, eventually moving to rest your chest on the back of your hand and looking to see the growing collection of drawings and sketches that you began to pin on your wall. All were different mediums, pen, pencil, and the occasional charcoal, but each one was the same subject.
He had stirred your muses in a way you thought was lost to you the moment you signed your livelihood to this degree and the career it would entail. 
He has stirred more than just your muses, that fucking intrusive thought made your groan and you rolled on your back, grabbing a pillow to smother your scream. 
I cannot handle this, you decide, still unable to fathom the madness that you might possibly be pregnant from a sexy dream. Instead, you would sleep, wake up with a clear mind and some sort of idea of what steps to take, or maybe wake to find the news of a massive recall for store bought tests. 
You curled beneath your blanket and closed your eyes. 
And when you opened them, you were, once again, in his room.
He was not awake, from what you could see. The fireplace had a low, amber light that pooled out onto the stone hearth that stretched in front of the fireplace and towards the empty leather chair. The dark, velvet curtains were tucked in the silver tiebacks and allowed the sea breeze and moonlight to pour into the room. 
There were tapers that burned low on his nightstand, casting a golden hue that washed over the sharp angles of his face and highlighting his tranquil expression as he slept. You were slow with your steps as you approached his bedside, your eyes drank in his figure as he laid back against the mattress, the shimmer of his silver locks and how one arm up was tucked behind his pillow while the other rested on his bare chest, rising and falling with his steady breathing. 
He was beautiful and you were lost in the moment, your fingertips touching the bed edge and a small sigh that slipped from your lips.
Aemond was too fast for you to comprehend his movements, one moment you admired him as he slept and now he bound out of his bed like a white fury. He was pressed against you, his slender fingers wrapped around your throat and his other hand a white knuckle grip on his dagger, the blade against your throat. 
Your eyes were wide as you watched him; his silver hair fell disheveled on his shoulders, his chest heaved with rapid breaths, and as he blinked the sleep away, his lavender eye slowly widened with his comprehension of who he had his hold on. 
Aemond released you, throwing the dagger to the side with an echo of metal on the cobblestone floor, and his hands cupped your jaw, bringing you against him for a bruising kiss. Your name spilled like a fervent prayer from his lips, “I did not think you would come back to me.” He pulled back and his eye looked over your face, falling to the side of your neck.
You knew he had cut you and your thighs clenched from the sting, the sea breeze cool against the trickle of blood. You saw the flash of worry dance on his features and your hand rested on his hips, your nails biting into his skin and pulling him close again. “I’m fine, my prince,” you soothed, your face flushed when you dared to tease him. “This has become a part of our foreplay.”
Pleasure coils in your stomach when you see the curl of his lips; he leaned forward to capture your mouth again, his hot tongue pressing in and pulling a moan from the back of your throat. Your hands flitted across the rivets of his abdomen and stopped at his chest, his large hands covering your own and pulling you to the bed. He peels off your clothes, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your ass and lifting you onto the edge of the bed.
Goosebumps ripple over you when his warm palms lay on your stomach and move to your hips, pushing you further back on the bed so he can nestle between your thighs. His lips trails the inside of your leg towards your center, then he drags his tongue against your silken folds. 
You give a small gasp and can feel him grinning against your cunt, followed by the gentle prod of his fingers that curl into you. There is a wet squelch as the pads of his fingertips press further in you, searching until you mewl his name.
He hums his approval, “Sȳz riña.” 
Good girl.
He continues the rapid motion against that sweet spot within you, his head dipping forward and his tongue lavishes you, drinking you in as you become undone. Your hands clamp over your mouth to muffle the mixture of your moans, crying against your palms as his movement continues through your release and continues towards overstimulation. “Aemond,” you gasp and he stops at once. 
He is slow to stand, his gaze hard on you and you watch as he begins to unlace his breeches. “Do not cover your mouth when I fuck you,” his tone dark and he crawls on top of you, pushing you further up the bed. “Va jaelan ryptas ao,” his face nuzzles into your neck and you feel the burn of his tongue along the cut.
I want to hear you.
His arm wraps around your waist and he pulls you towards the headboard, pulling until your backside is flush with his warm chest; his mouth is hot as he bites into your neck, sucking, and his tongue leading to your shoulder. 
You arc against him, your ass pressing against his cock; he groans, grabbing your hip to slip between the softness of your thighs, slick from your release, and rubbing his length against your swollen lips. You whimper from the friction, your head tilting back against him and his nose presses against your ear, his mouth chewing on your earlobe. His hands trail your side, his fingertips gentle to trail your curves before grabbing into your hip and pulling you roughly against him.
“Sīr rāpa,” he groans in your ear. So soft. 
