#there isn't any cat here since i live in a big city and i don't own any animal
dreamtydraw · 10 months
I don't know if this will somehow cheer you up, but I here is a picture of my cat! her name is Mona, and she is the cutest!
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Friend know I started sobbing.
Thanks you to everyone who sent me cat pics ToT
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justarandomlambblog · 5 months
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 [END]
you know how you don't adopt cats, cats adopt you? Well here we have Narinder adopting a dad
(I encourage you to view each page in a new tab, it's all sketch so you can see all my thought and build lines but I think it's clear enough?)
This is sort of a prologue for this AU I've talked about and is one of like... 3 or 4 parts
That horrible moment realization, regret and grief hits you all at the same time
I like long-furred Narinder I think he should embrace manbun life /kidding (unless... (/j/j))
Ignore the perspective issues on the last page I got very tired (am sick today) and I am a firm believer in doing things bad but having fun. That being said I had zero intention of making backgrounds for this and just generalizing everything but then I drew the crumbling ancient temple platform and the divine battleground and it was over I needed backgrounds from there on out-
Does the world of Cult of the Lamb have the same meaning for middle fingers? Who knows, I just thought it'd be funny for Narinder to double-flip off Lamb as he's disappearing into the teleportation stone. Don't @ me <3
I didn't want there to be any dialogue so I hope the story is clear through the pictures alone but if not, there's an explanation below the cut
After being defeated, Narinder finds himself on the indoctrination stone, the manacles still around his wrists and neck. The Lamb offers him mercy- a place to live. But Narinder refuses. He gets to his feet on his own and runs to the teleportation stone, and the Lamb is too surprised for a moment to realize what's happening. They try to stop him, knowing how injured Narinder is and that this stunt will only aggravate Narinder's wounds, but Narinder is running on anger, regret, humiliation and adrenaline- and he is much older than the Lamb is and knows more locations than the Lamb does. He knows about the long-fallen territory on the very edge of the Old Faith's land, what was once a grand city of gods having become a divine battlefield eons ago; it is the only place he can think to go, stumbling his way down the stairs that are much too big for his newly mortal form and running for the forest beyond the Old Faith's border.
Running through the old beaten paths of the forest, he trips and finds himself unable to pull himself back up, his adrenaline fading almost as soon as he hits the ground and the pain of his wounds flares up. He allows himself to fall unconscious, thinking maybe he will just quietly perish out there in the woods, but is found by an older canine passing through. Finding the injured Narinder, the old dog puts him on the cart he pulls and takes him to his home, tending to his wounds.
Narinder wakes up in pain, finding himself in a strange, unfamiliar place, and his savior brings him food. Narinder struggles, his hands shakey and everything in pain, but he is resistant at first to the old dog's aid. Over time, as the dog tends his wounds and gives him clothes to wear and changes his bandages, Narinder begins to accept his help and allows him to help exercise his limbs while he's bed bound and, eventually, help him to walk again. Months pass them by, from summer to autumn to winter until it's spring. The old dog is happy for Narinder's progress and gives Narinder a fond pat on his head, unintentionally reminding Narinder of Shamura.
In the spring, Narinder is able to walk on his own, though he uses a cane to aid him. He explores the old dog's home, since the dog isn't around as much as he used to be now that Narinder is mostly independent again. Narinder spots him out a window, tending to a garden, and steps outside to discover he's on a farm. It's a large farm, though not very bountiful; it's a wheat field, one that clearly suffers from the lack of a god's blessing- in a world of gods, a godless village can only just get by. Beyond the fields are more homes and sheds, and people tend the fields.
He joins the old dog in the garden after being invited over, and the dog gives him a flower bulb to plant. Narinder remembers when he and Leshy did this exact same thing, with Leshy showing Narinder how to plant the flower bulb in the dirt; as he gently buries it, he can feel Leshy's phantom hands over his own, as if guiding him. To Narinder's surprise, not only does the flower bloom as soon as it has been covered, but it spreads out; the garden bursts to life with the strange black and white flowers, and they grow wildly through and around the garden, reaching all the way to three graves under a solitary tree.
Narinder is looking at his hands in shock, not having expected to be able to do this; he had thought his magic was gone, the last vestiges of it used to activate the teleportation stone when he escaped. As he looks at them, the manacle around his neck falls off, landing in his hands, and begins to dissipate into residual magic, and he remembers Leshy- Leshy, pleading with him to hold his tongue, to give up on his newest, heretical ideas, that the world isn't ready to hear it and the consequences would be too great and the other Bishops wouldn't allow him to pursue it. Realizing all at once exactly what he lost- what he threw away when he refused to heed his brother's warnings and wait for the right time, when the world was ready- he breaks down, doubling over in tears- the first tears he's allowed himself for nearly a thousand years, now. Hurt from the betrayal, regret for what he did and made the Lamb do, grief for what his siblings did in fear of him- it all hits him at once.
The old dog reaches out to him, and Narinder clings to him, letting himself completely break down. The kind dog just holds him while he cries.
(Not shown: the old dog shows Narinder the shrine, explaining what it is and what the painted flat stones are for. He gives Narinder flat stones to paint and goes outside to speak to the graves of his own family, even though it's begun to rain.)
Narinder paints four stones, each one with a symbol on top that he associates with his siblings (a book for Shamura, a diamond crystal for Kallamar, stalks of wheat for Heket, and a camellia for Leshy). He doesn't really forgive them for their betrayal of him, doesn't forgive them for locking him away for a thousand years- but it soothes an ache deep inside, to accept that even if he can't forgive them he can mourn them and regret his part in all this. That despite everything there was still love- it's conflicting, but it's almost like... closure. Or, at least, the start of it.
He makes tea and offers it to the old dog when he comes inside, and they sit together and drink tea while listening to the rain. The four stones sit on the shrine now, with the dog's family's stones, cementing the fact that Narinder has accepted that he isn't leaving this house.
Thus, the old dog becomes the adopted father of a 5,000+ year old cat ex(?)-god.
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sorcerous-caress · 8 months
Worldbuilding and human kink? Is it my birthday /lh. This has me googling “halfling sex” and being a little surprise someone has thought about it enough to write a generously large paragraph.
Apparently it’s not uncommon for them to have more casual sex with close neighbors and friends indulging in it together. I genuinely think it would be hilarious for a halfling with a human, elf, drow, orc, dwarf, etc (the more uptight races) friend/neighbor to ‘seduce’ and then being very friendly and kind, but not exclusive or even inherently romantic.
Halflings 🤝 Humans
Being horny on main.
Oh my god imagine a poly relationship that's a human who thinks this is a casual friends with benfits deal, a halfing who thinks everyone here is just friends, and one high elf who acts as if they're robbing a bank whenever they watch the human go down on the halfing.
Add a dragonborn who is sweating over which one of those people is gonna end up as their mate for life, who isn't phased by the sex but it's the romance part that's considered a big taboo in their culture to even date someone for love, so imagine seeing more tha one person?
High elves being sex repressed 🤝 Dragonborns being romance repressed
Also I really love world building AAAAA i wanna invent shit and make shit up and shake it around like a snow globe. I believe elves went to the moon much sooner than humans with just magic, dwarves have found fallen space rocks and meteors and used them to forge their weapons, winged elves or any species who can fly already mapped the world and drew all the know maps before humans even learned how to tame horses.
Also the horses is funny, elves has seen them all their lives but never bothered to tame it because it feels weird yk? Why would they ride on an animal, plus their cousin is a centaur so it feels even more weird.
Then they see the humans coaxing the horses with carrots while holding a saddle behind their back, skip a few years and suddenly the horse population skyrockects as humans steal this one animal to their side.
