#there are three other 'silver trio' characters
Hi darling,
I hope you’re good. Honestly, I’m astounded by the loveliness of your work. Your writing is so seamless and beautiful, and your ideas are alluring.
I hope you’re okay if I flood your inbox with requests soon.
I’d love to see what you can concoct for a Draco fic in my head. It’s such a shame we never got to deeply explore this character and his potential. So, here’s a hypothetical scenario: the reader is a muggleborn Gryffindor and a member of Golden Trio (or in this case, quartet). When she’s captured by the Snatchers and tortured by Bellatrix at Malfoy Manor, will Draco step up against his family to protect her?
I would love to see your take on this🤍
all too well
Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of torture and dissociation, swearing !not proofread! (Obvi), English isn't my first language so excuse the mistakes 🤍
thank you for this idea, I tried my best ❤️
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"What else did you take?", the woman shouts.
She has been screaming like this for minutes, hours, days. You don't remember how long you have been laying on the marble floor, how many times the cruciatus curse has hit you.
You don't remember where you are or who the woman is.
She has black curly hair and an angry face that resembles Andromedas if you look close enough.
She points her knife at you, plays with it in front of you to scare you; when she gets bored or annoyed she hits you, with curses that make your whole body tremble and burn.
The room is spinning, the tall walls seem to keep growing taller and you constantly have to fight to keep your eyes open and search for the light.
The floor hurts your head as the woman throws you around; "How did you get it" she keeps asking," what else" , she shouts.
Your brain can't form the answer she demands, and your eyes can't help but let tears fall.
As you look away you make out more faces.
Three people, two of them looking at you with a strict face, you deserve this, the say without having to speak, it is written all over their eyes.
One of them however looks at you with a scared face, his eyes tremble as they scan your body, not entirely sure what he is looking for. He knows you are hurt, he knows he can't help you, but he keeps looking, doesn't let you go, he stays with you.
You stare into his eyes, cold and silver, burning you with one look. His hands hold his wand with a tight grip, turning his knuckles white.
Who are you, you wonder. You must be important, you think to yourself; you feel important.
Please remember him, you beg yourself. The woman keeps screaming, keeps hurting you but you can only focus on him.
"Draco", the other woman whispers.
And with that you remember everything.
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Many years ago, when you didn't have to run for your life and survive in the woods;
When home was the red and golden common room, and your three best friends;
When the only things that bothered you were Ron stealing food from your plate and History of Magic class lasting way too long;
you had fallen in love
It was doomed from the start, you knew that of course. You were a muggleborn witch and he was a Malfoy, a pureblooded purist Slytherin; how could it ever work out between the two of you?
You remember the first few years, how his constant insults at you and your friends left you fuming and screaming.
You relive quidditch matches, how sure of himself he was before every match and how he would look at you with a sneer after losing to you.
You can still hear his annoying comments during class or before duels. Shut up Malfoy, you used to shout at him
"Shut up.", you mumble as you remember your past and the woman hits you with another curse.
Then your thoughts take you back to last year.
Draco Malfoy had gotten taller over the summer, his hair had also grown he had dropped his usual sleeked-back look that you mocked. You always knew he was handsome, like you also knew he was a shallow asshole. He was more quiet though, didn't seem to pay attention to his friends or to his teachers.
You would often find him alone; walking in the corridors with a skeptical look on his face.
One particular night you caught yourself tossing and turning in your bed. You were afraid; afraid that you wouldn't be able to save your parents or your friends from Death Eaters. You felt sorry for Harry, you wanted to help him carry the burden that was forced on him all those years ago.
School was also stressing you out, and all these thoughts formed a heavy burden that sat on your chest every night. So you decided to give up hopes of sleep and dreaming and let your feet carry you down the dark and quiet corridors.
That same night you spotted Draco Malfoy rushing somewhere on his own.
You don't remember why but you decided to follow him; maybe it wasn't exactly a decision that you made, but more of a pull that you felt.
You recall walking and turning, going up stairs and getting lost in the hallways.
As you turned one more time, you were met with two angry gray eyes looking at you intensely.
"Why are you following me?", he said.
"Where are you going?", you replied as you raised your wand.
Quickly accuses started flying out of your mouth, "Harry was right, you are with them.", you remember screaming at him and then flying backwards from a spell he cast on you.
“Shut up.” He shouts “You have no idea what is happening.”
"Are you helping them? Do you have any idea what you are doing?" you continued screaming as you stood up.
You remember then how he dropped to the floor and caged his face with his hands.
"I don't know what to do. I don't have another choice." he kept repeating more to himself than to you.
Up to that point Draco Malfoy was to you a spoiled rich wizard, who couldn't see past his privilege and his family's name.
He was cruel to your friends and a blood purist. He was a Death Eater.
But the way he looked now; like a helpless boy made you realize how little say he had in his life.
You knelt down next to him and said softly "Why don't you tell Dumbledore, maybe he can help?".
He laughed mockingly at that and replied "Dumbledore can't save anyone, let alone me."
You stayed in silence kneeling next to him for minutes, trying to think of a way out.
"Malfoy" you broke the silence "Whatever you are doing for them, delay it."
He raised his head and looked at you.
"Delay it, until we find a way to fix this.", you finished
"Why would you even bother and help me? They want to kill people like you; they-", he said but didn't finish
they are killing people like me you finished in your head for him.
For a few moments you couldn't say anything; he was right. You should just go to Dumbledore and tell him everything; let him deal with that, but you couldn't leave him alone.
You couldn't refuse help to the person who needed it the most. Even if he would never ask for it; perhaps that was precisely why.
"It's the right thing, isn't it? Someone has to do it.", you exclaimed
"How very Gryffindor of you." he said with a roll of his eyes and then out of nowhere "Thank you."
"You have to work with me, trust me; in order for this work.", you said and he agreed.
With that began secret meetups and words of comfort.
You weren't enemies or friends. You were a team.
You were the person that helped him through everything, the one who listened when he cried and offered him a shoulder to lean on when everything broke down.
It was strange at first; but it was the right thing to do, and you were brought up to do just that.
You quickly learned that his company was nice; he was nice.
He could be funny when he wanted to and you found out that you had a lot in common.
“Why do you act so different in front of everyone?”, you asked him once.
“Different how?”, he asked back
“Like an emotionless selfish dick” you replied easily “When in reality, you care and protect those you love.”
“Sod off” he said and then “Even if that were true, I suck miserably at it.”
“The protecting or the caring part?”, you asked with a calm voice
He looked at you then with a curious look before turning away and sighing “Both.”
"Both." you whisper now and he can barely hear it.
"What?" the woman shouts, thinking you have an answer to her questions.
"What?", you remember shouting at him when he revealed his plan to you; their plan to kill Dumbledore and attack the school.
"Be quiet!.", he insisted, you could tell by his eyes he was distraught too; he didn't want this- didn't want any of it.
"I did everything I could to slow it down, I shouldn't even be telling you this; they will kill us both.", he muttered as every flicker of hope inside him was dying out.
"I am telling you this to protect you, win you some time, go.", his eyes were ice cold, piercing through you and his hands were griping your arms tightly; almost shaking you.
You couldn't say anything; you remember feeling as if everything he had just told you was fake. Dumbledore couldn't die, Draco wouldn't kill him, he couldn't.
And Hogwarts, your home for all those years, couldn't be attacked by them. It was the safest place on Earth.
Until it wasn't.
That was the last conversation you had with him. After that you weren't sure you would ever see him again.
You followed Harry; of course you did, you couldn't leave him alone, not after everything he'd been through and everything you witnessed together.
You thought about Draco often; mostly at night when everyone was asleep and nature kept you company; you stared into the night sky and tried to find his constellation.
You thought you could talk to him that way; "I am alright" you would say "Are you?" you always asked.
But no answer came.
You would replay every interaction, every conversation. You tried to remember his features; the exact grey of his eyes and his blonde hair. His look when he smiled (which wasn't often) and the way he played with his wand when he wanted to avoid your eyes.
Nothing ever happened between the two of you; nothing physical at least. Because the safe haven you two built had to have meant something.
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Everything fell apart when you were caught.
You were alone and hurting; your friends were at best locked up somewhere and you couldn't think of a way out.
You couldn't think.
All you could feel was pain; everywhere
And then you saw Draco and every interaction; every feeling started playing again inside your head. You began living every moment from when you met him up to your last conversation.
"Go!" that is what he said to you then.
It was unbearable; you kept losing him over and over again, the story kept replaying and you couldn't pause it.
You couldn't stop and marvel at the good moments.
The way he held your hand when he needed comfort but didn't know how to ask for it;
Or his laugh when you both remembered your early years; how you both knew nothing, weren't prepared for the nightmare that would follow.
"Make it stop.", you heard his voice say and it took you back to third year and his constant complaining during Care of Magical Creatures.
"Stop.", his voice said again, closer now. “She clearly doesn’t know anything, we are wasting our time.” He kept repeating.
It is real, you realized, it isn't your memories or your fantasy, it is him.
As you move your head to get a closer look at him you hear footsteps getting close.
You hear your friends and then realize they aren’t alone, they’ve got help. We might survive this, a voice inside tells you.
All that hope crumbles down as the woman, Bellatrix you remember, grabs you and points her wand at you.
“No one moves.” She says slowly; her eyes wide open scanning the faces of everyone.
She doesn’t see Draco though, who shoots a Bombarda at her and quickly runs to your side.
His parents stand still and shocked, his fathers eyes darkening as time passes.
“What have you done?” He asks him and then Bellatrix gets up to start running towards you.
It’s chaos; what happens next. Spells shooting everywhere, wands flying out of hands. You can’t keep your eyes open for a long time, can't keep yourself up, you feel hands; his hands holding you tightly, never letting you fall.
And then you all land somewhere before the world darkens.
You can hear waves crashing into the shore and the smell of salt air fills your lungs.
You open your eyes slowly and let out a hiss as you feel pain everywhere.
Sprawled out and asleep on a chair in the corner of the room you see Draco and then your eyes land on Harry sleeping next to you.
You wake him up with a gentle nudge on his head and he smiles.
“What happened?” You ask.
He needs a few minutes to fully wake up and grasp the fact that you really are awake and alright.
“It was a bloody nightmare, but you’re awake now. I’ll go get Ron and Hermione. We have been taking turns watching you.” He says in a rush and gets up
“Wait, what is he doing here?” You asked
“He helped, hasn’t left your side since, didn’t bother with his injury without healing you first.”, Harry said not amused at first but then a sincere look painted his face.
“You have a lot of explaining to do” he warned “but later”
You just watched him exit the room and tried to process what he had just said to you.
“Potter is always loud then”, said Draco sarcastically and his voice made you jump a little. “Sorry.”
You couldn’t say anything back to him, you couldn’t even believe he was there.
He stood up and made slow strides to get close to you, until he reached your bed and sat at the spot near your feet.
You saw then the injury Harry was talking about, he had bandages starting from his shoulder tightly wrapped around it and ending down to his chest.
“What happened?” You say softly and point at the white bandages.
He let out a laugh at that “Unbelievable.” He exclaimed.
“What” you said annoyed, your eyebrows raised in a funny way that reminds him of arguments in classes and loud corridors.
“It’s” he stammered “You” and as he stared at your face with a look filled with adoration he said “Nothing.”
He swallowed loudly and explained with an amused look on his face “Got stabbed with a knife, by lovely aunty Bella.”, he pointed at the spot under his shoulder, close to his heart.
And then you remember the Manor, his aunt; Bellatrix and the questions.
Your face darkened at that and your body started shaking lightly- you hadn’t realized until you felt Draco’s hand on your shoulder rubbing lightly “You are okay, we are safe here.”
“We?” You asked and felt tears running down your cheeks “How- why are you here? What have you done?”
He smiled at you and replied “You said so yourself. I protect the ones I love.”
“I just wish I was better at it. Fix my timing and all.” He joked at the end
You really started crying then and felt him getting closer “I am sorry I didn’t do anything sooner, I should have stopped her. I am sorry.”
You felt yourself staining his shirt with your tears but couldn’t bring yourself to stop or talk; couldn’t say anything to comfort him. So you only shook your head it’s fine now, you are here.
You felt his tears falling on your head and held him closer.
The past didn't matter right now; your friends reaction could wait and the War would be won, you were sure of it.
Now, you would figure it out together; just like before.
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-So, how much longer do we have to stand here and watch- that?
-As long as we have to Ronald, be quiet now!
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So, um as usual I am deeply sorry for any mistakes!
Also, this was very out of my comfort zone and I am not mad about it at all, I just hope it lives up to your expectations a tiny bit and I also hope you enjoyed it.
Till next time
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fierymiasma · 1 year
ꕥ A Little Game // Sebastian x f!MC x Ominis - Silver Trio ꕥ
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Summary: Ominis's smile was dangerous.  "Sebastian here proposed a contest.  Of course, we'll all be together eventually in the end, but while we are wooing you, why not try a fun game?" She gulped.  "A game?" "A contest: whoever charms you more, gets your first kiss." Requested by holotapes
Words: 1.5k
A/N: This will be a short mini-series, I promise it will eventually get to the prompt, please be patient!
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Art belongs to @J_Kaluzhnaya
It was hard for her to see anything through the thick billowing steam of the Hogwarts Express.  The hero of Hogwarts spun around, trying to catch a glimpse of her Slytherin friends amongst the crowd of bustling students.  Despite her best efforts, she hadn't managed to find them in any of the train carriages.
Sebastian and Ominis had been acting strange for the entirely of their 6th year.  She had naturally expected there to be some distance between the two Slytherin boys after Uncle Solomon's death.  Yet, as the weeks dragged on and winter turned into spring she was surprised the find the utter vitriol that they two had for each other.  It seemed like whenever the three of them were together, Ominis would sneer some passive aggressive comment aimed at Sebastian's character (or lack of).  And Sebastian would scowl, and tug her closer to his side possessively, trying to keep her away from Ominis. 
It was honestly a nightmare being the mediator between the two boys.  She had absolutely no idea what could have exacerbated the rift that was in between them, but she prayed that it had been resolved by now. 
"There's my favorite girl."  A smooth, purring voice whispered into her ear from behind her.  She squeaked in alarm, nearly jumping out of her skin to bump into the larger man behind her. 
She spun around, hands on her hips, right about to give the rude interloper a piece of her mind.  Any reprimanding words died in her throat.  Her mouth became suddenly dry.
Sebastian greeted her with the confidence of a man who knew how attractive he was.  His already smooth voice had dropped an octave.  Only one summer has passed since she last seen him.  They used to be the same height, but now she had to look up in order to make eye contact with him.  Sebastian had filled in, shoulders a lot more broad then they used to be.  His thick school robes failed to hide the muscular definition he had built up.  The baby fat on his cheeks that she liked so much had disappeared, instead replaced with a handsome jaw line.  His new tan failed to hide the freckles that dusted the bridge of his nose. 
He was…well…Sebastian had always been devastatingly handsome-objectively speaking, of course- but this…this was far too much. 
"You…look….you look-"  her face turned bright scarlet, unable to find an adjective that was appropriate.  It was normal for good friends to comment each other's appearances.  Right?...Right?  Sebastian's lips curled upwards teasingly, no doubt taking joy in her discomfort.
"-you look…well, Sebastian." 
"The summer air in Feldcroft has been kind to me."  Sebastian stared at her with the sort of intensity that made her look away from his gaze.  "I could say the same to you.  It seems that the sun has blessed your skin rather nicely over the long break."
Her brows twisted in confusion.  Had her skin been that bad in their sixth year?  She hadn't been the most immune to typical teenage acne woes, but surely, they hadn't been so awful?  
She brushed her fingertips to her cheeks.  "Sebastian, what do you mean-" 
Before she could finish the thought, a new voice from behind her interrupted their conversation.  "Hello, dove." 
Again, she jumped a good inch in the air, nearly tripping over her feet into Sebastian's chest.  Ominis's smooth aristocratic voice was recognizably familiar.  However, the new nickname for her, "Dove", was certainly not.  Since when was Ominis, the boy who was bred upon fine etiquette, ever so forward with his female friends?  She turned around, blinking in confusion.    
Whatever strange phenomenon happened to Sebastian over the summer seemed to have inflicted itself upon Ominis was well.  In only a couple of months, Ominis had sprouted as tall as a giant.  His legs seemed to travel forever.  It didn't hurt that he was always dressed so well, the well-fitted expensive fabric clung to the sharp lines of his body.  She couldn't help but rudely ogle at his pale neck.  With his high cheek bones and beauty marks, Ominis had always been unfairly pretty.  Unfortunately (fortunately?), it had only gotten worse over time.
Her brain finally caught up with her.  She had been staring rather rudely for a while.  Finally, she blinked, registering the new, odd, nickname Ominis called her.  "D-dove?"  She repeated dumbly.
Ominis smirked, getting closer to her.  Wow, even if she got on her tiptoes, she wouldn't be able to meet him at eyelevel.  "Is that not what you are: an innocent, beautiful bird amongst the sea of hawks?"
Her throat was dry.  Who taught Ominis to talk like this?  In their sixth year, Ominis was nothing but curt, overly formal, and incredibly testy whenever Sebastian was around.
