#there's a reason why he gets along with preston so much
Every now and then I come across Bart in fics where the author writes him as completely disinterested in older media or is contemptuous of black and white film when the comics make it very clear that Bart actually has a pretty wide range of interests across decades.
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Impulse #21
During the LoSH vs Bart Allen debacle featuring the Cosmic Treadmill Bart quotes The Jetsons, the classic Hanna-Barbera cartoon from the 1960s. In the 1990s reruns of this show was broadcasted very frequently alongside dozens of other cartoons so he would definitely have had an active choice to watch it or not.
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Impulse #53
The Patty Duke Show from the 1960s is a little niche even for teens of the 90s and it is interesting that he watches it. The show was not colorized, and was aired on Nickelodeon during their "Nick-at-Nite" broadcast block in the 1990s.... which Bart should have been asleep for.... because his bedtime is 8:00pm... and that block started at 9:00 iirc.
But that's how it was for our world, for the comic world Pickelodeon may have had a completely different broadcast. Still it is a little charming to imagine Bart sneaking to watch this show, and maybe Helen would permit it and supersede Max's bedtime regime.
The premise of the show in relation to Bart and Thad's relationship is amusing and fitting, identical 'cousins' who are completely different in personality, taste and temperament as they get into shenanigans and fumble around displaced from home.
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Impulse #57
On Christmas Eve it has been a long standing tradition for It's a Wonderful Life (in this case X-Mas) to air on American television. It is regarded as a treasure and is enmeshed in pop culture whose core premise of how one man can have a profound change on everything has been reused countless times across multiple other forms of media. The film is from 1946, has been colorized but is more frequently broadcast in black and white.
Bart admitting that he wants to watch it, and furthermore that it is his favorite Christmas movie is a little unusual for teens of the 1990s compared to the monolith of other options. He watched it among many others and decided that this beloved classic was his favorite over the others.
In closing; Bart Allen plays a lot of video games, watches MTV, cartoons, and movies that are rated R but he also watches older classics too and enjoys them.
Bart came to the year 1994 with very little prejudice and does not have any contemptuous opinions regarding older media. So for your next fic instead of having him turn his nose up at the idea of watching something from the far distant decade of... 1980... consider that he would be absolutely 100% all about it.
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bisexualiteaa · 5 months
would it be alright if you were to write a fluff(maybe smut?) hancock x reader who has adhd who's just overwhelmed with quests and doesn't know which one to do first? Lol please and thank you:)
Of the People, For the People
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John Hancock x ADHD!GN Reader (FLUFF!!)
CW: reader struggles with their ADHD, John thinks it’s cute, cursing, guilt, restlessness, slight OOC Hancock, slight suggestive themes towards the end, fluff, possible grammatical/spelling errors, briefly proof read
AN: as someone with ADHD this ask actually really hit home. It was half the reason why I could never start games like Fallout and Skyrim in the first place was because there are so many things you can do, the idea alone was overwhelming to me because I knew it’s start and never finish just about everything pushed my way. Then the TV series came o it and all that changed upon the simple acquirement of a hyperfixation on the ghoul and thus my love for fallout was born! 😂 I am still rather new to Fallout games, lore and such so please be gentle if I have gotten anything wrong, I’m still doing my best at learning everything I can to write these well and properly! But I hope I did your ask some justice with this Anon! Hope you all enjoy some more love for our Mayor Hancock. 🥰
Tag-list: @expirednukacola
“Ugh, there’s just too much to doooo” you whined as you plopped down onto his bed in the state house, exhausted and sore all over from setting up not one, not two, but three whole settlements in one day. Of course it wouldn’t be a day out in the commonwealth if you hadn’t run into monstrosities along the way or people along the way to other settlements who needed other things from you. For instance, there was someone who needed saved from thinking they were a synth and returned to their parents, other people who needed help getting their settlements started, people who needed you to kill some super mutants, people who needed you to eliminate some feral ghouls some place else, and after that you couldn’t even remember if you tried. Thank goodness for your Pip-Boy keeping track of these things or else you feared you’d never remember it all. There was just so much that others, especially Preston, were asking of you to do out here that it was beginning to become just a bit too overwhelming to take on all at once. You loved that you could be help for people, so unfortunately you never really paid your own wellbeing any mind until now that it was at such a detriment you could hardly even think straight, much less accurately hit a target or properly even speak to someone without sounding like intelligence was your dump stat. You wanted ever so badly to be that light for people who had seemed to lose hope because it’s what you would want others to do for you if you were in need. You lived and breathed by that golden rule taught to you so long ago. Come to think of it, the only person who you’d done everything for last that you could remember was Hancock, which was actually how you two ended up together.
“Being commander of the Minutemen will do that to ya, sunshine” Hancock teased, leaning against the door frame as he looked at you, tiredly splayed out on his bed in amusement, finding it funny that the commander of such a large militia could be so…well, you. Anyone else would likely be overwhelmed with power to the point of paranoia, or the opposite and let it go to their head and break them of the person they once were, but you were still yourself through everything. He admired the way you wanted to help people, the way you helped the poor and needy in the ways he wished the rich would do, but he could tell it was taking a clear toll on your wellbeing in doing so. He genuinely couldn’t remember the last time you told someone no, or that you flat out just couldn’t help them because he could see that look in your eyes when someone asked you for help. He saw the sympathy, the pain, saw the way you felt so bad knowing that if you didn’t, they likely wouldn’t make it out in the harsh world of the commonwealth. His heart ached for you in that sense, because he remembers a time when he wanted to help everyone in his town that he could, any way he could, hell it was the whole reason he became the mayor of Goodneighbor in the first place. But just like you, he needed someone to make him realize that you can’t do everything, some things just have to play out and fix themselves on their own. “But I think you need to take a break from it for a day or two, give yourself a chance to recoup. You’re working’ yourself to death and I’m startin’ to get worried” he added, walking into the room to join you and he watched you sit up, looking completely defeated and worried at the idea of not helping others or running things for just a day, let alone two but also at the fact that now he was concerned for you. “But they need me, John. If I don’t help them…what would become of them? What kind of leader would I be to just leave them in shambles? I can’t live with the idea of lives lost because of me…” you said with a guilty tone, clearly torn between the idea of helping yourself or helping others, and the sweet innocence of your good natured personality made him smile softly as he closed the door behind him and sat down next to you on his bed.
“Even heros need a vacation, love. Helping people who won’t make it is wonderful, it’s one of the many things I love about you. But people can just as easily be hurt when they’re guided in the wrong direction because the person directing them isn’t taking care of themselves the way they need to. A good leader needs strength sure, but that strength depletes and needs replenished every now and again, and that’s okay” he said, grabbing your hand in his, squeezing it in the hopes to offer you some level of comfort to assure you his words meant no harm, he simply just wanted you to look out for yourself as much as you looked out for others around you. He knew it got through to you when he heard you exhale an audible deep breath you’d been holding in for so long. “I guess, I just…I don’t know. It feels extra difficult for me because I can never stay focused on just one thing. I get started on one project, then someone comes along and I get so side tracked trying to help them that I forget all about where I started! I probably have twenty of these damn missions at least half started before I dropped them for something else entirely. It’s so frustrating and overwhelming because then they all start to pile up, and then I don’t know where to start!” you explained, making him laugh. Who would have ever guessed his big, fearless commander of the Minutemen, partner was easily sidetracked by their ADHD. But he wouldn’t want you any other way. “Yet you completed everything I asked of you with no issue” he pointed out with a smug grin, making you blush at the realization that he noticed that. “Well…yeah. I did it because I liked you and wanted to get closer to you. I was fixated on it because I wanted it to better my chances of being with you, so to me it wasn’t work. It was just doing something that you, someone I care for, asked me to do, so I did it” you admitted bashfully, making him smile at the wholesome reason you gave him. “That’s so fucking cute” Hancock replied as he put his arm around you, pulling you into his side, making you blush even more before covering your face with your hands. “It’s cute until you realize I killed someone for you” you quipped with a grin once you’d moved your hands away to look at him, making him chuckle at your reply. “Made it even” he joked, referring to when Finn tried to haggle you when you first showed up to Goodneighbor. “Fair enough” you responded as you chuckled, but he could still tell that you hadn’t fully come around to the idea yet, something still had its hold on you but at least you started to open up to the idea.
“C’mon, let’s just take the next couple of days to relax. The settlements will be fine, they run pretty well on their own, I’m sure they can survive a day or two without you. Maybe Nick or Codsworth can run ship while you take the time to yourself” he said, making you lean your head against his shoulder as you contemplated it. “Poor Codsworth, I wouldn’t do that to him. He tended to my house for two hundred years despite the absolute state of decay it was in from the explosions, thinking the family would come back any day and it drove him nearly mad. I could only imagine what running settlements would do to him” you said, making him chuckle. “Okay then how ‘bout Nick? He’s traveled with you long enough, he’s a smart guy, I’m sure he could handle it. I’m sure he’d more than understand that you need some time to yourself to get back that good ol’ fighting spirit” he added. “You think so?” You asked skeptically, making him sling his arm around your waist to hold you close and help ease your nerves the best he could. It was times like these that you wished you had the confidence and aloof attitude Hancock had about just about everything. “I know so. Think about it, you set them up, taught them what they know, they already manage pretty well on their own, they got this! Just lay back and relax for a change!” he said, easing your nerves just a little bit more at the idea. For someone who never wanted a leader to be too comfortable, he really wanted you to be, it was strange yet heart warming to see how much he cared about you and wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself. So you finally gave in, maybe a couple of days to relax and do what you wanted to do didn’t sound bad after all. Maybe you could enjoy a couple of drinks one night, or hell, maybe enjoy just sleeping in a bed two nights in a row for a change, give your body a rest from sleeping on the cold hard ground in a sleeping bag. And not have to worry about all the things floating around in your mind that need done. That sounded like heaven to you once you convinced yourself with Hancock’s help that it could really be useful. “Okay, but if I do, I can’t just lay in bed all day. I literally can’t, I’ll go crazy” you said, making him laugh, knowing the way you can’t sit still for more than a few minutes at a time just on the regular while you’re on the go. “We don’t have to, these couple of days are for what you wanna do sunshine. Though I wouldn’t mind it of course if we spent all of it in bed, but staying in bed all day doesn’t necessarily mean *just* sleeping, ya know” he said, his voice slipping into that characteristic deep, gravelly suggestive tone with a mischievous grin painting his thin, irradiated lips as he pulled you into his side, making you laugh. “John!” You said, seemingly flabbergasted at his reply, but truthfully you hadn’t expected anything less from him. “Oh you know I love it when you yell my name, keep doin’ it sunshine” he said flirtatiously with that ever recognizable smirk painted across his face as he crawled on top of you on the bed, littering your face and neck with kisses through a shared fit of laughter. Maybe a little break wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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that-one-anime-writer · 3 months
This is my first work for the G/T Gotcha for Gaza event! I’m so happy to be Participating and I hope the person who requested it likes it! Here is the page if you would still like to donate! @gtgotcha4gaza !!
