#there’s a chance he’ll just re-sign of course
alarrylarrie · 2 years
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adiluv-moved · 1 year
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☁️୧・꒰word count꒱ 1158.
🌼୧・꒰warnings꒱ takes place pre-manor.
🦆୧・꒰adi moment꒱ request here! these were originally supposed to be combined into one post, though i decided to split them since they ended up full length regardless, lol. i had a lot of fun writing this, i think it's a super adorable scenario! hope you enjoy! ꒰˵•̀⤙•́˵꒱૭
you can find eli's version here!
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꒰🗡️꒱・Naib isn’t exactly accustomed to how peaceful life is with you, having gone through most of his entire life without any opportunity to relax. First, it was the war, which—for obvious reasons—proved to be a rather heavy strain on the man, both physically and emotionally. Even after he’d decided he’d had enough of the bloodshed and defected, living within Britain certainly wasn’t cheap, and he was still unable to seize the chance to step back—though he now had his job as a mercenary to blame for that one.
꒰🗡️꒱・I’d imagine that Naib would prefer to live in a more rural part of Britain, perhaps in a cottage not too far away from the city. Not only does he benefit by encouraging your aesthetic preferences ꒰which is for the best, considering he’s got no taste for design, himself꒱, but he also manages to keep you safe. Two birds with one stone, really. Of course, while living outside of the city does make his line of work slightly more tedious, he’s more than willing to deal with commuting than to move you anywhere closer to such prying eyes.
꒰🗡️꒱・That is to say—he kills, and he gets his assignment done. It’s simply business, as cruel as the reality is. But who’s to say that those close to the victim won’t try to seek ‘reimbursement’ of their own? He’s seen the way that people act when they’re desperate, and he’s seen just how far down they’ll stoop to achieve their goals. For this reason, he’s incredibly protective over you and the life that you share. The thought of anything happening to you is one that he actively despises, and he’s always on the lookout to make sure that nobody’s following him back home.
꒰🗡️꒱・You’re in no real danger while Naib is around, at the very least. He’s got years of experience killing and protecting under his belt, so it’s safe to say that most attackers prove to be of little to no threat to him. Sure, there are occasions where he’ll receive a couple of scratches every here and there, though those tend to be the only signs that anything had even occurred. You’ll patch them up upon noticing them, gently scolding him for attempting to hide his injuries, yet he’s always really preferred to be discreet about such occurrences. In his mind, there’s no need to worry you over a pest that’s already been dealt with… But he is thankful for your concern.
꒰🗡️꒱・As an extension of this, he’s very much insistent on accompanying you whenever you head out—a habit you’d only receive explanation for well into your relationship. Finding out that your partner is a mercenary certainly is quite the shocker, especially when it re-contextualizes the instances in which he’d depart whilst citing ‘work’. Even still, I’d say that Naib was even more shocked when you’d decided to stay with him—under the assumption that there would be no more major secrets kept between the both of you. Regardless, he still couldn’t help but be confused when he’d awoken the next morning to see that you were still sleeping soundly to him. He’d truly expected to lose you. 
꒰🗡️꒱・Although he sends some of his paycheck back to Nepal, you’d be genuinely surprised by the amount that he has left back. Whether it be just by his lack of desire to splurge or simply due to how lucrative his… career choice is, the man is rich—far more than you’d ever guessed. You’ll never be without anything that you need, considering that Naib is perfectly content to allow you to decorate the house and buy anything that catches your fancy.
꒰🗡️꒱・He’s got enough in savings to comfortably retire from his duties as a mercenary, something that he’ll do if you express discomfort with the job. It takes him some time to fully realize that that chapter of his life has finally come to its conclusion—and he’ll be eternally grateful if you attempt to help him ease the transition. Practicing for job interviews and reminding him of what excuses to use should anybody question the sizable gap in his resume does eventually help him snag a new job of his own—free from all the bloodshed of his past!
꒰🗡️꒱・One of his greatest struggles in re-adjusting to an average job would easily be working alongside other people. It’s something that he hadn’t really done since he was in the army, and even then—thinking about his old comrades had the tendency to leave a bitter taste in his mouth. His general introversion does nothing to help him, either, with him preferring to keep entirely to himself or a select handful of trusted individuals. There’s also the added factor of his coworkers just… pissing him off for no reason, as well. He just can’t seem to understand why they’re so incompetent—surely, such simple tasks can’t be all that difficult?
꒰🗡️꒱・Considering his background, you’ll have to admit that it’s quite interesting to see him getting so heavily worked up over something that’s so mundane, though you’re aware that his lack of options wasn’t any fault of his. You do listen to all of his ranting and raving, something that you’d initially recommended to him as therapeutic, though he’d only come to understand why until that first gossip session. He’d ended up getting really into it, and… I don’t think he can go back, honestly.
꒰🗡️꒱・Naib tends to get progressively cuddlier as time goes on, but I’d also say that his desire to cuddle with you is also rather dependent on his mood. It’s relatively safe to say that he’d prefer to be the big spoon—the just something satisfying to him about having your curled up, and safe within his arms—though he’d also still love to be held by you every now and then. Especially so when it feels as though he’ll drown within the memories of his past.
꒰🗡️꒱・Even if he decides to quit his job as a mercenary and return to the life of an average civilian, the pain that he’s felt—and inflicted—isn’t something that just… goes away. There are times where it’ll haunt him, where it’ll break down his walls and make him feel like a microscopic mess. It will claw at him, tearing him down and turning him into a shell of himself, where he just wants nothing more than to be rid of such terrible memories—and you wish that there were a way for you to remove them.
꒰🗡️꒱・He loves you, and he’d never hurt you, but he’s absolutely terrified that he might. Please hold him, please reassure him that you’re there for him. Reminding him that he’s got a whole life ahead of him to live, and that he’s far from alone—that he’s safe, at least now—it helps him… And he appreciates it, more than you could ever know. So, no, he’s never quite understood what it means to have a peaceful life… but if it’s with you, then… He doesn’t mind learning.
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
[9.55] mafia!wooyoung × reader
⇀ good thing you're smart, if not Wooyoung wouldn't have a whole attitude change
⇁ tw : violence, torture, kindapping, mafia life
⇁ part 1 / 2 / 3
⇁ disclaimer : the author does not support any and all criminal/illegal acts. the narrative written in this story is purely fiction out of the author's imagination. the things written here does not portray real mafia life nor is the author aware of how the mafia life is like. the author is a hermit loser.
You don't remember how long it has been since they captured you. Being stuck in a basement would do that apparently.
Whoever was behind your capture had been torturing you beyond your own imagination. They had starved you, hit you, kicked you, attempted to drown you, tied you in an uncomfortable position every night, and sent in someone to make sure you don't get an ounce of sleep.
All that just to get information on Wooyoung.
Currently, you're being tied to a chair, being once again interrogated for informations you had no clue about, "things would be much easier if you'd just give us what we want," the buff man in front of you said, he held a knife to your cheek but at this point you couldn't even flinch, "where is Jung Wooyoung's headquarters?"
Your cold outfit was clinging onto you like second skin, it's uncomfortable and it's dirty, the cold had definitely impacted your health.
Recently all you've been able to feel is just the headache and the burn from inside your body. Not even the abuse given to you was able to inflict you pain.
Everything's just numb.
You look up at the man, almost with a challenging look as you press your face daringly to the blade, "I. Don't. Know." you spat each word like venom.
The man laughed, pretty amused at how daring you are being, "you're his wife, there is no way you wouldn't have known," you rolled your eyes at him, bitter that he used the word 'wife' because you know fully well that Wooyoung would never treat you as such, "then I must've not been his wife now, am I?" You retorted back at him, slightly shocking him because this is the first time within the (apparently) 7 days you've been captured that you had said something else other than 'I don't know' or 'fuck you'.
Everyone was startled at the revelation, they probably hadn't concidered that you might not be Wooyoung's wife. No one really know about Wooyoung's personal life, it seems.
Seeing their hesitance, you take this as your chance of escaping.
The buff man grab your hair harshly, his eyes narrowing at you in suspicion, "don't lie to me, whore, if you're not his wife, then why'd you have a wedding ring on?" "Stole it from my mistress before I ran away, needed the money," you lied easily, surprising yourself.
"And why are you wearing it?" He asked again, "to make it less inconspicuous, people need to believe that this belongs to me or else they'll alert the cops that I'm a thief,"
He seemed to be having an inner turmoil on whether or not he should believe you.
With how you've been acting and the lack of evidence that you are Wooyoung's wife, you could really have been the wrong target.
"That means Handong lied to us," he said as he push your head away, talking to one of the men next to him, "bring him in and get this bitch out," he said simply before turning back to leave.
But before he walked out of the room, he looked back once more at you with a bitter smirk, "make sure to... deal... with her first, insurance for your silence,"
When the doors closed, 5 men approach your figure, still tied on the chair.
One of them crouch down in front of you, he brush your hair out of your face with a sad smile, "I'm sorry that we have to do this, pretty girl," confused at what he said, you just stared at him. But then he suddenly slap you so hard that you fell down along with the chair you're tied to.
And thus began one of the longest night of your life.
Meanwhile Wooyoung was getting antsy. His men couldn't find you anywhere and there isn't a second when he didn't regret turning his abundance of cctv off
He spent his days either in meetings or trying to track your whereabouts. San had to step in and actually force him to eat, going as far as cuffing him to his chair and spoon-fed him, even throwing a cheesy "would (Y/N) be happy to see you in this state?" At him to which he replied, "considering how I treat her, I wouldn't be surprised if she is,"
So far, neither yours nor his parents were aware of your disappearance. His dad only asked about you once to ensure he still has leverage, which of course Wooyoung lied, he's already stressed over your disappearance the last thing he need is for his dad to bit his head off.
Each night he spent sleeping in his bedroom, moping to the fact that he genuinely misses and worried about you. He regret taking you for granted, taking your presence for granted. Now, he could only imagine your sleeping form next to him using the memories of when he actually slept in bed with you. He used to be able to feel your warmth next to him, now it's just cold and he dislike it.
Tonight was no different. Before he got into bed, he went to the walk-in closet and look at all the dresses he had brought you to events that you went to (re : events he was forced brought you because his parents would be there). He remembered every how you looked in every single one of them.
It's pathetic of him, to be pining over the woman he claimed to have no care about.
Just as he turned the walk-in closet's lights off, there were commotions from downstairs, then a huge bang like his front doors had been barged open.
Diving into his instincts, Wooyoung grabbed the nearest gun he had hid all around the room and ran out, thinking that it was a raid by his rivals.
But when he looked down from the second floor to the living room, his heart wrenched and he froze.
San had you in his arms, you looked sickly pale with bruises all over your exposed arms and legs, clothes had chunks of them torn, and you weren't moving. One would assume that you're dead.
Wooyoung dropped his gun and ran to his friend who had just put you on the couch.
The sight of you looking so broken panicked him. He wanted to hold you and be glad that you're home, but he doesn't wanna hurt you. He wanted to tell you how sorry he is and that he'll make up to you but he's not sure whether or not you're still alive.
He snapped his head towards his staff, "call the doctor! Call Kang Yeosang in!" He barked to which his staffs immediately obeyed, scrambling to do as he ordered.
"God, baby, who did this to you?" He muttered to himself, reaching forward to brush your hair out of your face.
You stirred a bit when you heard his voice ans managed to open your eyes despite the splitting headache and the soreness all over your body.
When your eyes met his, you smiled, "hey, what are you doing in my dreams?" You croaked out, throat obviously sore and beyond parched from having been denied fluids for so long. It was your turn to brush his bangs from his eyes, something you've always wanted to do but know never could considering his dislike that turned out to be hatred towards you.
You suddenly frown at him, making his gaze on you softer, "I'm sorry," you muttered, not able to speak louder. At that, he tilted his head, "for what?" "Not being able to stay gone, I had to had the will to live, I should've let them kill me," you said before you slip into unconsciousness, rendering Wooyoung speechless at your words.
Before he was able to retaliate, San had swoop you back into his arms to take you to an empty room so Yeosang could come in and treat you.
"No," Wooyoung called, stopping San in his tracks, "bring her to my- our room, she should feel comfortable," to which San just nodded and obey, knowing how important it is to have you next to him as much as him next to you.
Yeosang came in not long after and spent 3 hours cleaning and stitching your wounds, checking for possible internal injuries, all the while making sure he's handling you with the utmost care as Wooyoung had been glaring daggers at him. Whether it serve to be a warning to not harm you or a sign of jealousy as Yeosang had a perfectly valid reason to cut your shirt and shorts off for handling.
"I can't make a clear diagnosis without checking for internal injuries, we have to take her to the hospital," Yeosang said. But Wooyoung just snap at him, "then freaking bring the machines here! She's not leaving this mansion and she's not leaving my side!"
Both men just stared at each other for a few minutes, Yeosang holding onto his ground on wanting simplicity, and Wooyoung being afraid of losing you from his sight again.
Knowing how stubborn his friend can be, Yeosang was first to crack, sighing and nodding at Wooyoung, "I'll see what I can do," he said simply before going out to talk to San about possibly transporting some of his machines.
The rest of the night, Wooyoung took care of you. He had put you in one of his large, white button up because it's the easiest to put on you. He stayed by your side in a chair, afraid that he might hurt you (than he already necessary does with his words) if he were to slip in bed with you.
As he watch you, his hands moved to held yours in his. His thumbs were rubbing the back of your hand when it suddenly caught on something.
Looking down, he noticed that it's your wedding ring, matching his own which he's wearing.
It brought a smile to his face seeing you're still holding onto it so dearly. You could've left it for him to find and throw away the day you left, but you had decided to take it with you.
Could it be that despite everything he's done to you, you don't want to completely erase him from your mind?
And that's what made Wooyoung broke down and cried.
He didn't deserve you, not one bit. But despite that, he knows that he's the only one capable enough of taking care of you, to provide for whatever it is that you need.
So at that moment, with you back in hia arms, he decided to step up and assume his responsibilities and treat you as how you deserve to be treated.
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animeomegas · 4 years
Omega!Narutoverse Future Family Headcanons
This is a compilation of my headcanons about future families for my favourite Naruto boys (excluding Kakashi who is childfree in my headcanons.) 
This is very long, so I’ve put most of it under a cut <3 Enjoy~
Naruto:  : 4 children – Son (omega), adopted daughter (alpha), twin sons (betas). 
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Has his son about four years before he becomes Hokage.
His son is a huge daddy’s boy type and clings to Naruto every chance that he gets. 
Naruto never lets his role as Hokage take him away from his son any more than absolutely necessary. Does he take his son into his office? Absolutely. He puts down a little play pen on the floor while he works :’). 
His son loves cuddles so much and he is so gentle. 
He doesn’t like pranks though which makes Naruto a little sad but he would never do anything to make his little one sad. 
Male omegas can be identified from birth, so you both knew he was, but even if you didn’t it’s very obvious. He makes his own little nest next to Naruto’s but ends up crawling into Naruto’s for cuddles every time. 
As he gets older, he attends the academy, but he hates it so much. He reminds me a little of a young Itachi, a pacifist to the core. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone! He begs you and Naruto to let him attend the civilian school, and of course you let him. 
Naruto gets a lot of shit for allowing this from some parties *cough* the council *cough*. The Hokage’s children should be powerful ninjas according to them, but Naruto will always prioritise his children’s happiness. Naruto shields his son from the hate as much as possible, but some slips through.
 The transition is easier if you are a civilian, your son feels a little more secure if that’s the case, and he would consider following your footsteps depending on what you do. If you run a little business, he would definitely want to work with you. If you’re also a ninja he can feel left out and unsure, but he grows into such a quietly confident person, who starts a little business. 
Not being a ninja also means he can be there for his younger siblings. He is a dedicated older brother who is always there for them. He has a room for each other them at his house and loads of medical supplies for when they come back from missions injured and won’t go to the hospital. He always patches them up. 
All his younger siblings respect him so much. He is a very reliable person, and his siblings get so offended if they hear any anti-civilian talk from the ninjas they work with.
When Naruto is about a year into working as Hokage, he goes to visit the orphanage, a place that he reformed hugely as soon as he could. It’s so much nicer than it was and he’s so happy. 
But there is one girl that he sees there, and she’s being bullied by some of the other kids. At only three years old, Naruto’s heart breaks for her. Turns out that she’s being teased for being a female alpha. Times have changed a lot, but there are still some horrible stereotypes about male omegas and female alphas, even if those aren’t the norm anymore. 
He intervenes and wipes away her tears, uncomfortably reminded of his own stay at the orphanage when he was her age. He wraps up the visit and leaves, but he just can’t get here out of his head. 
He’s been wanting another child, but he’s still in a vulnerable position so early into being Hokage that he can’t afford the time off for maternity leave. 
Hesitantly, he brings up the idea of adoption to you, when you respond positively, he’s like great 😊, I have one picked already. 
It’s only about a fortnight later that you’re picking her up and bringing her home. At first, she is very shy and reserved but when she gets comfortable, you learn that she is the opposite. 
She’s very forthright and opinionated, she always says what she feels and stands up for injustice. 
Her favourite thing is to come home and tell you and Naruto about her day. She never leaves out any detail and has been known to demand to go and see Naruto while he’s working so that she can tell him about something that happened at school. 
Naruto ends up unwillingly up to date with all the academy drama. 
She’s quite serious and likes to have grown up conversations and sit at the grown ups table. 
She ends up attending the academy and she just thrives on all the history and politics lessons! She great at negotiating and learning about people. 
She makes strong friends and has a tight knit friendship group that she keeps all the way to adulthood. 
She ends up making Chunin pretty quickly but waits a long while before taking the Jounin exam. She ends up specialising in international relations. 
She works as an ambassador for Konoha and gets to travel around all the countries. She adores her job, but she does sometimes miss her family. Naruto gets sad when he sends her for long missions, knowing that he can’t come and see her for that time, but there’s no one he would trust more to act on behalf on Konoha and she always brings back souvenirs for everyone.
The twins are quite a bit younger than the other two. Six years younger than their older sister, and eight years younger than their older brother. 
In a better position now, Naruto wants to try for one final child. 
Of course, you get twins. 
It takes a bit of re-planning, but Naruto is overjoyed at the fact that he’s pregnant with twins! He gives birth to identical twin boys. You can’t tell from birth whether a baby is a male alpha or male beta, and they end up showing signs of being betas when they’re about 12.
These boys are little troublemakers, and Naruto rejoices and finally having some of his children who likes pranks like he does!
They excel at strategy and trap making when they join the academy but the oldest struggles a little with the more academic side. 
Naruto is so patient in helping him because he knows what it’s like to be a physical learner in an academic environment. 
They are the babies of the family and they get away with everything haha. 
When they end up graduating, they are put on the same genin team and they continue to work together for their entire careers. They are similar to Izumo and Kotestu. They know each other so well and both have complimentary skills, so they make a formidable duo on the battlefield. 
Naruto hates sending them on dangerous missions though. If they ever didn’t come back, I don’t think Naruto would recover, knowing that he sent them to the place that they died. 
These two also definitely take on a genin team when they first get promoted to jounin, and they’re great teachers! I can’t decide if they would have one together, or if they would have one each and compete in ridiculous challenges like whose genin team can get the most d ranks done in one day. 
They remind people of Kakashi and Gai in a lot of ways. 
Sasuke:  1 child – daughter (beta).