Was this even Ominis at all?  Perhaps this was Polyjuice.  Or maybe it was a prank.  Ominis hadn't taken too kindly to her prank as Headmaster Black all the way back in their 5th year.  Yes, this was certainly some sort of jest to make her feel incredibly nervous. 
It was working.
Her tongue darted out to lick her dry lips.  "A-am I to understand, in your analogy, that I am your prey and Sebastian and you are the hawks hunting me?" 
Ominis was so close to her.  She couldn't help but take a step back, only to nearly step on Sebastian's shoes.  It seemed as though the path blocked by Ominis in front of her and Sebastian behind her.  Her head swiveled around.  Neither of the boys seemed particularly upset at the violation of her personal space. 
Sebastian threw his arm around her neck in a friendly manner that was anything but causal from her perspective.  "Ominis, give our poor girl a rest!  She's had a rather long journey after all."  Sebastian winked.
Her muscles stiffened in surprise.  Sebastian was always a more tactile person, always clapping his friends on the back, always pulling her close to his side in a duel.  None of that was new…but the thickness of his biceps certainly was.  As his biceps flexed around her neck, she shivered.  She could feel the toned fibers of the muscle straining against his Hogwarts robes.  Was Sebastian always so muscular?
What…in Merlin's name was going on?  Her brain felt so foggy, maybe it truly was some type of hex they secretly cast on her.  Shaking her head, she tried to get rid of her dazed state of mind.  She needed to gain some type of normalcy to this frankly bizarre exchange. 
Coming up with nothing to fix this rapidly escalating situation, she stuck out her hand for a handshake, as if she was greeting an old acquaintance instead of one of her closest friends.  Even as she did so, she cringed, already feeling so awkward.
"Um….how was your summer, Ominis?" 
Ominis's thin hand reached up to hold her hand, but instead of shaking it, he held it in his.  Her body stilled, frozen in place, not wanting to ever let go of him.  Before she could even react, he bent at the waist bringing her hands up to his lips.  His cold lips brushed against the top of her hand, in a very polite kiss.  It was a featherlight touch, barely there, but it still left a searing burn on her skin that travelled up her arm.  Her heart was pounding in her ears.   
This…wasn't…she wasn't trying to offer her hand for him to kiss it!  Sure, it was normal, even respectful for any gentleman in this day and age to greet a lady in this manner but…common courtesy dictated that it last no more than a few brief seconds.
…and…well, time seemed to be moving differently, but she was certain that his kiss lasted far longer than normal.
As Ominis (quite sadly) pulled away, the bustling noises of the other students around them came back to life.  She was suddenly reminded that they were not alone.  Sebastian, jealous, envious, possessive Sebastian, had bore witness to it all.  Even if it was a polite gesture between friends, there was no way in hell that he would allow it to happen.
She looked back fearfully, terrified that Sebastian's infamous temper would boil over and lash out at Ominis.
To her shock, the same flirty look was on his face.  "Why Ominis, leave some for me next time?"
She felt lightheaded.  She never labelled herself as one of those highbrow fancy ladies who needed a fainting chair everywhere they went but…at this rate, it might be a good idea to conjure one up anyway.
This all had to be attributed to the vapors of the Hogwarts train, a collective moment of craziness or delusion that they all shared.  They were all having an active psychotic break.  Or…some type of magical curse.
"I…I need to go um…" Her brain came up blank.  "-say hello to Poppy and Natty!"
And, the hero of Hogwarts and the most powerful witch of their generation, fled the scene with as much grace as she could muster. 
As she turned to look back, Sebastian sauntered close to Ominis, learning his shoulder against his.  Their bodies pressed closely against each other, uncaring of the lack of personal space.  They both looked completely unperturbed at how she rudely brushed them off.
She shivered.  What in Merlin's name was going on with them?
Part 2
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yuurei20 · 10 months
Strange question but!! Yk how the villains are treated as heroes? How on earth did the heroes stories work if they, uh, yk, dont have the villains? Like i briefly remember TWST!Jafar hijacking Aladdin’s plan to fake being a prince, so theres not rlly any more “aladdin” story, but im curious how other stories went if u know! Are the OG heroes still treated as heroes, etc etc, that fun stuff
Hello hello! Thank you so much for this question!!
The different interpretations of history that seem exist in Twst are fascinating, and one of my favorite things is the part in Book 6 where Lilia seems to insinuate that the Disney stories that we know might not actually be what really happened, because history is written by the victors:
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These "classic" stories--were they, too, twisted to suit an agenda? Is the truth closer to what is taught as history in Twst, or is it somewhere in the middle? It is so interesting to think about!
For the most part it seems that the heroes from the stories we know are not turned into villains in Twst, and the deeds that are attributed to them were actually done by multiple characters from different folklore:
For example, Harveston has stories about miners and customs based on "a young lady who made a wish at a well," a "traveler" who cleaned a stranger's home and then a tale about "some princess who wished to fall in love right away," as if the young lady, princess and traveler are three separate people.
While basing their traditions on the miners, the lady and traveler, they also deify the Fairest Queen, as if they are all independent individuals with no overlap.
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One of the more interesting parts of the Fairest Queen's history, in particular, is that there is actually a "dastardly villain" in Harveston folklore that stalks a woman who is then saved by forest creatures.
The huntsman is--just like the queen--not a villain in the Twst universe. Who was who, and what really happened? 👀
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For the Scalding Sands, it seems that the unnamed princess and the sultan from local stories are just as revered as the Sorcerer of the Sands himself, with the sultan known to be the person who named the Sorcerer as his vizier and retaining their connection from the story we know.
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Much like in Harveston, the history of the Scalding Sands seems to attribute what we believe to be the history of just one character to multiple individuals: Kalim talks about the Sorcerer saving his country from a street rat, who was a swindler/charlatan/usurper who tried to trick the sultan and princess, in a rare case of a "hero" being vilified.
But they also have folklore about "a poor but kind-hearted young man" who shared his food with children, and whose marriage to the beautiful princess they celebrate every year with a festival.
Whereas the Disney movies make the charlatan and the kind man into one person, in Twst's history it seems they were two different people.
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Diasomnia is very big on the Thorn Fairy, and they also talk about the human king who feared her, the princess whose birthday she was not invited to (Silver: "Was their king raised in a barn?") and the three presents that the princess received.
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Lilia talks about a trio of fairies that were not able to break the Thorn Fairy's curses and also put an entire kingdom to sleep, while Silver comments on how Lilia is consciously, intentionally emulating the three fairies from that tale with his cooking.
Silver and Malleus discuss "some faeries" raising a child for 16 years without magic, but they do not seem to know why they did so, and it is unclear if they believe that those faeries and the three faeries that put the kingdom to sleep are the same or different people.
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Heartslabyul seems to separate Alice into two different characters as well, referring to a 1-km-tall giant that the Queen of Hearts tried in court and a child that got lost in the castle as if they were two people.
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The only reference we get of the "heroes" of the Lion King tale are Jack referring to the King of Beast's "rascal of a nephew" and Leona mentioning that he deposed his brother "to build a better, wiser kingdom."
While the characters seem similar to the stories we know it's possible that the timelines are slightly different, with the rebirth of the pridelands being attributed to the King of Beasts himself rather than his nephew.
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The history of the Sea Witch in Twst might be the most fascinating: the characters reference the Sea Witch taking someone's voice for a contract and making a shapeshifting potion to facilitate love between a mermaid and a human, but also turning herself into a human and being proposed to by a prince the next day, with no acknowledgement that the human from the first tale and the prince from the second might have been the same person.
They also talk about the eels flipping over a boat and a mermaid princess who had trouble walking on land, but there is no mention of the princess being in the boat in the eel story.
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Octavinelle even acknowledges that the Sea Witch once made herself huge and sunk a ship with a whirlpool and "some even labeled her a monster," saying that she was later lauded as a compassionate figure after turning over a new leaf. (While the less-than-pleasant deeds done by the Sorcerer, the Fairest Queen and the King of Beasts in the stories that we know are never mentioned.)
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Silver's tale from Halloween seems to be an exception to this rule. Everything done by the "hero" in the tale we know is still attributed to the hero in the story that Silver knows, and the enemy army is still the enemy army.
To the initial question: it seems that the heroes from the histories that we know are still being regarded as heroes in Twst (though they tend to get separated into multiple people), while the characters that we know as villains are also highly regarded. This sometimes includes their pasts (in the case of the Sea Witch and the Queen of Hearts), being separated from their pasts (in the case of the Hunter) or with no mention of their pasts (the King of Beasts, the Sorcerer of the Sands, the Fairest Queen, the Thorn Fairy).
(Not a lot of information about the King of the Underworld when compared to the others! Idia mostly just talks about how charismatic he was. Ortho suggests something about "the truth" about him being closer to Idia's own situation than they have been taught, but Idia is not convinced.)
Also: there is a reference to a hero rescuing his ladylove from the Underworld in Book 6, so it seems the hero in that tale remains a hero in Twst as well!
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Hello! I’m the same anon that asked about the school system, but this time I have a question about Lilia. So it’s pretty heavily implied on Lilia being based on the Three Good Fairies (Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather), but aren’t only Kalim, Rook, and Silver confirmed to be the good guys since they use light magic? Do you think Lilia may be based off someone else or some other reason?
Thanks and have a great day! :)
[Referencing this post!]
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Welcome back, Anon ^^ I hope you found the response to your last question to be of use; I know that I learned a lot myself as I went back to research and pull lore for the post.
To be clear, several TWST characters have no definitive single inspiration. It may be easy to state that Kalim, Rook, and Silver are twisted counterparts for the Sultan, the Huntsman, and Princess Aurora respectively. These three have light cosmic magic and it has been speculated by fans that this reflects the "non-villain" characters they are heavily twisted from. It should be noted that TWST itself has not yet confirmed the exact reasoning for why the "light trio" has this kind of magic compared to the rest of the cast. It hasn't even been acknowledged in any way by the characters' dialogue. Other characters' inspirations are not so clear and instead borrow elements from many different places. For example, there is no singular wolf that Jack is twisted from, but rather many different wolves over various Disney media. The same can be said for Ortho, who has no immediate Disney counterpart but does have a story very reminiscent of Pinocchio while also boasting Cerberus-like characteristics. Lilia is also one such case of not having a clear inspiration. Certainly he has elements of the Three Good Fairies (ie he raises an adopted child in the woods and sucks at cooking), but he is also quite literally a bat fae (because I believe there is a brief scene with bats in it) and a general (think of Maleficent's armored minions). These latter two traits are more closely associated with Maleficent than the "good guys" that share the same movie as her. Some have even suggested that Lilia is similar to Diablo, as he is an advisor to Malleus (who is clearly twisted from Maleficent) and is also a dark flying creature. The traits of the Good Fairies aren't limited to just Lilia either; there are instances when others in Diasomnia act like the Good Fairies (like when Silver and Sebek argue about what color Lilia's suit should be in Lilia's Suitor Suit vignettes). Essentially what I'm saying is that Lilia isn't based on the Three Good Fairies; he and several other characters have many inspirations and I think we should try to get over this idea of thinking that each TWST character has a singular Disney counterpart. The truth of the matter is that everyone references and borrows ideas from several Disney properties and getting hung up on trying to solve the mystery of who connects to whom will yield no meaningful results. You can still speculate and theorize of course, just try not to worry too much about finding the "right" answer because chances are that there isn't one.
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lucyfloyenworkshop · 7 months
Awakening the Dragon : Malleus Draconia Overblot Theme
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It's been now one year since Diasomnia Arc, “Ruler of the Abyss“ began...
There so many things, too many topics that I wish to talk and write about. About the tribute to Eyvind Earle's art in the esthetics and ambiance of Briar Valley. About the connections between the Arc narrative and its inspirations. About Night Faeries folk and Silver Owl Knights. About Silver, Malleus, Lilia and all the others characters... For tonight I will write down about Malleus Draconia's Overblot Theme.
When the Diasomnia Arc pre-trailer was released, some notes of Overblot Malleus's theme can be heard. The complet musictrack had been finaly revealed during the first fight against Malleus. Even with the few notes in the pre-trailer, this music really give goosebumps. It is dark, eerie, dangerous and yet graceful and noble.
Diasomnia’s Chapter is an intense turmoil of emotions and, after all that happened in the Main Story so far, I realized that Malleus Overblot's theme not just represent the Arc's climax like it had being the case for the six previous Chapter. Not just only about an epic battle music, but also about a character.
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[Beware : the following post content some spoilers for Chapter 7 : Ruler of the Abyss]
Featuring song and music
There is something about Malleus and music.
In his personal data, it's say that his “talent“ is stringed instruments's practice (ref. Twisted Wonderland : Magical Archives and in game data). According to his close relatives, such as Sebek during “Harveston's Kelkkarotu“ event, Malleus appear to be a really talented musician. And yet that aspect of Malleus wasn't fully explored in the Main, Events and Personals Stories. That was just a fun fact about Malleus's hobbies outside school or his daily royal duties.
Then came the performance of Malleus longside Idia and Azul during the Symphorium in the Halloween event Glorious Mascarade : Crimson Flowers and Bell of Salvation.
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It's could be logical since Diasomnia Arc and Mascrade's events released their preview trailers around the same time. But nothing could make us suspected how much deep of that aspect of Malleus's character design is important. Not just as for characterization but also a tribute from Sleeping Beauty.
But to go with Chapter 7 and the Overblot's theme, let's return to the Symphorium, during its preparation as presented in Malleus's Mascaquerade Dress Personal Story [link]. Glorious Mascarade's iconic song Let My Wish Resound ( Twst wiki's traduction [link] ), is the gift of Night Raven College's students to the invitation for Night Bell College's Symphonium and its three main singer featuring Azul Ashengrotto, Idia Shroud and of course Malleus Draconia. In Malleus's Personnal Story, the trio are gather in Diasomnia Lounge for practicing. Both Idia and Azul (and even Lilia), are amaze about Malleus's singing skills. Not just because of his tense practicing, even outside his royal education as confirm Lilia to Idia. If Let My Wish Resound had a special signification for Malleus and his character (his desire and fear about connect with the Outside World and meeting other peoples), the fact that such song, and by extension the music, resound deep within Malleus.
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In Chapter 7, that particular bond between Malleus and music/song is once again up under the lightspot, and even become an major element of the narrative. Just after he took his Overblot's form and cast [Fea of Maleficent] on everyone, Malleus start to humming a lullaby. The medley is the one of Once upon a Dream, Sleeping Beauty's famous and iconic song. There is many things that need to be discussed about that familiar medley and Malleus's story and personal journey and I will in the futur write a proper and complet review about. For now, we can notice that reference make not only as a tribute to the original animated pictures movie but also to Malleus's paradoxe as a character in that very sequence, and, even if it is more subtle, in the rest of the story. Indeed he is now a Dark Fea Lord, becoming in a way Maleficient just like Riddle with the Queen of Heart or Vil with the Beautiful Queen. And yet there is that lullaby medley, that medley which took after Princess Aurora's song. Malleus is depicted as both Light and Darkness, an impression that can be found in his Overblot theme.
The Choir and the Cello, picturing a story
There is two main musical elements in Overblot Malleus' track. The Choir and the Cello.
If is true that in the previous Overblot’s theme, a kinda choir is used in the medley, but its seems to have for fonction to put some extra more tension in the music like we can see in many soundtrack from cinema or video-game, but in the others Overbolt's theme, the choirs doesn't lead the medley. The instrumental instruments does.
But that was before Vil's Overblot and Mascarade Event’s theme, where the chorus and choir became the main leading of the music. In a kinda latin language with Dies Irea's leitmotif, choir become the medley's core and identity.
In popular culture, the choir is generally used as reference to Medieval Age’s music and its esthetics, real or dreamed . From Historical productions such as in Kingdom of Heaven (a Historical Movie setting during the early years of the Crusades) to Fantasy realms Lord of the Rings’s trilogy, we can tell that kinda of music had a special power to increase emotions and ambiance in a song.
In Overblot Malleus's theme, the choir became an extension of the Dragon-Fea’s power and personality. Giving to his character so much strength and presence, just like with Davy Jones's organ and it make a tribute to Sleeping Beauty’s soundtrack. One of the particularity of this Classic Disney Animation Picture, it's one of the very few movie from Disney's Silver Age, than doesn't have song like we see it in Cinderella or in Alice in Wonderland. As explained by cinema historian, Charles Solomo, in the documentary Picture Perfect: The Making of Sleeping Beauty [link], those kind of “Broadway like song“ doesn't fit to that world made of the gorgeous detailed background designed by Eyvind Earl or the music score inspired by Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty Ballet. Only songs in the movie are Once upon a Dream and choirs. Theses ones can be found in several track in the score. One of them, “Aurora's Return/Maleficent's Evil Spell“, is in my opinion, one of most powerful and representative of that directive for Sleeping Beauty's music. At one point of track a eerie and dark voice can be heard and as its materialize Maleficent's presence when Aurora is hypnotize by the curse.
Those choir segments supporting the narrative and characterizing each protagonists. Just like it's happen with Malleus's Overblot theme !
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In Malleus's Overblot theme, alongside the choir, the second main leading instrument is the cello. The using of that particular string instruments in the track make a easter egg to both Malleus’s personal talents as to Diasomnia Dorm's music theme.