“I’ve got you.” A G/T M/M Story.
"No way that's how this movie ends! Preston can't you believe this?!" Elias asked his tiny friend, Preston, who was sitting on the nightstand beside his bed. Preston shook his head, to admit, he wasn't really paying that much attention to the movie- since he didn't really understand what was happening in it. But Elias hated it, so he hated it too.
Preston and Elias had been friends for a couple of months now, and both of them usually got along great. Well- when Preston wasn't deathly afraid of Elias that is.
See Preston was a borrower, living in Elias' house for about a year until he got caught by him. He accidentally slipped and fell into one of Elias' bowls and couldn't get himself out. Elias eventually found him, and wanted to make it his duty to become friends with him. But- he found it hard- since Preston wouldn't stop screaming at him.
The day they met, Preston couldn't even look at the larger being, let alone talk to him. He felt enclosed, trapped, controlled, just by being in his presence. But overtime, that got better and better. A couple of months later though, the two have bonded tremendously. Although they still have immense boundaries, Preston is able to look at Elias, say small sentences, and honestly be a friend to him.
Preston wants to do more... be more... but his fear- despite all this time- is still holding him back.
"Ahh what a joke!" Elias said, closing his laptop and trying to erase the memory of the bad movie from his head. "Mmm anyways- it's getting late. I think it's time to hit the hay! What say you my tiny friend?" Elias put his computer over to the side and turned over to Preston, who flinched a little at his movements. Elias hated that Preston was still cautious of him... it made his heart sink every time his little friend was nervous around him.
Elias would give up anything just to hold Preston, to be with him comfortably, to hug and cuddle him. But Elias was slowly accepting that it might never happen- that Preston might be too scared of him no matter what he tries. "Yes. Bed... sounds nice." Preston managed to mumble, darting his eyes away from Elias. Elias gave Preston a warm smile, loving it when he talked to him. Even if it was just a few words.
"Alright well- uh... can I- can I carry you this time? To your hole in the wall?” Elias asked nervously, knowing that the smaller would respond with a no. He had to fry though- even if it meant annoying the smaller- he wanted to be closer to him. No matter what. Preston's breath hitched at the mention of this. It wasn't a shock that Elias was asking, I mean hell he asked him every day- but what was shocking- was the fact that Preston was considering it.
He couldn't believe himself. He started sweating, shaking slightly, and trying to control his breathing. He didn't understand why he was considering letter Elias pick him up- yes he was nice and caring but... he was too big! He could hurt him! But for some reason, part of Preston wanted to ignore the risks. Ignore his fears. Ignore everything just to be held, touched.... Loved.
No. He couldn't. He mustn't. He won't.
Elias could see Preston freaking out- and immediately hated himself for asking so bluntly- already knowing the answer. "Hey man it's ok... forget I asked... you can go back on your own... I won't even follow you." Elias retracted his statement. Slowly shifting his body to back away from the smaller, in a attempt to make him feel less closed in.
Normally- Preston would be running away. He would've grabbed his hook and rope, grappled down, and retired back to his hole in the wall. The hole where he was safe. But not this time. Something inside Preston was preventing his legs from moving. Did he want Elias to hold him? Did he want to... stay with Elias? No. No he couldn't. Right?
"Preston? You okay? You been standing there for a long time and-" Elias started to speak out of caution but then stopped when Preston looked up at him. It was rare for Preston to look Elias in the eye- but he was doing it. Preston could speak though- he couldn't get the thoughts in his head to form into words. He was scared, confused, and everything all in one. He wished he could telepathically communicate with Elias.
But for now- he could only just look at him.
Elias leaned in a little closer, trying to decipher all the emotions on Preston's face. But because he did this, Preston instinctively scooted back out of fear. He also yelped. "Shh- it's okay I'm not going to hurt you... it's okay honey..." Elias spoke in the calmest tone Preston had ever heard. Though fear was still coursing throughout his entire body- he felt some sort of comfort as well...
"What are you thinking about?" Elias pried, trying his best to help with whatever Preston might've needed. He was genuinely confused, but also shocked because this was new behavior for him. Preston looked around room, his eyes and mind searching for something- anything to communicate what he wanted. But he couldn't think of anything.
He had to speak... he had to.
"Stay..." Preston squeaked out, gathering all the might in his body. Elias' eyes grew wide as excitement filled his soul. He couldn't believe that Preston was actually asking to stay! It was like a dream come true for Elias. He had been waiting for this day for a a while- to finally wake up with Preston next to him. Or even... on top of his stomach/chest... If that's what Preston really meant that is. He had to make sure.
"You want to stay... with me? Over night?" Elias asked, tilting his head. Preston nodded his head, immediately wanting to run away after wards. He kept going back and forth in his head with his fearful thoughts and the lovely ones. Elias could barely hold in his happiness when Preston nodded his head- he wanted to scoop Preston up and cuddle him to death. But he couldn't- he was excited but he had to take it slow as to not scare Preston off.
"Ok... ok awesome! Do you want me to make you a little bed? Or did you want to make your own or...." Elias trailed off, waiting for more information from Preston. Elias was praying internally that Preston would open up- that he would be comfortable enough to- well, cuddle with him. He'd always wanted to but never could because Preston was always afraid. But he was hoping today would be different.
Preston knew what his heart wanted- he knew how he wanted to answer Elias' question. "Us... closer..." was all Preston managed to speak before beginning to shake and concentrate on his breathing. The world around him started to go blurry as the objects he stood near seemed to get bigger and bigger. He kept wishing he could retract everything and crawl back into safety- but it was too late. And he knew it.
"Wait... Preston do you want me to... hold you?? Maybe against my stomach or chest?" Elias asked, hoping he wasn't jumping to conclusions too quickly. Preston's heart pounded in his chest, the word "yes" lingering on the tip of his tongue. He nodded slowly, his trembling intensifying as he saw the warmth and excitement light up Elias' eyes.
Elias' smile softened, his movements gentle and measured as he reached out a hand. "Okay, just relax. I promise I'll be careful," he whispered, his voice soothing.
Preston took a deep breath, forcing his feet to move closer to Elias' hand. When he was within reach, Elias carefully cupped his tiny friend in his palm. Preston's entire body was tense, but he resisted the urge to bolt. "It's ok, I've got you. I've always got you." Elias spoke in a soothing tone as he curled his fingers as a protection method.
Elias moved slowly, bringing Preston to his stomach and holding him close. His hand covering the smaller, giving a sense a safety and security. The warmth and steady rhythm of Elias' heartbeat and soft gurgling sounds beneath him was surprisingly calming. Preston's fear began to ebb away, replaced by a sense of security. "How's that?" Elias asked softly, looking down at Preston.
Preston managed a small smile, his fear now a distant memory. "Good... it's good... and soft...." he whispered, allowing himself to relax fully against Elias. He couldn't believe what he was doing- but he knew he was safe. He just felt it inside of him.
Elias beamed, his heart swelling with joy. "I'm glad," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "You can stay here as long as you like. I'll keep you safe." Preston nodded, feeling a wave of contentment wash over him. For the first time since they met, he felt truly at ease in Elias' presence. As he closed his eyes, the steady beat of Elias' heart lulling him to sleep, he knew this was where he belonged.
Elias watched as Preston drifted off, his tiny friend finally finding peace. He held him close, vowing to protect and cherish this bond they had created. "I love you, Preston." Elias spoke softly- thinking that Preston was already fast asleep. But Preston slightly moved and smiled softly- "I love you too." He said, before snoring moments later.
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the-void-writes · 2 months
"Why wasn't I good enough for you?"
Hello and thank you!!! I am so sorry this took like a year to answer 😅 This was just going to be something small, but then I kept getting ideas, and now it’s getting way too long. So I figured I’d do what I did last time and post it all in segments. Again, thank you so much for this ask!
Freaks Of Preston - A Real Hero
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Summary: Will is taking the subway to see a new doctor. Along for the ride is Jason, his godfather and guardian, and Isaiah, the birth father who hurt him. Tensions rise between the two dads, for everyone’s viewing.
WC: 1.1k
TW: Mentions of past child abuse (and maybe a brief present depiction because Isaiah shouts at and forcefully grabs his son). There’s also a quick description of a train crash.
The subway ride was suffocating, for more reasons than just the size of the car. Will could have cut the tension in the air with a knife. He sat on the left-most part of the bench, with Jason placed firmly between him and Isaiah. Every half a minute, Jason would stare daggers into the larger man, hands twitching whenever Isaiah so much as scratched his neck.
