#there's a cats and dogs joke here somewhere
allaboutnayeli · 23 days
KIKA NAZARETH as your girlfriend
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author notes: if kika ever get cornrows, i'm deleting this and i'm not playing 🫶🏾 anyways let's totally act like this wasn't posted because the next part of my alessia series is taking ages.. totally not the reason.
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━ KIKA is the type of girlfriend who loves to tease you. it's her #1 love language. it doesn't matter the time or the day, she will find a reason to tease you. sometimes it's about how much water you're drinking practice ("feeling extra thirsty today, huh?") or she's all up on you after a long day at practice when you both are way too sweaty to be all on top of eachother.
━ AT the same time, kika is so caring. she carries your bag when you two go to practice, loves to open doors for you, does little things like tying your shoe or making sure to keep snacks in her bag because she knows how you like to snack in the car on the way back home after a long training session, and more.
━ SHE lowkey has an ego. kika will make cringy jokes about how fine she is and how she's the prize in the relationship. at the end of the day, she really sees you as the prize.
━ CLINGY as hell. even at practice when it's not the most appropriate. she wants to be around you and touching you even if it's the smallest of touches. her favorite subtle way to be close is to hold pinky's.
━ IF you don't know portuguese, kika is happy to teach you. not without some teasing, of course. she'll force you to cuddle her after every lesson and wants kisses everytime you get a word right. she calls it "positive reinforcement" and you know damn well she doesn't get what that word means.
━ SHE enjoys vacationing with you. traveling some of the world during off-season is a fun pasttime, especially with a pretty woman on her side. kika will take you to places she already been, so you two can explore it together. you always ask her wouldn't she rather go somewhere new and she always says "no, this is somewhere new because i never been here with you."
━ DEFINITELY the type to want a dog or cat right after you guys move in together. she thinks it's the last piece to your lil family (until kids at least). if you don't care for having a pet, she'll try to convince you by listing everyone else in the team who has a pet. "you don't want pet FOMO, do you?" is her favorite line.
━ A huge family person and wants you to meet her family as soon as possible. the first vacation you guys go on is to portugal to see her family for a short while, then off to where you are from to see your family. kika prides herself on getting along well with your parents and whatever siblings you have.
━ THE type to do "one month anniversary" just because she finds it cute.
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dreamskug · 5 months
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NOT "Gramps". Not for you, anyway. Just my name.
Why, checking if we’d match? Hah. Was told I’m a Scorpio. 'That check out?
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With platforms or without?
If we vibe, nothing else matters. An incubus with neat taste in personalities, I guess.
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So, some Scandinavian blood in me - half, actually. Can speak the language, too - 'least something neat daddy gave me, not that the fucker's outdone himself in parenting. Mom’s an American, born in Badlands. Ever heard of her clan? Messed with witchcraft a lot, and summoning even more. Know what I’m getting at? A perfect fuckin' match, weren't they?
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- Yeah no. Don't even start with anything citrus. Especially don't peel this shit in front of me, alright? Nasty shit. [Interviewer]: - Just wondering, how do you feel about cardboard boxes? [Ívarr] : - Ain't purring for you, man. But nice one.
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Fuck summer. You ever felt what's that like - the real winter nights? Pitch fuckin' dark - quiet so thick you hear the snow falling. First time I saw those snowflakes as a kid - can swear I thought they were bees.
Cherry blossoms? The fuck I know, man. Ask my mainline, I grab whatever he likes.
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Expecting me to be like - "Muahaha, the smell of fear"? Seriously, it's apparently a pheromone released in your sweat or some shit. C'mon I'm joking, it isn't my fav - keeps stinking up this damn city. Alright, a freshly baked cake is something I'd kill for.
Yeah coffee I guess? Rich, strong, black, with a splash of something fun, make it whiskey.
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Woke up just yesterday 'cause my mainline was pulling back my eyelid, imagine? Scared the fuck out of him, no seriously, can sleep through a fuckin' bomb and I'm not joking. Average hours - a shitton honestly? That's how I got my very first cat - Dad got enough of me breaking down every single morning, cause fuck mornings. And he'd be like - this is Snowy, she's gonna live with us and she already had her breakfast, so get the fuck up. How'd I argue with Snowy? You don't mess with Snowy.
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See? Check it out - cat fur. Here too. I'm claimed, man - gave up cleaning it up a long time ago. Not to be dramatic, but if there's anything human in me left - it's for them. Fur kids, all mine, what can I say. Two of them adopted - and you bet each of them has a bigger personality than an average gonk.
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Dream trip, jeez... Somewhere not fucking hot?
Balrog has style, y'know? Gotta be honest, I feel for the dude. Imagine yourself sleeping deep within the mountains for thousands of years to get awoken by a bunch of motherfuckers? I'd go nuclear too. And this one too, ehh you know GoT? The Targaryen, her, yeah. Burn them all, girl. Boss move.
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Man, your questions. I dunno, a half? With my ass covered, or not at all. Bed king sized, lights out, make it pitch black with the window open and you got me passed out.
One doesn't have to actually summon a demon to get them to come play, d'you know? There's one watching you through my eyes right fuckin' now. Should I introduce him?
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Late to the party, but I remember many of y'all have more than one OC or just created new pixel babies that haven't participated yet, so I'm tagging (with no pressure):
@therealnightcity @wraithsoutlaws @sammysilverdyne @theviridianbunny @th3irin
@a-pirate @chessalein @halkuonn @luvwich @shimmer-like-agirl
@kdval @cybersteal @cyberholic77 @chevvy-yates @morganlefaye79
@anxious--ace @mhbcaps @wormskul @silver-samurai @androgymess
@winkyblinkyandstew @astarionhistears @valsilverhand @drunkchasind @themermaidriot
@pinkyjulien @skelior @medtech-mara @lokiina @timaeusterrored
@tokyofuturnoir @aggravateddurian @sifofasgard @elfjpeg @aurorartz
@lucky38-2077 @dustymagpie @gloryride @stannussy and anyone else who wants to! Also pls DM me if you don't wanna get tagged🖤
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shiny-jr · 2 months
I know you probably don't want to talk about this anymore, but I'm still really curious. Genshin Natlan characters have been revealed, and I want to know your opinion
Taking a long sigh. The fact that you seem hesitant to ask this means you probably have an idea of what my response would be like. Just so I don't have to end up making multiple posts about this topic, I'm gonna try to include everything here. If I forget something and someone asks later, I might be willing to address it.
So, heads up. This is a long rant. Shiny rants. Disclaimer, I am Mexican-American, so I believe I have some say on some of the cultures involved in this fiasco. Some of them, not all. That being said, I'll try to handle the others with as much respect as possible, but forgive me if I make a mistake somewhere.
I stopped playing genshin when Sumeru was announced. Despite me not having any affiliation with the cultures represented by Sumeru, I remember being livid as some of y'all might recall. So, let's start off with:
THE AMALGAMATION OF CULTURES. This meaning how very weird it is that somehow the european/east asian cultures get their own distinct nation dedicated to one sole peoples while brown/black cultures get meshed into one unrecognizable figure. Mondstadt is based off Germany, Liyue is based off China, Inazuma is based off Japan, Fontaine is based off France. On the other hand, Sumeru is a mix of south asia, the middle east, and north africa while Natlan takes that a step further by involving Incan, Mayan, Maori, Yoruban, and Hopi cultures (of what we know so far).
Why are all these other nations so carefully crafted and picked, but it feels as if for Natlan and Sumeru, the developers put up a map and grabbed some darts, then decided to use whatever culture wherever a handful of darts landed on the board? In the way they're handling it, it feels like these cultures are nothing but an accessory to them. An excuse to make these "exotic" looking characters, but not even make them properly due to the horrible designs and lack of melanin (these are two topics I will come back to).
It feels like they got lazy, and/or they clearly don't care enough to do in depth research properly as they might've done with past nations. The best example I've seen of this is Yunjin and Ororon. Yunjin is a beautiful example of a character done right and respectfully, as she is meant to be a Chinese opera singer. They even went so far as to hire an actual Chinese opera singer for a song she performs in-game. However, Ororon takes the name of "Olorun" which is a Yoruban deity, but when you look at this character's design, there is nothing that would even hint towards the fact that he's meant to be African.
This brings me to the second part, CULTURE AS COSTUMES. As mentioned previously, nothing about this Ororon character portrays the fact that he's meant to be African. NOTHING. If you do not know what he looks like, the character named after a Yoruban god is quite literally just a pale anime boy in edgy clothing and has some type of dog/cat/animal ears. I am not joking. That is what he looks like. If you don't believe me, look it up.
Do you know what the saddest part about all this is? It's the fact that I guarantee you, sometime in the future when Ororon appears in-game, gets his own quest, then his own banner, all that jazz, the chances of images of him appearing when you look up Olorun are high. In fact, when Sumeru was announced, I vividly remember doing research on the characters there were announced, such as Al-Haitham. When you looked up the name Al-Haitham then, google showed an Islamic astronomer. However, if you look up the name now, you immediately get builds and character guides and art of genshin's Al-Haitham, which is horrible when you really think about it. Because the same thing happened to Dehya (a Berber warrior queen), and it's about to happen to Kachina (Hopi spirits), Kinich (Mayan Sun God), Mualani (a princess of Hawaii), etc.
When you look at these characters, Natlan and Sumeru included, most of their designs don't even look as if they're portraying a culture. For now, I'll focus on Natlan.
Kinich is supposed to be Mayan, however, nothing about his design is giving Latino or indigenous Mayan. As a Mexican, I should be able to look at him and say, 'hey, he looks kinda like me or my cousins! Oh, I recognize those patterns, or that type of footwear/shirt/pants/headwear.' SOMETHING to that degree, but if you had shown me him and I didn't know, I would have never guessed.
Another infuriating design is Murata, the pyro archon. Tell me why does she look like a futuristic biker girl instead of a Maori/Polynesian warrior? The level of disrespect, ESPECIALLY because according to what I've gathered, her name is based off an actual entity/deity.
Time to point out the obvious, and I'm gonna say it but WHY ARE THEY WHITE? Yes, I know the argument about how not everyone from latino/arab cultures is brown, I know. But not everyone is white either, so please, get over it. If the entirety of Fontaine can be white because they're French, by that same logic, wouldn't it makes sense to make the entirety of Natlan brown/black because they're indigenous/african?
It lies well within hoyo's abilities to include colored characters. They have millions of dollars and they say they want a global audience, they just don't do it because there is major colorism there. Saying "but they're a Chinese company!" is no excuse either, because then that would be automatically classifying them as ignorant of anything outside of China when they clearly are not if they utilize strong elements of hip-hop and jazz (both with origins in African American communities) in their other games, want to pick these cultures like accessories on a shelf, and make brown/black npc enemies with locs and other poc features. I won't immediately jump to blaming the designers either, because it's probably that they have tried presenting ideas that do actually cater to the wider audience and poc people, but they were most likely turned down by higher-ups.
Anyways, I've been typing this for a while now and my mind is blanking. I'm sure I had more to say but I currently cannot remember it. I'm glad people are FINALLY speaking out against this, it's about time and actually late because the outrage around this should've happened back in Sumeru but better late than never.
If you don't agree with me or my takes on this, don't even bother trying to look for a response because I'm not gonna argue about this. That's about it for now though.
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 19
I can't believe it, there is only one more chapter to go after this one and it'll be done. I'm really sad to see this one end. But as I've said in the past, I think it potential to be something more, so I'm having a good friend of mine read the story and let me know what she thinks.
We've got a lot of reveals to get through and a lot of twists to untwist. Buckle up, because the bumpy ride is ramping up.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
“Hello, Murray,” Billy said stepping out of the shadows of the woods into the small clearing. “Are you going somewhere?”
Keith hurried out of the trees to stand close to the Dominus.
“Billy!” the bald little man cried out. “Hey...so you survived. Again.”
Billy tilted his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m special like that. Someone’s been a bad dog. Am I going to have to get the newspaper?”
Keith giggled next to him.
Murray smiled tightly. “Uh-huh. Dog jokes. Very funny. Now if you’ll pardon me, I’ve got places to be and can’t stand to chat.”
Billy chuckled darkly and walked up to Murray. He picked the man up by shirt collar. “You think you frighten me? I have survived your little machinations twice.”
“You should be afraid of me,” Murray huffed without even batting an eyelid at Billy’s rough handling. “I’ve been pulling the strings in this town for almost two decades. You are who you are because of me.”
Billy threw back his head and laughed. “You think you gave me this unlimited power, this beautiful body, this charm? Because that’s what got me where I am today. Not you weakening this town until it was ripe for the taking. Because I could have taken out Dr. Brenner without all of that.”