Cello, as other stringed instruments, are very often used in movie, video-game or musical composition because of a rich palette of tones and sounds that those musicals instruments can create and so increase emotions. Notes created by cellos are know to be rich and deep, and how depending how it played, it can express joy and light ambiance as epic, nostalgic world, mysteries or tension and terror.
The slight presence electric guitar (recurring in the Overblot music track) give an extra sensation of danger and tension in the medley, but without shadowing the leading of the chorus and the cello. It sound like lightings bolts, and each time the electric guitar is heard it increase choir's powers in the narrative of the medley with attacking notes. Giving the feeling that we are caught into a storm.
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Conjuring the Dragon
As we start listening Malleus Overblot's theme, we fall into some dark or gothic fey world, more that Diasomnia Dorm's. Despite the presence of a electric guitar sound, the music had the same feels as Maleficent's themes from Sleeping Beauty. In fact the very first notes are very similars or at least sharing the same tones than some of Maleficent's leitmotif in “Aurora's Return/Maleficent's Evil Spell“ or in her music entrance.
The musictrack is divise in five segments. First, it start with a very aery voice sound, as we can found in mysterious or dark music track and then the storms began, leading by the choir. With the cello and the electric guitar, its give at that moment (and is reinforce in game by the image of Malleus in his Overblot form), that we are facing some kind of powerful Lord or a Dark Dragon. Malleus had a very complex personality and as far we know, at his core, ins't a evil character. But he is a Dragon-Fea and he had dark powers. If someone put in danger the persons he will care about (friends, family...), he will riposte with all his might and once of thoses times where Malleus's powers are show as dangerous and dark because its are beyond mortal understanding and standard, not as evil. It's true that consequences of some Malleus's actions are terrifying because of his non-human nature and can show him as the Dragon, the most dangerous foe of tales and legends, as the storm parts of the Overblot music despict it.
And at the middle of the music track, just between the two storms part, for a brief moment a calm, noble music segment is played. Its the same medley than the rest of the track but the tone is completely different as tone and ambience from what had been previously heard, even if there is still a certain tension in it. In fact Malleus Overblot's theme where there is a such calm. Yes it's true that in Leona Overblot's theme there is a kinda of “pause“ in the music but the same amount of epic tension. It's sound like if the character taking a short break, checking if everyone is is okay before return to battle. In Malleus's if we got same general medley but the music tale an other aspect of that character, of that Dragon, at the opposite of the Dark Dragon previously depicted. In that segment, the cello leading the music instead of the choir which became calm like lamentation, giving a powerful, melancholic and noble ambiance to the music before the storm restart and end once again on the eerie voice and notes.
That melancholic noble music caught in the storm show all the balance between light and dark that Malleus carries with him during his personal journey. Give him an aura of nobility and danger as we can found it in the Malzeno's theme or Elder Dragons ( Amatsu, Alatreon or Shagaru Magala) from Monster Hunter for exemple.
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Right at the beginning and at the end of the track we got some slight but clear notes of piano. Like cello, that chordophone instrument (musical instrument that use both stringed and percussion (ref, Britanica)), can create intense and emotional ambience. It's true that I wished to heard some organ note in that music track, which could fit to the medieval gothic leitmotif of Diasmonia Dorm but I think it would change the characterization of Malleus in the music track. Organs are, in popular cultures and soundtracks very very bond to the figure of the Evil Lords such as Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time or Dracula in his many adaptations from movies to video-games or it played by shady antagonists like Davy Jones or Erik, the Phantom of the Opera. Even there it's cannon that Malleus know to play organs (Endless Halloween event), it's a piano. To listen those cold and sad notes, featuring a eerie voice, as opening and ending of Malleus Overblot's music theme, give us the ton of the music but also of the character it depicts. In plus to reinforce the feeling of melancholy, its contrast with the storms that reign in most of the track. Like the calm noble leitmotif, the piano show the “softer“, tragic and lonely side of Malleus beyond his dangerous and scaring first apparence and nature as a Dragon and a Dark Fea.
As I was writing that post, I discover that during the battle between the Knight of Dawn and Maleonora, Malleus's Mother, the Overblot can be heard and that discovery make more deeper to Malleus. Making it more personal to Malleus than it's already etablished in the music itself. Far more than I originally suspected.
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During the last showdown between the Knight and Maleonora ant their tragic ending, the use of the Overblot's theme don't make that scene feels like one of Maleficient in the original picture or only reflecting the way the Humans sees Maleonora. As a dark witch, a monster.
The Overblot's theme show her as royal princess, a Crown-Heir and a mother that will do everything in her power to protect her people, the persons she love and her child. Between him and his mother there is big similarities, and not just physical. Malleus had indeed inherited some of Maleonora's traits, but in his heart and his general personality, Malleus is more close to his father Lord Revan, as it's confirmed by Lilia.
"Just like his father, he is a kind person who ins't able to be ruthless“ "(Episode 7 Ruler of the Abbys Part 6, chapter 99)
At the end, that Overblot's theme not just a dungeon's final boss theme or a musical representation of the Arc's aesthetic.
Even more than Diasomnia bgm, this is Malleus Draconia's Theme. Not just his Overblot. His theme, as character, like we discover in both Diasomnia's trailer and Twisted Wonderland's Story. That music score give us more clues about who Malleus really is.
That music can be seen as the refection of Malleus's complex personality. Noble and benevolent, fierce and powerful ..
Both the Greatest Foe than the Devoted Protector.
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Thank you for reading this review/analysis about Malleus. I hope you enjoyed it :-)
Lucy Floyen
Musictrack link : [Twisted Wonderland BGM - Overblot Malleus] (Soundcloud)
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sakurapika · 11 months
Some ideas for Twisted Wonderland events
(*Mild spoilers for some JP server events and Chapter 6)
-A Mulan-themed event: In one of the Halloween events, Silver mentioned knowing the story of Mulan, and Lilia has mentioned having been to "the East" before (not to mention Diasomnia's Halloween costumes are longs). It would be lovely to see Lilia return to the TWST-equivalent of China with some of his friends and meeting new characters--bonus points if someone is twisted from Mushu. A story about a girl who makes a sacrifice for her aging father by enlisting in the military on his behalf fits well with Silver and Lilia, so now would be the perfect opportunity to give them duo magic! Also, Chinese xianxia/martial arts fantasy novels are very popular in Japan and abroad nowadays (if you know, you know :) ), and I would love to see the boys wearing hanfu--they'd look so majestic and cool!
-Sam's hometown event: A Princess and the Frog event where the boys go to the TWST version of New Orleans, chaperoned by Sam. It would be a great opportunity to explore the jazz and culinary scene, and, of course, wear 1920s-inspired clothing. Someone in Octavinelle gets an SSR.
-A pajama-party event: Night Raven College hosts an all-night pillow fight tournament, and everyone gets extremely competitive, kind of like Beanfest. Everyone wears pajamas--I'm not sure if they'd have their own outfits, or if the dorms would match and have PJ sets with their logo on it (kind of like the pajamas they sell at the JP Disney Store). In battle, the chibis throw pillows at each other.
-Octavinelle hometown event: We are introduced to the Tweels' parents and/or Azul's mother. Given how Jamil and Kalim's hometown event carried out, it is likely that only one of the three will actually get an event card, but we'll see. In the Halloween event, Riddle mentioned that he's never seen the sea before. Even though he's had a chance in the Lost in the Book with Stitch event (and the developers probably want to give the spotlight to different characters), I'm afraid he doesn't remember it. Anyway, he deserves to go again. Alternatively, there's an event where the boys go to the Sunshine Lands and meet Prince Rielle. In this case, Riddle and Azul must go together--it would be nice to see after the events of Chapter 6.
-Riddle and Trey hometown event/Black Butler crossover: We've already had a Heartslabyul-themed hometown event with Deuce, but this time, we get to meet Trey's family and Riddle's mother. The likelihood that we get a canon Black Butler crossover as well is very close to zero, but it would be really fun to make a few jokes/hints about Riddle having a younger cousin who wears an eyepatch and solves mysteries with his enigmatic butler. Bonus points if Riddle and Jade have duo magic and dress up in Victorian/ouji clothing.
-J-fashion event: Speaking of ouji clothing, it would be amazing if there was an event inspired by Japanese fashions and subcultures. I think there was a part in one of the anthology mangas where Vil gave the Pop Music Club a visual kei makeover. I know the Pop Music Club has their own SSRs already, but I wouldn't mind seeing more outfits in this style.
-An orchestra-themed event: Some of the NRC students form a classical orchestra. Malleus is there, of course--I imagine him playing the cello this time. The Octavinelle trio is there as well with their respective instruments, as is Idia and Riddle both playing violins. I can see Jamil playing a woodwind instrument--maybe a flute, a clarinet, or an oboe?
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1218-814 · 7 months
Twst Loop Theories/Analyses … (Mostly of Leona Oji-tan's)
Savannaclaw’s the deepest and most mysterious theory I have translated tbh... 
This time it’s ALL of the people that are from the Savannaclaw Arc (Even Cheka!)
Jokes on you if you haven't dissected the op like I have. We (as players) have made a contract with Azul :3
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Leona is an important person in the Loop Theory, aka Rapunzel theory. And one way is by looking at his hair.
Leona’s hair is brown, unlike Scar’s black mane. Most characters have a main villain base and other characters as a sub-base. Leona’s is Scar main and possibly Kion as a sub base. (more on that later in the bottom) But a lot of characters have more than 2 bases so what if the base is in his looks? 
Leona’s hair is brown with braids. So, in the Disney’s franchise there's only one specific person, or princess that would fit this description. Rapunzel. These two have a lot in common if you look for them.
Leona is 20. Rapunzel is 20 by the 3rd season of the TV series.
Like I said, looks Rapunzel did have brown hair as well as green eyes. When she has long hair in the tv series, she did braid her hair sometimes. But in the end she did cut her hair again, like in the end of the movie. So Leona might cut his hair in the end. (I will miss his hair)
The Fairy Gala had lilies in Leona’s SSR. In the movie, there are similar lilies when Rapunzel gets out of her tower.
And the buddies of his card are the light trio, Rook, Silver, and Kalim. All three of them have a part that is based off of the ‘good’ characters.
His tarot card is the tower; if the tarot card theory is true, then it does fit in with the description. Especially the part that Rapunzel was trapped inside a tower. In the story Leona (Rapunzel) is trapped in the tower (NRC)
Both of them also share a similar power (kind of not but). Rapunzel has a power that is called the “sun drop”- it came from the sundrop flower. The power of the “Sun Drop” can help slow down aging, heal, and as well as recover what was once lost. Leona’s power is King's Roar. His power “dries up the opponent and turns everything into sand”. (I don't fully believe it because of my last post but this is this) We are going to assume “in the end” it will become sand.
In the world of Rapunzel. There is a stone called the “Moonstone Opal”. This stone is the exact opposite of the “Sun Drop”, and it- kills and takes away life. In the 14th episode of season 2, Rapunzel finds an old scroll and chants the “Reverse Inaction”; it makes the animals decay and the people around hard to breathe. This was only the first half of the lyrics so the power of destruction was probably not complete. Half of the lyrics can kill, but unlike Leona’s power, it can’t fully destroy the shape.
Cassandra, the daughter of Gothel, did use the powers (her hair and eyes became different) and if she touched anything they would decay; like Leona’s powers of drying the things he touched after using “Kings Roar”. And in the end of season 3 Rapunzel did absorb part of the Moonstone Opal’s powers. 
So what will Leona do in the story? If you look at the prologue 0-0 in the end title you’ll notice it either
turns to sand 
or the fire went out.
In the movie of Rupunzle the antagonist, Mother Gothel (Evil Queen is the motif), and in the end, she loses the power of Rapunzel’s hair and drops from the tower and becomes dust leaving her robe behind. I did say this before of him being “The Tower” card. But what if in the end... He uses his magic and makes the person/thing Crowley revived into sand?
(Personally I think there's a chairman or someone that Crowley will revive. Mallenoa? IDK, there's a person or something I think)
But before the soul disappears, Crowley flies into the mirror and uses his magic to rewind time, which is what might happened, and he tries to find his “Happy ending”
But Leona doesn’t lose his memory, and the Messiah, Lilia, is probably the one who knows and is teaming up secretly. It was especially suspicious when Leona purposely overblotted, which I think, was because of Lilia’s words....
It would make sense if it was the fire going out, because it can also ties in with Rapunzel. Leona is probably going to break the loop with MC. 
I did say that Leona does have chess pieces in his room that tie in with the Light trio. (below)
Rook: Rook Hunt’s name
Knight: Silver thinks he has a talent for a sword and “silver sword”. Also Malleus’s knight
Pawn: Kalim is a pawn to Jamil (He tried to use him to become King in the movie and in the arc)
Also, Leona would be the “king” chess piece 
And Leona’s best subject is “ancient curses”, like Rapunzel he can use harmful ones, like his unique magic too. What if he knows a spell that can “go back in the past? 
If he did It would make sense why his memories aren’t lost. So in conclusion Leona is the Rapunzel trapped in the tower called “Twisted Wonderland”
But other than the pieces what gave away that he is the traveler? 
Something with Azul’s contracts and the scar on his eye is still not clear. But, first let’s look at his name.
Kingscholar can be seprated into King (ruler) and Scholar (a specialist in a branch of study). Scholars usually point to social sciences, or humanities. These branches of study study the human values and how they express the feelings; they require knowledge from phycology to history. If the word “scholar” is in his name, then it can be reasoable to think that he may be “observing and analyzing a person or a thing” 
Leona’s best subject is “ancient curses”, and he is good at protection spells as well as pharmacy (the study of medication). Those do require a lot of knowledge to be good at. Why would he need to repeat the grade if he is so smart?
On Youtube (とろちゃんねる), Leona broke the loop in between his second year and third year. 
In the 4th arc, Mickey’s third remark in the dream is the reason the number “3″ is really weird, almost incompatible.
Leona is 20 he’s in his third year for the third time (if the loop theory is true). If I am correct then the time MC came is when the “3″s (triple)overlapped. He also asked how many stones Grimm ate after the third arc.
This is where Jack’s origin comes in. Jack most likely originated from the author of “White Fang” (Jack London), but there’s more. In my other theory, I said that the MC’s body is not there, that Jack may be referenced from the TV show of the Lion King, Lion Gard’s, Ray-ray. In the show, they defeat Scar, who died and came back to life. Maybe this is also a clue...
In a personal talk, Savannaclaw was talking about the King of Beasts (or whatever they called it). People usually thought “Oh, it's about Scar” but, it's not. It’s not Simba or Mufasa either. It's not Kion as well. If I summarize the traits of the king they were talking about then it becomes like this:
He ruled with his power and fangs, and rejected his older brother to become the king in an attempt to great a good country with wisdom and order to change the affiliation of the strong bullying the weak
The King of Beasts does not discriminate 
“The King of the sky that guides the stars” was called “firefly” and “Great King from the Past”
The nephew of the king was not at the king’s coordination ceremony (Leona and Jack’s conversation)
Leona’s scar on his eye and the King of Beast’s scare are the same. But, Leona avoided answering the question when Ruggie asked him when his scare was from. (Ruggie and Leona’s conversation)
The anecdote of the king; he can apperently talk to hippos, giraffes, lions, and monkeys. (Jack and Leona)
The hornbill, who served the royal family, noticed the change in the country and gave their opinion to the king of beasts infromed. The king is very considerate and king and listened to the opinions and advice. (Ruggie and Leona)
Most of it is describing Scar 
but 3,6,7 are far from matching him.
3 is taking about the “ The King of the sky that guides the stars”. This description is very fitting to “Roar of the Elders” from Lion Gard. Yes, there is a time where this kinda happened in the main story. (also Leona’s unique magic is referenced from “Roar of the Elders”
6. We do have a hippo friend in “Lion Gard”, but not any other animals in the original ones. (The giraffe is missing)
7. the Hornbill is Zazu from lion king, who does serve the royal family. He is present from the original “Lion King” and is with Kion in the show. Something seems off to my guts.
“Why are they favoring Kion?”, you may ask. But Kion and Scar have a trait they share. They are both second born. Also Kion’s roar becomes the strongest; there is a story when he got the cobra venom in his eye and became violent and couldn’t control his power. His scar is as the same as Leona and Scar’s left eye. In season three you see Kion with two lines as a scar on his eye.
In conclusion, what the Savannaclaw students were talking about is either “Kion” or “a lion other than Scar and Kion”.If it is Scar the King, number 1 explained, then the flow of the story is too convenient.  It’s also unclear if it is Kion as well; if it's the conversation after season 3 then I would have no idea. 
 The Key part is his Tattoo and Azul’s contract (Bet you didn’t see that coming) 
In “Lion Gard”, the guards all have a tatoo. Leona does have powers and has a tattoo on the same left arm (technically) as Kion. But unlike Kion’s, the tatoo is a different color. We’ve seen this shade of color. Yes, it’s the same as Azul’s ink. 