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Sasuke has a daughter in his late twenties, after he’s had some time to deal with his trauma. 
He’s undeniably in a better place but he struggles badly with PPD, making the first year very difficult on your family. 
Eventually things get better though, and you work together to raise your daughter. 
She is wicked smart, very much into scholarly things, but she also loves weapons, particularly any sort of blade. Sasuke teaches her how to use a sword and they bond a lot over it. 
She’s pretty quiet and withdrawn, preferring to read a book or practice with her weapons than socialise. Sasuke tries to get her to make more friends but she calls him out on being a hypocrite and he’s so offended that he drops the issue. 
She does well in the academy but she lowkey hates going. She likes going more if either you or Sasuke are there to pick her up and walk home with her, she doesn’t like walking home alone because the Uchiha compound is so damn far away and isolated. 
When she awakens her sharigan when she’s a chunin, Sasuke has a pretty bad reaction. The sharigan isn’t associated with anything good in his mind, so he freaks out when his daughter activates it. You need to give him some time and support and he’ll come around. He’s the only one who can train her after all. 
Sasuke is so proud of his daughter when she makes Jounin, which of course, she does. I could see her taking on a powerful advisory role for the Hokage as a jounin.
She is someone who believes that there is a lot to learn from history, and is a great advisory asset in helping to avoid past mistakes.
Itachi: Canon = none / Non-massacre Au = 2 children. Son (omega), daughter (beta). 
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Has a son shortly after you get married. 
Itachi is a family man through and through and can’t wait to retire from being a ninja (which he hates) to being able to raise his children full time. 
The day Itachi gets moved from the active list to the reserves list after he becomes pregnant is one of the happiest days of his life. 
His son is very responsible and serious. 
He likes to follow Itachi around and help him clean and cook and run errands. He always tidies up his toys and keeps his room clean, and he almost always behaves respectfully and sensibly. 
Itachi never forces him to do too much though, he wants his son to have a fun childhood like he never had. 
Itachi is over the moon when his son shows an interest in calligraphy, happy that his son is picking up a healthy hobby. 
He buys him all the supplies and gets him a teacher if he wants one. It warms Itachi’s heart to see his son interested in something other than chores for once. 
Despite the pressure from the clan for his children to attend the academy, Itachi puts his foot down for one of the first times in his life, saying that his children will only become ninja if they want to. 
His son does in fact want to attend the academy. 
Itachi kind of wishes he didn’t. 
Itachi’s son shows a huge proficiency for fuinjutsu, his calligraphy skills coming in handy. Seeing as the skill is so rare, he becomes one of the leading experts in Konoha. 
Itachi is very supportive and lowkey glad that his son is so powerful and can defend himself. Itachi is also very glad that his son can continue with his fuuinjustsu passion long after he retires from being an active ninja. 
Itachi hopes that safety net (producing seals for other ninjas and continuing to earn money from his hobby) will mean his son can retire whenever he wants and not have to worry. Rather than becoming stuck in the shinobi lifestyle.
Itachi’s daughter is born five years after his son, an age gap that was larger than he would have liked, but he had a pretty traumatic birth the first time around and he needed to give his body some time to recover.
Itachi puts a lot of emphasis on a loving relationship between his children, and his daughter adores her older brother so much! She follows him around and tries to copy him all the time, and he help her with homework and plays with her. 
It makes Itachi very, very happy to see them bond. 
Itachi’s daughter is a beta and has everyone wrapped around her finger from the moment she is born. 
She’s charming, well spoken, and polite but with a very sarcastic personality. 
She has a very similar sense of humour to Itachi actually. A sort of under the breath commentary style. Goodness help anyone who finds themselves opposing Itachi and his daughter. 
Academy teachers get put in their place so fast when they join forces, the teachers don’t even know what happened. 
As Itachi’s daughter joins the academy, she follows after her uncle and develops fangirls and fanboys… She’s very popular. Very popular. 
And she loves it. 
Itachi is not as fond. 
He is not above staring coldly at children for badgering his beloved daughter. 
When she grows up, she works as a ninja, favouring a more jack of all trades kind of style. She likes to learn a little bit of everything. 
She’s the same way with relationships too. She never gets married or mated, preferring casual relationships and has no interest in children, she lives her life doing whatever she wants with whoever she wants. 
Itachi is very proud of her, and secretly very amused when his clan constantly tries and fails to control her.
Shikamaru: 1 child – daughter (alpha)
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Shikamaru has a child at about 25, and he knew from the get-go that he was a one and done kind of guy.
He’s not a fan at all of the infant stage and does not want to do it more than once. 
The Nara clan have a very high proportion of alphas, so Shikamaru kinda expected his child to be one. And lo and behold she was. 
His daughter is the spitting image of him in every way. She is the most mellow alpha ever. So much so that most people assume she’s a beta, and she doesn’t really care enough to correct them about it. 
She is also very close to her grandparents, who dote on her and spoil her as much as they can. 
She excels at school in the same way her father did before her, retaining average marks despite being miles ahead of most of her peers.
Shikamaru teaches her how to play shogi and all about the beauty of napping. She takes to them both like a duck to water. She is so much like Shikamaru that everyone comments on it constantly. 
Although, while she loves a good cloud gazing session with her father, she actually takes to creative writing as her favourite hobby. She uses a pseudonym to avoid attention, but she ends up writing a series of books that becomes one of the most popular book series in the shinobi nations. 
Shikamaru is so insanely proud that his daughter can have both a successful ninja career and a successful hobby/side career. He brags to anyone who knows her pseudonym constantly, including you and his parents. 
He also keeps a set of first edition, signed copies of all her books. He reads them when she’s away on long missions sometimes, as a way of feeling closer to her.
Shikamaru and his daughter remain incredibly close all their lives.
Shino: 1 child – daughter (omega)
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Shino had a child slightly later than most of his friends, at around 34. 
Shino’s daughter is a very curious child! She’s quiet and withdrawn around strangers but very talkative with her family and close friends.
Her favourite place to be is on Shino’s lap. And when around strangers, she always hides behind him, or buries her face into his shoulder. 
Shino loves to spend time with his daughter outside. He teaches her all about insects and plants, leading her around the woods after when she can still barely walk. 
Shibi does the same with her, and those two are very close. 
Shino is fiercely protective of his daughter, and never forces her into doing things she isn’t comfortable with. He defends her right to be quiet and clingy, and it takes some convincing to get him to understand that she needs to make friends outside of her immediate family. 
When she cries for anything, Shino gives in straight away, as long as she isn’t wanting to do anything extremely dangerous. Because of this, she develops quite the sweet tooth, having had as many cookies as she wanted as a child. 
Shino’s daughter ends up teaching at the academy as a career chunin, because despite being shy around adults, she is fantastic with children, very patient and understanding. 
Shino is very happy with her choices, because he was a little worried that she would end up scarred from a shinobi career, and he hates any situation in which he can’t protect her. 
She has her own children pretty young, and Shino is just a good a grandfather as he is a father.
Neji: 2 children – adopted daughter (beta), adopted son (alpha)
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Neji is about 30 when he decides he wants to try to have a baby. 
And he’s 32 when he finally comes to terms with the fact that he isn’t going to be able to conceive naturally because of the suppressant abuse he endured as a child. 
Then, tragically, one of the branch members of his clan dies giving birth. Her mate can’t handle the stress and dies shortly afterwards, leaving their two-year-old daughter and newborn son behind. 
Dying after a mate dies is not super uncommon but is much rarer in the cases where children are involved, so this exact situation doesn’t happen very often. 
His heart breaks for them and he is close to begging you to adopt them with him. 
And soon enough you have two children, siblings, and both Hyuugas like Neji. 
You would never forget Neji’s face when he held his children for the first time. He would never let them be branded with the seal that has impacted his life so much. He would sooner run away from the clan forever.
Neji’s daughter takes a little while to adjust to her new parents, still distraught and grieving over the loss of her previous parents. 
Neji understands and gets her a therapist, but he finds it difficult to watch his child suffer. 
The first time she crawled into bed with you and Neji after a nightmare, Neji cried because she was finally starting to trust you both. 
Neji’s daughter is a beta and when she recovers from her childhood trauma, she shows her true colours as a limelight lover! 
She loves acting and dancing and singing whenever and wherever she can. She plans little plays for you and Neji, sitting you down to perform them for you every weekend. Neji is very proud! 
But he doesn’t really know what to do when his daughter says she doesn’t want to be a ninja. 
He loves and supports her, of course, but he’s thrown off, not really expecting it. 
Eventually, he agrees to send her to a civilian school, and she immediately flourishes there, making so many friends, even starting a little after school performance style club. 
Neji is so incredibly proud when she makes it as a famous actress. He lowkey brags constantly to his friends. 
“Oh, your child just got promoted to chunin? How lovely. My daughter made more money this year than any chunin will see in their life…” Sips tea. 
Neji’s daughter is so glamourous and outgoing and famous, but she never forgets her family, and loves to spoil you, Neji and her younger brother with her money.
Neji’s son doesn’t remember his biological parents and fits into your family seamlessly from day one. As far as he’s concerned, you and Neji are his only parents. 
Just like his older sister, this boy is very extroverted, but rather than singing all the time, he talks. He’s the chattiest person you could ever meet. 
Introverted Neji isn’t 100% sure about how to parent such extroverted children, he just doesn’t understand that they don’t enjoy too much solitary activity time. 
He’s feels a lot better if you’re an extrovert, that way, he can have some alone time to recharge while you handle the children. 
If you’re also an introvert… well, let’s hope Hinata was serious about her babysitting offer. 
Neji’s son talks to everyone as I already mentioned, and adults think he is the cutest thing ever. 
As he grows up, he always helps old people carry their shopping, he helps lost children find their parents, he is basically the alpha every parent dreams of their omega child bringing home. 
He’s very charming and Neji is a lot less surprised when his son says he doesn’t want to be a ninja. 
Eventually ends up working in the orphanage. 
The children adore him so, so much, and he loves his job dearly. 
Neji brags about him too. 
“Wow, your child got top marks in the academy? My child was hand-making birthday gifts for some children at the orphanage when he was 11. He decided to do it all by himself…” sips more tea. 
Whenever she’s in Konoha, his older sister turns up and gives all the kids at the orphanage gifts. She’s like a fun, rich aunt for all of them. 
Neither of Neji’s children have children of their own, as they find their respective careers to be the most fulfilling thing for them.
Neji is a very proud father and is happy when his children are happy.
Iruka: None, or 2 children (he’s happy with either) – adopted son (omega), adopted daughter (omega)
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Iruka would be happy with no children because he’s so dedicated to his work and his students, but he also adores children and wouldn’t mind having some of his own. This is an au in which he decides to have children. 
He adopts his son at age 27, pretty soon after the war, choosing to adopt an older child who has less of a chance of being adopted. 
A six-year-old omega with a bright smile and loud laugh, Iruka is immediately taken with him. The war had left many orphans, and it was hard on Iruka to walk around the orphanage, knowing he couldn’t adopt them all. 
Iruka throws as much love as he can as his new son, taking time off work to bond with him properly, making sure to scent him loads and get him used to his new family environment. 
Iruka is thrilled when his son shows a knack for pranks.
He plays the disapproving parent in public, but honestly, he loves it, as long as things don’t go too far. 
Iruka’s son is a very kind-hearted person, if a little rambunctious, and he also has a huge nesting instinct. 
You knew he was an omega when you adopted him, but it was very clear, nonetheless. He has a permanent nest in his room that he likes to chill in with his friends when they come over (he’s very popular with the other kids in his class.). 
When he gets a little older, he goes to the academy, walking to and from every day with Iruka, and develops a passion for medicine when he’s a genin. 
He has great chakra control and eventually ends up working full time at the hospital as an adult. 
He chose a similar path to Iruka, in that he works as a ninja but is primarily based in the village, rarely leaving on missions. 
He makes sure to come home for dinner at least once a week after he’s moved out, no matter how busy the hospital gets. 
Iruka is so proud that his son is so talented and selfless, that sometimes it makes him tear up. 
Iruka knows that he doesn’t want just one child. 
When his parents died, he was all alone and it was horrible for him, so he knows he wants to have two children, so that when you and him die, they’re not alone. 
Iruka is very ready to adopt again about two years after he adopted his son. 
Iruka found the adoption process so rewarding that he wants to do it again over having a biological child. 
He adopts a little girl this time, five years old and also an omega. When Iruka was meeting the children, this girl brought him a paper flower that she had folded as a gift and his heart just melted right then and there. 
She fits in perfectly to your family, your son adored her immediately! 
With three omegas living in your house now, you were very much outnumbered. It was a common occurrence to find yourself missing all your warm clothes, them having been borrowed and buried inside one of the three nests (minimum) nests in your house. 
Iruka’s daughter is a gentle soul, but she is also strong. She appears like an easy target because she is soft spoken and reserved but she has a strong sense of justice and always stands up for herself and others. 
When she’s young, she likes the idea of going into medicine like her older brother as she admires and looks up to him, but she doesn’t like the realities of the job very much. 
She’s great at chakra control, but the idea of wrangling disobedient, injured shinobi doesn’t appeal to her. 
Until one day, on her way home from a friend’s house, she finds an injured stray dog. She brings it home and begs you and Iruka to keep him. So, your family of four turns into a family of five, and she becomes obsessed with veterinary medicine. 
As an adult, she ends up working at the veterinary clinic in the Inuzuka compound. She is committed to helping as many animals as she can, with a particular soft spot for dogs. 
She also joins the rest of her family for dinners at least once a week. Iruka is so overwhelmingly proud that he has two medic children, because he knows how talented you have to be to do that. 
He is also very happy that both his children stay mostly within the village. The war made Iruka a little paranoid, and he doesn’t worry so much when his children are safe within the village walls.
Gaara: 2 children – daughter (alpha), son (alpha)
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Gaara has his children the youngest out of everyone his age that he knows. He had his daughter when he had just turned 21, and his son five years later when he was 26. 
His daughter is Gaara’s sweetheart. 
He adores her so much and spends as much time as he can with her. He is so gentle with her and loving all the time. 
Gaara’s daughter is very energetic and playful, but also quite sensitive. 
She loves positive attention, loves to play with everyone who will engage with her. 
She’s a very family-oriented person and loves spending time with Kankuro and Temari when you and Gaara are busy. 
However, because you, Gaara, Temari and Kankuro always treated her so gently, she was quite sensitive to people being angry or shouting at her. 
Once, her teacher at school shouted at her for talking in class and she ran straight to the Kazekage’s office crying. Gaara was furious. He hates when his children cry, so much. He let her stay with him for the rest of the day to calm her down, sending you a message to let you know he was looking after her. 
Gaara’s daughter visited him constantly, often bringing little lunchboxes of food for him, learning to new recipes constantly. 
Trying to surprise him, she develops a great skill in cooking. 
She decides, in the end, not to follow the shinobi route. She opens her own restaurant in Suna, charming customers with her amazing hostess skills and phenomenal cooking. 
She allows all her family to eat for free, but they all pay anyway, because they love to support her. Gaara, especially, always leaves a huge tip for her and her staff.
Gaara’s son is born five years after his daughter, another alpha, leaving Gaara very outnumbered, with both his siblings, his mate and his children all being alphas. 
Gaara’s son is very quiet and tactile. 
He loves cuddles and hugs but doesn’t speak very much. 
He enjoys spending time with Gaara in Gaara’s nest, despite not having nesting instincts of his own. 
Gaara’s son is very close to you and Gaara. He always tells you when something is bothering him, and although he doesn’t speak much, he chooses his words carefully and they always mean something.
He actually excels at shinobi school, both in academics and in sparring, and moves up the ranks quickly. He spends a lot of time training with Kankuro and gets into puppetry. 
Even when he becomes a jounin, he spends time with Gaara in his nest, still loving physical affection. 
Gaara enjoys hosting family gatherings for everyone, his daughter cooks loads of dishes for it, his son makes sure to take time off missions to attend, and sometimes Temari drags Shikamaru to Suna as well to join them all. 
Gaara smiles more often than not now, feeling so proud of the life he crafted for himself, and the family he worked hard to create.
(Phew! That was a lot! I hope you enjoyed, let me know what you thought and send me your own headcanons!!! <3)
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theglitterypages · 3 years
#49, #33 and #51 with canonverse!Levi
From prompts 33, 49 and 51.
Prompts List
Levi Masterlist
Title: When Jealousy Kicks In
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Pairings: Levi x fem! reader
Summary: Levi is secretly an insecure man, especially when it comes to being a lover, that's why when the two of you started seeing each other he chose to keep the relationship private. He's totally afraid of how people around the two of you would react because deep down inside him he feels like he doesn't deserve you. He's having problems in expressing his feelings but he's trying his best to be the best version of himself for his lover but seeing how other cadets or officers flirt with you he couldn't help but be jealous.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2000+
NOTE: Sorry if it took me so long to respond, I'm a bit busy in school :< hope you'll like this one.
Levi was quietly standing as he observes you interact with the cadets, your face is stern as you command them.
Levi could clearly see how the Cadets gets distracted whenever you walk past them, he couldn't help but draw in a deep breath, you seem oblivious of how the men in the Scouts sees you. However, every single stare doesn't escape from his sight, the way those ears get red every time you'll approach them and tell them to fix their postures, the way the cadets gets flushed whenever you smile when you see that they're doing a good job in their training.
Levi knows what they feel because he feels the same, despite of being unable to express his feelings for you openly because he chose to keep the relationship private, he still find a way to watch your every move whenever he has the chance.
He already memorized the meaning of those little gestures, you'll tuck some strands of your hair behind your ear with a pout to keep yourself calm and your brows would met whenever you see the cadets slacking off.
He knows you'll bite your lip because you're getting bored and he knows why you're tapping your fingers on the side of your legs whenever you're organizing your paper works.
Levi is shocked of himself, he's surprised of how he was able to memorize those small details but despite of the fact that he knows you too well, he's envious of how other men can openly express their admiration towards you.
He couldn't do that, aside from the fact that he's kind of shy, he never experienced this before and the only time he was able to feel the feeling of being loved, was when his mother was still around.
It's been years of coldness not until you came in his life.
“Captain? Commander Erwin is looking for you.” says Eren.
Levi snapped out of his thoughts and stood up, he gave a nod to the teen before heading to Erwin's office.
“We'll be waiting for Hanji and Captain YN before we proceed.”
Levi lazily sat down on the chair and waited for you, he purposely dragged a chair beside him so he could give you a sign to sit down beside him, hoping he could hold your hand secretly under the table.
When you finally came with Hanji, your eye immediately settled on his gray ones and you let out a small smile after seeing him took a glance on the chair placed on his left, you knew what he wants so you walked towards him and sat on the chair he saved for you.
“Thanks.” you whispered quietly before giving his thigh a gentle tap under the table, Levi hid his smile by looking down on his lap and clearing his throat, Erwin looked at your direction but later on proceeded to his agenda.
“According to Hanji, the experiments that she's been conducting is going well so far. If this would go on we can proceed to our original plan.”
You listened to Erwin's plan, even if you already heard about it. You're just preparing yourself to give some suggestions in case you hear anything that appears to be risky.
But who are you kidding? If it's Erwin everything is risky, you've been working for him for so long yet there are still times where you're left in the dark, not that you mind it but sometimes it pisses you off whenever something changes without you knowing.