Imagine being a wood elf and in harmony with all of nature, then glancing over at the human city and feeling very confused on what these weird wolves are and why do the humans call them dogs, also why are they obeying the humans and holy shit that one is wearing bowtie.
Occasionally humans just wander into the forest, spot an animal that seems semi useful then kidnap it back to their city, suddenly their population spikes and they're the new best friends of humanity.
It happened the other way with cats tho, the wood elves remember overhearing two cats talking about the hairless apes wandering around and how one was betting the other that they can get them to share their food by just screaming at them.
Humans probably inspired their cuisine based on halflings' recipes since they didn't add soul consuming spices for fun like elves and didn't sprinkle in literal gem and gold dust like dragonborns.
A human with a Halfling neighbour who comes over every other day to share their stew because "they accidentally made too much and can't possibly finish it all themselves so how about you grab a bowl or two, human?"
One day the human makes a joke about how they're a simp or going to horny jail, whatever modern shitposting meme is trending, and the halfling takes it seriously and offers to sleep with them.
I mean, that is basic neighbourly hospitality to them. Of course they will fuck their friend who is in need, you don't even have to ask twice, come here and lay down and they'll take care of you until satisfied.
Now their trips over to your house are twice as frequent, half to feed you their cooking, other half to sate your lust appetite.
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I saw the thing. Both of the thing. The two things. Those things. Star Wars things.
RIP Luke Skywalker's relevance post-OT, we hardly knew ye.
[spoilers and shit below the cut]
I mean... the first two episodes did their job? They certainly felt like a typical Star Wars, whatever your definition of Star Wars is. It just feels like these people at the top have no fucking idea what to do with the galaxy post-Empire and pre-First Order. Like, there is no obviously Big Bad Fascist group of baddies that our plucky underdog rebel heroes have to fight. The enemy is not clear as bright fucking day. What is the enemy? What are we fighting? Is this why we're plundering the depths of the EU and overwriting EU!Thrawn with Disney!Thrawn? Is this why we're turning the New Republic into an uncaring out-of-touch wannabe Galactic Republic/Empire?
There are many, many places where the Volume is painfully obvious and it is incredibly fucking distracting. Personally, Peter Jackson's LOTR trilogy and the POTC trilogy really sold me on the possibilites offered by the marriage of practical FX and CGI. I've never been convinced by the "gimmick" that James Cameron's blue cat people promised, and seeing how increasingly terrible and cheap and fucking greedy the Hollywood studios have become since then has me convinced that we're fucked. I still want to one day get a job in entertainment design but I am increasingly gritting my teeth and side-eyeing the state of things.
There has to be better way to paint non-human skin tones onto actors right. The lack of emoting also really frustrated me. I hope it's just people settling into their roles but I also don't know the sequence in which they shot their scenes. It's just... I felt nothing. I lied. I felt something for Sabine's lothcat. I get Ahsoka at this time being aloof, distant, cold, closed off, but everybody else? I didn't feel it. Maybe from Skoll and Hati, our non-Jedi Norse wolves. Nordic? I don't fucking know.
Someone please explain to me how Sabine is suddenly a Padawan, an ex-Padawan, and now a Padawan again. I never saw Rebels but I know enough canon to know that Padawans are supposed to have some kind of Force sensitivity? Why is Ahsoka deciding who to take in as a Padawan? I thought she left the Jedi Order before she became a Knight? What the fuck is going on? Is she just... making up the rules now since there isn't an Order of people to say, "Hey, maybe don't"? Or is she just picking up where Ezra and Kanan left off? I don't know Rebels and it is midnight; I sure af am not going to decide to read summaries of everyone right now.
Sorry to Luke who either never blipped on Baylan's radar or was just that unimportant to him. Somehow. Sorry to Cal, though I don't even know if he survived to see the Empire's fall.
Among the bipedals who speak Basic, Morgan Elsbeth wins the award for "Most Interesting Character" because Diana knows how to chew up her scenes and has the charisma to keep me interested. I don't recall she was ever revealed to be a Witch in her Mando episode. But now she is? What? Why?
The baseline world development of the Corellian shipyards fucking kills me. I know nothing about Lothal from the show so I can't say shit, but from what I've seen of the city itself, it's so.... clean. CG clean. "We can't let people know we live here" clean. The Volume was screaming into my eyes on Arcana, and I can't believe the fucking planet is called Arcana.
But what is the reason why Sabine put away the parts of herself that are Mandalorian? Is it so that we can see her floundering and struggling and letting her hair grow long while she tells everyone to fuck off? Is it so that we can then see her saw off her long hair a la Mulan (or Kanan, I guess) and become a Mandalorian again? I... I don't have any emotional investment in this. I didn't see Rebels, therefore I don't have any actual emotional investment in this. It's just, cool CG, lightsabers whee, classic Star Wars-ish music to yank at your heartstrings, droids, magic, the Force, Force shit, more lightsabers, pew pew, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And people I only recognize because of the Galaxy of Heroes games, fandom osmosis, and cursory skimming of the Star Wars wiki. If I was a true outsider who knew the bare minimum from previous D+ shows, waht would my investment level be?
Is anyone surprised that Andor keeps showing up in these conversations? I want to rip my hair out and scream at people who hate the discourse because they say people just want more shows exactly like Andor (grimy and dark and grimdark with no Jedi and no Sith and no pew pew space fights and no bzzzzzzzzzzt lightsabers and all politics and politicking and hard decisions made by morally gray characters either trying to survive or trying to see the Rebellion survive) instead of the campy unseriousness with color and bad CG and silliness and pew pew space lasers and shit. I just want more shows made with love and care and a basic understanding of storytelling. There's a difference between telling a story and telling a Star Wars story. The Felonious Showrunners are telling you a Star Wars story full of Star Wars. Did you see the Star Wars? Look at the Star Wars. Listen to the Star Wars. Feel the Star Wars. Yes, I get it, but are you also telling me a story? Is this all really just a buildup to Thrawn returning to the galaxy to take control of the Imperial remnants to make a second Empire or some shit like that? And as always, does it really matter when Thrawn and Ahsoka and Mandalore didn't have ANY impact on the galaxy or the fate of the New Republic and the First Order in the ST?
Fucking hell, looked up serial vs episodic because I forgot the terms and then deleted the entire paragraph because what's the point l o l. Look, the problem for me is that this show relies on working knowledge of Rebels and also The Clone Wars so that we can understand who these people are, what their history is with each other, and where they're coming from when the Norse wolves sprung a witch from her cell. I don't have the time or energy to do any of that, so I don't... I don't care. Who are these people? Explain them to me. Tell me why I should care without assuming I already watched the other shows. All we had of Andor is Cassian Andor, who dies at the end of Rogue 1. Yet somehow we got to see all these new faces emerge and bloom and keep rising or dying for the sake of the nascent Rebellion. We got to know who the fuck they are, what the fuck they do or did, what their relationships are to each other, to the Rebellion, to the Empire, to Cassian. We got to see and hear what they believed in and why they fight or don't fight.
You don't need the 3 episodes of fleshing out Ferrix or any of the characters integral to a story arc. You already have the settings and the people. You already have the history. It would take a lot less work to introduce who they are, what they did or do, how they relate to each other, what they won and lost . It just... it just feels so damn shallow and half-baked and stiff and light like cotton candy.
I think if not for Andor, these first two episodes of Ahsoka would be perfectly acceptable in the Star Wars D+ series pantheon. But Andor is fucking Spiders Georg and fucked over people's expectations of what a good Star Wars show is and can be.
