#there were like five people in the theater besides me and my parents and they were all behind us
my-t4t-romance · 1 year
pro tip for watching a haunting in venice: being in a theater that's inexplicably empty increases the creep factor by like 20%
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mccarthawrites · 2 years
Drops of Jupiter - Chapter 6
Relationship: Bucky Barnes/OC!Clarabeth Davis
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: Jack takes Clarabeth dancing. Bucky calls the apartment and Jane meddles in her daughter’s love life.
Author’s Note: The beginning of some angst because things have been too calm for 5 chapters.
Words: 1,673
Drops of Jupiter Masterlist || Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Clarabeth and Howard were having lunch together in her dining room. He was showing her another blueprint he’d drawn on a napkin.
“I have a problem.” She told him.
“Did I make a mistake on the schematics?” He asked, reaching for the napkin.
“What? No.” She looked at the napkin. “Everything looks fine here. I meant that I have a problem.”
“Which is?” He looked at her.
“Jack is coming to the city in a few days to take me dancing and I just had dinner with James. I- do you think I should cancel with Jack?”
“Why can’t you do both?” Howard asked.
“Isn’t that cheating?” She asked. He laughed. “What?”
“You’ve gone on two dates with Jim, but it’s not serious yet.”
“But I really like him. Maybe it could be serious.”
“You haven’t even gone on a date with Jack. For all we know you could fall in love with him and end up marrying him and having five kids.”
“Five? No thank you. You sound just like my mother.” She laughed.
“People go on dates all the time with different people. I do.”
“Yes, but you’re a sleaze, Howard.”
“You’re a man! You can sleep your way sound the city and no one would bat an eye. I unfortunately was born a woman and if I as much as show too much attention to more than one man, they’ll burn me at the stake.”
“You’re so dramatic.”
“But am I wrong?” She asked.
“Fair enough, but I think you should go on a date with Jack. See how things are. Maybe if things go well, his parents could invest in Stark Industries.”
“Stark Industries doesn’t even exist yet.”
“Yet, but it will.”
“I guess you’re right about giving Jack a chance. I have been looking forward to seeing him again.” She couldn’t fight the red rushing to her cheeks.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush over someone your mother introduced you to.”
“I know. It’s odd, but he’s not like the others.”
“Good. So back to the schematics?”
“Right. Yes. Sorry.” She laughed, looking over the blueprint.
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Jack knocked on the Davis apartment door. He held a bouquet of pink begonias. Letta opened the door.
“Hello, Mr. Thompson. Please, come in.”
“Oh, Jack! Hello.” Jane greeted him. “How are you?”
“I’m swell, Miss Davis. These are for you.” Jack offered the bouquet.
“They are lovely. Thank you. Letta would you replace the flowers on the dining table with these?” Jane asked.
“Of course, Miss Davis.” Letta took the flowers.
“Clarabeth should be ready soon.” Jane assured Jack. He nodded. “She’s been looking forward to seeing you again.”
“I was nervous about tonight.” He admitted.
“Why is that?”
“I don’t want to mess it up.” Jack replied. Jane smiled.
“I don’t think that is possible.” She assured him.  Clarabeth descended the stairs. Jack looked up at her
“Hi.” Clarabeth smiled.
“What happened to the Alice blue dress I picked out?” Jane asked.
“I liked this one better.” Clarabeth replied.
“You look swell.” Jack told her, holding out his hand to help her down the last three stairs.
“Thank you. Besides, I can’t dance in that dress. This dress-”
“Are you taking her dancing? Why not a night at the theater?” Jane asked.
“Because we can’t get to know each other if we have to be silent for two hours.” Clarabeth replied.
“But maybe we can catch a show sometime.” Jack suggested.
“I like him.” Jane smiled. Clarabeth sighed.
“We’ll talk about it. We should get going if we want to get a good table at Sadie’s.” Clarabeth told him.
“Okay.” Jack checked his watch.
“Have fun. You’ll bring her back at a reasonable time, won’t you, Jack?”
“Of course, Miss Davis.” Jack nodded.
“Have a goodnight, mother.” Clarabeth and Jack left the apartment. “You should have seen the dress she wanted me to wear tonight. It was ugly and I knew it’d be uncomfortable.”
“I’m sure you’d look good in anything.” He told her. She smiled.
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The telephone rang, pulling Jane from the magazine she was reading.
“I’ve got it, Letta.” Jane called out before picked up the receiver. “Davis Residence. This is Jane speaking.”
“Hello, Miss Davis. It’s Bucky. Is Clara in?” He asked. Jane sighed.
“No. She is not. What is it you want, James?”
“Is it alright if I leave a message for her?” He asked.
“Clarabeth isn’t home right now because she’s gone dancing with this nice boy. The son of a senator.” Jane informed him.
“I’m sure she had a grand time with you, James, but she’s matured now and put her priorities in order. I don’t know what you expected from my daughter. I hate to say it, but you’re poor. I highly doubt you’ll ever be hearing from her again.” The other line was quiet. “James? Are you still there?”
“Have a good night, Miss Davis.” Bucky hung up. Proud of herself, Jane set the receiver down.
“Do you need me to take a message for you, Miss Davis?” Letta asked.
“No. It’s been taken care of. Why don’t you turn in for the night. It’s late.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’m heading to bed, myself.” Jane began ascending the stairs.
“Goodnight, Miss Davis.”
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Clarabeth and Jack decided to order dinner at Sadie’s. Getting to know each other better without their parents around.
“You never answered my question last time.” She told him.
“And what question is that?” He asked.
“Is pre-law something you’re passionate about, or are you only studying it because of your father?” She asked.
“It’s what’s been expected of me since the day I was born.” He shrugged. “I don’t have a problem with it.”
“But what do you want to do?” She asked.
“I would like to make my father proud. You know, not everyone wants to fight the status quo.” He told her.
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t take it the wrong way. I just mean- people like us have our lives planned out since the day we’re born. It’s just easier to follow that path.”
“So I’m just supposed to give up on everything I’m passionate about to be some man’s wife? Am I supposed to have a brood of children to carry on that man’s bloodline?” She asked.
“Come on, Clara. That’s not what I meant.”
“No, I think that’s what you meant.”
“I just don’t understand why you’re so against that. Sounds like a good deal. Most women are stay-at-home wives and mothers and they don’t have a problem with it.”
“That’s fine for them. That is not what I want for my life. Is that what you want, Jack?” She asked. “A wife to clean, cook, look after the kids. Never have her own freedom. Never-” She took a deep breath. “What happened to seeing the other side of the argument?”
“Just because I can see the other side of the argument, it doesn’t mean I have to understand or agree with it.”
“Alright. So let’s say hypothetically, you and I get married. I’m working at the hospital as a nurse. You would make me quit?”
“Not until we had kids.”
“And why is that? What happened to hiring a nanny and a cook.”
“Why would you want to keep working?”
“Freedom is for single women.”
“So wives are slaves?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“I really thought you were different. You seemed different.”
“What are you talking about?” He asked.
“Every single rich boy my mother has introduced me to has been the same. You all look at women like we’re lesser. Especially married women. I bet you believe a wife has to ask her husband for permission about everything.”
“If it’s about the house and the children, then yes.”
“She can’t do anything without her husband’s approval, can she?”
“And what’s wrong with that?” He asked. She scoffed. “Please enlighten me.”
“I have a dowry. Money that should be rightfully mine when I get married, but it goes all to the man I’m going to marry. My inheritance from my father, I cannot get until I marry a man my family finds suitable. Doesn’t that sound ridiculous?” She asked.
“It’s how things are.”
“And you never asked why?”
“Of course not.”
“You sound like you just never want to settle down and get married.”
“I want to marry a man who respects me and doesn’t look at me like his property.” She replied. Jack shook his head. “I should have known better.”
“What are you talking about?” He asked.
“What time is it?” She asked.
“Nealy ten.”
“You promised my mother you’d get me home at a reasonable hour, didn’t you?” She asked.
“I did.”
“So we should get going.”
“That’s it? We get into one disagreement and the night’s over?” He asked.
“That’s a pretty big disagreement.”
“There’s plenty of time for you to change your mind.”
“I am never going to change my mind.” She assured him. He sighed.
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Jack pulled up outside the Dakota Apartments. Clarabeth took a deep breath. It had been a lovely date until the end.
“I didn’t mean to offend you, Clara.”
“You didn’t. I just- I don’t want to waste anymore of your time.” She told him.
“You’re not wasting my time. I enjoyed tonight. I’d like to see you again.”
“Why? There’s no point in taking my out again because I don’t see any possibility for a future between us.”
“Doesn’t mean we can’t have fun together.” He smirked.
“Thank you for taking me out and driving me home. Have a good night, Jack.” She opened the door. He quickly got out, running around the car to help her out. “You didn’t need to do that.”
“Can I call you?” He asked. She looked at him.
“Why not?” He shrugged. Clarabeth sighed.
“I can’t tell you what to do.”
“Let me walk you up.”
“That’s okay. Goodnight, Jack.” She walked into the building. She just wanted to go to bed and forget about tonight.
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bonnymori · 3 years
𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲
Word count: 2760+ (i'll try to keep bigger lengths such as this one!)
Synopsis: You meet a new classmate who's working along Nanami, you think he's fun to be around, it stands the same to him about you. Later, feelings unravel.
Contents/Warnings: (1) Itadori Yuuji x gn!reader (2) FLUFF, TONS OF FLUFF - and some comfort (3) With the small participation of... Ino Takuma!! I really like him too, that's why <33333 (4) This is pretty platonic, but also not? (5) Ending turned sorta cliché... but I liked it u.u
A/N: This boy made me run rampant... to fhe point it's not single attraction anymore I just wish him happiness (smh if only my parents knew...) also next post will be Toji's fic pt. 2! Y'all see the first part is almost reaching 100 kudos????? I'M SO HAPPY EHSODJWKDKSJD- thanks for all the new followers and the support!! <33
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Ever since his fake death, Itadori has been training alone with the help of Gojo - and now, he works along a freshly new face, who belongs to a senior, founds out ex-salaryman named Nanami Kento. He's far a thousand times more strict than Gojo. Itadori doesn't really likes the change, because Nanami is a person he can't get along. This whole guy's appearance scream "work 4 life"; he has proved different, now he screams "work is shit - but I gotta do it because others won't".
They've just finished cleansing the outside of a movie theater off a few curses, when Itadori hears shouting from far behind them. Two figures approach, waving excessively. He quickly picks on Nanami's tired sigh beside him.
"Nanami! We figured out you'd be here! Our mission has been finished and we wanted to catch up to have lunch together!" A male clad in a full black outfit shouts, he has brown hair and a beanie on top of his head, looking quite content.
The other person simply trots next to him in silence, approaching with a friendly smile. They notice Itadori faster than the male, smile widening and quickly waving hello, suddenly eager to reach up to them. The gesture makes the pink haired boy perk up, curious to why the other person looked so joyful. His question is easily answered, when they tug on the man's sleeve and motion to him.
"Ino, we have a third buddy!" The dude looks at him with widened eyes. "So nice to meet you, I'm Y/N L/N! It's great to see new faces around!"
Itadori smiles at your energy, knowing already he would click with you very well.
"I'm Ino Takuma, sorry for not noticing you before! Your uniform looks cool." Itadori exchanges a few compliments with Ino, before the man turns to talk with Nanami, leaving him and you together.
"Yes! I'm Sukuna's vessel, Itadori Yuuji-desu! My type of woman is Jenn-"
You turn to him. "So, are you a first year?"
"Geh? Weren't you dead though?!"
"I was!- I am!- Please keep secret."
"Ahem." Nanami coughs, drawing attention. "I requested you two to not come after me today. Itadori here is the reason why."
"That's no problem, we're very capable of keeping secrets." You threw your arm over Itadori's shoulder, him nodding along with you.
"Oh really, then remember to keep quiet about it. I'll let this slide." The group of students nervously at Nanami's intimidating tone. "But, I'll get to have my break alone."
"Gah!" Ino exclaimed, watching Nanami walk away; he also left the responsability of taking care of Itadori for you two, leaving without a word. "It really had to be today, when Nanami would take us to his favorite bakery..."
"Crybaby." You teased. "Itadori here can't go outside where anyone can see him, he's dead. So, we were to order food either way because he shouldn't be left out."
"Augh okay, it would be unfair."
"So, where are you staying Itadori?"
"At Gojo's state!"
"Whoa, I've never been there before." Ino commented, waiting as you sent a message to Ijichi to pick them up.
"He's my teacher, a very cool one!"
"I imagine! Ooookay, once we get there I'll get the food."
Itadori felt as his chest would burst of excitement, finally there was people around him again, he couldn't be less happy about it.
"Sharing is caring!"
Itadori laughed as you wrestled with Takuma for some fries, netflix long forgotten in the background, as watching the banter was way more entertaining. Most of the time, Ino rambled a lot about Nanami, while he rambled a lot about Gojo. The guy even showed him the cool scar under his beanie. He felt kinda upset after explaining the exchange was just temporary, his stay under Nanami's wing wasn't decisive, and therefore, he was more like a classmate than a partner.
Itadori also learned a lot about you. He was surprised to find out that you, although energetic, was the one to speak the lesser in conversations. His surprisement grew even bigger when you told him you're a exchange student from Kyoto, arriving Tokyo about the same month as him - thankfully, you were to say for good.
Conversations flowed easily in the air, until a voice from the doorway barged in.
"Yuuji-kun! Don't forget about your lessons! Hi kids! Bye kids!" Gojo said playfully, throwing the familiar punching bear to Itadori before leaving.
"What's this thing?" Ino asked.
"It's to help me control my cursed energy. So while I watch the movies, if I don't charge it with cursed energy it punches me square in the face. I thought I had mastered this thing already, but he insist I keep training with it." Itadori grumbles.
"At least it's cute." You commented, taking a sip of your drink.
"Until it punches you in your face without warning!" The pink haired boy barks.
The talks died down, the three of you eating quietly when another movie is played on the screen. Itadori didn't bother reading the title, it was a plain one about a zombie apocalypse that got him extremely bored, yet he kept watching still so the plushie didn't punch him in the face again; he's been keeping a record since all his last cursed energy training lessons were a sucess to this day. When his head started nodding and eyelids dropping Itadori can't remember well, about fourty five minutes of movie perhaps? Make it fifty, the second slumber took over his body completely.
When he awoke once again, it was near midnight, the clock on the wall told him so. He also noticed a soft and warm surface supporting his head, figures, it's your shoulder he's resting into, he feels an arm around his own shoulders and your cheek placed upon his hair.
"Hey, it's late." You immediately notices he's awake, calling out softly. "You should sleep on your room, or something, better to your spine."
He chuckles when you poke his side. "But I'm comfortable here."
"I'm surprised, you just met me today, and now is sleeping on my shoulder."
"I'm not, that happens often to me."
"Sleeping on people's shoulders?"
"No! Making friends quickly." Itadori likes your gentle warmth, your hug, everything makes him feel at home. "I met two more people before you for two weeks, but they can't see me, because I'm dead."
"So I'll keep you company, that's my new mission."
His eyes widen at that, a oh so little blush covering the tip of his ears.
"For how many time I slept anyway?" He asks.
"About two- no, three hours. You missed two movies, and this one is about to end."
"And you stayed here the whole time?" He motions to your shoulder.
"Yep. That reminds me I gotta pee."
Itadori grumbles, but quickly lifts himself off you, respecting your needs. That gives him some time to look around, he notices Ino is gone, and the plushie sits quietly at the other side of the couch, unmoving.
"Y/N! How did you manage to make it quiet down?" He's beyond bafflet.
"I said!" You arrive quickly at the doorframe, hands still wet from when you washed them. "I used my innate technique."
"Oh! How is it like?"
"It's kinda funny, gimme a moment." You left to wipe off your hands, coming back in a second. "So, just like Shoko, I produce reverse curse energy, but it's quite different than hers, I can't heal people. That's why we often call it positive energy instead. I can use it to soothe off negative energy, so the bear has no cursed energy right now."
"How does it works on people?" He felt very curious about everything, asking away like a kid.
"Since everyone has negative energy, it just makes you sleepy really. But when it comes to curses it's really practical, I can either weaken it or, if the curse is like grade three or four, I can slap them off existence completely by wiping all their energy." You were naturally proud of having a such versatile power, your own energy swirling with pride around you.
"That sounds amazing! Is it why I fell asleep though?"
"Nah, only if I did it on purpose. I guess you were just tired, hope you don't mind I decided to let you rest today."
"No way, it was a good nap."
You nodded. "By the way, Ino left to attend to a drinking party, he paid for our food."
"Drinking? Is he old?"
"Yeah, he's twenty." You chuckled, already expecting that kind of reaction.
"No way! He looks young just like us!"
"That's totally my reaction after I learned he's twenty!"
After that day, you started visiting Itadori weekly to daily, after exchanging numbers he made a little group with you and Ino, naming it the "Nanami trio". But really, he exchanges more texts with you in private, be them memes, cool images he wish to share, etcetera. Although, Ino wasn't left excluded, he ofter brough his xbox to connect to Itadori's tv room and you all would spend hours playing together; he just didn't spend much time with both of you as much. And that was okay.
For a few days, your connection with Itadori died down when he didn't reply to your texts. They would remain unread for some time, the longest being half a day, until he would spam apologies then move on with the topic. That became a routine until one day when you came over to check on Itadori unnanounced, needin to ease off your worries about the boy, only to find him sobbing in the middle of a hallway, staring ahead and beyond, his back to you.
"Egh!" Startled, he scrambled to wipe his eyes, turning to you. "H-hey, um, hi."
"What happened?"
"I- he-" His eyes didn't met yours, knuckles white in a death grip. You notice he has a few bandages thrown over his face and arms. The way his shoulders are drawn, as if he wants to shrink into himself is something you've experienced before.
"Something hard to talk about?"
He nods almost immediately, head still facing down.
"It's alright, come with me." You reach for his hands, grimacing slightly when his forceful grip is now on your hand, yet you don't comment on it. He follows you through the state wordlessly.
You two stop on the same tv room, sitting down on the couch. You then guide his head to your shoulder, gently massaging his scalp with the free hand.
"It's alright."
Those two words are chanted like a prayer for the next half hour, at some point, Itadori twisted his body towards yours and unknowingly caged you between him and the sofa arm. He embraced you with a force you didn't have in you, like he didn't want to lose one another. Painful or not, not a muscle moved on your body. He needed a shoulder to cry on.
Thirty minutes passed like seconds, you peered down only to find the boy confortably napping against your bosom; at some point you just became the cold side of the pillow to him. That's alright. It brings you joy to be the mom friend anyways. So you decided to join the sleepland aswell, arms still secured around his shoulders and the back of his head.
It feels like the nap hasn't been long, though, because you can feel Itadori's grip loosening and therefore, you're awake.
"Sorry if I broke any bones, in advance."
"Wow, and you only warn me now."
He laughs at your comeback, hands still secured around your waist.
"I'm surprised you let me uh, cuddle you for comfort - and sleep. I don't understand it? You just make me sleepy." He rambled, keeping eye contact with you while his head still rests on your chest.
"That's a piece of cake when you have younger siblings who seek for you every night they get a nightmare."
"Does that mean I can come to you again if I have a nightmare?" There it is, his togepi-kirby cutesy face.
"Are you four?"
"That's mean!" Itadori blushed, squeezing you on his arms. "I like the contact. It puts me at ease."
"Mm, do you want to talk about it?"
He gulped. "No, not really."
Your peach haired friend remained silent, and so did you. It seems he doesn't intend in letting you go soon, or he just really forgot to mention it. It gives them time to think, your younger sisted used to do that sometimes, back in Kyoto.
"Y/N, wanna watch anything?"
"Sure, have you watched Parasyte before?"
"No, let's give it a try then!" Itadori glances at the remote, then back at you - making you confused over his hesitation to move. He notices you noticed it, chuckling nervously. "To be honest, I don't wanna let go."
"It's hurting my back."
"SORRY I'M SORRY!" He jumped away from you like a cat would jolt away from a cucumber, making you snicker.
"It's okay, I just wanted to change positions."
And to tease you, but he didn't need to know that part.
He glared at you with a small pout, typing the initials of Parasyte on the search bar. Outside his line of vision, you were grinning like a idiot, his sweeteness took a tow on you. All the people of Tokyo you met really held a way different spirit from your classmates in Kyoto, Itadori being the nicest of all. It's surprising him being Sukuna's vessel to begin with; being honest, you felt drawn by it.
"Y/N, it's startiiiiing." He cut your daydreaming short, slumping on your side and propping his head on your shoulder.
"This again?" You throw an arm around his shoulders, very much like the first time he cuddled himself on you.
"Don't blame me, you're the one who wanted to change positions. Guess I'll just make some alterations since I'm awake this time!" One of his arms went behind your back and circled your waist, hand resting at your hip.
"It's definely different, since the other time you drooled on me."
"Hhgh, okay okay! Let me enjoy this." For perhaps the actual first time, you're able to watch without exchanging words with one another.
And this time, it's you who's head loll to the side, nose buried on his soft rose perfumed hair. Itadori doesn't comment on it yet, his free hand moves under your legs to lift your whole body up efortlessly when he senses you have fallen asleep.
"I remember you said it's bad for my spine, I wouldn't mind it... yours however."
The boy makes a beeline to the guest room, he sighs when there is no choice but open the door with his foot. Inside, he places you carefully in the soft bed.
Before he could leave, a hand reaches up for his sleeve.
"Itadori," He turned, looking at you. "Make me company?"
He giggles softly - you think it sounds like a highschool girl. "You should start calling me by my first name!" Itadori rambles as he climbs on the bed, arms wrapping around your waist in a motion you're familiar with.
"Yuuji, I'm tired, let me sleep."
"But I wanna talk more..." He pouts. "Also, are we, um, dating?"
You wriggle around, bringing his head down to peck on his forehead, teasing. "Correction, I want to date you."
"Uh, oh." A blush coats his face so quickly, you'd say someone dumped a bucket of red paint on his face.
"Is that a no?"
"So it is a no."
"Christ, will you stop teasing for a second, I'm trying to talk here." He makes an angry version of his togepi-kirby face, you can't help but grin.
"You amuse me, but okay. I'll do it for you."
"Thanks." He blinks, the blush slowly fading away. "You know, I lied, not about the contact, I like the contact nonetheless-"
His hand moves to play with yours, such as tapping his tips against yours, or meassuring the palms.
"-it's you who brings me comfort."
It's also your turn to blush, that line was seriously charming.
"Yes, we're dating now." You respond, a little eagerly. "Can I kiss you?"
This is the best person I could ask for, Itadori thinks, keeping his eyes open as yours shut during the kiss, whom I won't change for anything else in this world.
When you both separate, Itadori feels drowsy and sleepy. His face fits perfectly on your shoulder as always.
"Goodnight, my favorite person."
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fridayfirefly · 4 years
Sunrise on Gotham
Read Sunrise on Gotham on AO3
Written for Maribat March Day 29 - Wait!