Levi on the other hand is getting bored, aside from the fact that he's sleep deprived, Erwin is talking for so long, he actually think that Erwin would've been a priest if he didn't became a commander.
Maybe he will be one once he retired.
To fight the urge of falling asleep, he looked at you in his peripheral vision, he loves how your slightly pouting your lips as you concentrate to Erwin's never ending story telling.
His eyes then traveled down to your lap where you're tapping your fingers in a rhytm he doesn't know about, a small smile made its way across his lips and he looked up to see if everyone is busy listening to Erwin and when he saw that everyone's eyes are on Erwin, he slowly set his hands on top of yours, gently intertwining your fingers.
You were taken aback but when you looked at Levi his eyes was already on Erwin, you'll jusy pretened that you didn't see those blush in his cheeks.
It is not usual for Levi to do something like this but your boyfriend is unpredictable in terms of physical contacts and you don't want him to be more awkward if you would react dramatically.
When the night came, Levi was almost done in his paper works but he chose to stop working and decided that he'll just do it all tomorrow, just like what he was always doing every night, he secretly made his way to your room and knock for four times.
It is a secret code, you'll know that it's Levi depending on how many knocks you've heard and at that night you were about to sleep because you thought he wouldn't sleep beside you so you were surprised to hear him knock on your door.
When you opened your door, you were greeted by his tired eyes, you immediately reached for his hand and you dragged him inside before closing the door quietly.
You pulled him towards the bed and he sat with a sigh, “Is it fine if I'll sleep here?” you chuckled and nod your head before pressing a kiss on the tip of Levi's nose.
When the two of you decided to lay down on the bed, Levi kept you close in his chest as he caress your hair with his eyes closed.
You couldn't help but be suspicious of his actions, there's something wrong and you can feel it, he's holding you so tight but not enough to hurt you but it is enough to tell you that Levi is in need of some sort of reassurance from you but you have no idea what kind of reassurance it is that he needs.
“Lev, do we have a problem?”
“Brat, what are you talking about?”
“Something's bothering you, I can feel it.” you slowly pushed him away from you, looking up at him with a worried look on your face, “I'm just tired and I need you, is that a problem?” he asked you softly, you froze as you looked in his eyes, trying to see if he's lying.
“I have no clue of what’s bothering you, so can you at least give me a hint?”
“I just...I want you close to me because I need rest.”
“Fine.” you sighed, you hugged him sideways and let your head rest in his broad chest as he hums. “I love you.” he kissed the top of your head and you hugged him tighter with a smile plastered on your lips, “I love you too, Levi.” you responded.
You were the first one to wake up and when you are greeted by Levi's peaceful sleeping figure, you've decided to leave him so he could sleep more.
You knew how Levi couldn't sleep the way other people sleep, his mind is actually much active at night and the responsibility that he bears is also not helping.
That's why you carefully get dressed and when you're done you carefully kissed him in his forehead before walking out of the room.
But the moment you closed the door, you realized that some may see Levi going out of your room and once that happens, everyone will find out that the two of you are seeing each other.
You agreed to keep the relationship secret to avoid interference of other people in your relationship, you were about to go back to your room to wake up Levi but Hanji suddenly appeared, waving at you with a playful smile on her face.
“Oi, Captain. The Cadets are out, except the new Levi squad of course but the whole building is ours.” She laughed loudly and you got worried that Levi might wake up and see what's going on so you immediately drag Hanji away from your room.
“We should prepare for breakfast!” you told her nervously, Hanji frowned at you for a moment but she later on smiled, she loves the food you cook so she really want to see you prepare breakfast, thank goodness she didn't notice your awkwardness.
“Captain L/N, Captain Levi is asking for your presence.” Armin walked towards you with a smile, you pat the blonde teen's head and proceeded to make your way to Levi's office.
You don't have to knock on his office, Levi wouldn't mind it at all.
When you opened the door of his office, his eyes immediately shot upwards and he met your gaze, a small smirk formed in the corner of his lips and you frowned as you sat at the chair across his before leaning forward to give him a quick kiss on his lips.
“So? What’s so urgent that you had to call me so early in the morning?” you teased.
“I just wanted to see you again.”
You were the one frozen in your seat at how natural those words escaped from his lips, Levi smiled at you and his eyes went back to his paper works.
“And it's not early, you didn't wake me up before you go.”
You pouted and reached out for his face, you caged his face inside your hands and slightly pinch both his cheeks.
“Sorry, you look so peaceful earlier and I knew that you're so tired Lev.”
Levi's expression softened as he look at you, he didn't mind sleeping for a long time if it's your order but he's disappointed that he didn't get to see you first thing in the morning, he slowly took your hands off his face, he placed the files on top of his table on the right side before he looked at you.
“Sit on my lap.”
You stood up to comply to his orders and when you've got to sit on his lap, he kept you close to his chest, his hands caressing every parts of your body that he could reach.
As much as you love the attention and the way he's doing it, you realized that Levi is extra sweet and more clingy than usual. You looked up at the raven haired man with your brows furrowed, your hands rested on his chest.
“Did you do anything wrong, Levi? Is there anything you wanna tell me?”
"What is it? I swear Levi Acker—”
“I love you.”
It's official, your heart has died because of too much affection and love from your man.
You blinked for a few times before slapping his chest, "I love you too but I know that something is wrong, so please can you tell me? We promised not to keep secrets right?” Levi looked down at you and you see how different emotions flashed through his gray eyes.
Levi was amazed of how well you knew him, sometimes it really feels like you can read his mind and as silly as it sounds, he kinda believes that it is because you're destined for him.
“I just want to be better for you. I want to be a good lover.”
“Ahuh? You're not my Levi, bring back my Levi you imposter!”
“What do you mean?" He asked softly.
You gasped and stood up from his lap, while pointing your finger at him. “You—You've changed.” you told him.
Levi looked down on his lap, specifically on his hands placed on top of his lap as he recalled how you were talking with the married scouts while feeding the horses.
“Ralph, how's your lovely wife?” you asked as you gently pet the horse in front of you.
“Still a happy wife, Cap. I spent the week off on our house, just the two of us catching up.”
You nodded knowingly and proceeded to feed the horse, when you were done you looked back at Ralph and pat him in his back proudly.
“That's a real man, never forget to give love and affection to your wives my dear comrades. That's the key to a happy marriage.”
“How about you, Captain? You're still not saying yes to one of your suitors? You probably have high standards don't you?”
A chuckle escaped from your lips, of course they had no idea that you're already seeing Levi but you decided to share something about yourself. “I don't ask for much, I just need someone who would take care of me, someone to talk to and a lover who's also a great companion.”you proudly stated, the soldiers around you nodded in agreement and clapped their hands.
“There are many men on the queue, Captain.”
“I'm not the man that you want that's why I'm trying to—”
You had to cut him off by kissing his lips, Levi's eyes widened but he wrapped his arms around your waist and pull you to his lap, you ran your hands through his raven hair before pulling away with a smile. “I was describing you, Lev. Before you became my lover you were my companion and till now you never fail to take care of me. Don't overthink because I love you.” you looked in his eyes and you saw how it glistened.
“I realized how I could be cold most of the time and I want to...I want to change myself so I could be deserving for your love.”
“You've always been deserving and I don't want you to change because I love you as you but I want to ask a favor.”
Levi held your hand and kissed the back of it before looking straight into your eyes as he waits for the next thing you would say. “Spill it.” he whispered.
“Just keep me close and don't let me go.”
“You don't have to tell me that.” he smirked before leaning forward to press his lips against yours, his hands went back to your hips, pressing you against him as he let out a sound you never heard from him before.
You raked your hands through his hair as you gasped after you felt him bite your lower lip, he took it as an opportunity and dart his tongue forward, exploring the territory that still feels new despite of the fact that he's already explored the insides of your mouth a lot of times already.
It was time to pull away for both of you to breathe and Levi's chest rose and fell while a smile is written all over his face.
“Marry me.”
Your mouth gaped open in surprise as you feel tears started forming at the corner of your eyes. “I would love to but why is it so..sudden? You're scaring me.” a low chuckle escaped from his lips and he licked his lower lip as he look at you.
His eyes was just like the night where he confessed to you, just like the time where you first kissed him on his lips.
“I can't see you with any other man, I would die once that happens and I wouldn't want any other woman to bear my child. I love you, I love you so much so marry me? I can give you time to think about it.”
“I wouldn't want anyone else to be my husband Levi.”
Levi smiled as he pulled you close to his chest he hummed happily as he caress your back, “In the middle of my endless battle and nightmares I find my peace by your side. Despite of the fact that I'm used to cold I still seek for your warmth.” Levi has always been a man who's not afraid to face his everyday alone, he had nothing to lose—once had nothing to lose but ever since you came into his life, he found himself coming back to you to feel your warmth, to remind himself why he has to fight, he keeps on coming back to you to find peace.
In the world full of chaos, he found his peace and it is you all along. He looked down at your hands Intertwined in his and he couldn't help but smile of how your hands fits in his as if it was made for him. As a smile made its way into his lips he showered kisses on the top of your head and you giggled.
Levi frowned as he playfully poked your sides. “Don't you laugh at me brat. I just want to make sure that you know how I feel.” you slowly moved away from him and smirked as an idea popped inside your head.
You really have to avoid a deeper conversation because you might end up crying, the words he said are too powerful to ignore but maybe you'll cry about it when you're alone.
“Believe me, I do. Bring back my grumpy Levi, now. I miss his insults.”
“I don't want to. You'll end up sulking asking me to break up with you.”
“I'm not marrying you anymore.”
“See? I didn't even start.”
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emotionallyits2009 · 4 years
deancas fic rec list!
hello everyone! happy christmas to those who celebrate it, my gift to you is my fic rec list that i said i would make like a month ago. the only thing it is organized by is canonverse vs alternate universe. tried to cover a variety of subjects but there are in particular many fics of the genre “postcanon where cas is human and he and dean live together and slowly finally get their shit together” because i know what i’m about, son. HOPE U ENJOY. and if you wanna talk about any of them or rec me other fics please do. :) 
where the weeds take root by deathbanjo, 30k, explicit “Are you happy? Y’know. Just—being here,” Dean says, gesturing to the yard with his beer bottle. “Being with—I mean, you used to fight in celestial wars and—and save the world. Now you’re growing vegetables and talking about chickens.” There are many fics set in a post-canon universe where Cas is human and he and Dean live together and slowly fall into a relationship. Imo this one is the best of the best of that genre. This was one of the first fics I read back in July when I was getting Back Into Supernatural where I was like oh fuck I’m like in this. Dean builds Cas planters and bookshelves and a chicken coop and they fight and work through it.
Cuckoo And Nest by komodobits, 10k, explicit For a long time, Castiel thought that every earthly possession other than the immediately necessary was excess to requirement. But Dean – Dean who named his car, who keeps a photograph of his mother in his wallet, some thirty-plus years after her death, who still has the crumpled ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign with a sleeping pelican emblazoned on it from the Microtel outside of Roanoke where he first kissed Castiel, clumsy and unsure, under the unsteady fluorescence of an exhausted bathroom bulb – is sentimental. It puzzles Castiel, where Dean draws the line between what is meaningful and what it is worthless. Really Gets the dynamic of Cas doesn’t think Dean wants him to stay/Dean thinks Cas will leave the first chance he gets. Also a nice example of Cas thinking he’s not wanted if he’s not useful/powerful and being told otherwise. Another all-time fave!
lonely hearts by outphastthemoat, 4.5k, gen He thinks he might give up having his own anything just to be able to step foot inside the room next door and sit on the edge of Dean’s bed instead. This one is for the CAS GIRLS who know what LONELINESS feels like.
Helionneiros by aeli_kindara, 24.2k, mature In which Dean visits his mother, and Claire takes Cas on a hunt. I’m always on the lookout for more fic with Claire and Jack. Jack doesn’t show up until the end here but the relationship between Cas and Claire is really nice.
Crawl by aeriallon, 11k, explicit It’s been almost four years since Castiel left Kansas; he'd eventually settled in an island town where he has a job, a house, and a life without the Winchesters. Every winter, Dean drives down to the coast to see him. Another fic where Cas is human but in this one he took some time for himself and got some distance from the Winchesters! He gets to be competent and weird as a human and we love that for him. I must warn you all that this fic contains one use of the phrase “making love” which would normally put me right off but it’s still worth reading. The first of a three-part series.
home where you hold me by microcomets, 1.6k, gen Cas and Dean, in the moments between their battles, ache for quiet spaces. Technically this is a coda to 10x20 but you don’t need the episode for context. Short and very sweet.
Build a Home by domesticadventures, 20.1k, teen After they save the world, Dean expects Cas to come back to the bunker with them. He doesn’t. This one is so cute it’s like what if once they were done saving the world Sam and Dean actually invited other hunters to move into the bunker with them. Obviously Dean wants that to include Cas but doesn’t know how to use his words.
the taste of gravel in the mouth by deathbanjo, 22.4k, explicit This is what Cas gave up Heaven for: greasy diner food, shitty motel rooms with even shittier cable, long car rides spent in complete silence except for the same six tapes playing over and over again, and a burnt-out husk of a man who can barely hold a conversation anymore. Angst fic! They go on a road trip and Dean is severely fucked up post-Mark of Cain.
Unknown Quantities by xylodemon, 8.6k, explicit No one ever tells Dean anything. Another nice getting-together fic.
Creature of Habit by trinityofone, 5.2k, teen The more you love someone, the more you want to kill them. Or: How Cas developed some bad habits, and Dean coped surprisingly well. This one is ancient by destiel standards (written during season 5) but it manages to nail the married couple vibes they give off in later seasons. Cas is a bitch and Dean likes him so much. <3
The (Mostly Accidental) Courtship of Dean Winchester by Tuesday, 11.2k, mature Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this. Another old one that is a lot of fun! They get Accidental Angel Married and if you don’t enjoy dumb fanfiction tropes like that I don’t know what to say to you.
Vena Amoris and Other Old-Fashioned Bullshit by pyrebi, 4k, teen In which angelic marriage bonds are apparently stupidly easy to trigger, Cas wages multidimensional war in Heaven, Dean can't catch a break like ever, Sam rather enjoys being a dick, love saves the day, and nobody consummates anything. The OTHER accidental angel marriage fic written in 2010. 
Crazy Diamonds by pantheon_of_discord, 24.8k, explicit A week ago, Dean was pulled out of Hell. Now, he’s apparently woken up in 2018, and the angel that a mere twenty-four hours beforehand had threatened to chuck him back into the pit is sleepily pouring himself coffee and wearing Dean’s second-favourite Zeppelin shirt. It all seems like a perfect happy ending, but with Hell’s scars still so fresh, Dean can’t imagine how he could have possibly gotten there. At the same time, the Dean who went to sleep in the bunker, right next to Cas, wakes up on Bobby’s couch in 2008. He’s instantly bombarded with questions by a Lilith-obsessed brother and a man who’s been dead for years, and must decide between keeping his finally-perfect life intact, and the lives he could save by re-writing history. Regardless of these choices, both Deans are trapped in the wrong decade, and their only way back lies with a Castiel still very much under Heaven’s thumb – one who might find the future Dean describes difficult to believe. Time travel is FUN. There’s an excellent part where (minor spoilers) future!Dean is like, “Guess what, asshole? You like me so much you marry me!!!!!!!!!!!” to 2008!Castiel that made me laugh out loud the first time I read it. Also just a good reminder of how most problems in life are temporary and if you could go back in time to talk to your younger self you’d be like, “Hey man. Chill out. You get through it.”
The Path of Fireflies by museaway, 63.7k, mature After his humanity is restored, Dean wakes up in bed with Castiel, a wedding ring, and no memory of the past twelve years. There’s a lot of amnesia fic and djinn fic out there were Dean wakes up ~suddenly together with Cas~ but I like this one in particular because he’s initially very confused and kind of a dick about it until he acknowledges that being with Cas makes him happy.
take the long way home by dothraki_shieldmaiden, 95k, explicit Three months ago, when Dean decided to retire, he thought his life was going to end up differently. He'd thought that he might get to have it all, Sam, Cas, Jack, and nice little place to live. Instead he gets Sam and Jack off on their Summer of Love Tour, radio silence from Cas, and a never-ending road trip consisting of himself. Still reeling from the loss of his grace, Castiel travels the country in search of hunts. Driven by a need to prove his usefulness, he pushes himself beyond all limits of endurance. Together, with the help of a few friends, a crumbling Victorian house, and a stray cat, Dean and Castiel patch themselves back together and create a home together. Do you wanna read almost one hundred thousand words of Dean and Cas having extremely intense feelings but refusing to voice them aloud? Haha of course you do that’s why you’re here. There’s also a lot about Cas adjusting to being human and being depressed about it which might resonate if you’ve ever felt weird about having a body. To be honest the author could stand to use a few more commas but there were also half a dozen moments that made me put my phone down and drag my hand slowly over my face and whisper “oh my god” to myself which is like, the ultimate measure of a good fanfiction so it gets to be on the list.
like moses and batman and james dean by saltyfeathers, 31.6k, explicit dean used to turn tricks. over a decade later, he met cas. Have you seen the fanon (apparently pioneered by Mr. Jackles “Original Deankin” Ackles himself) that Dean used to prostitute himself to feed himself and Sam when they were younger? Are you interested in exploring that concept in fanfiction? Well, this is the only fic you need. Mind the tags on this one! It’s not what I’d call happy but it’s good.
Some Assembly Required by narrow_staircases, 47k, mature It’s September of 2005, and Dean Winchester, in an attempt to outrun old mistakes and painful memories, finds himself in southern Kentucky on a wild goose chase. He’s completely certain this weird religious movement he’s “investigating” is a hoax, despite the miraculous healings people report, and he’ll be back on the road in a day or two. Things are looking up when he meets Cas, an awkward (and gorgeous) graduate student who’s actually doing honest-to-god research into the local tent revival meetings. When that research takes a weird and personal turn, Dean’s left to face two very serious realities: one, this may be a real case after all, and two, he’s fallen way harder for Cas than he should ever have let himself. Stanford-era AU of Dean trying to avoid his father and getting in over his head on a case.
Alternate universe:
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets, 57k, mature Only a very few people in the world know that the celebrated and reclusive poet Jack Allen is just Kansas mechanic Dean Winchester, a high school dropout with a few bucks to his name. Not that it matters anymore; life has left him so wrung out he never wants to pick up another pen. Until, that is, a string of coincidences leads Dean to auditing a poetry course with one Dr. Castiel Novak. The  professor is wildly intelligent, devastatingly handsome...and just so happens to be academia's foremost expert on the poetry of Jack Allen. Mundane AUs in this fandom have to be really, really good to catch my attention and this one is! It’s exactly what it says in the summary and the characterization is spot-on. 
Out to Drift by deathbanjo, 20.9k, mature Dean drives a black car with a loud engine. He lies too easily. He keeps a gun in the back of his jeans, and Castiel isn’t sure, but he wouldn’t be surprised if Dean has killed someone before. Two people in fucked-up unstable situations meeting and forming a connection. Honestly guys I really just love deathbanjo.
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Found - Rudy, Mason, and Clyde
The end! Of the arc! Whooo this has been fun! Thanks to all who read. (i'm not down with them as oc's but this arc is over.)