(Pull out Azul’s Dorm SSR, after Groovy)
We can’t read the contract, but Lin Channel (on YouTube) is doing gods work and translated into actual words (English cursive) it reads:
I am wishing mate 
I wishes senior siring
nephew smiling
inwhere inway amaging waiting
winner winter welcoming
where wide whichever via where wiser anniversary
For all eternity (For all eternity is from the original “Little Mermaid”’s contract)
Let me explain how she’s doing the work, Google (yea, teachers) She looks up people’s hand writings and can conclude things (the long curve after “i” may be the ending “ing”) But, if I clear it up and make it normal English it would look like this:
I want a companion
I wish my brother and nephew a smile
I am ambushing and waiting
Anywhere in the place where
the winter of victory comes
This is just my thoughts, but “brother and nephew” may be Cheka and Leona’s brother, which would be reasonable why such a minor character like Cheka got voice acted. 
Winter could be meaning Hades, who kidnapped Persephone and made winter. So, maybe Idia could be the key to our victory here. And this would expain why Savannaclaw was between Ignihyde and Diasomnia 
Winter could also mean Cheka and Leona’s brother’s heart. They could be lonely (Grim asks Leona about his family, and Grim replies with “They must be lonely, being in a dark cold place” or something like that)
I’m sure that Leona made the contract for Cheka and his brother. He is the only character with a nephew. The tsun-dere side of Leona would explain why he didn’t want to tell anyone about what the contract is about.
Just by the contract and the loop theory we can tell that he is important. But what if he is not based off of Scar... But rather, Kion from “Lion Gard”? If I look into the original characters of what Leona is based off of, then I would forget about “Leona”. Yana Toboso is twisting our brain like that, such as in “Black Butler”, and maybe thats another reason why the game is called “Twisted Wonderland”
So what we all we know about Leona is:
Leona’s tattoo
he is aware of the loop or he is suspicious of the loop
Jack’s position (We don’t know as much as I would like about his power)
Cheka will appear again (he does get Voice acted, and maybe that’s what the second arc will be about. He also said something about having a fiancée so maybe an event?)  
Leona overblotted instead of Ruggie (my other theory)
I do think the tattoo may be made by Azul in the other loop, and he is aware of the loop or will remember of the loop because of the tattoo 
But it is Yana Toboso sensei so... I may be wrong~
Posting this after Leona's magic is aeration theory bc his unique magic makes no sense.
Multiverse or Azul theory next?
If you can comment that will be appreciated (likes and reblogs are appreciated.
I also wrote this 2 years ago
Idk if its right but I did make some changes :3
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twistedmionn · 10 months
If Twisted Wonderland characters had SEKAIs
This is very unlike the stuff I usually post, but as an avid Project Sekai player, I sorted the TWST characters into their own SEKAIs.
Troubled SEKAI
SHARED GOAL: escaping their situations
DESCRIPTION: Despite not getting along, four young men need each other's help to overcome their difficult private situations.
Riddle Rosehearts (leader)
Jamil Viper
Idia Shroud
Malleus Draconia
Athlete SEKAI
SHARED GOAL: becoming great sportsmen
DESCRIPTION: Four aspiring Magift players overcome their fears and losses together.
Epel Felmier (leader)
Leona Kingscholar
Ruggie Bucchi
Jack Howl
Rockstar SEKAI
SHARED GOAL: making rock music together
DESCRIPTION: Three rock musicians invite a former delinquent to continue expressing himself through music.
Deuce Spade (leader)
Kalim Al-Asim
Cater Diamond
Lilia Vanrouge
SHARED GOAL: learning from each other
DESCRIPTION: Two men with a passion for acting join forces with a duo of serious knights in order to learn from each other.
Vil Schoenheit (leader)
Rook Hunt
Sebek Zigvolt
Silver Vanrouge
SHARED GOAL: becoming wealthy asf
DESCRIPTION: A money-obsessed trio and an all-knowing robot team up in order to become the wealthiest force on Earth.
Azul Ashengrotto (leader)
Jade Leech
Floyd Leech
Ortho Shroud
Comedy SEKAI
SHARED GOAL: just making people laugh
DESCRIPTION: Four prankster friends want to make a stereotypical family sitcom.
Ace Trappola (leader)
Trey Clover
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klarificwrites · 21 days
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Pairing: Timeskip!Kazutora Hanemiya
cws; soft!fem reader, Kazutora is a little mean, trifling men, light angst, crying, spanking, making out, knee-grinding, oral sex (receive), Kazutora is IN LOVE with your tits, vaginal penetration, fingering, they fuck outside and in the car
# Kazutora can’t control himself under professional circumstances when other guys are trying to get as his woman.
First fic, be kind and give constructive criticism!
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Today was a very important day, and great step in your real estate career. This was your first open-house, a chance to reel in potential customers and get a profit from the houses they buy off of you. Typically, you were a shy and soft-spoken girl, therefore big events where interaction was so important, seemed out of character for you. It took months for you to actually woman-up and do an open-house. Prior, you had canceled two appointments. If it happened a third time, you were informed that a suspension would be placed on your license.
So, with the support of a loving boyfriend, and stressful days of planning, results pushed through. The hardest part of it all was advertising. If you didn’t excel in endorsement, chances of this opportunity being fruitless was high. “What if little to no one shows up?" It was a thought that clouded your conscious often, and Kazutora would put in overtime to reassure you. Directly, he would approach you, giving comforting words, and playing an assistant role. He handed out your business cards at his job, informed his ex-gang affiliates, constantly posted about it on his socials, and propped signs up in nearby neighborhoods/avenues.
His dedication was contagious, and only made you strive to orchestrate a pleasing open-house. In the end, it was all worth it. At least a dozen people (excluding three of Kazutora’s friends) came to get an overview of the facility—majority of the lot being married couples. You were hesitant to chat, social anxiety almost besting you.
Hands clammy, heart raising, and nerves rapid. You were pacing back and forth behind the house. Although he talked big, Kazutora also began to feel slightly nervous. He wasn’t a fan of stranger-crowds, anything could happen, but he knew he had to prepare himself for that. So, with a level head, he told you, “Y/n, calm down. We’ve practiced and come this far—it’s time to preform.” He wore a soft, stern look, capturing your attention. Smiling, he spoke again, “Baji, Chifuyu, Takemichi, and I, are all here to show our love. Just handle your business.” Words of affirmation from your lover was all you needed to hear, unfortunately.
Kazutora watched from afar as you giddily conversed with the trio of dogs, who lurked in the skin of taller, immoral males. A smile painted over your glossed lips, pretty whites on display, charming every visitor they come across. Your pearl necklace, earrings, and a silver bracelet complimented the black, long sleeve, bodycon dress adorning your figure. The silver flats you wore tied everything together to make you appear as an occupational woman (which you were.)
Although your professional attitude and exchange of words came with the flow, in sand color eyes, it was clear your lack of sociability made you oblivious to certain things. A key reason as to why you missed the way each of those males eyed you like famished hyenas—a savory piece of meat, ready to be ravished.
"The price for this modern house is actually on the lower scale, considering the advanced architecture. As you can see, this living room, the dining and kitchen are quite large. It has two floors—3 if you count the basement. There’s a master bedroom upstairs, and 4 others room to go with 5 bathrooms—one in the basement. I highly recommend this for a bigger family. Outside-”
The shorter male of the bunch cut you off, “I’ll definitely look into it. But, I was wondering..” Perking up at his impending question, you simply smiled, dismissing his rude interruption. Pools of e/c rested below long, luscious lashes. A winsomely plain look stirred the man’s appetite. The contents of a smirk threatened to spill over his mouth. “Do you happen to live in this area? I’d like to have multiple options of contact, so in case things can’t be said through the phone, I could come meet you sometime?" Snickers rumbled from the other men, causing you to awkwardly join in.
Politely clasping your palms, "I'm sorry, but that is confidential information.” The man’s face dropped. “Surely you’ve seen my signs and cards. Contacting me via email or my business number is the only way we can stay in touch! That is unless we absolutely have to meet, but it would not take place at my residence, rather a public setting or your place.”
"Aren’t you quite the professional?" Suyuka teased, moving behind you, his black curls hair bounced with every stride. You followed him curiously, up until he disappeared from your peripheral vision. When out of sight, he exaggeratedly ogled at the way the outline of your ass protruded the material that stopped a few inches above your knees. The other men snickered at his actions, you awkwardly joined in, clueless of you being the butt of the joke.
The male’s taller build moved closer to your rear, inches away from rubbing against you. Feeling the abrupt hover of a warm figure, you stumbled forward, tripping over your own foot. A hand roughly clasped the section of your left wrist to prevent your fall. “Calm down, Miss Y/n. No need to be so jumpy..” Suyuka taunted, closing in toward your face, and pushing h/c strands behind your ear.
Moving away, “I’m sorry, I’m quite clumsy. I’ll be careful!” You embarrassingly giggled, rubbing your wrist. Of the other two, the ginger-head male advanced forward. Swiftly, he took your hand, emitting a squeak from you. “There you go again, Miss L/n!” The ravennette laughed. Raising your punier hand, the ginger kissed your wrist. A blush splotched your face—one of humiliation.
You were growing more uncomfortable by every passing moment. The constant laughing was honestly unsettling, especially when you didn’t get the jokes. Nevertheless, you decided maintaining decorum was the moto. So, overreacting in a setting like this was unacceptable. You decided to formulate your next words carefully. At least you tried.
“Um..Sir..” “I hope I’m not interrupting anything. I really need to talk to you, Y/n.” Peering over, you immediately removed yourself from the sandwich you were in. Despite the evident irritation on his face, just meeting those brown eyes brought you relief. “Kazutora..”
You walked forward, before pausing at passive aggressive words. “Ehh.. So quick to leave your precious customers?" The orange-haired man pouted, bringing a hand to grip the gray jacket surfacing his heart. Flustered, “Forgive my incompetence, I’ll try to be quick!” You apologized, bowing your figure.
Kazutora clicked his teeth, it was so clear they were taking your naivety and generosity for granted. He was aware that his woman was generally charismatic. That’s why you’re his woman. Even in public men would admire from time to time, however none ever approached. No one dared to, at least when your boyfriend accompanied you. A 5 foot 9 man, with tattoos and a cold gaze stirred many of the path.
Wrapping his slender fingers around your left wrist, Kazutora hurriedly dragged you out of the building.
You found yourself at a familiar spot, behind the house. The black and blonde locks on his head whipped at the wind’s command, his white blazer ruffling. Leaning against the exterior wall, you said, “Thank you, for coming over there. I was having trouble handling them.” You admitted sadly, averting your eyes to the ground and your hands intertwined at your lower back. Nervously, you rocked back and forth on the balls of your feet.
He observed the roundness and jump of your breast after every movement. Kazuora considered the clothing a curse and blessing all in one. ‘They were probably looking at ‘em too..’ He unconsciously scowled at the thought. Noticing his silence, you lifted your gaze, long lashes batting pretty e/c irises. Taking note of the transition on his face, you began to feel even more sad, under the impression your meek demeanor was pissing him off—possibly disgusting.
Sensing the burn in your nasal, you could tell you were about to cry. From the way your eyes watered, Kazutora was quick to react, “Why are you crying?" He questioned, empty optics swirling in curiosity and concern. 'I'm not crying!' You wanted to shout, but the words dwelled within the back of your throat. Before you could even speak, tears were trickling down your face.
Now, you were frustrated. Unable to explain yourself without crying, your most self-hated trait. Squeezing your eyes shut, you hung your head low, and brought your hands to cover your face. 'Weak..I'm so—'
Without giving you any time to think, Kazutora ripped your hands away from you face, and engulfed you into a kiss. It took you a split second to recuperate. It was a slow and sensual kiss—at first. Kazutora took the initiative of entering your mouth. Upon infiltration, his hands moved to your waist. This encouraged you to shift yours into his bi-colored hair.
His warm muscle asserted its dominance, causing you to groan as your tongue grew tired. Detecting your tongue’s growing idle, before it completely limped, he sucked it, earning a whimper from you. Then he shoved his tongue further into your mouth, in the process his big hands slid from your waist to rear, giving the fat a nice grip. You both grunted in satisfaction, the feeling caused another wave of wetness to pass through your pussy, the closeness of your bodies gave you the opportunity to feel Kazutora’s boner on your abdomen. He was completely rock.
Tapping his shoulder, immediately he pulled away. A string of spit connected your tongues before it broke. The departing had each of you panting for a chance of oxygen. Staring at you through half-lidded eyes, from his point of view: your neat hair now had few fly aways: tear streaks were all down your red flushed face: tongue lolled out in exhaustion: hands rested above his chest: drool leaking out the corners of your mouth: and unshed tears in doe-glassy eyes, full of delicious desire that he was ready to devour.
He loved that lewd look on you. It was so…tempting—and beautiful. Bringing his thumb to wipe the spit off your face, he placed it on the center of your tongue. Slowly, the corners of his lips jerked up, “You’re so perfect for me..” Your boyfriend whispered lovingly. Kazutora was a man of few words, so whenever he voiced sentiments like that, you burned it into your core memories.
Whenever you immersed in intercourse, it was usually making love, as Kazutora knew you were worth more than a quick fuck. Almost every session you’d cry, the insecurities you saw in the mirror were ones he worshipped like a shrine. Every quality you thought to be negative of yourself were his favorite. It felt good to have someone love you as much as he did.
In the midst of it all, you were able to devise your next words. “Thank you, Kazutora.” You smiled, pulling him into a hug. The transpiration soothed stress you didn’t know you were harboring. Bringing his hands to your shoulders, he lightly pushed you away, hands staying in place. You looked up in confusion. “Is something wrong?"
"I'm not done," He deadpanned, causing you to shift up a brow. Kazutora averted his gaze to your breasts, a small smile bubbling. Your face heated at the realization. Like a fume, steam blew from your ears. "E-Eh?! You want to do that here? What if someone sees us!?" You cried, hands waving in panic.
He simply chuckled, moving forward, and wrapped his arms around your waist. Without hesitation, hungrily, one hand slid up to grope you, forcing a squeak from you. Then there were two. He couldn’t get enough of moving them in circles, it was so entrancing. He loved it.
Your face burned fiercely. The feeling of Kazutora’s eyes piercing into your fondled breasts, and occasionally your face was too much! “K-Kazutora..are you sure we should do this right now? I have to—" The man ended your words with a small peck. "Don't worry, I'll try to make it quick. I just couldn't help it."
You hummed in confusion at his words, awaiting an answer. The innocent tilt of your head sent a throb to his cock. Even with your slightly disarrayed look, Kazutora thought you looked, 'So fucking sexy.'
His mind then wondered to prior events. The way those men dared to ogle and touch you, as if you were there for exhibition. As if you weren’t his.
Kazutora’s optics darkened, sending a chill down your spine. You couldn’t make out his thoughts, not a clue of what was going on in his head. At least until he hooked his index finger beneath the hem of your attire. The pause in his actions and the gaze at you—all a silent question of consent. Without any control over your body, your head moved in a tentative nod.
He used both sets of fingers to scrunch your dress just above your bust. You found yourself practically exposed. The floral, blackberry-colored set adorned your imminent nudity. Your gaze was shyly trained on your silver flats, one forearm pushed under your bra cups, and one shoved between the valley of your chest as it held up a curled finger to your lip. Unknowingly, the position of your arms accentuated your titties even more, making Kazutora’s mouth drop into an ‘O.’
A satisfied smirk spread across his face. Your boyfriend proceeded his earlier motions. He ripped your arms away for your body, a gasp slipping past your oily lips.
He pulled at the your left bra strap a few times. The gesture made your left tit jump up and down. Kazutora loved lightly teasing in the beginning, an opportunity to see the growing frustration on your pretty face. You only shut your eyes in response, disappointment and lingering sadness in your face. After a couple more times of him watching the movement, you whined pathetically. With a chortle, he said, “Fine, fine. I’ll stop.” He made it seem like you were the one who wanted it, but he wanted it bad.
As he pulled the bra to your dress’s level, he enjoyed the sight of the fat straining upwards, until they finally fell free—the kinetic reaction induced a mind-boggling turbulence for Kazutora. The revelation in cool air, made your nipples rise, and your boyfriend didn’t waste a second. You watched in real time as he promptly took your left nipple between his lips. You moaned in pleasure, the suction felt so good.
He brought his right hand to fumble with the sensitive part of your other tit. Kazutora latched so desperately, as if he was trying to discover a flow of milk. The consistent contact made you arch your back off the wall, left hand balled up in a fist as your right hand muffled the small cries bubbling up your throat. Every pull deepened the ache between your legs.
At some point it became entirely unbearable. So, greedily, you tightly rubbed your legs together, in need of a comforting amount of friction. “Getting needy? Let me fix that." You felt your legs being pried open, then a dull edge rubbed against the dampened spot of your panties. Had you not been stuck between, a rock hard man and a building, your body would've simply dropped. Gripping Kazutora's white shirt for support, your back arched in even further. "Ah-Ahhh..!" "There she is!" He grinned, rolling his joint around to gouge a reaction.
