#there is so much wisdom in it while it being so heartbreaking
sixofwandsss · 2 years
PAC: what does the future hold for you?
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“Take 3 deep breaths and allow your inner wisdom to guide you”
Pile 1
You are growing into a version of yourself that is actually in touch with their life purpose. From a you that’s tired of not being satisfied with their accomplishments, to a you that is feeling grateful in the present moment and feels happy with themselves.
In order to tap into this energy you might need to leave behind the lack mindset you picked up from past experiences. You have to believe that you are abundant. The universe will have your back, don't worry. Ask yourself: “What if everything just went right?”
In this future, you are extremely determined and in touch with your 'leader' energy. You will find the will to carry on, you’ll find the passion, you’ll find the fire. You and your loved ones will be secure.
The insecurity, the feeling of being unsuccessful and the sleepless nights will come to an end once you let go of past burdens and give yourself the chance to heal them all
I am allowed to have faith in myself
My past does not and will never define me
My fears are valid but I choose to be brave and move forward anyways
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Pile 2:
The future holds peace of mind for you; A break from all the conflict you might have been surrounded by for a while now. You will get a chance to rest.
You are going to learn to prioritize self-care and step into your empress energy as you get away from toxic environments.
The future offers a safe place to heal your inner child and develop a stronger sense of confidence. Get ready to feel yourself to the max!
You will probably meet your soul tribe then: people you share an intuitive connection with and who also respect your boundaries
 I am proud of my journey and how far I’ve come
Today I will celebrate enjoying the fruits of my labor
I am allowed not to take my life so seriously
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Pile 3:
The future brings you the opportunity to reflect on things that left a mark on your heart in order to understand the divine purpose behind it all. Sometimes we are put through painful experiences so as to learn something about ourselves and others.
The universe is giving you the opportunity to face those dark repressed emotions in order to heal parts of yourself that were not given enough attention but are actually affecting your perspective on life much more than you'd think.
You can't move through life without acknowledging this part of you. Even though it's unstable and chaotic, it is still a part of you.
"A composed soul is not necessarily a calm one"; Give more space to the untamed part of yourself that wants you to feel raw emotions without needing to intellectualize them
The future you that has gone through this process achieved a lot of wisdom and it's not "lost child" anymore. They integrated both their adult self and their wounded inner child. You will get through this succesfully.
I honor all parts of myself, especially the chaotic and illogical ones
I forgive myself for being afraid, I forgive myself for not wanting to be vulnerable
Hardships gifts wisdom. How is this situation serving my growth?
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Pile 4:
Your heartbreak will be over soon. It is almost over, my dear. The future offers you a life without the burden of a heavy heart. You are going to get over that person successfully.
In the past you couldn't imagine a life without them but in the future, darling, it's all about you. You as the center of your life. You as the main character.
Even though you might have lost them, you are going to gain self-trust again my darling, the knowing that you can bounce back from every situation no matter how painful it is.
You will connect to your inner wisdom and learn how to trust your instincts; you will shift your perspective as you become more in tune with your intuition. You’ll reserve your energy to those who you truly trust.
I am grateful for everything I overcome in order to reach this point in my life
I am allowed to take what I've learned and apply it into this new chapter of my life
It is safe to let go of a rigid and old mindset
Affirmations by Kitty Knorr " Tarot Affirmations: Self-Fullfilling Prophecies"
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I don't know how to articulate this perfectly but I'm so happy for how the show is portraying Renna's desire for an emotional "connection" with Egwene as genuine because it highlights, to me, a crucial underlying aspect of Egwene's psyche going forward. A particular allergic reaction she'll develop let's say. The Seanchan are messing her up in about a thousand different ways but one of the more prominent ones is that it completely F U C K S with her relationship to power/authority. Especially within the context of a personal relationship.
Egwene is absolutely the embodiment of the "I'm going to get a good grade in ________, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve" meme. Which initially, while very strong-headed and singularly motivated, does make her quite amenable to being governed. She's a Grade A+ Student(TM) with a healthy dose of "respect authority" and "give benefit of doubt to the system and its enforcers" that generally comes with that. The only real conflict for her then was whose authority and which hierarchy of knowledge she was acquiescing to, Nynaeve/The Wisdom or Moiraine/The Aes Sedai.
Then she's made into a Damane. With all the horror that that entails. An absolute governing of every aspect of her being, a ruthless domination of her body, a weaponization of her mind against her. A complete stripping of personhood and agency while in the same breath exalting her power that is being put to "proper use". Now all of that is already enough to severely break her amenability to authority and people having power over her ever again. But it's more than that.
The horror is encased in intimacy. This forced intimacy that invades her body both on a physical level (all the ways in which her body is literally controlled directly by Renna) and magical level (the high/rush of touching the One Power even when done forcibly and against her will that is facilitated only through a connection with Renna). And Renna wants to have a third in genuine emotional intimacy. Renna sincerely wants to be close to her. She genuinely feels good and exhilarant when they're "connected". She offers, what are in her eyes, kindness, consideration, and thoughtfulness to this person who is, surely, resisting and defying merely out of stubbornness and spite. She is legitimately seeking a companion in Egwene to face the Last Battle with and make a stand for the greater good. Renna knows she is right and she wants nothing more than for Egwene to truly see that too. Why can't she see what is good for her?
If only ... she'd just ... submit. To being loved and held and ruled in the right way. For her own good.
To me, every interpersonal conflict that Egwene finds herself in, in one way or another, is tainted by this aspect of her time as a Damane. Renna poisoned her ability to navigate an interpersonal conflict as anything but an existential power struggle that she MUST win. No matter how much true love and care each party holds for the other, no matter which of them is right or wrong. Her sense of identity cannot survive anything else. Especially when it's with someone who does legitimately, in one way or another, have power over her and isn't afraid to exercise it.
I just ... I really love Egwene and I think her effed up relationship to power is really really interesting and heartbreaking actually. And this doesn't even scratch the surface of the lasting damage the Seanchan deal her.
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badassturtles235147 · 4 months
TMNT 2012: Father Splinter 3 - Donatello
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(Sorry it´s been a while)
I love Splinter's relationship with Donnie so much. (Mostly because I find it funny)
I love how out of all of the turtles, Donnie is the one who tries to question Splinter´s wisdom and methods the most. He always seems to challenge Splinter in that area, like he is craving for the day when Splinter is proven wrong.
I like to think that Donnie and Splinter used to butheads when it came to ninjutsu. Donnie seems very insecure about his fighting skills, which is why he is always trying to think ahead and smart his way out of the worst situations. Donnie seems to know his strength and his limits, better than his brothers´ but though that was good, Splinter wanted him to push past his limits.
However, Donnie always seems to try to prove something to Splinter. Like he is just as strong as his brothers? Brains is better than ninjutsu or something like that?
¨Master Splinter, I think there is a lesson. You know like, brains over bravery or...something?¨
¨I think the something part is most accurate.¨
(Splinter´s responses are the best)
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It's like they almost make a game out of it. (With Splinter always winning)
Donnie may get annoyed, when Splinter lectures him about how he overthinks and how he criticize him on not trusting his instincts but Splinter only does that because he is trying to raise Donnie´s confidence.