They were heading into Hazelton for the day to meet with a new doctor. Will’s debilitating health was an absolute mystery to the physicians in Preston— they were likely covering up for Vesely, who seemed to have an extensive reach into many businesses’ wallets. If there was any hope for a cure, it would have to be from outside of town.
Will’s mother was stuck at work, and the doctor required at least one of Will’s legal parents, so they had begrudgingly called Isaiah. His charges had been dropped— again— though Will could sadly understand it this time, seeing as he had crushed Isaiah’s arm in an act of blind rage. An eye for an eye, Vesely had said, a necessary exchange, but Will couldn’t believe that. It was a miracle that the boy hadn’t been locked up, though Will suspected that Jason had something to do with that. Any time they passed an officer in Preston, they stiffened as though Jason was an army general, coming to chew them out for a mistake.
That natural intimidation was working on Isaiah, as well. He never laid his eyes on Will, out of fear of what Jason might do to him. Instead, he made a bigger mistake by trying to talk.
“You didn’t have to come, you know.”
Jason flicked his eyes towards Isaiah swiftly, like a sharp stab to the chest. His voice was smooth and cold.
“There’s no way I’ll ever leave Will alone with you again.”
Isaiah closed his eyes. “I know, but you’re putting yourself at risk. The two of you in the same area could draw more attention—”
“I don’t know if it’s come to your attention, but I don’t care if people know what I am. Gabe has hurt us more than your people ever could.”
He stared ahead at the brick walls flying past them through the window, gripping the bench tightly. Will knew that his stress came from more than just Isaiah— the subway itself was a nightmare for Jason. Ves Corp had a similar system for their monorail, and it broke down nearly every week. That was how Will discovered his godfather was claustrophobic. He gave Jason’s hand a gentle pat, getting him to slowly relax his grip.
As their uncomfortable journey continued, Will looked at the passengers around him. There was a young couple on the bench across from him, dressed like they were heading for church on Easter, even though it was autumn. On the bench next to them, there were three tall people in identical pinstripe jackets, with their lips pursed in unison as they looked over their planners. Further down past some older businessmen, there was a woman holding a young boy, who talked excitedly to the elderly couple across from them about his day at the park.
They were ordinary citizens, nothing particularly outstanding or noteworthy, but Will was so happy to see them, because they didn’t even look his way. The nicest part of going to a new city was that people didn’t immediately know he was a Freak. They didn’t stare at him, or call him names, or try to trip him on his way to his seat. He was just a normal kid on a subway— Well, a normal kid with a sickly appearance, a duffel bag full of medical devices, and what looked to be two fathers in a silent argument.
“So,” Isaiah said, lowering his voice, “it’s a parasite?”
A smile formed on Jason’s face, though it was anything but kind. His eyes held pure contempt for the man beside him.
“Bravo, Isaiah. You actually showed interest in your son’s condition.”
“I don’t need the sass.”
“And your son didn’t need his head split open.”
Isaiah rested his head against the window. “I get it, I’ve messed up, but—”
“Messed up? Is that what you call it?”
“I’ve made terrible mistakes.”
“You threw your fever-stricken son down a staircase. You’re past the point of ‘mistakes.’”
“Keep your voice down.”
“Let the whole car hear, for all I care! You’re a monster, Isaiah.”
“Which one of us trained children for war?”
Jason clenched his fists. “I already hate myself for that. I don’t hold myself on a pedestal the way that you do.”
Will tried to speak up, but Isaiah cut him off, gaining the attention of everyone nearby.
“I never asked for Preston to treat me like a hero! I wanted a normal fucking life with my family! William is the one who destroyed that for us.”
Finally, Will was able to get a word in. “How, damn it? How did I ruin your perfect life?”
“You exposed yourself to the public.”
“I did it to save Mom! Why don’t you realize that? Why is everything I do wrong in your eyes?”
In an instant, Isaiah grabbed the collar of his shirt with his one good hand. “You doomed us all, don’t you get it?!”
The other passengers stood up in alarm, some trying to push Isaiah away, while Jason tore Will from his grasp. The conductor even rushed down and pulled Isaiah away from the seat. Will gripped his sleeves as his power swelled in his wrists, overwhelmed by the chaos that surrounded him. His heart pounded in his ears like a symphony of drums.
“It was a mistake to bring you,” he heard Jason say somewhere over the noise. “You may share blood, but you’ve lost the right to be his father.”
“I’ve got news for you, Jay: He’s not your kid. You’re a backup choice, an afterthought. You’re not a real part of this family.”
“Sir,” the conductor yelled, “that’s enough!”
Isaiah struggled against him as he tried to pry him away from his son. Will felt too dizzy to speak, as though his brain was rattling around in his skull. As he rested his hands on the bench, he realized that it was the motion of the train throwing him back and forth.
A loud rumble and the screeching of metal caught everyone’s attention, followed by intense shaking as the subway jumped off of its track. Then, in the blink of an eye, the world began to spin. Passengers flew every which way, flailing and yelling as their car violently fell on its side. Finally, the shaking and sliding stopped, and everyone was still.
Will blinked rapidly, trying to make the world come back into focus. The window he had landed on was splintering under his weight. He couldn’t concentrate enough to push himself away. Both of his arms— which were already weakened from testing, disease, and past abuse— burned with pain. Eventually, Will had to give up on moving, and he closed his eyes.
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Halloweek: Day 6
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Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tags: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @letsgivethisonemoreshot , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @damnnhausen , @starwithaheart, @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @sldghmmr , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @blaquekittycat , @auburnwrites , @brie-mode-activated
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The glitter from his wings - that were blatantly straining over his muscles - left a sparkly trail behind him as he walked. The short pink tutu skirt left very little to the imagination, exposing half of his ass covered in black boxer briefs along with the pair of muscular thighs. The only disadvantage you have is that the mustache glued to your face tickles your nose every time you pucker your lips or chew on something. Michael had definitely drawn the short straw with his costume.
“What kind of fairy walks around with half an ass exposed like that?” You chuckled as you watched him carefully secure the pink glittery party hat to his head.
“The slutty kind” Michael tossed the pink veil that fell from the hat over his shoulder like one does with their long hair. “And what kind of lumberjack walks around with his tools between his legs?” He pointed towards the pair of socks you had stuffed to create a “package” between your thighs. “Unless that’s not an ax and you’re just happy to see me” Mike smirked before wiggling his ass at you.
Chuckling, you walked to where he stood and circled your arms around his waist “Oh yeah, that perky ass is the reason for this”
“Oh really?” He smiled and dipped his head down, resting his lips on top of yours “Then if that’s the case we should stay here so you can show me how you use your tools”
“I’d love to do that, BUT Preston just texted and he’s on his way to pick us up”
Michael groaned in annoyance “Can’t he be late for once so I can get laid?”
“You’ll get laid as much as you want, my love” You stated and Michael smirked, already reaching for your suspenders. “When we get back” The annoyed look on his face made you laugh before you tried to cheer him up “C’mon, babes. Let’s go get your magic wand so we can enjoy my magic wand later tonight” You pecked his lips and swatted his ass. The sharp slap made Michael wince in pain “Ouch!” He pointed his index finger at you and threatened “No copping a feel for you, Mr. Lumberjack, until you trim that mustache! It’s too fucking long”.
“So come help me! I have no idea how one’s supposed to care for a beard, let alone a freaking mustache”.
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Apparently you and Michael were the only ones who had the idea of swapping costumes, since everyone looked pretty boring. Apart from Preston, who was wearing a protein container costume. When Michael asked him for the story behind it, he apparently bought it because “it looked absolutely ridiculous and that’s the whole point! Sexy costumes are boring and overrated.”
After more than half of the locker room touched, squeezed or slapped Michael’s ass, you decided to wander into the kitchen, admiring Jade Cargill’s sense of design as you grabbed food. Suddenly, Michael was behind you, throwing your paper plate on the counter and yanking you away by the hand.
“Ouch, Mike! Where are we going?”
He kept walking towards a big door at the back of the kitchen. “Baby, you’re gonna rip my arm off! Michael, for fucks sake, what’s going on?”.
At the clicking sound of the door in front of him opening, Michael whispered “Thank God” before getting inside with you. He locked the door while you looked around, taking in your surroundings and trying to understand why he had locked you inside a pantry.
You chuckled while voicing out the only reasonable thing that would justify him taking you to the pantry “What? Do you want to steal a bottle of Jade’s fancy ass champagne?”
“No, although that wouldn’t be a bad idea” Michael smirked and took a bottle of Moët & Chandon out of the portable wine cellar. He took advantage of the loud music to open the bottle and have a sip of the drink before handing it over to you.
“She’ll be pissed if she finds out” You chuckled and rested the bottle against your lips to take a sip.
“I doubt that with this many bottles she’ll miss this one” Michael stole the bottle from your grasp to take a big gulp of the champagne, before he placed it down to pick you up in his arms “And no, I didn’t bring you here to steal the champagne, even though we just did that” He chuckled and ripped the mustache from your face “I brought you in here to steal you”. The burning feeling of the glue being ripped off your skin made you wince in pain “Ouch, that hurt!”.
Michael not so carefully got rid of his fairy hat and tossed both accessories on the floor “I’ll kiss it better” He captured your lips in a heated kiss, tongues dancing to their own natural rhythm. His hands cupped your ass and dragged you closer to his crotch. “I can’t wait until we get home” Michael placed you down on the floor and covered your body with his gigantic frame before snarling against your neck “I want you now”.