Yes, you were a woman of few words in the public eye. The Y/n most people knew was duteous and soft. Not exactly confrontational, taciturn of things going on in your personal life, and only ever reaching out to check on loved ones (except Kazutora, as you shared an apartment). Basically only ever acting when necessary. However, you were actually quite the opposite in private. You were a very vocal woman in bed. Thankfully, Kazutora was the only person to ever know this. You didn’t mind performing foreplay and experimenting new kinks. However, Kazutora was the one who’d usually introduce things of the sort
“Ah—ahh!” Kazutora felt his dick jump with every bounce and moan that came from you. He wanted so baldly to take you down right then and there, but he controlled himself, which even surprised him. Even though his hormones were running rapid, he was being considerate of you. The fact that you would still have to enter the building and wrap up the function, refrained him from fucking you too sloppy. The least he could do was let your appearance remain de—
“Tor..Ahh..! I-I’m so close! Ah, ah! ‘s so good~!” You squealed between moans. Almost every moral Kazutora considered flew straight out the window. Just as you were at your climax, in one swift motion you were bent over, face pressed to the wall, and knees locked. “H-Huh, why’d you do that?" You pouted dejectedly.
A harsh slap to your rear caused your body to jerk forward. "Ouch! That really hurt!" Kazutora ignored your complaints, falling into silence again. As you were using the wall to push yourself up, you felt a tug at the back waistband of your panties. The fabric advanced upward until it was buried into an uncomfortable place within your lips and cheeks. Endeavoring to catch up to the band, you arched your back as deep as you could, leaning on the tip of your toes, and a struggling expression on your face. Your hands clung to the wall for support, palms flat on either side of your head.
This made the globes of your ass and labia on full display. “I bet this is what those untrained scumbags were imagining doing to you.” Your boyfriend mindlessly blurted. “What-” A strike shot through the same area on your ass from earlier. Briefly, your knees unlocked. “Don’t move or speak unless I tell you to.” The tone was so demanding, it left no room for retaliation. You could feel the hairs stand up on the back of your neck.
Even worse, the limbs below you started to tremble from resting on the tip of your toes for too long. The lower part of your back had commenced a pain as well. The moment your heels met the ground and your back rested, the palm of a hand met the red print on your right cheek. You didn’t understand the sudden change in Kazutora’s demeanor. One minute you both were sensually making out, now he’s spanking you for no reason.
Pulling your panties out and aside, Kazutora brought his ring and middle finger to your sore pussy. Absent of any warning, two digits were shoved inside of you. The in and out notion fulfilled any desiring nerves you had. “Ah! Ah! Ah—Kaz-” Smack
He watched the skin of your right ass cheek vibrate upon impact. You flinched at the sting. “Didn’t I tell you not to speak?" He whispered into the shell of your ear, roughly groping your right tit. You slapped a hand over your mouth, sealing off any vocabulary other than “Uh” and “Ah.”
Your gummy walls molded into the shape of Kazutora’s fingers, sucking them back in whenever they retracted. “You liked it, didn't you? The way those men eye-fucked you. The way they were ready to strip you, and share you. I know you liked it." Was he trying to humiliate you? If so, it was working.
You uttered no coherent words, only mewls, harboring any retorts and your current shame. His words had a great affect on you—given your attachment, and it was a lot to take in. Did your “loving” boyfriend of 7 years actually view you as a slut with no sense of dignity? Was it your fault? Had you obliviously dishonored him so horribly that you deserved this? Are you really that weak?
His fingers curled upward, hitting your g-spot, and his thumb pressed down on your clit. In the same breathe, he sent a long, tight pinch to your nipple. “You want more right? Speak…Y/n!” Only cries came out as your legs failed you. Instantly, he supported your body as your knees buckled, causing his previous actions to halt.
The man gave you a moment to rest as he prepped. The right side of your face remained squished against the freshly painted exterior. Your lips parted as you panted for significant breaths of air. Behind you, Kazutora was in the process of whipping his dick out, white blouse pushed above his V-line
The tip was so red, veins protruded along the skin. Looking at it, he was surprised he was able to control himself for this long duration. Precum covered the entire upper half of his wide 8-incher. Kazutora’s body wasn’t exactly lanky, instead tough from fighting in his glory days. Nevertheless, when you first had sex, his size definitely shocked you. “Fuck.. Y/n this what you do to me..” Your lover muttered, using his free hand to send two pump to his length, a groan slipping past his lips.
You were still trying to recover and process your thoughts, so your dazed state prevented you from acknowledging anything he’d said or done. It was only when you felt that familiar tip at your entrance that you were brought back to Earth.
“W-wait not here- Ughnn, ah!” In one fell swoop, he stuffed every inch inside, balls deep. The wetness of your vagina allowed for easy, yet tight access.“Hgnn~” Your boyfriend groaned, a hand coming to grip your left boob. It stung so damn bad. Of course his fingers somewhat warmed you up, but it was a foreign replacement. Anytime you and Kazutora had sex, he’d try to take it slow, but right now he was impatient.
Your back was forcefully condensed into a dip. Due to his rushed penetration, your eyes were blown wide, tears edging at the corners. “You’ve..gotta l-loosen up..if you wanna feel good,” His broken dialogue was proof just tight you were. “H-hurts…” Your voice was so small he didn’t even even catch it in his pussy-whipped state. Smack
You yelped in pain. “Didn’t I tell you not to speak?" He reminded, receiving a whine from you. He sent a deep thrust inside you, hitting the deepest root of your cervix. You let out a broken moan. After that, he brought both hands to your hips, and started fucking you.
The pace was slow, giving you a nanosecond to adjust. Then the speed gradually increased, his thick head constantly brushing up against your core. It hurt so bad and felt good. But, for the most part, your vaginal opening was hurting because of how brash he was behaving. Yet, you kept your mouth shut and trusted the process. Additionally, trying to avoid him hitting the same bruise for speaking.
The squelching of your pussy was music so his ears. “Your so wet and tigh—ttt…so glad this is mine.” Kazutora groaned, sending another slap (this time to your left cheek) to watch the turbulence of your ass. You clenched harder, a result of the pain turning into pleasure.
His sac slapped against your cunt, countless strings of entangled, sticky, white fluids accompanied every pull and push. Your boyfriend’s head was thrown back in delight as bleached strands stuck to the sides of his temples. The requited colliding of your hips left you in a state no better than his.
“Ah! Ah, ah! nghhh..!” He was literally hollowing you. Your pupils were beginning to roll to the back of your head, drool descending from your tongue. “Ughh..keep throwing it like that! Wish you c-could see how vulgar you look…!”
“Miss L/n! We’re ready to end the event! Where are you?”
A feminine voiced called from a distance. Both you and Kazutora’s heads snapped left, but the person hadn’t come around the corner yet. “Ba-babe! What are we gonna do?"
It would be extremely bad for business if anyone from that house found your man buried balls deep inside you, tits hanging, and dress scrunched up near your neck.
Kazutora shushed you and emptied you of his cock, fumbling to sheathe it away in his black suited trousers. You did the same with your panties, bra and dress—well you tried. Much to your dismay, it took less effort to remove the clothing than to put it on. The damned one piece just would not fix itself over your hips! Noticing your struggle, Kazutora’s mouth animatedly dropped, his eyes white with a look a disdain.
You wore a worried expression. Before you could successfully get the clothing down, your legs were lifted off the ground. Kazutora hoisted you up bridal style with little struggle and took off running. “Where are we going!?" "To the truck!"
Once at the vehicle, you were both crammed into the passenger seat, barely covered bottom propped up on his lap. Kazutora took desperate breaths of air. Staring at the way he tiredly threw his head back against the seat, jaws flushed, and the bob of his adam’s apple after every gulp made you realize how hot he must’ve looked taking you from the from the back—and that you’d cause him trouble—again.
Frowning, “I’m sorry,” you chirped, staring at your lap. Perking up, he looked at you through the car mirror that he never let up before getting out. “For what?" You corrected your posture, head still hanging low. "I.." You trailed off, squeezing your eyes shut. There it is again. "I could…tell you were so mad earlier—at me!" Tears flooded your eyes. "I'm sorry ughh! I-I didn't like the way they were handling me..I was just so scared—I didn't know what to do! I'm sorry for being so defenseless!"
Kazutora stared at you fondly, processing every word that left your mouth. He felt so damn guilty. Pressuring and discouraging you on your big day was not his intentions. Today was supposed to be about you and he made it about him. You had no reason to grovel and snivel for forgiveness. That was the last thing he’d want his future wife doing.
You felt long limbs snake around your waist and pull you close. “No, don’t do that. Don’t say sorry.” Your lover started, turning your head to meet his gaze. “You’ve got no reason to beg and bow for anyone’s forgiveness, not even mine—especially not me. It’s my fault. I had no reason to take my frustration out on you. If anything I should’ve suckered those scrams the second they entered the door. Baby, you can do no wrong to me, so you’ll never have to atone for anything. I’m sorry if I made you feel weak or like an embarrassment. You’re nothing less than my woman—and my woman isn’t neither of those things. I love you, Y/n.”
You turned to straddle him, the narrow space putting pressure on your thick thighs. “I love you more, baby!” You wailed, wrapping your arms around his neck. Kazutora embraced you back, the crook of his neck holding your final wave of tears. You pulled away, offering a closed-eye smile to him, “Thank you, Kazutora-!” You jerked up at the feeling of a growing bump beneath your clothed cunt.
“Allow me to make it up to you?" He sheepishly smiled, tapping the fat of your ass. "Pervert!" "C'monnn! It'll only take three minutes..plus the windows are tinted, so we've got privacy!" You raised a brow. "Tora doesn't last just three minutes," You spat, crossing your arms over your chest.
"I wasn't talking about me," Your black garment slid up further, "I was talking about you." He smirked, licking his lips at the revelation of your bra. Big palms drew your honkers in wide circles, with no leverage you attempted to control the notion by placing your smaller ones over his, but they only went with the flow.
“Do you see the gifts of your body? Man, I love it, so mesmerizing…" "Pervert! J-just hurry!" You whined, peeking at him through one teary glossy. In a flash, your titties were set free from captivity, and your left teat was between Kazutora's lips. So fast!
"Ah! Not so hard—I can’t..Gah!..lactate!" You blubbered, tangling your hands into his gold and charcoal locks, eyes trained on his swirling tongue. “Anything is possible, Y/n.” You arched your back for what felt like the 20th time today. Heeding the pool of fluid across his crotch section, the tiger took it upon himself to insert his middle feeler. You mewled lesuirely, throwing your head back at the long awaited pleasure. “See how all it took was one finger for such a sound to leave your mouth, I like that neediness!” He grinned childishly at the way you clenched at the simple words.
Taking in your moans, “Oh? You like that, babe? Don't worry, I'll make you feel even better." Plunging his index finger into you, your body jerked forward. "S-stop doing things so suddenly, you—Ah, ah, ah!"
“What were you saying?” The acceleration of his joints was fostering a knot deep in your belly. Every time he shoved them back in, their curve would pin point an extremely sweet spot internally. “N-no—If—Ah, uh-uh..mm! You…do…that, I’ll—Ah!”
“No! I f—eell it! If you keep doing that my pussy will…ughn!” Cackling at your faltering words, your boyfriend wished you had finished that sentence so he could poke fun at you later. “Don’t you remember “more” and “hurry”? A commander can’t go back her words…! ♡” He smirked, moving closer to your face. Deciding to wrap this things up, the pad of a thumb pressed down on your clitoris, provoking lustful sounds from you. Kazutora observed how the volume of your moans elevated, walls clenched firmer; but the way you flushed your bosom against him and chased for that mutual kiss were clear signs of- “Cumming! I’m cumming..!” You pulled at his white blazer, elbows tucked to your sides.
“Let me have it,” He whispered, eyes never leaving yours while capturing you in a french-kiss, and grasping your ass. Like a spell, the knot within you unraveled with a wail. Your body violently shook as you experienced the climax, cum soaking your panties that were never completely discarded, and Kazutora’s entire lap. The strain in his boxers was horribly painful, but the vibration you sent throughout his esophagus almost cured the problem underneath his pants.
“Oh no! My inner thigh is all sticky..I can’t go in there like this!” You exclaimed breathlessly, leaning back to look at yourself. With a sigh he ripped his blazer off, paying no regards to the broken buttons. You watched in confusion as he slipped the fabric off. “Don’t panic, I hate dressing up anyways.” The monotone of his voice made you giggle.
“Lift yourself up a bit, remove your underwear too.” Complying, you ridded the underwear to the floor. He tentatively wiped the mess off you. It only took a few seconds, once finished you began to fill the cups of your bra in again. He palmed your boob, “Leave the bra too.” The male said it with such seriousness you didn’t even bother to question it.
“How do I look?" You asked, standing outside the open truck door. Examining you from thigh to chest, a glint appeared in Kazutora's eye. "I'll tell you if you do the thing with your tits," He simpered, head propped upon the hand that was supported by his leg. You knew exactly what he meant.
Shyly, you pawed your chest, and moved them around slowly, rolling your areola between your index and middle fingers. The self pleasure induced a grunt from you, "Like this..? Am I—ngh..doing it right..?" "Wrong!" He lied, just buying time to feed into his lust.
“H-huh!? What is it then?” “Just kidding!” You huffed in annoyance. “Be serious! I actually have to look presentable walking in there!” You gritted, pinching your brows together. Wiping the drool from the side his mouth, he waved you off, “Sorry, sorry! I’m serious now! You look amazing, my love, go be great!” He smiled happily.
Nodding, you pivoted to walk off, “But before you go…” Turning back, “Hm?" "Could you please bend over really quick?" He begged clasping his hands together. "Why?!" He timidly palmed the boner emerging from his trousers. "Only a taste!" Exhaling, once again, you stride toward the single step that rimmed the truck, and hopped in front of Kazutora. Your upper half leaned over the black headboard. Tooting your ass up in front of him, you hooked a finger to reveal your soaking pussy, “Make it quick, okay, baby?" You assured, looking back at him. With dry and anticipating lips,“‘K-Kay,” Was the only thing he managed to say.
Spreading your cunt, he licked a long strip along your slit, instinctively causing you to push it up against him. Taking the opportunity, he shoved his tongue inside your hole, swirling the muscle around.
Slurping noises left his mouth, an effort to savor your addictive taste and scent. You futilely attempted to shove his head away. Any time you tried to wiggle your hips away from his face, he’d trail your cunt. “T-Tora..uh! You said a quick taste, get your head out of there! ughnnn..! No—uhh~! No more, plea—uh, uh—I feel it again! My vagina is going to… Agh~! Cumming! Cu-hnghh..!”
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iceprincessviviane · 1 year
Chapter 1 - Surprise.
Heritage series.
Paring: poly!BTS x Female!Shy!Skinny!Chosen!Reader.
Type: dark romance, horror au, soulmate au, poly relationship, slowburn, yandere.
Warnings: Horror themes, some religion themes (mostly demonic), gore, blood, manipulation, witchcraft, magic themes, death (side characters), mentionings of forced marriage, mentioning about past, loss, yandere, obsessive, possessive, swearing, low self-esteem,dealing with grief, sugestive content and silly jokes created by me. (If there is more to add let me know.)
Previous chapter. Next chapter.
Summary: The life can be suprising. Sometimes it comes out with an sudden love, some struggling or you can inherit something from a very distant family.
Author's note: so we are beginning. This chapter will be a little longer, if it is going to get out of hand, I'll divide it. This is a made up story, fiction so please don't take some information seriously.
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The small casket was standing peacefuly on coffee table, three pairs of eyes observing it carefuly. With it came a letter in neat envelope, with smell of lilacs.
"Are you going to open it?" The girl with black hair asked crushing the silence.
"I don't know... suddenly I get to know that I had distant living family."
"Well not family but a family member to be accurate." Third one said with a little frown.
Y/N and her friends - Blanca and Kate were staring at it around five minutes. The casket seemed like a item from another era. It was wooden with metal decorations and lock. The key was visible inside the envelope.
"You always stated that you like those old things, but now you are hesitant."
"Because it looks so unbelievable. First the letter with casket then call to the court in case of inheritance which I had never known from family which I had never met." Y/N said with little gruff.
"Isn't that your chance to have an adventure? Like the trip to another continent isn't a big of a challenge." Blanca said confidently.
Well maybe for her because in fact she was confident and sure aboit herself. Usually they were travelling in trio, but working on different fields made them seen each other less often. Last year they had wonderful trip to the Rome and before to Stambul.
Y/N bite a little lip, then reached for a casket and envelope. Her friend put head on her shoulders on each side. She opened first letter, as they could see the small key was there. There was a decorative paper, text was written by ink, person had a very old syle of writing, but Y/N liked it and even found some similarities.
Dear Y/N,
I'm sorry, that we are never going to met each other. I didn't know that I have even a distant family, as much as I know the officials from Grand Hillsam will contact you about the mansion. It's an old, neglected building which I was keep paying for because I had some family sentiment, not mentioning I was quite rich. Please keep this part of the pendant, that belonged to my grandmother, which was in our family for ages. I believe you have the second part. Let it protect you from bad things.
Aunt Lizzie
After reading letter aloud the silence has fallan upon them. Y/Ns eyes went immediately to casket. She picked up small key and opened it with small 'click'. Inside really was a pendant, small solar disk, currently below her sweater was a necklace with small cerscent moon.
"It' looks like separate part." Blanca frowned.
Y/N took them both and looked closely. It turned out the these could be combined and now the sunshines were going out of moon part, which was silver and sun was gold.
