#there’s a definite generation divide between us and we don’t agree on everything (see: boyfriend) but
shout-out to my extremely traditional 72 year old coworker who told me yesterday that she thinks I am trying to grow up too fast and need to lighten up some (and possibly get a boyfriend but she wasn’t really clear on that) and also that she enjoys rap music
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
Coloring and Close Bonds- Agere!AU (part 42)
A/N: Hi! This is a shorter no-little-side chapter to help advance the plot. It is like, necessary to the overarching plot so...but it is cute! Platonic Virgil and Emile Rights. Anyways, the next chapter will be a filler probably focusing around little!Emile and cg!Remy, so y'all can see how I write them.
Of course, Emile suggested that they should hang out outside of work so that they could possibly be friends again. And the core sides didn't want to say no, so here they were, watching Disney.
They had to choose the thing that could trigger any of their headspace. It's like they knew and were purposely making it worse for them. It was a million times harder to repress your headspace when you were used to regressing whenever.
Roman silently cuddled into Virgil's side, Virgil wrapping his arm around him. "Not to be rude or anything, but are you two dating?" Remy asked. Virgil nodded, as if this fact was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Have been for a while," Roman scoffed.
"Sorry, we haven't been around to know..." Emile let Remy wrap his arm around him.
"Oh my god, you two are dating!" Patton realized.
"Obviously," Remy turned his head, kissing Emile's cheek softly. "And I'm assuming you and the nerd are too?"
"That nerd is my boyfriend," Patton defended.
This whole interaction heavily shifted the vibe from tense to romantic. They avoided regressing by constantly talking to their partner and being cute. It was just a coincidence that most of the sides paired off when the Neutral Sides weren't speaking with them.
They'd soon find out that there was one other similarity between the three of their relationships, and it wasn't a romantic one.
Virgil was scrolling on his phone when he heard a knock at his door. He knew that Remy and Emile were there, but he assumed they were still having their meetings. But he was proven wrong when he swung open the door to see Emile.
"Hey?" he sounded confused, subtly attempting to block his view into the bedroom due to all the baby stuff practically lying around.
"Hey! Um, I was only needed for part of the meeting...my job is a shared one, after all. Mostly there to fix conflict but there wasn't any. I was wondering if I could hang out with you until it was over?"
"Uh, sure," Virgil shrugged. He didn't dislike Emile, at all. It was just awkward, because he knew there was a point where Emile disliked him, and some part of him brain told him that those feelings were still there, and that he was only being nice because he had too.
Like he could read his anxious thoughts, Emile started to reassure him. "Me and Remy owe you a huge apology. I'm sorry that we treated you so badly when you were a dark side...we should've known to just wait until you adjusted-"
"When I first came to live here, I pushed everyone away. Including you. I treated you badly, and you got away from that." Virgil interrupted him. "But you're right, once I adjusted, everything got better. Things changed and we changed, right?"
Emile smiled. "Yeah, exactly. Apology accepted?"
"Yeah, apology accepted." Virgil smiled back at him.
"Can I come in?" Emile asked, trying to look around him.
"We can't hang out in here!" Virgil denied quickly, stepping forward and shutting his door behind him. Emile seemed shocked, and a bit hurt that he wasn't allowed, but he nodded slowly.
"You deserve privacy. We can go to the living room and do something."
Virgil nodded, following him to the commons. They both took a seat, sitting in an awkward silence until Emile attempted to start a conversation. "So...what do you like doing, Virgil?" Emile asked. Virgil thought about how to phrase his response, trying to avoid mentioning his more childish hobbies.
"I go online a lot, and I watch movies and stuff. I don't know, I just spend a lot of time with the others..." he mumbled. "You?"
"Same, mostly. I'm the therapist in the village so that's what I've been busying myself with, keeping all of Thomas's characters and figments happy and healthy. I also just spend a lot of time with Remy." Emile shrugged.
"When did you and Remy start dating? Has that been like, a long term thing or is it new?"
"Long term, I guess. We've been together for a few months," Emile tried not to go into detail here. Remy was his caregiver, and he was his, and in order to avoid mentioning that, he'd have to stick to the romantic parts of their relationship. "What about you and Roman? How did that happen?"
"Things were complicated between everyone due to the dark sides getting involved with everything, so all of us were stressed. I started spending more time with Roman and then it just kinda...happened? Logan and Patton got together just before we did..." Virgil explained. Emile smiled.
"I'm glad you guys are so happy. It's nice knowing that you guys are closer then you were before. You guys also made friends with the Dark Sides, which is cool." Emile seemed kinda tense at that, biting his lip.