TW: whumper as caretaker, stressed whumper/caretaker, distant whumper/caretaker, drugging tw, implied changing of clothes, implied bathing,
[Masterlist] [Stalker Arc Tag]
Mason was sitting at his desk, vigorously typing an email to the support of every social media platform he could. They weren’t giving him anything, even though he knew that they had the information. They must - companies are always doing shit like that. Tracking. Monitoring. They knew who this creep was and they were protecting them.
At this point, he was ready to get his lawyer involved if he got yet another generic-reply email.
Clyde was curled under his desk. He hadn’t done that in years, not since he was new and very attached to his new Master. Mason trained it out of him a while ago, but something about the familiar place was safe for him right now. So, Mason allowed it.
His phone rang and he reached for it automatically. There had been a lot of calls over the last couple days, and he was nearly fed up with them.
“Hello, is this Mason Driver?”
He took a deep breath and massaged the bridge of his nose. “It is, who is speaking?”
“Hi this is Amber from the Lakefield Pet Shelter? We have your pet here-”
Mason stood quickly, accidentally kicking Clyde in the process. “Ah, fuck, sorry bud. Is he okay? Who brought him in? Is he hurt? Where is Lakefield I want to come pick him up-”
“Sir, sir, please slow down. He’s okay, he’s got a sprained ankle and is a little roughed up in general, but he’s okay. You can come pick him up at any time, someone from the local department already came and spoke to him.”
A strange sense of anger swelled in him for a moment that someone questioned his pet without him there, but he shoved it away quickly. Other things to focus on, other things he had to do. The woman was still talking but Mason was distracted looking for his keys.
“Can I pick him up tonight? Now?”
There was a small pause. “Yes, Mr. Driver, you can come get him tonight.” After a couple other bits of information, Mason left the house to go get his pet.
Clyde crawled out from under the desk, rubbing his sore hand, a bit confused but hopeful he was understanding half the conversation correctly.
The first thing Mason felt when he saw Rudy hobble out to meet him was relief. Relief that he was back, he was safe, that he was here. Then it was anger. Anger and resentment at the brace around the boy’s ankle, the wraps around his wrists and neck, the bandaids on his face. He had to force his face to remain happy and neutral when he saw the bruise on Rudy’s temple.
“Master!” he cried, nearly falling into the kneeling man’s arms. Mason held him close, arms wrapped around.
“Rudy, thank fucking god you’re okay. I was so worried, oh my god. When I find out who took you I’m gonna-”
“Y-you, you know him, Master,” came Rudy’s muffled voice and Mason pulled him away, held tight by his shoulders.
“What?! Who, who the hell would do that? Someone that I know?”
“It was C-Casey, Master.”
Mason’s face grew grave, clenching his teeth. He should have fucking known. Of course, of fucking course Casey would pull some shit like this. Obviously Mason had called out of work, didn’t care what was going on back at the office during the few days Rudy was gone.
Rudy whimpered and Mason released his right grip. “Oh, I’m sorry Sweetheart. God, that fucking snake. I’m going to ruin his whole goddamn life, just wait and see if I don’t completely blacklist him. He’ll never fucking work with pets again.”
“Sir,” hinted one of the workers, reminding Mason of the other people in the lobby. He didn’t care.
“Come on, let's get you out of here.”
The worker nodded and gestured for them to come up to the counter. “He’s ready to go, just need to go over some paperwork and at home care for the other injuries.”
Rudy pressed himself into Mason side as the man’s brow furrowed. “Other injuries? What happened?”
“He’s a little bit dehydrated, but that should go away in a day or two. The bandages around his wrists and neck are to keep him at scratching at the healing skin, so you’ll need to keep those and on use this ointment that’s listed here. Same for the welts on his back. His ankle is sprained but not too badly, so follow up with your regular provider for that. Other than that, you’re good to go.”
Mason swallowed and signed the forms without another word, not trusting himself to say something he’d regret. Besides, it wasn’t their fault.
On the way out, he was already calling his lawyer to get every medical expense taken out of Casey - money or blood.
Clyde was at the door, bouncing at his heels as the key turned. He had been looking out the window, saw when they pulled up. Saw when Rudy got out of the car! He was limping but he was there. He was home.
The older pet nearly knocked him over as they came through the door. Mason had to grab him by the back of his collar to drag him off.
“Clyde! Back! You know better what the hell,” Mason muttered, setting him down on the ground a foot or two away. Clyde looked up at him, clearly wanting to go back to Rudy. Mason rubbed his temples, too tired and frustrated and betrayed to deal with this.
Both boys whimpered, Rudy tugging on the hem of Mason’s shirt to silently plead him not to. “Now, Clyde. He’s fine. Just go upstairs so you’re not underfoot.”
Clyde gave him such wide, hurt, miserable eyes that Mason nearly took it all back. He sighed, but held firm. He said what he said and Clyde needed to obey that. With another glance back at his friend. Clyde crept up the stairs. Rudy whined after him over Mason's shoulder as the man picked him up and carried him to the living room to set him on the couch.
The boy whimpered as Mason walked away, but quieted after a shush.
Mason stood in the kitchen, holding onto the counter and stared at the tile backsplash. Why was this so hard? Rudy was back, he was going to be fine, the police found Casey and his lawyer said his case was good over the phone. He shouldn’t feel so tense, so tight-wound and anxious. The boy was right out there - why couldn’t Mason accept it?
He rubbed a hand across his short stubble and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, along with a drink for Rudy. He just needed time, he guessed. Needed to sleep, and probably eat something, and he’d calm down. Meandering back into the living room, he texted his boss that he was taking some personal time off.
Rudy was curled up on against the armrest, tears bright in his eyes. Mason regretted snapping at him, at both of them, but it would pass. They probably wouldn’t even remember tomorrow.
“Hey bud, drink up. How are you feeling, are you hurting?” He asked as he opened the lid for him.
The boy grabbed the bottle and took a sip, nodding slowly. “I, I’m okay.” His lip was quivering, breath shallow and shaky.
“I missed you,” he confessed as he broke, reaching up for Mason who immediately sat down with him. “I m-missed you s-so much, and Clyde, and h-home, I wanted to get away. I was so scared and c-confused and he was mean and hurt me and-”
Mason shushed him gently, pulling him close and petting his hair. “I know, I know Sweetheart. I’m so sorry that happened - I promise, it will never happen again.”
“He wrote on m-my, my scan-y thing,” Rudy said, itching at the side of his shirt. “And, and he took my collar and made me wear a muzzle that cut my mouth and I didn’t eat because- because I just couldn’t and-”
Mason shushed him again, and this time took his drink so he could really lay the boy down. Poor thing was spiraling, clearly over-stressed and exhausted too. “Shh, Rudy, you need to relax. You’re okay.”
“-he, he made me so confused, Master,” Rudy continued, seemingly unable to stop confessing everything that had happened. “I-I know I belonged to you, because, because of m-my collar and my chip but he made me wear his collar and I started to get confused and forget and uh, hng, I, I think I might have called him Master once and I’m sorry! He wasn’t always bad and one time he pet my hair and I tried to struggle but I didn’t that time and I’m sorry.”
“Okay, okay woah bud you need to slow down. You’re okay, you don’t have to talk about all this right now. I know, I know.” A pause as Mason thought. “Do I need to get something to calm you down?”
“I think I was bad?” Rudy started again, rubbing his eyes and hiccuping. He wasn’t listening to what Mason was saying, which was a kind of answer in itself. He was just more convinced of his choice as when he stood, the boy kept muttering confessions to himself. He’d have to re-visit some training in the next couple days, he reconned, just to correct some thoughts that asshole had implanted.
Rudy took the pill unusually well, words petering out until he was quiet. Mason rubbed his head just the way he knew the boy loved, listening to the unconscious hums of contentment.
“Lets get you to bed early tonight, hm? We’ll deal with all this in the morning.”
He seemed much heavier, now that he was out of it. Mason still got him upstairs, sat him on the bathroom counter to clean him up a little. It also gave him a better chance to see Rudy’s injuries without the boy wiggling and squirming everywhere.
It made his blood boil.
He had seen worse, he had definitely seen worse just walking down the street but that didn’t fucking matter. Rudy was his, and he had not given permission for someone to treat his pet like this. The muzzle had clearly been too tight, chafing and rubbing the sides of his face raw. Same for the collar, and the scratch marks from where Rudy had been clearly trying to get it off. Bruises on his hands and knees, what seemed like a bit of blood in his hair.
Mason cleaned him up the best he could, until the only proof left visible were the bandages and bandaids. He changed those, too, to some colorful ones he had for the boys. Rudy would like those better when he was awake.
After changing him into his pajamas, Mason carried him to his own bedroom and put him on the bed. He sighed and went to go get Clyde.
Clyde was in his room, standing in his pajamas right by the door. The boy had obviously been crying, gently cradling his bruised hand. Mason picked it up carefully, examining it.
“Shit, did I do that, Bugs?” he said, convicted. Clyde didn’t really answer him, eyes glancing from him to the door repeatedly. Mason sighed with a tired smile.
“Yeah, go see him.”
In a flash the boy was gone, down the hall to be with his friend. Mason turned the light off in their room before he went to join them.
Finally, back together. As they should be.
tag: @whumpingredroses @as-a-matter-of-whump @albino-whumpee @whumpeesblog @suspicious-whumping-egg
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writefandoms · 4 years
The Outfit
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Levi x Female!Reader
Summary: You buy Levi a new outfit to wear during sexy times🥴 (NSFW, blowjobs)
Word Count: 2.1k
“What was that?”
The short captain scowled at your cocky expression, embarrassment mixing with anger in eyes.
“You heard me, dumbass.” Not being able to hold eye contact, his steel orbs wander to the wall beside him.
Being on Levi’s squad had a lot of advantages, it was well known that the Great Captain Levi chose only the best of the best for his team. So many cadets and new recruits looked up to you because of your skills. On top of that you were one of the only women on his squad, besides Petra. You couldn't help but feel pride when young girls would say you were their inspiration.
But that’s besides the point, your skill was enough to catch the might Captain’s eye. And after late nights of drinking and occasionally crying, you built a good relationship with the shorty. A relationship that turned into something less pure.
Now, the usually stoic and cold captain, is standing before you looking like a nervous teenager confessing his love to his crush.
“Sorry couldn’t hear you, Captain. Could you repeat that please?” The glint in your eyes didn’t match your innocent tone.
As much as he scoffs and glares, Levi loves this part of you. He sucked his teeth before staring straight at you, “I’ll wear the stupid dress.”
You knew what he was going to say, but making him say it himself only added to the satisfaction of cracking his armor.
“Oh? Why did you change your mind?” He obviously didn’t like the teasing because he swiftly turned around and stomped away, you could hear him muttering under his breath.
“I’ll see you later, Captain,” You call out to his fleeting form.
The clock ticked loudly throughout your empty room. Time always moved so slowly when you had to wait. Sitting in a sofa chair besides your bed, your boot taps against the wood floor. He was a clean freak, so he was definitely showering or something after such a long day.
It wasn’t much longer until you heard three light taps on your door, making you shake with anticipation.
Taking a deep breath you called for them to enter, trying to hide your excitement but probably failing horribly.
Your beloved Captain walks in, shutting the door behind him. “Let’s get this over with.”
Smirking at his poor attempt at seeming bored you retort, “As I recall, you’re the one who said they wanted to do this.” Leaning back in your chair you cross your legs, “If you don’t want this then leave, you know I would never force you into anything you don’t want.”
Levi knew what you were doing, while you loved riling him up, consent was key in any healthy relationship. Ticking filled the room once again as Levi stayed glued to his spot by the door.
“Good. Lock the door.” A small clicking of the door locking followed quickly. He remained at the door awaiting further instruction.
“Back of the bottom drawer.” You pointed towards your dresser, watching as his small form moved swiftly across your room.
He crouched and opened the drawer, “Do you just throw your clothes in here?” he complains.
“Just keep looking.” You roll your eyes as he grumbles as he probably fights the urge to re-fold all your clothes.
You knew he found what he was looking for when he went completely silent. Standing up once again, this time with a black and white clump of fabric in his hand. He pinches a shoulder in each hand and lets the ruffled dress unravel.
He scans the outfit for a moment. It’s adorable in your opinion, him and the maid outfit. You were shopping with your squad mates when you saw the dress.
A black dress with a white trim that connects with a short black skirt, a white apron tied around the waist, and a pair of thigh high white socks. There were cute little black bows on the sleeves.
You couldn’t stop the dirty thoughts from attacking your brain and crotch, imagining Levi wearing such a sexy outfit. Not wanting to chance someone else taking it, you purchased it right then, jokingly bringing it up to Levi a couple days ago. But it seems that seed only grew in the Captain's dirty mind.
“You like it?” Now standing behind him peering over his shoulder, worrying that he might not like the style.
“It’s not wrinkled like all your other clothes.” That’s a yes, you grin.
Pressing your chest against his back, your arms wrap around his waist. “You’re gonna look so perfect.” He shutters as you kiss a trail down his neck.
“Now go get dressed.” Pulling away he looks at you with a dazed look on his face, only nodding and walking to your personal bathroom.
Once the door fully shut you let out a small squeal of joy, unable to contain yourself any longer. Nothing is more attractive than a man who isn’t consumed by his own pride. Of course a man can be masculine, live your life however you want, but when it becomes the end all be all then it’s an issue.
Being comfortable with your body is an attractive quality, one that Levi most certainly doesn’t lack. This fact is only solidified when he exits the bathroom, maid outfit wrapped snugly around his form.
His normally small waist was more apparent with the apron tied around him, his hips appeared larger due to the flare of the black skirt. Underneath the skirt revealed his smooth pale thighs. That soft skin on both sides of your head, gently squeezing you as you worked him to the edge with your mouth. That’s a feeling you're all too familiar with.
Unfortunately, the remainder of his legs are covered by a thin white material. Disappointment quickly fades as you take in the white stockings on his slender legs, somehow the extra piece of cloth made the outfit feel more lewd.
“My eyes are up here,” he snaps at you as your eyes begin to linger to unholy places, “Stop looking at me like I’m a piece of meat.”
“Aw, but you look so beautiful it’s hard not to stare.” His cheeks turn pink at your compliment, but doesn’t respond.
“I gave you a compliment,” you place a finger under his chin tilting his head back, giving him a faux look of sadness. “So what do you say?”
His eyes widen at the authoritative tone in your voice, legs unconsciously squeezing together. “T-thank you…”
Hearing Levi stutter is a rarity that blesses you more than anyone in the Survey Corps. He is clearly struggling to maintain his composure.
You’ve only touched his chin and he’s already turning red and pulling his skirt to hide his growing bulge.
“Of course,” pulling your hand away, you swear he chases after your touch before controlling himself and remaining still. “Now I have a few ideas about how we can spend the night.” You sit back on your sofa chair, motioning for him to approach you.
He takes a few steps until his legs are touching yours. Spreading your legs, pulling him closer, his knees bump into the front of your chair. Hands gripping his elbows slowly sliding down to hold his hands.
Leaning forward, you rest your chin against his chest peering up at him. Due to his short stature, he’s only about a foot taller than you, when you’re sitting down. Pupils blown out, pink cheeks, and racing pulse. All telltale signs of your captains excitement.
“You’re beautiful.” Silver eyes widen a touch, clearly not expecting the praise. Quickly masking his surprise, he rolls his eyes and scoffs.
Chuckling slightly at the man's childish behavior, you release one of his hands. Fingers dancing along the front of his dress, the light touches making him press his lips together to prevent any sounds from escaping.
“So sensitive tonight, Levi.” Before he can retort, your fingers pinch his right nipple.
He arches into you, a small gasp followed by a low moan as you twist the hardening bead between your fingers.
“And so cute.”
“Shut… Aah… up.”
“Let’s take this to the bed, yeah?” He pulls away and goes to sit on your bed. You take a moment to take off your boots, knowing he’ll throw a fit if he sees you wearing shoes in bed.
Levi’s sitting at the foot of the bed, with his legs dangling over the side. Such an innocent position gives you the nastiest idea.
Rounding the bed, you sit on your knees on the ground in front of him.
“What the hell are you doing? You know how filthy that floor is?” His endless questions are silenced when you place a hand on his knee, slowly moving upwards.
“I thought I’d give you a little appetizer before we got to the main course.” Grinning widely you place your other hand on his other thigh, “Well I guess I’ll be the only one eating.”
“Such a shitty joke…” You lift up the front of his skirt, only to find he wasn’t wearing anything underneath. A very welcomed surprise.
“Boxers would have looked weird.” He’s looking off to the side, clearly sensing your next question.
For someone who seemed so against the idea, he was actually worried about ruining the aesthetic?
But you keep your teasing to yourself, not wanting to make him stomp off. You let his skirt fall back over his thighs.
Leaning forward, he shudders at the gentle trail of kisses as your lips travel up his stocking clad knees. Moving higher with each kiss, closer to the exposed skin of his thigh. Kisses turn into love bites, leaving a trail of crescent indentions and saliva along the inside of his thigh.
It only takes a few touches and his dick is already straining against the ruffled material. Instead of holding the skirt up, you opt to just throw it over your head, hiding your face from Levis' line of vision.
“Hey- Ah!” Your fingers wrap around his cock, giving it a slow jerk. Already drops of precum leak from it’s reddened tip.
“Ahh!” He moans above you, sounds slightly muffled from the layers of clothing above you.
Speeding up your jerking, you lean closer towards his dick and give it a few licks. All the way up the shaft, reveling in the slight quivers of his thighs. Parting your lips you take in the tip, giving it a light suck. Levi lets out a loud groan above you, his hand now on the top of your head.
His noises only encourage you to move your head faster, taking him deeper in your mouth. Obscene noises fill your ears and mix with his moans of pleasure.
Swirling your tongue around his tip, the salty precum hits the back of your throat the more you suck. His thighs spasm, squeezing tightly around your head. An obvious sign that he won’t last another minute.
Pulling him out of your mouth with a wet pop, you push the skirt off from over your head.
“It was so hot down there-” You cut yourself off once you caught sight of his expression.
His face was beyond hot. He looked absolutely fucked.
A thin layer of sweat covered his face, redness across his cheeks and ears, and a trail of drool trailing down his chin.
Although you just had his dick in your mouth, the look on his face is what makes you clench your thighs together. A familiar wetness building between your legs.
Standing up so quickly, you got a bit of a head rush. Levi jumps at your sudden movement, looking up at your hungry gaze. He bends his knees and pushes himself backwards up the bed. You follow after him, crawling on your knees towards him.
“I can’t wait to fucking destroy you.” You can see him visibly shiver at your dominant tone.
“Then hurry up…” He demands, a slight tremble in his voice.
Oh god. This man will be the death of me.
Pressing a palm against his chest, you push him down to lay against the pillows.
“Relax, baby.” The small resistance he meets you with melts at your words, “Let me take care of you.”
Laying flat on your stomach, you move his legs so they’re bent over your shoulders.
“Comfortable?” He shifts his hips down a bit before nodding. “Good. Remember two taps to stop.”
The heels of his feet dig into your back, pulling you closer to his torso. A silent plea to shut up and make him forget all his worries.
“Okay, okay!” So pushy, shorty.” He glares but says nothing, as you lift the front of the skirt.
“Now be a good Captain, and keep your voice down.” He grunts as you take the leaking tip into your mouth, giving a gentle suck.
Pulling away with a ‘pop’, fingers wrapping around his shaft jerking at a quick pace.