ACTUALLY. WHY NOT TELL THOSE OF US THAT AREN'T FAMILIAR WITH THE DISNEY STAR WARS LORE WHO THE FUCK THRAWN IS, WHAT THE FUCK HE DID, AND WHY WE DON'T WANT HIM BACK. Oh he's the last of the Imperial Grand Admirals - so what. Moff Gideon is beneath the likes of Vader and Tarkin and Thrawn and he did a lot of fucking damage. Andor showed us very clearly what kind of power and damage the ISB can do. So how much more damage can Thrawn do if he did come back? What kind of threat is he? TELL US HOW DANGEROUS HE IS TO THE NEW REPUBLIC. TELL US WHY MORGAN IS TRYING TO BRING HIM BACK. FOR HER OWN AMBITIONS? TO HELP OUT THE OTHER IDIOTS HIDING IN THE DARK, LAUGHING AT GIDEON CLONING HIMSELF IN A PATHETIC GRAB FOR POWER? COME ON. TELL ME SOMETHING.
Anyway, sorry to Luke Skywalker who's stuck on Ossus fucking around with Artoo and a bunch of spider droids, locked out of some greater story about an apathetic former Padawan and her own Mando Padawan looking for a lost Jedi while also trying to stop a blue man from returning to the galaxy. Maybe he never should've returned to Star Wars and stayed a grumpy old Jake who died all alone on some fuckoff island.
Let's see what the next episode will bring! At least it makes great background noise while I do other things.
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niccichi · 9 months
LukeJamie Headcanons 🌟🍶
It's 3:34 AM and I can't sleep, here's some headcanons I have for these losers <3 Putting under the cut so I don't clog up dashes
Jamie knows how to cook, it came with living with his grandmother in the middle of nowhere and idolizing Yun and Yang, who own a restaurant. Luke can make basic things, but ask him to make anything more and it's a disaster guaranteed. Jamie never admits it but he loves cooking food for Luke because it's a subtle, wordless way for him to show his love.
Jamie's love language is giving acts of service and receiving words of affection. Luke's love language is giving quality time and receiving gifts.
Luke's apartment is a mess, usually placing things wherever it's convenient and forgets to do his chores sometimes. Jamie's surprisingly the opposite, keeping things organized and tidy. Cleanliness was practically ingrained in his brain because his grandmother was a huge on keeping things clean. When they start living together, Luke does try to make an effort to keep things organized because he knows it bothers Jamie.
Jamie's a cat person while Luke's a dog person. They always have petty arguments about this.
Luke's usually the big spoon while Jamie's the little spoon but that's because their height difference makes it easy (and Jamie doesn't like to admit it but he does like being held in Luke's arms). However, if Luke's having a bad day, Jamie would be the big spoon to comfort him.
Jamie always steals Luke's clothes. Luke has no say in what clothes get stolen, they just disappear from his closet. He would lightheartedly complain about it but he does love seeing Jamie wear his clothes - it makes him feel all warm inside. Jamie does think Luke's clothes are ugly, but he has to admit that they're pretty comfy to wear. Luke would steal Jamie's clothes if 1) they weren't too small for him and 2) if Jamie owned anything else other than primarily crop tops.
Luke LOVES using pet names. He mostly uses 'babe,' but he'll use just about any pet name ever, including nicknames (like 'Jay'). Jamie isn't big on using pet names, but there was this one time where he called Luke a term of endearment in Cantonese and refused to translate it for him. They mostly use insults as terms of endearment though - for Luke it's 'pretty boy' and Jamie uses 'meathead,' 'dummy,' and 'dork.'
Jamie cannot drive for his life, so if they ever have to drive anywhere, Luke is always designated driver.
Luke loves PDA - he'll take any opportunity to hold Jamie's hand, wrap his arm around Jamie's shoulder or waist, or kiss his cheek. Jamie, surprisingly, is reserved when it comes to public affection. He prefers keeping intimacy private and always gets flustered when Luke starts getting really affectionate in public. Luke gets a kick out of it and always teases him about it.
Neither of them are really overprotective over the other, as they trust each other to be able to protect themselves and navigate Metro City on their own. However, Luke does get worried about Jamie sometimes, as he's much more reckless and he has a little fear of something happening to him that can't be controlled, fueled by the loss of his father and the Nayshall incident. It doesn't help that Jamie doesn't really value his own life very much either - it's residual from his neglectful parents and growing up delinquent.
One time Jamie came home extremely bruised and beaten up during a rough patrol and Luke became upset seeing his boyfriend so badly hurt. Jamie was initially confused, since he was still alive and well, and it takes him a long time to understand that Luke genuinely does care about his wellbeing and if something did happen to him it would tear Luke apart. He starts being more careful after that incident - if not for himself, then for Luke.
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sakurabunart · 8 months
Hi!! Can I pester you for your headcanons on Spamton?
Sure!! I have plenty of random headcanons i've developed over time, so bear with me here-
Okay so its been a minute since i really considered these, so let me think. One thing i'll note is that i have this habit where i try to keep any takes i have on a character as canon as possible, so i've weeded out alot of the more outlandlish stuff over time. Starting under cut.
Starting off, I like to think that his cat element kinda aids in his life on the streets, in that he can manuver around the alleyways and whatnot of cyber city in more cat-like ways. Climbing walls, perching up on high vantage points, ect. Maybe the element is from a virus even? Anyway, off track.
Okay overall, less wordy headcanons.
-Spamton, through whatever process happened post Mike, is sorta a halfway point between robot and the strange digital entity that Addisons are. He's plastic and metal, but isn't entirely so. Can still move his face and whatnot.
-Addisons don't need sleep, but Spamton kinda does because of many different factors, the glitches being one of them. Its moreso just a luxury he held onto from the mansion days.
-I don't see it touched on much, but i like to think that he didn't go straight from the mansion to the trash, he had an in-between of living in some sketchy cyber-motels and trying to scrounge up easy work.
-I, for one, do in fact believe in the acid theory. Its simply brought up too much to be a red herring to me.
-Random nothing headcanon, i like to think of his current suit as just his big shot suit thats gotten dirty/stained over time, not a different one.
-Pipis are a virus in themselves, a worm virus specifically. It essentially makes whoever's infected with it completely endeared to the "eggs", thusly they keep the virus and spread it. I haven't developed it too much past that however.
-I liked a post earlier about this one, i think he'd enjoys art as well! He may not do it much, but i imagine he painted the wall behind the shopfront, so i imagine he probably does similar art stuff to try and emulate whatever divine visions he's seen.
Theres more, i know it, but i can't for the life of me think of em right now. I'll reply to this post later if i remember any good ones!
I appreciate the ask!
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hsr-texts · 1 year
No, but the fact that belobogians never seen a chicken raises so many questions.
What farm animals they have and how do they keep them alive? Like the place has gotta be close to city, because it's simply easier to warm up the area this way. And just how big this farm area needs to be to provide for an entire city?
If they don't have chicken, what do they use instead of chicken eggs? If they don't use any substitutes, then they don't have cakes or other food like that. Or do they only have eggless recipes that don't require baking like some type of cheesecakes? I mean their planet is already like a giant freezer, they can use it.
Or they probably use other eggs, like idk duck eggs.