Murray wriggled out of Billy’s grasp and straightened his shirt. “You’re just some washed up beach bum with delusions of grandeur.”
Billy transformed. His bat form large and imposing. His chest expanded and wings sprouted from his back. His feet and hands became clawed and terrifying. His eyes were black and his fangs extended below his lips, glinting in the low light.
Billy roared, but before he could leap at the cocky werewolf, the manticore leapt from behind Murray and straight for his throat.
Billy and the manticore fought, ripping and tearing at each other but before Keith could leap into action Murray stabbed him in the back with a yew stake.
“This was a little gift from my benefactor,” he whispered as blood pooled from Keith’s mouth. “I could only use it the once, but I think you’re perfect for its use. Don’t you?” Keith fell to ground, the yew stake evaporating like dust on the wind. “Of course you don’t.”
A small white cat appeared at Murray’s feet, entwining itself among his ankles.
Murray looked down at it. “Why are you here, Sorcha?”
The cat sìth leapt to his shoulder to watch the battle.
“Fine,” he huffed, “don’t tell me.”
Far too soon in Murray’s opinion the manticore ripped off Billy’s head clean off. The body of the Dominus slid to the ground as the manticore tossed his head behind it.
“Wow,” Murray said impressed. “That was actually grotesque.”
Sorcha jumped down and walked up to the head. She opened her mouth and inhaled. A silvery mist came out of the mouth of the corpse’s head into hers.
“It is done.”
Murray blinked at her and looked around in confusion. “What the fuck? What’s done, Sorcha?”
She ignored him and walked up to the manticore. “You have held up your end of the bargain and we will hold up ours. May the road rise up to meet you.”
“And to you as well,” the manticore growled.
“You both can talk?” Murray asked, rearing his head back in shock.
“Will you explain it to him?” Sorcha purred. “I must return home. I grow weak in this magic wasteland.”
“Of course,” the manticore grinned. “Well almost all of it.”
Sorcha chuckled. “But of course.” And then like she was mist herself, she dissolved and was gone.
“What the fuck is going on?” Murray asked in fear. This had really slowed down his getaway. Alexei was waiting for him at that drug lord’s house.
“I will explain on the way,” the manticore growled. “The alpha has scented the battle.”
Murray’s eyes went wide and he grabbed his things, moving toward path that would take him to his mate.
Once they were far enough away from the clearing the manticore spoke.
“Billy isn’t a true vampire no more than you are,” the beast growled.
“Just how does that even work?”
“There are only two ways to become a vampire,” the manticore explained. “Either have the good fortune to be born as one or be bitten. To die a painful death to never breathe again. To have unlimited power but to never reproduce or enjoy the fairer aspects of life.”
Murray’s expression twisted in disgust. “Yuck.”
The manticore chuckled. “Yes, Billy felt the same as you, but he wanted the power that came with vampirism. Weres don’t live long enough to tempt Billy Hargrove. Oh no.”
“Sounds like he was fucked,” Murray muttered, scenting the air. There was no smell or sound of anyone near them, but he couldn’t put away his unease that he was in danger.
But that didn’t make sense. The manticore was bound to him. The beast couldn’t even break a sweat without Murray telling him to. But the sense of danger only heightened with each step.
“He knew something most people in this modern age had long forgot,” the manticore said with a hint of laughter in his tone.
“Yeah, what’s that?”
“That real magic exists,” the manticore hissed gleefully. “He made a deal with Queen Titania. Serve her for one hundred years and he would be granted his wish. But Billy had no desire to actually be her slave. He managed to convince her to make him vampire first and then he’d serve her. He didn’t want to come out of the Seelie court in the year 2085 and not know anything.”
Murray shrugged. “Makes sense to me. I wouldn’t want to waste my life away in some Fairyland either.”
“Yes,” the manticore agreed. “But as soon as he got his power, he ran off to America outside of her power.”
“So she sent the cat sìth to hunt him down,” Murray guessed.
The beast nodded. “But by the time Sorcha found him he was too powerful to dislodge without some help.”
“So she enlisted you,” Murray concluded. “So what do you get out of this deal?”
The manticore merely grinned. “We’re here.”
Alexei popped his head up to the window and when he saw who it was, came running out, into Murray’s arms.
“We’re almost safe, my love,” Murray whispered. “Do you have the hostage?”
Alexei nodded. “She was too easy to catch.”
Murray chuckled. He had to give Steve props for tightening security but it’s a little hard to guard something you didn’t know could be taken.
“Go get her and bring her here,” he muttered. “I think we’re about to have company.”
Alexei nodded and trotted back to the boathouse. Murray pulled out a gun from his bag.
“Savage,” the manticore groused.
Murray chuckled. “I wouldn’t expect a beast like you to understand. You can’t change, you will always be what you are. A monster. But me? I use all the resources I have available to me. And that means guns and hostages.”
Murray grabbed the girl from Alexei’s grasp and pressed the barrel of the gun to her temple.
Then crashing out of the woods were Steve, Hopper, Jonathan, and Gareth. On Steve’s back was Tommy.
Tommy immediately leapt from Steve’s back as he suddenly transformed.
“Robin!��� Steve called.
Once the fire had been put out and they took stock of who was wounded and who was just covered in someone else’s blood, Steve turned to find Tommy standing there, looking sheepishly at his feet.
“What are you doing here?” Steve growled. “I mean other than the obvious, spilling pack secrets.”
Tommy’s head shot up in shock. “You knew?”
“Since the town meeting.”
Tommy blinked at him a moment. “You never intended to mate with that vampire, did you?”
Steve scoffed. “It’s biologically impossible. You really should have paid more attention in school, Tommy.”
He cleared his throat and then kicked at the dirt. “I actually was trying to warn Billy that they were going to attack, but I was too late.”
“Explain,” Steve growled. “And be quick.”
So Tommy explained everything. The deal he made with Billy, the information he had sold to him, and the puppet master and all his machinations.
Just then Hopper and Jonathan came tearing up to them, Gareth easily keeping pace behind them.
“Robin’s been kidnapped!” Hopper bit out, panting for breath.
Steve stood up straight. “Where would he go?”
“The clearing I spotted them in was near Lover’s Lake,” Tommy said. “Maybe they have a safe house near there.”
“Reefer Rick’s,” Hopper said gruffly. “He’s the closest thing Hawkins gets to a drug lord, but he’s got a house out there on the lake. He gets supplies air dropped on the lake and then goes out and scoops them up.”
Steve nodded. “Let’s go.” He turned to Tommy. “You’re coming with. You’re the only one who’s scented the mate. Hopper, lead the way.”
The old wolf nodded and waited for Steve to transform. Jeff helped the keeper onto Steve’s back.
“I’m going to find out what’s keeping Eddie and Wayne,” Jeff said. “They should have been here by now. We’ll all meet up at the lake.”
Steve nodded and waited until Jeff had taken flight before the three werewolves and the gwyllgi took off, heading for Lover’s Lake.
Robin was struggling to stay on her feet, her height far greater than that of her captor caused her to almost have to kneel to avoid being choked by him.
“If Hopper had just removed Alexei’s banishment none of this would have happened!” Murray screamed. “He didn’t do anything wrong. Those weren’t kids they were Hunters!”
“He tore them to pieces, Murray,” Hopper said, shifting into a human. He held out his hand, trying to calm him. “It doesn’t matter who they were, or what they were planning. He should have gone to his alpha told him about the Hunters. Let the alpha deal with them. But he didn’t.”
The three vampires landed deftly behind the ring of Shifters.
“It was sadistic,” Wayne said with a sneer. “They were played with. Alexei isn’t well.”
“He didn’t have a drop of blood on him!” Murray protested.
Hopper stepped forward and Murray tightened his grip on Robin. “If you take one more step, Hop, I’ll blow her god damn brains out. I swear I will. If you move, her blood will be on your hands.”
Something thrummed deep inside of Steve. That was a call back to what he had told Hopper when Eddie had to use force to get Steve to come out of the compound all the way back to when this all started.
“You sent the Hunters after me,” he said coldly.
Murray sneered. “You alphas are always the same all brute and no intelligence. Yes, I did it all you dumb mongrel!” He pulled on Robin’s hair causing her to scream in pain. “All of it! Sara’s death by having Alexei tamper with her chemo, getting Hopper on as many drugs as possible, the murder of your grandfather and parents, Hopper’s kidnapping! But still you stupid alphas refused to see the truth! Alexei had been framed!”
Then a sleek, dark brown wolf oozed out of the forest, all danger and cunning. Nancy was one of the most beautiful purebred werewolves Steve had ever laid eyes on. She was everything that humanity had ever written on the subject of werewolves. He still loved her, because how could anyone not, but god he was glad he had Eddie now.
“He hasn’t been framed, Mr. Bauman,” she said her transformation even more fluid and graceful than Hoppers. “Not in the way you think. You two don’t belong here.”
“Nancy?” Wayne asked stepping forward. “What’s going on?”
“I belong here, you witch!” Murray screamed and Hopped instinctively took a step forward.
They all watched in horror and slow motion as he pulled the trigger, the muzzle flash, and the bullet striking Robin’s temple.
Then falling harmlessly to the ground.
Robin blinked a moment. “You aren’t using silver bullets?” she asked sheepishly.
Everyone was staring at her in shock, all but Steve who was chuckling.
“I wouldn’t use something that would accidentally get me killed!” he protested. “I’m not stupid.”
Robin grinned and then leapt out of his hold, bright and golden. A bitten werewolf. She turned in the air like she was made to be a werewolf. She was stunning.
She bounded straight for Murray’s throat and the gun went flying. She tore off a necklace he had around his neck and it too went flying the other direction.
“No!” Murray screamed. “Not that! You don’t know what you’ve done!”
The scorpion on the necklace began to pulse. Then it shattered in a blinding flash of light.
Standing in its place was the manticore. In all its freaky glory. The face of a human, the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion.
The manticore stretched out its lithe body. “The cat sìth made good on their word. I will have to thank them.” He turned to the crowd. “After I eat all of you, of course. It’s been so long since I’ve had such a buffet of delights.”
But as it leapt into the air, another creature appeared in the air behind it. It too had a human face but the body of a bird.
It began to sing about being still and quiet and everyone froze. The manticore crashed to ground in a crumpled form.
The siren grabbed the manticore by the mane and lifted it up into the air. He tossed it into Lover’s Lake like a rag doll. The beast howled and snarled as it was ripped apart by...
Blood soaked the top of the water turning it dark red. Then one of the seals stepped out of the water and pulled back the seal’s head like the hood of a cloak. It revealed a red-headed girl with bright green eyes and freckles. Next to her the siren transformed into a chubby young man with wild hair.
“Barb?!” Nancy called out in amazement just as Jeff called out, “Brian!”
DUN! DUN! DUHHHHH! Hehehe. Cliffhanger!
Part 20
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi
3- @fullpoetrybread @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @bookworm0690 @littlewildflowerkitten @just-a-tiny-void @potato-of-the-lord @thelittleclare
5- @goosesister @tinyplanet95 @she-collects-smut @irregular-child @y4r3luv
6- @fairytalesreality @anaibis @papergrenade @ravenfrog @blondie1006
7- @thedragonsaunt @sadisticaltarts @kultiras @blackpanzy @disrespectedgoatman
8- @kal-ology @w1ll0wtr33 @dreamercec
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hero x villain, they usually get bruised, bloody, and hurt after every fight. one day, the hero staggers half dead through the city, trying to escape someone or something, and hide.
their own nemesis, the ruthless villain, discovers them limping about, easy pickings. they begin with their big bad speech w/ threats until they see that the hero wasn't wounded, they were tortured.
hero sees a side of the villain they had never seen before. villain approaches, says, "who did this to you" ಠ⌣ಠ
They counted themselves lucky when they found an alleyway.
Away from the busy street and the chatting people, they pushed themselves into the darkest corner, into the probably filthiest part of the city.
Fucking hell, it was raining cats and dogs and the hero was sure this was some sick and twisted joke. They’d infect their wound here.
Hospital wasn’t an option. Even if they did reach it in time, announcing themselves and risking their family’s and friend’s safety was something they couldn’t allow.
Their apartment was south, too far south for them to reach. And a hero base hadn’t been constructed in this district yet.
They groaned and threw their head back, putting more and more pressure onto the wound until they had to bite back a scream. What a fucking night.
For mere seconds, they closed their eyes and allowed themselves to rest, despite the ringing in their ears, despite the blood loss and despite the shortening breath. Could they leave a message? So their family could at least get the body? The hero doubted it. They’d lost their phone somewhere during the struggle. Or did it get smashed? They didn’t remember.
When they opened their eyes, the villain stood before them, looking at where the hero had slid down the brick wall.