Gotham wasn’t Marinette’s first choice for the location of their class trip. In fact, the grim American city hadn’t even made her top ten list. Marinette wanted to go to Amsterdam, a city rich with history and culture. But when Mm. Bustier announced that a vote for the class trip location would be held, the class voted almost unanimously. After all, Lila’s long-distance boyfriend, Damian Wayne, lived in Gotham. Wouldn’t it be great for Lila to be reunited with him? And Lila traveled so frequently that she had already visited all of the other cities Mm. Bustier suggested. Would it be fair to make her go visit a city she had already been to? Marinette scoffed as she overheard the class discussion. She knew that this was just another one of Lila’s lies, perfectly designed to manipulate the people around her into doing what she wanted.
Marinette kept her mouth shut while her classmates all decided to vote for Gotham. But that didn’t stop her from putting her checkmark next to Amsterdam on the ballots Mm. Bustier passed out. Maybe that would have been the end of Marinette’s bitterness if Lila hadn’t “accidentally” glanced at the ballots on Mm. Bustier’s desk she was leaving the classroom. Marinette could still remember Lila’s sickeningly sweet voice, feigning concern for Marinette, asking why Marinette wanted to go to Amsterdam so badly.
As Marinette scrambled for an answer, Alya turned to her with cruelty in her eyes. “I can’t believe you’re trying to sabotage Lila and Damian’s reunion. You’re so selfish, Marinette.”
Marinette didn’t bother replying - it never helped. As she left the classroom that day, she could see the disappointment in Adrien’s eyes. Her crush on the blonde model had long since faded, and alongside it went the rose-colored glasses she used to see him through, back when they were both thirteen. Now, four years later, all she saw was a selfish boy who cared more about avoiding conflict than actually solving problems.
Four months later, the plane landed in Gotham just as the sun began to rise. As her class walked from the airport to the hotel, Marinette felt herself zone out. Even though it wasn’t her first choice, Marinette could still appreciate the sight that was the Gotham skyline. Looming silver skyscrapers were framed by the gray, cloudy sky. As Marinette took in her surroundings, she began to wish that she could stop and get her sketchbook out. Ideas for a Gotham-themed fashion line popped up in her mind like weeds, and she needed to stop and pick them before she could properly zone back in. Gray was a color she had never properly worked with, which would make incorporating the color a nice way to challenge herself. In her mind, shades of gray instinctively started organizing themselves into the different ways she could pair them together.
“Wait!” A hand grabbed Marinette’s arm, pulling her back. Marinette gasped as she realized that she was about to walk onto the street, straight into traffic. She whipped around to face her savior.
The first thing Marinette noticed was his height. She was used to feeling short, at 5′2″, most people were taller than her. But he seemed to dwarf her. She figured he was 6′0″ at least. The second thing she noticed was the look of concern in his eyes. “Are you okay?” He asked.
Marinette nodded jerkily, trying to control her breathing. Having a panic attack alone in the middle of downtown Gotham would be just about the worst thing for her to do. She was supposed to be Ladybug, the savior of Paris, yet she was so unaware of her surroundings in a completely foreign city that she almost got killed in traffic. “I’m okay, I was just daydreaming,” she babbled, “Usually I’d be more aware of my surroundings, but I just got off of the plane and I’m not used to jetlag.”
The stranger had a bemused smile on his face as he walked her talk. Marinette blushed as she realized how dumb she must look to the handsome stranger. “Your accent, is it French?”
Marinette nodded. “I just got here from Paris. I’m on a class trip.”
“Where’s the rest of your class?”
Marinette looked around, trying to figure out which way her class went, but they were already gone, out of sight. “I’m not sure...” She trailed off. “But I have the address for the hotel on my phone, so I’ll be able to catch up with them there.”
“Gotham is known for being difficult to navigate. I can take you there if you’d like.”
“Sure,” said Marinette, pulling her phone out to check the address. “It’s called the Gotham Grand Hotel. It's on the corner of 7th Avenue and 22nd Street.”
“That’s about twelve blocks away. It’s pretty far. Are you sure you’re up for the walk?”
Marinette nodded. “I’m sure I can make it."
His smile returned as he introduced himself. “I’m Damian, by the way.”
“I’m Marinette,” Marinette introduced herself as Damian led the way.
A moment later, Damian's phone started to ring. He answered it while still walking. "Hello.”
A brief pause, then. “I’m on 4th Avenue, by the Starbucks.” Another pause as he listened to the person on the other end of the phone conversation. “I’m not free right this moment, but I will be in a few minutes." Another pause. "I'm helping someone get around the city. She got a little lost on her school trip, and you and I both know that the city isn't exactly safe when you don't know your way around it."
Marinette was beginning to wonder who exactly Damian was talking to, but she didn't want to be rude and interrupt. Instead, she got her phone out of her pocket and sent a quick text to Alya, telling her that she would be a little late because she got disoriented on the hectic Gotham streets.
"I'll be free until five tonight. Father's insisting that I come and have dinner with the family, and I have my internship afterward, from seven to nine." Another pause, this one longer. "I suppose that would work. I was planning on going out to eat at some point, anyway. I'll just have to ask Marinette if she's okay with it."
Damian put the phone down and turned to face Marinette. "My boyfriend, Jon, offered to pick us both up and drop you off at your hotel on our way to get brunch. If you don't feel comfortable with that, I understand."
"Oh, it's perfectly fine," Marinette assured him.
Damian frowned slightly before replying to his boyfriend. Marinette knew that Damian probably thought she wasn't being cautious enough, but she didn't care. After four years as Ladybug, Marinette was confident that she was capable of taking care of herself.
A minute later, a car pulled up beside them. “This is Jon’s car,” said Damian as he grabbed the door for her.
“Thank you,” Marinette smiled in return as she pulled her suitcase in after her. "Hello, Jon. I'm Marinette."
"Welcome to Gotham, Marinette." Jon leaned past the driver's seat to shake her hand. Marinette noticed that he had a very friendly face: a nice smile and kind eyes. "How are you enjoying the city?"
"It's nicer than I expected, I suppose, but I didn't exactly have high expectations. Gotham has a reputation in Europe for being the worst tourist destination in America."
Damian nodded. "That sounds like Gotham. It'll grow on you, though."
"Like a fungus," added Jon.
"If you say so." Marinette cast a distasteful look out the window of the car at the gray streets.
"Do you have any plans for lunch?" asked Jon.
Marinette shook her head. "Not really. The hotel has a restaurant on the ground floor, but their lunch menu is pretty limited. I'm vegetarian, so my only option is a salad."
"Would you like to come to brunch with us?" offered Jon.
"Are you sure you want me there?" Marinette didn't want to be a third wheel if brunch was supposed to be a date between Jon and Damian.
"Of course," said Damian.
"Alright. I don't think I'll be missing anything if I go with you. Our itinerary keeps us pretty busy at the beginning of the trip, but we were given today to rest up, to help get rid of the jetlag. I switched my sleep schedule a week ago, though, so my body is already running on Gotham time.”
Damian nodded thoughtfully. “Do you want to check the itinerary, just to be sure?”
Marinette shrugged. “It can’t hurt to check it one more time.” She pulled the paper out of her suitcase. “Our class doesn’t have anything planned until tonight. We have dinner at a restaurant called..." Marinette consulted her itinerary, "The Coast, and then we’re seeing Wicked at one of the theaters downtown.”
“I've been to The Coast before with my family. They have very good vegetarian options. It is very expensive for a high school class trip,” Damian noted.
“I go to an accelerated school. The school has a very large budget, due to the amount of tuition, and the number of alumni who give back to the school.” Marinette shrugged, a nervous tick. She didn’t like talking about how much her tuition cost. Even with her 50% scholarship to Francois Dupont, tuition was still a struggle sometimes. Her parents didn’t make that much money from the bakery, and compared to the elite professions of some of her classmates' parents, Marinette was often considered to be poor. It left her feeling out of place, guilty every time she felt embarrassed by her working-class parents.
“That sounds-“
Marinette continued to babble. “I’m grateful for the opportunities that François Dupont gives me. Much more grateful than a lot of my classmates, anyway. Some of them only read the itinerary for the first time on the plane ride to Gotham. One of my classmates, Chloé, threw a fit because she believed that the entire trip would be a shopping spree through Gotham. Other students got mad for other reasons. One of my classmates made some promises that she had no business making - telling everyone that we would be getting way more free time than we were actually given. It’s a shame. I used to love being a part of Mme. Bustier’s class, but everything fell apart after...”
Marinette stopped half-way through her sentence and stared down at her hands as she realized that tears had sprung to her eyes. She felt the red flush of embarrassment begin to overtake her face. "I'm sorry."
"You don't need to apologize. It sounds like you have a lot going on with your class at the moment."
"That's putting it mildly," said Marinette. "It's been... difficult, to say the least."
"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Jon.
Marinette shook her head. "Not really. Even if Gotham wasn’t my first choice for our class trip, I still want to at least try to have a good time.”
“What was your first choice?” asked Damian, a hint of curiosity to his voice.
“Amsterdam,” said Marinette longingly. “But Lila wanted to visit her boyfriend in Gotham, Damian Wayne, so the whole class ignored the fact that Gotham is the most crime-ridden city in America, all so that Lila could visit her boyfriend.”
Damian looked shocked. “Did she say her boyfriend is Damian Wayne?“
Marinette nodded. “Uh, yeah.”
Jon snorted. “I know that you like girls too, Damian, but I figured you would tell me before adding a third to our relationship.”
Damian rolled his eyes, quipping back something just as clever. Marinette was too stunned to listen, as she realized that the rich and powerful Damian Wayne whom Lila claimed to be dating was the same Damian who helped Marinette on the streets of Gotham. Marinette stuttered out, “I didn’t- I didn’t realize that you- you’re Damian Wayne.”
Damian chuckled. “I can tell. I have to admit, I’m not used to not being recognized. I'm pretty famous around Gotham."
“The Billionaire Bisexual Ice Prince of Gotham,” quoted Jon with a grin on his face. “The tabloids love Damian.”
“It’s unfortunate, but it can’t be helped. The tabloids obsess over everything even slightly unconventional, and to them, the bisexual bastard son of billionaire Bruce Wayne is the perfect target. Even more so when he started dating another man.” Damian's voice was smooth, but there was an undercurrent of bitterness to it. Marinette got the sense that he didn't often open up about his relationship, for fear that the media would not be kind about it. Marinette sympathized. Françoise Dupont had been a progressive school: they had a GSA and a no-tolerance policy (not that the policy was ever upheld). She hadn’t been bullied, per se, for being bisexual, but she had experienced the all too familiar feeling of being othered for who she happened to love.
“Nice use of alliteration,” said Jon. His words would have lightened the mood if it wasn’t for the slight strain to his voice.
It was obvious to Marinette that this was a sore subject between the boys. “So how long have you two been dating?” asked Marinette, hoping to lighten the mood.
“Two years, but we’ve been friends since middle school,” answered Jon. “Damian was the world's most uptight twelve-year-old, so I took it upon myself to get him to loosen up. We became friends and everything since then just sort of fell into place.”
“An apt recounting, even if it omitted some pertinent details.” Damian conceded.
“Like what?”
“Like the fact that I was the one to ask you on a date, and you were so shocked that I had figured out that you were bisexual that you dropped the glass in your hand, shattering it,” teased Damian.
“I thought I was being subtle about it,” Jon defended.
Marinette giggled. If she could just spend all of her time with Jon and Damian, rather than her class, she might just have fun on her class trip.
Damian turned to Marinette. “He had a pride pin on his jacket and listened to Carly Rae Jepsen. Subtlety is not, and has never been one of Jon’s string suits.”
Marinette noted that she had a pride pin of her own attached to the front strap of her backpack. Most people never took any note of it - Marinette had quite a few pins on her backpack - but Marinette got the feeling that Damian was aware of it.
"We're here," said Jon, parking the car in front of a little café.
"Café Carlisle has good vegetarian options," Damian assured her as he opened up her car door and helped her out. "They make a superb gourmet grilled cheese sandwich and tomato basil soup. I would recommend it to anyone."
"That's pretty high praise. I get the sense you don't give false compliments."
"I don't." It was a simple answer. Marinette was beginning to get a clearer picture of Damian, who didn't waste unnecessary words but was never afraid to speak his mind.
"Then it had better live up for expectations," teased Marinette.
Damian smiled at her as he held open the door to the restaurant. "It will."
As Damian led Marinette to a booth in the back of the restaurant Marinette caught sight of the reflection of her little group in one of the windows. There was a look on Jon's face that Marinette wasn't sure how to interpret. He had a smile on his face, but it wasn't the joking smile Marinette saw a lot of in the car. It was more of an indulgent smile, giving Marinette the sensation that Jon knew something that she didn't. Marinette wanted to turn around and ask him what it meant, but part of her brain begged her not to ruin this budding friendship before it had even begun.
Marinette had only known Damian and Jon for twenty minutes but already had the strangest feeling that there was a connection between them, some sort of relationship that needed nothing more than a little bit of shown vulnerability to create a deep bond. The only thing Marinette could think to liken it to was love at first sight, but it was beyond that. This wasn't infatuation or obsession (both of which Marinette knew well from her days of crushing over Adrien). This was deeper. This was the knowledge that Damian and Jon had seen her vulnerability and had embraced it, showing vulnerability in their own way. Neither boy had said it out loud, but given that they had both closed themselves off from physical affection as soon as they were in public, Marinette made the assumption that any sort of public display of affection was off-limits to them anywhere that the tabloids could see. It put the fact that they had been incredibly open about their relationship in a new light. It reassured Marinette that she wasn't just imagining their connection. Damian and Jon must have felt similarly about her to be able to talk to her about their relationship.
"Marinette?" Damian spoke her name, snapping Marinette out of her thoughts.
Marinette blushed. "Sorry, I tend to daydream a lot."
Damian smirked. "I'm aware. You almost wandered right into traffic the last time I caught you daydreaming."
Jon stifled a laugh. "What could you possibly be thinking of that would make you so focused that you managed to ignore the traffic right in front of you?"
Marinette launched herself into a spiel about her newest design inspiration, explaining as she went that she was incredibly passionate about fashion and designs and that her designs often had her zoning out for hours at a time. Jon and Damian looked so interested in her explanation that Marinette blushed, not used to having anyone's undivided attention.
Marinette wasn't yet certain where she stood with Damian and Jon in terms of the relationship between the three of them, but she couldn't wait to find out.
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mother i may (be different than you remember)
Have a trans!Dean fic set in s12 when Mary comes back. Also on AO3.
Dean stares at the woman--his mother--something between horror and excitement boiling in his chest. “Are you... really… real?” He approaches when she doesn’t answer, reaching out to touch her; make sure she isn’t a ghost. Mary grabs him by the arm, twists, and throws him to the ground. Dean goes down heavily and grunts when Mary slams a foot on his neck.
“Where am I?” she demands. “Who the hell are you?”
“I'm – I'm Dean,” he says, knowing what’s about to happen and dreading it. “Winchester. I'm your son.”
Mary is silent for a moment. “I have a son named Sam and a daughter named Deanna. Get your facts straight. Besides, Deanna is four years old.”
“I was when you died,” Dean says tightly. Mary lets go with a small gasp, and Dean pushes himself back up to his feet, wincing at the twinge in his knee.
“Mom. Listen to me. Your name – your name is Mary Sandra Campbell, okay? You were born December 5, 1954, to Samuel and Deanna Campbell. Your father, he bounced around a lot for, uh, work, and you bounced right along with him, and you ended up in Lawrence, Kansas.”
Mary eyes him suspiciously, seemingly recovered from whatever had just happened. “How do you know all that?”
Dean huffs a laugh. “Dad told me. March 23, 1972, you walked out of a movie theater – Slaughterhouse-Five. You loved it, and you bumped into a big Marine and you knocked him flat on his ass. You were embarrassed, and he laughed it off, said you could make it up to him with a cup of coffee. So, you went to, uh, Mulroney's and you talked and he was cute and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, so when he asked you for your number, you gave it to him, even though you knew your dad would be pissed. That was the night that–that you met–”
“John Winchester,” Mary finishes. Dean nods.
“August 19, 1975, you were married... in Reno. Your idea. A few years later, I came along, then Sammy.”
“And then I burned.” She stares around at the clearing they’re in like she’s stunned at how it looks. “How long have I been gone?”
“Thirty-three years,” Dean says gently. Mary stares at him again, the suspicious look returning to her eyes.
“You don’t look like a transvestite.”
It hits him like a bullet to the chest, and his mouth actually drops open. “Mom, that’s--” He runs a hand down his face. “Jesus, please don’t use that word.”
Mary looks genuinely confused. “What word should I use?”
“Transgender. And there have been some serious medical advances so people don’t necessarily look trans anymore,” Dean explains. It’s been ages since he’s had to go through this with anyone. He’d forgotten how much he hates it. “I was on hormone therapy for years. I got top surgery, even.”
“And John was okay with this?” The way she says it it’s not meant to be mean, but it still makes Dean sick to his stomach. His lips quirk up in a sardonic half-smile.
“No. He was not. But he’s been dead for a decade.” He pauses and looks at her quizzically. “I know it’s a lot to take in, Mom, but… Holy shit, it’s good to see you.” Dean moves forward and wraps her in a hug. After a beat, she returns the hug.
Dean looks up from where he’s sprawled on his bed watching television to see Cas in the doorway, looking alarmingly concerned for what--as far as Dean knows--is a typical Saturday afternoon. He sits up, frowning.
“What’s wrong, Cas?”
Cas hesitates for a moment, then steps inside the room and closes the door behind him. Dean raises an eyebrow. It’s not an unusual move for Cas--it is their room after all--but the manner that he does it is off somehow.
“Your mother,” Cas starts haltingly. “Why does she… Why does she keep calling you Deanna? It seems like she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it.”
Dean sighs heavily and stands up. “You know that was what my parents named me when I was born.”
Cas nods, still looking concerned and confused. Dean looks at Cas, a feeling of astonishment growing inside of him, so strong he can feel it in the tips of his fingers.
“Cas, you know I’m trans, right?”
Cas blinks once, and then looks supremely annoyed. “Yes, of course I do. I was the one who remade your body when I pulled you from Hell, remember?”
Dean rolls his eyes. “Yes, I remember, that’s why I don’t understand where you’re lost here.”
“Your name is no longer Deanna,” Cas says with increasing irritation. “I understand that is what your mother named you, but you are now Dean. Why does she not just call you by your name?”
Dean sighs. “I think she’s having trouble adjusting to the change, is all.”
“It is not even that big of a change!” Cas bursts, and Dean flinches a little at the sudden anger. “It is a difference of two letters! Two syllables! Lady Gaga was once known as Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta!”
Dean stares at Cas, a smile slowly growing on his lips. “Okay, first of all, why in god’s name do you know that about Lady Gaga?”
Cas frowns, and Dean knows he’s about to ask what the hell that has to do with anything, so Dean steamrolls forward, waving a hand dismissively. “Second. My mom… is from a different generation. You’re right, it shouldn’t be that hard, but she’s from an era that didn’t understand gender and sexuality and shit. And she’s been suddenly shoved from that era into… this.”
“She needs to be better,” Cas says grumpily. Dean steps closer to the angel, reaching out to run his hands through the black hair and ending by cupping his jaw on either side.
“I know. I’ll be better at correcting her.”
Cas’s eyes squint at him. “That’s not your responsibility.”
Dean chuckles, resting his forehead on Cas’s. “I know. But someone has to do it.”
Cas pulls back, eyeing Dean seriously. “Then I’ll do it.”
Dean presses a small kiss on Cas’s lips. “Okay. Thank you.”
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weebwrites · 3 years
What It Takes (Meizou x Reader) (Ximen x Reader)
Fandom: Meteor Garden / Boys Over Flowers Warnings: Unrequited love, Love Triangle, Happy Ending, Sad Ending Words: 2k217 Requested By: No One Synopsis: Meizou can’t help but wonder what it will take for his fiancé to love him instead.
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Note to Self- Don’t fall In Love First
Mei Zou had been ecstatic when he first heard of the arranged business merger between his family and the Y/L/N group. Since the moment his mother brought the idea to him, he was shaking with excitement. He had always been worries of his parents plan for his future- maybe that’s why he tried to have as much fun as possible in his youth.
Mei Zou told no one about the engagement plans, but, of course, Y/n noticed. She called him out the first time she saw him since he was told the news. It never stopped shocking him; she was the most observant person Mei Zou had ever met. 
The group of five were lounging in the bridge room, and the second Y/n looked up from her music composition book she asked Meizou what made him so excited. He was quick to re-gain his composure and call it a secret- saying she’ll find out soon enough. 
The other three people in the club room looked over at the both of them. Ah Si rolled his eyes, making some remark of how freaky it was- that she knew them so well. 
Ximen walked over to her and put his hand gingerly on Y/n’s head, “I think it’s cute how her gaming strategy bleeds into her personality.” He moved his hand to her jaw so they were looking at each other, sharing a smile. 
Lei nodded, “It’s nice to have someone you can have a silent conversation with.”
Meizou kept his eyes on the pair in front of him, his hands balling at his sides, morphing into pale chords of muscles as he clenched the chair’s fabric. Y/n had looked back at her book, making progress on the song she was composing. 
He watched as her hair fell from behind her ears, obscuring his view of the girl. He noticed the signs of her becoming increasing frustrated. Just as he was about to move over, Y/n had called out to Lei. 
“I’m trying to convert my song from guitar to piano, but I’m not sure how to compensate for the fret change during the bridge. What chord do you think will work here?” She made eye-contact with the soft boy.
Before looking at where she was referring to, Hua Ze Lei gently brushed the hair from her face before answering her question. 
If only we were together already, Mei Zou thought, then I could stop them from looking at her like that. It was hard on the boy to see Y/n interact with other guys on a daily basis. He’s loved her since they were children, but he had no clue what the future held. So, for now, he bit his tongue. It would be so much easier if she loved me already. 
Note To Self- Don’t wait too long
He was many things- an artist, a bridge player, a loyal friend, a play boy, a hopeless romantic, the list goes on- but Mei Zou is not an idiot. 
He recognized the signs- falling in love was most visible from the outside. It started small, he would walk beside her in the halls. Then he would be the first to her classes, then he started to drive her home, until he’d take her out before reaching her house. It had started small, the love between an angel and a broken man. 
Meizou wasn’t an idiot. He knew Ximen was cautious with love, to the point of thinking he might never get married. It was a shock when he realized his friend was actually in love.
When Meizou first noticed his friend’s lingering glances and moment longer hands on her waist, he cornered him in the hallway. He had pushed Ximen against the lockers, grabbing his collar. Meizou scolded him, warned him that Y/n wasn’t like the girls he toys with, she’s more than them. He warned him about messing with their Y/n, the only female member of F5; Meizou gently reminded him that it wasn’t just himself Ximen would have to worry about, Ah Si and Lei cherished their princess, and they’d do anything to protect her.