"Are you- are you scared of the dark sides?" Virgil questioned.
Emile shrugged. "They're kinda mean, or at least...they were."
"They're getting better about that. I won't let them treat you or Remy badly, just don't assume that they haven't changed."
Emile nodded quickly, the two falling into silence. How come this was so awkward? "Do you have crayons and coloring books?" Emile asked.
Coloring always helped him calm down. Remy would often sit him down and have him color after throwing a fit or getting frustrated while little. It seemed like an odd punishment, but he'd calm down after a few minutes and would be able to talk to Remy about whatever happened.
He thought that maybe, if he distracted himself with coloring, talking to Virgil might be easier.
"I mean- yeah, but why?" Virgil immediately seemed skeptical, not knowing what he was planning.
"I thought it'd give us something to do besides sit in silence when we run out of things to talk about..." Emile explained. Virgil didn't know how to object that, nodding a bit.
"Okay, I'll go find them." he agreed.
He came back a few minutes later with a stack of coloring books and a box of crayons. "You guys have a lot of coloring books," Emile chuckled, moving down from the couch to the floor as Virgil cleared the coffee table, spreading out the books and setting down the box of crayons.
"There's definitely more." Virgil assured, moving to sit next to Emile on the floor.
"Why do you have so many?" he claimed a Lilo and Stitch book, flipping through it. Virgil paused, not being able to come up with words.
"Is it an anxiety thing? Because coloring helps me too," Emile suggested, after a few moments of Virgil trying to come up with an excuse. Emile realized that his question might've been a little personal.
"Y-yeah, something like that." Virgil laughed it off, picking out a book.
As they colored and gossiped, they both somewhat repressed a headspace that felt so easy to slip into. Coloring really did help the awkwardness though.
If they ran out of things to say, Emile would compliment Virgil's crayon skills and that would fade into another train of conversation. When they fell into silence, it was because they were focused on drawing, and it didn't feel weird. They remained big by talking about anything and everything. Their boyfriends, their jobs, things that have happened.
They both had to avoid any stories that involved themselves or another side being little. Little did they know, they were both hiding the same thing. Eventually they'd figure everything out, but for now, they were stuck in a loop of keeping secrets uselessly.
It was frustrating hiding the little part of their lives, but they eventually got used to Remy and Emile being around. The Dark Sides even hung out with them. For the first time in a long time, it really felt like all the sides were united. There were some tensions, sure.
Like Janus being jealous of Roman, due to the prince replacing him in his only sacred spot of being Virgil's caregiver.
Like Remus trying to adjust to his regression without Remy and Emile finding out,
Like everyone trying to hide this 'secret' from each other.
But overall, they were getting along well. Thomas was doing much better managing his love life when the whole Romance Committee was there to help. Virgil attended meetings now, he deserved to have a say in that too. Everyone sort of apologized to each other about the sides previously being so divided.
It was almost like the labels of Core, Dark, and Neutral didn't matter anymore. They were just technicalities, not barriers. Everything seemed to flow better when they worked together. How did they manage separately for so long?
Besides the working aspect, it just generally felt like everyone was getting closer. Awkwardness faded as they laughed and joked.
Patton almost felt like his family was getting bigger. It was getting bigger.
And after just a few more issues are resolved, and a few secrets are shared, that statement will become more and more true.
Let's see how those loose ends are tied up before we get to the end of the story...
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elliemarchetti · 4 years
Would write a fanfic about cal and mare going on first date and accidentally see elane and Evangeline
A Ray of Sunshine
Words: 1262
In the first photo they had together, Ptolemus was only three years old and sitting on a black designer armchair in which he seemed to be sinking, trying to hold both Cal and his sister Evangeline in his arms. In the next, the two peers were still wearing diapers and they were all sitting on a shiny white marble floor trying to build a crooked brick tower that was destined to fall ruinously. The third was the first where Maven appeared: he was just two years old and struggled to keep up as they all played in the Samos estate’s garden. Shortly after the photo was taken, Maven fell, scratching his knee, and all four did their best to keep it hidden from his overprotective mother. From that moment on, as tied by a blood pact, the four children backed up each other for every mischief, and while growing up, as they saw their families fall apart, they went on certain they still had someone who would always be there to support them, so Cal didn't ask too many questions when Ptolemus went to his house asking him if he could pretend  he started dating his sister Evangeline.