Does that create an even bigger divide between the overworld and the underground? Like most of the farm animals require plant-based food, so it would be very hard to keep them in the underground, especially after Cocolia ordered to close the border. But does this mean that some kids from the underworld never had milk?
omg hell yes i love discussions like this
this has sent me down a rabbit hole where i'd research belobogian cuisine ingame
(warning: this is a bit of a long post)
i'm looking at the flavor text lore for the dishes that you can get from belobog and i have this stone-grilled olm. i looked up what an olm is and yeah it's basically an amphibian
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besides olms, they have crabs which interestingly enough also has interesting lore implications because apparently these crabs could "wreak havoc" in belobog before the eternal freeze and then became extinct so has hook just been eating an extinct species this whole time??
the answer to my question was in "Miners Weekly" where it talks about how the rock crab nests were destroyed so it seems like the extinction only happened recently
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then we also have crystal lizards that are coldblooded and live in mines and apparently isn't even meant to be edible despite the fact that this is also something being sold by the food stall. i also wonder if that dialogue at the bottom saying how the crystal lizard satay tastes like chicken is from the trailblazer or march because it can't really be a belobogian
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i checked the bookshelf if i had any books that could answer my question and lo and behold, here's a recipe for how the crystal lizard satay and some lore attached to it. apparently the dish was created out of necessity due to a mining accident and lack of rations. i guess desperation can be the best source of creativity.
note: according to the same book, they've eaten candied mushrooms.
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so when it comes to farm animals, i found that they do have pork, rye bread soda(?), and yogurt
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this implies that they have pigs and cows but we can't be sure if they're different from cows and pigs in our world. the sausage is considered a national delicacy though so perhaps pigs are common enough that they can be produced a lot since a hundred years ago.
i found the recipe for rye bread soda in my bookshelf as well!
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then i found out they do have fish and jam which makes me wonder where they fish.
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According to Lila, an NPC that's a zoologist, Belobog has dogs, cats, wolves and birds but in ancient times, Belobog had domesticated bears and direwolves in the wild. The bears and direwolves are no longer around though.
anyway yeah this is the info I've found on Belobogian food. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed researching this.
It's really cool to learn more about this kind of lore in hsr
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oops-its-a-fanwork · 1 year
Lepom: The Ebotti region
Welcome to the Ebotti region, a calm region south of Mount Ebott and its vast mountain range. This is the region Sans and Papyrus call their home! The region is filled with lush forests, colorful grasslands and glittering streams of water originating from the mountains. The villages and towns littering the land are full of culture and history and are composed of friendly, close-knit communities. The most well-known towns are Home-Village and New Home City, as the oldest and busiest towns respectively.   Besides their hilarious names, the two towns are quite different: Home is located near the base of the mountain and is a bustling town when celebrations are held, but any other day it's just peaceful and quaint. It's not very big, but its location is connected to the region's history and the people living there know that quite well. It has a path that leads to the side of the mountains, where the caved-in caverns and mine can be found. It also has a museum which explains the history of the region to tourists and kids on school trips. This is where the fossils, crystals and antiques found by explorers of the Ebott caves are displayed. 
   New Home, on the other hand, is a lot bigger with more utilities and shops and is far more popular with the youth and other newcomers to the area. It's still not a huge high-tech city with flashing lights and neon signs, but it certainly stretches wide, and it does have buildings with more than 3 floors! It has a reputation of having both a large amount and a large variety of markets, like the weekly fresh product markets, the bi-weekly clothing market, the monthly crystal sales, the-     uh, yeah, all of them.   All of these products are provided by the neighboring towns and villages, as a way to share all the nice things this area has to offer with visitors and locals alike! This is also one of the few places that actually has a pokémon stadium that’s somewhat well known, as there isn't much of a trainer challenge in the area for those who wish to become strong. Beauty contests are far more beloved here, and people will come from all over for the seasonal and thematic variations! Although you can follow them on TV no problem :)
   Finally, moving between towns is relatively safe, if only for the fact that there's always someone willing to lend you a hand on your travels. The main routes don't hold very impressive pokémon, and the pokémon there are pretty used to humans. The nature routes and wild areas are more interesting though: lazy rivers, sandy lake beds and decaying ruins of old buildings are shielded from view by dense broad-leaf forests and the multicolored grasslands and small farms along the path. Locals know how to find them though, and as long as people are respectful they are allowed to visit these places to catch a new friend, do some research, or do some non-intrusive recreation like a small picnic. Beware though, that some pokémon might expect some of that sweet lunch you brought!
Pokémon found in the area:
Since this is a piece about the entire region, I’ll only do a brief overview of what you can expect to see if you move through the area + some honorable mentions. So not a complete list!    (this list is mostly for me to use when I start writing about the region but here it is anyway :3)
Again, the pokémon found in this area seem like common species you’ll find in many regions. If you know where to look you can find some unexpected or ‘more interesting’ ones though! 
On farmlands, you may find Wooloo, Tailow, and Mareep,
At night, you may find Drifloon, Pumpkaboo, and maybe Zorua,
In and near towns, you may find common dog, bird or cat pokémon like Yamper,  Pidove or Skitty. (the dog and cat pokémon are rarely wild though!)
Some common woodland pokémon are Stantler, Hoothoot, Zigzagoon and Deerling,
Some common meadow pokémon are Vevillion, Cutiefly, Buneary and Cottonee,
Some common waterside pokémon are Wooper, Magicarp, and Mudkip.
Honorable mentions: the Slowbros at the waterside who Sans hangs out with, the Scorbunny and its trainer who Papyrus plays ball games with, and the well hidden Eevee families across the region.
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mama-mystery · 1 year
Personal Update -- Moved & Safe
Hokay! Been a while since I posted here, but a lot's been going on. Let me give you the short version.
My wife and I move and left the state of Texas after saving up for over a year this year. It was a hard move for us to make, but we made it after a very long drive with two very quiet cats. My wife was the mastermind of all of this, and I don't know how we could have done any of it without them at the helm. They are my beacon in so many ways, and they certainly were that again here, as we moved.
But, as I had began to say, it was a hard and stressful move. Some folks know that I was out of work before COVID hit, struggled to find work during the pandemic, we had a slew of bad events happen in our lives... but we pulled through it, certainly not perfectly, but we pulled through it.
But living in Texas didn't make any of that better or easier. While in Austin, a series of laws were enacted by the Governor that specifically targeted the Transgender and Drag communities of the state. People think of Texas as a big Conservative hellhole (and it is due to the government), but it's also much more than that. The cities of Texas are incredibly diverse and wonderful places.
I don't hide the fact that in real life, I'm transgender. My wife's transgender. These laws were purpose built to screw with people like me and keep us off of the stage and out of public view. For example, certain "devices" (see: breast forms and fake packages) could be considered adult and can't be included in public performance if a specific law isn't blocked, which would include public speaking like mine. If I wore my breast forms, for example, it would classify my act as adult no matter what I was speaking about or how clothed I was.
In fact, it's so broad that simply wearing my breast forms in public would constitute a crime. It would bar me from public life if I chose to present myself the way I've presented myself for multiple decades, without issue.
All of that for a pair of fake boobs under a t-shirt. Amazing law. Brilliant legal. Yes, these are sarcastic sentences.
That's just the beginning of the stuff that's been happening down there, and it honestly only gets worse. Not all of it makes it up to the news media, but we're lucky that some of it does, like our AG trying to get a list of transgender people in the state without legal reason.
I'll be blunt: It's dangerous to be transgender in Texas right now, and I feel deeply for all of the transfolks who are still down there. None of us should have to live like that or be degraded like that.
I deeply admire those who are choosing to stay for whatever reason they have, as those people are fighting for their literal lives. They do it with class too. My wife attended multiple protests in Austin, and each time they were surrounded by amazing, helpful, kind people. There were physicians, lawyers, people with water, food, and first aid kits... the list goes on.
I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone here on my blogs and social media for all of the messages of kindness, support, and strength. I turned to them many times to help push me through. Without y'all, we wouldn't have been able to do what we did in the first place -- so thank you.