Ximen shoved his friend off of him, aggressively declaring his love for her. “I love her, Meizou,” he whispered after. “I can’t stop- it’s like she’s the only thing in my life- every girl I see is just a person who isn’t her, every breath I take is one I wish was with her; she’s in every thought I have and my hand feels empty without hers’ in it. I don’t know how but I love her. I love her.”
To say he was shocked would be an understatement. Meizou guided Ximen back to their club room to keep away from peering eyes. They sat and drank the scotch the room was stocked with. Even as Ah Si came and went, Ximen hadn’t said a word since the hallway. Nothing fell from his lips since he whispered his love for their bestfriend. Meizou had never seen Ximen so vulnerable before, so delicate; if he told his friend about the engagement plans Meizou feared he would shatter like a porcelain heart, so he waited.
Note To Self- Decide Your Priorities Early On
Having the plans be a secret wasn’t difficult. Meizou wasn’t told anything since the reveal, so it’s not like he was keeping anything other than that from hs friends. No, having it be a secret wasn’t what was difficult- but keeping it a secret was the most painful experience ever. 
Meizou watched their love story from the side lines- seeing the stages of their relationship was like watching acts of a play in a theater he couldn’t leave. He was the understudy of a lead who never got sick. Still, Meizou waited. He waited for Ximen to mess up, to freak out. It was messed up- something he never thought he would stoop low enough to do- yet every time Y/n gushed about her plans Meizou silently prayed his friend wouldn’t show up.
He prayed Ximen would forget, he prayed Ximen would make a mistake- just once. He wished he would say the wrong thing- offend her by accident; he prayed on every lucky star that Ximen would hurt her- just once.
Yet with every ill-intended wish it was like their love grew stronger. Ximen had given up his go-to dating plans the moment Y/n agreed to go out with him. Long gone were the roses and strawberry scented cards, no more was the heart on the side of the building. Y/n wasn’t like that. 
Instead they would go to a second hand book store and find a book that had been lived in- one with dog-eared pages and cracked spines. With their books in hand they would to go a cafe, they’d order two drinks (A hot tea of differing flavors and a Spiced Chai Latte) and a piece of cake. Occasionally looking up to smile at their partners, they lived through the books. Smudged highlights of their favorite quotes, smushed rants in the margins when the plot got heated, tears softening the pages which hurt their hearts; the two poured their souls into the pages, and then they gave part of themselves to the other. 
They’d go their separate ways and read the books their partners had chosen for them, laughing when they read a funny note the other had left, calling in tears when everything goes wrong, they annotated the novels. The books would be swapped back and forth, each time read from a new perspective until each page was filled with reminders of love, silly rants, or just mementos of their time together. The book became more ink and highlighter than paper, and it’s meaning had transformed. This was what they were as a couple, something that never seemed to be breakable. Something endless.
Ah Si was spectacle at first, hesitant to expose Y/n to his playboy turned romantic friend. He had always thought Y/n would end up with Lei- but he gave Ximen a chance, and he waited. He waited for Y/n to show up at his door step in tears, he waited to kill Ximen for making her cry. He waited and he waited and the day never came. 
Instead, Y/n cried over how sweet he was. Instead she told him how well he treated her, how Ximen made her feel so special. She called Ah Si late at night not heartbroken, but reduced to giggles and squeals after a perfect date. Never came the day Ah Si would comfort a heartbroken Y/n, and he had never been happier for her. 
Lei was the first to know of Y/n’s long-lasting crush on his friend. He was surprised- back when she told him at the age of twelve. But since then he expected the calls of how he was perfect, how he’d never see her as a girl. He knew Y/n’s feelings inside out, and he was worried when she told him that Ximen had taken her out on a date. He waited for Ximen to get bored, for Y/n’s perfection to not be enough for him. Lei watched silently as the pair spent every second together, watched with careful eyes as they fell hard. 
After his worries for her well being subsided, Lei waited for Y/n to fade from his life. As it was, Y/n called him every day and texted him throughout it. He waited for the calls to stop, for her texts to become once a day with simple meanings. He waited patiently to be along on the rooftop with only the memories of his bestfriend to keep him company. He waited and waited and waited, staring at the phone or the rooftop entrance. Days, weeks, a month, two, yet the phone always rang, and the door always opened. Lei realized Y/n wouldn’t be abandoning his relationship with her for someone else. Maybe it was because he chose love and abandoned his friends when he did- maybe that's why he tried to prepare himself for Y/n’s departure from his life- waiting for her to disappear. But the day never came, and Lei stopped waiting.
Ximen was terrified every day. He was anxious as he drove to her house, wondering when he would freak out. He was scared when he looked down and saw Y/n holding onto his arm, wondering when he would push her off. He clenched his hand tight as he watched her dance through the streets of Shanghi, wondering when he would ruin his one shot at happiness. 
Every date his heart was beating out of his chest, every stolen glance felt like the last. Every smile thrown his way was a wakeup call- every time her voice reached his ears it cut through the fog of self doubt and misery which swallowed him whole- she was his savior. His angel that managed to save him every time, the only life raft on the sinking boat; she was the only good thing left in the world that fought to bruise his ego and tie him to a hundred pound weight of misery. She was the softest blanket, she was the best alarm. She was everything. His hand unclenched. He calmed down.
Meizou should have known this would happen. He decided then, seeing her beautiful smile, that her happiness is all that mattered. 
Note To Self- Sometimes Things Don’t Work Out, Sometimes That’s Okay
When Meizhou told his parents he wouldn’t go through with the wedding they were furious. When he broke down in tears they had no clue what to do with themselves. 
“She’s in love with someone else,”
They comforted him as best as absentee parents could, patting his head awkwardly with empty words. They offered to go through with it anyway, have her fall in love with him after they’re married.
Meizhou refused- he didn’t want to. 
Instead, Meizhou stood at the altar, watching as Y/n approached. She was beautiful. Her dress dragged behind her and her eyes watered with tears- she was gorgeous. 
Lei and Daoming Si stood across the isle, beside Y/n as she took her rightful spot. She stared into the eyes of her beloved and, for once, it wasn’t jealousy that prickled under his skin. It was sorrow- deep and painful morning for the death of his future. His beloved would never be his, his beloved was someone else. He cried.
Y/n had never felt better. Her mother had been apprehensive about giving her consent, saying she hadn’t expected Ximen to be the one she fell in love with. Y/n wasn’t sure what she meant, but her mom dressed her to the nines and did her makeup personally. 
And now here she was, standing in front of the man she’d gladly spend every moment of her life with.
“How did I get so lucky,” she whispered, as Lei handed her Ximens ring and Meizhou handed him the other.
“No love-” Ximens eyes swirled with love and adoration, “how did I get so lucky?”
The room erupted into cheers, applause, the occasional scream or encouragement as they kissed. The world faded around them and the only thing that mattered was each other.
Meizhou waved them off as they climbed into the limo towards their honeymoon. 
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coldmilkcreamery · 4 years
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lux in tenebris
~ 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 ~
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: jung jaehyun x male reader 🌹🥀
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 4182
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: set in the 1960’s, your relationship with Jaehyun blooms as you navigate a time when homosexuality is unacceptable.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: hinted homophobia (but never shown)
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 🌙
𝗮/𝗻: because valentines is jaehyun’s birthday !! hbd to my first bias <3 this story is so so fluffy, which is so unusual for me because i’m an angsty writer 🥴 also, i thought of this story while listening to ‘put your head on my shoulder’ !! every time i would write a part, i would listen to it <3 this is the longest story i’ve written, surpassing memories (which is also a jaehyun one btw, i think this unintentionally proves my dedication to him) !! i hope u guys like this because i’ve worked the hardest on this 🥺 happy valentines everyone ! <3
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
(some time in the 1960s~)
Everybody thought they were friends. The class-skipping, the after-school hangouts, the dinners at Anka’s Diner—everybody thought they were friends. And truly, they were.
But is that really all they were?
“So…” Jaehyun asks as they walk down the halls of Neo High, “Anyone approach for Valentine’s yet? I bet you’ve gotten more than three people to ask you out by now.”
Y/N chuckles, lightly shoving Jaehyun as the latter chuckles as well. “Man, stop it. No one asked me out. And who are you to say that? Star athlete, 6 pack abs, Jaehyun of the Neos, I'd say… 6 girls?”
“7, actually.” They both giggle as Jaehyun continues, “But… I shot all of them down.”
They both near Y/N’s locker, Jaehyun leaning on the ones beside as the former opens his and gets some books out. “Why? 7 girls… neat.”
“I have my eyes on someone else.” Jaehyun says, looking up, blushing at the ceiling, glad that Y/N’s locker door is obstructing the latter’s view of his face.
“Lucky girl.” Y/N says, nonchalantly as he closes the door to his locker. “She’ll say yes, don’t worry.”
“Sure hope they do. So… I'm guessing you're still on the make? You know, looking for a date?” Jaehyun says curiously, unknowingly hoping for a certain answer.
“I told you no one asked me out. And honestly, I’m fine with that. It's a Saturday on the 14th—maybe I should just stay home and listen to the radio.”
“Aww. That's fine little man.” Jaehyun says as they begin their trek towards their classes. “Maybe you could go out with me…” His voice softens, not wanting to alert those around them, “If you can't find anyone.”
Y/N chortles, smacking Jaehyun on the shoulder once again, “Kinda gay ain't it?”
“Nothing wrong with it.”
“You think the people around us’ll say the same?”
Jaehyun hums in acknowledgement as he fixes his tie, replying, “Okay then. Well, see ya’ later alligator.”
Y/N smiles as he sends the boy a wink, entering his classroom as the latter walks to his.
They both knew it. It was mutual knowledge. But unspoken. It was unspoken knowledge. The sly touches, the flirting—they both knew it.
But neither have made a real move yet.
“If you had one thing you could do right now, without being interrupted—without any distractions,” Jaehyun says, lying down on Y/N’s bed, throwing a baseball up in the air as he asks, “what would it be?”
“Hm.” Y/N ponders, pausing the movement of his pencil over the créme sheet of paper, placing it down. “Maybe…” he looks out the window, observing the orange to black ombré, “Moongazing. I just love the moon. The stars too.”
“You always talk about the moon.” Jaehyun stops throwing the white ball knitted with red fabric, catching it on one hand as he sits up. “What’s so bewitching about it anyway?”
“I don’t know.” Y/N continues writing, the graphite marking the pages as it produces the only sound in the room apart from their voices. “It’s… calming. Not to mention, the twinkling stars look pretty too.”
“Twinkle twinkle little star…” Jaehyun sings softly as Y/N chuckles, throwing a pillow at the former.
“If you don’t believe me—”
“I do. I’ll take you for your word.” Jaehyun replies almost instantly. “I always do.”
“Neat. Now flake off. The sun is setting. You live three streets away, and I don't want you walking in the dark alone.” Y/N gets up from his seat at the window, turning to face Jaehyun.
“Walk me home then.” Jaehyun replies, a smirk on his face.
“That would mean I would be the one walking home alone in the dark, you dork.”
“Alright, alright.” Jaehyun replies, getting up from Y/N’s bed to give him a long, warm hug. Their bodies separate as Jaehyun blows Y/N a kiss, walking out the bedroom door, getting a snort in return.
The marmalade sun hides itself on the horizon as Y/N looks out the window, waving to Jaehyun as the latter walks out their front yard, beginning his journey home.
Oh God, was he falling.
It was getting increasingly difficult to resist. The sneaky flirts, the clever comebacks—it was getting increasingly difficult to resist.
And maybe he should stop doing so.
“Baby~” Jaehyun sneaks up on Y/N, whispering the words as the latter stiffens in surprise before smacking him lightly in the face.
“Dude. You gotta stop saying shit like that.” The boy sitting on his assigned chair replies, looking up at Jaehyun who is now seated on his desk. “Why are you here anyways? Don’t you have class soon?”
“You do.” Jaehyun replies, pointing at Y/N before pointing at himself, “I don’t. My first subject isn’t ‘till 9.”
“Hm.” Y/N mumbles as he looks back down on the sheet of paper with two unanswered math problems waiting to be solved. “Well, I forgot to complete this last night because I was too pre-occupied with English, and there’s five minutes left ‘till my class starts so I really gotta finish this.”
“Maybe you don’t.” Jaehyun replies, a plan already devising itself in his mind. “Do you maybe wanna… go to the park?”
Y/N looks up, a smirk forming on his face as he observes the same smirk on Jaehyun’s. They hold a stare for about five seconds before Y/N shoves the gray sheet of paper into his backpack, not caring if it was getting crumpled. In laughing fits, both boys run out the hall and eventually out the school too. Slowing down from their marathon-like sprint, they don't notice that they have their fingers interlocked. Y/N realizing this, he quickly untangles them as he straightens his uniform, Jaehyun unconsciously bummed out.
“Well,” Y/N says, looking up at Jaehyun who was already staring at him, “lead the way, my good sir.”
Jaehyun bows as he jokes, “Why of course, Milady. I’ll have you back in school by 9, just in time for your second subject.”
Both giggle as they skip to the grassy park, unknowingly spending the whole day out of school.
Maybe it was something in the air. Something they inhaled, passing their airways as it made its way to their heart, freeing them from their icy restraints. Maybe it was something in the air—or maybe something in the grass. But it made them both come out of their shells.
What took that damned O₂ so long to enter their lungs?
“Oh shit.” Y/N realizes halfway through fawning about a low-graphic, black and white but new cartoon that had just come out. He looks down on his right wrist as he scoffs. “You said you’d get me back in school by 9.” He says, annoyed, looking up at Jaehyun, “It’s 9:05”.
Jaehyun chuckles innocently, planting his palm on the back of your shoulder. “Well… if people see us here in the park when we’re supposed to be in class… we’ll get detention for skipping.” He says, matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, totally didn't know that, Jae.” Y/N says, facetiously.
“Well… we could go to the movies? Or the fair…” Jaehyun brings his lips closer to Y/N ears as he whispers convincingly, “Or both.”
The flustered pulls away, hands pushing Jaehyun towards the opposite direction. “Fine. But I didn't bring my wallet today.”
“What do you want me to do about that?” Jaehyun replies, a look of sarcasm cascading his face. Y/N rolls his eyes before staring straight into Jaehyun’s, cracking his knuckles. Before he could get a word out, Jaehyun already surrenders. “Okay, okay! Calm down dude.” He chuckles. “But on one condition.”
“I’m listening.” Y/N replies, crossing his legs.
“Be my Valentine. For tomorrow.”
“Dude, you don't have a valentine, I don't have a valentine—”
“Because you turned them all down!”
“Okay fair enough.” Jaehyun admits, “But it's not like I can ask them out again, it would be too humiliating for big ole’ Jae, wouldn't it?” He pouts, sticking his bottom lip out as he stares into Y/N’s eyes.
Y/N contemplates, sighing after a minute as he replies, “Fine.”
Jaehyun jumps in glee as he cheers, acting like a kid whose parents agreed to buy them ice cream.
“Just take me to the movies already.” Y/N sighs yet again, scratching his head as the taller calms down, bowing facetiously.
“Of course, Milady.”
“Shut up.”
The popcorn was exceptional. Splendid indeed. The pop of flavor just made everything fall into place. The popcorn was exceptional—maybe that’s why Jaehyun held the bag so cautiously.
And soon enough, that won’t be the only thing he’ll be holding—and eating, too.
“Mmmh.” Jaehyun moans as he sips his pop, taking a handful of popcorn right after.
“Dude, stop! We haven't even gotten in the theater yet and you're already devouring everything.” Y/N whines, upset. “By the time the movie starts, we’ll have nothing!”
“Chill,” Jaehyun replies, taking one last sip from his straw before he smiles at Y/N, “we can just buy another one.”
“You’re just wasting money.” Y/N groans, not wanting Jaehyun to spend any more.
“Okay, okay.” He replies, sealing his popcorn as they wait to be let in the theater.
Was it the popcorn in the theater? Something that gave Jaehyun the courage. Because Jaehyun had not been this bold 6 months ago. Was it the popcorn in the theater—or was it the soda pop?
It didn't matter. What he was going to do with his newly-found virtue did.
In the darkness, the mono-colored movie played as the bag of popcorn was set in between the boys.
“Remind me why we decided to watch a romance movie again?” Y/N brings his lips closer to Jaehyun’s ears as he whispers, not wanting to disturb the rest.
“People say it’s a good movie.”
“They both die.”
Jaehyun peels his eyes away from the screen to stare at Y/N, a look of disbelief washing over his face. “You just spoiled the movie for me.”
“Everybody knows the story of Romeo and Juliet.” Y/N replies, rolling his eyes.
“Well, I don’t.” Jaehyun whispers, looking back at the projected movie, correcting himself, “Didn’t. I guess I do now.”
“I still can’t believe you didn’t know though.” Y/N remarks, grabbing popcorn from their shared bucket, staring at the movie playing.
“Now I do, and…” Jaehyun looks at Y/N once again, his cheeks burning as he braves and says, “I guess it’s a good thing we’ll both be Romeos tomorrow.”
Y/N lightly chuckles, trying to ignore what Jaehyun had just said, keeping his eyes glued to the movie.
Unsatisfied with Y/N’s reaction, Jaehyun slips his fingers past the bucket of popcorn and onto Y/N’s, resting on the armrest. With the sudden weight and warmth on his hand, Y/N tenses—but doesn’t look at Jaehyun. Rather, he watches the movie intently, silently hoping he doesn’t give in.
Jaehyun leans closer to Y/N, lips right next to his ears as he whispers, “I’m cold.”
And he gives in.
Their fingers interlock in the dark of the theater, the sounds of dialogue from the movie filling the enclosed space up. No one can see them—it’ll be alright.
Jaehyun always found rings cute. A cheese ring, a metal ring, the ring around Saturn. Jaehyun always found rings cute,
But his greatest wish was to put a diamond one around Y/N’s finger.
“This is a scam.” Y/N retorts, hands crossed. He stares at Jaehyun as they stand in line for a hoop game on the board walk’s carnival, a few minutes after their exit from the theater.
“There’s no harm in trying.” Jaehyun replies, his eyes on the prize—a teddy bear the size of a toddler.
“That’s like saying ‘There’s no harm in getting scammed’, Jae.”
“Well,” Jaehyun cheekily replies, smirking as he blurts, “there’s no harm in getting scammed for you.”
Y/N looks at Jaehyun in disbelief as the flirt grabs 3 round hoops, preparing to land them on the moving bottles. Much like Y/N’s prediction, the first hoop falls too early and too far from the bottles, the second slides off after nearing and the third one flies too far and hits the stall owner. Jaehyun cringes as the owner painfully smirks, the feeling of victory of scamming another customer engulfing the latter’s mind, accompanied by the feeling of pain from the metal object recently hurled at his stomach.
“At least we have consolation candy?” Jaehyun’s face agonizes, embarrassment taking over.
“At least we have consolation candy.” Y/N repeats, grabbing a handful as he smiles at the owner and makes a 180°, leaving the booth. Jaehyun follows behind, hands in his pocket as he looks around the fair.
“Oooh,” Jaehyun interests, “What about that one?” He says, pointing at the game with a man in his 20’s trapped inside a container with water below, fate depending on his partner’s aim at the target.
“How about no?” Y/N replies, chuckling shortly after, “If you like water so much…
how do you feel about the beach?”
Tonight was the night. It wasn’t the 14th—it was the day before. But Jaehyun was more than confident enough to make a move. Tonight was the night—and nothing could go wrong.
Or so he hopes.
The tangerine sun meets the navy water once again, its center resting at the edge of the coast. Both boys walk down the beach, hands in pockets as they keep their feelings in.
“Pretty isn’t it?” Jaehyun perks up as he stares at Y/N breaking the silence. “The sun setting.” Jaehyun nods as Y/N continues. “It’s a shame that it’s disappearing soon. Give it a few minutes more and there won’t be a trace of orange on the sky.”
“It’s just how it is.” Jaehyun replies.
“Exactly.” Y/N gleams, the wind blowing on his shirt. “As much as I love seeing the sun, and as much as I hate seeing it go, I see it as a good thing too.”
“What do you mean?” Jaehyun replies, sparkles in his eyes as he stares at Y/N, only the calm waters and the sun’s secant behind him.
“I see it as, ‘if you love something, you have to let something else go’, or something of the sort.” Y/N chuckles, his hands still in his pockets, “I love the sun so much, but if it means seeing the night sky again, I’d give it up every single day, every single time, every single chance I get.”
“You must love the moon and stars so much, huh.” Jaehyun awes as his skin glows under the dying sun’s radiating tint.
Y/N nods as both boys settle down on a spot by the ocean, watching the sun submerge, darker and bluer hues taking over the early evening sky. They sit there for a few minutes, staring at the ocean waves, thinking about their current situation. As they contemplate, the sky has completely changed, from warm hues into cooler and darker ones, the moon showing itself first.
“There you go.” Jaehyun chuckles, laying his back on the sand as he points up, “Your favorite.”
Y/N follows the direction Jaehyun’s finger is pointing at as he looks up at the indigo atmosphere, a faint, glowing crescent standing out. He beams as he appreciates the moon’s presence, basking in it. “Thank you for today, Jae.”
“You’re welcome. Don’t forget about tomorrow okay?”
Y/N nods as he gets up, dusting his shorts off from the sand. The other gets up as well, doing the same as Y/N watches.
Just as the latter is about to leave, Jaehyun speaks up. “Wait!” Y/N faces him once again, a sparkle on his eyes as he wonders why he was called back. “I— I have something to say.” Jaehyun shivers, clenching his fists as he breathes in and out, preparing himself for his own confession. “For the longest time I’ve— I’ve looked up to you and I just wanna say,” Y/N raises his eyebrows, the sound of waves crashing onto the beach filling his ears, “I like you.”
‘I like you’. The words ring in Y/N ears, the syllables painting his eardrums with love. It seems great at first but then he remembers—the predjudice, the shame, the disgrace, the dishonor—and doubles back. “Y-you can’t.”
“Yes, I can.” Jaehyun says as he inches closer to Y/N, his hand grazing the latter’s cheek as he pulls closer. Their lips touch under the moonlight, the stars and benthics as their witness. The taste of strawberry fills Y/N’s taste buds, the savory flavor of intimacy filling his mouth. With the doting feeling of passion engulfing Y/N’s body, he kisses back. They move in sync for a few seconds until Jaehyun pulls away, the feeling of endearment filling his mind as he registers that he had just kissed Y/N—the one he's been pining for for the past few years. Of course, that feeling isn't long-lasting as he notices Y/N take a step back, fear in the latter’s eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Jaehyun questions, his words coming out as a mere whisper. Y/N doesn't reply as he takes more steps back, mortified. Jaehyun reaches his hand out—and that’s all it takes to send Y/N running.
He sprints the opposite direction, ignoring Jaehyun’s shouts behind him. Adrenaline rushes through his veins as his shoes hit the sand continuously, fear and disappointment fueling his run.
Jaehyun is left alone, under the moonlit beach, and instead of hearing his beloved’s voice, only the sound of waves fill his ears, sending him into full regret.
Was it like water? Sometimes everything would be blithe—calm, tranquil water, their insouciant selves enjoying the world. But sometimes it would be erratic too—the unpredictable waves engulfing them and their relationship. Was it like water—their love for one another?
