#there was og a background but i was so upset with how it was looking so it deleted
asmodeusamaryllis · 9 months
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #12
Stanky Danky
Me: Huh, Mark's extended family must have stopped dropping by to eat the pollution. Mr. Guzman: There's even trash in space! Me: oh no
I like how Hazel consistently wears her hair covering at night. The first time I heard this show would have a black girl for a protagonist (like a year+ ago), I was really nervous about whether it would be handled well- I'd braced myself for "trying too hard to score diversity points."
I have to say, I've liked the hair style variety within her own family, and I feel like there have been more black background characters than I remember from the OG show (though I didn't go practically frame by frame in the OG like I'm doing for this liveblog).
I didn't say it in "Trial or Hair-or," but I enjoyed how Hazel formed a stronger bond with and love for her hair, as I feel like that would be important to her personal identity. I like how she always wears this hair covering to bed. Little details like that make me feel so much more at ease about something I was really nervous about for what feels like 15 months.
SLKDJFSLDKJF Cosmo and Wanda are still sleeping in separate beds. I mean, that's standard Fairy culture in my 'fics, so it works for me.
Trash monster is nice! Didn't see that coming.
Hazel: I wish he could speak at least a few words? /wish granted and he can speak only a few words
I knew it, Kennueth IS on a cliff in that poster. I'm surprised Hazel had to wish for him to breathe air last episode.
Uh-oh, it's Dimmadome time- WHAT DO YOU MEAN "one-time use helicopter??" Sir, you can't bring that to an event about polluting less and saving the earth! ... Is Dale in there? I have to assume so. I've been missing him.
Me: Aww, Dale looks just like his old self! Awesome, and easier to recognize when he's not panning across the- OH MY GOSH!!! Dale: When I was your age, I spent my Saturdays working in a factory underneath a lemonade stand >:/ (Pulls out photo of him from "Nectar of the Odds"
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Sir. SIR!! Do not repeat the abuse cycle with your son!
-> I hate that he just carries this around. Dale, you need to let it go. And maybe sue Vicky, idk.
I'm CRYING, I love how they gave him false teeth. That's hilarious.
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The boots... That's a Dimmadome, all right.
Like, on some level I'm glad Doug spoiled him after he was rescued from Vicky's lemonade horror show, but I'm gettin' a bad feeling...
I can only assume this family tells horror stories about Vicky. This is the funniest anti-hero backstory ever. I was also going to treat Dale's torment 100% seriously in 'fic, but this is way more fun.
They are not cutting any corners. They didn't even change his backstory; he literally got tormented underneath a lemonade stand for 7 years. That's the one piece of canon he was given in the OG show and by golly, are they sticking to it.
Did Vicky take over the lemon torture pit from someone else?? Did she start this gig when she was 9? Is she gettin' retconned? Hm.
They definitely do not drink lemonade in the Dimmadome house. Please let me see Hazel offering Dev his first taste. If we don't get that as an episode someday, I'm writing a 'fic.
Dev trying to get out of pollution clean-up day: But... is our company even earth-conscious?
Too funny.
Okay, I've been thinking about it ever since Episode 1, but why didn't Dale get a fairy? I was waving it off under the assumption he'd only been underground for a couple days max, but... with 7 years, now I have questions.
-> Did Vicky move her lemonade kids around? The stand wasn't always on Timmy's front lawn, but... Surely Cosmo or Wanda would've detected him if he WAS under Timmy's lawn for 7 years.
WELP, trash monster's upset there's not gonna be more trash to eat if they clean it all up. I can see the problem. Uh-oh...
Why do I get the feeling that Dale has said "Come to Daddy," to the trash monster more than he's said it to his own son?
Hazel's parents didn't come to the trash clean-up?
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sldkfjsdklfj he's still got the boots... I hate him /affectionate.
There is something severely funny to me about how they've made it clear they took inspiration from Dale's canon design, but his adult design lost his fluff and cowlick and has sleeker, professional hair. Something about this feels very correct for this art style because I feel like a lot of the adults have shiny hair without little tufts and decorations. I might redo my adult designs.
Oh, Hazel doesn't even know that's Dev's dad because she didn't see his mental pictures in Episode 1. This keeps getting better. I love how she also said "That guy with the ridiculous boots" after I pointed out the boots. Yes, Hazel, we've been over this... He's a Dimmadome.
Cosmo and Wanda in their apartment again! Just chillin'.
I don't know why I didn't expect Dev's drones to be called Dimmadrones.
Dale to the trash monster: You're like a son to me! Dev in the background:
The moon is still a waxing crescent when you're in space? ... I mean, I guess.
Peace of Pizza
Ya know, I'm surprised we haven't seen the Ya Boix drinks come up more than the fact that Kev sponsors them (mentioned in 2 episodes). I guess it's nice that they were depth for a side character, but that surprises me since they're the first thing you see in the theme song.
Ooh, Dev's in the title card! Where's this going?
I like how Hazel was using Cosmo pencil to stab Wanda eraser. She may have fairies, but she's still a bored schoolkid.
I... I was going to cheer that we had a list of names for classmates, but uh...
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The Kindness Chart isn't in alphabetical order. I feel like putting Dev at the bottom was a targeted move.
Or it's reverse alphabetical since she's Hazel Wells and he's Dev Dimmadome.
It's still a waning crescent?
Maybe I'm old-school, but "pea pod aliens" is setting off all my alarm bells.
... Aliens are insisting everyone loves pizza, but what if someone's lactose intolerant?
Okay, since we're just coming off the episode where Dale reminded Dev he was locked underground making lemonade for 7 years, I feel like I don't blame Dev for not trusting anyone?
Like, I get the feeling his dad is emotionally absent, but this might not entirely be his dad's doing. I'm not sure I'd trust people either if my dad got yoinked for 7 years when he was my age.
Especially since Vicky's whole thing is that she's nice until she starts bullying. Yeah... don't trust.
sdfklj, Dev slam-dunking his stuff in the trash can and backflipping away. That's so unnecessarily extra.
Does the news never have anything important to report? ... I'm glad Winn brought up the thought of getting their own pizza, since I was wondering about that myself.
Hazel: Dev, I have someone here who wants to talk to you! Dev: What's she doing? The Closer: She's trying to use someone close to you to appeal to your emotions. Dev: ... ?? No one's close to me. wtf. /scene change where Cosmo is dressed as Dev's dad.
Oh, this is gonna go great.
Dev, instantly switching gears after hearing "his father"'s voice through the door: ... Dad? You took off work for this?
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-> Wanda can read him like a dog-eared book.
So... She- she's gonna report this to Jorgen, right? I feel like she's supposed to do that. She's gonna tell him this kid is ticking multiple misery boxes, right? She's not just gonna ignore this... Wanda, please.
Not sure how I feel about the running gag that so many adults look like Timmy's adult self from "The Big Problem." Throws me off every time and I wasn't a fan of that design anyway, so it feels weird.
HE'S LACTOSE INTOLERANT, I KNEW IT! ... Well, not really him specifically, but I was on the right track.
Oh, this is terrible. Am I mistaken, or aren't lactose intolerant pills like, $10? Does he know? Does he know.
Dev: I thought lactose-free pizza was just a myth?
Dale, you're a terrible father.
Also, I like how a lot of effort was put into converting their designs to 2D, right down to Dev's yellow zipper stripe:
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Okay, that's enough for this post... On to "A New Dev-elopment"!