“We don’t wanna wake our comrades, do we?”
I hope this 2k word self-indulgent fanfic of Levi in a maid outfit makes up for my month absence☺️ Please tell me what y’all think❤️
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 296: Ngl, This One Pissed Me Off
Previously on BnHA: Deku was all, “p.s. I actually activated yet another quirk several chapters ago when Kacchan got stabbed.” Compress was all, “[gets captured and passes out].” Spinner was all “[rifles through Tomura’s pockets and slaps a random Charbroiled Hand onto his friend’s unconscious face].” Tomura was all, “SOMEHOW THAT ACTUALLY WORKED” and woke up again, except it wasn’t really him, it was everyone’s favorite Final Villain, AFO. AFO was all, “time to escape finally” and summoned a bunch of Noumu and Absconded with Spinner and the DabiMarble in tow. Skeptic was all, “Horikoshi forgot I existed, but I’m actually Absconding in marble-form as well.” Deku was all, “ATTENTION WORLD, I WOULD LIKE TO ANNOUNCE THAT I OFFICIALLY WANT TO SAVE SHIGARAKI TOMURA.” And then the arc just sort of ended lol.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all, “but when you think about it, do we really need literally any female teachers at U.A. at all?” and for whatever reason doesn’t stop to wait for an answer. Midnight, who absolutely did not need to die, Dies, and I’m pissed about it. Ochako wanders the ruins of Jakku for what feels like hours, rescuing small children while her adult hero compatriots fall to pieces around her, because apparently the U.A. kids really are the only people who have their shit together. The citizens of Japan are all “damn that’s wild, wonder how fucked we are now,” but are actually super casual and chill about it which is oddly realistic. The chapter ends with AFO in Tartarus being all “lol time for the prison break arc,” without giving us so much as a chance to catch our breath, like holy shit. Are we on the clock or something now, goddamn.
lmao it’s like 7pm on a Sunday night and this is out already. this is like the worst possible timing lol. there goes my nice, relaxed evening. unless of course this turns out to be a nice, restful, soothing chapter, as chapters coming on the heels of traumatic, earth-shattering battles so often are. yeah, break out the Pina Colada song and the little drink umbrellas, I got a good feeling about this one
(ETA: I mean, I was obviously being sarcastic here but damn, Horikoshi.)
-- fff why did I laugh
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it’s the crumbling city ruins in the background that really does it, I think. JUST LOOK AT THIS MESS THAT YOU HAVE MADE, EVERYONE. FOR SHAME
also, the title is dramatic af and I am so fucking excited you guys, like holy shit. BnHA’s In-Between arcs have always been my favorite part of the series, because it’s when all the character development and angst and/or catharsis happens. just, those little breathing spaces in between the action when everyone gathers to recuperate and compartmentalize their fresh new traumas lmao. bring on that angst!! but also, let’s please have some Comfort to offset all of this Hurt too, please and thanks
blah blah blah so the survivors were evacuated, good good, can you actually show us though?
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(ETA: it’s like talking to a brick wall.)
oh my god do we really need exposition about how the heroes tried to stop TomurAFO from escaping and OF COURSE failed completely because they suck lmao. oh my god I am shocked, that is such shocking news
wow they only managed to defeat three of the Noumus. holy shit. again, all of the Not-Kid Heroes are only slightly more useful than cardboard cutouts of heroes at this point, MORE AT ELEVEN
so Tomura may have lost the PLF, but he still more or less has an army then, huh. I really don’t know how anyone could expect a timeskip with that threat looming over everyone’s heads
oh nvm lol there are only seven Noumus left. wait so you’re telling me there were only ten Nearly High Ends in that last chapter?? felt more like fifty but whatever lol I’ll take your word for it
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(ETA: for the record I don’t think Cementoss is dead here, just badly wounded. if he had died he would have been included in the forthcoming In Memoriam page along with the others.)
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that’s... holy shit. that’s a bigass mansion, that’s what that is. also so does this mean there are still eighty thousand PLF members still at large, because that’s a plot line I very much do not care about in any way whatsoever lol. can’t we just retcon to say that Re-Destro was exaggerating? I mean hell, a CEO criminal pulling some Enron-type bullshit is pretty believable, isn’t it? those poor bamboozled shareholders
“makeste, here’s an idea, what if you scrolled down to read the rest of the page” lol gtfo of here with your logic and your sense
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well those 132 people have made it onto my enemies list, but at least it sounds like they more or less took care of the rest. good riddance
and Toga escaped, as we knew already, and is now on the lam. hopefully she reunites with the League again at some point. although her doing her own thing could also be very interesting. idk what I want lol
anyway so there’s another big panel showing how fucked up the city is, just in case it hadn’t already been hammered into our skulls yet. there’s a car dangling off a roof somehow. how does that even happen. did Machia pick it up and put it there or
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“if it falls on me, I want you to have my Endeavor pouch” OH MY STARS. HIS MOST PRECIOUS POSSESSION. NO MY CHILD YOU CAN’T GIVE UP HOPE YET
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“FOR THE LAST TIME NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR DUSTY-ASS POUCH, KYLE” fffff these children are dying and I am cracking up so hard my eyes are tearing up what is wrong with me
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but listen. not that I don’t love seeing the girls kick ass, because you know I do. but I also really, REALLY need to know what’s going down with the Musketeers, and I’m not looking forward to waiting three whole weeks for that so please Horikoshi. please hurry this along so we can get to them
goddamn it Tsuyu is saying she’ll take the boy to the shelter to get first aid, and I was all “okay great because that’s probably where Kacchan and the others are too”, but now someone else is shouting for help and Ochako’s all “I’ll go” and it’s like OKAY BUT PLEASE? this chapter is already more than half over omfg. ‘bout to start wringing some hands here
oh my god
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but fucking... okay, look. I love Ochako, I do. but I like her a whole lot more when she’s interacting with other characters I actually care about, as opposed to running around in the rubble rescuing random people while the fate of my other children is still up in the air. like okay, I get it, shit’s bad, now if you don’t mind we really don’t have to spend all day here though
...anyways but nope, we’re still staying with her. she’s bouncing around rescuing all of these other people. omg. I literally have no patience here at all and it’s terrible, I know, but oh my god
omg finally something interesting is happening!!
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look at that, an adult hero standing around being useless while the kids are busy getting shit done. why is this becoming a recurring theme
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MAYBE YOU SHOULD!! oh my god I really cannot, like wow. oh no I actually have to save people and do my job, god forbid. jesus christ, at least the other heroes tried. but Moping Hero: Bellyache here is just throwing in the towel and fuck everyone who still needs his help I guess. you are like the anti-Deku my dude
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you’re telling me Tomura wasn’t brought back by that electric shock, but by his “fuck you” attitude? why are you explaining this to us now, again??
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AND BY THE WAY, HORIKOSHI, I PICKED SOMETHING UP FOR YOU ON MY WAY HOME, HERE IT IS, ┌П┐(・_・) do you like it it was on sale. I saw it and was like, “Horikoshi would really like that.” so there you go. sorry it wasn’t gift-wrapped
p.s. I hope y’all can tell that that’s supposed to be a middle finger and not... something else lmao. er. anyway
(ETA: so I got a few asks from people who were really put off by this part of the reaction post, and so I’m just adding an extra note here to make it clear that I do not actually wish harm on Horikoshi in any way or even particularly dislike him. I wasn’t happy about Midnight’s death and I wanted to convey that, and so I went with my usual LOUD CAPSLOCK REACTION tone, but looking back on it I can see that it’s kind of a lot, lol. 
so just to be clear, the “fuck you” stuff is almost entirely tongue-in-cheek. that’s on me, I forget sometimes that there are people who share these sentiments unironically and so I didn’t think to make sure my intended meaning here was clear. anyways, killing Midnight was still a really problematic decision for numerous reasons but it is what it is. Horikoshi is not perfect, the story isn’t perfect, and I’m not gonna pretend like it is, but again just to be clear, I don’t harbor any actual ill will toward Horikoshi here.)
shit. and wow this man really went and killed off fucking Mystic too on top of that. have you ever seen a character fail so spectacularly at living up to their hype. r.i.p. Mystic you were like the Star Wars sequel of characters
(ETA: I have no fucking idea why I keep thinking Majestic’s name is Mystic lol. rest in peace you old scarecrowy bastard.)
and poor Momo, though. fuck. lost two mentors in a single day. and do not even get me started on Aizawa holy shit
so now we’re cutting to some random townspeople who are gossiping about the Todoroki drama. this is actually interesting in spite of my newfound determination to hate this chapter lol
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ngl I am kind of heartened to see that not everyone fell for Dabi’s bs hook line and sinker though. Jeanist returning from the dead literally two seconds after Dabi was all “I SWEAR ON MY HONOR AS A VILLAIN THAT HAWKS MURDERED HIM” probably helped with that a bit! but there will doubtless be many other people who do believe him, or are at least still inclined to side-eye the heroes in general either way given how much they sucked in this arc. very, very interesting
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so it seems though that even more than the whole Endeavor reveal, at the end of the day it’s going to be the heroes failing to live up to their end of the “put your faith in us and let us use our quirks and in return we’ll protect everyone and keep them safe” implied social contract that’s going to have the biggest impact on people’s opinions moving forward. basically this was always going to be a disaster no matter what
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Horikoshi really tapped into some of the real-life political energy of the past few years huh. Fuck Him Still for killing off Midnight, but I will admit that so far this is hella intriguing and I am really, really curious to see where things go from here
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“FIVE PEEPEE MAN WOULDN’T LIE TO US” YES CHILDREN YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. at least the little ones still have faith
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 ( •̀ へ •́  )
that’s great. that’s really keen. all we need right now, amirite
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let’s just wait for him to explain what he feels. you know he likes to drag it out
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is that Dabi crouched down there next to Spinner? looks like they got him out of the marble after all. but why has his hair changed colors again lol what
anyways. your turn to what??
:’) excuse me what
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hahahaha are you fucking kidding me. and that’s where we’re going to end the chapter then. lol okay
so let’s recap. Midnight died. we spent ten hours watching Ochako dig people out of rubble for no apparent reason and were then introduced to my new least favorite character, and because Ochako is so nice she didn’t even punch him in the face even though she really should have. we did not get any Kacchan or Shouto. we got one panel of Deku, who is Finally Asleep. and the chapter ended with AFO ordering his Noumus to go set free, AND I QUOTE, HIS “MAIN BODY.” and now I gotta wait an entire week for Caleb’s translation to confirm that last part. omg
but it sounds like a prison break is imminent, which is very, very interesting. ...and actually, is it weird that I’m actually rooting for it to be a success? I have no idea what this guy is planning, but I do know that as long as the main part of his soul is still residing in Tomura’s body, Tomura’s chance of surviving the series is close to zero. and villain though he may be, I’m still rooting for his redemption (nice to have Deku on my side now too), and so yeah. so like if AFO feels like using some latent Exorcism Quirk or something that he’s been saving for just such an occasion, be my guest lol
meanwhile this doesn’t bode well for All Might though. or anyone else aside from Tomura, really. shiiiit
anyway. [slaps roof of chapter] this baby can fit so much bullshit in it
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multimetaverse · 3 years
HSMTMTS 2x12 Review
Second Chances was a lacklustre finale for an uneven season. Let’s dig in!
Earlier this week I re-watched S1 in preparation for the S2 finale and the contrast between the two seasons is jarring. In almost every way S2 has been worse and after seeing this finale I’m less optimistic that Tim will be able to fix the long list of things that have gone wrong. Tim has said in some of his interviews today that pretty much all of S2 was written before the pandemic and that they didn’t have to do as much re-writing as people might think due to the stringent safety measures Disney put in place. Of course, that removes an excuse for the bad writing we’ve seen so much of this season as according to Tim what we saw of S2 is largely what he envisioned minus big crowds and background dancers.
 Across his many interviews today, the one consistent point is that Tim does not have any real plans for future seasons; things like Ricky’s endgame he hasn’t decided on and he can’t even guarantee the summer season the finale sets up due to the weather in Salt Lake. I do think a S3 is an almost certainty given the show’s popularity but I’ll take Tim at his word that he truly doesn’t know if they’ll be renewed since it seems to be a new Disney tradition to wait until seasons are done airing before making a renewal decision (the same thing happened for the popular and well received Mighty Ducks: Game Changers which got a silent renewal only after all of S1 aired). That being said as poor of a season finale as Second Chances is it is also a terrible potential series finale. In large part it goes back to his lack of planning, he wants to keep all options open but in doing so Tim is crippling the show’s ability to deliver any pay offs or tie up loose ends.  
The one mostly well done plot line this season was Portwell which got a happy ending tonight as they canoned. The only good thing about the big brother angst was that it was so insane that it had to be addressed and sure enough it was and Gina got her first kiss with a guy she really liked. If Tim is to be believed the reason we didn’t get an on screen Portwell kiss was not because of their age difference or covid concerns but because he felt that everyone’s first kiss was different so he wanted it off screen so viewers could fill in the blanks themselves. Tim’s line of reasoning is profoundly stupid. Imagine if they had Jamie show up and he and Gina talked off screen and Tim tried to claim that because everyone has a different relationship with their own siblings that he wanted the audience to fill in the blanks as to how their conversation went!
Still we saw great character development on Gina and EJ’s part as both really grew from the people they were in S1. As Tim noted, EJ bringing Gina back in 1x10 was kind of the set up for this story line. The only thing missing was a brief Portwell scene sometime in eps 2x01-2x04 to set them up. The consistent development they got from 2x05-2x12 is unlike any other ship on the show; only Rini exceeds their development. 
Unfortunately I don’t think that will last in S3 because Tim will always favour Ricky over EJ and if he wants to do Rina he’ll dispose of Portwell before doing so. I was surprised that they never bothered to have Ricky and Gina have a conversation about Gina’s S1 confession. It was a huge mistake to have Gina pine over Ricky for half the season and it was no surprise that Gina’s story line got instantly better once she stopped interacting with Ricky. Tim has made clear in interviews that he’s still interested in the possibility of Rina which makes his poor writing of them even more bizarre. What conclusions are the audience supposed to draw from the Rina story line this season? That Ricky never cared that much about Gina? That it’s totally fine for the show if they don’t interact for 6 eps in a row? That Gina has moved on? I’ve said before that a wiser man than Tim would recognize that doing both Portwell and Rina will do tremendous damage to the show and he should pick one and not do the other. Of course he’s not that smart but it is wild how he’s accidentally written their story line to make for a perfect end to Rina. 
Second Chances was great and is the only part of the finale that would have been well suited to being part of a potential series finale. 
The Rini closure was a sad inverse of their S1 opening night confession. They’ve fallen so far from being the it couple of the series and I fear Tim doesn’t actually know what to do with them now. He really needs to decide if he’s tearing down that treehouse for real. 
The less said about the Valentine’s chocolates the better but at least Gina and Nini are cool again and Nini can explore her budding music career with Jamie’s help. Tim repeatedly said in interviews that the scripts about Nini’s music career were all written before Driver’s License came out and I think he understands that the audience is just going to see the show as copying from Olivia’s life. 
The wildcats just deciding to drop out of the Menkies was a lame cop out. Tim has said he always meant for that to happen though they were originally going to compete at the Menkies then drop out (presumably that’s where we would have heard Lily singing Home). Somebody should have mentioned the $50 000 prize money which the East High theatre department could surely use after Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara burned it down (remember that story line that had no consequences?). And that NYU scholarship could have been life changing for one of them and yet no one even brought  it up once this season. 
I did like the twist that it was EJ and his dad who got Mazzara into Caltech. He’d be a fool not to take it but I’m glad he confessed to Miss Jenn. She’s had a really rough season and I hope she redeems herself in S3.
Howie was acting so weird tonight and last ep that I have a hard time believing he was really so awed by Kourtney’s talent rather than feeling guilty for helping to steal the harness. The harness is another useless plot device; there are no consequences for Lily stealing it, she’s not caught, East High pulls off another version of the transformation off screen, and then East High withdraws from the Menkies anyways. Doubtless the harness will eventually come up to serve Rily angst. 
At least Lily was straightforward, I’ll give her that. She has such an odd way of speaking, almost child like. As awful as it is there is potential for a forbidden/secret romance story line with Rily. It really does not speak well to Ricky’s character that he’s so easily fallen for Lily’s act when he has no reason to trust her and she never apologized for making fun of Big Red during the auditions or making Ashlyn feel insecure during the dance off. 
The one way in which S2 was drastically better to S1 was in regards to the Seblos story line. Clearly Joe being bumped up to regular made a big difference. We got the first same-sex kiss between two boys and the first love song sung by one boy to another in Disney history and that is a legacy to be proud of. Of course, there was still some Disney censorship such as Carlos and Seblos being unable to use the word gay in the same ep that focused on Carlos singing In a Heartbeat to Seb. 
S1 of HSMTMTS had a clear direction, the wildcats would have to try and come together to stage High School Musical and Ricky and Nini would have to decide if they still had a future together while Gina and EJ had to work on being better versions of themselves. It was simple sure but it worked very well. There was a lot of heart but also a lot of humor and the show never took itself too seriously. What has S2 had? Beauty and the Beast was hardly the main focus of the cast or the writers and the central couple that S1 was built around is now broken up either for a long time or for good. There was a lot less of the meta moments that jokes that made S1 such a hit, for far too many eps this season the show took itself way too seriously. Hell even the lighting this season was darker than in S1. 
Olivia Rodrigo’s team had complained in a recent article that Olivia wouldn’t be able to potentially tour until fall 2022 due to her contractual commitments which is a sign that they think a S3 is very likely though I wonder how late S3 filming would have to start to keep her occupied until late 2022. There’s no confirmation of this but I thought it might be worth keeping an eye on; a post on r/hsmtmts by someone who claims to have a source working on production says that the plan is for S3 to be a summer theatre camp possibly with Camp Rock renditions and the plan for S4 is to jump 6 months ahead to the final semester of senior year and end with Ricky, Nini, Big Red, and Kourtney graduating from East High. They also say that part of the delay in the S3 announcement is a conflict between Tim and Disney executives. Tim wants to move production to LA and film on sets as it’s easier and cheaper while the Disney execs still want some on location shooting in Salt Lake. Again this is all unconfirmed but if it pans out it will represent a major shift in the series. 
Regardless if Tim wants the show to remain successful he needs start planning out what he wants to happen. He should not assume he’s getting more than 4 seasons. If the series gets a S3 but then is suddenly cancelled then how would he want all the main story lines to wrap up? And if they make it to S4 where does he see it ending? The graduation of the current juniors is a logical series ending point but if Tim wants to do something different he needs to start thinking of that now. I can’t say I’m excited anymore for S3 but I do really hope that Tim and his writers can turn things around and that will only happen if they recognize what they did wrong and learn from their mistakes. 
Until next season Wildcats
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peach-pops · 4 years
Amorentia || Kuroo Tetsurō
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summary: amorentia has a different scent or aroma for anyone who smells it and the potion, if done correctly, can remind the user of things or more specifically someone they find most attractive, even if the said person is oblivious in their attraction. 
word count: 3.1k
warnings: none 
authors note: i dont know why i always end up writing for kuroo but this dude just speaks to me on an inspirational level ya know? kuroo is a ravenclaw in this but the reader is gn and i didn’t specify what house the reader is in to make it a bit more inclusive. credits to @rhymewithrachel​ for the picture of kuroo which you can find here and pls check out their page for more amazing art! also i def feel like i’ve written the last few lines on like another piece i’ve done but oh well if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it
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The library was eerily still for a Thursday morning but you relished in how quiet it was. You had found the perfect sweet spot; not too late where you would forget breakfast but early enough to where you would avoid the morning rush of students who would try to find a quiet spot to study. 