Jaehyun just hopes it wouldn’t dry up.
“Thought I’d find you up here.” Jaehyun mutters as he closes the rooftop door, making a sound as it closes again. It’s been a few hours since the beach incident, the moon already glowing brighter. “Look, I’m sorry for kiss–”
“Don’t be.” Y/N replies, keeping his voice as stern as possible, despite already being on the verge of tears. “It was great, I just,” Y/N pauses, takes in the night sky’s view for the last time before he breaks down, and plants his eyes on Jaehyun, still by the rooftop door. “Don’t you think this is wrong?”
“What is?” Jaehyun replies, already knowing the answer he would receive.
“This.” Y/N replies, whining dejectedly as he gets up from his sitting position, facing Jaehyun. “This is. We’re both guys, we shouldn't be flirting, let alone kissing!”
“Why does it matter?” Jaehyun questions, stepping forward as he tries his best to keep his tears in.
“It just does Jaehyun!” Y/N yells back, the exact opposite of Jaehyun’s hushed tone, his voice echoing out into the night sky. “It just does.” He repeats, tears pooling on the corner of his eyes.
“If it does, then…” Jaehyun steps back, the feeling of woe engulfing him, “you never liked me the same way I like you.”
“No!” Y/N replies almost immediately, a tear already slipping out, painting his right cheek, “I, I like you Jae, I like you so fucking much. Every single moment we’ve had, every single moment we’ve shared—I relish every bit of it. I can’t stop liking you—I’ll never stop liking you. But,” Y/N pauses, “I’m scared.”
Jaehyun steps closer to Y/N, pulling him into his embrace as the latter cries out onto his shoulder, tears staining his t-shirt, “Don’t be.”
“But I am.” Y/N replies, sniffing as he tightens his grip on Jaehyun’s body. “I’m scared of everything—What if people talk bad about us, behind our backs? What if our parents kick us out? What if we get expelled? What if—”
“Shh.” Jaehyun shushes, his hand rubbing Y/N’s back slowly, the strokes calming the latter down. “Stop thinking about the ‘what ifs’, just focus on me.”
“I’m sorry, I know I overthink a lot.” Y/N mumbles, pulling away from their embrace as he looks Jaehyun in the eyes, the moonlight shining on them. “I’m just… scared of the darkness that awaits, you know?”
“I get you.” Jaehyun replies as he stares at Y/N, melancholic. “And I’ll do whatever it takes, okay? I’ll be your candle, your shining light, anything that’ll get you through the darkness.”
“Thanks.” Y/N chuckles, looking down, noticing the sand still on Jaehyun’s shoes. “But that still doesn’t change what people would think about…” He points to Jaehyun, then at himself, repeatedly, “this.”
Jaehyun hums as he guides Y/N to the ledge of the rooftop, sitting both him and himself down as they stare out onto the deserted school field below. “Remember what you said about the sun, just a few hours ago when we were down at the beach?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“I’d give it all up. All of it. My status, my family, my friends—all of it…” Jaehyun says, peeling his eyes off the dark field below them and locking them with Y/N’s, passion fueling his words, “if it meant I could be with you. Because as much as I love them, if it means seeing you in my arms, I’d give them all up every single day, every single time, every single chance I get.”
Y/N forces a sob in, trying his best not to break down. “But why?” He replies, feeling tears pool again.
“Because I’m serious with you, dude.” Jaehyun replies as Y/N chuckles, the tears still in his eyes. “I’ve been wanting to tell you all this for a while now.”
Y/N snickers louder, he and his best friend’s intimacy overwhelming him. He takes in Jaehyun’s form, the moon casting its light down on him, and makes a desicion. “Fine.”
“Fine what?”
“Fine, you can be my candle. Fine, you can be my shining light. Fine…” Y/N pauses, trying to find the right words, “Fine, I’ll give this—us—a chance.”
Jaehyun quickly switches moods from his dejected one to a grin from ear to ear, painting over his gloomy look. “Does that mean you’re still my valentine for tomorrow...” Jaehyun pauses, looks at his watch then looks back into Y/N’s eyes, noticing all the sorrow fading, “I mean later?”
“Yes, dude.”
“We have to stop calling each other that now, babe.”
“Ew. Too cheesy don’t you think?”
“Not at all. I think it suits you.”
Both men chuckle as they stare out into the landscape, a completely new bond between them formed.
“Since it’s Valentine’s Day already,” Jaehyun mumbles as he looks toward Y/N’s direction, “do you mind giving me a kiss?” Y/N stops his peaceful gaze on the stars as he locks eyes with Jaehyun, noticing the sparkles in his eyes. “No running away this time though.”
Y/N chuckles before he places his hand on Jaehyun’s cheek, moving closer and closer, feeling their taboo love get stronger and stronger. Their lips touch as he realizes that Jaehyun’s lips taste more like peaches than strawberries. With this thought in mind, he smiles into their kiss, the feeling of fear leaving his body as he feels his best friend’s—now boyfriend’s—lips on his.
Instead of the briny ocean water witnessing their love wither merely 6 hours earlier, it was now the magnificent moon and the stunning stars bearing witness to their young, requited love bloom.
Maybe it was the stigma. The thing that kept them apart for so long. Maybe it was the stigma—or maybe they were both just pussies.
Good thing they grew some balls.
“I think I get why you like the moon and stars so much.” Jaehyun blurts as the two lay on the beach once again, staring up at the glittered night sky, the valentine air floating out and about.
“And why’s that?” Y/N says as he looks up at Jaehyun, curiosity devouring him.
“It reminds me of a phrase in Latin.” He replies, smiling as the bijou stars twinkled at them, as if they were smiling. “It means light in darkness.” Y/N nods. “The moon, the stars—they paint the plain black sky and turn it into something stunning. I can’t look away from it now. Whenever I look up at night, I’ll always remember you.”
“Good for you.” Y/N chuckles, shifting his gaze from his boyfriend’s cheek and placing it back on the painting-like sky above them, miniature dots glistening on the canvas. “What’s that phrase again? If it sounds pretty, I just might get it tattooed on me.”
“Light in darkness,” Jaehyun stops, smiling back at the specs winking at them, “and in Latin,” Y/N looks up at Jaehyun, only to catch him staring back, stars in his eyes,
“Lux in tenebris.”
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 02.04.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 02.13.21
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It’s Just a Movie: Part 3 (Poly!Lost Boys x Fem!Reader)
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Warnings: cursing
Word count: 2034
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Now, while you were technically in a life or death situation with four vampires, you couldn't lie to yourself and say that you hadn't wanted to explore Santa Carla at least once in your life. Not Santa Cruz. Santa Carla. Time had changed the boardwalk, the styles, the people. But, now, you were right in it. The actual 1980's Santa Carla. You climbed off of Dwayne's bike, and you couldn't hide your awe as you looked down the length of the coast.
The boardwalk was littered with teenagers with wild hair, piercings, and people of all sorts. There were games, rides, and bonfires already lighting up the beach. And not a cellphone in sight. It was weird, and suddenly the piece of technology felt heavy in your pocket. You had almost forgotten that you had it, and your hand went to smooth over the rectangle in your back pocket. Suddenly, all didn't seem lost. Though, you quickly reminded yourself that this was the eighties. No wifi. No data. Hell, you'd be lucky if you still had battery. The only thing you'd have access to were the pictures and downloads you had saved on your phone. Then, it hit you. Your contact list. While you couldn't call them through your smart phone, you assumed, maybe you could call your friends if you managed to find a phone-booth or something...Or, god, a landline. Even if it was only a semblance of a plan, it felt better than nothing. Now, you just had to figure out a way to ditch the four of them so you could get your hands on a phone and avoid becoming their next meal. 
"I'm guessing you haven't lived here long." David said, and you nearly jumped out of your skin. You looked over, and watched as he walked past you. The other three followed, with Marko grabbing one of your hands and pulling you to follow them. You supposed you hadn't been keeping your amazement subtle, and you already knew that he, and perhaps Marko, were the most observant of the four boys. Your voice was small as you supplied a simple,
"Yeah, just got here." You made a mental edit of your plan. You had to find a phone and ditch them before they found out you weren't exactly from here in more ways than one. You had a feeling that lying to him would be futile, and it was technically true. You really had just got there. He hummed, and then looked back at you. It was apparently Markos turn to pull you close, though the boy was closer to your height and chose to wrap an arm around your waist instead. He sent you a friendly smile, and you repeatedly reminded yourself over and over again that these four were not to be trusted. Horror movie. Killers. David sent you a smile, and, while it was as charming as his voice, it did nothing to calm your nerves.
"Explains your friends. Not everyone in Santa Carla is as nice as we are." David said, and you nearly wanted to laugh. Yeah, you were sure they were the nicest gang of killer vampires in the whole town. Maybe even the whole state. Instead, you hummed and said,
"Yeah, thanks for the ride. You guys...well, I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't met you." Now, that was the truth. You weren't just being sentimental with that statement. If you had been stuck here with not a familiar face in sight, in a strange town, and no way to call your friends? Well, you'd bet that you'd currently be having a panic attack in front of the movie theater. Not that you weren't just a few wrong moves away from having one right now. Paul practically jumped right next to you, squishing himself into your side and chirping a quick,
"You're welcome," before he added, "Y'know, your friends are kinda lame. Why don't you just hang out with us tonight?" He offered. Really, you swore that if you didn't know that these boys were vampires that you'd think they really might be some of the nicer people in Santa Carla. It wasn't like they knew you. But here they were, giving you rides, taking you to meet your friends, offering to hang out with you- Crap. You did a mental head shake. You had always made fun of Michael for falling so easily under their spell but here you were. You knew that they could be dangerous and, still, you were starting to think that you could trust them. You looked around for a moment, seeing four expectant set of eyes on you. Marko even tried to win you over by saying,
"C'mon, we're loads more fun." And, David, the charming bastard he was, gave you the most expectant look of all. 
"Yeah, c'mon, y/n." The way he said your name, it reminded you of exactly the way he'd said Michael's. You could practically guess what was going to come out of his mouth next. "How far are you willing to go?" It didn't seem nearly as menacing as it had when he'd said it to Michael, but it effected you all the same. He'd used a similar tone. Gauging. Taunting. Like he was playing a game of chicken and seeing if he could egg you on. You instinctively looked away from his face, and to the most neutral of the four vampires. But the look Dwayne was giving you didn't help, and you watched as he looked over your face. Just his stare could make you on edge. You said the best excuse you could think of, but even it sounded terrible to your own ears.
"I really shouldn't...they're expecting me." You said, and you internally cringed. It was a lie, and, like you expected, you watched as David seemed to be able to immediately tell. Or perhaps he was frowning from your refusal. Apparently, you weren't willing to go very far. You couldn't really tell, but the blondes besides you seemed hardly convinced. Though, you couldn't get the way David frowned out of your mind. Sure, Michael had been stupid to follow the boys and let himself get egged on, but he had lived. They had kept him around. That was what lead you to adding, "But- but, maybe... we could check out some stuff on the way?"
You hadn't known what to expect, but bouncing from store to store definitely wasn't it. They took you to a music store, which was filled to the brim with old, technically new, cassettes and vinyl. You managed to surprise them a little bit with your taste in music, as the twenty-first century had made it far too easy to listen to stuff from decades before. You were even tempted to buy some stuff, as you were sure you wouldn't find them for nearly as cheap back home. But, you had to be careful not to slip up when they asked you about your favorite bands. You still didn't technically know what year it was, so you stuck to bands from the seventies just to be safe. Paul ended up showing you a few records, and you tried not to blush as he dragged you into one of the listening booths. He popped a couple of records on, before putting the headphones snuggly over your ears. You tried not to be embarrassed by the close proximity, and were grateful when Marko called that they were leaving. Even if it cut into the conversation you and Paul were having about the record. Afterwards, you stopped at a little booth selling various jackets, trinkets, jewelry, and even a few patches. You looked through them with Marko, taking the time to really get a close look at his jacket. He noticed you staring, and propped his elbows up on the clear counter. He sent you a grin, and you were flustered and looking away before he could even tease you. You saw that the other three seemed to be more interested in the bracelets, and that's when you noticed the ones decorating Dwayne's wrists. You had missed it in all your previous viewings, but you weren't surprised that you had. The costume designers had done so many little details for their wardrobe, and Dwayne noticed you looking. But, instead of teasing you, he passed you a similar looking bracelet as the five of you walked down the boardwalk. You gave him a confused look, and his lips quirked up just the slightest bit.
"Doesn't fit my wrist." He explained nonchalantly, and you watched as he strode closer to the platinum blonde leading the pack. You smiled to yourself, and tried your best to tie it onto your wrist yourself. Paul ended up helping you, his nimble fingers working quickly. He didn't ask where you got the bracelet, and instead dragged you towards the arcade David had been leading you to.  
You didn't realize it until you asked one of them what time it was, making sure not to reach for your phone in your back pocket no matter how much of a habit it was, but it seemed that the boys also had a plan. You had relaxed, no matter how much you had tried not to, after spending what you realized was hours with them. It was getting late, and, when you finally made it to the carousel, none of them seem surprised when you said you didn't see your friends. Not that they'd actually be there waiting for you. But, still, the realization that they'd been stalling, making sure you would end up with no one else to hang out with that night, made you remember. Horror movie. Killers. You bet that any second David would be suggesting to take you to-
"You know where Hudson's Bluff is? Overlooking the point?" And you looked over at him. This was it. Your panic suddenly spiked at the idea of going back to the cave with them. No matter how cool it would be. No matter how much you wanted to see it for yourself. This was where everything went to shit. If you went back to the cave with them, there'd be no crowd to prevent you from getting murdered. You'd be alone. With them. Before any of them could jibe you into coming with, you quickly said,
"I should call them- my friends. Y'know, to- to make sure they're not worried about me. I don't want them telling my parents I got kidnapped or something." You quickly suggested, and the boys swayed for a moment. The three others looked between you and David, and you knew that they were waiting for his word. After a moment, he gave you a nod. You supposed that calling off any potential alarms would be something he'd be all for. And, hopefully, you could actually reach your friends.
"There's a phone booth at the end of the boardwalk. You can call your parents too. Tell them not to wait up." He said with a small grin, and it surprised you. If you didn't know any better, you'd almost think David was flirting with you. The walk back to the bikes, and to the phone booth, was surreal. David had pulled you closer to the front, but he wasn't nearly as affectionate as the others. Still, just standing next to him made you feel like you were doing more than you should.
You had meant to ditch them, but, now, they were only a few feet away. Sitting on their bikes. You felt stupid for having missed it when you first arrived, but the place had been swarmed with people. And the phonebooth seemed to purposely be stuck in a small, dark corner. You gulped as you closed the glass door behind you, and you rustled around in your pockets for loose change. The only thing you had was a nickel and a couple of pennies, and you cursed yourself for not keeping more change in your purse. Not that you knew how much it would cost anyways. You looked back out at where the boys were waiting on their bikes, having noticed that the crowds had thinned out considerably compared to when you first arrived. You gulped and cracked open the door.
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell Of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 5
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black-furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 5: By Your Side
“Next is the bag of chips, why he likes pizza flavor I will never know,” Mac muttered as he pushed his cart through the aisles.
The two teenagers in his care, at this point Mei might as well be one of his, had opted out of the grocery trip and decided to do their own thing on the other side of town. Still well perfectly within hearing distance, but he smartly decided not to eavesdrop on their conversations, he would rather not have two very creative, and vengeful, kids out to get him.
After he had grabbed the bag of chips and placed it in with all the many, many items in the cart, some of them were not even for him and the two kids as his friends tend to make themselves at home at times. He feels like he should be charging his friends for the amount of stuff he gets for them no matter how rich he may be.
‘Who even needs this many ghost peppers, 3 bundles of apples, a bag of soft sponges, industrial nail filer, and a goddamn indestructible chew ball,’ he internally ranted in his head as he went through another aisle, ‘What am I, their parent?’ They have their own damn jobs!’ He then looked through some of their teas available and his nose scrunched up as he picked up a box of passion fruit tea. “Who the fuck even likes passion fruit tea? That shit is way too sweet,” he grumbled to himself.
“Well store bought ones usually don’t have that same ‘Oomph’ as homemade ones,” a deep voice said.
“You’re telling me,” Mac agreed as he side glance at the man who was reaching for one of the teas on the top shelf as he couldn’t contain his eye twitch. ‘Okay, been in this city for gods knows how long, and in the span of less than a year I managed to find ones that are descendants or reincarnation of most of the fucking crew. What the actual fuck is this sort of luck?! I know that there are historians willing to sell their soul for even a trace of this, so what kind of fucked up luck am I getting that I just stumbled upon them.’
“Hm,” he, the overgrown beast of a demon that shared too much resemblance to Sha Wujing, titled his head to him. “Is there something the matter?” His eyes widen as he tries to look over his body and pants, “Do I have cat hair on me?! I thought I managed to clean the last of it off before I left.”
“No, no,” he waved him off, “just thought you looked familiar, that’s all.”
“Oh well in that case,” the large man shifted his basket to his other hand and stuck out his right, “my name is Sandy, it’s nice to meet a fellow tea lover.”
Macaque stared at the hand for a bit before giving a small smirk and shaking it, “Name Macaque and right back at ya big lug.”
“Personally I like the Biluochun Tea,” Sandy said as he plucked up a box of Chamomile, “but unfortunately they have yet to fully bloom in my garden so I am making do with a substitute,” he joked.
“Then how about Kuding?” Mac recommended.
“I may like the taste of bitter, but I don’t want that to be my only taste,” he admitted.
“Well I think it’s pretty good.”
“Let me take a wild guess and say that you don’t like sweet things.”
“I only tolerate for my kiddos,” he mumbled as he put the box of Junshan Yinzhen Tea, he already had a batch of Kuding growing out in the garden, so there is little point in grabbing a weak ass store brand tea that held not even the same resemblance to how it truly tastes. He tried a box out of sheer curiosity and immediately chuck that so far away, that thing that called itself Kuding tea is a disgrace to the true masterpiece.
“You have kids,” the demon piped up as he walked alongside the monkey.
“Technically one, but with the number of times she stays over, I might as well claim that hellion,” he grumbled as the two goes out of the aisle and towards the meat.
“Awww, that’s sweet,” he put his hand to his very muscular chest, “the only little ones I have are my adorable cats,” he then proudly showed off his wallet which had an assortment of different kinds of cats.
“Cute,” he admitted as he took in the collection of cats, “was this an all at once thing or more of a gradual.”
“Oh some were gradual, others were in groups, and some was just picked up,” he said as he put up his wallet, “Like one day I come home and find Mimi, one of my older ones, carrying the most adorable blue kitten,” he began to tell his tale of Mo as the two continued their shopping together.
“I’ll be with you in just a moment,” Pigsy yelled out as he served a tray full of steaming hot noodles to his other customers.
“Man, this place is packed today,” Mac said as he took the only seat on the counter, which was by the entrance. The place was brimming with customers, either loitering outside waiting for their order or just chatting amicably inside.
“Yeah, lunch hour kicks my as-butt each time,” he had to suppress a groan and put on a customer service grin as he watched another group stroll in. “Be with you in a minute!”
“I thought you had some staff? I know the last time we came in, we saw a driver leaving with the food,” he asked as he straightened out his lavender dress covered with floral print.
“Well,” Pigsy said after he finished taking orders and began making the food, “I had to fire that lazy bum after he called off so many times, a few I get, but how does 4 out of the five days you work help?! And you still expect me to pay you for a full two weeks of service?” He grumbled harshly as he then took a few of the clean bowls out.
“Yikes,” Mac grimaced, “…want some help?”
The owner paused and sharply looked towards the monkey, “you offering?”
“Yeah, don’t really have anything better to do, besides,” he showed off two more clones, which barely made people bat an eye as they were too engrossed in their meals and phones, “I am basically a one man army.”
Pigsy looked so wistfully at that power and quickly asked, “are you any good at customer service?”
“I volunteer at a theater,” he raised an eyebrow.
“You're hired,” the shorter demon threw an apron at him, “you’ll get paid by the end of the day.”
“Instead of that, how bout next time I drop by, food is on the house?” He bargained as he put on the apron.
“Deal,” he instantly agreed and he could feel a wave of relief wash over him as he now could focus on cooking instead of everything at once. “Next time why don’t you talk to Tang about how free meals work, maybe then his lazy butt can finally start paying me.”
“Why don’t you just not give him free food?” Macaque smirked as he saw a faint blush on the pig’s face.
“Shut up,” he muttered.
The monkey said nothing more as he put the apron on, turned to the group of people that was just seated, took out a notepad, and gave his most theatrical smile “Welcome to Pigsy Noodles, what can I get started for you?”
“So anyway, I have been looking through some of the books that I saw in an antique store, and let me tell you that I scored the motherload!” Tang excitedly said as he talked beside the lake. “Guess what I happened to find.”
“What?” The creature prompted him as he casually floated in the water.
“You have money? You actually have a job,” the other being questioned, “and you still let Pigsy pay for your food?”
“It’s a journal that tells the tale of someone who got trapped in the spiritual world after a failed ritual!” He exclaimed as he steadfastly ignored the previous question.
“Pffftt,” he sputtered out a laugh.
“I don’t know about you but isn’t it usually a bad thing when someone gets trapped somewhere,” Macaque drawled out as he chewed on a plum as he stretched out on the grass with a baby monkey clinging onto him. Ní, who decided to chill in her rabbit form for some reason, also nodded as she laid down on the sunlight grass. “Also, you haven’t answered my question.”
“Well she obviously is alright since she wrote this book and all,” the historian tried to defend himself as he still didn’t answer.
“It’s true, you agree with me right Shu,” he turned to the water demon.
“Absolutely,” the Shui Gui cheekily said.
Tang shot a smirk at him.
“He agrees with anything he finds funny,” he rolled his eyes.
“Well anyway,” he took out the book and showed it to them, “this book illustrates how Chi-Chi journey through the treacherous parts of the realm, tricked many dangerous beings, gazed upon the beauty of the uncharted, and met so many spirits and immortals along the way!”
“Is that so,” Mac hummed.
“I would give an arm and a leg to meet an immortal or even a spirit,” he said unblinkingly then he went back to his fanboy mode, “I would have so many questions to ask them!”
The 2 immortal beings shared a look at each other as the monkey then put a hand over the spirit’s mouth to stop him from saying anything.
“Don’t you even think about it Kappa,” he warned him.
The drowned spirit just gave him a cheeky grin as he raised his webbed hands in the air.
“I swear,” Macaque grumbled as he put down his hand, “how the hell did the two of you even become friends?”
“He fed me some beef jerky,” he happily explained, “and that was the start of a beautiful friendship.”
“And he never once comments on why you always hang around the lake and not anywhere else?” He incredulously said.
“Adrenaline junkie I swear.”
“You say something?” Tang called out as he paused his fanboy mode.
“Just talking about your obvious crush on Pigsy,” Mac facepalmed when the spirit just had to say that of all things.