"I wouldn't ask if it wasn't really important," said the older one, and Cal agreed to go with them for a month to the country estate together with Volo and Larentia, who although were still married, it was evident they couldn't stand each other anymore. The news brought a semblance of joy to the family, and the three almost forgot about that little lie as they spent their time divided between elegant brunches, long horse rides and provincial pubs. It was in one of these that things started to get complicated. As soon as they had entered the tavern, Cal had noticed her: surrounded by boys hanging from her lips, she looked like a small Aphrodite with brown hair and shrewd eyes. He hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her all evening and had carefully studied her movements and those of her companions, to understand if one of them was her boyfriend. Two were undoubtedly her brothers and he had a doubt about the third guy with darker complexion since his hair were red, while the fourth, a blond boy, a little younger than the others, could definitely not be her relative but she seemed to treat him just like everyone else. He took advantage of the opportunity when she went to the counter to order drinks. The place was full, so she had sat down at one of the high stools to wait for her turn, her slender legs dangling.
"You really are very small to find yourself in such a place," he had said, and when she had turned and their eyes had crossed, he understood that he was screwed. They talked for a long time, but on the way back Evangeline told him that they had to establish rules.
"In places like this people talk, and I don't want my parents to start hating you just because they are convinced that you’re cheating on me with the first peasant passing by. So, until the end of the month, it's better if we don't see anyone."
Cal accepted, but within a couple of days he realized that he would absolutely not resist the temptation to go out with Mare at least once, especially when she texted him constantly and seemed definitely interested in him. So one night, after everyone had fallen asleep, Cal slipped out of bed, put on something comfortable and walked to her door. Mare was waiting for him curled up on the rocking chair on the porch and gave him a radiant smile when she saw him beyond the gate.
“It’s like I’m in high school again,” she whispered, with a chuckle, climbing over the metal that divided them, silent as a cat.
“You used to do it often?” he asked, amused, as they walked in the opposite direction from which he had come.
“What? Going out with boys already taken or sneaking out in the middle of the night?” she teased him, and even though Cal knew she was only joking, he wanted to specify that Evangeline wasn’t his girlfriend.
“So why are you spending a month with her family?” she asked, genuinely curious.
“It’s complicated,” he replied, determined to remain vague, but a single sideways glance was enough for the stranger to manage to bring out of him even that little secret.
"And you really didn't ask questions?"
She seemed appalled at the idea.
“The blond guy at the tavern is your best friend, right?” he asked, even though he already knew the answer. “If he asked you to lie for him and tell his family you’re his girlfriend, wouldn’t you do it without asking questions?”
Mare shook her head, a mischievous smile slowly opening on her face: "Are you kidding? I would like to know everything! I would probably also ask him for money to be in it, too."
It had to be nice, to have such a simple life.
"It's different between us," Cal explained. "When you have families like ours, you need someone to support you without asking questions."
It was evident that the girl wanted to know more but she must’ve realized that he wasn’t really in the mood to talk about death mothers, bad marriages and painful memories in general, so she stood silent and Cal asked where she was taking him.
"For clandestine encounters like ours, there is only one perfect place here," she replied, vaguely, and unexpectedly, a couple of traverses further on, turned left, in a narrow street that people who didn’t know of it would’ve never noticed.
“Don’t you find it a little disturbing?” he asked, looking sideways at a crumbling building, too little to be a house.
“Is it fear I hear in your voice, little prince?” she teased him, pricking his ribs with her index. Indeed, having grown up in a wealthy family, he had never had the chance to do things like that, and the trees around him, whose luxuriant branches hid the moon in the sky, seemed vaguely threatening to him, but he carried on, which led him to slam against Mare’s back when she stopped abruptly.
“Apparently, the place’s already taken,” she whispered, stepping back a little. Sitting with their legs dangling over what looked like an old power plant, there were two girls, one with long, red hair and skin as white as porcelain and the other… the other one was Evangeline!
“I cannot believe it!” Mare exclaimed, hiding in the thick. “The major’s daughter is kissing you fake girlfriend!”
Cal looked at the girls, stunned. Why hadn't he thought of this before? And above all, why hadn't they told him the truth? Did they really though Cal could judge her? He wasn't that kind of person and he didn't care who Evangeline chose as a partner, as long as they treated her right, and it was difficult not to do so, given her temper and her scary brother.
"I hope you're not too disappointed," Mare teased him on the way back, when silence lasted too long.
“Just by the fact we can’t have the place for ourselves, but the rest makes sense, especially given the Samos are a very conservative family.”
"Oh, but don't worry, I'm always full of crazy ideas!" she exclaimed, hopping on the sidewalk. Cal smiled. She was perfect, a ray of sunshine after a long rain, exactly what he needed to end his teenager years.