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ravennaortiz · 26 days
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90s Song Prompts (13)It’s the way you love me, it’s a feeling like this Yandere Prompts(3) no one else makes me feel this way, I can’t lose you OG Prompts (30) I need you Prompts with my newest obsession Angel please! I know you can make magic with these prompts my lovely!💜 thank you! Requested by @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog
As always my Stories are 18+
Dark Content warning divider by @cafekitsune
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Caged Love
Giving the door of the cage one more shake you sighed. Too say you were defeated was an understatement. Your trudged back over to the soft bed and collapsed back onto it with a sigh. The familiar scent of your perfume wafted around you and you let out a choked laugh. At least you had your actual linens from your room to keep you comfortable. You should have heeded the warnings and maybe you wouldn’t be locked in a cage in your boyfriend’s bedroom.
You had ignored every “He’s a bit obsessed”, “He’s a little too into you”, “maybe you two should take a break”. It wasn’t just your friends, family and coworkers making comments. Even his brother and father had made similar statements. You had just laughed and shook your head. Your perfect Angel would never hurt you. He loved you and was too much of a sweetheart to do anything crazy. Yeah he was protective but weren’t all boyfriends? Yeah he was always showering your with gifts and affection but wasn’t that what he was supposed to? Yeah he got in his head and feelings when you talked to other guys but he was just sensitive. Nothing wrong with that. Obsessed? No he was just attentive and cared.
“Excuses” you muttered to yourself as you turned over on your stomach to look out the window. How kind he had been to build the cage next to it. So thoughtful you laughed bitterly. Always thoughtful that Angel. You couldn’t be too upset with him though. This predicament was your fault. Right? You were the one who didn’t say anything about the interview. You were the one who left the house listings up on your laptop. You were the one who went running at the drop of a hat when he called saying it was an emergency and “I need you. Please Hurry” Those five words he had gasped out as you heard metal clanging and crashing in the background.
Terrified you had left work and tore it to his place. Running through the open door, leaping over the overturned furniture as you yelled his name. Not a care for your safety you were sprinting up the stairs two at a time when you heard him weakly shout. You hadn’t made it all the way when you felt something hit you in the back and then everything went black.
“Hey Mi Corazon” called Angel quietly as he entered his bedroom drawing your attention. He was carrying a serving tray with food and water on it. “How are you feeling?” he inquired as he sat the tray down and dug in his pockets for a key chain to unlock the door. “Angel, plea-“ you started as you leapt up before he yelled at you.
“Sit!” bellowed Angel making you flinch and tears spring to your eyes. “I’m sorry. I just need you to be seated and calm so I don’t have to be forceful with you.” He explained as he frowned at the tears shining in your eyes. “You know I love you right?” he inquired as he watched you sit down on the bed. You nodded offering him a weak smile. Angel simply nodded before opening the door and grabbing the tray. Once the door was shut and locked he set the tray down on the little table next to the bed.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked quietly as he sat next to you caressing your head before he kissed your cheek.
“You were going to leave. Leave Santo Padre. Leave me.” Stated Angel as he cupped your face with his hands forcing you to look him in his eyes. For the first time you saw the hint of the real Angel. The devil within as you stared into the dark pits. “I couldn’t let that happen. No one else has ever made me feel this way. I can’t lose you.”
“Angel, I wasn’t going too. I was going to tell you. I love you. But this….” You stated waving your hands around the cage. “Are you going to keep me here forever?” you asked carefully as tears ran down your cheeks.
Angel frowned as he used his thumbs to gently wipe away your tears. “I have to. You have to understand that I’m doing this because it’s the way you love me. It’s a feeling like this….. it’s made me addicted. This is your fault baby” replied Angel with a light chuckle before pulling your face to his and pressing a hard kiss to your lips.
“Eat up and get some rest. We will go over rules, rewards and punishments tomorrow.” Explained Angel as he stood up patting your head before making his way out of the cage. “I love you” he called before shutting and locking his bedroom door.
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Want more Angel? Click here
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starsoftheeye · 4 months
TMagP 17 Reaction
I've discovered that acting disinterested literally makes the episodes show up earlier on my youtube account, so I've gotta play mindgames on this app every thursday to get to see the episodes less than half an hour after they release lol
Ah Celia is back on her bullshit
Wait did she just nearly get ran over???
I feel bad for laughing at her but her only reaction being "Oh for gods sake" is super funny to me how long has she been doing this
oh hi sam
oh god she missed their date :[
something tells me a habit is going to be made of this, especially considering she literally cannot help it
"it really wasn't" yeah no wonder you nearly became roadkill
theyre so cute i love them
ooh shes mad
"catalyst" huh, have we heard that before or is this the first time
pfft not the interviewer getting read to shreds
wild theory before i keep going, based on the title "saved copy" and the "identity crisis", "existential horror", "temporal distortion" and "captivity" tags, im going to assume that this person going to therapys having the details of their life copied somewhere for something to replicate and replace them, and the doctors gonna attempt to get rid of them but obviously it didnt work. either that or the guy outside the office does something
as someone whos never done meditation before this is not encouraging me to start
ah office spaces, the worst of cosmic horror
wait did they get teleported or something
tbf if my taxi driver started driving completely the wrong way i'd assume the worst and start "exchanging words" too
oh my god was i right
wait is this copy based on their therapy, a version of themselves with no problems whatsoever? and is this gonna be a "there can only be one" type scenario?
oh wait no i forgot siblings exist
wait nvm them having the same name is weird
"dates and times" so this is where the temporal distortion comes in ig
i'm sticking with the "rich-darrien is a copy trying to assimilate into og-darriens life" theory for now
yeah because thats not normal darrien, even if youre related no-one looks completely identical apart from glasses, teeth colour and a lack of a beer-gut
do they both think the other is the copy, or does sharron just not know?
oh god what is he hiding
does he beat up a real person every time hes upset
of course it was his father that makes sense
oh my god the sound design
oh my god he's the one who assimilated thats so cool
good for sharron i hope shes doing okay
off-topic but i love the way the voices get more real as the statement goes on then go back to their more robotic tone at the end
as a celia fan i am eating well this week jeez
celia my dear what do you mean by that "not exactly the same though, it is?" girlie what have you done what are you hidinggg
who was playing the music in the background there?
as someones whos computing department in school consists of keyboard with never-before-discovered types of bacteria wedged between the keys thats valid
alice dyer i love you so much
ah the dyhard is dyharding
ah yes the mutual "i'm traumatised and i know you are too but i don't like you enough to give details on mine or ask about yours so we'll just sit and suffer in silence til the ice somehow breaks" dynamic
also colin mention woohoo i love the scottish man
the computer start up noise and power down noise at the beginning and end of every episode kind of makes me think that someone is watching all of this (maybe us, or more likely someone in-universe)
anyway that was fun, i'm doing this late but this was a nice way to spend my first proper off-day since finishing all my exams
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here's a question that has probably been asked before: how did you come up with you rewrites for the characters? all of the backstories you gave them are really interesting and, while I haven't read the originals in a long time, I think I like what you did more. I found your work only in the past couple days, but I like it a lot; your versions of the creeps feel the most like real people that I've found since my interest in them reignited. but yeah, love your work.
(also, I may show back up in your ask box, so may I be "embroidery anon"?)