“What a pretty catch,” they said.
“Sorry, not for sale,” the hero rasped. At this point it didn’t matter, did it? If the villain wanted to kill them, fine. At least the ugly truth wouldn’t come out.
The villain gave one of their cruel, unforgiving smirks and tilted their head. It was a game to them. A game that was too cruel for the hero.
“Well, I’m a big fan of theft.”
“You’re funny.” The hero didn’t laugh. Maybe they would’ve. But the blood loss was killing them. Oxygen. They needed oxygen. Their organs would shut down pretty soon.
“I’ve been following you for like twenty minutes.” The villain observed them slowly, eyes going up and down, inspecting the wounds as if it was their job.
“Ever gotten that checked out? Bit possessive.”
“Aren’t we all, when it comes to you?” Now it was the hero’s turn to smile and to their own surprise, it was real. They meant it. The villain had made them smile.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re pretty popular, don’t you think? People love you, villains hate you. You’re the hot stuff. End boss of my personal mini game.” The hero let out a whimper and squeezed their eyes shut. Having superpowers didn’t free them from pain. The villain frowned.
Exclusivity wasn’t a privilege that also jumped over to their medical condition. Unfortunately.
The hero cursed in their mind. They should’ve been smarter, should’ve seen this coming. What a waste of their own potential.
“This is just a mini game?” the hero asked, wheezing.
“My favourite one.” The villain squatted, closer than they’d ever been to the hero and for a second, the hero expected to be murdered with a knife or worse, tortured even more with the villain’s finger twisting and turning in their open wounds.
But the villain lifted the hero’s arms gently, looked at the wounds, made a grimace and gazed back at the hero.
Something in their face screamed confusion. And something much subtler, whispered anger with the promise of action. It made the villain unpredictable and the hero hated that.
“What?” the hero said.
“Who?” They stared at the wound, brows knitted together. “Who did this?”
“Doesn’t matter. I’m dying.”
“I can save you,” the villain said. No hesitation, no second-guessing, just an idea that sounded more like a promise. “But you’ll have to give me the name. Now.”
The hero stared at their enemy. Stared and stared, hoping this was a dream or a sick joke. They couldn’t afford to like the villain, couldn’t afford anything but hate for them.
And yet…the hero’s family, their friends, the city…You’re pretty popular, don’t you think? The city needed them. Obligation.
They had to live. Had to survive to protect. To fight. Not for their own sake but for others. For those who couldn’t protect themselves.
“My sidekick,” the hero said. “My sidekick is trying to torture and kill me.”
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r0-boat · 8 months
Cat hybrid! Ingo x reader x Cat hybrid! Emmet
Cw: slight yandere, jealous, and possessive Behavior.
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They owe you their lives for rescuing them. Ingo I'll never forget the day it was a cold snowy night him and his brother, who had been surviving outside for as long as they could remember seeking refuge in an old abandoned train tunnel. Emmet being stubborn, refusing his brother's torn coat no matter how cold he was. Him and his brother were tired cold and starving this town was unforgiving too wild hybrids and they were not cute kittens anymore and nobody was willing to bring home two strange men.
Thats when Emmet, trying desperately to huddle into his own clothing for warmth, noticed a bright light coming down the tunnel. As the bright light approached they noticed a figure, a human. Emmet hissed at the figure, all day they had been running from mean humans and other hybrids just to find a spot to sleep but Ingo did not want any trouble he understood his brothers frustration but responding hostility would only brew more hostility. The human had a green uniform and the light came from a lantern they were holding. They came to inspect the old railway tunnel as their boss was hoping to remodel and refurbish for future use. But they did not expect to find two hybrids cold and dirty looking glaring up at them. The one with a smile was growling at you, his tail fluffed and his ears flattened. The one who had a frown his voice scratchy husky as if he was suffering from a cold spoke quietly
"Please we do not want any trouble if we're trespassing; we'll leave immediately."
Your heart broken too technically they were trespassing but you couldn't just kick them out like this.
"Do you need help? Here come with me."
Ingo with speechless, unable to answer this was a random human who offered their help normally he wouldn't trust strangers but they are in no shape to decline help of any kind Emmet was confused. Surely this was some kind of joke? But seeing his brother take the humans offered hand, he was still wary, but he would have done the same.
Now, their lives have changed. Ingo smiles fondly, seeing his brother now practically begging for the human's attention.
Emmet hated you at first; he would stay respectful and cordial, but other than that, you'd always keep his distance. If he weren't with his brother, he'd be somewhere else. Now he's attached to you to the hip, insisting on following you around anywhere. And he can't blame him. You are as kind and gentle as your heart, taking in two strange hybrids, opening up your home to them and your heart. And their mind has saved their lives. They are indebted to you, and they'll happily do anything and be anything you desire.
Now they walk side by side with you, your scary "dog" privileges. You like they keep the creeps away, but sometimes…
"Ingo… I told you we were going to have a guest tonight. Why did you throw him back out?" You were sad and Confused. You brought home a date, and for some reason, you are normally polite and well-mannered. Hybrids started acting strangely, cold, and childish, squishing themselves in between you and your date. Literally and figuratively, as they squeeze themselves in between the two of you or cut into your conversations, anything to steal your attention until your date who has gotten fed up with their shenanigans and leaves your home.
"My dear, I don't know what it was about him, but he didn't feel right to me," Ingo said.
"What are you talking about? He was great, perfect even. Emmet ?" Looking over at his brother for his opinion Emmet who had a triumphant smile on his face, bluntly stated, "Good riddance, I'd say. He did not deserve you."
You sighed in frustration, resting your head in your hands. This was the third date they had chased off. It's not like going somewhere would stop them the last two times you tried; they were conveniently in the same place you were.
"Guys, please. If you don't stop chasing people the way I might actually get a partner. And not die alone."
Emmet wiped his head around, walking toward you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. "don't say that; you are not alone because you have us."
Ingo agrees, taking your hand in his, steel gray eyes staring into yours. " That's right, you already are a part of our 3-car train. You don't need anyone else."
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 5 months
Stars Align: Part 3
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol Misuse, Drinking, Angst, Eventual Smut, Fluff and a lot of it, Mentions of Abuse, Sexual References, Violence, Anger, Pining, I think that's it?
-- Part 2 Here --
18+ Only
You went back inside to let Gabby know you were going to grab a drink with Bradley, and to ask if she wanted you to walk her to a cab.
Bradley followed you to the dance floor.
“Rooster!” A voice rang out from the crowd, and a tall blond man emerged.
“Hangman.” Bradley responded, “I’m gonna shoot off, can you let Mickey know?”
The blond man raised his eyebrow, “Find yourself a little lady?” He looked over Bradley’s shoulder at you as you waited patiently.
“She’s my old best friend, haven’t seen her in years so we’re going somewhere quiet to catch up.” Bradley explained.
“Right, sure.” The blond winked. “Don’t be late tomorrow, Mickey will kill you.” And he turned around to leave.
Bradley faced you with a grimace, “Sorry about him, Jake’s a piece of work.”
“I’m more interested in the part where he called you Rooster. You kept the nickname?” You chuckled.
“Call sign.” Bradley corrected you with a grin.
“Wait… do you mean-“ you were cut off by Gabby barging into you.
“Whoops! Sorry. Are we leaving? I think I’ve had enough for one night.” She breathed, bunching her hair up off of her sweaty neck.
“Actually, yeah Bradley and I are gonna grab a drink and catch up. Can we walk you to a cab?” You asked, wrapping your arm around her waist to steer her towards the exit.
“Much obliged.” She saluted you and you chuckled.
Once Gabby was safely in a cab and on her way home, you turned to smile at Bradley.
“Where to?” You asked.
“I know a place.” He held out his hand and you took it, walking next to him as he gently steered you through the crowds. His hand felt remarkably strong yet so gentle at the same time, like he was gently cupping something he was terrified to break.
“So… call sign huh? That mean you got into the Navy?”
“Yes ma’am. I couldn’t wait to tell you about it… but you changed your number.” He bit the inside of his cheek as he looked at you cautiously.
“Oh… I didn’t.” You looked to the ground awkwardly.
Bradley glanced at you, confused, your number had been disconnected when he’d tried to call you years ago and had been ever since.
You bit your lip, “But that’s a long story, not sure we’ll have time for it tonight. I am sorry I wasn’t there for you when you got to experience that, though.” You felt horrible for missing such a milestone in his life.
Bradley smiled down at you, “I get to share it with you now, don’t I?” He nudged you until you grinned, and then let go of your hand to wrap his arm around your shoulder instead.
“Can’t believe I bumped into you, here of all places.” He mumbled absentmindedly as he walked.
“Yeah that’s fate I guess, Rooster.” You joked, referencing something from your past you always used to tease him about. He’s shot you a playful glare and you chuckled.
He suddenly stopped, “Here we are. I passed this place earlier and weirdly enough, it made me think of you.”
You looked up at the sign and scrunched up your nose, “A Cat Cafe?”
“No.” Bradley laughed, and moved you over to the left slightly, pointing at the sign next to it.
“Oh! An art bar, that’s better Bradshaw, for a moment there I thought you forgot that I’m a dog person.” You chuckled as you walked inside.
Bradley sat you down at a cozy corner booth, and squeezed in next to you as you scanned the menu for their cocktail list and some nibbles.
Your heart began to race as you felt his strong arm rest behind you on the seat as he read the menu over your shoulder. His breath was minty as it wafted over you.
“You think they’ll be serving any food still? It is 2am.” You said looking over at the other tables to distract yourself from your sudden emotional overtake, some of which had food on them, and your stomach growled.
“I’ll go ask, what drink do you want?” Bradley asked as he stood up, his hands propping himself up over you on the table, and you had to fight with all your might not to ogle at the size of his arms and the veins that protruded from his thick neck.
You gulped, “Sex on the beach, please.”
Bradley winked at you, “Whatever you want, Birdy.” And with a cheeky grin, he left to the bar to order.
He left you flushed and breathless, your rapid heartbeat doing little to distract from the sudden growing tension in between your thighs. You gasped to yourself as you realised your feelings were somehow still there.
Sure it didn’t help that Bradley was now a man, like really a man, or that his confidence was bordering on cockiness, but the real Bradley, or the old Bradley you should say, was still there underneath, and glimpses of him kept trickling through, reminding you of why you fell for him in the first place.
You were lost in thought when Bradley got back, jumping as he placed a plate of fries and your drinks on the table. He pulled a small canvas and a mini easel out from under his arm and positioned it on the table, with small tubs of primary colour paints. He pulled out two tiny paintbrushes from his pocket and handed you one as he eyed you up.
“Sorry.” He chuckled, “Care to tell me where you just travelled to… up there.” He gestured to your head and you rolled your eyes.
“Trust me you don’t want to know what goes on up there.”
“Probably for the best, bet it’s all lady stuff.” he said sitting down next to you.
“Ew, only you could make those two words sound gross, Brad.” You flinched.
Bradley chuckled, and you spent the rest of the evening catching up on all the things missed while you were apart, while picking at the fries and painting random squiggles on your canvas every now and then. You purposely left out the section of your life involving Jacob, as that was a story for another time, far too dark for a catch up date.
You learnt that Carole had passed away, and you were suddenly on the verge of tears. You felt so guilty that you never got to say goodbye, and that you weren’t there for Bradley when he needed you most.
“I’m so sorry, I should have been there for you.” You whispered, biting your cheek to stop the tears from falling.
“Hey, it’s okay. How were you supposed to know? She knew you loved her, I told her so many times towards the end.” He reassured you, but even as he did, his voice broke and you could see him swallowing down the lump in his own throat.
You were both sufficiently drunk at this point, Bradley more so, and your conversation had turned deep and emotional. You sat with your legs draped over Bradley’s thighs, while he played absentmindedly with your knees, a habit he’d picked up years ago, a coping mechanism of sorts to distract him from any issues at hand.
The first time he’d done this, you’d been at home watching a scary movie in the living room, and about halfway through Bradley had picked up your legs and put them on his lap. “You have really wobbly knee caps.” He’d commented, distracting himself from the gory scene ahead.
You’d looked at him, confused at the time, but it had come to be a comforting position for the both of you.
“What did you mean, earlier, when you said you didn’t change your number?” Bradley asked suddenly, clearing his throat of the lump.
You drew in a sharp breath, looking down at your hands. “It’s a long story Brad, another time?” You asked.
Bradley nodded, squeezing your calf.
“Should we make a move? Think the suns about to come up and you’ve got a wedding to attend.” You grinned.
“Yup, probably a good idea.” Bradley slurred, and you swung your legs off of him. He stood and immediately swayed, shooting a hand out to steady himself on the table.