I'm still recovering from everything we had to do. While it's been a few weeks since we moved, it's been an extremely emotional time for me. It's odd to say, but I've found that I'm recovering from the stress of living in fear in Texas -- stress I didn't even realize I had until we left. It's also been the anniversary of my Dad's passing, as well as the passing of a number of our friends. This time of year is always grueling on me.
I know I'm doing better and feeling better, but it's still a slow path of recovery. I've taken it step-by-step, yet I truly loathe how abysmally plodding it all feels. My wife said it best: It's slow because we have to build new neural pathways in our brains to replace the old rusty ones and that takes time and patience.
I'm looking forward to getting back to being creative again, especially if I can continue to carve some more free time for myself now that my wife and I aren't living paycheck to paycheck with an astronomical rent. (I've been very, very confused by the concept of "having personal time again.")
I don't know when I'll quite be back doing my thing again with consistent gusto, but I will continue to be keeping in touch on my DeviantArt, Tumblr, and Instagram, as well as doing what's needed for SizeCon's tech.
And, I can say I do look forward to seeing everyone at SizeCon Micro 2023! <3 ~Mystery / Astra P.S. - Fuck Texas.
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Saw your post so here's some questions to distract you:
1. What was your favorite color as a kid? Do you remember why?
2. What would your dream vacation look like?
3. What's your favorite comfort food?
4. Do you find rainy days relaxing?
5. Is there a song you've loved since you were a kid?
6. What's your favorite pet name someone has called you?
7. What animal would you pick at Build-a-Bear?
8. Do you keep cards from people?
9. What would a nice day of activities look like to you?
10. What kind of hugger are you?
Hope these provided some cozy grounding. 🤗💗
My favorite color as a kid was still red, and originally it was because I associated the color with my favorite OC.
My dream vacation would basically be something exactly like my recent trip to Japan! We're talking a month with a trusted loved one in a big city in a foreign country. That was the dream and I already lived it!
I find great comfort in literally any possible combination of meat, sauce and potatoes.
I only find rainy days relaxing when I don't have to go outside.
I have literally listened to the same genre trashy pop for my entire life, so singling one song out from that mess is very hard
I like being referred to as small/tiny/little cause my soul is petite even if my stature isn't
I don't know Build-a-Bears selection, but I would probably end up falling in love with a cute kitty cat cause cats are "my" animal and I love them so much
I don't receive cards from people and haven't in ages and I'm completely fine with that
A good day for me is basically just a day where I get to spend quality time with a loved one. That's what my life is about!
I hug my closest loved ones very tightly and for ages (if they're comfortable with it)
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dont-do-dumb · 2 years
I can't sleep and I cry so hard over people and pets I can't save that my cat wakes up crying out with me until I settle him back to gentle sleep on my upset tummy.
I'm 24 and feel like everything is falling apart.
I have no job, I quit college, none of my clothes fit comfortably ranging in size from Medium to 1x and 8 to 16.
Everyone jokes about "weren't you going to kill yourself?" And about how "I wasn't supposed to live this long" but what do you call it where one minute you're 12 and your home isn't safe anymore and then all of a sudden you're 24 and even though you're in love and it's so freeing being with them, some days (a lot of days) it still doesn't feel like "home".
And I'm standing here being loud, and stomping my feet, saying "Please love me" and you laugh or you ignore it and I don't know how to make you listen to me so I go cry in my bed alone.
To my family I'm a disappointment at worst and an annoyance at best and I'm sitting with these people still trying to say "Please love me, please help me, I don't know what's wrong and I'm so afraid" and they can't see it and can't hear me and when no one can hear me I feel like I shouldn't be here whatever the fuck here means.
But what would I do? I can't drive to the ocean because I've been afraid of the ocean since I almost drowned at 13 and my sister hauled me out by my swimsuit and acted like it was nothing. I can't go to the woods, I don't know how to camp and I'm terrified of the sensation of wriggling things. Going to the Big City is an option if I had the capability to make phone calls without wanting to throw up and any waitstaff skills.
What do you call it when you don't want to die but you don't want to exist anymore because it wouldn't make a difference either way
I'm stuck in a fishbowl of fear and rejection molded glass regressing to 11 years old before I was scared of sleeping on my couch and 7 years old where my older sister was still happy to be my sister and 5 years old where watching movies with my mom was my favorite thing and I'm no longer afraid
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aamethyst000 · 1 year
April 8, 23 7:21am - going home~
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I woke up an hour ago and couldn't go back to sleep. I'm feeling anxious this morning because we are flying home today! our flight won't leave until 1pm but we gotta get there to check our luggage and how many people are boarding the plane. it was pretty packed on our way down here, which I did not like. it's probably why I avoid taking the plane as often as I do and why I always prefer the trains over taking the bus. anyway, I am also excited to go home and be in my own bed~ and see my cat ♡
being in this city is so exhausting and fckn expensive! I'm so glad I don't live in this area, I prefer PG over any other city. catching one train to another, or even a cab that is nearly 50 per trip. an Uber is not that cheap either. I got so stressed that my appetite could not keep up. I'm glad no one worried over if I actually ate or not. I don't know if they'd understand that I could no physically force myself to eat a big meal like that. on top of that, lots and lots of walking from one building to another. not to mention the new additions (at least from the last time I visited here) like the pets they have now and proper blankets. they definitely did not have that the last time I was here. I'm glad that they have little companions though ♡ I am so very thankful for this opportunity to travel again ♡ me and the rest of the group will be leaving the hotel at 10am to head to the airport. I'm going to be so anxious throughout the whole thing.
8:18am - I am really hoping that I can sleep while we are on the plane today. I am actually getting sleepy again. then again, I might get too anxious while we are at the air port. the place is so bloody huge, I genuinely get a little afraid to get lost there with how big it is. I am going to double check everything in my suit case and my laptop bag before heading down into the lobby. it's gonna be a long wait, that's for damn sure. some of the students love to wait until exactly the time we said we are gonna meet. I can see why and how it is so irritating when my mum asks me for something. I can try and fix that, for my own sanity and everyone else's. now that I realize it is a really bad habit to get into.
12:04pm - we made it to the air port and through security. despite my anxiety saying other wise. we are almost home, me and the group will be boarding the plane at around 1230 and departing around 1pm.
I have been feeling drowsy since I woke up early this morning, I am also feeling cranky too, so I am hoping I can nap on the plane ride back. it looks like it is going to be a full fckn plane again. it is going to be so bloody warm then. I'm a little upset about that but all I am thinking about is home and my beedddd, along with seeing my cat again ♡ he has been such a Lammy pants since me and my little brother left home lol poor thing. I think I am just going to meet everyone down at the ferry docks when we land. I don't want to bump into the sperm donor again. if danny isn't beside me, I might just strangle him on the spot.
1:49pm - we are on the way to home now, I tried to take a nap but I seem too anxious to go home. I had like a quick little nap before departing but that was about it. now I am just listening to music on Spotify and just zone right out during this flight. the sun is blindingly bright. that's probably why I can't have a little nap.
5:00pm - we all made it on the ferry and now are on the way home! I am so excited to go home and rest, dude. I am so tired I am ready to go hermit mode for 2 weeks. just as I predicted, we had to go straight from air port to the ferry docks. my little brother did not like that, he wanted to buy more gift cards for his gaming system. he couldn't, since we didn't have enough time. supper will be made by our favorite takeout lady tonight 😋 and I get to have NORMAL coffee as soon as we get home ♡ I should've waited u til today to have a bath but I get the feeling as soon as we make it home, I will be too tired to do anything else lol so I think ill just be having supper and unpack some time tomorrow.
this trip was fun but fckn exhausting.