Firstly, thank you very much!! I tried really hard to make them much more realistic/three dimensional instead of just “oohhh I like to kill people!!” Ya know? I’m glad that people like you over time have liked that aspect of them :)) Prepare for some rambling though-
As for coming up for their specific backstories, that’s a little hard to answer I think just because of how long it’s been since I started doing that. I’ve been into the creeps since I was 11 and I’m turning 23 in a couple weeks so, it’s been a long ride. The creeps grew up alongside me and I think for some of them their stories just sort of evolved in my mind over the years. I mean I’ve literally been in the fandom for longer than several creeps like Toby, Pup, Helen, etc.
The basics are just I’d look at the original story for most of them, decide what I think I could keep, and what I’d like to change. For a creep like Toby, I wanted him to still have a good relationship with his mom and sister, and I still wanted his sister to die, but for Natalie I made her brother an ally to her and someone she loves and trusts instead of one of the bad guys. But I mostly wanted to make the writing darker and more in depth, I wanted them to be darker and more realistic as people.
I also wanted different backgrounds for them, like Toby/Helen/Natalie coming from very rich and influential families, EJ in my canon growing up in a cult, Jason and LJ both being toys instead of just LJ, things like that.
The thing about rewriting them I think is that most of the OG stories are not… The best written stories ever? Most of them were written by preteens/teens and not the most realistic pieces of media. Like in Jeff’s, being burned by fire made his hair turn black and his skin turn white, which is not really how fire and burns work?? And then he went on to burn off his eyelids which also not a great idea? I’ve actually had people get upset that my Jeff has eyelids but like if he didn’t he would be completely blind and in literal agony because his eyes would be completely dried out. That’s not a great design imo, but it was also written by a child so like, that’s why.
Most of my designs just sort of pop into my head randomly though. I get an idea like for BEN I wanted him to be close to his mom, but I didn’t want her to still be living so I went okay, how do I expand on that? And that’s how I came up with my version of his story, with his mom dying young from illness and his father being abusive and resentful.
I wish I had a better way of explaining it but that’s just sort of my general thought process. I started to look at them more as individual characters/OCs instead of just the original lore, which I mean most blogs for the creeps these days have their own lore too. I don’t think my creeps are the best ones ever (except in my heart), but I also had a lot of fun writing them and coming up with their backgrounds. I got influenced a lot by songs and media and they just gradually came into fruition :) I’m glad they were good enough to reignite your interest.
(And also yes, you may take that anon name ^^)
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pochapal · 8 months
umineko opening live reaction post
due to spoiler avoidance this is now only happening after i'm already like two thirds done with episode one BUT thanks to the magic of trusted followers giving me beautiful spoiler free links (everybody say thank you to @coolstuffiseverywhere) i can now Bear Witness:
immediately noticing from the first three seconds that this is NOT the same opening/song i'm used to skipping. umineko project starts with a shot of i think a record being played?? and then i don't know the rest
this is a very hype-building type song for sure lmao
hi beatrice
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the music is very much giving getting turnt at the medieval fiefdom. i'm kind of living for it????
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is this what the og version's backgrounds looked like? very dreamlike water painting quality to them
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a shadow falling over maria....how prescient
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squishy battler......nobody understands how badly i need to put this boy in a microwave
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suuuuper interesting that our first glimpse of george is fogged-glasses Adultsona george before the mask lifts and we see a friendlier face
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clock striking twelve + the overlay of the first twilight's sacrificial/freedom magic circle + natsuhi in the corner....much to consider
weird pulsating heartbeat effect over what i think is the ushiromiya eagle? the symbol as the rotten heart pumping the poisoned lifeblood throughout the story perhaps?
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failsibling void....mimicking the dining room's seating hierarchy?
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them!!!! shannon!!!!! kanon!!!!!!!! of course they're presented as part of the Sus People slideshow but that's okay because neither of them ever committed a single crime ever <3
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the failsiblings have Become The Joker
more seriously thinking about the comedy mask presentation here....multiple lies and multiple farces define the ushiromiya siblings so this is extremely apt
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kinzo => blood splatter => the epitaph (?) is a Very Leading sequence of images. encouraging certain audience associations from the very start.
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the image effect here is really making the mansion's windows look like a stained glass relief. evocative of church imagery. thinking about this in correlation with the floating topic of christianity. of the recurring motif of faith and the demonic. of the gospel house. rokkenjima as a corrupt altar.
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it would be false advertising to call you game "when they cry" and not include anyone crying in your opening
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uhhhhh that's. that's. blood. on maria's sprite there. a bloody maria besides beatrice. symbolically a representation of maria's use as a pawn in the slaughter or foreshadowing some horrible thing that hasn't happened yet? hope it's the former because Maria Covered In Blood is incredibly something i don't need to think about lol.
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a.....bottle? wine bottle on the beach? with. is that paper in there? a message in a bottle? really conspicuous image when compared to the western style ornate envelopes that have otherwise been the defining method of written communication in the story. i can think of a couple of things a message in a bottle could refer to/be used for as fits both the witch narrative and the epitaph puzzle.
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seagull sighting!!!! after so very very long the titular umineko reveals itself
so that was the whole opening! first thought is the song is an absolute banger and i WILL be extracting an mp3 file from this video because even listening to it a couple of times is super pumping me up to want to read umineko right now lol.
second thing is that i am very interested in the sequence of images/events portrayed in the latter half the opening. the first part clearly maps onto the failsiblings argument and kinzo's demon's roulette and the clock striking midnight ushering in the killing, feeding then into everyone being upset and arguing. but then we get a bloody maria by the portrait, a message in a bottle on a calm beach and an image of a seagull flying under blue skies. some kind of symbolic representation of how episode 1's gonna end? something Bad goes down with maria and the storm breaks and we get the final word via a message in a bottle and then the seagulls cry?
this is almost certainly something that will make an extreme amount of sense after the fact but mostly right now i'm instilled with a deep anxiety for maria. there were a lot of ominous shots of her in this opening. i worry.
but yeah!! glad to have finally seen this!
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 months
HI i just saw ur lokius fairytale post aaand like kinda rotating that cinderella scenario around my head any chance you have any other thoughts to add onto it ?
Hey anon, really glad the fairytale asks stuck with you because we've been having so much fun with them! Honestly I'd not had a chance to think of more until getting this but after having a little time there's a scenario I'm kind of loving which may or may not have spiraled from the og Cinderella concept so apologies in advance 😅
(also putting this under a cut because y'all know me and whew did this get longer than even I'd expected 😂💖)
Cue Ravonna sending Mobius on a reconnaissance mission to get details on Odin being up to something which seems to differ from the usual flow of that timeline, the details are vague enough for him to wonder where she's going with this but they both know the chance for him to get close enough to Asgard is too tempting to pass up and there's an upcoming ball with enough invitations that one more shouldn't be a problem. So he tries his best to at least blend into the background long enough to slip away and search for info but the fact that he's pretty much the only person at the party not boisterously jumping through hoops for Odin's attention or favor draws Loki's attention him like a lightning rod, lol, which doesn't escape mutual notice and since the only other option would be Loki making a scene to draw attention to whoever this mysterious(ly hot) stranger is no one seems to know, Mobius can't help pointing out he's not exactly someone that would be sent in as a physical threat so maybe if he's allowed a few minutes to explain he could make it in Loki's best interest 👀👀
Loki's skeptical but intrigued, and it's not like he was enjoying the night beforehand anyway so he follows expecting some obvious lie of an excuse as to what Mobius is doing there but instead Mobius quite bluntly tells him he's there for dirt on Odin that could be mutually beneficial for them both.