“It’s not a crush!” Tang marched up to him with his ears redder than an apple, “Can’t someone just appreciate another person's attractive qualities?”
“Yes, yes you can,” he agreed.
“Good,” the fanatic crossed his arms, “then you can safely assume that-.”
“Butttt you have a fancy for the pig,” the spirit ended.
“The sheer irony is actually ridiculous,” Mac said to himself as he slowly petted the infant.
“Ooo oo,” the baby macaque cooed.
“No, you cannot eat my tail.”
“You know, I’m getting real tired of those idiots' constant fighting,” Macaque grumbled as he petted a very fat and very fluffy cat.
“Tell me about it,” Sandy nodded his head as he drank some tea. “They have been at it for almost the second they met each other.”
“I swear I am so close to just shoving them both in a closet alone and letting them deal with it.”
“Yeahhh, that might not work so well,” Sandy drawled out as he set down his cup.
“Why? Cause it won’t be right,” he mocked.
“Well there’s that, but also there’s the fact that it would absolutely do nothing at all and just lead to them bickering more,” he pointed out.
“You, unfortunately, have a point,” he slumped back as another cat crawled on top of him.
“Also, I may have already tried that.”
“Wait? Really?” He sat back up and looked at the blue demon’s sheepish expression.
“Let me just tell you that seeing it on t.v does not really work the same way as real life,” he still remembered how they were both mad at him for locking them in a room together.
“Tell me about it,” Mac already knows the pain as both MK and Mei went through this phase as they tried to do the most ridiculous stunts or experiment with dangerous chemicals. Luckily he managed to stop or save them in time, but there were a few times where he was preoccupied or just missed it. Let it be known that they both learned their lesson after breaking bones and a fierce rash all over their arms. He still doesn't know what they were trying to prove with the lacquer tree. “Oh yeah, how did it go with flicker the other day? Didn’t give you too much trouble?”
“Oh nothing I couldn’t handle,” Sandy smiled at the mention of his newest client, “Can’t tell you much cause of confidentiality and whatnot, but he is open to another session.”
The monkey nodded, “that’s good, Gods know he needs it, now if Raki was more amenable to the idea, but she is the most prideful person I know and that is including her husband.”
The blue demon winced, “yeahhh I can see how that might be a bit difficult.”
“You're telling me.”
“Focus,” Macaque yelled out as he nimbly dodged a flying kick, “remember that when you strike, you make sure that strike will be your last.”
Mei didn’t say a word as she growled at her missed shot and jumped towards him then fainted for an upward cut then quickly proceeded to go into a low roll as MK came up from behind with a high kick.
“Good plan you two,” he praised as he simply jumped above MK’s head and said, “but try going for a grapple next time, it would have been more effective to topple me over rather than try to catch me off guard in the air.”
MK flipped backward and attempted to grab onto his tail, which he quickly realized was a mistake as he felt the tail wrap around his arm and flung him to Mei, who was charging at him.
“If I was an unskilled fighter then that would have been quite an effective weakness to exploit, but it’s too bad I’m not,” he mocked the two as he caught Mei sword with one hand and MK escrima stick with the other and casually tossed them back to the edges of the tree line.
“Oh come on!/We almost had him!” Both teens yelled out as they simultaneously punched a tree in frustration, which left a handprint etched into the wood when they took it out.
Only Macaque noticed this as both of the kids elected to split off from each other and try to attack him from both sides. “Guess they have adapted quite well to my energy,” he mused as he watched them run towards him, “Probably should tell them to take it easy else they’ll break their bones, again.” He then easily began to dodge from both of their attacks as they gave it their all to finally hit the damn monkey.
And this how it continued, with both seventeen year olds working together to finally land a hit on the speedy monkey, only for it to fail every time.
“You're getting better,” he said as he looked down on the two exhausted teenagers trying to catch their breath.
“One day,” Mei took a long deep breath before continuing, “one day, I don’t know when, but one day I will punch that damn smug off your face.”
“Ditto,” MK raised his hand in the air then dropped it then pushed his loose hair out of his eyes.
Mei saw this and gave a faint snort, “you know I can help with your hair-”
“I’m not putting pigtails in my head again,” he deadpanned.
“Come on, I can even get fluffy to join.”
“How about no,” he bluntly said as handed them two cold water bottles, “take a breather breezy, starlight. We can resume in a few minutes.”
“Okayy,” they moaned out.
“Awww, but I bet you would look cute in pigtails,” they all turned to see Minsheng hop in with a few others as well, “I know there will be a lot of demons just willing to pay for a pic, just think of the money.”
“Remember the glitter,” Macaque growled out.
“The bunny paused and crossed their arms as their friends laughed behind him, “ Well I’m just saying.”
“It took them ages to get all that out,” Daiyu stated, it didn’t even come off until a full month has gone by, and yet they still found small patches in their fur.
“Almost killed him when he tried to hug me with that on him,” Bohai huffed as he glowed a bit at the horrible image of him even having a speck of that abomination on him.
“They looked like my gremlin’s arts and crafts masterpiece when they were five,” Yanyu chortled.
“It was indeed horrible,” Ahmed lowly chuckled out as he slowly trailed behind them all, then all demons, and adult human, in the vicinity paused.
“Oh right this,” the bluenette human almost hit herself at how quickly she forgot, “we did come here for a reason.”
“Voices gettin to ya,” the long-furred monkey easily asked the lion demon.
“They have been a bit annoying,” he gave a weak chuckle.
“I feel ya,” he turned to his kids, “go towards the tree line with the rest of them, it seems that class will have to be cut short.”
“Okay?” Both were very confused, but obliged by the demon words as they walked over to the group, only to be pulled back by Bohai. “Hey!/What?”
“Oh trust me,” the jellyfish demon said, “you do not want to be anywhere near Ahmed at the moment. He’s a bit...unhinged.”
“Him? But he’s a total softie,” Mei shot a look to him.
“He let Mei put ribbons in his mane,” MK added.
“Oh there’s no doubt about Med squishy heart, but there are times where he just has to cut loose, ya feel me,” the vulture just received confused looks.
“Just watch,” the bunny demon grinned and took out a bundle of golden carrots, and began to eat.
“What do you mean-,” she was cut off by Macauqe voice.
“Come at me you overgrown cat.”
They saw Ahmed give a grateful nod before he went on all four, not even caring about his messing up his robes, and his body started to spasm as he let out a fierce roar that made everyone in the vicinity cover their ears.
He then flickered out of view and the monkey quickly had both his arms crossed in front of him as a plume of dirt and dust gathered around him without warning. It was only when it was settled that the demons and humans saw that the once flat field now had a decent crater in the middle with both lion and monkey. Ahmed gave a low snarl as he saw that the monkey was not harmed.
“Aww baby cub claws not working,” he mocked him as he sent a hard kick to his jaw, “how bout I help ya there.”
He growled as he quickly grabbed the monkey’s leg and flung him to the ground, he gave a nasty grin as he saw blood trickle from his head.
“Wouldn’t get too cocky, haven’t you already tasted the blood trickling out of your jaw?”
The lion stilled as he tasted the metallic tang covering his tongue, he let out a low growl in frustration.
“First blood to me,” was all Mac had to say before the lion gave a roar and lunged at him, thus the fight beginning once more.
MK and Mei were stunned silent as they watch the vicious battle as each time Ahmed tried to throw an attack it would either get dodged or redirected, but if he did manage to land one blood was always shed. Macaque was the same way as each time he managed to strike him down they swore that they heard bones loudly breaking.
But neither side gave in.
“Terrifying right,” they were slightly startled by Yanyu’s voice and couldn’t help, but fall over as they saw, not only her, but everyone casually laying down and/or eating.
“Oh don’t give us that look,” Daiyu said as she hummed and watched the lion attempt to claw the monkey's eyes out, “it’s only some bloodshed, nothing major. Though it would be more thrilling if a certain spider bitch was involved, I would love to see her blood splattered out,” she lowly huffed.
“What she means to say is that Macaque has this well in hand, this isn’t his first time dealing with ol Meddy when he’s primal,” Bohai tried to comfort them.
“Primal?” MK questioned.
“Basically it’s when someone instinct takes over,” Minsheng explained as they munched on their carrot while watching Mac throw him harshly to the ground, “sometimes it’s a good thing like you stuck in a corner and you got a colony you need to protect behind you, it’s one hell of a boost let me tell you. Other times not so much.”
Both kids blinked at that lackluster answer.
“What they mean,” Bohai continued as they casually looked away from Ahmed sinking his teeth into Macaque shoulder, “is that other times the bad times, to put it bluntly, it’s when the voices get so loud that it begins to control your entire being until you finally get rid of it. If you're lucky, it can be as easy as sleeping, if not well,” he looked at where the six-eared monkey had ripped his shoulder away from Ahmed red stained fangs and proceeded to knock out a few teeth in retaliation. “That.”
“He becomes bloodthirsty,” Mei quietly says.
“Yeah,” Yanyu softly brought them down next to her as she gave them a bag of popcorn, “it’s not pretty, but he just has to let it out.”
“But why is Dad the one fighting him?! Why not any of you!” He half shouted in nervousness and anger as he looked towards the demons, specifically Daiyu.
“Well I don’t know about you, but I don’t have a death wish,” Bohai bluntly stated.
“Here here,” Sheng raised his hand.
“Tried that once and I was beaten in a minute flat,” the vulture huffed, “if Mackie wasn’t there then my body would have been a nice dinner to the rest of the wake.”
“Thus their first meeting,” the bunny added.
“Wait, Mac Mac first time meeting Ahmed was when he was beating the shit out of Daiyu and then to each other,” Mei asked.
“Yep,” they collectively said.
“And he is literally the only one able to fight against him?” MK questioned.”
“Yep,” they repeated.
Both teens took a glance as the monkey continued his vicious strikes against the lion, who attempted to decapitate his head every time, but each time he missed he instead decimated any boulders in the unfortunate vicinity into dust. The primal lion retaliated with his own thundering roar, but Macaque was fast enough to dodge the attacks that uprooted a grove of trees.
“Well there goes any small lingering doubts on how he was able to go toe to toe with the Monkey King,” Mei deadpanned as she slumped and stuffed her hand into the popcorn.
MK followed suit as he ate some popcorn, “you’re telling me.”
“He is kicking major monkey ass right now.”
“I am so happy that he is going easy on us,” the ponytail boy whispered out.
“Holy shit, no kidding,” she agreed, “just think, we could have been less than paste on the side of the road with a single hit if he actually tried to let loose with us.”
“Nahh, you don’t have to worry about that,” Min waved their worries off, “other than this, the only other time he actually lets loose is around his exes.”
“I’m sorry, his WHAT?!/Wait? WHAT?!” Mei and MK sat up as Mei continued, “what do you mean exes?!”
“Dad dated?!?!?” MK followed suit.
“Oh yeah,” Yanyu grinned, “I even met some of them, and let me tell you that he has horrible taste in partners.”
“I don’t think it’s his fault that most of them fall on the insane scale and not in a good way,” Bohai deadpanned.
“By insane you mean impulsive as shit that tries to fight anything that moves, then yeah,” Daiyu nodded.
“It’s weird hearing those words coming from you,” the adult human teased.
“Hey, I may like fighting, but even I have my own limits. His partners take the entire train and then the second one charging at em.”
“I’m still trying to wrap my head around Dad dating,” the seventeen year old muttered as he gripped his head as he looked towards the blood stained battle. “This I can get, but dating?”
“…I am so never gonna let this go,” a twinkle of mischievous appeared in Mei's eyes as she looked at them, “sooo if you had to guess, which one is his most insane, or worst, partner.”
“I have to say Hui, that scorpion bastard seemed nice enough, but she was a raging alcoholic that always tried to get into the celestial realm for some booze” Sheng started as they stuffed the rest of the carrot in their mouth.
“Ju. He was a fishy one, that turtle was always looking for his next meal, no matter where it came from,” Bohai grumbled.
“Might have something to do with nature,” Yanyu teased.
“Shut up.”
“Both of ya are brain dead if you forgot who really takes the crown,” the winged demon interjected.
“Who then?”
Daiyu and Yanyu just looked at each other before saying, “Lemur bitch.”
“Fair point,” both aquatic and land demons replied.
“Who?” Mei asked, but it was met with grimaced faces.
“Just,” Bohai began, “just pray you never meet him, Shun is-,” he was cut off by a loud yell.
“WE DON’T TALK ABOUT HIM!” Macaque screeched while all his ears flared up, his eyes twitch violently with a wild look. “NEVER!” He repeated as he pressed his foot and staff on the lion’s back, who was just growling out and thrashing wildly under him.
“Yeahhh, let’s just say that after him, doc swore off on dating,” Yanyu sighed as she ate a handful of popcorn.
“But what did he do?” MK said as he was careful to avoid the name.
“Trust me, you don’t want to know.”
“But I really do,” Mei leaned in.
“No you don’t.”
“But I-,” she got a mouthful of popcorn stuffed in her mouth.
“You don’t,” Yanyu pulled back her hand, “now let’s watch them beat the shit out of each other. 20 on Mufasa knocking him out this time.”
“I’ll add to that,” Min added.
“Well I bet 25 that Dad will knock him out!” MK shouted, “there’s no way he’ll lose.”
“And I’ll double that,” Mei joined in after she swallowed the popcorn, “no way pops is losing to an overgrown cat!”
“Get ready to eat your words.”
“The only thing I’ll be eating is some delicious double truffle swirl ice cream with your money.”
“Let’s just see about that.”
(Minsheng soon regretted those words as both Mei and MK happily ate their ice cream alongside a bandaged, but still a very conscious monkey, and a bruised up lion who was contently knocked out.)
“And that should be the last of it,” the eighteen year old boy grinned as he then noticed a violet headband hanging next to a stuffed monkey, “whoops, can’t forget that.” He quickly snatched it up and proceeded to put his hair in a ponytail then began to look around his room.
The room, once filled with clothes spread all over the floor, glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, pictures and posters covering the walls, now laid bare with only a few boxes left to the side filled with them all. MK couldn’t stop the sad grin that formed on his face as he took in the sight of his room-old room, he was going to miss this, but he felt that it was time to move out and try living on his own for a while.
Knock Knock
“Sorry I’m not in right now, leave a message,” he jokingly said despite fully knowing who is on the other side.
The door swung open to reveal Macaque fondly rolling his eyes, “Where’d you get that snark from, I’ll never know.”
“Neither shall I.”
The monkey looked around the room, “so it looks like you're about done, you gonna bring it all over to Pigsy?”
“Most of it, yeah, but I have a separate pile I'm donating or giving to Yan munchkins,” he pointed to a few boxes titled ‘Donations’ and ‘Yanyu Gremlins.’
Mac smirked at the name as he gave a little walk around the bare room and noticed that where the bed used to be was a splatter of red paint and a dent in the wall, “huh, so how did this happen?”
MK froze as he saw what he was looking at and gave a nervous grin, “so remember when Mei was over and we had a bunch of paint for that art project.”
“The one about the deities or the one about nature?”
“Nature, and well remember how you found us covered in paint in here.”
“After I told you to keep it in the kitchen or outside so it won't be too hard to clean up, yes.” He deadpanned.
“And we did at first,” he put a finger up, “buttttt I left some of my materials in my room and it was alot, so Mei followed, but we kinda forgot that we still had wet paint all over us and we began to freak out. One thing led to another and Mei may have accidentally used too much force as she was panicking and let to the dent in the wall, which then made us panic even more, so we had the idea of moving the bed to cover the dent, which worked...except now the covers had paint on it and well....”
“Is how I found the both of you freaking out on the bed covered head to toe in paint,” the monkey snorted.
“In hindsight, we probably should have taken off our shoes before walking inside,” he scratched the back of his neck and sat against the wall opposing the window.
“That would have been a smart idea, took us ages to get it all cleaned,” he smirked as he sat beside him.
The teenager sighed as he looked out the window, “I'm gonna miss this.”
“Pfft, who says you can’t come back?” He playfully ruffled his head, “this isn’t a goodbye, but a see you later, you're always welcomed back home anytime.”
“Even if I screw it up time and time again,” he leaned into the touch.
“Even if you managed to wreck the whole country and have a bounty coming from the heavens that could feed nations for lifetimes,” Mac shot back.
MK laughed at the image, “Havoc in Heaven’s sequel, now with more monkeys.”
“And dragons,” the demon added.
“Mei would kick so much ass.”
“She absolutely would,” he chuckled as he continued to thread his fingers through his son's hair.
It was silent and, like so many times before, the two of them took only comfort from it.
“Dad,” MK quietly began.
“Yes comet.”
“… I’m scared,” he curled up into him, “like super duper scared and I have never left you ever since you saved-,”
“You would have-,” Macaque interjected.
“Saved,” he emphasized, “me and I can never thank you enough for just being there but I really want to do this and I really want to try to do things on my own! But I don’t know why I am so scared-wait I do, but it just so stupid and I can’t believe that I feel this way, cause you won’t just up and leave, but I-,” he stopped as he felt his Dad arms encircle him.
“It’s a scary step and I know change is terrifying, but I am so proud that you want to do this. It will be hard, no doubt, and at times it may seem like the whole world is against you, but know that you still have tomorrow waiting for you. So,” he tilted his son's head, “keep your head held high and look towards the stars, cause that right there is your limit starlight.”
MK smiled at his father's words.
“Also I think you may have forgotten something,” he showed off his six ears fluttering. “I have six ears for a reason, so if you ever need help or just need me, just call and-,”
“You’ll come running,” he grinned as he pushed himself further into the monkey's soft fur.
“And don’t you forget it,” he pushed his face into his son's hair and gave a soft kiss on top.
“I won’t,” he whispered out and clutched onto him tightly as both curled up in content.
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melancholic-pigeon · 3 years
Pythia trivia:
Back in high school, I used to have a club/class thing out of my friend's house with...three? Four. Four other people besides my friend.
And my friend had Rock Band for the PS3, so between the thing and when parents came to pick us up, we would play. One of the kids in class was like five foot nothing and such a deep bass he had to drop a full octave, and I'd play bass when he was singing and he would play bass when I was singing
And my range is weird, in that it's somewhere in the vicinity of 3 octaves but weak as fuck just above my break and I navigate my break terribly, and it's high for a first soprano so I constantly get mistaken for a mezzo and then people are shocked and appalled that my voice craps out on a third of the notes and I can't belt a C and I get laryngitis at the end of the run of the show but ANYWAY—
I have a modest belt (A above middle C-ish, B if I'm warmed up), but right above that, at the bottom end of my head voice, it's just awful and reedy and whispery, so I avoided things like Paramore because she's a soprano, but she's a pop soprano and I'm a classical soprano and I can't sing pop soprano any better than I can sing classical mezzo, which is "inconsistently at best"
and thus I always ended up singing Foo Fighters instead, because the high bits were low enough to belt and he has a number of songs where he never or rarely goes lower than I can hit, and low enough I can hop the octave for a stanza and then come back down!
Particularly Best Of You.
I'm not even that into the foo fighters— I do like them quite a bit, but there are a lot of musicians I like better— but I can reliably belt a song that ranges from a B flat up to a....god is it a G sharp or an A flat I can't remember how that works (if you don't know it's the same note it's just labeled differently depending on what key the song is in; I want to say G sharp because it sounds like it's in the key of E and so is "they will come one and all, they will come when we call!" at the end of Red & Black from les mis and that's written as a G sharp but that's a tangent)
I miss playing Rock Band 🙃
(also one of the other guys and I took a musical theater class together and we were the two teenagers in a sea of graduate students taking it for personal enrichment, so naturally we had to do Kiss Me for the final performance and if I do say so myself we were fucking adorable)
(...It's been a while since I talked about my own musical experiences and not the ones I made up for use with fictional characters lol sob)
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marshunter06 · 4 years
@elskamo because I adore you I will write a thing for it, but tbh this really should be a multichaptered fic. I’m just the worst at writing those, so here’s a shortened version. Also you should totally write that alternate world tour idea, it sounds super dope!
“If you think he’s cute, why don’t you just go talk to him?”
“Who are you even talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, I know you Duncan. Just because things didn’t work out with us doesn’t mean you’re not still my best friend. I can read you like a book.”
“You should stick with reading actual books Princess, don’t you have other people to bother. Like Trent?”
“Stop trying to change the subject, he’s literally looked over at you at least twice now. Go say hi.”
“Not interested, besides you know I only have eyes for you Court.”
“Not interested.”
“You break my heart Princess.”
“And you’re unbelievable. Oh look, there’s Heather and oh!”
“Looks like she knows your guy.”
“No, Courtney! Don’t you dare!”
Too late, his ex girlfriend proves to still be a pain in his ass as she waves down Heather and motions for her and her handsome friend to join them in their booth. Courtney makes sure Heather sits next to her as they’re all introduced to Alejandro, a childhood friend from her daycare days who she managed to keep in contact with.
“Duncan, Court, this is Al.”
“Kidding, his name is Alejandro. He just moved here, so he’ll need all the social interaction he can get.”
“I was doing fine on my own.”
“Sure, that’s why I found you napping on the couch with a documentary on whales playing in the background. You need to get out more.”
“I told you already I had it on for the ocean sounds.”
“Dude’s got a point, waves are pretty soothing… um… you know at least that’s what the homies… I mean Geoff tells me.”
Courtney shoots Duncan a pointed look as to say I told you so when he just had a brainfart and blanked out on the words, it had nothing to do with how distracting his new… friend is. None at all.
Heather: You know if you wanna talk to him, you should’ve just done it. I’ve never seen you this nervous before, I really gotta meet this guy.
Alejandro: Haha, really funny Heather. The only reason why I’m even looking at him is because you’re running thirty minutes late.
Heather: Right… it’s why you’ve only been sending me messages about him when there must be at least twenty other people at the diner.
Alejandro: The guy has a green mohawk! It’s very in your face!
Heather: Oh yeah, not that you were paying extra attention to him or anything… I mean you must just have keen observation skills to see that his eyes are a unique shade of light blue you’ve never seen before and that he has a dimple only on his right cheek when he smiles… but you would notice that about anyone.
He was still struggling with a reply when he catches the guy he totally hasn’t been checking out, no matter what Heather thinks, looks over at him for the third time since he’s been in the corner spot. The sound of the door chiming along with a pair of heels on the tiles lets him know his lunch buddy has finally arrived. She doesn’t even apologize for being late, just glances at her phone and smiles at her while firing away a text message before putting the phone back in her purse.
“You’re not even going to say hello?”
“No time, we have some people to meet.”
Before he even has the chance to question her further, she’s already pulling him out of the booth towards, the guy with the green hair and his friend… that Heather clearly knew and didn’t tell him about. Great, he’s been set up. She shoots him a wink as she sits down next to the brunette he knows as Courtney, leaving him no choice but to slide in next to Duncan.
“Wait, oh my gosh Duncan! This is big! Your first date together! Where are you guys going?”
“Slow your roll Princess, it’s not a date. We’re just going to watch that new scary movie since someone bailed on me.”
“Going to a movie is a date, I knew you liked him!”