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
saw a post you made a while back answering an ask about YJA Bart's civvie life mirroring the comics, and i realized that comic Bart went straight into high school due to being 14 going on 15 when he came to the past, but YJA Bart was 12 going on 13, so he'd be in middle school for a little over a year first. so! an idea i thought i'd share: people mostly think he's Weird (derogatory) in middle school because that's where he goes through his biggest adjustment period. middle school is frustrating for him, but he manages. then high school happens and suddenly he's Mr Popularity bc 1) he's more used to being in school now, even if he still doesn't like it and high school is a different beast, 2) his West-Allen (and Meloni) related pretty genes have started to properly kick in (underrated Bart fact: he's supposed to be noticeably good-looking. like not just cute, but a Certified Pretty Boy. it gets brought up SO MUCH in his solo it's so funny) and he has a canon big growth spurt between 13 and 15, and 3) there's a ton of new ppl his age who have no established opinions of him the way others do. and like in the comics Bart hates the attention and keeps almost exclusively to his friends (one of my fave running gags is Bart being surrounded by people trying to get his attention and he just keeps doing what he's doing without engaging or even reacting barely at all)
omg anon…. this ask has given me the biggest smile ever because it just brings back so many memories of my first ever (drafted) fic ahhhhhhhh !!! especially because of the way it starts!! in middle school where he’s the certified weirdo!!! not that he minds it at all he’s more concerned with the whole concept of wtf even is school and how’s he supposed to be stuck in a classroom when he has more pressing issues like uh preventing an impending apocalypse?? lmfao but yes that first year/couple months is a huge adjustment period for him, at the very least in terms of school.
the thing is at least in my non-existent fic, i was really motivated to have carol and preston be the first civilians he befriended, which would be in middle school. But then I also want them (and others) to be his classmates throughout high school too! Cause u know, they’re the civilians we know that he interacts with and gets along. I don’t think the chances of that are too off because if they all live within the same district it would be reasonable to assume they’d attend the same high school? Like not the exact same class, but there r bound to be a few familiar faces. But that’s not rlly a problem for the concept that u outlined considering they’re his friends so the whole preconceived notion thing wouldn’t play much of a role in the first place (and if anything more accurately reflect the plot of how Carol befriends him and then at that point worries about popularity getting to him, like the impulse timeline was crazy fast (understandably ig)) . Also like yes, mirroring the comics he accidentally becomes quite popular lmfao but like u said it’s high school so it’s not without its totally dramatised plot issues (i could come up with way too many honestly they’re just so entertaining especially considering like how i mentioned he wants no part in it both intentionally as well as not lol) just like the impulse run!
Certified Pretty Boy huh that’s just as much as a trait to him as it is him having brown hair (which is always! suck it red hair truthers lmfao) but yes totally!! His genes have done him well and it’s obviously the reason why everyone is in love with him (looking at u Preston /j /srs)
basically, thank u for sharing your thoughts with us <3 cause it’s just so entertaining to think about all this!! I’m not even exaggerating i could come up with so many plots about his school experience i think there’s just so much room for potential and fun and it’s pretty amusing to think about. I would love to write a fic o. it specifically (side eye to that first fic lol) but unfortunately i’ve just got one brain and set of hands and can only really focus on one fic at a time 🫠 on the bright side i am planning on covering at least a little bit of his civvie life in the next chapter of AAIT (still in its really early stages so it’ll take a while, sorry) so if anyones interested in that, stay tuned lol
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technoturian · 7 months
I'm having a lot of feelings about The Brotherhood of Steel and how I hope the show does them justice. I keep seeing takes like "Why are the Brotherhood in there I HATE the Brotherhood they're BAD ACTUALLY" and like... Yes? That's the point?
I will admit my feelings on the Brotherhood are very much informed by how I played Fallout 4 the first time:
Here's this woman, she's living in an idyllic little house in an idyllic little neighborhood with her family. Her world is destroyed and she's sent to an unimaginable hell world. All she wants is her kid. All she wants is safety. The first person she meets is on the game's tracks; Preston Garvey. He presents himself as a good person, but he's just as lost as she is. He lets her know he's all alone out here and even though he can go with her, I never take him. He needs to stay in the neighborhood and look after the others.
The tracks end and it's open world. I could go straight to Diamond City and maybe if I had, maybe having Nick and Piper on my side before I met Danse would've changed how everything about the Brotherhood worked for me. But that's not how it went down. I'm running around, making sure I don't miss anything. And there's a call on the radio. It's urgent. So I go after it. And the first quest I run into on my own is Fire Support, Paladin Danse's intro quest.
So here's this woman, she's living in a nightmare. Nobody at her back. She's been fighting for her life for hours straight. And she feels powerless. She feels unmoored. In her regular life she was a lawyer married to a soldier; she was used to order, comfortable with the idea of rule of law. There is nothing resembling order here. And then here is this knight in shining power armor telling her this isn't hell she's stuck in, it's a fight and it's one his side is going to win. There's a certainty to the Brotherhood of Steel that is terrifying to normal, well-adjusted people but is probably comforting to someone who is already as terrified as they can get. The BoS are harsh but they're honest and upfront about their intentions. They're sure of themselves. They have goals and plans. They're not just winging it. That's security. That's power.
Now my PC doesn't know anything about synths, she doesn't know anything about supermutants, and she's just met her first ghouls in a bunch of ferals. Nothing they're saying about non-humans seems wrong at this point. They legitimately sound like violent, deadly monsters.
And then she goes to Diamond City and she meets an amazing mechanical man. She meets a plucky reporter who cares about the truth. And she has people who have her back in a way that makes the "support" the Brotherhood offers feel a lot less personal. And the more she finds out about this world she lives in now, the more she realizes the Brotherhood's way isn't something she can go along with. And she was almost in too deep before she found out. *I* knew I would never ultimately side with the Brotherhood, but it was very easy to justify why my character would stick with them as long as she did. She wanted them to be what they think they are.
And that's why I kind of love them. When everything is going horribly wrong who doesn't want someone who holds out a hand and says, "I know how to fix this and I have the power to do it." You have all of these cartoonishly violent raiders and craven killers and they're so horrific that they actually succeed at making people like the Brotherhood look reasonable. When you're in a world of dragons you want a sword. And that's why I think the BoS, done right, have potential to make for the most compelling storyline. Order in chaos. They're such an enticing trap.
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ash-and-books · 2 years
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Rating: 2/5
Book Blurb: Brace yourself for the unexpected in this chilling novel that will thrill suspense and horror readers alike! Willow can't remember what landed her in captivity, but she'll do anything to survive. For fans of Natasha Preston, Stephen King, and Gillian Flynn.Willow is alone, confined to a bed with restraints. She can't remember how she got there...or how long she's been there. An old lady appears in her room to feed her twice a day. Granny doesn't talk, but Willow can hear thumping from somewhere beyond her door. It's not Granny's shuffling steps. It's too loud to be Granny's cat. Is it someone? Something?Then Granny's cat dies in Willow's room. And Granny follows a few days later. Willow will do anything to survive. But freeing herself from her bed is only the beginning... Because there is someone else in the house. Who is this mysterious teen who calls himself Elijah? And is he the reason she's hostage or the key to her escape?
10 Cloverfield Lane meets Knock at the Cabin in this young adult suspense thriller following a 16 year old girl who wakes up tied to a bed with no memory of how she got here and the only contact she has is an old woman who drops off food twice a day  and a teen boy who claims that there is a plague outside and that they need to stay together and inside if they want to stay safe... yet the more time she spends there the more she thinks he is hiding something and she’ll have to figure out if she can believe him or not. Willow Lafayette is the daughter of doctors who are working on curing a widespread disease, akin to the pandemic. She’s been messaging a boy she is in a sort of relationship with... but then suddenly she wakes up with no memory of what happened to her and why she is tied and restrained in this house. She then meets Elijah, a teen who is also in the house who tells her that the plague has only gotten worse and that they need to stick together to survive.... but he’s hiding so many things and the more time she spends there the more question she has such as why he doesnt want them to go out and try to find other survivors... why he is isolating her so much... yet she can’t ignore the love between them... but is she a hostage or is he right and the plague is happening and monsters await her outside? Unfortunately this one fell flat for me, I went into this blind hoping I would have a better time if I didn’t know what it was about but it really tried to do so many things and kind of not worked at all. I think if your fans of thrillers this one would be an interesting read for you for sure.
 **SPOILERS** Willow was messaging a boy she had a crush on at school named August, who was actually Elijah all along and when she is rescued and it turns out he was keeping her isolated and that the world was essentially fine he reveals that he has done this 5 times and is stuck in a time loop in which Willow is the patient zero for the plague occurring and that she will be the cause of the end of the world, and after she kills August the time loop starts again and she is determined to get back together with Elijah and stop the end of the world in their current 6th timeline. yeah... it was a lot. 
*Thanks Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire, Sourcebooks Fire for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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mylazyreactions · 3 years
FO4 Companions react to playing FNAF
Cait: "Fuck this!" Every swear she knows under the sun is being said. Can barely make it past night 1. Puts the game down and refuses to continue. Will do fine just watching Sole play it instead. Thinks the lore is looney.
Codsworth: He hates it. Robotic animals going berserk, only to discover their possessed by dead children? He's gonna stick with Pac-Man thank you very much.
Curie: Cue Girlish Screams She much rather just watch someone else play, but does find the rhythm to each night a good watch. Tries to understand how the possession works and whether or not the animatronics count as A.I. Cries over the lore while trying to figure out how Michael survived.
Danse: Gets used to the jumpscares fairly easily. "Why are you making me play this pre-war game?" Just shut up and play man. Finds William deplorable and is genuinely grossed out by his ScrapTrap form. Man was never meant to mix with machine in such a way!
Deacon: “Oh man I remember that place. Always thought foxy was overrated.” Just roll your eyes at him. He finds the game a lot of fun otherwise. Oh no. That look in his face. No deacon you cant make your own Spring Lock suit. Quit asking.