“Woah, one too many whiskey sours, me thinks.” He chuckled. You got up and slotted yourself under his arm to steady him.
“Guess so. Let’s get you back to your hotel. Where are you staying?”
Bradley thought for a moment, and then looked down at you confused, “I can’t remember.” He snatched up the canvas and wedged it underneath his other arm.
You groaned. “Can you text that guy you were with earlier? Or do you have a keycard?”
Bradley pouted and shook his head, “Hangman and I are sharing a room, he has the keycard and he’ll be asleep right now. Can I crash at yours? Like old times?” He grinned his boyish grin and fluttered his pretty eyelashes, until you sighed and steered him towards the street.
“Yeah, okay, but a fair warning, I’m living out of boxes right now.”
“I thought you said you lived in an apartment, not in a box?” He slurred again, swaying on the spot as you stood and waited for a cab.
You laughed at his poor attempt at a joke, and patted him on the back. “You’re gonna feel awful tomorrow.”
“I know.” He grinned down at you, but his eyes were so sincere and gentle it made you want to kiss him.
A cab pulled up and you shuffled inside after Bradley. You told the driver your address and sat back.
Bradley was asleep on your shoulder within 2 minutes, and not long after you pulled up outside your building. You paid and thanked the cab driver and shook Bradley awake.
“Hmm?” He mumbled as he came to.
“We’re here.” You said gently, stroking his face to rouse him.
Bradley moaned at the touch and you found yourself having to clench your thighs, the sound vibrated through your entire body.
You managed to get Bradley to follow you, although wobbly, up the 5 flights of stairs, but you cursed the elevator being broken as it was like trying to coax a stubborn child.
Eventually you stumbled through the door and kicked your heels off.
“Home sweet home!” You sighed, eyeing up the mountain of boxes.
“It’s nice, bit crowded but it’ll get there.” Bradley slurred, walking into the kitchen and looking through your fridge. He pulled out a bottle of beer and was about to open it when you charged at him.
“What are you- ouch, what the fuck, Birdy?“
You collided with Bradley and wrangled the beer from his hand.
“Absolutely not!” You held the beer out of reach.
Bradley grinned and tried to swipe for it.
“No! It’s… 5:23am!” You groaned, checking the time on your phone. “You need to sleep or you’ll never make the wedding.”
“I’ll be fine! I don’t wanna sleep yet, we’ve got way too much catching up to do still.” He reached for the beer but you turned your back to him and held it as far out in front of you as you could.
Suddenly two strong arms were wrapping around your midriff and lifting you into the air. You squealed and tried to struggle, but a fit of laughter overtook you, zapping away any strength you held. Bradley smiled at you over your shoulder as he watched you lose yourself like you had when you were teenagers, and a wave of emotion and nostalgia overtook him. He put you down suddenly and turned you around.
Your laughing slowed and you looked up at Bradley, who’s eyes were brimming now.
''Brad are you okay?'' You were suddenly concerned at the sudden change in atmosphere.
Bradley pulled you in for a bear hug, and this time he just held you for a long time.
You rubbed his back soothingly, his fingers now thread in your hair as he held your head in place against his broad chest, his heart racing.
“I’ve really missed you, kid.” He said through a shaky voice.
“I’ve missed you too, Rooster.”
You walked home with your heels in one hand and the other shielding your eyes as the rain poured down onto you. You were sure it rained so heavily that night because of how heartbroken you felt, and that Mother Nature just wanted to mask your tears with her own.
You burst through your front door and went straight upstairs, dumping your soggy shoes and purse by the door. Your parents turned from the movie they were watching in the living room in surprise.
“Jeez, when I said be home by 11, I meant more like 11:30, not 8:40.” You dad commented.
You slammed your bedroom door.
He looked at your mom who just shrugged. Your dad followed you upstairs, your mom hot on his tail.
“Honey, what happened?” He asked, pushing your door open gently.
“Nothing. I just want to go to bed.” You sniffed, undoing your braid to allow your wet hair to dry.
“Where’s Bradley?” Your mom asked.
“I don’t know and I don’t care.”
You tried to hard sleep that night, but sleep didn’t find you easily. You kept going over the night in your head, trying to figure out where it all went wrong.
Eventually you stopped crying and your sadness turned to anger. You hadn’t even wanted to go in the first place, Bradley had begged you to go, and now you were furious he had.
It was close to midnight when your door creaked open and a sliver of light filtered in.
“Birdy.” Bradley whispered.
Your head shot up off of your tear stained pillow, and you glared at him for a second. “Who let you in?” You demanded.
“Your dad. But not before he gave me a talking to.” He admitted sheepishly. You slammed your head back down on the pillow.
“Birdy I’m so sorry.” He walked in and gently closed the door. “I shouldn’t have doubted you, I’m not really sure what came over me.”
You said nothing, smushing your face further into your pillow to avoid even seeing your best friends face. You were so mad.
You felt the bed dip behind you as Bradley lay down.
“Lil bird, please look at me.”
“I can’t right now.” You huffed.
“Okay, I get that. But at least let me apologise.”
“Don’t bother. You left me there Bradley, after you begged me to go with you, I don’t think apologising is gonna fix this one.” You said as you propped yourself up on your elbows and glared at him.
Bradley suddenly felt the immense guilt of what he had done when he saw how puffy your eyes were from crying.
“I know, I shouldn’t have. I came right back, once I’d calmed down and realised I was being a total idiot, but you were gone already. Sophie’s friend Kate said she overheard Michelle talking to her friends. I know you didn’t do or say anything, I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.”
“You’ve known me for years, Bradley. The fact that it took someone else telling you I wasn’t lying to believe me is a real gut punch.”
“I know, I’m a dick. It’ll never happen again. From now on if you say something, I’ll take your word. I swear.” He stuck out his pinky.
You stared at it and then at him for a moment. He seemed genuinely sorry, and you had missed him in the few hours since you’d last seen him, so you nodded and hooked your pinky in his.
“Fine. But I’m still mad at you.”
Bradley grinned, ruffling your already frizzy hair. You groaned and lay back down.
“Can I sleep over?” He asked, propping his head in his hand as he turned on his side to look at you.
“Only if you stop calling it a sleep over. We’re not kids anymore.” You huffed.
“Okay… can I stay the night?” He asked in a deep voice and wiggled his eyebrows playfully.
“That’s better. You can wear my princess pyjamas.” You joked, finally cracking a smile.
Bradley rolled his eyes, sitting up and peeling off his dress-shirt. “If we’re not kids anymore, I don’t need pyjamas.” He lay back down in just his pants, and you blushed.
You wondered at times like these if he knew how you felt about him, and just enjoyed teasing you.
The sun filtered in through your curtain-less windows and you groaned. Your hangover hit you as soon as you peeled your eyes open, and you pulled your duvet over your head.
You breathed through the rolling nausea, and squeezed your eyes shut to stop the feeling of the world spinning a little too fast. Suddenly you heard a loud thump outside the room followed by a deep voice mumbling “shit”.
You’d forgotten all about Bradley. You shot up suddenly as the night before came into memory.
You could hear Bradley groan in the living room, as he shuffled around trying to get dressed.
You walked to the living room and watched as Bradley searched frantically for his shirt.
His toned body looked unfairly delicious in the morning light. You bit your lip as you watched.
Bradley noticed you finally, and relief washed over his face. “Oh Birdy, thank god. I can’t find my shirt and I’m so late for the wedding.” He walked over to you and grabbed your hands, pulling you into the living room. “I can’t remember the end of last night.”
“Well, that’ll be the last beer you had.” You raised your eyebrow at him. “Okay let me think.” You pressed your fingers into your temples as you walked around the apartment.
“Okay… so we had a little moment in the kitchen-“ you pointed to where you stood hugging Bradley for what felt like forever.
“Oh did we?” Bradley jiggled his eyebrows.
“Shut up, not like that Bradshaw.” You shot back and rolled your eyes.
You kept walking, your eyes scanning the boxes and floor space.
“And theeeen… you gave me a piggy back ride to… the bedroom?” You couldn’t recall why. You walked back to the bedroom with Bradley hot on your tail.
Bradley’s shirt lay on the floor next to your bed, and you picked it up and handed it to him.
“Thanks, Birdy.” Bradley said sincerely. He took a moment to put his shirt back on and then gave you a sad smile. “I guess I better get going. Will I see you again?”
You suddenly felt a lump in the back of your throat, and swallowed it down as best you could before you nodded.
“I hope so, Brad. I really did miss you.”
You showed Bradley out and waved him goodbye as he walked down the stairwell. As soon as he was out of sight you bit back tears and went back into the apartment. You sniffled as you unpacked your kitchen essentials, and laughed wetly as you remembered some of the events of the night before. You suddenly recalled why Bradley was in your room, he’d insisted on waiting until you fell asleep before he went to bed himself, and he sat singing 80’s and 90’s hits softly to you as he drank his beer, and as it had worked so well in the past, it still worked perfectly now.
As Bradley sang Aerosmith, your eyes fluttered shut;
“… Don't wanna close my eyes,
I don't wanna to fall asleep,
'Cause I'd miss you baby…
And I don't wanna miss a thing.”
The last thought that sank through your mind as you drifted off into a comforting slumber, was that you finally felt safe, like really safe, and you hadn’t felt that way in a very long time.
Not since you moved away.
-- Part 4 Here --
Taglist now open 💛 Please let me know if you'd like to be added!
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justastraymoa · 1 month
I was frantically searching the neighborhood for Cheese. It had been hours since I noticed he was missing and who knows how long he had been gone before that! How could I be so neglectful that I didn’t notice my own cat missing for god knows how long!
People I passed gave me odd looks and a wide berth. I was nearly sobbing and hyperventilating so I understood. My eyes were moving along the ground level looking for any dart or spot of fuzzy black fur.
I had no idea where the others were at this moment. As soon as we were sure Cheese was not in the apartment, I left to search the neighborhood. I knew Chan and Lino were on their way home almost immediately but hadn’t heard from them since.
I slipped down an alley about 4 blocks from the apartment. I heard some shuffling that got my hopes up and I moved forward to look around.
It wasn’t Cheese. It wasn’t even a cat. It was a large dog who turned and growled at me as soon as it saw me coming towards him. I backed away slowly, not taking my eyes off the stray dog in front of me.
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I watched cars speed past with my already high anxiety growing even more. We had to find Cheese soon. He was in so much danger out here! There was danger around every corner and in every step! And while he liked adventures, he was not suited to be a outdoor cat. He was too soft and trusting!
And those wild dogs were no joke. Every day you hear about another person being attacked and bitten by a dog very near us! They were out of control! Dogs wouldn’t think twice about eating up a cat like Cheese. And Cheese would probably walk right up to them to say hi!
Still gripping the edges of a full-on panic attack, I made my way back to the apartment. I was trying very hard not to blame Bin. I knew even if he left the door open it was unfair to blame him. And blaming him and making him feel worse than he already does isn’t going to help anyone in the end. And my focus was on helping Cheese.
Lino met me halfway. He had a handful of pictures of Cheese with him that he printed off from somewhere. Without a word he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and continued to walk home.
Once in the apartment he sat me on the couch and went into the kitchen to make me some calming tea. Not that it would help much if at all, but the gesture was nice all the same.
I looked around the room at all the little reminders of my baby boy. A third cat tree someone got him for in the living room. His toys scattered around the toy bin. His favorite blanket bunched up right next to me, a little nest made where he laid down on it to sleep. Even the tin of cat treats Hyune left on the coffee table after giving up using it to lure Cheese out.
Everywhere I looked there was Cheese, but Cheese wasn’t here. What would I do without him? How would I go about my day without waking up to his morning meow and headbutt? I haven’t needed an alarm clock to wake up since I got him! He wakes me up every morning! How would I function without him now?
I would never find another cat like him. He was one of a kind. Not even one in a million. There was only one Cheese and there will only ever be one Cheese!
And my relationship with the Chan Clan. Would it survive without Cheese. It all started with Cheese, will it end with him too? I would miss my boys. I would like to think they think of me like family as much as I think of them as family, but who knows! And losing a member of our family like Cheese may splinter our bond and we may not be able to fix it!
I was going to not only lose Cheese, but my family, and my home.
A tea cup was shoved into my freezing hands and I blinked back from my dark thoughts. Lino perched on the coffee table in front of me and wiped at the tears I didn’t know were falling down my cheeks.
“Whatever you are thinking, stop. It’s not going to happen. Cheese is going to be found safe and sound and everything will be fine.” He whispered. I didn’t know if he was talking to just me or trying to convince himself too. I could see the worry etched into his face, reflected in his eyes.
“What if he doesn’t?” my voice was thick with tears. I would be embarrassed later to be this broken down in front of Lino. I probably looked awful. I could feel the snot running down my face with the tears.