The lowly lit lanterns were useless since the sun was beginning to peak its way through the windowpane behind you and the small semblance of light drew your attention to the dust that was floating lazily in the air.
Even though there were hardly any students around you, you felt as though you were tucked away from the world as you spread your legs out against the leather couch with a Magic Potions: Basic for Beginners textbook settled in your lap. Besides the ever so often sound of a few students rustling their papers, it was truly peaceful. 
“ Good morning beautiful, mind if I join you?” 
Bloody hell. 
You looked up from your textbook to see Kuroo standing over by your legs that were neatly crossed over each other. You would be lying if you said you weren’t slightly taken aback by seeing him so early in the morning but even if he did manage to wake up on time for class, his hair was still a disheveled mess from his horrid bedhead. 
“ You’re up early,” You replied normally as you turned your attention back to your book,” by the way, your tie is crooked, might want to fix that, yeah?” 
You and Kuroo were both in the same year but you two didn’t officially get acquainted until your fourth year when he had “accidentally” spilled butterbeer all over you and then attempted to wipe it off with his bare hand. 
“ Shit, I-I am so sorry! Let me just-”
“ Can you stop feeling me up and get me a napkin instead, you creep?” 
“ A creep? I’m nothing short of a gentleman- speaking of which, are you dating anyone by chance?” 
“ Are you joking? As if I would be under the accompaniment of a clumsy Ravenclaw like yourself.” 
Your vow was fully ignored and by some weird alignment of the planets, you two had been inseparable since. Of course, Kuroo still spent his time over the past two years trying to woe you in some way and while you used to find yourself flustered over his charm, you managed to get used to the constant flirting between the two of you. 
Who were you kidding, the flirting was mostly one-sided unless you weren’t exhausted trying to think of witty comebacks to try and get him stumbling over his words like the first time you two met. 
However, you weren’t blind. You were bold enough to admit to yourself that over the years, Kuroo got progressively wittier, taller, and yes, possibly more attractive. You would never admit it out loud but there was a slight possibility you were starting to see him in a different light.
Nonetheless, you figured feelings like those would just come and go, and surely you didn’t actually have feelings for him. 
Kuroo looked down at his tie and shrugged nonchalantly before fixing it,” I was tossing and turning all night, poor Akaashi had to sleep in the common room because I was keeping him up too. Quidditch tryouts are this afternoon and I’m hoping we can get a strong team together so we can keep up our legacy.”
“ First-year as captain and you’re already nervous,” You clicked your tongue against your teeth as you took another bite of your raspberry scone, utilizing the silence between the two of you as you finished chewing,” hopefully Ravenclaw will get some wins this year. You know, for your own sake and my sanity.” 
“ Okay ouch, first of all, you know you’re not supposed to eat in the library it’s forbidden,” Kuroo crossed his arms playfully over his chest as you only hummed in response,” and second of all, maybe if I had someone special cheering me on, I would do immensely better.”  
You knew he was only being smug since you always showed up to his games but nothing was more entertaining than watching Kuroo practically gush over Quidditch only for you to act somewhat disinterested. 
“ Aw, do you want me to show up with some blue and bronze paint over my face? Maybe even bring a poster with your name on it with little hearts decorated on the border because I have sooo much free time on my hands?” You teased as you played with your hair while pouting back up at him, relishing in the way he shifted from side to side,” honestly Kuroo, you know I have better things to do than to watch you fly around like a lunatic.” 
Kuroo smirked to himself but said nothing to retaliate as he offered his hands to help you out of your seat once he saw the time,” Come on, you know Slughorn will throw another fit if we’re late again and by the looks of it, you can’t afford falling behind.” 
For a moment, you thought that maybe you had gone too far. His response was almost disappointing in contrast to how he would usually retort with something wittier of the sort but it was out of your control now. 
You closed your textbook and grabbed Kuroo’s hands so he could help you off the leather couch but once he got you up to your feet, his strong grip on your hands didn’t release. 
Your chests were almost touching and the distance between you two was so small, you could distinctively smell his signature vanilla aftershave that he put on every morning. You looked down at your hands that were fitted perfectly against his as Kuroo leaned down close to your ear, his breath tickling your neck.
“ Don’t act so coy, Y/N. I know you would love nothing more than to wear my jersey so that everyone else could know you like me.”
You could feel the heat rise from your chest to your ears as you slipped your hands out from his to hold your textbook to your chest, as if it would cool you down. You fiddled with the spine of the textbook as a distraction as Kuroo smiled back innocently at you to give you time to compose yourself. 
“ D-Don’t say things like that, you’re my friend and that’s all,” You stammered as you slapped his shoulder to make the tension less thick,” and wipe that grin off your face, you look like an idiot!” 
Kuroo laughed, easing whatever tension was left in the air as he bumped your shoulder with his, “ Fine, fine, I’ll stop but only because you’re my special friend.”
“ You’re the worst.” 
“ And you love it.”
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“ Are you sure we’re doing this right?” You asked Kuroo as he sprinkled in the powdered moonstone while you stirred the concoction slowly. 
You surveyed the room as you watched your fellow classmates fail miserably at the assignment at hand, some being greeted with thick clouds of smoke while others potions just combusted into flames. 
You flinched at the sound of shrieking and looked up to see Sugawara and Daichi backing away from their cauldron as a mass of black tar started to slither out towards them. Slughorn had warned everyone that this potion was tricky to master but you didn’t think it would be this difficult and as time passed, the more anxious you grew. 
Kuroo, as unbothered as ever, looked down at the instructions for a moment before turning his attention back at the cauldron,” Yep, triple checked it and everything. You sure are nervous today.”
“ I’m always nervous during this class, you know I’m awful at potions. Plus look what happened to Oikawa, he’s in the hospital wing because of this lab.” 
“ He’ll be fine, the flames weren’t too high, he probably just lost an eyebrow,” Kuroo teased, trying to keep your mind at bay,” are you sure you’re not nervous because we’re concocting Amorentia?” 
You continued to stir the mixture carefully as you only scoffed,” Why would I be nervous of a silly little love potion?” 
“ First off, Amorentia is one of the most powerful love potions in existence so show some respect,” Kuroo said as you only rolled your eyes back at him,” And second of all, maybe you’re nervous because this will finally prove that you have feelings for me.” 
“ Knock it off before I send you to the hospital wing nerd,” You replied hastily as Kuroo put his hands up in defense,” Are you sure you’re not the nervous one? You’ve been acting weird since class has started...like more mouthy than usual.” 
If you didn’t know any better, you could’ve gone the whole lesson completely oblivious to Kuroo’s nervous tics, but after years of being friends, you knew better than to pass them off as normal tendencies. 
Kuroo rubbed the corner of the textbook page between his fingers as his eyes read the directions over again to try and ground himself in his thoughts. He had re-read the same step of the last instruction for the past couple of minutes to look occupied but his facade was starting to fall apart. 
“ If you paid more attention to the assignment instead of me, maybe you would pass the class, huh?” Kuroo smirked to try and ease your mind but the action only made you feel more annoyed. 
“ Enough with this back and forth, are we almost done? You’ve been reading the last step for a while now, is it that hard or are you just stupid today?” You nudged Kuroo out of the way and bent your body over the table to read the last step, wanting nothing more than to get this class over with. 
Kuroo watched as you began to stir the concoction slowly, his eyes trained on the top of the cauldron to watch for any sign of steam. 
“ What color are the spirals supposed to be?” You asked as a dark, pink-colored steam started to slowly rise from the mixture,” did he say pink was right or purple? Maybe red I don’t even remember.” 
Kuroo carefully leaned closer beside you to get a better look at the steam,”Looks right to me. You smell anything?” 
“ The only thing I can smell is that god awful aftershave of yours so back up.” 
You leaned your forearms on the table and took in a deep breath of the potion. Almost instantly, you felt a comforting warmth spread throughout your body that started in your chest and moved all the way down to your head and toes. You felt your body completely relax and it felt almost similar to the feeling of submerging yourself into a hot bath after a long day. 
It would make absolutely no sense to describe the scents as something so oddly familiar and distinct while not being obvious at all yet that was where your headspace was as you tried to identify the scents. 
Almost immediately, once you pinpointed one scent, the rest came flooding in one after another,” I smell something like cinder-a burning logfire...and....I know what this is it’s kinda like- oh, broomstick polish!” 
You took into another deep breath to try and identify the last scent but you couldn’t put a name to the scent which only made you more frustrated. 
“ Kuroo, can you help me? I can’t figure out the last scent,” You sighed as Kuroo closed his eyes to take a turn, even though he could already pinpoint a few scents from his spot,” do you smell the logfire too?” 
Kuroo only smiled to himself as he felt the warmth spread across his body before shaking his head,” That’s not how it works. Our scents would be different for example, I smell…freshly clean linen, old parchment paper, and… butterbeer froth.”
Once the words left Kuroo’s mouth, he opened his eyes and turned to you to read your reaction. He looked for something, anything behind those eyes of yours to watch it all click in your head but as usual, you were completely oblivious to the huge hint he had given you. 
“ Lucky you, I wish I could smell what you can- this is harder than I thought,” You pouted as you noticed some of your other classmates were getting distracted by you and Kuroo’s Amortentia,” maybe we did this wrong.”
“ We did it right, don’t worry,” Kuroo cleared his throat as he gave you a nudge with his shoulder which only made you nudge him back even harder,” maybe you should try again, think really hard. Try to see where you recognize the scent instead of what it is.” 
You closed your eyes and just like before, the same warm sensation flooded your body but this time, you could feel yourself leaning closer and closer to the cauldron, almost as if the potion was pulling you in deeper. 
“ Burning logfire, broomstick polish and…” You took in another deep breath but you were only meet with more frustration,” for the last time, can you give me some space, Kuroo? I swear all I can smell is your-.” 
You opened your eyes and practically pulled yourself away from the table once an unsettling realization had started to develop quickly in your mind. You knew exactly what the scent was but there was that lingering sensation in your mind that still tried to convince itself that for once, maybe you were wrong. 
Kuroo let out a breathy laugh as the back of your neck and ears began to grow hot,” Something the matter-”
Without thinking, you grabbed Kuroo’s collar and pulled him down to your eye level. Kuroo’s face started to grow red as you brushed your nose against the side of his neck to get a better smell. You had to be going crazy, there was no way- it all had to be a trick. 
“ Are you sure we did this right? You’re absolutely positive?” You asked softly as you let go of his collar. 
Kuroo smoothed out his collar and nodded as he looked back at the cauldron,”I’m absolutely positive- why are you freaking out?” 
Because I smell your stupid vanilla aftershave. 
“ I’m not freaking out,” You lied through your teeth as you turned your attention to Slughorn as he dismissed the class for the day,” You know what, I’m actually not feeling well- Can you clean up for me? I’m feeling a little lightheaded.”
“ I’ll see you around,” You gathered your things quickly but as you reached for your potions book, Kuroo snatched it off the table and held it behind his back,”enough Kuroo, give it back.” 
“ Clean linen, parchment, and butterbeer froth,” Kuroo listed as you tried to grab your book from behind his back but Kuroo was quick to hold it above his head,”did you hear me?” 
You looked up at how high he was holding your textbook and as embarrassing as it was, you decided to hold on to the little dignity you had left and not jump up and down for it. 
“ Yes I heard you but I don’t care.” 
“ You do care and you’re not listening to me. I smelled clean linen, parchment paper, and butterbeer froth so now it’s your turn, what did you smell?” Kuroo asked, this time a bit louder. It was obvious in the way he was enunciating his words that he was trying to lead you down a certain conversation but you were slow to pick up on it. 
You didn’t want to tell him, all you wanted to do was go back to bed and pretend as though this day had never happened. The idea that all this time you actually had real feelings for Kuroo only made you feel flustered. 
It wasn’t that you were ashamed of liking someone like him but for years, you had convinced him and seemingly everyone else that you would never have feelings for Kuroo. In reality, you couldn’t have been more wrong. 
“ Do we have to do this right now?” You asked softly as you nodded over to Slughorn who was dusting the corners of his desk but it was obvious he was eavesdropping on the conversation. 
Without missing a beat, Kuroo nodded and lowered your textbook back down to hand it to you.
“ You’re right, we should discuss this someplace quiet and private, how does dinner sound?”
You shook your head at the boy as you tried to grab your textbook from him but you couldn’t pry it off his strong grip,“ Quit flirting with me, now isn’t the time.” 
Kuroo couldn’t take it anymore; the years of endlessly flirting and being ignored was taking a toll on his pride and he couldn’t stand it. He knew you were prideful but this was on a whole different level.
“ Now is the perfect time since now I know you like me after all.”
“ How- I do not-”
“ You’re a terrible liar Y/N, the aftershave was a dead giveaway and I don’t know whether or not I’m more hurt by the fact that you’re too embarrassed to admit you like me or that you think my aftershave is god awful,” Kuroo said as he loosened his grip on the book so you could take it from his hands,” aren’t you tired of pretending you don’t have feelings for me?” 
You carefully took back your textbook as if it was a fragile vase and held it close to your chest as if you were shielding your heart. 
“ For the record, I don’t think it’s god awful, I just think you put on way too much,” You mumbled as Kuroo stood up straighter,” and I’m not tired of pretending, maybe I don’t like you or maybe I do have feelings for you.”
“ But maybe you like me more than you dislike me, am I right?”
You opened your mouth but quickly closed it after thinking his words over for a moment,“Emphasis on maybe...but don’t let it get to your head. You get one date so don’t ruin it.” 
Even though it wasn’t the confession Kuroo wanted, it was the only confirmation he needed to hear from you to let him know that the feelings were mutual. 
Kuroo couldn’t help but wear a huge goofy smile on his face as he collected his things and followed your lead as you both started to walk out the classroom. You and Kuroo politely nodded and said goodbye to Slughorn, who was pretending to read the textbooks along the shelves. 
Once you two left the classroom, Kuroo’s hand slide down beside yours and started to play with your fingers carefully. Your hand recoiled from the feeling but once you made sure the hallway was clear of any onlookers, you let your hand slide back down and let his fingers intertwine with yours. 
“ You know, I knew you really liked me, I called it since day one-” 
“ Okay, that’s enough Kuroo.” 
“ You said and I quote,’As if I would be under the accompaniment of a clumsy Ravenclaw like yourself’ and look at you now, holding hands with one!”
You shook your head at him and wondered to yourself if this is how things would be now yet you still couldn’t bring yourself to hide the small smile on your face,”You’re the worst.” 
Kuroo squeezed your hand in his and shared the same lovey-dovey grin on his face,” and you love it.” 
taglist: @goopyartiste​, @sugas-sweetheart​, @kirislut​, @estridries​, @hannahalanib1​, @art0saurus​, @shoutamajiki​, @yee-harr​, @animatedarchives​
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
note from denise: To be added to the taglist please send an ask. Comments and dms will be unintentionally ignored/forgotten. Also if you have sent an ask to be on the taglist. I am not ignoring you I add people onto the taglist when I update a new chapter! <3 love youuu
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter six
Suna was completely in shock and he was overwhelmed. He just froze. What can a man do when his ex tells him he is a father, let alone the father of two toddlers.
He immediately thought about the trauma you must have faced, being pregnant and alone. He also thought about how much he’s missed already, he wasn’t there for their day of birth, their first steps, first words, he’s already missed so many birthdays.
All he ever wanted was to be a father, especially to be the father of the children he made with the woman he was in love with. Was it truly a blessing or a curse?
Surely you don’t want to get back together and live like a perfect family behind a white picket fence. He’d have to learn how to push his feelings aside for these kids and share custody of them somehow. Before he could even speak you were walking away and he quickly turned.
Why aren’t his legs moving? What’s pulling him back? Is he afraid of this responsibility and commitment? Of course he is. He doesn’t want to be a shitty dad, will he be able to raise them correctly? How if he’s always busy training and practicing. All his free time is dedicated to napping.
His heart truly broke the second time ever when he saw those grayish eyes looking back at him with such hurt and betrayal. They screamed that they needed him. He didn’t know how but he felt it. He decided that he was going to take a step and work things out with you. Maybe not romantically but he really wants to be in his kids life.
“After all this time and trouble I went through. You’re gonna let her walk away again?” Atsumu’s annoying voice filled the silent hallway. “Fucking bastard.” Suna seethed and turned with a glare. Osamu knew his brother fucked up and decided to be cautious in case Suna decided to land a few punches on his brother like the last time Atsumu has pissed off Suna.
But as Atsumu braced himself for a comeback or for a fist to meet his face he was met with Suna’s back as he ran to catch up with you. When Suna turned the corner he saw the staff parking lot and he began to run even faster.
If you leave it’ll be too late.
When he made it in the parking lot he stopped and used his height to his advantage and he looked around. He couldn’t see you anywhere. “Y/N!” He called outloud and his voice echoed. “Y/N!” He repeated. He was about to continue walking through when a car backed up and quickly breaked so that they wouldn’t run over the man. You looked through your mirror and saw Suna standing there and looking around like an idiot.
Your heart clenched yet you felt butterflies at the same time. He came, not for you but for the kids. You really hoped and prayed that he would come, and he did. You parked your car and you got out. He sighed in relief and neared you. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I want to be in their lives I really do.” He exclaimed.
“It’s fine, Rin. I’m glad you want that.” You smiled softly.
For a moment he got lost in your eyes, and yours in his. It probably lasted less than a minute yet it felt like a eternity. Neither of you could turn away or say something else. It was comfortable and warm.
All of a sudden your phone rang and your finally blinked and turned away to answer your phone. “Did suna find you?” Jamie immediately asked. “Uh we were talking just now....” you said awkwardly and he stood awkwardly as well. “Ok good if not I was going to give him your number.” She sighed in relief and you rolled your eyes. “Alright I got to go, the kids have school in the morning.” You said and you both hung up.
“So I would love to stay and chat..ya know about the kids but they’re asleep already and they have school.” You mumbled. “No it’s fine I completely get it. School is important...are you available tomorrow? It’s off season for me so I don’t have any rough practices, only gym. I want to talk with you before meeting the kids.” He said and you nodded. “I’ll text you when to come over when I get home.” You told him and he nodded. You both exchanged numbers but Suna didn’t really seem that satisfied.
“Be safe. Text me when you guys get home safe.” He said and his eyes widened. “Okay, I will.” You smiled softly and he saw as you entered your car. You slowly pulled out and you drove away.
“Tsumu has her social media in case you’re curious.” Osamu spoke up causing Suna to jump. “What the hell dude, don’t just scare me like that.” He placed his hand over his chest and Osamu laughed.
“Come on, let’s go.” Osamu said and Suna nodded and walked away.
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“Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck.” You muttered and slapped yourself as you drove. Your kids were already asleep so they couldn’t hear you having a mental breakdown on your way home. “Mommy you said a bad word.” Akira pointed out and you glanced at the mirror. “Sorry about that. Don’t repeat it okay?” You asked and she nodded. “I know I know.” She mumbled and look at her signed volleyball with a bored expression. “Is daddy going to be in our lives, now?” She asked and you sighed softly.