This part he keeps to himself ofc, but by now he's figured out whatever's going on clearly has to do with/is centered around Loki's future and after so many years of researching Lokis he's secretly harbored a crush and honestly does want the best for them if possible so it's very easy to at least tell the truth about why he's trying to sneak around in the first place. Loki doesn't completely believe him, but he's infinitely more interesting than anyone in recent memory and Loki's desperate to learn about him so he haughtily declares Mobius no real threat, and will guide him through the palace personally to seek out this all important info, with the threat of imprisonment if the night ends empty handed.
Mobius cheerfully agrees with the knowledge he'll be long gone through a time door before things come to that, and the night is kind of playing out like a fantasy he didn't even realize he had so because he knows it won't last he lets himself be a little playful with Loki, praising his magic and asking questions he hadn't been able to answer from his files, like which flower first comes to mind when he looks out at the gardens?? Loki of course bristles at first but soon realizes how much comfort there is in the way Mobius speaks to and about him, and how his words bask brighter and warmer than any sun 🥺
However, because of this he can also tell Mobius knows far more about him than he previously let on, and can't figure out why he seems so delighted by all the qualities everyone else has been so bothered by his entire life so as they search through Odin's private study he starts needling for details to match, eventually getting nothing but things that completely baffle him like how Mobius obviously has horrible taste in food and that he seems wiser beyond his years than any Midguardian he's ever seen yet somehow seems to have nothing of personal value in his life except something called a jet ski?? And he's taken aback how, when pressed, Mobius isn't even upset about it but just a bit sadly resigned. They share a moment of bonding over their prior loneliness and start to grow even closer, leaning in just before a crash sounds from the hallway and the sounds of drunken guards calling for there whereabouts of Prince Loki echo, forcing them to break apart as Loki panics about how to explain Mobius' presence and bringing Mobius back to reality about how far he let the night spiral by indulging so it's all he can do but stumble out an apology for everything as Loki tries to find a way for them to sneak away before turning back just in time to see the gleam of a time door disappearing in the middle of the room 😔
Now the whole "glass slipper" element is a harder one since it's not like even if Mobius left behind something TVA related Loki would be able to trace it back to him so this is where I headcanon he dropped a folded magazine photo of a fav jet ski he liked to carry around as a reminder of why he works so hard, that he had taken out to show Loki was he was talking about earlier and Loki uses to trace back to Don, alerting the TVA due to the obvious branch it cases, and then you can only how everything Mobius knows implodes from there which would probably take me a year to detail but is very fun to picture and yes because I love him this would also result in Don meeting the Loki of his timeline because he deserves love too 😂😂
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glitchedshark · 6 months
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hello my friends, its been a while since i've been able to post art!
ive been cooking a sigma redesign in the background for quiet a while now. his current look and personality in the games is just.... bland to me. i dont find anything interesting in his motivations or appearance. its upsetting since wily from the OG series is so much fun. both of them are recurring bad guys for almost every game but sigma isnt as interesting as a villain as wily.
thoughts on my redesign are under the cut. and the ALT text contains transcripts of my handwriting!
The rising Maverick issue continued to worsen as more cases of violent reploid activity emerged. Reploid technology, since its recent discovery by Dr.Cain, has done so much to improve the quality of life of humanity. But like any emerging technology, there are risks.
Seeing the dangers of the Maverick threat, Dr.Cain once again provided his insight and assistance. He proposed the creation of a organization dedicated to hunting and eliminating Mavericks. The idea was eagerly accepted by the population. But the power of reploids far surpassed any human. If such an organization were to succeed, it must be placed under the care of other reploids.
Using research he unearthed alongside X, Dr.Cain designed the most advanced reploid to date. A design superior in both intellect and strength to lead the hunters and maintain peace for humanity. Sigma would be a protector, a leader, a pillar of virtue for reploids and humans alike to look up to in uncertain times.
He performed his duties to perfection. He oversaw every mission. Completed each one with absolute success. To the hunters and humans, Sigma truly was their hero and fearless leader. The few who knew him personally, like X and Dr.Cain, knew how he handled everything with care- it was a necessity of Sigma to be careful, of course. His strength was unmatched but also untested, and on more than one occasion he would break something in the earlier months of his creation. He would apologize profusely to the good Doctor Cain for an damages caused, to which the Doctor forgave him with a laugh.
Sigma was a perfect icon of the hunters promise to protect humanity. Then, on one mission, he encountered a Maverick like no other. A crimson machine of murderous intent and unstoppable power. Sigma nearly failed in his mission. He nearly lost his life to that thing. For the first time, Sigma knew fear.
He was damaged. He needed weeks-worth of repairs but the humans would not allow it. They needed him up and running immediately. So they patched up the worst of it, and threw on some reinforced armor and an support unit by the name of Velguarder to assist him. That worked well enough for their needs and with days Sigma was returned to his station- still with a scarred face to remind everyone of his previously unknown fallibility.
Sigma continued to perform his duties. He read every report given to him, he gave his hunters every reassurance, he meticulously handled every Maverick incident to prevent any casualty. Time passed. He was praised less for doing his job. He never had time to complete his repairs. His head hurt from the information he processed everyday. He did not know that could happen. The rest of his repairs kept getting pushed back. Too much to do. There are more mavericks everyday. That crimson killer joined their ranks. No one asked Sigma's approval. Zero is what they call him. No one asked Sigma. His head hurts more everyday. He still hasn't been repaired.
Months go by. He still wasn't allowed to be repaired. He asked once to have leave for a few days. THe Humans looked at him witH disbeLief. TOld him he couldn't ignore his duties. He nEeded to protect huManity. He needed to Care for theM. WHo was caring for Sigma? Who? WHO WAS CARING FOR HIM?
The Maverick Threat continues to rise. Sigma would like to announce to humanity that he is resigning from commander of the Maverick Hunters. You do not deserve his protection.
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Tlou ep7 spoilers:
(I’ve referred to bella as they/them in this post)
To all those who doubted Bella Ramseys portrayal of Ellie before the show even fucking aired, I sincerely hope you have the maturity to admit that you were fucking wrong. Not only did you doubt Bella but you also doubted Neil druckmann (the creator) AND Ashley Johnson (OG Ellie) when they gave their approval of bella and their performance. There is no other word than outstanding to describe bella, their acting was spot on in this episode, it has been in the other episodes too but this one… this one right here I mean they gave us everything, the little side glances, the smiles, the admiration and love towards Riley was just amazing. All those little details and bella didn’t drop the ball once, throughout the entire episode you could see feel every emotion that ellie was feeling and aw man Rahul kohli put it best, “Bella Ramsey is one of the most talented and exciting actors emerging from the next generation”.
While Pedro had like five minutes in this episode he too was amazing, Joel demanding ellie to leave, find Tommy and pushing her away, absolutely fucking gut wrenching, and his face when he realised she never left him 😫😫😫
Storm Reid, bloody hell, again the casting in this show is fucking delicious, like I don’t know how else to describe it. They just don’t get it wrong. Her Riley was great, and even though (any who’s played the game) we know what’s coming for her character, she still delivered this absolutely heart breaking performance, when she notices Ellie’s bite, then lifts her own hand!!!!! I wanted to cry so bad. Storm and Bella did not miss at all and their sapphic tension was so beautiful and I love that it wasn’t shyed away from in the show, I hope they both get recognition and awards because that is the least they deserve.