10:30pm - we finally made it home at 630, I am so happy! I felt myself relaxing after coming back home, our takeout also made it here half an hour later. it was so yummy~ I had a pizza sub with a side of zingers. I even had two cups of coffee~ I feel so much better after smoking a few joints as well ♡ I feel back to normal~ I am not going to bath tonight, im just gonna relax in my room and pet my cat ♡
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grrlsoft · 2 years
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ constellations : eddie munson
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summary : summer nights in hawkins are never boring when you have your boyfriend eddie by your side.
pairing : Eddie Munson x gn!reader
author's note : aaand more eddie fluff because i cant stop myself. i love this boy and wanted to write something summer-y for him (since it's summer now where i live lol)
warnings : none! just tooth-rotting fluff ;-D
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it's a hot summer evening. Hawkins seems to be asleep, save for the occasional barking of dogs enclosed in people's yards and the loud chitter of cicadas. the scent of laundry floats through the air, a sweet and homey smell, and the sky is deep and black and littered with tiny stars. 
you rest on a grassy knoll, spread out on the wide patch of green as your boyfriend, Eddie, lies next to you. the two of you had been in his trailer before this, but you insisted that you wanted to go somewhere to waste the long hours of the night away. with tired reluctance, he agreed. as long as he got to pick the music for the drive there (wherever "there" turned out to be, anyway).
you clutch the grass between your hands, closing and opening your palms over and over again. the ground is cool against your back, providing a welcoming refuge from the sweltering night air. you draw in a long breath, inhaling the smell of nature and laundry detergent and Eddie. the moon rests like a white, elegant crystal ball in the sky, casting pale, shimmering rays of light onto your figure. you smile at her and she smiles back.
"this is boring," Eddie's raspy voice cuts through the summer silence like a knife, "can we go home?" 
you sigh at his impatience. "we've only been here for like, half an hour," you reply, "besides, I like being out in nature." 
"my trailer not good enough for you?" Eddie scoffs, and you lightly shove his arm, causing him to roll away from you. you laugh as he tumbles in the long grass. 
"do that again and I'll roll straight down the hill," he says, his wide brown eyes staring at your darkened silhouette. you nudge him further with your shoe and he makes a small, dejected noise. 
"I dare you," you grin. 
you giggle as he scoots back up to lie beside you once again. you look at the sky but he looks at you. 
"I'm glad we don't live in a big city," you say suddenly, "otherwise we wouldn't be able to see any stars." 
Eddie hums, his hands itching to hold you. his eyes can't stay focused on the sky for very long until they're gravitating back towards your figure.
"can you see any constellations?" he whispers into your ear, desperately trying to make an effort to concentrate on something that isn't you. you shake your head. 
"no. I wouldn't be able to tell even if there are any," you murmur back. he sighs disappointedly. 
there's a long silence between the two of you. a slight breeze tousles your hair and you tilt your head as you stare out into space. the grass tickles the bare skin of your arms.
"we could make our own," you suggest. Eddie raises his brows, considering the idea. 
"I like the sound of that," he nods. "where do we start?" 
he gazes at you as your wide eyes look across the expanse of the midnight sky. he can see you connecting all the little dots in your head. he likes the way that the stars reflect in your dark pupils, like little mirrors.
"well, how about these ones," your arm moves upward to point out at the sky, "those little blobs there." 
Eddie follows your finger and squints. “where?”
You point again, more aggressively this time, “there.”
“not seeing anything,” Eddie shakes his head with a frown. you sigh loudly.
"then humor me for a second," you reply. “I think it looks like a cat.”
Eddie says nothing and then shrugs. “okay. cat. sure.”
you narrow your eyes. "she needs a name, let’s-" 
"Eddie junior." 
you look over at the brown haired boy and he meets your gaze. you raise a brow skeptically. 
"seriously?" the corners of your mouth can't help but turn up at his playfulness. 
"it's a good name!" Eddie exclaims, and you laugh. you redirect your attention to the stars. Eddie does too, eventually.
"ooh, you see that like, big squiggle?" Eddie's excited voice interrupts your searching. you follow his hand as he traces a line of stars with his pointer finger. you nod. 
"looks like a dragon," Eddie states. you tilt your head to look at it more, and you find yourself agreeing. 
"mhm, I can see it's eyes, I think," you say thoughtfully, "it's got big wings, too." 
"I'd like to be a dragon," Eddie admits. you turn your gaze over to him. he looks dreamily towards the sky.
"yeah?" you reply. he nods surely, brown eyes still focused on the stars that sit above your heads. 
"yeah. I'd like, live in a castle and shit, and guard a big pile of gold and jewels, y'know?" he grins into the night. "oh, and I'd eat anyone who'd come to take any of my treasure." 
"sweet," you chuckle, "sounds perfect for you." 
"it’s my dream job, actually," he jokes, and you laugh. you sigh happily and look upwards once again. 
you're quiet for a while. you look out and search and search for shapes in the dark, tracing the little specks of light with your gaze. 
eventually, you find one that you like. 
"over there," you break the cool silence, "looks like a unicorn." 
Eddie moves to follow your gaze. he narrows his eyes and nods his head slightly. 
"oh yeah," his quiet voice tickles your cheek, "it's got a long ass horn. and funny hooves." 
you chuckle. "she's trying her best, Eddie." 
you look at your starry unicorn and you can swear that she’s looking back at you. you smile in the dark.
"she ain't got no wings, though," Eddie quips suddenly, causing you to roll your eyes. 
you lean further against him, not caring about how hot you'll eventually become. "don’t bully her. maybe she and the dragon are friends. he’ll eat you." 
Eddie tilts his head to stare at you. you do the same. 
"you kind of remind me of a unicorn, you know." 
you blink, smiling. "really?" 
he nods, reaching up to push a strand of hair away from your face. his touch is callous and rough. "mhm. all mystical and pretty and shit. like something out of a fairytale."
you hum wistfully. "I'd like to be a unicorn." 
"oh, and I mean that huuuge horn of yours is pretty noticeable too," he jests and you swat his hand away as he pokes your forehead harshly. a deep laugh rumbles from his throat and it sends shivers down your spine. 
before you know it, he's climbing on top of you and pushing you back into the grass, kissing you sweetly, fervently. you loop your arms around his neck and lean your forehead against his own. you feel his fingers weasel their way under your tank top, caressing your bare skin. he moves his attention to your neck and places a few delicate kisses to the soft skin there, biting you occasionally. you hug him tightly and bury your face into his curly hair. you inhale the familiar scent of him and run your own hands up and down his back. 
"Eddie," you breathe out his name gently, feeling hot and needy, "Eddie, I love you." 
Eddie moves and hovers over you. his dark eyes stare into your own. he smiles at your flushed face and how softly you gaze at him. 
"I love you too, sweetheart," he replies, his voice filled with admiration. your heart flutters at the nickname he uses for you. "my sweet, sweet unicorn darling."
a laugh bubbles from your throat, and Eddie truly does believe that you are from a fairytale.
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asparklerwhowrites · 3 years
Writing Indian characters, from an Indian person
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India is a huge country! while most characters in mainstream media are from the 'big cities' i.e Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, etc, there are many, many more places and areas to look at! since India is such a vast country, there is incredible diversity. 19,500 languages and dialects are present, with people of different skin, eye, and hair colors and types! there are, of course, a lot of inherent prejudices present, which I'll address a little later.
#1. Know their roots
There is no 'one' Indian experience. People from different places celebrate different festivals, worship different gods, and speak different languages!