Donnie is more confident with his brain than he is on his skills as a ninja and he prefers to stay where he knows he is the most strongest, where he is comfortable.
Splinter hates how hard his son is on himself, and Donnie hates feeling constantly misunderstood. Out of all his brothers, Donnie is the one who takes after Splinter the least and sometimes, it is hard for them to relate or understand each other but Splinter always tries.
He seems to enjoy his and Donnie´s usual banter.
¨With all due respect, Sensei, I can´t keep fighting alien technology with a 6 foot staff. I was hoping to upgrade my weapon.¨
¨Mmm. A 7-foots staff. Interesting.¨
¨No, I meant using modern technology.¨
¨Aah, a solar-powered staff.¨
¨I´m serious, Sensei!¨
¨I know. And yes, you may upgrade your weapon.¨
¨That´s totally unfair! You can´t just- Wait, did you say yes?¨
(Lol. I love them so much) 
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I also like how unlike sons, Splinter does not judge or mock Donnie for his crush on April. He is very fatherly in that area. When Donnie was upset about April being gone, Splinter was the one who comforted him and when he was being a bit...obsessive. Splinter had a private conversation with him (That we didn't get to really see because of stupid Nick!)
Splinter never crushed Donnie's hopes in April liking him back. When raising his sons, Splinter not doubted feared that they would grow up never finding true love and having a family of their own. He thought his sons would only have each other in the world. So, when April came along and he noticed his usual reality son, crushing on a normal human girl...he allowed his son to have that hope, not having the heart to tell him that April returning his feelings may be a difficult task.
However, when Splinter learned that Donnie was stalking April, he had to snap his son back into reality.
"My son, for someone so intelligent the obvious often eludes you."
Splinter probably thought, what the others thought, that Donnie stood no chance with April and that he was just awaiting heartbreak but he did not want to say that it was impossible. Even so, his son was clearly not taking the hint from April, so Splinter took it upon himself to gently explain to his son that he could not force her to like him and to give her space.
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Remember that episode when Donnie first made the retro-mutagen?
If that episode did not show how much Donnie and Splinter care for each other, I don't know what will.
Donnie was so proud and happy that he made the retro-mutagen, not only to help April's dad but his dad as well. Donnie was a fixer and he wanted to give Splinter something that he unfairly lost. He could not give him back his wife or his daughter, but he could give him back his humanity.
However, Splinter was hesitant...
"Save April's father first and then I will...consider it."
Donnie did not understand why his father did not want to take the retro-mutagen right away but he did not question, assuming it was just a lot for his father to take in and then...Xever, in his ugly fly mutation glory, came in ruined everything.
Donnie was so conflicted. On one hand, he knew he had to save April and her father but on the other...what about his father? Splinter has been a mutant rat, forced to live in the sewers with them for almost over 15 years and Donnie wanted so badly to give him back the freedom he lost, for him to be happy. Thankfully, Splinter made the choice for him, telling him he must save Kirby but Donnie was still sad, sad for his father.
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What Donnie did not understand though is that Splinter did not want to turn back. Yes, maybe he had considered it, wondering what it would be like if he returned being a normal human in society but he no doubt already knew his answer was going to be No.
For one thing, if his sons were going to remain mutants then so was he and another thing, Splinter, I believe, considered his mutation almost like a ...rebirth? A second chance.
As a human he had Tang Shen, Miwa, a clan that admired him but when he lost that, he moved to New York and had nothing to keep him going. He was alone but as a mutant, he gained a happy home, and his four amazing sons. His sons were his second chance to be the father he couldn't be with Miwa and he does not ever regret following that man in the ally that day.
Hamato Yoshi was Splinter's past and he did not wish to return back to it. He was content and happy where he was now.
So...why would he want to change that?
"Do not fret, my son. I am constant with what I have become. I have no place in the human world anymore. This is my home, and you four are my family."
I mean...it's true. What is waiting for Splinter up there when his sons are down in the sewers?
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Even so, I just love how Donnie is always determined to take care of their father. How he wanted Splinter to have that retro-mutagen and how, he worked very hard to get Karai back for him.
Donnie cares for his father so much and Splinter does in return. Splinter is always there to help ease his overthinking son's mind, give him advice when he needs it, and shows his appreciation for all that he does.
"I know how hard you have tried, Donatello. Some things are just not meant to be..."
It was sad and it obviously broke Splinter's heart but even though he was in grieve, he still made sure to acknowledged how hard Donnie has worked and assure him that it was not his fault that he could not find a cure for his daughter.
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Overall, these two have a great caring father and son relationship.
(With some fun banter added to the mix) :)
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Hey! You're writing is so cool! I'd love your opinion on Peter Quill x nurse!reader. Like, she is a home health aide for his grandpa and meets him when he comes back to Earth. Also, smut is not required but greatly appreciated ;)
hii!! that’s so sweet of you, thank you!! omg I love this idea! there’s no smut in this one sorry (just as it would be so long) I love smut, so if you want to send in a request for a smutty part 2, I would not mind😏 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
return to missouri
Peter Quill x f reader
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wc || 937
warnings || none (?)
I searched long and hard for a pic of him that works for this fic, and this is the best I could do (had to screenshot it from youtube) 😭
masterlist + rules
Some may say that being a health aide nurse is one of the worst jobs a person could have, but that was not the case for you. You loved your job. Even more so, you loved taking care of your patient, Jason. 
You've been helping him most days for the last few years, so you've grown to know him very well. He's the kind of guy that's always got a new story to tell or the right piece of advice to share, the kind who's filled with great memories and wisdom. More often than not, he'd tell you stories of his late daughter, Meredith and grandson, Peter, who went missing shortly after her passing. You've grown so attached to the Quill family over the years that it somehow feels like you know Meredith and Peter, even though you've never met them. Well, you've seen them in photos and from memorabilia displayed around the house, but not in person.
When Jason would share memories, you couldn't help but feel your heartbreak. It seemed like he'd never quite gotten past their absence, and it was clear that he missed them dearly. Whenever Jason spoke about his grandson, there was always a little sparkle in his eye, a little slither of hope as if Peter was still out there. You weren't sure if he was in denial, but you wanted to believe him. He's gone through too much for one of his close confidants to doubt him.
Today, like any other day, you made your way over to Jason's at the crack of dawn to help get him ready for the day, helping him shower, dress, eat, anything he needed, you did it. 
"What do you want to do today?" you ask, turning to face him at the kitchen table.
"Did you pick up the newspaper?" he playfully questions, eyebrows quirking.
"You know what, I was hoping you wouldn't notice," you laugh, collecting a few clean glasses and filling them with orange juice. "I'll get it soon," you bribe, setting the cups on the table and sliding them to Jason and his wife. 
"I'll get it when I go to the store," she offers, kissing him on the cheek. 