This episode had some of they most beautiful shots and the lighting was to die for, cinematically it was just gorgeous. When the mall lights came on and it cut to Ellie and her reaction 🤌🏼 I’m sure we all had the same look on our face while watching it. The shot when the two were playing in the arcade and it pans to the runner/clicker, like I was DONE!! even if you hadn’t played the game, you just fucking knew what it meant and you’re left with dread for the rest of the episode, you’re on the edge of your seat waiting for it all to go wrong and it finally comes and your feeling defeated. You’ve just watched two kids share there first kiss only for them to be sent to their doom within the next few minutes, only for us to know that ellie survived and Riley didn’t. I played left behind when I was 14 just like ellie, I’m now 21 and I got thrown back 7 years ago to my teenage self and I remember feeling so fucking mad and upset for her, all the same emotions came back tonight as I sat and watched this episode, it doesn’t matter that I already knew what was going to happen because Bella and Storm have just elevated this story to a whole other level with their acting ability and no one, no one could have done a better job than those two
The shot of Ellie holding Joel’s hand, their hands curled around eachother, oh my gosh, I know there are people who don’t think that the show can give us anything more than what the game already has but it is fucking giving, it’s giving us all those extra details and insights to all the relationships that are formed and forming that we never got in the game. I mentioned this in my previous post regarding ep 6 but we get more background on Maria,her baby, her job, her marriage and pregnancy. Joel and him being a contractor, and having panic attacks and nightmares, the jokes and the glances between ellie and Joel and ellie and Riley, there’s just so many little things that give us so much more context and understanding and so many more things to love about these characters that we’ve already loved for so many years. and I just cant describe how much I appreciate it, I’m totally rambling at this point but I can’t stop.
Small points I want to shout out:
Mortal kombat!!!!
The clown and wolf mask
Ellie and Riley talking about lingerie 😂
The jumping between rooftops, I would’ve fucking loved to do that as a teenager
Ellie having to stitch Joel up, I’m not really squeamish but I did feel my face scrunch when I watched it
Ellie’s little smile then instant apology after kissing Riley 😫 “for what” 😭
When the dead body fell through the floor, not gonna lie it made me jump a lil, thought it was gonna come alive for a second,
Them stealing alcohol off a dead body 😂 like that’s fucked up
The photo both scene, aw man I wish the photos printed better for them 😢
Just Ellie being fucking gay, every smile or look towards Riley, especially on the carousel, like girl you’re so fucking in love
I like how we got to see how Ellie ended up in the fight at the start
The purple lighting in the arcade was gorgeous as well as the carousel 💜😍
Take on me!!! Who doesn’t love foreshadowing? This song is playing while Ellie is with the first girl she’s in love with, Joel’s gonna teach her how to play it on guitar at some point and then one day she’s gonna sing it to Dina, my heart can’t take this it’s too much!!! 😭😭
Um Ellie and Riley’s lol dance scene together was so fucking cute
My eyes fucking widened and my jaw dropped when I saw those bombs on the shelf!!! Like Marlene why are you letting this kid handle home made bombs??!!
I keep forgetting how much Ellie doesn’t know about the world before, first when she’s in the car for the first time, then the escalators then her Riley not knowing about screenshots lol, it’s really freaking adorable. Electric stairs.
Also did Riley say she is almost 17? That kinda threw me a lil bit
If I got assigned to sewage detail I would run away too
I don’t know why but when captain kwong said to Ellie that he sees a leader in her i thought it was interesting
The naughty dog logo!!! The paw on the keys kwong has on his desk
Dawn of the wolf
Those freaking dolls in the doll store where the infected was, that was actually really creepy to me
This entire episode was just so well done, beautiful shots, lighting, music, cast, and Bella and Ellie were fucking phenomenal, I can’t wait til we get to the next episode, also kinda scared too cos we know what’s coming
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itsjules-here · 10 months
Five (5) Harry Potter (trans rights) fics to read before you die
That’s right I’m talking about the series written by that stupid fucking transphobe. Harry Potter defined so much of my childhood and growing up as a fan and also realizing that I’m trans was a really difficult experience for me. It kills me that something that used to bring me so much joy is now tainted by the author’s awfulness. Not to say the series isn’t without its inherent problems like the antisemitism, the weird slavery attitude, the disgusting fatphobia, and general homophobia.
Personally, I don’t consider anything outside the books to be canon; this gives me so much more breathing room as a fan to imagine a better wizarding world. Basically, if that bloody TERF had to specify it outside the books then I don’t care – she could have written it in but chose not to, once the book is out there EVERY interpretation becomes valid and if I decide that everyone was trans and also banging each other then I get to do that. Get fucked Joanne.
That TERF has also tried to sue fan works in the past and has said quite a bit about how much she dislikes fanfiction. But you see, I already want to upset her so I will be continuing to enjoy these fanworks that were, in some way, a great source of joy for me, something comforting in a world that seems to get more and more complicated and cruel every day. So this is a countdown of the five Harry Potter fics I recommend to everyone. You don’t have to agree with my list, but I just wanted to put it out there because it’s been on my mind lately.
5. My Immortal by “Tara Gillespie or XXXbloodyrists666XXX”: It’s the OG bad fanfic you have to read it to appreciate how awful it is. You don’t have to finish it, but you do have to cry limpid tears over it. Rated M on fanfiction.net CW for really extraordinarily bad writing, mentions of self harm and suicide, pedophilia, underage sex, and did I mention really really bad writing.
4. Turn by Saras_Girl This is THE Drarry fic. It looks at how one small change can have ramifications over time so if you’re a fan of the butterfly effect this is the fic for you. Rated E for sex scenes and mental health struggles. Technically canon compliant all the way to the epilogue but like, not.
3. Oh God Not Again! By Sarah1281 This is objectively the funniest fic written for this series. Adult Harry sassing everyone in sight is a fucking hoot. If you loved sassy Harry this one’s for you. Harry is accidentally sent back to his 11th birthday in 1991 at the age of 23 trapped in his 11 year old body but with all his memories and he apparently does not give a single fuck. Rated G but with trigger warning for canon-typical murder and violence, child endangerment, and sass so good it burns you through the screen.
2. Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce by imagitory AKA the Gordon Ramsay fic. Yes, instead of Slughorn coming to teach potions in the Half-Blood Prince, its Gordon Fucking Ramsay and he has a bone to pick with Dumbledore about watching all this child abuse and doing nothing about it. It’s also Ron-centric which is so important because a lot of the fandom tends to characterize Ron as a horrible person when he’s the first person who saw past what Harry is to WHO Harry is and his strength in owning up when he does the wrong thing is actually very important to the series. Rated G, follows the canon ships, very very well written.
And finally . . .
1. Casting Moonshadows by Moonsign. You can keep your ‘The Shoebox Project’ and your ‘All the Young Dudes’ THIS is the Marauders fic for me. It is just so perfect in the way it develops not just Remus and Sirius but also James, Lily, Peter, Frank, Alice, Marlene, Dorcas, Mary and heaps of others. It made me care about the OCs! Its is a Wolfstar fic with background Jily and it is the greatest. It balances the angst and the fluff and as far as I’m concerned is canon compliant. This FEELS like a Harry Potter story, just with the way the narrative goes and it sucks you in so quickly with one of the best opening lines:
“Remus had always thought of memories as being like framed photographs on a shelf. Most of them were placed in the sun and faded over time. Sometimes the colour faded, leaving only a vague sense of the time; the outlines of a memory that changed a little with retelling. Sometimes it was the outlines that faded so the colour remained in bright, vivid blurs – a real sense of the time but no details.”