A checklist of things you should know about your Indian character's background, in essence:
Which state and city/town/village are they from?
How many and which languages do they speak, and with what frequency? (Mostly, people can speak at least two languages!)
Are they religious? (more on religion later)
What are some of their favourite memories/moments linked to their culture? (festivals, family gatherings, etc)
#2. Naming your character
Some common names for boys: Aarav, Advik, Shlok, Farhan, Ritvik, Aarush, Krish, Ojas, Zain.
Some common names for girls: Arushi, Ishita, Trisha, Rhea, Riya, Zoya, Vedika, Khushi, Charvi.
Common last names: Shah, Singh, Agarwal, Banerjee, Dala, Bhat, Joshi, Iyer, Jain, Dhawan, Dixit.
Be careful while picking a last name: last names are very much indicators of the ethnicity/community you're from! most older folks can guess the ethnicity of people just by their last name - it's pretty cool.
Naming systems usually follow the name-surname format, and children usually take the last name of their father - but I believe some regions have a bit of a different system, so look that up!
#3. Stereotypes to avoid
This goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Being 'Indian' shouldn't be your character's entire personality. Give them traits, feelings, and a purpose other than being a token diverse character. Some stereotypes that are really a no-no when it comes to Indian characters:
Making them good at math and academics in general (my Cs in math beg to differ that all Indians are good at math. often, the reason Indians are stereotyped to be so smart stems from an incredibly toxic and harmful environment at home which forces children to get good grades. unless you've experienced that, its not your story to write)
Making your Indian character 'hate' being Indian (not everyone?? hates their culture?? like there are many, MANY faults with India as a country, and it's important to recognize and take action against that - which often makes us iffy about how we feel about our country, it's genuinely not your place to write about that UNLESS you are Indian. don't bring in 'hatred' of a place you've never visited, and don't know much about.)
Make them scaredy-cats, 'cowards', who are good at nothing but being the 'brain' (I will literally behead you if you do this/lh)
#4. Why India shouldn't be portrayed as 'perfect' either
It's likely that most of you won't be going in SO deep with your Indian character, but India isn't the perfect 'uNiTy iN diVerSitY' as it's depicted in media. There are incredible tensions between religions (especially Hindus and Muslims), and even remnants of the 'untouchable' way of thinking remain between castes. There's a lot of violence against women, and misogyny is definitely something Indians are not foreign to. People with paler skin are considered to be 'better' than those with darker skin (in the older generations especially)
#5. Some common customs
Removing your shoes before entering the house, since your house is considered to be 'godly' and shoes shouldn't be brought inside
Eating dal (lentils), chawal (rice), sabji (a mixture of vegetables/meat that's cooked in different ways) roti (Indian flatbread) is considered to be a full, well-balanced meal and at least aspects of it are eaten for lunch and dinner (if not all four elements)
The suffixes -bhai (for men) and -ben (for women) are added to first names and are commonly used by adults to refer to someone of importance or who they hold to esteem.
However, 'bhai' (which literally means 'brother) is often used as slang when referring to friends or family. Other slang includes 'arrey' which is used to show irritation or 'yaar' which has the same context.
It's custom to call adults who you refer to in a friendly way 'aunty' or 'uncle', like the parents of your friends.
Talking back to your elders is forbidden, especially your grandparents who you have to refer to with utmost respect.
#6. Religions
India is a very religiously diverse country. The most common religion is Hinduism, then Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and Buddhism. All religions have their own complexities, and since I'm a Hindu, I can tell you a little bit about that!
It's common to have a mandir which is a small altar dedicated to the deities your family worships. (Fun fact - they're usually placed in the East direction because that's where the sun rises)
Most kids can say a few shloks by-heart, which are a few lines of prayer! (lmao I've forgotten most but I used to be able to rattle off at least ten when I was younger)
Most people know at least the general plot of the Ramayan and Mahabharat - two famous epic stories. (I'm not sure if they're inherently 'Hindu' or not)
Many people wear necklaces with a small pendant of the deity they worship!
Common Hindu deities: Saraswati, Ganesha, Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu.
It's important to note that religious violence is a thing. Muslims especially, are oppressed and discriminated against. It's a very, very complex issue, and one that's been going on for thousands of years.
#7. Myth & Facts
India is a very poor country
Yep! Lakhs of people live in villages with no electricity, clean water, or amenities nearby. There's no point sugar-coating it. There are HUGE gaps between the poor and the rich (have you heard of Ambani and Adani :D) and while our millionaires rejoice in their thirty-story mansions, people die of famine, disease, and hunger every day. I am personally lucky enough to be EXTREMELY privileged and attend an international school and live in one of the most developed cities. Most people aren't as lucky as me, and it's a really true, horrifying reality.
Everyone in India is vegetarian
No lmao - while many people ARE, there's a greater and equal amount of non-vegetarian people.
We burn our dead in parking lots
This circulated back when the second wave was going on in India, and the media blew it out of proportion. First of all, what the actual f!ck. Cremation is a Hindu ritual, and by saying that aLL Indians burn their dead you are erasing the other religions here. Secondly, cremation is a sacred ritual only attended by close family of the deceased member. It does not happed in PARKING LOTS. It's a time of grief and loss, not a way to humiliate a religion for the way they treat their dead.
Drop any other questions about India in the comments/DM me!
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rosyvvoods · 3 years
Well obviously we have to go with Frank Woods ;)
hehehehhe thank youuuuuuu <3 as always i tend to ramble a whole fuckin lot so i'll put it under a read more
post-1989 and post-panama i think woods really needs some kind of community to pull him out of all of the guilt he feels about everything that happened (also he goes to a therapist bc we support healthy coping mechanisms here SDHFKHS but i digress) and that's around the time he gets into the punk / alt rock / metal scene (as evidenced by the ABSOLUTELY WILD post credits cutscene that i had no idea existed until i came across "carry on" by a7x and was like call of duty cover art for song???? HUH???) and really vibes with a lot of the themes of the music of the era. just because i'm biased i think he'd really get into green day first and go from there. (also he'd take david to concerts! my mind cannot be changed on this)
i want to do like actual separate headcanons BUT an addition to ^^ that one- i just think of woods as a music guy in general like. from the fact that the time when he was growing up on the streets in philly was also a very big time for jazz and other similar music genres in the city to the 'iconic' music of the 60s-70s-80s i just think there's a lot of potential for him to have kind of a vast knowledge of music. he's the type of guy to really like classic rock but also disco but also he's a fan of frank sinatra because his mom always listened to him but also again once the 90s roll around he's elbow deep in the metal and rock scenes while also vibing to the rap and hip hop scenes and. again i might be projecting a little since my family has always been very music-knowledgeable but it just feels right for him SDFHKSHDFS
picked up smoking as a habit after 89 as well, but it was never to the point that (adler was at SDFKHSHDKFS) he was spending a lot on cigarettes or smoking too too much because he didn't ever want to do it around david or in his home or anything like that, but it came along with the whole healing-from-past-mistakes and literally healing from the injuries he'd sustained
is a cat person. now- listen- i understand why people look at him and say dog person. and in actuality, i'll say he's not super partial to either? like he just likes pets, since he never really had the chance to have any in his life. he likes the companionship and the company. but i think he'd like cats a lot because they're a little less needy as far as having to take a dog outside and play in the yard and go on walks whereas cats are slightly more low maintenance. he's the kind of guy that if he comes into a room and his cat is on the table he will have a full on back and forth conversation with this cat, like- "what the fuck do you think you're doin'? get your ass off of the table, this isn't a fuckin' barn-" *cat meows or chirps at him* "oh so we're back talkin' now, huh? c'mon, get the fuck down already" and so on and so forth. the cat curling up in his lap even as he's doing things around the house and rolling around a lot in his wheelchair and moving around more than one would expect a cat to tolerate; any time he has nightmares the cat coming in and sitting on his chest and purring really loudly and being a little obnoxious but sweet and calming him down; stuff like that i could just. SEE.