“Yeah, no. Dude seems chill and he was free, that’s the only reason. We’re just two guys hanging out.”
“Sure, just like how Trent and I are just two friends who text each other everyday.”
“We don’t text everyday…”
“Ha! I knew you had his number!”
“... of course I do… we’re friends… don’t wait up.”
“Wow, look at you getting all dressed up, hot date? Actually don’t answer that, where’s Duncan taking you?”
“I’m just wearing a button down and how’d you know I was hanging out with Duncan?”
“From the way you were smiling at your phone even though you two have been texting non stop all day, and is that what you’re calling it? Hanging out.”
“We’re just going to see a movie.”
“Netflix and chill.”
“No Heather, at a movie theater.”
“Oh, a bit voyeuristic for the first date, but I’m not judging.”
“We’re just friends. Nothing’s happening. I don’t like him like that.”
“Right, just remember to use protection.”
Somehow they end up having a picnic in the park a couple weeks after their movie not date. Clearly neither of them are interested in being anything more than friends, though their roommates keep trying to push them together. Even though again, they were just friends. Just two bros eating homemade food they made for each other on a nice sunny afternoon in a secluded part of the park next to the lake. Totally normal and definitely not a second date. It’s easy to confuse it as one, especially when they start talking and get to know each other more, what their families are like, favorite foods, hobbies. Just questions to get to know each other better, as friends of course.
“So when are you going to make things official with Alejandro?”
“Nice to see you too Heather. Courtney’s over at Trent’s.”
“Dodge the question again. I dare you.”
“Al and I are just friends.”
“Woah. This is serious.”
“Alejandro doesn’t just let anyone call him Al. He hates being called that…”
“Yeah I know cause José’s a douche… stop looking at me like that.”
“And you’re still trying to convince me there’s nothing there?”
“He doesn’t like me like that and I don’t see him that way. We’re just friends.”
“You two are impossible I swear.”
“Courtney? Heather’s not…”
“I’m not here for her, what are your intentions towards Duncan?”
“I don’t know what…”
“Don't finish that sentence. You guys have been dating for the past two months. Is this just a fling? I need to know how invested I need to be in this. Duncan’s been through a lot already…”
“I know, his parents, really his dad is an asshole.”
“He told you that…”
“Yeah, of course he did. I know about his time in juvie too, he had a crush on…”
“Dylan. Alright, I guess we’re done here.”
“You’re just gonna leave now?”
“Yep. Oh and by the way, his birthday is coming up…”
“This saturday.”
“Exactly… and I’ll be busy working overtime that day which means I’ll probably end up crashing at Trent’s since it’s so much closer to the office…”
“Didn’t you request his birthday off months in advance.”
“He doesn’t know that.”
A whole year passes and somehow Duncan and Alejandro are still in denial. They act like a couple, invading each other’s space, giving each other gifts for birthdays and anniversaries, and holding hands in public. Courtney and Heather have both caught them on five separate occasions of them in promising positions with red lips and hickes they tried to hide. It’s exhausting getting them to admit they like each other and are together in a relationship. At this rate, the girls have given up, as long as they’re happy.
“You’re going to smudge your mascara, I thought you used the waterproof one.”
“Guess I grabbed the wrong one. I’m surprised you’re not crying? How did I become the emotional one.”
“Probably because I’m still annoyed at them for denying they’re relationship when they’re literally getting married right now! Who does that?”
“Let it go Court, they just don’t want to admit we’re right.”
“Okay, but doing this for tax breaks is a lousy excuse. Just like when they were claiming they wanted to save more money by moving in together when our leases were nearing its end.”
“Boys, what are you going to do. Speaking of…”
“This is their day Heather. Look at those two. I swear they’ve only had eyes for each other since the day at the diner.”
“About that…”
“... no… you’re kidding!”
“Fate works in mysterious ways. Who would’ve known they met when they were kids and never forgot about each other.”
“Well that explains why they were so drawn to each other in the first place.”
Duncan and Alejandro both gave a special smile to their former roommates finally acknowledging that they were right to think there was something more to their friendship. Funny how they kept trying to convince themselves there was nothing there when it couldn’t be farther from the truth. They were always meant to meet and continue falling together.
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pocket-luv101 · 3 years
Summary: Hyde and Licht take their daughter to a special place before her first dance competition. (LawLicht, Fem Licht)
While her family were prominently musicians, Licht promised that she would be supportive of her daughter no matter what career she chose. Lucy’s dream was to dance. Her feet would seemingly float over the floor whenever she danced around the room in time with Licht’s piano. She remembered the night Lucy discovered her passion for dance. They were watching a movie in the living room.
Lucy imitated the ballerinas she saw on the television and she spun in a circle until she became dizzy. Even as she tumbled to the ground, she had a beaming smile and she declared that she wanted to learn how to dance. Last year, Lucy signed up for lessons. Her dance style was fickle and she would change her style from ballet to tap. Licht would compare that aspect of Lucy’s personality to her father who was indecisive. Licht also thought that, like Hyde, the love in Lucy’s heart was unwavering.
Her teachers were surprised by how quickly Lucy learned but Licht knew that her daughter was an exceptional angel. They had suggested that she enter an upcoming dance competition. Kranz agreed that winning the competition would benefit Lucy if she wanted to become a professional dancer in the future. Licht didn’t agree immediately because she wanted to discuss it with her daughter first.
Licht started her career as a pianist at a young age. She loved the piano and it was far more than a job to her. However, there were things she couldn’t experience while she was travelling on tours. She didn’t have many friends growing up and she was constantly working. The reason she moved back to her hometown was to give Lucy a quaint childhood.
“Ballet is my best style. I am going to make the crowd cry when they see my dance.” Lucy declared. After she saw her determination, Licht agreed to let her join the dance competition. She was confident she could give Lucy a life full of experiences while she pursued her dream. She was an angel and she could do anything as long as she worked towards it.
The night of the competition came much quicker than Licht expected. She had watched her practise her dance and she was certain Lucy would place first. Licht knelt in front of her daughter and tied the laces of her ballet shoes. She had different dance shoes for each style she knew. Since her daughter was still six years old, she outgrew the shoes quickly and they would need to purchase new ones for her. She would think of how much Lucy had grown, in both height and skill, each time they visited a store.
“You’re going to light up the stage just like your mom. Both of you are my angels!” Hyde hugged his daughter. She was seven years old yet he felt as if she was only learning how to crawl a few days ago. He still had his reservations about Lucy becoming a dancer and he would remind himself that Kranz was a good manager. He helped them find an excellent dance teacher who would encourage her in a positive way. “Is there anything you want before we drive to the competition?”
“Can Gil drive me while Mom and Dad stay home? I don’t want you there.” Her request confused them. Lucy bit her lower lip before she went on to explain: “This is my first competition. I don’t want Mom and Dad to see me lose. You’ll be sad. After I win five competition in a row and I know I’ll always win, Mom and Dad can come watch.”
“We can never be disappointed with you, Lucy.” Hyde immediately sat beside Lucy to reassure her. He tenderly stroked her hair but she didn’t take her eyes off the ballet slippers she wore. He looked to Licht and an idea came to him. “There’s somewhere we want to take you before your competition.”
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Licht held onto Lucy’s tiny hand as she helped her up the steps to the stage. They had brought her to a concert hall. It was closed for the night but one of his Subclasses worked in the building and allowed them inside. The familiar setting held important memories for them. Lucy was nervous for her first competition and he hoped they could show her that she didn’t need to feel so.
A piano stood in the center of the stage. Lucy recognized the instrument easily and she knew it meant her mother wanted to play a song for her. She let go of her hand to skip to the piano and she climbed onto the bench. Her parents sat on either side of her and they needed to press close to each other to fit onto the chair. Lucy moved onto Hyde’s lap and smiled up at Licht. “We have a piano at home. Why did you take me all the way here to listen to a song?”
“I want to tell you a story.” She began to play the song she had written while she was pregnant with Lucy. The lullaby held her love and her hope for her daughter. Whenever she played the song, Lucy would smile and feel at ease. Licht’s feelings reached her through the song even though she was too young to fully understand. “It’s how my hair became white.”
“I thought the white in Mom’s hair were angel feathers.” Lucy’s innocent comment made Hyde chuckle and he ruffled her hair.
“When I first saw your mother, I thought the same thing.” He said.
“I’m trying to give our daughter advice so don’t joke around like that.” She leveled a stern glare at Hyde but he could only smile at her. He honestly thought she looked like an angel, no matter if she was playing her piano or fighting a vampire. Licht touched the white strands in her dark hair and she looked down at Lucy. “I was your age and I was about to perform in a competition. I already won a few times but, when then I heard your grandparents would be in the audience, I became so nervous my hair became white.”
“Mom felt scared like me?” Lucy exclaimed in disbelief. She would often watch old videos of her performance and she thought she had an unshakable confidence. It was almost impossible for her to imagine her mother being uncertain of anything. Angels couldn’t lie to each other though. “What happened at the competition. Did you win?”
“I don’t remember much of my performance.” She told her honestly. Licht stopped playing so she could lift Lucy into her arms and she pressed a light kiss onto her blond hair. She pointed to the ceiling above their heads. “When you’re on stage, those lights will be too bright to see the people in the crowd. Don’t think about the judges or what Mom and Dad might be thinking. I know you’ll dance beautifully, Lucy.”
“You’re an angel, after all. Each time you dance, you look like you’re flying. Just reach for those stage lights like they’re stars.” Hyde patted her head. “We don’t care where you place in the competition as long as we can watch you fly. Can we come to the competition?”
“Okay.” Lucy nodded. “But Dad can’t embarrass me by clapping too loud!”
“I can’t make any promises.” He teased her but it caused her to pout at him.
“Then only Mom can come watch me dance.” Lucy hugged Licht’s neck and she stuck her tongue out at Hyde. “Demon needs to behave in the theater.”
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“I’m a dancing angel.” Lucy muttered in her sleep. She sat in the backseat and she swayed in time with the car until she slumped onto Licht’s lap. They took her to a restaurant to celebrate the first time Lucy participated in a dance competition. Between the excitement of the event and the large meal she ate afterwards, she fell fast asleep the moment the car drove out of the parking lot. Licht smiled down at her daughter and she stroked her blond hair.
Gil drove the family home and Lucy insisted that her mom sit next to him. From where Hyde sat in the passenger seat, he watched his angels. Hyde thought that it was endearing how close they were. Other parents warned him that Lucy would become rebellious once she was a teenager yet Hyde couldn’t imagine anything coming between them. Licht was supportive of Lucy’s dream and they were always together.
He glanced through the car window and he saw that the street was mostly empty. Hyde took off his seatbelt and he climbed over the clutch to the backseat. He wore a mischievous smile while Licht rolled her eyes at him. “A police would’ve arrested you for being so reckless, Stupid Hedgehog.”
“I want to sit with my angels. Anyways, we don’t need to worry about the police. I’ve dealt with them enough.” Hyde shrugged off her concerns. He looked down at Lucy sleeping on her lap and he loosely placed his scarf over her tiny body. “She lights up the stage the same way you do.”
“Of course, we made an angel.”
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The Possibility Of You And Me 🎄 Chp. 1
Fic Summary: Arya is in her mid-twenties and is in a place where she never thought she would be. With friendship and courage she's ready to start a new chapter, back to her love of acting--Meeting new people,,,But she never expected to see the one person she thought she would never see again... ;)
Chapter 1 AO3 Link
Side Note: Okay, so this is a different story that I wanted to write. Be prepared, Gendry and even Arya might sound OC during a few flashback scenes, maybe not actually-- BUT this is HEA, so remember that :) This first chapter, I hope, will get you interested to read more so here you go :)
Chapter 1
It was Christmas morning, and all Arya Stark could do was groan. She rubbed her sleepy eyes before she briefly looked at her window, watching the snowfall endlessly. She sighed, turning on her side and closed her eyes, wanting sleep to take her again and back to that dream—
Just then, her bedroom door opened, and two young voices screamed, "Aunt Arya! Aunty Arryya!"
Arya opened her eyes again, rolled them playfully, and scoffed, getting up before her three-year-old niece, Jaena, and five-year-old nephew, Ned, jumped on her bed. "Happy Christmas, you little elves," she said, watching her niece and nephew continue to jump on her bed.
Jaena giggled. "I'm not a elv—I'm a woof!"
Arya nodded, knowing what she meant to say. "Yes, you are a red wolf," she said, finally getting up from bed and stretching her arms and legs. She then walked toward her bathroom to brush her teeth. She looked at herself in the mirror while brushing her teeth. After, she quickly brushed her hair. After putting her brushes away, she looked at herself in her long-sleeved gray knit blouse and matching pajama bottoms. She shrugged and thought she looked presentable enough.
"Grannyy told us to get you!" Ned yelled as he finally sat down on the bed.
"We can't open the prezz-ents until ev'ry one is downsairs, Aunty Arryya," Jaena yelled as she continued to jump.
"Mmm...I figured," Arya murmured as she opened her closet and wrapped a warm purple scarf around her neck. She slipped on her Ugg slippers. "Okay, you two, let's go open presents." She grinned at them.
"I wanna jump," Jaena said. Ned jumped to the ground and started running toward the hallway, raising his hands and screaming, "Happy Christmas! Happy Christmas!"
Arya chuckled. She looked at her jumpy niece and smiled. "Okay, you wolf, it's time to go." She quickly grabbed Jaena mid-jump and carried her tiny body as she started to walk out of her bedroom. She looked at her niece's red hair and playfully messed it up, making the girl giggle. Arya smiled and then said, "Let's first get some cookies."
"Yay!" Jaena screamed as she held on to her Aunty.
As classical holiday music played in the background, friends and family of the Stark's were around the heavily decorated Christmas tree. The tree had grey, blue, and purple colored ornaments and colorful lights not just wrapped around the tall tree but all around the family room and the house.
Arya drank some coffee before placing the mug on the end table beside her. She sat in an oversized armchair, farthest away from the Christmas tree and everyone. She snuggled with her new knitted blanket that Sansa made for her.
Minutes later, Arya looked up from her phone and saw Robb and Talisa sitting on the floor, closest to the tree. Their kids wrapped tinsel around them. Young Ned went to sit on his mother's lap while Jaena placed a sticky bow on Robb's head.
Arya chuckled as she saw her parents sitting next to each other on the couch, holding hands, and whispering to each other. Sansa and her boyfriend of many years, Arya lost count, Theon Greyjoy, sat on the other side of the tree. With Sansa's help, he was trying on the turtleneck sweater made by her.
Arya sighed, taking another sip of coffee, observing her cousin, Jon, making sure his pregnant wife for the fourth time was all right laying on the chaise lounge, and hearing Ygritte saying for the fifth time, "I'm fine! Argh!" Arya was distracted that she didn't listen to her best friend, Daenerys Targaryen, sit beside her.
"Oh, wow! Did Sansa make this? It looks beautiful and feels so warm," she said, taking some of the blanket from Arya's lap.
Arya half-smiled with her brow raised. "Mmm... Sure, you can take some of it."
Daenerys smiled, placing the blanket over her lap. "Even though the heater is on, I forget how cold it can still be up here!"
Arya leaned into her friend, "I missed you."
Daenerys leaned into her in a half hug before releasing her. "Same here," she smiled before looking at everyone in front of them. "I was wondering why you were way over here and not with everybody else."
"Just a habit, I guess." Arya shrugged her shoulders.
Daenerys shivered in her silk pajamas before raising the blanket to her waist. She then put her hair behind her ears and said, "Thank you for these earrings; they are my favorite present so far."
Arya nodded. She saw the silver dragon earrings shimmer beautifully with her fair hair. She reached over to the end table and grabbed a slim box, opening and revealing theater tickets. "I can't believe you were able to get these tickets."
"I know you're a fan of the director, so voila!" She grinned, hoping to see more response from Arya. She then gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm worried about you, Arya."
Arya looked startled as she said, "What—Why?"
"Since you came back to Winterfell four years ago, all you do is work, come here, eat then sleep, then start again. When was your last audition?"
Arya sighed, not wanting to talk about this. "You perfectly well know, Dany. Four years ago." She leaned back into the chair. "I gave up acting long ago."
"You should have never listened to that jerk from Essos. After that, you lost a part of yourself. I want to help you get back to what I know you love."
"That part of my life is over," Arya said solemnly, then shrugged, looking ahead.
"You're just going to do an endless stream of jobs, including giving lessons on how to ride a horse for the rest of your life?"
Arya crossed her arms. "Maybe...Look, can we drop this, please?!"
Daenerys sighed, then shook her head. "Fine." She loved Arya like the sister she never had and remembered what it was like to see her on stage and dazzle in front of everyone. "Arya?"
"Yeah?" She said, staring ahead.
"I'm moving back to Westeros."
Arya turned her head quickly to look at Dany. "Really?" Skype, text messages, and e-mails were not enough forms of communication to talk with her best friend. She barely saw her in person in the last four years.
Daenerys nodded with a smile. "I applied for a few positions at magazines and publishers over here and got hired in King's Landing."
"Congratulations. You're a great writer-- I'm so happy for you." Arya squeezed Daenerys' hand.
Daenerys squeezed back and said, "I've found a condo and plan to move in after the New Year, and I need a roommate."
"Will you be my roommate?" Daenerys asked with a hopeful expression.
"What?!" Arya's eyes enlarged.
Daenerys nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! It'll be great, and you can find a job in the world you love!"
"Wait—I...Oh Gods," Arya muttered. She felt all of a sudden everything was happening so fast. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath then let it out. She did this a couple of times before opening her eyes. "I don't know..." she said with honesty.
"Look, Arya—I'm sorry that I just sprung this on you, but I think it's a great opportunity for you."
"What if I don't find a job in the industry?"
Daenerys scoffed and said, "Always thinking negatively."
Arya raised her hands in surrender. "I'm thinking realistically."
"There are so many opportunities in King's Landing. I know you'll find something." She assured Arya, bumping her shoulder gently with hers.
Arya nodded. "I'll think about it. That's the best I can do right now."
Daenerys smiled. "Okay."
Arya wanting to change the subject quickly, said, "Hey, do you want to see a video I took last night of young Ned and Jaena sneaking up on Jon in the kitchen, and he screamed like—" She showed Dany her phone when suddenly Jon's very high pitched scream was heard, making both laugh out loud.
"What are you two laughing at?" Sansa asked, putting on a kid's version of reindeer antlers on Jaena.
Arya raised her brow. "Oh, you want to know?" She pressed buttons on her cell, and a second later, various chimes were heard around the room.
"That's me!" Young Ned said, still sitting in his mother's lap as Talisa and he looked at her cell phone.
Robb laughed and said, "Oh, this is wonderful."
Ygritte laughed, looking at her phone, "This is going to be my ringtone."
"Arya!" Jon screamed from across the room.
Arya chuckled and looked innocently across the room at Jon. "What?" she asked.
"You sent it to everyone!" Jon yelled, shaking his head. The video was being played over again, even making Arya's parents laugh.
"Oops," Arya said with a shrug.
Days later, before the sunset, Arya rode her favorite horse, Nymeria, toward the edge of the woods. She stopped and looked out at the town of Winterfell below. It looked like a lively town with snow and lights clustered all over.
"There you are," her father, Ned Stark, said as he approached with his horse.
Arya turned around and saw her father dressed in one of his bulky coats. She smiled.
"Have you made your decision?" Ned asked. He got off his horse, and Arya followed suit.
She walked around her horse to stand next to her father, looking over the town. She felt her eyes were getting glassy. It was a mixed emotion of missing her family but strangely excited to find what comes next. She looked up at her father's face, and in a shaky voice, she said, "Yes." She made the decision days ago.
Ned nodded and formed a small smile. "Good." He wrapped his arm around his daughter. "We're going to miss you," he added. She wrapped her arm around him and leaned into him, knowing she would miss her father the most.
A week later, Arya found herself in front of a modern designed condominium building.
"It's so big." Arya looked up. "Which level are we on, again?"
"We're on the eighth floor," Daenerys said as she grabbed a box from Arya's hybrid vehicle then closed the door with her hip.
On the other side, Arya grabbed her luggage or instead just her bag, realizing all her clothes were scattered on the ground in the back seat. She sighed, realizing her niece and nephew probably did this; This made her chuckle.
Daenerys smiled. "What's so funny?"
"I think in retaliation to moving away, Ned and Jaena took all my clothes from my luggage and scattered them on the ground."
Daenerys laughed. "Lovely—Do you want me to help?"
Arya shook her head. "I got it. I'll see you up in our condo."
She nodded and said, "Okay—I'll order take out."
"Yes! I'm starving." Arya smiled before looking at the mess of clothes in front of her. "Those little—" She laughed again before she started to fling her clothes in the luggage piece.
Holding luggage pieces in each hand, Arya walked inside the lobby. With her left knuckle, she pressed the button for the elevator. A minute later, the door opened, revealing someone she had not seen in years except in her dreams.
She spoke without thinking. "Gendry?"
He first looked at her in confusion before recognition set in a second later. He gave her a half-smile. His eyes met hers with gentleness. "Arya," he said calmly.
She didn't expect the way he said her name to take her breath away. She gulped, unable to speak. She stepped into the elevator with her luggage.
They were less than a meter away from each other as they continued to stare at each other. Arya didn't see Gendry move away. He continued to stand where he was. Her eyes didn't leave his, even as the elevator doors closed behind them.
End Note: I know, there was just a little Gendry at the end, but of course MORE is to come!! <3
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
April Contest Submission #3: Prism of White
Words: ca. 5,200 Setting: Modern AU Lemon: No CW: none
Light filtered through the window casting the room in a golden glow. Papers lay crumpled and torn on the coffee table and the floor beneath. Anna tossed her sketchbook on the table and threw her pencil next to it. Weeks passed and she still didn’t have another good idea for her next art piece. Her hands grasped a pillow on the couch beside her. Her freckled face buried in the soft cushion, a muffled groan joining the white-noise of the television in the background.
Art had been a passion of hers ever since her stubby toddler fingers first grasped that pack of cheap crayons. Her parents laid scrap paper out in front of her at the kitchen table. The adults left the room shortly after thinking little Anna would be occupied for a little more than five minutes.  Overjoyed with all the colors in the box, now strewn over the table some rolling to the floor, little Anna picked up the green and began to scribble in swirls and loops like any child does. Her mother came back ten minutes later to check on her and grab a cup of afternoon coffee. A gasp tore from her throat and her blue eyes widened at the site. The walls had been little Anna’s first canvas.
She laughed at the memory, the sound muffled by the pillow still pressed against her face. The scolding she received after that event lost to the feeling of joy at the colors swirling around her. Back then art had been carefree and fun. Now the blank pages in her sketchbook mocked her with that textured whiteness.
Twenty-one years of sketching, painting, throwing color on canvas’ of varying degrees, making a life out of it. A dream come true. One that would have been impossible if not from the support of her friends and family. One person in particular. Elsa.
Little Elsa could light up Anna’s world by merely stepping into the room. She used to be so very timid and quiet, often opting to hide in the corner with a book than engage with the other kids her age. Anna managed to pull her into their little games anyway.