This fic will break you and then put you back together. It is rated M for sex in later chapters, quite a bit of violence, child endangerment, and mental health struggles. If you’re someone who is squicked by underage sex between two consenting teenagers or just not into sex in fanfic in general you can skip the sex scenes as they do not generally contain any plot.
PS Thanks for reading the whole thing! Trans Rights!
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tendo-64 · 11 months
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Top 10 Haunting Photos Taken Moments Before Disaster (yo wtf who made claus cry)
Redraw of my first ever MOTHER 3 art! The moment that took my heart and shredded it into a thousand pieces lol
If you wanna see the OG and a small ramble, look below
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side by side
The 7th was the day exactly one year since I finally finished mother 3 after only having seen half of it for four years. This drawing was actually done a week later, but I don't think it matters. Point is, when I made this drawing, it was after having drawn very little stuff for years, and it upset me a lot when I realized, so I used my mother hyperfixation to drive me to start drawing every day so I'd start improving again. This IMO is the fruits of my labor! Though I'll still keep drawing.
In this take, I chose to combine the battle background with the final area's overworld so it looks a little more interesting. Not to mention flexing my having learned how to draw things illuminated from behind lol
I'm really happy where my art is gone. I've still got a lot of work to do, there's stuff I really need to improve on like perspective and my background making skills. But I think I've made progress for someone who used to never attempt either of those at all!
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sageandred · 6 months
In depth wtFOCK Season Three Thoughts (Part 2 Through the Seasons Review)
The other girl (Noor) storyline was questionable. (Having it take 3 episodes before Sander is introduced was a choice).
-and it's not like I'm closed off to changes, but I feel like they still could've introduced Sander in a different way without taking a 3rd of the season to do so (but I do like the little Where's Waldo of Sander in background scenes)
-I really thought there would be more significance/fallout to the Robbe-Noor graffiti. (I get it shows she's artistic like Sander, but) I thought that scene would contribute more to the entire storyline rather than just Robbe/Sander (first sighting).
I get the intended Robbe internalized homophobia. I don't hate it; should be interesting what changes it brings in the story. This is a much darker feel than the other evaks where "Isak" is concerned.
-the little things like the music he listens to as he walks up to his friends gives me the perception that he's always performing;
-and how his voice changes from when he's talking with the boys to when he answers a call from his mom
I'm a bit upset we didn't see more Robbe-Yasmina moments (he didn't leave the weed with her in this version, which is fine). [I know they spent some time during summer doing retakes, but I needed to see the friendship development or some bigger moments between them].
A change I like is that the season doesn't start off with "Isak" automatically living with "Eskild" (Milan).
Forgot to say this with the other seasons-this Skam might have the best cinematography and clear direction-but this season it's heightened
Love, love the apartment crew with Milan, Zoe, Senne, and Robbe!
Top tier first meet scene
-also grocery shopping was a nice change (plus music choices are great this version)
This "Isak" has some guilt immediately after during what would be the morning after the pool kiss scene; also it's kind of a change I like due to the obvious direction with the music suddenly coming to a halt as he blocks Sander.
Actually the use of Bowie in scenes is chilling (and RUDE-the Robbe-Noor sex scene); it's a good storytelling choice.
I like the changes, but the pacing and lack of a resolution with talking things out/really addressing things make them generally unimpactful so far [Robbe internalized homophobia (& projected homophobia)]
-I actually feel like Noor could've been used more strategically to display the intensified shutting out of his sexuality had they taken the time to properly flesh them out (it definitely showed), but again the pacing, because in some ways I think they needed deeper scenes to develop them, but I wouldn't want too much time dedicated to them that would ultimately take away from the actual love story of the season.
The reimagined convo with Milan worked, because their relationship is different here and it would've been unrealistic had they copied the og dialogue verbatim; also I'm glad they didn't have a copy and paste of "Isak" talking about how he couldn't be "gay" in the world while offending "Eskild"-the advice was a nice change and good the convo didn't end on a bad note.
-edit: I spoke too soon on the offending part. hurts (every time). [also: Milan's "maybe you should look at yourself" and then the clip ends with Robbe looking in the mirror. ok wtFOCK direction]
Glad Robbe broke up with Noor before things got even more complicated and it was actually a pretty well received exchange [up until her obvious shouting in the club scene] compared to other versions in which she gets immediately angry and the "Isaks" don't really break up with her properly face-to-face.
Again with the lack of resolution-srry, but there was no point to the attack in the street on Robbe & Sander. On one hand, it could be useful to be informative, having a purpose in the plot of the season, but it was barely talked about in the aftermath or hinted at being deeper addressed later. I kind of feel like they are just trying to tackle too much with this and there's just not enough time to really address it in an already storyline heavy season. The only good thing that came from it was how caring the apartment crew showed to be w/Zoe, Senne, & Milan (but that's not a shock).
(Skam season with the most trigger warnings award goes to).
I do think the coming out scene to Jens was cute. Very different version with the best friend having a non-reaction that just makes sense with him
May I shove Robbe's friends (minus Jens) into the pool that Robbe & Sander made out in. (God, they are painful to watch)
I like how Sander's manic episode was filmed. It was very pov heavy from Robbe's perspective with flashes of Sander and I feel like the characteristics were a bit different to what you normally see in tv all the time, even by Skam standards, which I found refreshing.
I really don't get why the change of Sander and his gf only dating 6 months if they were still going to have her overstep and be so controlling. It feels unbelievable that his mom and Robbe's friends (Zoe, Jana..) are so receptive to her knowledge on Sander and his illness. And I hate that they're all being so dramatic about Sander's abilities.
They actually resolved things pretty nicely in the last ep-his friends, Sander, Noor (and the additions with his dad the whole season were really sweet; minor note: his poor dad tho when Robbe suddenly left the restaurant with no explanation).
All in all: this season is great in terms of acting, chemistry, production, and direction. However the writing is pretty awful; aside from the obvious missteps, the season messes up when they make changes and fail to follow through (almost undoing the change in the first place) by rerouting back to the original and doing the same just at a different timestamp (It's frustrating to watch and I do really wish they would just commit to those choices, while handling topics with care; I think I would have a very different opinion on the overall season and how it fares next to other remakes in the long run). I suppose, overall that wtFOCK is fun, even with some wrong choices, though the story suffers with a lack of cohesiveness, development sometimes, or focus on what's important (that sounds like everything that matters, lol, but it was enjoyable).
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halpwhatdoiputhere · 1 year
Yuh I’m gonna rant,vent or whatever about spider verse
As a POC it was probably cringy or something for my friends but I was so fucking happy that there isn’t just like three POC and done. They had a Hijabi spider-women, Spider-man India’s redesign was actually not some shitty stereotype like his OG was and they gave his fighting style after one of the oldest martial arts??!!?