Dogmeat: Just a dog. But he barks along when people scream, so he’s helping.
Hancock: Don’t let him play stoned. He just gets mad since his reflexes are slowed. Otherwise he has a great time. The lore pisses him off, but gets a kick out of seeing Will burn.
Maccready: *nervous sweating png* Of course he’s a brave guy he can totally han- NOPENOPENOPE he’s not drunk enough to deal with creepy ass robot bears in the dark. Like curie, he’s gonna be stuck just watching Sole play. Absolutely loathes William and totally doesn’t tear up at the bite of ‘83.
Nick: “I remember when that game came out. Good job getting it to work again, but I'll let you youngsters have your fun.” He doesn’t have any desire to play, but he might stop by to check out how everyone is doing. Might make a comment or two about how he’s a little run down like some of the machines.
Piper: Shes scared. Shes having fun. She died. Over and over. Eventually she gets a good rhythm, and asks Sole to bring the game to Diamond City so the kids can play. “Cmon Blue, are you absolutely sure this isn't based off a real story? Seems like something your corpo’s back then would do.” She never beat Sister Location.
Preston: Finds himself having quite a lot of fun. Greatly enjoys lore seeking and flat-out refuses help from Sole. At the end he finds the games quite depressing, but is glad he could enjoy the journey. “General, I hope you're not getting any ideas, but a little pizza place for people to relax isn't a horrible idea.”
Strong: Oh god please no. Great now he wants to fight Fred-Bear. Congrats.
X6: “I don’t think this is a good use of my time, but as you wish.” It gave him a small bit of adrenaline, but after the shock wore off, it was go time. Beats the games before anyone else and sets a speedy record. Was very curious about the whole possession thing and wonders if they would replicate it.
Ada: Please do not dress her as Bonnie for Halloween. Strong almost sent them flying over a house. Also please uninstall that creepy music from her files. What do you mean you didn’t install any music?
Longfellow: He’s too old and drunk for this creepy shit. The first jumpscare and he’s gone. He did find the 50-20 Custom Night to be hysterical purely for intensity reasons.
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
Companions react to bringing a child along after Caption Kells tells you to take a child with you for a mission.
Cait- “better to whip them into shape now then later, makes life helluva lot easier.”
She’s pretty much in agreement with the Captain, based on how her life treated her.
‘teach them young-teach them right’
Cuire- “oh my, so little and fragile! We must make sure to not let any harm come to the child!”
While she adores the squire, she absolutely hates the idea of bringing a child into the heat of a fight.
She will remove the squire from any danger and constant check up on them.
(Per BB) Danse- “I’ll refrain from speaking my mind but rest assure Captain, the squire will return unscathed.”
Blatantly said he doesn’t like the idea of kids aboard the Prydwen. Though he takes some comfort in knowing that Kells trust you enough to take a squire.
Papa bear mode activated.
Deacon- “right, cause this is what we need. A child. Oh bless the brotherhood…”
Yet another reason to dislike the brotherhood! Literal bringing children along for the very bumpy and dangerous ride.
He cracks jokes with them and changes outfits to mess with them.
Gage- “Shit Boss, I ain’t ever gave a dam bout kids, don’t expect me to treat them like they a walk-in glass statue.”
He does not like nor hate kids so he’s neutral on this matter.
Acts like the squire is just another random person, he don’t care bout them.
Hancock- “ah, that’s a kid, we are bringing a kid into that building right? The one crawling with mutants? Wtf is the brotherhood on?!”
Just cause there’s a kid near by doesn’t mean he’ll refrain from taking his drugs, he’ll do it just outta sight tho.
He prefers if he can see the kid at all times, just makes things a little less tense knowing where the child is.
MacCready- “Reminds me of when I was young, to think that was so long ago.”
He feels his paternal instincts kick in but he can still cracks jokes with them and make things fun.
Tecahes them the word “Mungo” for shits and giggles.
Papa bear mode.
Nick- “my résumé grows long by the day *sigh* alright let’s get this babysitting show on the road!”
He doesn’t enjoy the idea of bringing a kid along for the ride and he’ll voice his concern ever chance he gets. Expect a lot of backhanded and passive aggressive comments.
He’s mainly concerned with the squire rather then the mission on hand.
Piper- “Blue! Why!?”
She already has Nat to worry about so she pretty good with them but still, why dump the responsibility of another child on her? Special when y’all about to walk into a feral infested building!
She’s between older sister and mama bear mode.
Preston- “you sure about this general? I’m sure they’ll be fine but still.”
Yeah he has his concern about them but give it a few mintues and he’ll be spouting off minutemen  propaganda.
“Teach them young, teach them right” but like, trying to get them to think in ways other then the BoS.
X6- “I hate children.”
He’s a killjoy, he crushes the squires enthusiasm bu reminding them that they are easily killable and that no one cares if they are a child or not.
You don’t bring X6 along anymore when you have a squire.
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itjazzbicch · 3 years
Special Recruit
Pairing: Alan "5" Angels x Preston "10" Vance x Fem Reader
Summary: Alan is determined to get a new recruit for the dark order, wanting it to be the reader, who needs some convincing in order to join. Bringing along 10, they know the perfect way to convince her to join...
Warnings: SMUT!! (18+ ONLY)
Requested by: @do-number43 (I hope you enjoy it!)
Word Count: 1233
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @jessiebean00 @new-zealand-chic  @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @hungmanhorsecarriage @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linziland13 @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose
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"Guys," I sighed, sitting back in my chair, not even out of my boots yet, "I have too much on my plate for you two to hit me with this."
"Joining the Dark Order will help clean off that plate!" Alan argued, trying to convince me to join the Dark Order for what seemed like the millionth time, having Preston for backup this time.
"For example, those Elite losers who keep messing with you," Preston brought up, catching my eye while flexing those massive biceps, "Could squash them with ease."
"Wouldn't that be nice," I whispered under my breath, Alan hearing, arousing my curiosity when he stood above me, smiling:
"See? Give me one good reason why you shouldn't join the Dark order. Just one."
I saw the game Alan was playing, having the advantage because I couldn't give him a reason not to join. Clicking my tongue and turning away made him chuckle:
"Still not convinced I see," Preston sighed, taking a step closer when Alan observed:
"I get it, Y/N. You're stressed, but now that I think about it-"
That smirk on his face showed the naughty thoughts in his mind, taking my mind into that land too when my eyes fell, seeing his thumb on his waistband, showing off his defined V-line.
"Allow us to get rid of that stress," He offered, Preston supporting, having me ready to drool when he showed off his v-line too, taking my hand, letting my hand slide up along that mountain of a body he had.
Every muscle was rock hard and defined, blood running hot. He didn't need to guide my hand anymore, my hand moving on its own, squeezing his pec.
They had me.
Preston was beaming with confidence, taking my hand to stand me up, pulling me in for a kiss, taking both of my hands and placing them on his chest, flexing his pecs and cooing, "Just think of having all of this with you all the time."
That was a very pleasant thought, Alan giving me more to think about, up against my back, keeping me sandwiched, able to feel his hard-on against my ass, hot kisses along my neck:
"Whenever you want it, however you want it."
"You boys letting me take the lead?" I wanted to assure, smiling against Preston's lips, unable to stop touching and feeling him, fingertip along his inner hip.
"Take the lead," Alan allowed, and I started with Preston, yanking his hit tights and commanding:
"You. Pants. Off. Now."
No rebuttals, kicking off his boots, Alan making sure the rush from it was more intense for me, still kissing my neck, hand slipping into my shorts and finding my clit, shaking in his arms, body trying to curl from the nerves.
"That turns you on, huh?" Alan whispered, eyes finding a fully nude Preston on the couch, "Made you wet real fast."
"Mhm, Alan," I whined, huffing, "Alright. Your turn."
"Yes ma'am," He chuckled, letting me go, turning around so I could see those skinny jeans drop, leaving me with a droolish smile, the sight of his cock having me admit:
"Damn the two of you are too fucking hot."
"Hope you can handle the heat," Preston smirked, giving me a light spank, "It's your turn."
"Since you two were so kind to me," I giggled, throwing off my top first, letting Alan enjoy the front view, bending over perfectly to let Preston see my shorts disappear, not waiting to grab me by the hips and pull me back onto him.
I had my moment and they surely took their chance, a wet kiss from Alan smacking right into me. Preston's hands were so large, able to hold my entire breast in each hand, squeezing and teasing my nipples.
Alan kept my attention, kissing down his stomach while I stroked his cock softly, feeling it grow rock-hard; Preston let him have a better position, also getting a loud moan out of me by picking me up by the hips, slouching down, lining his cock up with my entrance and sitting me down slowly, inch by inch.
Moaning with my mouth wide open, Alan took an invitation, slapping his cock against my mouth softly, being playful:
"Don't forget about me."
"Keep being a good girl. You can handle us," Preston encouraged, hands guiding my hips back, rocking me on his cock, sliding deeper and deeper.
"A very good girl," Alan cooed, biting his lip while my mouth closed around his cock, "Giving me even better reasons to recruit you."
The pleasure was too good on both ends; Alan wasn't too rough but was thrusting his cock down my throat, holding my head in place while Preston picked up his hips, strong thrusts on top of throwing myself back, cock buried deep and over-sensitizing my sweet spot.
After so much, I had to pull away from Alan, choking, "I'm sorry. It's just that I'm gonna cum."
"Don't be sorry," He chuckled, observing closely, "Cum for him."
"I'm so close," I whined, gasping for air because Preston was determined, picking me up and slamming his hips back into mine, the collision hard, about ruining my sweet spot, only a few of those needed to make me gush all around him, "Okay, okay. I need a second, Oh my god!"
