#there are very few characters Dain would have some manner
reginrokkr · 10 months
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Dain @Wriothesley, based on his miscellany and deeds in the Fontaine story arc: could like him
Wriothesley: wants to fight him
Dain: ...jfc
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ibriida · 8 years
5 Random Headcanons about Ava
(a.k.a. stuff I’ve had in my head for awhile but have never posted publicly for one reason or another) 
1. Her parents names are Richard and Li. They met in college while going after the same demon. I would love to say that it was love at first sight, but Richard has an ego, so when Li eventually managed to kill the demon before he did, he wasn’t pleased. But he was impressed with her technique. As for why they didn’t work together to kill the damn thing---again, ego. Plus, if you ask Richard, he had dibs on the demon first, since he spotted it two days before Li did. Li’s response, naturally, was, ‘Yet, I killed him first.’ 
The Daines family, everyone.
Fun fact: Li’s maiden name is Liang. Sometimes, when Ava has to use a fake name, she uses ‘Liang’ as her last name. She knows that by using it, it could send off some alarm bells, but it’s her way of being close to her parents, as she still loves them. 
Another fun fact: Li is from China, and Richard is from England. They both moved to the U.S. when they were pre-teens (Li was 12) and teenagers (Richard was 15). Richard still has his accent. They both come from a long line of hunters.
I’ve fleshed her parents out in way more detail in other posts, which you can see in my headcanons tag, I’ve just never posted how they met.
2. Ava uses vampire speed to clean. She’s never liked cleaning, not even as a child, unless it involved a weapon. Let us remember that Ava had her first kill at 10 and was using weapons as soon as she gained enough dexterity to do so---which was early, because she’s a leader. She uses her speed to do it mostly because she just wants to get the damn process over with and move on to more pressing tasks---like conquering evil, for example. This gif set of Cristina Yang from Grey’s Anatomy describes her lifestyle perfectly---minus the maid and the underwear thing. Ava would never hire a maid, as she hides too many weapons around the house, and she really doesn’t want to explain to the cops why someone her age has so many. That, and she doesn’t trust anyone around her things, what little she has. As for the underwear? Ava doesn’t mind doing laundry...as much. Is it still a pain? Yes. But clothing can be expensive, and she’d rather spend her money on more important things...like weapons.
3. Speaking of homes, Ava doesn’t decorate hers. Okay, maybe she does, but it takes awhile for her to. A long while. She doesn’t see the point in trying to make anything homely, as she’s rarely in the same place for more than a few months (at the most). Of course, with places like Mystic Falls, Beacon Hills, New Orleans, etc. things are a bit different. However, Ava is stubborn and doesn’t believe in putting down roots, as she believes it is safer (physically and emotionally) to keep things as light as possible. The last time she thought she was safe, her entire life ended up being ripped away from her, and she’d prefer not to be that caught off-guard again. Besides, it isn’t as if she can take an end table on the road with her. It took her maybe about 5 years or so to properly decorate her home in Mystic Falls. As for Beacon Hills, that’s verse dependent, but, I can only assume that @torturehim​ forced her to buy things eventually. And in case you were wondering how sparse her home was---it barely looks as if someone lives in it. I would get into more detail about that, but this post is already pretty long, and I’m only 3 headcanons in! However, let’s just say that if you wanted to eat at Ava’s house, you’d have to eat on the floor. Oh, and her ‘living room’ consists of one couch that only she can eat and/or rest on because, ‘The next time I get too tired from fighting bad guys, I don’t want to smell anyone’s cologne or B.O.’
4. Ava can draw. She’s been drawing since she was a little kid---under the covers with a flashlight, as her parents wanted her focused on being a better hunter---and has the sketchbooks to prove it. Very few people know this about her, as it’s really more of a selfish hobby (that, and she doesn’t want people bugging her about seeing her work). She uses it as a release, a way to turn her mind off and just be. If you’re in her life, there’s a 99.99% chance that she’s drawn you. She tries to keep her work solely in her sketchbooks, but she’ll paint on occasion.
5. Ava doesn’t have casual sex or one-night stands. This is because of the manner in which she lost her virginity. Since I’m feeling a little lazy at this point, I’m going to copy and paste the text from an old draft that’s been collecting dust for quite some time. When I’m really in the headcanon zone, my language tends to be a little more formal, so it’s a little incongruent to this oh-so-casual post, but hopefully it isn’t too much of a shock.
[Ava] doesn’t normally have one-night stands, nor does she participate in platonic relationships involving casual sex. She has to be emotionally attached—and it cannot be a light attachment, either. This is where, I’m hesitant to use the word ‘love,’ because that the connection doesn’t have to reach that point. It can be close to it, sure, but it’s not a requirement.
The origin for this seemingly out of character behavior can be traced back to her teenage years—specifically, the night she lost her virginity.
It wasn’t special.
Peer-pressure made her feel as if her virginity was a dark cloud hovering over her head. It seemed as if everyone around her was losing—or, at least, talking about losing—their virginity. She hadn’t seen the big deal, finding sex to be a tad overplayed (it couldn’t have been that good, right?), yet she felt this weight on her shoulders regardless, this compulsion to lose it, be like everyone else. Enter her best friend—a boy in her hunting group she’d gotten close with over the years, a grisly mission in their early teens bringing them together. He was everything to her, stability in a life of chaos. Ava couldn’t have thought of a better person to lose her virginity to—she loved him, she trusted him. What could go wrong?
It was rough, messy, awkward—like making love to sandpaper. It was obvious the sex was a means to an end, chemistry dead from the start.
Their relationship was never the same after that, the discomfort between them too much to bear, causing them to drift. It was from then on that Ava chose to abstain from sex, saving the moment for someone who truly mattered---someone she trusted, cared for, with every fiber of her being.
So, yeah...that’s the reason. Thankfully, having sex/being in a relationship (even if it’s casual) is practically nonexistent to her, priority-wise, so this doesn’t really bother her. This post delves into the whys and the hows quite a bit, including how she views other people who choose to engage in those activities. It’s no big loss for her, there are bigger things to worry about---like the supernatural evil plaguing the entire world, for example. She’s fine with focusing on that.
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