After breakfast, his wife left for the store, so you and Jason went outside to the backyard to enjoy the sunny weather. Talking casually, just like usual, until you hear a knock at the door. Turning to look at him with a confused expression. "Be right back,"
Making your way over to the front door, flattening over your scrubs as you open it. "Hi," you greet, a friendly smile on your face. 
"Think I might be at the wrong... I'm looking for Jason Quill,"
Your face softens as if you finally put the pieces together, scanning his face, immediately recognising his green eyes from all the photos. "Yes, yes, come in," you grin, ushering him inside.
You lead him out to the back deck, and Jason mumbles, "Pete?" stumbling to his feet, instantly wrapping him in a tight embrace. 
You gave them both some time to catch up, making yourself useful around the house while they chatted, cleaning the dishes, changing bedding and prepping tea.
Filling the pitcher with ice, sliced lemons, and your signature iced tea blend, collecting a few glasses, you make your way over to the patio door, knocking politely on the inside of the glass. "Hi, thought you guys might be thirsty," you smile, setting the drinkware on the table. "Nice to finally meet you," grinning wider as you turn to face Peter. "I've heard so much about you,"
"I've heard lots about you, too," he returns a grin, nodding to his grandpa as he chuckles, "wouldn't stop talking about you,"
Softly laughing as you filled their glasses. "Same with you. Glad you're back," you smile, trying to pull away from his focused gaze. You clear your throat as you reluctantly turn to face Jason. "Med o'clock," you wryly smile, pulling out the small bag wedged between your armpit and rib.
After finishing up with Jason's meds, you collect the equipment, gathering everything in the bag before turning around to leave. They've missed out on the last thirty-plus years, and you didn't want to get in the way or overstay your welcome, so you decide to leave them be. 
"You can stay," Peter says quietly, patting the empty chair beside him.
"No, no, it's okay. You guys should catch up," you say hesitantly. "I'm sure he's sick of me," you joke, nodding to Jason with a small smile.
Peter looks up at you, his eyes slowly glancing over your face. "That can't be true," 
"Well..." you say playfully, gingerly stepping back, slipping back into the house. Smiling. "Maybe,"
A few short minutes go by and you feel a light tap on your shoulder, interrupting you from the cleaning. You turn around to see Peter sheepishly grinning at you. "Where's the uh— the bathroom?" he asks.
"Just down the hall," you point. "On the right,"
"Thanks," he lingers, looking like that wasn't all. "Um- are you— do you stay here? Or just come over?" he asks, scratching the back of his neck, seeming as though he was uneasy.
"No, I just come over. Do you think— are you gonna stay here?" you question, looking up into his soft green eyes. 
"Yeah, kinda got nowhere else to go," he awkwardly chuckles, momentarily averting from your gaze. "So, I'll be seeing you around?" he asks, his cadence sounding promising.
Smiling. "Yeah, I'll be seeing you around?" you ask, copying his tone.
He grins, backing away down the hall. "Oh, yeah."
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@annielr @ugh09876554444 @spacetalbot @bubblezuku
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vitanithepure · 1 year
Gale and Mystra
Ok, first thing I wanna talk about, what absolutely lives rent-free in my mind since I finished my first run is how much I love the companion's personal stories. I will for sure make an Origin run with most of them. I want to know every last detail about those pixel people.
With no surprise on nobody's part - I want to talk about Gale first. I believe I once said my OC Vitani and I share exactly one brain cell and it is consumed with thoughts about that wizard.
He did get a bit of a lift up when it comes to the story we knew from EA and it turned out absolutely fabulous. I won't be focusing on our relationship with the man as much as his with Mystra, the goddess of magic. This would be far too long otherwise, there is just too much to say.
Regardless, this will also be a long one, and full of spoilers for his story, so be warned. Placing it all under the cut.
First, some facts. It turns out, from my understanding, that Gale was not after Mystra's godhood, quite contrary to his bio on the website (which I find…weird) but rather tried to ascend by himself. He was impatient; he wanted more, and he wanted it now - and Mystra was not willing to grant his wishes. It goes without saying he was in the wrong, no explanation needed.
So, to convince Mystra to share even more with him, he decided to "screw flowers" and tried to get her what turned out to be that cursed Netherese orb. At least, that is what he thought. We know that this went horribly wrong and Gale was not only stuck with magic he can barely control, but severed from means to stop it - as Mystra, understandably, abandoned him.
Which is also to say how little she actually cares about other mortals, leaving a ticking bomb to run free in the Realms. We could assume that, in her "infinite wisdom" she trusted Gale to do the right thing and just go on and die somewhere remote, like he planned to if he ever started to lose control of the orb. Not really sure what lesson is there to give through such a punishment, that is for Mystra to answer, I don't get it :)
This is when we meet Gale, humbled, but not giving up. I don't want to repeat myself too much as I did a breakdown of his EA content a while back [link here] and not much changed in that regard, his slight rewrite didn't change my opinion on how and why he does and says to us.
So, moving on:
The juicy part truly begins when Elminster shows up and drops the bomb (heh…) about what Mystra expects of Gale… I instantly went with "ok, yeah, here it is, my heartbreak I've been waiting for". And from that point, he seems so…resigned. I can't imagine what a person in his position goes through? Not sure I want to. Can you imagine that? Someone you genuinely looked up to, perhaps even loved, in the past, someone holding infinite power over magic in this world, hell, someone holding power over you asks you to forfeit your life to deserve forgiveness? Damn, D&D gods are stone cold.
Like, I get it, and I try not to excuse Gale. He did a terrible thing, a horrible breach of trust and who knows what kind of person it would make him if he succeeded. As it is, though, it shows such an awful imbalance in power. Mystra was never in any real danger, she proves this by being able to control the orb, decides that this - already humbled and regretful - man has to die to make it okay with her? 
Even though she clearly sees he learned his lesson? And she could remove the orb at literally any time? Because that is what she presents him with if he refuses to just lie down and die for her. She will remove the orb if he brings her Karsus's Crown, along with the netherstones - the thing the Elder Brain possesses.
I don't know what happens if we go along Gale's plan to control the crown himself, possibly nothing good (I am about to find out, I so desperately want to see his whole arc, from every perspective), so here I want to finish off with how it ended for me on my first run - with a complete redemption, both in his and Mystra's eyes. 
Gale recognized his folly and, in hindsight, agreed he had everything a mortal man could ever possess and lost it to his arrogance and ambition. But also him realizing "no love was lost between them" makes me simply happy, he is healed at this point.
From what I gathered, he finishes his story by becoming the Chosen of Mystra once again. Still curious, because how could he not be with his love for magic, but knowing his limits. No longer known as Gale of Waterdeep, but Gale Dekarios, your neighborhood nerdy wizard with a good tale to spin over some wine in the Yawning Portal.
And seriously, fuck the D&D gods with their mortal flaws.