I leaned back against him, being eased into more bliss with his kisses, giggling:
"You two are something else."
"I didn't even get to show you what I'm truly capable of," Alan noted; Preston gave him a hand, pushing my lower half out further, legs hooked over his thighs and open wide, still laying against him while Alan took his stance.
"Got damn," Alan murmured, seeing my dripping cunt, walls squeezing him hard when he slowly slide his cock in, "Think you can come for me like that?"
"Gotta put in the work," I teased, that attitude being knocked out of me with a thrust.
"I always put in the work," He informed, doing just that.
Preston had to hold me in place to keep me from sliding, kisses and squeezes helping me feel not too overwhelmed, but Alan's immense pleasure was inevitable, starting out slow, speed increasing with every thrust till he was bottoming me out.
"Alan!" I whined, smiling, "Keep it just like that."
"You gonna cum for me too?" He panted, proud and working even harder when I nodded, being to gasp and grip onto Preston hard, unable to speak but moans explained it all, "Oh fuck, you are so damn tight."
I guided Preston's hands to my breasts, trying to distract myself from the burn of my nerves, but he added to it, hips jerking up hard and gushing just as hard as before, barely able to breathe, managing a smirk when I heard Alan whisper:
"Made a mess, girl. Fucking beautiful."
They made sure I wasn't done just yet. Alan withdrawing made me gasp from how hard my walls were clenching, Preston feeling for himself when he slipped in a finger slowly, chuckling, "Man, can just barely take my finger."
"Another great reason to join the Dark Order, am I right or am I wrong?" Alan brought up, proud and so was Preston, keeping me in an embrace because of my shaking.
"You two have a very nice form of persuasion," I admitted, "Maybe the Dark Order is right for me."
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May I request crushing companions (including dlcs if you can) reacting to a very sarcastic sole genuinely lightening up and going "Let's get married for tax benefits! We can even fake a wedding and call eachother honey and darling!" Like they just had the idea of the century, hurriedly grabbing them by the hand and rushing them over to tell someone about their newest scheme
Took me a minute to figure out which companions you meant then I saw you used sole.
Fallout four companions react to sole proposing for tax benefits
Is completely baffled by the suggestion
Sure she’s into sole but the idea of marriage?
Also with their traveller type life style she never really had to pay taxes before so the idea to marry for that reason just baffles her even more.
Most likely would ask what the hell sole is talking about and if sole persists she’d tell them they’d have to take her to dinner first. Only half jokingly.
She is a lady who very much follows the rules to a T so the idea of trying to deceive the government in anyway would make her turn up her nose.
When explained that technically it’s not morally wrong and just a way to keep more caps to survive and help more people she may be slightly persuaded.
But over all she would be against the idea because she is a classy lady who believes marriage is just for those who are truly in love and she can’t for certain say that sole feels the same way.
danse.exe has stopped working
After the initial shock of being proposed to by someone he has romantic feelings for he realizes that it is infact just a scheme that sole has made up.
Lectures sole on the importance of taxes and how they benefit the commonwealth as well as the brotherhood.
Would be pretty disappointed in them for a while.
He loves this idea.
Suggests they make up a fake identity each so they can play up being the mushy in love couple whenever they go on missions.
He already had a tux
He has a level of emotional distance to this compared to the other companions. He sees this as an opportunity instead of a real marriage.
He sputters for a second trying to grasp what sole actually said to him.
After getting grips back on reality he asks if they are actually serious about this.
If sole is really serious about this it will take a bit of convincing for him since he was married before and it could feel like it tarnished lucy’s memory.
But if they save a lot of caps with it he is totally on board.
Tries to calm sole down while also trying to keep his composer
Goes on about how as mayor he can’t just pull something like this
He makes sure to slip in a flirty remark about how he wouldn’t mind acting like a couple with sole before going back to telling them why he cant do this
He couldn’t take caps away from the People of goodneighbor even if it meant marrying sole.
Nick valentine
Asks if sole is okay,if they are over exhausted or something because this is truly a crazy idea
Sure he pays taxes for the Agency so the idea of getting some financial leverage is a nice idea.
“You know I use to bust people for doing this kind of thing before the war?”
Is against the idea and try’s to get sole to see the error of their ways
Is in total shock for a little bit before making sure she heard the question right
After thinking it over she is totally down
Might make it easier to take care of nat with a few extra caps around
And acting all lovey dovey with sole doesn’t sound too bad either.
He won’t do it
He was shocked at the proposal at first
But he won’t marry someone just for financial reasons.
He may make some comment about “is that why you married your husband?”
Hell yeah scam those bastards out of all of they caps you can
This man won’t pay taxes anyways
This is a win win for gage.
He does make the rule no acting lovey dovey in front of the gang leaders though.
Old Longfellow.
He is too old for this shit
Almost gave the poor guy a heart attack when you mentioned marriage.
He cracks a joke about how sole just wants his inheritance then moves along to another topic.
Tries to explain to sole that they don’t need to pay taxes as the director of the institute
As well as tries to explain it wouldn’t make sense for them to marry a courser.
He is just overall confused by this whole incident.
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Companion react to Nora trying to hide a stab wound on her chest from them. She refuses medical help even though the wound could be fatal. She tries to runaway from them when confronted about whether she did this to herself or she got it in battle. When she is caught she says she did it because she wants to have another pain stronger than the pain of failing and losing her family. This is a sad one 😭😭😭. Keep up the good work!!!!! This is the best blog I’ve read!!!
Oh, my goodness, thank you so much!!! You have no idea how much that means to me to hear 🥺💖💖💖
And yes, this was a very sad idea, and I hope that I did alright with the companions' reactions! 😊 I think I kind of made myself sad while writing, though.... 😢
Thank you for the ask, and I hope you enjoy! 💙💛
Warning: Heavy discussion of self-harm ahead.
Cait - Feels as if she has been slapped when she learns the truth behind the wound. She feels as if she might throw up as she just gapes at it. Finally she asks her why she kept it a secret. F!Sole explains that she was afraid, and Cait just shakes her head. She grabs F!Sole's shoulders in her hands tightly, just staring into her eyes. After a painfully long moment, she tells her that she has felt the same way in life. She pulls up her shirt and shows a place on her stomach. Cait explains that she had been young and stupid and the guilt of her parents' murder was particularly fresh. She explains that she almost died and would have actually if Tommy would not have patched her up and insisted that she keep going. Cait explains that death is not worth it and the pain from the wound will never take away or even truly overshadow the emotional pain of F!Sole losing her family. After giving F!Sole a long and careful hug, she practically drags her to the nearest doctor.
Piper - Piper just walks toward her slowly as if she was approaching an injured animal, and she gently takes her Blue's hand away from the wound. Piper just gazes at it, feeling her own chest hurt, but for an entirely different reason. Piper, tears glinting in her pretty greens, looks up into F!Sole's eyes, her heart broken for her best friend. She shakes her head, telling F!Sole that F!Sole has been through enough pain as it is. She does not need to add to it. Also, she tells her that if they don't treat it, then she might die, and that would hurt Piper more than anything. F!Sole ends up breaking down into tears, and Piper just holds her for a while, almost crying herself. Eventually Piper leads her to the nearest doctor, her hand in hers the entire time as Piper tries to give her strength from sheer force of will.
Curie - Gasps and places her hands over her mouth as her eyes well up with tears. She carefully reaches out to F!Sole, hugging her as gently as she can. Curie barely manages to tell her how dangerous this sort of thing is before breaking down into tears. In the midst of sobs, she tells F!Sole that she has to let her treat it and that F!Sole needs to try to move on. Curie asks her to try to talk to her from then on, and F!Sole is shaking a little as Curie barely pulls away, wiping at her eyes with her hands as she tries to more closely inspect the wound. In the midst of a constant flow of tears, she explains that she owes everything to F!Sole, and she should focus on the positive in life. She ends up gently hugging F!Sole and just standing there for a long time with her until she softly asks her to come with her so she can help her with the wound.
MacCready - Is borderline panicking when he sees it and finds out. He does not even know what to say besides why. She explains, and he is still just totally baffled. He finally tells her that to do that is not a good decision and she could die from the wound if she waits much longer to treat it. He explains that she has a son to keep going for. He tells her that the kid adores her. He has seen firsthand how boys love their mothers and he says that all he can see in the kid is pure adoration. After a long moment, he finally awkwardly offers her a hug, and she quickly takes him up on it. They stay in that position for a while before he finally asks her if she wants to go get medical attention for her wound. When she agrees, he thinks he might just melt from relief.
Deacon - Is remarkably quiet and lost as to what to say. He stares for a good, long while, searching for something productive to say about the entire thing as his silver tongue fails him considerably. He stammers for a little while before finally telling her that she is so lucky. She has a son to call her own and so many people all around that care about her. He says that even though her kid now is a synth, the boy loves her like any real child would. He tells her that he understands how it feels to lose a lover, and says that everybody handles it differently. He then explains that she needs to try to find a more positive outlet or a distraction for it that does not come in the form of self-harm. She hugs him after a moment, and he carefully and very uncomfortably hugs her back before quickly suggesting that they go visit Doctor Carrington.
Codsworth - Is terribly distraught and does not even truly know what to do. The first statement that he makes is that she needs to seek medical attention. She refuses at first, and he softly tells her that it could kill her and he needs her. He explains that she is the last family he has, and he cannot lose her. She is too important to him, and he tells her that hurting herself is not going to help anything. He asks her if it makes her feel any better and she says that it actually hurts quite a bit. He tells her that is the reason that she should not do it anymore. He explains that he never wants to see her in pain, and she very much needs to find medical attention for the injury. She finally agrees to it, knowing how much this is hurting him and starting to understand that this leads down no productive road. He is very thankful that she listens to him.