His slender fingers palm your ass, lifting to press his swollen head into your wet warmth; his head falls forward between your shoulder blades and you let out a cry, arching against him again and allowing him to sheath himself fully into you. 
Aemond grabs your hip to pull you against him at a bruising pace from behind, hitting the same spot from before. Your thighs are slick and he slips out, but moves you on your stomach. He reaches for a pillow, nudging to tuck it under your lower abdomen, and propping your ass up when you lay back onto it. 
Your breathing quickens when you feel his warm hands, one on each cheek, and he pulls you apart slowly, allowing the breeze to tickle your wet heat. “Gevie,” Beautiful, he praises and you can feel the press of his cock against your soaked folds, the delicious stretch as he presses entirely into you. 
Your hands grip the sheets and his hands are pressed on your lower back, holding you in place, and you feel the tickle of his silver hair on your backside when he leans forward. “Stop clenching,” you can hear his smug smile. “I wish to enjoy you.” 
There is a satisfying wet squelch when he finally ruts his hips against you, hitting a depth within your velvet walls that curls your toes. You can feel his hip bones in the soft flesh of your ass and the crescendo builds easily from his overstimulation; you are breathless, your skin is aflame as you best brace yourself against his thrusts.
His hand moves from his grip on your hip, moving the curve of your ass before lifting his hand for a sharp slap that sends shockwaves of pleasure over your body, once, twice. The sound spills a wanton moan from your lips and a guttural groan escapes the back of his throat.
As your cunt begins to flutter, you bury your face against the mattress and he is quick to grab a fistful of your hair, pulling you back to all fours. You are a mewling mess, tears streaming your cheeks, and his other hand grabs onto your hip, continuing his brutal pace.
“Aemond,” you beg, but unsure what you are begging for. “Aemond, Aemond…”
Your crescendo of pleasure blossomed in your lower abdomen, your thighs shaking from the orgasm that rolled over and you clenching desperately at him. His thrusts grew sloppy and you felt the warmth of his seed spill into you, his cock twitching with his release. 
You fall forward and curl on your side, hugging the pillow he propped under your hips and savoring its new scent of sex. Aemond pushes from the bed and moves to an oak table with a basin on top, picking up a cloth and dropping it in. He wrings out the extra water and returns to the bed, sitting on the edge and nudging your knee. 
“Open,” he says and your legs spread.
The cloth feels cool in contrast to his touch and he is gentle to wipe you clean before pushing from the bed again. He uses a clean cloth for himself before he curls beneath the covers, eager to bring you against his chest and wrapping his arms around you. 
This gives you a sense of serenity, the feeling of being against the warmth of his chest and the comfort in his embrace. There was nothing comparable in your world to this moment and you feel the threat of tears at the thought. You swallow to hold them back, but he notices and says your name in a low whisper. “What is wrong?” 
His tone is genuine, gentle, and you cannot control the tears that spill. “I’m fine, I just wish that,” but what did you wish for? How do you explain that your reality is a suffocation of unwanted responsibility? That your only sense of pleasure is a hobby that your family begs you to forget and to just become another cog in the 21st century?
You blink away the tears, a small smile on your lips when you turn your head to look at him. “I only wish I was able to stay longer with you,” you finally manage. 
Aemond hums as he pulls you close, nestling you beneath his chin and his touch gentle as he draws small circles between your shoulder blades. The ministrations lull you to sleep and you wake up to your roommate walking through your bedroom door. 
“Hey, slut,” Emma is flippant with her greeting, mostly focused on grabbing her red hair to tie back. “I have to go to the store and I was checking if you need anything. Alex is making me go right now to buy him Pop-Tarts because he thinks I ate all of his, which I did but…” her voice trails off when she finally looks at you. “Holy fuck. Are you okay?”
Your eyes are swollen and red, there is a smear of blood on your neck under your jaw with love bites that decorated beneath and to your shoulders. Her eyes are wide with alarm and she moves to sit on the bed, unfazed that you are very naked. “Hey, did someone hurt you?” You are quick to shake your head. “No, I just,” you struggle with how to explain this, “I, uh, have been seeing someone and it is kind of complicated.” 
Emma raised her eyebrow. “How so?” She asks, peering over the marks from your night with Aemond. “Like, it seems whatever you have going on is very enthusiastic, if anything…”
“Emma,” you breathe. “I’m pregnant.”