(his cats either have people names like oliver or they're named monster truck. there's no in between.)
OKOK I KNOW THE HEADCANON ASK THING SAID THREE HEADCANONS BUT JUST ONE MORE i think frank gets more tattoos as he lives life and especially after 89- i think he and david get a few matching tattoos even if they both joke around that it's just for shits and giggles, and frank absolutely has tattoos to commemorate alex somewhere on his person, and honestly probably one for hudson too- i don't think they were super close, but i think woods has a lot of respect for him, especially after sacrificing himself so woods and david would live.
thank you again for sending the ask i love getting to ramble on for forever SDFHSHDKFHSDFS
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
What is your favourite dog breed? Labs and German Shepherds.
What colour nail polish do you wear the most? It's been almost 5 years since I've painted my nails.
Do you use lip balm regularly? No, but I should.
Do you drink soda? I do.
Do you drive? Nope.
If so what kind of car do you drive? --
Look to your left, what do you see? Pillows and plushies/Squishmallows.
How many people have you dated? Two.
Do you use hand sanitizer frequently? Yes, I have a shit ton of hand sanitizer. How many hair products do you use? Just shampoo and conditioner.
Are you happy with your appearance? Ew, no.
What is the last book you read? I just finished "Autumn's Trap" by Mary Stone and started "The Girl and the Last Sleepover" by AJ Rivers.
What website do you visit most often? YouTube and Tumblr together, like I literally have two windows side by side all the time cause I watch YouTube while on here.
Have you ever broken a bone? Yes.
Are you artistic? No, sadly.
Do you know the song that the title of this survey is based on? There isn't a title.
Have you ever been to a concert? Yeah, a few.
Have you ever performed in a play? No.
Do you like to dance? Nah.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? So many things, though...
What search engine do you use? Google of course.
Do you have a facebook account? Yes.
What is your favourite food? Wingstop's boneless garlic parm and lemon pepper wings, chicken strips, ramen, turkey and bologna sandwiches, pizza, pesto pasta, eggs, chips and dips.
Can you use chopsticks? Nope.
Do you use a blowdryer on your hair? Nah, I just let it air dry.
Do you use a flat iron? Nope.
Do you have a cell phone? I do.
What colour underwear are you wearing? Blue.
What colour are most of your clothes? Black.
Do you collect anything? Yeah, a few things like giraffe stuffed animals and knickknacks, keychains, pins, gnome stuff, plushies... when I like something I get carried away so I have a lot of attire and memorabilia type stuff of various things.
What colour are your eyes? Brown.
Do you have any tattoos? No.
Do you play video games? Not often, but yeah.
Do you speak any other languages? Only a little Spanish.
Do you wear makeup? Not anymore. I stopped bothering with it a few years ago, I just didn't have the motivation or energy. Plus, I'm just at home in bed all the time anyway.
How many times have you moved? A few, but only once that I'm old enough to remember.
What was the last food you ate? I just had a few chips.
What was the last thing you had to drink? Water.
Do you liked grilled cheese? Yeah, especially paired with ramen.
Do you eat breakfast? Yeah, most days.
Do you have a cat? Nope.
What is your favourite childhood memory? So many. I just miss being a kid.
What was your favourite movie as a kid? Disney movies.
Have you ever dated someone online? No.
Do you like to take walks? No.
Are you going to college right now? Nope, I graduated back in 2015.
If so, what is your major? I got my BA in psych.
Do you like school? I liked parts of it. I guess I'd say overall, but in the moment I definitely felt overwhelmed, stressed, and experienced a lot of burnout.
What perfume/cologne do you wear? Currently, I have 3 different body sprays from B&BW I've been switching between. I don't remember the names, though, and I don't feel like getting up to check right now. I just know they're part of their new spring scents.
Do you keep a journal? If so how often do you write in it? These are like my journal entries.
Have you ever traveled outside of your country? Yeah, I went to Mexico once.
Do you chew gum? I haven't in years.
Do you live in a big city? No.
How often do you go out to eat? I get take out several times a week, but I rarely actually go out to eat somewhere.
What is the last movie you saw in theatres? The Batman.
Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes, many times. I had been dyeing it regularly since like middle school up until a couple years ago.
Do you drink tea? Once in awhile.
How often do you get your hair cut? The last time I got it cut was last summer, which I just did myself. For the most part I was getting it trimmed a few times a year.
Do you subscribe to channels on youtube? Yeah, I'm subscribed to several channels.
Do you have a tumblr? Clearly.
Do you watch anime? No.
Can you cook? Nope.
How old were you when you first started dating? I had my first boyfriend when I was 16.
Are/Were your parents strict? No.
Is your room messy? It just needs a little straightening up because I've been re-organizing, re-arranging, and getting rid of some stuff recently.
Do you have Netflix? Yep. We have like all the main streaming services.
Do you have any regrets? If so what do you regret? I have many. :/
How are your grades? I'm done with school.
Do you get nervous easily? Yes.
What do you look for in a BF/GF? I need a patient and understanding guy first and foremost because I'm dealing with a lot. Then of course I want them to be caring, loyal, trustworthy, all that good stuff. Someone I can just chill with, have good conversations, enjoy TV shows and movies with, take trips with, laugh and have a good time with... that kind of thing. They have to be fine with just chillin at home a lot and that I have to take it easy and rest.
Have you ever written a song or poem? Attempted, yes.
Have you ever written a short story or novel? Yeah. I used to all the time in middle school just for fun.
Are/Were you in a school club? I was in a couple clubs in high school and the psych club in college.
Do you play an instrument? No.
Where do you want to be in 5 years? Ideally, some things will improve at least a little.
What do you never leave the house without? My bag with my wallet, phone, medicine, hand sanitizer, and mask.
What food(s) do you refuse to eat? Seafood, any kind of meat other than chicken, turkey, pork, and beef, stuff like frog legs, chicken feet, bugs, snails, you get the idea.
Favourite candy? White chocolate.
Do you have a good relationship with your mom? Yes.
Do you have a good relationship with your dad? We don't have a bad relationship, but we're not close like my mom and I are.
What did you have for dinner last night? Pizza.
Do you wear glasses? I do.
Do you have any siblings? If so, do you get along with them? I have two brothers and yes.
Do you watch reality tv shows? If so which ones? Ones like Catfish, the Teen Mom series, and The Voice. I used to watch a lot of reality TV, but not as much anymore.
Do you listen to the Beatles? I like some of their songs, but they're not ones I listen to much. It's been awhile.
Do you listen to No Doubt? I like some of their songs.
Do you listen to Nirvana? ^^^
Do you listen to The Cure? I like Lovesong.
How many songs are on your iPod? I haven't used my iPod Touch since like 2012 so I have no idea.
What do you miss most about your childhood? Everything pretty much. Take me baaaack.
How many pets do you have? I have one doggo.
What kind of pets do you have? I have a doggo named Princess Leia.
What colour are the walls in your room? White.
Do you write "To-Do" lists? Yeah all the time.
Do you procrastinate often? I'm a PROcrastinator.
What is your favourite book? I have way too many.
Did you hate any of your teachers? Two of the math professors I had in community college were horrible.
Have you ever been depressed? I am depressed. I have chronic depression.
How do you handle stress? Not well.
What are you looking forward to? My dad's birthday getaway next weekend.
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