Hancock - Takes her wrists in his hands, gently pulling her own hands away from her chest so he can look at the wound. He feels his stomach fall to the floor and he clenches his teeth, trying to hold back the intense pain from seeing her like this. He never wants to see her hurt and it injures him even more to know that she did this to herself. He tells her that there are healthier ways to try to overcome the pain of losing her family. He asks her if she would rather do chems. At this point, he is willing to offer anything even if it is a bad idea. He just does not think he would be able to bear her hurting herself again. He tells her that she can come to him to talk, and that he will do anything she wants him to. He just begs her to try anything but please don't hurt herself anymore. He ends up hugging her for a long while, and carefully asks her if she wants to go and get her injury looked at now. When she agrees, he leads her away to find a doctor.
Danse - Is just staring, feeling his heart stop and a sick feeling set in the pit of his stomach. He immediately blames himself for her current state, believing that he must not have been there for her properly. He tells her how sorry he is and how he cannot believe that he neglected her needs like this. She tries to redirect the blame to herself, but he will have none of it. He one hundred percent blames himself for the entire thing. She ends up seeing how much it affects him, and she feels so awful about it that she definitely will not try it again. When he finally guides her away to find a doctor, she easily goes with him, not fighting at all as she starts trying to comfort him.
Preston - Is terribly sad when he sees it and understands the truth. He explains that he somewhat understands what she is going through. However, he also tells her that she cannot just hurt herself. He somewhat thickly says that hurting herself won't change anything and this pain won't distract her from the pain of losing her family. He explains that this wound could kill her if she is not careful and he tells her that she has a literal army of people that adore her and practically idolize her and she cannot just let them all down. He finally wraps her in a careful hug, and she soaks his coat with her tears. He finally tells her that they need to go get some medical help for her wound.
Valentine - Just shakes his head, feeling more heartbroken than he ever has. He knows that if he possessed the ability to cry, the tears would be streaming down his face right now. He just pulls her close to him, stroking her hair and quietly telling her that this is not the way. He explains that no pain is greater than losing family, and she should not even try to find a hurt worse than that. He tells her how so many people he has seen have resorted to this sort of thing and have died. He says that she has so much love around her and so many people are so lucky to still have people that care and that they care about. She ends up breaking down into tears, and he just lets her cry against him for a long time. After a while, he finally guides her away to find a medic.
X6-88 - Wordlessly takes her arm firmly, leaving no room for discussion as the fear and uncertainty ripples through him while he drags her to the nearest doctor. She is fighting him, and he finally stops after a long time of pulling her along. She explains everything, and he is quiet for a long moment before clenching his jaw tightly and telling her that it is prudent to avoid injuring oneself because oftentimes a wound this severe cannot be healed so easily. He tells her that losing her family is doubtlessly causing great pain, but she needs to consider those around her and how they would feel if they lost her to this injury and her own darkness. She ends up crying and she grabs him in an embrace. He freezes in her grasp and after a painstakingly long time, he pats her on the back very stiffly. They then continue on their way to a doctor.
Dogmeat - Is with her when she does it. He lays his ears back and whimpers the entire time. His mind is racing. Why is she hurting herself? He cannot stand to see her in pain, and he suffers tenfold the pain that she is experiencing as he sees her, helpless to stop it. As she collapses on the ground, tears rolling down her face from the pain, he lays in her  lap, sniffing her wound carefully and aiming to lick it before she guides his nose away. He then just sadly rests his chin on her chest where she has not just hurt herself. A low whine stays in his throat as he looks at her. She looks down at him after a while, and he reaches up, licking her chin as he gazes up at her. His heart is truly and deeply sad. He loves her and he does not understand why she'd ever want to hurt herself. Does she not think that she is as special as he knows she is? After a long moment, she pats him, wordlessly asking him to get off of her. He complies and he then follows her as she finds a doctor nearby.
Strong - Is confused about why tiny human would hurt herself. Even after she explains it a little more, he does not understand. Why would someone hurt themselves? That's what enemies do. He tells her this, and he also says that she should not hurt herself because it makes her weak. He says that getting hits from enemies and living through pain is true strength. She tries to hug him after that, finding herself quite inspired by his simple yet deep philosophy, and he shrugs her off. He then tells her she needs to get a bandage or something to keep her hurt place from bleeding anymore.
If any of you feel the urge to hurt yourself, please do not. Please remember each of the companions and what they would say and how they would feel. Think of how people around you will feel. Remember that you are valuable, and no physical pain will ever override an emotional pain. You have to work through emotional pain, and reach out to people who love you and want to help you. Always remember that things will eventually get better. 💖
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x688plsloveme · 3 years
Companions react to someone saying something Insanely insulting to them and a usually calm Sole loses their shit, as in whoops their ass?
In their pre-war profession, Sole learned to take a lot of shit. They even had a retail job when they were a teenager, so most of what the average wastelander could spit out was usually nothing in comparison.
They'd just pretend the person in front of them was a usual customer and tune them out until they were done. Most regarded them as having the patience of a saint. They just thought it was due to not growing up in an overly impatient wasteland.
Either way, Sole had never even come close to the volume that they used on this idiot.
No one talked bad about their friends, no one. So when they heard the insults thrown at one of their best friends? They went off. Hurling anything and everything that came to mind at the dumb wastelander that thought it was a good idea to mess with them and theirs.
ADA: Although she wasn't hurt by the random human she didn't even care to know, she was touched by Sole's anger on her behalf. She was a tad surprised that her usually mellow was acting in such a way, but quickly adapted to the situation. She allowed Sole to continue their loud ranting for a few moments longer until gently stopping them. "Before he urinated on himself." Was her excuse. Sole snorted and told her it'd be funny, but ultimately let him go because Ada was probably right.
CAIT: The only thing that could've stopped her from punching the waster's lights out herself was the shock she saw from her well mannered friend. It literally stopped her mid-punch. All she could do was look slack mouthed as Sole ripped into the man in front of them verbally. They were usually the one who told her to ease up on her aggression, so seeing this was a treat indeed.
CODSWORTH: The only other time he saw his sir/mum blow up so.... Loudly. Was when they thought their spouse was cheating on them. To see them so upset over someone calling a mere Mr Handy names...it was truly moving. He was sure to clean up around their settlement extra meticulously as thanks.
CURIE: Sole was a sweet person, particularly to her who didn't know the ways of the wasteland quite yet. They were always calm and collected and Curie always admired them for it. Especially in a proverbial hell hole such as this. So the loud, started gasp she let out at Sole's outburst was very much granted. She had a million questions running through her mind that she had to ask as soon as possible. And she did, right after Sole drove away the rude man that sparked their wrath.
DANSE: He was very grateful to his friend for sticking up for him so readily. He didn't have the best mental state, and it seemed Sole picked up on how the insults were affecting him. He guessed that someone that would save his life would care enough to stand up for him, but seeing it - especially from such a nice person - was something else. He gave them a very long hug afterwards.
DEACON: He feels like he should be most surprised of all, seeing as he had been following them up until they discovered the railroad. Not once has Sole ever raised their voice that high, let alone rudely and directed towards another person. He was frozen in place, completely shell shocked. It was only later that he realized they blew a fuse because of what that nobody waster was saying about him. He felt tears as he thought about how much Sole has to care about him even though they don't really know him. He vowed to tell them the real, genuine truth next time he saw them.
DOGMEAT: He was a smart dog, but not even he could keep up with all the strange words Sole used. He had no idea what a "mutfruit humper" was, but he did recognize the angry tone his owner was using. He decided to help by growling alongside Sole to back them up. He kept rapt attention to the now distressed waster that was the object of their wrath in case they tried anything funny. After the whole ordeal was over, Sole spoiled him a little harder than usual, much to his immense pleasure. Extra snacks are always a good thing in his book.
HANCOCK: "I always knew you had in in ya Sole!" He proceeds to laugh until his stomach hurts. Seeing someone as calm as Sole losing it? Comedy gold in his eyes. He does give his best friend a hug when they're done though. He appreciates them so, so much for caring about a worthless ghoul like him. Doesn't mean he's not gonna retell this story to each and everyone of Sole's friends though.
GAGE: When he heard the yelling, he just thought it was more raiders causing a ruckus as usual. But when he identified the voice as his one and only calm overboss, he did a double take. Even as the boss of raiders, he had never seen Sole blow up at anybody, let alone raise their voice. He knew they were loyal sort, but he didn't know it was to this extent. It made his otherwise cold heart warm a bit at the thought that he was one of the people his boss was fiercely loyal to.
LONGFELLOW: He didn't have many people close in his life, so Sole was like a ray of sunshine in an otherwise foggy world. They were very pleasant to get along with and actually seemed to enjoy his stories, which was rare with people that young. They would often sit next to each other in complete silence and just relax without any awkwardness whatsoever. He didn't believe what the others told him about them going ape-shit on people who've insulted their friends until he saw it himself. Now... He enjoyed the calm and quiet, but he would be a liar if this wasn't the funniest shit he'd ever seen. When they were done scaring away the waster that had the bad luck of running into them, he pat an out of breath Sole with a smile on his face.
MACCREADY: He always thought himself as a pretty laid-back guy, but not even he could hold a candle to have chill Sole was. He never ever ever thought he'd EVER see them yell at somebody over a couple insults. Sure, they were directed at a close friend, but it was still jarring. Heck, seeing them flip reminded him of his younger years when the Lone Wanderer would scold him for being rude. He almost let out a few involuntary sorrys himself.
PIPER: As someone who liked getting Intel on everyone and everything, Piper was curious to what Sole looked like when they got truly mad. She heard everything from amusing to scary and just about everything in between, but all she wanted to do was see it for herself. It took a while of her tagging along whenever Sole went, but it was well worth it when some rando finally picked on her bad enough that it send Sole over the edge. Seeing it for herself, she could attest that all of their comments were correct ones.