"It's beautiful." Kate summed up looking at it.
"I agree." Y/N admired completed piece, then put it on her neck.
"Did you talk with the boss? He'll allow you to go?"
"We kinda have no option. Luckily we've finished big project and I can do home office. I'll focus on daily tasks and small project, which don't need to a lot of communication with a team." She explained with little sigh.
"But where are you going to stay?"
"I received a call after submiting all files in court. I just need to pay for a flying ticket, then they'll pick me up from airport and drive to Grand Hillsam, there I am going to met all necessary officials." Y/N said furrowing her eyebrows.
"Are you sure you want to go alone? And besides that you are sure that'w not a scam?"
"Well the court checked all info for me and confirm it's all correct. The town is actually very nice to allowing me pay only for ticket. I will stay in the motel till the case will be solved. And well, I am kinda scared to go alone, but it's mine heritage and you are busy that time for first and second we don't know how it'll take, so I asked a boss for homeoffice."
"Well let's see at good points. You are going to see very old mansion and probably have time to wander around after work." Kate smiled trying to improve friend's mood.
"Thanks God it isn't winter. That season can be really harsh in those town." Y/N muttered.
"Oh yea you mentioned that it's kinda small town deep in the forest and mountains."
"That's right, I hope the net will be all right."
"Let's not worry too much. We'll help you pack and go to the airport, also you have to keep us updated." Blanca said pointing her finger at Y/N.
The trio smiled and conversation went on and on about the case, then about casual things. She wanted to leave in a week, so they wanted to spent all the time they could.
Jimin stopped in front of neglected garden, which was in left part of whole mansion field. The grass was too high and stone path was now cracked and dirty. Trees has grown too much, no flowers in sight and vines on all stone walls, and some untreated big bushes. He frowned looking at all those mess and his chest tightened. How long this place was abandoned? Once beautiful now dewastated? Jimin narrowed his eyes and the plants started to disappear, like the life was escaping from the ground, unwanted vines were dying, grass cut itself and few branches fell from the trees then perished into dust. Some flowerbed formed with each kind of flowers, bushes shaped into tidy hedge. Fountain without the water got cleaned from moss and vines, path was now neatly lead into it. Behind it and where the mansion final wall was protecting the garden from outside wild forest submerged the sun clock from the ground. Jimin was content with his work, now the place was more familiar, more welcoming. He eyed the garden once more, when his eyes suddenly shone with crimson colour, black rose appeard almost under the behind wall. Jimin smirked and transformed into nightingale, then left the garden in a hurry, his job there was done for now.
Next chapters will be longer 💖
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Why Silver, Blaze, & Marine should be on a team together
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So this is a post settling a debate I’ve had since I was 7 years old (I am 20 now) as to who would be on Silver’s team. Or rather Silver & Blaze’s team. I’ll be going in detail as to why I believe the trio of Silver, Blaze, and Marine would make for the most logical team formation. Many people online have linked them together, but I’ve decided to go into deeper detail as to why this is the case.
Silver & Blaze SHOULD & WILL be on a team together. The have been depicted as partners in Silver’s debut in Sonic 06, & the two have been aligned together ever since. They have also been teamed together in an official game in Team Sonic Racing (as team Vector). They represent both time & space. They have a sun and moon theme, with Blaze having flame powers like the sun and Silver being the element of the moon, which leads me to believe that they were created to be partnered with each other.
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Another factor that ties Silver & Blaze together is Eggman Nega. The scientist made his debut in Sonic Rush as an inhabitant from Blaze's dimension, but he later reappears in Sonic Rivals and is now from Silver's future. Nega has been rewritten to fit as an antagonist to both Silver & Blaze respectively, linking them together once again. Similarly, in Sonic Rivals, Eggman Nega wants to summon the Ifrit, a fiery monster from another dimension. This boss is derived from Iblis, the volcanic ememy of Silver and Blaze from Sonic 06.
Blaze and Marine would be perfect as teammates. Marine was made to be Blaze’s sidekick similar to Tails with Sonic and Cream with Amy. Marine’s water theme is an obvious play on Blaze’s fire theme.
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Now, each of these characters has a kinetic ability (fire, water, psychic) and are from a distant world not from Sonic’s (future/alt. dimension). As Silver & Marine haven not officially met, Blaze will be the link to tie the three together. Which brings me to my next point.
Blaze will be the leader. Most people would consider Silver to lead because of his popularity, or Marine to fulfill her captain role, but honestly Blaze makes the most sense. She’s the first of three to be created as a Sonic character, she a literal princess meaning she has actual leadership experience, and as stated before, she is the link between Silver and Marine. She has been shown on separate occasions/canons with these two, and she has always been the level-headed half that could calm down the others’ rather naive personalities. Plus, it is shown in Sonic Colors DS (canon) Blaze meets Silver again, but shortly after mentioning Marine. This proves that Blaze knows both Silver & Marine in the same canon, allowing the possibility of the trio meeting in full.
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Blaze will have both her partner & sidekick on her team, Marine will have two mature strong fighters to look up to & given a chance to grow as a character, & Silver…..well he’s been aligned with female characters before anyway. In Sonic 06, the character structure is cued from Sonic Heroes. Sonic’s allies are Tails & Knuckles (from Team Sonic), Shadow’s are Rouge & Omega (from Team Dark), & Silver’s Team, consisting of Amy (who was already on a formed team) & Blaze (who wasn’t). And although Silver isn’t the leader of this team, he could still pose as the face of the group, similar to how Rouge was the leader in the original Sonic Heroes, but the focus was mainly on Shadow (who eventually became the official leader).
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Now for the most important aspect: type placements. Speed, Fly, Power. Who will fill which position? It's easy to say you want three characters together on a team but if they can't meet any of the criteria for any of the roles then it's completely invalid. That being said Silver is most definitely the Fly type member & the only one that can do so. He can levitate with his telekinesis and can carry others. His debut in Sonic 06 has a flight based platforming gameplay similar to Tails and Rouge, and not a Speed based gameplay like Sonic, Shadow or Blaze, who was also playable in Silver’s story. Because of his telekinesis, Silver provides a new spin on the Fly method.
Now onto Blaze. She is an established Speed character in the main games and racing games. Her debut was in Sonic Rush, where she notably matches Sonic's hyper speed. In Sonic 06, her gameplay matches that of Sonic and Shadow who both have Speed type gameplay.
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It could also be argued that Blaze could fit into the Power type role. Along with her fire powers, she is athletic and has great physical strength, being one of the strongest characters in the series. Sonic Runners has categorized Blaze as a Power type, and although Sonic Runners butchered a lot of character types, such as including Silver as a Speed type when his gameplay in Sonic 06 was very much not that, Blaze being a Power type actually has merit.
Now Marine is going to be a tough topic, as she is the only one who actually hasn't had a playable appearance in a game yet. This means that not only are her notable abilities limited, but restricted to dialogue and cutscenes. This makes her the hardest to assign a type to. We at least know she can't fly so that's out of the equation. However, because of her limited showcases, her Speed vs Power argument is not the same as Blaze's. To find a suitable placement for her, we need to lay out what we do know about her.
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Marine is stated to be hyperactive and reckless, two traits of Speed and Power type characters. She has been shown running alongside Sonic in cutscenes and is often seen zipping around in dialogue scenes. She’s also a builder. You don’t just build ships on the regular without having some merit of physical strength. And she has been shown to have some sort of mystical powers at the end of Sonic Rush Adventure. Both placements work for Marine & Blaze, but for this specific team-up I would rather have Blaze as the muscle instead of Marine, who can fit into the Speed type pretty well (as most Sonic characters).
This group stands out among the usual Heroes team format. Marine would be the shortest Speed type, Silver would be the only hedgehog Fly type, and Blaze would be the first female Power type. It's important to note that not all Speed characters are the leaders of their teams, regardless if you put Blaze or Marine in the position.
Now there's many people who don't want Marine to be on Silver & Blaze's team, so I'll go over the common replacement characters I've seen and see why Marine is arguably the better pick.
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Chaos is a popular pick for a power character. He seems to fit in with Silver & Blaze's mystic power theme. Chaos, however, is far too powerful of a god to be on a team with them and I wouldn’t want to separate him & Tikal & vice versa
Mighty is also surprisingly a popular pick. I've seen it explained how Mighty being from the past could juxtapose Silver & Blaze who are from the future, but it just still doesn't seem right. I wouldn’t want to separate him and Ray either, they were planned to be on a team together from the start.
Gamma & Emerl are destroyed for good, and I wouldn't want to just throw in a robot character for a needed Power type. Also, no one from the shows are allowed (Cosmo, Sticks).
Shade is the probably the closest fitting for the group. Her aesthetic and time/space dimensional background match Blaze & Silver's, and she could also fit the Power role very nicely with her combat abilities. If they were to bring Shade back at all, this would be a cool way to do it.
Another important aspect of Sonic Heroes teams are their names. These names will be what the characters label themselves under for majority of their appearances. When deicing a team name, it usually must relate to the leader or at least 2 members. Team Sonic is obviously the team of the main character. Team Dark is a reference to the Dark story in Sonic Adventure 2, which features both Shadow & Rouge (Omega acts as a placeholder for Eggman). Dark could also refer to the edgy serious nature of the team.
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Team Rose is named after Amy Rose, who wants to lead her own team like Sonic (hence the similar naming method). Finally, Team Chaotix is comprised of characters who debuted in Knuckles Chaotix (which is why Mighty isn’t with them). In the case of Silver, Blaze, & Marine, there are a few choices. Most fanmade teams involving Silver tend to lean towards "Team Future", since Silver & Blaze come from the future. It's actually a pretty good flow to the name, but leaves out Marine since she's not from the future. Team Dimension/Team Sol is another popular pick, as it relates to the Sol Dimension (the home of Blaze & Marine). Silver, despite not being from there, has had experience traveling between dimensions as well. Silver also took part in fighting Solaris & Ifrit, two multidimensional beings.
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All in all, these three just look natural together. Many fan works depict these three together and make amazing artwork. The Sonic World fan game has even put them on a team together and they’re awesome in it. If Sonic Heroes 2 were to ever exist I think these guys would make for a fun dynamic, awesome gameplay, and a great story.
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shinjisdone · 1 year
Hi there! first time resquest here. So I won't waste my shit! >:D
If it's not too much trouble, I could resquest:
Type: Headcanon (Romantic)
Reader: Female
Proctetive Promt:
1.- " i don't know how long i'll be able to protect you for, but i guarantee you, i'll only stop with my final breath. "
2.-" who did this to you? where are they? "
Character: (TWST) Silver and Sebek
I hope that my request is not too long, in case it has complications you can discard it if you wish. But if not, take your time and no pressure 🌠🌌✍️ By the way, I love your TWST fanfics! They have a unique format and ideas! :D
Well, good day, bye 👋💐
Very interesting and fitting for both of them! It actually works to include both in the same scene as well! Thx for the request! And for the compliments omg
hope it was romantic enough for you???
Copied your request because the format is perfect
Twisted Wonderland
Type: Headcanon (Romantic)
Reader: Female
Proctetive Promt:
1.- " i don't know how long i'll be able to protect you for, but i guarantee you, i'll only stop with my final breath. "
2.-" who did this to you? where are they? "
Character: (TWST) Silver and Sebek
TW: Hardcore bullying mentioned only (due to reader being magicless and a girl), injury and blood caused by others to you, reader belittles herself, crying, tattletale Sebek, knight Silver
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Your damn gut feeling was right.
There was something exciting about going on this trip - even as Vargas proclaimed it as a 'survival of the fittest' test to see how witted his students are 24/7.
The forest can be quite beautiful on Twisted Wonderland - the lakes, the meadows, the caves.
You'd be here with friends and classmates even if that familiar trio of bullies were also coming and kept giving you a queasy feeling.
You'd brush it off for once and enjoy yourself.
You were so stupid to do so.
The three students are ruthless - kept on jabbing and pushing your buttons as a 'magicless' student, a 'failure'. Like a glitch in the system; because what was a magicless student doing here in NRC?
And it didn't help you were the only girl here in this all-boys-academy.
Pulling on your hair, making stupid remarks, pervertedly flicking up your skirt.
You aren't meant to be here.
There you are, crying in a ball as blood pours out from somewhere on your foot. It's hard to see where exactly in this dark cave.
You tried to be optimistic - you've been through worse but no matter where you twisted and turned you couldn't find the exit. And soon you gave in to this pain in your chest, the tightness in your throat and the pain in your foot as you sobbed alone in the dark.
If only you had magic and could easily find a way to get out of here. This could only happen to you.
Your sob halted in your throat as you heard a rumbling. Small rocks would fall before dim light entered your vision. Wiping your tears you hear fast footsteps until familiar silver entered your blurry vision.
"There you are! What happened?!" You swallowed as he approached. Silver's lavender eyes were wide and his entire demeanor more tense than usual - the complete opposite when he openly yawned next to you in the camp, feeling unusually safe in the forest.
He was quickly close beside you, his eyes scanning you up and down. You just tried to quickly wipe your tears as he asked question upon question.
The numerous attempts to joke at this situation fell flat - you cannot brush off the blood pooling out of your skin. In fact, Silver cursed and quickly tended to your foot. Asking you how this could have happened and why you are alone here anyways as he also instructs you to lift your leg.
"Oh," You choke out but try to sell it out as laughter, "Funny that you ask. I wasn't looking where I was going and..." You keep on faking giggles as your story became more and more unstable and Silver's piercing glare made your made-up alibi crumble.
"(Name). I am serious. What happened, why are you injured and all alone here? You can tell me." Though his lips did not even rose upwards, his eyes softened and your guard fell. The laughter came out in chokes as you let the tears fall. "Silver-senpai...I think I should just go home."
He startles as he watches you cry. He may not be the most observing, even as he tries to stay awake all the time, but he believes he has never seen you so dejected before. He listens with wide eyes as you belittle yourself, believe that you shouldn't be here and that is best if you go back to NRC early.
"I mean look at me...I couldn't do anything to get out of here...if it weren't for you, I'd cry till dawn and no one would notice a thing. The guys were right...you even helping me isn't something I deserve...!"
You hide your tear-stained face, mumbling incoherrently but Silver was able to catch one thing. He leans closer.
"Someone did this to you, right? Someone threw you in here and you got hurt..."
He cursed inwardly. He just recently noticed you were missing and made a mad-dash towards where you were last seen...but even before that he didn't even catch you being tormented in the group. Silver just easily let himself doze off, feeling safe in the forest.
But you didn't. And he didn't notice the fact that you needed help and he could've done something to protect you.
"I don't know how long I can still take this...I'm not made for this trip, not for NRC. I'll just go home." You managed to silence your whimpers and wiped your tears. Your claim made something inside Silver stir.
You startled as Silver suddenly but elegantly knelt in front of you, bowed his head and pressed his hand on his chest. "Forgive this pathetic knight," He let out sternly with closed eyes, "I don't know how long I'll be able to protect you for, but I guarantee you, I'll only stop with my final breath."
Letting out puzzled noises at his sudden and stiff behavior as he adjusted your foot one last time before bringing one arm each under your back and knees. "S-Silv - Wha...???" You yelp as he hoists you up and carries you like a princess.
He walks out from where he came from. "I've trained for this my whole life but I still failed. I'll protect you until this trip is over, I promise you, (Name). You deserve it, milady."
Okay, now he is going too far with his knightly-duty talk.
Just as you were approaching the outside light, another silhouette came rushing from the side and almost colliding with the wall next to them. With a swift swing, it seemed to be Sebek, panting, glaring and dirty all over.
"SILVEEEERRRR!" He almost stumbled forwars but stopped himself right before bumping ino the two of you. "THE HUMAN IS NOT IN THE-!!!"
He gasped OUTLOUD when he saw you. Finally!
Again, he stops himself. The big grin on his face disappeared as his face slowly shifted into one of calm rage.
"Who did this to you? And where are they?"
Sebek was eerily calm as he helped you wipe a few tears away. While you tried to explain yourself, his eyes scanned your torn clothes, the filth all over you and your bandaged foot.
"...It's...it's not much, I was careless and..."
"Stop spouting nonsense. I saw those humans, the trio of evil. Just as I was about to go to Vargas, you vanished..."
"Sebek. That's not what she needs to hear right now."
You try to stop them but Sebek is adamant on tattleing telling everything to Vargas - and then speaking to the bullies himself.
How dare they do that to you?! Magicless being just trying to do her best! You're bleeding and they are the cause for it.
Silver on the other hand is focused on bringing you to a safe place and guarding you like the knight he promised to be for you - without daring to fall asleep once.
Silver kept on tending to your wound and accompanying you wherever you went, carrying when he deemed it necessary which was all the time.
He'd ask his animal friends to just...prickle him awake whenever he is close to dozing off. Not on duty!
He cannot let go of the 'milady' talk. It was like your words were a spell and the moment they left your lips, he has been in knight mode ever since. It's like a sixth sense. Other students look at you weird but he doesn't care.
Sebek is MARCHING over to Vargas, pointing to the bullies and the contemptuous things they've done. He will gladly take them on via court system style, justice will prevail!
After that he will sure yell their ears off on how disgusting they are and alllll the other thoughts and opinions he has of them. Will surely bring in you into the conversation a lot and how you felt, kind of indirectly letting everyone know of his feelings for you.