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kimtaegis · 9 months
✨Dear Annie!✨
🌟I truly love your “Christmas at Annie’s” FESTIVAL of LOVE! ❤️💜💞✨✨✨
Especially now with our boys being away and everything. 🥰💜💫💗💫✨First of all, I would like to tell WONDERFUL YOU, how much I enjoy your beautiful work, wise words & your eternal kindness. 💗🦄🌟❤️✨✨Even without knowing it, you helped me through a lot in the last year. Thank you so much.☺️💞🌟 You’re forever in my ❤️, lovely Annie.✨
💗I’m also so glad having met @always-is-always on here. Dear Teresa, I‘m so grateful that I can call you my friend, even in real life, despite us living on different continents. 💜❤️🥰💗💞With Bangtan, nothing is impossible. Thank you for working with me sending light and protection to them and all in all spreading the love. You give me strength. Love you lots!❤️✨💜🌟💗💫✨
😇 Dear @sweetjikook! I‘m so happy to have met you through Bangtan. ❤️💞💫Thank you so much for your friendship, humor, wisdom and the amazing photos from SK. And for being a dog lover. 🐶 Hopefully, we can go together to one of the concerts in 2026, Hon. Love you!🥰✨✨❤️💜💫😘✨✨
💗Lovely Sky @jung-koook! ✨🌟💜💞❤️💗I‘m forever grateful for your incredible work and being here for all of us. 💜💫✨💜❤️✨It‘s so wonderful how you are keeping it all together, all of us informed, all the while being so lovely, patient and kind.☺️❤️💞💗✨💫
🌟Dear @daffyjjk! I‘m very happy and honored to have met you on here, feeling so connected through our FOREVER-LOVE for BTS. 💫❤️💫💜✨❤️🌹✨I just love it when you show glimpses of your beautiful culture. 🌸🌺🌼✨Big hug! 🌹💐🧚‍♀️
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✨Dear @jmdbjk! I sooo enjoy your beautiful write ups. Thank you so much for all you do! 💗💞💫💜❤️✨💫✨
💜My dear Artie @chikooritajjk, thank you so much for your incredible posts, full of wisdom and love. Reading you is always so enlightening and fascinating. 💗💫💐💫❤️💞🌟🧚‍♀️💞😇I‘m very grateful for our friendship. Love you so much. 🥰
😀My lovely, hilarious @bucky13, I just love your posts! So funny. ❤️💜💞🌟✨💫They singlehandedly helped me through some hard times. Thank you so much!💜💗💫🧚‍♀️🌹❤️💞
✨💗Dear Joy @joyswonderland1108! 🌹Even if you post less at the moment: I will forever be grateful for our friendship and your insight into everything Bangtan. Love you!🎄🌟💫💜❤️❤️💗✨💃✨💞✨
I also wouldn’t enjoy being an ARMY half as much if I hadn’t @mimmi1963, @andy-wm, @chimstarlight, @kanmom51, @mariajmajesty, @roo-bastmoon, @irmi3454, @akookminsupporter, @irishhorse-blog, @marengogo, @carolinamountainthyme, @jkjmbtsarmy, @bangtanboizz, @bookscandlesnbts, @atxn8, @juliapark13, @monismochi, @everkook, @julietapark, @jimin-updates, @mimikoolover, @verseziam, @kaylee9597, @jikook-married, @hon3ymo0n, @aricastmblr, @jimimn & @seoul-bros in my life. And I miss @whysojiminimnida. 🥰 Knowing you all makes the current heartbreak a bit less painful. Love you all so much! 💗 We will go through this together, waiting patiently and not so patiently for our beloved Boys to come back. Big hug!💞💫💗🥰💜🌹🌟❤️🌸✨💗✨🌸✨💫
✨Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all of you and ESPECIALLY to our AMAZING ANGEL ANNIE.😇🎄💗💫🌟✨❤️💫🌟✨🧚‍♀️
dearest janeli, what a special letter 🥺 you have such a big heart and I’m so happy for all of these amazing people to receive so much love from you, I hope it’ll always return to you to the same extent. thank you for sharing your generous kindness, it truly means a lot to have such supportive, sweet people like you here who will always go out of their way to make everyone feel happy and loved. I wish you the most wonderful christmas time, darling, you deserve all the good things in the world, no matter what time of the year! please stay healthy and keep being the incredible angel you are for all the years to come. I’m sending you all my love!!! 💖🤍🎁💝
also let me try to tag @everkook again for you, so they see this beautiful message too 💓
Participate in Christmas at Annie’s 🎁
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lily-alphonse · 5 months
So This Is How It Ends by Lily Alphonse
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Rating: Teen (Canon Character Death, Nonexplicit)
I wonder if the new generation of Zora are taught that I faced my death bravely. That I died an honorable death. My death did not feel honorable.
Mipha’s spirit is tainted with bitterness while she remains trapped in the possessed divine beast.
Written for #Zora May by @prisiidon, prompt: Ghost. I realized recently I've never really taken the time to sit with the utter tragedy that is the sacrifice of the BOTW Champions. So this fic does not have a happy ending, though I guess you could say it's bittersweet.
This is a short one, so I will post it below as well as the link to AO3 if you'd like to show your support there or check out my other fics.
Read on AO3
I was so blessed. 
Hylia gave me her blessing so that I may heal the wounded. 
My father, King Dorephan, gave me his blessing so that I may pilot the divine beast. 
I do not feel blessed anymore. 
I knew I was never meant to be a warrior. But I could not have guessed I was a sacrifice, destined for slaughter. 
I wonder if the new generation of Zora are taught that I faced my death bravely. That I died an honorable death. 
My death did not feel honorable. 
I sent out a distress message as soon as I felt something amiss. I was not even certain I was in danger yet, but I was alone, and afraid, and something was coming. I yearned to have Link at my side. I knew if he was there I would be alright. 
I died alone and afraid, having only barely lifted my trident. The heartbreak, the pain, it did not feel honorable. My skin parted like thin parchment, my scales a disgrace to those battle-hardened in my lineage. I did not scream only because the fatal strike came too quickly, but I would have. I would have screamed and cried and begged for my life if I could, honor be damned.
I was not facing my death, to my knowledge, until I was. I had promised my father that I would return unharmed. He had tears in his eyes. Did he know that he was sacrificing his daughter to Hylia? Perhaps he did, since he would have preferred I did not go. But if there was anything I could have done to help, I would have. 
I wonder if Hylia chose me for my naivety.
The Goddess knows, I was never built to put up a fight. Even with so much to live for. I wonder if She made me love Link so I would have more of a reason to fight. But he had always been the fighter. I was the healer.
I was the People’s Flower. Beautiful as a blossom, and just as delicate. At least I make an attractive statue.   
I used to wonder why I was always so small and fragile compared to all of the other Zora. I hated it, then managed it with a begrudging acceptance granted to me by a few more years of wisdom. I reasoned perhaps it made me a better healer, humbled me into a better understanding of the feeble.
Then Link came back to me as a man grown, and I thought I finally understood: Hylia had created me for him.
We fit together like two pieces of a broken shell, two fragments of hearts ravaged by an already tumultuous existence. The fighter and the healer, the reckless and the cautious. I rose and fell with him as my moon. He could always make me smile. But he respected my sadness and grief, too. He would join me in it, before cheering us both up. 