PRESTON: He didn't like yelling at all, which is part of the reason he enjoyed Sole's company so much. He had never seen anyone so composed while face danger or the rare rude retort. They always took care of it gracefully. No one glanced twice at a mere minuteman soldier like himself, so he had never been witness to one of Sole's rare "blow ups" that he had heard from some of their other friends. But the day it happened.... Well let's just say he was very humbled for not only being cared about so much, but also the sheer force of their yelling was scary enough to remind him of him mother whenever his siblings got into trouble.
STRONG: Needless to say, he is very happy with these turn of events even if he doesn't quite grasp why Sole is doing this. As it stands, it hypes him up to the point that he joins in the yelling and the two of them make whoever was foolish enough to insult him in front of Sole scared out of their minds.
VALENTINE: He always appreciated how calm and collected his friend was. They were always on the same page in that sense. Never letting anything bother them for too long, even if it was truly personal. Just looking ahead and forgetting about things that could sway them from their goals. Nothing could have surprised him more than Sole suddenly started screaming at a particularly rude waster that would not leave him alone. He didn't even know his friend was there until they started screaming. It made him happy to know that the one time they lose their cool, it was for him.
X6-88: No one admires Sole like he does. There's no one else that could earn his respect, let alone friendship. His friend was always on his wavelength - serene and collected in even the most stressful situations. Sure, no one had insulted him quite like the random waster, but he was ready to scoff and brush him off like any other. He refused to admit that he was hurt even slightly, but it seemed like Sole was as sharp as ever and picked up on it. He never in a million years would've guessed that they could carefully and precisely cut into a person with mere words. But he also never guessed that Sole would ever raise their voice so he supposes surprises are a given. As he watched his one and only friend defend him, he let a small, rare smile show on his face.
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the-void-writes · 2 years
You're a sucker for arcs where there's a reason for people to think that someone is dangerous? 😈
Tell me more about the arcs you have with that!! [Is it just with Will or is there more arcs? Perhaps with the vampire boy? Aiden, was it? O: ] Tell me about all of them :3
@bloodlessheirbyjacques 👀👀👀👀 WHY NOT ALL 🤣
(Massive spoilers for these series down below)
I mean, when your father hurts you twice, the town says you were a mistake, some evil mastermind kills your godfather twice and makes you forget who you are, you end up alone for ten years, an android tries to date you but decides you’re too much effort, you go to a new dimension and get back the memories of your family’s massacre along with your parasite, and the only person who truly understand you is a man who’s also suffering the guilt of being a sick man who’s family died for him… It starts to mess with your mind 😅
I’ve always wanted to toy with Dark-Will somewhere in this story. What better way to come full circle in Preston’s beliefs that he’s dangerously powerful than by having him finally snap in Paradise while going after Vesely? And when he fears that he’s gone too far, when the anger and guilt consumes him, Dante is there to ground him, to assure him that he’s always been a human being. I don’t know, I just have tragically tender ideas for these two.
Cyrus and Val
Technically, both of them have a dark side. The reason Detective Haywood goes up to Hawthorn is because Val’s whole show crew just disappears without a trace, and they and Cyrus are just living together happily, insisting that the others went back home and must have disappeared on the ship back.
Of course, Val knows what really happened. They saw how Cyrus acted that day, how viciously he hurt the people that constantly belittled and insulted his lover… and Val is absolutely still in love with him, because Cyrus loves them as they are, and would sooner torch the world than lose them. Val wouldn’t give that up for anything.
Aiden and Natalie
Ooh, my boy 😂 Another dark-side couple. Aiden may be the one who jokes about trapping Nat’s friends in their own personal nightmare because of how they treat her, but Nat’s the one who unleashes literal hell and destroys the whole town in the process. Aiden’s the only person who doesn’t put her down for her macabre interests. Even her friends wanted to make her more peppy so they could all be seen as normal. So when the group finds out Nat’s got a demon for a friend and they try to send him back to wherever he came from, Nat gives her mind as a vessel for him to open the gates and let the town fall to ruin. Anything to protect the only person who’s ever truly loved her.
As you can see, I have an alarming fascination with characters who would sacrifice the world to be loved by one person forever 😅
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Can you do “companions reac to sole being trans (man/woman)”?
Hello! Thank you so much for your request! I want to be honest, this was a hard one for me because I am not trans myself and I personally don’t know anyone who is trans so I’m not sure if I did this right, and I’m really scared to offend anyone. If there is something in this reaction that does not come across well and/or offends you, please know that it was not my intention, and please just let me know what it was so I can change it. If it is really bad, you can also always ask me to take it down.
Cait’s initial reaction will be to joke about how well you must know both the male and female body, but honestly she doesn’t really care. She will have some questions which she will blurt out at the most random of times, but apart from that she will never really bring it up. You accepted her and saved her from herself, that’s really all she cares about. 
Curie will have a lot of questions, and no filter for them whatsoever. She doesn’t actually care that you’re trans, she’s more curious about the procedure and how you adjusted to the changes of your body after the procedure. Curie went from being a Miss Nanny to a synth and although your situation is completely different, Curie will feel like you understand her better than others do because your body also underwent a change. 
Codsworth probably already knows you’re trans, but if he didn’t, his first question would be how you’d like to be addressed. Does mum/sir still work? Is there a different title you’d prefer? He might accidentally call you by the wrong title a few times, definitely at first, but he’ll adjust quickly and won’t really bring it up again. Beware though, if you express that you were worried what his reaction would be to the news, Codsworth will be heartbroken that you ever doubted how supportive he is of you. 
When you tell him you’re trans, Danse will feel extremely awkward, not because he’s uncomfortable with you being trans, but because he doesn’t know how to react. Does he question you? Does he praise you? Compliment you?? What should he do??? For this reason, as well as that he doesn’t know how comfortable you are with answering questions or talking about it, Danse will never ask you a thing about it. But by now you know how awkward this soldier is and you know he accepts and loves you for who you are.
Deacon freaks out a little bit by you sharing something personal, and because of this his reaction will be really nonchalant. He’ll just say something along the lines of “oh cool, me too”, and walk away before you can even process it. He will regret what he did soon after though, because it might not have been easy for you to tell him and his nonchalance probably disappointed or upset you. That evening, when you’re chilling at the Railroad HQ after a job well done, he’ll approach you with two bottles of beer. He’ll give you one and sit with you and - not as smoothly as he himself thought he did - bring up the topic. “So… you’re trans, huh?” Needless to say, Deacon will be supportive, though he wouldn’t be very vocal about it. 
Hancock will be very openly supportive. He’s always been a “accept people for who they are” kinda guy. Though his outward behavior is much like it’s always been, on the inside he feels really honored that you told him. He doesn’t tell you this, but he knows you only told him because you really trust him and consider him someone close to you, and that makes him feel really special. Hancock will not ask any questions about you being trans, but he will always be there to listen if you want to talk about it. 
MacCready doesn’t know anyone who is trans apart from you so he’ll be a bit confused on how it works. He will ask a lot of questions, but if he sees you’re a bit uncomfortable with it, he’ll quickly apologize and drop it, though he will still wonder about stuff and once in a while ask if he can ask some more questions. Once he’s satisfied with his understanding of the topic, he’ll cease his questioning and barely bring it up again. Though in the end, he doesn’t really care that you’re trans, if you expressed worry about his reaction to you telling him, he will make sure you know that he supports and accepts you. 
Of course Nick is super supportive! What did you expect? Though, there is one thing he’ll do that might be a bit unexpected, and that is asking you why you didn’t tell him sooner. It’s not that he doesn’t understand people not wanting to share certain things or needing time to tell someone something, it’s just that he wants to make sure that you know you can tell him anything and that he’ll always support you. 
This might seem pretty cliche, but Piper will definitely want to write an article on it. If you’re not comfortable with it, she won’t force you, though she will often bring up how wonderful that article would be. If you tell her you told her that in confidence because you want her to accept you for who you are she will feel both stupid and slightly annoyed. Stupid because she should’ve really been more considered towards you, but also annoyed because of course she supports you! The entire reason she wants to write an article on it is to help people who are struggling with finding or accepting their own identity. But she realizes that this intention might’ve gotten lost in her enthusiasm so she quickly apologizes and takes her time listening to everything you want to get off your chest. 
Much like Danse, Preston will be kinda scared (and definitely super awkward) about asking questions. Unlike Danse however, he’ll often contemplate whether he should try to ask you something or not. When he’s contemplating like this, he turns really silent and that’s when you know he has something on his mind. If you try hard enough, he’ll tell you that he has some questions about you being trans, but will still refuse to say them outloud because he doesn’t know anything about it and he doesn’t accidentally want to offend you. Ironically enough, you will have to pry the questions out of him. 
“Strong confused!” Yep, this topic might be a bit too hard for Strong to grasp, but if he does (sort of) understand, he’ll forget all about your situation and start to question his own identity. After all, Super Mutants don’t have genitals. In the end, Strong remembers that he identifies as a Super Mutant, and that he doesn’t need/want to identify as anything else/more. He will be angry with you for wasting his time and confusing him for a while, and will bring it up often as sort of a grudge. (My advice? Just don’t bother with Strong.)
As a synth made with the sole purpose of working as a slave for the institute, the only identity X6 knows is “obedient institute courser”. Therefore, X6 will have trouble understanding… basically everything about it. He won’t like the topic much because of this, but as long as you do your job well, he will not care. If you get closer however, he will become more curious and will start asking some questions once in a while. But he will ask more questions to the few friends you have that he can actually stand because he wants to understand you, but also impress you with how knowledgeable he is on the topic.
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