“Well we talked and it sounds like he wants to be there for you and nii-chan..he’s going to come over tomorrow while you’re at school so we can talk like adults. Then when you come home he’ll be there to hang out with you guys and you guys can get to know eachother.” You said hopefully.“I don’t like him. Why couldn’t Sakusa or Atsumu be our dad. Even that guy you were with earlier with the suit is fine. But dad is a jerk. He made you cry.” Rini huffed and your eyes widened, were they awake the whole time?
“Hey, I know you don’t know him but your shouldn’t disrespect your father like that. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have had you guys. You two are the best things that has ever happened to me. You’re a Suna, once you get to know your dad I know you’ll be proud that I put your last name as Suna not Kageyama.” You told him and he scowled.
“Can you tell us more about dad?” Akira asked and you nodded. “What do you wanna know?” You asked. “Why did you fall in love with him.” Rini immediately asked, “Well he was sweet and funny, he loved anime and we were in the same class. He also taught me how to love volleyball again after my grandpa died.” You said smoothly. “What position did he play? Did he go pro?” They asked. “He was a middle blocker and he was really good. He still is a middle blocker and yes he is pro.” You said and Rini gasped. He’s more of a middle blocker type of fan. And Akira prefers setters. Even when you or Tobio teach them volleyball. They choose those positions.
The whole drive they asked about him and you answered the best you could, you can’t tell them everything but they were satisfied and they had a better understanding. They did get upset with you for not telling Rin that he was a father since the beginning but they understood that he broke your heart and you didn’t really want to see him.
When you got home you texted Rin that you arrived. You quickly bathed your kids. Dressed them in their pajamas and read them a script from the new anime you’re going to be on. (They liked listening to the scripts rather than bedtime stories)
After reading three pages they were already knocked out and you gave them a kiss. You fixed Akira’s fox plush in her arms and made you way to Rini’s bed. He was hugging a green piggy with a crown from the angry birds game and the moon made his face glow. You stood there in shock and you imagined second year Rin sleeping like that with the pig plush with the crown that reminded him of you.
You quickly rubbed your eyes to see second year rin turn back into five year old Rini. “I need some wine.” You muttered and kissed his cheek and fixed his blanket. You took out the phone from your pocket as you made your way to the bathroom to take off your makeup and start your nightly routine.
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You chuckled but quickly slapped your hand over your mouth. Why was it so easy to text Rin again after all this time. Isn’t it supposed to be awkward? Why are you so comfortable?
You quickly typed an awkward goodbye and he scratched his head confused but replied goodbye as well. He really wanted to continue talking to you more.
After you changed into your pajamas and finished your nighttime routine you made your way to the kitchen and you grabbed the half full wine bottle.
You held it to your chest as you made your way to your office/studio and began reading the script and answering some emails involving the character you’ll be portraying for the new anime. You celebrated a few weeks back when you got the offer and sighed thinking about this certain character.
You’ve read the manga already but it wouldn’t hurt to re read it to get a better feel of the characater right? You took a sip from the wine bottle as you found the first book of the manga. In your endless shelves of books.
“Alright Emma let’s go on an adventure.” You sighed and began to read The Promised Neverland.
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Also don’t forget that I love you and you’re worth it <3 Idk who needed to hear this today :)
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
How to Calm Your Demon Boyfriend; Vol 2
So You Pissed Him Off, Have You?
Notice: Due to an impending lawsuit for libel and misinformation, Mammoney, Inc. has filed for bankruptcy. All past guides from their company have been revised and re-released. All future printing will be handled Solo Man, Press.
Oh? Is there trouble in your devilish paradise? Well, there’s bound to be a spat or two between lovers but things can get... complicated if one half of your pair could easily wipe out a nation. Attempting to calm down your demon can be tricky, however in this volume of How to Calm Your Demon Boyfriend we will be covering the best methods available for you to do just that! With our instructions and a deft touch, you’ll manage to avoid your boyfriend’s hellish rage and get right back to enjoying that tender, sacrilegious relationship you’ve come to love!
This volume only covers if your demon boyfriend is mad at YOU. If there is SOMEONE ELSE making him mad, please consult Volume One!
Lucifer’s mad at You
You are in a very tricky situation so treat your next actions with the utmost care…
First, ascertain who is at fault for what has occurred. If it’s you, then figure out the severity. A minor infraction can be smoothed over easily enough with some explanation and sincere apology.
More severe breaches of trust will be harder get past. Plead your case but don’t attempt to excuse your actions. Acknowledge fault and, again, apologize. If he seems receptive, attempt to touch him in some way like on the hand or arm but no higher. This a literal demonstration of your attempt to reconnect.
This is the best that you can do for now, but he should acknowledge your efforts as long as you approached it correctly.
If it’s his fault… as far as he’s concerned it’s still your fault, unfortunately. It’s the pride in him speaking. 
Ask him what he believes you’ve done wrong and assess from there. Some things may be better to give a brief apology to, but no more. You don’t need to explain yourself for something you didn’t do. It may be best to leave him for a few hours after this and let tensions cool.
If the accusation is too egregious, you have the option to not apologize at all. This will likely anger him further if you give no explanation, though. Explain why you don’t think you should have to say sorry, then leave. Call for his brothers if you need someone there to intervene.
Now you wait. Unfortunately, it's an inevitability. Lucifer will need time to process and do a post-mortem on what happened. If he was truly the one at fault, he’ll acknowledge it to himself but never admit it out-loud. He may extend an olive branch in the form of a gift (the size and expense of which will be directly proportional to how much he messed up) but that will be it.
If you forgive him, then life can return to normal. If not, consult our other material: Can I Breakup with My Demon Boyfriend?
Mammon’s mad at You
It is first important to discern between his usual “anger” and actual anger.
If you see any of these signs: Blushing, stuttering, overly defensive denials, general tsundere-ness then you are likely only dealing with “anger.” Feel free to tease appropriately.
If these signs are not there then something is very wrong. Find out what it is, he will be forthright with a little persistence. (i.e. bug him until he says something. He will likely want to tell you anyway)
Attempt to remedy the problem as quickly as possible. This will no small matter. A truly upset Mammon should not be ignored.
If you have done something wrong, an apology may be in order. Do be sincere if you can because Mammon will appreciate the effort.
Cheer him up with either compliments or physical contact, head pats and cuddles work most effectively. If his face is red, though, you’re likely on the right track in general.
He isn’t one to hold a grudge so this should settle any brief irritation that’s derailed your relationship. Take care not to upset him this much again in the future.
Leviathan’s mad at You
Again, he’s probably jealous but now he’s going to be jealous and possessive. Admittedly, not the best combination.
Stay. Calm. If he’s already hysterical then adding onto the situation won’t do anyone any good. Patience may be difficult to hang onto, but it’s crucial to getting through this on the other side.
Physical contact is still important but NOT TOO EARLY. If he has his guard up he may just slap away your attempts to touch him.
Chances are he’s already built up a narrative in his head. This will not be easy to combat, especially if his suspicions aren’t true.
Denial will be tricky. You don’t want him to accept his false narrative as truth, but there’s going to be only so many times you can say, “No, that didn’t happen” before he stops believing you.
Deny his story first, firmly and with no room for doubt then redirect the conversation to asking why he’s so worried about it. Get to the heart of what’s making him feel so self-conscious and start soothing him from there. He’ll be feeling vulnerable, so a delicate touch is necessary.
NOW is the time for physical contact. He still needs to know you’re there so you should get as close to him as possible. He’ll probably be holding onto you pretty tightly. He won’t mean to bruise you if he does. 
Hold him close and don’t even think about letting him go until he’s ready. He needs to know that you'll stay with him even if this is what he has to offer. Your embrace is not just reassurance, it’s a promise. I hope you're prepared to keep it.
For more on how to comfort Levi, please seek out: How to Comfort Your Demon Boyfriend.
Satan’s mad at You
Oh my, aren’t you in a pickle? The focus should be on the immediate concerns first, then the long term. Don’t try to resolve both at once.
The immediate concern is that you have a very ticked off Wrath in front of you and he will make his displeasure known. Apologize. Apologize now. Is it actually your fault? Who knows. That's a long term concern and you should focus first on getting him to calm down fast.
Satan will not listen to reason right now, especially not if you're the only one offering it so don’t even try.
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT attempt to touch an angry Satan. He's going to be far too gone for cuddle time to smooth things over.
You should give him space. He likely doesn't want to be mad at you and is very aware of just how dangerous this situation is for you both. If you take a step back, he'll do what he needs to in order to calm himself down (which is probably going to involve property damage of some kind but better it a bookshelf than you).
Wait until he is no longer shouting, then you may approach and carefully plead your case. You better have some airtight logic if you want to convince him he's actually the one in the wrong about something, but if he is he will apologize.
Of course, if you are at fault then you should apologize and attempt to explain. Even if you don’t have the best justification, you can still win him back if you can prove you had good intentions.
Unfortunately, even if he understands your reasoning he may still be a little miffed... Speaking candidly, if there's still residual anger left it may be best just to f*ck it out. This is not a joke, it's a legitimate way to redirect lingering negative emotions in a relationship. So have at it, I suppose. Just have a safe word ready because you'll need it.
Asmodeus’ mad at You
Again, reason and logic will fail you, especially at the very start. He WILL be upset and he WILL lash out. Likely verbally.
DO NOT engage in a fight of insults with Asmodeus. Not only will you lose but the situation may escalate to the point that your relationship will suffer permanent damage.
Remain calm, but you need not take the abuse. You are well within your right to tell him that you will leave the room if he does not cease the hostility. Don’t mean this idly either because your presence will be very important to Asmo. He hates to be ignored.
If you must leave, do so. Don’t turn back even if he pleads. Wait for him to come to you, because he will, and then a civil conversation can commence. Apologize if necessary.
After his initial anger has passed, Asmo will be very quick to feel remorseful. Despite his ferocity, he should be rather forgiving (at least to you anyway).
He will want make-up sex, for his own comfort if nothing else, but as always he will not force the matter. It may be much sweeter than usual, though, because that’s his way of saying “I’m sorry.”
Beelzebub’s mad at You
Oh dear.... You have either denied/stolen his food, hurt his family, or somehow just really ticked him off...
If you denied him food, get more.
If you hurt his family, plead for mercy.
If you’ve just really, really ticked him off, I’m not even sure what you did but you probably ought to apologize and maybe rethink your life choices... They must not be very good.
Belphegor’s mad at You
This will happen, but again Belphegor is pretty lazy. He’s more likely to give you the silent treatment than he is to blow up in your face.
Your challenge now is to get him to talk to you. Unlike with Mammon, he won’t be itching to say anything so a slight nudge isn’t going to cut it.
Start by trying to be frank about the situation. Attempt to sit him down and say that you wish to talk things out. Be empathetic, approachable, and sincere. This should elicit at least some attention from him for most issues.
If he intends on holding out further, then you have already done your part to the best of your ability. Leave the door open to that discussion, but go about your day until he’s ready for it. It won’t be easy, nor will it feel good, but it’s important to set boundaries and not allow his silence to punish you when things could be worked out more productively.
I assure you, Belphie does love you and he will miss you. It may take a little time, but he will eventually approach you to have that talk. Resolve what happened together and then things can return to normal, cuddles and all.
If you are looking to calm down your demon before he hurts someone else, please consult Volume One: Tame Demons, Save Lives!
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parvulous-writings · 4 years
Anakin Skywalker x Reader // SFW alphabet
Request: There was no actual request, I offered. 
Submitted by: @rey-is-not-a-skywalker​
Genre/fandom: Fluff/Star Wars
Warnings:  None. 
Summary: SFW alphabet for Anakin Skywalker. 
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Not my gif
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Anakin isn’t always the best at displaying his affections towards you. Despite being a passionate man, he can be rather withdrawn emotionally, thanks to years of Jedi training. When he does show affection, though, It is usually through a hug when no one is around after a long mission, a brief and deliberate brushing of hands, or a quick kiss to your knuckles.
B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?) Like all of Anakin’s long lasting friendships and relationships, you met him at the Jedi temple. Not alone,of course, he was with Master Obi-Wan at the time, having just finished their training slot for that day. That meeting was only brief, as the Master Jedi merely wanted to introduce his padawan as a rising trainee- he suspected at the time that he would not remain a mere padawan for much longer. From there you just kept bumping into one another, sometimes literally, other times less so, though Ani would almost always be mumbling a quiet apology. He can be a little distant as a friend, but only emotionally himself, to try and uphold the code. He would listen to you if you poured your soul out to him, and be there whenever he could to try and help you.
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)  Anakin is not much of a cuddler. He will get close to you to comfort you, or if he hasn’t seen you for weeks on end, but he won’t give you a hug out of the blue. It’s not really his style. 
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking, cleaning, ect?) Anakin wouldn’t argue against settling down with you. He may not be able to imagine himself as a father, but with a few conversations and discussions you may be able to sway him a little.  E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) Ani would be incredibly blunt about it. Nuance and pathos aren’t exactly his strong points when it comes to explaining things such as this. It is unlikely, but that’s how it would go down. F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?) Anakin cannot see himself with anyone else in this way. He would definitely want to marry you, given half the chance.  G - Gentle (How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?) He tries. He really does try to be gentle. Both emotionally and physically. He succeeds in part with the physical aspect, however... Emotional connections need some work.  H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?) He’d never admit it- given that he doesn’t often give hugs himself, finding them to often be very awkward- but Ani actually really likes hugs. He’d deny it if someone brought it up, though. His hugs, when not awkward, are very warm, encasing you in his arms and holding you very very close.  I - I Love You (How fast do they say the “love” word?) Not particularly quickly. He may begin to act on his feelings before actually admitting any of them. (Plus it probably doesn’t help that Jedi training makes him a little topsy turvy in the head) J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What are they like when jealous?) Anakin can become incredibly jealous. It hardly takes a slightly flirtatious look from another being that will turn him green eyed. When he’s jealous, he’s irritable and often very brooding. It looks attractive from a distance, but in conversation with him... Not so much.  K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) The most common places he’ll kiss you are your knuckles. It looks polite, and not too suspicious. His actual kisses are nothing particularly special on the surface, but they do hold the passion he’s been taught to hide away.  L - Little Ones (How are they around kids?) Anakin is... Indifferent around children. The younglings for example are a group of children he neither likes nor dislikes. however, if they were his own kids it would be a very different story.  M - Morning (What are mornings like with them?) Mornings with Ani are rare. However, when they do occur, they’re very slow. Ani makes sure of this, he doesn’t want to think of getting into trouble with his master and the council, he just wants to make the most of his time with you before it’s too late and the opportunity disappears for good.  N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?) Nights with him, like the mornings, are rare. They also slow- Ani will be staying up late whilst you sleep, just making sure you sleep peacefully and so he could memorise your features.  O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?) Not often. There is the rare evening you manage to coax anything out of him- but even then sentences are brief and don’t contain too much information. It takes a long time for him to feel comfortable opening up to anyone.  P - Patience (How easily angered are they?) Anakin has very, very little patience. If things don’t go his way on the first or second tries, he’ll often pull himself away so as to have a break. If he doesn’t do that he usually loses his temper and is in a bad mood for the rest of the day.  Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about you?) Ani will remember odd and random pieces of information about you that have no real meaning in the practical world (Your favourite colour, your Zodiac sign,) but often forgets the bigger things (Your birthday).  R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?) One of his all time favourite memories of you was when you both went stargazing over a holocom. He was on a mission at the time, and you could hardly see any stars on Coruscant, but you had some very sweet conversations that evening.  S - Security (How protective are they?) Anakin is very protective. Though he may not be able to display or process positive emotions very well, the negative ones burst through the surface quite easily, particularly jealousy. He doesn’t always mean to snap at you in particular, but sometimes it happens.  T - Try (How much effort do they put in?) He does try. Bless him he does. But he’s so out of touch with his emotions that he’s a little bit useless.  U - Ugly (What are their bad habits?) He... Tends to drone on a bit during silent moments. It can be amusing at times, and other times it can be down right death-inducing.  V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Not particularly. The only thing he really cares about (when it’s there of course) is re-doing his padawan braid with his master in the morning.  W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Indeed he would feel slightly amiss without your presence. He wouldn’t be able to function for very long. Not long at all.  X - Xtra (Random HC) Anakin gets you random gifts. They’re usually very small, and you never actually receive them from him directly, but you know they’re from him.  Also he shows you his rock sometimes. (If ykyk) Y - Yuck (Things they don’t like either in general or a partner?)
 On a more serious note, he doesn’t like people who don’t explain themselves after making a certain decision. It makes him quite angry, actually.
Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)
He doesn’t sleep too much or too little- but he can also fall asleep surprisingly quickly. He’s not tired or anything like that, but once he’s done staring at you sleep (When you’re sleeping together) he’s out like a light. As soon as his mind is set on it he’s gone.
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musette22 · 4 years
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Drunk in Boston
Pairing: Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan (Evanstan)
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: A week or so ago, I saw this post. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, so I decided to write a ficlet, a little Evanstan AU. It’s a bit late maybe, since Christmas has already been and gone, but it’s still technically the holidays so just indulge me? :p 
Also, I hit 3k followers this week, so this is also a sort of thank you to all you amazing, wonderful, beautiful people for getting me here. Love you all as much as I love these boys as much as they love each other 💘 Hope you enjoy!
It’s 3 p.m. on 17 December, and Chris is a little bit drunk. Maybe even a lotta bit.
In his defense, he is currently in Boston for a bachelor party and they did just do a tour of the Samuel Adams Brewery. It’s not like he makes a habit of daytime drinking. Not this much, anyway.
Chris stumbles out of the bar that’s attached to the brewery, surrounded by a dozen or so old school friends, all of whom are in a similar state of inebriation, when they pass the gift shop and a familiar image catches his eye. Chris stops in his tracks. On closer inspection, what he saw turns out to be a photo, displayed in a stand outside the shop, of a park in Concord near where Chris grew up.
No, not a photo.
A postcard.
He plucks the card from the stand, swaying on his feet a little as he peers at it. In the image, the park is covered in snow, much like it would be right now, and stamped across it in a red, gothic font are the words ‘Happy Holidays’.
Instantly, Chris is hit by a wave of nostalgia. No doubt the feeling is heightened by the alcohol – he always tends to get a little sentimental when he’s drunk – but it’s not just that. It’s also the fact that Chris and his friends have been reminiscing about the good old days all afternoon as well as the sudden, depressing realization that despite all he’s achieved in the past decade or so, his happiest memories are probably those of childhood Christmases spent in Concord.
These days, Chris lives in on the West Coast. He’s kind of a superstar now, after all, and superstars live in LA – everybody knows that. Chris doesn’t usually let himself dwell too much on how lonely he is there, or how he misses the comforting accents and the real winters of the East Coast. Tonight, though, whether because of the booze in his system or the ghosts of Christmas past, he allows himself to feel the stab of homesickness.
Without conscious input from his brain, Chris finds himself buying the postcard. When the cashier asks him if he’ll be needing he stamp, too, he hesitates. “Yeah, why not,” he decides, on a whim. It’s a Christmas card, after all, and Christmas cards are supposed to be sent.
There’s just one slight issue with his plan, Chris realizes as soon as he puts the borrowed pen to the card.
He’ll need an address to send the card to.