He took my hand once when we were alone one night, and confessed he felt safe with me. He did not need to tell me for me to know, but it made my heart soar. No one else got to see this side of him, to see the tears of Hylia’s Hero. I should have kissed him that night, but I’d never had much of a backbone.
Why did I have to have one when it came to making that final, fatal decision then? Perhaps I never had a choice, and it was a bravery Hylia planted in me in the end. Perhaps I was inspired by his bravery. He is the best of us, after all. I suppose I am glad it was me who perished, and not him.
He came back. 
Seeing his face again lit my soul on fire, my being suddenly at war with itself where the curse’s decay had changed me. 
I wanted to be happy to see him, but the longer I watched him in the beast, the more I knew he was changed. An angry voice inside me hissed that he was not the man I had fallen in love with. 
This era had scarred him. And I was a much older scar.
I have the terrible thought that I hope the Water Blight succeeds in killing him. Then he will join me in my grief once more, for all of eternity, and I will not be alone. 
He defeated the darkness. 
It lifted off of my soul when he finally released me from my entanglement with Ruta. I could almost sob with the sudden lightness, if I could cry anymore. It seemed impossible to feel anything negative now, though I could not help but feel a bit hollow for it. 
I spoke to him with a strange new calmness, the dark bitterness that haunted me for a century releasing its hold on my heart. I was happy to see him. He could always make me smile. 
I consider what I would like to pass on to the land of the living, to the three men that have shaped my heart. 
“Please tell my father that I am sorry.” The king would not have allowed me to go if I did not promise to return. He was a good father. 
“Tell Sidon to believe in himself.” The unfortunate lone heir to the throne, now. He doubted himself so often, despite having such incredible power and love within him. He would make for a great ruler one day, if he could only get out of his own way. 
“And Link?” I asked hesitantly. There was something of faint recognition in his turquoise eyes that cried out to my heart. But I was a part of his past now, and it would not help him to drag him into my grief for a final time. “Nevermind.” I smiled at him and bid him farewell. 
He left me alone to pilot the beast again, and I prepared to help him one last time before my soul faded away.
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lokislady17 · 17 days
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By now I have rewatched the Acolyte many times-no shame shall live in me! I feel every time I watch one episode or another, I get something else out of it. Yet, there is one scene in episode three (and its reiteration in episode 7) that my mind keeps returning to. It’s when Osha is making her case to her mother about becoming a Jedi. I feel like this is something Mother Aniseya has already accepted in her heart. That Osha is destined for a different path. It’s heartbreaking but Aniseya knows this is the way it has to be. The best she can do is support her daughter as she sets out on her path. Now, we all know that in the curse of youth, we may think we know what we want, so, it’s natural that we are challenged by our loved ones. Ideally, because they are looking out for us. I feel these points are addressed a little bit by the episodes but what I also see being demonstrated is the utility of children in society. Both Osha and Mae are very important to the coven as they will carry on the teachings and wisdom of the coven. To lose even one of them is to make the future of the coven that much more vulnerable. Osha is equally precious to the Jedi as, per their doctrine, the Jedi order does not perpetuate itself through the biological reproduction of it members. Instead, they must go out into the galaxy and collect children, preferably, as young as possible. That way, their minds are more malleable to Jedi indoctrination and memories of loved ones are more easily forgotten. I can’t help but compare Osha’s choice to leave (and confidence in that choice) to a child realizing they are queer or trans. Children, contrary to societal beliefs, are very well aware of themselves. I think so anyway. The part where the coven is pinning Aniseya between her role as leader versus her role as mother is very compelling. The coven represents society, sort of, questioning a parent and the choices they make concerning how they raise their children. Aniseya steadfastly proclaims that she chooses the role of mother. That she is going to trust Osha and support her decision. The whole thing reminds me so much of the bogus cultures wars created by the alt right and there constant fear mongering around gender and their efforts to interfere in public schools to further oppress the right of LGBTQ+ students. If the alt right is to perpetuate itself, it must get control of the education system, i.e they must take control of the next generation. (And for the record, I don’t mean to compare the Jedi to something so vile as the Alt. Right. Flawed though the are, the Jedi don’t deserve that kind of insult) All the while, we have truly descent parents who just want to do right by their children and love their children as they are even though society may question them if not down right oppose them. I hate so much that a show as compelling as the Acolyte had the misfortune of existing in our apparent age of anti intellectualism. To best understand this show, at least some critical thinking skills and media literacy are required. This show has so much to offer and it’s a shame that some are too prideful, too ignorant or just too scared to look for it.
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ahundredtimesover · 6 months
Wow that was some heavy emotional heartbreak in that chapter! I feel like there is an elephant sitting on my chest right now. My heart just hurts that bad for two fictional characters. It's just a testament to how much emotion you create with your stories. The best stories take you on an emotional roller coasters, and that's exactly what yours is doing.
I did not see that back story coming! It makes more sense now why she wants to leave so badly. JK really didn't have a choice but to let her go. This story is kind of like that famous line that goes something like if you love someone let them go, and if they come back to you, they were meant to be yours. That's what will happen with the two of them here. He even says it one of the lines. That he'll let her go to find her own happiness, and if she comes back to him, that means she chose to be with him. By convincing her to stay in the company, it's not her choice to be with him. She's not being given any other choice that way. She has to want him on her own. And him too. He has to want her outside of just needing her to be his assistant. They need to be more to each other than what the job allows them to be.
I really hope Mr. Ri gets his chance to be with OC's mom. If OC and JK can get their "second" chance, I hope Mr. Ri does too. He's such a great character, and I've really come to adore him. I hope that when the story ends, he also gets his happy ending.
I'm assuming there will be some kind of time jump coming up in the next chapter. I would imagine it would take maybe a few years for her to find what she's looking for and make her ready to come back to him. It certainly can't happen in a few months. I'm curious to see if they stay in touch after she leaves, or if there is just a complete break between them until she's ready to find him again. The real question is will JK have gone back to his playboy persona again. Can he stay celibate while he's waiting for her? I hope so, because that would just prove to her how much he cares for her. And will she stay celibate? So many questions I can't wait to find out the answers to!
Hiii ugh, I love it when you guys cry but I always hope you feel better right after. 🥹 I cried writing this chapter, too, especially the narration of the past, so I'm happy to know that the emotions I felt are also being felt by the readers.
I've been hinting that connection from the beginning! You might spot them after another read through hehe but true, it was just so important for OC to do this for herself. Imagine having to carry that burden... And she didn't even expect to like him! Like she said, she wasn't supposed to care that much. We at least have a JK who understands why she's doing it, but sometimes the best decisions don't make us happy (right now). And that' just how life goes. Like you said, it has to be their choice, an idea that I emphasise moving forward bc choice is what OC didn't feel she's ever really had, so if she stayed for JK, she's essentially letting him take that away from her this time. It's just not a good start.