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rough-tweed-action · 7 years
🔥 about tjlc and the tinfoil hat conspiracists
This is a tough one. I'm guessing my opinion (why are they doing this to themselves?) is actually a popular one. So, an unpopular opinion about these people, hmm.
Have you seen Rowan Atkinson's sketch about Toby the Devil? He welcomes souls to hell and divides them into groups: murderers, thieves, French and lastly, Christians. 'Christians? Ah yes, I’m sorry, I’m afraid the Jews were right.' Apart from being hilarious, it makes me wonder: what if we, the non-johnlockers, are wrong and they are right? What if everything I think I know about Sherlock is wrong because I'm a straight, adult woman and judging from the post-TFP dramatic posts, the majority of the cult consists of gay youth. What if BBC Sherlock really is a romantic story and I saw none of that because I'm biased?
What if they were rightfully angry after series 4? I mean, from what I heard, they predicted TAB's content pretty well. Maybe they aren't as delusional as we think. Maybe they were, in fact, portrayed on the show not only as the First TJCLer Hudders but also as the league of furies. Maybe today's gay youth needs more recognition than suffragettes. I don't know.
What if Mofftiss did betray them? What if they intentionally made Sherlock gay and John bi to attract the attention of gay fans? What if they wanted to give them the kiss, but the BBC didn't let them?What if Mark Gatiss, who seems like a lovely person, is actually the evil incarnate and a homophobic, cruel gay who likes to torment people like him? How can I tell? I don't know him. What if Mofftiss are lying liars who lie about lying about lying about lying and they really are playing a long game here. Maybe they intentionally made series 4 not gay and hurt the fans only to make the kiss in series 5 sweeter? Who can tell?
Did Gatiss honestly tell gay fans via Mary that it doesn't matter who they really are? Would he do that? Will he and Moffat butcher Dracula and make him not explicitly gay?
What if I, a Sheriarty shipper, completely misinterpreted the Moriarty episodes? What if Sherlock is, in fact, scared of Moriarty and there's no chemistry? Perhaps Sherlock wanted to catch Moriarty to save John and be gay with him? Could the Sheriarty content be just a cynical milkshake to lure the hungry Fannibals to the yard? What if the Sheriarty scene from TAB was not sentimentally and sexually charged? What if Moriarty's motivation was 'if I can't have you, then no one can'? WHAT IF SHERLOCK JUST HAD A GUN IN HIS POCKET AND WASN’T PLEASED TO SEE HIM?
What if Adlock isn't canon? Is Irene's theme really a johnlock theme? The person who deflowered Sherlock, Irene or John? Were Irene's pupils dilated because she was scared? Did she say 'Well I am [gay], look at us both' to prove there was no Adlock, not because saying 'Well I am bisexual' would make no sense? Were all the reminders of Irene meaningless? Do I ship it bc I'm straight? Was I.... straight-baited?
Was it a coincidence that Sherlock said 'I'm you' to Jim and played Irene's theme when asked to play himself? Was the Adlock/Sheriarty mash-up (TAB) unimportant? Is Sherlock actually attracted only to his exact opposite, John boring dull predictable Watson?
What if that Arwel guy is not a funny person who likes elephants and things that glow? What if he taunted the cult with gay elephants all those years? I'm actually surprised to have heard of the Eurus' glass elephant just recently and not from a cult member. Huh. Is the glowing skull a secret sign? What if the billboards from HLV were not a coincidence?
And what if all the small inconsistencies like the disappearing John from the T6T scene with Hopkins are, in fact, important? Look, as a Holmescest shipper, I watched the Unwise, brother mine scene many, many times. Two inconsistencies there. 
What if the First TJLCer and John are actually likeable characters? Is John's abusive behaviour excusable bc of sexual frustration and being closeted? Was his awful comment about Mycroft (what goes around comes around) justified? We may never know.
Is johnlock actually a sweet, lovely, vanilla ship, romantic and pure? Despite all the women deceived and used to stop the gossip? It bothers me, actually. Maybe it's because I think that honesty in any relationship is crucial. Did Sherlock and John really flirt with each other in Mary's or Irene's presence? Did John make a decision to marry Mary just to prove he's straight, although he could have just ditch the bitch and make out with his loved-up booooooooooyfriend? Is it ok for a bi-curious person to lie to their straight partner and use them a shield? Should I root for a gay couple who try to get together on the fucking WEDDING RECEPTION in front of the clueless bride? Is this good? Do I find it disgusting and inexcusable bc I'm not gay? Maybe it is a gay fantasy, the opposite of the hetero wish to turn a gay person straight?  Mystery.