Lino gently wiped at the tears and snot, not even grossed out. “Y/n, he will come back. You must keep thinking positively. We will find him.”
I nodded and sipped my tea. It was just the right temperature to make me feel like I was warm again. I hadn’t realized how cold I was before now.
Lino glanced at his phone. I knew he was making sure he didn’t miss any messages. Hyune and Bin should almost be at my old apartment if they aren’t already there. Maybe Cheese got out, got lost, and ended up going to the old place. It’s not unheard of.
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I burst up from the couch, almost elbowing Lino in the face in the process. Luckily my tea was already gone because I threw that cup to the side as soon as I read Channies message.
“Lino, let’s go! Where does Felix live!” I shouted, stepping into the first shoes I grabbed from the shoe cupboard. I could tell they weren’t mine, way too big and floppy on my feet, but I don’t care. I needed to get to Cheese. Now!
Lino was right behind me as I opened the door. He had the mental capacity to grab his keys and lock the door, but I was bouncing on my feet in impatience.
Channie came running up before Lino was even done and I latched onto him with both hands. “Where does Felix live?” I demanded. Chan gestured and led the way at nearly a sprint.
My heart raced with hope and I could feel the sob building in my chest. Cheese was okay! Cheese was okay! Cheese was okay!
Skz + pets masterlist
A/N: And another one with some angst and feelings (ew)
Thank you for reading and interacting. Or just one or the other. Either way I appreciate it!
I hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster with me! <3
Taglist: @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
I can actually see Wukong and Macaque actually being offended by the dog toy but then coming to actually be grateful for it. Because baby MK has some nice big shoppers and the strength of his Baba. And those tails make for soem tempting teething toys.
Also even if it was a joke, Erlang would actually put in the work to find a quality, demon grade level chew toy. Like those Kong balls I once saw a reptile house YouTube account give their crocodile for enrichment
Previous post referenced.
Ok I need to find that video. Cus that has baby!Mei written all over it. XD
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I can def imagine Mac being the most offended by the chew toy gift, but Wukong sees it with more good-humor.
Macaque: "A chew toy? Really!? Does he think our baby is some kind of mutt!?" Wukong: "To be fair, baby monkeys get their milk fangs at a couple of weeks old. Need to target that teething somewhere other than uh..." *guestures at Mac's chest* Macaque: "...fair point but still! Is it even meant for babies?" Wukong, reading the toy: "Says it's "Dragon-strength" and non-toxic." Macaque: "Why would it need to specify drag- YOUCH!!!" Shadowpeach: *turns to see a certain baby dragon they're babysitting nomming on Mac's tail* Baby!Mei: *already teething with tiny crocodile-like fangs* :3 Wukong: *smug little smile* Macaque: "...give it here." *gives Mei the chew toy* Baby!Mei: *delightedly squeaking the toy as she chews*
Yeah, a few bites from a bored baby dragon quickly changed Mac's mind on the chew toy. It becomes a bit of running joke among the Plum Hill boys to send the monkey couple dog toys for any of the kids' celebrations. The kids freaking love it much to Mac's dismay and Wukong's delight.
Pigsy and Tang are confused Why until Tang gets distracted one day playing with an enrichment toy. Sandy chuckles and offers the kids kittens toys as a joke sometimes - there is def some scratch marks on the cat condos from the Eclipse twins playing on them like jungle gyms.
MK probably still has one of those multi-layered chew plushies from when he was in the "pouncing on anything that moves"-phase. Took him years to realise that it was designed for destructive dogs.
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lokiina · 5 months
OC Interview: Zayn MacKenna
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Interviewer: "Zayn! Zayn, can we have a moment?" Zayn: "If you're looking for Dino, he's not here right now." Interviewer: "No no, we want to talk to you!" Zayn: "Oh you're here for me? I thought- Uhh... Hmn. Why? What's this for?" Interviewer: "The people wanna know more about you" Zayn: "Uhm.... Why?" Interviewer: "Dino plays his cards pretty close to his chest, but doesn't seem to be too worried about waving you around. People are curious." Zayn: "Hmn. What do you wanna know?" Interviewer: "Just fun stuff."
( tagged by @dreamskug full interview under the cut cuz she's a long one~)
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Interviewer: "Do you have any nick names?" Zayn: "Mm, not really. Though Dino calls me pup. But he's allowed to. It's weird coming from other people."
Interviewer: "So how do you identify? What's your gender?" Zayn: "Male."
Interviewer: "What's your star sign?" Zayn: "Aquarius? I don't really follow that stuff much, so I'm not really sure what that means. Is this being recorded?" Interviewer: "It might be."
Interviewer: "Dino really towers over you how tall are you?" Zayn: "I'm not that short... Somewhere round 5'7"? It's been a while since I properly measured myself. D is just tall..."
Interviewer: "Anyone keeping up with screamsheets in the height of Dino's career with the Gloryhole Bandits knows he's not particularly picky with his partners, but what about you? Where do you lay in this mix?" Zayn: "I'm Dino-sexual." Interviewer: "Uh.." Zayn: "Oh my God, that's a joke. I'm a demisexual gay man." Interviewer: "Demisexual?" Zayn: "What year is it? Have you really never heard that term before? Demisexual is on the asexual spectrum. Go look it up, I'm tired of explaining it."
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Interviewer: "So where do you- or your family rather, originate?" Zayn: "Is it weird that I don’t really know? I don’t actually know who my biological parents are, so I’m not really sure where my bloodline comes from." Interviewer: "Adopted?" Zayn: "Something like that..." Interviewer: "Don't they usually have records of stuff like that?" Zayn: "Ah... it's a lil more complicated than that. Can we move on?"
Interviewer: "Alright lets see, what's your favourite fruit?" Zayn: "Uh... Strawberries? They're not easy to find but they're so yummy."
Interviewer: "Do you have a favourite season?" Zayn: "I don't know if I have an answer to that considering there isn't a huge dramatic weather shift around these parts. Everything is mostly just... Hot. Most of the places I've travelled to have still been, hot."
Interviewer: "Do you have a favourite flower?" Zayn: "I don’t know the names of them, but I saw in a book once these lil flowers that looked like little guys with their dicks out. They made me laugh a lot, bet it’s probably extinct at this point." Interviewer: "I'm sorry, what?" Zayn: "Yeah yeah! Look up 'naked man flower' or something you might be able to find a picture." Interviewer: "Okay hold on I have to look... Oh my God." Zayn: "SEE. What's it called? What's it called?" Interviewer: "Orchis italica" Zayn: "Ahaha. Perfect."
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Interviewer: "What's your favourite sent?" Zayn: "Leather." Interviewer: "Oh." Zayn: "What?"
Interviewer: "Never mind, do you prefer coffee, tea or hot chocolate?" Zayn: "I've never actually had hot chocolate before." Interviewer: "What?!" Zayn: "I'm allergic to chocolate.." Interviewer: "Oh that's unfortunate." Zayn: "Yeah, I just stick with coffee and flavourings usually."
Interviewer: "Dino's got insomnia, what's your average hours of sleep in comparison?" Zayn: "That's kinda weird that you would know that, and wanna know that about me... But... Uh... A lot. I can sleep just about anywhere, I got used to making the best out of really uncomfortable sleeping arrangements when I was little."
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Interviewer: "Okay, are you a dog or cat person?" Zayn: "Uhm. What do you mean by that..?" Interviewer: "... Do you like dogs or cats better...?" Zayn: "OH, duh. I like both."
Interviewer: "Do you have a place you'd like to visit one day? A dream trip if you will?" Zayn: "Uhh... I mean there's lots of places I'd like to visit one day. Maybe make a hop over to Europe?"
Interviewer: "Any favourite fictional characters?" Zayn: "I don't really follow a lot of media..."
Interviewer: "So how many blankets do you sleep with?" Zayn: "What? Why are we back on the sleep topic, that's weird..." Interviewer: "Is it?" Zayn: "Yeah a lot of this is pretty personal shit man..."
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Interviewer: "Okay we'll skip that then, how bout a random fact?" Zayn: "Ah." Dino: "Hey. The fuck is goin on over here?"
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Interviewer: "Oh, Mr Dinovic. We were just-" Dino: "No no. This little sich here? Not nova. This is over right now. I've told ya before to keep this shit out of my fuckin club."
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Zayn: "Oop. Random fact, you've pissed off Dino." Dino: "Nosy lil shits. Delete this-" Interviewer: "HEY!"
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Dino protecting his boy from sketchy papz trying to pry into their personal life.
sdFGHDFJKSG I think most people have been tagged already, but if you wanna do it you can totally do it. I might still do it with my other boys yet.
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galaxyfever · 1 year
❥ everything is about you and I
Suna Rintaro x gn!reader (assuming your height is shorter than Suna's)
your guys' relationship from the eyes of others.
a/n: this is kinda cringe ig but it has been in my drafts for so long i had to get this out.
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"You’re like a fine wine. The more of you I drink in, the better I feel."
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Kita observed.
He observed as Suna furrowed his brows, "What's taking them so long? I knew I should've gone with them."
Atsumu scoffed, "Well, y're the one who said 'I'm not paying for these hungry gorillas.'"
Suna rolled his eyes, "And I stand by it. I don't want to empty my wallet on you guys."
Atsumu dramatically gasped, "That is so mean-"
"We're back!"
You and Osamu hand the guys their respective onigiri they ordered as you mockingly pouted at Suna, "Aw, sorry Rin-tan, we forgot about yours- OUCH! SORRY! Geez, learn to handle a joke, Rin."
He took a big bite as he shrugged, "I'll learn it after I've extinguished my hunger"
You rolled your eyes, but not wanting to provoke him even further, you latched onto his arm instead, "It's so cold~"
A small smirk came on Suna's lips as he looked down on you, "Then stop dressing like a thot."
Your eyes widened as you scoffed, clearly offended, "We both clearly know who is the thot in this relationship."
Kita slightly furrowed his brows as he whispered, "What's a thot?"
Osamu let out a disappointed sigh, "Please don't say that word ever again, Kita-san."
Kita continued to observe as despite the bickering between the two of you, Suna shared his onigiri as you did the same, continuing to talk about garden hoes and female dogs (?)
Suna makes another condescending remark as everyone bursts out laughing, but you had a sheepish smile on your face as you looked up at him, "Wait- sorry, I didn't get it, Rin."
And even Kita can feel the love radiating from Suna when he playfully rolls his eyes and explained the joke. He practically had heart eyes as you paused for a second, before bursting out laughing, clutching his arm so you don't fall over.
Suna was in love.
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Osamu observed.
He observed as Suna frowned, scrolling through his phone, "Um... Can I be excused for a moment?"
Their coach furrowed his brows, "For what?"
Suna inhaled as he rubbed his nape, "My cat is hospitalized because she is depressed. I want to cry. Alone."
Atsumu's eyes slightly widened, "Aw, man, I'm so sorry. Do ya want a hug? I didn't even know that ya had a cat-"
Suna just smiled and patted his shoulder, walking past him, "No."
Atsumu nodded to himself, clearly dejected, "Okay."
Osamu sighed and bowed to the coach, "I'll go and see if he is alright."
He stepped outside the gym, almost calling out to Suna before he saw you crashing into him, wrapping him in, what Osamu assumed, a bone-crushing hug.
So, you were the cat.
A cat who was bawling their eyes out.
Suna caressed your head, "Shh, it's going to be alright. I'm here now. Let's go somewhere else"
Okay, long story short, as the president of the anime club, you proposed an idea for your club to the presidential board of your school, who completely derogated your idea, also belittled and made fun of you.
Now, if it was any other day with some other people, you would've roasted and chewed them then and there, but it was the presidential board, and your club was on the line, so... here we are.
"I don't know why it's getting to me but I just-"
Your own sob interrupts you as Suna clicked his tongue, "I told you they were gonna be brutal."
You sniffed as more tears rolled down your cheeks, "But I- I just wanted to- I'm sorry... If i have said something, they would've surely done something with the club."
He sighed, "Come here you big baby," he wrapped his arms around you and patted your head, "Don't be sorry, you have no reason to. But you have to understand that not everyone is going to swoon over your cute self like they should, some people are just gonna be mean without any reason. It depends on you how you decide to deal with them. Now, if you've calm down, we'll go beat them up."
You let out a small laugh, "Is this how you decide to deal with them?"
He pouted and wiped away your tears, "Well, if they are gonna hurt my baby, I'm gonna hurt them back."
And even Osamu could feel the love radiating off of you, as you started at Suna with heart eyes, as he rambled on and on with ideas about how he could get away with murdering people.
You were definitely in love.
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Aran observed.
He observed as you were shifting on your heels, humming and scrolling through your phone with one hand, and fidgeting with the strap of your bag with the other.