I love the love for Mr. Ri! I absolutely enjoy creating characters like this. There's so much wisdom and pain and I just like the idea of how he's family to both OC and JK. 😌😌
Hmm interesting take about the way forward. I'd say that learning to heal and finding their happiness is important but like a lovely friend pointed out, they aren't together... They just admitted their feelings but there's nothing else beyond that. Whatever feelings they have for each other haven't fully developed yet, so they don't even know what happiness with each other looks like. Sure they have their own issues, but they’re issues that intensified bc they’ve been dealing with them in their own.
Just a thought, bc this seems to be a popular take! And my answer would be... things will be happy but they won't be perfect. There are also plans for season 2, so there’s that!
Thank you so much for reading! Been enjoying reading all of your lovely thoughts 💕💕
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oceanrequiem · 9 months
any fic recs?
Hello! Sure, I have a few fics I'd reccommend:
Pureblood Pretense - If you like Harry Potter, world-building, and incredibly complex characters, I would highly recommend it. The series is on its 5th novel now, over 1mil words. It's technically a f!Harry story, but Harry/Rigel is essentially an OC and is treated as such. It is hands down one of my favourite works of fiction.
The concept of the story is that Tom Riddle went into politics instead, which has made a vast number of changes in the wizarding world--including Hogwarts becoming a Pureblood-only school for wizards. Harriett/Rigel, being a halfblood, concocts a plan with her OC pureblood son-of-Sirius-Black cousin to switch places with him so that she can go to Hogwarts to pursue her dream of potion-making while her cousin can learn to heal at an American school. It's a wonderful story with a lot of world-building and politics!
Some other that I like are...
Paper Cranes: Hikaru no Go, 212k - currently on an indefinite hiatus, but it largely deals with grief and the aftermath of settling your life after losing something that was integral to you. It delves more into Hikaru's abilities to see ghosts and does a really really good job of making a childish, complicated person very likable and relatable.
(Fun fact, Hikago is one of my favourite animes!)
and much madness it takes: One Piece, 55k, complete. SI/OC inserted into a child of Big Mom, which is just as horrifying as one might expect.
The Cowards Redemption: One Piece, 150k, incomplete (also hasn't been updated in a year) A Future!Usopp where his crew is destroyed and is sent back in time, to the beginning, where he has the chance to change things!? We love time shenanigans!
Sanitize: Naruto, 89k, still in progress. OC is inserted into the Naruto world during the Warring Clans era, utilizing her knowledge of modern day medicine to improve the lives of many.
from the corner of your eye: Naruto, 168k, in progress. A small, simple misunderstanding during the genin testing changes things drastically. (I actually need to catch up on this, because stopped reading this awhile ago but I loved it)
Lucky Child: Yu yu Hakusho, 1117k, still in progress. SI reborn into a side character, having to struggle with either changing her narrative or keeping to the status quo. This isn't so easy when there are malevolent forces at play who are banking on her to cross the line.
Astra Inclinant: One Piece, 201k, Complete. AU where Doflamingo actually loves his brother and tries really fucking hard.... It's not any kinder story, though. 10/10, loved this characterization of Doffy.
A Lack of Wisdom: Naruto, 292k, complete. Self-aware SI is inserted into the body of Sasuke, leading to many fun and heartbreaking shenanigans. Handles gender and the crisis of identity beautifully!!
As far as the ocean will take us: Still in progress, 180k, One Piece. A marine medic turned Strawhat! (The slowburn romance is chef's kiss)
I don't often get to read a lot of fanfic nowadays, so if anyone has any recommendations, feel free to shoot them my way!
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yarnclan · 2 months
☠️ 🛤️ 🌘
Most impactful death scean:
Probably Yellowfang. I really love mentor-y characters, and dieing is usually part of that. I think i did cry when i first read it as a child. Her acknowlaging Fireheart as more of a son to her than Brokenstar, and that having helped him grow to be a nobel cat, and mentoring Cinderpelt, are things that she can be proud of. And the fact that Fireheart saves Bramblekit over her, and the implications that has on their relationship going forward. And what it means Cinderpelt as well.... ahhh
I'm really excited for this one in the graphic novel, considering how much they've focused on Yellowfang and Fireheart.
Also Tigerstar being killed by Scourge. For completly different reasons. It's kinda one of the most interesting things the series has ever done plot wise. And the scean itself is so brutal and vivid in my mind.
Also Briarlight, though I dont think she should have been killed. Its just a heartbreaking scene.
Favorite journey:
I think the journey to bring all the Clans to the lake teritories. I like it when all the clans have to work together, and its the most extreme example of it. Traveling with such a large group also gives a lot of interesting dynamics and obsticals. An extention of that, probably one of my favorite parts of the new prophecy, is when Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Tawnypelt, Crowfeather and Mistyfoot go on a scouting party around the lake to find locations for each camp. I like how it shows what they take into consideration for where they want to live, and the discriptions of each territory. Also, i love ThunderClan's quarry camp and Squilf doesnt get enough credit for being the one to find it.
I havent read River yet, but Im very excited to read about Frostpaw and Nightheart's Excellent Adventure.
Character with the most wasted potential:
Every. Character. In. Warriors.
I have a lot of inturpritations of various characters (Brambleclaw, Spottedleaf, Nightheart) but i know they probably arent Really Canon, so they do count as wasted potential in my mind, but they arent exactly counter to canon so....
Needletail. Her death was impactful, and im glad she spent some time as an angry ghost instead of immediatly falling into StarClan Wisdom mode. But she was the one of the Unruly Children to almost have a coherent understanding of the problems in clan society. She thought Darktail was the answer, because he positioned himself that way and she was inexperienced and lonely. I wish she had survived because it could have been really interesting to see her trying to reckon with her ideals post-Darktail. Maybe have her be the one to acknowlage that all of that happened because of Onestar and his prejudeces. To know that she wasn't entirly incorrect in observing that the Clan's devotion to tradition causes a lot of problems.
In my fantasy world she'd even become deputy under Tawnystar and eventually leader... and Violetshine could become leader of SkyClan... and Tigerheart and Dovewing stay with the gaurdian cats idk. Or form a new clan somewhere else. Tigerheart being her deputy could be fine i guess. But i feel like she'd do something wild and pick dovewing instead lol. Having a leader with strong opitions that run counter to clan tradition while also being kinda prickly and sarcastic would be really fun I think. And just in general i wish she got to live. I like her.
Related, ive been on a 'Tawnypelt should have been Tawnystar and its robbery that she didn’t" kick recently.
Also kinda related, Tree. I wish he had more influence in the clans, and that he was even more of a hippie. I wish the mediator role would be adopted by all the clans.
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potato-cerealkiller · 10 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 a negotiable number of tags
tagged by @zukoisblorbo :)
Damian Wayne. dc. i am an absolute sucker for human weapons who learn to be more than their past. the fact that his character development is imperfect and riddled with human mistakes makes me so insane. i just love that his palatability is seperate from his relative moral soundness, he isn’t a perfect abuse victim and i just love it. 10/10 he spins on my blorbo lazy susan a lot.