As the two grew older their interests diverged slightly. They both found joy in the arts, joining in theater at school for fun, playing and listening to music (although their tastes differed vastly at times), and studying the history behind all forms of art. A bond formed and kept them close even when one started painting and sketching while the other used words to color with.
A writer’s search history and an artist’s eye left plenty for friends to laugh and grow concerned about.
Anna lifted her head from the pillow feeling someone fiddle with her twin braids. She smiled already knowing who it was behind her.
“What are you so distressed about?” Elsa hummed out sweetly. Her  eyes swept over the paper littered around and the discarded sketchbook. “Can’t think of a good idea?”
Anna groaned again and buried her head back in the pillow. Her reply came muffled and she knew Elsa wouldn’t be able to understand a word of it. This problem she had wasn’t that much of a big deal. Anna knew that. Every artist had periods where they couldn’t draw. An artblock as she so affectionately called it. But this felt different. She had ideas. The vision of what she wanted to draw sat crystal clear in her mind’s eye, but when she picked up the pencil each stroke on the page felt weighted. She knew what she wanted to put on the paper. She hated each stroke she made and the finished result. Weeks of this and the stress of not creating made her head spin. The ride she had been on had stopped with her sitting upside down unable to do anything.
The couch dipped beside her as Elsa sat down. Pale hands pulled the pillow Anna was secretly hoping would suffocate her until freckled cheeks and a pouty lip were visible. Anna whined and reached out for the cushion. Elsa held it out of reach ignoring the dark spot where Anna drooled on it.
“Ah-Ah,” Elsa wagged her finger. Anna’s shoulder slumped forward in despair. “You can get the pillow back and resume your little, um , whatever you were doing after you tell me what’s wrong.”
Sea-green eyes lowered to the open sketchbook, a frown settled on her lips. “I - I hate everything I make and it’s driving me crazy.”
Elsa set the pillow aside and shuffled closer to Anna. She gave her knee a reassuring squeeze and gently asked, “Is it one of your artblocks?”
Anna shook her head, braids swaying. “No, this is different. I know what I want to draw, I have the motivation to draw, but I can’t seem to like what I make. I hate the finished result, even if it looks how I wanted.” Her eyes glistened with frustrated tears, “It’s been like this for weeks and I’m going insane trying to fix it.”
Elsa cupped her cheek, running her thumb soothingly over the skin. Anna nuzzled into her palm, eyes fluttering shut at the coolness of her skin. “Anna,” she opened her eyes to see an amused smirk dancing on pink lips, a glint of humor dancing in blue eyes, “is this your first burnout?”
Her whole body stilled at the question. Burnout had been something she knew her artist friends over the internet talked about. How it could hit someone suddenly or slowly creep on through the years. The former could usually be seen coming and dealt with by short breaks, but the latter often crippled careers as it snuck in through the cracks undetected and infected everything slowly like a poison. Anna gasped lightly at the realization.
The ride she had been on for the majority of her adult life (granted it had only been 3 years since she graduated high school) was fast paced and constantly moving. She did not stop or get off, only urging it to move faster and faster. The need to create and improve outweighed any thought or concern the stress her body and mind were put under. She ignored all the signs, the warnings people told her to look for and now the stress had crushed her.
“What am I gonna do?” Her voice came out broken and unsure. Burnout was a completely foreign field for her. There was no map for her, no field guide to help her navigate through this problem. People mention taking breaks and stepping away from art for awhile to recharge, but that seemed impossible. How could Anna stop creating, when all she wanted to do was create?
“Is this new project for a client?” Elsa noticed the distress on Anna’s face and dropped her hand down from her cheek to grasp shaking ones.
“No, it’s one I plan to sell, or have prints made for my shop.”
Elsa nodded, “Okay. And do you have any client work lined up for the month?”
Anna answered in the negative. She had started a new system for her works where certain months she decided not to take on any client work. It was an attempt not to be too overwhelmed working on custom pieces that allowed her the freedom to work on her own as well. The system worked fairly well until this burnout happened. At least it happened now instead of when she had to work on pieces for clients.
“Okay, okay we can definitely work with this,” she breathed out a plan already forming in her mind. She knew Anna wouldn’t take a break willingly, that wasn’t her style. She would draw and paint until her hands fell off and even then she’d learn to use her feet instead. Nothing would stop her, not even the end of the world. The complete opposite of Elsa who procrastinated her own projects till motivation was high or the deadline approached. She often wondered how they never drove each other crazy doing things so differently. Instead of finding a reason she just blamed it on love. It was better not to question it anyway.
“Anna,” she turned and faced the younger woman determinedly, prepared for protestation, “do you trust me?”
Anna cocked an eyebrow and smirked. “Of course I do, silly. It’s part of why I married you.”
Elsa smiled and held her tongue to keep from commenting. That experience would be one she would never forget. She at her wife, eyes bright and said,
“Then you’ll understand what I’m about to do.”
Anna’s gut twisted in apprehension. She trusted Elsa with her life, but the twinkle in pale blue eyes told her not all of this would be a pleasant experience.
“Anna, what color is the sky?”
From her position in the passenger seat of the car Anna scowled, her eyes screwed shut in a desperate attempt to fall back asleep. Elsa refused to let her in on the plan the day before, only telling her to pack a days worth of clothes and food and then promptly took all her art supplies and locked them inside a large chest. She never quite figured out why they had a large empty chest lying around and when she asked Elsa the older girl shrugged saying something about secrets.
“What.” Anna grumbled confused at the question and irritated at being woken up at three in the morning and rushed out of the house.
Elsa glanced at her from the driver’s seat. “What color is the sky?” She turned her attention back to the road, very much awake and relaxed. The half empty cup of coffee sitting in the cup holder helped.
“What kind of question is that? The sky is blue!” Anna twisted over and leaned her head on the window, arms folded across her chest.  Elsa still had yet to tell her where they were going and only mentioned a three hour car ride. That left plenty of time for her to catch up on sleep if her wife would let her.
“No, not - “ Elsa laughed at herself, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I meant what color is the sky right now?”
Anna cracked one eye open and grimaced at the passing street light that blinded her. “Black,” she stated matter-of-factly. Elsa hummed a smile on her face. She let Anna sleep the rest of the way, picking up and sipping her coffee. The low songs of the radio filling the silence in a quiet peace. She didn’t care for the station, but it was one of Anna’s favorites. The little things would make the difference on this trip.
Barely any time had passed, that’s what it felt like to Anna anyway, before a hand on her shoulder gently shook her awake. “What is it now,” she sighed tiredly and shuffled further into the car door. When she agreed to whatever Elsa had planned, losing sleep hadn’t even crossed her mind. She knew she was being unfair to her wife. Elsa only wanted to help. The stress of her burnout had taken its toll without consent and Anna wanted nothing more than to curl up in a corner and sulk. Sleep was the closest she could get right now, but the woman driving had other plans.
“What color is the sky now,” she asked eagerly. Her pale hand fell away and gripped the steering wheel again.
Anna squinted at the light outside. The night had faded to be greeted by the light of the sun just peeking over the horizon. Reds and oranges bled into pale blue as the orb of yellow and white ascended slowly. Any other day the she might have appreciated seeing the sunrise, she might have stared at the way the light shone and glistened along Elsa’s skin, bathing her in rays of gold. But it only annoyed her at having the same question asked in place of sleep. Still she answered,
Her eyes closed again with the plan to catch more sleep. Elsa didn’t bother her after that. She sipped her fresh cup of coffee, having stopped for gas before the sunrise. Anna grumbled under her breath adjusting to get comfortable in her seat again. Pink lips turned up at the corner in amusement. Anna may be grumpy beyond belief this morning and she knew it was her doing. The outcome of this trip will be worth it. Elsa knew it, could feel it in her bones. She could only hope Anna didn’t throw her in the lake as payback when they got there.
Elsa smirked watching, pulling out a pair of sunglasses and slipping them on. The day was only beginning. The coffee singed her tongue as she took another sip.
If Anna did throw her in the lake, she made sure to have plenty of jokes ready.
Gravel crunched under the tires as the car pulled off the main road. The road itself wasn’t too bad in terms of a drive. Anna woke up quietly glancing around at the trees and greenery around them. She said nothing to tell Elsa she was awake and continued to stare out the window. The sight felt familiar, she knew this place but couldn’t quite care enough to place it. Sleep still clouded mind and even if it was Wednesday she liked to sleep in late and stay up late instead. This whole early to bed and early to rise business wasn’t for her.
A light chuckle from her left told Anna all she needed to know. “There’s hot chocolate for you since you’re not the biggest fan of coffee.” Elsa never took her eyes off the road and merely motioned to the cup holder between them.
“Thanks.” Anna took the cup nearly dropping it. No protective sleeve saved her from burning fingers, not even the paper cup itself. “Geez, why’s it so hot!” She glared at her sister.
“Didn’t know how long you were going to stay asleep so I asked them to make it extra hot.”
“Extra hot,” Anna guffawed, “This cup feels like it came straight out of Orodruin itself! You could have got me a protective sleeve for it or something!”
“I didn’t know how long you were going to sleep!” Anna folded her arms at Elsa’s response, “Besides, you always get annoyed at the sleeves opting to burn your fingers anyway.”
“Yes, but the cups are never that hot!”
Elsa only smiled.
The car slowed and stopped with a slight jolt. Anna hadn’t touched her drink again still waiting for it to cool down from Mount Doom level temperatures. She figured out why this place had seemed so familiar. Her parents used to take her camping out here toward the end of summer, always running around the lake and sometimes taking a ferry over to the small island.
“I grabbed us a backcountry permit if you wanted to stay away from the normal campsites.” Elsa held up the piece of paper before tucking it into her jacket pocket. Anna hummed her agreement and stretched in her seat.
“I’m gonna find the bathroom then we can hike to wherever.” She ducked out of the car, breathing in the fresh air. A warm feeling of nostalgia washed over her at the familiar sight. She hadn’t come back to this park in years. Anna walked across the parking lot toward the public restroom. Coming back to the lake hadn’t even crossed her mind. It’s almost sad really. To forget about a place she once loved so deeply, have it take up a corner of her mind as a memory she kept but never thought about.
She turned the faucet off and shook stray water drops from her hands, wiping the remaining wetness on her jeans. Anna never trusted the automatic air dryers.
When she arrived back to the car, Anna bit back a bark of laughter. Elsa had strapped each and every pack and bag to herself and looked overloaded, but all too eager like a puppy. She smiled broadly at Anna and handed her the much cooler cup, “Come on, let’s go! I know of the perfect spot!”
Anna took the cup, her shoulders shaking as she held in her laughter.
“Wait, Elsa. Let me carry some things.” Elsa paused mid-step and tilted her head. All the coffee had gone to her brain in the most adorable way. “How did you even manage to hold all the bags, even mine?” Anna pointedly looked at the deep green duffle bag with a bright orange patch on the side.
“I played a lot of tetris as a kid.” She shrugged but gave Anna two of the bags anyway.
Anna adjusted the strap of a bag on her shoulder. “Alright, now show me this perfect spot.”
The blonde grinned and grabbed Anna’s hand practically dragging her along toward the trail and into the bush. Anna could only keep up and pray her hot chocolate didn’t spill.
Anna had to admit the spot Elsa had picked was perfect. A little spot hidden behind dense shrubbery. Well off the path and if someone did make it this far the thorn bushes were certainly a discouragement. She knew she’d be picking the sharp thorns out of her clothes for a while and if it weren’t for the view and the feeling of peace she’d make Elsa do it without a second thought. Anna’s had her second thought and is still intent on making Elsa do the work.
“Nice view, right?” Elsa wiped the dirt off her hands stepping over to Anna. She had finished setting up the tent and decided to see what was keeping her wife. The view itself looked over the entirety of the lake and the mountains surrounding it.  The trees swayed in the breeze.
���It’s beautiful.” Anna tucked a piece of hair back into place. Elsa stepped up beside her. They stared at the scene in silence. A sense of peace forming around them. Anna closed her eyes listening to the birds singing in the trees and the wind rustling the branches. The smell of the air and the sun on her skin eased the tension in her shoulders she didn’t realize had been there. Anna felt free like she could step off the overlook and just fly. Elsa smiled at the content look on her face.
“Anna,” the red-head hummed and turned to face her, “what color is the sky?”
The question had her sighing exasperatedly. How many times would she ask that damned question. It didn’t make sense. She had answered it twice already. Inhaling deeply, Anna decided not to let this ruin the moment. She looked up at the sky, fluffy clouds dotting the expansive space.
“Blue. It’s blue.”
Elsa made no comment. Anna would have yelled at her but the pure love in pale blue eyes killed the thought before it formed. She found herself smiling back and shaking her head lightly. “You’re lucky I love you so much.”
Elsa chuckled, “I know. Now come on, let’s go exploring a bit.”
Anna followed eagerly. Exploring she could do.
Night life in the forest seemed impossibly loud compared to the day. Anna didn’t mind much. She found the noise comforting in a way. All the little life coming out with the safety of darkness. Comfortable now that the sun has gone and they can hide in the shadows of the night. She could understand it. The night offered a sort of peace the day could not. She loved the sun, loved the hustle and bustle of day life, but the night hit differently. She closed her eyes, a soft smile on her lips. The day’s activities replayed in her mind’s eye.
After running around, revisiting old trails and memories and making some new ones, the two women sat around a little fire. Anna made Elsa pick out all the thorns and burrs while she roasted marshmallows. While Elsa didn’t agree with s’mores before dinner she let it slide this once.
They relaxed after that, Anna rigged a stick with fishing gear and went fishing. She didn’t catch anything. She came back soaking wet and Elsa only raised a brow. She changed into some dry clothes and sat by the fire to get warm. Elsa turned from her book then, a cheeky grin on her face and said,
“You know I love it when you -” Anna smacked her before she should finish.
Now they lay peacefully staring up at the stars.
“Anna,” Elsa started in the quiet. Anna hummed in acknowledgment before her mind jump started back to nearly every quiet moment previously,
“You better not ask me what color the sky is or I swear to god you will find yourself at the bottom of the lake!”
The crickets chirped.
“What hue doth the heavens above appears to thine viewing orbs?”
Anna laughed. She laughed loud and hard. She knew Elsa would find a way to rephrase the question the second she threatened her, but she never expected her to phrase it like that. She rolled onto her side and clutched her stomach from the force of her laughter. “I-I can’t -” she wheezed, tears pricking the corners of her eyes, “I can’t breath.”
“You should have let me ask the question normal then.” The cheekiness in her voice had Anna swatting blindly behind her. Her hand connected with nothing but air.
“Fine, this is the last time I’m answering that stupid question,” Anna finally said after she stopped laughing and caught her breath. She rolled back to look at the sky and exhaled deeply a smile on her face, “Black, the sky is black.”
Anna propped herself up on her elbow. Wrong. The first response back to her answers and it was to tell her, Anna, that she answered wrong.
“What, how can I be wrong? Are you seeing the same sky I’m seeing?” Anna grit her teeth ready to fully argue her point.
“No, no calm down, feisty pants. Right now you could argue it’s black, or a very deep blue.”
“Then how am I wrong?!”
Elsa kept her gaze on the sky. “I asked you three four times today what color the sky was. Only two of the answers were the same. Can you explain that?” “The sky changes colors, you numpty.”
“So what color is the sky then if it changes?”
Anna didn’t have an answer to that. Elsa turned to face her, the moonlight making her blue eyes glow in the night.
“What color do you say the sky is then,” Anna asked, moving closer to Elsa. The night breeze had a bit of a chill, but she didn’t feel like getting a jacket. Her arm brushed against her wife’s.
“If you asked me what color the sky is, anytime of day or night, I’d tell you it’s white. I know it’s crazy, but think about it. In general people say the sky is blue, but it’s not always blue. You said it yourself, the sky changes colors, so why is it blue then?” She raised a hand and traced along various constellations as she spoke. “Is it because that’s the color we see it as mostly. Blue during the day? The history behind it is actually fascinating, but I won’t go into that. But the sky can be any color depending on when you look. Black, dark blue, orange and red, yellow and pink, purple and light blue, even green. The sky isn’t just one color or one shade. It’s all of them all the time, we just only see what the light shows us. That’s why I say it’s white. White reflects all colors, the sky cycles through the colors based on a bunch of scientific stuff that I’m a bit too tired to get into. I didn’t really prepare to get into that bit anyway.” she laughed at herself.
Anna lay in silence. She never really thought about it like that.
“But why white, why not black?”
Elsa sucked in a small breath before answering, “Black is the absence of colors. If the sky was black that’s all we’d see. A black hole sucking the colors away and leaving nothing behind but darkness. That’s why it’s white and not black.”
“Geez, that took a depressing turn.”
Elsa hummed and entwined her fingers with Anna’s. “Think of it as a prism. The sun shines through and casts the colors fresh and new through the day.”
“A blank canvas.” Anna found herself mumbling aloud. A blank canvas to be painted each day in the same ways that vastly differed if you looked hard enough. The subtle hues shifting day to day, the contrast of reds and oranges against purples and blues. All of it spinning endlessly in a cycle, a prism of color splattered across a canvas of white that never is seen as white.
The two remained watching the stars for a bit longer. The little dots of color splattered across the dark sky. Almost a reverse of my freckles. Anna mused to herself. The crisp air raised goosebumps on her arms.
Anna went to sleep that night, snuggled in her wife’s arms, feeling so refreshed and full of love she thought it might overflow. And it did. Her emotions flowed over in little drops that ran down her cheeks and she whispered over and over how much she loved Elsa. In turn with each ‘I love you’ a kiss was placed on her head, her cheek, her lips, and her body squeezed a bit tighter.
The white sky, painted with the color of night, left them to rest peacefully. The moon watching over them.
The trunk slammed shut and all the bags and trash were loaded in. Not nearly as neatly as before but as long as it wasn’t falling out Anna didn’t care. She awoke buzzing with renewed energy ready and eager to get back to work. Her burnout long forgotten. The three hour car ride didn’t seem so long even though Anna sat wide awake the entire trip. Elsa would probably need a day to recover from the amount of talking Anna did in that small time. Maybe a new book and quiet day in a coffee shop or a day spent curled up in her bed with nothing but mindless games to entertain herself with. Anna made a note to thank Elsa for forcing her out for a day, whatever she wanted.
Anna went to work the moment she stepped through the doorway. Pencil marks flew across the page in hurried fashion almost as if the vision would fade before she could get it down. Supplies were strewn out over the kitchen table and counter tops as Anna fell into what Elsa called ‘The detonation zone’. It was a mess, but also the time and place where Anna seemed to get the most work done.
Guess I’m not cooking. Elsa thought and picked up the phone. She was kinda in the mood for pizza anyway.
Pale blue eyes watched from where she leaned against the wall as the blur of auburn worked in a frenzy. Her movements were both hurried and agonizingly slow to preserve the details in a way only Anna managed to do. A mesmerizing sight she could watch for hours if not for the delivery man ringing her doorbell.
She made sure Anna knew of the food sitting in the living room.
“Okay, thank you!” Came the reply from the kitchen. Elsa chuckled and shook her head taking her own slice or two of pizza. She disappeared into their shared room for the rest of the evening. The one day trip seemed to have worked in Anna’s favor. Elsa made the mental note to schedule more day trips once in a while.
Time ticked by and Anna didn’t even notice. The pizza had gone cold and the sunlight faded away. The brush in her hand was set in the water cup for the last time.
“There.” Anna sat back finished. She smiled at the creation in front of her leaving it to dry as her stomach made known it’s need for food. The clock read late into the night, or early into the morning, depending on how you look at it. Maybe setting an alarm for food and breaks would be a good idea in the future. She decided it’d be worth a shot if only to save her from a stiff back at the end of the day.
Her paint stained hands grabbed a cold slice of pizza and promptly inhaled it followed by three more. The kitchen sat in a disastrous mess and the urge to put off cleaning up until the morning hit hard. Anna considered cleaning up the worst part about doing art. Elsa would likely clean up for her in the morning since she always woke up first. Anna knew that and decided not to let that happen. As much as Elsa said she didn’t mind and that’s what she signed up for by marrying her, Anna wouldn’t have it. Not after what she’d done for her the past day, or really since they first-started dating.
Anna turned the faucet on, warm water cleaning her stained hands, and she began the cleanup.
It wasn’t until around four in the morning that she finally headed to bed. The bedroom door creaked softly. Elsa snored softly, curled on her side snuggling a pillow. The sight made Anna fall in love with her all over again. Anna would never get tired of seeing her wife in such a peaceful and vulnerable state. Gently, she climbed into bed beside her.
“I love you.” she whispered and kissed Elsa’s cheek. Elsa let go of the pillow at the contact and fully snuggled against her wife. Anna wrapped her arms around her and kissed her softly again.
“I love you so much.”
Elsa woke to gentle rays of sun dancing across her face. Untangling herself from Anna she stepped outside of the room. She paused halfway closing the door and looked on fondly at the sleeping mess of her wife.
The kitchen was spotless, save for the canvas resting on the table. Even the sink was clean, supplies neatly drying on the rack where they were supposed to be. A smile graced her lips.
The coffee pot sputtered to life as it began brewing. It was only nine o’clock and Anna likely wouldn’t be up for another few hours. Being your own bosses had their perks. The brown liquid steamed as she poured it into a plain ceramic mug. The rich scent very much welcome this morning.
Anna would always scold her for drinking too much coffee. The thought brought another smile to her face. She really loved Anna and all that came with her.
Coffee in hand Elsa approached the canvas on the kitchen table. She made sure to stay for enough back that if something drastic happened her coffee would not stain the creation. She rounded the table and the sight made her pause. The colors and detail splattered across it showed just how much that camping trip had meant to her.
“Oh Anna,” her eyes lined with overflowing emotions as she took in the painting. “You’re still full of surprises.”
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sparkleofpizza · 4 years
Worst things I could do - Tim Drake x Reader
Hey guys, how are you all doing? Hope everyone is staying safe during this difficult times.
So I got my first request, hope you like it! And I am sorry it took me so long to write it. I am still trying to adjust to only classes and I had so much stuff to do for college.
Warnings: swearing (maybe)
Requested by: @randomfan286 
Word count: 3.846
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You had no idea how you had gotten yourself into this kind of situation. It all started because of one stupid detention, you were late to class one too many times and then the teacher decided you should work on the scenarios for the new school's play. All you had to do was paint, and you were doing your job just fine, they were playing some songs and you were actually enjoying yourself. After detention was over you were going to meet your best friend Damian at a near coffee shop, and you knew a certain someone was going to be there as well. 
Damian wasn't a big coffee fan like you, and you only chose this location because you knew his brother Tim was going to be there as well. So maybe you had a tiny crush on your best friend's older brother. You knew Damian knew, but he never approached you with the subject, you knew he would rather not hear you gush about his brother. 
"What can I do? Life is beautiful, but you don't have a clue. Sun and ocean blue, they're magnificent, it don't make sense to you." you failed to notice you had started singing along to a Lana Del Rey song, gathering some attention to you "Black beauty."