Nice save, Sebek.
Will hover over you like a protective mother hen. Makes sure you rest well, eat and drink enough. Will often fight with Silver during the trip on what is considered 'good enough' for you.
Sebek will start screaming and Silver tries to calm him down, his yelling is stressing you and you've been through enough.
The rest of the trip is just having these two protectively glued to you.
When you explain yourself why you are belittling yourself, Silver will softly but sternly tell you that it's not true. Will give objective truths and past actions of yours to prove that you are worthy of being here. And...that you are liked very much.
When you say these things while he carries you, he will press your head to his chest as he proves you wrong. His voice is soft and his breath fawns on the crown of your head.
When you say these things while just sitting there and him listening he might take your hand, 'milady' and absent-mindedly is about to kiss it - before Sebek slaps it away and reminds him that he may be awake but is sure daydreaming to go that far!
Slightly jealous but also just doesn't want Silver to go beyond boundaries.
Sebek on the other hand has a hard time not yelling at you while telling you you're wrong. His face gets sweaty and progressively more red as he tries to keep his feelings subtle and not tell you too much of what he thinks of you. It's almost impossible though.
Unlike Silver, Sebek proves you wrong by telling you how he sees you. What are you talking about?! For a magicless girl you are hardworking! Studious👏! Helpful👏! WONDERUL👏! NICE TO YOUR PEERS👏! VERY PRETTY- augh, he said too much.
Inhales very sharply when telling you - as if it were a government secret.
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capypub · 1 year
Without Warning - Mafia!Joel Miller Scene 2
AU Mafia!Joel Miller x Original Female Character
Rating: T (language, sexual themes, mentions of drugs)
Minors DNI. 18+ content!
Scene 1 Scene 3
Summary: Joel returns to the Tipsy Bison with his mind on one thing only after doing business near the border. Even though he feels out of practice, he somehow manages to get the girl, until she finds the literal gun in his pants.
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A week goes by, Indi works another three nights without seeing him again. She thinks about that night more than she’d like to admit. After the initial shock had worn off, she realized how incredibly hot it was for this silver fox to come out of nowhere and stand up for her. Yes, he was a little intense for someone simply bumping into her, but something about those dark eyes and broad shoulders had her pulse fluttering and thighs clenching. 
It was a slower night, and she had just closed out her last tab. It wasn’t even nine yet and the place was looking dead. She leaned on the bar at the service well, helping Jared cut limes. 
“Like is it me? Am I the problem? Is there something on my face that says I like being played by idiots with nice butts?” Jared ranted, slicing a lime in half with much more force than needed.
“Of course not,” Indi said with a small smile, always there for her friend’s dating rants.
“Like I swear, Michael, the last guy I was talking to,” he went on, rolling his eyes and sticking his tongue out in disgust, “I swear, his entire goal in life is to be as petty as the Greek gods, this man could not just let things go,” he huffed. 
“Michael was the one with the nose ring, right?” she clarified.
“Yeah, hot piercings, huge dick, no communication skills whatsoever,” he grumbled.
“I think your energy just attracts people wanting to steal it,” she said thoughtfully, “plus you have a nice butt, so that doesn’t help,” she adds, leading both to laugh for a moment. 
“Hey Jared, it’s dead tonight, I’ll keep an eye on the bar, why don’t you head out early?” Tommy offered, coming up to them from the other end.
“Oh hell yeah, you don’t need to tell me twice,” Jared said, immediately perking up, “Is it cool if I hang out here for a bit though? I have food on the way,” he admitted.
“Sure kid, I’ll even pour you a drink while you wait,” Tommy shrugged with that easygoing smile Indi had grown to enjoy. 
He wasn’t here every night, but tried to show up for a bit as often as possible. She’d learned that this is more of a side business for him, his real work being with Joel doing construction or contracting or something. 
“Want a shot, Indi?” Tommy asked, breaking her from her thoughts.
“I’m on the clock though?” she pointed out softly, obviously confused by his offer.
Both Tommy and Jared let out a short laugh, Jared coming around the bar to sling his arm around her and playfully pinch her cheek. She retaliated by elbowing him in the ribs with a small pout.
“Don’t worry, darlin’, a shot or two never hurt no one, plus it’s not like we’re doing much tonight anyways,” Tommy said, smoothly pouring two shots of whiskey and a shot of vodka at Indi’s request, sliding a glass to the two on the other side of the bar.
They tapped their glasses together, each one throwing the shot back with practiced ease. Tommy didn’t miss the slight grimace on her face though after she had swallowed and shook her head. 
The trio looked up simultaneously when they heard someone enter. Indi could feel Jared tense up beside her, his arm still around her as they watched Joel walk over to the same corner table as before, sitting with his back to the wall, eyes on his phone as he sent a text. God, he was gorgeous, ruffled hair, heavy boots, and a light coating of dust on his pants. 
“Ah shit, here comes trouble,” Tommy said, grabbing a glass from the drying rack and pouring a double shot of bourbon, “here Indi, take this over to ‘m, I already know he’ll start his bullshit if I go over there,” he explained, sliding the rocks glass towards her.
“What do you mean?” she asked as she accepted the glass, wrapping a napkin around the bottom.
“He won’t talk shop if he’s got a pretty face distractin’ ‘im,” Tommy explained with a sly wink, turning around before she could argue to check on the few barflies that still remained.
“Good luck, dude,” Jared said with a scoff, removing his arm with a knowing smirk, having heard about Joel’s previous antics from the other waitresses.
She took a deep breath, suddenly nervous to do the one thing she’d been hired to do - bring a drink to someone. Moving slowly across the concrete floor, she approached Joel’s table, setting the glass down between them. He looked up from his phone momentarily, his eyes widening briefly as he realized it was her.
“Hey sugar,” he greeted her coolly, tucking his phone into his pocket, not even bothering to finish the message he was typing, “Appreciate it,” he said, nodding to the drink, but not touching it.
“Do…you want something else?” she asked cautiously, unsure of whether he usually ordered something different. 
Joel’s gaze drifted slowly from the top of her head to her feet. She sported some black thigh high socks with little ribbons just above her knees this time. Paired with the usual black top and pleated black skirt, Joel felt his cock twitch at the sight of her. Absolutely fucking gorgeous. He was glad that the Bison was basically empty, besides the same  few old fucks who practically lived in those bartstools near the TVs. 
“Why don’t you keep me company for a bit? I’m sure Tommy won’t mind. ‘s not like you're busy, right?” he suggested, sitting a little straighter as she blinked at him with those gorgeous wide eyes. 
“I, um…o-okay,” she agreed before her nerves could talk herself out of it. 
That deep voice seasoned with his southern drawl and those mesmerizing dark eyes had her terrified and excited at the same time. Something about the older man looking at her like a hungry predator, a tall, dark-haired, gorgeous predator who she would happily lay herself out for if he wanted to feast on her dripping wet-.
“Darlin? You okay?” he asked, breaking her concentration. 
She realized she had just been standing and staring at him for longer than what was probably necessary. With a short nod and timid smile, she reached for the chair directly across from him. The slight jump of surprise when she was met with resistance had her looking down at the chair, noticing his boot hooked on one of the legs, keeping it in place.
“Why so far away, sweetheart? Gonna have to sit a lil’ closer, got bad hearing in one ear,” he explained easily, stretching his arm to pull out the chair directly to his left. 
“O-okay,” she agreed, moving quickly to take a seat, feeling awkward and exposed under his heated stare. 
Once seated, Joel brought his arm around the back of her chair. She sat straight up, not even touching the backrest, but she could still feel the heat from him radiating against her bare arms. 
“How’s your first week been? Anyone givin’ you any trouble?” he asked, spreading his legs a little wider, leaning back comfortably in his chair, his fingers silently tapping against his still-full glass. 
“It’s good, no trouble at all, actually. I’m liking it here a lot,” she said, turning to check the bar only to find Tommy and Jared watching them, whispering to each other conspiratorially. 
“Don’t mind them,” Joel spoke softly, drawing her attention back to him, “I’m glad they haven’t scared you off yet, would hate to lose a pretty thing like you,” he continued, finally lifting the drink to his lips, speaking the last part around the rim before finishing the content in one swift movement.
“R-really?” she asked softly, her cheeks feeling warm from his words, her body buzzing eagerly as she smiled bashfully.
“Really, really,” he agreed coolly, “Got the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen, darlin’,” he added, bringing his hand up to rub the pad of his thumb against her cheek, barely touching her, his eyes focussed on where their skin connected, reveling in the electric vibrations he felt with each graze of her skin.
“You tell that to all your waitresses?” she questioned with a teasing little smirk.
Joel chuckled, closing his eyes with a light shake of his head. His little kitten had some fire in her, a spark of sass barely peeking above the surface just then. It made him want to know more, to see every color of her. Dropping his hand, he brought his arm around the back of her chair again, gripping the side and suddenly pulling her closer to him. The scrape of the wood on the cement floors had the handful of occupants looking their way. He noticed her slight jump afterwards.
“Didn’t mean to scare you, sweetheart,” he said with another low chuckle, leaning closer to her, “This okay?”
“Y-yeah…this is okay,” she agreed, sounding breathless as his scent invaded her senses. 
He couldn’t help himself. Now that she was so close and he could smell her perfume mixed with her natural scent, see the goosebumps along her arm, and heard the little uptake in her breath when he leaned closer. The details were heightened even more than that first night and Joel just couldn’t get enough. 
“And to answer your question, you’re the only waitress I’m tellin’ this to,” he said, admiring the growing tint of pink on her cheeks.
Everything in his body was screaming at him to kiss her, to take her home and ravish her. He wanted to hear every little noise she could make for him, feel the goosebumps on her skin, mark her as his own. His cock was aching in his pants as she batted her lashes, looking up at him so innocently, those pouty lips begging to be kissed raw. 
Joel made the mistake of looking over her shoulder, finding Tommy staring at them. When the brothers' eyes met, Tommy arched his brow in question. Joel had never made a move on any of the waitresses before. Hell, Joel hadn’t made a move in so long, Tommy had just assumed he’d given up on things like that. Jared was also watching closely, holding a to-go box close to his chest, stuffing his face with Thai food as he watched his friend get hit on by the biggest, most dangerous crime lord this side of the Mississippi.
The lack of privacy made Joel suddenly uncomfortable. His mind and body were too aware of their surroundings when less than thirty seconds ago, he was ready to pull Indi against him and kiss her innocence away. He chooses to lean back in his seat instead, his arm still around the back of her chair but still not touching. 
“Tommy said you go to UT, must mean you’re pretty and smart,” he commented.
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” she scoffed, her blush only growing as she fidgeted in her seat, looking down at her hands.  
Joel followed her gaze, his attention drawn to her tattoo. He could now see all the finer details. It was an intricate piece of crescent moons, line art and stars. Wanting to get her to relax a little, he asked her about it. She told him a little about the design itself and why she got it. He then asked about the one on her shoulder. She turned in her seat, bringing her hair to one side as she showed him the ink on her shoulder blade. 
He could tell she wasn’t the biggest fan of talking about herself by the limited details and questions directing the focus back to him that seemed to follow her answers.
“Want something to drink? On me of course,” he offered after a lull in the conversation, finding any excuse to keep her beside him. 
“I’m technically still working,” she said, that gorgeous smile making it hard for Joel to focus on her words. 
“Well let’s change that, huh?” he suggested with a smirk, getting up from the table, heading right towards Tommy who was restocking the bar, Jared nowhere in sight. 
“Can I have my employee back, now that you’ve got her all flustered and shit?” his brother teased.
“Actually, I was gonna suggest you send ‘er home for the night,” Joel said, glancing over his shoulder to find Indi making her way over to them. 
“Who’s going to close if I send ‘er home?” Tommy questioned with a scowl, but Joel could see the amusement in his eyes. 
“Your bar, you close,” Joel shrugged, “Let her take the night, Tommy, come on,” he insisted with a scowl of his own. 
“Who’s getting sent home?” Indi asked, coming to stand beside Joel, looking so small next to his larger form. 
“Apparently you,” Tommy said with a snicker.
“Joel,” she said, looking up at him with a mixture of shock and exasperation, “you can’t just do  that…”
It was the first time she had actually said his name to him. The syllables on her lips were world-shattering for him, his name never sounding so sweet until she uttered it. He wanted to hear her say his name over and over again. He briefly wondered what she would sound like wrapped in his arms, head thrown back in pleasure…
“Joel…Joel!” Tommy snapped, snapping his fingers in front of his brother’s face. 
“Yeah, yeah, I hear you,” Joel huffed, rolling his eyes.
“Up to you, darlin’, if you want to stay, I’m closin’ up in the next couple hours anyways, wasting money keeping an empty bar open,” Tommy said to her.
Joel looked down at her, watching her expression as she contemplated the offer. The way she bit her lower lip as she considered her options had him wanting to bite her lip with his own teeth, among other places. 
“I guess I could use a night off,” she said slowly after the long silence.
Without realizing it, Joel felt his shoulders relax just a touch. She looked between the two men, like she wanted to say something else. Joel resisted the urge to reach out and touch her, pull her close, feel her body against his own, offer some sort of comfort. Tommy set two shot glasses down, pouring something clear in one before sliding it over to Indi. He opted for well whiskey in the other, taking it for himself. Joel raised his brow questioningly at his brother. 
“Oh I’m sorry, you want me to pour your drink too, princess?” Tommy asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes with a grin as he set another glass in front of Joel along with his preferred bourbon. 
“You’re cut off, asshole,” Joel huffed, easily pouring a shot for himself, feeling Indi watching their interaction with a little grin. 
“Can’t cut off the boss,” Tommy fired back, raising his glass to the two of them before downing it. 
Indi followed suit, taking her shot like a champ with minimal cringing. Joel couldn’t help but notice how cute her little scrunched up expression was as she swallowed her shot. He tipped back the contents of his own glass with ease, downing it like water, exhaling slowly through his nose as he set his glass down.
“Last I checked, I’m the boss,” he reminded his brother, “Get your stuff, darlin’, I’ll drive you home,” he added to Indi before he could consider how that might come off to her. 
She giggled, seeming less affected by his gruff directness. “Yes, sir,” she said with a playful smile, walking towards the back room to collect her things, her response stoking that fire she’d started in him when he first saw her. 
Once she was out of hearing range, Tommy couldn’t contain his laughter. He continued to snicker even as Joel glared at him. 
“Since when do you drive anyone home besides yourself?” Tommy asked.
“Watch your mouth, baby brother, I’m not in the mood to deal with you tonight,” Joel grumbled, rolling his eyes. 
“What are you even doin’ here, man? I thought you’d head straight home after gettin’ back from the border.”
“Wanted to stop by for a drink,” Joel muttered, looking down at the wooden bartop. 
“I know your liquor cabinet is stocked way better than what we got here, so cut the crap, Joel, just say you wanted t’ see ‘er,” Tommy responded, collecting the glasses and tossing them in the sink. 
“What’s it matter to you?” Joel questioned, feeling his defenses start to rise. 
“She’s a good worker, wouldn’t want to lose her because you don’t know how to ask a girl out,” he shrugged with a chortle. 
“Fuck off,” Joel fired back, ready to say more, but spotted Indi coming towards them with a bag on her shoulder. 
“What’s so funny?” she asked, noticing Tommy’s trembling shoulders as he tried to contain his snickering. 
“Nothin’, let’s go,” Joel said before his brother could open his mouth, bringing an arm around but still not touching her as he guided her towards the front door. 
“Y’all kids be safe now, y’ hear!” Tommy called after them, the echoes of his laughter following them out the door. 
Once they were outside, Joel noticed the only other car in the lot besides his truck was Tommy’s truck. Indi kept close to him as they walked towards his vehicle.
“You walk to work?” Joel asked, unlocking the truck and opening the passenger door for her. 
“Jared gave me a ride, my car’s in the shop right now,” she explained, climbing up into the seat. 
Once they were both buckled in, the truck started with a low rumble, the interior shaking momentarily from the force of the startup. She looked over at him with those eyes, that alluring gaze that suggested more than her innocent demeanor would leave others to believe. He swallowed the dryness in his throat, realizing they’re now completely alone, the dimly lit parking lot casting shadows across them as he looked her over. 
He shifted his body towards, one hand on the steering wheel, his other arm resting on the edge of the center console. In the enclosed space, her scent invaded all his senses, overwhelming his mind. 
“You know, I could hear Tommy from the break room,” she said quietly, looking down at her hands in her lap, an coy grin on her face. 
“Oh yeah?” he replied stiffly, feeling his stomach drop at her revelation, fearing Tommy’s big mouth had somehow fucked up any chance he had with getting close to her. 
“Is it true?” she asked, glancing nervously up at him.
“Is what true, sweetheart?” he asked softly, his eyes drawn to her lips as she turned her body towards him, unbuckling her seatbelt and leaning slightly on the center console towards him.
“That you came here because…you wanted to, um, see…me?” she asked hesitantly. 
He bit his lip, his eyes drifting down to her own lips, so close and so inviting. Amusement spread across her features as her lips twitched up into a small grin. Joel tried opening his mouth once, twice, three times but nothing came out. He must have looked like a damn fish, completely at a loss of words and floundering painfully. 
