#there's no such thing as genocide or systemic transmisia!!!!''
rjalker · 1 year
"theyfab is just used to criticize the transmisogyny of AFAB nonbinary people!"
you aren't even exclusively using it for nonbinary people who use they/them pronouns though, not that that would make it any less inherently exorsexist and transmisic. You people will literally call a trans man or any nonbinary person, even ones who don't use they/them, a fucking theyfab.
You do not get to invent/steal brand new fucking slurs and then get mad when people call you out for calling trans people slurs.
If you have to invent slurs to call people "to criticize transmisogyny" you're not criticizing transmisogyny, you're just looking for a good excuse to be a bigot. If you can't criticize bigotry without literally calling people slurs, you have no fucking business criticizing bigotry. Because you don't even fucking know how to do it.
Especially if you think trans men, transmasculine people, and nonbinary people talking about the specific forms of oppression we face (Transandromisia, exorsexism, mispergeny, ect), is fucking transmisogyny all on its own because you can't fucking stand admitting that other trans people are also oppressed in ways you aren't.
Just because Julia Serano, a racist fucking transmedicalist, wrote a shitty book in 2007 lying about trans men, nonbinary people, and other culture's genders so she could declare that trans women were always the most oppressed in every situation no matter what, doesn't mean the rest of you get to keep doing it.
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rjalker · 1 year
It's a very specific form of bigotry when binary trans women declare that they are the ultimate experts on all things regarding being trans and bigotry against trans people and as these self-proclaimed experts declare that nonbinary people either straight up don't exist
(which is not only exorsexist but in many cases blatantly and explicitly racist when they're erasing the non-white-western-binary genders of oppressed cultures who have suffered genocides)
or claim that if we do exist, well we are not oppressed in any specific or exclusive ways, and if you even use the word exorsexism or talk about exorsexism or even hint that binary trans people have any privilege over nonbinary people in any way you are a transmisogynist because apparently nonbinary people talking about how we're oppressed....means we're silencing trans women somehow. Anikd makes us misogynists.
And a lot of (but not all of) the ones who do this are white. Middle class, went to collage and haven't spent the rest of their life in debt for it.
Like, blogs like "transmisogynyexplained" explicitly fucking declare that trans women are the ultimate experts on all forms of transmisia and gender-based oppression and therefore exorsexism isn't real and nonbinary people have no specific oppression.
Julia Serano's whole entire fucking theory of trans women being The Most Oppressed™ literally required that she straight up fucking lie about what trans men experience, and declaire that nonbinary people aren't real and the ONLY reason the white western gender binary is so prevalent these days is because it's the only REAL system of gender that's natural.
Because apparently white people comitting multiple ongoing genocides against indiginous peoples and their cultures including violently suppressing their cultural non-white-western-binary genders, never happened. It's just simply that everyone's brain is either hardwired male or female from birth, and anyone who claims otherwise is a transmisogynist who wants to feel superior to trans women in particular.
But no one ever fucking talks about this shit because if you do you are immediately labeled a transmisogynist because criticizing any trans women, no matter how blatantly transmisic, exorsexist, or white supremacist she's being, means you're a transmisogynist now and criticizing her is the exact same thing as committing a hate crime -.-
Just because you're a woman doesn't make you the ultimate expert on oppression. You do not get to speak over or erase other people and pretend you are the expert on oppression you literally do not experience.
No, trans women, especially binary trans women, are not the ultimate experts on all forms of transmisia. They are not the fucking authority on whether or not trans men are oppressed or if nonbinary people even fucking exist.
If you think being trans or being a woman means you're the ultimate authority on who is and is not oppressed in what ways, you're just a fucking bigot who's just as bad as all the other so-called "feminists" who throw everyone else under the bus to get what they want.
No one is immune to being a bigot, no, not even trans women. Being oppressed in one way does not mean you can never be a bigot. And if you're gonna pretend I'm "making up trans women to be mad about" you can personally pay me the fucking $40 I spent on Julia Serano's books because no one bothered to warn me how unapologetically and explicitly racist, exorsexist, and transandromisic they are.
If you aren't willing to call out bigoted trans women when they're being blatantly racist, exorsexist, and transandromisic, you're not a fucking ally to any trans people. No one is above fucking reproach, and don't you motherfuckers dare act like criticizing a trans woman for any reason is a fucking hatecrime. You are fucking pathetic and bigoted and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
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