You waved at him as he walked over to you, "Hey, practice over already?"
He nodded, "Yeah, Suna's showering, will be out in 5."
You smiled, "Cool. Did Osamu leave?"
He shook his head, "Nah, he is still in there. Why?"
Sheepishly grinning, you batted your eyelashes, "I need to pay him, owe him for a meal."
"Oh, you owe a lot of-
You shushed him, "We don't talk about my crippling poor self. Let's talk about something else. Your tournament is next to next month right?"
Rolling his eyes, he nodded, "Yeah. But first, we need to pass our tests or we won't get to play."
You gasped in realization, "Great, I can score a study date with Rin, and I also know it's a stress reliever for him too," you fiddled with the strap of your bag, "well I know that Rin is not one stress over things like this but he is only human, and I have to complete our date quota before your practice gets severe as well, or I'll go crazy from the lack of attention."
"What are you guys talking about?" Suna sang as he slung his arm around your shoulder
You furrowed your brows and sniffed, "Wait Rin- Is that my bodywash?"
He shrugged, "I like the lavender smell."
"No, Rin! You know i don't like sharing body products!" Whining, you tried to pull away from him as he rolled his eyes, "Sharing is caring, do i have to teach you basic manners?"
You scoffed, "Manners? You're gonna teach me about manners? I bet you’re a slut who showers naked anyways."
Aran sighed and turned on his heels, spotting Kita as he jogged to him to go home together.
You guys were weird, and your comebacks were even worse.
Aran has never felt as single as of right now.
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Atsumu observed.
He observed as Suna's eyes started searching the crowd as soon as they won the match.
Atsumu knew he was looking for you, but you were nowhere to be found.
Suna tch-ed in annoyance as Atsumu chuckled, "We have to thank the cheering squad."
Usually, every time Suna scored a point, his eyes searched for your's and happiness filled him as he matches your excited grin.
this whole match was so intense, he couldn't help but feel guilty for not looking for you then and there.
You didn't join them when they offered you a ride, saying that you had to do something. He assumed you were gonna buy flowers to 'surprise' him, but...
Did you even come to this match?
Were you late?
Or were you busy elsewhere?
Atsumu rolled his eyes as he shook the shoulder of a zoned-out Suna, "Bow."
They all turned around after bowing to the crowd as Suna immediately spotted you near the gate, clearly out of breath.
He waved at you as you quickly waddled to him.
With a slight pout on your face, you handed him a bouquet of Daffodils with a kiss on the cheek, "Congratulations..."
Suna slipped an arm around your waist, "Daffodils?"
Your brows furrowed, "I thought these are called Narcissus?"
"It's the same thing."
"Google said they represent good luck, I was supposed to give you this before the match but I got stuck in traffic and missed the whole first set! I'm sorry..."
He rolled his eyes, "That's why I told you to come with us."
You furrowed your brows, "But I wanted to surprise you with flowers..."
He sighed and planted a kiss on your forehead, "Y/n, it's the 5th time. It's not a surprise anymore."
You just huffed and handed Atsumu your phone, "Can we do a different pose this time?"
Suna shook his head and pulled you closer, squishing your cheeks with his other hand, "Nope."
You just rolled your eyes and held up a peace sign as Atsumu laughed, "You look like an old married couple."
And Atsumu couldn't shut up about how cute you both looked with wide eyes and red cheeks in that photo.
In the end, he was in a dilemma.
Would he be attending the wedding from your side or Suna's?
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thank you for reading<33
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pollunam · 3 months
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Flaws. Part 5.
Early in the morning, we loaded the gear into the lifeboat. I reloaded the pistols, gathered my hair into a tight bun, and was absolutely ready.
"So, to remind you, we attack at night," Gus repeated. "There will be about ten people for each of us, and," he raised his index finger, "Anders, don’t be greedy."
"My wild days are over," the Viking shrugged.
We climbed the mountain; it turned out to be easier than expected, as if our hands naturally found the footholds. Anders helped me up at the top, extending his hand, "Do you remember our agreement?"
"Yeah," I nodded, "but my wild days are not over yet." I was about to move on, but Anders grabbed my hand, stopping me. "Don’t even think about pulling something."
"What exactly do you mean by 'pulling something'?"
"Anything on the verge of madness and death."
"Can someone please stop this chit-chat and damn well get me off this cliff?" Freddie's voice had a note of wild panic.
"Damn it, Freddie," Anders pulled him up as if he weighed nothing. "And we’ll have a talk later," he threw at me while helping the others.
"What’s the problem?" Graham approached me, handing over some ammunition, "you can always deal with her like this."
"Are you suggesting killing Lassen right in front of him?"
"The plan sucks, but since we’re talking about it," Hayes whispered.
"I hear everything," Anders grumbled, coiling the safety ropes. "Watch out, Hayes."
Graham and I exchanged glances, laughing.
"You guys are like kids, seriously."
"Yeah, big guy, that’s why you love us," Hayes picked up his bag from the ground, waiting for Gus’s order to move on.
"Am I right that he’s going to kill armed-to-the-teeth Germans with a bow?" Graham and I watched as Anders moved forward.
"It’s a skill, probably, I’ve never seen anything like it."
"Gus, it’s like we’re taking one scaredy-cat and two crazy kids to a morning party," Anders turned back to us with an indignant expression.
"It’ll be fun," the captain chuckled.
Gus, Graham, Freddie, and I lay in the bushes, observing the life on the German base through binoculars. A car drove up.
"Gestapo," Gus said, lowering the binoculars, "and that coat isn’t bad."
"That’s too much."
"Alright, we’ll move out at night, meanwhile, keep an eye on the situation."
Shouts of Germans were heard behind us. Two soldiers grabbed their rifles but fell, coughing up blood before they could fire. I grimaced, turning away.
"What happened to them?"
"An arrow," Freddie shrugged.
"And where is it now?" Graham looked around.
"It went through."
Lassen stumbled out of the bushes. "There were two more," he gestured somewhere.
"And where are they now?"
"In Nazi heaven," the Viking shrugged, passing right by us.
"Great, Lassen, go ahead and shoot them with your bow," Gus said resignedly.
"We have no reason to wait any longer," I said, standing up and dusting off my pants.
Anders took out the lookouts; his arrows flew swiftly and accurately.
"Commendable," I remarked.
"Y/N, you’re with us," Gus called me over, "stealthily and quietly."
"Aye-aye," I chuckled, crouching by the container. We sneaked around the building from the back. Gus opened the door, peeking inside. He smiled, shooting the Germans sitting with headphones at the receivers, sticking his tongue out.
"Maniac," I exhaled, peeking into the neighboring building.
"And I tell them, it’s not a dog! It’s my wife!" The German’s joke was cut off quite unfortunately; it probably wasn’t even funny. However, Gus laughed, even when everyone else stopped. Then a burst of gunfire rang out.
I blew an imaginary smoke from my pistol, "How long will we keep strolling?"
"Get down!" Gus yelled, dropping to the floor.
Freddie took up the machine gun, spraying bullets over all the buildings and Germans. The bullets whistled, piercing the wooden walls.
"Is everyone here?" Gus got up as sudden silence fell.
"Except for them, sir," I surveyed the fallen soldiers like toys.
"And here are the new acquisitions," the captain smiled contentedly, approaching an officer.
"Leather is so out of fashion, Gus."
"But it suits me, you'll see."
We set out confidently, heading towards a round building that looked like a terrifying barracks. This was the exact spot where Anders had thrown the grenade, ducking behind the wall. He disappeared into the doorway and the billowing smoke.
"Let’s not rush; he’ll manage," Gus saluted the body of a German in the same coat, "I mean Lassen, of course."
When we entered the building, Lassen was standing there, bloodstained, holding a heart in his hands.
"What is that?" Graham grimaced, "Oh my God, Anders, don’t tell me that’s a human heart."
"Checked for presence," the man replied nonchalantly, adjusting his glasses.
"Thanks, darling, this is just what I needed to make today the most traumatizing day of my life." I turned away, wrinkling my nose.
"Well, hello there, friend," Gus smiled sweetly at the man handcuffed to the wall.
"Oh, God, Apple, how did you get yourself into this," I walked over to the battery from which wires ran to Jeffrey's chest, switching off the power.
"And it would be great to remove these too," he shook his hands, and the handcuffs clinked.
"Be patient," I took a pin from my bun and started working on the lock.
An absolute silence fell, carrying an unspoken question that hung in the air behind us.
"Do you two know each other?" Anders gestured between me and Jeffrey.
"We grew up together," the former German prisoner replied quickly, "By the way, remember that guy?"
"The Spaniard?" We started walking towards the exit.
"Yeah, it turns out his sister was a spy after all," Appleyard began his surprising story.
"I didn’t understand a thing just now."
Gus sighed, "Neither did I, my friend, neither did I," he patted Lassen on the shoulder, "leave it here, I beg you."
Anders dropped the heart on the floor and hurried after us.
"Hey, I grabbed your glasses!"
"And a coat for yourself, I see," Jeffrey smiled, "thank you."
Outside the building, Freddie was waiting for us, having rigged the weapon depots with explosives. As soon as we reached the cliff, there was an explosion.
"Beautiful," Gus observed, "well done."
The entire way back to the ship, we talked with Jeffrey, while Lassen shot us extremely displeased looks. How could this man be so grim after achieving his ultimate dream – a German heart?
The sun was slowly sinking beyond the edge of the ocean, painting the sky with shades of pink. I was chopping vegetables for a salad, watching through the small window as the colors in the sky changed. Thoughts swirled in my head, and an unfamiliar voice kept asking, "How's Anders?" and what was happening. Unfortunately, I had no answers. This strange feeling gnawed at my chest, begging for attention. However, let’s leave it for later. It was time for dinner. I peeked out the cabin door, calling everyone to the table.
“What a treat,” Graham exclaimed, rubbing his hands together as he settled into his favorite spot.
I smiled, “Glad to be of service.”
Gus appeared in the cabin, “I think we should celebrate saving our dear Jeffrey and open,” he rummaged in a drawer, “a bottle of wine.”
“Well, I've shared my news, what about you?”Appleyard asked, sitting next to Gus.
“Have they told you that Y/N got married?” Graham asked, generously piling potatoes onto his plate.
Here we go. Jeffrey choked, Freddie shot a disapproving look at his friend, shaking his head, “Who announces such news while someone is eating?”
“So, that's more important than to whom?” I shook my head in disappointment, “I didn't expect that.”
Anders entered the cabin.
“To him,” Gus announced solemnly.
The Viking looked at me in confusion, as if to say, “Again?” I just nodded. Again. It seemed like this would never end. Not that it hurt or upset me, it was more amusing and intriguing.
Appleyard stood up, then sat down again and got up once more, “Congratulations, of course, congratulations,” he extended his hand to Anders, “I still don’t like you,” Anders replied, shaking his hand. Jeffrey laughed nervously. “I won’t even ask why.”
“Enough, that’s it, joke’s over.”
“What are you talking about?”
“We didn’t get married, there was just a situation where I called Anders my husband, then everyone thought it was a funny fact and it started.”
“That’s strange,” Jeffrey squinted, “Is it true?” He turned to the others.
They all shook their heads negatively.
“So, you’re lying to me after everything that’s happened? And didn’t even invite me to the wedding?”
I glared at Anders, seeking support, but he just stood there, arms crossed and smiling. “Now it’s really becoming something funny.”
“Yes, Jeffrey, I didn’t invite you because Anders doesn’t like you.”
Gus chuckled, lighting a cigarette, “That’s right, my friend. We barely convinced him to come along to rescue you.”
“Why do you do this to me?”
“Are you serious?” I couldn’t grasp what was going on.
“Of course not, you wouldn’t do that. And you wouldn’t marry him, but that’s between us.”
I have only one question: why do people act like we’re the only ones in the world when they say something or ask awkward questions?
“Why wouldn’t she marry me?” Lassen snorted.
“I’m not sure, of course, but you seem a bit…”
“A bit what?”
“I don’t know, she just wouldn’t.”
Anger was boiling inside me.
“Well, who among us is not the brightest,” Graham sighed.
“All right,” I rose from my seat, holding a stern and mighty weapon – a towel.
“No, wait, tell me, would you marry me?”
“Is that a proposal?”
“Very unfortunate timing, Lassen,” Gus responded calmly.
“I’m not going to answer that question.”
“So, she wouldn’t marry you.” Jeffrey shrugged.
“You’d better keep quiet,” I turned to him, “and stop talking about me as if I’m not here. None of you have any business in this matter, one more joke and I’ll kill whoever says it and blame it on an unfortunate accident,” I said passionately, “And you, who do you think you are? My older brother or father? I didn’t ask for your protection, Jeffrey. And for the record, I would marry him, but that’s irrelevant, so enough!”