“If it was true?” he finally choked out, his body thrumming with nerves.
God he felt so pathetic, fucking fifty years old and stumbling over a girl like a damn teenager. She reached across the console to put her hand just above his denim-covered knee, still a bit dusty from having to shoot a guy in the middle of the desert, but she didn’t need to know that. 
“I’d be very happy if it was true,” she said softly, squeezing his leg lightly.
He huffed out a breath of relief, a nervous laugh breaking the stillness around them. Looking down at her hand on his leg, brought his own hand, much larger and rougher, over hers. She watched as he brought her hand to his lips, the edge of his mustache tickling her knuckles as he pressed his lips to her fingers. She could feel the slight tremble in his hand as he exhaled slowly.
“Joel?” she asked gently, her eyes focussed on where his lips pressed against her skin.
“Yeah, sugar?” he mumbled against her fingers, eyes closing slowly as he inhaled her scent. 
She squeezed his hand, causing him to open his eyes and realize she had inched closer, her face dangerously close to his own, her body now leaning fully over the middle console. He shuddered, feeling his heart start to beat a mile a minute, threatening to burst out of his chest. 
“Will you kiss me?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she glanced between his eyes and his mouth.
“Anything you want,” he agreed before closing the space between them, both his hands coming up to hold her face.
The kiss started slow and tender. Joel couldn’t help the satisfied groan when he was able to taste her lips, a hint of vodka mixed with her coconut chapstick. She allowed him to guide her, to lead the kiss and set the pace. The more he tasted, the more he wanted, his mouth beginning to move more fervidly, his tongue tracing her lips before sliding along her own. 
When his hand moved to hold the nape of her neck, she whimpered softly, her own fingers twisted into the material of his shirt. The little noise was enough to set Joel’s desire ablaze, his other hand sliding down her arm to grip her waist. Surprisingly Joel felt much more in control of himself then he expected he would be. He hadn’t kissed someone like this in so long, but his body seemed to know exactly what to do. 
“J-Joel,” she sighed against his mouth, “fuck, Joel,” she moaned, her eyes blissfully shut, head tilted back as his mouth drifted down her jaw to her neck, the scruff of his beard scratching deliciously against her skin. 
“Like how you say m’ name, sweetheart,” he muttered into the crook of her neck, biting lightly which earned a higher pitched moan and her fingers moving to tightly grip the hair at the back of his neck.
He brought his mouth back to hers, hungry for more, more of her taste, more of her sounds, just more of her. No amount of drugs could match the high he was feeling as her nails scratched lightly along the back of his neck and her mouth on his. One of her hands drifted down his chest, her palm tracing down side and up his back. Fuck, he never enjoyed someone touching him so much. 
Just as he was about to give in and pull her over the console into his seat, she tensed. Pulling back, he realized how heavily they were both breathing, one hand holding her jaw, the other on the curve of her hip, his thumb drawing small circles into the material of her shirt, itching to lift it up enough to feel her skin. 
“W-what’s wrong, baby girl?” he asked with half-lidded eyes, feeling how stiff her body suddenly became and how she had let go of his hair.
She was looking at him with wide eyes, almost like she was frozen in place. Joel suddenly realized where her other hand had stopped, at the curve of his lower back, close enough to his belt to graze the 9mm he had forgotten was on him. She leaned away from him, bringing her hands back to herself.
“Joel…is that a gun?”
Scene 3
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
"People only like Snape bc movies" I actually don't like the movies very much. They sanitize so much of the series.
I was that kid who took the books to point out how inaccurate the movies are. And while I've toned down things, I still don't care much for them. I watched them like, 20 times?
But the books-I was always reading the books. Since I was 8 or so. I brought them when I moved and they were the only thing to do besides TV. In the other time I moved I read the books. I was obsessed.
Snape's just interesting. And it's possible to like a character even though/because they did bad things. I like him because he shows trauma symptoms (please can I burn the trope of having characters go through traumatic things and then not reacting to it?). And I like him because his story is probably the only well done example of 'sometimes the good guys have bad traits and do bad and sometimes the bad guys have good traits'
And before anyone gets up on me-I love the Marauders too! Sirius is an interesting character. James (at least in fanfic) is funny. Remus is my favorite of them all.
And Snape was a lousy teacher. He had racist ideologies in the past. He's not a nice person. Don't make the accusation against me that I don't know my fave's flaws.
On a different note, it may be worth noting that Snape's Worst Memory was pretty much cut-just a few seconds, and no one's identity was shown. If it weren't for the books I doubt anyone would know that was the Marauders, and not just some random students.
I could make the same argument about Marauder fans. Wonder if people would've liked Sirius and Remus and James if SWM had been shown? I could make a whole list of things the Marauders did that wasn't shown in the movies. But it would be unfair to say that people only like the Marauders because of the movies. My Marauders-stan bestie certainly doesn't like the Marauders only because of the movies. And neither do you Moon.
Also: I don't get it. If you all want (mostly) unflawed blorbos the Golden Trio and the Silver Trio are right there. Babies, all of them. And Harry's other darling classmates too. Cho and the Patils.
Hundreds of languages out there and you decide to speak facts, anon.
Honestly that claim is so flawed for many reasons.
Literally every single character (except my beautiful bbygirl Ronald Bilius Weasley whose character was completely destroyed in the films and deserved sm better) in the movies was very simplified and at least a little bit whitewashed compared to their book counterpart. Even Umbridge was better in the movies than she was in the books, of course we can’t expect the filmmakers to shoehorn every single detail of Snape’s character in the films.
Be that as it may, a majority of Snape’s heroic actions were ALSO cut from the films. Did the films mention when Snape took the time to brew Wolfsbane potion perfectly each month for a man he didn’t even like? Did the films mention when Snape prepared the mandrake draught potion that cured three Petrified muggleborn students? Did the films mention when Snape revealed his dark mark in front of the Minister of Magic when he began questioning Dumbledore? Did the films mention when Snape went back to Voldemort in GoF and continued spying for Dumbledore? Did the films mention when Snape yelled at a portrait for referring to Hermione as a Mudblood? Did the films mention when Snape straight up saved Remus’s life in DH? Did the films mention when Snape rushed to the fifth floor in his pyjamas when he heard (the egg) screaming? Did the films mention when baby!Snape introduced Lily to the Wizarding World and told her everything she needed to know (including the Dementors; something Harry learned about when he was already a teenager)? Snape’s whole character in the movies (aka the one that stripped 80% of his personality) was done dirty. They didn’t manage to bring up some of his most heroic/genuine moments in the series, so antis better quit complaining about Snape “being whitewashed!!!!!!” in the movies, especially not when they’re Marauder stans as well (legit 89% of the bad things they did were barely even brushed upon).
Hearing people say “people who like Snape only watched the movies” is extremely amusing, especially when one remembers that… they’re talking about… one of the most best-selling book series in the entire world.
Book!Snape is far more diverse and complex than Movie!Snape can even dream to be. We see how his trauma affected him, how he grew as a person throughout the years, his relatively detailed backstory, his realistic bitterness regarding the son of the man he hated and the woman he loved, etc. Saying we can’t possibly appreciate his character is ludicrous, liking a fictional character doesn’t mean you believe they’re a flawless angel or even that you believe they’re a good person. People are able to enjoy problematic characters for what they are. Alan Rickman definitely did his best with what he was given, and movie!Snape was 100% iconic in his own dry way, but the filmmakers still did his character dirty.
My Marauders-stan bestie certainly doesn't like the Marauders only because of the movies. And neither do you Moon.
You’re right, anon. The reason I even like the Marauders (except Jimmy Jimmy coco puff) is because of how deep and complicated their characters are — as adults, we realise just how flawed and grey they are and that they aren’t as wonderful as how Harry views them.
Anyway, I decided to rant a little for you guys because I’ve been starving you for a while. Enjoy. <3
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phmonth · 1 year
Pandora Hearts Month 2023 Prompts!
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Wonderful art made by @retracexcviii for last year's secret Santa!
What is Pandora Hearts Month? Pandora Hearts Month is an event that celebrates, well...Pandora Hearts, the manga created by Jun Mochizuki! Each day is a new prompt. The first three weeks celebrate the three main trios, and the fourth is a bonus week that celebrates any ships/friendships/ot3s fans chose and love--or simply any characters not covered by the other weeks! You can create edits, fanart, drabbles, fanfictions, amvs and mms...whatever you can think of, really!
Pandora Hearts Month 2023 Prompts:
Golden Trio Week (Alice, Oz and Gilbert), October 22nd-28th:
Day 1, Sunday Oct 22nd: Coat
Day 2, Monday Oct 23rd: Autumn
Day 3, Tuesday Oct 24th: Precious
Day 4, Wednesday Oct 25th: Raven
Day 5, Thursday Oct 26th: AU
Day 6, Friday Oct 27th: Blue
Day 7, Saturday Oct 28th: Sun
Rainsworth Trio Week (Sharon, Break and Reim), Oct 29th—November 4th:
Day 1, Sunday Oct 29th: Silver
Day 2, Monday Oct 30th: Fragile
Day 3, Tuesday Oct 31st: 🎃 Candy 👻
Day 4, Wednesday Nov 1st: Affection
Day 5, Thursday Nov 2nd: Grave
Day 6, Friday Nov 3rd: Moon
Day 7, Saturday Nov 4th: Winter
Tragedy Trio Week (Lacie, Jack and Oswald), Nov 5th—Nov 11th:
Day 1, Sunday Nov 5th: King
Day 2, Monday Nov 6th: Lyrics
Day 3, Tuesday Nov 7th: Spring
Day 4, Wednesday Nov 8th: Gold
Day 5, Thursday Nov 9th: Guilt
Day 6, Friday Nov 10th: Pocketwatch
Day 7, Saturday Nov 11th: Stars
Fan’s choice Week, Nov 12th—November 18th:
Day 1, Sunday Nov 12th: Hat
Day 2, Monday Nov 13th: AU
Day 3, Tuesday Nov 14th: Meadow
Day 4, Wednesday Nov 15th: Rose
Day 5, Thursday Nov 16th: Lonely
Day 6, Friday Nov 17th: Contract
Day 7, Saturday Nov 18th: Book
(If you want to use other prompts to make a Halloweeny piece, feel free! You don't have to save that for Halloween day!)
When you post, please remember to:
Tag me @i-prefer-the-term-antihero, @phmonth, and/or @this-idiots-left-eye in your posts to make sure I reblog them! (My main blog is your best bet).
Tag #phmonth23 in your tags! I will go through that tag and check if I've missed any direct tags. (If you don't see your piece reblogged on this blog after doing both these methods, please dm me!)
Either put a link, or a “read more” on long fics (or long posts in general), so they're easier to reblog!
NSFW content is allowed, but please make sure it’s clear it’s NSFW/tagged that way, and is beneath a read more so anyone who doesn’t want to see it doesn’t have to!
I also made a collection on Ao3 for writers! Don't hesitate to add your fics to it!
Don’t forget to join our discord if you haven’t! It’s a fun place to discuss the series and more easily share your creations!
You are free to have fun with this!! As I said, as long as you tag it, NSFW is allowed! Tagging ships is nice too. You can pretty much do whatever you want with the prompts!
As long as you make sure the characters from the trio are your main focus, it’s okay to use other characters in your creations too!
You can join any time, and use as many or as few prompts as you want! You don't have to post on the exact day if you can’t make it! I’ll reblog things late!
Since we live across the world, you are free to post whenever the day is for you. I myself will be making posts according to my time, which is Central Standard Time in America. 
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to send an ask here, or post in the #questions channel of the discord!
P.S. About the Phmonth22 prizes:
Some of you may recall me posting about wanting to add a raffle aspect to Phmonth22, with the 15th anniversary merch as prizes. The prizes finally arrived!
Once the setup for Phmonth23 is done, I plan to gather up the names of everyone who posted for Phmonth22, and raffle off the two prizes: one for artists, and one for fic writers!
(Do note, however, that you will have to pay for shipping, especially if it needs to be sent internationally! )
Lastly, Vncmonth!
You guys voted to have a Vanitas no Carte month, like last year! Not sure when that'll be, I'm thinking January-February. I will work on that prompt list after the setup here is done as well!
Feel free to get started on making stuff early! (But please wait to post until the month has started!) I'm so excited to see what you make! Thank you for all your support!
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hawkeyetrained · 2 years
You Can Lean On Me
Derek Hale x Fem!reader
Other Characters: Ethan (slightly), Chris Argent (slightly), McCall Pack (mentioned)
Warnings: canon character death, sadness, crying, blood mention, wound mention, sad McCall pack, shock
Summary: When Allison dies fighting the Oni, she relies heavily on Derek.
Word Count: 1010
A/N: If you’d like to be added to the tags, or have a prompt idea, please let me know!
Allison was dead. A horrible fight against the Oni; an arrow to the chest of the creature and a bright yellow light, then she was falling, a sword slipping from her side as Scott caught her. I couldn’t move. 
Lydia and I had grown up together as best friends, and once Allison moved in, our duo became a trio. The three of us did almost everything together. We were there for her when Kate was killed, when her mom died, and now I was left watching her die in Scott’s arms.
There was nothing I could do in this fight. Being human and completely untrained left me at a great disadvantage, but with Kira, Allison, and Isaac fighting the Oni while Stiles and Scott went looking for Lydia, I knew I was going to be ok. I was Lydia’s connection to the world out here while she was inside. She could feel almost everything while focusing on me, something we had noticed when the alphas were in town a few months ago.
Isaac was frozen in his place, no longer fighting the now unmoving Oni; they seemed to be just as shocked as us. Kira had kicked one back for the final time when the smallest sliver of sun peaked from beyond the horizon. My hands shook as I watched Allison and Scott talk in hushed voices. Tears ran from my cheeks, mixing with the rain that dripped from my hair and the sky. My clothes were soaked through, and I knew we all needed to get out of the rain, but no one was able to move.
It seemed like hours later when Allison’s hand slipped from Scott’s grip, when he let out a heart-breaking roar, when Chris finally ran through the outer fencing. The rain was still pouring down, now seeming to come harder than before, but I couldn’t move. She was alive and joking with me only hours before, handing me a knife to keep in my pocket incase anything got too close, the silver of the blade had shined brightly in the lights of her room.
Now, that knife felt like it weighed a ton as Chris picked up his daughter and was followed by the pack out towards his car. My feet though, were practically cemented to the ground below me. Scott and Isaac had walked on either side of Chris, almost like they were guarding the Argents’, Lydia was helping Stiles out of the building, and Kira followed slowly behind all of them. My eyes were glued to the place that Scott and Allison had been just moments prior, watching as the dark red of her blood mixed with the rain and washed away.
“Y/N?” A voice called from by the fence my friends had vanished through. “We’re all leaving, let’s go.” It sounded like Ethan, his voice shaking a little as he called out for me, but I still couldn’t move.
“I got her. You head back with the others.” That was Derek’s voice now, telling the twin to follow along with my friends. “Y/N/N?” He was getting closer to me now, his voice gentle as to not startle me. “You’re soaking wet, we should go.” Derek’s hand met my shoulder softly, yet it still caused me to jump away from him. “Hey, you’re ok.” My eyes were wide with panic, looking up at the equally as soaked werewolf in front of me.
“It’s me.” He nodded. “I got you, you’re safe.” His hair was dripping as it matted down against his forehead.
My breath shook. “Alli-Allison, she’s…” Eyes flashed back to the spot she was just in. “She’s dead. Derek, she’s dead.” My hands were beginning to shake harder and harder, air seemingly not quite reaching my lungs as I breathed in. “Derek.” The last call of his name cracked as sobs escaped my lips.
His arms quickly drew me into his chest, one wrapped around my waist and the other holding my head against him. “I got you. You can lean on me. I got you.” He continued to whisper things in my ear, his hands never leaving me and his arms never faltering in their grip as I cried into his chest. The rain pounded down around us, soaking the pavement, water drops dripping from my hair, my clothes, Derek’s hair, and clothes as he just held me though the storm.
In the coming hours, Derek had managed to get me back to his loft, changed into large, warm, and dry clothes before holding me again while we watched the sun rise from his couch. Chris had come over an hour or so after that, wanting to go over what to say to the cops with me.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Derek defended from the doorway, stopping Chris from coming in. “I don’t think she can handle it quite yet.”
“She has to. They’re already looking for her to ask her a few questions and she needs to match her story with the others.” Reluctantly, Derek had let Chris come to talk to me. We went over the story nearly eight times before he was happy with my answers. “And what do you say if you can’t think of something? If they want details that you can’t give?”
My hand was clutched tightly to Derek’s. “It all happened so fast.”  My eyes welled up with tears again as I looked up to the father who just lost his only little girl. “I’m so sorry.” This time my voice was barely a whisper. He only patted my shoulder as he stood to leave, telling Derek he would shut the door behind him. Once the door shut, the tears I had worked so hard to keep at bay while Chris was here flooded down my cheeks, my head dropping to Derek’s shoulder.
“I got you.” He mumbled yet again, shifting to pull me closer to wrap me in his arms tightly. “I’ll always be here for you. You can lean on me for anything, you know that, right?”
@thetallassgirl @hallecarey1
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