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stuffeddeer · 11 months
just thought of the most rom-com scenario ever. reader is the new hire for the ADA and immediately off the bat, dazai is dazai. reader just takes it as the typical sense of humor and just laughs it off, thinking he’s not actually interested considering his many various ventures. eventually the two of them are assigned to missions quite often (with atsushi as a third wheel) and the two get along great in terms of humor, personality, work in the field… it boggles atsushi’s mind that the two of them aren’t at least going on ONE date. one night dazai tells him in a drunken stupor over the phone he has feelings for y/n but doesn’t want to ruin what they have. y/n ends up telling atsushi they don’t know what to do if they keep getting missions with dazai because one of these days they may slip up due to him just BEING there. he ends up confiding in both yosano and kunikida about it when the two are out of the office and they both just go “y/n and HIM??? anyone deserves better than THAT” but yosano means it in a more teasing way and kunikida means it in a serious way because. kunikida. thus begins a quest for atsushi; to bring the two together, and it drives him NUTS because the two both don’t think the other likes them. dazai assumes y/n would rather have interest in any other guy and y/n assumes dazai would rather have interest in any other person. this ends up with many funny scenarios such as:
1. atsushi leaving a note on dazai’s desk that reads “i want to talk to you in the hallway at __ time today.” and leaving an identical one on y/n’s desk so they can cross paths outside of working together and possibly start a convo and go somewhere. it backfired and the two just say “weird coincidence. everyone must’ve got this!” and wave bye
2. atsushi trying to subtly tell dazai y/ns favorite flower and he just says “oh, that’s great! are you getting them a birthday present early or something”
3. even kunikida being forced into trying to help by asking dazai if he is interested in hanging out with him and y/n (so he can pretend to end up being sick and it would just be dazai and y/n) and dazai saying “oh, is this some sort of elaborate scheme you’re planning on order to have a date with y/n and so it won’t be awkward with just the two of you? i’ll pretend to be sick when it happens for you!” LIKE GOD DAMM DAZAI STOP BEING INSECURE ITS YOU BOY?!
basically stuff like that goes on so much to the point where when the ADA is out celebrating a successful year of missions at a karaoke bar atsushi just yells out over the mic: “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH THIRD WHEELING HERE!!!!! Y/N AND DAZAI YOU BOTH likeeachother-“ and they’re just. WHAT
anon you literally wrote this for me idek what to say you’re so cool
Atsushi’s eyes widened. “What?! I can’t go on this mission, I have, um… an appointment.” Nailed it. “Dazai can take my place! He’s not doing anything right now.” Normally, Kunikida would have pointed out this obvious lie, but he remained quiet - pretty much everyone in the agency knew what he was up to.
Dazai actually was doing something for the first time in a while, but surely this mission was much more important. The brunet took off with you, headed out on an actually very unimportant mission you definitely could’ve taken care of on your own while Atsushi planned.
The tiger boy was quick to tell you and Dazai upon your return about tonight’s important karaoke celebration! And when you tried to weasel your way out of it, Yosano had practically dragged you down to the place. You were ushered next to Dazai as Atsushi and Yosano chose songs for everyone to sing. They said it was to make sure Dazai didn't pick something depressing or you would try to bail out again - this way, everyone had to go. But also... this way, you and Dazai would be stuck singing a romantic duet.
Of course, the two of you took it horribly wrong (in Atsushi's opinion), you both fully committing to the "joke song" Atsushi selected, wholly pretending in the moment. He'd wanted some romantic moment where you two realized you were destined to be together, but you both are just so stupid—
Atsushi had been up next, and was gripping the microphone tightly. He wasn't one to let his anger take over, but this was just getting ridiculous. As the opening notes played to the song he chose, he shouted out your deepest secret, and Dazai's as well.
You both like each other.
With slack jaws and wide eyes, every agency member stared at Atsushi in shock. He'd turned pink as he realized his mistake, muttering apologies as he placed the mic back down. Tense silence filled the air, the only sound being the scraping of Ranpo's spoon along the ceramic ice cream dish he'd ordered.
After a moment, Yosano started clapping. "Someone had to say it, and we all knew they wouldn't."
The rest of karaoke was horribly awkward for you and Dazai. You'd moved ever so slightly away from each other, completely embarrassed. What if Atsushi had just made up that Dazai likes you back? What if Atsushi had just made up that you like Dazai back? All either of you knew is that he had yelled out your biggest secret, and neither of you were too excited to sing anymore.
The lights had been turned on and everyone was gathering their things. It had been a fun night out, all things considered. Yosano got completely hammered and Ranpo couldn't direct his way home if his life were at stake, so Kunikida and Atsushi led the both of them back to their homes (with Kyouka right on Atsushi's tail). The Tanizaki siblings had left a bit before everyone for whatever their reasons were, so just you and Dazai were left standing outside the karaoke bar, awkwardly gazing out at the quiet city.
"So... tonight was different, huh?" You spoke anxiously, picking at a loose thread on your top.
"I didn't expect Ranpo to be that good a singer," Dazai replies with a polite smile.
You sighed. The last thing you wanted was for things to turn awkward between the two of you. "Listen, Dazai— "
"Do you want to walk home with me?" He cut you off.
You smiled softly, letting out a small chuckle. "Of course."
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