And omfg Hobie OMG! I grew up with punk rock and some metal music and he looks exactly like what I’m aiming for (I’m redoing my entire room so that means new clothes thank god I’m not to pleased with how I look) and he’s what my mom’s friends looked like and how she looked and he’s POC omg. ALSO for me at least I never really cared about POC representation as much as I do now (I cared but it wasn’t a big deal) because I grew up surrounded by POC and so many cultures from all over so I never noticed how lucky I was to be able to grow up with that norm but I moved last year and it’s like all of that went bye bye. Idk if this is the same theory as what I’m talking about but whatever. I think it’s called the yellow car theory when u get a yellow car u see yellow cars everywhere now because it’s now significant to you/what’s the norm for u it’s kinda like that. It’s just now the norm for is so little rep so for me to be so unbelievably happy when I see rep cuz it’s mostly bye bye in my life and honestly I’m trying so hard not to be shameful/embarrassed/upset of my life and culture but it’s just so isolated from me now that I feel I don’t even have a right to talk about it or be proud and happy about rep. It’s just weird but back to Spiderverse.
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SVSSS - Vol. 1 - Chapter 1 - Scum
Part 1
So I reached the first break line and wow, this MC is really something.
After reading up to the bit Shen Yuan where first faints after his transmigration, and I gotta say......his poker face? Legendary. His nigh instant adaptiveness? Amazing. His ability to subtly, quickly and easily settle his mind? Absolutely envious. Stellar acting skills and memory too.
Really makes me curious about his background. How he spent his life on Earth. I mean, I know he's the youngest son and second youngest child of a wealthy family, but surely it takes more than that.
I'll admit I prefer the donghua opening to this one. The bitchiness just makes it. But this one is good too. I have to agree with Shen Yuan (SY) on the harem aspect, I wonder what happened to all those women. Makes you curious about the other plot holes and red herrings he mentioned.
As for the upset over cultivators still eating and sleeping, I'm going to put it down to hedonism and the preservation of ones humanity and sanity. I mean, can you imagine a life without dreams or chocolate‽ Is it possible? Yes. Do I really need them? No. Am I going to stop anytime soon? Not a chance in hell.
It's interesting how they made Luo Binghe (LBH) a little bit crooked even before he meets the main villain, the first Shen Qinqqiu (OG!SQQ). It means the man doesn't have full blame for what became of the child. A lot of it, maybe even most of it, but not all of it. Now Shen Yuan as Shen Qingqiu (SY!SQQ) gets to deal with the ramifications of that.
I love how SY has a game plan for a potential transmigration. Now there's a fan for you. 😁 Interesting how it says SY suffered a high fever that made him sleep a while. I could swear I heard it was a qi deviation.
That System siren sounds awful. 100 police car sirens and a herd of divine beasts. Ouch. 😬 Poor man. Good luck with the OOC function. Guess that memory of his will be put to good use.
And Yue Qingyuan (YQY) seems to be a bit of an abuse enabler. A sweetie to SQQ, but a leader who's both knowingly and willingly allowing a child of his sect to be abused by a member of authority. I don't know if I like him yet. We'll see.
The rest of the chapter (3 more parts) is under the keep reading link because 4 parts made for a long post 😅
Part 2
I love SY just internally squeeing at LBH despite how terrified the poor man is. Fanboy much? Such fancy compliments, if only Binghe could hear them.
The comparison of OG!SQQ to a courtyard-complex concubine is interesting. I wonder if he feels trapped. He's certainly bitter. And fearful for his position since the medicine excuse worked. How curious. It'll be fun to see where the story takes that character.
SY's thought process is funny. So dramatic. 😂 And at the same time as admiring LBH he's quietly analysing the situation and characters. Not to mention digging up the System's loopholes. He's quite the multitasker. Sharp minded.
Both LBH and Ming Fan are just there in the background going 'wtf is going on here, what happened to shizun'. If only they knew.
Part 3
"Shen Qingqiu was an easygoing person" No honey, you're a 'fuck it, so be it' person. Seriously though, adopting that name as his own already. So adaptable. I know I said it earlier, but this part really does show how well he assesses and breaks down a situation before setting up a clear game plan. He's definitely intelligent.
It'll be fun when he unfreezes the OOC function. Especially since others are already noticing his odd behaviour as it is. Not only was there Binghe and Ming Fan earlier, now his other disciples are looking at him with "wavering faces".
I know he said it was for self-defence, and he listed some very good reasons, but there is no way him wanting to try out is sword nigh immediately after an extensive cramming session wasn't him being a big child getting excited over a cool fantasy weapon. Boys and their toys, really. He went for the sharp leaves pretty quickly too. The leaves show his genuine love for worldbuilding too. Guy saw the MC woo ladies with a cool spell and went 'cool, what else can it do?'. Scared the shit out of himself with both too. 🤣
Ngl, it's hilarious watching him compare LBH to the side characters. Looks at Binghe, 'wow, what a mind, what a heart, such enlightenment, so bright I can barely look at him', looks at Ning Yingying (NYY), 'so young, so silly, little EQ, little IQ, so sweet but so slow', looks at Ming Fan and crew, 'very dumb, dumb and dumber, too pampered, headed for ruin, rip children'. Then there's his view of OG!SQQ. A creepy, old, lecherous hypocrite worthy of castration. A terrible authority who likes beating up young boys and trying to assault Ning Ying Ying. Best of luck Shen Yuan. That's you now.
His take on NYYs behaviour with LBH is curious. I wonder how much of it comes from his little sister, from PIDW or from webnovel tropes in general. I'm guessing it's mainly his sister from how he went into how little girls want a something of their crush's to feel special. There's also LBH's short responses towards her.
And PIDW, wow. I'm kinda curious how the author kept the story going for 200+ years. There's an achievement right there. Not to mention binging that brick in just 20 days. That's what? 10 years worth of story per day? And he still remembers these details? Even if they're a little suppressed at first that's impressive. I wonder what happened in those 200 years for SY to be so focussed on the fake jade pendant, sad origin story aside. LBH must have found it eventually for the frame of reference to exist.
It's kinda fun seeing him speak all fanficy, lingo wise. It's not something you usually see in a novel. He definitely reads fanfics. If he's not read any PIDW fics yet it's only because he died before he could get to it. You can't convince me otherwise. Don't even bother.
I am noticing the distance he's putting between himself and the story. Like when he watched the fight scene from the novels and treated it like peeking into the filming of a screenplay. He still seems fairly focussed on LBH though. And his expected behaviour being to abuse children. Compartmentalisation? If so that's interesting. That's a habit more common in those with anxiety, trauma and the like. So unless the transmigration is the trauma, that says something.
LBH has started noticing him back. First the medicine, now he's caught onto the bloody leaves.
Swapping one green treasure for another.
Part 4
Poor Shen Yuan. He's got his first beginner mission. No more laying about for him. At least he'll be able to shrug off the OOC restriction soon.
It is nice that SY has been able to relax and recuperate thanks to the Sect Leader's (in my opinion, overbearing) doting, and that SY is taking comfort in all the brotherly love. Unfortunate that he still can't see YQY as a person rather than a character. The man straight up got called a mission giving NPC. So the emotional distancing is definitely still there. Wonder how long that'll hold. It's fair enough though, it would be a difficult transition.
Ming Fan is surprisingly capable too, if he has some level of control of all the Peak's runnings. Guess he wasn't just given a good rank because OG!SQQ liked his bullying tactics. Pity he's a dumbass when LBH's around, or worse, when Ning Yingying's around. Guess he's at his 'dumb for girl' teen stage. Well, everyone gets a free dumb teen pass. Not for bullying, but considering the authority in charge isn't just ignoring or encouraging the behaviour, but straight up instigating, he at least gets a little leeway.