Silence fell.
“Alright,” Anders said serenely.
“Alright!” I barked, leaving the cabin.
“I can understand her,” Gus said, “and each of you got exactly what you deserved.”
Two displeased looks immediately turned to him.
“Why didn’t he get what he deserved? He started all of this,” Freddie pointed at Hessie, who had been diligently and quietly eating, trying to blend into the wall.
I exhaled heavily, releasing pent-up emotions. Footsteps echoed, and I knew it was Anders or simply wanted to believe it, turning towards him.
“I can’t understand you,” he began, “you’re absolute chaotic madness in armor.”
“You know what, you can’t blame me for that because you’re no better.”
“There you go again, who told you it’s a blame? I like that you’re so real.”
“Wonderful, and again, why are you telling me all this?”
Without saying another word, Anders leans in so carefully. Breathing and not breathing, our hearts beating in unison, and he’s so close, he’s so close that I can’t feel my legs anymore. I can’t feel my fingers, the cold, or the emptiness of this ocean because all I feel is him, everywhere, filling everything. And he whispers, “Please don’t kill me for this.”
And he kisses me, placing his broad hand on my cheek, pulling me closer.
His lips are softer than anything I’ve ever known, soft like the first snow, like a piece of cotton candy, like pre-dawn air, like floating weightlessly in water.
This moment seems to embody the very essence of love – tender, gentle, silent. In his touch, there’s a promise of eternity, in his gaze – a reflection of our dreams. The taste of his kiss is not just sweetness, but an entire world where there’s no place for pain and loneliness, where every breath, every touch intertwines into the melody of our hearts. Let this moment stay with us forever, as a reminder of how easily even the coldest hands can be warmed and all flaws accepted.
A moment that lasted an eternity, where time ceased to exist.
“Anders,” I whisper, confused and at the same time tender, connecting with him through an invisible thread.
“That’s exactly what I meant,” he replies, adjusting my hair, “and nothing else.”
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dragonmarquise · 2 months
Y'know what I feel like the BRC community lacks? Solace appreciatation!!! Can I pls have all your hcs on this pathetic wet cat of a man pls?
Okay! This is gonna be hopefully shorter than some of my other headcanon posts, but I guess only because it's just one character this time, lol
Nevertheless! Gonna put a Read More here since it probably still counts as a long post.
Tryce is still weirded out by Solace to a degree (especially, y'know, because of the claustrophobic masochist thing) but after a while he just accepts that that's how Solace is. "He's a weirdo, yeah, but he's our weirdo now I guess." Kinda like a cat that chooses to adopt you, instead of the other way around, so it's like "Welp, I guess I have a cat now!" lol
Solace mostly learned how to skate in order to run from the cops Basically they would hassle him whenever he was hanging out in tight places, even if it was far from the public eye. Later on, he decided to try out being a writer, but he doesn't really do graffiti art that often. Even after joining BRC, that hasn't changed much!
Solace really likes sweaters! Mostly during the colder months of course, even wearing them in layers to help stay warm. He tends to get colder more easily than other people.
Heck, in general he seems to have sensitivity to temperature in both directions. Gets cold very easily and thus has to wear more layers than other people would. But also gets hot very easily in the warmer months, and even goes shirtless most of the time during summer. Hence his appearance during the game imo!
I like to think the dummy markings on his face is just face paint, while the ones on his chest/torso are actually tattoos. The idea being if the cops are after him, he can hide somewhere, wipe off his face paint, then just throw on a shirt and (hopefully) the cops won't recognize him. Unfortunately with his luck, it's kind of a coin toss if it works or not, lol
On that note, in general I think Solace tends to have bad luck. He's joked in the past about possibly being cursed, but the rest of BRC wonder if it might actually be true... at the least, Eclipse has confirmed that Solace has some pretty damn unlucky star signs going on, so that's something.
Solace sleeps with a weighted blanket! Not as part of his claustrophobic masochist kink (though a lot of people assume it is anyways, which he finds irritating). It just genuinely helps him sleep better.
Also in general he has problems with getting enough sleep! Besides the weight blanket, he also sleeps with a white noise machine. It helps "block" outside noises, and given he lives in a big city like New Amsterdam, there's probably a ton of city noises he has to block out before he can get any sleep!
He likes to feed stray cats near his apartment, though he also carries treats with him to feed any cats he meets while he's out and about!
He also does the same with birds, with food that's safe/healthy for them to eat (mostly just seeds instead of stuff like bread or chips). There's a couple of crows who are actively friendly with him too!
Meanwhile dogs don't seem to like him very much. They tend to at least growl at him, even if they're normally friendly otherwise.
I imagine a guy as pale as him is careful to put on sunscreen when he goes out, especially during the times of the year where he's out shirtless. Stuff like skin cancer is no joke! Though even besides that he probably tends to get sunburnt easily without the sunscreen.
He's a bit of a doormat, but he's gaining confidence now that he's with BRC! It's still a work in progress though, sometimes also a "one step forward, two steps back" kind of thing.
And finally, separating this out from the list, since it's going to take a couple of paragraphs:
He has the respect of Devil Theory! This might seem out of left field, but basically they ended up really respecting Solace after he was willing to step between them and frickin' Faux in a walking tank. Most other people would have let Devil Theory get thrashed in that situation, which would have been seen as deserved because of all the snitching, nevermind them making a deal with Faux against other writers.
So now because of Solace's bravery, Devil Theory consider him an honorary member! They also sometimes act as his bodyguards, even though he insists they don't have to. But now anyone has to think twice if they try to bully Solace, lmao
Also, Devil Theory have been trying to teach him how to be more confident and stand up for himself! But again, it's a work in progress.
Example, at one point he manages to actually stand up to Tryce on calling him a degenerate… but then almost immediately apologizes for being "rude" to Tryce.
Meanwhile the DT guys are in the background going, "NO! Dude, you almost fuckin' had it!!" lol
Annnnd, yeah, I think that's about all I got for Solace! :>
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90percentstudios · 7 months
In your opinion, who is by far the worst written character you've made? Explain. (3-5 sentences)(That's a school joke btw but I do actually wanna know who you think your worst character is.)
oh my god, this is shaping up to be a bit more than 3-5 sentences but i just watched a contrapoints video and i'll never be concise again.
if a screwdriver is a good screwdriver because it manages to fit the screw, a character is a good character because they serve their purpose in the plot. a purpose like protagonist, antagonist, foil, silly buff tiger that is incredibly shallow but that's kind of the point so how can i argue that she's a failure of a character when she's literally my favorite and i would die for her? ... anyway i forget what point i was making but here are my worst written characters because they (arguably) failed to fit the screw.
cop-out answer: my first draft of cody from 2017/2018 was sooo one-dimensional. he felt like a homestuck dirk knock-off made more bearable because he wasn't condescendingly smart or serious. i couldn't develop his character because he was just so damn happy all the time. new cody is my favorite character, and therefore objectively the best written character in existence. he's got more realistic problems, genuine relationships, and is a great conduit for me to vent the problems i have with authority figures that i didn't even know i had.
real answer: the pa1 characters are pretty shallow. in their defense and the defense of those who love them, their simplicity ups the comic appeal. like brownie wants to delete herself via chocolate. is it realistic? no, but if it were i guess it'd lose silly points. the ridiculous pa universe's suspension of disbelief relies on everyone being a stupid nonsensical dog. so imo they fulfilled the purpose i had for them, which was creating a joke fantasy in which you had no choice but to make friends or die, my two favorite things at the time.
but i have a new favorite thing now, and that's making high complexity, open-ended statements about society or whatever. a better written pa1 would mean including exposition about patches' horrible home life/antisocial diagnosis, or a scene where olive and co attempt to call 9-11 like any sane dog would do, or more stuff about the contentious history between cats and dogs to explain coco's murder of the entire school.
speaking of, i think my worst written character is pa1.5 coco. she fulfilled the role of causing the apawcalypse in pa1, helped stop the apawcalypse in pa2, but somewhere in between there should've been a scene where everyone shakes and sobs over the realization that murder = bad, even if you are a funny gay halloween cat.
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killshotbabe · 2 years
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Title | Beckoning
Pairing | Jeno x reader ft. Motel keeper!Renjun
Warning(s) | minors dni! NSFW, Mention of a questionable ‘pill’, smoking, sexual content, thigh riding, fingering
Word count | 900ish?
Song(s) | Meet Me At Sachas - Space Afrika
“You’re not from here are you?”
You rubbed a thumb across your upper lip, smearing the red tint of your lipstick slightly on the corner of your lip. You looked up to the friendly face of the old man you’ve grown accustomed to the moment you sat by the counter of the old diner where your malfunctioning gps had taken you as the rainstorm wrecked havoc, disabling you from continuing down the road.
You let him eye you for a second as you drank a mouthful of your warm coffee, smiling a little. “Is it that obvious?”
“Well, it’s very rare for us to have someone like you at this ungodly hour.” The old man began to wipe the wooden counter as you sighed, pondering if you should ask for another refill without less cream this time. “Unless you’re driving back to college but around this time? It’s poor timing.”
You propped your arms under your chin, resisting to the urge to just sleep in front of the old man. You like to think he’d let you but you weren’t sure if that’s even allowed. You do need a bed after all and the motel you’ve booked forty-five minutes away had that.
“I know. I’m moving to a new town actually…”
He raise a brow at you now, questioning the fact that you just admitted that. “And it couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”
“No. Something told me it was a good idea to leave tonight.”
“But it’s raining cats and dogs out there.” He says, causing you to giggle.
“Yeah, my bad about that but think about it this way… It’ll be refreshing once it’s done. Like it’s a new start for me, y’know?”
“Well, if you put it that way kiddo then sure.” You think he’s respecting the nature of your answer and you thank him for that. The last thing you’d want to do right now is explain why you’re so eager to get out of your hometown. You know it wasn’t for the light-hearted. “You have somewhere to sleep at?”
“My car.” You joked but he squints at you, wishing you’re lying to his face. “Just kidding! It’s forty-five minutes away. Were you gonna offer me a bed here?”
“I was going to but I don’t trust you enough to hold the fort down when someone breaks here.” His tone was serious, yet you could feel a mischievous glint in those light brown eyes. “It gets… dangerous here after midnight so you should probably go soon.”
“Really?” You joked. You, however, did put that suggestion in the back of your head. “I’ll leave after you give me some water then.”
By 11 pm, you bid your goodbyes to the old man. You forgot to ask what his name was and thank him for giving you his time. You’re not sure why he didn’t introduce himself either but you didn’t really care. You don’t think you’ll meet him anytime soon anyway but you did remind yourself to do so if you come across him again. He was nice but you think it’s probably because that’s the first time you felt genuine warmth from what could be a father figure in your lonely life.
By the time you were back on the road, the rain had miraculously stopped. You drove in complete silence, just letting yourself bask into the aftermath of the rainstorm as you disappeared into the dark roads enveloped in between a canopy of tall pine trees. Your nose twitched at the strong scent of damp, earthy soil so you closed your window with your free hand, right one on the steering wheel. You thank the coffee for keeping you up and more focused on the road until you eventually reached your final stop for the night.
You announce yourself to what seemed like a deserted reception of the 3-star motel you booked.
The dim-lit hallway to your right looked so inviting so all you could think of is the comfort of your own room and a bed you saw from the previews prior booking a room but because there was no one here to welcome you and get you settled in, you couldn’t help but start to lose patience.
“Hi, sorry about the delay.” A young-looking man just a couple of inches taller than you greeted you behind the desk after what seemed like forever. He kept a straight face as he confirmed your name and reservation number so you spend some time studying him — from his conventionally handsome face all the way to his plain white dress shirt and a birthmark on his slender hand hovering on the keyboard.
Renjun, his name plate read.
“Here’s your keycard. Have a good night.” He brings you out of your stupor, sliding a piece of plastic across the desk for you to grab.
“Yeah, you as well.” You make a direct eye contact, grinning at him in which he had politely returned before you watch him leave the desk again, the small of his back rendering you speechless until you found yourself alone with your suitcase yet again.
He was handsome, you made a note. But you think there was something slightly off with him.
Or maybe I just need sleep? Yeah probably.
You slid the keycard into the slot of your room, followed by the series of sounds your beat up suitcase made, shutting the door with your back. You didn’t even bother with the main lights and went for the lone lamp in a corner of your small room. After you had successfully removed your boots followed by your windbreaker, you crawled towards the single bed and slipped under the comforter. You didn’t mind the fact that it reeked of cigarette smoke since you’re too exhausted to care.