Bronya Zaychik. honkai impact. this was an og og fandom for me, but i do still love her. the supposed ‘lack of emotions’ she exhibits is very relatable to me as someone who probably has some form of alexithymia, the fact that she is nonetheless accepted by her friends and is portrayed as a complete human being just gets me so bad. also fits into the human weapon archetype <333.
Ranpo Edogawa. bungou stray dogs. i just adore him! similar situation to bronya where he isn’t told he has to fundamentally change himself to have a loving support system. his flippancy towards extraneous things like adult responsibilities, and his inability to understand the reasoning behind social conventions does remind me of myself at times. but as aforementioned, my favourite part of his character is probably that individuality doesn’t have to be sacrificed for success or respect! maybe i will catch up on the recent chapters some time…
Chongyun. genshin. social masking allegory and legacy character… i have a similar approach to fielding my emotions, and while I don’t have a decades long legacy to live up to, I find the way he has to navigate succession in his own way very interesting. he was also my first main, so!
Wanda Maximoff. marvel. similar thing to damian in the fact that she is an imperfect person who does not have an idyllic path to redemption and heroism. she’s messy and desperate, but that doesn’t make her undeserving. kind of love the position she’s in right now where she just has this quiet wisdom from all she’s been through. scarlet witch (2016) also has a special place in my heart for the second comic i ever read (shout out to the runaways for being the first).
Andromache. the old guard. immortals!!! love examining the impact of time on personhood, as in a ridiculously prolonged span of time, and boy is she fascinating. she’s completely jaded at this point, and only really existing rather than living. she almost becomes a product of time rather than an entity born from its passing. it’s just so interesting to see a character so entirely devoted to a cause through obligation, because what else can she do?, the only thing she remembers is how to fight.
Fushiguro Megumi. jujutsu kaisen. i love how much of a deranged mess he is. watching him have to unlearn his suicidal tendencies was so fucking interesting. he has this cool arrogance to him that makes him eminently unlikeable, but he is still a fundamentally good person at his core. for some reason my memory really failed me here? so not much to say, but I remember liking him.
Xie Lian. tgcf. innately good person despite his trauma! i love characters like this and i thought him fighting a literal manifestation of his past, more selfish self, was a fun way to signify his growth.
Homura Akemi. madoka magica. one of my childhood favourites. i watched this series at age seven and it probably severely impacted my psyche. her loneliness turned obsessive attachment and love is utterly heartbreaking to me. her unquestionable and desperate devotion to madoka is just. agghhh. the way that she needs her so intensely that she’s willing to sacrifice her personhood, the universe itself. ultimate blueprint for toxic yuri 10/10.
Boris Pavlikovsky. the goldfinch. he’s a lot of things but a mentally stable person is not one of them. i find the line he walks between total self annihilation and self preservation very interesting. he represents this kind of pseudo-eternal youth, he always commits to extremes. he doesn’t ever ‘overdo’ it but more because it would hinder his ability to live tomorrow rather than because of any adverse health effects. the fact that he is such an optimist at his core despite everything is just a fascinating contradiction.
tags if anyone wants to do this >>>> @sejaprune @calithilan @sizzlemourner @gladiikal
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 5 months
Twisted Tales: Set in Stone Review
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What if Arthur wasn’t meant to be king?
This took awhile to get to as it was only sold in the UK and Australia but I finally got my hands on it! Set right after Arthur pulls the sword out of the stone, Arthur is having a hard time adjusting to royal duties. Sure, he got Excalibur but it doesn’t mean he knows what he’s doing. Worse is that since his fight with Merlin, his mentor has been off in Bermuda. Arthur has truly been on his own.
Unbeknownst to him, the sword is not the famous Excalibur but a clever fake planted by Madam Mim so that she could choose a nice patsy to pull out the sword that she could easily control. She hadn’t realized that patsy was Merlin’s protegé who immediately rejects her suggestions to prove his kingly authority by going to war. But she had a plan b, her adopted daughter Guinevere will be the one to stick to Arthur’s side and get him off the throne.
I found the premise interesting but the first chapters felt cliché albeit in-character. For instance, Arthur shows off his first gesture of wisdom and kindness by figuring out the true owner of chicken bug suggesting the two feuding neighbors to cut it in half. Straight out of the Bible. And Guenivere’s story of being kidnapped as a baby and raised by a witch is straight out of Rapunzel’s tale including her daughterly love of Madam Mim who has turned her against Merlin by telling her that the wizard killed her parents and put this pretender, Arthur on the throne. Thus prompting a semi enemies to lovers as Guenivere initially believes Arthur is the enemy but soon comes to know his real character and believes he’s an unwitting pawn so she’s stuck in the difficult situation of wanting to help him but keeping her initial intentions a secret. But things get interesting later on when Arthur and Guenivere time-travel to the Bahamas in the 21st century. Arthur and Guin’s amazement and horror at 21st century clothing and hotels was funny and allowed for a more interesting plot twist of them returning home to a find a new shapeshifting pretender on the throne. Plus Guin grappling with the truth about Madam Mim and her childhood of lies.
So while the plot itself doesn’t feel the most original, the characters and their development is engaging. Arthur gets the bulk of the character development, starting as an unsure kid who doesn’t feel prepared for the role and wants to run away. But he stays because even though he doesn’t have the physical strength or courage others (and he) believe a king should possess he has Merlin’s lessons to guide. To lead with love, kindness and knowledge. Most of all, he cares. He understands that he has to lead because he cares about England and that if he left the throne, it would be to unthinking, might makes right brutes like Kay. There are also some heartbreaking moments like when Kay and Ector challenge Arthur to a dual for the throne which he reflects how much he wanted to earn his foster family’s admiration only to understand he’ll never get it. But the triumphant thing is Arthur coming to realize he does deserve the throne and to be more confident. Not because he pulled a sword from stone but because he is capable.
Guin’s characterization reminded me a lot of the one from the Merlin tv show. She’s kind, and generous but she has strong morals and backbone of steel in fighting for those morals and the ones she loves. Her background of being a princess of Summer County whom Mim stole because of the family’s strong fairy blood. But Guinevere shuns magic, it actually scares her despite the potential she has in small bouts of shapeshifting. Even though it fits with the Arthurian legends as Guinevere was a regular queen, not a sorceress queen but it feels like there is lost potential in seeing her do magic since twisted tales is all about doing new things to canon. Nonetheless, I liked her journey of realizing the truth about her childhood and her willingness to go against her adopted mother’s wishes once she realizes she’s wrong. Even though she’s in denial most of the time or trying to explain alternate reasons for Mim’s behavior before she accepts the truth. Because it is hard for Guinevere to accept the truth. While Arthur and Merlin see Mim for her madness and destruction, Mim was like a mother to her. An eccentric, playful woman. Mancusi’s characterization is wonderful as Mim’s villainy is different from classic Disney villains. She’s not in it for power or fame or money. She just enjoys chaos, everything is a game to her. Which makes her more unpredictable, more dangerous and more heartbreaking when Guin realizes Mim kidnapping and raising her was just another game of Mim playing mentor, tearing her away from her family for selfish whims.