The random practicality that comes with the living part of living in a fantasy world is funny. Poor SY doesn't get to play with the flying part of his sword just yet. The System snarking back at Shen Yuan using Harry Potter and flying brooms as an example just makes that scene. And him asking if the System was involved with that story too. I love it.
I'll have to go look for some HP/SVSSS crossover fanfics later.
The worldbuilding that comes with that practicality is right up my alley. Love worldbuilding. Love adding feigned realism to utterly unrealistic fantastical stories. Love seeing the organisational systems of our main groups. Love seeing the interactions and impact of story elements on the world.
This part gives us why people don't fly anywhere, how and when the disciples of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect get their swords. Which showed us the practicality of passing down swords vs each member getting a fancy new one. That must save so much money. And a more developed if crude, Harry Potter-esque explanation on how and why the sword choosing works. Did anyone else read that 'the sword chooses the disciple' bit in Ollivander's voice?
We also got the idea of how the Sect travels with carriages and horses, their influence in the world, and their wealth. We're peeking into the wider world now too. If they're the top, who's under them? The trip to the city will show us more of the common world. And the new demon, the Skinner, that even Shen Yuan doesn't know anything of, will give us a good glimpse of what the cultivators are up against and what they consider training-wheels level.
This brings up five points, a look into OG!SQQ, behaviour on Qing Jing Peak involving LBH, the Skinner demon, Shen Yuan himself and the System as part of the world. I'll start with OG!SQQ.
This trip showed us what was normal for that man, or in Shen Yuan's words, the 'original flavour'. Several tea-sets, a jade chess set that goes everywhere despite it's rare use, any and all manner of comforts that shocks even a self-admitted wealthy second gen kid. Could just be me, but this guy reeks of a bourgeoisie. Not just the technical definition but the cultural one. The sort that gets rich after a poor or mundane life and overcompensates so hard they make a complete ass of themselves to everyone in what they think is a normal or acceptable display of newfound wealth and power.
Then there's the Skinner demon. We've not seen much of this one yet so I don't know much, but it is freaky. And also curious. 9 deaths thus far via a brutal method where the skin is removed from a body so cleanly it would make a surgeon jealous. Which is what got me curious. Do you think a Skinner demon could focus that skill on smaller selected parts for surgery? Like skin grafting or removing it out of the way for organ surgery. Especially if it can put it back just as cleanly. What a gruesome case for our sheltered MC to start with.
Next there's what counts as usual and acceptable behaviour on Qing Jing Peak under OG!SQQ's command. The disciples treat extreme abuse of Binghe as an expected everyday behaviour. No wonder PIDWs LBH was so vicious. When Shen Yuan found a natural way to put an end to it the ringleaders nonsense, he thought it was an encouragement of their behaviour. Which he then added onto later, moving from taunting to abuse, kicking up dirt into him and terrorising him. We also saw Ning Yingying felt perfectly safe and confident to call SQQ out on his bullshit to his face. LBH also showed us the effects of it, like his blanking face when waiting for more abuse from SQQ. The trauma is strong with this one. Followed by everyone's shock when LBH got a free pass onto the carriage.
Which leads us to Shen Yuan. He is sneaky smart. He was probably sassing the System because he's a ball of sass, but he was paying very close attention to how it worked, what he could and couldn't get away with. He did so well he even had well enough idea of it's weak points to flat out defeat it in an argument and get his way. It sulked later, that -5 points was pure pettiness on its part, but what a job well done. As sassy and critical as he is (poor NYY, may you never hear his thoughts), he's also such a fanboy! If only LBH could hear him, compliments everywhere and any excuse to see or help him.
My guy, you are not just scared of him.
Nor is Binghe for that matter. Such pretty and effusive descriptions of his good-looking Shizun. And the little heart prickle at Shizun's laughter and smile. Awwwww, so cute. You don't know what that feeling is yet but you will.
Lastly, there's the System and its place in the world. Thanks to SYs efforts we're getting an idea of its priorities and how it interacts with the world. He's even managed to get more information out of it. So now we know that the world isn't just the polished (published) version of PIDW, but also the notes, stories and whatnot that didn't make the cut. Having to experience all of it sounds ominous. The System also gave him mission information via files. At first I thought they were computer files but SY said they were all over his desk. Were they scrolls? Manilla files? I'm picturing manilla files. It'd be funny if so.
It's a very scary, knowledgeable and controlling existence with surprising humanity in its communication style. I swear it felt more rote-like earlier. Is it adapting to SY!SQQ?
In Conclusion
So in short, I am loving the worldbuilding, the characters and I find the System fascinating.
I think the MC, Shen Yuan, is intelligent, sassy and very adaptable, though is hiding being one hell of a mental block. Luo Binghe is in various stages of shock and is only in for more, The other disciples are also floundering at signs of what will be the new normal. Ning Yingying is very confident and bold, even in the face of her supposed abuser, though the story says that's naivety.
The System is spooky scary but also fun and interesting. It's also petty but that may or may not be part of what I suspect is it adapting to its user, Shen Yuan, partially through mirroring.
I'm also looking forward to how much this deviates from Shen Yuan's PIDW since the System said he would also see the unpolished, unpublished bits. I mean, I know Binghe becomes a hardcore monogamist for Shen Yuan, but outside of that.
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burning-sol · 1 year
Terrible thoughts in my brain cw for character death ahead.
Thinking about how Kian dies in act 1 and how it might be different to the og DDLC. Because, frankly, I don't know how I would feel about Kian committing suicide in the first place. I also am not sure if Rumi could bring themselves to commit something as direct as what Monika had done.
Kian gets really upset by the entire messy confession and goes home really depressed. It wasn't intentional but he probably had an intent to just "numb the pain" which led to a hazardous mix of drugs and alcohol, and so Kian overdoses. Sayori actually didn't hang herself properly so you see blood on her hands from her struggle to free herself-- Kian had a different method but it was probably similarly excruciating with a struggle before he just stopped goddamn moving.
This change would mean that the iconic hanging imagery would be out the window, but I do have an idea. Since Sayori was a "clumsy" character, you could have some sort of cute visual moment early on where Kian totally trips over and gets back up like "woah dude, ahahah sorry about that, my bad!!" and then have things continue on as normal. Then when it comes to revealing Kian's death, throw in a fun little glitched visual of Kian tripping!! And he doesn't get up!!! You can't move the camera to look down at her. The background pulses subtly and the colours change to highlight objects in the background that have been knocked over. You can't see Kian, you're stuck, but you are able to see the remains of her struggle before he died.
All this said, I think Rumi had some instigation, but with the expectation that Kian would simply be too out of it to come to school the next day, meaning that the two of you could hang out instead!! Kian dying was NOT intended. In fact, Rumi tries to hide that something is wrong by distracting you for the day and it's William who brings up Kian's lack of attendance. Act 2 kicks in because Rumi was scrambling to cover things up and deleted Kian, starting things from scratch again minus Kian.
So yeah this is what my brain has generated.
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
I think if she did the same cutoff and had a different background with the Polaroid frame similar to the original it would be so much better. Idk why speak now got such a fun, very purposeful cover and 1989 looks a little like how Fearless does in the sense that it was made when she thought her versions wouldn’t receive the traction that they actually are
I am a little upset she didn’t do the cutoff of her face because that’s like… the most recognizable thing about the og cover, and I agree it has the similar DIY let’s take a random photo in my backyard kinda vibe that fearless did.
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