It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep as pure exhaustion wracked your nerves even if you had coffee earlier, the somber yet cozy atmosphere simply lulling you to your unconscious state.
It was silent for the next few hours. You didn’t toss around for the first time in your life in an attempt to find a comfortable position to sleep in until 2 am brought you back on your feet as you staggered into the mini fridge, clutching the side of your head in an attempt to cater to the throbbing sensation you felt. You grab a pill on top of the table near the fridge, shoving it down your throat with cold water then you were back to bed, already falling asleep and feeling better.
So much better, you even dreamed of someone — a boy. You’ve never met him before but unlike Renjun, this boy has a strong jaw, pretty dark eyes and fair complexion. His luscious dark hair slightly longer and he was broad, way taller than you. He stood by the reception talking to a solemn-looking Renjun. You see yourself hiding in the hallway, hearing murmurs being exchanged from the two before the taller boy walked back out. You wait until Renjun leaves before springing into the parking lot, looking for the boy in the dark.
“You got no shoes on.”
You whip your head to the direction you heard the raspy voice from. There’s a slight tease coating his tone, you think.
“I-I forgot?” You reason, feeling the inviting sensation pulling you to him. He’s leaning on the hood of his car, cigarette perched between his pretty lips.
“Want some?” He nods off, slipping the cigar off to offer it to you. You can see him more better now and he was extremely attractive and quite enchanting to look at to the point that it was starting to mess with you.
“No…” You stop just when you feel your knees brush against his, your full attention all over him and the way he took another grey puff of smoke and exhale away from you before meeting your eyes with a spark of allure.
“Why are you out here? Talking to me?” He pressed with a raise brow. “Isn’t it late?”
“Not sure.” You say, eyes never leaving his. You didn’t have your windbreaker on but for some reason, you felt warm. “I just want to be here?”
“That’s not enough reason to convince me.” He chuckled under his breath, looming closer to you now. Despite him sitting, he appeared to be taller still, and way more in control. “Pretty sure there’s something else, sweetheart.”
“I just feel… funny?” You say, swallowing a lump in your throat. You don’t know why you’re feeling this way at all but you were curious. “I didn’t lie when I said I want to be here…I want to be here to see you it seems?”
“You sound unsure.” He waves you off with a grin, finally relaxing on the hood of his car, both arms perched behind him now but here you are, a little nervous with the way he scrutinized you from your bare feet now probably dirty from not wearing your shoes and all the way to your now flushed face. “I don’t think we’ve met before.”
“We haven’t…” You bite your lip, slowly eyeing the thin material of his black tank hugging his lean and muscular frame. He doesn’t seem to be bothered by cold gust of wind pummelling to your direction but you began to rub your arms, shivering lightly but you ignore it, continuing on with pleading eyes. “But here I am.”
“And you think that’s all it matters, right?” He drawls, watching you attentively — like the way your chest rose and fell and your heartbeats accelerating solely because of him. “You believe yourself, yeah?”
“Yes.” You huffed, closing your eyes briefly before you fluttered them open. You inched closer, gaze falling on his pinkish lips. “I believe myself.”
“Wanna sit on my lap then?” He patted his right thigh, honeyed voice sending another burst of shivers down your spine. You couldn’t help but to whimper as he spread his thighs for you to sit on. “To warm you up a little?”
You don’t know how it happened but eventually, you found yourself rutting yourself on his clothed thigh chasing your high as he watched you like a prey, quite entertained with the way you struggled like a dog in heat, desperate for a mind-numbing orgasm but before he lets you go and gives you what you want, he wraps his strong arms around your waist, forcibly lifting you up so he can move your soaked panties to the side and slip his cold fingers inside your wet, pulsating hole, fingering you right there and then.
“You’re making a mess.” He whispered rather harshly, allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder as you gasped and clamped a hand on your mouth, suppressing your loud moans threatening to spill out of you, his long fingers going in faster motions until the lewd squelching noise of your arousal could be heard in the crisp nightly air. “Come sweetheart…fuck yourself on my fingers you want so bad yeah? Aren’t you a good girl…. Doing so well for me and only me.”
It took a couple of seconds before you felt yourself snap for of how much he repeatedly hit your sweet spot and he was so, so cunning with the use of dirty words he chided into your ear, making you roll your eyes in back of your head.
You screamed, shaking nonstop as you lift yourself off him only for him to yank you back down, forcing you to release with his fingers still inside you. You couldn’t help to bite on his shoulder in the middle of it all. You haven’t even fucked him and you already claim this was the most amazing orgasm you have ever experienced to date.
You collapsed against his chest, waiting for your frantic heartbeats to settle down as you feel his hand ghosting to your back, soothing you. You almost purred when he let out a dry chuckle and muttered a loving “good job.” to praise you. It didn’t even register the fact that he’d touched your chin, turning your face to his until you felt him kiss you with much fervour, earning another sigh of relief from you when he slipped his tongue into yours. You let him take full control, ultimately taking your breath away when he planted open-mouthed kisses from your jaw to the base of your throat now fully exposed for him. You like how his kisses made you quiver, sending goosebumps all over your skin. He felt oddly cold and you somehow liked it.
“I don’t even know your name,” You smiled to yourself, basking into the way he licked a stripe of your soft skin followed by another sensual kiss. “You have to tell me, please?”
He finally whispers, his hand fisting your hair so he can tilt your head downwards, intending to mark up your neck.
“Jeno…” You repeat in a hushed whimper, giving him the reigns as you fully surrendered to his incredible erotic ministrations. You didn’t care about having sex with this gorgeous man out in the open right now. You wouldn’t even mind if Renjun sees the both of you. If anything, you’d let him join or maybe watch if that was more of his thing. “Pretty name for a pretty boy…”
You closed your eyes in satisfaction as you drowned in his embrace, completely missing the fact that he had opened his mouth wider inches away from your neck, upper fangs ready to puncture through your vein.
You never woke up from what you thought was a mere dream.
A.N | ….I’m sorry lol. This not edited or proof-read too I typed this up my phone after getting that jolt of wanting to write about Jeno ;)
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Wally Darling x Plushie reader one-shot
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Just a little scenario from my book;
Wally spends the night at your house when it rains, and it is here you learn sleep doesn't come naturally to him. Literally.
Note: I've read somewhere [or at least suspect] that Wally doesn't sleep. I like to think it's because he doesn't know how, but I'm probably wrong-
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"Gosh... it's raining cats and dogs out there."
You muttered to yourself, watching from your window as heavy rain pelted against the landscape. Thankfully the rainfall wasn't hard enough to be torrential in anyway, but just enough to not only drench someone entirely, but enough to make the mud and rocks around your home slippery. On top of that, the dark storm clouds overhead had obscured the moon's light, casting the forest in near complete darkness.
While you weren't a stranger to thunderstorms, you weren't used to seeing such a gloomy sight in an otherwise bright and colorful scenery.
"Cats and dogs?"
A calm voice drawled behind you, and you looked over your shoulder to see Wally approaching slowly. His head was tilted, peering out the window you stood in front of, confusion evident in his eyes. "...But I don't see any cats or dogs out there..."
"It's just a metaphor, silly. It means it's raining really hard." You chuckled softly turning to fully face him, your smile fading to a look of curious concern. "I'm glad I managed to find you in time. What were you doing so far away from the neighborhood anyway?"
"Ha ha," Wally gave a shy, monotonous laugh and unconsciously itched behind his head looking to his feet. "I was trying to look for a new muse to paint... I didn't know the woods were so deep." His smile dimmed subtly, his face now showing concern. "I hope home isn't too worried."
"Oh, don't worry! Tomorrow when the storm clears, we'll explain what happened!" You assured cheerfully, placing a paw on his head. "I'm sure he'll understand."
He looked up, his usual drowsy smile widening with warmth. "Thank you again for letting me stay the night, fluffy neighbor."
"Oh, its no trouble! I love a good sleepover!" You patted his head lightly, careful not to mess up his pompadour. "Are you comfy with my PJs though?"
Wally looks down at the (color) night shirt you had offered him. It hung loosely on his small body, looking like more of a gown than a shirt. "A tad big." He spread his arms so he can see the (color) (shape) on the chest. "But I like it."
You smiled with relief and motioned you to follow him. "Come on, let's get to bed."
As you walked to your bedroom, Wally stood for a moment before following you.
"Do you have enough room, Wally?" You scooted over slightly. Even though the bed was just big enough for two, Wally was pressed quite closely into your side. "Are you sure you don't want me to sleep on the couch?"
"No, I like this better. You're really fuzzy and warm. Like Barnaby." He answered, pressing himself into you. "And you smell nice."
"Oh..!" You were mildly taken aback by the bluntness of Wally's reply, but chose to view it positively. "Thank you... well then... goodnight, Wally."
"Goodnight, (Name)."
You sighed softly, shutting your eyes letting yourself succumb to--
"...I'm sleeping... I'm sleeping... I'm sleeping..."
Your eyes opened, as you heard a soft whispering break the relatively quiet atmosphere. It was so soft you nearly thought you were hearing things, but straining your ears over the patter of rain, you managed to make out the words yet again.
"...I'm sleeping... I'm sleeping... I'm sleeping..."
You blinked a couple times. Was... this a joke of some sort?
"Erm... Wally?"
"Yes?" He answered after a pause.
"Uhm... what... what're you doing?" It was a silly question, but you only asked for assurance.
"I'm... sleeping...?" He answered, though it sounded just as uncertain as you did.
"Ah. Uhm... Wally, you kinda have to be quiet to... sleep." You said somewhat slowly, hoping you wouldn't offend.
"Oh. Okay." He replied quietly. "My bad."
"It's okay, neighbor." You assured, closing your eyes again. "Goodnight."
~~~~~~~[30 minutes later]~~~~~~~
Your ears flicked as you were awoken from the semi-deep sleeping trance at that familiar whisper. Only it wasn't on your one side.
It was in front of you.
"Are you awake?"
You opened your eyes, and was startled at the pair of illuminating white sclera over you.
You then came to realize he was laying on your belly.
"Er... now I am." You replied, blinking a few times as the (shape) marking on your head lit up a soft (color) glow.
Once the room was lit, you saw his eyelids were slanted into a modest expression and his smile, while still there, was much less prominent.
He looked... troubled.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?"
He blinked, hesitant.
"...I can't sleep."
"Oh? What's got you up?" You sat up, feeling a sense of concern. "Are you not comfy? You're not too hot? Too cold?"
This eyes darted to the side for a moment then back to yours. "No... I can't sleep." He emphasized the word, playing with a strand of your fur in his fingers.
You squinted, confused. You processed his words, lifting your brow. "You... Can't sleep...?"
"No... I... don't... sleep." He said it slowly, lowering his gaze to his hands, seemingly embarrassed to admit such a thing.
"A-Ah." You uttered. It was quite a hard hitting statement, since you've never heard of such a thing. "Well then... you can just... lay on my belly and try to relax."
Wally hummed, resting his cheek on your belly. "Like this?"
"Yup!" You gently patted his head with one paw, while wrapping your arm around his back with the other, putting him in a soft hug. "Now... Just close your eyes and... try to clear your mind." You advised, staring up at the ceiling. "Try to focus on listening to the sound of the rain on the roof... it's usually really soothing."
You went quiet for a moment, listening to the light pitter-patter of rain yourself, turning your head to the window by your bed, watching the still steady rainfall beating down on the forests around your house.
"Is that helping, Wally?"
"A little." Came Wally's quiet reply. "But I like the sound of your voice better."
"Oh!" That gave you an idea. "Why don't I sing for you?"
You felt Wally nod, and you turned your head to look back up at your ceiling wracking your head for a lullaby.
You grinned as one came to mind.
You cleared your throat softly, and with a deep breath, you sang softly;
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee; Sounds of the rude world heard in the day, Lull'd by the moonlight have all passed away...
Your soft, slow singing filled your room, and the soft pattering of the rainfall complementing the calm atmosphere as the dim (color) light started to fade to other colors, cycling between teal, blues, red, purples and reds, filling the room with a comfortable light.
Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song,
List while I woo thee with soft melody;
Gone are the cares of life's busy throng...
As you sang, you idly caressed Wally's head, your other paw rubbing in circles on his back.
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me...
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me...
You trailed off as you squinted. "...I... forgot the other words." You pouted slightly. "I'll have to ask Barnaby for the rest of the song."
"Was that good though?" You looked down at the small puppet on your tum.
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You smiled. "That's good."
You let out a small sigh, laying back as you felt the slow rise and fall of his chest on your tum, hearing the faintest of snores emanating from him.
"Goodnight, Wally."
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Reader’s a bunny plush here due to the poll, but if you’d like to be another animal, the asks are open.
but I left it ambiguous in the book so it’s easier to visualize yourself.
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