Finally, Arthur and Guin’s relationship is simply so sweet and wholesome even though Guin’s lying about her intentions for the first few chapters. They have so much in common from being commoners taught by sorcerers to their innate sense of fair play and kindness.
In fact, the humor and fun shout outs to Arthurian are the highlights of the book even though some parts of it felt like other Disney tales with Arthurian aesthetic.
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mmmwhalecarcass · 6 months
Artists, songwriters, composers, poets, writers, actors, directors, storytellers.
They're all the same, aren't they?
Is it not, so extraordinarily beautiful that, us, as humans, have the ability to convert emotions and experiences into pieces of media that are consumed by others?
And, have other people listen to the music, or read the writing, or watch the show, or listen to the story, or look at the artwork and love it as much as the creator does.
What a breathtaking thing. Human emotion, experiences, wisdom, expressed in these forms of media to share with others.
"Yes, I went through this, and it sucked." Or, "Yes, I did this, and I was happy while doing it." And then drawing or singing or writing or acting about it. Fuck you, I survived! And yes, I'm going to tell you about it!! Because I'm excited about it!!!
Human experience captured on a sheet of paper, a roll of film, a canvas, an empty wall, a fresh journal. That..really is the beauty of artwork.
The notes being played, the colors being used, the words being written, the lines being read. The emotion being portrayed. The art of putting ones feelings into these things is possibly the closest thing humans have to the divine.
the most universal concept from the birth of life to the death of time: art.
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interstellar-muse · 9 months
I’d love a tarot reading!!!!!
Yay! Here is what was pulled along with the meanings that my guidebook provides:
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1. The main theme of this new year (The Hierophant - Reversed): A reminder that you are your own teacher. All the wisdom you seek comes from within, not from some external source or power. You are being guided to follow your own path and adopt your own spiritual belief systems rather than blindly following others.
2. Departing energies from last year (Knight of Wands): You are being adventurous, energetic, and charming. You are heroic, rebellious, free spirited and charged up with enthusiasm. You may go traveling, may take a free-spirited adventure, or move country, or may make brave new business decisions. You are taking risks now that can pay off well. You might be hot tempered and rushing into action now, but if you are finishing what you started, success will be coming your way. (To me I take this to mean that impulsiveness and risk taking is the departing energy and things may not be so free spirited anymore but the risks taken this year are going to pay off moving into 2024.)
3. Talents you will be expressing this year (Queen of Wands): You are outgoing and full of energy, optimistic, and independent. You are accomplishing many tasks and gave an abundance of sex appeal. You are taking charge of things and organizing your life. You have a positive and uplifting energy, unafraid to speak up and a willingness to stand up for others.
4. Future Opportunities (Two of Pentacles - Reversed): You are over-commited, having too many projects, lacking organization and balance. This can lead to making poor choices, neglecting love and things falling through the cracks. Ask for help if needed, renegotiate deadlines and reprioritize your work. (Due to the card pulled just before this, I think this shows you will be able to ask for help when you need it and get things under control that you may feel overwhelmed with right now. This is your opportunity to allow people to help you.)
5. Upcoming obstacles (Three of Swords): You feel hurt and there may be unhappiness, sorrow and sadness in your life. You are experiencing heartbreak, grief, loss or emotional, professional or financial harship. Approach this situation attentively; learn from the challenge to avoid the conflict and trauma becoming a long term burden on your life and emotional and mental state. Focus on releasing the painful feelings, they don't have to be permanent.
6. How to deal with upcoming obstacles (The Emperor - Reversed): Assess your relationship with power, control, authority, responsibility and discipline. Are you expressing too much or too little of these elements in your life? Are they working for you or against you?
7. How to achieve your goals and dreams (Justice - Reversed): You might not be willing to take full accountability for your actions. Assess your situation, while intending to discover where you can accept responsibility. Acknowledge where you made a mistake, do what you can to make it right again. In doing so, you will free yourself from any guilt or shame and empower yourself to make better decisions.
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andro-dino · 8 months
Please whatever OC ship you would like any of them I’m so so sorry I though it was just a regular ship HOGDSOGOHOSGHODIGHIODS
AGSGSHSHS you’re good snuggles 😭 although I will warn you, I still did pick out like 4 different questions for the other one bc I love them and it’s fun anyways and I wrote too much to delete it now so that’ll be coming in a bit too 🫶
anways hehe for these
19. It’s raining, did either of your OCs bring an umbrella? If so, who, and do they share it?
This one immediately made me think of Gemios trio bc I think it’d be very silly
Axyl is usually prepared and brings an umbrella. The Sodo twins are usually not. both of them will insist upon holding it instead. Whichever one grabs it first will hold it over himself and axyl and will refuse to let the other under it.
In the case that none of them bring an umbrella, they are fucking it and balling as much as they can. Axyl’s the most covered up between the three but the twins will insist on trying to shield him from the rain while running through it anyways.
30. How does your OC react to being broken up with?
31. Do they fall in love easily?
aha. I’m putting these together because they go hand in hand with doomed yuri <3
Essi falls in love very easily and she’s very open about this. Selen does not. When she gets into a relationship with essi, she does so not expecting much of it, mostly just wanting to have some fun for a while. Unfortunately for her though, Essi has a lot of losergirl swag and she does end up falling for her eventually and she hates that. She’s not a very vulnerable person so love is a very hard emotion for her to navigate. Essi is more than willing to help her through it though.
And although they are genuinely happy for while, nothing good can last forever. Selen always knew that this relationship was going to end eventually. The two were clearly heading down very different paths, and although Essi was always hopeful that Selen could change for the best, Selen’s loyalties always lied with her family and their goals above all else. Even then, it’s hard to hold back her genuine heartbreak when she eventually does break up with Essi. There’s no changing Selen’s mind and Essi can’t fully understand why, but when it’s done, it’s done. Both of them are total wrecks afterwards. The other Garcia’s comfort Selen and reassure her that it needed to be done, and she is eventually the first of the two to move on. As much as she tries to ignore it most of the time though, those lingering feelings still annoyingly pop up every now and again. She always pushes them back down though.
Essi meanwhile is completely devastated for a LONG while, but at the very least, she has a solid support system to comfort her through it. Axyl isn’t good at comforting people but just letting her know they’re there for her helps her more than he knows. Benkei and Gingka are definitely the kinds of friends who are willing to fight their friends ex about it, but Essi doesn’t really harbor any anger towards Selen, so although she appreciates, she lets them know they don’t need to say all that. After that, I think Benkei would probably drop some really solid wisdom on her about it that probably ends with her crying and hugging him really hard </3 Hikaru and I think later Gingka as well take a “you’re too good for her anyways she doesn’t deserve you” kind of route and Hyoma opts to help distract Essi and take her mind off it. She does eventually get over it with time, though I think that if she ever saw Selen again in the future, a lot of that progress would be set back.
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