Is this theory that the true villain of BBC Sherlock is anyone who thinks Sherlock is not gay right? Do I erase an important part of his personality bc I don't want Sherlock the fictional character to be happy the way he should have been from the start? Was ACD inspired by Oscar Wilde and the original Sherlock Holmes was in as gay as Wilde? Did Watson invent Mary Morstan to be safely gay with Holmes?
Is the unaired pilot gay and I can't see it bc I am not? Did Sherlock say that he knew being gay is fine not because John said his 'which is fine' the way I say 'I do like the Germans and I’m not scared of the German nationalism and do not resent them for using the most hideous language in the world, no sir'? Did Sherlock never correct the people who assumed he was John's boyfriend not because he simply didn't care what they thought about him?
What if Mary killed herself to make Sherlock commit suicide? What if Sherlock hated her the whole time and only pretended he liked her, so very convincingly? Did he and John conspire to murder her while she was heavily pregnant and sipped tea in John's chair? Was she the real Moriarty? Did she work for CAM? For Mycroft? Did the homicidal Sherlock and John try to protect her from Ajay because... they wanted to kill her themselves?
Was the Warstan reunion in HLV not sweet and realistic but sinister? Did John threaten her while she was pregnant with his child?
Is the *sigh* M theory true? Moriarty, Mary and Magnussen using Mycroft to destroy johnlock? Because nothing else that universe is more important than these two Brits licking Marmite off the other's prick.
What if our perception of the acronym cult is wrong? Maybe it's not just toxic. Maybe it helps its members embrace their sexuality. Maybe they were just trying to defend themselves? Maybe the only member who needed therapy was one of the leaders? Was it ok for another leader, the one who's still active, to respond to my message by going through my blog and judging the content? Despite my having mentioned twice in the message that I was just curious and had no evil intentions. I'm no expert.
Is the concept of a slow-burn romance (with a huge portion of miscommunication) between John and Sherlock possible? Wouldn't Sherlock just say: 'John, we should kiss, for science!' or John, when Sherlock returned, 'I have missed you so much. Don't ever leave again. Also, I love you, I can say this now.'
Did the suggestion to name the baby Sherlock actually meant 'I wish we have got married, I'd love to be your Sherlock Watson'? Did John the free widower say 'the chance doesn't last forever' and put so much emphasis on the word 'alive' because... I dunno, really.
Does John's 'I am not gay/not Sherlock's boyfriend' mean: 'I'm bisexual and would love to show Sherlock some military discipline'? Wouldn’t bi-John feel comfortable with Hudders, enough to tell her his secret?
Was John's reaction to Mary's death really less emotional than his reaction to Sherlock's suicide?
Was John's WTF when Janine strode out of Sherlock's bedroom jealousy and not the strong feeling that Sherlock either changed overnight or was doing some serious bullshitting?
Is Sherlock’s reaction to Janine and that other female character flirting with him a definite proof that he does not want to offer his virginity to a woman? Even... The Woman?
Was the idea of Warstan bad enough to make Sherlock suicidal on FIVE separate occasions? I counted: the sad, suicidal chips in TEH, the conversation with Sholto through the door, the post-wedding relapse that was NOT for a case, the TAB overdose and the TLD relapse. Dude. Sherlock, son, maybe find a hobby.
Did Mofftiss lose their minds and made not one but TWO 'all in your head' series? Is John dying? Is Sherlock in a coma? Was Eurus real? Is Redbeard a dog? Do I care?
Are Adlock and Smallcroft shippers delusional bc both Holmes brothers are so obviously gay? Is it all right to say that a character's sexual orientation cannot be different from the actor's (but only if the actor is gay)? Does Gatiss have a right to play or create non-gay characters?  Is he morally obliged to make every Sherlock character gay? Does he owe anything to the gay community?
What if having your otp work together and raise a kid together is not enough?
WAS THE LAZARUS REAL? I do agree with finalproblem on this particular subject, 100%.
Is Jim Moriarty alive? Is Mary alive? Is Rosie real?
IS FUCKY a real, useable word?
WAS IT HUDDERS WHO SAID 'SOFTER, SHERLOCK' IN TFP??? That old, stoned witch, I knew I shouldn't trust her.
Seriously, though. Do I think conspiracy theorists are crazy in real life? No. I think I'm fairly normal despite my strong belief that General Sikorski was murdered by the British. I will NEVER accept that it was an accident. Never. 
Thank you, that was a journey. 
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