"Miss L/N, I think I have a better way for you to make up for all of your tardiness to classes." your teacher said, standing next you, with a bright smile on her face
You looked at her, frowning in confusion. You were already serving detention, what else could she want from you?
"You're going to be in your play!" She said, excited "You will be a perfect Rizzo!"
"I'm sorry, what?"
Did you hear her correctly? You were going to be part of the play? Ok, this woman was completely out of her mind. You weren't a singer, you didn't like this stuff. 
Apparently arguing was useless, you are on the play or else you'd get suspended. According to the teacher you are going to make up for your lack of effort by being on the play. Low, very low of her. 
You dragged yourself all the way to the coffee shop, suddenly not so happy about the idea you had earlier that day. All you wanted right now was to go home and scream with your face pressed against a pillow. 
As you entered the coffee shop, you saw the two brunet boys sitting near the end of the establishment. Tim had his laptop on the table and was typing on it while sipping on some black coffee, Damian was reading a book and drinking tea. You wondered if you went to the restroom and screamed they'd think you were getting attacked. 
"Hi." you said, tanking a sit next to Tim and in front of Damian, one hand coming to rest on your face while you watched them
Damian nodded his head towards you, closing his book while Tim smiled at you. Your heart skipped a beat, he was so fucking beautiful. 
"I thought you said you'd be here around five, it is only four thirty." Damian frowned at you "Did something happen at school?"
"I got released earlier, and yeah, the worst thing possible could've happened, did happen." You groaned, letting your head hit the table
That got Tim's attention as he stopped typing to stare at you. What could've happened at school? He shared a quick look with Damian, wondering if it was something concerning. He pulled some hair away from your face to take a look at your features. You tried not to blush and he hoped he wasn't being too forward, showing too much feelings. 
"What happened, y/n?" He asked quietly 
"My teacher is forcing me to be on the school's play or I'll fail her class." 
He felt relief wash over him. He was already waiting for the worst, something like: someone broke into school and made us all hostages. Thankfully it was just because of a play, well, not just because if it got you upset, it wasn't a good thing.
"That is absurd, perhaps father can do something about it." Damian frowned 
"No, it's ok." you mumbled, lifting your head from the table "I shouldn't have been late to class so many times."
Tim smiled at you "I am sure you'll do great at the play, y/n."
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Being part of the theater was not something you have ever thought about, but there you were, on rehearsals, doing literally everything to be the best Rizzo ever in a Grease school's play. That also meant that you were spending a lot of time with your fellow musical's friends, and they were actually really nice.
Because of your role, you spent a lot of time with the boys from the play. You had to feel comfortable with them if you wanted to be flirtatious with any of them in front of a lot of people. Honestly, it made you ver uncomfortable at the beginning, but all of them were so so nice with you, making sure you were ok with it that you kind of just felt comfortable around them enough to do this. 
Unfortunately, that meant you spent less time with Damian, and the only time you had available was one Saturday night that he was with all of his brothers at a supposed 'party'. They were actually keeping tabs on every single one of the people around them for a case. How you managed to convince them you should tag along to make up for the loss time? You asked Dick where they were going to be at Saturday night, fooling him, and just simply showed up there after you got the answer you wanted. No one had the heart to tell you to leave because you were actually helping them with their disguise as normal people enjoining a party.
You were sitting next to Tim, your shoulders pressed together at a small sofa. Damian had left to take a look around, Dick was flirting with someone to try and get some useful information, Jason was out smoking and Duck decided to check the rest of the house - honestly he just wanted to leave you and Tim alone, hopefully something would spark there. 
"And yeah, college is a bitch, but I'm sure you're going to do great." Tim smiled at you "If you need help with your applications I am more than happy to do so."
Your attention was shifted to the phone on your lap, the screen was lighted up with a few texted messages. You stared at them for a while, before unlocking it and typing back a reply.
"Sorry, it was just James." You smiled apologetic at him, shifting in your seat so you were looking at him from a better angle "He's bored at home."
"Oh." Tim felt a bitter taste at the back of his mouth
It was just James? Who the hell was James? Surely it must be one of those theater boys you have been hanging around so much lately. He hoped he didn't looked as pissed as he felt, he didn't want you to think he was a weirdo. He was just... jealous.
"It's ok." He managed to say "You can text him back."
You shook your head, lifting your phone to your chest and pulling at the top of your dress, your hand disappearing between your breasts. He felt his breath get caught up on his throat, trying not to let his eyes wander at the cleavage you were showing, trying not to stare at your boobs. 
"There, my phone is not going to interrupt our conversation anymore." you honestly had no idea where your confidence was coming from, maybe it was the two drinks you already have had "I would love if you helped me with my college applications."
"Sure, just tell me when you are free."
"I think I have a free period sometime this week, or I can miss a rehearsal. I'm pretty sure I can come up with some excuse."
He nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. You were exchanging your time with James to be with him, that was good, right? His mind was racing, maybe you were just doing it because you really needed help with your college applications, not because you wanted to spend time with him. Don't be stupid, he reprehended himself, she could be having a thing with this James dude and you know nothing about. 
"Just text me to let me know when and where, and I'll be there."
You shifted closer to him as a group of clearly very drunk man walked pass them, making a fuss. Your knee was pressing up against his thigh, he allowed his arm, that was propped up against the couch's cushion, fall against your bare shoulders, noticing how warm and soft your skin was.
Your innocent eyes looked up at him.
"Sorry." you muttered, staring at something ahead of you "I just don't really feel comfortable around drunk guys, I never know if they are assholes or not, and... And I just remembered you guys are actually here to observe them for a case so..."
You didn't have to say anything else, he understood you very well. You suddenly felt very vulnerable and stupid for having crashed their undercover mission. 
"You don't have to apologize." Tim rubbed your shoulder "Although I must admit it isn't ideal for you to be here because it is dangerous, but I won't let anything bad happen to you."
You allowed your hand to find his, clasping them together.
"I know." you nodded "I always feel safer whenever I'm with you."
Tim felt his insides grow warm at your words. But at the back of his mind, he couldn't help but wonder if you felt the same way when you were with James.
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Tim should have known better. When you had texted him to meet up at a coffee shop on a Wednesday afternoon that you weren't going to be alone. He had hoped it would be just the two of you, maybe it could actually be a good thing, where he would finally be able to ask you on a proper date, but right there beside you set none other than the James dude.
Tim did his research, of course. Not just because he had feelings for you, but because he actually cared about you, all of his family did. You were the only friend Damian had ever had outside of the superhero business that actually stuck around, and knew of their secrets. The whole family cared about your safety, so of course he did some background research on James. 
The boy was nice. He had no criminal records, lived at a nice apartment, his parents had good and honest jobs, he had two little siblings, had been on the theater and musical field for a very long time in his school career, and was actually good looking. He didn't have any secret like Tim had. He wasn't going to put your life in danger like Tim would. 
He knew James was a better person for you to date, but he couldn't help but let his jealousy overcome. Why did you invite James to tag along? Were you two dating now?
Feeling frustrated he left the coffee shop, not even bothering to come up to your table and tell you a lame excuse. 
You stared confusedly from your spot. Did Tim really just come in, stared you with a blank face, and left without saying a word? You sinked in your sit. Maybe he forgot something in the car? Maybe he had to take an important call outside? Or maybe it was a bat-related business and he had to leave in a hurry. But you knew if it was something like that he would have texted, he always texts when you two make plans and he can't make it.
Later that night, as you were lying in bed, trying to sleep, you couldn't keep your mind off Tim. Grabbing your phone from the night stand, you decided to send him a text.
Hey, I know you're probably busy with you know what, but I just wanted to check up on you after you didn't show up at the coffee shop today Is everything ok?
You knew you wouldn't be able to sleep until he replied you, and knowing him God knows at what time he will reply. With his crazy sleeping pattern and patrolling the streets of Gotham at night, you never knew when to expect an answer.
After grabbing your phone to stare at the text message again, you felt tears burn your eyes. He had left you on read 30 minutes ago. Tim never leaves you on read, ever.
Maybe he realized you were just his little brother's friends who was pathetic and had pathetic feelings for him, and decided he didn't want you around in his life anymore.
There was only two weeks left before the play and you and Tim spent it ignoring each others presences. You tried talking to him, but every time it seemed you were with James around you. You once even obtained success in getting to talk to Tim, and it seemed he was going to tell you why he was being an asshole to you lately, but than James showed up holding a cup of coffee to you, and Tim just said something rude that made your eyes watery and left without saying goodbye once he realized what he had done.
To say you were sad was an understatement. Even Damian, who absolute lotted  the idea of you and his brother liking each other, questioned you both to try and understand what was going on. You, not waiting to spark a fight between them, said there was nothing going on besides two people growing out of their friendship - Damian saw right through your bullshit, and went straight to attacking Tim on the cave after that conversation.
Finally it was opening night. You were a nervous wreck, it was the first opening night of your life. What if people didn't like you? What if you sang out of tune or forgot your lines?
I'm sure you'll do great at the play, y/n.
You found yourself repeating Tim's words in your mind. You reprehended yourself, you shouldn't be thinking about him now, he didn't care about you anymore. Thinking about what you two used to have, a friendship, made your heart hurt. But still, you couldn't help but wonder if he was going to be here tonight, to watch you.
Turns out being on stage dancing and singing around proved to be funnier than you thought. You weren't so nervous anymore after the first half an hour, you were even more excited than ever. Twirling around stage in a baggy button up t-shirt and a blonde wig while singing Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee was one of your favorite parts of the night. 
But then there you were, alone on stage for your solo. It was just you, staring at the audience, you felt like vomiting, but you couldn't give into your nerves now. You were doing great the whole play, or you thought so, you couldn't fail now, it was your moment. 
"There are worst things I could do, hang out with a boy, or two. Even though the neighborhood thinks I'm trashy and no good, I suppose it could be true, but there are worst thinks I could do." You sang while walking towards the fake lockers and grabbing a red notebook, holding it against your chest, a small smiling tugging at your lips as you took small steps "I could flirt with all the guys, smile at them and bet my eyes. Press against them while we dance, make them think they stand a chance then refuse to see it through, that's a thing I'd never do." 
You looked up, spotting a certain raven head boy watching you. So he did come after all, Tim was there in the audience with the rest of his family. You wondered if he was there because he wanted to or because he felt obligated to be there. Damian was sitting there with Dick, Jason, Duke, and Cass, even Barbara and Stephanie were there, maybe he did feel like he had to come. You tried not to think much about it as you kept singing, but you couldn't help but let your thoughts wander to him.
You pressed yourself against the fake wall.
"I don't steal and I don't lie, but I can feel and I can cry. A fact I bet you never knew." you had to pretend to be sad during this part of the scene, but you didn't even had to think much of it as you were sad he wasn't there because of you "But to cry in front of you, that's the worst thing I could do."
You finished the song, waiting for the lights to go out so you could leave the stage. You were feeling terrible.
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The play was finally over, you were still wearing the clothes from the last scene, when Damian and his siblings showed up backstage to congratulate you. You smiled brightly at them, thanking every single one from being there tonight to watch you. 
"We will be waiting for you outside." Damian said after you all had agreed to go out for dinner together "You two should talk this whole thing out."
And then he left, leaving you frowning in confusion. What was he talking about?
"Hi." Tim said, appearing in your line of vision, he had stayed quiet and in the back the whole time while his siblings talked to you "You were great tonight."
"Thank you." you replied, not really knowing what to do "Thanks for... coming."
"Of course, I would never miss your big opening night."
You pressed your lips in a thin line, keeping yourself from scoffing and yelling at him for doing this to you. He noticed your behavior, how you shifted your weight from one leg to the other and crossed your arms over your chest.
"I need to go change into normal clothes so..."
You turned around to leave, but he grabbed your upper warm, turning you back around to him. You stared wide eyed at him, noticing how close you two were. He let go of your arm.
"We really need to talk, y/n." He said, he casted his gaze down to the ground, recollecting his thoughts from being so close to you, and then looked back up at you beautiful e/c eyes "I am so sorry for the way I behaved towards you for the past few weeks. I was an asshole."
"You're damned right you were." you huffed in annoyance "Why did you ignore me, Timothy? Did I do something to offend you or something of that sort?"
Tim winced when you said his full name and not just Tim. He couldn't help but feel even worse when he heard the hurt in your voice.
"No. You didn't do anything to offend me or something wrong, at all." 
"Then what is it? What happened?" you questioned him, voice low as your heart was hammering against your chest, honestly afraid of his answer "Please, be honest with me. I promise you after you tell me what it is, I will leave you alone and not bother you anymore."
He shook his head, how could you think he wanted you to leave him alone?
"I don't want you to leave me alone or stop talking to me, y/n." you looked up at him with that same innocent look from the party "I was... I was jealous. I hated that you were spending so much time with... James." Tim spat out the other boy's name "I hated thinking that the two of you were getting closer and closer everyday, and the thought of you dating him... or anyone else for the matter, it made my heart hurt. I don't think you noticed this before, but, y/n, I am hopelessly in love with you."
You parted your lips. Too shocked to form a coherent thought in your head. Tim was in love with you? He returned the feelings you had? What the hell?
"You were jealous." you said
"I was jealous."
"You... you are in love with me." you said again
"I am in love with you." he repeated, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, he honestly had no idea if this was going to end well or not
You stood still before trowing yourself at him. Your arms hugging his neck as his sneaked around your waist, pulling you from the ground. One leg up while the other was down, you burried your face on his shoulders. 
"I thought you hated me." your voice sounded muffed by his jacket's fabric 
He chuckled in your ear. "I could never hurt you, sweetheart."
You pulled back a little and he placed you on the floor. But your hands never left the other, you kept on touching each other. 
"I am in love with you too, Tim."
Tim's smiled brighter, pulling you in closer. Your hands traveled up to cup his jaw, stroking lovingly his cheek with your thumb. This is how you always wanted to be with him, in his warm embrace. 
He leaned in, closing the distance between your faces, allowing your lips to meet in a sweet kiss. He licked your lips asking for entrance, allowing your thongs to dance across each others mouth. 
You had no idea how long you two kissed each other, you could do this all day long and never get tired of it. When you parted, you rested your foreheads together. 
"You should go get dress or I will just keep kissing you forever." Tim mumbled, his hot breath fanning on your face
You smiled "I won't oppose to that."
He laughed, pecking your lips repeatedly until he pulled away again. 
"I don't think I want my brothers to walk in on us kissing each other, nor do I want our first make out session to be in front of everyone."
You looked up teasingly at him, biting on your lower lip "You want to have a make out session with me?"
Tim thighed his grip on your waist making you gasp as he whispered in your ear.
"I would love to have a make out session with you. Maybe after dinner, I can take you home..."
You nodded your head, a matching smile on both of your lips. You placed a small kiss on his lips before completely pulling away from him. 
"I'll right back."
"And I'll be right here."
You left to get dressed, trying to suppress your happy giggles on the way. Tim stood still, leaning on the wall and smiling to himself, thankful for this play or else he probably wouldn't have told you about his feelings. 
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crystalstar8 · 4 years
Knights of the Night (chapter 2)
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Chapter 2
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 1,628
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog​
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing...
              Despite complaining about walking to work, Catalina was sort of looking forward to the hike. She could see the mountains from wherever she was in this town, and they were beautiful. It was seven in the morning and Catalina was half dead. After a cup of coffee and a hearty breakfast though, she was ready to go. Jungkook had texted her the day before giving her a time, eight am, and his home address. No other details, such as what to wear to work, which would have been helpful. She had texted him back but he never answered, so she wore a plain black t-shirt with jeans. She figured that was neutral enough.
               Jungkook’s house turned out to be right around the block, so it was a short walk. The house was old, two stories, grey brick, square and narrow. Catalina knocked on the door and waited. Jungkook opened the door right away.
               “Hey, come on in,” he said, holding the door open. Catalina closed the door behind her and looked around. The inside looked like it hadn’t been redecorated since the 70’s, but it was still cozy and homey. Jungkook led the way up the stairs to a small bedroom at the end of the hall. His hair was still a mess and he wasn’t wearing shoes.
               “Are your parents home?” asked Catalina.
               “No, they’re at work. They’ll come home in a few hours,” he said.
               “The night shift?” asked Catalina.
               “Yeah, they’re nurses. They’ve worked the night shift ever since me and my brother started high school,” said Jungkook. He was sitting on his bed, lacing up a pair of Timberlands.
               The bedroom was a mess, clothes scattered across the floor, piles of tangled wires in the corner. A bookshelf was against the left wall filled with video games and stuffed animals. Beside the bookshelf, a surfboard, a snowboard, and a skateboard all leaned against the wall. A glass of milk sat on the desk by the door and there was a hole in the wall right above that. Catalina could see into the next bedroom through it, which looked similar to this room. The whole bedroom stunk like…
               “Dude, this milk is bad,” said Catalina. She scrunched her nose and shuffled away from it.
               “It is?” asked Jungkook. He picked it up and sniffed it. He reared back and gagged loudly. Catalina threw her head back laughing.
               “Why did you sniff it?” she asked.
               “I don’t know! Shut up!” he said. He took one last tentative sniff of it before setting it down and grabbing a hairbrush.
               “Have you eaten yet?”
               “No I just got up, like a few minutes before you got here,” he said. “I was thinking we could stop somewhere on the way.”
               “Won’t we be late?” asked Catalina.
               “Just McDonalds, nothing fancy!” he said.
               “What time do we have to be there?”
               “Dude! We’re gonna be late!”
               “Just quick! We’ll go through the drive through!”
               “We’re walking!”
                 A half an hour later found Catalina and Jungkook starting on the trail up the mountain. Jungkook was wolfing down three McMuffins, tater tots, and a frozen coffee. The walk through the drive through was something Catalina never wanted to do again.
               The hike, though intimidating, was very nice. They talked about their childhoods and other random stories while they walked. The woods were beautiful; enormous, ancient trees towering all around them. Catalina remembered Jungkook telling her about people skiing in these mountains. She didn’t know a whole lot about the sport, but she was pretty sure the trees would get in the way.
               “Now, I don’t know enough about skiing, but I feel like all these trees would get in the way,” said Catalina. Jungkook chuckled.
               “Yeah, there’s slopes at the top that you take lifts to get to. No one skis here,” said Jungkook. “We’ll go this winter.”
               “Yeah, you keep saying that. Anyway, this is a really nice hike, but I bet you we won’t feel like doing this every time,” said Catalina. “We’re gonna get sick of it after the first few times.”
               “No way. R.I.P. to you but I’m different,” said Jungkook.
               Catalina sighed. “That was lame. And you’re the only one here who has a car, so…”
               “I know, I’m just kidding,” he said.
               The trail let them out onto the road, which they followed until they reached the gift shop. It was a small building on the side of the road which advertised trail maps, souvenirs and camping necessities. A little bell rang above the door as they stepped inside. Hoodies, snow globes and tacky, racist Native American merchandise greeted them inside.
               “You’re late,” someone said. A woman in her late 40’s rounded one of the shelves and crossed her arms.
               “What? Not we’re not!” Jungkook checked the time on his phone. They were indeed late. Catalina sighed. Great first impression.
               “We’re really sorry ma’am. Someone had to get McDonalds on the way here,” she said.
               The woman sighed. “Call me Helen. And it’s okay. It’s not like they’re bustin’ the door down.”
               Sure enough, besides them, the store was empty. Helen showed them how to work the register, where the back room was, and how to close at seven.
               “Just be friendly with the customers. I’m not gonna be here on weekends, so keep yourselves occupied,” said Helen. And with that, she left the store. The rest of the day went by slowly. Not many people came in, so Catalina and Jungkook mostly just hung out and goofed around.
               When Catalina got home later that night, she was exhausted. They only had a few customers that day, the rest of the time was spent chatting and making fun of the Indian goods.
               Her bed, which was still just a mattress on the floor, was a welcome sight.
                  The only thing she could feel was a deep-seated fear. It made her palms sweat and the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. The narrow hallways seemed to be never ending. She needed to find a way out. If they caught up to her, she was dead. The faint sound of a floorboard creaking somewhere behind her made her spin around, breath caught in her throat. There was no one there, but the hallway seemed darker than it was before.
               All of a sudden, Catalina found herself in a den. A fire crackled in the fireplace, bookshelves lined the walls and a big desk sat in the corner. It was cozy, and Catalina felt the fear melt away. She felt safe here.
               “Have you read this one?”
               Catalina turned around. A man stood by the hearth. He held up a book, but Catalina couldn’t make out the title since the letters kept shifting.
               “I’m not sure,” she said. This man was dangerous, Catalina could tell by the fear she still felt being around him. But she also knew he wouldn’t hurt her. “I don’t think I’ve read it. What book is it?”
               “I told you about this one yesterday. You would like it,” he said. When he smiled, his dimples caved and his eyes sparked. Catalina no longer felt afraid of him.
                  I Like It, by Cardi B. blasted from the speakers. Sweat dripped from Catalina’s brow.
               “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, STEVE, GODDAMN IT YOU’RE STILL TURNING THE WRONG WAY!” the choreographer shouted. She paused the music and pinched the bridge of her nose. Catalina took the opportunity to breathe and turn to Jimin. He was trying not to laugh.
               “I don’t wanna be here when she kills Steve,” Jimin said under his breath. Catalina giggled.
               “I think it’d be some fun drama,” said Catalina. “Also, he deserves it.”
               Jimin laughed and they got back into position as the music started from the beginning again. Catalina wasn’t really a fan of Cardi B., but the dance was a lot of fun. It was a smooth hip hop, lots of body rolls and sexy partner dancing. Catalina was glad she got Jimin as her partner and not Steve. Steve was pretty bad.
               Once the choreographer called it a day, Catalina and Jimin took their time packing their bags.
               “Do you watch the news at all?” asked Jimin. Catalina shook her head. “Well, it’s the only thing ever on at my house, and I guess there’s like, people going missing in the town next to us.”
               “Whoa, really?” asked Catalina.
               “Yeah, and I was invited to this party, but my mom has been freaking out and she doesn’t want me to go out, so I don’t know if I’m going…”
               “Wow, that’s crazy. Yeah, I mean, it’s not in this town though. So it should be fine to go to a party,” said Catalina. Jimin shrugged.
               “Maybe. Anyway, how was the first day at work?” he asked.
               “Ah, yeah, it was nice. The hike is cool and there’s a bunch of racist Indian goods in the shop. There’s like, barely any customers, so it was pretty chill all day,” she said.
               “That’s cool. I don’t think I’d be able to walk that far to work every day. I’m too lazy,” said Jimin.
               Catalina shrugged. “I mean, a job is a job. But I’ll probably have a ride for a lot of my shifts,” she said. “What about you? Did you get that job in the theater?”
               “Yeah, it’s alright. I guess it’s gonna be mostly just moving chairs around and helping backstage for events,” said Jimin. “But what if I want to audition for a show?”
               “Then they’ll just have to find a replacement for you!” said Catalina. “You deserve to be on stage!”
               Jimin laughed and said, “Thank you. I do deserve to be on stage, don’t I?”
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