Frowning, he taps the pen against the counter, thinking as hard as his beer-addled brain will allow him, but the only address he can think of off the top of his head is that of his childhood home, back in Concord. But… that would be weird, right? He has no idea who’s been living there, since his parents sold the house after the divorce. Then again, Chris tells himself, this could be his good Christmas deed. Sending a postcard to a total stranger just to wish them happy holidays, that’s totally in the Christmas spirit, isn’t it?
With a decisive nod of his head, Chris puts his pen to paper and starts to write. It’s just a few lines, because there’s only so much you can say to a total stranger, but when he signs off with his initials, he feels good about it. He asks the cashier for the nearest post box, which happens to be just outside the building, so he thanks the guy and heads outside.
Pulling his pea coat tighter around him against the glacial December air, Chris spares the card one last look, and drops into the post box. It feels significant, somehow.
He doesn’t get time to dwell on it though, because the moment his friends spot him, he’s immediately and enthusiastically subsumed back into the group and dragged on to the next boozy destination.
Three drinks on, Chris has forgotten all about the postcard.
On the morning of 18 December, Sebastian Stan opens his postbox to find a postcard with a photo of the park near his house on the front, and a hastily scribbled message on the back:
I used to live in your house.
I’m drunk in Boston, and it’s the only address I know.
Happy Holidays,
Even after re-reading the message three times, Sebastian is none the wiser as to who sent it.
It makes sense other people used to live in the house Sebastian’s been renting, but unsurprisingly, he has no clue who they were. It was only last year that he’d decided to relocate from New York to Concord, craving a change of pace and more peace and quiet than the Big Apple had been able to offer. He’d visited Concord on a research trip for his third novel the year before and had immediately taken a liking to it. So when, after asking his estate agent to put out some feelers in the area, the guy had found him this beautiful place to rent within a day, Sebastian had taken it as a sign.
It’s a big old house – more appropriate for a family than a man living alone, perhaps – but Sebastian can afford it, and it has a lived-in vibe that makes it feel intimate, somehow. Its location on the edge of a large park, peaceful apart from the joggers and young families that frequent it, suits his needs perfectly, too. Despite being a successful author, Sebastian prefers to keep himself to himself. He’s not one for ostentatious book tours or photoshoots, doesn’t believe in social media beyond its promotional potential, and he’s found that he blends in perfectly in this picturesque little town.
In addition to being a private person, however, Sebastian is an inherently curious one.
It’s why he became a writer in the first place, and it’s also why the random, slightly mysterious postcard instantly fascinates him. Someone who decides to send a Christmas card to the stranger living in their childhood home has got to be an interesting person, Sebastian figures.
Unable to resist the temptation, he finds the landlord’s number and presses call.
“The initials C.E.?”
“C.E., that’s right,” Sebastian repeats patiently. “I received a postcard from someone with those initials who said they used to live in this house and wished me Happy Holidays. I’d like to thank them for the card, maybe tell them they’re free to come by the house anytime, if that’s something they’d like.”
“Well,” the landlord says, clear hesitation in his tone. “I wouldn’t usually give out this kind of information, especially not about this particular person. But seeing as he approached you first, I guess it should be alright…”
Chris Evans.
Famous Hollywood actor Chris Evans used to live in Sebastian’s house. The house he’s renting. Whatever.
The point is, Chris Evans sent him a postcard. Sebastian would be lying if he said that knowledge didn’t make his heart beat a little faster. He isn’t one to get star-struck, normally, knowing full well the rich and famous are people just like anyone else, only with an added layer of expensive, sparkly veneer.
Chris Evans, though. Well, let’s just say Chris’s blue eyes, his dazzling smile, and his chest – god, that chest – had helped along Sebastian’s gay awakening considerably, all those years ago.
So even though he realizes what he’s about to do could be considered slightly unethical, the next number Sebastian dials is that of his agent. There’s no harm in asking if there’s any chance she could use her industry connections to pass on a message to Chris Evans, surely?
“Chris Evans?” his agent repeats blankly. “The British radio DJ or the actor?”
Sebastian huffs out a laugh. “Actor. Definitely the actor. Why would I want to send a message to a British radio DJ?”
“Why would you want to send a message to the actor?” she shoots back. “Apart from the obvious, of course.” 
Once he’s explained the situation to her, his agent hums thoughtfully. “Alright, I’ll admit that’s pretty amazing,” she says. “As it happens, I know someone at CAA who owes me a favor. I’ll see what I can do.”
Sebastian thanks her warmly, and then he waits.
That afternoon, Chris gets a phone call from his agent.
“Thank you for the postcard,” she reads aloud. “If you're ever in the neighborhood, you’re welcome to stop by the house and have a look around, for old time’s sake. Happy Holidays, Sebastian Stan.”
“Sebastian Stan?” Chris asks, eyebrows shooting up. “The author?”
“Oh, you know him?”
“Well, no. Not exactly. I’ve read one of his books, though, the one that’s shortlisted for the Pulitzer price, I think? He’s very good.”
His agent hums. “If you say so. Do you want me to pass a message back to him?”
Chris opens his mouth to say yes, then closes it again. “Actually,” he says, making a spur-of-the-moment decision, “I’m still in the area so I think I’ll just pay him a visit. Do you think you could you cancel my flight back to LA this afternoon?”
His agent grumbles at him for a bit but eventually concedes, though not before she’s made Chris promise he’ll be back in LA on Tuesday, for the Christmas special he’s due to appear in. Fun.
For a few moments after he’s ended the call, Chris stares out of the window of his hotel room. It’s snowing again, big flakes fluttering down from the sky, slowly turning the grey, slushy roads white again. He wonders if Pulitzer-finalist Sebastian Stan likes to make snow angels in the backyard too, like Chris used to do.
Putting his phone between his shoulder and his ear, Chris starts to put his things in his overnight bag, and calls an Uber.
It’s almost twilight, by the time the cab come to a stop in front of the house. Chris thanks the driver and steps out, booted feet sinking into the freshly fallen snow. It’s piling up quickly, he notices distantly.
It’s odd, being back here, after everything that’s happened since he moved away, so Chris gives himself a moment to just stand there, in the middle of the deserted street, taking in the sight of house he grew up in.
The house that holds countless memories, many of them good, some of them not so much. His first dog and his first kiss. Scraped knees and snowball fights. Raucous laughter and hissed arguments.
The house looks the same but different.
Chris walks up to the front door, snow crunching under his boots, and rings the doorbell.
Chris Evans is on Sebastian’s doorstep.
All blue-eyed, bearded, gloriously muscled, six-foot-something of him.
“Uh,” Chris says, blinking at him in something like surprise before his gaze sweeps up and down Sebastian’s body in a blatant once-over. “Sebastian Stan?”
“Oh wow, you actually came,” Sebastian blurts by way of reply.
Chris’s eyes widen. “Oh, I’m sorry, I just thought- ‘cause you said-”  
“No, no, it’s fine,” Sebastian interrupts. “I did say that. I just- I guess I wasn’t expecting you to really turn up – or not this soon, at least. But it’s no trouble at all, I live alone so it’s nice to have a visitor. Especially, y’know. You.” Forcing himself to stop talking, Sebastian runs a hand through his messy hair and wishes he’d worn something better suited to meeting one’s celebrity crush. “Sorry,” he says, smiling sheepishly. “Let’s try that again. Hi, I’m Sebastian Stan.”
“Chris Evans.” Chris smiles back warmly as he shakes Sebastian’s extended hand. “It’s lovely to meet you.”
“Lovely,” Sebastian repeats, holding Chris’s gaze. There are tiny flecks of green mixed in with the blue of his eyes, and his lashes would put any Maybelline model to shame. It takes Sebastian longer than it should to remember to let go of Chris’s hand, but fortunately, Chris doesn’t seem to be in any rush either. Huh. Sebastian clears his throat. “Would you- would you like to come in?”
“I’d love to, if you’re putting out,” Chris replies. There’s a beat, and then he freezes, eyes widening in horror. “If I’m not putting you out – not- not if you’re- I wasn’t, I didn’t mean- oh my god, Chris, stop talking you meatball,” Chris groans covering his face with a large hand. His next words come out a little muffled. “I am so sorry. Just ignore me. I have a horrible hangover, I promise I’m not usually this much of a disaster.”
Sebastian laughs, equally charmed by Chris’s helpless chattering as he is by the blush coloring his cheeks, just visible above the line of Chris’s well-groomed beard.
“You’re fine, I’m not easily offended,” he assures him, stepping aside to let Chris into the hallway. “I can take a lot.”
This time, it’s Sebastian’s turn to wince at his choice of words, but when he tentatively glances back at his visitor to see if he noticed, he stills. The look on Chris’s face instantly makes him forget all about feeling embarrassed.
Still standing by the door, melting snow forming puddles around his feet, Chris is watching him intently. There’s something curious in his gaze, something sharp and searching.
It makes Sebastian’s breath catch in his throat. He swallows, resisting the impulse to avert his gaze, play it off as a joke. Instead, he makes himself stare right back. Lets the tension build, lets it simmer and crackle as it stretches out between them, growing stronger with every second they spend looking at each other in heavy silence.
“That right?” Chris asks finally, his voice a low rumble that settles in Sebastian’s bones like smoldering embers. Chris takes a careful step forward, slowly, giving him every chance to back away.
Sebastian stays where he is. 
“Mmm,” he hums, catching his bottom lip between his teeth and biting down lightly, experimentally, on the soft, plump flesh. When Chris’s eyes flick down to his mouth instantly, homing in on it like an eagle on its prey, Sebastian decides to take a chance.
“Tell you what,” Sebastian says huskily, stepping closer under Chris’s dark, watchful gaze. “Why don’t you give me a tour and show me which bedroom used to be yours-” he comes to a halt right in front of Chris, looking up at him through his eyelashes, “and maybe you’ll find out just how much I can take, hm?”
For a moment, Sebastian holds his breath, praying he read this thing right and didn’t accidentally sexually harass a virtual stranger – but then Chris growls and surges forward, and Sebastian knows his gamble is about to pay off.
Big time.
Merry Christmas to me, Sebastian thinks wildly, just before Chris claims his mouth in a searing kiss. After that, he stops thinking altogether.
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animefanwrites · 4 years
brother’s best friend [F] | pt.1
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b. chan x reader | brother’s best friend au
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synopsis: “what happens when your brother invites over his (hot) best friend but forgets to even inform you about it? And what happens when you walk out of your bedroom and see him in your house with no sign of your brother in sight?”
word count: 1.9k
genre: brothers best friend au, teen rom-com
warning: fluff, language, tiny bit of angst
a/n: this is my very first skz fanfiction I hope you guys like it!
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chapters: 01 | 02 | 03 +
status: on-going series
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With a book open on the desk and a few papers scattered around as well, you re-read the third math problem for the 100th time. Biting on the tip of your nails, you groaned in frustration and slammed your head on the desk. There was no way you were going to solve that without having paid attention to the math class in a week. It was simply boring, not my fault, you reminded yourself.
The sudden sound of the bedroom’s door opening made you jolt and look aside, just to see your brother there, looking quite surprised that you were studying in the afternoon instead of watching cat videos like usual.
“You need something?” you questioned after he had been standing there for a while without saying a word. Jisung scratched his head and blinked a few times before opening his mouth to speak.
“I forgot...” he replied and you looked at him, disappointed but not surprised. “Well- bye!” he added before slowly closing the door but — being the annoying brother he is — he didn’t close it all the way.
The math problem looked like it wouldn’t solve itself anytime soon so you decided to give up and pretend that you didn’t write it down when the teacher was giving out homework. You got up and walked to the door, hearing Jisung talking on the phone. Since your parents were out for the weekend, he decided to be loud and annoying with no limits.
Passing by the bathroom, you thought of taking a shower later because you needed some self-care. You took your towels and placed them on your bed, also making sure that all your skincare products and shampoos were untouched.
Back in the bedroom with the f/c walls, you tossed the math book away because you didn’t want it to ruin your mood for the afternoon. Grabbing your phone and putting on some music while also getting your paint and brushes was what would keep you busy for the rest of the day. You were painting your closet after seeing an aesthetic video and you decided that you needed that in your room.
So far, so good.
While bobbing your head to the beat and smiling without even realising it, you thought you heard talking in the living room. You ignored it since your brother was always loud and tended to talk to himself from time to time — talk about a weirdo.
You got up after about an hour and dusted your clothes from the paint that had fallen on them. Grabbing your towels, you smiled and exited the bedroom only to hear water running from the bathroom.
“Hurry up, I wanna shower too!” you yelled and knocked on the door. Just then, the water stopped. You sighed and crossed your arms over your chest as Jisung had finally decided to take a normal shower and not stay there for a whole hour.
The door opened and you were met with a chest. A strong chest, at last. You looked up, only to meet a handsome stranger with wet hair and a small smile on his lips. That was not your brother.
“Oh hey, Jisung didn’t tell me his sister would be home,” he suddenly said and you stared, eyes so wide you thought they’d pop out. When did he come? Why was he here? Where was Jisung?!
“I’m...sorry, I thought Jisung was in the shower...” you muttered, backing away only to realise he had just a towel around his waist, water dripping down his abs and overall beautiful body. Realising you were looking kind of disrespectfully, you turned away. “I- he didn’t tell me his friend would come over...” you added and he chuckled — making your heart flutter.
“I guess he didn’t inform either of us, huh?” he said and ruffled his hair slightly. “He went to take some snacks and said he’ll be back soon! You can sit with us if you want, we’ll watch scary movies,” and with that, he gave you another beautiful grin and walked towards Jisung’s room, closing the door behind him.
“I’m y/n!”
And with that, you had met your brother’s best friend.
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You were drying your hair in your room, smiling to yourself while thinking about the perfect man himself; Chan. What else were you going to think about anyway? The most handsome man in the world was in the next room. You were quite surprised that Jisung had introduced you to most of his friends but not him.
You cringed at the thought of Jisung refusing to bring his friends over after that one time Hyunjin had slept over and you kept telling him how handsome he is — of course, the boy loved the compliments, but your brother had to ruin everything and make the ‘no friends over unless you’re out of the house’ rule.
The rule was broken, around an hour ago, though.
He had taken an hour to go to get snacks? You guessed he didn’t remember you were even home or he forgot why he went there. Typical Jisung. After that though, the front door opened with a loud ‘bang’ and hurried footsteps rushed into your room, opening the door with force.
“Jisung what the fuck?!”
“Where is he?!”
You blinked and stared at him, with a towel in hand and your f/c pyjamas, looking confused as ever. He was breathing heavily, holding two full bags, which meant that he was running all the way here.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I know you met him, and I know he’s here!” he said and slightly glared at you, looking around the room like a psychopath. You realized what he was looking for and rolled your eyes.
“You watch way too many movies... he’s in your room,” you sighed and started brushing your hair. Jisung let out a hum as an answer and walked out slowly closing the door but not before sticking his tongue out at you.
You smiled and when you understood that he was no longer outside, got up, placing your ear on the wall as you heard talking. It was your brother and Chan, obviously ignoring the fact that you were still there and talking about what movie they were going to watch.
“How about we ask your sister to join us too?” you heard Chan’s voice and you immediately broke into a smile. Truth to be told, you hated watching movies with Jisung but if his friends were around, you loved the company and actually joined them.
“No way,” Jisung replied and you rolled your eyes. If he didn’t want to invite you, you’d ‘accidentally’ walk past for the whole movie until he decides to tell you to sit down with them. You were hungry as well and you could definitely finish a whole bag of chips right then and there.
A few minutes passed and you could hear sounds from the living room, meaning that they had put on a movie already. Walking out, you saw all the lights closed and decided to go grab some water and check out the movie they were watching and Chan. That was no secret.
Approaching the couch with a glass in hand, you realised you hadn’t seen that horror movie before and it seemed interesting — but scary as well.
“You wanna sit?” Chan asked, looking up at you with a bright smile and shiny eyes. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t say no to that man. He was holding a bowl of popcorn and patted the space next to him since your brother had taken the whole space of the second couch, curled into a ball with his blanket.
“Of course,” you smiled back, sitting down next to him and getting comfortable. You were quite close to him and you could feel Jisung burning holes in your head, but Chan’s warmth and the smiles he gave you from time to time made the atmosphere way less scary and more enjoyable.
At some point, you were all focused on the TV, knowing that a jumpscare was going to happen soon. Your hand moved to the bowl, slightly touching with Chan’s, making you both move your hands away. You turned your head, meeting his beautiful eyes looking right back at your e/c ones.
The only light was coming from the TV and you could see how he shined, his perfect features and his incredibly magnetizing look. None of you could look away from each other. Chan slowly parted his lips to speak, but instead, he was cut off by Jisung’s loud scream. You both jumped and turned to face him.
“What?! It was unexpected!”
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“Don’t date my sister,” Jisung’s words made Chan turn his head and look at the younger boy who seemed quite serious. They had just laid down on the two beds in Jisung’s room while laughing and telling funny experiences they had through the week when he suddenly blurted that out.
“Don’t get me wrong Chan, I tell that to everyone. But come on, she’s my sister I don’t wanna see someone so close to me with her. I know you’re a nice guy and —”
“Mate, don’t worry!” Chan cut him off with a smile. “I know she’s your sister, I would never...” he added and shrugged his shoulders. Seeing Jisung relax made his heart clench. His sister seemed like such a nice person and from the second they met, he wanted to know more about her.
“Okay great. Well, I mean if you liked her I wouldn’t say no but I want to make sure she gets the best of the best. I might look like I hate her, but I wouldn’t hand her to someone random. You never know,” Chan felt like he had a chance after what he just heard. He hummed in response and silence fell between them. Chan opened his mouth to speak again but the snoring from Jisung made him chuckle and go sleep instead.
You were looking out the window of the kitchen, forgetting why you were there in the first place while resting your head in your palm. It was quite crazy how you’ve never thought of any of your brother’s friends that way.
But Chan was different.
He had something that just made you trust him. You could tell he was a nice person and you wouldn’t admit it, but that tingle you felt whenever he smiled wasn’t going to leave any time soon. You didn’t even realise the smile on your lips until you looked at your reflection on the window, seeing someone right behind you.
“OH LORD—“ you gasped and turned around, seeing Chan with a guilty look. Looking at the time in the nearby clock, you realised that he had gotten up for some water. “Sorry, you just scared me,” you sighed and smiled slightly.
“Sorry, I just came for something to drink and I didn’t wanna disturb you. You looked like you were thinking about something,” he chuckled and smiled softly, grabbing some water for himself. You hummed in response, looking at his back and the muscles that were visible under his thin shirt.
“I was thinking about something...” you muttered seeing him raise his eyebrows, encouraging you to continue. “Jisung would never approve of me having a boyfriend and it’s kind of annoying, you know, just that,” you said, shrugging and advertising your gaze from the floor to him.
“I understand him, he cares about you. He just wants what’s best for you,” Chan replied and smiled again. “Trust me, he knows,” he whispered that part, now seeming closer than he was before. His lips looked so pink and kissable, his skin so smooth and his eyes giving you hints of hope.
“I...guess you’re right,” you said, smiling back and watching him move away. You walked to your room, looking at him one last time before walking inside. “See you in the morning?” you chuckled while listening to Jisung’s snoring from the other room.
“See you in the morning,” he grinned and walked into the dark room, closing the door behind him, making sure to not wake his friend up.
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