#there's an anti block list out there but it's private for some god forsaken reason
shipperblocklist · 7 years
Honestly I don't think that antis should be in charge of making an 'anti list for shippers to block'? It seems biased - you aren't experiencing what we're experiencing, you aren't interacting with the same people in the same ways. In much the same way you're labeling shippers in a way to block them (an effectively witch-hunt them, lets be honest), you'd be labeling antis according to your own perceptions.
dude, im labeling antis due to what they ship, much like this list. this list isn’t for witch hunting, for the 20th goddamn time.
i know there are bad antis out there, im not biased towards anyone solely bc they’re anti.
edit: also, it’s not “for shippers to block”, but it can be used that way.
-mod keith
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