#there’s also …. the single dad!sugu series that i dont think im writing anytime soon 😭😭😭
hey sweetheart!
how're you? how're you doing?
just wanted to check in with you!
and also to let you know that i love your works!
your take on suguru is immaculate.
currently in love with your knight!suguru fic and your drunk!suguru fic! <3
hi anon !! wahhhhhh you’re so sweet for checking in…… T_T i’m doing just fine !!!! hoping to get some writing done this week ….. i’m gonna try my best!!
and !!!!! tysm for ur kind words :’3 it means a lot to me!! praise from sugu girlies (gn) always makes me so happy <3333 I’M OVERJOYED THAT U LIKE MY TAKE ON HIM it’s extremely self-indulgent but it is what it is yk ….
and aaaa i’m very fond of both those fics :’3 i feel so warm knowing u like them too anon !!! i’ve been writing sugu a lot lately hhh ….. but i still have lots of wips left !!! i hope they’ll live up to ur sweet praise once they’re out !!! 🌻🌻🌻
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